Decadron epidural steroid dosing injecti

Non responder

2024.05.21 21:38 StageNo5209 Non responder

When is someone considered a non responder on trizeptide? Family member started on 5mg for 2 weeks. Titrate to 6mg and then 7.5mg, started 10mg yesterday. Not moving much at all though focused on protein and water. This person had no reaction to a high dose epidural and no reaction to codeine. She feels this actually might not work. When should she throw in the towel? She is 71F, 5'0", SW 236.2 on 4/22/24. CW 226.2 I know it's still 10 lbs but outside of first 2 weeks, not much is happening and she's even gone back up. Thanks!
submitted by StageNo5209 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:37 Faithhal Unveiling the Top SARMS: A Comprehensive Guide to Performance Enhancement

In the realm of fitness and bodybuilding, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have emerged as a game-changer, offering a promising alternative to traditional anabolic steroids. With an array of SARMS flooding the market, discerning the best options tailored to individual goals and needs is crucial. Let's delve into some of the top SARMS and their unique benefits:
Ostarine (MK-2866):
Ligandrol (LGD-4033):
RAD-140 (Testolone):
For more>> Best sarms
Cardarine (GW-501516):
Andarine (S4):
Selecting the ideal SARMS hinges on individual goals, tolerance levels, and risk assessments. Thorough research, consultation with healthcare professionals, and adherence to recommended dosages and cycles are imperative to harnessing the benefits of SARMS while minimizing potential risks.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:31 Faithhal Navigating the Dynamics of SARMS Half-Life: A Comprehensive Guide

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have emerged as a promising alternative to traditional anabolic steroids in the realm of fitness and bodybuilding. Central to their effective utilization is a grasp of their pharmacokinetics, particularly their half-life, which plays a pivotal role in dosing strategies and overall efficacy.
Half-life denotes the duration required for half of a substance's dosage to be metabolized and eliminated from the body. SARMS exhibit diverse half-lives determined by factors such as chemical composition, metabolic pathways, and mode of administration, influencing dosing frequency and timing.
Take, for instance, Ostarine (MK-2866), among the extensively studied SARMS, boasting a half-life of approximately 24 hours. This characteristic allows for once-daily dosing, ensuring sustained blood levels conducive to desired outcomes. Conversely, compounds like RAD-140 (Testolone) possess shorter half-lives, approximately 16 hours, necessitating more frequent intake to maintain consistent blood concentrations.
Appreciating SARMS half-life dynamics is not only vital for optimizing dosing regimens but also for managing potential side effects and planning post-cycle therapy (PCT). For users aiming to mitigate the suppression of endogenous testosterone production post-SARM cycle, synchronizing PCT with the clearance of SARMS from the body is imperative for restoring hormonal balance effectively.
For more>> sarms half life
Moreover, individual variabilities, encompassing metabolic rates, genetic predispositions, and overall health status, can influence SARMS metabolism and elimination kinetics. Hence, maintaining vigilance over one's body responses and making dosage adjustments under the guidance of healthcare professionals is paramount.
In conclusion, comprehending SARMS half-life intricacies is indispensable for harnessing their full potential while ensuring safety and efficacy. By tailoring dosing protocols to align with the unique pharmacokinetic profiles of SARMS, users can optimize outcomes and minimize risks. Collaborating with healthcare providers and staying abreast of evolving research are pivotal in fostering responsible SARMS utilization within the fitness and bodybuilding communities.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:29 Faithhal Demystifying SARMS Half-Life: What You Need to Know

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have garnered attention in the fitness and bodybuilding communities for their potential to enhance muscle growth and physical performance with fewer side effects compared to traditional anabolic steroids. However, understanding the pharmacokinetics of SARMS, including their half-life, is crucial for safe and effective use.
The half-life of a substance refers to the time it takes for half of the dose to be metabolized and eliminated from the body. SARMS, like other drugs, vary in their half-lives, influencing dosing frequency, timing, and overall efficacy.
Several factors contribute to the half-life of SARMS, including their chemical structure, metabolism, and route of administration. Generally, SARMS with longer half-lives require less frequent dosing, while those with shorter half-lives necessitate more frequent administration to maintain stable blood levels.
For example, Ostarine (MK-2866), one of the most researched SARMS, has a half-life of approximately 24 hours. This means that a single daily dose is typically sufficient to maintain steady-state blood levels. On the other hand, compounds like RAD-140 (Testolone) have shorter half-lives, around 16 hours, necessitating twice-daily dosing for optimal results.
Understanding the half-life of SARMS is crucial for designing effective dosing regimens and maximizing their benefits while minimizing potential side effects. Consistent dosing is essential to maintain stable blood levels and achieve desired outcomes, whether it's muscle growth, fat loss, or performance enhancement.
Moreover, the half-life of SARMS also impacts post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocols for users aiming to mitigate suppression of natural testosterone production. PCT timing and duration should align with the clearance of SARMS from the body to effectively restore hormonal balance and minimize the risk of adverse effects.
Related>> Sarms half life
It's worth noting that individual factors such as metabolism, genetics, and overall health can influence how SARMS are processed and eliminated from the body. Therefore, users should pay attention to their body's response and adjust dosing accordingly under the guidance of a knowledgeable healthcare provider.
In conclusion, understanding SARMS half-life is fundamental for optimizing their efficacy and safety. By tailoring dosing regimens to align with the pharmacokinetic properties of specific SARMS, users can maximize benefits while minimizing risks. Consulting healthcare professionals and staying informed about the latest research developments are essential for safe and responsible SARMS use.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:02 AncientPause1236 Chronic Hives

I got my first hives in 2019 post my first Covid vaccine. I didn’t really make the relation then but the dermatologist I went to mentioned it as he was getting increased cases of hives post people taking a vaccine or recovering from Covid. He suggested some steroids which after my first dose I realised was a HUGE mistake as they gave me breathing issues and insomnia. I went to another dermatologist who ran some skin and blood tests and everything came out normal. My hives would come and go periodically and from last year they come one week before my period, and then go away. In fact last two months I had ZERO flare ups. However this month the flare up has been intense and is lasting through my period. The heat wave we are going through (temperatures are going up to 44 deg Celsius)
I’m not sure what to do! I read somewhere that urticaria mostly goes away after five years but seeing a lot of entires here where people have been living with it for decades
What should I do?
submitted by AncientPause1236 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:24 throwanurseaway Unregistered support workers and medication

Hi. In my role in an outpatients community hospital, I’ve noticed that support workers are working with consultants to do ultrasound guided injections. They know the key code so they can access a drug cupboard to get the steroid/analgesia out. Some of them draw up the meds, some leave it to the consultant.
They prepare a sterile field (not very well) and record the administration on a patient consent form (drug and batch number, no dose). No other documentation is done.
They have no formal training in aseptic technique or medicine management and to do this assistant job is a “see one, do one” type of training. Further digging on my part reveals that this team of support workers is run by b4s with an 8b figurehead (unregistered manager). There’s no clinical leadership for this team.
I need some other opinions on this because I’m certain this isn’t right but all my seniors think I’m overreacting when voice my concerns.
Edit: Thank you for the responses, it’s nice to get some perspective and I appreciate that. I guess my final question is: is it right this team has no clinical oversight or leadership?
submitted by throwanurseaway to NursingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:27 lilmeowcatt After advice for sickdosing with recurrent illnesses

Apologies for the long read ahead, just trying to give context 😅
(I'm SAI if that matters, no pituitary tumor, not caused my steroid use, they aren't sure of cause, possibly post partum hemorrhage and secondary post partum hemorrhage but endocrine aren't sure.)
Tips on sick dosing on hydrocortisone for tummy bugs? My normal daily dose is 10mg waking, 5mg 12-2pm 5mg 5-7pm (depending when I wake and take first dose)
Last weekend I caught a tummy bug from my kids, had doubled my dose, and I didn't feel too bad, threw up maybe 5x throughout the course of it. Come Tuesday I went into my doctor for routine bloods.. Dr didn't even take my bloods, my BP was 83/something and HR 144 and he rung me an ambulance and sent me straight to hospital from the doctors surgery 🙃
hospital had me on 24h fluids and 6hrly IV hydrocortisone 100mg.
Wednesday night i was allowed home again and told to take double my dose for a few days.
Friday was my beautiful daughter's 9th birthday and we had her best friend stay the weekend, was a busy weekend but was great, then yesterday (monday) I had awful abdominal pain and a very upset stomach, was on the toilet most of the day (sorry for TMI) i thought maybe food poisoning but my daughters friend apparently had been up vomitting since 2am Monday, so I'm thinking it's actually ANOTHER stomach bug.
I've been keeping up my anti nausea and have only thrown up once, but the gut is really not happy still.. have taken double dose again but worried I'm doubling too much/often? BP 93/74.
Just after some advice around recurrent illnesses? I'm scared for the winter bugs to come, only diagnosed in September, and have spent 7ish weeks all up in hospital since then with a multitude of different problems, all in turn effecting my cortisol, and I'm just wanting to avoid hospital as much as I can, my babies (9y and 6y) need me home ❤️ but of course they need a healthy mum too.
If you managed to get this far, thankyou ❤️
submitted by lilmeowcatt to AdrenalInsufficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:15 Todd_Da_Pepper My Gofundme Link & Story

My Gofundme Link & Story
My GoFundMe Story and Link I recently was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 31, after a bout of medical issues that I almost died from they put me on high dose iv prednisone steroids, after a long time on that my bones got so weak they began to break in October of last year I had 3 compression fractures at first the by march I had 9. I am wheelchair bound and can't get to appointments safely anymore. I can only stand to pivot to the bathroom or bed. If you could please share, like, or even donate I would be forever grateful. Even just the read helps knowing people are hearing my story. God bless and have a great day. #survivor #bodypositivity
submitted by Todd_Da_Pepper to AiCelebrity [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:42 Ginsdell Low dose steroid vs. methotrexate?

I’ve been on low dose methylprednisolone (3-4mg/day) for years. Today my new Rheumatologist diagnosed me with Seronegative RA. I had weaned off my steroids over the past month so she could get a good read on bloodwork and X-rays. My pain went off the charts. I’ve been in bed and can barely walk. The steroids work great and other than weight gain I’ve had no side effects. Blood work is always fine. She wants me to get back on steroids for a month and add methotrexate. And then wean off the steroids. I’m reading the side effects and risks of methotrexate (which she told me to ignore) and I’m not sure this is a great choice. I’m thinking if my super low dose is handling the situation, why would I take something that may or may not work and is so riddled with side effects and warnings and potential cancer. Anyone else switched from steroids to methotrexate? Btw, I’m 57 yrs old. I want to live my life now, not try to ‘exist’ being in pain and sick until I’m 85. For whatever reason, my doctor and now my rheumatologist are so ‘concerned’ about steroids. After 14 yrs? All of a sudden? It seems odd to me. Any thoughts or advice welcome.
submitted by Ginsdell to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:25 EmberinEmpty Keeping my meat machine running is exhausting.....

I know and do all the things and tricks. Dear god, I have all the visual prompts and reminders and systems in place, and even a LOVELY wife who reminds me of the things I need to do to survive. But like GOD. Why does it require SO MUCH.
Keeping this meat machine running is becoming a whole full time job. For context I have ADHD, ASD, Ehlers Danlos (Accompanied by bouts of Dysautonomia and POTS), and PMDD/PME meaning my PMS phase is EXTRA cooked turning me into a deep-fried werewolf half the month. Oh and i'm trans-nonbinary and have undergone top surgery and low dose testosterone....
So first off there's the BASICS OF LIFE eating breathing sleeping, homeostasis. WELL SOMETIMES MY BODY WONT DO IT AND I HAVE TO STEP IN.
Gotta feed myself every day multiple times a day. Sometimes body won't tell me i'm hungry until its too late. Repeated alarms get ignored /cause me misophonia and rage.
Gotta decide what to eat every time.
Gotta be mindful about getting good nutrition.
Gotta hope i haven't lost a safe food for some unknown reason wherein the sight smell idea and texture makes me suddenly go from pleasure to gagging.
Gotta have variety tho. Brain won't eat the same thing every day so there has to be a variety of "safe food" b/c ASD and "dopamine food" b/c ADHD available.
Gotta get groceries then too. But don't shop when you're hungry b/c thats how you blow the budget. It's worse on T b/c T makes me hungry as FUCK especially once we upped my dose( I'm actually going back down b/c this effect is UNBEARABLE. )
Gotta put water ON my body/clothes in the sun b/c I don't regulate my temperature.. I get cold when its less than 65' outside and overheat when its hotter than 78'.
Gotta wear and manage layers of clothing b/c of said inability to regulate temperature properly.
Gotta put water IN my body too but I don't know what thirst even feels like so i have to do it consciously or else I just....won't drink water. Which means....
Gotta keep enough water bottles of the RIGHT TYPE on hand b/c I just WONT drink out of a normal cup. I'll sip but to meet water need it's gotta be those chewy nip coleman bottles. don't ask me why maybe it's the mouthfeel ????
Gotta take drugs to regulate my HBP b/c i've got POTS. We actually suspect hyperadrenergic POTS b/c I respond well to Guanfacine and Clonidine and watesalt intake wasn't changing it.
Gotta take ALL MY MEDS EVERY DAY SAME TIME. Even with the autoreminder I miss it a lot especially if I flip it and forget to unflip it. or drop the batteries etc.
But if I take the POTS meds then the side effect is that if I forget the meds for even a DAY my body gets rebound effects which debilitate me worse than the POTS itself. So I stop taking the meds regularly and only take them as needed when I'm having more symptoms than usual.
Which is fine and dandy 2 weeks out of the month but the other 2 weeks .....fuck me.
Gotta batten down the hatches every month for werewolf week Because I have PMDD!! And I get POTS symptoms real bad during luteal phase b/c my body decides i'm a topsy tervy WEREWOLF???? and wants to crawl out of my skin. do all the drugs and bite my leg off/harm myself. So then i'm flippy, brain foggy, agitated anxious sensory overwhelmed and brutally insomniatic for 1-2 weeks EVERY MONTH.
Gotta remember tho take the gabapentin it really helps during wolf week. Whoop one more med to manage.
Gotta go to the pharmacy everywhenever. B/c of course they don't pill pack, or autoship and you take 2 controlled meds which must be picked up in person.
Now you might wonder....well why are you still having luteal phases if you're trans and on T? WELL B/C MY OVARIES JUST WONT QUIT. I'm in the male range for Testosterone even when I was at "low dose". My estrogen level is in the guttenearly undetectable but my body JUST KEEPS CYCLING. I even took nuvaring for 6 months no change. and I've tried two types of combo birth control and one makes me sex-repulsed/depressed and the other made me dysphoric and suidcidal. So now we're trying the POP. I don't think it'll work.... But its something to try. Also gotta take topical E for my hoo-ha b/c ....well I don't want atrophy. But that one seems to be treating me okay.
Gotta take my T shot every week and the topical finasteride every day. But T relieves my gender dysphoria significantly, reduces a lot of my PMDD SI/RAGE symptoms, and T is fantastic because it increases my muscle mass which reduced my joint slippage reducing pain? All good right?
Gotta see a derm b/c you're having a scarring alopecia flare up! But then that pesky scarring alopecia comes back. I had it before T, I actually had low T levels back then and i've been on finasteride my whole transition. It seems to run in my family. I've been symptom free for 7 years but something this year restarts the inflammatory process (probably surgery). Typical treatment is topical steroids and topical minoxidil. I have THREE cats. I will not kill my cats for my hair.
Gotta take the minoxidil now too. So they put me on oral minoxidil (and topical steroids). Which lowers my BP great but increases my HR not great. Now i'm constantly anxious about my HR my BP whether i'm fine or normal or having an episode or need to stop my treatment or restart it.
Gotta take more meds and see my GP. Great.
Gotta massage those top surgery scars every night. B/c mobility matters! Adhesions are bad. And the hEDS makes me scar like a weirdo. (hypertrophic and atrophic O.o) plus I want tattoos.
So lets assume i've managed the baseline physiological needs. Fed my body, watered my soul, sacrificed my cats to the three headed god of bendy elbows. Not having insomnia so bad the tech at your sleep study goes ....."is it always like this for you?".
Well then there's the psychological needs and problems.
Gotta take the ADHD meds or I literally won't get out of bed, will doomscroll for hours and watch my life fall apart.
Gotta take the SSRIs or else the crippling rumination, depression and obsessive body checking behaviors interrupt my life.
Gotta take Buspirone otherwise the SSRIS make me unable to orgasm and obliterates my sex drive. Thankfully my spouse's has also lowered these days due to her own meds so it's not causing conflict in the relationship like it used to. Sex is the only place in my life where I haven't experienced trauma and it's important to me personally as well for all the reasons.
Gotta work**.** Thats all i'll say there. b/c that is its own laundry list.
Gotta to do my accounting, pay bills etc.
Gotta do hygiene every single day 2x a day.
Gotta watch what I eat b/c i'm severely sensitive to gluten which limits eating out. So it's harder to do fun things with people/go out to eat with friends or order take-out.
Gotta remember to call/text my friends.
Gotta remember to call/text my father.
Gotta see all the fucking drs about all my fucking medical issues. Schedule and attend the appointments. Yes we hit our OOP MAX EVERY YEAR.
Gotta work out or else risk physical decompensation with increased joint subluxation or dislocations. And also for my MH/because I love acrobatics/aerials. I started decomping after surgery and the pain was atrocious and the injury cycle was beginning. I forgot just how fast the slipping happens.
Gotta attend to my loved ones. my wife and her needs, and my dog and my 3 cats.
Gotta clean the house, gotta wash the sheets, gotta treat the folliculitis infection I gave myself shaving, gotta tidy up after my hyperfixation projects and keep tidying my special interest projects.....
Gotta find/eliminate all the mold bombs regularly. b/c i'm horribly allergic to mold. So you know all the cups of coffee I didn't finish, hidden bowls of half eaten food lost under a shirt, or accidently left in on a bookshelf or in a bathroom, or orange peels dried too slowly or fruit in the fridge left a day too long....
Gotta get my blood drawn again for the 7th time this year.
Gotta schedule more medical tests.
Gotta let the ASD gods rule the weekend and worldbuild for 11 straight hours b/c I may be a sexless angelic demigod but hey at least I ENJOY my special interests again.
All this so that I don't fall apart. So I can get up, work, earn money, make friends, enjoy my special interests , care for myself and my wife and my cats and my dog , and hopefully live on past 30 without succumbing to either my demons or the inevitable progressive worsening of my physical disabilities.
Some days I just wanna be sedated.
submitted by EmberinEmpty to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:05 anxiousgirl505 I’m looking for support for my failures in TTC. I’m so discouraged

I’m 27f and I want to have a baby. My partner (32m) and I are ready. We’ll get married eventually but we’d rather spend the time and money on starting a family first as I have that biological clock and fertility issues run in my family. I’ve been to a gynecologist and had bloodwork and ultrasounds of my reproductive system done and I’m healthy and fertile. I’ve been off birth control for a year and a half now. And I’ve been having sex everyday during my fertile window. I know the issue is my partner…he uses steroids and that obviously affects fertility. He’s adjusted it to be taking a low dose to allow for higher chance of fertility about 3 months ago. On social media, there’s couples where the man takes a lot of steroids and STILL is able to get their partner pregnant.
I’ve been late 1 day on my period the past 2 times and just today, I was 3 days late on my period. I was so excited and I thought I was pregnant. Then I felt that trickle of blood and my heart is breaking. I feel like I’m never going to be able to have a baby. When I go to him upset about it he tells me “it’s okay, it’ll happen one day”…he’s a believer in not planning but “when it happens, it happens.”
I can’t go to my family for support and I’m not close with them (they’re extremely religious and I’m not). None of my friends have children or are in serious relationships so I don’t feel like they’d be the best support. I just feel so discouraged. My one life goal, the one thing I want more than anything is to have a biological child. I feel like a failure. I’m really sad
submitted by anxiousgirl505 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:15 Regular_Membership50 Rash over my beard/cheeks

28M here. I've been having this rash over my face for the past 3-4 years and seemed to not be going away.
A little bit about myself. I always had a "bad oily skin" Suffered with acne most of my life and was put on Accutane many times since I was a 14 and every time the acne comes back few weeks after finishing my Accutane course. I started experimenting with topical tretinoin agents. Initially it couldn’t control my acne, so my dermatologist recommend that I go up with concertation and application frequency. I went up from 0.025 to 0.05 to 0.1 to 0.1.5 to finally 0.2% and I was using it twice daily. My face was perpetually red and flaky but on the other hand I was okay with that trade off as long as I don't have aay more acne. I continue that regimen religiously with me applying moisturizing cream 2-3 times a day. It was embarrassing as I was going to school/work with a thick layer of products (Tretinoin and moisturizer) on my face for the past 3-4 years. Despite all that I was happy with the trade of not having acne.
This brings us to the rash. I'm not sure when it started exactly. But I think it started when I started using the topical Tretinoin. The rash is strange as it does not involve the entirety of my face and only confined on my cheeks and along my jaw (You can see picture). I didn't think it was caused by any of the products I'm using as it is not diffusely involving my entire face and that's where I apply the products. The rash also can be itchy (Not that bad) and make the underlying skin quite friable where it can bleed easily if happen to scratch it (I almost never scratch it). Also, the hair there have changed where I started to have big thick hairs and what appears to be multiple hair strands from the same hair follicle. I tried to look it up and it seem to be something called "Pili multigemini". The last thing about my rash is that it is at it worse in the morning and the redness improves as the day goes by.
I went to multiple dermatologists and non of them seemed to care about the rash or even take a look at it. I don't blame them. They probably see hundreds of patients with similar presentation. So, I'm just someone with "rash"
I just want to emphasis this is causing me a lot of insecurities and I cant grow a beard because of it as growing a beard makes it worse.
With that being said. Now, moving to what I have done so far to try and treat it.
  1. Reducing my Tretinoin frequency: I started to apply my 0.2% Tretinoin less frequently and gradually went from applying it twice daily to now only once daily. However, I substitute my morning dose with Differin face wash. I'm not sure if there is any significant improvement since I cut down when it comes to reddness, but my face is less flaky. But I'm happy I did. Not sure if I should cut the cleanser next or cut the night dose next. But I'll try to reduce the dose to as low as possible without having acne and will adjust things accordingly. I'm currently using 0.2 Tretinoin every night.
  2. Moisturizing: I'm moisturizing religiously, I never skip a day without moisturizing I experimented with something as heavy as CeraVe Moisturizing Cream. But I stopped using it since I reduced my Tretinoin applying frequency from twice a day to once daily. I'm currently using ISIS Pharma Teen Derm Hydra Compensating Soothing Moisturizer in the mornings as it is feels lighter and Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion at night. Changing the moisturizer did not affect the redness of the rash as I thought maybe "I am allergic to the moisturizer."
  3. Ketoconazole cream: I remember trying this on when my rash just started. A dermatologist diagnosed me with Seborrheic dermatitis. If anything I felt it made my skin worse. It caused it to be more flaky. I also use Ketoconazole shampoo for my dandruff. I use it twice a week. If Ketoconazole works on my rash I would have noticed it by now. I'm thinking of starting it again and try given I'm no longer flaky as I once was.
  4. Steroid cream: I was prescribed a potent one. I think it helped a little but that is not something sustainable to use or add to my skin routine.
  5. Clindamycin solution: I use this not for my rash per say but for my hair follicle problem. My Pili multigemini is much better when I apply clindamycin regularly. I don’t have to spend time in the mirror with tweezers getting all those chunky hairs out. However, I still find some affected hair follicles when I trim.
  6. Trimming facial hair: Trimming facial hair seem to improve my symptoms. I make sure to trim every day or every other day with an electric trimmer.
  7. Hot water: I notice my rash is at it worse in the morning and that is when I shower. I tend to shower with hot water. I started to make sure my face is not exposed to hot water and wash it separately with cold water.
I’m posting this here as I’m desperate. I feel like no dermatologist will be patient enough to hear my story. I’m open for suggestions, recommendations and for people to share their similar experiences.
Here is a picture of the rash.
Left side:
Right side:
submitted by Regular_Membership50 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:07 Stunning_Vanille Challenging IME Court Hearing

Hi everyone,
My husband hurt his lower back at work from lifting things repetitively. He opened a Workers' Comp case in December, but the pain started in September, which is when the injury was officially reported.
Since then, he's had X-Rays, an MRI, and nerve tests. He was diagnosed with two herniated discs and two pinched nerves. He started physical therapy and chiropractic care but had to stop physical therapy because it made things worse. The chiropractor visits provided temporary relief.
He then saw a spine specialist who gave him an epidural steroid injection. Right after, he was in severe pain and couldn't walk. This injection also caused complications in his private parts, requiring surgery in March. The specialist said it was a complicated case and recommended for him to go to Mount Sinai for more evaluation.
At Mount Sinai, a spine surgeon recommended he see another doctor as he was not ready for surgery. This new doctor asked for a new MRI to understand his ongoing pain, but insurance denied it because the previous MRI was less than six months old. Meanwhile, the I nsurance scheduled an IME in mid-April. I went with him and recorded the brief appointment, done by a chiropractor. The chiropractor asked about his injury and treatments, had him do some movements, and measured his bending angle with a ruler.
Ten days later, we got the report. It confirmed his injury was work-related but said since physical therapy made his pain worse and chiropractic care only provided temporary relief, his injury was considered resolved. His weekly wage benefits were then suspended the next day, which shocked us.
After contacting the Workers' Comp board, we now have a court hearing scheduled for next week and have hired an attorney.
Has anyone gone through something similar? Any tips or advice for my husband would be really helpful. What should he expect at the hearing?
Thank you!
submitted by Stunning_Vanille to WorkersComp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:44 Peliquin Issues with getting doctor to take other pain seriously?

I somehow slipped three ribs, or at least, that's the working theory. This wouldn't be so bad, except the vertebrae in that area have developed horns/teeth/spikes/spines/growths that are now thought to be 'biting' the nerve. I live in an area with minimal medical resources and therefore they really want only your primary doctor to prescribe any pain meds. Okay, kinda stupid since it takes three weeks to get into see your doctor and acute pain is.... acute? But I'm still working with them.
Last week they gave me a low dose of steroids and some muscle relaxers, which, okay, helpful, but do nothing for nerve pain. I'm all for less inflammation, but like... no, this isn't the right med for this problem. I'm not experiencing inflammation! Or swelling!
Ended up at the ER, which prescribed some narcotics (correct for acute nerve pain) and sent me back to my doctor, who said "well you have psoriatic arthritis, so it must be inflammation and swelling." Except.... it's not. this isn't related to PsA, and all the treatments in the world for PsA ain't going to fix slipped ribs! So now I have even more muscle relaxers and two whole days of narcotics to take, but even then, that's being held over me like "we all know you have problems but we'll be nice this time."
(The last time I had narcotics was over seven *&^%ing years ago. I do not have a narcotic problem.)
I've had issues with pain management being withheld for years in favor of finding a better PsA treatment plan as a whole, or doled out in such tiny doses that it's more stressful to have it than not, but now it's getting ridiculous. Not all my pain is PsA, and not all of it should be treated as such. I'm capable of having problems that aren't PsA or even related to it. I'm also noticing a heavy flow of BAD information about pain management. The Nurse Practitioner in my PCP's office even told me that narcotics don't work on nerve pain. I mean, that's just patently false.
Looking for thoughts, rants, ideas on how to manage this, sympathy. Whatever you go on the topic.
submitted by Peliquin to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:26 Badhorsewriter Moonblindness

My 27yo mare was diagnosed with moonblindness /uvitis last fall and we immediately put her on a steroid (dexemethizone) and equioxx but she’s starting to blow through the steroid and have near constant flare ups. She’s in a fly mask 24/7 to shield the eye from irritants and when she has a flare up I put steroids directly in her eye. She also goes off the equioxx when she has a flare up and we have to give a higher dose of dex since we are worried about drug interactions. The next step is eye removal and I’ve been advised she’s too old to be a good candidate for eye removal.
This is my heart horse and I promised a good long retirement for her, but it looks like it’s being shortened.
Does anyone have any other methods for slowing or treating moonblindness? Any home remedies anyone has tried? I’m willing to do anything to help her.
We’ve seen three vets and they’re all baffled that she even got it since she’s a quarter horse and that it seems so aggressive.
Picture is of her on a good day and we just walked around in the arena and she seemed happy. But you can see the shadow in her eye and the constant weeping. I’ve had her tear ducts cleaned twice.
submitted by Badhorsewriter to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 22:03 vampdivascar I think I might give up on pain relief

I got diagnosed with congenital (I was born with it) spondylolisthesis about 8 years ago along with degenerative disc disease and some disc issues.
Long story short is that something in my back popped loudly the other day and the pain has been so much worse. Before the pop, the meds just don't seem to be working that well anymore abyway. I don't want to ask for a higher dose because I really don't like the tolerance I have now. I've had endo and adenomyosis since I was 13 so maybe I just have a high pain tolerance? What I do know is that I don't want to have to go through a surgical, dental or er type procedure where they can't properly anesthetize me. I also don't want to be judged by everyone about it and don't want to end up on freakish amounts over the course of my life.
I've had injections which seemed to make it worse, I feel like surgery will just make it worse. I might just come off my pain meds and suffer, they aren't doing much as it is, but then things like this pop in my back (scheduled for x-rays) happen and I would be worried if I didn't have them for that.
I realize there's really no answer for this, if you've got one om all ears. I also can't take steroids because they give me heart palpitations and things like that. It just sucks. I'm so tired of being in pain all the time.
I hope the rest of you are having a wonderful day. Thanks for letting me b*tch for a minute. Be well ❤️
submitted by vampdivascar to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:04 kristiethe Constant Tongue Ulcers on Vyvanse

Constant Tongue Ulcers on Vyvanse
I’ve been on Vyvanse for almost a year, recent bumped my dose up from 50mg to 60mg.
I constantly have ulcers on my tongue, and even when I proactively put steroid paste on them and get them healed up, they come right back. This happened when I was on 50mg too, but it feels even more prominent now.
I actively stay well hydrated, I put hydration powder in my water. I’ve tried dry mouth lozenges and rinse. Nothing helps. I’m at a loss for what else to do.
I asked my GP and he referred me to an oral specialist who can’t see me until October.
If I skip my pills for a couple days it goes away. I don’t know if I should try decreasing my dose a bit or if I should try a different ADHD med?
submitted by kristiethe to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:02 Maleficent-Brother50 Nuts never shrunk, why?

I've been using steroids since a young age - lets just say I've been on steroids for about 13 years now, blasting and cruising when I first started, but as of the last 4 years, I really have just been cruising on testosterone between 200-400mg every 10 days.
I've ran things such as anadrol, tren, dbol, mdrol, and many other pro hormones in my younger years.
I know the gear is legit, I can see it in my strength and size gains. I had some side effects from tren and anadrol - so I know I am not immune to side effects. However, my biggest confusion is this - my testicles haven't atrophied. why? how? Does this mean my body has continued to produce testosterone on top of the exogenous source I give it?
Also, another side note, I've never been one to ever have a sex drive, even on higher doses of testosterone - I could just care less about sex. Just thought that was interesting as well.
submitted by Maleficent-Brother50 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:40 stilltrying82 Confused on what comes next

After 6 months of pain, numbness, and spasms, I was diagnosed with bulging discs in my neck. After trying pain meds and physical therapy, I eventually got an epidural steroid injection, which stopped the pain completely. Unfortunately, I developed severe psychological reactions to the steroids - intense depression like I've never experienced with intrusive suicidal thoughts. It took another 6 months to figure out what was happening and get on psych meds to manage it. I've noticed my pain coming back, and I'm terrified at getting another injection because of the psych side effects. I don't know what else to do. Chiropractor? Frequent massage? Breast reduction? I feel really overwhelmed and many suggestions feel like they insinuate my pain is "my fault" somehow (don't move enough, moved too much, overstretched, understretched).
submitted by stilltrying82 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:49 Affectionate-Kiwi270 Undiagnosed auto immune disorder?

I 24f am 2 years into what we originally thought was musculoskeletal damage from multiple accidents and child birth, but we are now thinking this is auto immune.
Head: migraines, oral ulcers (red with white edges sometimes circular sometimes oblong), excessive hair shedding with out hairless patches
Face: butterfly like rash occurring after sun or heat exposure (is rapid onset after 5 minutes of exposure, will gradually reduce then flairs hours after being inside and cooled down to bright red, burning, itching)
Abdomen/chest: IBS like symptoms, pleurisy, pain in right and left lower ribs felt front to back, heart palpitations, high heart rate (resting 100-110 flares 120-160), stage 3 endometriosis
Skin: discoid type rash (occurs on neck, lips, eyelids, chest, and elbows and is red, mostly flat, scaley, flaking, and occasionally blisters or cracks), sun sensitivity(not always visually inflamed but results in burning and itching lasting days after exposure)
Muscular: muscle spasms, muscle pain non localized with worsening trigger points (worst in neck/upper back, and low back but occurs every where), muscles easily banding/knotting with difficulty releasing
Skeletal: joint pain and inflammation (primarily hips and knees but occasionally in shoulders, wrists, fingers, ankles, and toes), arthritis right hip, deep bone pain
Nervous: occasional numbness/tingling in fingers and forearms, sciatic nerve pain in both legs, occasional shaking hands, during childhood and teen years never had a temperature taken below 99°F (has lowered with age), hot/cold flashes, night sweats
No DR has put all of the symptoms together until recently. Not putting it together has led to IBS, DDD, eczema, TMJ, and other diagnoses. I saw pain management last tuesday for my musculaskeletal pain and he brought up fibromyalgia, gave trigger point injections (didn't help), and prescribed tizanidine (also didn't help). I woke up with the start of my usual rash and felt like i had just woken up the day after a surgery so i called my PM they were closed. Called my primary and she sent me to their priority care to have me seen by atleast someone. The priority care DR brought up lupus and said she doubt's this is fibro, ran a auto immune/ inflammation panel, prescribed Medrol (tapering pulse doses), and gave adequate pain management.
The panel ran included an ANA panel, RH factor, CRP, and cyclic citrul peptide. All of which came back negative. Previous blood tests have been a bit all over the place nothing often going too high or low. Most recently a GFR estimate came back low a week prior to other testing but other levels were with in normal ranges.
We have previously tried medications such as gabapentin, lyrica, LDN, duloxetine, robaxin, flexeril, tramadol, various NSAIDs, epidural steroid injections, lidocaine creams, etc. None of which worked, and i would need a combination of ibuprofen, robaxin, and hydrocodone to even take the edge off of daily pain. The steroid is working though, and i haven't had to supplement it much with pain meds. I havent had this level of relief since I was 16. It has improved all aspects of my symptoms. While i still have aches, a rash, and various other symptoms they are atleast tolerable. Where i used to need all of my rescue pain meds to even get out of bed, three days into the steroid, i only find my self needing them at night.
I am very confused as to where to go from here because my symptoms don't match my blood work. I see my primary wednesday and she has already said in advance she will be sending me to a rheumatologist. These referals usually take about a month until im seen so i don't know how to ask her for help managing until then or what to even ask to try at this point. She doesn't want to prescribe opiates any more because of how often id need them previously because nothing else would help. Im open to trying anything but am worried we will be very limited because my blood work doesn't show anything. Im scared once im done with this steroid the symptoms will return and i will be left completely unable to function again. I also don't even know which direction to push testing any more when i do see the rheumatologist and am afraid everything is going to be dismissed because of my blood work. To me, this seems autoimmune but im not a doctor so i dont know for sure if this is the real thing or just a coincidence of collective symptoms. I feel like we are so close to having a break through but yet still light years away. Any one in a similar situation or already on the other side?
submitted by Affectionate-Kiwi270 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:14 jaybeags 27F Recently fully disabled due to Lupus brain/CNS complications

27F Recently fully disabled due to Lupus brain/CNS complications
Hello all! I am a 27 year old female who has been battling Lupus since I was 11 years old. I have been fortunate through the last 17 years to not have any major complications and live a somewhat normal life as a child.
Within the last two years, my Lupus has become out of control. It has not been responding to treatments, including high dose steroids, forms of chemotherapy, etc. and started to attack my brain. I’ve had a growing lesion since 2018 but it has become incredibly aggressive, causing damage to the area that helps control gastric functions, fight/flight responses, motor control, and have been having episodes of paranoia. I have also been having episodes of blindness and severe cranial pressure, which the steroids treat thankfully but with chronic use of them, I can only be on them in short spurts.
My doctors are wonderful and doing everything they can. I have a Lumbar Puncture at the beginning of June to determine overall activity within my Central Nervous System and hopefully find a treatment that will stop the damage before I lose major functions (walking, gastric emptying, etc).
I have tried my hardest to work, especially when I was building my career as an Accountant. Within the past two years I have lost well over 5 jobs due to my condition and the limiting in life it causes me, as well as frequent hospital visits and doctor appointments. At the end of April as I was having episodes of blindness daily, severe fevers, tendinitis flares in my hands, elbows, shoulders and legs, my doctor advised I stop working and seek SSDI. I am currently being quick processed with SSDI and have an agent in communication with me. Despite all of this, I won’t receive my first payment until November 2024.
I need assistance and help, and any amount would be incredibly appreciated. This is to mostly cover medication costs, my phone bill, gas and food. I am also filing for bankruptcy to absolve much of my medical debts and other debts accrued due to my situation (over $60k).
submitted by jaybeags to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:11 klebmax Renaissance Periodization is pseudoscientific?

Hey community, I must say that I really do have problems with a lot of Renaissance Periodization claims, especially from Dr. Mike.
Now I want to find some other people that also do have critique on their claims, because I think that there is a need to talk about in general.
Why could be RP/Dr. Mike a little bit pseudoscientific - examples:
It feels like a lot of effective and generally accepted things in training are overcomplicated into a concept without huge evidence for the actual reasons why something is how it is (rather making pseudoscientific claims).
Other than for a lot of people who started training, and used RP as a framework to make good progress, it actually made me worse by paralysis through analysis of their pseudoscientific explanations.
I am curious what you guys and girls think about it - and if you can reccomend your most valuable source for sports training?
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submitted by klebmax to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]