Retirement party flyer template

Never introduced myself the first time around. Not that anyone gives a fuck but…

2024.05.22 03:21 TenZero96 Never introduced myself the first time around. Not that anyone gives a fuck but…

Early Retired Dink. Honest Respectful But Direct and Blunt I’m chill until provoked in to being non chill.
Have only some knowledge of stocks and bout 40k to play with
I like Iron Maiden, Linkin Park, Travis Scott Neil Diamond and anyone else for the most part who is fucking good
I’m here to listen to what yall are saying, research some stuff, learn as I go and help in discussion with the next logical play
OH and to make more play money
More I make the bigger the party I’ll throw at the end of the year
I’m high af right now, watching my home team Celtics
Wondering why the fuck didn’t i take any profits the 70k I just had of FFIE Friday
I mean im still in FFIE 25k deep and taking the ride I paid for I guess. Just wanted to see if they could do something
That about it for now
submitted by TenZero96 to Shortsqueeze [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:18 agnes_copperfield MIL’s retirement celebration scheduled for weekend after we will be in town to visit, making it difficult for us to attend

We are going to visit family over Memorial Day weekend- we have an almost 9 month old and our family all live 4-5 hours away. My siblings came to visit for my birthday in March (my parents passed from cancer in 2020) but my in laws haven’t seen the baby since Christmas and this will be the first time they’ll see her unmasked (they refused to get flu shot/TDAP/Covid vaccine). They’re not my favorite people but I am excited to see my family.
DH video calls with them every Sunday and this past Sunday MIL informs us that her current job (a fundie religious private school that is closing down due to low enrollment) is throwing an open house for her to celebrate almost 40 years of teaching- she can’t retire because they don’t have the $$ and FIL was forced into retirement due to his ongoing cancer treatment. I digress- she’s worked the job a long time so the least they could do is celebrate her considering the poor pay and the fact that she’s in her 60’s and had to job search. When is this celebration? The weekend after Memorial Day weekend.
Husband of course feels obligated to go. We are both frustrated at the situation because we are a one car household so if he goes it’s only going to be for the day and I’ll be home with the baby. We discussed him taking the baby and driving and spending the night with them. Which would have been an easy fix except one of my oldest friends will be around that same weekend and wanted to meet the baby (an airline pilot who lives in another state so his schedule means I rarely see him). And I am not going to change my plans with my friend for them last minute.
You would think if you’re throwing a party to honor someone you’d let them pick the date…we don’t know if they ran it by MIL and she approved or they just decided themselves and she’s too meek to say anything. I’m more frustrated at the situation but I’m fairly sure MIL didn’t think to run the date by us but then excitedly tells us about it and hopes baby can make it. We are leaning towards husband just going for the day because baby will have spent enough time in the car Memorial Day weekend and I’m not putting her through it again just so grandma can show her off without considering us.
submitted by agnes_copperfield to Mildlynomil [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:58 SevenRingsOfChel Rant

It was one of my executives’ birthday last week and a colleague from another office (a Director, who do not get EAs) pinged me to ask what a good flower shop would be to order from (mind you this was the day before the birthday), and I gave her a rec and let her know it’s super close by and to feel free to put my name on the delivery so security will call me and I’ll collect the flowers from the lobby. She responded with “thanks, I’ll try to order them today.” I didn’t think much of it until her birthday came the next day and no flowers…I asked my teammate if she thinks this certain Director was just trying to get me to do it for her and she said 100% yes.
It bothers me that people think “oh since it’s for X, we can use X’s assistant to do everything.” Like, great, you had an idea for flowers? It’s a little more than just having the idea that counts. people who don’t have EAs try to lean on us when we are already supporting multiple executives. I planned ahead and already did my own thing (and organized a group thing) for her birthday, I’m not going to carry out everyone else’s gift ideas too.
The same kind of thing happened last year when one of my executives retired and multiple multiple people wanted to throw him parties or dinners and then they just thought they could throw all the work on me after giving me the idea. They wanted me to make the reservations and do all the work that goes into planning these events, and it just baffled me because what kind of gift is gesture is that, to throw somebody a party and use HIS resources (me) to do it? Taking away from the bandwidth of HIS team! how do people not understand this?
Do you all experience this as well?
submitted by SevenRingsOfChel to ExecutiveAssistants [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:22 AgreeableCulture1209 IMHO APE OPINION - NEED X TO JOIN THE PARTY

We are good on Reddit, Good on Discord, let's be tactical. X is a different target than us. More mainstream. I know a little about the business and there are many people 40+ who love stocks and only use X and don't know we exist. Dropping a few grand on a flyer is nothing but they don't know we exist. We have to make our own mainstream audience. 40K members, 10 posts each we trend, we roll we party.
submitted by AgreeableCulture1209 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:51 YoshiOfADown View in File Explorer stopped working

Several of our staff have been using the View in File Explorer option on our Sharepoint online site after following the instructions here:
This has been working without problems for months. However, yesterday many of them reported that clicking the View in File Explorer option no longer does anything. On one computer, this was solved by downloading the latest version of the Edge policy templates. However, for everyone else, no amount of updating or clearing cache seems to solve the issue. Instead, clicking on the View option produces the following errors in the Edge console:
viewinfileexplorer: One or more configured cookie was not copied. viewinfileexplorer: CreateWebFolderIdList failed: -2147023652 
Any thoughts to get this working again?
One thing to mention is that, although the documentation implies this only works on Pro or Edge, we have gotten it to work on Home by using a third-party program called PolicyPlus (which actually just edits the registry in a user friendly way for the less tech-savvy staff). It was a Home computer where the fix mentioned above was successful. For all other computers (mix of Home and Pro) this has failed.
submitted by YoshiOfADown to sharepoint [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:44 MannerNo7000 What are your thoughts on the Liberal Party’s idea of allowing individuals to use their ‘Superannuation’ to purchase first homes? (Isn’t superannuation made for retirement?) also won’t this further increase prices of homes?

submitted by MannerNo7000 to AskAnAustralian [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:41 Lovelyhumpback Canada: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen

While looking at whale-related news today, the following article grabbed my attention: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen CBC News
Summary: New Brunswick Liberal MP Serge Cormier has called for a loosening of North Atlantic right whale protection measures to support local fishermen facing economic challenges. The current measures, implemented to protect the critically endangered species, include fishing gear restrictions and area closures. Cormier argues that these regulations are too stringent and harm the fishing industry, suggesting a more balanced approach. Environmental groups, however, emphasize the necessity of these protections to prevent further decline of the whale population, which is already critically low.
This is important news for us Canadian whale lovers. If you live in Canada, please urge your Member of Parliament to take a stand against this idea, and stand with the endangered North Atlantic right whales instead. I have included an email template below, which you can send to your electoral district's MP. Here is a link to a Government of Canada tool to find your local MP:
Here is the email template:
Dear Mr./Ms./Mx. [Member of Parliament's last name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent proposal by Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier to loosen protection measures for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, as detailed in the following CBC article:
While I understand the significant challenges faced by our fishermen as a result of these protective measures, I firmly believe that the survival of this magnificent species must remain a top priority for Canada.
The North Atlantic right whale population is already on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 350 individuals remaining. Easing the current protective measures could lead to increased whale entanglements and vessel strikes, further threatening their survival. The consequences of such actions are irreversible and would tarnish Canada's commitment to biodiversity and environmental stewardship.
Additionally, Canada has legal obligations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to ensure the conservation and protection of marine mammals. Weakening these protections would not only endanger the right whale further but also compromise Canada's adherence to international conservation standards and agreements.
I urge you to oppose any measures that would weaken the protections for the North Atlantic right whale. Instead, I encourage you to advocate for alternative solutions that can both support our fishermen and ensure the continued survival of the right whale. These could include:
  1. Investment in Whale-Safe Fishing Gear: Support the development and adoption of innovative fishing technologies that minimize the risk to marine life.
  2. Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement: Strengthen the monitoring of fishing activities and enforce stricter penalties for violations of whale protection regulations.
  3. Collaborative Solutions: Foster collaboration between scientists, conservationists, and the fishing industry to develop sustainable practices that protect both the whales and the livelihoods of our fishermen.
The survival of the North Atlantic right whale is a critical issue that requires our immediate attention and action. I trust that you, as a member of the Liberal Party, will stand for the preservation of our natural heritage and oppose any measures that compromise the protection of this endangered species. Our actions today will determine the fate of the right whale and reflect our values as a nation committed to the conservation of our planet's precious biodiversity.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to hearing about the steps you will take to ensure the right whale is safeguarded for future generations.
[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [Your City, Province, Postal Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]
Thank you to everyone who is participating in conservation efforts! I made the very same post on whales. Feel free to repost this on other subs dedicated to whales and conservation to protect our friends!
submitted by Lovelyhumpback to Cetacea [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 PKbungle Pension advice - L&G Managed lifestyle profile

Hi, I know I'm late to the party in checking this out and should have got advise earlier.
The company I worked for changed pension providers in 2009 and I didn't really take much notice, the pension I'm now in is a L&G Managed Lifestyle Profile, as I'm getting on a bit, now 57, I've started taking a bit more notice.
I set the original retirement age as 65 and this pension, starting at 10 years to pension age moves a % out into different pots, the overall increase in value seems to be getting worse, the main culprit being "L&G PMC Fixed Interest Fund G17", if I wish to change, then I have to move everything out of a "lifestyle" profile and select different funds, I can afford to take some risk as living up North, general expenses aren't as high as those down south, mortgage is paid and I do have other pension pots that are doing ok.
This particular fund over the last 3 years has been losing money, I'm currently salary sacrificing 25% with a company contribution of 5% and I'm not seeing gains as well as I have on my other pension.
For the years 2022 & 2023, my pot balance was in deficit against my contributions, it wasn't until January this year that I've finally seen an improvement, so annoying that watching the monthly contributions going in and the value of the pot was never increasing greater than that amount.
Does anybody have any suggestions on other L&G funds?
I didn't always do a higher salary sacrifice, for many years that this pension has been running (since 2009), I just contributed the basic 5% as well as the company, am I being dumb thinking it's doing poorly, it shows that in the 15 years I've been contributing, the pension has increased by 46.95%, is that about right or should I really be expecting it to have done a lot better even though we had the issues with Covid and Truss, which didn't help the markets.
submitted by PKbungle to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:14 Lovelyhumpback Canada: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen

While looking at whale-related news today, the following article grabbed my attention: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen CBC News
Summary: New Brunswick Liberal MP Serge Cormier has called for a loosening of North Atlantic right whale protection measures to support local fishermen facing economic challenges. The current measures, implemented to protect the critically endangered species, include fishing gear restrictions and area closures. Cormier argues that these regulations are too stringent and harm the fishing industry, suggesting a more balanced approach. Environmental groups, however, emphasize the necessity of these protections to prevent further decline of the whale population, which is already critically low.
This is important news for us Canadian whale lovers. If you live in Canada, please urge your Member of Parliament to take a stand against this idea, and stand with the endangered North Atlantic right whales instead. I have included an email template below, which you can send to your electoral district's MP. Here is a link to a Government of Canada tool to find your local MP:
Here is the email template:
Dear Mr./Ms./Mx. [Member of Parliament's last name],
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent proposal by Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier to loosen protection measures for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, as detailed in the following CBC article:
While I understand the significant challenges faced by our fishermen as a result of these protective measures, I firmly believe that the survival of this magnificent species must remain a top priority for Canada.
The North Atlantic right whale population is already on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 350 individuals remaining. Easing the current protective measures could lead to increased whale entanglements and vessel strikes, further threatening their survival. The consequences of such actions are irreversible and would tarnish Canada's commitment to biodiversity and environmental stewardship.
Additionally, Canada has legal obligations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to ensure the conservation and protection of marine mammals. Weakening these protections would not only endanger the right whale further but also compromise Canada's adherence to international conservation standards and agreements.
I urge you to oppose any measures that would weaken the protections for the North Atlantic right whale. Instead, I encourage you to advocate for alternative solutions that can both support our fishermen and ensure the continued survival of the right whale. These could include:
  1. Investment in Whale-Safe Fishing Gear: Support the development and adoption of innovative fishing technologies that minimize the risk to marine life.
  2. Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement: Strengthen the monitoring of fishing activities and enforce stricter penalties for violations of whale protection regulations.
  3. Collaborative Solutions: Foster collaboration between scientists, conservationists, and the fishing industry to develop sustainable practices that protect both the whales and the livelihoods of our fishermen.
The survival of the North Atlantic right whale is a critical issue that requires our immediate attention and action. I trust that you, as a member of the Liberal Party, will stand for the preservation of our natural heritage and oppose any measures that compromise the protection of this endangered species. Our actions today will determine the fate of the right whale and reflect our values as a nation committed to the conservation of our planet's precious biodiversity.
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to hearing about the steps you will take to ensure the right whale is safeguarded for future generations.
[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [Your City, Province, Postal Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number]
ETA: Thank you to everyone who is participating in conservation efforts!
submitted by Lovelyhumpback to whales [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:53 MissyEspe Should I stay in my new boring job or look for something more exciting?

Me and my husband moved from a city of over 1 million people to 35k earlier this year. I've been in Property Management for the last 10 years but unfortunately there isn't much (if anything) available in my industry here. So, I took an HR office Admin job to pay the bills.
My last job back where we came from, I was the most successful (financially) and happiest in my entire career. I'm still crushed I gave it up for my husband's job to relocate us. That place gave me my best friends, and just living in the city, we could do anything! Concerts, football/baseball/hockey games. Kayaking to waterfalls, festivals, dog parties, alllll the shopping etc.
Here? None of that. And over 2,000 miles away from any of my family and friends.
Anyway, the job I took here has me banging my desk on my desk in boredom. I've got social media scheduled until mid July, reorganized the break room and conference room. And when I ask for other work, it takes me 15 mins to complete whatever they ask of me. They're impressed with me and I'm repeatedly told how happy they are that I'm there, I'm doing such a great job etc. But I THRIVE under pressure, fast paced, meeting people, building relationships and all of that. In this position, I'm hoping someone calls just so I have someone to talk to!
But I'm bored out of my ever loving mind. I have work to maybe keep me busy for 3-4 hours a day. I've tried listening to audio books, creating spreadsheets and templates, reorganizing files. Anything to keep me busy.
I've only been here a month and I'm considering leaving. I only get paid once a month and haven't had a full paycheck yet. This is a big stressor for me.
I've found a few other jobs recently, one on my area of expertise and one where I'm essentially a tour guide for the city. But they pay anywhere from $2-$5 less per hour, and I'm not sure on the pay frequency.
Should I stick it out and be bored and miserable, or look for something in my wheelhouse for a little less pay?
submitted by MissyEspe to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:50 Ilikeapples0001 Phoenix Rising (all hail empress pink au) (art by HellMick)

Phoenix Rising (all hail empress pink au) (art by HellMick)
The Pink Diamond surveyed her latest campaign from orbit. It took a lot of research and development to make this view possible, but to see the light show below? Worth every Currency. From this heavenly vantage she could see every bombardment, every burning city, sometimes even a strike from her own vessel against a particularly stubborn entrenchment, and there was no shortage of these on this miserable rock. She had half a mind to depopulate this one completely, ship any survivors off to her less morally upstanding allies for their impudence… And yet she couldn’t help but admire their refusal to roll over, their dedication to what they believed in even unto extinction. Would that all of Homeworld’s citizens could be so devoted.
The doors behind her crashed open, though the tiny little gem that emerged from them couldn’t have opened them alone. “My Diamond! Empress!” she huffed, clearly worked up over something as she saluted and keeled appropriately. Pink for her part said nothing, simply turning just enough to look over her shoulder at one of her trusted seers. “Forgive me, please, but I bring grave news from the ground campaign.”
Pink scowled, but her countenance soon softened again, at least enough to be clear there was no ill will to her Padparadsha. “Elaborate,” she commanded.
“Th-there’s been an accident… I don’t know for sure but something happened with our bombardment, one of the shots hit our own troops, hundreds are dead and more are casualties-”
“That’s not my concern, there are lower ranks that can deal with such incidents. I suggest you report to the guilty party’s commanding officer and inform any next-of-kin.”
Padparadsha stammered and squawked before at last mustang words once more. “I-I-I did, m-my Diamond… and I am.”
“...What?” That can’t be right. “What do you mean ‘you are’? That-” No. No chance in hell. There is no way THAT happened. “I thought your visions were accurate, why are you implying this- this heresy!?”
Padparadsha shrunk away as if it would protect her. “I-I didn’t see everything, but the only thing that could have hurt her was an orbital strike!” she whimpered. “She was there and then there was so much fire… and smoke… and pain…” Even remembering this clearly pained her, but Pink was in no mind to care.
“Those… those…!” Words failed the Empress. Conscious thought fell by the wayside. Only revenge remained, only death to repay death. She didn’t even bother to dismiss her seer as she broke down her own doors, thundering down to the siege batteries with vengeful intent.
Glowing pink eyes scoured the message again and again, hoping - nay, demanding - to see the hidden message within that simply wasn’t there. Her grip clasped around a garnet’s neck as the last call of her kin burned into the screen.
“Cut off STOP surrounded STOP overwhelmed STOP phoenix rising STOP”
Phoenix Rising - the ultimate sacrifice, the code to bombard one’s own position. Pink’s glower swept the assembled gunnery crew, all of them having been knelt down and clutching the backs of their heads as if facing or forestalling execution. Some of them were wounded in the scuffle, and a pile of stones in one corner signified the Empress’ current capacity for patience. They’d all sworn up and down that they’d only followed the orders of their superiors, and even pyropes weren’t about to defy commands from one of Pink’s own. But who then? Who could be at fault for this? This doesn’t just happen! Pink’s children do not die!
“The sapphires…” Pink Diamond breathed, shaking her voice apart as her grip tightened, popping the poor pyrope’s body like a paper bag. “The sapphires! THE SAPPHIRES! I’LL HAVE THEIR GEMS FOR THIS!” she shrieked, buffeting the deck. “I’LL GRIND THEM INTO SAND MYSELF FOR THIS!”
A scoff from the door interrupted her diatribe. "Tsh. I thought you were a fair and just ruler, Pink!” came an interjection from her purported peer the Yellow Diamond, her eyes hidden behind an opaque visor. “Yet here you are ordering executions on a whim. What of trials? Of juries? Of due process? Even Blue wouldn't sink that low."
In an eyeblink Pink had released the pyrope’s gem and seized Yellow by the collar instead, dragging her down to eye-level. "MY DAUGHTER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF THEM! BECAUSE OF THEIR FAILURE!" she howled, starting to damage the hearing of her audience. Yellow as always seemed unfazed.
"Would you execute a doctor for failure to save a life!? A constable for failure to make an arrest!? A general for failure to win a battle, perhaps!"
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE!” Pink wailed, her image of an indomitable goddess amongst women peeling and crumbling into the childish petulance that defined her life in the prior era. “You don’t know!” her sobs choked out, dissipating into Yellow’s chest. Streams from her own visor went unnoticed.
“I know EXACTLY what it’s like,” Yellow quietly rumbled, her tightening grip around Pink suddenly growing evident. “And I don’t care how powerful you’ve grown, you will NOT dictate my emotions!”
“YOUR emotions-!? My DAUGHTER-!”
“With me, Pink! Your daughter - WITH ME!” The clasp of Yellow’s gloved digits dug deeply into pink’s young supple arms, perhaps even enough to hurt. Their eyes met again, pangs of… something turning the Empress’ insides as the streams on both their faces caught the light. “That’s Moissanite down there, Pink…” Neither of them wanted to say anything after that, and neither of them did, for now. Pink’s visage contorted with torment and loss, staining her lover with hologrammatic tears and mucus between sobs and coughs alike. Yellow was harder to read, admirably struggling to prop herself upwards as the rock to break on, the shoulder to cry on, as she always had done. For a moment they were people - not ideals or authorities or goddesses amongst women, but agonised, bereaved people.
And then the moment passed. “You-” Yellow cracked, choking for a moment before shoving her grief back down just a little longer. “You need time to heal.” Turning to address the gunport Yellow made her orders to everyone present. “Your Empress requires dignified private grieving for our loss today. She will retire to her quarters indefinitely. All others present will be escorted to the brig for interrogation and debriefing. I-” Another crack. One that wouldn’t go back down. Yellow pulled Pink out of the room, guiding arm around her shoulder as her last choked-out order weakly emerged from her mouth: “I have to recover her gem-” Cut off by a barely-stifled sob of her own, no more words would leave her for quite some time. With their departure, a detachment of prison guards - topazes, quartzes of all stripes, even a bismuth - flowed in behind. Nobody was willing to resist, not after the pain they had dealt unto their Diamonds. (+18 nsfw warning, viewer discretion is strongly advised)
submitted by Ilikeapples0001 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:48 MissyEspe Should I stay or should I go?

Me and my husband moved from a city of over 1 million people to 35k earlier this year. I've been in Property Management for the last 10 years bit unfortunately there isn't much (if anything) available in my industry here. So, I took an HR office Admin job to pay the bills.
My last job back where we came from, I was the most successful (financially) and happiest in my entire career. I'm still crushed I gave it up for my husband's job to relocate us. That place gave me my best friends, and just living in the city, we could do anything! Concerts, football/baseball/hockey games. Kayaking to waterfalls, festivals, dog parties, alllll the shopping etc.
Here? None of that. And over 2,000 miles away from any of my family and friends.
Anyway, the job I took here has me banging my desk on my desk in boredom. I've got social media scheduled until mid July, reorganized the break room and conference room. And when I ask for other work, it takes me 15 mins to complete whatever they ask of me. They're impressed with me and I'm repeatedly told how happy they are that I'm there, I'm doing such a great job etc. But I THRIVE under pressure, fast paced, meeting people, building relationships and all of that. In this position, I'm hoping someone calls just so I have someone to talk to!
But I'm bored out of my ever loving mind. I have work to maybe keep me busy for 3-4 hours a day. I've tried listening to audio books, creating spreadsheets and templates, reorganizing files. Anything to keep me busy.
I've only been here a month and I'm considering leaving. I only get paid once a month and haven't had a full paycheck yet. This is a big stressor for me.
I've found a few other jobs recently, one on my area of expertise and one where I'm essentially a tour guide for the city. But they pay anywhere from $2-$5 less per hour, and I'm not sure on the pay frequency.
Should I stick it out and be bored and miserable, or look for something in my wheelhouse for a little less pay?
submitted by MissyEspe to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:27 CazTheMedic Idea: Season of Revelry

So imagine with me for a sec. Witness is toast, universe is saved, champagne all around. What should we do next? Have a season long party! Let the Guardians take to the town, have a parade, go out for karaoke, and help lighten the mood for the next golden age. Each week could have some event or mission based around each of the major characters that help us get this far. Play crucible matches with Ikora, throw Zavala a retirement party, and have a beer with Cayde to help catch him up on everything he’s missed. Bring SLR back maybe idk. We’ve been fighting gods for years, I’d say it’s time we kicked back a bit.
submitted by CazTheMedic to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 UserName-CheksOut Pre-run CLI template issues

I am getting two different results when applying a Pre-Run CLI Template vs a CLI Template using the same commands. Please note, this is me learning how ZTP and auto deployments work.
Steps for my deployment using Pre-Run CLI Template
  1. I log into the device and remove port2 from the "virtual-switch", configure it for DHCP with HTTPS/SSH/FGM-Access.
  2. Connect the port2 of the FortiGate to my switch which has DHCP and can reach the FortiManager.
  3. Import the FortiGate to FortiManager using a .CSV file with necessary meta variables, blueprint (with the pre-run cli attached to blueprint).
  4. Add the FortiManager information to the FortiGate.
  5. FortiManager see's the device come online, auto-links device and then starts pushing the Pre-Run CLI Tempelate.
  6. FortiManager pushes the entire config, BUT it moves port2 back into the "virtual-switch" thus breaking the deployment. Even if I manually move port2 out reconfigure the port to the settings mentioned above, FortiManager will no longer continue the push, nor will FortiManager see the device online (even if it can ping the device).
Steps for my deployment using CLI Template:
  1. I log into the device and remove port2 from the "virtual-switch", configure it for DHCP with HTTPS/SSH/FGM-Access.
  2. Connect the port2 of the FortiGate to my switch which has DHCP and can reach the FortiManager.
  3. Add the FortiManager information to the FortiGate.
  4. Go to "root" ADOM and move FGT to necessary ADOM.
  5. Go to Policies and Objects, add the FGT to the two meta variables
  6. Add device to the CLI Template
  7. Run "install Wizard"
This does not move port2 back into "virtual-switch" and completes the configuration.
Note, this is only the partial config. The remaining config contains all the system global settings, address objects/groups/services, FW rules, routes, etc...
config system global set admintimeout 30 set alias "$(site_name)-91G" set gui-certificates enable set gui-local-out enable set hostname "$(site_name)-91G" set log-uuid-address enable set switch-controller enable set timezone 12 set virtual-switch-vlan enable end config system virtual-switch edit "lan" set physical-switch "sw0" config port delete port5 delete port6 end next end config system interface edit "port2" set vdom "root" set mode dhcp set allowaccess ping https fgfm fabric set type physical set device-identification enable set lldp-transmission enable set role lan next edit "Tunnel1" set vdom "root" set type tunnel set interface "port2" next edit "Tunnel2" set vdom "root" set type tunnel set interface "port2" next edit "Loopback_MGMT" set vdom "root" set ip 10.2$(site_subnet).254.1 set allowaccess https ping ssh fabric set type loopback set role lan next edit "Agg_To_3rdParty" set vdom "root" set type aggregate set member "port5" "port6" set device-identification enable set lldp-transmission enable set role lan next edit "Wired" set vdom "root" set ip 10.2$(site_subnet).10.1 set allowaccess ping set device-identification enable set role lan set interface "Agg_To_3rdParty" set vlanid 12 next edit "Printers" set vdom "root" set ip 10.2$(site_subnet).30.1 set allowaccess ping set device-identification enable set role lan set interface "Agg_To_3rdParty" set vlanid 30 next edit "Wireless" set vdom "root" set ip 10.2$(site_subnet).60.1 set allowaccess ping set device-identification enable set role lan set interface "Agg_To_3rdParty" set vlanid 60 next edit "Management" set vdom "root" set ip 10.2$(site_subnet).250.1 set allowaccess ping set device-identification enable set role lan set interface "Agg_To_3rdParty" set vlanid 250 next end 
submitted by UserName-CheksOut to fortinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 Dull-Wave8286 Dance music in Malaga 25th onwards

I’m going to Malaga on a family holiday for 10 tens,I’ve been an DJ/Producer (small label’s decent gigs) for 29 years & the passion is still in me to go out and club sober & I’m excited about Malaga as I’ve heard it’s got a good club scene ( work friend of my wife ) .
I was wondering the possible clubs/line ups for the 25th onwards,if anyone had any links or flyers to post to help me out - Also I was wondering if there was any open deck parties. I’m in to most types of dance music mostly pumpin house,trance & techno all on the tougher side preferably but I’m open to most ( not hardstyle ) .
Cheers to anyone who can point me in the right direction
submitted by Dull-Wave8286 to Malaga [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:48 newrimmmer93 Obviously Sportsquack is not going to be of any help in answering our concerns, as a result, I would recommend reaching out to your state gaming/lottery commission and voicing your concerns with them

Let's be honest here, we are not going to get any sort of response from SportsQuack, OneCricket, or SportsBattle or whatever legal entities that they operated under. The best chance any of us have in getting any response, is probably by contacting your state gambling/lottery commission, this link might be useful to finding your individual states contact information. ( Some states (including the state i live in) are less clear about who controls and regulates DFS though, so might be helpful to reach out to all of them.
I have reached out to the state of Georgia yesterday (where SQ was headquartered and operating under the name of OneCricket Fantasy Inc) regarding this. Today I received a response that they had received my message and will respond. Below is a boiler plate template to summarize what WE think transpired. I have italicized the body and also bolded some areas that may need to be changed depending on you and who you are sending it to.
It's possible that we are made whole again and the money from our accounts IS refunded to us. However, the lack of any communication on SQs end is really troubling and quite frankly, I doubt we ever get access to our money.
That being said, we should still be using the resources our states have in place to try and force an answer from them. Some states (llike Georgia where SQ is located ) require licensee's to have Surety bonds to maintain "adequate reserves to account for losses suffered by a licensee and owed to bettors" (albeit, with how this all went down, it would not surprise me if SQ even went through the process of acquiring bonds).
If SQ and it's owner were not following proper laws and we never have access to our funds, us notifying the regulators at least allows them to hopefully stop them from ever pulling something like this again and hopefully provides us with some sort of answer.
In the words of former alcoholic lawyer and part time hockey coach Gordon Bombay, "Ducks Fly Together"
I am reaching out to you today regarding a daily fantasy sports app named "Sportsquack" (which may be registered as either SportsQuack, SportsBattle, or OneCricket) that ceased operations on Friday May 17th, leaving many users with thousands of dollars they are unable to access. Users have received almost no communication regarding the status of these funds besides one small message that was posted on the app on the day of closure.
The owner has faced lawsuits in multiple states regarding the company (onecricket fantasy inc) in question, primarily due to the factoring of receivables and his failure to pay the other party. His failure to pay other creditors has led many of us to believe that our funds will never returned to us. The highlighted section below may of the most interest to you as it was very atypical of an app to offer these sort of promotions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at this email or by phone
I am not a resident of Georgia (as I currently reside in XXX state) but am contacting you as I believe your organization oversees the handling of all gambling in the state of Georgia, including DFS apps that operated similar to Sportsquack/Sportsbattle/OneCricket.
The organization as of Friday, May 17th has ceased operations. As a result of them ceasing operations, many users have funds that are currently unavailable to them locked in the app, with users having no ability to withdraw funds. Some users (including myself) having upwards of $1000 in their accounts that are no longer available to us.
In the time since then, many users have been unable to find any information about what will happen to the funds that the users had in the app. Their support is offline, their twitter has been deactivated, and emails have been bounced back.
In addition, the app, in the weeks leading up to being defunct, ran a series of promotional items where users were offered deposit matches, ranging from 25% to 100%. These promotional items were offered multiple times a week. The app also did not allow users to withdraw money while they had promotional money in the app, leading to many users depositing and being unable to withdraw their funds. Many users feel as if these promotional items were run in bad faith and were only used to keep the users funds tied up in the app and to personally enrich the owners of the application. A search of twitter ( using the apps name shows a lot of concern that users were defrauded by the organization.
I am sending this message to see what recourse I have to potentially secure my funds and also to make your organization aware of something that may affect the citizens of Georgia.
submitted by newrimmmer93 to SportsQuack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:22 akrro HyperX Cloud user looking for new headphones

Hi All,
Let me just complete the template, from the pinned post:
What aspect of your current listening experience would you like to improve?
I just want something different (better?), I'm using Clouds exlusively for a long time now (OG, Cloud 2, Cloud Alpha)
Budget - +/- 250$
Source/Amp - Focusrite solo 3rd gen. - mainly for a guitar, but I do plug my headphones into it as well, I guess it's better than nothing at all
How the gear will be used - Music, gaming (comptetive CS2, other FPS games), movies sometimes - mainly at home, maybe a little lan party with friends from time to time
Preferred tonal balance - I enjoy "bassy" sound (I heard that Clouds are "bass-heavy" maybe that's why I used them for so long)
Preferred music genre(s) - Post-harcore, metalcore, rock in general. Sometimes old dubstep, drum'n'bass, some polish rap, example:
Past gear experience - Clouds were my first "decent" headphones and I've never bought other brand
Of course I looked at some reviews already, my favorite right now are Beyerdynamics DT 700 Pro X, I've always liked the looks of DT 770, but the cable is not detachable (this is a must) and their sound described as "flat", I'd like bass to be present, but not overwhelming
submitted by akrro to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:44 radagon_sith Trophies are must next season!

CL or the league or double FA & carabao cups. They are must for three reasons:
  1. Been 5 years since we won a trophy, and I don't want us to go in another 9 years drought like between 2005-2014 which at the time we had small budget compared to now to expect trophies.
  2. Convince key players to stay longer and not have the thought of leaving to win major trophies. Liverpool managed to keep Salah, mane, vvd and Alisson to their almost retirement age because they have won CL in the 4th season (reached final at 3rd), followed by winning the league. Don't want to see the likes of Saliba requesting to leave so he can win and not waste his prime like Kane did and I won't blame him.
  3. Avoiding another rebuild, specially if Arteta leaves and the new manager want his players. Meaning, expect more trophyless seasons under the excuse "we are rebuilding".
As we have seen, the team is good enough to win the league. But we were also lucky that we had one injury for the whole season. We were one injury away to Saliba or Saka or Odegaard or Rice from dropping out of the race early. Adding 4 new players should get us over the line. We need ST, RW, CM, LB excluding Raya 30M
Gk: Raya - new backup (1)
RB: White - Tomiyasu - timber CB: Saliba - Gabriel - kiwior - timber - Tomiyasu LB: Timber - Tomiyasu - new backup(2)
DM: party replacement - rice - jorginho LCM: Rice - zinchenko - new backup(3) RCM: Odegaard - Vieira - new backup(3)
LW: Trossard - Jesus - Martinalli RW: Saka - new backup (4) - Jesus
FW: new forward - havertz - Jesus
Remember just because the team is young doesn't mean they will stay longer and develop together to win major trophies. Some players might not be patient to waste their time and sudden leave will put a hold on the progression. I remember the 2011 summer when no one expected Nesri to leave along with fabregas who were key players to our midfield. Getting 90+ points next season and not winning a trophy is not a progressions, is a failure after all of the money spent.
submitted by radagon_sith to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:32 lmp112584 Update on help from this sub!

Hello 12s! A couple months ago I came on here to ask about a retirement present for my husband who is retiring from the Navy and if anyone had any POCs (point of contacts😉), or ideas on how to get in touch with the organization. One very helpful member got me in touch with the organization and I wanted to come back on here and share that the Seahawks have flown a 12 flag over the fields at Seahawks HQ and had it signed by GM John Schneider and Head Coach Mike MacDonald, and are sending it to me along with a certificate of appreciation and certificate of authenticity to present to my husband at his party this July. I am so incredibly thankful to everyone in this sub who offered suggestions or contacts to assist me with this. I am also grateful to the Seahawks organization for their time and effort to provide a lifelong fan with a special memento from his favorite team to mark a massive achievement in his life. You’re a good group, 12s. Class acts from top to bottom. Thank you! 💙💚
submitted by lmp112584 to Seahawks [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:28 SavetheCarbonUnits [article] WSJ article on watches- do retired people stop wearing Rolexes?

The wristwatch of his dreams
“It was back in day of wingtip shoes, white shirts and red ties,” says Bryan Desloge, who began his career at IBM in 1984. And like many rookie employees, Desloge wanted to fit in. “I bought suits. I took my earring out. I cut my hair and I registered in the Republican Party,” he says. To complete the look, he paid over $7,000 for the wristwatch of his dreams—a Rolex Submariner. It was a hefty sum, considering he was making roughly $18,000 a year.
N ow 64 and retired, Desloge says his younger self saw the stainless-steel watch as a status symbol. “The older guys had nice dress watches already, while I wore a Casio or a Timex.” Just two years after buying the Rolex, however, Desloge realized the timepiece was impractical for him. “The Rolex is great, but I don’t want to look at a clock face,” he says, “and the glow-in-the-dark hands are hard to read at night.”
Desloge, who lives in Tallahassee, Fla., recently tried to give the Rolex to his son, who turned him down. So it remains tucked away in favor of a Garmin smartwatch, which has a fitness tracker, alerts and email, among other features. Purchased for about $500, the Garmin can multitask in ways his Rolex cannot. “I will probably wear that watch for the rest of my life,” Desloge says.
submitted by SavetheCarbonUnits to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 Ah_a_Bee Investigator: Known Weaknesses

I've noticed there's been some discussion on this feat in the past so I wont dredge up old discussion, but I also feel that a refresher would be nice for newer players researching Investigator, as the class comes off as opaque in my eyes. I also have a question of my own for later.
I'm making a backup for our level 7 party and Investigator caught my eye for being an unusual template for a hero. The class's key feats are Devise a a Stratagem and On the Case, rewarding players for engaging with the characters and mysteries of their world as well as carefully planned combat strategies. Both are palatable and interesting feats for the class, but aren't the point of this discussion.
The level 1 Class feat Known Weaknesses is a direct buff to Devise a Stratagem. Known Weaknesses allows you to attempt a Recall Knowledge check as part of Devise a Stratagem, with all the benefits of a full Recall Knowledge check. Additionally, if the Recall Knowledge check is a critical success, both you and any allies you relay the information to gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the next attack roll made against the target before the start of your next turn; again, as part of the Devise a Stratagem action.
The main effect of this feat, as pointed out by many others in discussion of it, is the free Recall Knowledge check. Gaining information about the enemy you're currently fighting, be it weakness, resistances, information that would let you track them, or even out-of-combat information, is extremely useful for you and your party mates. The +1 bonus of critical success is just a bonus, what you really want out of this feat is to improve your action economy, avoiding ineffective strategies and employing useful ones, how thematic.
It's important to note: given the Additional Information rules for Recall Knowledge it's debatable what a failure on the roll means for Known Weaknesses. Ultimately it's up to your GM, but I think a fair interpretation would be that no, you can't recall further knowledge, but you can still keep your allies on track with a following critical success.
Let's parallel with some other feats, then I'll wrap up. Fighter's Combat Assessment is an equatable feat with a different cherry and stricter activation requirements. While Combat Assessment wades through a sea of other level 1 combat feats, it still holds its own for players that know when to employ it. Known Weaknesses only bumps shoulders with one other combat feat at the same level, that being Takedown Expert, which makes it much easier to pick for your combat focused, potion chugging Batman build. Takedown Expert itself offers more raw damage output, a greater versatility of available weapons, and giving every weapon you're holding a toggleable Merciful rune. Much like with Fighter's Combat Assessment, Known Weaknesses sacrifices raw numbers for knowledge, knowledge is very good for this class so as not to waste your Strategic Strike. But the whole not-killing-things thing also tracks well with being Batman, so it's up to you.
So that's my discussion on Known Weakness, I'd appreciate any feedback or corrections. I'm still pretty unfamiliar with this class so maybe the feat comparisons and tactics don't track well, but I've nailed the rules as far as my research tell me. This discussion only goes as far as level 1, so anyone who's played Investigator to high levels would be awesome to give us some further combo applications, discussion on scaling, etc.
My question: given the rules for Additional Information, does it become harder and harder to get a crit for the purposes of the +1 effect? Assuming you continuously roll only successes that would track, but it that like an unintended downside to using the feat. It seems like you should be using Known Weaknesses every round, as far as developer intent goes, but that's a miresome assumption.
submitted by Ah_a_Bee to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:39 zigithor The American Clergy - Supreme Court Retirees Idea

First off, I'm just a bozo on the internet so maybe this has all been discussed already. Regardless, I had a thought about how to fix the issue of the U.S's Supreme Court and wanted to share it.
What's the issue? Supreme Court justices are life time appointees. The main conceit of this is to avoid partiality or political influence. This simply doesn't work and has recently become apparent how much this doesn't work. (And before you say it, yes, this has always been the case. This does not make it not an issue.) Its not good when it works against you and its not good when it works for you. An appointment office of this power, magnitude, and duration MUST be as actually impartial as possible or be an elected position. Of course campaigning for this position in an election would be a disaster that would lead to a whole rabbithole of intentionally politically motivated disasters too numerous to get into or speculate on. So what do we do?
The shower thought:
I'd like to put out the idea that the Supreme Court justices become sort of monks of law, an American clergy of judges post-term. By this I mean justices will be appointed to a term with a limit, but their obligations are life-long. Following their term they will remain under the same rules of ethics (tangentially this relies on actually creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court) and serve as constant "friends of the court" and potentially continue to be in charge of and involved with other low-stakes activities pertaining to the court.
They will continue to receive justice pay their whole life, BUT, they will be forbidden from working outside the justice system. This will be part of the deal when becoming a Supreme Court Justice. It is a tough rule but similar to a clergy's vow of celibacy, it is a vow of duty to the constitution and no other political entity. At least financially. We would also of course clamp down on gifts or incentives or favors towards the retired and active justices so that they cannot gainfully benefit from political influence. (I know there's a litany of holes in this part. The most law-knowledgeable people in the nation will find their way around loopholes, but ideally it would be hard and limiting.)
This should also be paired with some common-sense practices like ensuring some consistent appointment quantity per presidential term. Two justices per term for example would be a somewhat reasonable procedure I think. This would make a justice term 12 years. Long enough for consistency, but not long enough for complacency.
Furthermore, if a justice dies or retires in office, it should be made law that the next presidential term will fill the additional vacancy. In this way the process would at least be thrown back to the American people. In the intervening time perhaps a temporary justice from the pool of ex-justices can step in or some non-president body can appoint a temporary judge.
The result? This would maintain the lifelong appointment concept aimed to deter partiality. But it would also allow a slanted court to course correct a bad judge in some time period that isn't a lifetime. A single president's influence in the Judicial Branch would only last 12 years post-term at max (which is still fairly long). It would hopefully reduce the incentive to be politically motivated or swayed by a party or interest group. It would potentially eliminate geriatric justices (you ideally wouldn't appoint someone you don't expect to survive a 12 year term). It would prevent justices from intentionally retiring when their party is in power so they're replaced with someone of their own political leaning. And importantly it would stop any single president from having an undue amount of power over the court and the country for so many years to follow (the recent example of this being 1-term president Trump, who lost the popular vote appointing 3 Justices while his 2-term twice popular-vote-winning predecessor only appointed 2 justices.).
What do y'all think?
submitted by zigithor to PoliticalOpinions [link] [comments]