Neurological and psychological cause of bipolar disorder

Peer Support: A Safe Space

2008.10.27 00:46 Peer Support: A Safe Space

We are a haven for people with Bipolar Disorder (including Cyclothymia and Schizoaffective Disorder) and those on their journey towards a diagnosis to discuss Bipolar-related issues; a community, not just a help page. Be a part of something that cares about who you are.

2012.04.27 18:02 r/neurodiversity

A place for the social and political discussion of neurological and psychological differences. We are proud members of the Neurodiversity Movement, which is also a part of the Disability Rights Movement.

2008.06.12 20:45 Mental Health

The mental health subreddit is the central forum to discuss, vent, support and share information about mental health, illness and wellness.

2024.05.21 22:33 Ornery-Jeweler3269 I was ruined by an atypical antipsychotic and a few other things, now I am looking for something to undo the damage.

In 2018, I went to see a psychiatrist, a "doctor" after an episode in which I was awake for most of a week, with at most 5-8 hours of sleep, and woke up feeling my brain was on fire.
In the one or two months after that, I started to recover slowly. I wasn't fully aware of it at the time, but I had started to suspect I was bipolar, which I now know I am. Looking back, in my early 20s, I started to get hypomanic highs one to two times a month, and also, from what I now know, very likely fueled by the food I was eating at the time.
My mom, on the recommendation of her psychologist at the time, took me to a psychiatrist 2-3 months after the incident, who put me on 3-4 drugs, including an atypical antipsychotic, Saphris, which "rebalances" dopamine and serotonin in the brain, sertraline, and one or two others I can't remember, one may have been buproprion.
I was on these for about one and a half years, from 2018 (autumn I think) to April of 2020. During that time, I lost nearly all my motivation and energy, my libido essentially died, I used to have a certain "sheen" as best as I can describe it that I would see around many objects, trees and forests in particular, and that went away, I could no longer feel happiness, I became emotionally dead inside. My memory was affected, I have had maybe three super vivid dreams in my life, and one of them was on this drug, and I know it was because of it.
I stopped doing most things I used to, because of the loss of motivation and energy, I took Russian lessons online with a woman, my teacher whom I had come to trust and love, and would never under normal circumstances have stopped them. I used to do a lot of vigorous exercise, pushups, pullups, situps, and I stopped doing those. Most of the time I was on this medication, all I could do was play the same video game on my computer every day, and walk around where I lived. I stopped working semi-regularly with my father, and stopped doing chores around the house.
When I realized the saphris was doing this to me, I tried to go off, months or even a year after starting, only to discover I could not sleep for even a second. I had always had some trouble with insomnia, and I thought the saphris was doing some good, because after taking it, I would fall asleep within 5-10 minutes. I ended up screaming at the ceiling so many nights because I couldn't sleep at all. I know now it was definitely the saphris that ruined my sleep, and I suspect most of the other things, but, I think it was likely the sertraline or the sertraline and saphris both that destroyed my libido.
When I went off of the saphris, I needed trazadone, which is prescribed off label as a sleep aid, just to sleep at all, and I barely slept. Some months into this, I began to feel a sort of hyper aggression I had never known before or since, and ended up in a psychiatric hospital several times. It only departed from me one day about 10 months ago. Lithium would barely keep it in check, just behind the surface. I was also perceiving memories differently at this time, they were coming back in a way that was hard to describe, old memories, many of them unpleasant, which under normal circumstances, wouldn't come to my mind. The aggression combined with an unpleasant memory coming to mind, like being bullied as a child, was a horrible combo as the emotional pain from the memory would make me rage more. In the very last months I was on the saphris, I believe I had a form of akathisia, as I would involuntarily cross my fingers on my right hand.
I have learned, because of this miserable experience, more about dopamine and serotonin than I knew before, and how many things these are responsible foregulate. Sleep, memory, libido, aggression, appetite, motivation, pleasure (I can't feel it anymore). Besides all of that, for a time I was feeling temperature differently, something I have learned is not uncommon with antipsychotics/atypical antipsychotics.
Now, five and a half years after being off the medication, I have never fully recovered. I have extremely little motivation and energy, my libido is dead, I take one prescription drug (gabapentin) and antihistamines and melatonin every night to sleep, and they don't always work, I cannot feel anything but the most fleeting sense of pleasure, I feel largely emotionally dead inside, my memory still doesn't work like it once did.
I have read that buspirone may help at least with sexual side effects from SSRIs, in another thread here.
Buspirone might reduce sexual side effects associated with SSRIs : Psychiatry (
within that thread, this was posted
"Bupropion is commonly used adjunctively with antidepressants to treat SSRI-induced sexual side effects. Again, the rationale for using a dopaminergic agent, even a modest one, to impact sexual side effects appears sound. Stimulants and other dopamine-­enhancing agents enhance libido.
So, I am at a bit of a loss here, I am still not sure exactly what the saphris and maybe others did, I know it has to do with dopamine and serotonin in my brain. I don't understand all of these things fully, I don't know if I have too little dopamine, serotonin, or both, or if the saphris damaged the receptors or whatever. One thing that really got my attention with the above was the part that "Stimulants and other dopamine-­enhancing agents enhance libido."
One reason I know I have issues with dopamine and serotonin, and that the saphris damaged the receptor(s) for these in my brain or something, is that I have problems with so many things that are tied to these neurotransmitters, sleep, energy, motivation, libido, et cetra. When I take caffeine, up until recently, I would notice, despite the sexual dysfunction I suffer from, that my libido would still noticeably increase, my memory would improve, of course I had more energy, motivation, and I could feel an ever so slight increase in happiness. These are all tied to dopamine and serotonin. It seems to me that there is something or things out there that could reverse this in me, or cause a really noticeable improvement for me. Before this cursed medication, I was a generally happy person, with ADHD, high functioning autistic, bipolar, but generally happy. Now i have lived in hell for more than five years, and I want it to end, desperately. I have some very small hope maybe if I could try buspirone I would see improvement, but I don't know until I try, and I am hoping my current psychiatrist will let me try it. I need to find something that undoes the damage.
submitted by Ornery-Jeweler3269 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:24 turtleybob How long after diagnosis did you tell your family?

I was diagnosed yesterday after suspecting it for the past decade. My sister, cousins and I made bets on what I was going to diagnosed with so they already know (nobody won the bet, we all had two guesses and everybody guessed at least one of the diagnoses I was given lol). I don’t know how or when to tell my parents or other family.
My dad’s side of the family has a history of it, with now three diagnosed and three suspected within the immediate family, so it’s probably not going to be a big surprise for anybody. They’ve all already known something is up, especially because I’ve been hypomanic for the past month after starting antidepressants. I just know that my dad is going to be really sad about it, and I don’t want to see him cry again. He’s one of the family members that we suspect has bipolar (he doesn’t acknowledge this), and he briefly left when I was a kid in an attempt not to influence my and my sister’s mental health by being around his. He took it really hard when I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression 10 years ago, and I know this isn’t going to be any easier on him.
I have no idea how to tell my mom and stepdad. When my sister was diagnosed with ADHD, ARFID and a few other things, she basically said “the psychologist doesn’t know what they’re talking about and you’re perfectly fine, don’t ruin yourself with medications you don’t need”. Meanwhile my sister is the textbook example of ADHD. She had the same reaction when I got my original diagnosed of major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder. She’s not going to be any better about this.
I don’t know what to do. I’m going to talk to my peer support group about it tomorrow and to my therapist on Friday, but any advice from people with similar experiences would be really nice.
submitted by turtleybob to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:23 JollyBrick5136 Guilt about leaving my mom

Hi everyone,
I 27(F) have come back to live with my mother after a year abroad and it's been a year now. Now, I have the option to leave again but the guilt I feel about leaving her seems insurmountable. Plus, I get no emotional support at all from my family (mother and brother) on this life decision that they see as erratic. I would be leaving to look for a job over there so I can totally understand that my plan lack a bit of structure and can look worrying to her. However, this is the best option for me since there is career option for my field of studies in my home country and I'm just so intensely miserable here!
My mother and I have had a very complicated relationship basically my whole life. As a child, she and my brother used to sort of put me apart and they have always been very close. My brother tells her everything about him while I barely share anything because she always ends up judging me and not being supportive. Plus I'm queer which she doesn't accept and expects me to erase my identity and it's quite hard being openly gay im my country. If there are queer people in a movie she will make sure to show her disgust which is plain hurtful.
I've suffered from depression at least since I was 13 and never got any support from anyone at home. Since I'm a child, if I cry, they both take it personally and get angry at me. I was only diagnosed at around 19 and it has been a tough road to take without their support. I felt almost instantly better when I left to go abroad and coming back has been a soul-crushing experience.
My mother has also supported me financially, took us on holidays and even payed for an expensive university for me (which my brother, who is 4 years older than me, resents me for). Even since I'm back she doesn't ask money from me for the house. If I pay for groceries most of time she will send the money back to me which I honestly hate. Cause I feel this then gives her a reason to say that she does all those things for me and I am just an ungrateful and mean person. I know she recently told my brother that I sort of make ger life miserable cause I'm always in a bad mood.
This is where my guilt stems from but also from the fact that I'm so moody when around her. She gets on my nerves and my body is always tensed when I'm here. I just get so so sad seeing how she'll give a free pass to my brother but she always gets angry at me. I quit a job last year to be able to do an (online) internship at an international organisation, which is super hard to get and will be great for my CV since my field is so competitive. After I told her about my decision, she silent treated me for three weeks which is a tactic she has used on me since I was a child and it works! I was so excited about this internship but with how she reacted I've just beed demotivated and depressed and ofc if she sees me crying she gets angry. Which is why I'm moody honestly cause I can't never communicate my feelings and expect support or understanding so I just shut down. And it's extra hard since on the other hand she expects me to support her emotionally. When she is sick, she takes this little voice and just expects me to clean, cook and everything. But I can't do all of this. I already clean most of the house on my own while she barely does anything to be honest. And I cook for myself. I cooked for her when she was sick and she kept complaining the food made her feel bad so I mostly let her cook for herself now, plus with my internship and being depressed I just don't have the energy to do all of this. However depressed I am, she will never take care of me. If I get a fever she gets upset at me and thinks I'm pretending.
I'm so exhausted. My Saturdays consists just of that: cleaning. If I go out with friends she will often get upset cause she is staying home. When I ask her is she wants to go to an event or the cinema she says she doesn't want to or she will see then never gets back to me. I can't keep pushing. Even when we go out, we barely have anything to say to each other. I try to make conversation by asking about her work and colleagues and what not but she never asks me anything at all. If I talk about something nice that I did when I was abroad or tell about something sweet a friend did for me or said to me, she doesn't reply just like my brother. So I just shut up most of the time cause it's painful. Sometimes I feel like I might have a mood disorder seeing how my mood is all over the place here. But then I remember my time abroad or time spent with friends and remember I'm actually so calm and stable in these instances.
Now I said clearly this is my plan to leave. They asked a few questions but I feel they are both acting as if it will never happen anyway. And my mother has told me many times to stay here, get a job here, etc. But even if I moved out of her place I feel I would still be miserable in my home country. Firstly, I'll never get the chance to acquire experience in my field plus even if I'm not living with her she will expect me to like come see her, probably clean for her (which I wouldn't mind at all if on the other hand she was not going behind my back talking about how mean I am). And secondly I want to be free to live my life as a queer person. All I really want is to have peace within me. I don't care abiut having big houses and cars and buying new clothes like they do (they both work in finance - we are not rich but middle class and we live well).
When I think of my plan, I just get so overwhelmed just because my family gives no emotional support at all, no advice. Of course, this plan might fail but that's okay, and I would need them to tell me that. I need them to say they understand that leaving is the best option for me and hey it's good to give it a try and if it doesn't work out, well life will. I so badly need them to support me. But all I get is guilt tripping about her health and the fact she has no friends and will be alone. It's so overwhelming that I'm so depressed and come to think that the only solution for me right now would be to be dead honestly. Then I won't have to deal with any sadness or guilt and maybe I'm not meant to do something meaningful of my life anyway. I just need some advice to see if I'm beinh mean or if I deserve to have my life as I want it to be.
submitted by JollyBrick5136 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:20 Ancient-Support8050 I finally have some answers…(Bipolar, ADD etc.)

After years of struggling, even more so in the last couple of weeks, I have finally have some answers.
To rewind, I started Zoloft a couple months ago and have seen tremendous benefits from the medication. Initially starting with 50mg, I was soon brought up to 75mg a month later to which I saw great benefit.
Benefits aside, I quickly began experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. I was warned by this community that something in my behaviour was odd. So after some contemplating, I sought help at the ER. Initially I didn't get the help I needed, and was discharged after waiting for hours and speaking to a doctor. Two days later I once again found myself at the ER, this time extremely suicidal and with a lack of will to live. I was going to take my life.
After feeling like I had lost it all I decided to cling for help, show one last cry of desperation. And so, I had taken an Uber to the ER and told them everything. I said I was suicidal, said how I wanted to end my life and was completely content with doing so. I wasn't put on a hold, but instead they booked me an appointment with the Mental Health crisis team a few days later (little did I know this would change everything). Although I didn't have much hope, the days went by, I pulled through and spoke to the lady over phone, and after telling her everything (with her kindly listening and making me feel heard) I was referred to a Psychiatrist.
That brings me to today, I just spoke to the Psychiatrist and we had a long and meaningful discussion. I told him everything I thought was concerning, everything that came to mind. I mentioned all of my thoughts and concerns, ideas as to what I was dealing with, and the questions I had with his consensus.
Pretty much, he said I had traits of both ADD and Bipolar Disorder. He said, because I'm young, the feelings I'm experiencing are normal, however, the grandiose ways in which my feelings manifest are not. I didn't get a formal diagnose, however, I was told that I'm at an increased risk of developing Bipolar and Manic episodes in the future. Not only that, but he said I have likely experienced a hypomanic episode already. Although I didn't get an official diagnosis I'm still content with the answers I did receive. He is going to put me on a low dose of mood stabilizers to act as a proactive measure, and with some coping mechanisms hopefully I will be set on the right track.
I want to thank everyone for the concern and support you have provided over the last month. This likely wouldn't have happened without this community. I know I was acting a little rash to some of you who were giving advice and for that I apologize. I think we can safely say I was likely experiencing a manic episode. I'm still going to stay on Zoloft (which I'm happy about) and I will be adding the Mood stabilizer in combination with that. Thanks again for the help!
Feel free to ask any questions, vent, express concerns or say whatever else you so desire. If you want someone to talk to, shoot me a PM. There's hope my friends. Reality might be bullshit but at least there is hope. 😊
submitted by Ancient-Support8050 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 mhu11y Here me out

I know a lot of people are against it. But what are your thoughts/opinions of euthanasia/assisted suicide for people diagnosed with mental illness?
Here’s my take: I have schizophrenia. I do take medication, but my life is meaningless. I’m not the same person I was before. Everything is a struggle for me and I don’t enjoy anything. I feel so alienated from my family, they speak about me as if I’m already dead.
And in my experience (I know others have and do have better experiences) with mental health professionals. But Schizophrenia is looked down upon. If someone, even a doctor finds out you have it they abandon you. And with mental health professionals, if you have a disorder that can't eventually be treated with their expensive ketamine treatments, they don't want to treat you. My psychiatrist was a very positive person when he first diagnosed me with anxiety and depression. Then once it changed to schizophrenia he acts like I'm a waste of time and a bother to him.
My therapist a while ago even went to a convention and all the new drugs and treatments are for anxiety, depression and bipolar… nothing on schizophrenia.
I know some people do get better and that is great! But for those of us whom are doomed to suffer for however long we have left on this Earth, we should have an option. And I don’t understand why we don’t get that option. If we are considered loss causes (which is how I feel) mental health professionals don’t even want to work with us, and we are the ones costing the most money and are the majority of the homeless, why not let us end our pain and suffering?!
I wish Schizophrenia was treated like how anxiety and depression and bipolar are treated. Doctors actually care if you have one of those, with Schizophrenia its another story.
Anyway, this is just my experience and opinion.
Please don’t attack me
submitted by mhu11y to schizophrenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:17 -BERGA words of affirmation as an adult to childrens

It’s interesting to note that while words of affirmation from parents play a significant role in the development of a child’s strong identity, if used incorrectly or excessively, they can also cause harm. For instance, overdoing it can lead to a false perception of oneself, which may result in trauma during pre-adolescence and adolescence. This is caused by the inevitable realization that there will always be someone better than you. Consequently, a naive, overconfident child could experience a breakdown when faced with the first challenge that contradicts their previous beliefs
Edit/ Ps: I don't study or work in any field of psychology. It is just my humble opinion. A result of observation.
submitted by -BERGA to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:09 MrBackBreaker586 GameStop (GME) Deep Dive (DD)

I'll update this as I go. Please check back when you can and point out errors if you can find any.

GameStop (GME) Deep Dive (DD)

Hey Apes! 🦍🚀
Let's dive into a comprehensive analysis of GameStop (GME), covering key factors that could influence the stock price, technical analysis, potential catalysts, market sentiment, and important dates. This DD aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of what might impact GME in the near future.

Potential Failure of the LULD Mechanism and Its Impact on a MOASS

The Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) mechanism is designed to prevent extreme volatility by setting upper and lower price bands for stocks. However, in certain scenarios, this mechanism can fail, potentially leading to the Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS). Here’s how this could happen, along with the mathematical implications.

How the LULD Mechanism Can Fail

  1. Extreme Market Volatility:
    • Rapid Successive Halts: During periods of extreme volatility, the price of a stock like GME can hit the upper limit repeatedly, causing successive trading halts. This can exacerbate panic and volatility rather than calming the market.
    • Example: If GME’s price rapidly moves from $100 to $150 within a short period, hitting multiple LULD halts, it can create a feedback loop of volatility.
  2. Algorithmic Trading and High-Frequency Trading (HFT):
    • Algorithmic Pressure: High-frequency trading algorithms can push prices rapidly, triggering the LULD bands frequently. If these algorithms continue to trade aggressively, they can cause more volatility.
    • Market Manipulation: There’s a theoretical risk that traders could manipulate prices by coordinating trades to trigger LULD bands, although such actions are illegal.
  3. Technical Glitches:
    • System Failures: Technical issues or outages can disrupt the LULD mechanism. If trading systems fail during high volatility, it could lead to unmanaged price spikes.
  4. Market Fragmentation:
    • Inconsistent Application: With trading occurring across multiple venues, discrepancies in how LULD bands are applied can lead to inconsistent trading halts and market confusion.

Impact on MOASS

  1. Short Covering and Buy Pressure:
    • Short Interest: If GME has a high short interest (e.g., 64.37 million shares shorted), a rapid price increase can trigger margin calls for short sellers. They will be forced to buy back shares to cover their positions, adding to the buying pressure.
    • Example Calculation:
      • Initial Price: $20
      • Short Interest: 64.37 million shares
      • Price Increase: If the price increases to $100, short sellers might need to cover, buying back 64.37 million shares.
  2. Buying Pressure Dynamics:
    • Mathematics of Covering:
      • If short sellers need to cover 64.37 million shares and the average daily trading volume is 10 million shares, it would take 6.437 trading days to cover without additional buying pressure.
      • However, in a MOASS scenario, buying pressure can skyrocket, reducing the time frame significantly.
  3. Example Scenario:
    • Price Movement and Halts:
      • Day 1: Price moves from $20 to $50, triggering multiple LULD halts.
      • Day 2: Price moves from $50 to $100 due to continued buying pressure and short covering.
      • Mathematical Implication:
      • Short sellers covering 64.37 million shares at an average price of $75 would need $4.828 billion.
      • If the price moves to $200 due to continued pressure, the required funds double to $12.874 billion for covering the same short interest.

Potential for Exponential Price Increase


The failure of the LULD mechanism during periods of extreme volatility, driven by high-frequency trading and market manipulation, can lead to a significant short squeeze. The mathematical implications show how rapid price increases and forced short covering can create a feedback loop, potentially leading to a MOASS. Understanding these dynamics helps investors anticipate potential market movements and the limitations of volatility contols.


Key Factors Influencing GME's Stock Price

  1. Fundamental Analysis
    • Earnings Reports: GME's quarterly earnings can significantly impact the stock price. The next earnings report on June 5, 2024, is crucial. Strong financial performance or strategic announcements can boost investor confidence.
    • Revenue and Profitability: GME has reported $5.27 billion in revenue over the past 12 months with a net income of $6.70 million. Monitoring these indicators is essential for long-term valuation.
    • Debt Levels: ### Debt-to-Equity Ratio Calculation
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Debt-to-Equity Ratio = Total Debt / Total Equity Debt-to-Equity Ratio = 34.6 million / 1,267.2 million Debt-to-Equity Ratio = 0.027



The debt-to-equity ratio decreased from 0.045 to 0.027 due to GameStop's efforts to reduce its debt while maintaining its equity base. This lower ratio indicates a stronger equity position and less reliance on debt.

Current Creditors

GameStop's current debt includes a French term loan, part of their short-term and long-term debt obligations.
  1. Technical Analysis
    • Support and Resistance Levels: Key support levels are around $20, while resistance levels are between $50 and $60. Breaking through these levels can indicate potential price movements.
    • Volume: High trading volumes can signal strong investor interest. Monitor volume spikes for potential price actions.
    • Patterns: Watch for technical patterns like the descending triangle, which is typically bearish. However, a breakout above resistance could indicate a bullish reversal.

Adjusted Float and Short Interest

Outstanding Shares: 306.19 million Minus DRS: 75.5 million Minus Institutional Holdings: Approximately 87.17 million Minus Insider Holdings: Approximately 61.46 million + Ryan Cohen's Holdings (36.847 million)
Adjusted Float Calculation: 306.19 million (Outstanding Shares) - 75.5 million (DRS) - 87.17 million (Institutional Holdings) - (61.46 million + 36.847 million) (Insider Holdings including Cohen's) = 45.213 million
Short Interest Percentage: (64.37 million / 45.213 million) * 100 ≈ 142.3%

Potential Use of Warrants and Preferred Stock

Issuing Warrants: - Concept: GameStop could issue warrants to shareholders as a dividend, e.g., 1 warrant per 7 shares owned. - Benefit: This incentivizes shareholders and provides potential to buy shares at a favorable price, creating scarcity in common stock.
Preferred Shares: - Concept: Issuing preferred shares can offer fixed dividends and have priority over common shares in liquidation. - Impact: Preferred shares require board approval and SEC filings, potentially affecting the market and short sellers by reducing the float of common shares.

Impact of 45 Million New Shares

Response to the Theory on GME's Recent S-3 Filing:

What’s Happening:

  1. S-3 Filing History:
    • GameStop filed a Form S-3 to potentially issue up to 1 billion shares, with 300 million currently outstanding. This is similar to a move they made in December 2020 before the January 2021 short squeeze. The S-3 allows GameStop to register securities quickly and respond swiftly to market conditions.
    • Source:

Why This Matters:

  1. Two Possible Outcomes for Shorts:
    • Accept the Offer: Shorts could buy the offered shares, admitting their positions and potentially converting to longs.
    • Decline the Offer: If shorts don’t accept, it exposes the extent of their naked short positions, revealing potential fraud.

Strategic Implications:

  1. Regulator Signal:
    • This filing signals to the SEC that GameStop is willing to resolve the situation constructively, placing the onus on shorts to reveal their positions. This strategic move puts pressure on shorts and highlights the transparency and compliance of GameStop’s management.

Relevant Data and Comparisons:

  1. Historical Context and Data:
    • December 2020 Example: Before the January 2021 short squeeze, GameStop made a similar filing. The shorts didn’t cover, leading to a massive price surge. For instance, the stock price skyrocketed from around $20 to an intraday high of $483 on January 28, 2021.
    • Current Short Interest: As of May 2024, GME’s short interest remains high, with 64,373,343 shares short, representing 20.55% of the float. This high short interest indicates a significant potential for another short squeeze if the shorts are forced to cover.
    • Sources:,
  2. Market Reactions and Patterns:
    • Volume and Price Data: Recent high trading volumes and price surges, such as GME’s rise to $80 in pre-market trading, suggest strong market reactions to strategic filings and movements. This pattern mirrors past events and indicates potential future volatility.
    • Source:

Comparisons to Other Companies:

  1. Tesla (TSLA):
    • Similar Scenario: Tesla faced significant short interest and skepticism but managed to drive its stock price up through strong financial performance and strategic moves. Retail investor support played a crucial role, forcing shorts to cover and leading to a massive short squeeze. For instance, Tesla's stock price increased from around $50 in 2019 to over $800 in 2021.
    • Result: Tesla's market cap increased substantially, showcasing the power of strategic corporate actions combined with retail investor momentum.
  2. Volkswagen (VW) 2008:
    • Historical Short Squeeze: Volkswagen became the world’s most valuable company briefly in 2008 during a short squeeze when Porsche revealed it had a majority stake in VW. This forced short sellers to cover their positions at significantly higher prices, causing the stock price to soar from around €210 to over €1,000 within a few days.
    • Impact: The stock price soared, illustrating the potential power of strategic moves and market reactions, similar to what could happen with GameStop if shorts are forced to cover.


This isn’t about diluting shares but offering shorts a way out and proving to regulators that GameStop is handling this responsibly. Whether shorts accept or decline, their actions will reveal the extent of their positions, potentially leading to a significant market impact.
Stay strong, apes! 🚀🦍💎🙌
Sources: - MarketBeat: - Yahoo Finance: - TradingView: -
GameStop recently authorized the issuance of up to 45 million new shares. Here's the potential impact on the stock and short interest:
  1. Dilution Effect:
    • Outstanding Shares Increase: The total outstanding shares would increase from 306.19 million to 351.19 million if all 45 million shares are issued.
    • Adjusted Float Calculation: ``` 351.19 million (New Outstanding Shares)
      • 75.5 million (DRS)
      • 87.17 million (Institutional Holdings)
      • (61.46 million + 36.847 million) (Insider Holdings including Cohen's) = 90.213 million ```
  2. Revised Short Interest Percentage: (64.37 million / 90.213 million) * 100 ≈ 71.37%

Upcoming Key Dates

Recent Technical Analysis Insights

Support and Resistance Levels: - Support: Key support levels for GME appear around $20. These levels provide a base where the stock has historically found buying interest. - Resistance: Significant resistance levels are around $50-$60. Breaking through these levels could indicate further upward momentum.
Volume Trends: - High trading volumes during the January 2021 short squeeze indicate strong market interest. Monitoring volume can help gauge the strength of price movements.
Technical Patterns: - Descending Triangle: The recent chart shows a descending triangle pattern, which is typically bearish. However, a breakout above the resistance line could signal a reversal and potential price increase.

Projected Movements

Short Squeeze Potential: - High Short Interest: With 64.37 million shares shorted, any significant buying pressure could trigger a short squeeze, driving the price up dramatically.
Upcoming Catalysts: - Earnings Report on June 5, 2024: Positive earnings or strategic announcements could boost investor confidence and drive the stock price higher. - Regulatory Deadlines on May 24 and May 31, 2024: Increased transparency and regulatory compliance could impact market dynamics. Nice one, but you forgot one hype date:
2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (“annual meeting”) on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., CDT

LEAPS and Other MOASS Theories

LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities): - Concept: LEAPS are options with expiration dates longer than one year. They can be used by investors to gain leveraged exposure to GME's price movements over a longer period. - Impact: If retail investors continue to buy LEAPS, it can create significant upward pressure on the stock price as market makers hedge their positions by buying the underlying stock.
Preferred Shares and Warrants: - Issuance of Preferred Shares or Warrants: GME could issue preferred shares or warrants to shareholders, creating additional buying pressure as these instruments are exercised.
Naked Short Selling and Regulatory Compliance: - May 24, 2024: Deadline for resolving all outstanding material inconsistencies for FINRA CAT reporting, increasing market transparency and potentially impacting short selling practices. - January 2, 2025: Implementation of new SEC rules, which could further enhance market transparency and impact short interest reporting.

New Data: Ryan Cohen's Insider Transactions

Insider Transactions: - Ryan Cohen: Recent Form 4 from 2023 filing shows Cohen acquired 253,204 shares at $22.2485 and 190,638 shares at $22.9075. Total shares beneficially owned after transactions are 36,657,204 and 36,847,842 respectively.


While predicting GME's exact price movements is challenging, several factors suggest potential for upward movement: - High Short Interest: Potential for a short squeeze. - Technical Indicators: Key support levels and potential breakout patterns. - Market Sentiment: Positive retail investor activity and upcoming catalysts. - LEAPS and Other MOASS Theories: Additional strategies like LEAPS and preferred shares could contribute to upward pressure.

Verified Sources

Theoretical MOASS (Mother of All Short Squeezes) and Potential Prices for GME

Understanding the potential outcomes of a MOASS for GameStop (GME) involves several key factors and calculations. Here, we'll break down some of the critical components that could influence the theoretical prices during a MOASS.

Key Factors

  1. Short Interest and Float: The higher the short interest relative to the float, the more pressure on short sellers to cover their positions, potentially driving the price up.
  2. Buy-In Pressure: Retail investors holding and buying more shares can create scarcity, driving the price higher as shorts scramble to cover.
  3. Market Dynamics and Liquidity: As the price rises, liquidity becomes a significant factor. Higher prices may lead to increased volatility and rapid price swings.

Short Interest and Float Calculation

Using the current data:
Outstanding Shares: 306.19 million Minus DRS: 75.5 million Minus Institutional Holdings: Approximately 87.17 million Minus Insider Holdings: Approximately 61.46 million + Ryan Cohen's Holdings (36.847 million)
Adjusted Float Calculation: 306.19 million (Outstanding Shares) - 75.5 million (DRS) - 87.17 million (Institutional Holdings) - (61.46 million + 36.847 million) (Insider Holdings including Cohen's) = 45.213 million
Short Interest: 64.37 million shares

Theoretical MOASS Price Calculation

The theoretical price during a MOASS can vary widely based on the demand for shares and the willingness of retail investors to hold their positions. Here are a few scenarios to consider:

Scenario 1: Moderate Short Covering

Scenario 2: High Short Covering Pressure

Scenario 3: Extreme MOASS Scenario

Important Considerations

  1. Regulatory Impact: Changes in regulations, such as those from the SEC or FINRA, could impact the dynamics of short selling and buying pressure.
  2. Market Sentiment: Market sentiment and external factors like news, earnings reports, and strategic announcements can significantly impact the stock price.
  3. Psychological Factors: The psychological impact on both retail investors and institutional players can lead to irrational price movements, either upwards or downwards.


Predicting the exact price during a MOASS is challenging due to the many variables involved. However, understanding the key factors and potential scenarios can provide a framework for what might happen. Stay informed, and always be cautious with your investments.
Stay strong, apes! TO THE MOON! 🚀🦍💎🙌
submitted by MrBackBreaker586 to u/MrBackBreaker586 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:08 bridge4300 Otto Frederick Warmbier

Otto Frederick Warmbier
Even though I did not know him, I will always remember him.
Otto Frederick Warmbier (December 12, 1994 – June 19, 2017) Warmbier entered North Korea as part of a guided tour group on December 29, 2015. On January 2, 2016, he was arrested at Pyongyang International Airport while awaiting departure from the country. He was convicted of attempting to steal a propaganda poster from his hotel, for which he was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment with hard labor.
Shortly after his sentencing in March 2016, Warmbier suffered a severe neurological injury from an unknown cause and fell into a coma, which lasted until his death. North Korean authorities did not disclose his medical condition until June 2017, when they announced he had fallen into a coma as a result of botulism and a sleeping pill. He was freed later that month, still in a comatose state after 17 months in captivity. He was repatriated to the United States and arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 13, 2017. He was taken to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for immediate evaluation and treatment. Warmbier never regained consciousness and died on June 19, 2017, six days after his return to the United States when his parents requested his feeding tube be removed.
submitted by bridge4300 to lastimages [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 SeanMoss-1 Psilocybin for mecfs treatment?

Firstly, I am not a therapist. I am a 43-year-old male who has been very much weakened by MEcfs. There is a profound physical aspect to CFS, but it very much has a psychological underpinning. It seems that The only people who recover are those that use mind body approaches as a spouse by John Sarno, Howard Schubiner, etc. I am very weak, and am entering in this information via voice. For this reason, there might be some errors, such as the misspelling of CFS.
I have tried psilocybin in two CONTEXTS before. One was a macro dose of 1.5 g. I felt that the experience was pleasant. However, as the mushrooms were wearing off, I developed areas of my body in which it felt, my skin was burning, and went through waves of anxiety. I felt like I went into a lesser trip again the following day. I experienced closed visuals that made it impossible. The only way I can calm down with my eyes open. All of the problems sided after a week. after a week, I took a prescription medication, and this caused an exacerbation of problems that last another week. Additionally, I have I experienced a lesser withdrawal from the Macrodosing, that went away after a few sessions all in all, didn’t have any lasting benefit, though during individual sessions, I felt that I was a state of levity at sometimes. I feel that psilocybin might help me progress with my condition, buried, trauma, etc. However, I am very much worried about the idea of HPD, hallucinogen, persisting, perceptual disorder, or symptoms of the that just last well beyond when they should. Considering it took a while to get down to baseline, and after my back road, I wonder if I might be a specially . Predisposed to. I have used ketamine lozenges before, and have a prescription for them. I’ve only used them a few times, and I found that they didn’t do much in terms of helping me access anything deep within my psyche. This is a potential alternative to be psilocybin, and one less downside, potentially, but also potentially less upside as well.
I think from here on, I’m not going to bother making any paragraph breaks. It’s just too hard on my arm. The only reason I’m considering this is because I had a very meaningful synchronistic event which I believe might be pointing me toward this course of action as a treatment modality. of course, that which I experienced could’ve just been a wild coincidence. If it was coincidence, it certainly defied the laws of probability. No one here can tell me whether I will be safe, using psilocybin or not. I am wondering what the chances are of the bad at weighing the good. in forums in which people discuss negative experiences from the substances, including HPD, there is a substantial responder bias. The same can be set of forums in which people discuss healing benefits that they’ve had. It should also be mentioned that I’m currently taking 2.2 mg of fluoxetine per day. I have had a great deal, difficulty, discontinuing, fluoxetine, and I’ve been tapering down by a small amount over a long period. My psychiatrist informs me that, contrary to popular belief, there is no risk of taking psilocybin with fluoxetine so far as serotonin syndrome is concerned , I wonder if the fluoxetine at this would noticeably attenuate my experience. Roughly 50% of SRT receptors are block at. this dosage. If I were to hold off until being completely off of the fluoxetine, I would be looking at many more months before use. I’m very frustrated at my physical weakness and my lack of progress. More than anything I just want to get my life back. it seems like a key feature of the feeding MECFS, and fibromyalgia for that matter, is to become INDFFERENT to the symptoms. Ironically, those that do develop each HPPD from the substances say that reaching this point of indifference is the only thing that cures them as well. Considering I have a condition that is perpetuated by a lack of indifference, I do wonder if I would be more predisposed to HPD, and then on the other hand, there are those that said that psilocybin has helped their MEC massively. at this point the last thing I want put myself in a state where I’m functioning far worse as a result of a lingering trip that just won’t go away. Any thoughts that you have on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by SeanMoss-1 to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 theconstellinguist Motivations of Envy Found in the Creation of an Enemy as the Experience of Relentless Bias In Congruence with findings in "Envy and Extreme Violence"

Motivations of Envy Found in the Creation of an Enemy as the Experience of Relentless Bias In Congruence with findings in "Envy and Extreme Violence"
Crossposting audience: The bad news is there does not seem to be a cure for envy. This is congruent with the recidivism statistics of maladapted/antisocial behavior in narcissists, without which narcissism and those with NPD would not be so socially undesirable. However, there are clear signs that the circuitry of envy is noticeably different than the circuitry of admiration, and that jealousy pathways are similar to addiction and expectation of reward pathways. A neuroeconomic analysis of "I won't win this one without illegal/unethical leveling" may be occurring in the envious, showing there may be insight that could resolve what has been until this point and unresolvable emotion full of frustration and pain at the perceived inferiority these individuals suffer. It is important to study and resolve this to help protect their victims from violence, psychological, and economic abuse, theft, hostage-taking of what is critical to the envied person, and unreasonable dislike that turns into hate crime on a whim. Victims deserve protection (the envious say the opposite) and so we research. Follow this subreddit for the first research-backed subreddit on envy.
In studying the relentless bias of the sense of an enemy, a correlation to envy was found. Here, an aggressive awareness of the advantage of another fueled the sense of envy that caused them to rigidly identify more with their group to regain the advantage, hoping that in the aggressive rigidity, superiority could be reestablished through violence. Therefore, the sense of losing one’s advantage can be behind a lot of violent attack, suggesting the creation of relentless bias in the sense of an enemy is about envy and narcissism. This can explain extremely nonsensical extreme shifts in position that are simply “not being” the “enemy”; this is a maneuver to establish advantage, and explains what otherwise looks like truly insane and illogical behavior. At root is deep, deep threatenedness about losing an advantage as a group, growing rigid as that group, and then doing whatever it takes to achieve the advantage back. It has nothing to do with principle but everything to do with more lower brain processes such as ethnicism and racism.
Demographic variables were controlled at the first steps. In the
sample of RPP supporters, when respondents identified more strongly
with their political party and had greater group-based deprivation
because of comparisons with other Republic of Turkey citizens, they
endorsed extreme behaviors in the interest of RPP members. But
when the respondents felt stronger group-based deprivation because
of comparisons with JDP members and stronger identification with
the Republic of Turkey citizens, they indicated greater extreme be-
havior tendency in the interest of Republic of Turkey citizen
submitted by theconstellinguist to envystudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 Remarkable-Ice-3939 Should I go to Psych NP school without experience?

I really love psychology and mental health. Im constantly educating myself and others on mental health, disorders, tendencies, emotional wellbeing, etc. Im obsessed with the brain and how it works and the impact it has on our day to day! I love advocating, helping, healing. I truly do. I am super patient, understanding and a great listener.
With that being said I want to become a psych NP and be able to treat, guide and help those in need but I have not been able to obtain any psych experience as an RN. Ive worked in Telemetry, step-down, MS and LTAC. Ive tried applying for jobs to make sure that I have the experience under my belt and also to just solidify my interest, but its been a struggle. I have been an RN for 5 years and have been travel nursing for a bit but I am ready to settle and move forward in my career. Finding a psych position has been impossible and I don't want to spend much more time on the floor at this point I'm ready to move move move and increase my salary in this terrible economic time. Im debating between FNP, which is basically what I have experienced in my 5 years or Psych NP, which I feel my heart is in.
do you think applying to Psych NP school without prior experience is bad idea? Even if I have such a great interest in mental health? interest in mental health and actually working with the population are not the same thing so I am very torn. I know a lot of people apply without experience but what do you guys think?
submitted by Remarkable-Ice-3939 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:39 CharacterConflict83 Should I go or not?

I'm in the 13th grade. A friend of mine came into contact with an old classmate of ours. She is planning to meet up with another classmate and invites both of us to come. The problem is that the other classmate and I have a really troubling relationship. She and I are actually in the same grade. In Germany the last few month of 13th grade are just like 6 days of school in 3 months, so I have not seen her in a while. I was in love with her and I never really found a way to express it properly. The only time I said anything to her was when I wrote her a letter telling her everything. From the info I got that letter made cry and was quite triggering for her. I have an eating disorder and depression, which certainly made the letter even worse as I mentioned both and in how far it connects to my love to her. I feel so terrible ever since and I don't want her to see me. I hurt her and I don't think she wants to see me again. My love for her might be gone, but I can't forgive myself for it(I don't deserve forgiveness anyway). I still feel a lot of shame and disgust for what I've done and by how awful and insane I can be. This all happened a few months ago. Somehow some part of me still wants to see her, but can't get over what I've done. I feel so guilty for wanting that and I think I will not go. My friend told me that it would be fun and that it's probably not as dramatic as I make it to be(I never told him much about this incident), but is that really true? I don't think so, but I am quite known for being a bit dramatic, so maybe I'm just wrong. I really do not want to cause more harm and I can't tell what's the right move here. My instincts haven't been very good or reliable in the past. Should I go or not?
Thanks for any replies
submitted by CharacterConflict83 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:31 Ok_League8191 Mom experiencing never ending dizziness

Hey everyone, My mom (age: 50, non-smoker, no active medication, visually impaired) has been experiencing debilitating dizziness/ pressure in her head for the past couple months. Family doctor prescribed vertigo medication for a week which did not help. She finished an MRI and her family doctor said there is nothing wrong with the tindings. I just got a copy of the findings and I'm wondering if someone could please help me decode this. "FINDINGS: There is unusual sym metric atrophy/absence of the inferior cerebellar hemispheres and vermis. This involves the peridentate cerebellum. The middle cerebellar peduncle and superior cerebellar peduncle appear small. There is normal signal in the medulla and pons. There is no atrophy of the dorsal pons. The optic chiasm appears small. The fourth ventricle and lateral ventricles appear mildly enlarged. There is no abnormal signal within the brain or brainstem. Specifically, the dentate nuclei, lentiform nuclei and globus pallidus demonstrate normal signal. The remainder of the brain parenchyma is normal. No evidence of hemorrhage nor mass. Diffusion-weighted imaging is normal with no evidence of acute infarct. IMPRESSION: Unusual atrophy/ absence of the inferior vermis and both cerebellar hemispheres with superior and middle cerebellar peduncles and optic chiasm. Neurodegenerative disorders such as Friedreich's ataxia should be considered. Bilateral posterior fossa symmetric infarcts would be unusual but should be considered. Lastly, the appearance may be constitutional. Neurology referral may be useful." Thanks so much in advance! Edit: I forgot to add that she is experiencing numbness in her hands / feet periodically throughout the day
submitted by Ok_League8191 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:30 Tr3ngsins- Has anyone ever had luck in finding a therapist?

After being traumatized inpatient two years ago, I’ve been desperately trying to find outpatient treatment that doesn’t involve “all-in” recovery which has failed me horribly in the past with that mentality. With all the therapists I’ve met, they either dismissed me or told me to go back to the exact place I told them I was traumatized in cause they thought I was “too risky”. I was told so often I’m “too complex”, “non-compliant”, “difficult”, etc, when all I’ve done is my absolute best in doing what I can to survive I’ve never once tried to give these people any actual trouble but I’ve been told horrible things about myself.
I recently had a consultation, once again trying to find a therapist for my anorexia, and she looked at me like I was a horror show. Her tone was so blunt, she kept sighing at everything I said and she just gave me this look of “it keeps getting worse and worse” with everything I was saying about myself. She said she’d work with me…but I don’t even want to pursue any further with her she made me feel so insecure and disgusted with myself from one meeting alone. I want an Ed therapist so bad, but I’m losing hope. I truly am. If anyone has had any success stories in finding an Ed therapist(especially ones that understand this is a severe mental disorder, not weight disorder. Or ones that practice harm reduction and actually believe in it) I’d love to hear about them, or any advice even. Because at this point I’m giving up on finding help and only want to stick with my trauma therapist who even though doesn’t specialize in eds at all has given me such a place of acceptance and understanding no matter what I throw at her. But this truly is and continues to be so disheartening.
submitted by Tr3ngsins- to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:29 GroovyGizmo PIP - Travelling Abroad for a Wedding

Background: I have bipolar disorder and receive UC and PIP. I struggle with social situations and often panic when overwhelmed. I deal with a lot of side effects from my medication.
My brother is getting married in New York next year. I plan to go for one week, to be there for my brother despite how difficult it is going to be for me.
The travel and crowds are going to be a big problem for me. I'll have my mum there though which will help
My question is do I need to inform DWP about this trip? How will that affect me if I do?
Thank you
submitted by GroovyGizmo to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:25 Connect_Loss_6711 Why am I starting to learn so many new things just to quit after some time?

So it all started back when I was like 5 when I started learning all the names of like every dinosaur that ever existed. Then I started learning stuff about space, about ancient Egypt, about maths, later about cars. I read about every one of these topics and / or watched videos on YouTube until I knew everything there was to know (for the particular age at least).
But this isn't the interesting part. Those were probably just phases of interest. I was young and there were so many interesting things to read about. Also, this mostly happened over relatively long periods of time.
Over the last year though, those periods of interest in certain topics have drastically become shorter and shorter. I started watching movies. Movies were interesting, so I began watching videos, reading articles, watching every movie of the 250 best rated films on IMDb. This went so long until I had memorized the IMDb rating of hundreds of random movies.
One day though, movies got boring and I started reading. Reading became writing and my grades in school were getting better than ever. My German teacher (I am German) said I was one of the best writers she ever had in her class. I then paired writing with psychology. I read tons of studies about the causes of schizophrenia and wrote an essay about it. After I held multiple presentations in school about it, I randomly stopped writing one day.
I bought myself a VR headset and got into VR gaming. I spent tons of hours playing an indie VR game until I got crazily good. I saw that there was an e-sports tournament for this game and joined a team. I actually received money for playing the game from my team captain. My team didn't win the tournament but I still had the money.
One day I saw a guy taking photos of animals in a forest. I was interested and remembered the money I had received for playing the VR game, so I bought a camera, multiple lenses and hot into photography, mainly wildlife and street photography.
At the same time we had to sing a song for music class in school. My music teacher was stunned by my singing and I got recruited for some choir. I then sang in a choir and was doing photography at the same time. After some time I stopped singing since I felt like playing an instrument was way more interesting. So... I bought a guitar and started to learn playing it. But well... I stopped doing it a few months later.
Then I got into music production, bought a siynthesizer, a DAW and also got really interested in PC-building. So I watched a couple of tutorials on YouTube, read about the best processors, graphics cards, blah blah blah, knew every fucking price of every fucking processor and graphics card on the market and built a PC. With this PC I originally wanted to do the music production and get into 3D modelling but I never really did that.
At the same time I randomly started an online drop shipping business because why not and began investing money in stocks.
Remember: all of that stuff happened over the span of around one year
(If the grammar is weird, I am sorry, English is not my first language)
Why the fuck do I start doing things until I get decent just to then stop doing those things?
submitted by Connect_Loss_6711 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:16 noelslawn Possible SCT Causes

There’s a lot of smart people on this sub that have the ability to put into words what I could not for most of my life. I’m fascinated reading the SCT symptoms that are in alignment with my own. Finding a cause (well.. cure actually) is what we’re all here for, and many great theories have been suggested. Based on my reading here I wanted to piece together what I’ve learned from others about what may be causing SCT.
Causes that I’ve seen mentioned here include:
Commonalities with other issues/disorders:
If I missed anything major please let me know as I try to understand this thing and hope to make strides forward.
submitted by noelslawn to SCT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Faithhal Precision in Pharmaceuticals: The Rise of Selective Receptor Modulators

In the pharmaceutical world, the pursuit of drugs that can deliver highly targeted effects while minimizing side effects has been an enduring challenge. In recent years, researchers have been exploring a promising avenue in drug development known as selective receptor modulators (SRMs). These compounds represent a significant shift in how drugs are designed and have the potential to transform treatment strategies across a wide range of medical conditions.
At the core of SRMs is their unique ability to selectively target specific receptors in the body, allowing for precise control over biological processes. Unlike traditional medications that often interact with multiple receptors, potentially leading to various effects, SRMs operate with remarkable specificity, focusing solely on the intended target while avoiding unintended receptors. This selectivity not only enhances effectiveness but also reduces the risk of adverse reactions, making SRMs an attractive option for drug development.
The versatility of SRMs spans numerous therapeutic areas, including oncology, neurology, and endocrinology. In oncology, for example, SRMs hold promise in modulating receptors involved in tumor growth and spread, offering the potential for more tailored and effective cancer treatments. In neurology, they present new opportunities for addressing neurological disorders by precisely modulating neurotransmitter receptors implicated in conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Additionally, in endocrinology, SRMs offer the potential to fine-tune hormonal signaling pathways, opening up new avenues for managing conditions like diabetes and osteoporosis.
One of the primary advantages of SRMs lies in their ability to overcome the limitations associated with traditional medications. By selectively targeting specific receptors, they can minimize off-target effects, reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions and improving patient tolerance. Furthermore, their precise mode of action allows for better dose optimization, maximizing therapeutic efficacy while minimizing the risk of toxicity.
However, the development of SRMs is not without its challenges. Designing molecules with the desired selectivity requires a deep understanding of receptor structure and function, presenting a significant hurdle in the development process. Additionally, ensuring adequate bioavailability and metabolic stability adds complexity to the formulation of SRMs. Despite these challenges, advancements in computational modeling, high-throughput screening, and medicinal chemistry techniques have accelerated progress in the discovery and optimization of SRMs.
As research in this field continues to progress, the potential of SRMs to revolutionize drug therapy becomes increasingly apparent. Their ability to precisely modulate specific receptors holds great promise for personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to individual patient needs. Furthermore, by minimizing off-target effects, SRMs have the potential to improve treatment outcomes and enhance patient well-being.
In conclusion, selective receptor modulators represent a significant advancement in drug development, offering targeted efficacy with improved safety profiles. As our understanding of receptor biology deepens and technological capabilities advance, the potential applications of SRMs are poised to expand, ushering in a new era of precision medicine.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 Desperate_Abalone_83 I'm scared that i(24f) might have had developed feelings for a guy that wasn't my husband(32m)

this all happened 2 months ago when i joined a groupchat and started talking to people there and one specific person would give me a lot of attention. at first i didn't think anything of it we dmed a bit but then i figured that i might have been liking the attention so i blocked him after 2-3 weeks and i also left the groupchat. but i started feeling guilty that i even talked to this guy so i showed my husband everything and he told me everything is fine.
i should also mention that i have a anxiety disorder(ocd) which makes me doubt myself a lot. anyway i never knew what this guy looked like or even knew his age but my brain keeps telling me "what if you developed feelings for him?" i know my husband would hate me and leave me even tho i don't care about him at all now. i don't know what to do and if it's normal or not.
also my husband and i have been long distance for a long time. i told him about my thoughts a few weeks ago and he told me it's my mental illness making me worried but if it was true he would leave me which has caused a lot of anxiety and doubt in me. i feel guilty all the time and i just need some general advice. i know i'm not a victim but please be nice. I love my husband more than anything in the world and i'm so broken by the thought of him leaving me.
submitted by Desperate_Abalone_83 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:03 OldIndication8753 Me (29 M) and GF (33 F) having argument over being reminded of Exes in response to online

Some backstory: I am 29M, We have been together for 6 or so months. my girlfriend (34F) is very sensitive to my previous relationships (closest of which was 3-4 years ago.) and the idea of other women in general being associated with me. She has a diagnoses of BPD and/or PTSD (some confusion there). So basically last night, i suggested my girlfriend take an attachment style quiz i took a while back. As she was taking the quiz, she asked me if I thought about any of my exs during taking this quiz. Now i didn’t remember any of the questions, but i was thinking about a lot of subjects in my life because it was an attachment quiz, so naturally they came up in associations with some of the questions. We had somewhat of a miscommunication about this initially as I thought she was referring the relationship questions, and this caused me the change my responses around because i wasn’t sure what the question was anymore. Either way, it evolves into this big fight where I have broken her heart because of having thought of an ex in any capacity during this quiz. I try to remain calm and answer all her questions, but she does not listen to anything I say, continues putting thoughts and motivations behind my actions despite what I say, is very rude and unproductive with messaging (ex: "FINE, don't ever talk to me again. Fuck it."), the accusations, etc.
I don’t feel like I really did anything wrong. I feel like being reminded of past events during a psychology questionnaire is perfectly normal. There are some trust issues in our relationship, and I do have a habit of “changing my answers” as I am very forgetful and sometimes have to update my responses with new information remembered or received. I can understand how she may feel deceived or mistrusting or insecure. I still don’t think what happened warrants the reaction on her part. Am i being minimizing or emotionally invalidating? From my end, i feel like this whole thing is ridiculous and over blown, but i also understand maybe her feelings are just stronger than my own. Just to add, she talks about what she has been through with her exes quite often. I literally never talk about mine unless she wants to talk about them (which is pretty often), and to be honest they are so far gone behind me and out of mind with no feelings attached, I can't begin to imagine why she is so fixated on these previous relationships that have no bearing on our current one. So i also don’t think it makes sense to be so hurt over a passing association when you yourself are talking about your previous relationships often. Seems like a double standard.
Honestly what am I supposed to do? I don't want to give up on this relationship, but it seems like we are constantly having stupid arguments like this over what appears to be nothing through my eyes. Obviously the experience isn't shared and she is acting from a place of hurt, but this hurt seems to come on and be blamed on me so suddenly and over seemingly normal things, I feel like i'm constantly walking on eggshells preparing for her next meltdown.
submitted by OldIndication8753 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 CyberRational1 Academic (mis)conduct in social media communities

Hey all!
I'd like to see what your thoughts are on a certain phenomenon I've noticed on social media groups for academic psychologists (mostly Facebook, but I'd be interested to know of any experiences from other apps).
Basically, I'm in a Facebook group for academic psychologists. The group is pretty active, and it sports more than 40.000 members. Most discussions are related to academic topics: mainly centered on recently published papers, commentary on them, and recent methodological advances. The discussions are mainly civil and insightful.
But over the past few months, I've noticed a particular trend among certain prominent members (I won't name them, but they're somewhat prominent names in their fields of research). These members are commonly scientific reformists, and they frequently post on topics concerned with the replication crisis. This by itself is a pretty good thing, and I believe that such topics should be much more mainstream, and should be widely talked about.
Now, what irks me is not the topic itself, but the conduct of certain prominent members. They post frequently, and their posts are rude to say the least. It seems that any time a certain replication attempt is unsuccesfull, they call out the authors of the original papers, publicly calling them frauds or charlatans. Whenever someone proposes or uses a method not favoured by those members, they get called out publicly, with frequent accusations of fraud. Pretty much anyone publishing any work deemed "wrong" by a few members gets blasted in a manner unseemly of any academic communication. Talking with some of my peers, some have even said that they're afraid of publishing in open science journals, believing that any error discovered would result in them being publicly humiliated in such conduct.
What troubles me the most is that recently I've seen attacks related to psychometric topics, and from those attacks it became quite clear that the attackers have a profound deficit when it comes to psychometric theory! Recently, I've seen some "reformators" call out that using factor analysis is a sign that an author is oldfashioned, and that everyone should just use SEM, which shows not only that the reformators don't understand the reasoning behind factor-analytic methods, but that they ignore the faults inherent in most SEM models that are not prominent in an exploratory FA! Just minutes ago, I've seen a prominent member call out Denny Borsboom as a "charlatan" and a "pseudometrist" because the author felt wronged that his article on emotion measurement didn't talk about positive affect, which makes no sense at all because the authors of the paper proposed a network model of measurement which by definition doesn't include any higher-order factors! Besides, anyone even remotely familiar with contemporary psychometric literature wouldn't dare call someone like Borsboom a "pseudometrist", even if they don't agree with his approaches.
All in all, it seems to me that social media discourse in academic psychology is becoming pretty toxic, and that it might be causing some negative effects on the scientific zeitgeist. I mean, if people are afraid that some wannabe witch-hunter will publicly proclaim them as frauds if their results are not replicated or if they used a network of a factor model, and if they associate that kind of behavior with open science reforms, then such reforms will probably not gain much popularity, which will just hurt scientific progress in the long run.
What are you thoughts on that kind of online academic behavior? Should (or can there) anything be done about it? Do you think it can have any effects on the grander scheme of things? Have you had any experiences with it yourself?
submitted by CyberRational1 to AcademicPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 Ok_League8191 Mom experiencing never ending dizziness

Hey everyone,
My mom (age: 50, non-smoker, no active medication, visually impaired) has been experiencing debilitating dizziness/ pressure in her head for the past couple months. Family doctor prescribed vertigo medication for a week which did not help.
She finished an MRI and her family doctor said there is nothing wrong with the tindings. I just got a copy of the findings and I'm wondering if someone could please help me decode this. "FINDINGS: There is unusual sym metric atrophy/absence of the inferior cerebellar hemispheres and vermis. This involves the peridentate cerebellum. The middle cerebellar peduncle and superior cerebellar peduncle appear small. There is normal signal in the medulla and pons. There is no atrophy of the dorsal pons. The optic chiasm appears small. The fourth ventricle and lateral ventricles appear mildly enlarged. There is no abnormal signal within the brain or brainstem. Specifically, the dentate nuclei, lentiform nuclei and globus pallidus demonstrate normal signal. The remainder of the brain parenchyma is normal. No evidence of hemorrhage nor mass. Diffusion-weighted imaging is normal with no evidence of acute infarct. IMPRESSION: Unusual atrophy/ absence of the inferior vermis and both cerebellar hemispheres with superior and middle cerebellar peduncles and optic chiasm. Neurodegenerative disorders such as Friedreich's ataxia should be considered. Bilateral posterior fossa symmetric infarcts would be unusual but should be considered. Lastly, the appearance may be constitutional. Neurology referral may be useful."
Thanks so much in advance!
Edit : I forgot to add that she is experiencing numbness / tingling on her hands and feet throughout the day
submitted by Ok_League8191 to AskDocs [link] [comments]