Nicknames for guysicknames

Nicknames for Donald J Trump

2017.01.14 05:56 MostlyCarbonite Nicknames for Donald J Trump

A place to post your favorite nick names, punny names, and otherwise insulting titles for the "unpresidented" garbage fire idiot WHO NO LONGER OCCUPIES 🙌 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. Also accepting nicknames for well-known associates.

2013.12.21 20:52 joescool Requests for Nicknames for Your Pokémon

Do you have a Pokémon, but don't know what to name it? Post it here! Post a picture of its stats or just tell us about it with a self post.

2013.10.13 22:55 pokemonnicknames Nicknames for pokemon, far and wide!

This is the subreddit to help find nicknames for pokemon.