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Match Thread: 69th Match - Sunrisers Hyderabad vs Punjab Kings

2024.05.19 10:55 CricketMatchBot Match Thread: 69th Match - Sunrisers Hyderabad vs Punjab Kings

69th Match, Indian Premier League at Hyderabad

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2024.05.19 10:50 Lord_Answer_me_Why "Da Joos and hackers are the reason why I live-streamed gay porn guys!"

submitted by Lord_Answer_me_Why to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 Exotic-Coconut-566 fck hertha tv

fck hertha tv
FCK Hertha TV Ɯbertragung
FCK Hertha TV Ɯbertragung
FuƟballfans kƶnnen sich auf die bevorstehende TV-Ɯbertragung des Spiels zwischen dem 1. FC Kaiserslautern (FCK) und Hertha BSC freuen. Die Partie verspricht ein spannendes und mitreiƟendes FuƟballerlebnis zu werden, das von vielen Fans sehnsĆ¼chtig erwartet wird.
Das Spiel zwischen dem FCK und Hertha BSC wird live im Fernsehen Ć¼bertragen, sodass Fans die Mƶglichkeit haben, das Geschehen direkt von zu Hause aus zu verfolgen. Die Ɯbertragung bietet FuƟballenthusiasten die Chance, hautnah dabei zu sein und kein wichtiges Spielgeschehen zu verpassen.
Der 1. FC Kaiserslautern, auch bekannt als "die Roten Teufel", tritt gegen Hertha BSC an, ein Team, das fĆ¼r seine beeindruckende Leistung in der Bundesliga bekannt ist. Die Begegnung verspricht ein spannendes KrƤftemessen auf dem Rasen, bei dem beide Mannschaften alles geben werden, um den Sieg zu erringen.
Die TV-Ɯbertragung ermƶglicht es Fans, das Spiel in Echtzeit zu verfolgen und die Leistung ihrer Lieblingsmannschaft zu unterstĆ¼tzen. Es ist eine Gelegenheit fĆ¼r FuƟballbegeisterte, gemeinsam mit Familie und Freunden die Spannung des Spiels zu genieƟen und mitzufiebern, wƤhrend die beiden Teams um den Sieg kƤmpfen.
FĆ¼r FuƟballfans, die nicht persƶnlich am Spiel teilnehmen kƶnnen, ist die TV-Ɯbertragung eine groƟartige Mƶglichkeit, trotzdem am Geschehen teilzuhaben und die Emotionen und Aufregung des Spiels zu erleben. Es ist eine Gelegenheit, die AtmosphƤre des Stadions zu spĆ¼ren und die Spannung auf dem Spielfeld zu genieƟen, ganz bequem von zu Hause aus.
FCK Hertha TV Live-Stream
FCK Hertha TV Live-Stream bietet den Fans des 1. FC Kaiserslautern eine groƟartige Mƶglichkeit, ihre Lieblingsmannschaft live in Aktion zu erleben, auch wenn sie nicht im Stadion sein kƶnnen. Dieser Live-Stream ist eine praktische Option fĆ¼r Fans, die Spiele bequem von zu Hause oder unterwegs aus verfolgen mƶchten.
Der 1. FC Kaiserslautern, auch bekannt als "die roten Teufel", hat eine treue und leidenschaftliche Fangemeinde, die ihre UnterstĆ¼tzung gerne zeigt, sei es im Stadion oder Ć¼ber das Internet. FCK Hertha TV Live-Stream bietet den Fans die Mƶglichkeit, alle Spiele ihres Teams live zu verfolgen, egal ob es sich um Ligaspiele, Pokalwettbewerbe oder Freundschaftsspiele handelt.
Mit dem Live-Stream kƶnnen Fans das Spielgeschehen in Echtzeit verfolgen, einschlieƟlich Tore, Fouls, Karten und anderen wichtigen Ereignissen. DarĆ¼ber hinaus bietet FCK Hertha TV Live-Stream oft auch Vor- und Nachberichterstattung, Expertenanalysen und Interviews mit Spielern und Trainern, um den Zuschauern ein umfassendes Erlebnis zu bieten.
Um den Live-Stream zu nutzen, benƶtigen Fans lediglich eine Internetverbindung und ein kompatibles GerƤt, wie einen Computer, ein Tablet oder ein Smartphone. Der Service ist in der Regel kostenpflichtig, aber oft gibt es verschiedene Abonnementoptionen zur Auswahl, je nach den BedĆ¼rfnissen und Vorlieben der Fans.
Insgesamt ist FCK Hertha TV Live-Stream eine groƟartige Mƶglichkeit fĆ¼r Fans des 1. FC Kaiserslautern, ihre Mannschaft zu unterstĆ¼tzen und alle Spiele live zu verfolgen, egal wo sie sich gerade befinden. Mit hochwertiger Ɯbertragung und umfassender Berichterstattung ist der Live-Stream ein Muss fĆ¼r jeden echten Fan.
FCK Hertha TV Kanal
Der FCK Hertha TV Kanal ist ein beliebter Anlaufpunkt fĆ¼r FuƟballfans, insbesondere fĆ¼r AnhƤnger des 1. FC Kaiserslautern und Hertha BSC. Der Kanal bietet eine Vielzahl von Inhalten, die sich um beide Vereine drehen, darunter Spielzusammenfassungen, Interviews mit Spielern und Trainern sowie Hintergrundberichte.
FĆ¼r Fans des 1. FC Kaiserslautern ist der FCK Hertha TV Kanal eine wertvolle Quelle fĆ¼r exklusive Einblicke in das Geschehen rund um ihren Lieblingsverein. Hier kƶnnen sie die neuesten Entwicklungen verfolgen, sei es auf dem Spielfeld oder abseits davon. Von taktischen Analysen bis hin zu Spielerprofilen bietet der Kanal alles, was das Fanherz begehrt.
Aber auch AnhƤnger von Hertha BSC kommen auf ihre Kosten. Der Kanal bietet umfassende Berichterstattung Ć¼ber die Spiele und das Team von Hertha BSC. Fans kƶnnen sich auf Interviews mit Spielern und Trainern freuen und erhalten so einen einzigartigen Einblick hinter die Kulissen des Vereins.
DarĆ¼ber hinaus bietet der FCK Hertha TV Kanal auch eine Plattform fĆ¼r Diskussionen und Meinungsaustausch unter den Fans beider Vereine. Ob es um die Aufstellung fĆ¼r das nƤchste Spiel geht oder um TransfergerĆ¼chte - hier finden Fans Gleichgesinnte, mit denen sie ihre Leidenschaft fĆ¼r FuƟball teilen kƶnnen.
Insgesamt ist der FCK Hertha TV Kanal ein unverzichtbarer Begleiter fĆ¼r alle Fans des 1. FC Kaiserslautern und Hertha BSC. Mit seinem breiten Angebot an Inhalten und seiner lebendigen Community bringt er die Welt des FuƟballs direkt zu den Zuschauern nach Hause.
FCK Hertha TV Programm
Titel: Das FCK Hertha TV Programm: Eine Ɯbersicht der Sendungen und Inhalte
FCK Hertha TV ist ein beliebter Sender fĆ¼r FuƟballfans, der sich auf alle Aspekte des FuƟballclubs FCK Hertha konzentriert. Das Programm bietet eine Vielzahl von Sendungen, die Fans einen Einblick in das Geschehen hinter den Kulissen des Vereins geben.
Eine der Hauptattraktionen des FCK Hertha TV Programms sind die Live-Ɯbertragungen von Spielen des Vereins. Fans haben die Mƶglichkeit, die Spiele live zu verfolgen und die spannenden Momente mit anderen Fans zu teilen. DarĆ¼ber hinaus bietet der Sender auch Analysen und Kommentare zu den Spielen, um den Zuschauern eine umfassende Berichterstattung zu bieten.
Neben den Live-Spielen bietet FCK Hertha TV auch eine Vielzahl von anderen Sendungen, die sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Vereins befassen. Dazu gehƶren Interviews mit Spielern und Trainern, Hintergrundberichte Ć¼ber die Geschichte des Vereins und Einblicke in den Trainingsbetrieb. Diese Sendungen geben den Zuschauern die Mƶglichkeit, die Menschen hinter dem Verein kennenzulernen und mehr Ć¼ber ihre Lieblingsspieler zu erfahren.
DarĆ¼ber hinaus bietet FCK Hertha TV auch eine Vielzahl von Unterhaltungssendungen fĆ¼r Fans jeden Alters. Dazu gehƶren Quizshows, Fanumfragen und exklusive Einblicke in das Privatleben der Spieler. Diese Sendungen tragen dazu bei, die Bindung zwischen den Fans und dem Verein zu stƤrken und bieten eine unterhaltsame Mƶglichkeit, die Zeit zwischen den Spielen zu Ć¼berbrĆ¼cken.
Insgesamt bietet das FCK Hertha TV Programm eine vielseitige Mischung aus Live-Spielen, Hintergrundberichten und Unterhaltungssendungen, die Fans einen umfassenden Einblick in ihren Lieblingsverein geben. Mit seinem abwechslungsreichen Angebot ist der Sender ein Muss fĆ¼r alle Fans von FCK Hertha.
FCK Hertha TV Sendetermine
FCK Hertha TV Sendetermine
FĆ¼r alle Fans des FuƟballclubs 1. FC Kaiserslautern und insbesondere diejenigen, die ihre Spiele gegen Hertha BSC live verfolgen mƶchten, ist es wichtig, Ć¼ber die TV-Sendetermine informiert zu sein. Die Spiele zwischen dem 1. FC Kaiserslautern und Hertha BSC sind immer spannende Begegnungen, die viele FuƟballfans fesseln.
Um die Sendetermine von FCK Hertha TV zu erfahren, ist es ratsam, die offizielle Webseite des 1. FC Kaiserslautern oder die Websites von TV-Sendern zu besuchen, die die Spiele Ć¼bertragen. Dort finden Sie eine aktuelle Liste mit den Terminen und KanƤlen, auf denen die Spiele ausgestrahlt werden.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass sich die Sendetermine je nach Spielplan und TV-Rechten Ƥndern kƶnnen. Daher ist es ratsam, regelmƤƟig nach Updates zu suchen, um keine der spannenden Begegnungen zu verpassen.
Alternativ kƶnnen Fans auch auf Streaming-Plattformen nachschauen, ob die Spiele dort live Ć¼bertragen werden. Viele Plattformen bieten mittlerweile die Mƶglichkeit, FuƟballspiele live zu verfolgen, was eine praktische Alternative fĆ¼r Fans ist, die nicht vor dem Fernseher sitzen kƶnnen.
Insgesamt ist es also fĆ¼r alle Fans des 1. FC Kaiserslautern und Hertha BSC wichtig, die TV-Sendetermine im Auge zu behalten, um keine der spannenden Begegnungen zu verpassen und ihre Mannschaft live zu unterstĆ¼tzen.
submitted by Exotic-Coconut-566 to u/Exotic-Coconut-566 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:43 brottochstraff Coping skills not working any more

I have had periodic depression since my early twenties, Iā€™m 39 now. It usually starts in the autumn and lasts until late spring. But sometimes longer. I used to not notice it when I was younger I just connected it to external factors of life. But now Iā€™m much more self aware of the problem and try not to blame outside factors like work, relationships etc because I know itā€™s a false path. I tried that before. Changing jobs, changing relationships, moving cities, it does not make a difference - this dark cloud follows me everywhere.
My symptoms are: * negative thinking - and over focus on negatives around me. Like noisy neighbors, politics, increasing prices of things, my job etc etc - I become like a grumpy grandfather.
My coping patterns have been the following:
Now to my problem: I canā€™t use those coping mechanisms any more. I now have a wife and child and a house. They need me. My son needs me. I canā€™t just escape in to my computer for hours of the day or go to gym. Heā€™s just below 1 year old and he needs somebody to watch him all the time. I love the little guy. But in combination with my depression I find my self in a negative spiral.
I feel like Iā€™m doing everything against the stream - I have to force everything I do through out the day. Playing, cleaning , cooking. Doing projects around the house that need doing. I find my self complaining a lot, and my wife is fed up with it already. And I can understand her. Im constant grumpy and tired. By the end of the day I have used up all my willpower to do anything to the point where I donā€™t even want to brush my teeth before going to bed. I have 0 action energy left. I have not even changed my clothes in like 4 days.
On top of that there are social events that were not there before. Meeting with daycare parents, my wifeā€™s friends that also just got kids etc. I really dread those but I force my self to pull through. And some times my grumpy mood shines through and I make everybody feel bad.
I guess Iā€™m kind of involuntary project my mood on others and make them feel the same way. But I feel bad about it at the same time.
I donā€™t know what to do now. Thereā€™s no where for me to escape and hide with my dark cloud now and recharge my energy. I have to be there everyday. Iā€™m worried that this new life that is more demanding than before will ruin my marriage and break apart my family.
My wife has been very understanding and suggested I should take a day here and there for my self. And I have. But it seems to not be enough. I feel guilt for taking that day off and leaving everything at home to my wife. And then when I come back the energy I have regained is gone very fast. Itā€™s not sustainable.
In a few months I have to go back to work and Iā€™m not sure I will be able to. Iā€™m worried about getting fired or burned out. I have nightmares about my marriage ending and canā€™t sleep properly because the little guy wakes up multiple times at night. I feel like they would be happier without me to be honest, at least this version of me that I hate my self. I donā€™t want to be like this, but I am anyway.
I donā€™t know where I should start now. I thought I had it figured out living with my depression but now I feel hopeless and I have not answers for my self.
submitted by brottochstraff to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:42 One_Statistician2176 What the fk is wrong with them?

What the fk is wrong with them?
Someone just wrote free playstation on live LM world championship stream chatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
submitted by One_Statistician2176 to indiadiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 gianben123 LOL Fan Fest 2024 D1 tops Twitter trends worldwide for more than 3.1M tweets

LOL Fan Fest 2024 D1 tops Twitter trends worldwide for more than 3.1M tweets submitted by gianben123 to GMMTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 Davess_World2019 Hagwon Life: How to spot a lazy manager/owner

Re: PODCAST: How to Spot a Lazy Manager
I'm telling ya, other than trying to rip off as many people as possible and get as much work out of them, and do the least amount of effort themselves, I don't know why Hagwonites bother. And I don't know why foreigners care more than the people who own the place and/or will be working there 10 years from now.
It reminds me of George Costanza's frustration with his lazy boss Mr. Kruger. You can see the YouTube clip here. Bust your rear-end for what? So it can backslide back to square 1 as soon as you leave and the new person replaces you? You're not helping the place advance, you are helping it idle in neutral.
See if this sounds like your experience at a Hagwon.
1. One: they blame low performance and turnover on employees.
--And every other mistake as well. The students are total brats? That's your fault. You don't teach the lesson absolutely perfectly without training? That's your fault. Kids are bored? That's your fault. A child pokes another child and mom calls about it, again --your fault.
None of these managers actually manage. They give irrelevant or no training. They institute no discipline plan all the staff, students, parents will agree on. They often give not enough material to teach the class, ALL OF THAT falls on the hands of the foreigners. Imagine that, a place that's been open for 5-10 years still hasn't taking point on all these issues, just push them off on the foreigner and go back to gossiping about how terrible the foreigners are.
BTW, I'm not an owner of a company, I can discuss people who should be discussing ideas.
2: They look for quick fixes to complex retention problems.
--That's more than true. I declined to accept a 2nd contract by being offered slightly more money, about double the vacation time, and move up to head teacher. Why didn't I accept this promotion? Because everything I said the entire year was totally ignored, the pay wasn't enough to put up with their stupidity. The vacation was totally bogus because we had to threaten a mutiny just to get 2 extra days due to break between semesters. Why would I trust them to give me more when they didn't honor the ones in the 1st contract. Search Bar: Mutiny. Also, they harassed the head teacher out of a job, why would I then stick my head in the guillotine after they dragged the body away by the ankles?

But wait there's more!

That's the end of that link, but you and I can identify so many more issues.
3. Physically / Intellectually a bad example for everyone.
I don't know about you, but I don't respect slough-offs and idiots. The person that SHOULD Be working the hardest is the person who owns the place. Did you ever see the video of Elan Musk sleeping on his sofa in his office at the production plant? Yeah, really. The billionaire owner is there to field problems as they come up instead of being called at home and have to drive in at 2am. He suffers more and works harder than anyone there.
Some dumb-butt that owns a hagwon said on here one time,
I don't do make employees do anything I wouldn't do
You are supposed to do what your employees do and 10x more than that! You're the owner. This is your livelihood, it will destroy your life if it faulters. You have to pay off employees with severance, pay back loans you probably can't pay off, reduce your living space, sell off assets to survive. You put all your eggs in this basket, it HAS to work, why are you putting the outcome in the hands of people who have no skin in the game?
I don't respect boneheads who should have their educational chops figured out by this point. They should have taken notes and improved themselves as each semester rolls on by. Why are the same problems recurring every semester or every year such as the Halloween or Christmas event, you did the same thing a year ago!
4. Doesn't know your job description.
Not only does a lazy boss not educate themselves about what education is, they have neither bothered to know what teachers actually do. Sure, they scowl through the window or monitor on CCTV, but do they know what they are looking at? Almost certainly not. They tend to focus on the most inane "violations" to give themselves and everyone else the false impression they are REALLY on the ball here, nothing slips past their scrutinous eye on quality and detail! When in fact, they reveal themselves to not only be an obnoxious pest, but clearly don't even know what teachers do every day. I've had to tell more than a few in-class and CCTV observers that the things they are bothering with are so miniscule I question whether they have even taught anyone anything before in their entire lives? It's like me storming in on a mechanic, "I gotcha! I see you didn't grease those fittings!" Then they tell me that is done AFTER the breaks and wheel has been fixed and reassembled. I just exposed myself as not knowing what I'm talking about.
Hagwon management and owners don't realize how much time it takes to do the tasks they are demanding because they've never had to do them before. Sure, waive your hand and expect this or that, but a) they don't know how to do it themselves. b) we are not holding out on them with a Mary Poppins bad of lesson plans. We don't have a quick fix for their ideas. c) it takes research, editing, time, contemplation to add something that perfectly match a class's level. Management and owners think it only takes about 30 minutes to throw something together, when in fact it could be 2 hours.
5. Boss is too lazy/stubborn to solve problems.
"I'm the boss. I say, you do. That's the end of it, now get to work, no back-talk!"
If you work in any place like this, the boss is trying to avoid being exposed as a fool. They know if they throw out instructions and ideas, they will get shot down as not knowing round holes don't accept square pegs. To avoid a face-losing situation, they avoid communication at all costs. If every idea is idiotic and everyone knows it, they lose stature and the decree will be considered untenable. If the boss demands something runs and hides under their desk, the chances that the smarter people will get together and somehow make it happen is much more likely. Really, poor or no communication can be interpreted as, "Just make what I'm demanding from you happen, and don't ask me, I have no idea how to do it or I'd be helping you do it."
6. No goals.
--Every day is Groundhog's Day with lazy people. Nothing ever improves. The latest freak-out due to procrastination, poor communication, poor judgement, lack of materials, poor training is just a temporary peak until it is resolved, a lull in the action happens, then another peak or freak-out occurs in a frequency that drives everyone crazy.
submitted by Davess_World2019 to HagwonBlacklistKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:04 ShredderNL Looking for an integrated (streaming) amplifier around ā‚¬400,-

Hey all, finally time to put my first stereo Hi-Fi set together. I'm looking for an integrated streaming amplifier like the BlueSound Powernode N330 or Cambridge Evo 75, but of course, at a much lower price but possibly better than the well known WiiM Amp. Alternatively, maybe a good integrated amplifier with a seperate streaming DAC is also an option.
I did see the Marantz Melody X (MCR612) around that price new. But the reviews are a bit mixed. I mainly want to stream my audio at the highest possible resolution using Tidal Hi-Fi.
So any product or product combinations I should keep an eye out for on the used market are highly welcomed. I do live in western europe, so please keep in mind products in the USA aren't always available in the EU.
submitted by ShredderNL to AverageJoeAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:03 TheTephrite Motherboard Causing Key Chattering / Audio Cut Out?

Hey there, been having this problem for weeks now and its getting worse and worse and I cannot figure out what's causing it! Any sort of help would be INSANELY appreciated
I bought a Ducky One 3 Mini keyboard about 6 months ago and the last couple months its been chattering. I initially saw that it was similar keys although as of recent its spread a bit to random ones. Some days its nonexistent and I don't see any key chattering and other days it seems to happen every other word. I've updated its drivers, cleaned the keyboard thoroughly and still had issues with it but I'm not certain its actually the keyboard that's the issue.
I've been live streaming Elden Ring and have noticed random chops and stutters in that too when I have a perfectly good PC with a 4070, a 5800x3D and 32 GB of RAM. I noticed that a lot of the time this happens, Device Manager refreshes so I thought it might be a faulty USB port? But I've tested them all out and it seems unlikely that all of them are broken
(full PC: )
I've also noticed that Chrome tends to glitch sometimes, merging tabs into one visually until I refresh. I tried with and without hardware acceleration and still the same. I suspected this was all a GPU issue so a few months ago I upgraded to the 4070 but it seems the problem is still occurring. I did the same with the RAM but again, still happening. I have also updated my BIOS, Mother board and GPU drivers using DDU and clean installed Windows 11.
Finally yesterday I had a really weird encounter. I currently use a Focusrite Solo interface for my audio. When unplugging my keyboard yesterday, my audio cut out. Upon plugging it back in, my audio returned which is extremely strange considering both my keyboard and Focusrite are plugged directly into the motherboard so there's no reason for them to be effecting each other. Shortly after this, I left 4 live streams on just lurking and a few hours later I came back to a frozen PC that wouldn't shut off by holding the power button but had to turn it off directly from the PSU.
Any sort of help would be amazing. I'm convinced its either the motherboard or my hard drive but I have no idea how to tell!!
submitted by TheTephrite to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:03 TheTephrite Motherboard Causing Key Chattering / Audio Cut Out?

Hey there, been having this problem for weeks now and its getting worse and worse and I cannot figure out what's causing it! Any sort of help would be INSANELY appreciated
I bought a Ducky One 3 Mini keyboard about 6 months ago and the last couple months its been chattering. I initially saw that it was similar keys although as of recent its spread a bit to random ones. Some days its nonexistent and I don't see any key chattering and other days it seems to happen every other word. I've updated its drivers, cleaned the keyboard thoroughly and still had issues with it but I'm not certain its actually the keyboard that's the issue.
I've been live streaming Elden Ring and have noticed random chops and stutters in that too when I have a perfectly good PC with a 4070, a 5800x3D and 32 GB of RAM. I noticed that a lot of the time this happens, Device Manager refreshes so I thought it might be a faulty USB port? But I've tested them all out and it seems unlikely that all of them are broken
(full PC: )
I've also noticed that Chrome tends to glitch sometimes, merging tabs into one visually until I refresh. I tried with and without hardware acceleration and still the same. I suspected this was all a GPU issue so a few months ago I upgraded to the 4070 but it seems the problem is still occurring. I did the same with the RAM but again, still happening. I have also updated my BIOS, Mother board and GPU drivers using DDU and clean installed Windows 11.
Finally yesterday I had a really weird encounter. I currently use a Focusrite Solo interface for my audio. When unplugging my keyboard yesterday, my audio cut out. Upon plugging it back in, my audio returned which is extremely strange considering both my keyboard and Focusrite are plugged directly into the motherboard so there's no reason for them to be effecting each other. Shortly after this, I left 4 live streams on just lurking and a few hours later I came back to a frozen PC that wouldn't shut off by holding the power button but had to turn it off directly from the PSU.
Any sort of help would be amazing. I'm convinced its either the motherboard or my hard drive but I have no idea how to tell!!
submitted by TheTephrite to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 xftjzdfgzdfg What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live streams on Reddit?

What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live streams on Reddit? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 xftjzdfgzdfg Is there any way to Watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live Streams fRee Basketball?

Is there any way to Watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live Streams fRee Basketball? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 xftjzdfgzdfg What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets (Free) Live Streams On Reddit?

What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets (Free) Live Streams On Reddit? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 xftjzdfgzdfg What's the best way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets (Free) Live Streams On Reddit?

What's the best way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets (Free) Live Streams On Reddit? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 xftjzdfgzdfg What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live free streams?

What's the way to watch Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live free streams? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 xftjzdfgzdfg How&Where to Watch free Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live?

How&Where to Watch free Minnesota Timberwolves vs Denver Nuggets live? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftjzdfgzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 ahritina 2024 Mid Season Invitational / Bracket Stage / Final / Live Discussion


Lolesports Leaguepedia New to LoL
Today's matches will be played on Patch 14.8.

Today's Matches

1 GEN vs BLG 02:00 05:00 11:00 18:00
  • All matches are a best of 5


Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Finals
vs -
vs - GEN 3
TL 0 TOP 2 vs -
vs - BLG 1
G2 2
vs -
T1 3 T1 1
vs -
vs - vs -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T1 3 BLG 3
FNC 1 vs - vs -
vs - TL 1 T1 3 T1 2
TL 3 vs -
TOP 0 G2 0
G2 3 vs -
vs - G2 3

On-Air Team

Desk Host
Eefje "Sjokz" Depoortere
Park "Jeesun" Jee-sun
Laure "Bulii" ValƩe
Play-By-Play Casters
Max "Atlus" Anderson
Jake "Hysterics" Osypenko
Daniel "Drakos" Drakos
Aaron "Medic" Chamberlain
Colour Casters
Sam "Kobe" Hartman-Kenzler
Robert "Dagda" Price
Andrew "Vedius" Day
Maurits "Chronicler" Jan Meeusen
Emily "LeagueofEmily" Rand
Joshua "Jatt" Leesman
Barento "Raz" Mohammed


  • Bracket Stage - May 9th to May 21st
    • 8 teams participate
    • Double elimination bracket
    • Matches are best of five


Live Discussions and Post-Match Threads:

This is our Live Discussion Archive. Here you can find all the old live threads, and the respective PMTs in a stickied comment under the post.
submitted by ahritina to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 MingusTheClown Stacy Dillard Quartet - Live At Smalls Jazz Club - 05/18/2024

Stacy Dillard Quartet Live at Smalls Jazz Club - 05/18/2024 For the complete Smalls and Mezzrow archive visit Smalls Jazz Club 183 W. 10th Street NYC, NY 10014
Watch Stream -
View Channel -
submitted by MingusTheClown to livejazz [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 he_who_remains_2 eli5 How is satellite Internet like starlink a big deal when we already had streaming capabilities on Television.

We are streaming high quality videos through satellite on television for so long now. Then how is satellite internet a big deal? What took it so long to be usable? We have also been able to watch live tv for so long now thus we are capable of doing 2-way communication too.
submitted by he_who_remains_2 to explainlikeimfive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 createdjustforthis23 19/05/2024

I slept fine, I didnā€™t fall asleep so nicely. I donā€™t know why, I felt perfectly adequate all evening and then bam I cry myself to sleep. I donā€™t know how or why, and I didnā€™t even cry over anything in particular it was just any and everything. And I just kept crying and crying, like a baby. I had to switch pillows twice because I drenched it, but I got to sleep on my favourite pillow by the time I was almost asleep thankfully. I can be so picky with pillows, another thing mum tends to call me, even to this day - the princess and the pea. Or rather she likens me to herā€¦ I canā€™t entirely say I disagree tbh. I just like things a particular way, not all things, I can be relaxed about plenty, but there are some things I just to be just so. My pillows when I sleep for example, how the dishwasher top rack is stacked etc. Entirely inconsequential things really. But anyway. I didnā€™t fall asleep so nicely. I woke up feeling better, still a bit sad but nothing I couldnā€™t ignore.
Itā€™s now 12:58pm and Iā€™ve done next to nothing. Iā€™ve been watching BT, Iā€™m not writing the name of the show because I feel like that might be search heavy at the moment? So Iā€™ve been watching that, Iā€™m midway through the third episode now and there are four out so far. Iā€™ve also painted some of my lil clay things with primer. And thatā€™s about it. I really need to clean and tidy my room but the idea of itā€¦ ugh. I donā€™t want to :(
Iā€™m loving BT so much. I like the stories and characters and stuff, but I mostly love the sets and costumes. Theyā€™re just so luxuriously opulent and uggghhhhhhh I want to just stare it all. Sometimes I wish they would clear out the cast and just give us a tour of the rooms and show all the details of the gowns. But like I learned in therapy, beauty is something I value highly, not in a vain way but in the way I utterly adore beautiful things whether it be a stunningly ornate wallpaper, a sparkly bead encrusted gown or even a leaf that is the perfect shade of green. I just love it all and it brings me so much joy, more than I realised now that Iā€™m conscious of this value of mine. But the BT house itself, particularly the drawing room ommmmgggg. The blue? I think itā€™s called wedgewood blue from memory, with the creamy/white detailing. And all the light streaming through. Itā€™s so dreamy. And it makes me love my blue and white bedroom more. And the gowns!!!!!!! I wish I could roll around in them, theyā€™re so sparkly and detailed and beyond beautiful. Particularly the ones crusted in beading and with the luxurious silks and satins and velvets and taffetas and organza and all of it. And the colours! Itā€™s all so dreamy. I donā€™t overly love the style of a lot of the gowns, that sort of empire line, mainly because it only looks good on women with fewer curves and a flatter chest, they can look gorrrrrrrgeous in them. But otherwise if you have any kind of cleavage it looks so weird and bleh. I love Penelope so much, sheā€™s always been a favourite character and she honestly deserves the very best. And Colin definitely got a glow up prior to this season. His brown coat is so delicious. Iā€™m beginning to wonder if I should read the seriesā€¦? I do love a lil historical romance. Anyway I donā€™t even Penelope and Colin to end up together, I mean Lord Debling is so lovely and Colin is off sleeping with hookersā€¦ like? Then again I know I am wrong in how I think and feel about all of this. I know I have expectations ghat are unfair, I mean maybe not for everyone but if Iā€™m nothing special and therefore not enough then can I criticise. This doesnā€™t make sense. Anyway. Actually nevermind I just watched the fourth episode and I am very much Team Colin. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!! But now I have to wait for part two in mid June :(
Iā€™m going to the office tomorrow. I donā€™t want to. But oh well. Iā€™m going to make a concerted effort to get back in twice a week - Iā€™ve been slack with it and it doesnā€™t help me become better. Leaving the house more is important, so this shall be one of the ways. Iā€™m also going to get some new sneakers and a walking jacket so I can go for walks more regularly. Iā€™d like to go several times a week, but Iā€™ll work up to that. I love my walks, I love them a lot but I just get filled with every negative emotion when I go for them around my house, to the point Iā€™ll start having tears running down my cheeks or shaky trembly hands - itā€™s pathetic. I think environment is everything, and purpose. When I walk pups at my parents I donā€™t feel these things, Iā€™ll be a little anxy but nothing I canā€™t manage. But here? Itā€™s so hard. Itā€™s so stupid I know. But I love walking, I feel better when I do it regularly, so I shall keep forcing myself to do it until I feel okay about it. I know this is what I have to do, but the way it makes me feel insideā€¦ it never feels worth it. To be 20 minutes walk from home and feel on the verge of a panic attack is NOT a good feeling and it only makes my panic worsen. So baby steps. Iā€™ve been considering on and off moving to a different area, I think I would feel more comfortable in other areas, I donā€™t know why I donā€™t here but I donā€™t. But moving elsewhere is no different to running from problems so I will sort it out here.
I broke his little bowl. I didnā€™t mean to :( I feel kind of upset about it, itā€™s been two weeks in the making with time to shape, dry, prime and I was doing a final layer of primer pre paint and my stupid finger went through the base. So I guess it would never have been a good present anyway because it broke so easily. But I bought a really pretty coloured paint because I thought he might like it and I just feel upset. I showed him it, idk why, I just messaged him a picture of it now and I already wish I hadnā€™t. I shouldnā€™t have even made anything for him in the first place, heā€™s made it abundantly clear he doesnā€™t care for homemade things - cards, presents, whatever. If he did like them he would comment on them, and he never does, so maybe itā€™s a good thing this broke. I just like sharing things with him, like when I draw and I like a tree Iā€™ve drawn I want to show him, except I donā€™t because Iā€™m utterly rubbish at drawing and it makes me look like a five year old. I at least appreciate his honesty, or transparency rather. It means I can understand what he does and doesnā€™t like. I just think his likes donā€™t mesh with my like of making homemade cards and presents. Itā€™s not like I only give him that though. Anyway it doesnā€™t matter, plus itā€™s probably better for me to not share things like this given I donā€™t have any skill or natural talent with it. Just because you enjoy something doesnā€™t make you good at it.
I donā€™t feel so great this afternoon, mood wise.
Iā€™ve done the absolute bare minimum with my room, and the bar was set very, very low today. I tidied the floor up a bit, I made my bed, did a lazy tidy of my vanity desk thing.. thatā€™s about it. Iā€™ll do more across the week.
I feel.. detached today. This afternoon, rather. I know I love my family, Andy, puppyā€¦ etc. I just canā€™t feel it. I know itā€™s all in there, but I feel detached and I canā€™t reach it. This isnā€™t unusual, I just always try to describe the feeling and always fail. I think knowing I care but not being able to feel myself care sums it up as well as Iā€™ll ever be able to.
I found a little notebook of my early days of therapy, well with this current one, maybe not that early actually but idk. It was just me writing down who I am. The first is ā€œI am a humanā€ because I had to start with the basics. The last line is ā€œI try my best to be friendlyā€ - I think I will continue with this. No one really comments much on me so I will just write it as things feel write. From memory it was also a way to force myself to speak more kindly to myself, ie I am a woman vs I am a monster. And things like Iā€™m generous, I love animals, I am quiet, I try to be patient, I love romance, I appreciate attention to detail, I like to care for others, I am a homebody, I love reading etc. And then scattered amongst it was some honesty, like I can be a control freak, I am quite particular about some things, I am indecisive, I am sensitive etc. And then next to I am a friend I have a question mark. But I want to continue writing these things, I think itā€™s helpful when I feel lost in myself to be able to read through a list of things Iā€™ve written and be reminded. That sounds so silly to not know who you are sometimes, but sometimes I just feel so unbelievably lost and unmoored from everything, even myself. So Iā€™ll write all the good things, and the bad. Iā€™ll write things that I like, things that I donā€™t. Iā€™ll write things I want in my life, things I feel like I should want but donā€™t, things I shouldnā€™t want but do etc etc etc. Itā€™ll be a little tiny notebook of everything me. I wonder if sometimes itā€™s possible for me to get any lamer? Unlikely.
Iā€™ve been thinking about stopping journaling here more and more. I get more out of posting it here, it feels like a release, like Iā€™m letting all the thoughts go which is especially helpful with my negative ones, I donā€™t know.
Itā€™s 5:23pm. I need to wash and blowdry my hair, as itā€™s still damp in the morning lately. I need to have something for dinner, I guess. Iā€™ve been struggling with eating lately, I feel so ugly and it makes me not want to eat and then that sets off a bad string of things. Iā€™ll have something little, vegemite toast maybe. I need to pack my bag for tomorrow. And thatā€™s it.
I feel better after a shower and chat with Andy, I still feel not good but he perked me up on the outside. He makes me laugh so much :) Itā€™s kind of weird to think Iā€™ll be living long term in Australia, like Iā€™ve always intended on living there - until my mental health and covid messed things up a little for me timeline wise. But to think Iā€™ll maybe say Australian thingsā€¦? That Iā€™ll say thongs? And I definitely will because I cave quickly, like I was only in the UK two years and I said crisps and trainers and I still do to this day, which Iā€™m actively trying to stop. I wonder what my accent would sound like after like ten yearsā€¦ I really doubt Iā€™d ever lose my accent. Itā€™s funny how I do probably sound a bit different when talking to him versus my mum. I just talk more softly with him, I naturally do anyway to the point I have people comment semi regularly on how soft spoken I am, but idk, I donā€™t even mean to speak to him a certain way, I just do? And then he hears me talking to mum and I probably sound like Iā€™m wearing Jandals and stubbies while loading up the ute as I prepare for a tramp in the bush. Christ. I do love being from here though, in theory I would rather we live here than Australia, and never say neverā€¦ but it makes more sense to be there. I donā€™t really have anyone here other than my parents whereas he has family and friends and his payments and all of it. I donā€™t really have any ties here. Anyway.
I get to spend time with him tonight :) Night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 xftrjfzghzdfg What's the way to watch Indiana Pacers vs New York Knicks live streams on Reddit?

What's the way to watch Indiana Pacers vs New York Knicks live streams on Reddit? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftrjfzghzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 xftrjfzghzdfg Is there any way to Watch Indiana Pacers vs New York Knicks live Streams fRee Basketball?

Is there any way to Watch Indiana Pacers vs New York Knicks live Streams fRee Basketball? I want to watch the NBA Playoffs. I do not have cable. Besides illegal streams, what is the best and specifically most cost effective way to watch the playoffs.
šŸ”“Visitā–ŗ NBA Live Streams
šŸ”“Hereā–ŗ NBA Basketball 2024 Live
2024 NBA Finals Game Presented by YouTubeTV will begin June 6, with ABC as the exclusive broadcaster.
Streams NBA Final games live online for free. Offering multiple high-quality NBAstreams, Select your game and dive into the best HD Reddit NBA live. With any EA game, you either pay the dooh or waste so much time trying to be good and even then true overalls require money.
where is best way to watch. What's best way to watch NBA Playoffs live free streams? iā€™m looking at YouTube TV. i know some subscriptions donā€™t show certain games i got paramout.
submitted by xftrjfzghzdfg to Harambe [link] [comments]