El kulo

Plaza Podemos

2014.04.23 22:45 aritza Plaza Podemos

Podemos nace para convertir la indignación en cambio político, y para construir democracia a través de la participación ciudadana y la unidad popular. Comunidad no oficial

2024.05.08 03:04 Repulsive-Land-3948 Les cuento una anécdota turbia

Todo empieza un martes ala 1:00 antes de empezar clases Mi licen de ccnn es una mujer que no siempre viene con jeans ajustado ese día trajo un jeans celeste no tan ajustado y trajo un un buzo de la Azul oscuro y le llegaba a la cintura estubo dando clases hasta que le hizo calor y se sacó el buzo y se le via el kulo y cuando se sacó el buzo me vio y yo disimule hasta que se puso a escribir en el pizarrón y se veía el kulo y se me paro luego se al frente y yo disimule que no le veía y luego Vino su ayudante y pasaron minutos y se acabó la clase Esto paso cuando estaba en el colegio
submitted by Repulsive-Land-3948 to Cuentametusanecdotas [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 17:50 Drugtrain My humble collection

My humble collection
I’ve been tasting and filling my cabinet for two years. I’d like to mention Teerenpeli Kulo - matured in cherry cask. Quite smooth and fruity whiskey from Finland.
submitted by Drugtrain to whiskey [link] [comments]

2023.12.16 03:04 juanchopanchop ashuda tengo deprezion

estoy tizte porque se mulio mi perlito que se llamaba guesito se comio un zapo venenoso que parecia posho y ahora estoy tiste porque no tengo amigoz porque estoy todo el dia encerrado en mi kasa pero al menoz tengo el anime y el maincraft junto con mis amigoz ibai y auronplei ya q prefiero quejarme que mover el kulo porke capas me sale mal y en la vida real no me dan una medalla cuando pieldo y ezo me da deplesion :c
Lo peol es ke le pedí a mi mama que me compré un alfajor triple punta bashena y me compró un marley evidentemente me odia ya no se q hacer con esta vida de mielda solo ziento vasio como naruto soy un rechasado sosial kreo ke me voy a suisidar komiendo un blister de pastillias halls menta fuerte q me arde la lengua capas me quemo por dentro jujnto kon ezte dolor infinito ke nunca akaba
y ademaz vi un bideo de sicoanalisi' ke decia q komo mi ppelicula faborita ez batman zoi una perzona oskura y depreziva komo no konzegui ansiolitiko y antideprezivo porke zi zalgo de kasa podría pasar algo y me da miedisho tuve ke empesar a konsumir banana con dulse de leshe y limonsito con bikarbonato estoi volviendome loko
por favor denme atension
Y si pueden, dejen de decirme que viven sufriendo más que nadie, y cuéntenme una historia original.
Los quiere,
submitted by juanchopanchop to Burises [link] [comments]

2023.11.25 00:52 robertorooks Autismo: la llamada 📞

Autismo: la llamada 📞 submitted by robertorooks to RodikSama [link] [comments]

2023.08.27 00:02 daniels-Anagram Tinkinga talabatsandzanako

S’gcoko: Khala mdumbadumbane lapha kusetindlini tekusakata letiyawuhlala njalo tisakata ngesiswati eMbabane edolobheni eCoronation-Park eceleni kwasePrince-of-Wales eMbabane eSwazini kaNgwane. Sangena sbali kuMdumbadumbane, sangena kuMdumbadumbane sbali e lomncane wetitsandzani le lapho sibuka khona embili sibuka emuva angati kutsi bowungatsini lapho Mbokane nangibekisa ngalelogama lelo kutsi engcondvweni yakho kufika kutsini?
Mbhokane: e S’gcokos’yancinca ngiyakuva sbali kutsi utsi singena lapho sitawubuka khona e ikakhulu lesihlangene nako el’hlelweni lwaMdumbadumbane wetitsandzani emnyakeni e nanku lesisuka kuwo lophelile utsi ke sifanele sibuke lokwekutsi yini lesihlangene nako.
S’gcoko: Wena wekunene.
Mbhokane: Yini lesikubonile lokunginkona mhlawumbe kukhinyabeta ikakhulu bantfu e naba bantfu labaye batsi bayatsandzana kwesinye sikhatsi lesingatsi batsandzene baze batsatsana.
S’gcoko: Um befika esigabeni laph’ kufanele khona bakhe khona imiti.
Mbhokane: Wena wekunene loko ke sifanele kutsi sikubukisise kutsi lapho sikhandze ini.
S’gcoko: Wena wekunene mine nje bengingatsi asesicale eluhlangotsini lwekutsandzana kutsi sikhandze kutsi vele bayatsandzana yini e labo lebe sebanetinkinga bebatsandzana yini noma ke babe netinkinga nje batsandzana tindlela tabo tekutsi bazame kuchacha leto tinkinga tabo kubenako yini kutsandzana nendlela nje labaganana ngayo baze bayofika lapho ekutsandzaneni lapho lesingafika sitsi bayatsandzana sibone kutsini kuMdumbadumbane e sinas’bali
Mbhokane: e sbali ekuhambeni kwetfu tsine nawe sihamba neluhlelo lwaMdumbadumbane lwetitsandzani sikhandze kutsi bantfu laba labayaye batsi bayatsandzana baye batsi bayatsandzana kantsi abatsandzani kukhona loku lokung’nkona nguloyo akubukile kulomunye ngoba kutsandza umuntfu awumtsandzi ngoba anelutfo lolutsite utsandza similo sakhe nebucotfo bakhe hhayi lanako utsandze langiko hhayi lanako kodvwa ke tsine ekuhambeni kwetfu sikhandze kutsi bantfu baye batsi bayatsandzana kantsi baye batsandzanele loko labanako hhayi loko labangiko
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: loko ke S’gcoko ukhandza kutsi nabatsi bayatsandzana batsandzanela loku labanako uyawukhandza kutsi ngesikhatsi kuhanjwa kuhanjwa kuhanjwa sibese siyatfola kutsi nakuhamba kuhanjwa sekuphela loku labatsandzanele kona
S’gcoko: kona
Mbhokane: labanako mhlawumbe sekuyaphela nasekuphela loko kubese kuyacala tincushuncushu lapho kantsi nabatsandzanele bungibo babo kute lokuyaye kuphele lapho kuphela ngaphandle kwekutsi kufike kufa
S’gcoko: wena wekunene kulona leliviki noma kulamaviki besicoca nawe nemachogolo sicoca ngendzaba yekugana kwavela lokwekutsi nayona lendlela sekuganwanwa ngayo ihamba iyaphuma emshweni ngoba kubuyela kukona naku lokushoko kokwekutsi ubuka timpawu tini kumuntfu kutsi lomuntfu ungumuntfu unebuntfu nemambala ngingaphila naye ngingalakha yini likhaya ukhandze kutsi lomunye ubuke lokunye nendlela bantfu lokhandza kutsi mhlawumbe baganana ngayo i i i kukhona yini lekukhulumako sbali ekutsandzaneni kwebantfu na
Mbhokane: e S’gcokos’yancinca lesikubonile kulokutsandzana lesekukhona kwebantfu lengingahlabisa ngenhloko nine bekunene kutsi kutsandzana kwebantfu lesikubonile ngunaku lese kuhambisana nemali ngitawusho njalo bekunene
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: loko kutsandzana lokunjalo liciniso asilisho bekunene akusiko kutsandzana loko lowungaze ukubhekise ekwakheni umuti sizatfu bekunene loko ungakusho nje utsi kukutsandzana sakutsengana ngoba nembala nangabe loko lenitsandzanele kona sekucala mhlawube angatsi kuyaphela ngoba bekunene sifanele sati kutsi lesinako kuhamba kuhambe kuhambe kuphele kuphele ngisaphila lokusho kutsi nasekuphela loko kuyabese kuyacala e S’gcoko kungevani lapha nalapha nembala ubesewutsi nawutsi ubuka emuva e lokunye lesikutfolile sitfolile S’gcoko nekutsi bantfu abasatsandzani noma abasaganani ngendlela lefanele yekuganana kwebantfu ngasebuveni babo sebakuyekela loku ngiko ke loku lokudala lokwekutsi ube sewukhandza kutsi ekutsandzaneni kwabo kubate sisekelo ngoba lapha emuva ekugananeni kwabo kute lobubuve lokwalandzeleka
S’gcoko: wena wekunene akusena sisindvo
Mbhokane: ekusena sisindvo nje futsi sekute nalapha kusime khona ngoba umuntfu nangabe akugana empeleni ufanele kutsi abokucaphelisisa umuntfu kugana kwakhe ngoba kugana ngiko le kuhamba kuhambe kuhambe kuhambe kuhambe kuye kufikisa ekwetseni lomuntfu sangakutsatsa akwente umfati loyomuntfu nasatakutsatsa akwente umfati uyayibukisisisa kakhulu indlela lowamgana ngayo
S’gcoko: iya
Mbhokane: nangabe indlela lowamgana ngayo abatse uyayibuka itawumenta kutsi abesewukhandza shangatsi uyasimbatseka usimbatsekiswa yini ubuka indlela lenaganana ngayo lowamgana ngayo leyondlela seyamkhomba bucotfo bakho wena latsi ufuna kukutsatsa
S’gcoko: iya
Mbhokane: iya sekungenteka kutfolakale incenye sowukutsatsiswa ngoba akufuneki kutsi umuntfu akutsatsiswe kuhlupheka
S’gcoko: iya
Mbhokane: kufuna akutsatsiswe kukutsandza akutsandzani atsandza kwakheka kwakho atsandza bucotfo bakho abese uyabuka uyabona kutsi kulobucotfo lanabo lomuntfu lo angalakha likhaya laketfu noma lababe nami noma ngingafa ngingamshiya ekhaya lisale liphila ngaye akusho ke lokokutsi kuyaye kwentiwe buhle yini lobube belowanyana kwentiwa similo nabucotfo
S’gcoko: iya hhayi lamahlahla...
Mbhokane: cha hhayi letinwele bekunene lesitibonako bantfu ngoba kutsi umuhle uba muhle wena kwakhiwa kwakho ebese kuba nesimilo sakho kulobo buhle balowo mtimba wakho lokusho ke kutsi umuntfu lonjalo kuyenteka kutsi nangabe ulijaha lelihlakaniphile nembala sekungenteka kutsi umtsatse loyo umuntfu umente umfati kukhona lokubonile kuye kodvwa ke sisahamba nawe S’gcoko kulomnyaka lophelile etinkinga talabatsandzanako sitfolile lokwekutsi naku lesikhuluma ngako nyalo labantfu bayatsatsana bangakakubuki lo...
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: ngulenye ke intfo leyenta kutsi kuhambe kuhambe kuhambe kuhambe ebese kuphelela endleleni ngoba intfo bekunene nakute la isime khona kulula kuwa kwayo
S’gcoko: sbali kukhona naku lohlu ubekisa ngako kugana ngengculu lomunye angakhandza kwekutsi yena utsi umgane silumbi lomuntfu lo kantsi sewumgane ngengculu angati kutsi lapho bewungake sewunabanabe utsini nje
Mbhokane: mane ke S’gcoko he lokutangihluphahlupha lapho e angikwati kahle mine kugana ngesilumbi kutsi kenje ngesilumbi kugananwa kanjani mhlawumbe kumbe ngesilumbi lokugana umuntfu ngengculu ngikona kuganana yini angati kahle S’gcoko kutsi ngesilumbi empeleni bantfu baganana njani sisekelo sako e ekugananeni ngesilumbi kuba yini ngesilumbi uyaye ubuke ini kutsi lomuntfu lo ngingamtsatsa ngimente umfati ngitsi bulikhoni lengitaba nabo S’gcoko ngilobo lapho angati lokwekutsi ngesilumbi bantfu baganana njani
S’gcoko: wena wekunene nami sbali angati kephana nje ngiyabuka tintfo letinengi letiyaye tenteke kubantfu ukhandze kutsi labanye indlela labacala ngayo bacala kabi kodvwa kwakusilungwana kubo loko mhlawumbe bahlangana ehhotela lolomunye uyintfombi yalomunye nalolomunye uyati sebayasuka lapho bayanatsa
Mbhokane: musamtsatsa S’gcokos’yancinca umuntfu lomsikati lomkhandze ehhotela
S’gcoko: iya
Mbhokane: ngake ngatsi mine kuwe ngalelinye lilanga kuwo lomnyaka lophelile sihlangana nato tona letinkinga talabatsandzanako ngatsi uyabona nawufika esinganini sakho noma lasihlala khona noma kusekhaya kubo nje e utsi uyamfuna e lona losingani sakho bakutjele kutsi no akekho la ekhaya uhambe itolo ngatsi utawubuya namuhla kodvwa sive kutsi abelele ehhotela... kutsi yini nembala vele e lefikako kuwe nangabe singani sakho ufike wasikhandza kutsi asikho ngakusasa sewuyasibona uyasibuta sitsi besisehhotela silele le ehhotela kutsi kuwe njengeliswati yini lefikako loyo muntfu lonjenga loyo nembala vele uyabutfola yini bucotfo kuye uyasitfola yini similo sakhe sekutsi ungamtsatsa uyomenta umfati ekhaya kini loyo muntfu lonjalo lokugane ehhotela lohle futsi...
S’gcoko: anyamalala
Mbhokane: anyamalala ayawulala ehhotela
S’gcoko: nawutsi uyambuta atsi what’s-your-problem-I’ve-taken-myself-out-with-my-friends
Mbhokane: uyayibona intfo lenjenga leyo ukhuluma singisi manjena nawutsi uyakubuka S’gcoko kuyahlangana yini loko
S’gcoko: iya
Mbhokane: liciniso litsi akungeke sekuhlangane ikakhulu nase...ngebuve akukho
S’gcoko: khala Mdumbadumbane lapha kuseCoronation-Park eceleni kwasePrince-of-Wales kuseMbabane eSwazini
Mbhokane: nine bekunene lok’ les’khuluma ngako sikhuluma el’hlelwen’ lwaMdumbadumbane sikhuluma ngentintfo lesihlangene nato eluhlelweni lwemnyaka lophelile kulo l’hlelo lwetitsandzani
S’gcoko: lokunye s’bali basatsandzana bantfu lesikukhandzile leng’kubukile ngabe bew’ngaphawula utsini lapho labanye lababe nenhlanhla baze befika es’gabeni sek’tsandzana angatsi sek’tsatsana tindlela lebatsatsana ngato aticaci kahle lokwenta kutsi futsi ek’gcineni kwako konkhe e noma sebanekukhuluma sebacabene kube bete tindlela letitintile labakhulumisana ngato letakha likhaya labo nenhlalakahle nek’tsandzana kwabo nek’tsatsana kwabo kutsi k’chubekele embili
Mbhokane: e sihlangene nako S’gcoko loko ukhandza kutsi bekunene muntfu amunye k’sentjentiswa imihambo lemibili ekutsatseni loyo muntfu lentfo leyo ihamba ihambe ihambe ibe netinkinga bekunene ngoba bantfu nangabe batsatsene nje kubakhona ngalelinye lilanga lapho khona e kube khona kukhuluma lokutsite lokutaw’benta mhlambe bakhulume baphakamise emavi kokukanye lokutaw’benta bakhulume bagcine sebafanele kutsi bayew’lanyulwa mhlaw’mbe ngumtsetfo kodvwa ukhandze kutsi lendlela labay’sebentisa labantfu nabatsatsana akuvali kahle kutsi umtsetfo utaw’yingena ngakuphi ngoba mfatindzini wacale washada ngeSilumbi watsi nakashadile kwakhanya lokwekutsi iw’ manje njengoba sow’shadile lomuntfu unje tsine batali bantfombatana phela unina walotjolwa kufanele kutsi lomuntfu lo alotjolwe e kulobola kuyini kuSiswati ufanele lokwekutsi abese uyaw’gcotjiswa libovu lokusho kutsi sow’buyelaphi sow’buyela esintfwini lapho kutaw’vumeleka khona kutsi kuphume tinkhomo tek’yam’ lobola
S’gcoko: um’
Mbhokane: sekungene Silumbi sekungene Sintfu nansi ke indzaba yabo labantfu lababili nyalo sebacabene ng’taw’sho njalo itaw’khulunywa siphi lendzaba itaw’khulunywa Sintfu itaw’khulunywa Silumbi inkinga ke itaw’ba sek’tsini labatakuy’teka lendzaba bataw’tsi bay’teka ngeS’lumbi bakhandze kutsi nakuya sekunetinkhomo indzaba lesey’tekwa inetinkhomo sey’funa kukhulunyelwa emcubeni
S’gcoko: um’
Mbhokane: kepha indzaba yemshado sey’funa k’yaw’khulunyelwa enkantolo sew’yabuka ke kutsi bantfu labasebenta lendzaba le babanebul’khuni ngentfo leyentiwe ngabomu iyentiwa bantfu batsatsa umuntfu ngeSilumbi baphindze bayow’m’tsatsa nangeSiswati loko bekunene sihlangene nako etinkingeni emnyakeni lophelile kuyinkinga nempela kubantfu lababe sebakhuluma tindzaba talabo bantfu ngalesikhatsi sekukhona incushuncushu letsite sikhuluma ke bekunene ngetintfo lesihlangene nato utaw’tsi utsi utsi teSilumbini k’tfolakale kutsi cha phela bekunene lomuntfu lona wahlatjelwa tingege atikho ngala utsi utsi utsi ngala kutsiwe cha phela bekunene lomuntfu lona washada akukho loku ngala ube sow’khandza kutsi indzaba yalabantfu seyaw’hlupha ngisho nemtsetfo lucobo lwawo kutsi ifanele kutekwa njani lendzaba yalabantfu naba bantfu lababhice s’bhicongo benta intfo lengakafaneli umfati wakho ingaba ng’ko konkhe umtsetse ngelisiko lebuve bakho
S’gcoko: wena wekunene intfo leyaw’tinta leyawenta kwekutsi nebantfu bamati bamhloniphe le...intfo leyaw’hamba i...ibuyele le lapha bogogo wakhe khona nabonina batsatseka ngayo ndlela leyo ngoba tinkhomo ngete wat’balekela ngoba uyise naye wamlobola unina
Mbhokane: l’ciniso ng’lelo S’gcokos’yancinca kubantfu labanye labaye batsi e hhay’ tinkhomo yintfo lengenandzaba tinkhomo ungasho kutsi yintfo lengenandzaba nangabe loyomuntfu atitala ngenhlanhla lembi ngingasho njalo kute umuntfu lotitalako umuntfu utalwa ng’muntfu umuntfu ke umtfwana umtala wena emfatini wakho loyomfat’wakho utsi ng’mfati wakho ngoba washaya tinkhomo wamlobola lomfati ngiko bantfwana labatalako kutsiwa ngebakho ngaleso sizatfu lesitsi eSiswatini watishaya tinkhomo walobola lo lona ke sow’fanele kutsi nakendza tinkhomo takho lowalobola ngato unina tibese tiyabuya kuwe tibuye ngani tibuye nganansi intfombi yakakho ang’yati ke lelek’ngakhuluma nanayo itsi yona ay’funi k’lotjolwa kutsi ngabe ikhuluma iyini ngoba lutfo lwemuntfu alukhulumi kukhuluma umniyo walo lolutfo
S’gcoko:....ekunene lapha s’bali ukhandza kwekwekutsi etintfweni letincane lengabe bet’khulunywa e tsine sati kutsi ngeSiswati kwendlala tihlantsi etintfwen’ letincane let’ngabe tihlalelwe phansi takhulunywa tinini e tikhuluma ngentfo yato sekungena umtsetfo uyadlongota sewenta labantfu lababili entfwen’ lebe itaw’khul’meka yendlule se iyabacabanisa sek’ba nes’tfosi ngasho njalo
Mbhokane: liciniso lelo S’gcokos’yancinca phela S’gcoko bantfu bayati kutsi enkantolo atendlalwa t’hlantsi
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: kuhlalwa etitulwen’ enkantolo kukhulunywa indzaba yemfati kantsi ngala eSintfwini kwendlalwa tihlantsi kuhlalwe phansi kukhulume bantfu lababatali balabantfu lababili naba lesekukhanya shangatsi abavani inhloso yekwendlala tihlantsi bekunene kusuke kungasiko kubhidlita kodvwa kusuke kukwakha ngoba labantfu labendlalelane tihlantsi suke sebatinini bunini budalwe kutsatsana kwanaba bantfu lababili laba ke lasebendlalene tihlantsi bafuna likhambi lekwakha noma lekucedza naku lokwenta laba lababili bangete bevana
S’gcoko: tendlalwe bakhoti
Mbhokane: tendlalwe bakhoti letihlantsi bakhuluma inkhulumo lecotfo yekufuna kwakha kute lokhuluma nakwendlelwe tihlantsi akhulume kukhomba kwekutsi lentfo le lokungenani ayimane ibhidlike kubate etihlantsini intfo lenjenga leyo kodvwa naw’tsi uyak’buka ngale lakungendlalwa khona tihlantsi ngula lakukhona khona ngekwemtsetfo nesehlukaniso lesikhona kubantfu labe batsi batsetsene ngek’tsandzana atendlalwa tihlantsi lapho k’nesehlukaniso khona kodvwa lakute khona sehlukaniso t’yendlalwa tihlantsi ngala ngasebuninini ngulapho kwendlalwa khona tihlantsi kukhulunywe e kugcine kukhulunywe kweviwana e makoti loyo wabuyela ekhakhakhe nendvodza leyo yayalwa nangabe k’tfolakele kutsi laekwendlaleni tihlantsi indvodza itfolakele kutsi ngiyo lephatsakabi umkayo makutfolakele kutsi umkayo nguye lophatsakabi indvodza bayabese bayayalwa labantfu bayalwe bantfu lababatalako bantfu labanengati yabo hhayi bantfu labasebenta imali abangeke bakwati kukuyala kungene emtsanjeni loko
S’gcoko: khala Mdumbadumbane lapho k’seMbabane edolobhen’ eCoronation-Park sesephetsa s’bal’ wami s’buka emuva s’buka nasembili kunentfo levele la kukona lapha ek’tsatsanen’ nasek’philen’ nasek’gananen’ nje kwebantfu indzaba yetinhlangano mine ke ng’tatichaza tinhlangano kutsi ugomo wato natifika laeAfrica kwatsiwa titonanatela impilo nebuve nemihambo nek’phila kwemaSwati inhlakahle yawo kepha nyalo lesesik’bona ikakhulu s’la kuMdumbadumbane ukhandza kutsi letintfo lekwak’fanele kutsi tinanatele inhlalakahle yemaSwati sengito futsi letintfo letibese setidala kwekutsi bantfu emakhaya abo baphambane angat’ noma s’bali ng’yevakala yini
Mbhokane: uyabona S’gcokos’yancinca indalo yaNkhulunkhulu yekudala bantfu Nkhulunkhulu akabanikanga bantfu ekwek’tsen’ empilwen’ yabo baw’gcina babuswa tinhlangano tinhlangano wena wek’nene ukhandza kutsi empeleni inhloso yalabo labenta leto tinhlangano abe kungasiko ku...ku...ku...ku...kutaw’kubhidlita tintfo labatikhandza takhiwe ng’labobantfu kanye nenhlalo nempilo yabo mine S’gcokos’yancinca ng’taw’tsi sibulawa ngumbuso etinhlanganweni ungalandzeli kubukisisisa kutsi lokufundziswa labantfu bafundziswa tinhlangano yini tinhlangano tifundzisa noma ngayini kubantfu kute lobaliso lekubukela buve bebantfu kuleto tinhlangano kuleto tifundziso tato kubonakele nas’hamba nel’hlelo lophel’....losisuka kulo S’gcokos’yancinca kutsi umfati wakho uyindvodza angangena atsi shi etinhlanganweni leto lulwimi lwakhe luyabese luyashintja ekhaya ng’cinisile batang’fakazela labanye kepha labo labesabako njalo abengeke bakufakaze loko luyabese luyashintja lulwimi lwamake sow’yabona kutsi kukhona lokutsite make lase afundziswa kona afundziswa yinhlangano kantsi kube tinhlanganondzini tifundziso tenu tibukiwe ngabe k’yabese kuyavela kutsi chakeke bekunene loku phela nasenikufundzisa kanje sekutakwakha kubete inhlalakahle kulabantfu naba labatsatsene ngoba tinhlangano S’gcokos’yancinca tiyakufundzisa bulundza kumake ube sow’khandza umfati wami ubuya enhlanganweni empeleni noma ubuya sikhatsi sesihambile nang’mbuta ang’phendvule ngelulwimi lwenhlangano hhayi ngelulwimi lwem’yalo webatali bakhe sikukhandzile ke nako loko bekunene kutsi kuhamba k’hambe k’hambe k’hambe kungete kwabekusakwakha k’thula ekhaya lebantfu kantsi inhloso yato tinhlangano empeleni naw’tibukela kwakutsi kwakheke k’thula kubantfu bantfu bashiyelane imicondvo letsite yekwakha tintfo letitaw’philisa bantfu kodvwa ke ngek’ngagadvwa kwetinhlangano eveni k’yabese k’yahlanyeleka nalok’ngasiko lokung’kona utaw’khandza kutsi ek’gcinen’ kwako konkhe k’yabese k’yaw’bhidlita umuti ngoba labantfu labashumayelako le abashumayeli e ngendlela yekwakha ngasebuveni labanye labashumayelako k’yaye k’shumayele labo low’khandza kutsi banjenje imiti sebate bay’bhidlita bona sebayaw’faka lomoya nakulabo labe bese bambelele ngulapho bekunene lapho k’yabese k’shintja khona lulwim’ lwamake nangabe asangene kakhul’ enhlanganwen’ loku lesik’khulumako bekunene kasisoli tinhlangano kasisho timbi kodvwa lokufundziswako khona sitsi kubomane kuhlolwe ng’labo labanemalungelo ekukubuka kutsi kufundzisa kona yini lokutakwakha sive semaSwati k’sasa noma akusasiko nangabe kasasiko kube sek’bakhona imiyalo lechamkako k’laba labafanele hhayi bekunene sek’yas’hlalula sive loko
S’gcoko: ngoba nalok’fundziswa s’bali akusiko lokuhlanganako ngoba les’ngatsi-balanced bayafundziswa bomake ngale emadvodza kute nababa...lobafundzisako k’hlangabeta kutsi laba ses’batjele naku kuze kutsi k’hlangane lentfo sey’ngene yaze yaw’fika ngisho nasemasontfweni imbala nawo sekanek’fundzisa lok’tsite lokwenta emakhaya ahaluke
Mbhokane: emasontfo phela S’gcokos’yancinca tinhlangano
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: nanawo aw’ngeke nje uwakhweshise etinhlanganweni nawo afundzisa kwawo
S’gcoko: wena wekunene
Mbhokane: netinhlangano leti nato tifundzisa kwato sow’yaw’khandza kutsi umuntfu losangene tonkhe leto tintfo leto ingcondvo yakhe iyabese iyaphambana ekhaya kakhe lapho endze khona sekubakhona inhlalunhlalu sekubakhona encenye nekugcina labo bantfu behlukene behlukaniswa yini tifundziso labafundziswa tona letingendlalelwa tihlantsi njengoba Siswati sisho
S’gcoko: a...asambe s’bali sivalelise s’bali ngoba s’bonile nasemakhaya kwekutsi sow’khandza kwekwekutsi labo labayawakha lawomakhaya bafike bangete bevana ngoba beta nemicondvo leyehlukene kantsi lolotsatsa lomunye yena bekatsi ufuna kwakha l’khaya loya lomunye yena ufuna kwakha tindlu
Mbhokane: kunjalo S’gcokos’yancinca e sik’bonile bekunene loko kodvwa ke s’yayala el’hlelwen’ lwaMdumbadumbane kutsi angatsi ngete sek’bona loku k’lom’nyaka nine bekunene nawendzile ung’makoti ukhandze ekhaya k’dliwa l’gusha ungabosho kutsi bayahlupheka labo bantfu badla l’gusha ngoba bayal’tsandza ungeti nekupheka kwakho lok’taw’fike k’hlantise bantfu ekhaya
S’gcoko: n’sale kahle nine bekunene sekahamba emajaha lamadzala
Mbhokane: wena wekunene (bahleke)
submitted by daniels-Anagram to khalaMdumbadumbane [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 20:44 slrmclaren2013 Rate my BRAZIL

Rate my BRAZIL submitted by slrmclaren2013 to victoria2 [link] [comments]

2022.09.20 01:35 ezefavio6842 elitistas, no lo entederias

elitistas, no lo entederias submitted by ezefavio6842 to giosama [link] [comments]

2022.08.21 14:24 elsesee Bike culture

Bike culture submitted by elsesee to Illustration [link] [comments]

2022.05.06 11:21 _Lissi__ porla putamadre sir

porla putamadre q rico culo tiene esa sorra,medio un infarto detanta paja,perono me mori y aki estoy enel ospital,cuando yegue a mi casa me cojere a mi burra imaginandome a esa sorra con el kulo de 3 metros q le cabe una escoba enel ano jejeje, mi vieja tiene el kulo aguado nole bayan a desir jejejeje, megustava cuando mi bieja leasia aaaaaaaaa y hoy solo dise,damepara la comida biejo puto y yano se me para okupo biagra, buenos recuerdos del año pasado jejejeje, por sierto buen ano 10/10
submitted by _Lissi__ to nothuman8 [link] [comments]

2022.02.21 00:16 Grafeiafto "COMO HACERTE LA PªJ4 CON UN CEPILLO Y UNA LIGA"

"COMO HACERTE LA PªJ4 CON UN CEPILLO Y UNA LIGA" Necesitas: 1. Cepillo de cabello 2. Un moño o una liga elastica Otra noche con Manuela y lo primero que debes hacer es enrollar el moño o la liga elastica y ajustarlo alrededor de tu miembro, en la zona más baja, generando presión, que no te apriete mucho para que no sea incomodo. con una mano te la jalas y con la otra te vas cepillando los testi+kulos, cuando empieces a llegar al punto de excitación maxima, cepillate más rapido las bolas hasta que no puedas más y venirte, el orgasmo será increible si lo haces en la cama con las piernas semi abiertas es lo ideal, a disfrutar y buena paja, saludos.
submitted by Grafeiafto to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2021.10.17 22:55 shtrafbat1945 Funny Spanish jokes with rhymes

Hi guys. I am working with Spanish guys and since I don't speak spanish they always make rhymes jokes with each other for example: you ask a person how to say five in Spanish. They answer Sinco then you say por El kulo te la inco! Could you please share some rhyme jokes with me so I can pull some unique ones for them. Thank you!
submitted by shtrafbat1945 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2021.05.26 06:16 trolencio2007 Que serían las páginas porno sin viejos calientes...

Porla putamadre q rico culo tiene esa sorra, medio un infarto detanta paja, perono me mori y aki estoy enel ospital, cuando yegue a mi casa me cojere a mi burra imaginandome a esa sorra con ese kulo de 3 metros q le cabe una escoba enel ano jejeje, mi vieja tiene el kulo aguado, nole bayan a desir jejejeje, megustava cuando mi bieja leasia aaaaaaaaa y hoy solo dise, damepara la comida biejo puto y yano se me para okupo biagra, buenos recuerdos del año pasado jejejeje, por sierto buen ano 10/10
submitted by trolencio2007 to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2020.12.06 22:51 Zabaabobmado SONI le rompe el culo a KULO// SONI > KULO /// Hay boluda pepa

SONI le rompe el culo a KULO// SONI > KULO /// Hay boluda pepa submitted by Zabaabobmado to keloposting [link] [comments]

2020.11.22 00:25 Cheesetorian Old Tagalog Food and Cooking Terms from Historical Dictionary Pt. 2

Continued from Pt. 1
Recipes/Styles and Terms Related to Cooking
Loto (luto)- cocer cualquiera cosa/to cook anything. Eg. Ang niloloto co ay balatong “I am cooking mongo beans.”
Note: The term ‘balatong’, same in other languages like Ilocano, is the native Tagalog term for beans (it is used in this dictionary also), including ‘munggo’. Blust recreated it in Proto-PH as balatun with other various forms valatung, balatum, baldtong. Unfortunately can’t link the Google Book, but here’s another link ‘balatung = mung beans’.
Combar (kumbad ???)-yesca para sacar fuego. es la lana que sacan de la palma llamada cauong/tinder to make fire. It is from the ‘wool’ they take from the kaong palm.
Note: ‘Wool’ likely meant the fuzzy fibers taken from palms including coconut that are highly flammable, used as kindler.
Alipuyo (alimpuyo)- quemarse lo que se esta cociendo; por entrar la llama, dentro de la vasija/burn what is cooking; for the flame to enter the cooking vessel.
Note: The modern meaning/form of this term is ‘alimpuyo’ ‘whirlwind’, like meant that one is blowing/fanning flame too hard, it makes fire hotter and thus burn the food.
Quilao (kilaw)- carne en vinagre/meat in vinegar. Eg. Magquilao tayo “Let’s make kilaw.”
Note: In Bergano’s Pampango dictionary the term is used for ‘venadillos’ ‘zervatillos’ ie young deedoe, as well as for ‘cachorillo’ ‘small puppy’. Likely, without me checking modern linguistic dictionaries, that it is surely cognate with ‘hilaw’ ie ‘raw’.
Quilauin (kilawin)- carne o pescado en adobo. Cortan la carne a pedacitos, o el pescado; y luego calientan un poco de vinagre; y bien caliente se lo echan encima; y alli le aplican sal y chile, y a esto llaman quilauing boro la salada/Meat or fish in adobo/marinade. They cut the meat or the fish into pieces, then they heat up a little vinegar, when its very hot they throw it (the vinegar) on it (the meat). Then they apply salt and chili, and this is called quilauing boro (kilawing buro). Eg. Ualang lamangcating sariua at pauang binoro. “There was no fresh meat to be found because they cured/salted/preserved all of it.”
Quilauin (kilawin)-adobo toman sal, vinagre, y chile, y lo echan en la carne, pescado, o tripas de venado; y asi medio crudo lo comen...este mismo genero de adobo sirve para las yerbas como ensalada/marinade (adobo) (whence) they take salt, vinegar, and chili, and pour it into meat, fish, or venison intestines; so they eat it half raw...this marinade is used for herbs to be served as a salad.
Arrobong babuy (adobong baboy)- Adobo de puerco/marinaded pork.
Note: This is an example, not an actual entry. Almost all entry for ‘adobo’ is described as ‘kilawin’. Adobo is a term obviously borrowed by Filipinos meaning ‘marinade’. There’s a note in the dictionary that Filipinos tend to confuse the r and d sounds; the author stated that there were no beginning R sounds. The closest to beginning R are actually D sound, and when they pronounce D sounds in the middle ie Spanish terms, they substitute it with R sounds Ie the early version of the word ‘adobo’ in Filipino most likely sounded like ‘arrobo’. This is also mentioned by other authors, for example Alcina speaking about Visayan (Waray-waray), that letters L, D, R are sometimes ‘mixed up’. Another example in this dictionary given was alac na arrobado which he translated as vino adobado (spiced wine).
From de Nola’s (1525) book: “The sollo, which is the sturgeon, is large fish and has very good meat like veal, and there it is eaten in marinade with its watered-down white vinegar,...salt,...oregano, and crushed garlic... vinegar...to whoever is eating it, they can add crushed cloves and crushed ginger, and with this marinade you can eat [it] grilled or otherwise in a different manner (using) a casserole, and (sic, once) cooked [sic, thoroughly[ it can be eaten (sic) and boiled (?)...”
He also noted various ‘adobado’ (all they have in common is vinegar---I used that sturgeon recipe specifically because it mentioned garlic, many of them didn't use it) recipes listed such as potage de adobo de gallina/chicken [it listed sugar and cinnamon topping, as well as fruits like pear, crushed almonds, and bread soaked in vinegar as ingredients]...de carnero/mutton adobado, and cabrito/baby goat adobado.
IMHO from such small comparative sources to sample (I really wished there were more Mexican and Filipino sources, ideally 18th and 19th c. to compare), the Filipino dish today called adobo isn’t native ie pre-colonial but not foreign either. Meaning to say that it evolved from native dishes and cooking style during colonial period incorporating European and colonial style from the Americas (laurel leaves, black pepper) and later on Chinese influences (eg. soy sauce). Arguably what’s often not talked about is the strong Chinese influences on this dish since many versions of this dish use black beans ie tausi (Kapampangan kilayin and Visayan humbang---a dish clearly borrowed from Chinese style---use this ingredient). Another thing not mentioned is parallel evolution of another dish called paksiw, which probably evolved from kilawin being cooked but not undergoing transformation of using soy sauce. If I was to guess, kilawin evolved from mostly raw dish into a thoroughly cooked dish (again eg. Kilayin from Pampanga is a good example of what it probably looked in this stage) during Spanish period incorporating laurel leaves and peppercorns as seasoning along the way. By the mass arrival of Chinese (second wave starting in the early 19th) started to get influences of Chinese style braised meat recipes incorporating soy sauce and some in versions, black beans. Lacking all the primary sources needed to prove it, that’s what I imagine Filipinos created the modern adobo. I think it’s a perfect testament of how Filipino food and culture really evolved through colonial period.
Salabsaban- medio crudo pescado etc. que asaron o cocienron de pronto/medium raw/seared fish etc. Fish that was quickly (ie not thoroughly) cooked.
Hirhiran/hihiran (hidhidan/hihidan), or sausauan (sawsawan)-salsa o pebre, para la carne/dipping sauce or pebre (vinegar based sauce) for the meat.
Note: Pebre (‘pepper’ in Catalan) is a sauce made out of vinegar, saffron, peppers and cloves. Variations of this sauce in the Spanish colonies often times including 'local' plants like tomato eg Mexican pico de gallo is a modern derivative of this type of salsa. More evidence is the fact that in other Filipino cuisines like Romblon’s ‘sarsa’ is a type of steamed shrimp mixed with vegetables (onion, garlic and tomato)...before steaming, the mixture looks like pebre ie Mexican salsa. Salsa is where the term ‘sarsa’ ‘sauce’ in Tagalog came from, although today it’s very restrictive in its meaning ie ‘sauce’. Pebre in Nola’s book is just translated as ‘pepper’ (appearing in many recipes), while sauce is still translated as ‘salsa’. Clearly the pre-Hispanic Filipino 'sawsawan' (very similar to other SEAsian dipping sauce) is the cane or paombong vinegar with garlic and onions. It probably looked so similar to their 'sauce' that it was considered close equivalent thus the name. Likely as chilies were introduced, the paombong vinegar with chilies evolved into what we now know as ‘sinamak’ (spiced vinegar).
Polotan (pulutan)- manjares que hacen en sus bodas para beber; de modo, que antes de la comida principal o despues, van tamando de los platos algunas cosillas: y a estas cosillas llaman, polotan/ delicacies they make at their weddings to drink (with); so that before or after the main meal, they are picking from many dishes: they call these little plates of food, pulutan. Eg. Marlang polotan. “Plenty of potages.”
Note: In another entry author called pulutan ‘potaje’, which literally translates to English ‘potage’ or stew or dishes cooked in stewpots. Modern Spanish translations of ‘potaje’ includes ‘soup’ and ‘chowder’. Putahe in today’s Filipino means ‘recipe’ or ‘types of cooked food’ in general. Pulutan’s more literal translation is ‘finger food’, from ‘pulot’ ‘to pick up with hand/fingers’, often associated as drinking food.
Sabao (sabaw)-caldo de carne o pescado/broth of meat or fish. Eg. Sabauan mo ang pingan. “Put some broth on this plate.”
Ayob-calentar lo ya asado o cocido para que se sazone/heat what is already roasted or cooked to season.
Lotong (lutong)-secarse cualquiera genero de hojas, que casi puedan moleto dry any kind of leaves (to the point) which can almost grind (them).
Laib, laob, layob-calentar ojas al fuego, para ponerlas por medicina/to heat leaves on the fire, to use them as medicine.
Doro (duro)- espetar algo en el asadoto spit something on the grill. Eg. Doroin mo iyang morcilla “Spit (this) blood sausage onto the grill”.
Yhao (ihaw)- asar carne o pescado o en parrillas/roast meat or fish or on grill. Eg. Ynihao nang cocinero morcillas “The cook grilled the blood sausage”.
Salab-chamuscar puerco o venado, al fuego/singe pork, or venison on fire. Eg. Magsalab cayo niyang osa “Singe the meat of that deer.”
Linguing (lingging/linwing ???), inin- sazonadamente algo de carne o pescado/ to season meat or fish for roasting/while roasting. Eg. Pacalinguingin mo ang pag aasal (or) pag yihao nang manuc. “Season well what you are grilling.“ Paano ang palilinguing? “How do you season (this meat) being roasted?”
Note: I cannot for the life of me, find this in modern Tagalog dictionary, if anyone has a clue please comment.
In-in (inin)-asar o cocer sazonadamente carne o pescado/roast or cook seasoned meat or fish. Eg. Maalam mag-inin ang cocinero “The cook knows how to season (the food being cooked).”
Bangi- asar camotes o plantanos sobre las ascuas/to roast sweet potatoes or plantains/bananas on embers.
Nanag- asar frutas en las brasas/to roast fruits on coals. Eg. Magnanag ca nang camote “Roast this sweet potato on the coals.”
Note: You don't see this often in PH cooking anymore, but I saw videos of cooking in mainland SEAsia where in they toss vegetables directly on the coals, either to burn off the outer shell or to char them for flavor.
Pais- asar algo envuelto en ojas en el rescoldo, u en pedazo de olla sobre las brasas/ roast something wrapped in leaves on the embers, or a piece of pot on the coals. Nagpapais si Yna nang may polot “My mother is roasting food wrapped in leaves with honey.” Eg. Ysdang pinais “Fish roasted in leaves.”
Note: Per NoliSoli: ‘Pinais – similar to binalot but with an extra step of steaming while wrapped in banana leaf.
Sahog- como el pasado y sus composiciones/to mix one thing with other ingredients (lit. “components”). Eg. Magsahog ca nang manga gulay sa laoya. “Add (these) vegetables with ginger.”
Lahok- mezclar muchas cosas juntas, para cocerlas/mix many things together to cook them. Eg. Ypaquilahoc mo yaing morcillas sa linoloto “Add this morcilla (ie blood sausage) with the rest of ingredients you are cooking.”
Saing, ipos, sigang- cocer arroz, carne, o pescado/to cook rice, meat or fish. Eg. Aco pala,y, ipinag saying? “Oh so (they) cooked some rice for me?”
Note: Obviously these words have different meaning today, but ‘saing’ (to cook rice), and sigang (to make a soup) likely are cognates likely meaning ‘to boil’.
San Buenaventura’s (1610’s) entry (pre-Hispanic term for the now used Spanish borrowed ‘gisa’):
‘Guisar : Gavang canin pp : qual quier guisado, como no tenian estos guisados asi no tienen vocablo para haçellos, sino para algunos pocos que de tarde en tarde ellos haçian, duo dic: gava, canin, la haçer de comer, imp : gumava ca nang canin, guisa, anong acqing gagauing canin? que de guisar? vala acong ypinagagava nang canin, no tengo aderentes con que guisar.’
Trans: ‘To stew-Gavang canin (gawang canin), any stew, as they did not have (names for) these stews, so they do not have a word for making them, but (this is the general term) for a few that they made from time to time. From gava (gawa) to make, canin (kanin) food. Eg. ‘Gumava ca nang canin’ ‘Guisa’ ‘Anong acqing gagauing canin?’ ‘Que de guisar?’ ‘Vala acong ypinagagava nang canin.’ ‘No tengo aderentes con que guisar.’’
Quisa (kisa or gisa ???)- cocer arroz juntamente con camote…(o) con algunas legumbres/cook rice with sweet potato (or) with other legumes. Eg. Masarap itong inyong quisa “This slop you made taste great.”
Labon, laga- cocer camotes u otras raices comestibles/to cook/boil sweet potatoes or other root crops. Eg. Si ina ay nalalaga nang puyao “My mother is boiling molasses”.
Note: Literal translation is ‘zumo de cana dulce’ ‘sugar cane juice’, I trans. it as molasses.
Locot (lukot)- cocerse la miel/to cook molasses (lit. trans “honey” but really means ‘sugarcane extract’)
Sanglal, sanglay- freir, en manteca/to fry, in oil. Eg. Nagsasanglal nang lamancati “(I’m) frying meat.”
Sinanglal- guisado que hacen de carne mal frita/a stew they make of poorly fried meat.
Note: I think these are the forerunner of stews where meat is fried thoroughly at first before being made into a stew and has some sourness in them eg. modern day Pininahan (pineapple stew) etc.
Per San Buenaventura’s (1610’s) entry:
‘Guisado : Sanglal pc : que haçen estos con açeyte de cocos agua chile vinagre y venado, es con acacuela, nagsasanglal .2.ac. guisar ansi la carne, ysinasanglal .1.P. ser guisada, sinanglal, llaman ela carne guisada ansi .Vi. Freyr : ya nuestras cacuelas tambien llaman sinanglal.’
Trans: ‘Stewed-1. Sanglal, which they make with coconut oil, chili, vinegar and venison in a cazuela (casserole pot). 2. ysinasanglal to make this stew 3. sinanglal, they call the meat stewed like that 4. they call our cazuela (now) as sinanglal’
Logao (lugaw)- guisar. arroz haciendolo ralo. lo mismo saing/to make rice into a thin stew. Ualan ipaglologao na gatas/tubig “There’s no milk or water to make lugaw with” (lit. trans “to make stew with”).
Sanday-freir hojuela de cualquira genero/to fry flakes of any all kinds.
Note: I think the proper translation is ‘crisps’ or ‘chips’.
Bouo (buwo/buho)- guisar carne o pescado en cana/to stew meat or fish inside a bamboo cane. Eg. Magbouo tayo nang osa “Let’s stew the venison in the bamboo.”
Note: Buho is a type of smaller bamboo. In olden times, they cooked quiet a lot of food including rice and stews in it.
Paho- aceitunas de la tierra: es fruta agria, y echadas en salmuera parecen aceitunas sevillanas/similar to olives in this country: it is sour fruit; when tossed in brine they look like Seville olives.
Note: Paho is a type of small mango that Filipinos pickled before they ripen. They are mentioned a few times in many accounts in 15th-16th c., in fact even Rizal annotated it his reprint of Morga
Colo (kulo)-hervir lo que se cuece/to boil (what is to be cooked).
Papal-relleno, estar algo y embutido /to stuff, stuffing. Eg. Napapalpalan yaring caban ng laman. “This chest (for meat) is stuffed.”
Note: Palpal is used for ‘stuff’ in another entry, but example given is for pillow. Other words that are used for ‘embutir’ pandat/sandat (in context ‘recalcado’ ie stuffed so much, maybe to the point of popping out) and payicpic/sicsic...but almost all examples and context used were for not for food/cooking so I just left them.
Lacsa (laksa)-fideos, cierta comida que se hace de masa/noodles/pasta, certain food that is made from dough.
Note: Laksa is a type of noodle dish in SEAsia. Sometimes in the PH it’s called ‘laksa laksa’. Here’s an online ‘recipe’ for a modern version of this noodle dish.
Yanga (yangga)- tostar, tortilla de huevos etc/to fry egg omelet etc.
Halbos (halabos)-tostar camarones, o cosas semejantes; y esto se hace echandole al genero, un poquillo de sal, y tostarlos; poco mucho; para que no se perdan/roasting shrimp, or the like; this is done by adding a bit of salt and roasting them, (but not too much) so you don’t overcook it.
Note: Per Nolisoli: ‘Halabos this method is specific to shellfish. It means to cook in their own juices and in some cases, like the halabos na hipon…’
Lampahan- cocer echan el pescado en la olla/cook fish in the pot (with spices). Eg. May nilalampahan acong isda (lit trans.) “I have cooked (the) fish with all kinds of spices.”
Lampahan-cocer echan el pescado en la olla/cook the fish in the pot.
Note: Lampahan is the native name for ‘escabeche’ or another term for 'paksiw'.
Bagoong- escabeche que hacen de pescados, camarones, ostiones, etc. con vinagre y sal/ marinade that fish, shrimp, oysters, etc. with vinegar and salt.
Note: Escabeche can translate also in this context to ‘pickled’. Obviously bagoong and other regional variations of it eg Visayan ‘ginamos’ were called ‘escabeche’. Likely because vast majority of ‘bagoong’ variations used fish and fish guts rather than the today’s more common version of using tiny shrimp.
Canas (kanas)-salar las huevas y tripas de los pescados/cure the fish roe and fish guts ie make caviar. Eg. Magcanas ca niyang manga itlog nang Banac. Canasin mo. “Salt these mullet eggs.” “Salt this”.
Note: Per Wikipedia, there’s a type of bagoong in Balayan that uses fish roe and fish guts…however it when I googled ‘Balayan bagoong’ seems to be made out of anchovies. So I’m not exactly sure what is correct. But there are pictures of fish roe bagoong online in Tagalog region. Banak seems to be a general term for mullet fish, the Sp. Trans. ‘lisas’ ie llisa, mullet. Although this one is likely meant for sea mullet vs a certain type of river mullets, the endangered ‘ludong’.
Aso-ahumar persona, pescado etc./to smoke a person or fish. Eg. Ypinaaso mo caya ang isda? “Did you put the fish in the smoke?”
Darang-barbacoa pescado y no carne, seco al humo/to barbecue fish (and) not meat by smoke drying.
Note: Today it’s called ‘tinapa’ which is verb inflection of 'tapa' 'cured or smoked meat' see below.
Tapa-barbacoa cecina de carabao, baca, venado o pescado/barbecued dried meat of water buffalo, beef, venison or fish jerky.
Tapa-ahumar carne o pescado en barbacoa. esto se hace poniendo la carne entre ramas de guayabas verdes sobre unos palos y darle humo por de bajo/smoking meat or fish on barbecue. This is done by putting the meat between green guava branches on some sticks and smoking it from underneath. Eg. Magtapa tayo nang osa. “Let’s smoke some venison.”
Locma (lukma)-barbacoa que hacen de carabao etc. apresandola, de modo que queda muy delgada/barbecue that make with carabao meat etc. that is very thin
Note: I guess carabao meat ie lukba today is the most common version of this type of jerky.
Pindangpindang (pindang-pindang) or balol-tasajos de cualquiera carne/to make jerky out of any meat. Eg. Pindangpindangin mo iyang osa. “Make jerky of this venison.” Magpindangpindang cayo nang anuang. “Make carabao jerky.”
Note: Pindang is still made in Kapampangan regions eg pindang babi (pork) and pindang baka (beef). It’s likely the pre-cursor of what we now call Filipino ‘tocino’. In Spain, ‘tocino’ just means bacon or pork belly. In Nola’s cookbook, it’s mostly used as tallow ie cooking grease, the same way we use cooking oil today. In Ganado’s cookbook, it’s used similarly, except gave instruction on how 'tozino' was sometimes used as chunks to add volume to recipes---even suggesting that cook keep pork skin to hold the fat bits together otherwise ‘it will fray like saffron’---and utilized to change texture of stews depending on how thick or chunky a piece is added. In this dictionary in fact it is called ‘pringue de tocino’ ‘taba’ ‘grease drippings of bacon’; it insinuates that bacon was also used that way. As one can see, tocino is nothing like the sweet native Filipino cured meat, today’s tocino originally called ‘pindang’. Ironically I still see Filipinos label it as ‘Spanish bacon’...when nothing about it is Spanish except the name. Pindang recipe online
Balol-la ensartada, en pedacillos de venado, puerco de monte, o carabao. Metaf.: es labones de la cadena. Cabalol, llaman al que comio de un pedazo de estos, junto con el. /bits of venison, wild pork, or buffalo in skewer. Metaphor: ‘links of the chain’. Cabalol (ka-balol) is what they call the one who ate a piece of the same meat.
Note: In some historical accounts, along with this example ie ‘cabalol’ there seems to be a practice among ancient Tagalog to call people that ate the same things with as if to say ‘compatriot’. In this dictionary several examples: caolam (kaulam), cainum (kainum ie kainuman today), casaguing (kasaging) “companero del plantano’ ‘banana eating companion/friend’ etc. In one account in BnR, they call someone who ate eggs with them as ‘caitlog’ ‘someone who ate the same egg as one did’, and it seems to denote (in that Spanish account) a term of endearment and friendship. As if to say, ‘people who share food, share bonds’. Another metaphor, ‘Bitasan mo siya nang cabalolan’ ‘Tear him a piece (off) that jerky’, signifies a heart being broken ie a person’s heart is torn by the thing he/she loves ie ‘Tore his/her heart to pieces.’ Skewering meat ala ‘satay’ ‘kebob’ style, clearly those tid bits of skewered meat (now called ‘barbecue’) that you can buy on the side of the road in the PH today, has very long history of existence.
Tola-pepita, enfermedad que da a las gallinas, en la lengua/pip, a disease where tumors grow on (the tip) of a chicken’s tongue. Eg. Maytola yaring manuc ie Tinotola. “This chicken has canker.”
Note: I didn’t even know if I should've added this...but this is the closest thing I could find to ‘tinola’. Frounce is a type of canker sore that grow in a chicken’s mouth, sometimes it tongue caused by a parasite. Maybe they chose to butcher these chicken (???) to prevent them from spreading to others. My other idea for ‘tinola’ is ‘tinulaw’ see entry: ‘tolao’.
Ag-iu (agiw)-hollin que se cria en la chimenea/soot that accumulate in the fireplace.
Rice Dishes
Canin (kanin), sinaing-manjar comun de los naturales. que es la moriquesta...morisqueta concocido/common delicacy of the natives, it is (their) rice dish...cooked rice ie ‘sinaing’ Eg. Ang canin ang ylinalacas nang cataoan. "The delicacy is what gives energy to the body."
Maloto (maluto)-morisqueta que llevan para comer en el camino/rice that they take to eat on the road. Eg. Magmaloto ca sa padoroonan mo. “Take rice where you are going.”
Tutong-tustus de la morisqueta que se pega a la olla, cuando la cuecen/cooked rice that sticks to the pot when it is cooked.
Sangag (sangag or sinangag)- tostar arroz de cierta manera/roasting rice in a certain way.
Note: Obviously this is now ‘garlic fried rice’.
Busa- tostar arroz blanco, o maiz de que hacen cierta frutilla/ toast white rice, or corn that makes a certain fritter.
Note: I translated ‘frutilla’ (today’s meaning is ‘small fruit’ often trans. as ‘strawberry’) as ‘fritter’. In this case, puffed rice aka rice crispies. Busa per source mean ‘to cook with very small amount of oil’ NoliSoli Blogpost
Batangas version of busa with caramel
Olas (ulas)-secar el arroz, en una olla, al fuego, para poderlo moledry the rice by roasting in a pot over fire before grinding it.
Binusa-arroz o maíz tostado para comer. tuestanlo con su cascara y revienta y a esto llaman binusa/toasted rice or corn to eat. They toast it with its shell and it bursts and they call this ‘binusa’.
Binulaclac (binulaklak)-arroz tostado como el pasado. sale de bulaclac que es, flor, porque despuse de tostados los granos parecen flores/toasted rice like the previous entry. From word 'bulaclac', which is flower, because after roasting the grains (the shell opens up and...) look like flowers.
Lagquitan (lagkitan)- arroz pegajoso 22 generos de arroz y solamente se onen los que hai aqui, que los demas poco importa y en cada pueblo se hallan trocados los nombres/sticky rice, out of the 22 kinds of rice and only the one (here mentioned) is used (for this purpose), the rest does not matter as much and in each town the names (of these sticky rice types) (sic) are different.
Patopat-dijes como pajarillo, flores tc. haced dijes para la fiesta. hacense de hojas de palmas./charms, (that look) like a bird, flowers etc. Eg. Magpatopat cayo sa fiesta. “Make charms for the festival (or) make yourself some (using) palm fronds.”
Note: I added this here because today “patupat” aka "puso" means a type of suman shaped like square or ball, using palm fronds in Visayas and Mindanao. It seemed Tagalogs then did not use it that way but the term is used to mean ‘to shape palm leaves into specific shapes as decoration’. Patupat supposedly came from the fact that original shape was preferred as “four sided” (apat) ie square.
Suman- arroz envuelto o tamales que llaman, y estos solamente llevan arroz/wrapped rice or tamales. These only contain rice.
Note: PAn for ‘cooked rice’ is \Semay. Although today suman is specifically used for long often sweetened sticky rice confectionaries wrapped in leaves, many variations of suman around the country like the puso or patupat in Visayas and Mindanao.*
Bayo-moler o pilar arroz etc./to grind rice using a pillar (ie a mortar and pestle).
Lupac (lupak)-moler cuando quitan las cascaras/to grind rice after the shells are removed.
Note: Bayo means to pound the rice to get off the shell or even off the stalks. Lupak I think means to pound (even further) the hulled rice into flour using mortar and pestle.
Pipig, pinipig-moler arroz tierno tostandolo primero para comerlo asi. esta moliendo arroz tierno/make rice tender by grinding it first and then toasting it.
Desserts, Bread and Confectionaries
Linamas- masa de harina/knead dough.
Capal (kapal) na tinapay-torta de pan/cake/flat bread.
Note: Reason why I trans. as ‘flat bread’ is because in another entry ‘torta’ was used in context of ‘flattened’.
Tapay-amasar tortillas y de aqui, tinapay es pan/to knead flat cakes/tortillas, here 'tinapay' means bread. Eg. Nagtatapay si yna. "My mother is kneading (dough)".
Note: Obviously 'tapay' is the root word of ‘tinapay’ ie bread. Therefore the meaning of ‘bread’ in Tagalog is ‘kneaded (dough/flour)’. Pre-Hispanic Filipinos likely didn't make bread the same way Eurasians did, but likely had some form of flatbread using various grains, although mostly using rice. A wine in the Cordilleras called ‘tapuy’ and variations thereof possibly means that the cognate ‘tapay’ means ‘fermenting’. Also see entry for ‘marhuya’.
Tinapay-bollos de pan de arroz etc./buns of bread or rice.
Note: I this entry ‘tacbac’ seems to be another term for ‘buns’, supposedly because the ‘tacbac’ fruit looks like buns of bread. Tagbak ie kolowratia elegans seed do look like small elongated bread buns.
Guiling (giling)-moler en molino Sangley/to grind on the Chinese mill.
Note: I have a feeling the etymology of ‘giling’ specifically is Minnan. I do not gave proof but this seems to imply it. Anyway a Chinese mill looks like a grindstone with a handle and an opening where water and grain is poured into. That is over another stone that a bevel from which finished product pours out. Effectively this was adopted by Pinoys. Growing up our neighbors had them to make puto.
Galapong, gagalapong-harina...moler trigo, arroz etc. hasta hacerlo harina. Metaf: Molieronle su cuerpo a palos/flour...grind wheat, rice etc. to make flour. Metaphor: Ginalapon ang cataouan niya nang palo. “They ground his body (by beating him…) with sticks.”
Note: Like most Filipino terms, it also can be used as a verb. In this case, ‘gumalapon’ means to grind grains ie to make into flour.
Latic (latik)-hez o chicharron que queda del coco cocido de que sacaron aceite/pulp or chicharron/charred flakes that remain of the cooked coconut from which they extracted oil.
Note: Latik is generally used as topping for rice-based confectioneries ie rice cakes today. It can also be turned into coconut caramel syrup and called the same thing in other regions.
Calamay (kalamay)-conserva de miel y harina/a type of preserve that uses honey and flour. Eg. Malagquit na calamay "This calamay is sticky". Macunat na calamay "This calamay is leathery".
Sinangday-fruta de sarten, que hacen de harina y miel/fritter, made with flour and honey.
Note: the terms ‘sangday’ ‘sinanglal’ are all terms ‘to fry’ ie this is the general term for ‘fritters’ ie ‘confectioneries that are fried’. Another terminology is ‘bonga ng cauali’, which I don’t think is native but just the direct trans. of ‘fruta de sarten’ ie product of the skillet/frying pan
Marhuya (maruya)- fruta de sarten. de harina y miel/fritter, (made) of flour and honey.
Note: In another entry it was translated as ‘tortillas’, likely it was very thin and round. Maruya today are mostly ‘banana fritters’ that are a little bit bigger than a ‘tortilla’.
Combo (kumbo)- fruta de sarten/fritter.
Note: Per research kumbo is another name for ‘maruya’ in Leyte. Also a type of banana fritter. Obviously, the previous entries refer to a fritter using (rice) flour and honey so perhaps fritters then probably looked more like fried bilo-bilo or with other fruits other than just banana fritters.
Quiping (kiping)-hojuelas fruta de sarten que hacen los naturales para sus bodas/leaf shaped flakes that the natives make for their weddings.
Note: I generally translated ‘hojuelas/leaflets’ as ‘thin dough’ per context that it’s essentially thin pancakes that often had the context of ‘tortillas’ and ‘fruta de sarten’ as ‘fritters’. In this case, Kiping literally are thin and leaf-shaped. Traditionally these are made for weddings likely in all throughout the Tagalog region, but nowadays is made only in a few places. It is featured in a festival in Lucban, Quezon (called Pahiyas Festival) wherein the whole town is decorated by colorful kiping which are literally shaped to imitate leaves.
Buc-hayo (bukayo)-turron de la tierra/(what) nougat (is called) in this country.
Pacascas (pakaskas)-cajeta que hacen de miel de cana y de un arbol llamado buli/a type of sweet/toffee made from the sugarcane extract and a tree called buli.
Note: Pakaskas is melted cane sugar wrapped in the leaves of the ‘buli’ ‘buri’ tree, corypha utan (the leaves are more commonly known as ‘buri’ while the fruit are more known as ‘buli’). It is like a candy when it solidifies. This video shows how pakaskas is made and how buli fruits are sometimes turned into a sweet delicacy with pandan (like kaong).
Buli-palma es muy grande y provechosa, de las hojas hacen petates; de la fruta rosarios y del interior de esta palma molido, se sustentan en muchas partes, los naturales llamanle, alasip/a very large and useful palm. From the leaves they make mats. From the fruit (that are bundled like) rosaries (beads) and from the interior of this ground palm, they are sustained in many parts by (a food called) alasip as the natives call it.
Note: From Lisboa’s Bicolano (1784, orig. 1602-1616) dictionary: ‘alasip-like flour they take from the buri tree with which they make buns or tortillas.’ In this dictionary, alasip is mentioned another time as food meaning: ‘sagu (sago)’ and ‘yoro (yuro)’. ‘Alasapin mo yaring cauong (kaong)’, which likely meant (because no trans) ‘grind that kaong fruit’. Sago is likely used in this example because sago flour is similar, and the fruits are like large sago balls (although sago palms look similar, they aren’t from the same family ie arrenga). From online research, they make flour out of ‘kaong’ (sugar palm) pith as well. Kaong, nipa and buli fruits are sweet and often sweetened even more by cooking in syrup and added aroma using pandan leaves. Kaong for example is a staple component of halo-halo. Last entry for alasip is as a term for a ‘witch’, in the same vein as mancuculam, magtatangal (mananangal) and osuang (aswang).
submitted by Cheesetorian to FilipinoHistory [link] [comments]

2020.10.03 19:42 deeptechsharing DOWNLOAD Beatport Top 100 Deep House October 2020

DOWNLOAD in 320kbps here: https://sharing-db.net/djs-chart/285955_beatport-top-100-deep-house-october-2020/
  1. Mikey Lion – The Way You’re Wrong (Extended Mix) 06:17 125bpm D#maj
  2. Audiojack, Polarbear (UK) – Introspection (Original Mix) 05:55
  3. Damian Lazarus, Jem Cooke – Into The Sun (Original Mix) 06:29 124bpm Amin
  4. Maverick Sabre – Slow Down feat. Jorja Smith (Vintage Culture & Slow Motion Extended Remix) 05:15 124bpm Amaj
  5. Audiojack, Polarbear (UK) – Introspection (Nick Curly Remix) 06:43
  6. Elisa Elisa – Drum Love (Original Mix) 07:03
  7. George Kelly, Vaudafunk – Just Call My Name (Original Mix) 05:44
  8. Audiojack, Eli & Fur – Obsession (Original Mix) 07:04
  9. Gui Boratto – Endless Holidays (Original Mix) 05:57
  10. Detroit Swindle, Jitwam – Coffee in the Morning (Original Mix) 07:17 126bpm Fmaj
  11. Just Her – Conscience (Original Mix) 05:39
  12. Peace, Brett Rubin – Like Being Stoned (Travis Emmons Vocal Remix) 06:02
  13. Serge Devant – Girl’s Laugh (Original Mix) 07:03 124bpm F
  14. Crookers – A Place In My Heart feat. Kym Mazelle (Low Steppa Extended Remix) 05:46 123bpm C#maj
  15. Casey Spillman – Gambling Man (Original Mix) 06:27
  16. Chris Mindel, Memo Rex – Popular People (Original Mix) 07:05
  17. Jess Bays – Every Little Thing (Extended Mix) 06:36
  18. Serge Devant – Third Planet (Original Mix) 05:01
  19. Risk Assessment, DJ Romain – This Must Be Deep (JT Donaldson & Saison Remix) 06:25
  20. Damian Lazarus – Holy (Original Mix) 08:04 125bpm Emin
  21. St Germain – Rose rouge (Atjazz Galaxy Aart Remix) 07:46
  22. Jimpster – Smile For A While (Original Mix) 06:43
  23. Kevin McKay, Rozie Gyems – Pearls (Extended Mix) 07:34 124bpm Gmin
  24. Jimpster – Echoes In My Head (Original Mix) 06:53
  25. Low Steppa – Love Jam (Extended Mix) 07:53
  26. Ian O’Donovan, Satoshi Fumi – Rising (Mix 2) 08:17
  27. Daniel Steinberg – Diamonds and Pearls (Extended Mix) 06:19
  28. Mo’Cream – On You (Original Mix) 05:48
  29. Steve Bug, Cle, Robert Owens – Not in Vain (Dub Mix) 06:14
  30. Vertigini – The Shrimps (Original Mix) 06:04
  31. Leon, Nice7 – Please Don’t Leave (Serge Devant Remix) 07:32
  32. Solomun – Love Recycled 1 (Original Mix) 07:29
  33. Withus – Over Me (Random Soul Extended Mix) 05:51 122bpm D#min
  34. Tibi Dabo – Komorebi (Original Mix) 04:58 123bpm Gmin
  35. Simon Shaw, The Checkup – Feel it (Original Mix) 06:32 124bpm A#min
  36. Deeplomatik – Little Helper 368-1 (Original Mix) 06:12
  37. Deportment, Extasie – That Memory Original Mix 05:02
  38. Max Chapman – Feels So Good (Original Mix) 06:35
  39. Chris Stussy – Evening Drive (Original Mix) 07:01
  40. Ian O’Donovan, Satoshi Fumi – Rising (Mix 1) 07:30
  41. Chopstick & Johnjon – Roots (Sasse Remix) 08:41
  42. Greg N Grandi, Susanne Alt – Tantra Sax (Original Mix) 08:19
  43. Jizz – She Likes To Dance (Original Mix) 05:36
  44. Green Velvet – Bigger Than Prince (Hot Since 82 Remix) 06:34
  45. Rony Seikaly – Understand (Gorge Remix) 07:17
  46. Bicep – Opal (Four Tet Remix) 08:14 126bpm
  47. Claptone, JAW – No Eyes (Original Mix) 06:58 119bpm
  48. Ruff Stuff – Dubby Tales (Original Mix) 06:40
  49. Damian Lazarus – Dark Heaven Light (Original Mix) 04:44 120bpm Dmaj
  50. Djoko – Hooked on You (Original Mix) 06:23
  51. Joseph Capriati – It’s All About Love (Original Mix) 06:57
  52. Art Of Tones – Thunder (Original Mix) 07:20
  53. S.M.I.T.H – Closer (Original Mix) 03:29
  54. Enrico Mantini, X Woman – What U Want (Chris Stussy & Djoko Remix) 08:46
  55. Liam Mockridge, Lowheads, Johnny Kulo – Mess Around (Jelico Extended Mix) 06:08
  56. Rezident – Focus (Original Mix) 05:57
  57. Lee Foss, Anabel Englund – Warm Disco (Extended Mix) 06:41 125bpm G#min
  58. Solomun – Something We All Adore (Original Mix) 07:57 119bpm
  59. Charlie Banks – Dance With Me (Jesse Maas Remix) 06:11
  60. Soulmagic – Soulmagic (Saison Extended Remix) 06:05 124bpm D#min
  61. Sous Sol – Dizzy Rhythm (Mihai Popoviciu Remix) 07:17
  62. Laurence Guy – Saw You for the First Time (Original Mix) 06:44
  63. Chasing Kurt – Mad Man in a Haze (Momo Khani & Meindel Extended Remix) 05:55
  64. Extasie – Remember feat. Mari Leyser (Original Mix) 05:58
  65. Paul Rudder – Things To Tell You (Original Mix) 05:54
  66. South West Seven, JT Donaldson – Mels Pockets (JT Donaldson Remix) 06:51
  67. Tidy Daps – Something Brewing (Bigz & Soire Remix) 06:00
  68. Denney, James Dexter – Lucid Dreams (Original Mix) 06:54
  69. Butch – Lale (Original Mix) 08:15
  70. Gerry Read – It’ll All Be Over (DJ Koze Remix) 05:01 123bpm Dmin
  71. Damian Lazarus – Everybody (Original Mix) 06:15 124bpm Amin
  72. Rony Seikaly, Black Circle – What For (Luciano Remix) 08:27
  73. Kassian – 8th Movement (Original Mix) 07:39
  74. Rufus – Innerbloom (H.O.S.H Remix) 09:59
  75. Jimpster – Echoes In My Head (Head In The Clouds Mix) 05:44
  76. Just Her – Conscience (The Revenge Remix) 06:25
  77. Dennis Quin, Tony Sherman – Change Is Gonna Come (Original Mix) 05:12
  78. NTFO – Overdose (Original Mix) 07:10 125bpm Cmin
  79. Somersault – Come Inside (Original Mix) 06:03
  80. Dusky – Careless (Original Mix) 06:30 120bpm
  81. Paul Rudder – Summer Rain (Original Mix) 06:20
  82. Travertia – Vei (Original Mix) 08:15
  83. Ry, Frank Wiedemann – Howling (Ã,Me Remix) 08:05 124bpm
  84. Mihai Popoviciu – El Classico (Original Mix) 07:26
  85. Mihai Popoviciu – Going Around (Original Mix) 06:29
  86. Ucha, Superlover – Yellow Jello Slugs (Superlover Remix) 02:54
  87. Artmann – God Jam It (Original Mix) 07:24
  88. Yuksek – Do Beijo (The Mekanism & Franck Roger Remix) 07:13
  89. DeMarzo – Highway 2050 (Original Mix) 07:18
  90. KOKO.IT, Quelle Rox – Chantal feat. Quelle Rox (Original Mix) 06:55 125bpm Emin
  91. Max Chapman, TeeJa – Love Control (Original Mix) 06:13
  92. Jesse Maas – Reach (Original Mix) 07:03
  93. Djoko – Washed Away (Original Mix) 06:01
  94. Chris Stussy, Tomàn – Whatudo (Original Mix) 07:07
  95. Kevin Yost – If You Want Me To (Resonant Version) 06:48 120bpm Cmin
  96. Kevin Yost – Messing With My Soul (Saison Remix) 05:55 123bpm Cmin
  97. Kevin Yost – Sounds So Good (Nivek Tsoy Rework Version) 08:16 120bpm A#maj
  98. Joe T Vannelli, Eartha Kitt – Where Is My Man (Angelo Ferreri Deep Vocal Mix) 05:18 122bpm Amin
  99. Kevin Yost – If You Want Me To (Original Version) 07:20 122bpm F#min
  100. Lebedev (RU) – Magic Night (Original Mix) 06:18 123bpm A#min
submitted by deeptechsharing to u/deeptechsharing [link] [comments]

2020.09.28 13:58 deeptechsharing Beatport Weekend Picks 39 DOWNLOAD

DOWNLOAD in 320kbps here: https://sharing-db.net/electronic/285282_beatport-weekend-picks-39/
  1. A.M.O.R. – No More (Each Other Remix) (6:35)
  2. Alix Perez, Halogenix – Perfect Stranger (Original Mix) (5:47)
  3. Horse Meat Disco – Message To The People feat. Amy Douglas feat. Dames Brown (Danny Krivit XL Edit) (10:47)
  4. Anil Aras – There Goes Nothing (Original Mix) (5:55)
  5. Armin van Buuren, Avira, Sam Martin – Mask (Original Mix) (7:58)
  6. Arude – Agalma (Original) (7:13)
  7. Avalon Emerson – Wastelands and Oases (Original Mix) (4:19)
  8. Benny Delara – Duality (Original Mix) (6:11)
  9. Boddika – Walk Talk (Original Mix) (6:00)
  10. Calibre, DRS – White Horses (Original Mix) (5:19)
  11. CAYAM, Maya Jane Coles – Jmpng (Original Mix) (5:40)
  12. Cee ElAssaad, Vanco, Lizwi – Zamekile featuring Lizwi (Original Mix) (7:18)
  13. Charli Brix, Phaction – Say No More (Visages Remix) (5:18)
  14. Cheyne Christian, 68 Beats – Cumbia Fuego (Sneaker Dancing Remix) (2:58)
  15. Chief Ride – Together (Original Mix) (5:48)
  16. Colyn – Protect Me (Original Mix) (8:15)
  17. Cosmic Boys – Second Life (Original Mix) (6:11)
  18. Dave Seaman, DJ Paul (AR) – Loco Hermoso (Hernan Cattaneo & Mariano Mellino Remix) (7:38)
  19. David Morales, Timmy Regisford, TOSHI – Maka (David Morales DIRIDIM Mix) (6:34)
  20. Dino Lenny – House Of Love (Original Mix) (8:57)
  21. DJ Uijui – Manto (Original Mix) (3:43)
  22. E.S.G. – Ballin Outta Control (feat. Lil’ Red, Kano & D-Gotti) (3:59)
  23. Ed Ed – Riding To Mercury (Original Mix) (6:47)
  24. Evans – Expression (Original Mix) (6:17)
  25. Francisco Allendes, Aldo Cadiz – Esa Nena Quiere (Dennis Cruz Remix) (5:46)
  26. Fuenka – Arrakis (Extended Mix) (6:31)
  27. Getal Mear Liquid – Traspasar (Braian Viggiano Remix) (7:06)
  28. Gorgon City, EVAN GIIA – Burning (Extended Mix) (4:43)
  29. Greco (NYC) – Skyforce (3:34)
  30. Gregor Tresher – Trident (Original Mix) (7:09)
  31. Gydra, IHR – Wipe feat. IHR (Original Mix) (3:54)
  32. HDZ – Dreaming (Original Mix) (7:12)
  33. Honey Dijon – Not About You (feat. Hadiya George) (KDA ‘Legacy’ Extended Remix) (6:14)
  34. Horse Meat Disco – Message To The People (feat. Amy Douglas & Dames Brown) (Kelly G. Get On Down Dub) (7:15)
  35. Iron Curtis, Sesson Victim – Abalone (Gerd Janson Edit) (6:52)
  36. J.B. Boogie – Piña Colada (Original Mix) (6:07)
  37. Jaddajaddaplay – Flagrende Gevanter (Prins Thomas Edit) (6:26)
  38. Jay Lumen – Frontline (Original Mix) (7:16)
  39. Jimpster – Echoes In My Head (Original Mix) (6:53)
  40. Jimpster – Smile For A While (Original Mix) (6:43)
  41. Josh Butler – Keep It Hot (Original Mix) (5:34)
  42. JPattersson, Kermesse – Good Bye Monkey Island (Kermesse Remix) (6:49)
  43. Juarez – Hit the Floor (Extended Mix) (6:08)
  44. Kasablanca – Synthetic Blues (Extended Mix) (7:00)
  45. Kevin Yost – If You Want Me To (Resonant Version) (6:48)
  46. Kieran Ishimaru – Mt.Fooji (Original Mix) (6:41)
  47. KiNK – Machine Funk (Original Mix) (4:50)
  48. Kyle Walker – Fantasy (Original Mix) (5:07)
  49. Latmun – Try Stop Me (Extended Mix) (5:38)
  50. Liam Mockridge, Lowheads, Johnny Kulo – Mess Around (Jelico Extended Mix) (6:08)
  51. Lorenzo de Blanck – Higher (Extended Mix) (6:50)
  52. Luca Morris, Mozzy Rekorder – Peyote (Original Mix) (7:11)
  53. Marçal – Ainozama (Original Mix) (5:55)
  54. Markantonio – Subsoil (Extended Version) (5:50)
  55. Maur – Set You Free feat. Faber (Original Mix) (6:36)
  56. Michael A – Fantasy (Original Mix) (6:56)
  57. Milk & Sugar – You Can’t Hide From Yourself feat. Paul Gardner, Peyton (Extended Club Mix) (5:57)
  58. Monolink – Otherside (Original Mix) (5:14)
  59. Moritz Hofbauer – Taipan (Original Mix) (5:51)
  60. Morttagua – Alpha Draconian (Original Mix) (7:36)
  61. Murat Uncuoglu, Alican – Patchwork (Original Mix) (6:24)
  62. Nakadia, Sean & Dee – End of Wormhole (Spartaque Remix) (7:08)
  63. Nicky Romero, Sick Individuals, XIRA – Only For You (Original Mix) (2:49)
  64. Oliver $ – The Delta (Peter Croce Remix – Stream Edit) (4:38)
  65. Oscar P, Robert Owens – Thank You (Enoo Napa Remix) (7:08)
  66. Raw Main – Pigalle (Original Mix) (8:04)
  67. Rebar – The Rise Of A Crisis (Original Mix) (5:38)
  68. Reelow, Paco Wegmann – Your Body (Original Mix) (5:21)
  69. Reform (IT) – Close Encounters (Original Mix) (5:57)
  70. Rhythm Box – Melody Therapy (Awsi Remix) (6:56)
  71. Rms – Sinkhole (Original Mix) (4:58)
  72. Satori, Derun – Yedi Kule feat. Qiyans Krets (ReImagined by Satori) (9:15)
  73. Scanty – Day & Night (Edit) (3:54)
  74. Sentient State – Welcome To The Sentient State (Original Mix) (6:13)
  75. Si Tew – We Endeavour (Si Tew Remix) (6:09)
  76. Si Tew, Atjazz – We Endeavour (Atjazz Remix) (6:15)
  77. Siks – Let Love Be Love (Extended Mix) (3:35)
  78. Space 92 – Phobos (Original Mix) (7:31)
  79. Stefano Crabuzza – Elite (Original Mix) (6:43)
  80. Stefano Noferini – Language (Original Mix) (5:24)
  81. Stefano Noferini – What I Feeling (Will Taylor UK Remix) (6:33)
  82. Studioheist – Roquito (Original Mix) (7:04)
  83. Synergy – By Accident (Original Mix) (3:44)
  84. Tamir Malka – How You Say (Original Mix) (6:31)
  85. Tanera – Magic Underwear (Kevin McKay Extended Mix) (5:51)
  86. Th3 Oth3r, Luke Garcia – Taiga (Original Mix) (6:10)
  87. Tiger & Woods – Lonely Toad (Original Mix) (7:11)
  88. Trigga, Bou – Veteran (VIP) (4:28)
  89. Whomadewho, Perel – Der Abend Birgt Keine Ruh (Original Mix) (6:27)
  90. Wolfstream – From Z To Ulu (Original Mix) (6:35)
  91. Yousef, Black Circle – Paris (Original Mix) (6:01)
submitted by deeptechsharing to u/deeptechsharing [link] [comments]

2020.03.23 04:38 therealswigstein WATCH: El Al Pilot & Passengers Sing “Kol HaOlam Kulo” At End Of 43-Hour Flight From Peru To Israel

WATCH: El Al Pilot & Passengers Sing “Kol HaOlam Kulo” At End Of 43-Hour Flight From Peru To Israel submitted by therealswigstein to Ywn [link] [comments]

2019.10.19 21:24 DimashiroYuuki New laughing guy meme video about current format

Hi there guys. Does anyone remember Kulo Gaming's "Interview with KMR Balance at its finest" video? It was funny af.
The video itself is a bit old now and darkfeast bat is now a thing of the past (at least in rotation), but El Risitas or Juan Joya Borja (the guy in the video) seems to be a really popular meme in our Discord community rn. So I thought why not make a new video with him about the current format, before the nerfs come in?
"Why not make one yourself?" could be one of your thoughts now. Well, I could make one. It's just that I never made a video myself and why make a very mediocre one, when we, as a community, could make a really good one together?
What do you think?
submitted by DimashiroYuuki to Shadowverse [link] [comments]

2019.04.29 13:00 33alicia33 ¡¡¡ CAPITAN AMERICA, EL KULO DEL MUNDO !!!

¡¡¡ CAPITAN AMERICA, EL KULO DEL MUNDO !!! submitted by 33alicia33 to MisterioConspiracion [link] [comments]

2019.02.01 07:51 LeopoldoSalgui El lider de la ETA venezolana en portadas abrazando a un bebé, mientras los carceleros españolistas mueven presos políticos ... vamos bien, vamos de kulo

El lider de la ETA venezolana en portadas abrazando a un bebé, mientras los carceleros españolistas mueven presos políticos ... vamos bien, vamos de kulo submitted by LeopoldoSalgui to podemos [link] [comments]

2019.01.29 15:14 LeopoldoSalgui Transparencia Internacional reprocha a Periquito no luchar contra la corrupción ... y Rivera dice que no hay problema, que ya no quedan ladrones en el PP ... vamos bien, vamos de kulo

Transparencia Internacional reprocha a Periquito no luchar contra la corrupción ... y Rivera dice que no hay problema, que ya no quedan ladrones en el PP ... vamos bien, vamos de kulo submitted by LeopoldoSalgui to podemos [link] [comments]

2018.07.06 12:32 LeopoldoSalgui Periquito Sanchez, ¿es que no piensas mover el kulo con los numerosos bebés secuestrados? ... ¿o quizás es que el tema no le "mola" a tu nueva jefa del CNI?

Periquito Sanchez, ¿es que no piensas mover el kulo con los numerosos bebés secuestrados? ... ¿o quizás es que el tema no le submitted by LeopoldoSalgui to podemos [link] [comments]
