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2024.05.19 11:04 jonaskoelker Rewatcher's diary: Season 2, episodes 19 to 22

Previous diary entry here:
The last sprint to the finish line: I Only Have Eyes for You (2x19), Go Fish (2x20), Becoming (2x21-2x22).
Man, I Only Have Eyes for You is such a beautiful gem of a composition. Go Fish is less bad than I remembered it (but still bottom-tier), Becoming FUCK YEAH!
I Only Have Eyes for You
It's the Sadie Hawkins dance and the gender roles are reversed—on BTVS, of all places ;-)
Xander suggests it's the brain child of a hairy-legged feminist and Cordelia is upset not only at losing her privilege of having her date pay for the date but also at having the tables turned all the way around and having to be the one who has to pay. Man I love the anti-chemistry of Xandelia.
But all is not well: Sunnydale high is haunted by the ghost of a student (James), whose romance with a teacher (Grace) was broken off by her. He responded with a murder-suicide which he is now reenacting. This is the mystery of the week.
The emotional significance is that Buffy identifies with James: she feels she betrayed and murdered Angel, unleashing Angelus. Her inability to kill Angelus in Innocence led to Jenny's death in Passion, which Buffy feels guilt about.
The punchline is Buffy and Angel(us) reenacting the ghost story, with Buffy in James' shoes, Angel surviving Buffy's murder attempt and preventing Buffy-as-James' suicide. Grace forgives James and says she never stopped loving him, the ghosts depart, Angel is back in his Angelus form who runs off.
Also, the final reveal: Spike, driven more crazy by Angelus, has been overstating his incapacitation.
I frigging love this episode.
I think Buffy's big change is her acceptance that Angel is dead, and that a demon (Angelus) has taken up shop in his body. It walks and it talks like Angel but it's no longer him. This has to be it, because the ghostly reenactment basically says that the Bangel love is forever and is still there even if Angel isn't—and yet, Buffy is more resolved and determined to kill Angelus than ever. This only makes sense if she's distinguishing between the two, i.e. if she's accepting that the man she used to love is gone.
The ghost story is beautifully tragic. The resolution, Grace's forgiveness and the departure of the ghosts, is such a heart-warming relief. And Buffy sorting out her feelings is wonderfully bittersweet.
Giles being distraught by the loss of Jenny, to the point of him not thinking straight, is heartbreaking. Metaphorically Giles is Buffy's mind, making it very fitting that Buffy's resolution is about sorting out her understanding of the Angel/Angelus distinction.
I noticed a thing: during the triangular binding spell we have Buffy at the center of the action, with Willow, Xander and Giles Cordelia supporting her, a motif replayed in Primeval (4x21).
If we understood the metaphor in Teacher's Pet (1x4) we learned that student-teacher romance means the teacher is preying on the student. Here it was... well preying is the wrong word, but here it was the student harming the teacher. I feel this might dilute the message of Teacher's Pet; this episode could've been a bit more on-brand with a line or two with the message that it's not uncommon or shameful for teens to have feelings for 20-somethings—but, if reciprocated, it's inappropriate for the older person to act on those feelings. The tie-in between James/Grace and Buffy/Angel would be perfect, the social commentary would be more to my liking, and I think the social commentary I want is on-point for BTVS. Heck, if you peel of the big S2 metaphor, I see a 16yo girl crushing on a ~26yo red flag, with disastrous consequences. The social commentary I'm calling for is the whole bloody point of S2, so why not reinforce it here? Maybe it would dilute the "awww" when Grace forgives James, like, we're meant to feel it's a sweet couple and they should get each other and that has to be an undiluted high note.
Nitpicking aside, what a gem!
Go Fish
I asked the writers for a good episode, but they said "go fish". Oh well, I guess there's plenty of fish in the sea. Let's plunge in and take a deep dive.
I remembered this as "that one really awfully disappointing episode of Buffy". This time, I found it to be merely "meh". There were a few decent comedy bits: "undercover" // "not under much" and "I'm dating a guy on the Sunnydale High swim team" // "you can die happy" #OohBurn look at the shallow Spordelia Cordelia.
There was a gender role reversal—on BTVS of all places—when Buffy walks Swimmer #2 home from The Bronze (for his protection) after he was attacked.
But on the whole... see, I kinda' enjoyed the early S2 MotW episodes, back when MotW was pretty much all that BTVS was. But now that I have tasted the Bangelus arc (again, this being a rewatch), I have lost my taste for MotWs—at least if they have no tie-in to the bigger picture. This is an episode I simply have no taste for, it doesn't excite me.
[I consider Phases (2x15) and BBB (2x16) MotW episodes with strong thematic tie-ins to the Bangelus arc: all the scoobies are dating monsters. And arguably, Passion (2x17) is about Jenny making risky dating choices, a follow-up on The Dark Age (2x8), making 2x14-2x17 a thematically cohesive run of episodes.]
Fuck. Yeah.
Joss is such a scumbag. First he gives Buffy this great resolve and determination (perhaps after some feelings of resignation) in I Only Have Eyes for You, then he makes her waver a bit when she discovers Jenny's re-ensoulment spell. And then she gets Angel back, but it's too late since Angelus already pulled the pin on the doomsday vortex grenade, so she has to let go of him AGAIN! :(
Spike is chaotic and funny. You can always count on his loyalty, at least if you're the highest bidder, and Buffy effectively offered him his big ho girlfriend back. He's such a fool for love, wink-wink nudge-nudge.
I noticed a parallel between the trio of vampires and the trio of nerds: Angelus/Warren is the evil sociopathic leader of the group, Drusilla/Andrew has a crush on the leader and Spike/Jonathan betrays the group and sides with Buffy and the scoobies. [But also differences, of course: SpikeSilla are not as weak-willed as Andrew/Jonathan, for one. And the trio of vampires is charming.]
... and Xander brings Willow back by talking about their friendship and telling her he loves her!
Angelus talked about ascending—retro-echoing the mayor's plot in Graduation Day 2 (3x22).
Also: Angelus tried to pull a sword out of a stone (Acathla). We just went from gothic horror to Arthurian legend? Spike's reaction, "someone wasn't worthy", indicates that Angelus is a false king, not worthy of the throne of Sunnydale. He's not the real mayor so he won't ascend: while he eventually manages to pull the sword out of the stone, his ultimate fate is a downfall—he descends into a hell dimension.
The scoobies have a disagreement in the library about how to deal with Angel(us). I find it notable that it's Xander, Buffy's metaphorical heart, who responds to "I'll stop him" with "like you did last time, with Ms. Calendar"—Buffy is still feeling guilty about not having the heart guts to kill Angelus in Innocence. It's Xander who knows the location of Angelus' mansion, i.e. it's her heart which leads her to lost lover, and it's her heart which says "kick his ass". When he rescues Buffy's metaphorical mind, he (Giles) says "why would they make me see you", i.e. Buffy's mind doesn't want what's in her heart, they are conflicted. Buffy is driven by her feelings and passions now just as much as she was in Surprise when she unleashed Angelus. Once her metaphorical mind has been rescued it saves the day: she gives her regained love one last kiss and one last goodbye, then, letting cooler heads prevail, kicks his ass stabs him in the heart, breaking it, to save the day.
And some greatest hits: "nobody asks for their life to change, not really" ;; "what's left?" // "me" ;; "you hit me one time with an axe" ;; "have you tried not being the slayer?" ;; "you're expelled".
Becoming is peak Buffy.
submitted by jonaskoelker to buffy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:03 madamedutchess TV Shows in which you remember watching the debut episode.

I feel like this was a bigger deal with our generation. Nowadays with streaming, it seems you join in whenever you can join in. Here are some shows I remember watching the first episode the moment it aired:
Rugrats/Nick Toons: It was on a Sunday and I remember this because I rushed home from church to watch it!
All That: Debut or Pilot episode aired a few months before it became a weekly program
The O.C.: Previews had me wanting to want to like this show, but watched the first episode and never watched another again.
South Park: Friend and I watched this together and were blown away. Was not used to the level of swear words on a network TV show.
MadTV: Was a fan of the magazine at the time it aired. Watched frequently until later season 3 then took a break. Came back later when the show became funny again.
Joe Millionaire: The first reality show I actually loved
Hells Kitchen: Probably the most watched reality show for me 20+ years later.
submitted by madamedutchess to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:54 insanebraincrane What is wrong with my approach to love? M/26 22F


This is gonna be long-winded and probably incoherent, but I just need to get this off my chest and if you have any insight regarding why it's constantly happening to me I'd love to hear it.
I consider myself a pretty introverted guy, but I've generally had no issues talking with girls and getting dates, more so recently of course, since I've been growing more comfortable in my own skin. I'm definitely a romantic, I never understood the attitude of guys that treat girls like trash, that just doesn't compute in my head. If I love something, I'm going to take care of it to the best of my ability.
I think we have all had that experience of "the one that got away", well mine was no different. The girl I met when I started uni was special, she was drop dead gorgeous, completely my type, witty and cracked jokes like I would, we finished each other's sentences, we had the same ideas and ambitions. Everything was going great, I was on cloud nine and I never even thought about this like that, but this girl made me think that she's the one I'm gonna marry. We were celebrating new year's at a mutual friend's house and we hooked up, it was phenomenal. Literally 2 days later she ghosts me out of nowhere, I panic. I reach out to talk to her face to face to see what's going on. She obliged reluctantly and word for word said "I'm sorry it's not going to work, you are too good for me".
Now, I've had my heart broken a few times by this point, but this... This was devastating.
I went to a dark place in my own mind, stopped talking with everyone, started doing drugs and generally engaging in self-destructive behavior. It was really hard accepting the fact that my best was never enough for her, I blamed myself constantly, I cried dozens of times alone outside. Whenever a song came up on the radio that reminded me of her my whole mood changed, even if it was jolly prior. I generally am able to keep a cool and straight face when I'm around family as I never want to talk about my own problems, mostly because I know that if I do I will fucking meltdown so I steer clear, I never want them to feel sorry for me, but even they thought something weird was going on and kept asking me questions.
It took me a good 3 years to accept what happened and start trying to move on, as you can imagine my confidence was shattered for that whole time and my self-worth was at an all time low. I started dating again, but not to find love, I don't believe in that anymore, just for sex and to feel wanted. I would tell girls what they wanted to hear, hook up and bail. Hell, sometimes they only wanted sex too, that was optimal. If I didn't get intimate with a girl on the 2nd date I would just look for someone else, I never wanted to put in any effort into actually cultivating anything meaningful or fulfilling. I would always feel like shit when I would pump and dump, because deep down I know what I was doing and that it wasn't me, but I also craved the satisfaction. Looking back, I was definitely perpetuating my own trauma.
Now, I used mainly dating apps, sometimes just start texting people I knew. But a few weeks ago I was at the supermarket and just on my phone walking, when some girl just ran in front of me at speed and knocked me off balance for a moment, she just glanced back at me and I saw how pretty she was, it sent a shock down my body. She was hurrying to get some beer, which I respected and admired. When we were on our way out I approached her to talk to her, told her she caught my eye and asked for her number. She gave me the digits, but she was so flabbergasted it was really funny and cute. We went on a date the next day, she's amazing, we mesh so well together. She's smart and responsible, takes care of her parents same as I do, we found a lot in common. I was thrilled, I never approached anyone like this and the time I felt that I had to do it - it paid off in a big way. I was falling for her and she was for me.
We went on dates, we had fun, talked and walked a lot. I bring her lunch to work, flowers sometimes. She was celebrating a sister's birthday one evening and I had taken her from the place to her apartment, she said she wanted me to stay the night, so I did. It was glorious, we both had a great time.
After that she ghosted me, she doesn't text me first anymore. I have to show all the initiative now, whenever I try to set up dates she's busy. To be fair she is pretty busy, she has 2 jobs and she's one of those people like me that don't pull out their phone when hanging out with someone, just not that attached to technology which I really vibe with. She spends a lot of time with her family, she has sisters and cousins that are all the same age and they hang out in the evenings at her place or at her sister's place and I trust that she's not lying. I've met her cousins, they are all really sweet. But I just feel like she's lost interest in me, I keep trying to get something going but her response times are getting longer and longer.
Honestly I've never seen a switch flip so suddenly, it's like she's a different person now. We used to be so intimate, not only in a sexual way but she would sleep on my chest, hug me in her sleep, squeeze me and not let me go, now she barely gives me any attention. It feels like I'm a burden on her right now. She told me that she has always had trouble with relationships because she's so busy with work and it never worked due to this, but I also feel like she could make time for me if she wanted to, but just chooses not to. I feel like I'm about to get my heart annihilated again.
I don't want to lose her, she made me believe in love again. I truly love this girl and want to build my future with her. I keep fighting the urge to reach out to her and try to make it work, but I think that pulling back might be the best play, however painful it might be right now.
Why is it that always when something good happens to me it never lasts.. Always disappointment after disappointment. What is wrong with me?
submitted by insanebraincrane to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:44 xiofyk How do I explain kids this?

I hate physical contact. It makes me feel gross and invaded, but how am I supposed to explain this to a kid without dropping all the autism lore? This little cousin loves hugs, and he hugs me every time he says hi or goodbye, I do not reciprocate, but I don’t push him away, and he didn’t really say anything, until today, he was saying goodbye and, as always, hugged me, but, as always, I just didn’t reciprocate, I supposed he was already used since it’s always been that way, but today he said “You didn’t hug me back, you don’t love me” and that kind of made me feel unsensitive, it’s not like i do love the kid, I just appreciate him, but love is a strong word in my opinion, but I feel like he felt bad about me not reciprocating his hug, but at the same time I can’t force myself to do so, does someone have any advice??
submitted by xiofyk to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:43 Excellent-Grand-9943 Does anyone else here also have a traumatizing fear of wasps & bees (AKA sphecksophobia)?

Hello, there. I just recently joined this sub not too long ago because I had a phobia of my own that I wanted to share with y'all, and was hoping I could get some feedback from those who have had similar experiences to the ones I've been struggling to cope with for most my life, now. My phobia first started around the age of 8 years old. It happened as I was playing with a toy golf club in the backyard of the babysitter's house. I remember my younger half-sister had the golf club in her hand and asked if I wanted to use it. Of course, I said "yes" and immediately took it from her. Then, I placed the golf ball on the ground and took a big swing. Little did I know, as I swung that golf club up in the air, I hadn't realized there had been two very large wasps buzzing around just a half a foot or so above my head. Next thing I know, I felt a sharp, agonizing pain in my right arm bicep, followed by another on top of my left wrist. I remember screaming out in agonizing pain as I recieved the stings from the two wasps. Funny thing is, the babysitter even swore up and down she checked everywhere she could think of where a wasp nest could have been built. She would later find a nest in one of the playhouses. Anyway, after the wasps finished delivering their stings and flew off in another direction, the babysitter would walk over to me, scoop me up and take me inside to administer the First Aid kit to my wounds. The next day, when everyone else went outside to play, I simply refused to step foot outside, as I began to fear that wasps were out to get me. This fear continued into my adulthood. And, to this day, I still fear about being stung by wasps. If I happen to see one, I'll usually freak out and run away. Which brings me to my question: does anyone else here have a similar traumatizing fear of wasps and bees? Also, are there any coping skills that I can learn to help allieviate my fear of them? Lol. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, in advance.
submitted by Excellent-Grand-9943 to phobias [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:38 chaoschildtheseus Dysphoria

dysphoria sucks ass. like it's an absolute struggle for me. and I don't think I'm alone, because many people in the community suffer from dysphoria, I'm just not sure if they get me fully. it's only my Tommy kin giving me it.
don't get me wrong, yes, of course I try to deal with it.
I change into clothes that I used to wear in my past life, anything similar I can get. I listen to the two tracks I was practically obsessed with, I wear my usual green bandana, I bind my chest. I also reconnect with my source, try to search for memories, go on walks and practice hobbies to distract myself. I do many things which are on my list in case I need to help myself or anyone else.
however lately these things haven't been helping at all. I don't know if I'm being egocentric and narcissistic but whenever I see a Tommy double I either want to do something really stupid to myself or throw a tantrum, even break my two year sh streak which im proud of so far, it's been long. (rggrhd "tantrum" funny word 😭). It keeps me up at night and I can't seem to stop being anxious or in a bad mood. I can do little things (like yesterday I went to the beach) to distract myseld but later on the same inavlid feeling kicked in. seeing doubles feels so wrong, and it's only for this specific kin. it's like seeing someone identical to you walking down the bloody street. like what am I supposed to do? is that a skinwalker? is this a joke? literally way far out of my comfort zone.
I've talked to a friend about this and they say I just don't like doubles. yes, indeed I don't. but that doesn't mean that I need to spiral into hate for them. and I can't control it either. I feel like I'm going insane.
submitted by chaoschildtheseus to fictionkin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:38 ThePolarRepressed Important message for the crashing.

Important message for the crashing.
Above is a screenshot of the latest ticket I submitted to gameloft about the recent crashing debacle.
I would like to start by saying I am happy for the people that still has a playable game. And I understand some players are only trying to help with their tips and tricks such as suggesting rebooting the game system or playing on the DLC for the moment being etc. However I’m beyond frustrated with the situation especially when I see people that don’t experience constant crashing on their end minimizing the issue saying it’s an overreaction and we should all stop complaining and such. All I could say is, I see a lot of us out there, in the comment sections across all social platforms. I know we might not be the majority but there are a lot of us still. I know glitches and bugs come with any game. But for a fully released game to have this level of crashing error is pretty unheard of. And the gameloft support sure doesn’t offer a lot of help or compensation for that matter.
It’s also pretty coincidental (and unlucky for us that have a broken game) that most, if not all of the content creators that regularly cover this game are not experiencing this issue. I know the game has all sorts of minor bugs especially after this most recent hotfix. But I’m strictly talking about the constant crashing of the game. Imagine how much more efficient gameloft would be if there are a couple of online gamers logging on everyday just to see a broken game and reporting it. Again, I wish everyone could play the game with no issues. However if any of you streamers or anyone that has a platform see this post, I (we) would really appreciate if you could spread the word on the matter to further help us reaching to any sort of resolution.
As for the DLC hack, respectfully no. I can’t progress the Daisy storyline on it. I can’t get the Parks Fest buttons on it. I also can’t finish a great number of tasks from the current starpath on it. It’s just not the same. We all paid for the game so there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be getting the same amount of access/contents.
I just wanted to sound off here to see who else out there is also experiencing the same thing. I’ve been liking all the comments across different platforms trying to bump up the messages, but still our voices seem to be pretty scattered. (gameloft is purposefully selective with the comments they respond to, they are avoiding us shame on them honestly.) Perhaps we could find a way to gather up more people to better voice our feedback. Essentially providing a place for us to go to about this particular matter. Or for the very least we could trauma bond here. It’s been almost three weeks. Something needs to happen SOON!
submitted by ThePolarRepressed to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:35 GhostHNW Why I Adored Invaders of the Rokujouma - A Small Appreciation Post Before Its 10th Anniversary.

Let me begin this post from a small excerpt from my essay because it exemplifies my feelings toward Invaders, as an anime, and as a series;
So what makes it special?
Well, you see. This anime is a lot more interesting than you might think. Not only from within the anime, but in real life as well. This is a story of overzealous ambition, unresolved injustice, and quiet resilience. A story penned by a talented writer who never got the spotlight...
Now, that's a bold statement I made for an anime aired a decade ago. An anime that barely anyone here have ever heard of. An anime that have been washed away from the sands of time. So, I know what you're thinking. Why?
What did I see in Invaders that the majority here didn't?
To answer that, let me start at its creation, from a subsidiary of a conglomerate, from a man in his late 20s, hailing from Chiba Prefecture, who have recently dipping into the world of light novel.
It's 2009. You have established yourself as a capable ​visual novelist, with works such as From Here and Beyond, Killer Queen and Tsukihime doujin works. You also had just debut your first novel, Ano Hibi Wo Mouichido two years ago, and you are ready to release another one under the same publisher of your previous book, HJ Bunko.
On March 1st 2009, the first volume of Invaders of the Rokujouma ( Rokujouma no Shinryakusha?!) was published. Unbeknownst to him, this series would unexpectedly change his trajectory forever. And ever since then, 47 VOLUMES, including two side stories, has been published continuously for 15 years! Yes, you heard me right, 15 years going! And no, it still hasn't been cancelled, nor gone into hiatus yet!
There is a part of me that still boggled for how long it still going for a light novel series, much lest in today's light novel climate. But I guess it made sense why HJ kept the book going as Invaders have sold 1.5 million copies in Japan alone as of April 2022. Not an impressive numbers compared to other, more established works, but it isn't an obscure LN that on one even heard of. Invaders is one of HJ Bunko's biggest seller in their library. Even more impressive when taken into account that it is made in-house (ie. not acquired from another source).
Hell, even the website promoting the anime is still up to this day!
So, why am I bringing this up? Well, it is about the same reason as to why I chose the word "adored" specifically. Because Invaders is special to me, not for its character-driven story or its cast of colorful characters, but for what it represent. This series dared to defy convention set by a genre devoid of such, and set out to do its own things, not necessarily to redefine it, but to tell a good story regardless of. And it suffered consequences as a result, but it makes itself stands out above the rest. A quiet resilience, so to speak.
Now, I am reserving the full retrospective review of the anime in-depth, and the stories behind the author, and the crew in my essay. But instead, here I will talk about the difficulties of recommending this anime to any first-time watchers. Partly due to being a harem anime (and the stigma that follows it), but also because I think it is suitable for subsequent rewatch to appreciate the slow-paced, two-parter story arc of each main girls, the character development, and the general vibe it gave, crafted by the hands of Shin Oonuma. The first-time watcher don't have that commitment and dedication like I do to see other than the surface level, even if you keep this post in mind. It's hard to discern if you will like or dislike it because the first episode will influence your perception of the series, even if you keep an open mind. I can't change that, nor forced you to watch from my perspective.
Lest I'll have to deal with people like him who misunderstood Invaders as nothing more than a fodder (and an excuse for their laziness). Oh, I am reserving my vitriol for that review specifically in my essay, and I'm not gonna hold back. In other words, Invaders is NOT your typical harem anime. It never tries to, it wants to march at its own pace, with its own feet. And I commend them for it. And to those that says otherwise, opinions be opinions and I have no control over it, but states it with facts, not bullshit.
I don't know what to do for its 10th anniversary, July 12th. Maybe a rewatch thread to expose more people to this anime that I cherished? Or releasing the essay on time, even though I have restarted it four times now? Hell, I'm still weary of posting this in the first place but this post here, that gave me a spark to write this. And a courage to do it. Heh, appropriate, isn't it?
I'm Ghost, and I proclaimed myself as a superfan of Invaders. I have watched this anime multiple times, dissecting every nook and cranny throughout its 12-episodes run. And it have opened my eyes to other animes that I would never gave a glance to. It teaches me to be appreciative for what it is, both the good and the bad, and to see it eyes to eyes without prejudice, without expectations. It isn't a masterpiece by any metric, but nor it is being a trainwreck. It has its strength, and it has its flaws. And it want to be seen for what it is, instead of what it isn't.
This is a story of strangers from all walks of life learn to open themselves, and relied upon each other.
This is a story that values appreciation of self, companionship and the media we love.
This is a story of Room 106 of Corona Apartment, and how a high school boy lives together with a ghost, a magical girl, an underground people, and an alien princess inside the small rokujouma.

This is Why I Adored Invaders of the Rokujouma!

submitted by GhostHNW to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:23 Nasu-the-Aubergine Using ChatGPT to reply to comments

I watch people from my niche and leave comments (if I feel like it) from a separate account (because it feels kinda weird to do it from the main channel, like – I watched your video, go watch mine).
I feel a bit paranoid, but there’s a certain creator in the same niche I follow and initially felt kinda connected, but there have been a couple of times (more than a couple actually) where I had a strong feeling she’s using chatgpt to reply to my comments…
As a creator myself, I take my time to watch her content without skipping and then I leave a comment actually related to a video, not something generic like ‘good job!’, because I know that it matters.
Her recent video was one hour long, here’s the comment I left:
As someone who doesn’t have a lot of free time, but still wants to catch up with you on youtube, I have a suggestion - break your weekly vlogs into separate videos. Like: what I eat, my workouts, apps I find helpful, other weight loss vlogers, mental aspect of weight loss + why you should avoid better help, fit checks. Everything you put into this one video, but divided into smaller ones. Anyways, you’re still doing great both with weight loss and editing!
And here’s her reply:
Thank you so much for your thoughtful feedback and kind words! I really appreciate your support and your suggestion. Breaking the weekly vlogs into shorter, themed videos is a great idea, especially for viewers with busy schedules. I'll definitely consider creating separate videos for topics like what I eat, my workouts, helpful apps, other vloggers, the mental aspect of weight loss, and fit checks. This way, you and others can easily catch up on specific content without having to watch a longer video all at once. Thank you again for watching and for your input—I'm always looking for ways to improve and make my content more accessible for everyone! Stay tuned for more updates and shorter videos.
And here’s the chat gpt version I got when requesting a reply to my own comment:
Hi! Thank you so much for your suggestion and your kind words! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Breaking the weekly vlogs into separate videos is a great idea, especially for those who are short on time. I'll definitely consider this format to make it easier for everyone to catch up on specific topics like what I eat, my workouts, helpful apps, other weight loss vloggers, the mental aspect of weight loss, and fit checks. Thanks again for your support and encouragement! Stay tuned for more content, and I'm excited to continue sharing my journey with you all!
As a non-native speaker I often fear that I might sound like chatgpt myself, when trying to reply politely. But there are just too many chatgpt-ish patterns in her replies, or am I just seeing things?
I just feel a bit sad that I devote my time to support someone who can’t reply to me without an AI :(
submitted by Nasu-the-Aubergine to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 chickenstrips100 How to change who I am, how I act?

I’m 22, work an office job. I really don’t think highly of myself, I’m the funny,joking around nice guy in the office. I don’t want to be that person anymore, I don’t want to be the person that mucks around and says and does silly things. I get my job done, but people give me silly nicknames and joke around with me, I don’t want to do that anymore, I understand they do it because they think that’s what I like and who I am, but I secretly hate it. I’ve tried a few times to not chime in and participate and to keep to myself but I always get asked if I’m okay and if I need to talk they are there for me, which is lovely! I appreciate working with great people but it’s almost easier now to be silly and carry on like a pork chop than it is to calm, quiet. Idk what to do? I feel like I can’t change because I’ve acted a certain way for so long.
submitted by chickenstrips100 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:19 necrodancer69 Question about Broker Investment and Taxation in Germany

Dear all,
i am coming to you for a couple of tips and maybe a point out to the right direction.
A couple words about me, M30, living and working in Germany in Enterprise IT Sector in for almost 8 years.
In the last 5 years, I invested in Cryptocurences on any level, from long term investment to day trading. Tough I have done pretty well, I have change my long term plans and rethinking my investment strategy to a point of a slow liquidation of my crypto-portfolio, starting from April.
Anyway to the point. I am willing to learn more about stocks and ETFs, with a focus more or less on ETFs and some parts of the stock/ETF trading makes me wonder about the end result – the taxation.
First of all, I have done a research about the best brokars to participate in stock and ETF market, and somehow for the long run all fingers point to Interactive Brokers. But as a German resident with a German taxation, a lot of people on the internet are talking about Trade Republic or Scalable Capital if you are living in Germany.
The reason of the above statement, is that both brokers are operating natively in Germany and somehow they are helping you out with the German taxation(?) though integrated taxation tools(?). Is this even true, and if yes, to what point?
The integrity of the services plays an important role to my strategy.
Does it worth to trade with Interactive Brokers, as they are the biggest player or should i stick with the local brokers? Will the investment and taxation trough Interactive Brokers be much more complicate for my taxation?
Any information or personal experience with the above topic will be much appreciated :)
Many thanks in advance!
submitted by necrodancer69 to eupersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 AlwaysUnrequitedlove Im taken but inlove with another guy

I’m a 15yr female Freshmen and have a crush on a guy even though I have a boyfriend. I know it sounds wrong, because it is, but I’ll explain further. Over this past year I have started developing feelings for a guy in my 6th period World cultures class. I’m just gonna use his initial, F. F is 15 turning 16 this summer and is the class clown. He’s so cute and in the beginning of the school year we would make eye contact a lot. He has messy blonde hair, which he’s always fixing in class, and two pretty blue eyes I love to get lost in. He’s so funny and though I was going to switch from World cultures in my 2nd quarter I chose not to just because of F being in there. In December I got his snap from my friend A and started trying to befriend him. I admired him a lot cause I was supper shy and seeing him just be himself was fun and wanted me to try and loosen up more. I swear he would walk into class and the room would brighten up. Whenever he gets embarrassed he hides his face in his hoodie and keeps that stupid ADORABLE smile on his face! In February I Gifted him a valentine to show my appreciation for him being such a nice guy and he was sweet about it. But then apparently this girl named Kate who he was talking(?) to at the time found out. And she hated me after. I didn’t know of this yet but her friends would sit by my locker eat day and when I went to go get my stuff from it they would make fun of me. I felt so upset cause I really have a hard time with my insecurities and Since I’m sensitive and would cry often because of it. I eventually just decided to just carry around the extra pound of stuff in my bag every day so I wouldn’t pass them. Then out of the blue F had blocked me. I felt so hurt and upset because he was the first friend I ever made by myself and I really valued him as a person in my life. I spent the week in tears and it didn’t make it better that he would then stare at me in class, almost like he was waiting to see how I would react to it. A week later I contact him on titkok and tell him that I was sorry if I made him uncomfortable and that I could switch classes if nessasary(due to my 504 i would’ve been granted permission to do so) He replied that I did nothing wrong and it was just he started talking to someone and they had him block me. I wished him luck on a concert he had coming up and then left him completely alone for days because I just couldn’t face him. I didn’t know what I had done to his girl but I felt so guilty I would get sick, I have a pretty weak stomach, I would throw up in the bathroom and cry a lot throughout the weeks. What made it worse is that my friend Z had at the time recently passed away, and since F was one of my favourite ppl to talk to that I trusted I was even more upset that I couldn’t talk to him. Then two weeks later as I’m finally trying to get over it Mr F unblocks me, throughout that whole week his friends had been snapping me stuff about how Felix was upset and wanted to unblock me but was afraid to(which I don’t understand it’s not like I bite). When he did it was a Thursday and he had a school concert I watched. He was on electric guitar. It was firefly’s by owl city, aka one of my fav songs. I loved watching him play, I was happy as a puppy😁 but then when I went to the bathroom to check my hair, my ex friend Madi came in. She asked if I liked him and I just got flustered. She then said he had said he liked her so it didn’t matter and she might say yes to him. I was confused because I had JUST been blocked because of his last talking stage! So how would he have also recently confessed to Madi? I go in 6th period and walk right up to him, I was a bit nervous cause I had to look up higher to meet his gaze. I asked if he had recently told Madi he had a crush on her in the past 2-3 weeks and he looks me in the eye and says no. I said “alr thanks“ and went back to talk to my friend. Either him or mad was lying, and I assumed madi but then oohhhhh then after school he admitted to confessing to her. It's 3:00am(quiet literally) and I'm at 10 percent, this is part one but I'll complete the rest tomorrow
submitted by AlwaysUnrequitedlove to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Financial_Drawer_227 Maybe someone can read my story and help. The battle with my brain.

First off I’ve never went to a doctor I have always battled through it in my own. I’m going to make this as quick and straightforward as possible but it’s a lot to unpack. Anyone who reads it all and can give any input I really do appreciate. I honestly don’t always trust doctors and big pharma so looking for advice from people.
-I’m 30 years old and have legit been battling with my brain/body for as long as I can remember. I own a construction company. Moved into a house that is gutted and needs to be fully renovated (with basically me doing all the work. Like literally everything from plans, budget, and the actual work.). So I say this because a lot of people claim they are busy or have a lot to do. Trying not to sound arrogant but I actually have almost an impossible amount of work I do. Business, newborn, house remodel, and the list goes on. I am obsessed with building, designing, engineering, creating things, and being a craftsman.
-Since I was young I battled with not being able to sleep properly (diagnosed with sleep apnea). And my brain is like this machine that moves at a million miles a minute and I honestly can’t control it all the time. I have huge goals and work from the time I open my eyes till whatever hour I crash. If I am completely sober with no caffeine, nicotine, etc. I cannot process my thoughts. It’s a non stop wave of business ideas, work to be done, work coming up, customer relations, networking, materials and job planning, with always a clear view of my vision for the long term. When this happens I become immobile. I will sit on my phone to space out to quiet the thoughts. Procrastinate and refuse to start the work I know needs to be done now. I oversleep and feel beat and tired all day regardless of how much or how little I sleep. I simply can’t do anything.
-I am cursed with intelligence. I’m not saying this as a positive thing necessarily. Someone close to me is a psychologist who diagnoses autism and they believe after some testing I might be on the spectrum. Take it for what it is but scored 130 on two different types of IQ tests. I don’t tolerate things like small talk, I am fairly quiet (when sober), I do not want to make friends or talk to people who have nothing to offer me (business owners/entrepreneurs, people who are masters of their craft, even people who are considered dreamers and have ideas and goals) are all people I will attach myself too because I find they are the only ones I can have a real conversation with. Relationships are very difficult because they tend to think I’m emotionless. I just have a very direct grasp on my feelings and I can handle them. - I cannot sit on a computer and be productive without an amphetamine. I cannot read a book and retain a single word of it. I’m reading but my thoughts are elsewhere.
submitted by Financial_Drawer_227 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:09 sherry_siana Is 1.3k words worth of appreciation too much?

Is 1.3k words worth of appreciation too much?
...I'm scared they might block me. But dammit, I love it too much to summarize it in a few words!
I even pruned it xD it was 2000 words, but AO3 won't allow such madness.
submitted by sherry_siana to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:09 Asleep-Mycologist333 Imgur v7.10.1.0 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Imgur v7.10.1.0 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Imgur: Funny Memes & GIF Maker
Publisher Imgur
Genre Video Players & Editors
Size 45M
MOD Premium Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Imgur is the easiest way to discover the amazing things that can be found on the Internet. It features content users have curated just like you, such as hilarious pictures of cats and dogs, hilarious GIFs from movies and TV shows, LOL pictures, amazing scientific facts, puns, comics, and artwork. Undoubtedly something that will have you roaring with laughter and possibly even wetting your pants with laughter.


There are more websites besides Imgur on the Internet that allow users to watch memes and animated GIFs, and the diversity and brilliant content are in-depth and immense for users to explore. The app is the only website compromised into an app that you need to visit if you are interested in finding amusing pictures and videos of all different kinds. The app is the only location in the known universe that offers a more extensive collection of cat videos or other hilarious moments for you to watch and share with friends effortlessly.


Meme is a form of entertainment; users can search for tons of them here with simple actions. The app even compromises numerous memes from different parts of the words and is ready to share the laughter the memes bear with you. If you’re looking for something humorous, nostalgic, fashionable, or just plain odd and great, the app got memes. It has memes for any occasion you can think of, and you can explore new humor senses of the Internet while thinking of one, present one to others, and share it widely on the Internet.


Besides sharing photos with you, the app can let you share photos with others and the community. You can upload anything on this place, and the app will automatically render it with a higher quality overall. The upload functions even allow you to adjust the format, and you can upload batches to make an album or stitch them together. You can also pick photos directly from other platforms and sources, wherever you want, and have fun with it and make Imgur more vibrant with its hilariousness.


Do you happen to have any funny videos on your phone? Perfect timing, considering that the team behind Imgur has just revealed a game-changing new feature dubbed “GIFs With Sound,” which is known as “video” in other parts of the Internet. This category allows you to upload and download videos for free, and it’s the opportunity to share the fun with everyone with weird videos you find anywhere. The app has no limit on the video content, so you can post anything you like and let others know about your humor senses.


The best thing the app offers is random recommendation from hilarious posts from the app, and the post is well-received by other users, so the app will share them randomly with you. That will keep you more entertained and interested in the app and motivate you to explore the library in your free time.
submitted by Asleep-Mycologist333 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:09 ventingandcrying DAE Struggle with body dysmorphia after having a “glow up?”

I want to be clear when I say this isn’t a post bragging about my supposed “glow up” lol and also I am a man if that’s important info
It’s just that for most of my life I’ve heard “jokes” that felt more like insults from family, friends, strangers, anyone that thought it would be funny to call me fat and ugly to my face. Of course I internalized these comments and just decided that I wasn’t a very attractive person. Got older, decided to get healthy, start working out and eating right, grooming properly, the whole deal that everyone says you’re supposed to do. I decided to get back in the dating scene after years of avoiding it due to the aforementioned thoughts of being unattractive. A couple partners have now informed me that apparently my looks aren’t just tolerable, but I am hot! I thought this would be the happiest day of my life but now I just stand in the mirror staring at myself trying to see what they see and I just can’t. It’s actually slightly uncomfortable because while yes I am physically fit (and I guess stereotypically “hot”) it feels like the body doesn’t match the person I see it’s attached to. I’m working on my self talk and eliminating those old insults from my self perception but it’s much tougher than I thought.
Is anyone else going through this right now? Honestly all i need right now is some solidarity and understanding but any advice is also appreciated!
submitted by ventingandcrying to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:06 Financial_Drawer_227 Was told I might be on the spectrum but didn’t think they were serious. Until now.

Anyone who reads it all and can give any input I really do appreciate. I honestly don’t always trust doctors and big pharma so looking for advice from real people.
-I’m 30 years old and have legit been battling with my brain/body for as long as I can remember. I own a construction company. Moved into a house that is gutted and needs to be fully renovated (with basically me doing all the work. Like literally everything from plans, budget, and the actual work.). So I say this because a lot of people claim they are busy or have a lot to do. Trying not to sound arrogant but I actually have almost an impossible amount of work I do. Business, newborn, house remodel, and the list goes on. I am obsessed with building, designing, engineering, creating things, and being a craftsman.
-Since I was young I battled with not being able to sleep properly (diagnosed with sleep apnea). And my brain is like this machine that moves at a million miles a minute and I honestly can’t control it all the time. I have huge goals and work from the time I open my eyes till whatever hour I crash. If I am completely sober with no caffeine, nicotine, etc. I cannot process my thoughts. It’s a non stop wave of business ideas, work to be done, work coming up, customer relations, networking, materials and job planning, with always a clear view of my vision for the long term. When this happens I become immobile. I will sit on my phone to space out to quiet the thoughts. Procrastinate and refuse to start the work I know needs to be done now. I oversleep and feel beat and tired all day regardless of how much or how little I sleep. I simply can’t do anything.
-I am cursed with intelligence. I’m not saying this as a positive thing necessarily. Someone close to me is a psychologist who diagnoses autism and they believe after some testing I might be on the spectrum. Take it for what it is but scored 130 on two different types of IQ tests. I don’t tolerate things like small talk, I am fairly quiet (when sober), I do not want to make friends or talk to people who have nothing to offer me (business owners/entrepreneurs, people who are masters of their craft, even people who are considered dreamers and have ideas and goals) are all people I will attach myself too because I find they are the only ones I can have a real conversation with. Relationships are very difficult because they tend to think I’m emotionless. I just have a very direct grasp on my feelings and I can handle them. - I cannot sit on a computer and be productive without an amphetamine. I cannot read a book and retain a single word of it. I’m reading but my thoughts are elsewhere.
submitted by Financial_Drawer_227 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:03 TheTephrite Motherboard Causing Key Chattering / Audio Cut Out?

Hey there, been having this problem for weeks now and its getting worse and worse and I cannot figure out what's causing it! Any sort of help would be INSANELY appreciated
I bought a Ducky One 3 Mini keyboard about 6 months ago and the last couple months its been chattering. I initially saw that it was similar keys although as of recent its spread a bit to random ones. Some days its nonexistent and I don't see any key chattering and other days it seems to happen every other word. I've updated its drivers, cleaned the keyboard thoroughly and still had issues with it but I'm not certain its actually the keyboard that's the issue.
I've been live streaming Elden Ring and have noticed random chops and stutters in that too when I have a perfectly good PC with a 4070, a 5800x3D and 32 GB of RAM. I noticed that a lot of the time this happens, Device Manager refreshes so I thought it might be a faulty USB port? But I've tested them all out and it seems unlikely that all of them are broken
(full PC: )
I've also noticed that Chrome tends to glitch sometimes, merging tabs into one visually until I refresh. I tried with and without hardware acceleration and still the same. I suspected this was all a GPU issue so a few months ago I upgraded to the 4070 but it seems the problem is still occurring. I did the same with the RAM but again, still happening. I have also updated my BIOS, Mother board and GPU drivers using DDU and clean installed Windows 11.
Finally yesterday I had a really weird encounter. I currently use a Focusrite Solo interface for my audio. When unplugging my keyboard yesterday, my audio cut out. Upon plugging it back in, my audio returned which is extremely strange considering both my keyboard and Focusrite are plugged directly into the motherboard so there's no reason for them to be effecting each other. Shortly after this, I left 4 live streams on just lurking and a few hours later I came back to a frozen PC that wouldn't shut off by holding the power button but had to turn it off directly from the PSU.
Any sort of help would be amazing. I'm convinced its either the motherboard or my hard drive but I have no idea how to tell!!
submitted by TheTephrite to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:03 TheTephrite Motherboard Causing Key Chattering / Audio Cut Out?

Hey there, been having this problem for weeks now and its getting worse and worse and I cannot figure out what's causing it! Any sort of help would be INSANELY appreciated
I bought a Ducky One 3 Mini keyboard about 6 months ago and the last couple months its been chattering. I initially saw that it was similar keys although as of recent its spread a bit to random ones. Some days its nonexistent and I don't see any key chattering and other days it seems to happen every other word. I've updated its drivers, cleaned the keyboard thoroughly and still had issues with it but I'm not certain its actually the keyboard that's the issue.
I've been live streaming Elden Ring and have noticed random chops and stutters in that too when I have a perfectly good PC with a 4070, a 5800x3D and 32 GB of RAM. I noticed that a lot of the time this happens, Device Manager refreshes so I thought it might be a faulty USB port? But I've tested them all out and it seems unlikely that all of them are broken
(full PC: )
I've also noticed that Chrome tends to glitch sometimes, merging tabs into one visually until I refresh. I tried with and without hardware acceleration and still the same. I suspected this was all a GPU issue so a few months ago I upgraded to the 4070 but it seems the problem is still occurring. I did the same with the RAM but again, still happening. I have also updated my BIOS, Mother board and GPU drivers using DDU and clean installed Windows 11.
Finally yesterday I had a really weird encounter. I currently use a Focusrite Solo interface for my audio. When unplugging my keyboard yesterday, my audio cut out. Upon plugging it back in, my audio returned which is extremely strange considering both my keyboard and Focusrite are plugged directly into the motherboard so there's no reason for them to be effecting each other. Shortly after this, I left 4 live streams on just lurking and a few hours later I came back to a frozen PC that wouldn't shut off by holding the power button but had to turn it off directly from the PSU.
Any sort of help would be amazing. I'm convinced its either the motherboard or my hard drive but I have no idea how to tell!!
submitted by TheTephrite to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 EpicMangina Mod Notes and Weekly Discussion Thread! - May 19, 2024

Weekly discussion thread for our community - Have fun, be kind, learn from each other!
Please remember: Keep shit-posting and memes to a minimum in this conversation.
General Awareness:
submitted by EpicMangina to TeamRKT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 createdjustforthis23 19/05/2024

I slept fine, I didn’t fall asleep so nicely. I don’t know why, I felt perfectly adequate all evening and then bam I cry myself to sleep. I don’t know how or why, and I didn’t even cry over anything in particular it was just any and everything. And I just kept crying and crying, like a baby. I had to switch pillows twice because I drenched it, but I got to sleep on my favourite pillow by the time I was almost asleep thankfully. I can be so picky with pillows, another thing mum tends to call me, even to this day - the princess and the pea. Or rather she likens me to her… I can’t entirely say I disagree tbh. I just like things a particular way, not all things, I can be relaxed about plenty, but there are some things I just to be just so. My pillows when I sleep for example, how the dishwasher top rack is stacked etc. Entirely inconsequential things really. But anyway. I didn’t fall asleep so nicely. I woke up feeling better, still a bit sad but nothing I couldn’t ignore.
It’s now 12:58pm and I’ve done next to nothing. I’ve been watching BT, I’m not writing the name of the show because I feel like that might be search heavy at the moment? So I’ve been watching that, I’m midway through the third episode now and there are four out so far. I’ve also painted some of my lil clay things with primer. And that’s about it. I really need to clean and tidy my room but the idea of it… ugh. I don’t want to :(
I’m loving BT so much. I like the stories and characters and stuff, but I mostly love the sets and costumes. They’re just so luxuriously opulent and uggghhhhhhh I want to just stare it all. Sometimes I wish they would clear out the cast and just give us a tour of the rooms and show all the details of the gowns. But like I learned in therapy, beauty is something I value highly, not in a vain way but in the way I utterly adore beautiful things whether it be a stunningly ornate wallpaper, a sparkly bead encrusted gown or even a leaf that is the perfect shade of green. I just love it all and it brings me so much joy, more than I realised now that I’m conscious of this value of mine. But the BT house itself, particularly the drawing room ommmmgggg. The blue? I think it’s called wedgewood blue from memory, with the creamy/white detailing. And all the light streaming through. It’s so dreamy. And it makes me love my blue and white bedroom more. And the gowns!!!!!!! I wish I could roll around in them, they’re so sparkly and detailed and beyond beautiful. Particularly the ones crusted in beading and with the luxurious silks and satins and velvets and taffetas and organza and all of it. And the colours! It’s all so dreamy. I don’t overly love the style of a lot of the gowns, that sort of empire line, mainly because it only looks good on women with fewer curves and a flatter chest, they can look gorrrrrrrgeous in them. But otherwise if you have any kind of cleavage it looks so weird and bleh. I love Penelope so much, she’s always been a favourite character and she honestly deserves the very best. And Colin definitely got a glow up prior to this season. His brown coat is so delicious. I’m beginning to wonder if I should read the series…? I do love a lil historical romance. Anyway I don’t even Penelope and Colin to end up together, I mean Lord Debling is so lovely and Colin is off sleeping with hookers… like? Then again I know I am wrong in how I think and feel about all of this. I know I have expectations ghat are unfair, I mean maybe not for everyone but if I’m nothing special and therefore not enough then can I criticise. This doesn’t make sense. Anyway. Actually nevermind I just watched the fourth episode and I am very much Team Colin. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!! But now I have to wait for part two in mid June :(
I’m going to the office tomorrow. I don’t want to. But oh well. I’m going to make a concerted effort to get back in twice a week - I’ve been slack with it and it doesn’t help me become better. Leaving the house more is important, so this shall be one of the ways. I’m also going to get some new sneakers and a walking jacket so I can go for walks more regularly. I’d like to go several times a week, but I’ll work up to that. I love my walks, I love them a lot but I just get filled with every negative emotion when I go for them around my house, to the point I’ll start having tears running down my cheeks or shaky trembly hands - it’s pathetic. I think environment is everything, and purpose. When I walk pups at my parents I don’t feel these things, I’ll be a little anxy but nothing I can’t manage. But here? It’s so hard. It’s so stupid I know. But I love walking, I feel better when I do it regularly, so I shall keep forcing myself to do it until I feel okay about it. I know this is what I have to do, but the way it makes me feel inside… it never feels worth it. To be 20 minutes walk from home and feel on the verge of a panic attack is NOT a good feeling and it only makes my panic worsen. So baby steps. I’ve been considering on and off moving to a different area, I think I would feel more comfortable in other areas, I don’t know why I don’t here but I don’t. But moving elsewhere is no different to running from problems so I will sort it out here.
I broke his little bowl. I didn’t mean to :( I feel kind of upset about it, it’s been two weeks in the making with time to shape, dry, prime and I was doing a final layer of primer pre paint and my stupid finger went through the base. So I guess it would never have been a good present anyway because it broke so easily. But I bought a really pretty coloured paint because I thought he might like it and I just feel upset. I showed him it, idk why, I just messaged him a picture of it now and I already wish I hadn’t. I shouldn’t have even made anything for him in the first place, he’s made it abundantly clear he doesn’t care for homemade things - cards, presents, whatever. If he did like them he would comment on them, and he never does, so maybe it’s a good thing this broke. I just like sharing things with him, like when I draw and I like a tree I’ve drawn I want to show him, except I don’t because I’m utterly rubbish at drawing and it makes me look like a five year old. I at least appreciate his honesty, or transparency rather. It means I can understand what he does and doesn’t like. I just think his likes don’t mesh with my like of making homemade cards and presents. It’s not like I only give him that though. Anyway it doesn’t matter, plus it’s probably better for me to not share things like this given I don’t have any skill or natural talent with it. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t make you good at it.
I don’t feel so great this afternoon, mood wise.
I’ve done the absolute bare minimum with my room, and the bar was set very, very low today. I tidied the floor up a bit, I made my bed, did a lazy tidy of my vanity desk thing.. that’s about it. I’ll do more across the week.
I feel.. detached today. This afternoon, rather. I know I love my family, Andy, puppy… etc. I just can’t feel it. I know it’s all in there, but I feel detached and I can’t reach it. This isn’t unusual, I just always try to describe the feeling and always fail. I think knowing I care but not being able to feel myself care sums it up as well as I’ll ever be able to.
I found a little notebook of my early days of therapy, well with this current one, maybe not that early actually but idk. It was just me writing down who I am. The first is “I am a human” because I had to start with the basics. The last line is “I try my best to be friendly” - I think I will continue with this. No one really comments much on me so I will just write it as things feel write. From memory it was also a way to force myself to speak more kindly to myself, ie I am a woman vs I am a monster. And things like I’m generous, I love animals, I am quiet, I try to be patient, I love romance, I appreciate attention to detail, I like to care for others, I am a homebody, I love reading etc. And then scattered amongst it was some honesty, like I can be a control freak, I am quite particular about some things, I am indecisive, I am sensitive etc. And then next to I am a friend I have a question mark. But I want to continue writing these things, I think it’s helpful when I feel lost in myself to be able to read through a list of things I’ve written and be reminded. That sounds so silly to not know who you are sometimes, but sometimes I just feel so unbelievably lost and unmoored from everything, even myself. So I’ll write all the good things, and the bad. I’ll write things that I like, things that I don’t. I’ll write things I want in my life, things I feel like I should want but don’t, things I shouldn’t want but do etc etc etc. It’ll be a little tiny notebook of everything me. I wonder if sometimes it’s possible for me to get any lamer? Unlikely.
I’ve been thinking about stopping journaling here more and more. I get more out of posting it here, it feels like a release, like I’m letting all the thoughts go which is especially helpful with my negative ones, I don’t know.
It’s 5:23pm. I need to wash and blowdry my hair, as it’s still damp in the morning lately. I need to have something for dinner, I guess. I’ve been struggling with eating lately, I feel so ugly and it makes me not want to eat and then that sets off a bad string of things. I’ll have something little, vegemite toast maybe. I need to pack my bag for tomorrow. And that’s it.
I feel better after a shower and chat with Andy, I still feel not good but he perked me up on the outside. He makes me laugh so much :) It’s kind of weird to think I’ll be living long term in Australia, like I’ve always intended on living there - until my mental health and covid messed things up a little for me timeline wise. But to think I’ll maybe say Australian things…? That I’ll say thongs? And I definitely will because I cave quickly, like I was only in the UK two years and I said crisps and trainers and I still do to this day, which I’m actively trying to stop. I wonder what my accent would sound like after like ten years… I really doubt I’d ever lose my accent. It’s funny how I do probably sound a bit different when talking to him versus my mum. I just talk more softly with him, I naturally do anyway to the point I have people comment semi regularly on how soft spoken I am, but idk, I don’t even mean to speak to him a certain way, I just do? And then he hears me talking to mum and I probably sound like I’m wearing Jandals and stubbies while loading up the ute as I prepare for a tramp in the bush. Christ. I do love being from here though, in theory I would rather we live here than Australia, and never say never… but it makes more sense to be there. I don’t really have anyone here other than my parents whereas he has family and friends and his payments and all of it. I don’t really have any ties here. Anyway.
I get to spend time with him tonight :) Night night
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2024.05.19 09:58 Financial_Drawer_227 I’ve been fighting my brain forever. Maybe someone can help me until I get to my doctor.

Let me start by saying I’ve always fought this battle on my own and never talked to a doctor. Stupid. I really don’t want to take any medications but I think it’s time to face reality before I lose everything.
Anyone who reads it all and can give any input I really do appreciate. I honestly don’t always trust doctors and big pharma so looking for advice from people with experience in these drugs.
-I’m 30 years old and have legit been battling with my brain/body for as long as I can remember. I own a construction company. Moved into a house that is gutted and needs to be fully renovated (with basically me doing all the work. Like literally everything from plans, budget, and the actual work.). So I say this because a lot of people claim they are busy or have a lot to do. Trying not to sound arrogant but I actually have almost an impossible amount of work I do. Business, newborn, house remodel, and the list goes on. I am obsessed with building, designing, engineering, creating things, and being a craftsman.
-Since I was young I battled with not being able to sleep properly (diagnosed with sleep apnea). And my brain is like this machine that moves at a million miles a minute and I honestly can’t control it all the time. I have huge goals and work from the time I open my eyes till whatever hour I crash. If I am completely sober with no caffeine, nicotine, etc. I cannot process my thoughts. It’s a non stop wave of business ideas, work to be done, work coming up, customer relations, networking, materials and job planning, with always a clear view of my vision for the long term. When this happens I become immobile. I will sit on my phone to space out to quiet the thoughts. Procrastinate and refuse to start the work I know needs to be done now. I oversleep and feel beat and tired all day regardless of how much or how little I sleep. I simply can’t do anything.
-I am cursed with intelligence. I’m not saying this as a positive thing necessarily. Someone close to me is a psychologist who diagnoses autism and they believe after some testing I might be on the spectrum. Take it for what it is but scored 130 on two different types of IQ tests. I don’t tolerate things like small talk, I am fairly quiet (when sober), I do not want to make friends or talk to people who have nothing to offer me (business owners/entrepreneurs, people who are masters of their craft, even people who are considered dreamers and have ideas and goals) are all people I will attach myself too because I find they are the only ones I can have a real conversation with. Relationships are very difficult because they tend to think I’m emotionless. I just have a very direct grasp on my feelings and I can handle them. - I cannot sit on a computer and be productive without an amphetamine. I cannot read a book and retain a single word of it. I’m reading but my thoughts are elsewhere.
Does adhd fit?
submitted by Financial_Drawer_227 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]