Ww2 german drop blade knife


2022.01.26 06:57 FBI_VAN_1 KME_Sharpeners

We are now more active on precisionsharpening which is just this subreddit but focused on all types of precision sharpening systems. Welcome current and future KME users! This subreddit exists for the sharing of pictures, videos, and knowledge related to the KME Sharpener and related products. FAQs and other helpful information and videos are available in the "Community Info" section (top right three dots on mobile and sidebar on desktop). All levels of experience are accepted here.

2015.08.28 02:30 moelawn A market for Balisongs and related accessories only!

A market similar to Knife_Swap, for Balisongs and related accessories only!

2024.05.19 11:48 Affectionate_Mix7370 The best I’ve ever got so far

The best I’ve ever got so far
This is the look summer 24. Got to a Millie base on Livonia somewhere and after a painful zombie cull managed to withdraw before being shot in the back.
If you see me, I have 4 .22 rounds with a rifle and plenty of ammo for guns I’ve never got to own. So you don’t have to KOS.
Be watching ya
submitted by Affectionate_Mix7370 to DayzXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:43 wargame121 How many props/WW2 aircrafts have been added in one year?

Hi there, I’m opening this post because I couldn’t find anymore the one I wanted to answer to (the was something along the line of “Gaijin stopped adding WW2 aircrafts”). A total of 12 props and WW2 aircrafts have been added (without counting battle pass or events) Of it, 7 are copy pasted. 1 is Russian 1 is American 1 is Swedish 2 are Germans 2 are French 5 are Italians
So here the list of the aircrafts added:
I-15 bis premium (copy paste)
P-47D30 (Italy copy paste)
Lancaster MR7 (copy paste France)
pBY-5A late (copy paste France)
HE115 C-1
Yak 9P (Copy paste Italy)
Tu-2S-59 (Copy paste Italy)
IL-10 (Copy paste Italy)
submitted by wargame121 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:30 BarberTom How to add Morgomir from Rise of the Witch King

How to add Morgomir from Rise of the Witch King
So, last night a friend of mine announced he ordered a complete Angmar army, including some twilight ringwraiths he wants to use as nazquls. He wanted to use one as Morgomir. Not with special abilitys or anything but more as a cool looking ringwraith for the Angmar force. But that got us thinking about a way to really implement Morgomir in the game.
Lore wise. He was the left hand of the Witch King of Angmar and acted as his Chief military strategist.
So, what could Morgomir do in game? - he had a Morgul blade, which if it killed the target, a wraith would spawn. - Dark Visage. An area debuff to defence and attacks - Dark Glory. An attack and defence buff for troops around you - Ruin. A high damage single target spell against structuren.
Now, how would this translate to MESBG? This is what we came up with.
Morgul blade. Just as it is in the game already. Harbringer of Evil. This will function as Dark Visage Master of Battle 5+: this is the combi of his lore as military Chief and Dark Glory Ruin. Maybe something like the bomb mechanic where you roll for how many wounds you do to structures with a one time per game use. And only castable as a spell.
What do you guys and girls think? How many points should he cost, 140? Drop out the morgul blade because the Witch King is the only nazqul that has it in te game?
submitted by BarberTom to MiddleEarthMiniatures [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:17 Whole_Lie632 Need advice for Tokyo itinerary for september

I am traveling to japan this year. I will be staying in Tokyo from 16th of september until the 30th, staying in a hostel in Ueno. Tokyo will be my first stop on my trip and I need some help to fill out a few days of my itinerary.
My current rough itinerary:
I planned the day trips mostly for weekdays (Hakone, Nikko, Enoshima&Kamakura) to avoid the crowds if possible. Or would any of the daytrips also work for the weekend days?
I might want to go to Kawagoe, but don't know if it would work as a halfday or a full day trip? And I also found the Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa Jinja in Saitama interesting but I don't know what else would be fun to do there.
Would really appreciate any recommendations, especially for the two empty weekend days or the weekdays where I have no plans in the morning.
submitted by Whole_Lie632 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:03 LucidBetrayal RK's Memes In Reverse - My Theory

Alright Apes,
I was out walking my dog, ready to get back home to go to sleep, and then it happened. I did one last check of superstonk to get my dopamine hit that is our community and well, I got more than I asked for. Now I have too much energy to sleep because I am so fucking hyped for what I found. So here I am.
This beautiful post popped up at nearly midnight my time.
When it said watch in reverse, I had mixed emotions because one of my favorite post was the one with the opening to the White Stripes glitch mob remix. Go watch the video if you haven’t already. That’s one of my favorite songs for very personal reasons and the idea that GME was about to unleash something that caused a glitch was very exciting to me. I wanted that to be the foreshadowing that RK left us with.
But I like every other GME theory I read, it consumes me. I’m obsessed. So what the heck, let’s go watch everything in reverse.
Lucky for me I realized very quickly that when you go to the X iphone app and watch the latest video in full screen, you can just swipe up to see the next video. So, the next hour of my night was planned out.
That was an hour ago. I am so hyped about what I saw that I’ve decided to sit down and write out the my whole interpretation of what I saw. I don’t have answers for every single post but there does seem to be a theme that matches the theory that these are meant to watch in reverse.
Buckle up.
One last things before I get started. I think DFV has been here all along. I think he has read all of the DD and I think he made his memes with all of that in mind. I highly doubt he knows anything for sure but is just a fan of the DD. Just like I am. And there is one DD I fell in love with from the first moment I read it. I think he did too and this is his thesis. He has read all the tea leaves and doesn't think anyone has put it together like he has so he is sharing his interoperation of the DD, the market conditions, and the news and is going to do one last DD himself.
Ok. Here we go.
Oh, and this is not financial advice.
Ok. Here we go for real.
ET: This might actually be him saying goodbye for now. Hopefully not forever (still kinda sad we never got a ET 2).
Horse Gift: Not sure how to interpret this one. Maybe foreshadowing that he found (or was gifted) the GME bull thesis and at that point, he wasn’t sure if it was a good thing for a bad things. “We’ll see”
Coldplay Backwards: GME had to pull back for him to find the right time to get in.
Forest Running: And then it started running.
Original Sheet Music: Then he started meme. The memes were “MIRACULOUS”.
My favorite post – The White Stripes Glitch Mob video intro: Seriously, if you haven’t watched the video, go now. It’s hype af. This is the video that marks the Jan 2021 glitch. The sneeze.
MIB Kitty: And then GME became RK’s galaxy.
That’s not a Knife: He was the memelord at this point but shorties wanted his gains.
Westworld’s Bernard: Then the bear thesis’ started coming out but we can’t see what we are programed not to see. We were already programed at this point thanks to the bulleproof bull thesis.
Ocean’s Gang in Prison: And then we got thrown in a prison together when so many people bought at high prices.
Beavis and Butthead: We were obsessed with Cohen at this point. We hung on to every tweet. Sex for Dummies was a very popular one. Lot’s of theories popped up with this tweet.
A Few Good Men: DFV visits Congress!
Elaine Dancing: Is this him celebrating his gains and/or not getting thrown in prison?
Aladdin: They tried to take his gains away?
Truman > Mourinho’s In Big Trouble: He was gagged.
ASIP In Therapy: RK went to therapy and found he loved making memes and GME?
Newman: Talking about his experience as his new life as the United States GameStop memer and all the requests he was getting for memes.
Eddie Murphy: Chronicling his time as a memer
SNL The Shooting AKA Dear Sister: Not sure on this one.
Steve Wilkos: RK is ours and we are going to stick beside him
Succession: RK was reading so much about how he was the villain
Borne: More struggles with his identity as the GameStop memer and deciding what to do next.
CNBC > .50: Why does everyone hate RK?
The Dude: Not sure on this one.
Garden State: foreshadowing the jam that he’s about to get into this his next (older) posts
Every Everywhere All at Once: more foreshadowing.
Stand by Me: There’s a game of chicken going on. Shorts vs HODLers?
School of Rock: Reminding us what where here for. This journey isn’t going to be perfect but it’s Rock and Roll.
TeddyBears – Punk Rocker: He has both hands off the wheel now but he’s still along for the ride.
You Can’t Stop What’s Coming: Self-explanatory with likely last-minute cameo of the Chicago (where was Citadel founded?) BEARS thanks to the world’s most famous coke rat market manipulator.
Sicario 2: He’s asking us if we are ready to be the “villain” with him.
Flip Mode: If you really want to party with the Kitty, show him what you got (make some more memes people!!!)
The Shining: Our view of RK at work making his memes for the past 3 years.
500 days of Summer: Talking about why he does what he does. Because it’s going to last forever (more foreshadowing).
Luca: Him laughing at us not knowing everything. Just forget about it if you don’t understand, he has more for you.
Signs 1: This is where things get interesting. This is where we start seeing the signs. Connecting dots. We found something legit in all the DD.
Signs 2: The signs all pointed to GameStop. It’s all about GameStop and what they are going. Nothing else matters.
Signs 3: Are we the aliens? All of our best DD writers talking to each other were some of my favorite moments over the past 3 years. [There are theories about what these signs said and I will go back and fill that in later, I’m getting sleepy]
Signs 4: He is asking us if we believe the DD.
Signs 5: RK is one of us. Assuming we are the Aliens in these signs videos, he is telling us he is one of us.
The Modern Animal: We need to get a little crazy if we are going to take on the big city (NYC? Wall Street?)
Broad City: We made our own language. Memes. SuperStonk is a place for best friend with time to shoot.
GooseBumps: I THINK THIS IS WHERE WE ARE TODAY. RK is letting his briefcase of memes open and warning bears.
Everyone’s favorite Boss: Here some the SIGNS (memes for those who are not keeping up). He is going to his us ONE MORE TIME.
Pay Attention: NOW FUCKING PAY ATTENTION because he isn’t going to do this again.
Kill Bill: It’s time to fight and we are bad asses.
JigSaw + Kansas City Shuffle: Are you ready for the game? Because GameStop has you covered. Everything up to this point has been the inciting incident and catalyst of the Kansas City Shuffle. There is a very short scene where he says, “are you watching closely”? I saw a comments days ago that I can’t find and the very high level paraphrased version is that scene is from the Prestige and all of those hats were a result of him cloning himself. I think that represents the synthetics that plague our market. (I will find that comment that explains it better and go back to watch the movie myself and update this).
Shawshank: RK is telling us all it really takes is pressure and time to break out of their prison. While he was in prison, he went back to get his financial education. We also need an activist (investor, RC). There is a lot more nuance we can try to extrapolate form this one. I’ll save that for later.
Radiohead Karma Police: They have run the price down far enough. They have been leaking gas this whole time. It’s time for the match to be lit.
Neo: This is where Neo figures out how to work the matrix. The market is fake and everyone is mad. We all know it. When it comes to the market, we all took the red pill, and we see it for what it is.
Bullet Scene: Might need some help deciphering this one. I think it’s about how we (maybe not us but the general public) perceive the market. We see cause and effect but that’s now how it works. I think he is telling us that we don’t fully understand the market but our instincts are right and we just feel it. I think we as a community have that instinct.
Fury: Every boss is going to feel like the last one. They are going to pound us with misinformation, price manipulation, and anything else they can come up. But they are just taunting us to whoop some ass.
Trueman Show: They are going to hit us with everything they have but HOLD ON!
Me, Myself, & Irene: Them tanking the price is going to change how we feel and who we are.
Red Right Hand: Might need some help with this one too. The red hand man is stalking someone and the other person can’t do anything about it? Not sure who is who here.
Beat Saber: Might need some help with this too. Is he calling all freaks to show up because we are about to go to war?
Keith and Jake SNL: Everyone thinks Keith is crazy lol
Seinfeld: Calling out the memestock docs for being stupid. He had to some back and tell everyone to “Shut Up Bitch”
Shut Up Bitch: He delivers his best line to the people making him out to be a Vilian.
Coffee Mug Breaks: He is asking us to convince him to do it again.
Bane: RK is saying everything is going as planned.
Oceans (again): RK has been waiting for this time and it was all part of the plan.
Snoop: There was so much drama at GME. People had to be fired because they were someone dressed up as something else. Moles?
Spiderman: It’s time for Keith Gill to become Roaring Kitty again.
Pizza Slices: Guy on the left is a shorty. He is getting mad with how popular things got with the thesis and how many people bought.
Missy Elliot ft Luda: Giving us confidence that he has a worldwide audience and he is about to kill all the rumors.
In Love with RC: He is telling us that RC is the right guy. Don’t doubt him.
Guardians: Everyone already knows who is in charge. Stop fighting to be in charge.
CNBC again: Some of the misinformation actually said RK is in charge. He is not. He is busy drawing dicks (memes).
Oceans (again): I think he is saying that no one person is in charge. It took everyone to give GME all that money. Or maybe it AVOCADO-IN-MY-ANUS all along?
Breaking Bad: His side still hasn’t been told?
Fight Club: RK finally accepting he is DFV
Nice Guy: He is still a nice guy despite what people are saying.
Day and Night: I think he is talking about his struggles day and night over the last 3 years.
Dave: He could’ve ignored it all but he couldn’t stand it. He’s about to keep it real with us.
Star Wars: help me fill in the blank on this one.
Ozarks: help me fill in the blank on this one.
Grim Reaper: The hedgies are trying to figure out what is going on with GameStop. They are I a holding pattern and will be coming with more hitman when what happens in the rest of the tweets goes down.
*******This is where shit gets real********
The Prestige: Alright. Put your tinfoil hat on tight. Here is my interpretation of this one. The magician makes something disappear, but the audience wants to be fooled so we are not actually looking for the secret. So, when something disappears we don’t clap because it’s not as impressive. But as soon as it comes back, the fights is on**~. I think the NFT marketplace is going to come back~**. But I think it’s going to come back as something else. I think they built the blockchain infrastructure for something other than the NFT marketplace. That is when shit is going to go crazy. Don’t believe me, keep reading.
Brand New GME: They finally embrace what everyone has been calling them. They show up one day looking sexy as fuck and blow everyone’s minds.
Prisoner: And now the prisoner (GME’s true price) has true FFFRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM.
The fallout: The hedgies are going to beg us to sell our shares at 14 grand but the nature of us is pure CRAZY. We all knew who was calling on the phone.
Parking Lot Killer: That is who was calling. They are coming for the bears.
Requel: And just like that the requel begins production.
Old Computer Game: Now the question is, with this brand new, sexy af version of GME are we selling or are we staying? I think it’s going to be so fucking amazing we “>Stay”
Kittyman: When this all goes down, RK will return again.
How did they do it?: GME (or we?) seems stupid but apparently whoever it is really good at paperwork and the RK is so happy he’s doing backflips.
What do they need to do it?: They are going to need all of us and the target is up. HODL.
Kingsman: Shorties will then be locked in the room with us and they are going to come in fierce numbers.
The Town: They need our help we can’t ask questions but we have some sick ass rides to get there with.
Morning Affirmation Cat: Help me with this one. I’m tired.
Troy: Sick ass scene. GME just needs to land the killshot.
Pikey Reaction: They pulled the price back so far that it’s a loaded spring and when the shots are fired, it’s going to be raining money. Now “come hang so we go out with a bang”. Does he have your attention now?
Stop Fighting: NOW we can stop fighting.
Pirates of the Carrabin: The Pirate comes back from the dead (NFT Market Place?) and GME presses the red button to go into hyperdrive. This solidified my theory.
Tombstone: It’s not for revenge. It’s for something bigger. It’s a reckoning. Maybe a Glass Castle?
Standoff: Now that the red button was pressed, we have all the shorties in a stand off. But it doesn’t matter because the result of the red button is going to destroy it all? DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW?
Avenger Initiative: We have to do it together. It’s not just one person.
Sherlok Holmes: When GME says run, RUN! And remember what it’s running for. You monther, father, children, sisters, and brothers. The DOG DAYS are over.
Drive: We think were all good here right? It’s all over. Guess again. We are going to have every governmental agency coming after us and our gains. We are going to be on the run.
Bloody Blade: Help me with this one.
But First: The overture. This will be how it starts. We must go backward to unlock the secret. Once we do, the dragon wakes up and it’s game on for the game of thrones. We are going to break the wheel.
Still Here: It’s done when we say it’s done. This tweet closes with the song from the whole days evil cept being blown up with green fire. Sick.
Thanos: This was the actual first tweet just like the ET was the actual last tweet. He has read all the tea leaves and doesn't think anyone has put it together like he has so he is sharing his interoperation of the DD, the market conditions, and the news and is going to do one last DD himself.
Hope you were sitting up in your red chair and paying attention.
Apologies for any typos and poor formatting. I've never made a post like this and I'm too tired to figure all of that out. I'll come back tomorrow and clean it all up with that and fill any gaps you guys help me out with.
submitted by LucidBetrayal to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:54 PageTurner627 My Dad and I Hunted Down the Dogman that Killed My Sister

I’ve always hated the smell of gun oil. It clings to everything it touches, soaking deep into the fibers of my clothes, the lining of my backpack, the coarse hair on the back of my hands. Yet here I am, kneeling on the cracked linoleum of our mudroom, a Remington .308 laid across my thighs, and the stench of gun oil sharp in my nostrils. The early morning light barely scratches at the edges of the blinds, dim and gray like the belly of a dead fish.
My dad Frank is in the kitchen, clattering around with the coffeepot and mumbling under his breath. Today we’re heading up to the woods of Northern Michigan, same as we did every year before Leah… before we lost her.
I can’t help but feel the old scars throbbing as I load bullets into the magazine. It’s been ten years since that hunting trip, the one that tore my family into before and after. Before, when Leah's laughter was a constant soundtrack to our lives; after, when every silence was filled with her absence.
We were just kids back then. I was ten, Leah was eight. It was supposed to be a typical hunting trip, one of those bonding experiences Dad was always talking about. But things went wrong. We got separated from Dad somehow. One minute we were following him, the next we were lost, the dense woods closing in around us.
Dad says when he found me, I was huddled under a fallen tree, my eyes wide, my body frozen. All I could mutter through chattering teeth was "Dogman."
It was only later, after the search parties had combed through every thicket and hollow, that they found her. What remained of Leah was barely recognizable, the evidence of a brutal mauling undeniable. The authorities concluded it was likely a bear attack, but Dad... he never accepted that explanation. He had seen the tracks, too large and oddly shaped for any bear.
As I load another round, the memory flashes, unbidden and unwelcome. Large, hairy clawed hands reaching out towards us, impossibly big, grotesque in their form. Yet, the rest of the creature eludes me, a shadow just beyond the edge of my recall, leaving me with nothing but fragmented terrors and Leah’s haunting, echoing screams. My mind blocked most of it out, a self-defense mechanism, I guess.
For years after that day, sleep was a battleground. I'd wake up in strange places—kitchen floor, backyard, even at the edge of the nearby creek. My therapist said it was my mind's way of trying to resolve the unresolved, to wander back through the woods searching for Leah. But all I found in those sleepless nights was a deeper sense of loss.
It took time, a lot of therapy, and patience I didn't know I had, but the sleepwalking did eventually stop. I guess I started to find some semblance of peace.
I have mostly moved on with my life. The fragmentary memories of that day are still there, lurking in the corners of my mind, but they don’t dominate my thoughts like they used to. I just finished my sophomore year at Michigan State, majoring in Environmental Science.
As for Dad, the loss of Leah broke him. He became a shell of himself. It destroyed his marriage with Mom. He blamed himself for letting us out of his sight, for not protecting Leah. His life took on a single, consuming focus: finding the creature that killed her. He read every book, every article on cryptids and unexplained phenomena. He mapped sightings, connected dots across blurry photos and shaky testimonies of the Dogman.
But as the tenth anniversary of Leah’s death approaches, Dad's obsession has grown more intense. He’s started staying up late, poring over his maps and notes, muttering to himself about patterns and cycles. He’s convinced that the dogman reappears every ten years, and this is our window of opportunity to finally hunt it down.
I’m not nearly as convinced. The whole dogman thing seems like a coping mechanism, a way for Dad to channel his guilt and grief into something tangible, something he can fight against. But I decided to tag along on this trip, partly to keep an eye on him, partly because a small part of me hopes that maybe, just maybe, we’ll find some kind of closure out there in the woods.
I finish loading the rifle and set it aside, standing up to stretch my legs. I wipe my greasy hands on an old rag, trying to get rid of the smell. The early morning light is starting to seep into the room, casting long shadows across the floor.
Dad comes out of the kitchen with two thermoses of coffee in hand. His eyes are bleary and tired.
“You ready, Ryan?” he asks, handing me a thermos, his voice rough from too many sleepless nights.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” I reply, trying to sound more confident than I felt.
We load our gear into the truck, the weight of our supplies and weapons a physical reminder of the burden we carry. The drive from Lansing across the Lower Peninsula is long and quiet, the silence between us filled with unspoken memories and unresolved grief.

The drive north is a blur of highway lines and the dull hum of the engine. I drift off, the landscape outside blending into a haze. In my sleep, fragments of that day with Leah replay like scattered pieces of a puzzle. I see her smile, the way she tugged at my sleeve, eager to explore. The sunlight filters through the trees in sharp, jagged streaks.
Then, the memory shifts—darker, disjointed. Leah's voice echoes, a playful laugh turning into a scream that pierces the air. The crunch of leaves underfoot as something heavy moves through the underbrush. I see a shadow, large and looming, not quite fitting the shapes of any creature I know.
Then, something darker creeps into the dream, something I’ve never allowed myself to remember clearly.
Before I can see what it is I wake up with a start as the truck jerks slightly on a rough patch of road. Dad glances over. "Bad dream?" he asks. I nod, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, the remnants of the dream clinging to me like the cold.
"Yeah, just... thinking about Leah," I manage to say.
As we drive, Dad attempts to bridge the silence with small talk. He asks about my finals, my plans for the summer, anything to keep the conversation going. His voice carries a forced cheerfulness, but it’s clear his heart isn’t in it. I respond when necessary, my answers brief, my gaze fixed on the passing scenery.
The landscape changes as we head further north, from flat expanses to rolling hills dotted with dense patches of forest. It's beautiful country, the kind that reminds you how vast and wild Michigan can be, but today it just feels oppressive, like it’s closing in on us.

We finally arrive at the cabin, nestled deep in the woods, its weathered wood blending seamlessly with the surrounding trees. The place hasn't changed much since the last time I was here—a relic from another time, filled with the echoes of our past. I can still see Leah running around the porch, her laughter ringing out into the forest.
Dad parks the truck, and we step out into the crisp air. The smell of pine and damp earth fills my nostrils. We start unloading our gear, the tension between us palpable.
“Let’s get this inside,” Dad says, his voice gruff as he hefts a duffel bag onto his shoulder.
I nod, grabbing my own bag and following him to the cabin. Inside, it’s a mix of old and new—the same rustic furniture, but with new hunting gear and maps strewn across the table. Dad’s obsession is evident in every corner of the room, a constant reminder of why we’re here.
As we unpack, we exchange strained attempts at normalcy. He talks about the latest cryptid sightings he’s read about, his eyes lighting up with a fervor that both worries and saddens me.
“Did you hear about the sighting up near Alpena?” he asks, laying out his maps on the table.
“Yeah, you mentioned it,” I reply, trying to muster some enthusiasm. “Do you really think there’s something to it?”
Dad’s eyes meet mine, and for a moment, I see a flicker of doubt. But it’s quickly replaced by grim determination. “I have to believe it, Ryan. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”
We finish unpacking, the silence between us growing heavier with each passing minute. I step outside to clear my head, the cool air a welcome relief. The sun is starting to set, casting long shadows across the clearing. I can’t shake the feeling of unease.
"You can take the upstairs room," Dad mutters. His voice is strained, trying to sound normal, but it's clear the weight of the past is heavy on him. I nod, hauling my backpack up the creaking stairs to the small bedroom that I used to share with Leah. The room feels smaller now, or maybe I've just grown too much since those innocent days.
I unpack silently, setting my things aside. The bed is stiff and cold under my touch. As I settle in, I can't help but glance at the corner where Leah and I would huddle together, whispering secrets and making plans for adventures that would never happen. I push the thoughts away, focusing on the practicalities of unpacking.
After settling in, I go back downstairs to find Dad loading up a backpack with supplies for our hunt. The intensity in his eyes is palpable, his hands moving with practiced precision. I know this routine; it's one he's perfected over countless solo trips since that fateful day.
"We'll head out early," he says, not looking up from his task. "Gotta make the most of the daylight."
I nod, though unease curls in my stomach. I'm not just worried about what we might find—or not find—out there. I'm worried about him. Each year, the obsession seems to carve him out a bit more, leaving less of the Dad I knew.

The morning air is sharp with the scent of pine and wet earth as Dad and I head into the deeper parts of the forest. The terrain is rugged, familiar in its untamed beauty, but there’s a tension between us that makes the landscape feel alien. Dad moves with a purposeful stride, his eyes scanning the woods around us. Every snap of a twig, every rustle in the underbrush seems to draw his attention. He’s on edge, and it puts me on edge too.
As we walk, my mind drifts back to that day ten years ago. I can almost hear Leah’s voice echoing through the trees, her high-pitched call as she darted ahead, "Catch me, Ryan!" I remember how the sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dancing shadows on the ground. Those memories are so vivid, so tangible, it feels like I could just turn a corner and see her there, waiting for us.
Dad suddenly stops and kneels, examining the ground. He points out a set of tracks that are too large for a deer, with an unusual gait pattern. "It’s been here, Ry. I’m telling you, it’s close," he whispers, a mixture of excitement and something darker in his voice. I nod, though I’m not sure what to believe. Part of me wants to dismiss it all as grief-fueled obsession, but another part, the part that heard Leah's scream and saw something monstrous in the woods that day, isn’t so sure.
As we continue, Dad's comments become increasingly cryptic. "You know, they say the dogman moves in cycles, drawn to certain places, certain times. Like it’s tied to the land itself," he muses, more to himself than to me. His fixation on the creature has always been intense, but now it borders on mania.
We set up a makeshift blind near a clearing where Dad insists the creature will pass. Hours drag by with little to see but the occasional bird or distant deer.
The sun rises higher in the sky, casting long, slender shadows through the dense canopy. I shift uncomfortably in my spot, the forest floor hard and unyielding beneath me. My eyes dart between the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything, to break the monotony. Dad, on the other hand, remains steadfast, his gaze fixed on the treeline as if he can will the dogman into existence by sheer force of will.
A bird chirps nearby, startling me. I sigh and adjust my grip on the rifle. I glance over at Dad.
“Anything?” I ask, more out of boredom than genuine curiosity.
“Not yet,” he replies, his voice tight. “But it’s out there. I know it.”
I nod, even though I’m not sure I believe him. The forest seems too quiet, too still. Maybe we’re chasing ghosts.
As the sun begins its descent, the forest is bathed in a warm, golden light. The air cools, and a breeze rustles the leaves. I shiver, more from anticipation than the cold. The long hours of sitting and waiting are starting to wear on me.
“Let’s call it a day for now,” Dad says finally, his voice heavy with disappointment. “We’ll head back to the cabin, get some rest, and try again tomorrow.”
I stand and stretch, feeling the stiffness in my muscles. We pack up our gear in silence and start the trek back to the cabin. The walk is long and quiet, the only sounds are the crunch of leaves underfoot and the distant calls of birds settling in for the night.

Dinner is a quiet affair, both of us lost in our thoughts. I try to make small talk, asking Dad about his plans for tomorrow, but it feels forced. We clean up in silence.
After dinner, I retreat to the small bedroom. The fatigue from the day's hike has settled into my bones, but sleep still feels like a distant hope. I lie down, staring at the ceiling, the room cloaked in darkness save for the sliver of moonlight creeping through the window. Downstairs, I hear the faint sound of Dad moving around, likely unable to sleep himself.
I drift into sleep, but it's not restful. My dreams pull me back to that fateful day in the woods. Leah's voice is clear and vibrant, her laughter echoing through the trees. She looks just as she did then—bright-eyed and full of life, her blonde hair catching the sunlight as she runs ahead of me.
"Come on, Ry! You can't catch me!" she taunts, her voice playful and teasing.
I chase after her, but the scene shifts abruptly. The sky darkens, the woods around us growing dense and foreboding. Leah's laughter fades, replaced by a chilling silence. I see her ahead, standing still, her back to me.
"Leah?" I call out, my voice trembling. She turns slowly, her eyes wide and filled with fear. "Ryan, you have to remember," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "It wasn't what you think. You need to know the truth."
Leah’s words hang in the air, cryptic and unsettling. Before I can respond, she turns and starts running again, her figure becoming a blur among the trees. Panic rises in my chest as I sprint after her, my feet pounding against the forest floor.
“Leah, wait!” I shout, desperation lacing my voice. The forest around me seems to close in, the trees towering and twisted, shadows dancing menacingly in the dim light. I push forward, trying to keep her in sight, but she’s too fast, slipping away like a wisp of smoke.
Suddenly, there’s a rustle, a flash of movement in the corner of my vision. Leah screams, a sound that pierces through the heavy silence. It happens too quickly—I can’t see what it is, only a dark blur that snatches her up.
“Leah!” I scream, my voice breaking. I stumble, falling to my knees as the forest spins around me. My heart races, and the terror is so real, so visceral, that it pulls me back to that awful day, the one that changed everything.
I jolt awake, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I sit up, wiping the cold sweat from my forehead as I try to steady my breathing. The room is still dark, the shadows cast by the moonlight seem to flicker and dance on the walls. My heart is still racing from the nightmare, the echo of Leah's scream lingering in my ears.
As I struggle to calm down, the floorboards outside my room creak. The door opens slowly, and I see the silhouette of my dad in the doorway, a Bowie knife in his hand, his posture tense.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” I whisper, my voice shaking.
“Shh,” he hisses, holding up a hand to silence me. “I heard something. Something moving around in the cabin. Stay quiet.”
I swallow hard, my mouth dry. I glance at the clock on the nightstand—it’s just past three in the morning. The cabin is silent, the kind of deep, oppressive silence that makes every small sound seem louder. I can’t hear anything out of the ordinary, but Dad’s expression is deadly serious.
He motions for me to get up, and I do, moving as quietly as I can. My heart is racing, a mix of lingering fear from the dream and the sudden, sharp anxiety of the present moment. Dad leads the way, stepping cautiously out of the bedroom and into the hallway, the knife held ready in front of him.
We move through the cabin, checking each room in turn. The living room is empty, the furniture casting long shadows in the dim moonlight. The kitchen is just as we left it, the plates from dinner still drying on the counter. Everything seems normal, untouched.
We finish our sweep of the cabin without finding anything amiss. The silence is heavy, punctuated only by our soft footfalls. I can see the tension in Dad’s frame, his grip on the knife unwavering. After checking the last room, we pause in the dimly lit hallway, the air thick with unspoken questions.
“There’s nothing here,” I say, my voice low. “Are you sure you heard something?”
He looks at me, his eyes searching for something in my face. “I heard growling. Deep and close. It was right outside the window.”
“Maybe it was just an animal outside, a raccoon or something?” I suggest, although the certainty in his voice makes me doubt my own reassurance.
“No, it wasn’t like that. It was different,” he insists, his voice tense.
I nod, not wanting to argue, but the seeds of worry are planted deep.
The look in his eyes sends a chill down my spine. It’s not just fear—it’s desperation. The kind of desperation that comes from years of chasing shadows and finding nothing. I can see the toll this hunt has taken on him, the way it’s worn him down, turned him into a man I barely recognize.
We head back to our rooms. As I lie down, my mind races with thoughts of my dad. I can’t help but wonder if he’s losing it, if the years of grief and guilt have finally pushed him over the edge.
Dad wasn’t always like this. Before Leah’s death, he was the kind of father who took us fishing, helped with homework, and told terrible jokes that made us groan and laugh at the same time. He was solid, dependable. But losing Leah changed him. The guilt twisted him into someone I barely recognize, someone driven by a need for answers, for closure, that may never come.
I try to sleep, but my thoughts keep me awake. I can hear Dad moving around downstairs, probably pacing or double-checking the locks. His paranoia has become a constant presence, and I don’t know how to help him. I don’t even know if I can help him.

The next morning, the sunlight filters weakly through the cabin windows, casting a pale light that does little to lift the heavy mood. I drag myself out of bed, feeling the exhaustion of another restless night. Dad is already up, hunched over his maps at the kitchen table, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep.
“Morning,” I mumble, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I pour myself a cup of coffee. “Did you sleep at all?”
He shakes his head, not looking up from his notes. “Not much. I couldn’t stop thinking about what I heard last night.”
I sip my coffee, trying to shake off the remnants of my nightmare. “Maybe it was just an animal, Dad. We’re deep in the woods, after all.”
He finally looks up, his eyes intense. “Ryan, I know what I heard. It wasn’t just an animal. It was something else.”
I sigh, not wanting to argue. “Okay, fine, Dad. What’s the plan for today?”
“We’re going back out. I found some tracks yesterday, and I want to follow them. See where they lead.”
I nod, feeling a mix of apprehension and resignation. I can see how much this means to him, how desperate he is for any kind of lead. “Alright. Let’s get packed and head out.”
We spend the morning preparing, loading up our gear and double-checking our supplies. Dad is meticulous, going over everything with a fine-toothed comb. I try to match his focus, but my mind keeps drifting back to Leah and the dream I had. Her words echo in my head, cryptic and unsettling: “You need to know the truth.”
We set off into the woods, the air crisp and cool. The forest is alive with the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, but it all feels distant, like background noise to the tension between us. Dad leads the way, his eyes scanning the ground for any sign of the tracks he found yesterday.
As we walk, I can’t help but notice how erratically he’s acting. He mutters to himself, his eyes darting around as if expecting something to jump out at us. His grip on his rifle is tight, his knuckles white.
“Dad, are you okay?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.
He glances at me, his expression unreadable. “I’m fine. Just focused.”
He stops frequently to examine the ground or the bark of trees, pointing out marks and signs that seem meaningless to me.
“Look at this,” he says, crouching down to examine a broken branch. “See how it’s snapped? That’s not a deer or a bear. That’s something bigger. Stronger.”
I crouch next to Dad, squinting at the broken branch. To me, it just looks like a regular broken branch, the kind you see all over the forest. "I don't know, Dad. It just looks like a branch to me," I say, trying to keep my voice neutral.
Dad's eyes flicker with frustration. "You're not looking close enough. It's the way it's snapped—too clean, too deliberate. Something did this."
I nod, not wanting to argue. "Okay, sure. But even if you're right, it could be anything. A storm, another hunter..."
His expression hardens. "I know what I'm looking for. This is different."
I sigh, feeling the weight of the past and the tension between us pressing down on me. "Dad, I had a dream last night. About Leah." The words hang in the air between us, heavy and fraught with unspoken emotions.
Dad's eyes widen, and he straightens up, his entire demeanor shifting. "What kind of dream? What did you see?" His voice is urgent, almost desperate.
"It was... strange. We were in the woods, like we are now, but everything felt different. Leah was there, running ahead of me, laughing. Then she stopped and told me I needed to know the truth, that it wasn't what I thought."
Dad grabs my shoulders, his grip tight. "What else did she say? Did she tell you anything specific? Anything about the creature?"
I shake my head, feeling a chill run down my spine. "No, that was it. She just said I needed to know the truth, and then she was gone."
Dad’s grip on my shoulders tightens, and his eyes bore into mine with a mixture of desperation and hope. “Ryan, you have to try to remember. Think hard. What did the creature look like? Did you see anything else?”
I pull back slightly, uneasy with his intensity. “Dad, I told you. I don’t remember. It was just a dream. A nightmare, really. My mind’s probably just mixing things up.”
He lets go of me and runs a hand through his hair, looking frustrated and lost. “Dreams can be important. They can hold memories we’ve buried deep. Please, try to remember. This could be a sign, a clue.”
I rub my temples, feeling the beginnings of a headache. “I’ve tried, okay? I’ve tried for years to piece together what happened that day. But it’s all just fragments, like pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit. The dream… it felt real, but I don’t think it’s telling me anything new.”
Dad’s face falls, and he looks older than I’ve ever seen him. He turns away, staring into the forest as if it holds all the answers.

As we make our way back to the cabin, the sun begins to set, casting long shadows through the trees. The air grows colder, and I shiver, pulling my jacket tighter around me. Dad is silent, lost in his thoughts, his face drawn and haggard.
Back at the cabin, we unload our gear once again in silence. Dad disappears into his room, muttering something about going over his notes. I decide to explore the cabin, hoping to find something that might help me understand what’s going on with him.
In the attic, I find a box of old family photos and documents. As I sift through the contents, I come across a worn journal with Dad’s handwriting on the cover. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I open it, flipping through the pages.
The journal is filled with notes and sketches, detailing his obsession with the dogman. But there’s something else—entries that talk about Leah, about that day in the woods. His handwriting becomes more erratic, the words harder to read. One entry stands out, dated just a few days after Leah’s death:
“June 15, 2013 – It was supposed to be a normal trip. Keep them close, Frank, I kept telling myself. But I failed. Leah is gone, and it’s my fault. I heard her scream, saw the shadows. I tried to get to her, but… the thing, it was there. Too fast. Too strong. My hands… blood everywhere. No one will believe me. I can’t even believe myself. I have to find it. I have to protect Ryan. I have to make it right. God, what have I done?”
Before I can read further, the attic door creaks open, and Dad’s voice slices through the stillness.
“What are you doing up here?” His tone is sharp, almost panicked.
I turn to see him standing in the doorway, his face pale and his eyes wide with something between anger and fear. I clutch the journal to my chest, my mind racing. “I found this… I was just trying to understand…”
In an instant, he crosses the room and snatches the journal from my hands. His grip is tight, his knuckles white. “You had no right,” he growls, his voice trembling.
“Dad, I just wanted to know the truth!” I shout, frustration boiling over. “What really happened to Leah.”
His eyes flash with a mix of rage and anguish, and before I can react, he slaps me across the face. The force of it knocks me off balance, and I stumble backward, my cheek stinging.
For a moment, there’s a stunned silence. We both stand there, breathing hard, the air thick with tension.
“I’m sorry,” Dad says finally, his voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t mean to… I just…” He trails off, clutching the journal to his chest like a lifeline.
I touch my cheek, feeling the heat from the slap, and take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “Dad, what aren’t you telling me? What really happened that day?”
“Stay out of it, Ryan,” Dad growls, his eyes dark with anger. “You don’t know what you’re messing with.”
He turns and storms out of the attic. I’m left standing there, my cheek throbbing, my mind racing. What the fuck is going on? What really happened to Leah? And what is Dad so afraid of?

That night, I sleep with my rifle within arm's reach, more afraid of my dad than any dogman. The slap still burns on my cheek, and the look in his eyes—rage, fear, something darker—haunts me. I lie awake, listening to the creaks and groans of the old cabin, every sound amplified in the stillness. Eventually, exhaustion pulls me under, and I fall into a restless sleep.
The dream returns, vivid and unsettling. I'm back in the woods, chasing after Leah. Her laughter echoes through the trees, a haunting reminder of happier times. This time, though, I push myself harder, refusing to let her slip away.
"Ryan, catch me!" she calls, her voice playful.
"I'm coming, Leah!" I shout, my legs pumping, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
The forest around us is a twisted, shadowy maze, the trees seeming to close in on us. Leah's figure becomes clearer, her blonde hair catching the dim light filtering through the canopy. She stops suddenly, turning to face me, her eyes wide with fear.
"Leah, what is it?" I ask, my voice trembling.
"Look behind you," she whispers, her voice barely audible.
I turn slowly, dread creeping up my spine. In the shadows, I see a figure, its form indistinct and shifting. It’s not quite animal, not quite human—something in between. The sight of it sends a jolt of terror through me, and I wake up with a start, my breath coming in ragged gasps.
I’m not in my bed. The ground beneath me is cold and hard, the smell of damp earth filling my nostrils. Panic rises as I realize I’ve sleepwalked into the woods. I scramble to my feet, my eyes adjusting to the dim light. The moon casts a pale glow over the surroundings, revealing what looks like a long-abandoned animal lair.
The walls are covered in giant claw marks, deep gouges in the wood and earth. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and a chill runs through me. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched.
Carefully, I start to move, my eyes scanning the ground, desperate for a familiar landmark. That's when I see them—faded scraps of fabric caught on the jagged edges of the underbrush. My steps falter, a sense of dread washing over me as I bend down to examine them. The fabric is torn, weathered by time and the elements, but unmistakably familiar. It's part of Leah's jacket—the bright pink one she wore on the day she disappeared.
As I strain to make sense of it all, a rustling sound behind me snaps my focus. My heart leaps into my throat. I spin around, my hand instinctively reaching for the rifle I don't have—because, of course, I didn't bring it in my unconscious state.
The shadowy figure that emerges from the trees is unsettlingly familiar, mirroring the menacing forms of my nightmares. But as it steps into the moonlight, I recognize the worn jacket, the weary posture. It's Dad.
"Ryan!" he calls out, his voice a mix of relief and stern concern. "I've been looking everywhere for you. What the hell are you doing out here?"
I exhale slowly, the terror ebbing away as reality sets back in. "I—I don't know, Dad. I must've sleepwalked again." My voice is shaky, my earlier dream still clinging to the edges of my consciousness.
Dad stares at me in disbelief. "You haven't sleepwalked since you were a kid, Ry. This... this isn't just a coincidence." His eyes dart around, taking in the surroundings—the eerie, claw-marked den, the unsettling quiet of the woods. "How did you even find this place?"
I shake my head, struggling to find an answer. "I don't know, Dad. I just... I woke up here." The uncertainty in my voice does nothing to ease the tension.
His eyes lock onto the tattered remains of Leah's jacket in my hands, and something inside him snaps. The color drains from his face as he stumbles a few steps backward. "This... this is where it happened," he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper. “This is where we found Leah."
“I thought you said you don’t remember anything from that night,” he says accusingly.
"I swear, Dad, I don't know anything about this place," I insist, my own heart pounding.
“It was you, wasn’t it? You’ve been hiding this from me.” His voice is frantic. “You... last night, the growling, it was you.” His voice rises, tinged with hysteria.
I step back, my pulse racing, feeling the chill of the night and the weight of his accusation. "Dad, I don't know what you're talking ab—”
"No!" he interrupts, his voice breaking as he points a trembling finger at me. "You knew, you always knew. It was you, Ryan. All these years, the evidence was right there, but I refused to see it. You were the dogman. You killed Leah!"
His words hit me like a physical blow, absurd and horrifying in their implications. "Dad, you're not making any sense. You're talking crazy! I was just a little kid! How could I–" I protest, my voice shaky.
He steps closer, his presence looming over me, the outline of his figure distorted by the shadows of the trees. "Think about it! It all makes sense now. You led us here, to this place, because you remember. Because you did it."
"Dad, stop it!" I shout, my heart pounding in my chest. "You're scaring me. You need help, professional help. This isn't you."
But he's beyond reason, his eyes wild with a haunted grief. "I have to end this," he mutters, more to himself than to me, his hand tightening around his rifle.
His finger hovers dangerously over the trigger of his rifle. My instincts kick in, and I know I have to act fast.
I lunge toward him, trying to knock the weapon away, but he's quicker than I expected. We struggle, our breaths heavy in the cold night air, the sounds of our scuffle the only noise in the otherwise silent woods. His strength surprises me, fueled by his frantic emotions. He shoves me back, and I stumble over a root, my balance lost for a crucial second. That's all he needs. He raises his rifle, his intentions clear in his wild, pained eyes.
I dive to the ground just as the shot rings out, a deafening blast that echoes ominously through the trees. The bullet whizzes past, narrowly missing me, embedding itself in the bark of an old pine. I scramble to my feet, my heart pounding in my ears, and I start running. The underbrush claws at my clothes and skin, but I push through, driven by a primal urge to survive.
"Dad, stop! It's me, Ryan!" I shout back as I dodge between the trees. Another shot breaks the silence, closer this time, sending splinters of wood flying from a nearby tree trunk. It's surreal, being hunted by my own father, a man tormented by grief and lost in his delusions.
I don't stop to look back. I can hear him crashing through the forest behind me, his heavy breaths and muttered curses carried on the wind. The terrain is rough, and I'm fueled by adrenaline, but exhaustion is setting in. I need a plan.
Ahead, I see a rocky outcrop and make a split-second decision to head for it. It offers a chance to hide, to catch my breath and maybe reason with him if he catches up. As I reach the rocks, I slip behind the largest one, my body pressed tight against the cold, damp surface. I hear his footsteps approaching, slow and cautious now.
As I press against the rock, trying to calm my racing heart, I can hear Dad's footsteps drawing closer, each step crunching ominously on the forest floor. He's methodical, deliberate, like a hunter stalking his prey.
“Come out, Ryan!” Dad’s voice is ragged, filled with a blend of fury and pain.
My heart pounds against my chest, the cold sweat on my back making me shiver against the rough surface of the rock. I know I can't just sit here; it's only a matter of time before he finds me.
Taking a deep breath, I peek around the edge of the rock, trying to gauge his position. I see him, rifle raised, scanning the area slowly. This might be my only chance to end this madness without further violence. I need to disarm him, to talk some sense into him if I can.
As quietly as I can, I move out from behind the rock, my steps careful to avoid any twigs or leaves that might betray my position. I'm almost upon him when a branch snaps under my foot—a sound so trivial yet so alarmingly loud in the quiet of the woods.
Dad whirls around, looking completely unhinged. "Ryan!" he exclaims, his rifle swinging in my direction. Panic overtakes me, and I lunge forward, my hands reaching for the gun.
We struggle, the rifle between us, our breaths heavy and erratic. "Dad, please, stop!" I plead, trying to wrestle the gun away. But he's strong, stronger than I expected.
In the chaos, the rifle goes off. The sound is deafening, a sharp echo that seems to reverberate off every tree around us. Pain explodes in my abdomen, sharp and burning, like nothing I've ever felt before. I stagger back, my hands instinctively going to the wound. The warmth of my own blood coats my fingers, stark and terrifying.
Dad drops the rifle, his eyes wide with horror. "Oh my God! What have I done?" he gasps, rushing to my side as I collapse onto the forest floor.
As the pain sears through me, a strange, overpowering energy surges within. It's wild, primal, unlike anything I've ever experienced. Looking down in horror, my hands are no longer hands but large, hairy, clawed appendages. The transformation is rapid, consuming—my vision blurs, senses heighten, and a raw, guttural growl builds in my throat.
In that moment, a flood of understanding washes over me, mingling with the horror of realization. These are the hands of the creature from my nightmares, the creature whose face I can never fully recall because, as I now understand, it is me.
What happens next feels detached, as if I'm no longer in control of my own actions, watching from a distance as my body moves on its own. I turn towards my dad, his face a mask of terror. He stumbles back, his eyes wide with the dawning realization of what his son has become.
The forest around us seems to fall silent, holding its breath as the nightmarish scene unfolds. I can hear my own growls, guttural and deep, filling the air with a sound that's both foreign and intimately familiar. The pain in my abdomen fuels a dark, violent urge, an urge that's too strong to resist.
With a ferocity that feels both alien and intrinsic, I move towards him. My dad, paralyzed by fear and shock, doesn't run. Maybe he can't. Maybe he doesn't want to.
The encounter was brutal and swift, a blur of motion and violence. My dad barely puts up a struggle, as though resigned to his fate.
Not that there is anything he can do. The creature that I’ve become is too powerful, too consumed by the wild instincts surging through me. I tear him apart, limb from bloody limb, my hands—no, my claws—rending through fabric and flesh with disgusting ease.
The sound of my dad’s screams, of tearing fabric and flesh is drowned out by the animalistic growls that echo through the trees.
When it’s all over, the red mist that had clouded my vision begins to fade, and the fierce, uncontrollable rage that drove my actions subsides. I'm left standing, my breaths heavy and erratic, in the eerie stillness of the forest. The transformation reverses as quickly as it came on, and I find myself back in my human form. My clothes are ripped to shreds, hanging off my frame in tattered remnants. At my feet lies what’s left of my dad, his body torn and unrecognizable.
I glance down at my abdomen, expecting agony, but instead find my wound miraculously healed. No sign of the gunshot remains, just a faint scar where I expected a bloody mess.
Shock sets in, a numbing disbelief mixed with a gut-wrenching realization of what I've become and what I've done. My hands, now human again, tremble as I look at them, half-expecting to see the claws that had so effortlessly ripped through flesh and bone. But there's only blood, my father's blood against my skin.
I stand there for what feels like an eternity, trapped in a nightmare of my own making.
Eventually, the shock wears thin, and a cold practicality takes hold. I need to get out of here. I need to cover my tracks, to disappear. Because who would believe this? Who would understand that I didn't choose this, that I'm not a monster by choice?
With trembling hands, I do what’s necessary. I bury my dad in a shallow grave, the physical act of digging strangely grounding. I cover him with leaves and branches, a pitiful attempt to hide the brutality of his end. I take a moment, whispering apologies into the wind, knowing full well that nothing I say can change what happened.
I leave the forest behind, my mind a whirl of dark thoughts. As I walk, the first hints of dawn brush against the horizon, the sky bleeding a soft pink. It’s hauntingly beautiful.
submitted by PageTurner627 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:40 woIfe712 Can someone drop a frayed blade?

I can't get the dlc at this moment but I really want to use it. I'll trade whatever I can do to the best of my ability. I'm on Xbox ^
submitted by woIfe712 to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:32 LazyYogurtcloset1814 I need ww2 german flag id ....

submitted by LazyYogurtcloset1814 to IronAssaultRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:31 ItsAJayDay The Last Stop in Yuma County

The Last Stop in Yuma County
I'll drop mine right here as I have seen no discussion on it outside of a variety article I read a few weeks ago.
Has anyone seen this absolute gem ? It's the diner scene from Pulp Fiction turned up to 11, the tension created through a simple scenario begins to rise to its boiling point as patrons turn up to the desolate road side gas station, the last stop on a country back road surrounded by the vastness outback like conditions of Yuma County. The time period is never mentioned, but we can correctly assume its the early to mid 1970's based on the environment, cars and phones.
I won't give away anything of the story or its characters, I can only recommend you find an hour and 30 minutes to take it all in. Richard Brake and Nicholas Logan are incredibly believable antagonists, the well executed contrast between their characters personalities make for this almost fun, uneasy road trip type relationship between the two, though the trust between the two can be easily observed.
Donahue and Cummings, our protagonists, atypical types just working their jobs, but are ultimately thrust into a deadly situation, is nothing new, how they handle the next few hours, is, however. From the knife sales pitch, the coffee cups, the natural way in which they describe their lives and occupations, you would think you had found a Tarantino movie you'd just never got the memo on.
The supporting cast are equally as entertaining and as natural as you'd like, with a wild card couple thrown into the mix for good measure, the chaos that ensues once a particular fact becomes known, is like releasing the pressure on a bottle cap, and delivers for you what I believe would have happened in the diner scene at the end of Pulp Fiction, total madness.
I cannot recommend this film enough and I hope the lads give it 10 minutes of thought someday.
submitted by ItsAJayDay to MauLer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:20 wearechop H: tradelist W: offers pf all kinds, weapons, apparel, leaders especially

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Last shot 15fr auto grenade launcher
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E90rw pipe auto pistol
50c25 50 cal
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E25 western revolver
50c25 m79 gl
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25ffr25 drill
Last shot 25 cryo
Last shot 25 railway
50c25 missile launcher
Last shot 15 fr assaultron head
50vhc 15fr assaultron head
Last shot 25 uc laser rifle
Last shot 25 single action
50c25 combat shotgun
Last shot 25 tesla
40pa+1s knuckles
40pa+1s bone club
40pa+1s bone hammer
40pa+1s death tambo
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50c25 mole miner
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25ffr25 assault rifle
40pa+1s baseball bat
Ss+1 s baseball bat
40pa40pa chainsaw
Ss+1s fire axe
40pa90rw grognax axe
Ss90rw super sledge
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Ss90rw mole miner
ss90rw grognax axe
E25 minigun
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Ss+1s switchblade
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E15 western revolver
50c15fr single action
Limb 25 enclave plasma pistol reflex sight aligned flamer barrel 25 damage aiming 250 tesla
Ap 90rw tesla
25ffr 50damage resist cryo
50c15vc alien disintegrator
25ffr90rw pipe auto pistol
50VHC15FR assaultron head
50vhc15fr dragon
Last shot 25 cryo
50vhc250 m79 gl
50vhc25 plasma rifle not enclave
50vhc25 enclave plasma pistol no mods
50c250 assaultron heads
E25 44 pistol
Ss+1s board
E15fr minigun
25 melee damage standing +1s drill
E90rw gatling gun
50c15fr tesla
E90 fixer
Ss90rw knuckles
25ffr25 plasma rifle not enclave
E15fr lever action
50c25 submachine gun tommy
50c15fr dragon
Ap acrobat reverse painted fsa LA
Ap acrobat usa RA
25cryo fdc fsa chest
Ap energy damage trapper chest
Cryo sentinel heavy raider RL
Poison fdc heavy robot RA
Cryo sentinel trapper RA
Cryo wwr trapper RA
+1e sentinel trapper LA
Cryo fdc heavy leather LL
Radiaton resist fdc heavy leather LL
Poison htd fsa RL
+1e cavalier trapper LA
+1L wwr sturdy metal LL
Ap cavalier robot LA
Ap sentinel heavy robot RA
Cryo fdc heavy leather LL
Cryo awr heavy leather LL
Overeaters ap sentinel jp arm uc set
Ap wwr t60 RL
Ap wwr jet pack uc LA
Fire resist wwr excavator chest
+1p wwr x01 LL
Led wwr x01 RA
Fire resistance sentinel RL excavator
WISHLIST- B50C25 ad, oe ap sent scout arms and left leg, be15fr combat shotgun, chameleon ap sent x01 t60 pa
submitted by wearechop to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:16 ChristLover10 The Last Child (Fanfic)

(Part 2 out now)
I woke up with a cough of blood and pain. I felt something metal with my hands as I looked down. A long stint of rebar poked out of my ribcage and through my chest plate, covered in a mix of my blood and the bile of a bug.
I reached down and grabbed my Senator, feeling its trusty weight in my hands. I haphazardly tried to place the barrel against the portion of rebar sticking out of my back. This had better work, I thought. I pulled the trigger once and with a loud Crack I felt the vibration from the shot in my stomach. I tried to choke down vomit and pulled the trigger twice more Crack, Crack. With the third shot the rebar gave way and I rolled to my side and collapsed on the ground. Agony shot through my body as I hit the dirt.
I realized then, Hmmph, they left me. During Extraction one of the other divers called in a 500kg as we were about to board Pelican 1. She had thrown it over one of those damned chargers in an effort to kill one last bug but... it started charging us. I was the last one in line and just as I was about to board... i was thrown 200 feet away from extraction site. I don't blame them. I'd have left me too. We had successfully evacuated a number of scientists and other military personnel, but we'd lost the planet. No hard feelings I guess.
I tried to pull my mind away from those thoughts and just focused on one. Survive. I pulled myself to my knees and looked at the rebar again. Cant park there bud, I thought tryna cheer myself up. I had dropped my senator when I fell and ended up with two free hands. I reached down and with the assistance of my servo-assited armor prepared to wrench the rebar from my chest. Alright, count of three, I thought. One my heartrate quickened. Two I adjusted my grip ever so slightly. Three I ripped the metal rod out and felt a hot stinging pain shoot through my body. I quickly grabbed a stim and applied it.
I winced as the stim numbed my broken ribs and began rapidly working to heal them and my open chest wound. After a couple seconds, I could stand.
I took quick stock of my inventory. My Senator with 23 rounds left, two ration packs, a canteen of water, 1 stim, a knife, and a bag of oatmeal. Oatmeal? Seriously? I'd rather have ammo but... beggars can't be choosers.
I looked around me. Snow and beaten down rubble surrounded me. This was some kind of research station, I think. Didn't bother grabbing the name. Cold as hell and nothing really around to get my bearings. Great. I thought. Im gonna die inside a freezer. I started looking through the rubble for anything useful. I found a corpse of one of the scientists that hadn't made it to evac. I grabbed the ID card off his jacket. Figured It'd get me inside a building if there were any left standing. I crawled out of the rubble and onto the snowy tundra.
The sun had set and with it most of the light I would've been able to utilize. I scanned the horizon for a blinking light. Blinking like meant beacon. Beacon meant possible radio, maybe some ammo. I clocked one to the southwest and began walking that direction senator drawn.
I spotted a few distant bug patrols illuminated by moonlight but they had no interest in me. I kept my head down and kept moving towards the light. Details started to take shape and I could see this was a research station. Perfect I thought.
I reached the door and used the key card. There was a Beep and the red light flashed green. The door cracked open before jamming. Oh no you dont, I thought and with one hand yanked the door open. I closed it behind me with the same hand to keep the wildlife disinterested.
Inside was dark and damp. I had lost the seal integrity on my suit so there was barely any oxygen regulation. Didn't need it on this planet but still, it's a bitch to fix. I turned my flashlight on and started scanning the room for a light switch. I found one but wouldn't ya know it... dead. At least the beacon had power. I walked over to the radio and pulled off my helmet. I wedged the flashlight in my neck and leaned my head to the side. I started flipping switches and turning dials to see if there was a response. Nothing. Id have to find the master terminal. I grabbed the flashlight and donned my helmet again. I began scanning the room again before I heard it. A little shuffle behind me. I turned quickly and drew my senator raising it at the source of the sound.
It was a small child. At least... thats what it appeared to be. At first glance I could see bindings on its legs and arms. A hospital gown with little ducklings on it and a teddy bear tucked under its arm. I lowered my senator as it spoke.
"Dr. Mehon told me to wait here. He said hed be right back."
Dr. Mehon was probably dead I thought. I knelt down and put my hand on the child's shoulder. "Whats your name kid?"
"3". I felt a rage build up. I swallowed it quickly.
"Well 3, what uh... why.. why do you have bin.." I stopped myself. Whatever those scientists were doing here...
3 looked up at me and I noticed it. A cat like set of eyes. Other little details started to click as well. Four fingers on each hand, slightly pointed ears, a discoloration of skin and a rigid scale-like spine on the shoulder.
"The radio doesnt work mister." 3 seemed to have understood their situation. "Dr Mehon destroyed it before he left."
I realized then that it was unlikely either of us would make it off this planet alive.
EDIT: Part 2 out now! (Part 2's a lil shorter) I Didnt think itd get this many upvotes and comments. Ill keep writing then. Feel free to suggest names for 3!
submitted by ChristLover10 to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 corpsehottie So very frustrated with destruction of my house

My dog, he’s about 4-5 the shelter was unsure of his age exactly, was moved shelter from shelter plus survived parvo & Lyme. Which means he had to be isolated for at least 3 weeks in the shelter for the parvo, I gave him antibiotics for the Lyme due to the shelter “missing it.” So basically when I got him, he was not labeled aggresive at all, which I’m totally aware aggression is always a risk you’re taking with an animal. But the point being, I got him and he was sooooo chill…because he was sooooo sick and almost dead. I’d walk him and he’d walk a few steps and just sit down :(. 3 days of antibiotics and he changed entirely. He became entergetic, playful etc . Don’t get me wrong my dog isn’t mean, I just genuinely think he’s been through some shit. Like when I do laundry, I lift hangers to put them in clothes and he gets scared. He’s scared of knives too, which I think is so odd for a dog to be scared of a blade. And he hates meeting new people, going to the park is super hard, and the vet is incredibly difficult. He has to be muzzled & medicated for the vet. Another thing is when I leave for work he’s in a kennel, he’s a small, maybe considers medium dog? He’s 25 lb and in a kennel large enough for a German Shepard. Lots of toys, blankets etc. I had to get a $300 hunting dog kennel for him because the other kennels despite being big enough, he kept breaking out of. When he’d break out he’d demolish the house. So I tried leaving him out? I thought maybe he just hated the kennel. So he chewed the doorframe completely off the door. Chewed holes in everything. And it’s not that I’m mad, I mean yea I’m frustrated but god I feel so bad for him. I can’t imagine being so anxious you chew through the doorframe trying to find your mom. I just wanna fix it and I don’t know how.
submitted by corpsehottie to reactivedogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 Past_Horror2090 What if Itachi was the protagonist and the story could actually have a happy ending?

What if Itachi was the protagonist and the story could actually have a happy ending?
I will pretend myself Kishimoto for a second and do a rewrite from one point in Shippuden and onwards.
Note: Obviously I have taken creative control of the story and written things in a way that wouldn’t necessarily play out. However I do try to keep it cohesive, and without plot holes. Main point is, don’t take this too seriously and enjoy
Now to start off, the rewrite, we will begin during Sasuke’s final Showdown against Itachi in the Fated Battle Between Brother’s Arc.
Sasuke is inadvertently killed during their showdown after Itachi sealed Orochimaru.
A frightened Sasuke gets pinned by a large branch caught on fire by Amaterasu. Engulfed as the flames spread, Sasuke screams for his brother out of instinct.
A worried and weak Itachi is preparing to dispel the flames but suddenly the ground beneath his susanoo, crumbles. Sasuke hears Itachi falling and presumes his brother to be dead. Black Zetsu watch as Itachi soon come to.
Itachi then comes across a scorched corpse of his brother, with only the head remaining untouched. Sasuke had awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan in the midst of his fiery death and dispelled the black flames.
However, weak from Chakra Exhaustion and severe burns covering most of his body. The young avenger would ultimately succumb to his injuries.
Itachi breaks down in sadness, mourning his brothers death day in and day out. Digging a grave to bury Sasuke in.
He transplants his brother’s eyes and gain EMS with his chakra disease disappears as a result.
Itachi is left aimless and depressed. Longing to rejoin his brother and family in the afterlife.
But just as Itachi was preparing to cast Amaterasu upon himself, is he interrupted by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki’s spirit.
The SO6P warns Itachi about a prophecy and the potential resurrection of his mother Kaguya. Which would mean the end of the world.
Hagoromo asks Itachi to take on the quest of saving the world, bestowing the Uchiha with Six Paths Chakra, as well as both the Yin and Yang, Moon and Sun Seal.
After going over the history of his family, the Dōjutsu, Black Zetsu, Infinite Tsukuyomi and so forth…
Does Hagoromo tell Itachi to seek out his old master, Gamamaru. “and the way will become clear” he says.
Itachi has ten months according to Hagoromo who’s vision of the future was clouded. Itachi decides that his first course of action is to infiltrate Konoha.
He puts the Hokage Guard Platoon under Tsukuyomi where they are brainwashed via Genjutsu to teach him Flying Raijin and to subsequently forget the experience after being knocked out. Inside the mindscape Itachi trains years to learn the technique while in the real world, only a moment had passed by.
He also steals journals written by the 2nd and 4th Hokage, as well as a summoning contract for the Toads.
Itachi relocates to a cave and signs the contract with blood. Reverse summoning to Mt. Myōboku.
Gamamaru is convinced to let him secretly learn Senjutsu and trains with Fukasaku (without Naruto’s knowledge). His prophecy about Naruto and Sasuke saving the world together is renounced by Itachi.
Once a year has passed; Itachi goes off to execute his plan and to save the world.
Itachi finds and convinces Ino Yamanaka who in turn can telepathically inform the Allied Shinobi Forces of Itachi’s will and true allegiance.
Together with the help of a reluctant KCM2 Naruto, Killer B and the Five Kage. Do they manage to seal away all Edo Tensei’s. However Kabuto escapes their grasps.
As Itachi expected, Juubidara emerges. Unexpectedly, he had divulged his part in rin’s death which lead to Obito switching sides.
Juubidara does however deem Obito and the others inconsequential as he gazes towards the moon, with his Rinnesharingan appearing.
While Juubidara thinks that he’s been successful in casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi. It turns out to merely be a fabricated reality by Itachi’s Genjutsu.
Suddenly a Six Path Sage Mode Itachi Shadow Clone rips out Madara’s pair of Rinnegan simultaneously as another Itachi stabs him with the Totsuka Blade, before he can react, with imperceptible speed. Juubidara is now sealed.
Black Zetsu who is visibly upset, remarks that he will wait for another opportunity to resurrect his mother but is suddenly lit on fire by Amaterasu. Screaming in pain before being stabbed by the Totsuka Blade of a Third Itachi.
Itachi is hailed as a hero for saving the world and can finally return to Konoha. Dropping his act as a double agent.
Itachi tracks down Kabuto and uses Shisui’s MS ability, Kotoamatsukami via his crow. Convincing Kabuto to implant himself with both of the Rinnegans to offer his life in exchange for using Rinne Rebirth. Reviving Sasuke, Rin Nohara, Minato, Kushina, the entire Uchiha Clan and Jiraya. Who prior to tracking down Kabuto. Itachi had Obito with the help of Ino and Karin, track down Jiraya’s body and extract it from the oceanic depths via SO6P amped Kamui.
All those previously mentioned are resurrected, Kabuto dies and the Fourth Shinobi World War comes to an end.
Itachi left teary eyed… profusely apologizing to his Clan on both his knees. For the unfathomable events that led him to massacre them, and his many other regretful decisions.
Apologizing to Sasuke for the way he had treated him throughout his life. Fugaku and Mikoto embrace Itachi. Soothing his sadness.
Eventually they would all forgive him as many including Jiraya could vouch for his misguided actions. Peace would reign throughout Konoha and the Five Great Shinobi Countries.
The whole of Konoha felt idyllic at times:
Naruto was living with his parents, with Minato reinstated as Hokage.
Jiraya marries Tsunade and they both retire as they settle down.
Obito marries Rin and named Kakashi as The Godfather to their children.
Itachi was unanimously named Clan Leader of the Uchiha Clan. Living out his happy ending with Izumi and his family.
Naruto starts dating Hinata. Sasuke starts dating Sakura. Might Guy never had to resort to the 8th Gate. Therefore he is alive, well and kicking.
Danzō Shimura was exiled from the Leaf Village and branded a missing-nin. Being secretly assassinated by Shisui, Itachi and Obito. Minato disbands Root.
The End…
submitted by Past_Horror2090 to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:29 Secret-Tomatillo5044 I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web pt1

I Accepted a Job to Film on the Dark Web
Man, I am pumped to tell you chronically online content addicts my story. Wait is that too mean of an intro? Will this get taken down for harassment since I painted too accurate a picture of the people on this site? Sorry, everyone, I’m sure you all smell like an expensive bakery and have touched grass this morning. Anyway, I promise I have something interesting. It even involves the dark web you uncreative writers cream yourselves over! I mean, totally real people speaking about their strangely similar experiences. Okay, fine I’ll stop bullying you through the screen before you click off.
This all started when I was seven years old and my parents were killed in front of me in an anti-indigenous hate crime, but let's be real you don’t care. I’m just some annoying Cherokee kid with dead parents so I’ll skip to the good parts. I spent years in an orphanage, gradually becoming more interested in death and violence. As bad as it is, I went out of my way to expose myself to that content in the hopes of desensitizing myself. Which ended up working too well, since now I’m obsessed with causing and viewing pain, though I don’t find any joy in hurting myself.
I got adopted at twelve and after a few months of staying at my new family’s home on the reservation, I went with them to a state sweatier than the average Reddit user, California. Long story short, both of my caretakers, whom I referred to as Uncle and Auntie because they could never be my parents, died. Leaving me in the care of their older son, who I call cousin. I’m not stupid enough to give up any real names, so I’ll call him Brick, cause he’s as dumb as one. He was in his early 20s when he was tasked with taking care of me and is the world’s worst excuse for a babysitter.
I’m almost always alone at the apartment, with him only coming by to drop off supplies and stay for a few hours so the neighbors don’t get too worried. Unless I get in trouble at school, then he’d suddenly give a shit. It's useful because he doesn't about the gory stuff I look at, but some display of interest would be nice. Oh well, ninety percent of the population sucks so he’s just part of the majority. Now, with that said, you’ll be able to understand the perfect storm that led me here. During my time on the deep web, I found a particular website that caught my eye. They had new footage relatively consistently and they were the easiest for me to access since I didn't go too far into the dark web, especially with all the honey pots lying around.
I even bought a couple of files for myself to study and admire. One thing irritated me though, the cameraman. He was always sobbing, breathing, shaking, or some combination of those. It seriously killed the vibe of the killings. Something I commented on under many videos, often saying I would do a better job filming. A choice that in hindsight was me asking to end up in one of those recordings. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I was mostly the only one who commented but I was sure they wouldn't care. I was embarrassingly wrong.
I was staying up like usual, but it was past one AM on a school night, and back then that was a lot so I tried to sleep. Closing my eyes, tossing and turning, the works. I had just started drifting off when I heard the front door open. I remained calm but immediately found it weird since Brick never showed up this late. The thuds of the individual's feet grew louder as they got closer to my bedroom. I tried to convince myself it wasn't a stranger, especially since they got in with ease, but I knew that was wishful thinking.
They hummed as they opened my door. My dumbass had left it unlocked. I remained on my side, trying to look like I was asleep. They turned on the flashlight of their phone, shining it in my face. It was hard but I stayed still while they traced it over my features. I could tell they were smiling as they clicked their tongue.
“Heh, I knew it was a brat,” they whispered to themselves, pulling tangles out of my hair. Something I struggled not to groan from. They pulled up the hair over my ear and got so close spit got on my ear lobe.
“I know you’re awake kid,” they murmured, putting a blade to my neck. I let them grab my shoulder and move me onto my back, I knew how to fight but I wasn't about to take that big a risk with the position they had me in.
“You think you’re so cool saying you can do better than our guy.” they snickered, kneeling, their flashlight still shining in my face.
“Do you seriously believe that?” they questioned, moving the light away.
“Yeah, I do.” I stood my ground, they might have been intimidating but I wasn't gonna let that stop me from being honest.
“I wouldn't sound like I’m gonna piss myself every time it gets gory. I’m confident I could get better footage too, getting up close is something I’ve fantasized about.”
They clicked their tongue again and ran their finger over the bridge of my nose.
”Well, I know you’re a big fan of what we do, and you’re confidence makes me think you got something to back those claims up, so how’d you like a deal?”
I was surprised by how civil they were being aside from the touching and weapon against my throat.
“What kind of deal?” I asked, for all I knew this guy wanted me to lick their feet or some weird shit like that. They placed a finger underneath my eye, tracing a half moon with their nail.
“You have till this Friday to film a video of you killing an animal and put it on a flash drive that I’ll pick up here. If it impresses me and the crew we’ll hire ya with a handsome salary.” They began, moving their hand down to my cheek.
“But if you don't show, or it doesn't meet our standards, then I’m fucking up one of the parts of your face.” They warned, pinching my skin harshly.
“And if I say no to this deal?”
They put their hand over my mouth, scratching my lips.
“That’s cute, if you say no I’ll just slit your throat.” they grinned.
“Or rip it open with my teeth if you got a preference,” they smirked, before running their tongue across their sharp teeth.
“Okay, since I have no choice I’ll go with it, but I’m telling you now I can give you something way better than what you likely expect of me.” I prefaced, looking into their sunken eyes. They scratched my scalp, including the side of my head that was shaved.
“Good choice, I’ll be back to pick it up and if you're not here I’ll assume you don’t have the video. I genuinely wish you luck, because you’ll need it.” they removed the blade from my neck and walked away. I sat still for a few minutes in the dark, processing what had happened and wondering how they got into my apartment with such ease. I was confident I could blow their sniveling excuse of a cameraman out of the water, but I was worried about the people I was getting caught up with.
Sure, I had been on a lot of gore sites over the years but I was always just watching and occasionally commenting. Compared to most in the scene I wasn't much of a threat. I could defend myself and have contemplated killing for years but I hadn't murdered anyone or worse. Plus, I am part of way too many targeted groups to not be constantly at risk. Teenage, fem-leaning, two-spirit, indigenous kid with trauma? Yeah, I might as well be walking sign screaming “Hate crime me”.
So yeah, there was a lot to worry about. Regardless, I couldn't let that fear hold me back. I had a job to do and a group of sickos to appease. The next morning was rough, I got no sleep cause I’d spent all night brainstorming. I barely mustered the energy to change and drank straight mouthwash instead of brushing my teeth. Slogging onto the bus with drool on my cheek, I went to the back like usual. No one sat there cause, the seats were extra worn down, and I scared off anyone who attempted to with my active, rabies-infected bitch face. That day was different though.
I blanked on his name and where I knew him from, but I recognized his wavy hair and prominent curved nose. He glanced at each seat on the bus, before somehow settling on my area. He tried to give me space but ultimately seated himself beside me after realizing it was the only spot that didn't look like it would give him cancer. I glared at him as I did with everyone, but it didn't phase him.
“You know you could pick anywhere else right?” I murmured. He stared at the floor, then at me.
“I’m aware, but a few months ago I started a mission to sit on every part of this bus, and this is the last place.” he smiled, his lips softly curving at the sides.
“What’s the point of that?”
His mouth moved into a more neutral position, but his eyes kept smiling.
“I just thought it would be neat to see the same place from a bunch of different perspectives.” he took out his phone and snapped a photo from the point of view where he was sitting. Maybe my sleepiness made my bitch face less effective, cause he hadn't shown a hint of fear, which kind of annoyed me.
“That’s cool I guess, but I wouldn't do that if I were you. I’ve done some back here alone that would make your skin crawl.” in hindsight my attempt at unnerving him just made me sound like a pervert, which is probably why he held back laughter. Trying to hide a chuckle by clearing his throat.
“Hey, it's not my business what you do, no matter how Haram it is. It’s your life so that’s between you and whatever you believe in. Just don’t shake hands with me.” he joked, playfully putting his hands up. Strangely, I remembered his name at that moment.
“Oh shit, you’re Abdul! We have art together.” I sat up, haphazardly slamming my hand down on my leg.
“Uh yeah, I’ve seen some of your paintings, they’re pretty cool. I like the way you texture them, I’m trying to work on that.” he complimented, seeming more weirded out by my sudden energy than my accidental insinuation. I felt a little stupid for yelling his name but decided not to dwell on it.
“Thanks, you’re stuff is nice, and you’re good at shading.”
He stretched his arms while thanking me. We talked for a few more minutes, taking jabs at each other throughout. Turns out he was better at being an asshole than his artsy charismatic appearance made me think. The thing setting our insults apart being that you could tell he was a loving person underneath. It was the nicest conversation I had with anyone in a while. Though he could tell I was tired so he quieted down, letting me sleep, waking me when we got to school. We went our separate ways until the last two periods we shared. All that time, I spent my remaining energy plotting how I was going to handle the video. What I’d kill, record with, and how to dispose of the evidence. It was a lot to consider, but through three classes I devised a plan.
I’d find a stray around my apartment complex and take it out in my room. Record it on a portable camera since I broke the ones on my phone, no, I will not be answering how that happened. Then once I had my footage I’d put the body in a trash bag, throw it in the complex’s garbage, and clean the blood off my floor. It didn't seem like Brick would come by so he wasn't a factor I thought I’d have to consider. The plan was almost too easy, but I decided to believe in Occam’s razor. I got so lost in thought that by the time I reached Art, which was my second-to-last period, I didn't process that we were moving seats.
“She called your name,” Abdul reminded me. Our teacher placed us next to each other at our four-person table. The two girls sitting with us were already friends, so I didn't bother to say anything, but I was interested in talking to him more.
“So, what do you think of this assignment?” He shrugged, taking out his sketchbook.
“I’m not that good at drawing people, but the idea of combining two people’s faces into a portrait seems interesting. Any ideas on who you’ll pick?”
“Probably the members of the music duo Brain Tumor, they’re my favorite artists and they both look weird as hell.”
“Wow way to talk about your favorites, if that’s what you say about them I can‘t imagine what you have to say about me.” he joked, pulling up reference pictures.
“First, it’s not an insult, second I don’t have anything to say about you. Brain and Tumor have features and styles that make them stand out. Sure they’re ugly, but it just adds to their visual charm. Hot people are boring, there’s nothing to pick at.” I explained, unzipping my bag.
“Oh, so you’re saying you think I’m hot.”
His comment wasn’t serious but it kind of got to me.
“Shit, that’s not what I meant, I was trying to say you’re boring. All hot people are boring, but not all boring people are hot, okay?” I explained, flipping to a clean page.
“Alright, but if I’m so bland then why talk to me?”
I hesitated, contemplating how much of a dick I was gonna be.
“Because it means you probably need some spice in your life, which I can provide.”
He began sketching a head on his paper.
“I like spices, but I feel like you’re the kind of person to dump a cabinet’s worth onto me.”
I flicked my pencil over to his side of the desk, putting on a mocking grin.
“Aww, you scared I’m gonna get you into trouble?”
He picked up the pencil and started using it, putting his on my side.
“No, ‘cause I’m good at setting boundaries. I’m more concerned that you’ll get annoyed with how unafraid of you I am.”
I stared at him for a moment, I hadn't expected to hear that.
“Jeez, man you didn't have to read me like that.”
He shrugged, observing the red paint from past projects that lay on my pencil.
“It's not hard to figure out, just this morning you were trying to push me away on the bus. Lucky, or unlucky, for you I want you to have a friend and you seem like a fun person.”
“Wait are you saying I have no friends?” I squinted at him.
“Well, do you?”
I didn't answer.
“If your response is silence I suggest you take up my offer.”
I was stunned, to be honest. No one had offered to be my friend since 6th grade, and that didn't last long. Of course, I accepted it, but for the rest of the period, there was an awkwardness in my mind. As pathetic as it sounds I wasn't used to others genuinely enjoying my company like he did. Which was partly by design cause I get joy out of scaring people away, but still. I forgot how it felt to have conversations about normal things like art. He had such a nice smile too, usually when I see a grin I want to slap it off, but I liked his. His voice was also nice, it’s hard to describe what in particular but it was easy on the ears.
Okay, I’m starting to get off-topic. I’ll skip to the important part. Toward the end of class, he started talking about how he was interested in filmmaking and got a portable video camera as a gift at last year’s Eid. He didn't have it on him, but he showed me a picture.
“Heh, that’s funny, I bought the same one a month ago.” I pointed out.
“Yeah, it's a popular model, I’m still getting the hang of it though cause I’m so used to using my phone.”
“Well, maybe I could bring you over to my place or vice versa after school and I can help you out.” I suggested.
He smiled, putting his phone back in his pocket.
“I thought you said you’ve only had it for a month? You know I can always look up tutorials from trained professionals.” he reminded me with a notable smugness that I'd used with him before.
“Well those guys are stuffy and I’m a fast learner.”
He redirected his attention back to his page, picking his pencil up.
“Alright, I suggest we go somewhere public instead. You’re not exactly the kind of person I want to bring home to my parents right away. Plus they always need to meet my friends and their guardians before I hang out at their home.”
I gave an exaggerated sigh, stretching my back.
“Aw man, looks like we can’t get high in my murder pit during our first hangout.”
He didn't respond for a solid few seconds.
“Wait, you do know I'm joking right?”
He shrugged, the smile in his eyes appearing again.
“I mean, one of those things is a little less believable than the other.” he snickered, and I laughed with him.
We set up a time and a date, which is where I screwed myself. He ended up being busy with projects from his other classes and family which just left us with Friday, the same day I had to submit the video. Now, did I tell him I wouldn't be able to make it? No, of course not, because I decided to be stupid and even more overconfident. I said that I’d one hundred percent be able to hang out with him after school like I didn't have a mutilator who was going to drop by my place at an unknown time.
The rest of the day went over fine but that bad timing led me to feel like a dick later. When I got home I was able to write out my plan, even sketching a few specifics of what I’d do. It was more exciting than when I’d been brainstorming, but this is when the gravity of the situation began to set in. When I said I’d fantasized about killings I meant it. I mean my teddy with twenty-five stab wounds should say enough. Regardless this would be the first time real blood was on my hands.
It made me feel powerful, but a little afraid. I’ve heard stories of people thinking that it would be an awesome experience and then feeling like shit. I doubted I’d be one of those people but still. Plus, I didn't exactly trust the guy who gave me this job. There was a good chance that this whole situation was rigged and they’d kill me no matter how good the video was. Or worse turn me into the feds and expose my collection. Honestly, if that happened I’d probably eat a shot to avoid going to jail. Wait, can I say that on this platform? Okay to the mods, that was a joke, I want to live a long life. Ugh, I’m doing a terrible job of staying on track. The point is there was a lot up in the air despite it being a matter of life or death.
I knew I’d go through with it but it was still a lot less straightforward than it initially seemed. I wracked my brain to remember where most of the cats stayed and tried to come up with a good way to lure one without raising suspicion. This also proved harder than first thought because I didn't think to account for the cat man, an old guy who lived alone and fed all the cats in our dingy complex while also housing a few. Knowing how obsessive he was he’d probably notice if one of them disappeared. Then again not all the cats return consistently or at all. It makes more sense that he’d think one of them was run over rather than slaughtered. It was getting late again so I rested my head for a moment, a bad move cause I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Not even changing out of the clothes I’d worn before, I woke up late and barely caught the bus the next morning.
I went to my usual spot but Abdul had already taken it. He patted the area next to it, which he’d covered in a towel, a smart move knowing how nasty it was. People gave me a few dirty looks as normal, which I smiled at. I stretched, my mind slightly less out of it than the previous morning.
“Uh, you do realize that-”
“Yeah, I know I’m wearing the same clothes.”
Abdul looked me up and down, his eyes remaining soft, but with a mix of concern and judgment. He set his backpack down and took off his sweater handing it to me.
“Dude what are you-”
“Look I don't know what led to you not being able to change but I think you should at least have a fresh top.”
I was surprised he was offering me something to wear but I took it.
“Uh, thanks, I’ll change into it later.”
He nodded as I put it in my backpack.
“You know you didn't have to do that.” I reminded him.
“Well there’s a lot of stuff I don’t have to do, but I do it because I want to, and I wanted to help you out.”
He smiled, his face still warmer than an Arizona summer. I got a strange feeling in my chest at that moment, I still can’t tell if it was good or bad.
“Well, thanks, I'll give it back to you tomorrow.”
We talked a little more and he mentioned something that caught my attention.
“Have you heard about all the animals that have been turning up dead?”
My eyes widened with surprise.
“No, I haven't, when did you hear about that?”
He pulled on his long-sleeve shirt.
“My sister said her friend who works at a shelter noticed a bunch of animals were getting adopted by people around the same time, and since then gore videos with them have been showing up. She found out through her co-worker who was emailed it by some random creep.”
I covered my mouth and looked away to hide the smile growing on my face. He had just given me the perfect cover-up without knowing. Now if I killed an animal people had an entire violent ring to connect it to instead of me! I stayed quiet for a minute because I could tell he’d likely see through any phony sad sounds I made.
“Oh wow, that’s awful, do you think they’ll ever find out the people behind it?”
He sighed, running his hand through his wavy hair.
“I hope so, for now, all we can do is pray that no more animals get hurt.”
I couldn't contain my grin as he said that so sincerely like animals and people didn't die constantly and that taking down one group would somehow stop the issue.
“Is there some joke I don’t get?” he furrowed his brow.
“Uh, no, sorry I smile when nervous.”
His gaze softened again, and he didn't press further.
His bringing up the animal killings ended up being the exact push I needed to get my hands dirty. I’d spent the entire day before planning so it was time to put that plan into action. I stole some cat treats that the cat man had laid out and spread them around my apartment which was on the bottom floor. Waiting for one of them to take the bate outside my window was pretty boring but one of them came after a few minutes. A scraggly brown and black cat with a tuft of fur missing on one side of his head. It's messed up but I felt like a little less of an asshole for taking him in since he looked like he was already struggling. I scooped him up and he didn't attempt to fight back.
“Hey there buddy” I waved, feeding him some more food. His eyes had a lot of crust on them, it was kinda gross but I don’t have the right to say with how often I wash my jeans. After a minute or two he let me pet him. I knew making any kind of attachment was bad but I thought it was the right thing to do so he’d fall into a sense of security. I was just about to take him into my room when the door opened.
“Hey, I’m back with groceries!” my shithead cousin announced with two plastic bags in his hands. He looked down to see me with the cat, his eyebrows raising.
“Aw come on, you know we can’t afford a pet.”
He groaned placing the bags on a table and unloading them.
“I know, but he doesn't look like he’s got a lot of life in him I at least want to help him feel better before he kicks the bucket!”
Brick rolled his eyes, putting the cereal box on top of the fridge
“Jeez, did you even think about what diseases he might have? His eyes look puffy what if he has something that can get you sick?”
He had valid concerns which was surprising since he’s usually stupid, but I was still annoyed with him.
“I’m sure he’s fine, I’ll even try to wash him, just please let me hold onto him for a little.”
He folded his arms looking down at us.
“Have you even named him?”
I froze for a second, before using the first thing that came to mind, which ended up being pretty awful knowing my plans.
“Cash cow.” I blurted, awkwardly patting his head.
“Honestly that’s better than what I was expecting. I was sure you’d pick ‘Hellspawn Mcgee’ or something else corny.”
He meant to make fun of me but honestly, I would have named him that if I had more time.
“Ugh, anyway I got those dumb chips you like.”
He then pulled out a bag of the wrong chips.
“Dude those are the wrong ones, this is the third time you’ve mixed up the flavors.”
He threw them at me, scaring the cat slightly.
“Well, I pay for it so you shouldn't be so picky. Anyway, while I was in line I picked up something you might be into.”
He then tossed me a trashy teen magazine. One of my least favorite sorry excuses for an influencer on the cover.
“This is a joke, right?”
I couldn't believe my own adopted brother gave such little shit in my interests.
“I don't know, you decided to start being a girl for real this time so I thought the makeup tips on page ten would help you out.”
I scrunched my face at his comment.
“Dude I’ve been this way for years, just because I started wearing more makeup and dresses doesn't mean I’m more of a girl than when I didn't. I know you won’t get the two-spirit thing but come on.”
He shrugged, seeing me done with me even though he’d just shown up.
“Yeah well hey I’m trying. Anyway, just so you know a friend of mine is coming here Friday.”
My heart stopped.
“Wait why here? You live elsewhere why can’t you assholes go there or their place!”
He slammed his fist on the table.
“Will you shut the fuck up!”
He screamed with a phrase I’d grown numb to.
“I don't know, to be honest, something about wanting to move into this complex and this being a way to scout it out. I’m just letting you know now so you don’t act like a complete freak.”
“Jokes on you I’ll piss in whatever shitty beer you bring just cause you said that!”
I yelled back raising my voice higher than his. He face-palmed before putting the plastic bags in the drawer under the sink.
“Whatever, you and your ketamine-addict-looking cat have fun,” he told me while seating himself on the couch. I picked up the cat and walked into the bathroom to clean it. I closed the door and placed him in the dry tub. Using a small disposable mouthwash cup I got a little bit of water. I hadn't had a pet before so I wasn't sure how to approach the task. I dipped my fingers in the water and carefully pet it while pouring s small bit down his back. Any other cat would fight back but he just made pissed-off noises without doing anything.
I scrapped my old shampoo bottle and kneaded it into his thin fur. His skin was bumpy and dry beneath the hair so scrubbing it was uncomfortable. I made sure to avoid getting soap in its eyes but I did pull away some of the crust on its lids. His pupils were so clouded I was surprised that he could see at all, making me feel even more sure that he would be on its way out with or without me.
After drying him I set him on a beat-up shirt I wore when modifying clothes. He sunk his claws into it a few times, playing with a loose string. I ignored him for the rest of the night, hopping into the shower and changing for bed. His meows woke me up a few times but I tuned it out after a while, reminding myself that he wouldn’t be my cat for long.
The next day was Thursday and there wasn't a second that passed by where the weight of the murder I’d have to commit didn't weigh on me. I seriously shot myself in the foot by taking care of that scruffy, pubic hair pile. I was supposed to be hyped about killing it, after all, I’d dreamed and seen way worse than what I was going to do. Yet once I got home and started setting up I felt grosser with each step. I decided to record it in my bathroom instead of my bedroom so it would be harder to connect to me. I set down a few fabric scraps and a worn-out beach towel, placing it all inside a tub for easier cleanup later.
“Okay, I guess it's time,” I mumbled to myself. I brought the cat in and placed it down, setting up my camera once it was comfortable. I also wore my most generic clothes in addition to a mask, putting my hair in a bun for sanitation. When I saw the flicker of red showing that the camera was on I felt I was dreaming. I smiled, excited that I’d get to live out my violent desires. Yet, when I looked down at its pathetic frame and confused expression those urges left me.
I rationalized what I was doing, reminding myself how many animals die all the time and that I’d been forced into this, but it didn't help much in the end. I won’t get into it but under the pressure of impressing the group Cash Cow didn't go out as fast as I would have liked for a first task. Getting rid of the evidence was especially rough, the textures were pretty nasty, to put it mildly. It was surreal watching the blood go down the tub drain and gradually drip off my hands as I rinsed them. I couldn't conjure a single thought the entire time I cleaned it up.
Whether I was wringing out the clothes or putting the remains in plastic bags, it didn't matter. All I could focus on was the task at hand, with hints of disgust along the way. I ended up finishing at three AM. My hands were wrinkled and shook once I settled. I won’t deny that during the murder I didn't hate it. Slashing into something was fun and it made me feel strong. Still, it wasn't nearly as fulfilling as I expected it to be. Part of it was guilt, but it was mostly disappointment. I’d built it up for years and it wasn't earth shatteringly good or bad.
Overall, I expected to feel more, but it just left me hollow with an uncomfortable itch. There was no way I’d ever be able to see the tub the same way, hell I don’t think I’ll ever use it again. Luckily I almost always shower anyway so it's not too big of a deal. I watched a few horror game videos, trashed everything, changed and went to bed.
My scalp hurt like a bitch the morning since I kept my hair in that stupid bun. Despite getting less sleep than the past two days I held myself together a bit better in the morning. I brushed my teeth, changed, and had some fried bread before getting on the bus. Regardless I looked like complete shit and struggled to slump into my seat.
“Rough night?” Abdul asked
“Uh, yeah.” I quietly responded looking to the floor.
He frowned, looking at me with concern.
“You can talk about it if you're comfortable,” he assured me. I contemplated giving him a thinly veiled metaphor or vague explanation so he'd comfort me but stopped myself before my mouth could run a muck. He wouldn't be able to do much of anything and I don’t like opening up.
“Uhm, thanks but it's something I have to deal with alone.”
He nodded, respecting my boundaries.
“You know, I understand if you can’t hang out today it seems like you have a lot going on.”
I avoided eye contact with him as he spoke. For once I was feeling hints of guilt toward a person. I wanted to spend time with him, but I knew that I wasn't in the state to do that.
“Yeah, I think it’ll have to wait, I’m-” I cut myself off before apologizing. A fact about me that should surprise no one is that I hate apologizing. Even when I do feel kinda bad the act fills me with embarrassment.
“You what?” he asked, his eyes telling me that he knew what I was going to say.
“I’m emotionally not great.” I spat out in an admittedly poor attempt to get out of saying sorry. As always he remained calm but I could tell he saw through me.
“Okay, like I said I understand, whatever it is I hope you feel better.”
I told him thank you and we didn't speak for the rest of the day. At home I changed into more comfortable clothes and brushed my teeth. Unfortunately, I wasn't bouncing back from killing nearly as much as I expected.
“It wasn't even that bad! That thing was on its last legs anyway.” I grumbled to myself, smacking my forehead. I was feeling worse than when I did it which is weird. I ended up spontaneously decorating a ratty tie from the bottom of an accessory drawer to distract myself. It helped me get my mind off things, for a little. I had zero plan, just wanting to make something needlessly complex. Hours that felt like minutes passed and soon it was covered in patches, frills, and beads. I just tried it on when I heard the front door open.
“Man, that shit was wild!” I heard Brick laugh groggily. I didn't have to see or smell him to know he’d gotten lit. I rolled my eyes, closing my bedroom door.
“Hey, who’s there?” his friend asked, seemingly referring to me.
“Oh, that’s my little sis, don’t mind her she’s just on her emo shit!” he joked, which pissed me off for the petty reason that I didn't even listen or dress emo.
“Hey, that’s alright with me, I went through one of those phases,” they responded, their words less slurred than my cousin’s.
I fucked up and forgot to lock it when I closed it so they were able to swing it open, almost smacking my desk.
“Hey emo girl!” they waved as Brick haphazardly pulled them back.
“Okay, man, seriously I think she wants to be left alone.”
The way his friend looked at me made me uncomfortable. Like they’d snap my neck if I pissed them off. They clicked their tongue while stepping through the door frame.
“Alright, but I gotta say calling her an emo is inaccurate, they look like they watch gore and most emos just say they do.” they flashed a sharp toothy grin. At that moment I began to connect the dots.
“Easy, she’ll get pissy with you dude, now come on.” Brick warned tugging their opened button pushed him away. They looked me dead in the eyes.
“I don’t think she minds, in truth, I feel like we’ll have a lot to discuss later.” they smiled again, finally walking back into the living room. A chill ran up my spine when I saw them. The sharp teeth, New York accent, unsettling gaze, that motherfucker was the person who recruited me! They were able to get into my place so easily cause my dumbass cousin probably gave them a spare key or the opportunity to make one, and now they were a room away from me!
I dug my hands into my pillow as I contemplated what to do, no matter what happened next, I knew it was gonna be a rough visit.
submitted by Secret-Tomatillo5044 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:27 SuperSpicyNipples There is no genocide in Gaza. This is more of leftist manipulation and twisting words for their agenda.

During World War II, the civilian-to-combatant fatality ratio varied, but it generally fell between 3:2 and 2:1. In other words, civilian deaths significantly outnumbered military personnel deaths. Specifically:
Hamas Numbers vs. IDF Numbers:
Essentially, the casualty rate of civilians happening right now in Gaza is at best better than WW2 and at worst the same. Do we consider WW2 a genocide of Germans? No. It's a stupid emotional argument i'm tired of hearing and the people making it look stupid.
Also, here's the definition of genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
For anyone who disagrees, how is this definition more applicable now, then it was in the 1930s-40s during the second world war?
submitted by SuperSpicyNipples to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:27 jim5983 Padel racket for beginner

Hey, I’ve just started playing padel. I’ve been renting the rackets provided at the venue, but I’m wondering if the racket linked below would be worthwhile getting, or if I’m better just continuing to rent?
The rackets available at the venue are tear drop shaped but I couldn’t say anything else about the specs.
submitted by jim5983 to padel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:15 Agneus [Online] [5e] [18+] [GMT+1] Virtues of Essence - Roleplay Focused Mystery and Lore Driven Forgotten Realms Campaign seeking a replacement player

“What defines virtue and how are we to gauge it? An inquiry that reverberates through epochs, its answer as fickle and capricious as the fates of those who deem to ask it. Duty, honor, justice - many over the ages would name these virtues, the conduits through which noble intentions find expression. Yet, as the battlefield of beliefs unfolds, a legion emerges, each as sworn to these principles as to obliterating all who would dare stake alike claim. Thus, battles rage and wars are waged and, in the end, those who are left are no more right than those fell by the blade. Alas, it is the victors whose ideals are etched into monuments for posterity. Except even words chiseled in unyielding stone are fated to fade in time. So is the wicked cycle destined to repeat in all its futility, its ephemeral prize seized again, only to be lost and sought anew. Try and picture, if for but a moment, a world where our rulers paused to reflect on the lessons of yore. They, too, would discern the elixir that enables one to escape the confines of memory—the very burden our fleeting nature forbids us to carry. Progress and evolution. Adaptability and transcendence. Everlasting and yet not stagnant, irrefutable, and yet fluid, these are the only true virtues. Thus, must we ever venture into the uncharted and unfamiliar for only from these unexplored domains may the truly virtuous arise.”
Where: Discord (Video and Voice) + FoundryVTT
When: every Saturday 5 - 9/10 pm GMT+1 (CET), 11 am - 3/4 pm EST
Who: party of 4 players and a DM seeking one extra player
Updates: Recruitment updates will be posted here.
Hello there and well met! If you’ve made it past the flavor text (or skipped it) and through the basic info (hopefully didnt skip past that one) you might very well be at the right address! Without further ado onto the post.

🐲The campaign🐲

Having only just recovered from the Second Sundering and the War of the Silver Marches, the North had been ravaged by a whole new set of tumultuous events - the rise of the Cult of the Dragon and that of the Absolute, the Fall of Eltruel and the short reign of the beholder crime lord Xanathar just some among them. After a brief respite from the twisted and the unnatural the clouds once more begin to gather. Along the Long Road, whole hosts of wild beasts and monsters have been accosting travelers seemingly at random and in the grand metropolis of Waterdeep a sudden rise in crime seems to coincide with strange events passing unnoticed beneath the surface. Amidst all this, in spring of 1493 DR, a party of adventurers delves into a mystery of enchanted gemstones being utilized to nefarious ends by unknown perpetrators all the while navigating the labyrinthine twists of city faction politics.
As implied by the post title, this is an ongoing campaign (we are 12 sessions in at the time of this post). Due to some irl commitments weve recently dropped a player and are looking to replace them.
As the title suggests, this is a roleplay focused mystery/lore driven campaign. Expect an overreaching plot with ample secrets to uncover, conspiracies to unravel and eldritch truths to unearth. The first word of the password is "Doth". On the same level of importance or more important even be that the players preference, there is a variety of subplots to engage with, from small and goofy and random to ones rivaling the main story arc in complexity and variance. Among these, individual character story arcs play a leading role, at times seamlessly intertwined with the current focus of the party, at times separate and independent.
As was already mentioned and is further described below, this is a roleplay focused campaign and a roleplay heavy game. This means that roleplay exists as a unifying concept for all other aspects of the game including exploration, combat, and puzzles. That said DnD is only DnD with all three of its main pillars intact and this campaign is no exception in that regard. I very much enjoy the mechanical side of the game as well besides roleplay and so things like multiphase boss fights and custom magic items are definitely on the table.

🧙‍♂️The DM🧙‍♂️

Hello there, Jay here, 25 yo law student from Central Europe currently working on finishing his master’s degree, trying to stay afloat in the current lease market. I study and work in a law firm by day and DM or play DnD by night (more like evening but night sounded cooler). I have been a big fan of TTRPGs since my early teens and of online DnD for the past five years. I’ve DMed multiple campaigns, finished CoS not least among them and I currently play in a long-term campaign. Before you ask, yes, my schedule is strained but not to the point I am unable to engage with my hobbies.
I would describe my DMing style as driven, realistic, and involved but also very conscious about player agency and collaborative storytelling as core values that make TTRPGs so popular and unique. I spend a lot of time ensuring the worlds I create and the stories I want to tell feel alive. From hand-picked music, to fully voiced NPCs and scenic descriptions designed to breathe life into the campaign setting I daresay my games rival in quality those of the professional DMs that charge for each session.
There is a drawback to this all however. Second word of the password is "thy". I expect a lot from my players as well. Writing a story in DnD is not a one person job. It takes a collective effort of the entire group to create something truly unique, something that one can be proud while looking forward to each session. Unwinding and letting off steam means something else for everyone. For me it means losing myself in the creative process of roleplaying an NPC or describing a scene, watching my players masterfully portray their own characters or having the party derail my plans in an awesome unforeseen and unexpectedly enriching way. If you find yourself in any of what I just described than this may be a game for you. If you don’t, that’s fine. This is definitely not a game for everyone.

🏰The setting🏰

Forgotten Realms is a default setting of Dungeons and Dragons but it is anything but boring and mundane. With now decades worth of lore behind it, it offers an unparalleled opportunity for anyone wanting to build on solid foundations to bring their ideas to life. While it has garnered a lot of attention lately with the release of a certain videogame (more people now know Astarion than a good amount of Hollywood celebrities I’d say) it has had its loyal following even before then, being constantly expanded and living its own life in a host of both online and home games. It’s been a natural choice of mine for a while now and not once have I had any regrets. The third word of the password is "mirror". I feel with how great of a variety of content the Forgotten Realms offer everybody is able to pick something that suits their creative vision. In summary the Forgotten Realms almost feel like a real place with how much worldbuilding has been done with them and offer a diversity of content few other TTRPG settings can boast.
When it comes to setting of the campaign in the world of Faerun I have once again made a somewhat traditional pick and decided to place the onset of the game onto the Sword Coast, more precisely into the city of Waterdeep. If one of the key upsides of Forgotten Realms is diversity of content, Waterdeep is one of the best representations of this. Being the largest settlement on the known Faerun, Waterdeep offers nigh limitless options in terms of main story arc genre, character creation and character backstory implementation. It has everything every large TTRPG settlement ought to have (fickle upper class, enigmatic factions, quaint taverns and extravagant nightclubs, always in bad mood city watch, a castle and a harbor) as well as few pretty original ideas such as colossal definitely not alive statues, a city council where even its members don’t know each other’s identity and a massive dungeon right underneath the city where you can literally fall right from a tavern taproom.
In case you are wondering, while this campagn takes place primarily in the city of Waterdeep itself, there is nothing stopping the players from exploring past the city if they so choose. The final word of the password is "crack?". Different parts of the main plot and various subplots can and will encourage the party to explore Waterdeep environs and sometimes even further.

📃The requirements📃

No exceptions here. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements must be met at the time of application.

🙋‍♂️How to sign up🙋‍♀️

Youve made it all the way to the end of this long post. Congratulations. Or maybe you’ve skipped all the way to the end. In that case I strongly recommended you go back. If not to learn what you are applying for than to make sure you haven’t missed something very important. Now if you are confident that you have what it takes and that this is a game that you could have a lot of fun with, please fill the below attached google questionnaire (if for any strange reason the link doesn’t end up working, please let me know in the comments under this post) and if fortune favors you, I shall get back to you promptly. Best of luck to you and I hope to speak to you soon!
PS: As a part of the questionnaire, you will be asked to submit a short piece of your narrative writing in a form of a google doc link (not a custom piece of writing, any relevant past one you have will do). Maybe best have that ready beforehand? On that note, dont apply for the game with a detailed backstory of a character you want to play that you arent willing to adapt to the conditions of the setting/campaign.
PSS: Not to discourage you but if you do make it through the questionnaire and into the second group of applicants you will be asked to do a discord interview with your webcam turned on. I am asking you to go through a lot for a game you might not even end up liking I know, but if you do end up liking it, all this effort will be well worth it as I am sure my other players would agree.
submitted by Agneus to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:00 lemon-arc H: Cool Weapons and Armors W: Plasma Catridge, Rad Sugar Bombs, Adhesive, Forceful Stock, Reflex Sight.

Plasma catridge(1c), rad sugar bombs (120c) or Adhesive (4c)
Looking for 30k caps of value for weapons without star, 80k if weapon has star.
Looking for 50k caps value for armors, 120k if armor has star
Will bundle for Reflex Sight or Forceful Stock.
AASSS Asssaultron Blade
AASSS Bone Hammer
AASSS Sledge Hammer
AA25ffr15fr Minigun
AASSS Machete
AriE90rw Minigun
Ari40pa90rw Chainsaw
Ari25ffr25 Lever Action
Ari25ffr25 Fixer
Assassin’s 50vhc90rw Pepper Shaker
BSSS Chinese Officer Sword
BE25 Combat Rifle ⭐️
B5025 .44 Pistol
B5025 Western Revolver
BSSS Spear
B25lvc Tesla (No second star)
Medic5025 SMG
Q25ffr50bs SMG
QE15c Tommy ⭐️
Instigating5025 Fixer
B15AP25LVC Fixer
ExecutionerE25 Fixer
TS5025 Tommy
V25ffr15fr Gatling Laser ⭐️
V2525 Pipe Rifle
VE15fr Gatling gun
V40paS Combat Knife
V5025 HM
Cham STR / WWR CE LA ⭐️
Cham AP / FDC Marine RL ⭐️
Cham INT / SENT Trappers CP ⭐️
Cham Poison / WWR FSA LL ⭐️
Cloaking AP / WWR CE CP
Cloaking Fire / FDC CE LA
Life Saver INT / FDC Trapper LL
Life Saver STR / WWR
OE AP / AWR Metal CP
OE AP / CAV Trapper LL
OE AP / Rad Recovery CE LA
OE Fire / WWR Robot LL
OE LED / SENT Sturdy Robot LL
OE Poison / WWR Sturdy Combat RA
OE Poison / WWR Trappers CP ⭐️
OE Poison / SENT Raider LA
OE STR / CAV Heavy Raider CP
UNY AP / AWR Heavy Leather CP ⭐️
UNY AP / FDC Leather RL
UNY Fire / SENT Heavy Robot CP ⭐️
UNY LED / SENT Sturdy Combat RL
UNY Poison / SENT Heavy Raider RL ⭐️
UNY Poison / CAV Heavy Metal RA ⭐️
UNY Poison / SENT Heavy Metal RA ⭐️
UNY STR / FDC Sturdy Robot LL
VAN INT / WWR Trapper CP ⭐️
VAN Rad / WWR CE CP ⭐️
submitted by lemon-arc to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:59 Stage-Piercing727 Best Carbon Fiber Knife

Best Carbon Fiber Knife

Welcome to our product rounded-up article featuring the sleek and versatile Carbon Fiber Knife. This cutting-edge innovation combines the durability of carbon fiber with the precision of its sharp and sturdy blade. Prepare to journey through the top-rated Carbon Fiber Knife selections available on the market today, as we walk you through their features, benefits, and expert reviews. Get ready to elevate your culinary experiences with this game-changing kitchen essential.

The Top 6 Best Carbon Fiber Knife

  1. Fox Livri: Stainless Steel Slim Pocket Knife with Carbon Fiber Handle - Experience exceptional quality with the Fox Knives Livri M390 Stainless Steel pocket knife, featuring a lightweight carbon fiber handle, premium leather pouch, and a razor-sharp M390 blade crafted in Italy.
  2. Stylish & Robust Modern Hunting Knife with Full Tang by Garberg - The Garberg Carbon Steel Iwb Knife offers superior durability and performance for outdoor adventurers, combining a powerful 3.2mm carbon steel blade with ergonomic design elements and advanced mounting options.
  3. Tactical Damascus Steel Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Fiber Handle - The Civivi Midwatch C20059B-DS1 Fixed Blade Knife combines Damascus Twill construction with a durable Twill Carbon Fiber handle, making it a versatile choice for both outdoor adventures and tactical operations.
  4. Slim, High-Quality S35VN Stainless Steel Slip Joint Pocket Knife - Experience the perfect blend of style, strength, and precision with the Kansept Bevy Slim Pocket Knife, featuring premium S35VN stainless steel blade and carbon fiber handle.
  5. Benchmade Meatcrafter 15500OR-2 Fixed Blade Knife - Premium Cutting Experience - Experience the ultimate cutting performance with the Benchmade 15500OR-2 Meatcrafter CF, featuring a 28-inclusive edge angle, black and orange styling, and a cutting-edge partnership with Work Sharp Tools.
  6. Ultra Lightweight 440C Stainless Carbon Fiber Pocket Knife - Ultra-lightweight 440C stainless carbon fiber pocket knife, handcrafted in Italy, offers unmatched durability and style in a sleek portable design.
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🔗Fox Livri: Stainless Steel Slim Pocket Knife with Carbon Fiber Handle

The Fox Livri carbon fiber pocket knife is a sleek and stylish addition to your everyday carry. Handcrafted in Italy with top-quality materials, it boasts a blade made of M390 stainless steel, known for its sharpness and hardness. The black carbon fiber handle not only adds a touch of elegance but also ensures strength and durability, weighing just 1.6 ounces.
The knife comes with a leather pouch for convenient storage and even has a steel lin.

🔗Stylish & Robust Modern Hunting Knife with Full Tang by Garberg

The Garberg Carbon Steel outdoor knife is a true workhorse for those who love the great outdoors. With a full tang design and advanced mounting options, it's the perfect companion for adventurers facing various challenging situations. The Morakniv Multi-Mount system provides numerous attachment choices to keep the knife safe and secure.
One of the highlights of this knife is its compatibility with fire starters, making it an essential tool for camping or survival scenarios. The protective black DLC-coating on the blade prevents reflections and keeps everything under control. The ergonomic handle, made of polyamide, offers a soft friction grip, finger guard, and a 3.2mm-thick carbon steel blade for both strength and stability during all cuts.
While carbon steel can rust, the knife is designed to easily wipe and oil itself after use. The durable leather sheath attaches easily to your belt, making the Garberg Carbon Steel an even better choice for outdoor enthusiasts. With the knife's high rating, it's clear that this product is well-loved amongst customers, and its ease of use and long-lasting durability make it a great investment for anyone seeking a reliable outdoor knife.

🔗Tactical Damascus Steel Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Fiber Handle

The Civivi Midwatch Damascus Twill Carbon Fiber is a must-have for anyone who appreciates a knife that's as functional as it is beautiful. I've been using this knife for a couple of weeks now, and I must say, it has truly lived up to all my expectations. The full-tang construction and Damascus steel blade provide a level of durability and sharpness that I've come to expect from high-quality fixed blade knives.
One feature that really caught my eye is the twill carbon fiber handle. It not only adds an element of beauty to the knife, but it also provides a comfortable and secure grip, ensuring that your hand doesn't slip even when the task at hand requires a firm grip.
While the knife is perfect for tactical purposes and outdoor activities, I do wish it came in a larger size, as I sometimes find myself yearning for a little more reach. However, this minor drawback is easily overshadowed by the overall quality and design of the knife. If you're in the market for a unique and reliable fixed blade knife, the Civivi Midwatch is definitely worth considering.

🔗Slim, High-Quality S35VN Stainless Steel Slip Joint Pocket Knife

One sunny afternoon, I found myself in need of a pocket knife while exploring a local nature reserve. I had my eye on the Kansept Bevy, a sleek and stylish slip joint folder known for its exceptional build quality and precise manufacture.
With its under three-inch, non-locking blade, the Kansept Bevy is perfectly legal to carry in the UK and I was able to confidently bring it along with me on my adventure. The blade is made of S35VN stainless steel, one of the sharpest, hardest, and most durable options on the market. I was blown away by how effortlessly it sliced through branches and other obstacles I encountered.
The clip point style and generous handle pay homage to traditional knife designs, but with the added bonus of high-tech carbon fiber construction. This lightweight yet strong material not only feels fantastic in hand but also adds a touch of style that sets the Kansept Bevy apart from other pocket knives. The handle is securely secured with a nylon and leather pouch for safe storage and convenient carrying.
Overall, using the Kansept Bevy pocket knife was a true delight. Its combination of modern materials, traditional design, and reliable performance made it a welcome addition to my daily life and travel endeavors.

🔗Benchmade Meatcrafter 15500OR-2 Fixed Blade Knife - Premium Cutting Experience

Savor the perfect cut with the Benchmade Meatcrafter. I recently had the pleasure of using this knife for cooking at home and it was nothing short of a game-changer. The sleek, striking black and orange design caught my eye instantly, but it's the functionality where it truly shines.
The razor-sharp blade made of cpm s45vn stainless steel and the lightweight carbon fiber handle made boning and filleting a breeze. It's built specifically for those push cuts, which is perfect for my daily cooking needs. I've been extremely happy with my choice and wouldn't want to go back to a less efficient and less satisfying cutting experience.

🔗Ultra Lightweight 440C Stainless Carbon Fiber Pocket Knife

I was recently introduced to the Fox 573 Carbon Fibre pocket knife, and let me tell you, it's a game changer in the world of every day carry knives. At only 1.1 oz, this lightweight companion is perfect for slipping into the deep recesses of your pockets. The blade, made from 440C stainless steel, is sturdy and sharp enough for cutting tasks but not too intimidating for the average guy.
The back lock mechanism is firm and secure, providing peace of mind when you're using this knife day in and day out. But it's the handle that truly steals the show. Crafted from carbon fiber, it's both strong and stunningly beautiful. Top it off with a lanyard hole and a carbon fibre effect leather pouch, and you've got a knife that's every bit as practical as it is elegant.
Of course, nothing is perfect. While I appreciate the Italian craftsmanship, I can't help but wish for a few more color options for the sheath. Still, overall, the Fox 573 Carbon Fibre is a reliable and sophisticated addition to any pocket knife enthusiast's collection.

Buyer's Guide

When looking for the perfect carbon fiber knife, there are several key factors to consider to ensure you end up with a high-quality product that suits your specific needs.


Material Quality

The material quality of a carbon fiber knife is of utmost importance. Look for knives made from top-grade carbon fiber, which is strong, lightweight, and very durable. A quality knife will have a uniform texture and color, free of defects like scratches, blemishes, or excessive wear.

Blade Type and Shape

Carbon fiber knives come in various blade types, such as straight or serrated, and shapes, like drop point, tanto, or spear. Consider the purpose of the knife and your preferred blade type and shape that fits your needs. For example, a drop point blade is great for general-purpose tasks, while a spear point blade is ideal for piercing.


Weight and Balance

One of the main benefits of carbon fiber knives is their lightweight nature. When selecting a carbon fiber knife, ensure it strikes the right balance between being light and having a substantial feel. A well-balanced knife will reduce fatigue during long tasks and provide excellent control throughout diverse applications.

Handle Comfort and Ergonomics

The handle of a carbon fiber knife is just as important as its blade. It should provide a comfortable grip and be easy to handle, even in wet or greasy conditions. Ergonomic designs with textured grips help reduce the risk of slipping during use.


Maintenance and Care

Carbon fiber knives require specific care and maintenance due to their unique composition. They should be washed and dried thoroughly after every use. Keep them away from excess moisture and oil, and regularly clean and maintain the blade to avoid corrosion and prolong its lifespan.

Brand Reputation and Reviews

Lastly, research the brand and its reputation within the market before making a purchase. Read reviews and product comparisons from other users to gain valuable insights into the knife's performance, durability, and overall satisfaction.



What are the benefits of using a carbon fiber knife?

Carbon fiber knives offer several advantages, including durability, lightweight, corrosion-resistance, and a sleek appearance. These knives are designed to provide a strong and long-lasting cutting edge, making them ideal for tough tasks such as cutting through bones and tendons. The lightweight nature of carbon fiber also makes them comfortable to use and easy to carry, while the corrosion-resistance ensures they maintain their quality even when exposed to harsh conditions or frequent washing. Lastly, the modern and stylish design of carbon fiber knives makes them a great addition to any kitchen or culinary collection.

What is the difference between carbon fiber knives and stainless steel knives?

The primary differences between carbon fiber and stainless steel knives are their composition and properties. Carbon fiber knives are typically made from a combination of carbon fiber and steel, resulting in a strong and lightweight blade. They require special care due to the carbon fiber composition, which can result in damage if dropped or improperly cared for. On the other hand, stainless steel knives are made from a single, alloyed steel composition with added elements of other metals to improve their properties. This makes them more resistant to corrosion and rusting, making them a good choice for everyday use and in humid environments. Both types of knives have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, making it essential to choose the right one depending on your specific needs and preferences.

What is the care and maintenance required for carbon fiber knives?

Carbon fiber knives require some special care and maintenance to ensure their longevity and performance. It is recommended to hand wash and dry the knife after use, avoiding placing it in a dishwasher. It is essential to use a non-abrasive, mild detergent and avoid using steel wool or harsh abrasive materials, as they can damage the carbon fiber. Additionally, avoid soaking the knife in water or leaving it in a wet environment for extended periods, as this can weaken the carbon fiber and result in rusting or corrosion. Lastly, it is crucial to store the knife in a clean, dry, and protected area to prevent damage and maintaining the knife's sharpness and edge.

How much do carbon fiber knives typically cost?

The cost of carbon fiber knives can vary depending on factors such as the brand, design, and size of the knife. Generally, carbon fiber knives are considered a premium product and can range from mid to high price points. While some budget options may be available, it is essential to remember that investing in a quality carbon fiber knife may be more cost-effective in the long run due to their durability and performance.

Are carbon fiber knives suitable for professional chefs or experienced cooks?

Yes, carbon fiber knives are popular among professional chefs and experienced cooks for their durability, lightweight, and corrosion-resistant properties. These knives can provide a precise and controlled cutting experience, making them suitable for various culinary tasks such as preparing meats, vegetables, and other ingredients. Additionally, the sleek design of carbon fiber knives adds a touch of elegance to any professional kitchen or cooking environment.
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2024.05.19 08:51 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Carabiner Knife

Best Carabiner Knife

Welcome to our Carabiner Knife roundup! Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a survivalist, or simply someone who appreciates a well-crafted tool, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the top carabiner knives on the market. From versatile multi-tools to sleek, lightweight designs, we've curated a selection of products that are perfect for any adventure. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover the best carabiner knives out there!

The Top 13 Best Carabiner Knife

  1. Essential Outdoor Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip Knife - Stay prepared for any outdoor adventure with the versatile and dependable Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip.
  2. Ultimate Emergency Slim Pocket Knife - Prepare for the unexpected with the compact CRKT ExiTool, featuring a fast-action seat belt cutter and a sturdy tungsten carbide window breaker for emergency situations, all in one slim pocket knife.
  3. Gerber Pledge Knife: High-Quality Emergency Cutting Tool - Experience ultimate safety and convenience with the Gerber 30-000590 Crisis Hook Knife, a 4.5-star rated, life-saving tool designed for first responders with a durable 420HC stainless steel blade and textured grip handle.
  4. Al Mar Stinger Keychain Knife for Self-Defense - The Al Mar K1001BKG Stinger Keyring Knife offers a high-quality, ultralight, and concealable solution for everyday tasks such as opening letters and boxes, as well as providing self-defense with its sharp D2 blade and durable TPR grip.
  5. 8-in-1 Multi-Functional Carabiner Knife for Outdoor Activities - The HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner is an innovative 8-in-1 multi-functional tool with a durable locking carabiner hook, compact design, and versatility, perfect for everyday use and outdoor activities.
  6. Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife Tool - Embark on your next adventure with ease using the Brouk & Co Multi-function Carabiner Tool - the ultimate, compact, stylish, and versatile companion for all your needs!
  7. Durable Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife for Everyday Survival and Outdoor Adventures - The Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool: your go-to solution for outdoor adventures and survival emergencies with its lightweight, versatile design and 420 stainless steel attachments.
  8. Versatile Carabiner Knife with Stainless Steel Blades - The Dakine Hook Knife provides efficient and accessible cutting with its convenient pocket attachment, featuring two high-quality stainless steel blades and a durable anodized aluminum handle.
  9. Carabiner Knife Multi-Tool with Locking Blade and Glass Breaker - Experience true versatility with the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro 5-in-1 Multi Tool - an all-metal, quick-snap blade, and reliable emergency essential on your next adventure.
  10. Rugged Slim Cut Multi-Tool with Easy-Access Blade - Compact, durable, and versatile, the Gerber Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool is the perfect everyday carry for all your cutting needs.
  11. 8-in-1 Carabiner Multitool with Stainless Steel Blade and EDC Features - The Carabiner Keychain Multitool promises a versatile 8-in-1 survival and emergency tool, equipped with a stainless steel blade, a hanging carabiner, and various screwdriver and bottle opener functionalities, offering convenience for EDC use.
  12. Polymorph Carabiner Multifunction Knife with Titanium Finish - The Civivi Polymorph Carabiner Multitool combines a spring-loaded carabiner, a bottle opener, a hex bit driver, and a scalpel blade, all housed in a durable anodised titanium body, making it a versatile and portable tool for everyday use.
  13. Portable 8-in-1 Multi-Tool with Key Ring - The Cabela's 8-in-1 Pocket Tool is a versatile and convenient multi-tool featuring a durable anodized aluminum handle and 420 stainless steel blades, perfect for everyday use and outdoor adventures.
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🔗Essential Outdoor Gerber Armbar Scout Pocket Clip Knife

As an outdoor enthusiast, I've been on the lookout for a reliable and compact tool to carry on my adventures. I chose the Gerber Armbar Scout multi-tool for its promise of versatility and compactness.
I was pleasantly surprised by the tool's sleek design, which conveniently fit into the pocket of my backpack. One of the first features I noticed was the stainless steel construction, giving the tool a sturdy feel while keeping it lightweight.
One of my favorite aspects of the Gerber Armbar Scout was its ability to open various packages with minimal effort. The can/package opener was a lifesaver during a camping trip when I needed a quick snack. The 2 1/2'' plain edge blade proved to be sturdy, allowing me to make precise cuts with ease.
However, I did encounter some difficulties with the locking mechanism of the blade, which required a certain level of force to engage. While this wasn't a dealbreaker, it did cause a little bit of frustration during use.
In conclusion, the Gerber Armbar Scout multi-tool serves its purpose as an essential companion for outdoor enthusiasts. Its small size and versatility were impressive, but I did encounter minor annoyances with the locking mechanism. Overall, I would recommend this tool to anyone looking for a compact and reliable multi-tool to take on their next adventure.

🔗Ultimate Emergency Slim Pocket Knife

As an emergency situation arises, every moment counts. That's when the CRKT Exitool comes in handy, offering a fast and reliable solution for cutting seat belts and breaking windows.
The slim profile makes it easy to conceal, while the textured grip ensures a firm hold. In my own experience, the Exitool has been a lifesaver, with the glass-reinforced handle providing durability and the safety cone tip cover protecting the window breaker while stowed.
The only downside? . The compactness might make it a bit challenging for those with larger hands to use. Overall, the Exitool is a reliable and versatile emergency tool that helps you stay prepared for any unexpected situation.

🔗Gerber Pledge Knife: High-Quality Emergency Cutting Tool

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Gerber Crisis Hook Knife, and I must say, it's a lifesaver in emergency situations. This sleek and durable tool is designed specifically for quickly and safely cutting through seat belts, clothes, and even heavy straps or cords. Its lightweight design and smooth operation make it a game-changer when time is of the essence.
One of the most notable features of this knife is its integrated oxygen tank wrench, which adds extra versatility and functionality in life-saving situations. The glass breaker pommel included in the package also comes in handy when encountering obstacles that may hinder your ability to assist someone in need.
While the Crisis Hook Knife has several impressive features, it's not without its drawbacks. The friction lock sheath can be tricky to attach to certain surfaces, and the clip may not be as convenient as advertised. Additionally, the knife's handle, while comfortable and easy to grip, could benefit from a more secure attachment to a tactical belt.
In conclusion, the Gerber Crisis Hook Knife is an invaluable tool for first responders and anyone who needs to quickly and safely cut through various materials in emergency situations. Its lightweight design, versatility, and straightforward operation make it a must-have in your arsenal. Just be prepared to address some minor issues, such as the friction lock sheath and the clip's functionality.

🔗Al Mar Stinger Keychain Knife for Self-Defense

I recently tried out the Al Mar K1001BKG Stinger Keyring Knife in Green. The first thing that caught my attention was the compactness of the knife. With it being such a small size, it's incredibly easy to discreetly attach it to my keychain while still remaining convenient to access whenever it's needed.
The TPR overmolded grip proves to be an excellent feature, providing a non-slip hold, even while my hands are sweaty or in wet conditions. The dual-injected PP sheath adds an extra layer of protection, making it suitable for everyday use without worrying about damaging the blade.
The blade itself has an impressively sharp edge, allowing me to open letters and boxes with ease, yet also offers a sturdy protection for instances of self-defense. Being an advocate for quality tools, I found the Stinger to deliver that expected performance from the reputed AL MAR brand.
However, I noticed that for harder tasks, the blade feels somewhat delicate. One would have to handle it carefully or opt for a more robust knife for such situations, potentially compromising the ultralight key ring knife design. Despite this, overall this knife performs well, and its convenient size and efficient design make it a must-have for those who value versatility and efficiency in a concealed blade on their keychain.

🔗8-in-1 Multi-Functional Carabiner Knife for Outdoor Activities

Using an HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner in my daily life has been quite an experience. This multi-functional tool has proven to be extremely versatile, from its use as a knife to its handy LED light.
The knife is sharp and easy to flip out, making it an essential part of my survival gear. The LED light is a lifesaver when the power goes out, and the Phillips and regular screwdriver heads are a great addition for those quick fixes on the go. The glass breaker is also convenient, though I haven't had to use it yet.
One thing that stood out is the carabiner's simple and lightweight design, making it the perfect keychain or hanging tool for my camping trips and other outdoor adventures. Despite its compact size, the carabiner is surprisingly strong and easy to use, with the locking mechanism providing a secure fit. Overall, the HMMS Stainless Climbing Carabiner is an excellent addition to any survival kit, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife Tool

I recently had the pleasure of trying out Brouk & Co's Multi-function Carabiner Tool, and let me tell you, it's the ultimate handyman's companion! . This tiny titan is super portable, fitting perfectly in my backpack for those unexpected situations on the go.
With an impressive array of features, I found myself reaching for this bad boy more times than I ever thought possible. Its sturdy design has held up beautifully through various camping trips and household projects.
While its size is convenient, it's not always the easiest to maneuver with larger hands, but overall, this carabiner tool offers exceptional utility and convenience. Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast or just someone in need of a versatile tool for daily life, the Brouk & Co Multi-function Carabiner Tool is the perfect fit.

🔗Durable Multi-Purpose Carabiner Knife for Everyday Survival and Outdoor Adventures

As someone who loves being prepared for any situation, I was thrilled to try out the Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool. The anodized black aluminum carabiner is both lightweight and versatile, making it perfect for everyday carry. The convenience of foldable flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers, along with a sturdy 3-inch serrated blade, ensures that I can tackle tough jobs with ease.
While I appreciate the strength provided by the 420 stainless steel attachments, I did notice that the carabiner isn't suitable for weight support, and it is best to use it more for its attachments. However, considering the multiple functionalities it offers, this small drawback seems like a fair trade. Overall, the Sheffield Wilco 4-in-1 Carabiner Multi-Tool is a reliable and efficient tool that has become an essential part of my daily life.

🔗Versatile Carabiner Knife with Stainless Steel Blades

As a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, I recently got my hands on the Dakine Hook Knife and let me tell you, it exceeded my expectations! This hook knife is designed for easy accessibility and it certainly lives up to its promise. It can be attached to your harness at any point for a quick and convenient deployment, making it a must-have tool for those seeking adventure and the great outdoors.
One of the main features that stood out to me was its dual stainless steel cutting blades that effortlessly sliced through even the toughest cut lines. The anodized aluminum handle not only adds a sleek touch, but it also provides a comfortable grip that makes it a breeze to use. Additionally, the included sheath for easy harness attachment is an added bonus, guaranteeing the safe carrying of this versatile tool.
While I was impressed by the performance and convenience of the Dakine Hook Knife, I did notice a downside: oxidation. After just six months of use, the aluminum handle started to display signs of oxidation. Of course, this won't affect the functionality, but it does make me wonder whether a more durable material like titanium or carbon fiber might be a better long-term choice.
Despite this minor issue, the Dakine Hook Knife has become a trusted companion on my various outdoor excursions. Its user-friendly design and powerful functionality have really made a difference in my adventures, whether I'm camping or trekking. For anyone in need of an easy-to-carry hook knife that gets the job done, I would highly recommend giving the Dakine Hook Knife a try.

🔗Carabiner Knife Multi-Tool with Locking Blade and Glass Breaker

I recently got my hands on the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro 5-in-1 Multi Tool, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for my outdoor adventures. With its all-metal design, it's sturdy enough to hold up to some serious wear and tear. The quick-snap blade is both smart and safe, and it feels really nice in your hands.
I love having the convenience of two screwdrivers, a bottle opener, a knife, and even a window breaker all in one little package. Plus, the integrated carabiner makes it effortless to attach to my backpack or belt. Overall, the Dark Energy Carabiner Pro has been my go-to tool for every camping and hiking excursion.
Highly recommend! .

🔗Rugged Slim Cut Multi-Tool with Easy-Access Blade

When I received the Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool, I was excited to try out its features. Its sturdy design caught my attention, and the burnt orange color added a pop to its sleek appearance. This is a multi-tool designed for the adventurous, and it didn't disappoint.
Let's talk about the scissors, one of the prominent features of this tool. It worked effortlessly for cutting various materials, from fabric to paper. The plain edge blade was also impressive, easily piercing through tough materials. Despite its size, it's surprisingly powerful and perfect for cutting tasks on the go.
The tool's design, with large tool tabs and access points, was user-friendly. It allowed me to switch between the scissors and the blade without any fumbling. The bottle opener was a convenient addition, adding versatility to the tool.
However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. The scissor's spring mechanism felt a bit flimsy, and I had to be careful while using it to avoid any accidents. Also, the blade's deployment could be smoother for a more natural and comfortable use.
Overall, the Armbar Slim Cut Multi-Tool is a robust and versatile everyday carry tool. It's perfect for those who need a reliable, lightweight, and multifunctional item for various tasks. Despite a few drawbacks, I'm confident that this will be a valuable addition to many people's toolboxes.

🔗8-in-1 Carabiner Multitool with Stainless Steel Blade and EDC Features

The Carabiner Keychain Multitool is an 8-in-1 lifesaver that's perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Its sleek design makes it easy to carry around, and its durability ensures it will withstand even the toughest conditions. The sharp stainless steel blade is perfect for a variety of tasks, while the aluminum hand holder provides a sturdy grip. The multi-functional design includes a hanging carabiner, Phillips screwdriver, slotted screwdriver, bottle opener, and more, making it a versatile addition to any EDC (Everyday Carry) setup.
Despite its robust build, the Carabiner Keychain Multitool is surprisingly lightweight, making it a great choice for everyday carry. However, it's essential to remind others to exercise caution while using the sharp blade. Overall, this compact, versatile tool is a must-have for anyone seeking survival gear or everyday convenience.

🔗Polymorph Carabiner Multifunction Knife with Titanium Finish

The Civivi Polymorph carabiner multitool has become a handy companion in my outdoor adventures. The anodized titanium body is quite durable and serves as a perfect casing for its versatile features. The carabiner clip is a fantastic addition, allowing me to attach the tool to my backpack or gear, keeping it close at hand when needed.
One of the most useful aspects is the 9Cr18MoV scalpel blade, which makes this multitool an excellent option for opening bottles or cutting through some rope. However, the hex bit driver lacked enough leverage for me to fully appreciate it during my camping trips.
The choice between the plain titanium and bronzed titanium finish adds a personal touch to the overall design, making it a stylish and practical accessory for any outdoor enthusiast. While the Civivi Polymorph has its pros and cons, I find it a valuable addition to my outdoor gear lineup.

🔗Portable 8-in-1 Multi-Tool with Key Ring

The Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool was an unexpected pocket companion in my daily life. It was a great multitasker that never failed to provide convenience on-the-go, and its anodized aluminum handle always gave me a sense of sturdy stability. I found myself using it more than I expected, especially the knife, file, and flat-head screwdriver.
While the larger tools were great to have, the smaller ones sometimes felt a little lacking. The screwdriver and corkscrew had considerable wiggle room, which made me hesitant to use them on heavy-duty tasks. But in all honesty, for a tool of this versatility and portability, it wasn't too surprising to come across these slight disadvantages.
The Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool, in all its multi-tasking glory, did become a handy accessory to keep in my bag or backpack. I never regretted having it by my side during unexpected camping trips or when I needed to open a stubborn lid. But it's a device that's best suited for those who appreciate its versatility over precision.
Honestly, it's great to have such a multi-tasker with you, but it's not without its drawbacks. It's a case of compromises, as it seems. With the Cabela's Silver Pocket Tool, you're sacrificing a bit of precision for that all-important portability factor. Is it worth it? That depends on your own priorities. But for those who need a tool that can do a little bit of everything in a pinch, this is indeed the handy gadget you've been hunting for.
So, all in all, the Cabela's 8-In-1 Pocket Tool might just be a perfect fit for your next adventure. But remember, it's not without its imperfections. It all comes down to balancing your needs and understanding its limitations.

Buyer's Guide

A carabiner knife is a versatile tool designed for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. This type of knife combines the functionality of a carabiner and a knife, making it an essential addition to anyone's gear arsenal. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice to help you choose the best carabiner knife for your needs.

Important Features


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a carabiner knife is its construction. Look for one made from high-quality materials such as stainless steel or titanium, which are durable and resistant to corrosion.


The design of the carabiner knife plays a crucial role in its functionality. A well-designed knife should be lightweight yet sturdy. It should have a secure and comfortable grip, and the blade should be easy to deploy and securely lock into place. Consider the size of the carabiner, as well, to ensure it can accommodate your needs.

Blade Type

Carabiner knives typically come with a variety of blade types, such as a hunting or skinning blade, a utility or general-purpose blade, or a multipurpose blade. Choose the type that best suits your intended usage of the knife.


Other features to consider include a lanyard attachment for easy storage and portability. Some carabiner knives also come with additional tools, such as bottle openers or screwdrivers, which can come in handy during outdoor adventures.



Choose a carabiner knife that is easy to clean and maintain. Stainless steel and titanium are great choices due to their resistance to rust and corrosion. Regular maintenance helps ensure the knife stays in good condition for longer usage.



Determine the specific usage of the carabiner knife, and choose one that is designed to meet those needs. Consider the blade type, size, and features, and choose a knife that suits your intended purpose.


Consider your budget when purchasing a carabiner knife. High-quality knives made from durable materials tend to be more expensive. Determine what you can afford, but also consider the potential long-term savings by choosing a high-quality knife that will last for years.

Customer Reviews

Before making a purchase, read customer reviews to gain insight into the performance and reliability of a carabiner knife. Look for feedback on factors such as blade sharpness, construction quality, and ease of use.

General Advice

Test it Out

Before going on an outdoor trip, test your new carabiner knife to ensure it is functioning properly and is comfortable to use. This will give you peace of mind and confidence in your tool's performance.


Store it Properly

Properly storing your carabiner knife is important to ensure its longevity. Keep it in a clean and dry environment, and securely attached to your gear to prevent it from getting dirty or damaged.

Practice Maintenance

To maintain your carabiner knife in good working condition, practice regular maintenance, such as cleaning and oiling the blade. This not only helps maintain the knife's functionality but also prolongs its lifespan.
A carabiner knife is a versatile and essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists. By considering essential features, taking into account your personal usage and budget, and reading customer reviews, you can choose the best carabiner knife for your needs. Remember to test it out, store it properly, and practice regular maintenance to keep it in great condition for years to come.


What is a Carabiner Knife?

A Carabiner Knife is a versatile tool that combines a carabiner and a knife in a single device. It is designed for outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable and convenient way to carry a knife and a carabiner while engaging in activities such as hiking, camping, and rock climbing.

What are the benefits of using a Carabiner Knife?

  • Convenient storage: The carabiner design allows you to easily clip the knife to your backpack, belt, or other gear, keeping it accessible at all times.
  • Compact design: Carabiner knives are often lightweight and compact, making them easy to pack and carry on outdoor adventures.
  • Versatile functionality: They serve as both a knife and a carabiner, reducing the number of items you need to carry, and saving space in your gear.

How do I clean and maintain a Carabiner Knife?

Cleaning and maintaining your Carabiner Knife is essential to ensure its longevity and performance. After every use, wash the blade and handle with warm soapy water. Dry the knife thoroughly before storing. To prevent rust, periodically apply a thin layer of oil or wax to the blade.

Is there a difference between Carabiner Knives made of stainless steel and those made of other materials?

Yes, there are differences between Carabiner Knives made of stainless steel and those made of other materials. Stainless steel blades tend to be more durable and resistant to corrosion, which makes them ideal for use in humid and wet environments. However, stainless steel knives may be heavier than those made of other materials like titanium or aluminum.

What are some popular Carabiner Knife models on the market?

Some popular Carabiner Knife models include the Spyderco Carabiner Knife, the Morakniv Garv Knife, and the Benchmade Bugout Knife. These knives are known for their durability, functionality, and ease of use.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:41 HateSpeechEnjoyer [WTS] UltraTech Microtech, Trm Atom, Kunwu Pulsar, Spyderco Para 3, Yojimbo, Petrified fish cleaver

[WTS] UltraTech Microtech, Trm Atom, Kunwu Pulsar, Spyderco Para 3, Yojimbo, Petrified fish cleaver

[WTS] - MicroTech Ultratech - $200
Fantastic Knife, Supper snappy M390 blade dagger grind. hasn't been used much, long light mark on the clip side of the scales. Has box
[WTS] - Trm Atom - $200
Super sweet super thin super slicey, 20cv blade micarta scales, never used carried a few times. No box
[WTS] - Kunwu Pulsar - $180
Fantastic knife beautiful diamond ti scales and elmax blade. Also nor used very much. Has a box but its the wrong one, has light omega springs installed, heavy springs in box.
[WTS] - Spyderco Para 3 s30v - $100
Regular old s30v para 3, great knife well used has light scratches on blade, not very sharp. Has box
[WTS] - Spyderco Yojimbo s30v - $100
Nice yojimbo with a stonewash job done, not by me I'm at least the second owner. heavily used blade with some of the stone wash rubbed off. Black Deep carry clip No box.
[WTS] - Petrified Fish Cleaver - $25
Nice cheap cleaver, k110 "damascus" blade (coating of some kind), g10 scales. its neat no box.
submitted by HateSpeechEnjoyer to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:09 Omoeten Thoughts and ramblings from a new jungler

So I've been playing the game for slightly more than a month AND I HAVE TO SAY jungler by far has been my most effective role, the sheer control you can have over the map and match is simply massive.
I usually have played Gideon mid or Zarus offlane but ever since jungling as Zarus i knew that i had a knack for it and my rank jumped to plat 3 in a short time and closing in onto diamond. BUT not all games are sunflowers and rainbows, here's some things i hated/loved while jungling:
i'll keep it at that to keep it short but yeah that's pretty much it.
Here's what i build for zarus:
Augmentation -> Berserker's axe -> citadel -> tectonic mallet -> mutilator
How to build it:
If you are against against 2 or more tanks (grux, riktor, crunch) start with Mutilator first then build the rest normally. if you are getting slapped by magic damage build tectonic before citadel. if you are playing against khaimera and greystone or any combination of self-healers, replace citadel with tainted blade.
submitted by Omoeten to PredecessorGame [link] [comments]
