Grandparents day poem or short story

Short Stories

2008.03.23 20:30 Short Stories

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2017.01.07 04:46 kamuimaru describethis

people describing things

2012.02.05 02:30 Delfishie Audiobooks - Free, Streaming, Downloadable

A subreddit for free audiobooks found from trusted websites. If you've found an audiobook, short story, poem, or other vocalized piece of writing that you'd like to share with others, please post about it here.

2024.05.07 20:48 speshulsauce How to get my Lady to eat human food?

Hi fellow cat lovers! So I have a beautiful tortie girl who just turned 11. She free feeds on "crunchies" and gets wet food every night. She doesn't like any of the fish flavors though, and when I try to give her any human food, she won't even try it. I only took her in about 2 years ago, but she belonged to a friend before that so I can't imagine she was ever punished harshly for trying to steal food or anything. She did have to fight his bigger cat for food sometimes though. Long story short, is there anything I can do to trick her into letting me spoil her with human food sometimes? lol. I know it's silly, but I wanted to spoil her for her bday and she wouldn't let me.
TLDR: Cat won't eat human food. What gives? How do I trick her into it? lol.
submitted by speshulsauce to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:48 thewanderinglorax Evolanguage School... A Cautionary Tale

TL;DR If you're thinking of using Evolanguage School please reconsider. They are a waste of your money and their exams do not qualify you for the German government requirements contrary to what their website claims.
Story time.
Recently I found myself needing a A1 language certificate to apply for a visa in Munich and found Evolanguage through a Google search. I wanted to take an exam as soon as possible and all the exams at Goethe were fully booked for a month so since Evolanguage had dates available within a few days I figured I could try them.
I selected a date for the exam and paid through their website which says explicitly that their prufung certificates are accepted for schools and visas. A few days later I get an email with the first red flag... asking when I would like to take the exam. I responded with a time on the selected date and to my surprise he asked me what date I was referring to. I responded with the date I had originally submitted and he told me it wouldn't be possible. We ended up settling on the day after since my schedule was pretty flexible and I wanted to get it done ASAP.
He then informs me that the exam is in two parts and that they would be administered on different days and we would schedule the second part if I passed the first part. I was confused since the website made no mention of the two day nature of the exam. I went along with it since I figured it would still be faster than waiting for the next Goethe exam.
On the day of the exam I received the Zoom link a day before the exam and called in on the day of to see another participant taking a C2 exam at the same time. The examiner sent us a PDF with the test and asked us to share our screens so he could monitor us while taking the exam. Since I had taken up to A2 with Munich Volkshochschule and reviewed the Goethe exam I expected it to be pretty similar and pretty easy to pass. The format of the exam was pretty different and the questions included a lot of short answer instead of multiple choice and true/false. Having taken both Goethe and Evolangauge's exams I would say it's probably a bit harder and less straightforward. Email the results at the end of the exam and on the next day I receive a response that I passed the first part of the exam.
The examiner asks when I would like to take the next part of the exam and suggests a few dates a week later. I was expecting it to take place sooner, but I agreed to a date a week later. We Zoom again for the speaking portion of the exam and it feels pretty unstructured, but inline with the A1 curriculum (introduce yourself, spell some words, answer some basic questions about directions, etc.) The whole call goes for 10 minutes max and the next day I get my digital certificate saying I passed. They ask me for my mailing address for the physical certificate. Great! It's done. Yay!
I submit the certificate to Munich KVR for my visa and wait the usual eternity for a response. I receive a response a month or so later and to my surprise am told "THE LANGUAGE CERTIFICATE YOU SUBMITTED IS NOT VALID, PLEASE SUMBIT A CERTIFICATE FROM ONE OF THE APPROVED SCHOOLS." Not only does Evolanguage claim to be valid, but also they have a physical school in Munich.
I immediately write Evolanguage and the Munich KVR back regarding this issue, but receive the same response from the KVR. Evolangauge doesn't respond until I contact the examiner and he directs me to a different email. A week later I receive a response asking me the details of the reviewing agent at the Munich KVR which I respond to within minutes of receiving the email. I wait expecting them to respond, but after couple weeks of no response and preemptively registering for the next Goethe exam (in 4 weeks,) write Evolanguage again. They respond asking for the contact email again as if I never provided it at all the first time. Another red flag, but okay, people miss emails, probably got lost. I provide it again and ask if they would reach out or what I should do in this case.
RADIO SILENCE for 3 more weeks and I take the Goethe exam and pass. I finally reach out to Evolangauge again and tell them I'd like a refund since they basically lied on their website and strung me along for the last two months while doing exactly nothing. They respond basically telling me to pound sand and that I'm responsible to check if their certificate is accepted by my specific agency.
I wasted a bunch of time and the cost of the exam €180, which isn't so bad for me, but hopefully I can save anyone else looking find a language school from making the same mistake as me.
A few takeaways:
  1. Don't use Evolanguage. They don't adhere to standards contrary to their own claims. They are super poorly organized and are preying everyone who pays them.
  2. If you need language instruction take courses provided by your local Volkshochschule (it's cheap and the instruction isn't bad) or use Goethe/University Associated school (probably more expensive, but will be approved and is way better organized.)
  3. Read reviews extensively - I initially looked at their reviews and saw that they were pretty highly reviewed, but upon reviewing it again I saw a ton of people calling them a scam with similar experiences and saying they pay people to provide reviews.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
submitted by thewanderinglorax to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:47 chillychihuahuas I'm so scared :( opinions/thoughts welcome but please be kind

I really hope this doesn't get lost, I really need some support right now. As the title says, I'm terrified... thoughts and opinions and advice are totally welcome but please be kind, its already a really hard day and I'm not doing well mentally. Additionally, I am completely aware I need to talk to a doctor and I am doing so today, but I just need to spill my emotions because again, not doing great.
Sorry, this is a bit of a trauma/info/emotion dump or rant. I've (I'm 20F) been trying to figure out what's wrong for ages. Was diagnosed gastroparesis and SMAS, I'm due for a feeding tube 10 days from today. I come from a pretty much chronically ill family for context... I was just talking to my mom last night when I found this patch of purple pinprick dots. They've been coming and going for a while now, and I mentioned it to my mom. She got quiet for a second and almost immediately told me to call the doctor first thing in the morning. My mom asked for a picture of the dots, and said they're called "petechiae", and they normally mean there's something wrong with your blood when they appear without any sort of injury. My sister gets them (my dad too supposedly), and she was diagnosed with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (aka Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura or ITP for short), and she said it's generally genetic. She asked if I have a few other things, and I had some of them: one or two blood blisters in my mouth, I had my first nosebleed a few weeks ago (it was small though), a purpura on my arm (just like one larger purple dot like the petechiae but just one and bigger). I've had chronic migraines and chronic fatigue for years, always have bruised easily, etc. Apparently it's pretty hard to catch, and you always have it even if your levels aren't off. Luckily the treatment is pretty easy mostly. Additionally, when I called the doctor, I only spoke to a receptionist--but as soon as I mentioned my symptoms and family history, she cut me off and asked how soon I could come in. She apologized for "being rude" (her words, I didn't think she was!) and said that I urgently needed to come in and I had to come in today. So I have an appointment in about 3 hours from the time of writing this.
However, I also found that most of these symptoms can also mean Leukemia. And my second cousin on my dad's side passed away from it when I was 5 or 6. I am absolutely terrified, and I know the older you are, the worse survival rates tend to be. I just keep telling myself that if it was Leukemia, we would've found it before this since I've had a lot of the symptoms for a while. I really don't want to die. I know that's a huge jump, but oh my god, I'm so scared. Sorry for the rant, hope this is allowed. Much love to everyone, and if you read this far, know I appreciate you SO much <3 opinions and thoughts are totally welcome but please be kind as I'm truly terrified.
submitted by chillychihuahuas to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:47 betoxxchav Anyone know a GSD Rescue in LA that would take a GSD?

Long story short; I was forced into taking care of a dog and having it become my financial and emotional responsibility. I am u able to give him what he needs as travelling a lot for work and I cannot start him on Training due to travelling alot. I live with my parents and they do not care about the dog whatsoever and it’s selfish and shitty for me to have this dog when no one gives him enough love or attention. He would do so much better elsewhere. However, he is very dog aggressive so that’s my only issue.
submitted by betoxxchav to GermanShepherd [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:46 Doctorbatman3 Gamers Guild AZ 3k May the 4th Tournament Report and Personal Match up Analysis

Gamers Guild AZ 3k May the 4th Tournament Report and Personal Match up Analysis
Gamers Guild in Tempe AZ hosted a tournament this weekend for May the 4th with over 3k worth of prizes for top 8 (12 Boxes split, case to first - 2 for 2nd to 4th - 1 5th to 8th). Before I get into the thick of it I have to shout out Gamers Guild for not only a wonderful event but for keeping the prizing and entry the same as when the event was announced. For some context, when this tournament was announced the prizing was equivelant to roughly 1k. Between then and last weekend box prices basically doubled to the point where now the prize pool is equivelant to 3k. Instead of back tracking and changing the prizing or entry ($50), they stood by the community and kept their word. At every opprotunity Gamers Guild makes the decision that benefits the players, for which I cannot be more grateful. Now to the fun stuff.
Grand finals was not played, a split accured at top 4 and we played out that last round before ending
Top 8 Breakdown -
3x Sabine Cunning
1x Sabine Aggression
2x Leia Red (1 Tarkin 1 Kestro)
1x Han Green
1x Krennic Green
I do not have the exact match count for each top 8 match played but I do know the results at least.
Sabine(Y) VS Krennix Green - Sabine(Y)
Sabine(Y) VS Leia (Kestro) - Sabine(Y)
Sabine(Y) VS Han Green - Sabine(Y)
Sabine(R) VS Leia (Tarkin) - Sabine(R)
Bringing us to our top 4 of 3 Sabine Cunnings and 1 Sabine Aggression. A fun note, all 3 of the Sabine Cunning players consisted of Myself and my 2 teammates who all where on the same list +/- a few cards. We worked very hard to come up with a list that stacked up well into the entire meta and we fully believe we succeeded in that. At this point in the event we split the top 4 prizing for 3 Boxes each, and then played out one more round.
Sabine(Y) VS Sabine (Y) - Sabine (Y)
Sabine(R) VS Sabine(Y) - Sabine (Y)
At this point I lost the mirror to my teammate while our other team member won their match putting our grand finals to a mirror match. We did not play out the last round as we really didnt feel a need to at that point. I wish I had more information on the breakdown for decks in swiss to share but what I can and will do is now delve into my own personal match ups. I was the only person to be undefeated after 5 rounds of swiss and I have a lot to share about my deck and experiences saturday.
5-0 after Swiss Top 4 after Cut
Here is the deck! While I would like to focus on the match ups instead of this being a deck tech, there a few interesting things I will make sure to not throughout and I will be responsive to questions in the comments.
Sabine(Y) VS Sabine(Y) - Sabine(Y) 2-0
For what would be a precurser to my bracket run, round one was brutal. I was paired vs my teammate which is rough enough as is, but round one I really would like not to sweat as much as I had to. Normally I feel very confident In any Sabine mirror due to our 3 main decked Bamboozles. No one else is likely to be playing them or even expecting them EXCEPT for one of only 2 other people you've spent weeks in the think tank with. Despite this I still had a plan, race. There are not any real specific plays to point to for how I won this matchup, In all honesty my cards just lined up better than his. It sucks to beat a teammate but I had full confidence he would win out.
Sabine(Y) VS Sabine(Y) - Sabine(Y) 2-0
Another mirror??? and its NOT my other teammate?? Sabine(Y) has been picking up steam here in AZ so its not shocking to see it just unexpected. Unfortunately for them, I have Bamboozle and they do not, they don't even know I have it. Game 1 was a typical 2 drop into 2 drop on both sides with my opponent on the Initiative, His A wing my Sabine unit. turn 2 he wing leaders the A Wing Which promptly gets Bamboozled free with a discard. I follow up with Falcon to clean the A-wing up and from that point the tempo is too far in my favor. Game 2 was even faster, They start space I dodged to ground with double 1 drops. They play a red and attack my base for 4. I double attack their base, Drop medal ceremony and falcon to clean up the Red Three. At this point im holding back a Bamboozle and leia for the next turns so I can slow anything they would like to do and continue the race. The match ends soon after. Bamboozle is the ace in this match up, the fear that you may lose your entire play and then some to a 2 cost card (OR FREE) is a lot of pressure to face. Even when it is not defeating upgrades, often time even just the tap is more than enough.
Sabine(Y) VS Krennic Green - Sabine(Y) 2-0
Game one was fairly back and forth, A lot of healing was had on my opponents side but unfortunantley for them I was able to keep consistent threats on the board for repetetive damage. I had to fight through 2 Vigilance, their leader, and a Cargo Juggernaut but they just could not remove enough threats. Every heal was answered with damage already on board. Game 2 was pretty devastating for them but a great example of just how explosive the deck can be when your opponent stumbles even a little bit. It was very quick so I remeber basically every play. They opened with a Probe droid so I dodged to space with an X wing. Next turn they Power of the Dark side it, I respond with Falcon and Deal 3 leaving them at 5 going into next round (2 leader pings). They open with Power again Killing the Falcon but leaving me wide open to do whatever I would like. They made a mistake here and attacked my base with the Probe droid before I played out my leader making it even more likely she lives to the next turn. I ping then flip and wing leader my Leader to hit for 5 putting them at 11 now. Turn 4 now, its pivitol that I leave myself in a position to win pretty much immediatly into the next turn. Or so I thought, As the turn played out I was able to get another 7 in with both my swings putting them at 18, Krennic came out put them to 16, I played For a cause hitting for 4 and then Ending the game for exact lethal with Sneak Attack + Fleet lieutenant. The best answer to Vigilance is just killing them before they can cast it I guess.
Sabine(Y) VS Boba Green - Sabine(Y) 2-0
This is the deck that beats aggro right? Maybe if you're playing a bad aggro deck but certainly not this list. While it can be rough at times and Boba can have the answers, we have more than enough tricks to keep us in it and can very easily exploit the 25 health base. My opponent is first (I didnt win a dice roll all day) so my strategy is a simple lane dodge. Its crucial I keep either a flexible or resilient hand vs Boba. Another key piece to this match up is tapping Boba on his flip turn. This is such a key piece our teammate was saying we should even consider keeping awkward hands just to guarantee tapping Boba. Like Obi-Wan to Luke during the trench run my teammates voice came down from the heavens and told me to keep my hand. While normally I wouldnt hesitate to go for a double 1 drop play, especially when they go space with cartel like he did, but I was patient and held back the Leia playing only spec force. This slowed my damage down for sure but not by much, and all of it was made up for when my opponent went for the Leader flip turn hopping to untap and Overwhelming Barrage me. Leia said no and its on to game 2. Theres not a lot to report with this one, I ran away in space and my opponents removal did not line up.
Sabine(Y) VS Sabine(R) - Sabine(Y) 2-1
I really want to shoutout my opponent, they traveled from Reno to attend this event and they really helped to make it memorable for me and my crew. I have nothing but amazing things to say about my opponent and we both walked away learning a lot from each other. While in general I believe that my deck is the fastest deck and will always win a straight race, Aggression made took me for a ride. Mono red seems very good at keeping up with yellow and their ace card aggression lines up very well into me. One of the things that makes Bamboolze and Leia so good is that they can advance my game state at the same time as I am stymieing my opponents. Well it turns out Aggression Does that really really well. Deal 4 + Untap a unit is absolutely brutal in terms of tempo. I was able to squeek in the last points of damage each round I won but it was always by just 1 action all 3 games. These decks line up into each very well making for a super cool match up. We talked a lot after that round and while we both very much like the Mono red option, Yellow lines up better into the field. They are taking our list to some big events coming up and I could not be more excited to see how they do.
Leia Red(Kestro) VS Sabine(Y) - Sabine(Y) 2-0
Leia Leia Leia, what can I say about her? I have a lot of mixed thoughts on this deck. I think I am currently on the side of Leia not being that great of a deck. Not necessarily because its weak, but other decks can do what it does without the weaknesses that Leia suffers. In this match up they are the control deck, I am much much faster than them and my units pretty much all line up equally or better into theirs. In game one I am able to run away on the ground with Leia Spec force T1 into their Partisan Insurgent. They have no trades available without first playing a red unit, leaving me wide open to fleet lieutenant the insurgent and take control of the arena. From there the race is mine and I end the game on T4. Game 2 was very very close, their cards lined up into mine much better this game making it extremely hard to keep units on the board. I had already commited to the race here and just dug my heels in deeper. It was very nearly not enough as I put my opponent to 24 with no cards left in my hand and a wing leader + buffed sabine left. After a very difficult turn I manage to calculate the damage and put us in a spot where I cannot be killed by any 1 action only 2. With me at 18 life and them with a 4 attack and 5, even a rebel assault was not lethal but I was at the mercy of my top deck. They put me into lethal range but fortunantly for me Heroic Sacrific came off the top to clinch the victory. The 30 Health base makes this match up much scarier than normal. A few Leias have been running 30 health recently and that has changed my thoughts on the match up pretty heavily. I still think we are very favored but not to the extent if they where playing Tarkin Town.
Sabine(Y) VS Sabine(Y) - Sabine (Y) 2-1
The final match of the tournament, at this point with 3/3 of our team in top 4, we couldn't have been happier. Seeing as it was 3 teammates, we opted to split with the 4th player on board as well. My round 5 Opponent was in the top cut with us making it an easy choice. We did decide to play it out atleast. I proceeded to get pretty exposed here. We talked and practiced together constantly but weren't really running Sabine mirrors over and over against each other. This lead to us all kind of coming to different conclusions on how to deal with the mirror and gaps in our plans. All day I did very little trading and focused entirely on squeezing the absolute maximum damage every turn. Even in aggro mirrors I always took the role of the aggro deck. This teammate was the opposite, they LOVE trading and they are very good at it. Its very easy to make a wrong move trading and find yourself short the damage you need or losing your tempo entirely. In a few tournaments leading up to this I had struggled with the trading gameplan against other aggro decks. Sadly I wasnt really capable of recognizing this going into the event so I never really practiced with that in mind. All that to say, my gameplan crumbled to them. Looking back I certainly see some mistakes, and there was a pretty big misplay in game 2 that may or may not have won me the game. However my opponent did not make mistakes and was able to capitalize earning them a well deserved victory. The other top 4 match wrapped up shortly after leaving only 2 Sabine(Y) players in the finals. This round was not played, and the honorary victory went to the Teammate who beat me in top 8.
Well that was a lot of text, I hope by sharing my experiences all of us can potentially learn something and become better at this game as a community. Again massive shout outs to Gamers Guild AZ for consistently hosting great events and having the communities back from day 1. The AZ Scene would not be what it is without Gamers Guild! Secondly the Mono Red Sabine Player, he really deserve a shout out aswell for being such a cool dude. This guy is taking the 3 boxes they won back to their community and making sure it gets into their hands at a fair price. If thats not one of the sweetest things I dont know what is, these boxes sell for 250 easily but somethings are far more important than that.
Final Thoughts
I love this game so much, the depth is astounding. The fact the meta can shift as much as it has and will continue to in just one set is very impressive to me. The balance is very good with only a few outliers, one of those being the deck we played this weekend. It boggles my mind that Sabine(Y) is so slept on. I have numerous downvotes in this sub from talking about how Sabine(Y) is far superior to (G). Slowly but surely people are coming around but even the Yellow lists that have done well seem to be missing key pieces that elevate them over Green. The Sabine(Y) at Kissime for example was running something like 1 greedo, 0 sneak attacks and while it was a solid list, its missing what makes Yellow not only good but oppressive. The amount of reach we have is unparalleled for the cost. Cards like Suprise Strike and For a cause are great but when paired with Sneak Attack + Fleet Lieutenant, you can very easily suprise your opponent with more damage than they can come back from. On top of that the utility present in the list between Leia and Bamboozle lets us leverage extreme tempo plays that most decks are not equipped to deal with. We truely believe this is the BEST deck in the format with a 55%+ win rate vs the entire current meta. This could change with shifts or new discoveries so I will not claim it is the best deck of the set. If you do not believe me please play it yourself and witness what it can do personally. A small disclaimer, this deck is not easy. You will constant be given multiple options that all seem equally correct but are not. This is not just a turn your cards sideways and you win deck, while it can like any other aggro deck do that, this deck wins with planning and outmanouvering your opponent more than anything else.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, even if it was only a little bit. I will be active in the comments and welcome any and all discussion. I love talking and learning about this game so please do so with me!
submitted by Doctorbatman3 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:45 Networkdavit Question regarding PSN account

Long story short, I googled this like for 7 days but still couldn't find the exact answer. I am from a country with unsupported PSN, and I know I can just open a fake account but I can't add payment method and I also I heard sony bans people who fake their information. Now if I made a PSN account, I could probably find a ps plus gift card or whatever, all I really want from PSN is helldivers 2, rest of the games I like are offline, could this cause a ban of account or ps5 console in general?
submitted by Networkdavit to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:45 SelmanSMAN Scammers at game

Hi, i need to try warning everyone about scammers at game. Few days ago i got some whisper at Valdrakken. She says "i am a new at game and don't have a friends to ask them" and i try to help her after this. She was give me discord tag immediatly. Another day she write me again and ask few things about game and i was helped hew again. After little talk at discord DM, she want a my whatsapp. After this moment, this story turn to "pig butcher" operation. You can google it this name for more info. I block her everywhere after making sure. They was use facebook, tinder, twitter or other social media but i think they start to use World of Warcraft too.
Don't fall for the bait. Yesterday I saw the same character in Valdrakken and whispered to the person she was targeting. Warn him about scam. Be careful and have a good game.
submitted by SelmanSMAN to wownoob [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:45 BlossomDixie Something I've stewed on.

Long story short, I was with a very violent, abusive, and alcoholic PA.
I see a lot of posts and I feel the pain of wanting to control the situation and what your partner is exposing themselves to, however it doesn't ever work. A PA is going to seek it out in any way, on any platform, or in real life (work, shopping, friends, really any situation.)
The only thing you have tangible control over is what you allow for yourself. No bond or "what if they change" would ever change the reality of my situation. The good news is that your partner has already hurt you so much that the idea of them being without you doesn't sting as much. You know what they do the second they are alone. The only thing you can do is heal from your hurt and move forward with your life.
I hope you all can get out and live a beautiful life. The anger will be there, the insecurity from not being "enough" will subside. It isn't YOUR fault and it is not YOUR responsibility to be in a relationship that you are unappreciated, disrespected, or taken advantage of. Please just know that as much as they refuse to change, you have the opportunity to change without them and succeed and heal in ways that seem impossible right now.
submitted by BlossomDixie to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:45 Mursingstudent11 Career advice?

This is my first post here so I do apologize if this isn't allowed, I just don't know where to turn and figured I'd hope for the best with this:
Long story short, in December of 2022 I graduated college with a BSN. However, the year prior I suffered a very bad injury and I was advised by multiple doctors and physical therapists to avoid bedside nursing as it will only cause more pain and discomfort (I also have lifting restrictions around 100 lbs, so I am worried about patient safety as well). I failed my NCLEX the first time I took it and it made me unhappy so I decided to try finding a job in the medical field just with my bachelor's degree, but had no luck (I searched for several months).
So I took an entry level position at a hospital in January of this year with hopes of sticking there for about a year before trying to find a promotion or higher. The job is a glorified secretary and honestly kills my mental health knowing I'm doing this when I am capable of so much more, it also seems like I get disrespected by clinical staff because they assume I'm just a secretary and don't know any better. I have tried contacting the nursing recruiter and explaining my situation, and suggested I contact several nursing floor managers to see if they have anything for me but I didn't want to bother them as I don't even know what position they could offer me. I also talked to the employee health program explaining everything and they had referred me to the nursing recruiter.
I don't even know what I'm really asking for, but does anybody have any advice on how I should move forward? What could I possibly do with a BSN but no bedside experience and physical limitations?
submitted by Mursingstudent11 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:44 VenturingBloke The digital transformation divide in Europe’s banking industry

Bank of America’s recent European fund manager survey points to a hopeful economic picture of growth for the continent.
According to the survey, fund managers have rediscovered their optimism, and gloomy predictions of recession seem to have been narrowly avoided.
Against this backdrop, European fintech is finding its footing once more. Thanks to an exemplary combination of resilient financial hubs and the brightest minds of tech in the region, the continent has fostered an ecosystem that is truly world leading. Fintech is empowering better financial choices and modernising day-to-day banking for Europeans.
As the birthplace of the neobank, Europeans have taken fintech in their stride. Neobanks are now even outpacing legacy banks in app adoption in the region. But while these indicators all appear positive, there are European nations that are yet to fully grasp the digital banking opportunity.
Europe’s digital growth story has regional differences. From Britain to the Balkans, there is a growing digital divide in a continent that is brimming with opportunity – but there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the European market.
Challenger banks are using innovative technology to provide country-specific banking tools to suit the specifications of their consumers. And it’s not only neobanks that are ahead of the curve – incumbents are also seizing the opportunity to bridge the financial exclusion gap.

Where does the digital divide lie?

Each nation has distinct nuances to take into account – specific regulatory environments, infrastructure, talent pools, and not forgetting socioeconomic and cultural factors.
Europe’s digital divide is a product of typical characteristics: internet connectivity, digital literacy, the availability of smartphones and digital devices. Disparities in broadband access in urban and rural communities remain stubbornly persistent. According to Eurostat, around 21% of rural households in the European Union do not have access to broadband internet, compared to only 2% of urban households.
In Romania, which ranked lowest on the EU’s Digital Economy and Society Index in 2022, the market is dominated by incumbent banks. Only 69.1% of adults hold a bank account, pointing to low levels of financial literacy and inclusion – underpinned by a preference for a cash economy.
In contrast, the UK has a rate of over 60% fintech adoption growth according to data from Tipalti, and Lithuania has established itself as an impressive fintech ecosystem backed by the nation’s central bank. However, it is too simplistic to reduce the digital divide to regional disparities, as the starker differences lie between countries themselves.

Regulatory environments and regional disparities

Navigating the regulatory architecture in each market is critical – regulators have shown they are not afraid to put pressure on those that seek to evade their parameters.
Supranational regulatory frameworks, such as the European Union’s Payment Services Directive (PSD2), aim to promote competition and innovation in the fintech sector while ensuring consumers’ data is protected. In the UK, the advent of the Kalifa Review in 2021 helped sharpen the focus on creating the regulatory conditions to enable growth in the sector.
There are a handful of national regulators in Europe that do not look too kindly on neobanks. Plus, there is a wariness around automated compliance and risk procedures, and a general nervousness around digital-only business models of neobanks. European nations that have been behind the curve are now playing catch up.

The case for financial inclusion

Some European citizens are facing disproportionate levels of financial illiteracy, and the urgent need for financial education in the region can be met by the neo and challenger banks.
Neobanks are known for their innovative tools that help in educating the public about financial services. Monzo, Revolut, Starling and Zing keep consumers notified of spending at each transaction – and provide prompts to consider budgeting options, spending habits and savings.
The advent of virtual cards allow for seamless e-commerce transactions and ease the management of expenses for individuals. Digitally enabled payments are serving a much greater purpose than meets than eye, by leveraging technology that facilitates financial inclusion.
Country-specific challengers stand a strong chance of directly addressing the pain points of consumers and focusing on financial education. Salt Bank, owned by incumbent Banca Transilvania, has launched as Romania’s first all-digital bank this year. With the backing of one of Romania’s largest banks, it has its sights set on onboarding the country’s unbanked and better serving the digitally savvy.
Similarly, in Greece, Piraeus Bank, a well-established institution in the country, announced in 2022 the impending launch of a digital independent bank in Greece. Snappi is still awaiting its European banking licence, but it promises to bring a digital-first experience to Greek consumers for the first time in the nation’s history. Locally focused challengers backed by traditional institutions benefit from historical trust with consumers and will likely stand the best chance of sustained success.
Europe’s financially excluded have a strong correlation with nations that have not yet experienced the full benefits of digital transformation in banking – or digital transformation more broadly. European governments, businesses and industry organisations all have a role. Digital and financial inclusion efforts must move faster for Europe to harness the full potential of the digital revolution for the continent’s unbanked in order to create a more inclusive society and prosperous economies.
submitted by VenturingBloke to fintechnews [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:43 Excellent-Spite3515 That party holds the key to Noah's murder.

He was killed at that party and maybe even dragged behind a vehicle to make it look like a hit and run.
But the kids failed to dress him and put BOTH his shoes on and throw a pair of Jack's shorts near the body?
My gosh, either this boy was tortured by his friends or there was a dare that went horribly wrong.
And it's pretty clear (IMO) that an adult came to the house and helped the kids and cleaned up everything and anything incriminating.
They had time before his body was found to cover their a**** and come up with a story.
I can hear these kids parents saying "we have good kids, we can't let one accident ruin their entire life" BS!!!! There are consequences for your actions, accident or not. A person was murdered and lost his entire life BECAUSE OF THOSE KIDS.
I can't believe it's been 8 months and none of these kids have incriminated themselves. The only thing to keep kids from talking is $$$$$$......
submitted by Excellent-Spite3515 to NoahPresgrove [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:43 pavlokandyba Nibiru in New Testament

Zecharia Sitchin did an amazing job, but it is surprising that he left the New Testament texts without much attention. The information contained in them, after some amendments, significantly complements the hypothesis of the planet Nibiru and makes it more reasonable. The New Zavaet contains some astronomical details and sheds a lot of light on past and future events. The considerations that will be discussed contradict some of Sitchin's statements, but this does not pose much of a problem. I managed to find the contacts of Zecharia Sitchin's brother, who helped him with astronomical calculations and will share his ideas. He briefly thanked me for the information and said that such changes could well be made. This is not surprising because even modern astronomers, using advanced computer models, are faced with a lack of data for accurate long-term forecasts. The very first New Testament evidence of Nibiru, from which the New Testament actually begins, is the Star of Bethlehem. To date, there are several hypotheses about the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. It is assumed that it was an unknown comet or a supernova explosion, but these versions do not have sufficient confirmation.
Nevertheless, Vallaam's "star prophecy" from the Old Testament book of numbers foreshadows the event: "I see Him, but not yet; I see Him, but not close. A star rises from Jacob."
What is known about the Star of Bethlehem from the New Testament?
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, magicians from the east came to Jerusalem and said: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? for we have seen his star in the east and have come to worship him—Matt. 2:1-2
They, having listened to the king, went. And behold, the star that they saw in the east went before them, until at last it came and stood over the place where the Child was. — Mf. 2:9-11
It is also known that having fulfilled its purpose, the star disappeared from the sky when the Magi came to Jerusalem so that Herod could not see it, and then returned again. Some apocryphal texts contain astronomical details not found in the canonical gospel. Usually, the Star of Bethlehem is spoken of briefly, but the First Gospel of James describes it this way: “His star rose bright, and it so surpassed all other stars in heaven in its brightness that they were no longer visible.”
In addition, the star also had other unusual features, because of which St. John Chrysostom and Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria considered it to be a divine power: When you hear about a star, do not think that it was one of the ones we see: no, it was a divine and angelic power that appeared in the form of a star. Since the Magi were engaged in the science of the stars, the Lord led them with this, for them a familiar sign, just like Peter the fisherman, amazing with many fish, attracted to Christ. And that the star was the power of an angel is evident from the fact that it shone brightly during the day, walked when the Magi walked, shone when they did not walk: especially from the fact that it walked from the north, where Persia, to the south, where Jerusalem: but the stars never travel from north to south. - Theophylact of Bulgaria
To summarize: the star appeared in the east, was unusually bright so that it was visible during daylight hours and moved from north to south. For a while she disappeared from the sky but then reappeared.
Now let's put aside this information for a while and consider another astronomical phenomenon from the New Testament - a solar eclipse during the crucifixion of Christ, which occurred according to the scripture in 33 AD. Most of the texts only briefly say that darkness has come. The Gospel of Nicodemus reports the following details: “It was the sixth hour and darkness descended on the earth, even until the ninth hour. The sun darkened, and now the veil in the temple was torn into two parts from top to bottom. In the Gospel of Peter it is written as follows: "It was noon, and darkness found over all Judea,
Many went out with lamps, thinking that night had come... And at that moment the veil of the temple of Jerusalem was torn in two. And they took the nails out of the hands of the Lord and laid Him on the ground, and the earth shook, and there was great fear. And the sun shone again, and it turned out that it was already the ninth hour."
And Pilate, interrogating the Jews, said to them: “Did you see what happened?” And they answered the ruler: "The sun is eclipsed as it usually happens."
Thanks to the astronomical calculations carried out by scientists, it is reliably known that at that time a solar eclipse by the Moon could not have occurred. But at the same time, the New Testament claims that it happened and at the same time was unusually long.
Now we already have two evidence of unusual astronomical events, which have not yet been confirmed explanation. How do these events relate to Zecharia Sitchin's speculation about Nibiru's orbit? According to Sitchin, Nibiru has a retrograde (counterclockwise) elongated orbit at an angle to the plane of the eclipticti. At the same time, Nibiru appears in the northern hemisphere, and, crossing the plane of the orbits of the solar system, moves away in the southern. Considering that, according to the New Offset, the Star of Bethlehem was visible in the light time of day, then we can conclude that Nibiru appeared in the solar system from the direction of the sun relative to the Earth and, having a retrograde orbit, moved towards the Earth. Then given the Earth's rotation, it should have become visible from about the wee hours of rising in the east! With sufficient brightness, it could be seen after dawn, then became invisible due to sunlight and went beyond the western horizon. After that, at dawn, it again rose in the east. And moving from the northern hemisphere to the southern one, each time it gradually shifted from north to south. Now about the eclipse - could it happen due to the fact that Nibiru passed between the Sun and the Earth? According to the hypothesis of Zecharia Sitchin, Nibiru crosses the solar system in the asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Mars. This makes it impossible for the eclipse of the Sun by the planet Nibiru. Based on the previously proposed model, Nibiru, having appeared from the direction of the Sun, should, after its appearance, go around the earth and become visible at night throughout its stay in the solar system, which, according to Sitchin, lasts about 30 years.
But there is another possible option. In order for it to be possible, it is necessary to slightly correct the hypothesis of the collision of Nibiru with Tiamat and the formation of the Earth. The initial conditions remain the same. In place of the asteroid belt beyond the orbit of Mars was the large water planet Tiamat, in the current orbit of the Earth was the Moon. Nibiru burst into the solar system along an elongated retrograde orbit at an angle to the plane of the ecliptic and passed next to Tiamat, driving its satellites into it - 4 vortices from the Sumara poem about the creation of the world. Because of this, one part of Tiamat broke off and became an asteroid belt, and the other received a huge depression in the place of the Pacific Ocean and was thrown into the orbit of the Moon, where it is now becoming the Earth.
The correction that should be made to this theory concerns the orbit of Nibiru. The Earth's orbit is quite natural - having received a counter blow, it lost speed and began to fall into a lower orbit around the Sun. On the way, she was picked up by the Moon and she remained in the same orbit with her. As for Nibiru, as a result of the collision, she also received an impulse and her orbit also had to change and no longer pass through the asteroid belt. Instead, it may have, like the Earth, lost speed and switched to a lower orbit, approaching in its perihelion closer to the Sun than the Earth picked up by the Moon. Thus, there is a possibility that Nibiru can pass between the Earth and the Sun and cause an eclipse.
Prophet Amos:
"And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down at noon, and darken the earth in the midst of the bright day."
Prophet Zechariah:
"And it will be in that day: there will be no light, the luminaries will be removed. This day will be the only one known only to the Lord: neither day or night; only in the evening will light come." Now the question arises - how close can a giant planet come to Earth for a long solar eclipse to occur and not cause a catastrophe? The Bible does not speak of any catastrophic events other than the torn veil of the temple. They are also not mentioned in history, although it is known about earthquakes in Israel before and after these events with an interval of several centuries, but not during them. Only favorable and non-catastrophic floods in the Nile are known from 30 BC. e. and until 155
At the same time, the distance at which Nibiru should approach the Earth so that its apparent size is equal to the size of the Sun and closes it is about 7,000,000 km. This is much more than the distance to the Moon of 384,400 km, but still such a proximity to the giant planet raises serious concerns. Doubting my assumptions, I asked this question to various people somehow connected with astronomy and their opinions were very divided. Most, of course, supported the opinion that the appearance of Nibiru in the solar system is catastrophic in itself. In fact, this question is not unambiguous. According to some estimates, in order for a planet the size of Nibiru to pass between the sun and the Earth without consequences, it could be between Venus and Mercury (this is about 50,000,000 km). Most likely, this would only cause the acceleration and deceleration of the Earth, the same as when it approached with the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn, which is almost imperceptible to us. The only problem is that at this distance, Nibiru will cover only a very small part of the Sun and this eclipse will be almost invisible. This does not at all coincide with the biblical text, which says that darkness enveloped the earth from noon to the ninth hour. This is much longer than the two hour duration of a normal eclipse and means that Nibiru must have passed very close.
Another opinion is that passing from the Earth at a distance of 7,000,000 km, Nibiru will not cause any catastrophic consequences.
The fact that Nibiru moves in a retrograde orbit opposite to the Earth significantly reduces the time spent by the planets close to each other. This reduces the interaction time of gravitational forces. If the planets were moving towards a meeting fast enough , they could simply slip through each other by inertia. If you take a magnet and move it quickly past another magnet, the attraction you feel will be short-lived and not at all the same as if you do it slowly. Of course, this will cause some deviations in the speed and orbit of the planets. The orbit of the Earth will become a little closer to the Sun, this will only affect as a warming of the climate with consequences like floods in the Nile and no more.
It looks like this assumption will be the subject of endless criticism, but it gives something else. First, it removes the controversy from Sitchin's flood hypothesis. He wrote that the Flood was caused by the approach of the Earth to Nibiru, which caused the glaciers to split. Such an approach would not be possible if Nibiru crossed the solar system in the asteroid belt, much further than the safe distance. It is quite another matter when Nibiru almost crosses the orbit of the Earth.
Secondly, it gives a different chronology for the appearance of Nibiru in the solar system, which roughly coincides with some significant events. Moreover, this version differs from Stchin's chronology by only about 500 years. This may well be explained by Nibiru's high-altitude years, which average 3600 years, or by a gradual change in its orbit. Such a disparity could well have developed over a long period of time.
If we take the year 0 of the birth of Christ as the starting point and count back two periods of 3600 years, we get an interesting coincidence. Around 7500 B.C. (a difference of 200 years) climate changes have occurred on Earth, which are associated with a global cataclysm. In 7220 BC. e. there was an eruption of Mount Edgecumb volcano in Alaska and a large outflow of fresh water from the Black Sea into the Aegean Sea, which could be the result of the approach of Nibiru. And the greatest cataclysm occurred in 7640 BC. e. There is a theory that Tolman's hypothetical comet hit the Earth, but little is known about this.
3879 years after that, in 3761 BC. e., according to the Bible, the creation of the world took place. After 3761 years, year 0 has come - a new starting point has been assigned. These intervals differ from the period of 3600 years by a couple of centuries, which may have different explanations. One way or another, the next appearance of Nibiru should occur around the year 3600.
This is not the only information from the New Testament texts. They contain other interesting records that can shed light not only on the past of human civilization, but also on the future. Indeed, in this case, the New Testament is the message of the Anunnaki specifically to us, people living today. This is exactly what its name implies
submitted by pavlokandyba to StrangeEarth [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:43 luckycat288 My mom asked to see the letter I wrote for my therapist

My mom after 2 years of no contact finally asked why and asked I write a letter if I needed to. Unbeknownst to her I already did. With nothing to lose I sent it over. After all of it she responded by saying “you act like there were no good times” and “well I don’t remember that” when she asked how we can moved forward I told her she needs to go to therapy to which she replied “only if you go with me.” However, I have already done the work so I told her “why would I hold your hand through your journey when you were never there for mine?” I guess I’m asking for someone to read my letter and give me the comfort I will never receive- *names have been changed for privacy.
Words that seem impossible to say in person almost seem unthinkable when faced with them on a page. My distance over the last few years may have spoken volumes. But I thought it best to lay it on the line in a different way than I’ve tried many times in the past. I hope the years of therapy have given me enough tools to effectively communicate in a way both of us can process.
For the first 25 years of my life I was constantly in a state of fight or flight (hypervigilance) which has led to a diagnosis of Complex PTSD, Generalized anxiety, depression, anxious attachment and OCD tendencies. It wasn’t until the shock of my divorce that I was able to recognize the severity of my symptoms and seek help. Today, I feel the happiest and most confident i ever have but it’s come at the cost of some relationships. Ours being one of them.
To truly understand me you need to hear all the things I’ve never said. And it isnt to criticize or belittle you but to finally tell you how I feel without people pleasing. Without burying my own feelings in fear of yours. Because “I did my best” and “I must be a terrible mother,” simply won’t do anymore. Because to move past the past I need to actually tell you about my past. My worst fear is that you finish this letter and not understand the way I’d hoped. Fear that you’ll never really acknowledge your faults. I know I have many.
You once asked me when “my sister” tried apologizing for calling me a whore- “what do you want her to do, grovel?” And no, I’ve never wanted either of you to grovel. I just wanted to feel seen.
——— So let’s start at the beginning.
One of my very first memories was sitting down with my purple bear as you broke the news of your divorce. I was so confused I dissociated into the tv behind you. I don’t think it really sunk in until we were on our way to meet my new step dad. It all happened in what feels like a couple of weeks. A whirlwind. Then however many months later Dad got a call from grandmas causing Dad to frantically rush us to your friends house and leave us there. I didn’t know what emotions to feel so I felt all of dads. Anger, confusion, sadness, frustration but mostly confusion. He returns with police and handcuffs. Already before I turned 8 I had experienced divorce, negative police attention, a new dad, a new family, a new house, a new school and even death. Emotions so strong that I couldn’t grasp them.
For the first 10 years of my life I felt like I couldn't hold onto anything except anger. My dad became a shell who was just as lost as I was. A man who could confidently tell his 10 year old daughter “well when you shoot yourself it would only hurt for a millisecond.” I’d hear his heart bleed for you or my sister when she stopped wanting to see him and the burden fell on me. “So she’s not coming with you? Why’s that?” Then I’d come back home to feel like you were so wrapped up in your happy marriage to the one who got away that you let me get away instead. I learned how to swim on my own, I never learned how to ride a bike (13 is way too old and I was embarrassed it took that long to make it a priority), and every core memory I have only involves my step dad. After we moved I don’t remember stories being read to me, being tucked into bed, kisses or cuddles. I remember learning my lessons and habits from tv, movies or a school counseloteacher. I remember singing songs that could say all the words I couldn’t but no one ever listened.
I remember going to Kohls with you and my sister; I slammed my hand in the car door and your first reaction was “ughhh.” Like you thought I was exaggerating until you saw my hand when we got home. I remember one night not being able to sleep so I came to you and laid in your bed. You snapped at me and said “stop fidgeting!” I was so taken aback I laid awake staring at the wall. I felt so alienated from everyone. From my siblings tying me up in a chair and left for hours to being deceived into a toy chest so my sister could sit on it. Or feeling like a nuisance everytime I had a big emotion I didn’t understand.
I remember my siblings always mocking me for my innocence so I tried my best to be mature. You’d eventually ask me “where’d my innocent little girl go?” But I don’t think there was much innocence to begin with. ———— When I start middle school all of the emotions I had bottled up started to seep through the surface. I started to lash out and do things most kids my age wouldn’t have. I met people who gave me an attention I had never known before. People who wanted to get to know me. People who complimented me and gave me reassurance. But I quickly learned no one really cared at all. People are selfish, envious, and callous.
Meeting “insert boy name” was the first time I felt seen. He had come from a childhood not too different from mine and held me in a way I’d never been held. I felt safe. But on that particular day the tone had changed.
When I was 12 years old I was raped.
I couldn’t process what happened as it all happened so quickly. It started as a walk home and ended in a sprint. I ran up to my room as quickly as I could and hid the bloodied underwear in the bottom dresser drawer; scared someone would find them.
Honestly, I didn’t feel like I had an emotional connection to anyone in our home. Whenever I did have an emotional outburst it was typically met with harsh words sometimes so bad even my step dad would go “okay mom , that’s enough.”
Sometimes it was even met with a slap.
It was rare we even talked about feelings and what I did share was shoved back in my face. I felt like I had nowhere to turn. The one person I felt safe with had just taken advantage of me and I had no idea what that meant. So in my trauma I associated sex with love and I kept going back for more abuse. Reluctantly I confided in someone who I thought was my friend. My confusing emotions were about to boil over but it forced me to learn a hard lesson. You can only count on yourself. Almost immediately after returning to school I felt everyone’s eyes on me. I walked down the hallway and heard people mutter under their breath. Even “boys name” was with his friends laughing at me. Pretending like I didn’t exist until we were alone. But I still went back for more. I felt beaten down, but unbeknownst to me that wasn’t the worst of it. For months I had people write nasty things on my locker and social media, trip me down stairs and throw food at me. I even had multiple older men including my sisters friend “insert male pedo name” make sexual advances at me. I felt like life had gotten out of control and I had no one to turn to until I was finally confronted. After we went to the principal and I was able to go home for lunch I started to dissociate and numb myself because nothing changed. I went through all that and was strong enough to speak up but I was still being ostracized and humiliated. I felt so alone and helpless. The only people who would talk to me were other “bad kids,” so that’s what it appeared I became. I’m sure you thought I was doing drugs or drinking but I never did. The most alcohol I had before 16 was a wine cooler with dad and a swig of McGuilycuddys from grandma's fridge. I’d sit there while my friends smoked weed because I still had hope that I was “above that.” I was so strong for so long with no escape.
When I was about 13 it was time for new jeans. I started to grow hips and what you referred to as “my bubble butt.” Just like everyone else you started to value my body. When you asked to go into the fitting room with me my will was never strong enough to say no. When the size 3 didn’t fit you should’ve seen your face. Your eyes widened and your mouth opened. As you went to grab the 5 I cried in the fitting room. It was that moment I started comparing myself to my sister. It must have been a shock to know your other daughter wore something bigger than a size 0. For many years after you would make comments about the food I was eating and offer advice to lose weight; all unsolicited. The comments continued for so long I figured whatever I was doing was wrong so I started to purge and skip meals to please you. But even that didn’t work. You still made comments, sometimes even in front of my friends. If it hadn’t been for my best friend at the time teaching me that’s not how a mom speaks to a daughter I would’ve continued to purge.
When I lost that friend I lost whatever hope I had left.
By the time I had turned 16 I had given my body away countless times. They were the only ones to appreciate it. Everyone including my own mother tore me down until there was nothing left. By this time you had already bought me weight loss pills and offered all sorts of ideas to lose weight; none including your support. By this time I had also shut you out. But at 13 I would’ve jumped at the idea of walking or swimming with you. We never did much together though. I’m not sure you knew me well enough to know what kind of activities I even enjoyed. It was always my responsibility alone to lose the weight I didn’t even realize I didn’t need to lose. But then again, you put me in therapy when I’m not sure I was the only one who needed it.
My eating disorder has morphed over the years. At one point I read that coffee grounds and Saran Wrap would get rid of cellulite. So at 16 I was doing a full workout in my bedroom covered in Saran Wrap, pjs and a full sweatsuit on top. I would fall asleep like this while wrapping myself in yet another layer.
I was 125 pounds at my smallest and it took hell to get there both times.
Even at my skinniest I loathed myself. I looked in the mirror with disgust. But this new boyfriend didn’t. He could throw me on the ground and give me bruises. He could tell me not to wear makeup to school because I was “asking for it.” He could take pills and call me a whore in a haze. But at least he thought I was beautiful.
By the time I was 18 I was using whatever I could to numb the pain. Sex, alcohol, drugs, cutting. Suicide was always on my mind. Had I not been scared of going to hell I probably would’ve succeeded. I got my first STD the year before from a boy who denied any wrongdoing and told the whole school I gave it to him. History repeating itself. Soon after that I started dating another boy who unbeknownst to me, was addicted to heroin. Who would’ve thought you could manage a Family video and still be a drug addict? I remember sleeping over at his house one night and he came to me at 10pm saying his friend was stranded and he needed to borrow my car so I said “of course!” Who was I to not offer a helping hand? I went to sleep and woke up in the morning to no call or text. He didn’t return my calls or car until almost 9am because he was too busy getting high. Later that day when I found paraphernalia I knew I had to confront him. He must’ve been on a bender because when I returned he was so erratic that it scared me. He grabbed me and threw me on the bed yelling all the same things I’ve always heard. “You’re a whore! You mean nothing!” Shortly after we broke up I began dating another guy I met at Family Video. He also had an issue with drugs but with it being marijuana I really didn’t care. Much better than heroin. There was one day we laid on the couch and his friend came over to buy drugs. When he left we heard the loudest bang I’ve ever heard at the door. Within seconds the house was surrounded and I was thrown to the ground. The contents of my purse strewn around the living room with an assault rifle in my face. I sat in handcuffs for hours until they realized I had nothing to do with it. Needless to say, Family Video fired me for being too unreliable. By this time I was on such autopilot I couldn’t even register the trauma building and building. The only people who would listen had ulterior motives and never for the better. Surprisingly it wasn’t until after I broke up with him that I smoked weed for the first time.
I remember the day you kicked me out. I couldn’t make sense of all the trauma I’d experienced. It seemed everytime my emotions bubbled up to an outburst you couldn’t handle it. And on this day you finally reached your limit. I was 19 and was screaming for someone to listen; as I always did. You always pushed so I always pulled and eventually I just let go. Your face was bright red as you helped me pack my things. But all I wanted was for you to tell me to stop. Again you were blinded by your rage due to emotions I never learned to control. I ran downstairs with my garbage bags and Kacie stared at me like a leper. Yet again I felt alienated. But you two always had each other. I always had Dad. He always loved me and told me I was beautiful. He always said he just wanted me to be fat and ugly so he could protect me forever. Without Dad and my brother I wouldn’t be here today. He might not have been perfect but I never questioned his love for me. And for us- this was the last nail in the coffin.
———— Living with Dad was the first time I felt like I could live the way I wanted to. I felt free. Until my HSV diagnosis. I thought my world was over but in hindsight it seems like the most insignificant part of my life.
When I finally came back home I felt like you wanted this relationship we didn’t have the foundation to support. My whole life you have consistently made comments like “I’ll pay for your lipo if you promise to keep it off.” You’d accuse my weight being the reason for constant back or knee pain. Not the multiple accidents I’ve been in or the career I chose. Comments that invalidated any safe relationship I could have had with you.
When I lost the weight after my marriage you were so happy you could’ve jumped over the moon. Even though I lost the weight you so desperately wanted me to, you still made comments. “You started to look like your half sister” Because your love always felt conditional. Even if you knew the purging and days I went without a meal to get there it’s hard to believe you’d even bat an eye. I felt like you’d rather be oblivious to the truth as long as I was skinny. But it makes sense. You’d always be sure to tell me stories of your “thunder thighs” in high school. You taught me at a young age that a silly comment like that (like when a guy called me cottage cheese thighs) would be something to carry into your 40s rather than laughing at their stupidity.
I know now I am much more than the body you’ve always reduced me to.
At the pinnacle of my life, my divorce. I looked to you for advice having been through it as well. You knew how unhappy I was. That he didn’t have motivation to find a counselor, his drinking- everything mirrored your relationship with dad. But you still pushed me to work it out. What I really wanted was to hear what a great decision it was to leave Dad. That you were better off. To jump in the hopes of happiness. When I decided I was going to jump for myself and be with “T” you were understandably skeptical. But when I brought him back around, you mentioned that we weren’t anything like you and my step dad. You were trying to reduce my feelings for him. It dug deep to know you could never be happy for me. It wasn’t until it was a sure thing and we’d been together for a year did you ever acknowledge the relationship was close to the same caliper of your relationship. Even though we had literally all the same circumstances. I just didn’t have children.
I quickly realized most of our conversations were focused on other people and gossip. Our relationship felt hollow. I’m not sure you ever really got to know me. Even today you believe I have the same preferences I did when I was 8. I grew but I don’t know that you ever grew with me. It was never my responsibility as a child to create relationships with my parents. So today when you want to be my friend- there’s not a whole lot to build on. We would have to start from scratch.
You never fully acknowledged anything I ever brought up that hurt me. Just brushed it off like “well I did my best!” And sure, you did the best with the information you had at the time but that shouldnt discredit the effect it had on me.
Because of all I’ve mentioned I always internally knock myself down. Until now. I’ve had to look in the mirror every day and tell myself I’m worthy even if I’m a few pounds heavier than you’d approve of. But I still hear your voice- “you know you can really see the weight in your face.” I’ve had to rewire my brain to recognize physical touch didn’t always have to be sexual. I still struggle with anxious attachment in fear everyone’s going to leave or my emotions will scare them away. I still go into a panic when I see someone’s moods change because unpredictability means danger.
I was raised by the men I chose and picked apart their personalities until I didn’t recognize myself. But now I finally do.
It upsets me when you take credit for how well I turned out because it was my strength that pulled me through all that tried to pull me down. And unfortunately that includes you.
I will always love you because you are my mother but I need you to face my truth. I know I will sit and ponder giving you this letter in fear of your reaction but I know in order for us to move on, if at all, you have to finally see me.
submitted by luckycat288 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:43 Tasty-Zombie-6332 Is it worth one more chance? I F 29 made the decision to separate from my husband M 28.

So I F 29 made the decision to separate from my husband M 28. We have been separated for about a month now, but I told him we could still do therapy because we had scheduled appointments prior to me asking to separate. We started therapy but I think it might be a little late for that. I feel like I’ve already made my mind up, but he is trying to be better now. He has been doing everything I had asked him to before. My thoughts are that maybe it’s my perspective and I need to work on adjusting it. Maybe i am to negative to be able to accept that he could actually change and I’m not willing to let things work out I feel this way is because if I forgive him for everything he has done to me or didn’t do that I asked. I feel like would be betraying myself. Communicated all of my feelings, wants and needs to him consistently. I asked him to help work on our relationship and he continued to abuse me emotionally, mentally and physically a few times. He has admitted now that he heard everything I said I needed and wanted from the relationship and that’s what he is using to work on himself. To me this says he heard everything i needed from him and he choose to ignore my needs and wants for the relationship. He did not want to be a partner he wanted to use me and my kindness and love to benefit him and not return anything to the relationship.
Most of the details of everything that has happened are below.
When we first started dating i asked him if he would be able to not to watch porn because it interfered with our sex life and his ability to preform he agreed he wouldn’t. Then Shortly after we bought our house we started having relationships issues and i asked if there was something going on and he said no i asked if there was anything i could do to make our relationship better he said no. I asked if he wasn’t attracted to me he said no. I asked if he was watching porn and he said no He’d say no to everything i asked. I would ask frequently because i knew something was going on. We were barely ever having sex, and I knew something was wrong, i was worried and trying to fix things so I’d bring it up over and over again I asked if he was less attracted to me, if there was something I could do to make things more interesting for him, I offered to watch porn for foreplay, and he said there was nothing wrong and i was just making him feel bad and trying to pressure him into sex, or making him feel guilty, said he just didn’t have much of a sex drive. So I felt bad stopped brining it up. He said nothing had changed and maybe i have brain tumor, he made me feel crazy for being worried and trying to fix the relationship. One of the times he pushed me up against a wall and was annoyed at me for trying to ask about what was going on. He lied to me over and over again. About the dumbest thing. Then like the week before our 1 year wedding anniversary right after we did family pictures he left his phone on the counter and i went to grab it to bring it to him and saw his app called secure folder and i went to open it and it has a password so i brought it over to him to put the password in he said he didn’t know what it was i said not to lie and open it he was shaking and freaking out so I knew it was bad, i thought he was cheating on me or something though and it was porn some of it questionable. It wasn’t like anything illegal or anything just made me question maybe he may be bi or gay. Which there is nothing wrong with that, but he’s always been pretty like homophobic which to me is a red flag. I see nothing wrong with being open and honest about the things you’re interested in. I was heart broken but didn’t feel crazy anymore at least. I didn’t understand so i did everything i could to be what i thouht he wanted and what he needed. I lost weight to not try not to have a weird tummy because that was something he mentioned when we first started dating, I did ask him if he had an issue with it but he said it was weird and unattractive which hurt. Losing the weight didn’t help make it more attractive he said. Again i asked. I got on medication to be less depressing and have less anxiety, i went to four different therapist, i did sexual things he said he wanted and was the reason he watched porn. I tried to do everything i could to be the best i could be for him. I have no like hard core feelings about porn, I had even offered to watch it with him. Like i don’t like the industry and I feel like it has unrealistic standards for sexual intercourse and there is a specific look that I don’t exactly like but i get that people enjoy it and it serves its purpose and can be used as a tool.
But he lied to me and he hurt me and manipulated me and I’ve really tired really hard to forgive him and get over it but he wasn’t even sorry when he got caught he was just upset he got caught it took him months to even apologize for it. He showed zero empathy the first few weeks. He said he didn’t regret it and wouldn’t go back in time and change things. He said he’d still be doing it now or he didn’t get caught. He had no remorse for months and now I don’t know if i can even trust myself, i know i can’t trust him. I should have trusted my gut, and myself but I doubted it because I wanted love so bad.
I feel like a big reason I let things go for so long is because he got in his motorcycle accident like a monthish after I found out. Part of me wonders if he did it on purpose but he said there’s not way he would do that. However i don’t trust him so who knows.
After awhile he did start to feel sorry. He has tried to make things better but it hasn’t been consistently. If I cried at all or got upset he would just ignore it or roll over and go to bed. He gets annoyed if i bring anything up I think we need to work on. He’s called me to emotional and depressing. He has gotten some what better and made more efforts to be part of my son’s life. He says he hasn’t lied to me about watching porn since that day. I had told him that If he wanted to watch it i told him it was okay I would just appreciate if he asked so i knew and didn’t think he was hiding things from me. He’s very picky about the times I can look at his phone and I’ve found website in his data usage history and he claims they’re pop ups. So i have lots of doubts thats true.
The questionable porn he was watching was trans porn, so I tried asked him about it and if he was bi maybe or if he had ever questioned his sexuality. I feel like those are completely normal things for people to do. I was just trying to understand. He got really mad and pushed me against the wall and yelled in my face. Like it’s completely okay if he is but I would rather find out now than go ten more years down the road and be left for a man or someone else like I guess maybe it shouldn’t matter what gender they are if he leaves me for someone but I feel like it would make me feel worse about myself if it was a man or a trans person. I’m not sure if that makes me a bad person.
He also will purposely ignore me if he doesn’t want to talk to me or if I ask questions he doesn’t want to answer and use it as like a weapon or something at least that how it feels. I’ve mentioned to him many times and told him I don’t like it and would like him to not do it and if he feels like he can’t talk about something to at least let me know hey i need sometime to think or i really don’t feel like talking right now. But he’ll still do it whenever there is something he doesn’t want to deal with.
Like 10 hours after I told him I wanted to separate he said he watched porn and told me. I felt like he did it because he thought it would upset me. It also made me feel like he had zero self control. I did tell him we could keep trying but we needed space and needed to go to therapy. He had previously refused to go. when i told him I wanted to separate he freaked out a little. And was upset obviously that happens when you get broken up with but he grabbed his gun and he left the house so I called his friends and his dad. Eventually he was okay and i made him give me the gun and I brought it over to a friends house so he doesn’t have it for anything dumb.
To lie about something so dumb and so simple and to make someone feel crazy because you want to watch porn instead of just being honest about it. It makes me wonder what else he’s lied about. Maybe it sounds dumb and not like a good reason to separate but he was my person and he lied to me with ease if he can do it about something so simple he could do it about anything. I trusted him and loved him and gave him everything and now I feel like a shell of the person i could be and i need to fix myself and be a good mom for my son.
It’s really crazy because basically until we bought our house everything was great. He spent time with me, sex was good, he hung out with me and my son and tried to build a relationship with him. I believe he was mostly honest and I actually felt like he loved me and cared about me. But when we moved everything changed he started lying, he stopped hanging out with me when I would have my son at least for the most part. He played his video games more and more as time went on. He got more angry and hid more things.
Also like two months ago I asked him to help clean up he said okay after his game he could have said no has many times before. I do pretty much all of the cleaning. He said yes came down stairs got pissed off he had to help clean and he broke one of the kitchen cabinets, broke the dish washer and dented the garbage can. So i left for the night with my son. And came back after i brought him back to his dads. My son wasn’t home when it happened thankfully but I know when people are physically abusive not that there have been many incidents or like big things but there have been red flags but they say it gets worse each time.
We have sat down and talked multiple times, I have suggested things to improve the relationship, have asked about going to therapy, he didn’t want to go i told him to do some research and try and find an alternative to therapy if he didn’t want to go. I feel like i have given him many chances to change and there have been some improvements but nothing consistently. Now that we’ve separated he has been trying more to be better, but I feel like I have given him so many chances to improve. I feel bad because he’s hurt. And like i thought that our love was real and I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. I don’t want to be twice divorced, i hate that i have spent so much time trying to make it work, and that i let someone hurt me so badly. I hate that i allowed my son have someone in his life that didn’t love him the way he deserves, I want to make sure I’m making the right decision because he’s not a bad person like he’s made bad decisions, but he’s never been in a relationship before and has never been around kids. I don’t like that I feel like i was a lesson for him. I don’t know if i should have ask to separate a lot longer ago to get him to make a change. I know i love him and i know he loves me. But i know it’s not the love i deserve. I don’t know if i should risk taking more time to give him the opportunity to improve or if I should just let him to now and move on and let him start to move on.
TLDR: husband lied to me and broke my trust manipulated, gas lit, I tired to work on things for over a year and a half nothing improved so I asked to separate, he asked for another chance and is actually making an effort. Is it worth another chance after constant manipulation.
submitted by Tasty-Zombie-6332 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:42 Historical_Finish719 Relapse

Hi I'm new to this group and not sure if there are rules on triggers or anything like that so please let me know. I wanted to share my story to see if anyone had any advice as I'm going through a pretty shitty time ATM I'll try not to make it too long.
5 years ago I had my first panic attack when I was extremely hungover in the middle of a city. It was a traumatic experience and pretty much started my agoraphobia. I quit my job, quit uni and couldn't leave the house on my own for months. I went to therapy did the exposure and within six months I had a new job and was dating but of course still struggled with a lot like eating at restaurants, car journeys and public transport. It took YEARS to get to where I was last year. I had the best year of my life last year. I'd been on a plane which I never thought I'd do and got to such a good point in my life that I moved abroad on my own and felt barely any anxiety. Which was a bit wild considering I'd never been abroad.on my own and I didn't know anyone.
It was such a huge leap for me but I was so proud of myself and had such an amazing year. Fast forward to two months ago I ended up in A&E from a really bad panic atrack that i had in my room (I live in a staff accomodation block). Immediately I felt all those feelings again from five years ago, except this time I was completely alone. My family are a plane ride away, all I have is a couple of work friends and my colleagues. Immediately I wanted to come home because the thought of going back to work terrified me. I felt like my life had just turned upside down so suddenly. BUT I couldn't get on a plane to get home so I kinda of stay and push through and by some miracle I actually was coping. I guess I learnt a lot from the last time and was so determined to not become agoraphobic again because I know how truly scary it can be.
I had already had a trip planned for home for now so decided to just stick it out until I came home. I got pills for the flight and managed to get home ok. I had a couple of panic attacks for the past two months but I dealt with them on my own and thought I was getting better. Now I'm home Ive had a good time, still struggling with some things but overall ok. Until today. I've had such a bad day with anxiety. I've not been able to go out, I can't even be alone without my parents here. I'm 24 and feel like I've just gone right back to square one. I'm due back at work next week, my flight is on Monday and I truly don't think I'm going to be able to do it.
If you haven't read all this I don't blame you but I guess I wanted to know if anyone has experienced a relapse and any advice on what to do I guess. I'm still in therapy. My main symptoms are tight chest and struggle with my breathing and I'm so scared to be alone. It's like I've just forgotten all my techniques and I don't get how I dealt with it better on my own in a different country to now in my family home. I don't want to end up ringing 999 again.
submitted by Historical_Finish719 to Agoraphobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:41 Southern_Problem2996 Can’t pray to my deity in BG?! Help!

Solved! I’ll leave this up in case it helps someone else find the info. Long story short, you automatically get the condition back after a long rest.
Thank you to u/PsionicOverlord for the info.
I went to Stormshore Tabernacle and paid the donation (level 12 so it was steep), and it told me I could come back every day to pray for the blessing. I did at the time I did the donation to get it for the day, but now it’s tomorrow.
I donated to Lethander (one of the Gods represented by the generic Statue of the Gods). Now when I go back to that statue, it just tells me my god is one among many, and only gives the option to Leave, not Pray or Donate. Any of the specific statues (like Mystra or Tyr) just give me the option to read the inscription or leave.
Any idea how to fix?
submitted by Southern_Problem2996 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:41 EnvironmentalBerry96 He ask when will it go back to normal? while i was naked

I 37f got married to my husband 36m early may 2022, after being together 3.5 years, we bad been trying for a baby for 2 and a half years, we had 6 miscarriages or 7 babies and were almost coming to terms with not having kids. 22 days after the wedding i got pregnant and he stuck. It was a hideous pregnancy, i lost 45 kg from hyperemesis gravidarum, its not just morning sickness, i am plus size but it almost killed me. i had a C-section because I couldn’t gather the strength to even consider giving birth naturally. Being so dehydrated my milk didn’t come in. Because of the weight loss i developed gallstones and was vomiting from that for 4 months until i had my gallbladder removed. I ended up with jaundice because the missed a bastard stone.
4 weeks later I accidentally got pregnant, the last thing i expected was for him to stick! Miraculously I didn’t get as sick this time, i was able to eat but i still didn’t gain any weight. It was a hard pregnancy Because I had a C-section 14 month prior there was a risk of rupture if i tried to give birth, hell there was a risk of rupturing just from the pregnancy. So i had a more complicated second C-section, the surgeon told me i cane close to rupturing and they needed to do a repair. I have managed to do some breastfeeding but like most things there have been complications.
So i’m 6 weeks postpartum he returns to work in the morning, I’m grabbing a shower because i have two under 16months to look after in the morning and my husband of 2 years (who i almost ban from the delivery room because of his dealings with my mil but that’s another story) i’m drying myself with my towel and he turns to me and says “when will it go back to normal?” I was taken aback “what?” “Your boobs and things?” I clipped back they won’t this is it and have been crying on and off since. I feel digesting and judged
submitted by EnvironmentalBerry96 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:40 VteChateaubriand Pastor forgot about confirmation

Long story short, he met his retirement age last year but chose to stay for another and will be in office until july-august this year, when new pastor arrives. I had a conversation with him last December about wanting to confirm myself as I now live relatively close to church. Our conversation went in circles for a few months, with him telling me each time to send him an email or message him to arrange it. Which I did several times. We ultimately finalized the date which was supposed to happen this Easter, along with baptism of one of our adult members. And having prepared for it and everything, I came that Sunday only for him to once again have no clue that Confirmation needed to take place (baptism went in good order!). He once again told me to send him a message, but after 6 months I got exhausted and I am thinking on just waiting until the new pastor arrives in a few months. Not holding any grudge against him obviously, it's just so unfortunate haha
submitted by VteChateaubriand to Lutheranism [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:39 IFunnyJoestar I had a quick Mauga rework idea based off of Mirrorwatch.

So people don't like playing against Mauga and even if I personally like playing as him, a lot of people don't. He's the least picked character in the game apparently, at least he was a short time ago. Well I had a rework idea inspired by Mirrorwatch.
What's wrong with Mauga:
Well as I see it, all he does is shoot. Overrun is the exception. His primary and secondary fire are shoot abilities. His passive and cardiac overdrive are just shoot to heal abilities. His ultimate is just a contained area to shoot more. I personally believe for Mauga to be healthier, easier to balance and more fun, one of these abilities needs to go. He needs something more engaging to use and play against. I choose to remove Cardiac Overdrive. Why? Because I believe I can give him a more interesting ability.
The ability idea: Thrown Obstruction:
This is based off of Zaryas ultimate in Mirrorwatch. As an ultimate it's pretty weak, it's a downgrade from grav. As an ability though, that could be pretty good. The idea is, Mauga throws a projectile forwards like a rugby ball. This projectile falls as it travels and on impact with a surface, enemy or after reaching a set distance it expands into an energy sphere. This sphere deals constant damage and knockback, not much damage through. The idea, like in Mirrorwatch, is that it constantly pushes enemies out of the energy sphere area. So basically Mauga can throw this down to deny an area and maybe prevent the enemy from pushing forwards. Him having an ability like would make him less of a stat monster and give him more skill as a hero.
I don't have any definitive stats but here's some base line ones. Something like this would have to be tested first obviously for better stats. The projectile has a 0.4 second cast time for him to throw the ball. The projectile travels at 40 meters a second. The projectile also falls at a rate of about 5 meters a second. The projectile is about 0.5 meters in radius. After 25 meters or so it turns into the energy sphere automatically. The energy sphere has a 6 meter radius and lasts 4 seconds. It deals 2 damage every 0.1 seconds, if an enemy is touching it. It also constantly deals 1 meter of knockback, pushing enemies out of it but not booping enemies. CC immunity abilities allow traversel through the sphere. It could have an 8 second cooldown. Also it would make sense if Cage Fight had priority, so it can't push enemies out of Cage Fight.
I think an ability like this would be a nice change for the character. Mauga would obviously need stat changes to go along with this ability. Maybe a buff to his passive to make up for the lack of self heal and damage resistance from Cardiac Overdrive. What do people think? Is this a sin to man kind or is it something cool? Either way it's just fun idea that'll never see the light of day. Thanks for reading.
submitted by IFunnyJoestar to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:38 StaringBlnklyAtMyNVL How to address toxic workplaces

I work in a field related to exercise and in my office there are so many people who take part in sports, fitness, exercise, etc. In my team's office in particular there is a near constant discussion of diets, calories, nutrients, weight loss, going to the gym, how many calories were burned that morning, why x food is unhealthy, why x food has too many carbs, why x fruit is bad but y fruit is good... you get the idea on just how obsessive the conversations get. It is on a whole other level than anything I've ever heard in a workplace before as far as "dieting talk" goes.
Short of going to my manager or HR and "coming out" as anorexic and demanding that these discussions stop, what can be done? I've asked people to stop in a joking way, told them how silly they're being when they start going into stupid detail about "oh, no tea for me today cause it'll increase my insulin levels and then I'll overeat..." and I've also tried wearing headphones all day but unfortunately I miss out on a lot of important work-related conversations by doing that, and then I'm left telling my manager "I didn't know that... oops."
Has anyone handled this before? Any ideas?
submitted by StaringBlnklyAtMyNVL to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:38 MysteriousTreacle146 I'm destined to suffer until I die

I wish I could tell you what I've been through but I can't. I wish my wounds can bleed into words but they're just gasping wide open. My blood has been dry for a while. And nothing can describe the pain my soul is in
My life has been nothing more than abuse and humiliation. Abandonment. Mockery for feeling basic human feelings and needs. I'm 20 and I've just realized that it's normal to express feelings. Because I'm human.
Or at least I'm supposed to be human. My humanity has been stripped away from me. Somedays I feel like a creature my own imagination has given birth to. Other days I feel like an alien. I'm pretty sure my life is a simulation. Nothing that is real can be so cruel. I'm a guinea pig for whoever the creator of this simulation is
I wonder if they're doing this for entertainment. Or a social experiment to see how much trauma it takes before a human being kills itself.
I was set to fail in the womb. I drew the short stick by being born to abusers. And that was just the beginning. And yet, as horrific as this beginning was, somehow it got worse. So much worse. So so so so so so so so so so so so so much worse. I'm not okay. I want to cut myself. I want to hang myself. I want my body to feel as much pain as my soul does. I want to see it cut and bleeding. I want to see it blue and purple. I just want to make me suffer. Suffering is all I've known. Pain is my best friend
I want to die. I'm destined to suffer until I die. Only I can set myself free from this hell
submitted by MysteriousTreacle146 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:38 Smart-Performance606 Any ideas why I end up finding chemistry and mutual attraction with folks who turn out to be addicts?

I'm a 37 y/o woman and was reflecting on my relationship history and realized 6 of the 9 relationships I've had have been with addicts in different stages of the disease. I've always done a good job at ending things once I identified unacceptable conduct. It's not until the last few years that I now recognize that the substance abuse or prior history of substance abuse in my ex's explained a lot. All of them were pretty high functioning and did all the right stuff at the beginning of the relationship so it was never immediately obvious to me. They rarely seemed drunk and a mess so it never seemed like an obvious issue at the time. After a year + in alanon I'm wiser and spot stuff fast these days. So that's good. But I'm just trying to work out what it is about me that makes addicts attracted to me and me to them? All of these men seemed energetic and full of energy, love for life, and were great at holding interesting conversations and connecting over shared interests in the early stages of dating. That's the only thing I can think of that got my attention and interest. And I don't think these are necessarily bad qualities, do you? Maybe I've just had exceptionally bad luck? But, I dunno, 6/9 seems like a lot. I personally don't relate to codependency and the stories people share about themselves with that pattern. Maybe there's something else I'm not seeing though. It just seems like the only men interested in a relationship with me end up being addicts. And I'm not sure why that is. Would love to figure it out and thought I'd ask for ideas to consider?
Here's a quick relationship history for additional context,
submitted by Smart-Performance606 to AlAnon [link] [comments]