Mastadex diablo 2 editor

viruses on the website.

2024.05.29 06:47 Timber_W0lf__ viruses on the website.

viruses on the website.
dont know if an ad infected the website or if its intentional, everytime i open the website malwarebytes blocks malware being used on this site
submitted by Timber_W0lf__ to Skindex [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:44 1NoiceMan Ways to make better?

Ways to make better?
Hello y’all my little brother recently got interested in developing games, and me trying to help showed him the the simulator generator plugin. Yeah the game is heavily reliant on the plugin, but my brother has made it his own. We’ve decorated the areas, made custom pets, and we’re already working on an area expansion update that will add 5 new areas all anime related. I would really love to see y’all’s opinions so I can pass them a long to my brother. Please check it out and give us some advice or ways to make it better.
submitted by 1NoiceMan to roblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:36 nerosighted Serial Monitor Print Issue

Totally lost. This code printed values, but when I uploaded it to the board absolutely nothing. Checked past iterations of the code that printed earlier and nothing still. Entirely unsure of what to do, any ideas? /* @Author: Maclab @Date: 2024-02-06 11:59:09 @LastEditTime: 2020-12-18 14:14:35 @LastEditors: AJ<3 @Description: Smart Robot Car V4.0 @FilePath: */ #include  //#include  #include  #include  #include "DeviceDriverSet_xxx0.h" #include  #include "ArduinoJson-v6.11.1.h" //ArduinoJson #include "MPU6050_getdata.h" //#include "UltrasoundByWill.h"*/ #include  extern "C" { #include "FinalTest.h" #include "FinalTest_private.h" #include "FinalTest_types.h" } /*Hardware device object list*/ MPU6050_getdata AppMPU6050getdata; DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED AppRBG_LED; DeviceDriverSet_Key AppKey; DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001 AppITR20001; DeviceDriverSet_Voltage AppVoltage; DeviceDriverSet_Motor AppMotor; DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC AppULTRASONIC; DeviceDriverSet_Servo AppServo; //DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv AppIRrecv; /*f(x) int */ static boolean function_xxx(long x, long s, long e) //f(x) { if (s <= x && x <= e) return true; else return false; } static void delay_xxx(uint16_t _ms) { wdt_reset(); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _ms; i++) { delay(1); } } void ApplicationFunctions_Init(void) { bool res_error = true; AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_Init(); AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_Init(); AppServo.DeviceDriverSet_Servo_Init(90); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_Key_Init(); AppRBG_LED.DeviceDriverSet_RBGLED_Init(20); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Init(); AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Init(); AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_Init(); //res_error = AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveInit(); //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_calibration(); // Intialize DemoWeek 5 Parameters //FinalTest_P.controlEN = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MA = true; //FinalTest_P.dir_MB = true; //FinalTest_P.speed_MA = 128; //FinalTest_P.speed_MB = 64; } // Initialize some variables float Yaw; // yaw angle from the IMU int IRSensL; // Left IR sensor int IRSensM; // Middle IR sensor int IRSensR; // Right IR sensor uint8_t keyValue; // key value float device_voltage; // pin voltage uint16_t ultrasonic_fb; // ultrasonic reading bool IRerror; // IR receive error uint8_t IRrecv_code; // IR receive code unsigned long previous_time = millis(); //for distance IR Sensor const int pinIRd2 = 25; const int pinIRa2 = A0; const int pinLED2 = 9; int IRvalueA2 = 0; int IRvalueD2 = 0; /* Motor Inputs */ bool dirMA; bool dirMB; bool motEN; uint8_t PWMA; uint8_t PWMB; int Servo1_Output, Servo2_Output, Servo3_Output; #define Servo1Pin 44 #define Servo2Pin 45 #define Servo3Pin 46 #include  Servo servo1; Servo servo2; Servo servo3; #define IR_LEFTMOST_PIN A8 #define IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN A9 #define Button_PIN 18 #define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Button-related variables int dropOffButton = 0; static int lastButtonState = HIGH; static unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0; const unsigned long debounceDelay = 50; NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); void setup() { FinalTest_initialize(); Serial.begin(9600); ApplicationFunctions_Init(); /*UltrasoundInit();*/ //pinMode(Servo1Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo2Pin,OUTPUT); //pinMode(Servo3Pin,OUTPUT); servo1.attach(Servo1Pin); servo2.attach(Servo2Pin); servo3.attach(Servo3Pin); pinMode(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(Button_PIN, INPUT); FinalTest_P.PWMsl_l = 200; // range = 0-> 255 (uint8) baseline 200,50,50,200 2baseline 200,150,150,200 3baseline 180,150,150,180 FinalTest_P.PWMsl_r = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_l = 180; FinalTest_P.PWMsr_r = 200; pinMode(pinIRd2,INPUT); pinMode(pinIRa2,INPUT); pinMode(pinLED2,OUTPUT); //attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Button_PIN),ButtonStuff,RISING); /* Interrupt Initialization TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = B00010010; //CNCx ICESx – WGMx3 WGMx2 CSx2 CSx1 CSx0 ICR1 = 20000; // Set Timer Interrupt 100 Hz. If you want 100*(10)= 1 kHz, just put ICR1=10000/(10)=1000, Similarly, using 2000 will produce 500 Hz //Note: Be sure the timer interrupt frequency matches with the simulink block diagram. Otherwise, the "after" function in simulink or any other functions related to time won't be accurate. TIMSK1 = B00000001; // Enable Timer Interrupt */ } unsigned long PreT = 0; /* unsigned long UltraSoundTime = 0; bool UltraSoundWaiting = false; int UltrasoundDis = 0; int UltraSoundChecking() { if (!UltraSoundWaiting) { digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10); digitalWrite(TRIG_PIN, LOW); //while(!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)){} delay(1); UltraSoundTime = millis(); UltraSoundWaiting = 1; } else { if (!digitalRead(ECHO_PIN)) { UltrasoundDis = (millis() - UltraSoundTime) / 58; UltraSoundWaiting = 0; } } return UltrasoundDis; } */ int DebugNum; // ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect){ // } void loop() { //Serial.print("T:"); if (millis() - PreT >= 10) // Runs at 100 Hz { //Serial.println(millis() - PreT); PreT = millis(); //delay(50); // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings. //Serial.print("Ping: "); //Serial.print(sonar.ping_cm()); // Send ping, get distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range) //Serial.println("cm"); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: //AppMPU6050getdata.MPU6050_dveGetEulerAngles(&Yaw); // Get vehicle orientation IRSensL = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_L(); IRSensM = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_M(); IRSensR = AppITR20001.DeviceDriverSet_ITR20001_getAnaloguexxx_R(); AppKey.DeviceDriverSet_key_Get(&keyValue); //device_voltage = AppVoltage.DeviceDriverSet_Voltage_getAnalogue(); //AppULTRASONIC.DeviceDriverSet_ULTRASONIC_Get(&ultrasonic_fb); //AppIRrecv.DeviceDriverSet_IRrecv_Get(&IRrecv_code); /* Send fb data to Simulink Module */ FinalTest_U.IRSensL_in = IRSensL; FinalTest_U.IRSensM_in = IRSensM; FinalTest_U.IRSensR_in = IRSensR; //DemoWeek5_U.VoltageDetect_in = device_voltage; //FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = ultrasonic_fb; FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in = sonar.ping_cm(); FinalTest_U.IRkeyCode_in = keyValue; //DemoWeek5_U.MPU6050IMU_yaw_in= Yaw; //DemoWeek5_U.IRSensorCode_in = IRrecv_code; FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_LEFTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in = analogRead(IR_RIGHTMOST_PIN); FinalTest_U.dropOffButton = dropOffButton/2; //IR Distance IRvalueA2 = analogRead(pinIRa2); IRvalueD2 = digitalRead(pinIRd2); FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in = digitalRead(pinIRd2); // Read and debounce the button int buttonState = digitalRead(Button_PIN); if (buttonState != lastButtonState) { lastDebounceTime = millis(); lastButtonState = buttonState; dropOffButton++; } // if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) { // if (buttonState == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) { // dropOffButton++; // Serial.print("Button Pressed! Count: "); // Serial.println(dropOffButton); // } // } //lastButtonState = buttonState; /* Step Simulink Module*/ FinalTest_step(); /* Extract outputs from Simulink Module */ PWMA = FinalTest_Y.PWMA; PWMB = FinalTest_Y.PWMB; motEN = FinalTest_Y.MotorEN; dirMA = FinalTest_Y.dirMA; dirMB = FinalTest_Y.dirMB; Servo1_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo1; Servo2_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo2; Servo3_Output = FinalTest_Y.servo3; DebugNum = FinalTest_Y.A; /* Send commands to actuators */ AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(dirMA, PWMA, dirMB, PWMB , motEN); //AppMotor.DeviceDriverSet_Motor_control(1, 0, 1, 0 , 1); servo1.write(Servo1_Output); servo2.write(Servo2_Output); servo3.write(Servo3_Output); } /* Verify remaining outputs */ if (millis() - previous_time >= 1000) { // Print things here Serial.print(IRSensL); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensR); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(IRSensM); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_LEFTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_RIGHTMOST_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.UltraSensor_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(FinalTest_U.IR_DISTANCE_in); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(keyValue); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(DebugNum); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(dropOffButton/2); Serial.print("\n"); previous_time = millis(); } } //void ButtonStuff(){ //dropOffButton+=1; //delay(100); //} 
submitted by nerosighted to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:34 Nitrogen567 Looking for some perspective/improvements on my Amber/Emerald deck

Looking for some perspective/improvements on my AmbeEmerald deck submitted by Nitrogen567 to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:23 PacificPermit Modify your Wordle stats easily

TLDR: I made a free open source Chrome extension to modify/edit your Wordle stats easily.
The extension lets you edit:
  1. Board State (Words you entered)
  2. Game stats (won/fail/in progress)
  3. Hard mode
  4. Legacy stats
    1. Games played
    2. Games won
    3. Guess distribution
    4. Current streak
    5. max streak
It pushes the updates to your NYT account as well, so your stats will be available across devices even if you don't have chrome or the extention available on that device.
Here's a video of it in action:
Enjoy :)
submitted by PacificPermit to wordle [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:20 adulting4kids Writing Contests: Upcoming December/January Deadlines

If this content is something you want to see more of, comments below will be taken into consideration as we prepare to start finding the open submissions for a variety of writing and artwork competitions. If it's of no interest, let us know that too! This is YOUR subreddit!
Seeking Submissions for Poetry Chapbook Prize
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The winner of The Headlight Review’s 2024 Poetry Chapbook Prize Contest will receive publication (a perfectly bound book with a full color or black/white cover), an award of $500, and 25 copies of the book. A list of finalists will be announced sixty days after the close of submissions. All manuscripts will be judged blindly. The finalists who make it through the first round will be judged by esteemed poet Valerie A. Smith.
2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The 2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction will be awarded to an outstanding, unpublished collection of short stories. Reading Fee: $30. Award: $1,000 cash advance, publication, and 53 copies. To Enter: Submit online with Submittable or by mail from September 1–December 31, 2023. Press 53 short fiction editor Claire V. Foxx will serve as the only judge. Winner and finalists announced by May 1, 2024; advance review copies sent to major reviewers and outlets; publication in May 2025.
Complete details at
After Happy Hour Contest (Theme: Animals)
Deadline: February 15, 2024
For this year’s contest, we want submitters to go wild—or domesticated, or sentient, or whatever other form of beastly you’re feeling. Submissions should feature some kind of animal that is integral to the story. Note that this doesn’t need to be a real animal—it could be a cryptid, a hybrid, or a human-to-animal transformation. Each $10 contest entry covers 1 short story, creative nonfiction piece, or suite, or up to 3 individual poems or flash prose pieces. Winners receive publication and a cash prize determined as a percentage of total entry fees (full details are on our website).
The swamp pink Prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, & Poetry
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Formerly known as the Crazyhorse Prizes, the swamp pink Prizes award $2,000 and publication to a story, essay, and poem. From January 1 to 31, submit a story or essay of up to 25 pages or a set of 1–3 poems via Submittable. Judges for each genre can be viewed on our website. The entry fee is $20; all entries will be considered for publication.
2024 Bill Hickok Humor Award Deadline: February 28, 2024
I-70 Review announces the Bill Hickok Humor Award for a poem. The winner receives $1,000, and the poem will appear in I-70 Review 2024. Submit one to three poems with a $15 entry fee to Reading period: Jan 1 to Feb 28. No submissions before January 1. Submissions will be eligible for publication in I-70 Review. The judge is Alice Friman.
For more info visit
The Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction
Deadline: April 4, 2024
The 2024 Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction offer $1,500 and publication by Orison Books for a full-length manuscript in each genre. Judges: Ellen Bass (poetry), Kaveh Akbar (fiction). Entry fee: $25. Entry period: December 1, 2023–April 1, 2024. For complete guidelines visit
2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry
$2,500 honorarium and book publication: Submit book-length collection of poems to the 2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry by January 14, 2024 (we will observe a 5-day grace period). $25 reading fee (add $3 to submit online) includes subscription to Colorado Review. Final judge is Brenda Shaughnessy; friends and students (current or former) of the judge are not eligible to compete, nor are Colorado State University employees, students, or alumni. Complete guidelines at or Colorado Prize for Poetry, Center for Literary Publishing, 9105 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-9105.
Burnside Review Press Contest
Manuscripts of 50-100 pages of poetry will be accepted until December 31, 2023. Arda Collins will judge. The winning book will be published by Burnside Review Press in 2025. The author will receive a $1,000 prize, plus ten copies of the book. A $25 entry fee must be paid at the time of submission. Contest entrants will receive one Burnside Review Press title. The editors may select an additional manuscript from the submission pool for publication.
Visit for complete guidelines.
2024 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Submissions are now being accepted for the 11th Saroyan Prize. The awards, co-sponsored by Stanford Libraries and the William Saroyan Foundation, are intended to encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan legacy of originality, vitality, and stylistic innovation. Two prizes of $5,000 each are given for works of fiction and nonfiction. Writers who have published four books or more are ineligible. Submit five copies of your work published between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023, with a $50 entry fee by January 31, 2024. Visit our website for complete eligibility and submission details:
Interim Poetics: The Test Site Poetry Prize Deadline: December 15, 2023
Interim will choose two winning books for the series—one title publicized as the winner of The Test Site Poetry Series and the other as the Betsy Joiner Flanagan Award in Poetry. Both winners will receive a $1,000 award and their books will be published by the University of Nevada Press. Submit by December 15, 2023.
Driftwood Press In-House Contests + Additional Submission Opportunities
Deadline: January 15, 2024 (In-House Contests)
Driftwood Press is happy to share a plethora of submission opportunities for writers and artists! Our In-House Short Fiction & Poem Contests, in which every work submitted is considered for publication as winner or runner-up, is ending soon! For our yearly print anthology, we are looking for poems, short stories, comics, and visual art that will wow our readers with innovative language and strong craft. We are a paying market, and our published writers also get to take part in bespoke interviews about their work! Driftwood is also on the hunt for amazing book-length titles to grow our catalogue, so if you have a novella, poetry collection, comic collection, or graphic novel manuscript, we would love to read it! Visit us here for our Submittable page, and we encourage you to follow us on social media (@driftwoodpress) to learn about even more submission opportunities!
The Twin Bill’s Second Annual Baseball Lit Contest
Deadline: December 30, 2023
The Twin Bill, a baseball literary journal, is open for submissions for their annual contest for best baseball fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The winner in each category will receive $100 and an engraved baseball trophy. The runners-up will receive $50 and will be published in our January 31 issue. Each piece will be professionally illustrated. Contest submissions are $10 and will be considered for both the contest and the Opening Day issue.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 Any-Fig5750 Difficulty 9 isn’t hard, and buffing weapons won’t make it “easier” but less annoying and with more ways to beat it

I exclusively play diff 9, pretty much just for the xp gains and sample amount. I want a cool title, and max difficulty is the fastest way there.
The curve is tricky at first, but one you get the flow of it, helldive isn’t too hard. It has its moments, but I succeed in more missions than I don’t, and I’m happy with the pacing.
I think what I’m seeing a lot of, and I personally agree with as a higher diff player, is people want weaker options buffed, bugs fixed, and a balance to the enemies that doesn’t lock one to just a few specific builds on higher difficulty.
And saying a “few specific builds” is already kind of a stretch. On helldive I usually only ever see eagles, shields, and orbital lasers.
Sometimes you get the 120mm, sometimes the orbital rail strike. But it’s not very common.
I almost never see mechs, smoke, gas, incendiary or any of the many other stratagems the devs have made for the game. And it’s sad. Similarly with weapons, you only ever really see breakers, sickle, and occasionally default liberator or plasma punisher.
We have plenty of weapons though!
You can best helldive with any weapon. Truly. But that doesn’t mean it’s actually enjoyable, and most players will gravitate towards a meta.
What is the meta now? It’s simply the best and most efficient tools to deal with the plentiful and heavy threats you face on higher difficulties.
Should we make all guns have absolutely no drawbacks? No! And I see very few people actually saying that.
Myself, and many others, just want other weapons to also still be viable on higher difficulties. Not minimally viable in the sense that sure, you “could” beat helldive with it. But rather, enjoyable!
There was a post earlier about Diablo 2 that discussed this. And I think it’s right.
Make the lamer weapons, feel better to use! Make them rewarding! Balance them through strengths and weaknesses. Low damage? Well it surely it can have plenty of ammo, but that can’t be all, give it some crowd control effects that hinder the enemy significantly enough that it’s just as worth bringing as the slower gun which will kill them quick. There’s all sorts of ways to do it.
By nerfing weapons, as a standard and en masse, you actually refine a definitive meta. When you make many things good, you blur the meta a bit, and other games have accomplished this without compromising the skill required for higher difficulties.
submitted by Any-Fig5750 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:10 Carterlion13 Top 9 best requests for delta

1, fix save data being deleted
2, Add more consoles like DSi Nintendo 64DD Sega CD and Pokémon mini and Virtual Boy And PSP And Ps1 And Ps2 Wii/Gamecube/Xbox/360/ps3
3, please add virtual sd for Nintendo 64 And DS/DSi
4, DS wireless features like it’s not so hard
5, (For Ds) DS download Play/picochat
6, support all cheat codes like Standard 7E118E:08
7, Netplay
8, built in skin editor
9, customize wallpaper
10, gba/gb multiplayer
submitted by Carterlion13 to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:08 ianuriel123 Can't create a completely dark scene

Can't create a completely dark scene
Hey guys, so I'm following a tutorial and this guy creates a new environment and turns everything off, and the only thing visible are the lights on the car, but I can't seem to replicate this, my model stays somehow lit, I checked the lights and my enviro settings but can't make it work.
tutorial I'm following:
And here's a picture of how my model looks
submitted by ianuriel123 to KeyShot [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:41 Fun_Ear4654 Been getting rejected from communications/editor/marketing jobs for the last 6 months - is my resume that bad?

submitted by Fun_Ear4654 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:39 Masterous112 I made an interesting thing, took about 2 hours because I'm very bad in the editor

I made an interesting thing, took about 2 hours because I'm very bad in the editor submitted by Masterous112 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:15 rx150 Cropped video clip cut off in render

Cropped video clip cut off in render
I am trying to make a YT Short in Vegas Pro.
I have 2 video clips that I'm trying to overlay on top of each other. Both have 1080 x 1920 aspect ratio. Here's what they look like in the Pan/Crop editor (slightly NSFW):
I then crop the clip that's in front so only my avatar's face is showing:
I then try to render the project with an aspect ratio of of 1080 x 1920, but clip in front gets cut off:
I'm sure it has something to do with the aspect ratios of the project, the render, and the clips, but I can't figure out what it is. I want the rendered video to look like it does in the 3rd pic, so if anyone can point anything out, it'd be appreciated.
submitted by rx150 to VegasPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 A_Fluff So... I was trying to KoG this month with Gimmick Puppets, and actually got further than I thought I would, but this feels like a hard stop

So... I was trying to KoG this month with Gimmick Puppets, and actually got further than I thought I would, but this feels like a hard stop submitted by A_Fluff to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:56 chimp_roller [Question] CPU & GPU Suggestion

Hi all - new to the community here.
I am unsure of what CPU and GPU I need for my PC.
I am a data scientist by profession.
My needs :
  1. Python machine learning , Deep learning - take courses and build some models to keep up with the latest in the field. Purpose is learning and not use my PC for making money.
  2. 4k media consumption - Need to support 1 4k monitor and 1 1080p for YouTube and Netflix
  3. Occasional family vacation 4k video editing - go pro video footage . May be 3-4 videos in a year at max. I use Filmora now thinking of keeping the same due to convenience. I am not a professional editor and don’t care about color grading and stuff. A max of 10-15 mins of final video.
  4. Occasional gaming - may be civ6 , city builder games at max . I prefer PS5 for gaming 95% of the time.
What’s the best CPU and GPU fits my needs for the next 2-3 years that I will not have buyers remorse. I don’t even know how much is the right budget for this but I will definitely regret overspending.
submitted by chimp_roller to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 just4sanu Is Elementor Birthday Sale Live? (2024 Full Details Inside)

Elementor 8th Birthday Sale 2024 (May 28th – June 6th)

The Birthday sale of Elementor is live, just click the button below to claim your discount — they’re offering up to 30% off on their pro plugin and up to 75% off on WordPress hosting.
Get Elementor Birthday Offer
The Elementor Birthday Sale is going on now, and you can get a hefty discount of up to 75% on their page builder WordPress plugin or WordPress hosting.
Just stay with us to find out all about the latest deals and offers as Elementor turns E-I-G-H-T.
Usually, Elementor doesn’t give out coupon codes all the time, but on special occasions like this, they offer special discounts. So make sure you don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
Elementor was started in June 2016 and since then they’ve been offering birthday sales, where you get the chance to save big on their paid plans. This year, they are offering discounts again. If you want to know what birthday offers they have, you came to the right place.
Let’s find out all the details without any further delay.

What is Elementor Birthday Sale?

Elementor Birthday Sale is an annual celebration of the popular WordPress page builder, Elementor. During this sale, users can get discounted pricing on Elementor WordPress hosting + Elementor Pro, which is the paid version of the plugin and includes additional features and functionalities.
It usually takes place around the anniversary of the company’s founding and offers users a chance to save money while using Elementor to build their websites. This year’s birthday sale is LIVE right now, and we have picked out the best deals for you below.

#1. Get up to 75% off Hosting and Builder

Take a look at the special discounts on Elementor Hosting during Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024.

#2. Get up to 30% off Elementor Pro Plugin plans

Here are the anniversary discounts available for the Elementor Page Builder plugin (pro version).

How to Grab the Birthday Deal of Elementor Pro?

To get the special discount for Elementor’s birthday sale in 2024, all you need is to follow these instructions I’m going to tell you. Let’s start.

Step #1: Go to Elementor Website (Click here to jump)

First of all, you need to visit the official Birthday Sale landing page of Elementor, and from there choose what you want to purchase — Elementor hosting or Elementor Pro Plugin.

Step #2: Select your plan

On their Birthday landing page, you’ll see that Elementor is offering up to 30% off its pro plugin and up to 75% off its hosting plans. Here, you just pick your favourite plan that you’d like to go with and hit the Buy Now button.

Step #3: Create an Elementor account for free

You’ll now see your cart showing the plan you chose, and total pricing. The Elementor Birthday sale discount code will automatically be applied to your purchase. From here, you can now proceed to enter your valid email address and password for your Elementor account.

Step #4: Enter your billing info

Now, you have to complete your billing information. It includes your first name, last name, address, city, country, pin code, state, and company name. After filling in all these details, click the continue button.

Step #4: Finish your order

Elementor offers two ways to pay for your purchase. You can choose to pay with your credit card or use your PayPal account. Once you have entered all the necessary information, just click on the “Pay Now” button to complete the payment process.

Step #5: That’s all. Elementor Birthday 2024 Sale is yours…

If you’ve been following our instructions closely, you’ve already gotten the number one Website builder tool. There’s no more step after that.
Remember, this Birthday sale of Elementor is only available for a limited time (expiring on 7th June 2024), so don’t wait too long to take advantage of it.

Elementor Birthday Sale Price for Plugin and Hosting

Elementor has two products:
Let’s look at each of them one by one and discuss their pricing plans.

Elementor Hosting Plans

Elementor is not just a page builder, but it also provides web hosting for WordPress websites. It’s like getting a package deal because when you buy web hosting from them, you also get the Elementor Pro page builder plugin.
So, if you’re still trying to decide on a web host or if you’re unhappy with your current one, Elementor’s cloud hosting could be a great choice for you.
Here’s how they have reduced the prices of their hosting plans during their special Birthday sale or anniversary celebrations.
Click here to snag up to 75% discount on any Elementor WordPress hosting and get page builder and theme for FREE — all in one package.

Elementor Page Builder Plugin Plans

Elementor offers both a free and paid version of its website builder plugin. The cost of the paid version, Elementor Pro, starts at $59/year for a single-site license and goes up to $399/year for a 1000-site license.
Here’s a discounted plan for the Elementor Pro plugin during the Birthday sale.
They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee (for both hosting and plugin) so you can try it risk-free.
Click on this exclusive Birthday sale link to choose your favourite Elementor Pro Plan.

Get Your Elementor Birthday Deal 2024

No doubt Elementor is the #1 website builder tool available on the market that helps you make any type of website in less than one hour. They have a visual drag-and-drop editor that lets you easily change things on your website while you’re working on it.
And the best part is, when you make changes, you can see them live right away on your website. It also has ready-made designs and templates that you can use to make your website look professional without much effort. Overall, I would say Elementor is super simple to use and doesn’t require any coding skills.
From May 28th – June 7th, there’s a special sale on Elementor because it’s their birthday. So if you want to try it out, now is a great time. Just click the button below to sign up and get started.
Claim Elementor Birthday Discount Sale
Well, that’s all from this blog post. Now, I want to hear what you think about Elementor and its BIGGEST Birthday offer.
Did you like them (if you ask me, then yes, I especially like their plugin as well as the huge discounts they provide during their birthdays)? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. Byeeeee…

Frequently Asked Questions – Elementor Anniversary Sale

Is Elementor Birthday Deal live?

Yes, Elementor’s birthday deal 2024 is live! This year they are celebrating their 8th birthday and offering a whopping up to 75% discount on all of their plans. The sale is only for a limited time so make sure to grab this opportunity before it ends.

When is the Elementor Birthday Sale happening?

The Elementor Birthday Sale typically takes place in late May or early June, around the time of Elementor’s official launch date. At the time of writing this article, the Elementor Birthday Sale is live (from 28th May – 7th June), you can check them out from here.
submitted by just4sanu to u/just4sanu [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:33 chimp_roller GPU and CPU Suggestion

Hi to all - new to the community here.
I am unsure of what CPU and GPU I need for my PC.
I am a data scientist by profession.
My needs :
  1. Python machine learning , Deep learning - take courses and build some models to keep up with the latest in the field. Purpose is learning and not use my PC for making money.
  2. 4k media consumption - Need to support 1 4k monitor and 1 1080p for YouTube and Netflix
  3. Occasional family vacation 4k video editing - go pro video footage . May be 3-4 videos in a year at max. I use Filmora now thinking of keeping the same due to convenience. I am not a professional editor and don’t care about color grading and stuff. A max of 10-15 mins of final video.
  4. Occasional gaming - may be civ6 , city builder games at max . I prefer PS5 for gaming 95% of the time.
What’s the best CPU and GPU fits my needs for the next 2-3 years that I will not have buyers remorse. I don’t even know how much is the right budget for this but I will definitely regret overspending.
submitted by chimp_roller to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:33 Additional-Fox1866 chance me for harvard please

note*: most of this stuff is hypothetical, I just want to know realistically if I have a chance. please don't give nonsense responses and say "u ain't getting in", provide some feedback to improve with. thanks in advance.*
major: cs (will most likely do a MBA too)
gpa: 3.8 (school doesn't have aps yet I'm self studying so no weighted GPA am taking 8 ap exams and aim to get a 5 on them , also skipped 9th, messed up a bit in 10th but it should be fine considering I'm going to take harder courses and do well, btw my college counselor told me they would also use my 8th grade transcript so yeah i had all As in 8th grade :D )
sat: 1550
Relevant Courses: BC Calculus, Multi-Variable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Computational Science, Object-Oriented Programming, CS Seminar: Machine Learning
  1. Neuroscience research with Northwestern
  2. Summer internship with GM
  3. Summer research internship with Northwestern
  4. Community Service (500+ hours)
  5. Technology Student Association president at school
  6. High School Newspaper section editor
  7. FBLA (President)
  8. Columbia Pre-College Program (in Finance)
  9. Academic Tutor (in/out of school for the past three years)
  10. Stock Trading (for fun)
  1. JSHS Nationals
  2. Presidential Volunteer Service Award (2x Gold)
  3. AP Scholar with Distinction
  4. National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist
  5. National Spanish Exam (Gold top 5% of test takers)
submitted by Additional-Fox1866 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:23 Solo-Smile In the Beta we were able to sample skins. I'd like something like it back. You?

In the Beta we were able to sample skins. I'd like something like it back. You?
As mentioned; In the beta you could try out any character (plenty said on this already) and have them equip any available outfit in custom/training. I personally found that a really "Player First" aspect and appreciated it greatly in purchase considerations.
It's gone. Now when I see a skin I may even be vaguely interested in (Wonder Woman Beach Skin) I'm hesitant. 1. Jumping in blind with little information is just asking for purchase remorse. Especially when it comes to the more expensive skins with "unique" animations/poses/etc. Without a means to sample, I can't quantify any of it. 2. A zoomed-out idle posture doesn't really sell the skin. 3. Likely the most game changing -
Skins can expand a characters tags. Which is highly advantageous for those who don't have everyone or wish to main one character and expand their value. IF you have Black Lantern WW for example, she will fulfill any "Play as a Villainous" challenge!! Cough. That said this isn't relevant to the skin's performance. Which is the primary topic.
Given there are similar games out in the market that have found means to this predicament (if they're adamant on leaving it difficult) I have some suggestions (feel free to share any as well)
So flat out. League's in game skin marketing is just as ass. An admittedly often attractive picture, and... that's it.
This is greatly assuaged by a fairly easy to access PBE; where anyone with some spare time and commitment can go and really test a skin themselves. Great. Even better, due to the PBE and essentially sanctioned Content Creators there are several Youtube Showcases for any skin upcoming that are in-depth.
Good compromise. Though I don't think MVs can do this without either an incredibly motivated whale or a sanctioned account with all the content given to showcase them.
Like Mvs and League, the skins are abhorrently overpriced ( 20$+ ), and frankly not worth it for most. That said, how they showcase them is fantastic. When you inspect a skin, you get a zoomed in and detailed model (often your own character if you have one for the class) showcasing the skin. You can then inspect further by clicking on individual armor pieces or remove it all to see the tattoo. This is awesome. If Mvs could allow at least a zoom-in and 360 rotation.
That'd be something at least. You wouldn't know how the properties work in motion (specials, projectiles,) but you'd at least be better able to visualize the prospective value for yourself.
I'm at least personally open to investing on a character's skin that I connect with, but as it is now, I'll likely abstain. What about you guys? Non-issue? Bigger problems? Better solutions?
Hopefully a dev, could give some insight to their thinking on the situation and put a lid on it. Cheers~
submitted by Solo-Smile to MultiVersusTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:08 HURCANADA Must see in Bariloche during the winter? May 30-June 2

In Bariloche May 30-June 2, 3 full days and want to make the most of it. May be raining so need to account for that. Up for any tough hikes, vistas, drives. Have microspikes.
Was thinking Refugio Frey, Mirador Garganta Del Diablo, Mount Lopez.
submitted by HURCANADA to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:05 scassim I Am Sam

I am Shaheer Cassim (pronounced Shuh-HER Kuh-SEEM), editor of Arctic News blogspot. I write on the threat of runaway global warming caused by methane hydrates. Some esteemed scientists I confer with are Peter Wadhams, world leading expect on Arctic Sea ice at the University of Cambridge and Guy McPherson, emeritus professor at the University of Arizona. In 2011 I founded the Arctic Methane Emergency Group, which included esteemed scientists John Nissen and Paul Beckwith, professor of climatology at the University of Ottawa.
In 2011 scientists discovered 100 methane seeping structures on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, and estimated there may be many thousands of them. There are more than 1700 billion tonnes of hydrate in the ESAS. Methane hydrate has been liked to four of the five major extinctions in earth history. Scientists Natalia and Igor told that 50 billion tonnes of methane hydrate could be released at any time, which Peter Wadhams calculated would cause a 1.2 degrees Celsius rise in global temperatures in a matter of years. This would cause localized warming which would release more methane hydrate causing runaway global heating. In 2012 I applied an exponential best fit line to Arctic Sea ice and predicted that the sea ice would disappear around 2016. Peter Wadhams agreed with this conclusion.
Yet here we are, 12 years later and no news at all from the Arctic. I believe the government is secretly geoengineering the Arctic to prevent the collapse of the sea ice and catastrophic release of methane hydrates.
The ESAS contains 1700 Gt (Giga-tonne, billion tonnes) of methane hydrate. Since methane hydrate is about 10% pure methane, the ESAS has about 170 Gt methane. What would be the effect of a release of 1 Gt methane? Since methane has 105 times the warming effect over 10 years than CO2, that would be the equivalent of adding 105 Gt of CO2. Humans now emit about 36 Gt CO2 annually.
Methane is decomposed in the atmosphere by hydroxyl. The level of methane we have been emitting in the atmosphere has significantly reduced atmospheric hydroxyl. Large releases of methane will further decrease it until there is no more. Methane in the atmosphere will not decompose anymore.
The IPCC, the International Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. body, says we must at net-zero emissions in just a few decades. Net-zero is the carbon we can emit that will not increase the emissions. Net-zero is about 8 Gt, about 1 tonne of CO2 per person. This number may be too high.
The IPCC is lying to us when they say temperatures will only rise by 3 degrees Celsius by 2100. They are killing us.
There is more carbon in methane hydrate than in all the coal, oil, and gas in the world. In 2009 James Hansen, former director of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies, told if we burn all the coal, oil, and gas, we will cause runaway heating turning Earth into Venus. He told it is a certainty. Now when you add in methane hydrate, it is a dead certainty.
If we pass this tipping point in the next year, 2026, in a decade humankind will be extinct.
In 2012 I came up with the idea we should have not an Earth Hour or Earth Day, but an Earth Year. A year to solve our problems. This is the list of what we must do.
  1. Abandon the cities and return to the farmland, build yourselves homes and grow food.
Cities cause carbon emissions. They require enormous amounts concrete, which need coal. There is not enough land to grow food. Food grown outside must be trucked in.
  1. End all weapons and live in peace.
Weapons kill and cause carbon emissions. Killing creates hatred and a desire for revenge.
  1. Have only one child. After 200 years you may have two.
When Jesus Christ died 2000 years ago world population was 200 000 000. At the start of the industrial revolution population was 1 000 000 000. Today it is 8 000 000 000 and climbing by 80 000 000 a year. This is due to fossil fuels. Oil and gas will run out by 2050, coal later.
  1. Eat only plants. Fish is allowed on Fridays.
When you hurt an animal, it feels as we do. Farming is suffering. For an egg, you need a male and female chicken. The baby boy chicken is killed. Milk needs a male, female, and baby cow. All are killed. Do not eat shrimp. Why kill 100 lives for one meal when you can kill one. Do not eat shellfish, for they are boiled alive. Wild fish offers B12, essential oils, and fulfills the human need for flesh.
  1. Technology is not allowed. Electric bicycles and phones powered by solar panels are allowed.
All technology breaks down and must be replaced. Electric cars use huge amounts of metals and oil, and the battery weighs 1000 lbs. Nuclear power plants use concrete, takes years to build, and uranium supplies are running low. Nuclear plants on tectonic zones must be shut down immediately. Wind turbines use concrete, metal, and oil, and must be torn down after forty years. Batteries are less energy dense than fossil fuels. Ships, planes, and freighters will never be electrified
  1. Timekeeping is not allowed. Live by the cycles of the sun and moon.
Humans cannot live by the clock. Timekeeping creates anxious behaviour and effects mood. Only students and professionals must live by the clock.
  1. Pay all an equal wage.
The labourer working in the field did not have opportunity and education growing, and deserves more than 12 cents an hour. The doctor had education, and the business owner had capital.
  1. Give all the right to a home, food, medicine, and education.
  2. Sit, eat, and sleep on the floor.
Too many trees are killed by furniture
  1. Grow hemp.
Hemp grows fast on marginal soil, the seeds provide protein and oil, the stalks textiles, and the residues can be burned for cooking.
  1. You may use the body of a deceased animal, but you must not eat it.
Meat is a drug. If you give drugs again, you will become addicted.
  1. Cats and dogs must be pescatarian.
  2. Plastic is not allowed.
By 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean then fish. There are micro plastics in the rain and drinking water.
  1. Tobacco is not allowed.
Tobacco kills. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin. Butts destroy nature.
  1. Coffee is not allowed.
Coffee affects the sleep-wake cycle.
  1. Sugar is not allowed.
Sugar is the most damaging crop to nature. It's causing a dentistry, obesity, and diabetic crisis.
  1. A man and a lady must use their hands and mouths on their partners sensual organs, and avoid normal lovemaking to prevent the creation of new life.
Vaginal love making risks the creation of new life. Every year billions of condoms are thrown into landfills. Condoms must be kept for those with STDs.
What happens when you smoke?
Smoke is composed of tar, carbon, and chemicals, some which are cancerous. Tar clogs up the passageways of the lung and alveoli. These are microscopic sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon. Carbon cuts up the alveoli. Eventually they collapse, and respiration becomes impossible. Chemicals and small carbon pass into the bloodstream and are distributed through the body. Blood cells try to remove the carbon from the body, and are cut up and killed. Another blood cell tries to remove the carbon, and this continues. Small carbon enters the brain and becomes lodged in the brain cells. To be removed from the body, carbon needs to bond with oxygen. Carbon from smoke cannot bond so remains in your body
.Jesus Christ wants you to stop killing yourself. Jesus Christ ❤️
What does it mean to kill someone?
When you take land, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you destroy nature, and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you pollute and cause someone to die, you have killed them.
When you deny knowledge, you kill.
When you deny food, water, shelter, or medicine, you kill.
Giving drugs, tobacco, and alcohol kills.
Buildings that collapse, catch fire, or are destroyed by rain.
Enabling weapons.
Why quit motion video?
Flashing lights affects the brain. Motion video is rapidly moving lights. Children viewing motion video become dramatic. Too much of certain wavelengths of light can affect the brain. Sunlight has the perfect light. Go out and enjoy sunlight.
Believe in Jesus Christ and you will Live Forever. See Jesus Christ. Love Jesus Christ. Forever Jesus Christ ❤️
submitted by scassim to NTHE [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:39 Temporary_Scale3826 Requested: Why Diablo IV Needs A Bestiary

numerous lengthy paragraphs ahead; beware of massive spoilers for Diablo: Immortal, Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, and Diablo IV
So, after replying to an earlier post regarding the desire for lengthier dungeons and additional lore notes, I offered to share my thoughts on why Diablo IV should add a Bestiary to its list of assets if anyone wanted to hear it. Someone took me up on that offer, and so here we are—below is my ‘essay’ on that matter. To be honest, I started typing and it sorta turned into a whole 3-page dissertation, so proceed with caution.
There are a number of ways in which video games ensnare their players and capture their attention. The Diablo games are a great example of a series that uses multiple ways to achieve this, including triggering our senses involving hearing, sight, as well as touch (for example, through vibration mechanics felt through a handheld controller). The Diablo series’ Bestiary has combined several of these mechanics to create an effective means of imparting additional knowledge to players. Now, given that my experience with the Diablo series is sadly limited to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, Diablo: Immortal, and Diablo IV, I can only offer so much insight on this.
In Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, the Bestiary was unique in that clicking each entry rewarded players with an audio recording which reads the relevant text aloud, usually through the voices of one of the many memorable voice actors featured in the game. This had several effects, some of which include: 1) players gained a greater understanding of the personality and background of the character who was reading the entries; 2) players gained a greater understanding of the lore of the creature whose entry was being read to us, and potentially offered new ways of looking at our foes that we were previously unaware of. Being able to hear the entries being read also allowed players another means by which to perceive the emotions felt by those reading the entries. For example, the Last of the Barbarians journals—found only in Act III’s Ruins of Sescheron—feature Barbarian-specific dialogue, and at one point, the journal’s author swears that “hell will pay dearly for each of our deaths”, a line that the voice actor very nearly growls in order to convey his rage and fury. Other entries often encouraged our humor, disgust, or even disdain, but some of my fondest memories involve listening to those little notes.
Diablo III’s Bestiary was also unique in the way that it handled long dungeons. Now, unlike the dungeons found in the more recent Diablo IV, Diablo III’s dungeons were multilayered (Act 1’s Cathedral featured a whopping 6 layers, for example), and featured many waves of lore-friendly enemies. Sprinkled throughout the dungeons were also pedestals, or other mediums such as backpacks, which players could activate and receive a Bestiary entry that usually was the part of an important character’s journal. One could activate these mediums in any order, and you would automatically receive the next entry in the journal series, a fact which casually encouraged repeated exploration of said dungeons. Act 1’s Cathedral featured the journal entries of the foreboding Skeleton King, the corrupted figure who was once the mighty King Leoric. These entries followed his descent into corruption, and each entry seems to show his thoughts spiraling from general sanity down to barbaric savagery and an ever-growing willingness to murder the very people he was supposed to protect and guide. We gain a keen amount of insight not only into the ways that darker forces corrupt humans on Sanctuary, but also the effects of this upon any vulnerable populace.
In Diablo: Immortal, the Bestiary does not come with audio recordings, but there is still text to read, along with a nice sketch of the relevant foe. In my general experience, the writing style of Diablo Immortal’s entries is very dissimilar in its execution when compared with Diabo III. Where Diablo III thrived on revealing personal accounts featuring unique individuals, Diablo Immortal’s entries are more simplistic, offering a more distant but nevertheless informative view of the enemies which examines their attack patterns, behaviors, mannerisms, etc. We as players miss out on how these foes terrify or overwhelm the humans of Sanctuary, but we still can gain much information regarding these creatures and people. Not every entry is an examination of the enemy’s strengths and weaknesses—some entries, like that of the Skeletal Archer, harbor only warnings, such as “Do not be fooled by their fragile appearance; it only takes [a] single shot to still a beating heart.” The intended effect is to inspire fear in players, and though it is not very informative, it still draws players into the world even deeper.
Now I come to Diablo IV. Diablo IV has featured a number of wide and sweeping changes with the passing of each new Season. At the time of writing this post, the current Season—the Season of Loot Reborn—has brought on massive changes to the ways that players can adjust the quality of their arms and armor, as well as allowing players to retain Legendary powers and imprint them upon new tools without limit. Unique equipment can now drop at lower World Tiers, which has led to a slew of posts where players are happily remarking upon their luck at gaining specialty equipment at even lower levels—personally, I’m super glad my Necromancers can grab the Bloodless Scream and the Ring of Sacrilegious Soul without having to suffer through like 50-55 levels to get a great weapon or ring. Additionally, Helltides can be accessed by characters even on lower difficulty levels rather than locking them behind World Tiers III and IV. While these changes are very welcome, and have made leveling and building characters far more fun and encouraging, I still find myself feeling somehow disconnected from the world my character is roaming in—I believe the exact source of my ‘disconnection’ specifically regards Diablo IV’s lack of a Bestiary.
Diablo IV did not completely do away with any and all descriptions and lore bits. Each dungeon in Diablo IV—well, at least the ones I have explored thus far—feature one specific medium that, when clicked on, drops one lore note which is read aloud to players. Sadly, these notes are not stored in any centralized entry, so nostalgic players wishing to re-read what happened are forced to start the dungeon all over again. There is another significant change that I’ve noticed, with some sadness—previous games’ Legendary and Armor Set equipment always contained a lore description. In Diablo IV, this has been altered, and now only Unique and Quest-specific items hold lore descriptions. Though this was likely done so that the developers could spend time improving the game mechanics themselves rather than having to pay a bunch of writers to supply more descriptions, it is a change which has left me feeling rather bereft.
Diablo IV (and Diablo Immortal) has a shop for cosmetics, and this is the only other significant source of information for lore-heads like myself. While the shop has garnered mixed reactions from players, I still find it useful for imparting even more information regarding the lore of our beloved classes and characters. For example, this Season’s update added a series of special portals each designed for a specific class’s cosmetic set (these portals each come with weapon skins, a headstone, and an emblem). Given my adoration for the specific brand of necromancy offered by the Diablo series—typically experienced by players through the eyes of a Priest of Rathma—the portal that has attracted my attention the most is the Path of the Deathspeaker. The description for this portal gives us some information regarding Deathspeakers in general, and I find myself going back and rereading it with some fondness. However, Tejal’s Shop should not be one’s only resort if one wants to uncover as much lore about the world as they possibly can.
What pumped me up so much about Diablo IV was not so much the improved graphics and other features, but rather caught my interest after I heard the game would feature the infamous Inarius and Lilith, the creators of the realm of Sanctuary. I first heard of these characters while traipsing through Diablo III’s Pandaemonium Fortress and listening to all the journal entries regarding what happened when Sanctuary was created. I’ll admit, I was hooked the minute the Diablo IV developers mentioned those two characters, because I was dying to learn more about their history and who they were/are as characters, which wouldn’t have been possible without the entire Bestiary mechanic.
I can’t say that Diablo IV has completely failed my expectations. Yes, I’ve learned far more about Inarius and Lilith, and have the unique experience of being able to simultaneously empathize and understand each of their internal conflicts, fears, and plots. The interactions surrounding and regarding the unfortunate death of Rathma were especially revealing, as I believe seeing Rathma’s corpse was the precise moment that Lilith decided she was going to slaughter Inarius—come on, you can see the rage in her eyes! I appreciate the subtle acknowledgement of our own player characters’ vulnerabilities as well, as some of the Campaign dialogue I found myself surprised by—in particular, I am thinking of the end of the Campaign, when our characters voice their concerns about being unable to “trust their thoughts” regarding the Prime Evil Lord of Hatred, Mephisto, and leave the choice of whether to imprison him in the Soulstone up to our young scholarly ally, Neyrelle.
By the end of Diablo IV’s Campaign, there’s little to do but slice our way through the Helltides, gain more weapons so we can fight even bigger foes, and continue offering Grim Favors to the decidedly eerie Tree of Whispers. When I reached this same point in Diablo III and Diablo: Immortal, I often spent my time delving through old dungeons, eager to uncover what journal entries I missed and unlock little rare encounters that I might’ve overlooked. However, Diablo IV’s endgame doesn’t offer more lore-focused players all that much. There’s little reason to go through old dungeons, unless you want to grab a quick 5 Grim Favors or perhaps run into a rare enemy—plus, the little lore notes that are there aren’t all that substantial.
So, again, Diablo IV players are left with little to sink their teeth into besides the description offered by the Unique equipment and those cosmetics offered by Tejal’s Shop. Sure, there’s little class-specific differences regarding Campaign dialogue, such as Druids saying that “our people” are being slaughtered by spirits on Scosglen’s moors versus other classes saying “your people”. However, there’s only so many of these changes, and I again find myself wishing that I had more to work with intellectually.
Adding a Bestiary to Diablo IV would offer a great way to enrich the world’s lore, offer deeper insights into each of our classes, and might even encourage players to delve back into those old dungeons with renewed vigor. There is so much more that could be explored. I am dying to know more about what exactly happened after Malthael’s demise. Was the climb back to normalcy a terrifying, foreboding, or otherwise frightful experience? Were there plagues or famines caused by all the corpses of those folks slain by Malthael’s Reapers? And what happened to our beloved Crusaders? They can’t all have died…right? I want to know more about so many of the base game enemies, like how those damn Triune cultists have gotten so numerous, what’s up with those feral werewolves (I suspect some of them may be mad Druids, but that’s just a theory), and why in the Burning Hells those stupid Beasts keep barreling my characters over—okay, maybe not that last one, but seriously, the knockdowns are getting irritating.
I implore the developers to give some thought to incorporating a Bestiary into the game officially. If implemented the right way, adding such a tool would encourage players to delve into the deepest recesses of Sanctuary, maybe even revisit some old dungeons so we could grab (and actually keep) lore notes. We could even receive less common entries if we slay those rare boss encounters found randomly in the world. We could gain more insight into the inner workings of each city and its inhabitants, besides the little clickable things we can run across (such as the bandit gang flag in Gea Kul or the blood sand crates in Alzuuda). A Bestiary could also offer new ways to earn experience and battle prowess. Perhaps, if we slay enough of an enemy, we could even unlock a secondary part of the same Bestiary entry that offers even more information. There’s so many ways to explore this feature, and I think it could offer a great end-game experience for those interested.
submitted by Temporary_Scale3826 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:35 DazzlingShiny130 Nancy (The Storyteller Spider)


"The Storyteller Spider or is a major character from the web-novel Tales We Weave appearing directly and indirectly as the author and supreme creator of all creation and serving as a narrator above all concepts, meanings, entities, creation and the narrative itself, existing in the peak of the Mother Web. The myth of The Storyteller Spider started millenniums ago on earth more specifically on the African continent, with the first humans believing on a spider god that from time to time, descended from the divine realm to earth with the single purpose to share his stories with the people. The myth still being a myth however inspired a whole generation of humans to write about the entity and the fables of Nancy became famous around the world with each one of them having a meaning. With the time as generations passed, humanity slowly forgot about them and even though their stories were slowly getting forgotten in time, there would exist those who would never forget about the myth of the Storyteller Spider as well its fables"


"In chapter 4-5 the Storyteller Spider is described as an big white spider with a undefined size, it is believed that Nancy's true form cannot be understood by any mind and being forever a mystery even to editors. While other beings are not able to understand Nancy's true form, he is sometimes described as an giant eldritch white spider and sometimes appearing in a human form. The true aspect and form of The Storyteller Spider is believed to exist beyond the dark frontier and being forever a mystery to those below it"


"The Storyteller Spider shows to be a friendly entity rather than a controlling entity like editors, he sees creation more than a story but a happy and cheerful world full of different individuals with each one building their own story. According to Nancy every single being has a story to tell, be it about their daily lives or whatever action they take, there is always a story to tell wherever you look around. He also shows a lot of interest for external stories be it from his creation or even from other places. During chapter 4 of Tales We Weave, Nancy mentioned the SCP Foundation showing he was aware such verse existed and adding how he liked the writing and lore of the SCP writers from the wiki. The Storyteller Spider doesn't just seems to love narrating and weaving new stories but seems to also love reading external stories, according to him there is always something new a person can learn when reading a story, that's the fun of creation and the thing that gives colors and joy to existence, the endlessly stories the individual can learn and extract a lesson from it"


1. The Collective Webs

"The Collective Webs is the place where all single stories meet with each other being a place weaved by editors, each web from the collective webs contains an infinite number of omniverses with each one having a different story, and representing an entire verse stacked inside, containing also an infinite number of dimensions, realms, planes of existence, mathematical concepts, and inferior narrative layers also stacked inside. The number of webs in the Collective Webs is endlessly"

1.2 The Primary Web

"The Primary Web exists above all the other webs in the Collective webs, being the biggest and most important web for embodying and encompassing every single web, containing half of the entire narrative stack, concepts of existence. The primary web represents the inferior layer of fiction where all concepts of existence are tied inside it, being part of it's many webs and stories. Due to it's nature it is impossible for fiction inside it to leave and escape to upper layers due to the "point of no return" which exists to block and confine fictional characters from escaping the primary web"

1.3 The Fourth Web

"Although it was not mentioned, It is highly implied that there are upper layers above the primary web before reaching the dark frontier as editors can also manipulate the primary web. Above the Primary Web there exists the Fourth Web which is the place editors resides in low sub layers, the fourth web is an fourth wall aspect dimension established above the narrative of the Primary Web, serving as an place that exists beyond the fictional world of the primary web. This plane of existence is considered the high layer of fiction in which transcends all the aspects established in the Primary Web"

1.4 The Mother Web

"The Mother Web is implied to be the last web of the narrative weaved by The Storyteller Spider, existing beyond the fourth wall, and containing the entire full narrative stack from infinite stories. The existence of editors and other meta beings are also tied to the mother web as they are part of it as a whole, the Mother Web is argued to contain the entire fiction inside it, everything that existed, exists and will exist in the narrative. The destruction of the Mother Web could possibly imply the annihilation of the entire stack of fiction, however the mother web is still below the dark frontier. Is through the Mother Web Nancy constructs and weaves different stories, manipulating everything within it such events and endlessly stacks of stories that happens on it. Being the Spider of the stories and the entity who wove the Mother Web, Nancy transcends the fictional boundaries of the mother web, existing in the peak of the sub layers of the mother web"

1.5 The Dark Frontier

"The Dark Frontier serves as a barrier that traps and seals the fourth web, due to its nature it is impossible for any meta or pataphysical being to cross it, representing also the edge of fiction and the true point of no return. The dark frontier is also extremely large, encompassing and evolving the entire fourth web like a spherical cloud of darkness. Due to its nature it is believed that Nancy exists above it, however as none ever managed to reach it, it is unknown what exists above it but it could possibly be the place the spider's true apect resides as a whole"

1.6 Skyline Universe

"Skyline Universe is a hypothetical place that exists above the dark frontier and being the place Nancy resides, is described as a world similar to real life but with only one single entity residing in it. Being a place that already transcended fiction itself for being above the dark frontier and the mother web. The Dark Frontier when looked from Skyline Universe, has the appearance of an small dark sphere, like if it was a decoration item placed inside a living room, having the mother web stacked inside it as well. Due to it's nature, it is impossible for beings who exists inside the mother web to cross the dark frontier and reach this place as the Skyline Universe exists completely outside of fiction. The Skyline Universe is implied to be the manifestation and projection of Nancy's true form and whole aspect including imagination, ideas and true self (being basically themselves as a whole)"


"Nancy's true powers remains a mystery for most entities but they are highly believed to be above all concepts of existence and above creation itself, seeing the narrative and everything as fiction to him, thus granting him great power and influence to control what happens in the story. During chapter 4-5, Nancy reveals to Skinande existence itself is merely something he weaved to narrate, even the existence of meta entities such Skinande or editors are tied to the narratives of the spider. He was also responsible for the creation of the mother web as well everything inside it, something that contained the entire fictional stack created by him. Concepts such; destruction, chaos, destiny or light are conceptual ideas tied and confined inside the Primary Web in which he transcends due to him having woven the mother web and the existence of the entire fiction contained inside the mother web"
Powers and Abilities: Beyond-Dimensional Physiology (Exists beyond the fourth Web, transcending the fourth wall itself), Acausality (Type 5: Existed before editors, who created causality and the primary web), Plot Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Omni-Lock, Omniarch, Complete Arsenal, Text Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Creation (created and weaved the entire Mother Web), Existence Erasure (can erase and wipe the mother web with everything inside it), Transduality (Type 3:, Existential Perfection, Omni-Negation, Absolute Invulnerability (can survive even if the mother web is destroyed), All types of immortality, Omnipresence (can exist everywhere at the same time in the narrative), Omniscience (Knows everything and contains all knowledge possibly), Transcendence (transcends all meanings, concepts, ideas, entities, deities, and the narrative itself)


"Time...It's not what you think it is, time is like a cage or cube that revolves everything and when you freed yourself and leave its boundaries you realize time is just a cage trapping third dimensional beings inside, you see how time is so small but big compared to those people" -Nancy to Skinande when explaining about conceptual meanings
"Everything is more fun and better when people shares their ideas and gathers them together with other's ideas thus making a lot of stories" - Nancy to Skinande
"Every work has an message the author desires to pass to the readers, the message I wanna pass here is that with a bit of creativity, effort, and imagination someone is already capable to create and build different types of stories, and that's exactly the message I try to pass on this web-novel, the "Tales we Weave" or stories we create together" - Nancy to the readers


*In the African continent, Nancy was once mistaken with the god "Anansi", the spider god
*During Chapter four of Tales We Weave, The Storyteller mentions that they are nothing more but a manifestation of a entity named Beyond Light, something that exists beyond the Dark Frontier and the mother web itself, being just a manifestation of Beyond Light in the narrative
*Although It wasn't mentioned, Nancy's favorite story and narrative is the "Self Reference Engine", with himself being a "fan" of Nemo Ex Machina's work
*Among the many names he was given already, the names "God of Stories" and "The Storyteller Spider" were the most famous and used ones by himself
*It is not fully know why Nancy picks the form of a spider to manifest himself but it could possibly be related to how he weaves and create stories like an spider weaving its webs
*He seems to be aware of other verses as he mentioned SCP writers in chapter 4
*SCP-2747 was almost mentioned by Skinande before he got interrupted and cut by Nancy
*As mentioned above, Nancy shows an deep passion and interests for stories, quoting them as "the joy of creation" for him and being the thing that moves every writer to write, the passion for the narrative and the writer's creativity
*"Did you liked my own improvised fandom wiki, reader?"
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