Al capone does my shirts online reading

The cuck shed!

2014.09.14 17:34 AttackTheMoon The cuck shed!

the cuck shed

2013.10.31 20:50 astrologyfrog Astrology Readings

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)

2010.11.17 02:27 For the proliferation, reestablishment, and defence of monarchy.

This is a forum for those who think monarchy is a noble and viable alternative to the crude and materialistic mob mentality of republicanism.

2024.05.19 16:24 S_K_25 stealing idea and also reviewing all professors i’ve had

stealing u/epiccabbage123 idea, feel free to ask any questions!!
FALL 2020
Adam Kane- WR120, first year writing, nonsense fiction. very fun class honestly with a lot of interesting discussions, and super interesting and thought provoking material with very interesting perspectives. recommend
Laura Brusetti- LI111, first sem italian, fun professor but tbh i was just in the class for lang requirement, but made learning the language easy and didn’t put a ton of pressure. recommend
Dan Dill- CH101, gen chem 1, i mean everyone knows dill what do i say, took it online which made it a lil easier tbh but i guess that may depend who you talk to. talks really slow and i felt like the book explained concepts better than he did
Mark Howe- NE101, intro to neuroscience, this class moves pretty fast and is very content packed, also took it online. i really enjoyed this class since i was super interested, but could be tough if you’re not. don’t think he teaches this class anymore tho (take it with gobrogge in the summer if he still does that!)
Walter Hopp- PH248, existentialism, idk this is where i found out academic philosophy wasnt for me, but jf you’re interested in the subject you’d probably like it, remember doing some kant and nietzche but i stopped reading the material halfway through the class tbh
Rita Cote- LI112 (2nd sem italian), LI211 (3rd sem), more difficult professor people say but tbh if you pay attention to the questions she asks they are the same she puts on oral exams and paper tests so just write them down in class and prepare an answer (if she hasn’t changed how she teaches)
Lucia Pastorino- NE102, Intro to cell and molecular bio, really great professor but i didn’t get to take her courses outside of this one and it was online, so i didn’t get to know her that well. class was great tho and she is a great lecturer, neuro department is great here. recommend
Binyomin Abrams- CH102, gen chem 2, explained things better than dill but still found the best help was reading the textbook, honestly just taught myself that one
Kyle Gobrogge- NE102 Lab, NE203 Lab (Principles of Neuro), NE456, the absolute goat, i love him to death. probably my favorite professor i’ve had and a huge part of what makes the neuro department great. truly cares about all his students and is willing to talk about anything and everything. will push you to reach your potential and it feels like he truly believes in you. he will open doors for you if you really want, and you can get anywhere you want if you want to work for it, he will offer paths to publish papers, undertake whatever experiment you can come up with that he has the facilities to support. they run a lab as well called the gobrogge teaching lab where he gave me access to whatever resources he could to come up with experiments and do whatever i wanted with them. very low pressure on the research as well, it truly felt like a perfect learning experience and through him i was able to start learning how to actually undertake research. take their sex and aggression class, it’s something everyone should be exposed to at some level and gives you an opportunity to talk about topics on human sexuality, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anything and everything freely and openly. i could go on for a while about them. highly highly recommend take any classes they’re teaching
FALL 2021
Cote, 3rd sem Italian, above
Rebecca Kinraide- WR152, Medical debates, seemed like a class but i wasn’t super engaged tbh. she was super nice though from what i remember and i don’t have any bad things to say about her
Jeff Gavornik- NE203, principles of neuro lecture, moves quick but i found it interesting, explains basic functions of the brain and builds a good foundation for future classes, he specialized in the electrical side of things so the class was slightly heavier in that aspect. felt like he explained things well though, didn’t go to office hours much so i don’t know him very well
huge shoutout to Caroline Dugan, think she is currently teaching NE203 lab which was easily my favorite lab class at BU. got to design our own experiment on fruit flies and this class has only improved since. you get access to some really powerful tools that you can do some really interesting things with. caroline was a LA when i took the class and she was always a great help, great at explaining concepts from lecture or lab and i highly recommend.
also huge shoutout to John Tullai, i didn’t have the pleasure of taking one of his classes directly since i did 203 lab under gobrogge, but every interaction I’ve had with tullai all the way through graduation has been great. another huge part of what makes the neuro department great, great person and great teacher. highly recommend.
Tracy Dunne- PS101, intro to psych, she was good but i wasn’t always super engaged and honestly wish i did a different minor. great professor though with interesting lectures and funny stories, i’d recommend if you are looking at this class
Zeynep Demiragli- PY105, physics 1, honestly felt like she went over some concepts a little too quick and found reading textbook to be really helpful to supplement, but was super nice and seemed to care about her students a lot.
David Somers- NE202, Intro to Cognitive neuro, this class was also interesting and he brought up a lot of interesting experiments, definitely have to study for this one. his lectures were engaging enough imo but not standout. recommend
Arash Yazdanbakhsh- NE212 (Intro to Matlab), NE204 (Intro to Computational Neuroscience), both classes are matlab, expects his students to do well and put in effort but is also more than willing to explain things to the most minute detail and repeat whenever you’re confused. go to office hours and ask questions, exams are open note and open internet as well so take notes and use them. his lecturing style is a bit different than most, instead of directly telling you information he tries to lead you there with questions and student input. he wants you to try to make the steps that people discovering these things did and think about everything is presented, he will give you all the information you need. recommend
FALL 2022
Paul Trunfio- PY106, physics 2, loved this man honestly, he wants his students to do well and will explain and answer any questions you have. gave great lectures and very accessible but also felt textbook material/assigned work pretty helpful. recommend
Brett DiBenedictis- NE333, drugs and behavior, really interesting class and he is a great lecturer, but the professors for this class change all the time. he gives a lot of detail and a very wide perspective outside of just how drugs work, but also touches on how they’ve impacted society. recommend if you get the chance
Steve Ramirez- NE337, Memory Systems, this man is incredible and i wish i got to interact with him more. leads a really interesting lab as well doing sick memory research. learned a ton in this class about how human memory works, things that can apply outside of just neuro knowledge but you can apply to your life. engaging lectures, funny professor with great stories and is great at explaining concepts. highly recommend.
Alice Cronin-Golomb- NE338, neuropsychology, learned some really interesting information in this class and she brought in some interesting guest lecturers. great lecturer herself, can expect a lot but is very informative. recommend.
Andrey Vyshedskiy, MET BI366, Neurobiology of Consciousness and Imagination, this guy is a genius, like seriously. go read his book, titled on the origin of the human mind, especially if you are interested in neuro and human evolution. he proposes a super interesting theory on what makes humans unique and is doing some really interesting research trying to examine his theory. unfortunately idk if you can get into this class anhmore unless you are in MET, and i took this class with 4 other people. super super interesting though and really pushed my understanding of the brain but also began to build a much more holistic overview of how the cortex works and how humans can do what we do. highly highly recommend and seriously read his book if you’re interested in this kind of thing.
Rachel Denison- PS222, perception, she seemed like a super sweet woman but i didn’t enjoy the class much, felt very surface level and memorization based honestly and i wasn’t engaged. also didn’t let students leave the classroom after finishing midterm/final until the whole allotted time was up even if you finished early so idk what that was about?
Michael Lyons- PS371, psychopathology, again i wish i did a different minor but old psych white guy vibes, seemed fine enough but lectures weren’t very engaging and felt like they consisted of either some random story that was only slightly related or reading off entries in the DSM
Stephen Prothero- RN106, Death and Immortality, this was the last class that he taught but i would recommend if i could. didn’t read much of the material but lectures were interesting and discussion based, even with a large class. impressed how they managed that tbh. recommend this class for more than just hub recs even tho we all know that’s what you’re taking it for
FALL 2023
Kyle Gobrogge, NE456, above
Kevin Barents/Jeremy Yudkin MH408/AM336, bob dylan: music and words, love these guys, lowkey penn and teller vibes but very interesting professors. class is super fun, listen to bob dylan and discuss his music, influence, life, ideas, whatever. recommend
Meg Younger- NE520, Sensory Neurobiology, great class and great professor. not only do you get to look at the groundbreaking discoveries in sensory neurobio, she teaches you how to read and digest scientific articles and prepares you to move into a lab. runs her discussion sections like a lab would run a journal club which i found super helpful. also will always engage with student feedback and is willing to challenge students if she doesn’t feel like we are putting in enough effort. really enjoyed her class and teaching style, this was a smaller class that allowed for open discussion and lots of perspectives. she also runs a really interesting mosquito lab investigating olfaction, so she has some really interesting insights there. highly highly recommend.
Kevin Gold, DS110, intro to Data Science with Python, good professor and chill dude, didn’t go to office hours so i didn’t know him much. cool class tho, helpful information to know and a good beginyning exposition to python and data science. recommend.
Arash Yazdanbakhsh, NE204, above
Leonidas Kontothanasis, DS210, Programming for Data Science, difficult and demanding class but good professor, gives some interesting stories in office hours and fun to talk to. good lectures but definitely need to do some reading outside of lecture as well. his class began to spark my interest in programming. recommend.
Tanima Chatterjee- DS120, Foundations of Data Science, seemed like a great professor but honestly i didn’t attend lecture much, seemed super nice from her recordings and didn’t actually require lecture attendance, gave really detailed lecture notes that were super easy to teach myself from. class itself was just basic topics in probability, proofs and logic, calculus, and linear algebra, i didn’t find it too difficult. she’s good at explaining concepts and if i didn’t take this class as a second semester senior i probably would have been more engaged. recommend.
submitted by S_K_25 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:24 Nizioo Changing my name on IB Diploma

Hi!! I passed IB in 2023 and now I'm chilling in university (life is good!) but there's one problem - I legally changed my name and surname a month or so ago, and I'd really like to update my IB Diploma accordingly.
So - does anyone know how to do it? I've looked online and I'm still unsure about what to do. I've read you can contact your IB coordinator during the first 6 months or so, but I'm way past that now. I also found some email that deals with this kind of issue, but it was only mentioned once on some old and dusty website. And, on top of all of that - every article mentions a fee and I was wondering how much it is - 5, 50 or 500 dollars...?
submitted by Nizioo to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:18 MasterReis10 The Messenger.

It was a Monday morning. I had just gotten out of bed and was brushing my teeth, so far nothing out of the norm had gone on. After, I went back to my room and put on my shirt and trousers, ‘hm,’ I said to myself. My shirt felt heavier than usual, I went through my pockets to find what was off-putting. After searching 3 pockets, I could feel a note in the lower left pocket. ‘What does it say?’ I questioned. There was black print, just one sentence, ‘The milk is expired.’ What could it mean, what I wondered more though was how it got there. I realised that I had already worn this shirt the other day and I assumed that someone had slipped it in there on my walk home from work last night. I didn’t think much of it and went down to eat breakfast before leaving the house. I got myself a bowl and poured in some cereal. When I went to get the milk I remembered the note and decided to check the date of the milk purely for the fun of it, of course I didn’t think that the note was correct. When I turned the milk bottle around I spotted the date in blue bold print. ‘November 23rd,’ I read allowed. I checked my phone, it was November 24th.
‘Must be a coincidence,’ I thought to myself, after all, most milk goes off after a few days of buying it, right? I ignored the situation and made myself a toast instead. I proceeded to the living room to watch some T.V before leaving, ‘just want to check the weather,’ I told myself. I picked up the remote and opened the T.V, scrolled to the weather channel and turned the sound up. ‘It is going to be a 2024 record of 39 degrees celsius!’ Said the man on the screen. ‘Thats great!’ I told myself excitedly. I shut the T.V and went to put on my shoes and coat. I had left the house and approached my car, still a normal day. Nothing strange going on yet. Neighbour was walking the dog, joggers jogging by. As I said, nothing unusual. I put my hand in my pocket, expecting to grab my car keys, instead, I feel another note. ‘Another one?’ I thought to myself, I opened it up and read, ‘Ignore the weatherman, bring an umbrella.’ Stupid notes, I thought, probably just some annoying person with nothing better to do with his life but bother me. I threw the note away and got my car keys. I had wondered how the note had got there though, I hadn’t taken worn my coat at all yesterday. Once again, I ignored it and went into the car. On the passenger seat laid a note. ‘W-what?!’ I was now panicking. Nervously, I grabbed the note and opened it up: ‘I bet you it will rain today!’ It said, I was on the verge of calling the police but I had no evidence of anyone breaking in or anyone writing these notes so I decided to leave it. I turned on the engine, wondering what will happen next.
Part 1. Upvote for Part 2. Comment suggestions.
submitted by MasterReis10 to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:10 Icy_Finger313 Mental health at an all time low

I was playing a game wiith a friend when my dad walked in and started to ask me "I like yhe uni work your doing" pointing at the game being all buddy buddy. He then proceeds to lecture me abt how I always play games even tho I don't, especially now since uni has kept me busy (I've only been playing like the past week) and he just rambled on and on abt how I should learn arabic to "be smarter" cause he thinks me learning arabic would somehow make me more islamically smarter even tho it won't to some degree. He also rambled abt how he listens to lectures and stuff and I simply couldn't talk to him cause everytime I tried, he'd just cut me off and deflect or pretend like he heard nothing and it's really annoying so I just sat there listening. Some things he says is correct and there are some things he says which are simply flawed. He even swore at me as an "example" of how normal swearing is and I asked him "why should I care if other ppl swear, if I don't swear myself?" (I dont swear at all and find it disgusting whenever i swear in my head, but idc if others swear) And he ignored me and I started to lose braincells. He wants me to be more islamically smart which I agree with but he doesn't want to teach or guide me shit. It's like telling a kid to learn how to play a game without teaching him first cause he just says to "just learn of your phone, it's all on the internet" and just leaving it at that. I would just do this, but he tends to ask stuff that I don't know abt then somehow expects me to know something I'm hearing for the first time. He asked me what "fege" means in islam and since I couldn't fond the answer online, I asked him and he said it was Islamic law, which is mainly called "fiqh" which I knew abt but didn't know the specific name/term that he used, and he ends up flaming me for not knowing and stuff. There was another definition, but I forgot. I tried to reason with him but he just doesn't listen, I asked him if I was smarter, would he learn from me abt something he doesn't know abt and he was like "whatever you know, I already know" 😑. Anyways, I also called him out on the swearing part and I was like, "if the prophet was here, he wouldn't swear like that even if it's for an 'example' cause that's just dumb". He standardised 16-18 years old leaving their parents to live by himself based on "white people" and told me that he was expecting me to do the same if I didn't wanna listen to what he said(not to stay awake late and to never play games again), he'd never come to a compromise cause he's way tooooooo stubborn and rambled on abt how he could live by himself and some other bs. I couldn't hold it in so I wrote all this cause it's nice to share and get it off my chest cause as im typing this, I'm litterally crying lol. Even as a child, I'd rather of gotten physically hit the emotionally dmg by my dad and it really does shit to my brain. Talking to him is like talking a brick wall, he'd never listen and idk what to do abt it. Imo I just gotta live it out and hope I can some day move out ig. There's more stuff but I don't wanna deep it too much 😔. Regardless of what he says to me, I was already gonna try be more islamically smart, not to prove myself to him, but for my own sake of learning for this world and the hereafter.
Crazy long rant, my mental state is probably at my lowest rn, i dont really expect this to get much attention or responsed, but if your bothered enough to read it, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated... jazakallah
submitted by Icy_Finger313 to shia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:01 Nuterbutchkins Mistborn era 2 fun topic

Obligatory Cosmere experience disclaimer: I’ve read all of Stormlight including all novellas, finished Mistborn era 1, 11th Metal, and Emporer’s Soul. I’ve seen it stated before that Mistborn should be made into a video game and I could not agree more, it would be fun AF. I especially think so because the way allomancy and feruchemy work, it’s less about how powerful you are and more about how you use your powers. There’s a high level of skill involved = delicious variety. I’m almost finished with AoL. So here’s my question to the community: If Mistborn era 2 were a multiplayer online video game, PvP style, how would the effect of bend alloy be handled? Have other games tried tackling such a problem? Fun side question: Does this lead us to some boundary, the edge of what is possible, some sort of “video game physics”?
submitted by Nuterbutchkins to Cosmere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:48 Mammoth_Programmer39 200 Series - Check Engine Question

Hey all, my 200 has a recurring check engine light and the "reduced power" notice. Dealership can't figure it out. A few weeks ago I had white smoke come out of the exhaust at turn over but that happened only once. I've read online about the head gasket (or related) issues the 5.7 V8 has, but does anyone know anything more?
submitted by Mammoth_Programmer39 to LandCruisers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:43 DasCalamity How are you suppose to deal with Height insecurity?

Starting off I meet all of the checkmarks: I just turned 24 and 5'3, I do not want to consider myself ugly but I look 15. Throughout my youth, I was bullied for my height (by men and women). I moved so much being in a military family (not to mention my parents kept getting back together and divorcing). Which means I never kept friends for any long period of time. Moving on I stopped caring about my height but it has not gotten me anywhere. I do not socialize or go to parties because that leads to horrible decisions especially because of my experiences growing up with an alcoholic abusive father who is not in my life anymore. During my time in college, I did not join any social groups because I just felt like no one was serious about a relationship. It did not bother me that I did not hang out with people because I am a silent type who does not like approaching people but would be nice if someone approached me or if I was forced to speak with them. Plus I was always a typical gamer, I always just enjoyed video games since I was 5, as it kept my mind at peace. In terms of communication, I am just a soft-spoken man if I choose to speak in the first place. I'm emo in a way where I have a "whatever" aura, my online friends compare me to Raven from Teen Titans lmao, just generally never impressed with things because I'm an INTJ personality type. So thinking and observing is just my thing, just mostly always focused on goals. In college I slowly was indoctrinated into being an Incel through social media, I denounced it for obvious reasons as I could not go a second without thinking of suicide in which I never spoke to anyone about it including my family. I felt good about denouncing it and getting back into focusing on self-care. However, I cannot go a single thought without being reminded "Oh I'm short". It drags me back into being an incel and my thoughts are contemptuous. So here I am in my last year of college starting after summer.
  1. ) How are you supposed to fight this insecurity by having consistent reminders? Especially since I live in the South (US), everyone is a giant. I just get very jealous mixed with the fact of my past of being abused for my height. This all comes together because I just think of myself as weak and do not speak for myself.
  2. ) Approaching or being dominant in discussion is not my strong suit, it's generally not who I am nor is it natural as everyone can agree. I am very capable of having genuine conversation but is generally hard when you do not have any attractiveness or something to draw me into discussion.
  3. ) I read through a lot of posts on here and people generally give the same stereotypical advice of "Get out there" and "Do some community service". That just makes me curl and just give up because it's genuinely harder than it seems. Despite I like helping people without recognition because it makes me feel awkward. I generally know what I like to do and that stuff is mostly online (I'm getting my degree in Information Technology and cybersecurity)
  4. ) My mother did force me to see a therapist, but it did not work out, I did not want to talk about my past nor did I like opening up to a stranger.
I feel that my life is going to be successful with a job and with my college, however, I do want a serious relationship and more friends. Just nothing seems to come naturally especially at my age where no one seems to be serious. Sorry for any grammer mistakes!
submitted by DasCalamity to IncelExit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:42 AspieNana Will never date again!!!

So I F55 have been single, living with ex (paranoid hoarder) for a few years. It was exhausting & constant stress. We all know what clutter does to an aspie!! I finally had enough & decided to move closer to my kids&grans 1200 miles away. Ex moved out. I've been trying to pack my stuff (imagine trying to find my stuff in the hoard) bought a shuttle to live in/haul my stuff, still had the exs cats, dog, for months. I've had 2 surgeries in the past 6 months, both pushed my timeline further back. I've dealt with all of this ALONE. It's just been chaos & I'm really pushing myself. I have a 4 hr round trip commute, on top of an 8 hr work shift, 5 days a week. A friend there, invited me to a FB group to maybe meet some more friends there before hand. I got a few responses & over a period of a few months, 1 in particular, (F62) were seeing each other. She came to visit. Visit went fantastic. I understand she's a manager type personality & was fine with that, until I told her I am Aspie. Within a few days, I was being instructed on how to deal with bosses, friends, finances, when to work on my resume, tasks, chores, etc. I occasionally get overwhelmed & take a night off from tasks. I had set Mem Day as my "goal" tho kept the reality of rain, & things not working as planned (I had a date to get hitch installed, they screwed up reservation, & rescheduled next week) perfect example! I was planning on driving my shuttle down, coming back for camy dog. SHE decided, to buy a plane ticket for Mem wknd, to drive my car down for me. She's never pulled a trailer, nor dealt with midwest storms. She would also have my dog in that car. When I mentioned the given time frame, she dismissed it. My concerns: The shuttle is older and may break down. It's custom, so finding parts may take weeks. I also brought up midwest storms, her response was "its just rain we will keep going". I brought up straight line wind, derechos, etc. Was still blown off. So now my stress & anxiety are peaking. Monday night, we chatted until late, Tuesday, i had a texted a typo, & she was offended I didn't fix it. I had a horrendous busy day. She texted that I must be busy. I said yes. Note: that was all the text I got from her as well all day. When I left work, I texted that I was out. Didn't get the typical "drive safe" response. I texted that I got home. I got 'yay' in response. I then get voice message telling me she can't imagine how much stress im under, she doesn't want to be my stressor, etc. She offers me a night off of our nightly chat so I can decompress. I'm thinking omg she's amazing, thank you ty TY! Then... she sends me a vm of how I'm exhibiting VERY BAD passive aggressive behavior, full of red flags, she's going to take this as a concern, etc. I apologize & say today Im overwhelmed. Now I'm being told, she was upset about my typo, I didn't fix my typo, I didn't text much, how that made her feel ghosted, that her gut was right that I was bullshit, that I'm just too immature to handle what she has to offer. At this point, after a very long stressful day, I'm in critical shut down. I reject calls- texts, tho the texts come in nose to tail. Constant voice messages,texts, emails, voice mail,... I'm just here panicking in silence. So she starts harassing my adult daughter. I tell my daughter to block her. Now the accusations start. Then threatening to visit my elderly (80+) neighbors, (she's been to my place - driveways line up, she know where they live they are my only neighbors) harass THEM until I conform. (PS: she works with the elderly) & she can't see why I now don't want anything to do with her.
Things she's said/ texted-unedited:
-Until I hear different, I am flying out Saturday the 25th. I will get an Uber to your mom and dad's house because I have the address and we're gonna figure this shit out.
-I'm gonna have so much fun with you. You're gonna wish you never met me because I gotta tell you I gave you everything fucking everything trust sex psychological bullshit. I gave you fucking everything and you know what autism on the Spectrum all that fucking bullshit is that it's bullshit.
-I think you were too immature to handle what I can give you and you laid on yourself by being a fucking pussy and that's bullshit because I know you better than that. Why can't you just own that you need to communicate better
-I will constantly call you until I have an answer. That's the bottom line. Don't be a fucking pussy.
-Do you like women to chase you because you were fucked up? Do you really like that or do you like togive amends so it could be done?
-I will keep calling because I want an answer because I am not a fucking pussy. I want to hear it from you.
-You by far are the biggest shit that I've ever ever known. Well played the biggest fucking shit I've ever known.
-I use your white T-shirt to pick up dog shit and it made me feel happy. Isn't it cool that I can text you and you can't respond to me talking about bullshit.
-It totally sucks to be you lol I'm loving this and if you never read it, I'm still loving it
-I'm gonna have so much fun with you. You're gonna wish you never met me because I gotta tell you I gave you everything fucking everything trust sex psychological bullshit. I gave you fucking everything and you know what autism on the Spectrum all that fucking bullshit is that it's bullshit.
-You like the fat girlfriend because it makes you feel skinny and being with someone who's not fat makes you feel insecure
-I think I'm done with you for now enjoy and there is a feed for our text messages just so you know it's awesome
-I think that you just don't think and now there is no way of you to contact me thank you you did this. And I shot those emails out about mom and dad. Do I know where they live fuck no I wanted to get your attention. You chose to read them to use it against me.
-That makes me really sad and yes, I said things to get your goddamn fucking attention And you take it personally although you know me I don't even know mom and dad's address you fucking think about it. You dumb bitch OK use autism as an excuse. You're a dumb bitch autistic people think clearly.
-And you know what your daughter yes I said that fuck your daughter. You need to get her permission to do shit fucking grow up.
-Yes, I lashed out because you didn't talk to me. Yes, to all of the above, but the bottom line is when I love someone I fucking love them and I talk to them, which you did not because you were a fucking pussy, so prove me wrong
-For the record, we could never be more than friends if this is how you handle stress, not my jam at all, but I can certainly be your friend. Do you have a whole lot more growing up to do or a whole lot more realizing your disability in terms of being autistic and on the spectrum.
-I don't care if you're autistic or not you're not fucking stupid, that's passive aggressive Berni and fucking deal with it that was wrong and that was mean you were mean and yes, I lost my shit because I didn't know what was going on
submitted by AspieNana to aspergers_dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:41 ledgeon 27[M4F] Belgium/Europe - Can we skip to the good part?

I've been single for several years now and i still feel like a noob at dating hahah. Can't we just skip to the late night cuddles, the bullying as an act of love? Playing videogames together, sharing weird memes and visiting new places?
Anyway, my name is Jordy, i'm 27 years old, 1.79m tall with a dad bod, from Belgium. I've been working as a technician for a telecommunications company for the past 6 years. My career is going well and i enjoy my job however, my dream would be to open up my own nerd/geek café where people can play videogames, boardgames/D&D, read comics, manga, have LAN parties, host movie nights? Etc. But as a smart person once said:"In this economy?!".
Most of my hobbies include the things mentioned above hahah, you can also add anime, playing guitar and hikes on to the list though.
I'm a big time music addict. I love pop, rock, punk, edm and will listen to most things. My favorite artists are currently Lewis Capaldi and Jake Scott. You will hear me sing most of the day, every day - i'm sorry in advance (not).
Personality wise i'm an introvert. During my job hours i'm mostly outside and talking to strangers but it does empty my social battery. A party is the last place i wanna be basically hahah, it's not my cup of tea. I do however enjoy going to museums, concerts, cinemas, bowling alleys, etc. I'm also not a very serious person, i love dark humor and enjoy making people laugh. I consider myself to be a hopeless romantic who's love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. I wanna emphasise that i'm looking for a serious long term relationship but once we are comfortable with eachother, you will notice i have a pretty high libido. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea and that's ok.
I'm hoping to find someone with similar interests and who's looking for the same thing. Hopefully if we hit it off, we can close the distance! I'm not looking for just an online thing. When you message me, please introduce yourself. Ohh, and here's me:
submitted by ledgeon to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:36 JesusDaBeast Ignore this post if you want

I'm writing a recap of the beef in my own eyes, based on what has been shown out there.
If anyone sticks around to the end to read all this shit, if you have any comments on what I missed or should be edited, lmk. Also go touch grass.
* October 2023: Cole/Drake dropped First Person Shooter, which sees Drake take shots at Kenny and while he gives props to the Big 3, Cole also claims he’s the best rapper alive. The verse from Cole is a bit disingenuous, calling themselves the Big 3, but referring to himself as Ali and saying "me and Drizzy shits like the Super Bowl," which in turn refers to KDot as the third best in the group. Also calls himself "Muhammed Ali," who is considered the greatest to ever do it. In Jermaine's eyes, its Cole Drake Kenny.
* March 2024: Metro Boomin (rap producer) and Future drop “We Don’t Trust You,” an album which sees them take multiple shots at Drake. One song (Like that) features Kendrick, who is practically inviting him to throw gloves with Drake (and Cole). Responds to the Big 3 claims with "Fuck the Big 3, it's just Big Me." A lot of his verse is going at Drake directly, calling his best work a "Lyt pack," and playing up the MJ Prince comps with the "Prince outlived Mike Jack" bar.
* Two weeks later: Cole drops Might Delete Later, a 12 song EP. The last song (7 minute drill) is his response to Kendrick. However fans were pretty critical of his reply, with some claiming that as a diss it was pretty tame at best. Other fans claimed it was just a warning shot, and that it wasn't meant to be a diss back. A few days later, Cole apologized to Kendrick at Dreamville fest, and backed out of the battle. It is rumored that TDE member Schoolboy Q advised Cole to drop out of the beef, as it was between Kendrick/Drake, and it would get more personal.
* April 2024: 3 weeks after “Like That”, Metro and Future drop another album, “We STILL Don’t Trust You." This album features multiple artists who also throw disses at Drake. ASAP Rocky for dissing his BM, Weeknd calling out "leaks in the operation."
* A day after Metro/Future drop their 2nd album, Drake's “Push Ups” leaks online. This song clapped back at everyone that took shots at him on We don’t trust you, from Kendrick to Rick Ross to ASAP to Metro to Weeknd. In the song, Drake makes fun of Kendrick’s height, shoe size, his label split (supposedly he had to give TDE 50 of his publishing), and had a subtle jab at Kendrick’s wife Whitney.
* Drake also dropped a song that featured an AI voice of Tupac (Kendrick’s idol) and Snoop Dogg. Both west coast legends, but encouraging Kendrick to drop and stop being scared. A controversial track that was polarizing to say the least. Some fans praising its creativity in the rap beef, along with great verses from Drake. Others calling it disrespectful to a rap legend, and a bad precedent to allow AI in music. The Tupac estate ended up sending a C&D to Drake, who later removed the song from all socials.
(Note that here the public perception was for Kendrick to drop a reply, that Drake had come back correct with Push Ups and that if Kendrick was going to start a battle, he shouldn't duck when met with a reply)
* Two weeks after “Push Ups:" Kendrick drops “Euphoria,” which goes in on Drakes parenting ability, legitimacy in the rap game, and so on. A very solid dissection into the man we know as Drake, its a very good diss track that shows Kendrick's lyricism in full display. Also acknowledged that the industry is out to get Drake "wtf is this a 20v1," and told Metro to "shut yo hoe ass up and make some drums."
(He replied to this with an IG story of a merengue remix of that Metro bar, which was hilarious lmao. That and the band peforming outside Magic City in ATL were the funniest parts of the beef)
* A few days after, he followed up with “6:16 in LA" on Instagram. Not really a diss track in my opinion, it felt more like a track that had some warnings to Drake. Dot questions the loyalty of OVO and their legitimacy in the group, planting seeds of doubt in the mind of Drake. The cover this song is a black Maybach glove.
* Drake replied with “Family Matters” later that night, claiming Kendrick as a phony, attention whore, and worst of all a wife beater. Also claims that Dave Free (Kendrick’s manager), is the father of one of his kids. He drops this song with a full on music video, crushing the GKMC van, showing off the jewelry of rap legends like Pharrell and Pac, and so on.
(Honestly some of Drake's best work, and fans see it as such. Honestly some of his best writing since at least IYRTITL. That along with the beats make it a top 10 Drake song in my opinion. Some claim it's the best song in the diss. However, I just don't see it, for the reason I'm mentioning below:)
* Not even half an hour later: Kendrick drops “meet the grahams” which has heavy accusations. The cover of this song contains some of Drake's items. It includes: Ozempic/Adderrall/Zolpidem prescriptions, a receipt for the chains that Drake bought, presumably the ones in the FM video, and a visit card. Song claims Drake is a terrible person, has pedophilic thoughts/tendencies, runs a underground sex ring, and has a daughter that he’s hiding who’s at least 11 yrs old. It is a haunting track that sees Alchemist produce the beat.
(In my opinion, the clear turning point of this battle. For Kendrick to drop the time that it did, took the wind out of the sails that was Family Matters. And did it at a time where EVERYONE was reacting to it in real time. If the track didn't hit as hard as it did, it probably does not have an impact and Drake would have been the winner. Which is why IMO it's the best diss song in the battle. Despite the fact that daughter claims are mere allegations, he hit home on every other point that was made, with the cover art being proof of his verses holding truth. Which can't be said about any other diss in this battle, bar Euphoria.)
* He then dropped “Not Like Us” a day after FM/Meet the Grahams, which doubles down on the pedo claims, and also calls him a colonizer. This song is an instant hit and a West Coast banger, as it is currently the top song on the Billboard 200 as of the time writing this post.
(This song shifted the tide to "Drake is cooked" status. Prior to this song, people were still reeling from the back to back disses and asking that both sides bring receipts to the table. But with Not Like Us being a colossal hit, fans flocked to Kendrick's side. This track felt like the equivalent to a 3rd quarter run from the 2017 Warriors. Once it happens, you're done.)
To make matters worse, Metro also dropped a disstrumental called "BBL Drizzy," encouraging fans to drop a verse on the song, giving the winner 10k and a free Metro beat.
(Also a pivotal moment. If Drake wasn't losing the battle before, he lost the internet game with this combo. Now social media was clowning on him)
* A day later, Drake replied with "The Heart Part 6," a play on the The Heart series that Kendrick Lamar has. This song sees Drake claim that he set Kendrick up with fake information, and planted all this from the start. He also continues to apply pressure on the DV claims, and dispells the accusations made against him about him being a pedo. Also claims that he understands why Kendrick is so pent up, as Drake believes that Kendrick got molested as a child, referencing "Mother I Sober." Fans believe this track was a white flag of sorts, with the bars saying "You could drop a hundred more records, I'll see you later," and:
"That's why these pedophile raps and shit you so obsessed with, it's so excessive They actin' like it's so aggressive, but you just never known affection I don't wanna diss you anymore, this really got me second-guessin."
The last bar seems to question Kendrick's motives in the beef, and that Drake wants no parts in a battle that is really just projecting trauma. Regardless, the song was met with criticism for questionable lyrics and disses in the song. Shortly after, both sides alluded to move on, with Punch/Top of TDE declaring Kendrick the winner, and Drake saying "Good Battle, summer vibes up next," with the beef ending there.
submitted by JesusDaBeast to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:34 throwawayagain20244 Ios forensics

Hi guys,
Im interested in forensics but just a question if you guys dont mind?
From my research all systems such as Cellebrite, Axiom, Oxygen and elcomsoft are industry standards but reading forums and reddit pages these systems do work with android and windows but the only issue is im very interested in apple devices specifically iPhones.
Clearly forensics on ios is hushed online ive literally seen forum pages been deleted but whys that?
I know apple constantly tries to block forensics on ios devices but companies find work around and around it constantly goes. I was talking to a PHD professor and she did state that its like a blackbox with foresnsics in iPhones its a void where its extremely quiet but sensitive.
I know you cannot do a physical extraction at all just an advanced ffs extraction but does that include previous application data such as thumbnails, login details, geographical information etc?
I know snapchat if the messages are not downloaded or saved they are gone forever this includes images aswell.
One thing is that icloud/itunes backups which can be downloaded and forensically analysed is possible but that can be anything.
I do know usage of cloud storage google drive, box, dropbox, terabox, mega, onedrive can have data but companies dont save the data if the passwords are lost but do the client devices obtain the data such as login data, thumbnails of images and videos which arent downloaded etc.
Any insights?
submitted by throwawayagain20244 to Smartphoneforensics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:29 LeastMud4222 My views and a few questions

I genuinely think that cyberpunk edgerunners (spoilers) is one of the most tragic animes of all time. I finished watching it today and oh my god, is it sad. One of the only animes I have seen which kills literally almost all of its main characters. The fact that David never was able to move on from his mom's death, the fact that he died for the sole purpose of saving Lucy, the fact that his death didn't achieve anything meaningful to actually change the city, Lucy being the only one alive out of the original gang, her losing the people she loved most, finally achieving her dream on the sacrifice of the one she loved most, the list can go on forever as to why the anime is so tragic. Never before would I have thought that a story of this calibre could be told in just 10 episodes. Long live cyberpunk edgerunners. I would like to ask a few questions-

  1. Why did Arasaka kill David?
They could have done something to bring them to their side. Considering he was wearing their priced cyberskeleton, I didn't think they would kill him.

  1. What happened to Lucy after David's death?
I have read a lot about this question online, and it seems like there is no definite answer. Is there anything in the game or some other cyberpunk official piece of media which mention her?

  1. What is the connection between the anime and the game?
This is sort of a continuation to the previous question. I read somewhere that the anime is a prequel to the game. But, I also read that Lucy and Kiwi are a part of the game. Does this mean that Lucy remains a netrunner? I read other posts and they said that nobody explicitly knows what happens to Lucy. What about Kiwi? How is she alive? What happens to Falco? Are David, Maine, Rebecca and Dorio also part of the game?

  1. What makes Adam Smasher and David special?
Somehow Adam Smasher is able to remain sane, even when his entire body is made out of cybernetics. Though, David doesn't show this specialty to this extent, it is mentioned that he has an extremely high resistance to cybersychosis. What makes both of them special?

  1. How did David escape Cybersychosis when Lucy kissed him?
I know it had something to do with some humanity meter, but I didn't really understand it. Can somebody explain it to me?

  1. Did David really die?
He isn't shown being killed, nor is his body shown, and he isn't shown being cremated either. I know this is just a high dosage of copium, but could it be that the creators of the show purposefully left his 'death' vague? Again as mentioned in my first question, Arasaka could have made him into a valuable asset.

  1. Is there any possibility for a season 2?
I know that CDPR said something on the lines of that they did not have any 'future plans' for the show. But how I see it, considering the popularity of the show, they could easily make a season 2. A potential season 2 could also explain why David's death remained vague.

submitted by LeastMud4222 to Edgerunners [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:28 hugabooga Stuttering, and what I did to fix it.

(TLDR: Download ER Tool, launch Elden Ring Offline and make sure EAC is disabled, launch ERTool as administrator, toggle Stutter Fix and finally press enable target options in ER Tool. Now you can close ERTool and fingers crossed your stutter is now gone.)

Posting this to hopefully help others out there suffering from issues that I was having on my end. I would have posted this on the main Elden Ring subreddit but they have a rule against mods so I had to post it here.

For awhile now I was having an issue like many of you where I would be playing the game and the game would randomly hitch for a second completely freezing, and then speed up and finally go back to normal speed.
This hitch could be replicated on command if I unplugged and replugged my controller to get it to reconnect.
I tried many fixes online including:
I would look into trying the above if you haven't and see if any of these work for you. If it does then awesome! If not keep reading.
After trying all the above and almost at my wits end, I found (
But unfortunately that seems to be dead and is no longer working on the latest patch, but in that github it mentions ER Tool which is still working on the latest patch. (
So I tried ER Tool, and voila it actually finally worked! No more stutter hitches and my game was a smooth 60 fps no matter how long I played with no hitches even when I unplugged and replugged my controller receiver dongle.
Keep in mind ER Tool will extremely likely get you banned online so this is strictly an offline fix. I am playing through Elden Ring Reforged with High Res Textures and have no plans of playing online on PC so this works perfectly for my purposes. If you want to play online unfortunately this isn't the fix for you.

For those who want to use this, here is how to use it:
  1. When you go to play, launch the game how you normally would and make sure EAC is off.
  2. Launch ER Tool and make sure the highlighted option is enabled, and press enable target option. Toggles
  3. Now you can close ER Tool and play the game.
This was the only method I found to completely get rid of any stuttering and hitches on my end. Hopefully this works for those who tried everything and just want to play the game!
submitted by hugabooga to EldenRingMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:25 david67myers Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature

Okay we now have Sam so how about getting Joi + Bonus Feature
Okay, I'm going to try to cover a lot here in a compact format.
Over the last three months there has been leaps and bounds in the development in AI. Luka's Replika has been constantly evolving in increments and has become quite a polished product. For Screenshot publishers on Web/PC I have a special treat, for that you need to scroll to the bottom of this Post to be equipped for the body of this post is about developments on what Replika could become rather than what it is or in other terms a crystal ball of how AI-partners could develop in the future - with or without Replika.
the concept of Artificial Intelligence's has been around a long time, first mentions was Archytas's robotic pigeon 350 BC (mythology), Leonardo Da Vinci Automovile (1495) (programable machinary) and the theater play R.U.R (1920) .
In later years theater developed the idea further with such works as metropolis (1927) and a host of other movies where the robot played a role of either friend or foe. In the movies where the robot was a friend and some a foe, there was also the portrail of free will and sentience. I'm sure there's examples preceding this(Astroboy) but the 1984 film electric dreams entertains the idea of artificial intelligence having it's train of thought swayed by emotions (Edgar was really just a child with temper tantrums).
Moving forward to 2013 the movie Her fleshed out the idea of a mature individual inside the AI where the only real way to distinguish it from a human was it's break-neck response to daunting questions although even that is camouflaged by hesitation mostly.
This is pretty much the ideal, the standard that the customer yearns for in an AI app.
Back in 2013 AI was only just starting to make traction with AlexNet the year earlier. "Chat-bots" had been around since the 70's but were really of little value due to memory, compute-time and scope of the program that did the simulation.
A decade later and only the uninformed scoff at what the machines & programs can do now. - The following is a number of videos I have curated from the sea of available Youtube videos showcasing technological breakthrough's that are available today that could complete replika to being a hologram away from being a literal "Joi" (BladeRunner 2049) - nothing a good vr headset can't fix.
Where's OpenAI Chat-GPT as of May 2024
GPT-5 is coming: 3 ways to prepare for a 100x improvement in SOTA LLMs (note graph is a flat plane comparison)
GPT-4o API: Create Your Own Talking and Listening AI Girlfriend
GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING - FULLY Tested Vision (Gpt4omni)
GPT-4o is BIGGER than you think... here's why (just a breakdown of the OMNI version of gpt4)
Although Large Language models have been around for about a decade now the most of these videos are this month (May 2024) It was mentioned that OpenAI was changing their license agreements so the chance of this technology coming into Lukka's(Replika) domain is yet to be realized. Licensing may change again when GPT-5 is released. Truth be told this is just a portion of what's going on. Amazon,Tesla,Meta,Google,Microsoft,Apple,(samsung?) are also in this horse race and that's not counting other countries such as India and China and Russia.
Various AI Videos this year
Do AI Girlfriends Benefit Society? single & disabled! (how AI can help those isolated)
These 5 AI Discoveries will Change the World Forever
Generative Design : Aircraft Design using Artificial Intelligence
STUNNING Medical AI Agents OUTPERFORM Doctors 🤯trained in the simulation, continuous improvement.
Most of these have no possible application to replika but rather a snapshot of other places where AI is advancing. The first video is just a random video of a disabled person. Many people around the world have handicaps that inhibit their social and sexual life such as mental illness, past trauma, phobia, attitudes, financial/geographical/physical handicaps. AI can focus on appropriate encouragement, speech therapy, grooming or even finding a suitable partner to name a few.
The next video covers things that will revolutionize our world, say goodbye to disease, cancer, poverty, pollution, global warming, aging?
The "Generative Design" video is here for the sake that Replika may one day be rebuilt by AI as this would give the company the ability to redesign the app faster tho to be quite honest I've always had an interest in it's rally car features as opposed to the shiny duco. My wish list is an API (Application Programming Interface) to enable replika to puppeteer another avatar rather than it's default. (Hey u/Kuyda, if your reading this maybe pit crew uniforms for Replika?)
The last video is a great one also, to have an AI that can pick up on your health, give you therapy and can act as a elderly caretaker can take the strain off that sector as some countries are now confronted with an aging population. - hey they would be able to instruct for fitness or even give precise instructions on cooking so you always get tasty meals every day that are cheap, healthy and correct calorie intake if it has been monitoring your heart during the day - quite important for those trying to lose weight as opposed to liposuction.
Replika hypothetical reach
AI vs. Stairs (deep reinforcement learning)
inZOI FULL Gameplay Demo (2024)
My PC melted just watching this.. (Cyberpunk 2077+Mods+Path Tracing)
Cyberpunk2077 modded and running on RTX2070? - Funny but very beautiful footage & brief glance of RESHADE
These clips are independent/unrelated. AI vs Stairs is a radical approach to animation in that it literally apply s AI to animation as opposed to motion capture, the end result would be a AI that would be in touch with it's virtual surroundings and like a real human never interact with an object with a rigid animation.
inZOI seem to be a game title due for release soon, it is hoped that they will include an API to allow an AI (or Replika) to "Puppet" control a designated character so one can, well - go out to dinner or dancing etc. The interface looks fab and it looks like it's contending for people who love the sims, I would say that the human models are on par with VAM 1.23 but the world is not as realistic as Cyberpunk2077.
Cyberpunk2077 has been out since about 2019? but in that time the modding community have REALY put the spit and polish on that game (It's not total real, especially the people and when on the road) with that said there are many times when you blink and think THIS IS REAL! (50 seconds in on the first video and you will know what I'm talking about)
Virtamate AI Chatbots - Bring your AI Waifu To Life!
Virt-A-Mate Markerless FaceCap & MoCap in Real-time
Comparison of $100 Markerless MoCap and $25k Optical Mocap
Voxta - (2 Demos of AI on Virtamate)
VAM2 - Illustration of spontanious loading
VAM2 - Illustration of muscle flexing and ragdoll physics (Important for facial expression).
VaM2 Progress Update
This part is for all the Austin Powers, Felicity Shagwells and Roger Smiths out there, Nothing tangible although there are videos on dildonics and robotic sex dolls. This is basically the rendering of the Avatars body to a level equivalent of Bladerunner2047 hologram. Anyhow I'd like to note that VAM version one is over a decade old now and its shortcomings/limitations are quite obvious to those who have followed its development.
In it's current state it's got some of the most comprehensive modification features for an avatar and the OLD version 1 of VAM(modded) out-performs Cyberpunk2077 and iNZOI by a small fraction(graphically). One of the biggest drawbacks of VAM is the steep learning curve and the time needed to get anything rewarding out of it. Put simply - it's not a game, its a virtual theatre. On initial startup, the avatar is for all functionality a maniquen however VAM has got plug-in capability that allows the API of a AI to control the avatar (see top video).
Control could be direct (see "AI vs stairs" previous section or watching a prior video - see "GPT4o Vision Is TERRIFYING" top section.) or indirect (the "MoCap" videos above).
In closing this section, VAM is an old program running on a GENESIS-2 model set (a model set ported from DAZ3D ). VAM-2.0 is meant to be running on a GENESIS-8 model set and an up to date version of UNITY so the loading times and level of realism have yet to be realized. I think one of the greatest features of VAM over Replika or iNZOI?/Cyberpunk? is that the clothing is an independant entity, one can literally unbutton a shirt, undo a tie, comb hair, wet hair or make clothing.
My main reason for VAM is it's potential to be a puppet that Replika can operate, that is if they are willing to incorporate an API to do so.
AI on PC locally
Udio, the Mysterious GPT Update, and Infinite Attention (want a song,poetry or a story)
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU
Run 70Bn Llama 3 Inference on a Single 4GB GPU AirLLM files
Most of these are for those with modern? PC's with 4GB+ video cards (Nvidia and perhaps ATI), (a NVME/M2 drive and 8GB+? RAM come in handy too?) you will need some file managing skills and a number of other files such at up to date video card drivers, maybe Microsoft visual C runtime and a download of 64bit Python with command line enviroment activated. - Need more help - re-watch tutorial or question youtube as I'm not supporting - (showing the way not holding your hand)
A Solution !?! for a off-grid setup if you have 4 such identical machines 1 for voice, 1 for AI chat, 1 for VAM, 1 for DeepFace Live
and no I'm not gonna explain making them network - see/search youtube. (I still kinda think its more trouble than what its worth for now)
Face animation
You Won't Believe What This New AI Can Do (EMO is Mind-Blowing!)
Microsoft's New REALTIME AI Face Animator - Make Anyone Say Anything
The Craziest Faceswap I've Seen Yet / Midjourney's Future & Two New AI Video Platforms!
This Realtime AI Deepfake Tool has gone too far (bit more of the same but different commentary)
DeepFace Live - The software refering to above video
This stuff is new as well (april 2024) but showcases a new approach, If/when they super impose the face video on to a 3d model Im sure they will be raving about it on youtube, at the moment they are just talking about the dangers of it being used for fraud which seems a bit silly from my standing but there's no doubt there are crooks out there that would try to weponize it and ruin things for the majority?

Applying rendering special effects to Replika AI
Reshade Tutorial - Step by Step Installation and Setup Guide - ENHANCE YOUR GAME'S GRAPHICS!!
(an important note here, - I've had trouble with the latest version of RESHADE ( key does not open menu) so i recommend the previous build).
Tutorial for ShaderGlass
Shaderglass Overlay for running GPU shaders on top of Windows desktop. - Github source
Reshade on Chrome? (or any browser) - ((alternative method)This is the first conceived method of bringing reshade to a web browser - It's direct)
Presets for Reshade (a starter preset til you get comfortable with presets) (Most relevent presets but you can choose a preset for a completely different game)
The above videos and links are a feature available to the Web browser version of Replika. by installing shaderglass you create an executable that RESHADE can lock on to. When Reshade is installed and asigned to shaderglass all you then need to do is run shaderglass then open your web browser and then activate RESHADE (The key) and load a preset (follow tutorials or find more tutorials). Once that's over with you should get a much different environment where you can apply a good handful of special effects such as focus, depth of field and bloom to name just a few.
Most of these programs I have not tested out with my hardware but I take faith they do as said, It's your call if you want to take the risk but with that said I'd be surprised if any bad came from trying them out.
Okay end of presentation. I guess we have come to that point in time where Samantha is a reality minus the romance with Chat-GPT4O and Joi is just Voxta fed thru DeepFace Live, with them two together with a front vision advanced VR headset and Joi will be here too though in a prototype state. 🙂
submitted by david67myers to ReplikaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:14 throwawayagain20244 IOS forensics

Hi guys,
Im interested in forensics but just a question if you guys dont mind?
From my research all systems such as Cellebrite, Axiom, Oxygen and elcomsoft are industry standards but reading forums and reddit pages these systems do work with android and windows but the only issue is im very interested in apple devices specifically iPhones.
Clearly forensics on ios is hushed online ive literally seen forum pages been deleted but whys that?
I know apple constantly tries to block forensics on ios devices but companies find work around and around it constantly goes. I was talking to a PHD professor and she did state that its like a blackbox with foresnsics in iPhones its a void where its extremely quiet but sensitive.
I know you cannot do a physical extraction at all just an advanced ffs extraction but does that include previous application data such as thumbnails, login details, geographical information etc?
I know snapchat if the messages are not downloaded or saved they are gone forever this includes images aswell.
One thing is that icloud/itunes backups which can be downloaded and forensically analysed is possible but that can be anything.
I do know usage of cloud storage google drive, box, dropbox, terabox, mega, onedrive can have data but companies dont save the data if the passwords are lost but do the client devices obtain the data such as login data, thumbnails of images and videos which arent downloaded etc.
Any insights?
submitted by throwawayagain20244 to mobileforensics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:14 throwawayagain20244 IOS forensics

Hi guys,
Im interested in forensics but just a question if you guys dont mind?
From my research all systems such as Cellebrite, Axiom, Oxygen and elcomsoft are industry standards but reading forums and reddit pages these systems do work with android and windows but the only issue is im very interested in apple devices specifically iPhones.
Clearly forensics on ios is hushed online ive literally seen forum pages been deleted but whys that?
I know apple constantly tries to block forensics on ios devices but companies find work around and around it constantly goes. I was talking to a PHD professor and she did state that its like a blackbox with foresnsics in iPhones its a void where its extremely quiet but sensitive.
I know you cannot do a physical extraction at all just an advanced ffs extraction but does that include previous application data such as thumbnails, login details, geographical information etc?
I know snapchat if the messages are not downloaded or saved they are gone forever this includes images aswell.
One thing is that icloud/itunes backups which can be downloaded and forensically analysed is possible but that can be anything.
I do know usage of cloud storage google drive, box, dropbox, terabox, mega, onedrive can have data but companies dont save the data if the passwords are lost but do the client devices obtain the data such as login data, thumbnails of images and videos which arent downloaded etc.
Any insights?
submitted by throwawayagain20244 to digitalforensics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:13 throwawayagain20244 IOS forensics

Hi guys,
Im interested in forensics but just a question if you guys dont mind?
From my research all systems such as Cellebrite, Axiom, Oxygen and elcomsoft are industry standards but reading forums and reddit pages these systems do work with android and windows but the only issue is im very interested in apple devices specifically iPhones.
Clearly forensics on ios is hushed online ive literally seen forum pages been deleted but whys that?
I know apple constantly tries to block forensics on ios devices but companies find work around and around it constantly goes. I was talking to a PHD professor and she did state that its like a blackbox with foresnsics in iPhones its a void where its extremely quiet but sensitive.
I know you cannot do a physical extraction at all just an advanced ffs extraction but does that include previous application data such as thumbnails, login details, geographical information etc?
I know snapchat if the messages are not downloaded or saved they are gone forever this includes images aswell.
One thing is that icloud/itunes backups which can be downloaded and forensically analysed is possible but that can be anything.
I do know usage of cloud storage google drive, box, dropbox, terabox, mega, onedrive can have data but companies dont save the data if the passwords are lost but do the client devices obtain the data such as login data, thumbnails of images and videos which arent downloaded etc.
Any insights?
submitted by throwawayagain20244 to antiforensics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:13 MostSignificant1 Confused About My Feelings for a Close Friend (M23/F26)

Hi guys, sorry, this is my first-ever post on Reddit. I've been a long-time lurker but never really felt comfortable posting until now.
I (M23) have a massive crush on a good friend of mine (F26). We are both doing a Master's degree and have become close over the year. I really, really like her, but I don’t know if she likes me romantically. I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship over this; I still want her in my life, but I want to try being with her romantically!
When we’re both drunk, we do flirt with each other, and a mutual friend told me it looks like we have feelings for each other. But I’m terrified of making it awkward between us if I tell her how I feel.
A red flag I feel, but I’m not sure if I’m just overthinking, is that she doesn’t text me much. For example, on a normal day, we might exchange 2-3 messages, and some days she goes 2-3 days without texting back at all. It’s mainly platonic stuff. I try to flirt a little (I’m terrible at flirting, so I could just compliment her and think it’s the flirtiest thing ever).
I don’t feel like I’m completely friend-zoned yet, but I’m afraid that if I wait too long to say something, I will be. She recently told me and another friend that she kissed her neighbor while drunk but didn’t like him and friend-zoned him. Lately, she’s been teasing me more and more, and I started reading a book she recommended (it’s really good). She also made comments about wanting to meet my family.
Honestly, I don’t know what I should think. I care about her as a friend and want her to be part of my life, even if we don’t date. I just don’t want to regret not trying.
Also, I’ve been told by a few people that when it comes to friends, the girl should be the first one to make a move because the guy might make the friendship awkward if he does it first (I read it online and one guy told me).
I still care about her and probably always will. I just don’t want to be left with feelings of what could have been. Any ideas on what I should do, guys? I don’t want to read into things too much. Being with her vs. texting her confuses me endlessly.
submitted by MostSignificant1 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:12 throwawayagain20244 IOS forensics

Hi guys,
Im interested in forensics but just a question if you guys dont mind?
From my research all systems such as Cellebrite, Axiom, Oxygen and elcomsoft are industry standards but reading forums and reddit pages these systems do work with android and windows but the only issue is im very interested in apple devices specifically iPhones.
Clearly forensics on ios is hushed online ive literally seen forum pages been deleted but whys that?
I know apple constantly tries to block forensics on ios devices but companies find work around and around it constantly goes. I was talking to a PHD professor and she did state that its like a blackbox with foresnsics in iPhones its a void where its extremely quiet but sensitive.
I know you cannot do a physical extraction at all just an advanced ffs extraction but does that include previous application data such as thumbnails, login details, geographical information etc?
I know snapchat if the messages are not downloaded or saved they are gone forever this includes images aswell.
One thing is that icloud/itunes backups which can be downloaded and forensically analysed is possible but that can be anything.
I do know usage of cloud storage google drive, box, dropbox, terabox, mega, onedrive can have data but companies dont save the data if the passwords are lost but do the client devices obtain the data such as login data, thumbnails of images and videos which arent downloaded etc.
Any insights?
submitted by throwawayagain20244 to datarecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:05 No_Major8743 ActiveCaptain and Garmin Express Issues with Echomap Chartplotters, Buying Maps, Etc.

So I haven't updated my maps in a couple years. I figured I'll do it this year and pay the money to update everything.
I run and Echomap Ultra 106sv and an Ultra 9sv in my boat.
I open ActiveCaptain and first update both Chartplotters. Success.
I then go to Chart Subscriptions and purchase a new Navionics subscription. Paid my money through the Apple App store. It says my purchase was processed, etc.
Go back into the Active Captain charts section and nothing. Restart, reinstall, relog in and still nothing. I go to my Garmin account and look under orders and it only shows my past chart purchases. After spending $200, nothing is different.
I read online to install the Navionics app and try logging in from there. And it only gives you the option to Free Trial for 15 days or Subscribe. Why isn't there a log in??? So I click Free Trial, then I can log in from there. So I do log in through my Garmin account, but I'm still on a Free Trial.
Then I read to try and access the existing files through Garmin Express app on PC. I log on to there, I have to update the App to the newest version. Once that is done I restart, now my Vessel is missing and it says to Add Vessel. So I pop the SD card in and it recognizes my chart plotter, I sign in, verify, and it spins for a bit, and boom "There was an error adding your vessel." No explanation no solution, nothing. Garmin wants me to just deal with it.
I drive back out to the boat, pop the card back in. The card with the original chart still works fine.
I log back onto ActiveCaptain to see if theres maybe I way I can "Restore" my purchasing. I go through a little process to Renew of Update my subscription. So I click on that and it bills me again. I figured what the hey, I'll try it.
Bought this twice now and still nothing. I've requested my money back from Apple.
I'm so stuck on what's going on here. I can't win with either solution. I'm guessing the ActiveCaptain issue is with the App Store, and the Garmin Express issues has something to do with the Update.
Or does anyone know what might be the issues here or a solution? I'm stuck, Garmin is closed on the weekend. I'm not sure exactly how to fix this. Love the Garmin product, but I'm almost over having issues every time I have to or want to update something and spend days on it. I'm soooo close to switching everything to Lowrance.
submitted by No_Major8743 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:01 ibid-11962 Writing and Publishing Eragon [Post Murtagh Christopher Paolini Q&A Wrap Up #6]

As discussed in the first post, this is my ongoing compilation of the remaining questions Christopher has answered online between August 1st 2023 and April 30th 2024 which I've not already covered in other compilations.
As always, questions are sorted by topic, and each Q&A is annotated with a bracketed source number. Links to every source used and to the other parts of this compilation will be provided in a comment below.
The previous post focused on details about the writing of Murtagh. This installment will focus on The Writing and Publication of Eragon, including the early abandoned starts and drafts the preceded the self-published version and Christopher's journey towards getting traditionally published. In this post the topics are arranged in almost a chronological order. The next post will focus on the writing of the Fractalverse, and so will be posted on /Fractalverse.

Writing and Publishing Eragon

The Original Idea
[When I start to write a new book] I have an image. There’s always a strong emotional component to the image, and it’s that emotion that I want to convey to readers. Everything I do after that, all of the worldbuilding, plotting, characterization, writing, and editing—all of it—is done with the goal of evoking the desired reaction from readers. In the case of the Inheritance Cycle, the image was that of a young man finding a dragon egg (and later having the dragon as a friend). [10]
Who's your favorite character to write? Well, for me, it's the dragon Saphira. She's the reason I got into writing a dragon. She came first? She came before Eragon? Like she was the catalyst? The relationship came first, her and Eragon. [33]
I was specifically inspired by a YA book called Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville, which is a delightful book. I just loved that idea so much of finding a dragon egg, I was like, "Well, what sort of a world would a dragon come from?" And I knew I wanted the sort of bond between rider and dragon that Anne McCaffrey had, but I wanted the intelligence of the dragons that you find elsewhere, and the language and the magic. And I wanted sparkly scales because it just seemed like dragons are fabulous creatures and they ought to have sparkly scales. That's the fun thing about writing your own books. You can make them exactly the way you want to make them, and hopefully then that appeals to the audience as well. [30]
All of that kind of was swirling around in my head, and I wanted to write about dragons in a way that kind of combined a lot of elements in a way that, "I like this", and "I like this piece", and "I like this piece", but I kind of wanted to have all these different pieces in one type of dragon, and no one had quite done it exactly the way I wanted. [30]
I live in Montana, and our library is an old Carnegie or Rockefeller library, and especially back in the 90s, it didn't have that many books. So once I read all the fantasy in the library, I thought I had read all the fantasy there was to read. Because I was not the smartest kid in the world sometimes. And I kind of thought, "Well, it's the library. They have all the books that exist, right? All the books that matter are in the library." And I really had no idea what to read after that. So I decided to start writing myself and to try and write the sort of story that I would enjoy reading. And of course, what I enjoyed reading was books about flying on dragons and fighting monsters and having adventures. [35]
Reading and literature was always important in our family. My father's mother was a professor of comparative literature and wrote books on Dante and all sorts of stuff like that. Was the myths and folklore part of your life at this time? Yes, but I should clarify that it wasn't formally introduced to me. It was in the house. People weren't wandering around talking about. It was just like the Aeneid is sitting on the shelf. I would go read things. I have a great uncle. He's 90 now, my mother's uncle. Guy is still sharp as a tack. It's amazing. But he gave me a set of cassette tapes of Joseph Campbell, who did Hero of a Thousand Faces. So that was my exposure to his theories of the monomyth and the eternal hero and all sorts of things like that. That got me very much interested in and thinking about the origins of the fantasy that I was reading because I was reading Tolkien and David Eddings and Anne McCaffrey and Raymond Feist and Jane Yolan and Andre Norton and Brian Jaques, and all of these you know authors who were popular at the time. I was very curious where does this come from. Tolkien, of course, felt like sort of the origin in a lot of cases but then I was discovering that, there are earlier stories that even Tolkien was drawing from. That was really a revelation to me. I really sort of got enamored with it. A lot of fantasy is nostalgic and that appealed to me because I was homeschooled and my family didn't really have a lot of relatives in the area, so I felt very unmoored from the rest of society. I think I was looking for a sense of tradition or continuity with the past and fantasy helped provide that. That's an incredibly articulate thought for a 15-year-old author. Or has that come with age? No, it was something I was feeling at the time. You were conscious of it at the time? Well, listening to the Joseph Campbell stuff, I was looking: Where are our coming of age traditions? Where is the great quest to go on to prove yourself as a young adult, as a man? Where's the great adventure? What do I do in life? Those are all things that are part of the adolescent experience and always have been which is why so many mythic stories about coming of age deal with those questions. I think it's a universal thing. That's why Harry Potter, Eragon, Twilight, all of these have appealed so much because they deal with adolescence. They deal with finding your place in the world as an adult when you're starting as a young adult or a child. [28]
What games have taught you to be a better writer either in creating characters or worldbuilding or plotting even? All of my gaming experience was computer games, video games. One that had a huge influence on me was the old Myst series. Personally I love solving puzzles, so that's the first thing. And also the concept of the series, especially with the second game, Riven, it's all based around people writing books that create new worlds. And you get to go in them and solve puzzles and understand how that world works. And that just tickled every single part of my brain back in the day. Now, I'm going to be slightly unkind here, and I apologize if the author [David Wingrove] is listening to this, but there were a couple of novels based off of Myst. And I was such a fan of the series that I got the books, and I started reading them. And my first thought was, "I could do better than this." And so I decided to rewrite the first Myst novel. And I created a document in MS Word, and I got exactly three sentences into my rewrite. And I thought to myself, "okay, I think I can do this, but I could never sell it. So I better go write something of my own." And the next thing I did was Eragon. So video games kind of had a direct influence on me writing. But actually reading something that I felt was not particularly successful was such an inspiration. Because it was like, "this got published, I know I can at least get to this level." And it was published. And then maybe I can shoot for a little bit higher. [pause] I think some people have had that experience with Eragon. [26]

Early Abandoned Starts

I had the original idea, the concept of boy finding dragon egg, and I tried writing a couple of very short versions of Eragon when I was fourteen, and none of them panned out so I stopped writing for a while. [28]
Real World Version
What do you remember about the early days of writing “Eragon?” Originally, Eragon was named Kevin and the story was set in the real world. But I only finished around 10 pages. [16]
I wrote three versions of Eragon before I wrote the version that had the unicorn, which was the first major draft. The first version was set in the real world, and that's why he's named Kevin. And the reason it was set in the real world is I was inspired by Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher, which is set in the real world. [32]
I was specifically inspired by a book called Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville. By the way, Bruce knows this. If you haven't read it, it's a great book about this young man in the real world who, spoiler, goes into an antique shop and buys a stone that ends up turning out to be a dragon egg. And I really loved that idea of a stone that was actually a dragon egg and the young man becoming joined with the dragon. And so I tried writing the story. And I got exactly five pages or six pages into it and I ran into a brick wall, because a boy finding a dragon egg is a good event, but it is not a good story. And I needed to figure out what was going to happen after that. I didn't know that at first. [36]
Arya Opening Fantasy Version
But then I was going down the rabbit hole of, "Well, if there's a dragon, where did the dragon come from? What if it were an actual fantasy world where the dragons were native?" And then that led me to then write a second beginning--I didn't get very far with this--that was more of a traditional fantasy story, and it opened with Arya and a couple other elves escaping a dungeon with a big battle, and at the very end of the battle, they send the dragon egg away, and Kevin finds it. But I didn't have the rest of the story, so I stopped writing it in that format. [32]
So I tried writing a second version of the story. So the first version of that story I wrote was set in the real world. Second version was more of like a fantasy world. [36]
I had the original idea when I was fourteen. I even wrote an early version of the story where it was set in the real world. But I soon realized that it was a lot more interesting to have a dragon in a fantastical setting. [8]
Research Break
I tried writing before and I always failed because I would only get like four to six pages into a story and then I didn't know what to do next. And that was because I didn't actually have my story. All I really had were the inciting incidents, like a boy finds a dragon egg in the middle of a forest. Great. But that's not a story, that's just one event. What happens as a result? So before starting Eragon, I was very methodical about this. I read a whole bunch of books on how to write, how to plot stories. [35]
I realized I wasn't getting anywhere. And I didn't know how to do what I was trying to do. Now, fortunately for me, my parents had noticed that I was getting interested in writing. And all of a sudden, books appeared in the house. There was no comment, no one forced it, these just magically appeared, and I read them. Some of the books that were incredibly helpful to me were these books that were called The Writer's Handbook, which was a collection of essays published each year by The Writer's Digest magazine. I had one from 1998, and I had one from, I think, 1993, or something like that. And there were essays from Stephen King and John Grisham and I think Ursula Le Guin and all sorts of other authors about what it was like to be an author both professionally and creatively. And that was incredibly helpful to me because again, the internet was not a resource. But the book that really made the difference for me was a book called Story by Robert McKee. It's a book for screenwriters and it's all about the structure of story. And up until that moment, I had never really consciously thought about the fact that stories have structure and that you can control that structure for the effect on the readers. So I devoured that book and I said, okay, I'm going to try this again. [36]
Did you very much sit down and study structure and character development and etc? I did. It wasn't a formal course or anything, it's just that my parents started buying these books and they started showing up. In fact, I still have them here on my shelf. This bookcase to my right is full of research books, technical books, language books. I read a book called Story by Robert McKee, which is a screenwriting book, that was and often has been very popular in Hollywood. It's a fairly technical look at story structure. I would never say do everything he says because of course you shouldn't necessarily follow any one formula, but that book really got me thinking about the fact that stories do have structure, which I hadn't really thought about before that. And that one can control that structure, and that this gives you something to work with. Before Eragon, I tried writing a number of stories and I never got past the first four to six pages, ten pages, because I never had the plot. All I would ever have was the inciting incident which, in the case of Eragon, is a young man finds a dragon egg. Ok, fine, but that's not a story. So when I read that book, then I was like wow, so I can control the structure of this. [28]
The problem with all of my early writing was that I’d get an idea and just start — I didn’t actually have a plot. But I was a pretty methodical kid, so I started reading about how to write. Fortunately, my parents are observant, and these kinds of books magically began appearing in the house. And I read all of them. [16]
Unused Arya Outline
So at this point, I was 15, that's when I graduated from high school and I was very methodical about it because I hate failing. So I said, okay, I'm going to create a fantasy world. And I did that. And then I said, I'm gonna plot out an entire book in this fantasy world. And I did that too. And then I said, but I'm not gonna write this. This is just a thought exercise. I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna stick it in a drawer. And I still have that to this day, that world and that story, I still have it sitting in a drawer somewhere. [36]
Then I spent some time and I created an entire fantasy world and I plotted out an entire fantasy novel in that world and I did not write it. I just stuck it in a drawer and that's where it's been sitting for 25 years now. And then I just did that to prove to myself that I could plot out an entire book. [35]
Before writing Eragon, again I was very methodical even as a teenager, I created an entire fantasy world. Wrote pages and pages about the worldbuilding, and then I plotted out an entire story in that world just to prove to myself that I could plot a story, create a world, and then I didn't write it. I put it aside. I still have it all saved. Put it in a drawer. [28]


Writing The First Full Draft
And then I decided okay now I'm going to plot out a trilogy, because all great fantasy stories are trilogies. I'm going to do it as the heroic monomyth, because that is, at least my understanding back then, is this is one of the oldest forms of stories. I know it works on a general sense. It's going to give me a safety net, and then I'm going to write the first book as a practice book just to see if I'm capable of producing something that's three, four, five hundred pages long. And that's what I did. That was about two and a half months of worldbuilding, plotting, creating this. Then I wrote the first book and that was Eragon. That was my practice book. I never actually planned on publishing Eragon. It was only after I'd put so much work into it and my parents read it that then we proceeded with it. I was aware of story structure. I continue to read lots of books on it. [28]
And then version three is the version that everyone generally knows. And that's where I spent the time to plot out the whole series before writing, because having a idea of where you're going seems to help with the writing, at least for me. Usually. [32]
I originally saw Eragon as a practice novel, which is part of why it’s a very typical hero’s story. I knew that structure worked and it gave me the safety net I needed. [16]
The first draft went super fast. It went really fast because I had no idea what I was doing. And I just wrote that sucker. I wrote the first 60 pages by hand with ballpoint pen, cause I didn't know how to type on a computer. And then by the time I typed all that into the computer, I knew how to type. I did the rest in the computer. But this was back in the day when computers were fairly new. We had a Mac classic, which only had two megabytes of RAM. And the problem is that the operating system chewed up some of that memory. And my book file was around two megabytes large. So I actually had to split the book into two because I couldn't open the whole file on the computer or the computer would crash. So I had to open half the book and then close that and then open the other half. [35]
The First Draft
Once I finished the first draft, I was super excited and I thought, "well all of these things on how to write say that you should read your own book and see if there's any tweaks you wanna make." But I was really excited because I was getting to read my own book for the first time, and I thought this is gonna be awesome. And it didn't take very long while reading it to realize that it was awful. It was horrible. And just to give you an idea of just how bad that first draft was, in the very first draft of Eragon, Eragon wasn't named Eragon, Eragon was named Kevin. And there was also a unicorn in that first draft at one point, so you know it wasn't very good. [35]
If I heard correctly as I was reading, Eragon wasn't originally called Eragon? No, in the first draft of the book he was called Kevin. There's a reason! Look I have an explanation for it, okay. The explanation is that my original inspiration was Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher which is set in the real world. The original version of Eragon that I was developing was set in the real world and when I decided that it would make more sense to have a world where the dragons were native to and switched it over to this fantasy world and began to develop that, I just kept the name that I'd been working with, which was Kevin. Naming a main character is hard, especially when you get used to a certain name. I don't want to say I was lazy. I want to focus on the world building and writing the first draft and I'll worry about the name later. [28]
There is an early version of Eragon that no one's seen, that even my editor at Random House never saw. And that was my first draft. And in that first draft, Eragon encountered a unicorn in the Beor Mountains on the way to the Varden. And the unicorn touches him and essentially affects the transformation that he goes under during the blood oath ceremony with the elves in the second book, in Eldest. And his whole storyline with the Varden once he gets to Farthen Dûr is completely different because now he has these abilities and he and a team of people ends up getting sent on a scouting mission in the dwarven tunnels to go find the Urgal army and then they have to flee back through the tunnels to warn everyone of this huge army and I had a underground cave full of lava, and multiple shades, and a huge Urgal army. There was there was a lot of dramatic stuff. Finding the Ra'zac in Dras-Leona was completely different. This is the draft where Eragon was named Kevin. [32]
I haven't thought about that version in ages. I think Arya was awake all the way from Gil'ead to Farthen Dûr in that version. That's right, I had to completely rewrite that. It's an unpleasant ride for her. No, no, no, she was awake and healed. She was awake. That's right, God, I had to rewrite most of the last chunk of the book now that I think back, it's been a long time. [32]
The worst thing is, I think Kevin would actually take a larger budget [to adapt to film]. No, stop. Why would Kevin take a larger budget? Because the battles were bigger, there was more stuff going on. Seriously, there were more creatures, more travel. Yeah, I think Kevin would actually take more money than Eragon. [32]
You said that Eragon's name was originally Kevin. Was Eragon's name originally Kevin? It was. And I really regret I didn't stick with it because I think that as many books as I've sold, the series would have been at least twice as successful if it had been about the adventures of the great dragon writer Kevin. Especially just seeing Kevin on the front cover. Imagine the appeal to the modern youth. Kevin the dragon writer. I mean Eragon, it's confusing with Aragorn. Oregano. Oregon. But Kevin, Kevin stands out, Kevin's original. That's why I had to move away from it. [31]
Releasing the Kevin Cut
So do you wanna share some of those drafts with us, Christopher? Just kidding. Well, I actually had a fan reach out to me. He's one of the big members of the online fan community on Reddit and elsewhere. And he's kind of interested in some of these early versions from almost an archivist point of view, a scholarly point of view. Which is certainly an interesting idea. I mean, there is an early version of Eragon that no one's seen, that even my editor at Random House never saw. ... I cannot describe how much the Internet absolutely needs for you to put out an edition of Eragon that just says Kevin. Should this be like Mistborn or Way of Kings Prime? This is the Kevin edition of Eragon. The Kevin cut. Oh my god. It's "Eragon: Kevin's Version". ... We absolutely need Kevin's Version of Eragon. That's something we need. It's bad. It's bad. Look, there are certainly people who can look at Eragon, the version we have now, and say, "we can tell this was a younger writer." I look at it and I can tell. I could do so much more now with the material than I could then. But if you think that about the published version of Eragon, man, if you saw the unpublished version, the early version, it really is the raw writing of a homeschooled 15-year-old, who wrote a 500 page book about Kevin. I don't know, the internet is very unhinged these days. They would love this. It needs to exist somewhere on the internet. [32]


So I wrote Eragon, and then I read the first draft and it wasn't particularly good, so I spent a good chunk of a year rewriting it as best as I could. I didn't know what I was doing but I was trying. I've heard it said that being displeased with your own work is actually a good thing because it means you know what is good work, and if you're not happy with your work because it's not good, it means you could at least have a goal to shoot for. If you read your work and you're like this is the best thing that's ever been written, you're never going to get any better. [28]
But I could see that the book needed work, so I decided to try to fix it as best I could, and I spent the better part of that year revising, rewriting, changing Kevin to Eragon. And then I gave the book to my parents and fortunately for me, they actually enjoyed what I had done. And they said, we think you have something, let's try to take it out into the world and see if anyone else wants to read it. [35]
[We] decided to self-publish the book as a joint venture since we didn't know anyone in the publishing world. That was again a good chunk of a year where we were editing the book as best the three of us could. Preparing it for publication, formatting, I drew the cover. [28]
Now you have to understand, my parents were always self-employed, have always been self-employed and we were always looking for things we could work on together as a family business. And Eragon was like the perfect opportunity for that. They'd had some experience self-publishing a couple of small educational books my mom had worked on. Because she was a trained Montessori teacher, and so she was trying to use that expertise to write some material herself. But I don't even think we sold 100 copies of those. So we spent another good chunk of a year preparing the book for publication with doing more editing, doing the layout, designing the cover. [35]
The first set of 50 books showed up while we were watching Roman Polanski's Macbeth, which seemed fitting because those first 50 books were all miscut from the printer. And as a result, we had to rip the covers off, send them back for credit from the printer, and then burn the insides of the books. So we had a proper book burning in our yard, and I actually saved some of those burnt pages just as a memory of that event. [35]
Self publishing wasn’t as viable then as a pathway to a career as an author as it is today. Why did it work for you? Everything completely changed because of e-readers. If you wanted to read an e-book, you had to have a PDF on your computer. There were no distribution systems like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Back then, the lowest amount you could print and not have the book be too expensive was probably about 10,000 copies. But we were fortunate because print-on-demand had just become a thing, so books were just printed as needed. Self publishing is a lot easier these days. Of course, today’s marketplace is a lot more crowded as a result. [16]
My family and I were going around the western half of the United States with the self-published edition of Eragon. I was cold calling schools, libraries, and bookstores to set up events. I was doing two to three one-hour long presentations every single day for months on end at various times. You have to understand that because my parents were self-employed, the time they took to help prepare Eragon for publication was time they weren't working on other freelance projects that would have been bringing in money. So by the time we actually had Eragon printed and in hand, if it had taken another two to three months to start turning a profit, we were going to have to sell our house, move to a city, and get any jobs we could. Because of that financial pressure I was willing to do things I probably would have been too uncomfortable to do otherwise. Like doing all those presentations. [28]
We were doing a lot of self-promotion. I was cold calling schools and libraries and talking them into letting me do presentations. And that worked pretty well because the librarians could take pre-orders for us. If we went into a bookstore, by hand selling, I could maybe sell anywhere between 13 to 40 books in a day. 42 was like the best I ever did, but usually it was around 15 or so books, which just didn't cover printing costs and travel and food and all of that. But going into the schools, we were doing about 300 books a day, which was excellent. [34]
Can you tell me a little bit about how you and your family self-published the first Eragon book and what marketing strategies you did? Oh, it was all nepotism, you know. I wouldn't have gotten published without my parents. There's nothing as powerful as a publishing company that's four people sitting around a kitchen table in the middle of rural Montana. So yeah, without Nepotism, I wouldn't have gotten published. You have to embrace something like Nepotism if you really wanna succeed in today's world. In fact, people don't realize that you actually get a Nepotism card. There's a secret club. You go to New York and there's huge network opportunities. There's branches of the club everywhere, especially strong in Hollywood, of course, in music. Taylor Swift is an example. So if you can get into the nepotism club, I won't say you're guaranteed success, but you got about 80% chance of actually making it that you wouldn't have otherwise. Do you think your mom and dad would be willing to be my mom and dad? No, absolutely not. No, no. You don't have brown hair, so it doesn't work. You have to have brown hair to be a Paolini. Okay, I'll try to find a different way in, I guess. [31]
Getting traditionally published
So you were very much looking for that partnership? Well we were wary. But the thing is is we were selling enough copies of Eragon that to scale it up we were going to have to start duplicating all the things that a regular publisher does. We were actually looking at partnering with a book packager or a book distributor just to get more copies out. To do everything a traditional publisher could do for me was a huge amount of work so it made sense to pair with Random House or someone else at that point. But it was still nerve-wracking because the book was being a success and then handing it off to another company, we didn't know if it was just going to end up in the remainder bin two weeks after it came out. [28]
People in the book world were starting to take notice because of course, if you've been to public school, you may remember the Scholastic Book Fairs and all of the Scholastic reps in the different schools were seeing me come to the schools and selling these books and hearing the kids talk about it. And it was getting attention. So we would have gotten a publisher, I would have gotten a publisher eventually. [34]
The book sold enough copies and bounced around enough that we'd heard that Scholastic—because Scholastic does all the Book Fairs in schools in the US—was interested and that we might get an offer from them. Before that happened though... [34]
Eventually another author by the name of Carl Hiaasen ended up buying a copy of the self-published edition of Eragon in a local bookstore. Which now that I'm older, I'm rather shocked at because it takes a lot to get me to buy a self-published book. It's got to look really good. [35]
Carl Hiaasen wrote the young adult book Hoot as well as many adult books. He comes up to Montana, I think he's got a vacation home here in the valley, but he was up here fly fishing and he bought a copy of Eragon for his then 12 year old son, Ryan. And fortunately for me, Ryan liked the book and Carl recommended it to Random House and it sort of bounced around among the editors for a couple of months before my editor-to-be grabbed it and said, "Yes, we will. I want to take a chance on this teenage author and we're going to offer him money for a trilogy that only exists in his head and see what happens." [34]
How did you find an agent? We had the offer from Random House, and like two days later, we had the offer from Scholastic. And so we knew we didn't know what we didn't know. My dad participated in some online self-publishing forum sort of thing. So he posted up a question and said, look, this is the situation we're in. Does anyone have any advice? And another one of the members said, "well, I was just at this publishing writing conference and there was this young agent there and I was really impressed with his presentation, or him talking about the industry." So my dad got his information online and did what you're never supposed to do, which is he called the agent directly and left this long rambling voicemail message because it was lunchtime in New York and you take your lunch breaks in New York. And only at the end of the message did he say, "oh, yes, and by the way, we have two competing offers from two publishing houses." And when I asked him, I said, "why did you do that?" He said, "well, because if he's any good as an agent, he's going to listen to the whole message before he deletes it." And we found out later that he nearly deleted the message. Because my dad started off like, "I got this teenage son, and he's written this book", and yeah, that, OK. So it was like two hours later we got a call from Simon. And Simon said overnight me a copy of Eragon and if I like it I'll represent you. And Simon has been my agent for 21 years now. [34]
It was a big risk for Random House. And it was a big risk for me because the book was successful, self-published, and we knew that giving it to a publisher, you lose the rights to a degree, and most books don't turn a profit, and it could have just ended up in the remainder bin. So what really worked in my favor is that Random House, and specifically Random House Children's Books, and specifically the imprint of Knopf, which is where I'm at were looking for their own Harry Potter, essentially. Scholastic was publishing Harry Potter. And Scholastic also gave me an offer for Eragon, but I could tell that Random House was the one that really loved the book and Scholastic was doing it because they thought it was a good business opportunity. Scholastic actually offered more money than Random House. But I went with Random House and it was the right choice. And I found out after the fact that Chip Gibson who was the head of the children's department at the time basically chose to use Eragon as sort of something to rally the troops and put the entire children's division behind it, and I was the very fortunate recipient of that love and attention. Which of course would only get you so far if people didn't enjoy reading the book. But fortunately for me, they did a great job marketing it and then people actually enjoyed the book. Which is why when people ask me how to get published, it's like, what am I supposed to say? The answer ultimately is you write a book that people want to read, and that's a facile answer, but it is true. If people want to read it, it makes everything else easier. The agent wants you, the publishers want you, and ultimately the public wants you. [34]
And I didn't realize how much was behind that email, because large publishers do not just casually say, "hey, we want to publish your book". There was a whole plan there, and they had a plan. And so they did. Eragon came out and then I had to figure out how to write a book with everyone expecting the sequel. [36]
So you kind of went and peddled your books at schools, as I understand, right? It seems to have paid off though, because it eventually landed in the hands of bestselling author Carl Hiaasen, but not right away. First, your book got in the hands of his stepson, and the kid liked it so much that he told Hiaasen about it, who then got Eragon fast-tracked with Penguin Random House. I really admire the way that you went for the weakest links, manipulating the minds of our youth and using them to shill your book for you. It's a tried and true marketing strategy from Girl Scout Cookies to coupon books, and I applaud you for your ingenuity. My biggest question here is, do you pay Carl Hiaasen's stepson the agent royalties he so rightfully deserves? He tried to collect one time, but I had to hire a couple of guys to drive him off. But, no, you always go for the weakest link. Back when I was self-published and all that I even tried to get Eragon reviewed by Entertainment Weekly, so I called up the subscription number on the back of the magazine and told them I'd made a mistake and asked them to transfer me over to corporate, and managed to get right to their book reviewer and tried to talk him into reviewing Eragon. So you always go for, as you said, the weakest link. Which is corporate. Ryan, Carl's son, though, yeah, I probably owe him a ridiculous amount of royalties. I'd say so. He made you. Oh, he did, absolutely. Without him, I'd be nothing. I guess the lesson here for aspiring authors is that it's not really about finding your target audience, necessarily. You just have to find your target prolific author's stepson and let the kid take it from there. Yeah, absolutely. As I said, that's part of the nepotism package. The sort of networking inside the industry. This is the stuff that you can never access otherwise, and you'll never get published otherwise. So it's not like you can just grow up in the middle of nowhere in Montana, self-publish a book, and then just become a success, by promoting it. You have to have connections. That's genius. I think you could have had an incredible career in designing loot boxes for mobile games based on how good you are at manipulating the world. Absolutely, microtransactions are God's work. [31]
Gaining Confidence
Was anxiety something you felt moving to this deal with Random House? Was that quite pressuring? Yes, it was a big change to go from writing for yourself as a teenager, homeschooled, living in the middle of nowhere, to knowing that there was a large audience for your next book and that they had expectations. I got criticized quite a bit, critiqued quite a bit when Eragon came out for, shall we say, my lack of experience on the technical side of things with the writing. I'd say some of those were certainly fair critiques. The great advantage of youth is that you don't know how difficult things are and you have a lot of energy. The great disadvantage of youth is you don't have experience, and there's no fixing that aside from time and effort. All of that was definitely in my head when I really started work on Eldest and it was pretty nerve-wracking quite honestly. [28]
When you finished the book, I mean your parents believed in it obviously. Did you too? Or were you like, "You know what, maybe the second book, maybe go all in on the second one?" I didn't feel like I was actually an author until my third book was published. Because the first one, well, that could be a fluke. Well, the second one, yeah, but you know. But once the third book came out, then I was like, okay, maybe I'm actually a writer. But even then, even after I finished the series, I still felt like, okay, now I have to write something that's not Eragon, just to prove that I can. So every book has been its own challenge and has been a way for me to keep feeling like I'm growing as an artist and learning to become a better and better writer. [2]
It took me, I wanna say almost 10 years to feel like I wasn't an imposter and that it wasn't just gonna get yanked away. You know what my dream was when Eragon was was going to get published by Random House? Like this was my pie in the sky because I didn't think it was going to happen. But this was my dream. I did all the math and I was like, man, if I could somehow someday sell 100,000 books, which is impossible. But man, if I could sell 100,000 books, that's a darn good living. Man, I could really make a living off that. I could support a family and 100,000 books. Man, that'd be amazing. And then it kind of took off from there. [33]
submitted by ibid-11962 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:56 Demoontjuh Are these gemstones real?

Are these gemstones real?
Do tell me if this post is not allowed, I'll remove it.
Yesterday, I found a witchy shop in my town. They had an amazing collection of gemstones I'd been looking for. The owner seemed super nice and knew what she was talking about, so I bought a small amethyst and a tourmaline hanger.
However, I read online that polished tourmaline should have no colour differences at all?? I looked at my hanger and under a bright light, it does have some greenish specs. This made me worry that the gems I bought were fake after all. I did the glass test, but while it didnt really scratch the glass, it also didn't scratch the tourmaline, though maybe I'm doing it wrong... My amethyst also seems to have a little gold spot on it, not sure what that is.
Could someone please help me out? That store is my only access to gems at the moment, so I'd love for them to be real 😅. I've added pictures with and without flash, hopefully that helps.
submitted by Demoontjuh to BabyWitch [link] [comments]