This or that questions


2024.03.04 22:43 ChuckyPluggy BuyThisOrThat

Can't decide between 2 products? Should you buy this or that? We can help. - Ask and you shall receive guidance.

2012.04.23 18:34 IAmAtomato User-based help subreddit for game-buyers


2012.01.05 04:08 For anything and everything having to deal with skin!

The place for all things related to skincare, with a science-based approach.

2024.05.19 10:30 InsideAny96 Websites advertising independent sex workers

I have always been curious about this legal phenomena, where I noticed how prostitution or offering money for sex it's illegal in most of the countries, but I noticed these websites where they serve as an advertising platform for independent escorts or agencies still functioning. My simple question is, isn't that too illegal or since they are just serving as a platform for advertising, so they are allowed to do it ??
submitted by InsideAny96 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 nothinglively how do i get this to stop happening to me?

hi, i'm in genuine need of help, i think i may or may not have been hacked. idk if this is the right spot to ask this. if it isn't, please direct me to where i can ask this. i would post this question in the actual youtube help thing, but they hardly if ever respond.
so i've been looking through my search history and have noticed that there are searches there that i have never looked up that are mainly related to pimple popping, disgustingly enough, but also are things such as "dutches outpost", "over the edge", and a few others. i have no idea what the last two are referencing, but the first has me pretty grossed out. my watch history also has videos i have never once seen before, such as random streams i have never watched and yet they appear over and over again in my watch history, and those damn pimple popping videos.
this has happened before, where in probably around 2020-2021 i was having a similar issue, however my search history and watch history was riddled with those videos of adults dressing up as disney characters and making videos intended for children. no one but me ever uses my account. i had logged out of all of the other devices that were listed, and yet it continued. what stopped it was me changing my password to an obscenely long string of characters, and the problem left for a while. i got sick of the old password and changed it into a new and simpler one a bit after, and now 2 and some change years later, the problem is back.
what do i do about this? is this something others have experienced? it's frustrating and weirding me out, because like, it's such an odd thing to be looking up. i'm logged out of every session and device other than my own phone, so how is this happening? i do not believe there is any way someone is going onto my phone and looking this up, so.. how? what?
any help is appreciated. i just want my own youtube account to be my own.
submitted by nothinglively to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 Aggravating_Zone_171 I have weird philosophical thoughts

I don't know if this has to do anything with philosophy and maybe it's not the place for me in this community. I watched healthygamer or Dr K and I love to watch his videos. He seems to have pretty much a good understanding not only about psychology but many things. Well i'll explain my problem here:
I feel so contradicted lately, confused. I've been afraid to approach women my whole life I got into self improvement space and over time I managed to approach them and get over my fear. I realized self improvement space is all a paradox and I started looking for answers in the outside world in life. I also when I approached women my desires changed, I went from desiring to have a women in my life to now having tens of women I can talk to and now dating seems absurd to me. I'm more in my existential thoughts faze, going through healing faze of trauma I now feel pretty confident and I started being able to dig deeper into myself and now I'm questioning existential thoughts and it's sort of something that's close to an identity crisis but it isn't. When I managed to get dates now I feel it has no purpose or point, either I loved the woman or I didn't, I feel no lust in me or neither no attraction, even If I felt attraction i'm not having the drive to go out on a date. For example, I set up a date today with this woman that's healthy, beautiful so it's something to be excited about but i'm not. I feel demotivated or uninterested when I managed to set up the date and I feel like I want to know more of myself. When I got what I wanted, I don't want it anymore. Became somewhat ignorant to these pleasures of life.
Another example, I used to be so anxious and worried about what I wear in school 6 months ago, now i don't care about what I wear as long as I don't smell bad I could wear the same thing for decades.
something feels absurd to me about all of that, one thing that I noticed in myself, I still now enjoy hard work, even more if i'm being honest, I crave hardwork with every part of me because it may be has an intense sensation within me atleast? A thought gets into my head emotions aren't significant and as strong as people talk about especially the happy emotions, I don't know why, when I experience sadness it feels a bit intense but if it's about happiness it just feels like a normal feeling it's not about all the hype that it is talked about
Wait, wait, maybe I realized something, it's getting into my subconscious from all these videos that negative feelings are something so scary and that's why it feels even more intense than it is? if that makes sense? Or am i tripping?
submitted by Aggravating_Zone_171 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 InsideAny96 Websites advertising independent sex workers

I have always been curious about this legal phenomena, where I noticed how prostitution or offering money for sex it's illegal in most of the countries, but I noticed these websites where they serve as an advertising platform for independent escorts or agencies still functioning. My simple question is, isn't that too illegal or since they are just serving as a platform for advertising, so they are allowed to do it ??
submitted by InsideAny96 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 Latter-Drink-5813 Need advice on full body tendon injury prevention/recovery, and strengthening

So I neglected my physical for a long time, but happy to say I've been getting into bodyweight work lately thanks to communities like this and people like K Boges, and I think this really is what I wanna be doing. I've been doing mainly chinups/pullups for a couple weeks, squats for a couple days, and soon pushups, and that's the foundation of everything else (if not most of) what I wanna be doing.
The problem is due to the long periods of inactivity and poor form/posture in the past I've been running into underlying tendon issues which have prevented me from advancing in bodyweight and movement/mobility work. For example, I've been doing GTG (grease-the-groove) on chinup negatives (up to 5 sessions of 2 reps), and resting squat/asian squat progressions (~5-6 sessions of 2 reps), and I came across signs of golfer's elbow on my left, and low hamstring issue on my right outer knee (biceps femoris).
So, on that chance that I'm doing overuse, or not enough rest in between, I've decided to pause everything and focus on tendon recovery and strengthening for at least a couple weeks, so I can progress more smoothly in the future.
For starters, I've been doing low load, low volume, slow, and eccentric wrist and leg curls/pauses, and bridges for the above-mentioned issues, and seeing positive results. Also doing external shoulder rotation as I had a rotator cuff injury on my right once.
Now what I wanna know is, what other majofoundational tendons can I work on, or what other movements can I target, to ensure a good baseline for tendon strength for me to progress with when I resume proper training? I tried to look up how many we're supposed to have and it's like some 4000 tendons lmao, thus the question. Tendons be everywhere
And yes, I would rather do this and jump right back into what I was doing, than take it real slow and wait for tendon strength to catch up. I'm on a little break anyway, so might as well focus on strengthening other areas in the meantime. But I am open to listening if you think I'm wrong to do so. It's just that I die a little every time I kill any momentum.
submitted by Latter-Drink-5813 to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 Emilia_Tokisaki My 24F friend of half a year 19F tells obviously fake stories about her life

So this friend of mine seems to be a pathological liar, she tells stories that are inconsistent, even to the point of making up people that don't exist. If I call her out on the lie she will quickly change the subject or just say "I'm sorry" without actually acknowledging that she lied. It has gotten to the point where I question everything she tells me. She is a really good friend however and I'm aware she suffers from some mental illness and potential childhood trauma, I'm just unsure how to handle these lies anymore though.
TL:DR My friend makes things up about herself and reacts strangely when called out, how can I deal with this?
submitted by Emilia_Tokisaki to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 StrikeAcrobatic9067 It’s only about the kids.

Ive been with my husband for the past 12 years and we have known each other since we were 17. I’ve been around his family for that long. But yet, his parents and I still don’t have a good connection (he’s Caucasian and I’m Pacific Islander). We were both culturally raised differently but my husband is very cultured because he has chosen to be friends with people who come from different backgrounds which exposed him greatly to diversity.
Ever since I became a mom, my relationship with my in laws just progressively went downhill. They were the least understanding and most judgemental folks when I was a new mom. They were a know it alls type of boomers. I breastfed and coslept with all my babies. My MIL did the exact opposite. They were very boomer in their type of parenting. My husband and I are both authoritative and “big little feelings” type of parents. They gave me a hard time when I was going through postpartum with my eldest. My MIL had apologized in the past for her actions as she wants to be a part of my children’s lives. But my FIL never really apologized but just said “we are new grandparents. You need to give us some slack.”
Every Mother’s Day, to be honest, we celebrate it with my side of the family because they are my main support. We see my MIL the day before or after. My MIL never says Happy Mothers Day. She says hi how are you? How was your Mother’s Day?. No direct greeting at all which I find very strange. It communicates to me that she is struggling. I don’t know what it is. But to be honest, if I were ever to be a MIL, I want to be a MIL that will support and embrace my future daughter in law and treat her like my own. My family has warmly welcomed my husband and treated him like their own son. My husband thoroughly enjoys being around my family more so than his side. He told me that he was often micro managed as a kid and his parents asked him too many questions growing up and that they handled everything for him. I really feel for him. He comes from a good family but they are not perfect. I don’t really understand my in laws especially they’re hot and cold & passive aggressive treatment. Every time we come over, there’s always a feeling of unsaid tension. They are nice in front my face but the energy the feed off is very tensed. In the past, I’ve felt very disrespected by them especially my first year as a new mom. Thankfully, I come from a loving and supportive family. My parents are my rock and support.
From what we notice of them, they only care about the kids. When I shared with them that my daughter started some activities, they wanted to come by and watch. I let them watch one of the activities. But a part of me wants to relay to them that you can’t have a relationship with my kids without having a relationship with me first. I’m legit waiting for the right time to say this to them. Today, they asked again if my daughter is signed up in any classes. I said to them that she is going to do some summer camps this summer. I was waiting for my MIL to ask if she can come so that I can tell her how I feel. I don’t care about awkwardness but man, it’s not just about the kids. It’s about me and my husband too.
submitted by StrikeAcrobatic9067 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:27 InsideAny96 Websites advertising independent sex workers

I have always been curious about this legal phenomena, where I noticed how prostitution or offering money for sex it’s illegal in most of the countries, but I noticed these websites where they serve as an advertising platform for independent escorts or agencies still functioning. My simple question is , isn’t that too illegal or since they are just serving as a platform for advertising, so they are allowed to do it ??
submitted by InsideAny96 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:26 hongiman69 Rant about Christian religion

This is more of a rant post, but would be good to get peoples opinions and create a discussion.
This has been on my mind a bit lately especially since I stopped going to church and believing. I know for the next few months I will probably have all these thoughts going on but hopefully they will go as time passes.
I keep thinking that being a Christian and worshipping God is ridiculous. “Worship me or else you will go to hell”. I guess the majority of Christian’s believe the afterlife or pretty much all of them, otherwise why would they identity as Christian. So my question is are they only following god to get rewarded and go to heaven? If that’s the case that’s absolutely fucked up. They choose to do good and all this crap just to get rewarded? Surely if there was a God he would know their intentions??? But they believe that if you accept Jesus as lord and saviour, and worship him you will be saved??
I have absolutely no idea why some of these people then go out in public and preach the word? Like it’s their mission to try recruit people into their cult? If their god is so powerful wouldn’t he be capable to bring anyone to him??? It’s like they undermine his abilities by believing they need to be out there preaching?
What is the damn point in praying for people? I feel like the person doing the prayer is getting more out of it than the other person. If you want to bloody help the person then do something physical for them with your actions. It’s like they feel better and feel as though they’re helping but can’t actually be bothered to help?
People seem to have so many issues and ask for help due to the commandments? Majority of males it’s having sex or lustful thoughts. This is absolutely normal for fuck sake. It’s like these people focus on these issues that aren’t there and neglect the actual issues in their life. Go around and around in circles asking for help. The church constantly talks about this too and fucks with their heads.
There’s so much shit that my mind is trying to sort out because of this shit.
What I really admire is the fact that people who do not believe in any god, and do not believe in the afterlife, but do good simply because they want to do good is the way to go. I believe that if you think that, and if there was any god these people would be rewarded because of their intention. I want to try live like this again, I was actually brought up this way without religion.
Rant over thank you.
submitted by hongiman69 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:26 Typical_Dweller Can you have multiple layers of injury tolerance (damage reduction)?

I'm thinking probably not? The Powers book says that IJ/DR divides damage from an injury.
If I had two layers of regular damage resistance, with a layer of IJ/damage reduction below each of those layers, I'm not really getting properly "injured" until the damage source (a bullet, say) pierces the second layer of damage resistance without getting reduced to zero, right? And that's what gets divided, correct?
So in that case, there can really only be one version or instance of IJ/damage reduction on a character... I think. So multiple layers of damage resistance are possible, but only one layer of damage reduction at the bottom of the pile.
Does any of this make sense?
Also layering IJ/DR would be stupidly cheap mathematically. 25 points of damage divided by 5, and then divided by 5 again (1 remaining), vs. 25 points of damage divided by 10 (2.5 remaining). You spend more character points buying multiple layers of IJ/DR, but it's way more effective. Is my math right on that?
Damage resistance is much more straightforward. You can layer sources of DR; they just get added together, especially if they all have the same modifiers (tough skin, force field, etc.) If one layer has tough skin or whatever, and the others don't, I suppose that just adds an extra arithmetic step, but still it's all pretty linear and logical, yes? But that's damage resistance.
Injury tolerance is all about divisors. I can't remember if Basic Set has any notes about adding divisors together. Also I can barely remember if they taught that to me in grade school.
Anyway, this is probably a dumb question. Have any of you mulled this over in your heads before?
submitted by Typical_Dweller to gurps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:26 JakeDiscBrake Would you pay for food, shower and other services while touring?

Hey folks,
I am on a huge crossroads in my life and I was recently thinking about how I could make a living that is unrelated to my profession which I'm considering abandoning. I was trying to combine things that bring me the most joy and that's cycling, being in nature, cooking, helping others and camping. Although I have a fantastic touring equipment I only managed to use it a couple of times, both times camping 'in the wild'. To me the biggest issues / needs when touring was food and shower. I think there's nothing better than a freshly prepared, delicious hot meal to replenish all the energy used during the entire day of cycling and to comfort you and give you strength for the next day. The difficulty is planning, organizing and cooking which is especially challenging when in remote places without many shops. Similarly, I hated the idea of going to sleep dirty and sweaty. I actually knocked on random people's houses asking for hot water in the evenings (I was traveling with a camping shower - a plastic sack with a tube ending with a small shower head). I would imagine that another issue would be electricity (charging your devices) and low temperatures.
Therefore the idea that I have in mind are assisted tours. I don't think I'd personally like to be a part of an organized trip - I like my freedom and ability to do what I want on a whim, which is why I think that I'd only like to offer assistance. That is help when you ask for it rather than dictating entire trip. So in my mind the services that I'd like to offer would be getting to the location where you're staying for the night (in a vehicle) and cooking you a fresh meal. I would also provide a hot shower and electricity. Perhaps in later stages I could provide portable heaters for you to use in your tent or the actual hot tent. Some people might also simply want some company (I play ukulele and love sitting by the fire). I am in Europe and that's where I'd like to operate (at least in the beginning). And obviously, this is targeted towards the people who'd rather stay in the wild, rather than sleep in rented accommodation.
Obviously this all sounds great in my head, so what I'm asking for is some criticism and potential challenges that I could face. For now this is just an idea that I have not thought through that well. But perhaps most important question is this: do you see yourself paying your hard earned cash for this kind of service?
submitted by JakeDiscBrake to bicycletouring [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:26 ParticularLonely5098 Lpl laser accidentally flashed directly into my eye

Should I go to an eye doctor to have my eyes checked? My normal laser technician was out today and someone filled in for her and at one point she said ok we're finished, so I took off the goggles and after a minute of her talking she accidentally clicks it on while it was directly facing my eye about 8 inches from my face, at about 7 or 8 J/cm2 I believe (they did it on my legs at 9 j/cm2 and for armpits she lowered intensity 2 times). Also don't know which specific machine it is. I can see fine and I'm not noticing any changes but worried if this caused something long term or internal, if anyone has any resources relating to this to share that would be great!
My second question is if anyone knows anything about using sun tan goggles for laser, I can't find anything online about that. I'm on my 7th session (once a month laser) and wear the sun tan goggles they give me. Thank you!
submitted by ParticularLonely5098 to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:25 waterfall-flower KeaCraft Server [Java, Whitelisted] (16+)

Seeking new long term players for our New Zealand based minecraft server! KeaCraft is a well established, semi-vanilla server that has been running for well over a year now, but kept fresh with updates to unused chunks so still lots to explore. We’re a pretty relaxed and chill community who enjoy sharing the experience of the game and creating together.
Our main area is a survival world, but we do have a creative super flat running side by side. So if you’re more into building in creative or like to test out builds, you can do this while still hanging out with the rest of the players(and get to see what everyone else is working on!).
We have a few QOL plugins such as Blaze and Caves advancements, custom armour stands, invisible item frames, mob/player heads, one player sleep and some others.
We have some simple rules: No toxic behavior, no stealing or griefing, and no hacking. We encourage checking your mods with the admins as we are surprisingly lenient. There is a whitelist so there will be a quick application process you will need to fill out once you join the discord server.
If this sounds like something you would like, send me a DM on here, comment on this post, or search us up and join via the discord link on there. 16 and older players only please. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
submitted by waterfall-flower to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:25 x_mad_scientist_y how to talk to a hiring manager?

I have an interiview tommorow with the hiring manager of a company that is focused on cloud security.
I have researched this company it seems pretty nice with a competitive compensation and the team is spread out mostly in US and India (yes I am from India). This role is fully remote.
The job posting is for Senior Software Engineer and has 3+ years of experience required and I have only 2 years and 4 months of experience to be precise. I don't know if I have a chance. The first round of interview would be usually a get-to-know meeting where I would probabaly be asked about my experience and role however my biggest fear is that as soon as they learned that I don't have the required experiecene I'll be thrown out of the window.
The tech in the job post they are looking for are: Python, JavaScript, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Azure, micro-service architecture, relational and non-relational datastores, big data lake or data warehouse, Databricks, Snowflake, data security, privacy.
I have only woked on the web with Python and JavaScript (sometimes with docker and containerization) with MVC and MVVM architecture however I don't have any experience on big data lake or microservices although I was deeply interested in microservices I never got the opportunity to work in it simply because microservices required more experience to get into. Of course I am learning microservices on my own.
What do hiring managers look for? what questions do they ask? what are they looking for? how can I make a good impression? how can I justify my lack of experience relative to the required experience in the job post? what questions should I ask (and should not considering it's only the first round of interview)?
submitted by x_mad_scientist_y to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:23 IndigenousRomantic Free Yes/No Tarot Reading - (ONGOING SALE @) u/IndigenousRomantic 20240519

Free Yes/No Tarot Reading - (ONGOING SALE @) u/IndigenousRomantic 20240519
Hello and good day!
I'm going to accept questions and tarot readings for this post up until midnight (11:59:59 PM PHT - May 19, 2024) for FREE!
The instructions for the free readings can be seen on the picture in this post~
A reminder that only 1 Question is free.
If you are interested in getting a private reading, kindly check my profile for my ongoing sale, rates, how to book, and reviews (you can also leave a review if you partake in this post~)
1. Questions sent directly through Reddit chat, replying to another comment, edited after the deadline, and in multiples are subject to ineligibility for the Free Reading.
2. These Free Readings are only meant to answer 1 FREE QUESTION. Any type of circumvention to get more than 1 question answered might be subject for the cards to answer in a playful tone or worse. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO NOT DO THIS.
3. Questions surrounding death, the lottery, stock market predictions, legal matters, pregnancy, health, financial decisions, or past lives will not be entertained.
4. Tarot reading is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice. Please seek the proper professionals for queries of those sort.
5. The readings are meant to empower and give you clarity, and guidance.
6. Life poses questions and it is up to us to answer it accordingly - tarot readings are not set in stone. We can still influence the future to create our desired outcome.
7. Forcing the cards for specific outcomes/answers is not recommended.
8. I will not be held liable to any legal responsibility for events after a reading.
9. All readings are set with the intention of honoring the highest good of all.
10. If you have fully understood the following disclaimers, please add a “😎” to your question. Following this disclaimer will have higher priority over other queries, and acts as a sign of "I understand" from the disclaimers above.
submitted by IndigenousRomantic to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:23 greenplastic90 Care questions

Care questions
This is Phosphorus (aka Fasfas).
Questions below, but here is a bit of backstory.
I found this beautiful creature on the road about a month ago, where it could have easily been run over while I was on a walk in my city. I took it home as I’m pretty certain it’s not a wild animal; I live in a pretty built-up area. It must have been someone’s pet as its shell seems to be painted green and red. I’m guessing it made a run for it. Hah.
I knew almost nothing about a tortoise's needs, and I’ve been slowly educating myself on taking care of it. I was planning on finding it a new home, but I got really attached to the little thing and can’t stop thinking about it! 🫣
It seems “healthy” from my point of view. After getting a bit of sun every morning, it just goes on patrol, exploring outside and inside at its own leisure (very active). It eats often and poops at least twice a day.
Okay, here come the questions.
  1. Is it a Greek tortoise? That’s my best guess from the research I’ve done.
  2. Male or female?
  3. Is it okay to feed it broccoli? I found mixed answers online. I fed it once, and it seemed to like it. But I stopped to err on the side of caution. I mostly feed it arugula, kale, and carrots now, as that’s what I’m able to find in my area. I fed it lettuce when I first found it as I didn’t know any better. I’m on the hunt for mustard and other leafy greens but so far, no luck. If broccoli is safe, I’d like to give it as much variety as I can. Also, it seems to have lost interest in kale after a couple of days.
  4. Is it okay to crush cuttlefish bone to a powder and mix it with its food? It wouldn’t interact or do anything with the bone besides pee on it once. I did break it down into small pieces, but still, it just ignored it.
  5. Does it need a bath/soaking? I gave it one once and I’m pretty sure it didn’t enjoy it as it tried to escape. The water was lukewarm and pretty shallow.
  6. Is its shell rotting??? I joined this subreddit recently and saw someone asking if their tortoise had shell rot. I didn’t know that was a thing! I now notice some black spots on its underbelly and a few on its upper shell.
  7. How old do we think it might be? Its shell is 9 cm long. I know it’s almost impossible to know, but a ballpark estimate would be nice.
  8. Is there anything I should be asking that I haven’t? I want to provide it the best care it can get given the circumstances.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by greenplastic90 to tortoise [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:22 Avery_kun How do you edit the contents of any list and tuple iterables containing only integers (Iterable[int])?

This question is mainly pointed towards list and tuple iterables. If I don’t know if the iterable is a list or a tuple, how can I add a value to a certain range of integers inside the iterables while still being able to get the len of the iterables? For instance, if I have an iterable and I want to add 5 to the second to the last integers, how do I do it? I tried answering this in an assignment by checking first if the iterable is a list or a tuple then applied the procedures for updating a list or tuple based on the type but I couldn’t get the len afterwards since the program told me that the iterable is a nonetype.
submitted by Avery_kun to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:22 albwalb Ethics of AI Superalignment

Let me first get started with a premise:
Human intelligence has a limit, that limit is slow to evolve due to biological reasons.
Given this and analysing the current situation with AI it’s clear that at some point we will top the overall human intelligence and even surpass it.
An example is already available in the wild: AlphaGo (AI that plays Go) won against the top player in the world and made a move that everyone considered a failure, yet the AI won by that move and later it was elected as the best move ever done in Go.
It’s clear that at some point in the future AI will be able to solve problems with approaches that are not available to humans and might be able to “see” more things than us.
Given this scenario and the neutrality of such machines is unlikely that they by themselves take any bad action, however the same can’t be said when a third party bad actor takes place in the picture and controls some parts of it. Then the risks get very real and potentially dangerous.
Here arises the problem of superalignment; how can humans review AI work when they do not have all the tools to fully grasp it?
OpenAI proposed a solution to this problem: using old model version to act as a supervisor to newer models.
However this poses a underlying question:
Who shall be responsible to instructs ethics and human values to a machine capable of training others? Should it be a restricted amount of people having full control over such AIs or shall the AI be a public domain topic? How can we trust a large audience to take action for the future and help shaping the AIs to adapt to our core values? Isn’t it dangerous that ethics is just a derivative thought process of some engineers at a private company?
What is your stance on this? Given the safety implications should AI learn ethics and values exclusively from a restricted amount of people or should AIs be released (even with the safety implications) and rely on humans to shape the future of tomorrow?
submitted by albwalb to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:22 DidiEdd Why are debug kexts smaller?

I tried to search in this subreddit and scrolled for a long time but it seems nobody asked this question: what makes the debug kexts smaller, or what makes the release version of the kexts bigger? I'm just confused, if the debug version has a debug feature plus the rest of the functionality of the kexts, wouldn't that make it bigger?? Thanks
submitted by DidiEdd to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 20DegreesCoffee Question: Trading Halt

Can someone explain to me how this can be profitable for anyone of the "normal" people when I just learned that the literal NYSE or NASDAQ (i am a noob) can halt trading at any time if a stock is volatile (5% change in 5 minutes or sth, which when gme "short squeezes", it will most surely be much more than that).
So, from what I understand it doesn't matter on which platform I am trading on (eToro - which themselves are known to halt trading on their own, TradeRepublic, etc.) when the stock market (from my understanding where every "stock deal" goes through at the end, the "root") is halting trade until the short squeeze is over.
Many thanks to anyone reading my noobie question. Appreciate any help on educating me!
submitted by 20DegreesCoffee to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 Joe_A__ How do I (M25) ask my girlfriend (F25)if she’d be comfortable with me taking weed edibles occasionally?

Tldr at bottom.
I (25m) have been with my gf (25F) for almost 1 year, and it’s just been a year since we met a couple weeks back. I absolutely adore her and love our relationship - I never thought I’d be this happy with someone. She’s everything I want in a partner and I can’t imagine ever being with someone else.
Now, before I got with her, I enjoyed weed edibles fairly often. Not all the time, but at least 3-5 times a month. I know a dealer (I’m in the UK, weed is still very much illegal) who makes these amazing brownies (even without weed in them they’d be amazing) that are strong as hell. She sells them in boxes of two and they last me forever because my tolerance is low and they’re very generously strong. I have no interest in smoking, just edibles. I liked to take them and just listen to an album, or play some games, or watch a movie. Nothing crazy.
I stopped taking it about a year ago though. No real reason, I think more than anything I just didn’t have enough spare money to throw at weed. I like it, but it’s not a priority like that. Plus I wanted to focus on this new girl I’d met, so I kinda forgot about it for a bit.
Fast forward almost a year of being with my gf and I’m starting to get a bit of an itch about weed again. The thing is though, my gf is from a different background to me. She comes from a very white middle class family, very family oriented, very “traditional”, and anything even close to illegal bothers her. I think breaking the law bothers her more than the thing in question. As well as this she’s not much of a drinker, which I only mention because it’s the only frame of reference I have in regards to how she feels about substance. Since I’ve known her we’ve never really gotten drunk, but one time we went out to a gig, she had 3 ciders across the whole evening between 6 and 11pm, and considered that like.. a heavy night for her. Which is fine, everyone has their own pace and I’m in no way trying to shame her, but it illustrates how interested she is in that kind of thing.
I think what scares me most is that early in our relationship, I mentioned an interest (not an intent, an interest) in growing a very small batch of psychedelic mushrooms for microdosing purposes, and it majorly freaked her out, to the point that she said it might be a deal breaker for her. . I really don’t want to risk losing her and obviously I’d choose her over weed, but she’s not an unreasonable person and I really think she could come to realise there’s no need to be afraid of things like weed, and that it wouldn’t effect us or me or anything - it’s just like having a drink but a different feeling. If anything it’s less harmful than having a drink, and a much nicer feeling.
So yeah, TLDR, I’m interested in purchasing some edibles just to have once every now and again just to relax and forget about my anxieties on a Friday night but my gf of almost one year is very much a rule follower and anything illegal freaks her out - how can I put this to her?
submitted by Joe_A__ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 baklavitski cycles of emotional numbness

I am not officially diagnosed with BPD, I had two therapists in the past telling me I was in the spectrum of BPD but neither of them wanted to "rely on a diagnosis" (which is common in my country, it is difficult to get a diagnosis). Maybe I am just a less of a severe case, and a BPD spectrum is actually a thing.
I do experience numbness and emptiness every once in a while. It feels like I lose the meaning in doing anything, get very sad and have zero motivation. This can last from a few hours to a few days. It has been like this for many years now, maybe 10 years. I am now 35.
I am in a 3 year long commited relationship and due to (probably) symptoms related to BPD it has been really hard to be aware of my feelings. In the beginning of the relationship I was in a kind of a limerant state, especially when things between us were unstable. Then it settled in a comfortable and warm feeling.
My problem is that my feelings are inconsistent. For a few days I feel so lucky to have him, I smother him with hugs and kisses and then I suddenly think that one day he will die and I won't be able to live without him. After that I get a few days of being so numb... I get depressed and uninterested in anything and also lose interest in him and question whether I have ever loved this person. I don't know what the hell that is. I constantly check whether I am attracted to him (we are long distance for a few months per year so that takes a toll on sexual life). I have wondered is this related to BPD? feeling empty and having a fear of being abandoned? Or am I just a horrible person who never loved him and is leading him on?
submitted by baklavitski to BPD [link] [comments]