Cheat codes for imob on ipod

Cryptography news and discussions

2008.12.18 20:20 Cryptography news and discussions

Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical assurances for who can do what with data, including but not limited to encryption of messages such that only the key-holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of math and computer science. This is a technical subreddit covering the theory and practice of modern and *strong* cryptography.

2012.09.05 19:49 JamEngulfer221 Partnered YouTube Content Creators

A subreddit for creators in the YouTube Partner Program, with advice and discussion on content creation, monetization and marketing strategy. If you're not a member of the program, please check out other subreddits like /YouTubers & /NewTubers

2015.06.05 04:37 SchuylerL Ibotta

A place to collaborate, share tricks, and join together as a team to earn rewards through the Ibotta App.

2024.05.19 10:23 Excellent_Tap998 You’re stupid if you get caught cheating in CS

I’m not gonna act like a saint and say don’t cheat. Everyone cheats in CS. You’re lying if you want me to believe you get 100% on all HWs without help or looking at solutions.
But what fascinates me, is the fact y’all are dumb enough to get caught. You do realize that every Professor lies when they say have special software that detects cheating? It’s just a MOSS check. There are dozens of articles that show you how to evade moss.
You’re a genuine dumbass if you just change the order of the code and the variable names.
You’re even more of a dumbass if you copy you’re written solutions word for word and don’t even bother changing variable letters. You do realize you can find the answers online right? Copying your friends and getting caught is even more sad than just cheating alone.
I think cheating in college is just sad and somewhat pathetic. Not trying to act superior but if you have to cheat in your classes, why are you in them? Like what’s the point of being here and getting a degree if you’re not learning. It’s gonna screw you over in the future. The only instance I get is if you’re taking a BS gen ed class but that’s not the majority of cases. I also get it if you had a busy week and didn’t get to it the night before. But if you’re so behind to the point where you don’t even understand the problems … just why?
But what’s even more stupid is the fact yo dumbass got caught. It ain’t that hard.
submitted by Excellent_Tap998 to berkeley [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:13 solongdaisymae13 trying to quit again

my self esteem is so low. I isolate myself all the time. my head hurts where I pull. I’m so worried my hair will never grow back in some places, because I’ve pulled there so much for years.
I think (I hope) that I hit my breaking point today. when I touch my scalp, any issues that exist just get worse. it’s not helpful to touch acne. I know that. but sometimes my hands don’t.
I’m gonna try more accountability and thoughtfulness. I’ve already tried gloves, nails, and ointments to make it harder to pull. I think I’ve been hoping for a cheat code when I need to have resolve. this is just as hard to quit as nicotine, at least for me.
I think maybe typing this out and posting will help. i’m also starting one of those “clean” timers today. I want to be able to track my progress and encourage myself that way. I may start crocheting again to keep my hands busy when I’m alone.
I appreciate where all of us are on our journeys, and i’m hopeful we can all find some peace from this debilitating disorder ❤️
submitted by solongdaisymae13 to trichotillomania [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:35 ScienceStyled Fractal Fandango: How Geometry Proves Mother Nature is a Nerd

Ladies and gentlemen, extraterrestrials, and sentient AI overlords! Gather 'round because Zane Zany is about to take you on a wild ride through the mind-bending, reality-twisting, coffee-spilling world of fractal art! Yes, you heard it right—fractals, those brain-melting, visually addictive patterns that make you question if nature's been watching too much sci-fi. Buckle up, buttercups, because we're diving into the recursive rabbit hole of fractal geometry, where Mother Nature herself is the original nerdy artist.
First, let's talk about fractals. Imagine you’re scrolling through Netflix, and instead of choosing between true crime documentaries and that new reality show where people date while hanging upside down, you stumble upon an endless loop of visually stunning, infinitely complex patterns. These, my friends, are fractals—the artistic equivalent of getting lost in the comment section of a viral TikTok.
Fractals are essentially shapes that repeat themselves on different scales. Think of them as the visual manifestation of your favorite TV show that keeps rebooting itself. One of the most famous fractals is the Mandelbrot set, which looks like a trippy explosion of paisleys on LSD. You zoom in on one part, and bam! There’s another paisley party going on in there. It’s like a never-ending series of Russian nesting dolls, but way more psychedelic.
Now, Mother Nature, being the ultimate overachiever, decided to use fractals to design some of her best work. Ever noticed how a cauliflower looks like a tiny, edible brain? Or how lightning bolts resemble the family tree of Zeus's illegitimate children? That’s fractal geometry in action, folks! Nature has been using fractals to show off her math skills long before humans decided to scribble them on their trapper keepers.
Let’s take a closer look at the wacky world of fractal art, where the line between art and science blurs more than my vision after too much screen time. Imagine digital landscapes that look like Salvador Dalí on a coding binge. Artists like Hal Tenny and Kerry Mitchell create these digital masterpieces that make your eyes pop out like a cartoon character seeing a pie on a windowsill. Their works are a mix of math wizardry and artistic flair, transforming complex equations into visual feasts that make you wonder if you’ve accidentally ingested something illegal.
But wait, there’s more! It’s not just digital; hand-drawn fractal art is a thing too. Picture an artist with the patience of a saint and the determination of someone binge-watching an entire season of "Stranger Things" in one sitting. These artists meticulously draw each tiny, repeating pattern by hand. It's like watching Bob Ross on speed, each "happy little accident" turning into a mesmerizing fractal forest.
One of the coolest things about fractal art is how it mimics the infinite complexity of natural forms. It’s like nature’s way of saying, “I see your doodles, and I raise you a universe.” For instance, the branching patterns of trees, blood vessels, and even the internet’s favorite—snowflakes—are all fractal patterns. These natural fractals are so precise that they make human-made fractal art look like a kindergarten drawing contest.
Now, let's get real for a moment and talk about the science behind these bad boys. Fractals are the product of simple mathematical rules repeated over and over. It’s like taking your favorite GIF and putting it on an infinite loop until your brain melts. This process, known as iteration, is the secret sauce behind those stunning fractal images. And if you think that’s nerdy, just wait until you hear this: fractals are used in everything from computer graphics to diagnosing heart disease. Talk about a glow-up from mere doodles to lifesavers!
Alright, my intergalactic audience, let's sprinkle in some contemporary pop culture because why not? Imagine if Marvel’s Doctor Strange teamed up with Picasso after a bender at a hacker convention. That’s the level of surreal you get with fractal art. Or think about "Rick and Morty" if they decided to explore the infinite realities within a single broccoli floret. Fractals are the multiverse theory of art and science—every zoom reveals another layer of mind-blowing complexity.
And speaking of complexity, let’s not forget about the applications. Fractals aren’t just pretty pictures; they have real-world uses that would make even Tony Stark jealous. For example, in telecommunications, fractal antennas are all the rage. They’re tiny, efficient, and look like they belong in a sci-fi movie. These antennas use fractal patterns to pick up a wide range of frequencies, making your smartphone signals stronger than my desire for a pizza right now.
But fractals aren't just solving tech problems—they're also helping scientists understand natural phenomena. Take the coastlines of continents, for instance. They’re not straight lines but jagged, irregular shapes that resemble, you guessed it, fractals! By studying these patterns, scientists can predict erosion and even help with environmental conservation. It’s like Mother Nature gave us a cheat code to understand her secret plans.
Now, let’s wrap this mind-bending journey with a bow, shall we? Fractal art is the glorious intersection where art and science have a wild, late-night party and invite everyone they know. It’s proof that math isn’t just for nerds—it’s the creative force behind the beauty of the natural world and the digital masterpieces that leave us awestruck. So, next time you’re out in nature or lost in a fractal video loop, remember that you’re witnessing the same principles that make your phone work, keep planes in the air, and help us understand the universe.
So, there you have it, folks! Fractal art: where geometry, nature, and a splash of human creativity come together to blow our minds. It's the ultimate nerdy art form that proves even the most complex mathematical principles can be stunningly beautiful. And remember, whether you’re a digital artist, a nature lover, or just someone who likes trippy patterns, fractals have something to offer. Until next time, keep your eyes peeled for the hidden patterns in life, and don’t forget to tip your server. Zane Zany, signing off!
submitted by ScienceStyled to u/ScienceStyled [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:50 Generic_Username_659 Did anyone else use these codes to cheese the game?

Did anyone else use these codes to cheese the game?
Back in the day, I'd sometimes get these kids magazines from the supermarket, and one of them had these cheat codes that I always used from then on. Really cut down on the need to grind for Battle Points.
submitted by Generic_Username_659 to Bakugan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 19, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
Community Guides
Cheat Sheets
Wiki Pages
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
Misc Questions
M1. Are macros and auto-clickers allowed?

Megathread Directory
Weekly Lounge Megathreads (for minor discussions, gacha pulls, etc.)
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Please note that the above codes are manually updated!
If you have any suggestions or would like to add anything to this post, please contact the moderation team!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:11 International_Duty44 Dolphin Cheat codes not working

Ive been trying to apply cheat codes for dolphin on my odin 2 but they never seem to work. I set enable cehats in the settings of dolphin and the per game settings and then a set some gecko/ar codes but when I launch the game, none of them are applied. Any ideas on how to fix this? Ive tried the codes that are already in dolphin and adding my own from the internet and neither work. happens to all games on dolphin(at least gamecube I havent tested wii yet).
submitted by International_Duty44 to OdinHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:54 LLLNNNGGG Basic Skyrim Xbox logical load order (LLO) template with “vanilla plus+” examples (2024)

This is for us normies who don’t want to sift through a hundred youtube videos just to figure out basic information that should be readily available. This guide is designed for people who are new to modding.
This LLO follows Brxsie’s model. For more detailed info on categorization refer to their reddit post.
You can leave out any mod on this list that you don’t want except for USSEP.
*= my personal notes explaining what a mod does or why I added it
e.g. = extra examples of popular mods that should be placed in that category
(skip this section if you want the quick version of this post)
Hi everyone; I’m not a modder nor a PC player, but I was desperate to figure out how to safely load my game with reasonable lore-friendly updates. Every LLO guide I’ve found so far has either been outdated, contradictory to other sources, does not specify which mods fall under what category, is way too vague, or way too specific. The mods I’ve listed here should be easily searchable on the recently updated Xbox creations menu so that any Xbox player can easily copy this list. Originally, I was just recording my LLO for my own personal use, but I figured this could help people who don’t have the time to put in as much research as I have.
If you are brand new to modding, vanilla+ means that you want to stay faithful to the original game as much as possible while upgrading the look of your Skyrim world and making a few convenient tweaks. The least “true to the original game” mod on this list is convenient horses. In my experience so far, this LLO plays just as smoothly as vanilla Skyrim.
Unless I wrote a note next to the mod stating otherwise, all of these mods are independent of one another, except for: divine atmosphere, divine atmosphere snowflake edit, and realistic snowflakes. If you like the ugly fractal snowflakes in divine atmosphere then don’t bother with the other two mods, but if not, you need the vanilla snowflake edit and the snowflake texture mod to go together. Therefore, you can leave out any mod on this list that you don’t want except for USSEP), and the game will function normally.
To customize settings of mods while in-game, go to magic -> powers. “Equip” the mod you want to change and press RB once out of the menu. This is relevant to divine atmospheres, divine interiors, flute finder, convenient horses, and some dialogue mods.
Most mods on this list can be downloaded or deleted safely while playing a pre-existing save file. Deleting mods become problematic when you have already added and interacted with a custom item to the game and then delete the mod that supported the item. When testing new mods, I suggest only adding a few at a time so that you know what to delete if you encounter any issues.
If you are reading this on a laptop or PC, you can press command/control F to search for keywords of the mods you want to install to find where they belong in the LLO.
Personally, my favorite mods that I’ve added to the game are the dialogue mods and the texture mods. They make Skyrim feel like a real world with real people living in it and I would highly suggest using some or all of them. I’d also love to hear everyone’s suggestions on proposed edits to this load order. Please let me know if you are aware of any conflicting mods or bugs, or if I have made any mistakes in my layperson's explanation of techy stuff. Unsure if this is relevant information, but I’m located in the USA.
Extra notes:
What the heck is a leveled list? A leveled list is a change in the code that makes changes to certain values. Such as changing how much gold a character has or how powerful an enemy is.
And what exactly is an area edit? An area edit is any mod that adds or significantly changes a location in the game. This includes adding extra trees, adding extra smelters, or adding custom player homes that do not exist in vanilla, among other things.
Why are there all of these categories and why is it so complicated? LLO sorts mods so that the game can load the most important files first. When LLO is not followed, the game will inevitably crash. Categories allow us to sort mods into the LLO based on how they interact with the game's code. People sometimes disagree on what order to put the categories in, but all LLO templates use the same basic categories.
I do not use immersive citizens AI because multiple people have reported bugs. Other people have no issues with it, but I prefer to stay on the safe side.
Remember to lower your in-game brightness, especially when you are using divine interiors and divine atmospheres. If the brightness is all the way up, things will start to glow. You will have to use torches in locations with zero light, such as corners in caves. This adds a realistic feel to the game. If you give a torch to your follower, they will automatically use it in in low-light conditions. I switch between default/glimmegrim/vivid depending on where I am and how colorful I want things to be. The game may look darker overall as you can see in the screenshots, but this is more true to how lighting works in the real world.
Skyrim 101 tip: When you ditch items to reduce your carry weight, store them somewhere (such as a dead body or a chest) instead of dropping them on the ground. If you drop items all over your game it will eventually lag.
When creating a new character, keep in mind that once you start playing, you might change the lighting and make the colors more saturated. For example: I accidentally gave myself yellow hair instead of natural blonde because I forgot about lighting and atmosphere changes. This is another reason to install the vanity mirror mod, which allows you to change your character mid-game.
Storage space: all of the mods I have listed here take up approximately 4.36GB.
I suggest keeping a note of your LLO on your phone so that you can easily categorize mods you want to add the future.
Sometimes LLO will not save, so I recommend double-checking that everything landed in the right spot or backing up your LLO to bethesda before exiting the LLO menu.
Sometimes you need to restart your game to enable a newly installed mod.
How to delete a complex mod without causing problems: disable the mod, hard reset (hold power button for 10 secs or unplug the console), uninstall the mod, hard reset.
I’ve noticed a bug where I cannot tell my follower (Lydia) to do anything in “command mode”. I don’t know what’s causing this- it seems like a dialogue issue but I rarely use the command mode feature anyway so it’s small enough for me to ignore for now. Let me know if you find out what's causing this!
*Blurb over\*
Master Files
Foundations: Lots of game changes (e.g. cheat room, encounters overhaul, etc.)
Dialogue Overhauls
Fonts/UI (excluding map mods)
Alterations to vanilla quests
Any craftable item
Game mechanic changes: races, perks, vampires, adoptions, etc.
Level Progression (e.g. Clever leveling)
Perk overhauls/changes
Magic additions and modifications
Leveled list changes (e.g. rebalanced leveled lists)
NPC Leveled list (e.g. organized bandits in skyrim)
Any audio
Weather and Atmosphere (put weather up ^ in LLO if the mod is just a weather mod and not an atmosphere mod)
Grass Fixes
Skin/skeleton physics and appearance changes
Animation mods
Meshes and Textures
*The mods I’ve listed in this section should cover almost every visual in the game. Nothing is too drastic of a style change and fits right in to the game’s vibe.
Non-combat NPC AI
Immersion (e.g. immersive patrols, landlord etc.) - can be tricky to categorize
Anything that changes a character’s/npc face or hair (e.g natural eyes)
Interior lighting changes
Interior decorating changes
Lightweight multiple area edits
Single area edits like player homes
Multiple area edits (e.g. divine cities)
*I do not recommend divine cities or divine villages because it can be buggy. One time Lydia got permanently stuck in a modded tavern and I had to backtrack through an hour of progress to get her back out
Adding individual unique objects
Combat changes, combat AI (e.g. realistic damage, wildcat)
Unique follower mods (e.g. Sofia)
Mods that add new quests (mods that alter vanilla quests do not go here)
Map mods
Mods that specify bottom LO
submitted by LLLNNNGGG to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:48 Impossible-Focus-729 How Can I Overcome My Past Mistakes and Successfully Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Hi ,
I'm really struggling and could use some advice. Here’s a bit of my background:
I started college in 2018 majoring in Computer Science but dropped out in 2021 as a junior. The major was extremely challenging, and I ended up cheating my way through by paying others to do my assignments. I wanted to keep my full-ride scholarship but lost it eventually. I also ghosted another small scholarship that gave me many chances, but I was going through a lot mentally and just hated Computer Science.
I had a job lined up after graduation with a company I interned for, but I lost that too. In hindsight, I wish I had pushed through, but it all felt overwhelming and meaningless at the time. Despite everything, I believe technology is the future, and I feel like I've already invested too much to give up now. However, my skills are lacking—I can't even code.
I want to go back to school and finish my degree, especially focusing on cybersecurity. I'm torn between starting over or trying to complete my current CS degree since it would be faster. I’m 24, and I feel like I’m falling behind while my friends have graduated and are moving forward in their lives. I’m at home, under my foreign parents' control, working for the family without pay, and I have no income. I'm unhappy.
My family supports me going back to school, but I would need to take out loans this time. I'm scared because I cheated through so much, and now I have upper-level courses left with no real foundation.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? What steps should I take to overcome my past mistakes and build a solid foundation in Computer Science? Should I start over or try to finish my degree? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading and for any help you can offer.
submitted by Impossible-Focus-729 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:01 javaman21011 Struggling, need advice

So I got laid off at the end of March and have been getting a few leads via random recruiters on LinkedIn, but I made the boneheaded move of reaching out to an old Facebook recruiter (I had tried back in 2018 and didn't get in). I thought starting on Neetcode 150 was a good place, but I've done like 15 or 20 easy ones in 2 weeks, it feels. The FB recruiter was a little pushy and I started my profile and selected some dates for interviews that were end of May/beginning of June.
My struggle is I feel I'm studying way too slowly, I can only manage 4-5 coding problems a day before I get exhausted.
The double whammy struggle is that I've been in the industry since 2007 and feel like these medium (or harder) coding problems (or this helpful website: are way too hard. I dunno what my problem is. Has my brain rotted since college? Are these just a hallmark of the industry and a form of hazing we all just have to learn and deal with? Should I just memorize shit and hope? I'm starting to also get frustrated at the fact that real life app development never uses any of these algorithms.. what gives?
Is there a system I can use to better help me identify what the appropriate algorithms to use when I read a problem? Like I'd love to know if there's a decoder ring that helps turn problem-descriptions into 'which algorithms to use'. Something high level that helps me 'connect the dots' would be amazing. Perhaps a chart that lists out which kinds of questions need which kind of algorithm.
Another example of my problem was I was attempting a mock interview and the timer was 40mins. It asked "find the length of the maximum palindrome in a particular string" and I just froze up.. never seen a problem like that or even had to think like that. Later I looked it up and understood the solution after like 10mins of staring at the code.
Any advice, tips, cheat sheets or what not would be appreciated.
submitted by javaman21011 to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:25 warmwhale quotes from telegram, love this community

I buy and hold with conviction, I don't gamble i work with my community
most important thing is consistency with everyone, keep coming in guys and never give up, i'm here working reddit kendu stuff, same with x, i support on different websites that's linked, i give it my all on support as much as i can here, i hope you guys remember this important lesson no matter what kind of sucess in life you get, you have to never give up and keep going with consistency until you get there, and this is what we're going to do here as a group/family we're going to take us to the moon, the moment you give up in life, you can never reach it because you've gone away from trying to get there, we're doing the opposite of that, we're going to make it together legends 👍 ~ khalifa
original quote from a japanese video i saw awhile ago -
Remember the work you do today will not be felt immediately. You are releasing sub atomic energy into the web that will combust like a bomb when the time comes ~ Kevin Finnerty
if everyone of us got this cheat code we are going to hit 40b+ 50b+ marketcap easy ~ khalifa
Just want to tell everyone that I love y’all, this isn’t just one more money thirsty without value bunch of meme coin pumpers, there is real commitment and passion being built here by high quality individuals who bond together to change their fate. If there is something that roaring kitty taught us is that if we all come together as one group of dedicated and working individuals we can change our fate and get back at the exploiting elite who’s been and keeps abusing us in all aspects. All it takes is a pure coin and a strong sense of community and dedication and we will all come together and repeat GME and Shiba. ~ Sam sin
This is a very different culture than other memecoins this cycle. When the inevitable consolidations are happening, there is an instinct to think we need to change strategy, because other projects do that and have a need for the immediacy. We're super healthy as a project. Just trust the process. If we work, it will come. We have the alpha, we have the growing numbers, we will continue to grow with or without any particular person or group of people. ~ switch $kendu
submitted by warmwhale to KenduInu_Ecosystem [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:06 Karflowe Someone is trying to ruin my marriage

Someone is trying to ruin my marriage
A couple days ago my husband got a text from a person claiming im cheating with them. My husband has been texting this person for 2 days now. He wont show me the messages or give me details. I think because he’s believing them.
The little tidbits my husband has let slip is the phone number (it’s a TextNow number-I tried calling it), that this person told him I said he’s a bad dad, and that this person has sent “evidence” or “proof.” I also know they called me by name.
I can’t even begin to imagine what this person has said. Me and my husband are both active duty military. The number has the area code of where we live, so this person is most likely local. We don’t have friends really outside our units so it’s someone one of us works with. I suspect someone I work with more than my husbands coworkers because I’ve had issues with some higher ups at work in the last year. I think it’s probably someone with kids because I don’t think someone without kids would think to make up the “bad dad” lie. The other alternative in my mind is that there’s some crazy woman who is secretly obsessed with my husband and trying to ruin our marriage. Whoever it is obviously has something wrong with them mentally.
Another reason I suspect someone I work with is because they would know all the times my husband is gone (he’s gone often) and in my mind that’s the only logical “evidence” they could have is mentioning times I would have been cheating. That and the fact that this is obviously an attack on me and not him. This is meant to hurt me. And I have people in my work center who don’t like me. Never thought any of them would do something this deranged though.
Im frustrated with my husband and freaking out because of the situation. Adultery is against the UCMJ and this accusation could ruin my career. If this person is ballsy enough to message my husband lies with a clear intent to break us up or cause issues between us. And is dedicated enough to use a fake number and continue on talking to him, they are absolutely capable of making a report to my commander. Even if it’s found not to be true it will still negatively effect my career. You can’t do damage control after an accusation like that.
Without knowing the context of the messages I’m speculating a lot. I know my husband stayed up all night messaging this person and he made a comment about how he was obviously drunk and then this morning he suddenly didn’t have a lot to say.
My husband is trying to find out who it is and says he’ll share the identity if he finds out, but that’s it. Im also trying to find out who it is but have been wildly unsuccessful because of the use of a texting app. I’ve thought about filing a police report for defamation and seeing if they’ll trace the number, but I don’t have any proof because my husband won’t share the messages.
To be clear I have never cheated on my husband, messaged another man, anything. We’ve been rocky for a good bit of our marriage which may explain why he’s not believing me, but I love the hell out of him and things were just starting to get better in the last couple months.
All that to ask, does anyone have any advice? Know of a way to trace this person? Anything?
Also is you know a better place to post this please tell me. Im struggling to figure out where to post
submitted by Karflowe to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 SunCooled 22 [F4M], Netherlands/Europe, searching for my special person 💘

Hello, dear reader. As the title says I'm searching for my person ❤️ someone who is my person and who I can give all my love and energy to. (Watch out it is a lot xd) I love to cuddle and hang out together <3
I am a loyal person and would love for my boyfriend to also be my best friend. (We can tell each other everything) I am a hopeless romantic and love buying gifts or even flowers ;)
I know this isn't the best place to find love, but trying anyway :)
About me: I'm currently studying, software development (coding) which I love to do. I love to read and write :) I like to game (valorant, stardew, fortnite, minecraft). Would be nice if you played them as well so we can get to know each other. (PC/Switch) I have a love hate relationship with working out, So I prefer classes so I dont have to think about what to do and am unable to cheat haha ;) I am the zumba dance queen of my gym (Not my words xd) So watch out ;) I speak English, Dutch and a bit of german (working on my german by reading books in german ;)) I love to learn more languages and cultures. I also like traveling and doing spontaneous things like going on a trip last moment :) So I would like my partner to keep up with it.
My outside: I am 1,67cm and have brown hair. I have green-ish eyes see the picture :) If we get to know each other more we can exchange more pictures, but for now it is like a sneak peak haha. I'm curvy so if you don't like it then dont message me :)
Please send me a message if: You are born in 1997-2003 and live in western europe. I prefer the Netherlands. I am not looking for a super long LDR sorry guys :( Also give your ASL and tell me something about yourself. I prefer if you are taller than me and generally have the same interests. (If you do tell me something about it ;)) I love for you to have ambition and not for example work at the same place for 50 years. Always aiming for the highest and trying to accomplish everything. I have the same mindset haha
So shoot me a message <3 Please no weird messages or NSFW profiles. And send me a :) if you read the whole post.
ps: Bonus points if you like to fight with me who gets to pay on a date ;)
submitted by SunCooled to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:03 spacesapiens Easy (and free) growth hacks to improve your traffic

I have been launching many startups lately and just want to share some of the stuff that worked really good for me.

Build a free, useful tool to get backlinks

If you are running a content-driven website and rely on search traffic, one of the best ways of boosting your rankings is to get backlinks.
There is a simple trick to get backlinks: building a very simple, easy-to-use tool for a niche market.
Why? Because tools are x12 times more likely to get backlinks and social shares.
Some examples: • A Mortgage Calculator (ex: Zillow) • A tool to convert gross salary to net salary
If these types of tools do not fit your niche, you can consider building a cheat sheet, a planning document, or a reference chart.
How To Implement This Tip
  1. Decide what kind of tool you want to make. It should be directly related to what your business is doing.
  2. Get a freelancer from Upwork to build it for you. Or purchase it from CodeCanyon
  3. Make sure its URL is like this: yourwebsite .com/tool Do not put it in a subdomain, because backlinks directing a subdomain does not count for your .com domain.
  4. Make sure that you put internal links to your tool.
  5. Optional: you can also ask for email addresses from users and capture leads.

Put your domain on the “ref” for your outgoing links to other sites that you linked to them

One of the best ways to get backlinks is to give backlinks. When webmasters see that others are linking them, sometimes they link back. I have seen this tens of times.
So, to alert other websites that you are linking to them is to put a “ref” section to your outgoing links.
Like this: somelink .com/?ref=mysitecom
When they check analytics they will notice your page way more easily and hopefully link back.

Help Reporters & get backlinks or mentions by signing up to HARO

One great way to build backlinks and brand mentions easily is by leveraging yourself as an expert on a particular topic. You can use a service called Help A Reporter Out (HARO) for this purpose.
What HARO does is connecting you with reporters and bloggers who need sources and quotes from industry experts for the stories they are writing.
How To Do It:
  1. Sign up for an account at Free account gets you free queries which are sent to your inbox 3 times each day. You can also get more with a paid account.
  2. Once you’ve pick a query, respond with your quote and a short bio and a link to your website.

Donate Little Money To Get Links From Crowdfunding Campaigns

Crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter or Indiegogo usually display their supporter's names and websites on their pages.
You get listed on those pages and get a quick & easy backlink by donating them the littlest money possible.
But beware, this is in a grey area in terms of “paid links”. Use this strategy at your own risk.

List Your Website On ProductPerk to Get Social Media Reviews at No Cost

ProductPerk platform enables products to receive social media reviews by giving away discounts to social media reviewers. So social media users share honest product reviews and win product perks in return.
By using ProductPerk you can get many social media reviews by simply offering discounts or free usage. It is free to use and works like charm.

Keyword Optimize Your Pages With Search Console Data

There is a huge data mine that you can use to improve your pages’ performance: Google Search Console
In the Search Console, you can see which keywords bring the most traffic to which pages. Also, you can see the search volumes of these keywords.
What you need to do is, to check each page on Search Console and analyze their most effective keywords. Then you can optimize your page with the highest volume keywords. Simple.
How To Do It:
  1. Go to search console:
  2. Go to the “Performance” section
  3. Click on “+ new” and choose “page” from the dropdown list and type the URL of a blog post or page on your website. Click “apply”
Now you see all the keywords and search volumes of these keywords that are bringing your page traffic.
Optimize your page to include these keywords. Prioritize the keywords with the highest search volumes!

Write Testimonials To Get Backlinks

You may be using different services for your start-up. Hosting service, brand alerts service, or any type of service.
What you can do is reach out to your service providers and give them a testimonial.
If they include your website and testimonial on their testimonials page, you get an easy backlink.
submitted by spacesapiens to startups [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:44 theNastyKlaus How I ruined a wedding day

This happened 10-ish years ago and pops back in my mind once in a while. I just find now the courage to share it.
One of my (M) best friends (F) has been invested as “best man” role for a civil partnership (M+M) of one of her friends, since she was the reason behind the weird way the couple met the first time. They’ve been a couple for years, so as soon as the civil partnership law passed in our country, they started preparing their ceremony. My friend invited me as her +1 since she believed I could have found my match during the event, obviously thinking that could have been full of gay men (spoiler: it was).
A couple months passes while I just have some ONS with different Mr. Wrong, the usual.
(insert here an I know where this is going)
When the day to take the flight to reach the city of the ceremony, a national strike happened, and our previously “confirmed as unaffected by it” flight (we called the company the day before) has been cancelled last minute while in airport. So we managed to get back our bags after hours of waiting, and reserved another flight for the day after (arriving one day before event instead of two). I was attending the baggage belt waiting, my friend was at the desk queing and taking care for the ticket exchange.
While waiting, I opened my Grindr and… well… how can I say it… I just find someone to spend some “quality moment” with. No further detail is needed.
(insert here another I know where this is going)
Bags on a trolley and tickets in hand, we decided to take a room in an hotel near the airport for the night since the new flight would have took off at 7AM and it was already 5PM (timesaving and moneysaving move).
The next day we travelled as expected. We arrive and first things we do after arriving to hotel: I went to get our wedding outfits ironed urgently and friend went to meet the happy couple (she wanted to have some time with them alone before the wedding).
Wedding day! Both ready to leave, we rushed to the location because she didn’t knew she had to be there at least one hour before until one hour before (but we were 5 mins walking distance).
She leaves me alone for her duties and, not knowing anyone else, I open my Grindr. I was feeling hot in that custom fit suit that I would like to profit of it someway. Met (just met this time, I swear) another guest through it so I wasn’t awkwardly alone anymore, and this guy introduced me to his friends.
The happy couple enters. Both under the arm of their female “best man” likely a bride comes with her father.
Could I be more embarassed.
I had met one of them during the days before the wedding (he travels for work).
I had met the other in the airport (that, I discovered it later, was going back home from his bachelor party).
(insert here an how are you not embarassed)
I was trying to avoid their eyes any possible ways while they were talking around with guests and greeting them (we were quite a crowd), waiting for the officiant, and at a certain point I sneeked out, discreetly.
I immediately texted my friend that I needed to talk her ASAP after the ceremony, but she was immediately available (the officiant arrival was planned later to give the couple the time to enter and greets everybody one by one) and reached me. I told her what I did… well, what THEY did. I had to, so to avoid her any issue, not for any possible guilt from my side, because I did nothing wrong.
Before you ask: No, none of them told that was engaged (didn’t spoke a lot honestly) and no, I didn’t know I “knew” them because I was honestly not-interested in an unknown people wedding. And also no, I don’t ask guys “are you engaged/married/a priest” before doing stuff. If they want to cheat, is their problem.
Back to my friend. At first, laughing an “are you serious?” like she knew some juicy gossip and she had an exclusive. Then a nervous “are you sure?” because it was something that she had to be buried with her. All followed by a desperate “what do we do now?” like she was trying to escape the embarassement.
In the short time we had, I made clear that the decision if I had to leave was only up to her, if she felt anyway I could have caused more troubles. And so she asked. While heading back to the hotel, I received a text from her that was saying (more or less): Screw them, please come back. Sorry if I let you down, not your fault, next time they’ll act better”. Never felt so proud of being someone’s friend.
None of both, so, met me before the ceremony. But as it ended, the airport-guy saw me and went totally pale (there’s a photo of him in that exact moment and it wasn’t just my imagination, he became whiter than white, he created VantaWhite).
We slowly moved to reception (another location but also close enough to walk there), while couple went away with photographer, and my friend wanted some juicy detail (that I didn’t shared - except the “unusual” location of the airport encounter). She didn’t saw the now-married guy in the airport at all and was also surprised she didn’t knew why he came (we discovered the bachelor party part in a later moment). And yes, she noticed the scared face too. One of the guests picked up some words from our coded conversation and we went out saying it was about another guest, not the happy couple.
As they finally arrives at reception, the one that noticed me sees me immediatly and turned his sight away, but then the other one sees me, but wasn’t that scared and had is eyes making and losing contact with mine every couple seconds, like trying to understand if he knows me (or if it’s me or not).
Some time passes and I can’t tell you the embarassement I could feel in their eyes and voice while talking to me and my friend (they were making a kind of a tour, talking to everybody).
Everything went smooth then and we started eating and drinking and dancing… until…
One of the couple (the one I met before at his hotel) come close and bumped me while dancing. I said sorry, he hugged me and said into my ears something I couldn’t ear, so I asked him to repeat it, twice (loud music), and it was a “don’t you ever dare to tell anything to anyone”. While I was reassuring him joking with an “about what”, the airport-one saw us talking and rushed there. He asked to his husband what could I have said and that’s when all started to fall down.
Basically, airport-guy suspected that I told about the airport-thing to hotel-guy, so the questioning made hotel-guy suspicious, but so suspicious that hotel-guy came back holding airport-guy hand, asking if I knew him from before. “Why should I?” was the first vague reply that popped out of my mouth, and I should have stopped, because (maybe for the alcohol, maybe for the drama effect) I added an “You shouldn’t have secrets anymore now, if you still have some, go tell each other”. That was the confirmation that hotel-guy was expecting, even if then to me wasn’t looking bad at all to say. They went then arguing in a corner before and somewhere else after. Then their best-women were called in and joined them… and while we all were still dancing and having fun, my friend came to pick me to go and give confirmations. She was fuming, not with me but with them.
Basically, hotel-guy was accusing airport-guy of cheating again, not confessing that he did the same and menacing legal action to have a refund for the money spent from actual husband and me.
And boom! Since the hotel-guy intended my fake not-knowing about what he was talking about like a real one and that wasn’t me the one who met, and he was faking innocence, I pulled out my Grindr with still his photos and messages and phone number.
Screenshotted and sent the chat I had with hotel-guy to airport-guy and viceversa. That was the end of the civil partnership and of the party. Not even arrived to the cake.
No legal action were taken by their part, and they legally started separate lives the day after. Came out that if airport-guy was a serial cheater, hotel-guy was helding other undisclosed secrets to his partner, but, so he says, he cheated just once, with me (how unlucky can one be?).
I wrote “no legal action were taken by their part” because some guests requested their gifts returned, as the union was untied and, after a bit, some lawyers letters arrived. So they had to refund some gifts too.
Me and my friend didn’t dared to ask for our.
But, hey… I met airport-guy again. And again. And again… For few years, anytime he was coming in the area he always texted.
But, shamefully, he never spilled the tea about his ex-husband other secrets.
submitted by theNastyKlaus to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:15 Brilliant_Share_1918 Help me find a good anime

I'm really struggling with find a new good anime to watch. Could you please help me ? The last one I watched and liked a little is Wind breaker ( good casting setup, original concept of delinquents ). I'd give it a 7/10 so far.
My fav of all time is Attack on titan.
The last anime I watched and loved is an old anime: Romeo Blue skies. I loved the story.. no superpowers or isekai.. just the story of kids taken into Milano to work as chimney sweepers where they bond together ! I wonder why no more Animes come out like this one in the recent last years.. why does it always have to be superpowers or the typical isekais..
I also watched Pluto. Loved it.
So here is the list of animes I liked and why :
Recent anime I watched and hated ( sorry for their fans, but this is just to give you an idea of what I like and hate in an anime ) :
I hope you guys help me finding a good anime and I am terrible sorry if I offended anyone who is a fan of the last animes I listed. I understand people have different tastes but I felt like I had to put the reasons of why I dislike such animes so it can help with the recommendation.
submitted by Brilliant_Share_1918 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:51 Odd-Hotel9359 Seeking Architecture Acvice for multiple bots

First of all this is about a different game (Albion online) but i feel like my question fits for multiple types of games aswell as for runescape since albion is kinda the same but with better graphics and a bit different logic. ANYWAYIll get to the point.
I have created a bot for the game albion online with python that sets buy and sell orders on the market by checking if certain images are on the pc screen. If so behave on programmed logic. It works fine (like 99%) for now on the pc but obviously is bound to a screen aswell as the current set display resolution. It uses python, and opencv to recognize images within a certain threshhold.
I want to expand soon and was looking for other ideas that are maybe more reliable than using a monitor. Since this subreddit is dedicated for runescape botting i think ill get the best replies here.
Since i plan to do more types of bots aswell as bots that move around and pickup items (very common in albion) i thought ill set it up properly once to be able to more easly expand later on so i have the following ideas:
1st The current bot works with python respectively pyautogui, pil and opencv to check if within a treshhold an image is found on the screen. This works for like 99% of the time, only sometimes my script fails since it doesnt find some buttons but i think i could get around that with better error handling or tweaking. The backside of this is that were bound to a monitor and a gaming pc. Obviously since it uses the current pc the pc cannnot be used for other activities.
2nd Ive looked into machine learning and object detection which i would feed my images into it. And then based on if image is on screen click. Same downsides as 1st. But at least the clicking on images would be more accurate (i think, id have to do more research on it).
3rd Sort of combine either 1st and or 2nd but on mobile. There are libraries (adb) to connect ur phone to a pc and with that i could just run python code on the phone and do all the image recognition on it. I was thinking that id just get multiple phones and connect them to a pc (possibely a pi) and then just let that handle the logic. Since the game is run on the phone the pi doesnt need a lot of cpu with that would be relatively "cheap" to run instead of running a gaming pc with a graphics card.
4th Same as 3rd but instead of using real smartphones i could use virtual machines. Id then for that cause setup a specified server for it obviously.
5th Ive got my feet wet with packet analysis by downloading a radar hack and looking into the source code. Im confident that within a bit of time i could get that to run and manipulate packages sent between server and my client (arp spoofing i think). Question is how undetectable that eould be by easy anti cheat. Id have to do a bit more research on the anticheat.
Does anyone have experience with any of those methods? Is it even possible to run a bot headless? Id be glad for any advice.
Thanks in Advance
submitted by Odd-Hotel9359 to RunescapeBotting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:07 Odd-Hotel9359 Need architecture assistance with a game bot

So ill get straight to the point. I have created a bot for the gsme albion online with python that sets buy and sell orders on the market by checking if certain images are on the pc screen. If so behave on programmed logic. It works fine for now on the pc but obviously is bound to a screen aswell as the current set display solution
I want to expand soon and was looking for other ideas that are maybe more reliable than using a monitor.
I have the following ideas:
1st The current bot works with python respectively pyautogui, pil and opencv to check if within a treshhold an image is found on the screen. This works for like 99% of the time, only sometimes my script fails since it doesnt find some buttons but i think i could get around that with better error handling or tweaking. The backside of this is that were bound to a monitor and a gaming pc. Obviously since it uses the current pc the pc cannnot be used for other activities.
2nd Ive looked into machine learning and object detection which i would feed my images into it. And then based on if image is on screen click. Same downsides as 1st. But at least the clicking on images would be more accurate.
3rd Sort of combine either 1st and or 2nd but on mobile. There are libraries (adb) to connect ur phone to a pc and with that i could just run python code on the phone and do all the image recognition on it. I was thinking that id just get multiple phones and connect them to a pc (possibely a pi) and then just let that handle the logic. Since the game is run on the phone the pi doesnt need a lot of cpu with that would be relatively "cheap" to run instead of running a gaming pc with a graphics card.
4th Same as 3rd but instead of using real smartphones i could use virtual ones. Id then for that cause setup a specified server for it.
5th Ive got my feet wet with packet analysis by downloading a radar hack and looking into the source code. Im confident that within a bit of time i could get that to run and manipulate packages sent between server and my client (arp spoofing i think). Question is how undetectable that eould be by easy anti cheat. Id have to do a bit more research on the anticheat.
Does anyone have experience with any of those methods? Is it even possible to run a bot headless? Id be glad for any advice.
Thanks in Advance
submitted by Odd-Hotel9359 to botting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:29 PuppyGuile [34/M] UK American in London looking for IRL friends!

Hey there!
I'm a 34-year-old American who's called the UK home for the past 5 years, and I'm on the lookout for some new friends. Currently living and working in London and despite traveling all over the world, realized London is my favorite city. Bonus points if you're up for meeting my two fluffy dogs – because, let's be honest, having dogs is a cheat code when it comes to making friends in the UK.
By day, I'm a product manager in the city, but my journey has taken me through some interesting twists, including time in the US Army and a stint at a luxury fashion company.
Outside of the 9 to 5 grind, you'll find me picking things up and putting them down at the gym bright and early in the morning. I've stuck to my 2023 New Year's resolution and have gone to the gym quite regularly; it's become a source of pride. If you're a fellow gym rat who competes with no one but the person you were yesterday, we're bound to hit it off.
I'm also into improv comedy – I take classes and perform whenever I can. Originally, it was my way of finding a practical application for acting without fully committing to a career in it. It's been super helpful, especially in dealing with feelings of anxiety as well. If you're an improv geek too, I'd love to hear your experiences.
Lockdown brought out the mixologist in me, thanks to binging Mad Men. I love experimenting with cocktails and if you have a favorite cocktail and don't mind providing the ingredients, I'd be happy to try and craft it for you! I actually signed up for a bartending course just to learn a new skill-- definitely stay tuned for that one.
And of course, I'm pretty basic too with your typical interests – sports (NCAA Football and NFL Football, with Army and the San Francisco 49ers as my teams), video games (League of Legends Wild Rift mainly, but really excited for EA Sports College Football 25 to come out), and TV shows (Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, and Mad Men are my absolute favorites). I'm also trying to get in to reading for pleasure (currently reading The Three-Body Problem series by Cixin Liu), but man do I have to work at it.
If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to connect! Whether it's grabbing a drink, hitting the gym together, or just chatting about shared interests, I'm up for it. Drop me a chat request and let's make something happen! Can't think of an opener? What's a challenging experience you've faced and how did it shape your perspective?
submitted by PuppyGuile to MakeFriendsUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:29 PuppyGuile [34/M] UK American in London looking for IRL friends!

Hey there!
I'm a 34-year-old American who's called the UK home for the past 5 years, and I'm on the lookout for some new friends. Currently living and working in London and despite traveling all over the world, realized London is my favorite city. Bonus points if you're up for meeting my two fluffy dogs – because, let's be honest, having dogs is a cheat code when it comes to making friends in the UK.
By day, I'm a product manager in the city, but my journey has taken me through some interesting twists, including time in the US Army and a stint at a luxury fashion company.
Outside of the 9 to 5 grind, you'll find me picking things up and putting them down at the gym bright and early in the morning. I've stuck to my 2023 New Year's resolution and have gone to the gym quite regularly; it's become a source of pride. If you're a fellow gym rat who competes with no one but the person you were yesterday, we're bound to hit it off.
I'm also into improv comedy – I take classes and perform whenever I can. Originally, it was my way of finding a practical application for acting without fully committing to a career in it. It's been super helpful, especially in dealing with feelings of anxiety as well. If you're an improv geek too, I'd love to hear your experiences.
Lockdown brought out the mixologist in me, thanks to binging Mad Men. I love experimenting with cocktails and if you have a favorite cocktail and don't mind providing the ingredients, I'd be happy to try and craft it for you! I actually signed up for a bartending course just to learn a new skill-- definitely stay tuned for that one.
And of course, I'm pretty basic too with your typical interests – sports (NCAA Football and NFL Football, with Army and the San Francisco 49ers as my teams), video games (League of Legends Wild Rift mainly, but really excited for EA Sports College Football 25 to come out), and TV shows (Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, and Mad Men are my absolute favorites). I'm also trying to get in to reading for pleasure (currently reading The Three-Body Problem series by Cixin Liu), but man do I have to work at it.
If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to connect! Whether it's grabbing a drink, hitting the gym together, or just chatting about shared interests, I'm up for it. Drop me a chat request and let's make something happen! Can't think of an opener? What's a challenging experience you've faced and how did it shape your perspective?
submitted by PuppyGuile to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:29 PuppyGuile [34/M] UK American in London looking for IRL friends!

Hey there!
I'm a 34-year-old American who's called the UK home for the past 5 years, and I'm on the lookout for some new friends. Currently living and working in London and despite traveling all over the world, realized London is my favorite city. Bonus points if you're up for meeting my two fluffy dogs – because, let's be honest, having dogs is a cheat code when it comes to making friends in the UK.
By day, I'm a product manager in the city, but my journey has taken me through some interesting twists, including time in the US Army and a stint at a luxury fashion company.
Outside of the 9 to 5 grind, you'll find me picking things up and putting them down at the gym bright and early in the morning. I've stuck to my 2023 New Year's resolution and have gone to the gym quite regularly; it's become a source of pride. If you're a fellow gym rat who competes with no one but the person you were yesterday, we're bound to hit it off.
I'm also into improv comedy – I take classes and perform whenever I can. Originally, it was my way of finding a practical application for acting without fully committing to a career in it. It's been super helpful, especially in dealing with feelings of anxiety as well. If you're an improv geek too, I'd love to hear your experiences.
Lockdown brought out the mixologist in me, thanks to binging Mad Men. I love experimenting with cocktails and if you have a favorite cocktail and don't mind providing the ingredients, I'd be happy to try and craft it for you! I actually signed up for a bartending course just to learn a new skill-- definitely stay tuned for that one.
And of course, I'm pretty basic too with your typical interests – sports (NCAA Football and NFL Football, with Army and the San Francisco 49ers as my teams), video games (League of Legends Wild Rift mainly, but really excited for EA Sports College Football 25 to come out), and TV shows (Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, and Mad Men are my absolute favorites). I'm also trying to get in to reading for pleasure (currently reading The Three-Body Problem series by Cixin Liu), but man do I have to work at it.
If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to connect! Whether it's grabbing a drink, hitting the gym together, or just chatting about shared interests, I'm up for it. Drop me a chat request and let's make something happen! Can't think of an opener? What's a challenging experience you've faced and how did it shape your perspective?
submitted by PuppyGuile to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:29 PuppyGuile [34/M] UK American in London looking for IRL friends!

Hey there!
I'm a 34-year-old American who's called the UK home for the past 5 years, and I'm on the lookout for some new friends. Currently living and working in London and despite traveling all over the world, realized London is my favorite city. Bonus points if you're up for meeting my two fluffy dogs – because, let's be honest, having dogs is a cheat code when it comes to making friends in the UK.
By day, I'm a product manager in the city, but my journey has taken me through some interesting twists, including time in the US Army and a stint at a luxury fashion company.
Outside of the 9 to 5 grind, you'll find me picking things up and putting them down at the gym bright and early in the morning. I've stuck to my 2023 New Year's resolution and have gone to the gym quite regularly; it's become a source of pride. If you're a fellow gym rat who competes with no one but the person you were yesterday, we're bound to hit it off.
I'm also into improv comedy – I take classes and perform whenever I can. Originally, it was my way of finding a practical application for acting without fully committing to a career in it. It's been super helpful, especially in dealing with feelings of anxiety as well. If you're an improv geek too, I'd love to hear your experiences.
Lockdown brought out the mixologist in me, thanks to binging Mad Men. I love experimenting with cocktails and if you have a favorite cocktail and don't mind providing the ingredients, I'd be happy to try and craft it for you! I actually signed up for a bartending course just to learn a new skill-- definitely stay tuned for that one.
And of course, I'm pretty basic too with your typical interests – sports (NCAA Football and NFL Football, with Army and the San Francisco 49ers as my teams), video games (League of Legends Wild Rift mainly, but really excited for EA Sports College Football 25 to come out), and TV shows (Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, and Mad Men are my absolute favorites). I'm also trying to get in to reading for pleasure (currently reading The Three-Body Problem series by Cixin Liu), but man do I have to work at it.
If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to connect! Whether it's grabbing a drink, hitting the gym together, or just chatting about shared interests, I'm up for it. Drop me a chat request and let's make something happen! Can't think of an opener? What's a challenging experience you've faced and how did it shape your perspective?
submitted by PuppyGuile to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:29 PuppyGuile [34/M] UK American in London looking for IRL friends!

Hey there!
I'm a 34-year-old American who's called the UK home for the past 5 years, and I'm on the lookout for some new friends. Currently living and working in London and despite traveling all over the world, realized London is my favorite city. Bonus points if you're up for meeting my two fluffy dogs – because, let's be honest, having dogs is a cheat code when it comes to making friends in the UK.
By day, I'm a product manager in the city, but my journey has taken me through some interesting twists, including time in the US Army and a stint at a luxury fashion company.
Outside of the 9 to 5 grind, you'll find me picking things up and putting them down at the gym bright and early in the morning. I've stuck to my 2023 New Year's resolution and have gone to the gym quite regularly; it's become a source of pride. If you're a fellow gym rat who competes with no one but the person you were yesterday, we're bound to hit it off.
I'm also into improv comedy – I take classes and perform whenever I can. Originally, it was my way of finding a practical application for acting without fully committing to a career in it. It's been super helpful, especially in dealing with feelings of anxiety as well. If you're an improv geek too, I'd love to hear your experiences.
Lockdown brought out the mixologist in me, thanks to binging Mad Men. I love experimenting with cocktails and if you have a favorite cocktail and don't mind providing the ingredients, I'd be happy to try and craft it for you! I actually signed up for a bartending course just to learn a new skill-- definitely stay tuned for that one.
And of course, I'm pretty basic too with your typical interests – sports (NCAA Football and NFL Football, with Army and the San Francisco 49ers as my teams), video games (League of Legends Wild Rift mainly, but really excited for EA Sports College Football 25 to come out), and TV shows (Succession, Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad, and Mad Men are my absolute favorites). I'm also trying to get in to reading for pleasure (currently reading The Three-Body Problem series by Cixin Liu), but man do I have to work at it.
If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to connect! Whether it's grabbing a drink, hitting the gym together, or just chatting about shared interests, I'm up for it. Drop me a chat request and let's make something happen! Can't think of an opener? What's a challenging experience you've faced and how did it shape your perspective?
submitted by PuppyGuile to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]