Jailbait 4chan

How rumors surrounding Dan Schneider permeated the internet

2024.05.05 08:31 wiklr How rumors surrounding Dan Schneider permeated the internet

How rumors surrounding Dan Schneider permeated the internet
Out of all the prolific TV show creators, Dan Schneider amassed internet infamy through 4chan memes alone. His lawsuit suing the Quiet on Set producers even included one of them:
These are memes that predate MeToo, his ousting from Nickelodeon, Kate Taylor's expose and the Quiet on Set documentary.
For the longest time, Schneider's negative reputation online had been regurgitated as a joke with no concrete and credible evidence. Regarding allegations of sexual impropriety, a reddit comment from 2021 said:
NO ACTRESSES HAVE SPOKEN UP ABOUT DAN!! Where are you getting your information? Facebook?? Gossip YouTube channels??.
This was after Angelique Bates and Alexa Nikolas had spoken up about their experience on set and before Jenette McCurdy's book came up. For some reason child actors talking about being physically, emotionally or financially exploited by adults, whether it's by entertainment industry professionals or even their own parents wasn't enough. And any inappropriate behavior is hand-waved as creepy but not necessarily considered as a typical MeToo story.
Criminal allegations do require victims and witnesses speaking up. Yet some of these rumors stemmed from blind items from a popular blog called Crazy Days and Nights ran by an anonymous entertainment lawyer.
The twitter account of An Open Secret said:
4chan only copied the work of (a)entylawyer & our film on the subjects of Nickelodeon & Dan Schneider.
This isn't entirely true. Forums had noticed the sexual content on Schneider's shows before An Open Secret was released. And CDAN's blind items weren't widely spread because they were credible on their own. Many celebrities had a variety of gossip surrounding them that didn't become commonly known. Rather, users pointed out the blinds as additional justification for finding Nickelodeon shows creepy.
Some commentary tried to blame the unproven claims of CSA towards self-righteous SJWs or conspiracy minded right wingers. However, it's not political beliefs that gave the entertainment gossip legs - but a demographic that catered to barely legal porn.
\"I am beginning to realize how creepy this show actually is :/ so many situations obviously designed for creepy old guys to drool over barely legal meat o_o\"
4chan itself is far from being a bastion of morality, but an amalgamation of intrusive thoughts dressed up as edgy humor. It hosted threads sexualizing teenage girls in movies and tv shows. Reddit on the other hand, gained its mainstream reputation through Anderson Cooper calling out jailbait content. Both sites documented why older guys were watching shows made for kids.
Scenes from Schneider's shows ended up in NSFW subreddits. A post from a banned subreddit likened one shot to a 90s tv show erotica. And because reddit used to have a predominantly male userbase, some of it were posted in default subreddits as a funny meme.
In 2012, some users expressed concerns:
This actually airs on tv for young children. Poor kids having all kinds of weird feelings down there.
But most of the comments reassured themselves they're not being creepy:
\"She's over 18 so all is well no matter if you're her age or not ;)\"
The show caters to a tween audience. From a 2010 New York Times article:
For those who have not had any children between the ages of 5 and 15 anytime in the last decade, Mr. Schneider is the creator of a string of hits for the Nickelodeon children’s cable channel.
Another user claimed to work for the same show said:
\"I am currently a PA on this show...I remember when they did this shoot. Couldn't believe the outfits they were wearing, but I also wasn't complaining...\"
From a 2022 Business Insider article:
Two people recalled Schneider fighting with Nickelodeon over teenage actresses' costumes on "Victorious," with Schneider — who signed off on all outfits — campaigning for the skimpier options.
The result of Schneider winning the costume disputes ended up as creepshot fodder on the internet.
From a 2005 New York Times article:
To gauge the response of his viewers, Mr. Schneider said, he reads Internet message boards. "I think that they want to see kids that reflect what their friends are like," he said. "But they also want to see kids that are like the friends they wish they had. I can't tell you how much work we put into casting this show."
Ask yourself whether it is truly kids who wanted to see young girls in short skirts. And whether it is truly kids writing in message boards in 2005, where most of the internet was anonymous.
There comes a point when the excuse that everyone else was ok with it, nobody stopped it and nobody's removing it stops becoming a defense of character but an admission of a systemic problem.
Sexualizing teenagers is not unique to Schneider nor Nickelodeon. It is pervasive in society that is experienced by the average person, capitalized through marketing where sex sells, and further normalized throughout the internet. And in this specific instance, served to a mainstream audience under the guise of kid's television.
Some of the worst rumors about Dan Schneider will not withstand scrutiny. We may never truly know what actually happened behind the scenes. But what we do know is what was broadcasted to the public. And some of the shows Schneider created does not stand the test of time. The very same shows are what's going to define his legacy - not blind items, not internet memes, nor implications by a documentary.
submitted by wiklr to QuietOnSetDocumentary [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 03:23 Last_Reaction_8176 An AskReddit horror story in 3 parts

An AskReddit horror story in 3 parts submitted by Last_Reaction_8176 to WeDoALittlePosting [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 15:14 sugaridols Hanako Yamada Deep Dive - TW

tw for inc3st, p3d0phillia, basic 4chan ideation. (I’m doing this on my phone so if the formatting is weird i apologize, ) BIIIG thank you to my friend angel for helping me find information on hanako. Hi! this technically isn’t a deep dive but it’s the history behind Hanako Yamada. How did this “cutesy” clingy sister come to be? Trigger warning, I will be using terms like f3tish. also i got physically sick while researching this so i hope you enjoy It all starts Wednesday April 2nd , 2014 with this post (if you don’t want to scroll press this) by yanderedev, where it is stated that Ayano (she has no name at this time, so he called her “Yandere girl”) “Must infiltrate his (senpai’s) house to kill his potentially incestuous sister(hanako) before she seduces him.” This was the second post made about yandere simulator, specifically on 4chan. So, hanako was the first rival to be created for Yandere Simulator. She is not mentioned again until Saturday, June 14th, 2014 with this post.(If you don’t wanna scroll press this) This post demonstrates the first design of Hanako Yamada, which shows she was originally meant to be a lot younger. She started out 5(this is a guess) and ended up 18. Yanderedev must not be too happy with that. Also, Jailbait? That’s just jail time. BTW, When going through this thread, you’re gonna be exposed to a LOT of average 4channers. There’s some stuff i didn’t even know existed as a k!nk. But moving on, Hanako was never really meant to be a childish clingy and loving little sister. she was created to be a f3t!sh doll by a man who spends 99% of his time working on an anime game with your average big boob anime girls. I’m just rambling now, so I’ll continue. Around this time yanderedev wanted his community to do his job for him, so he asked this (press here if you don’t want to scroll). He wanted to know what the people wanted. And the people wanted Hanako to be pure, much to the dismay of yanderedev. The next post Hanako is mentioned in was posted on Tuesday July 1st, 2014 with……. uh…. this post. (if you don’t wanna scroll press this) I don’t even wanna waste any time on this but honestly i don’t think it’s all that shocking. “Jailbait incest sister.” I’m praying he doesn’t have any sisters. Because if he does I hope they’re NC with him. Anyways. The next time that Hanako is mentioned is Tuesday July 15th 2014 , this post (press this if you don’t wanna scroll) , This post talks about both Hanako and Mida. I would talk more about Mida Rana, which would mostly just be ranting, but this is about Hanako. This post is straightforward; it explains exactly what we need to know. And what we needed to know is that Hanako was “forced” for lack of a better word, into being what she is today. Yanderedev wanted something so much more disturbing. Not only is it inc3st it’s also straight up p3d0philli4. Using terms like “imouto”(to specify; it’s weird because Yanderedev speaks english. He should be using the words “little sister” because it feels like he’s using the word imouto as a cliché.) or “jailbait” to describe a little girl is literally just gross. Not to mention - He calls little girls l0lis. Which is just … no???.. Anyways, She is mentioned again Monday September 15th, 2014. He was stiillll pushing for that incestuous little sister narrative. Guess we know how that worked out. The entire little girl fiasco ends Thursday October 16th, 2014, with this post by yanderedev. (if you don’t wanna scroll then press here) . This is where Yanderedev realizes he has to scrap the idea for senpais little sister and make her a teenager, because he cannot find someone to model senpais house, if anyone would want to do that just so yanderedev could be a creep. The final thread on Hanako, one that we couldn’t find a good date for, has yanderedev hoping and praying for the “slu**y little sister” archetype to work out. Thread here. (if you don’t wanna scroll press here). I just. i don’t understand. how he got someone to draw that. who drew that?? can we get rid of them too?? Anyways. In summary, Hanako Yamada was made to be fanservice. What kind of fan? Yanderedev. (Thank you for reading!!!)
submitted by sugaridols to Osana [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 21:16 Key_Tap_3449 New to reddit? Some tips below:)

hey guys, with the influx of girlies coming to reddit to participate in gossip/snark pages i just wanted to bring up some important points that people not familiar with this platform may not know.
First of all, Reddit is a significantly more negative/controversial platform than something like instagram or twitter. This has been a platform riddled with doxing and harassment. Half the people on here are 4chan weirdos. Don’t reveal personal info, especially if you’re participating in subs that have a lot of infighting/brigading. Stay anonymous, even on subs that seem harmless like gossip forums.
Do not trust people. Seriously. Anyone who is claiming to be someone, an influencer, etc,IS LYING TO YOU. Reddit is not the forum that famous people are open about using. If someone is not willingly offering proof to backup their identity, they ARE LYING. I mean, come on now y’all. we’ve had the internet safety lectures from parents & guardians for years, why are we so quick to believe people online when they claim to be an influencer or famous person? Have we not learned anything over the years about internet safety, and not trusting anonymous claims from random people on the internet?? Lets critically think for a second!
On instagram, if you look up a celebrity or influencer you’re probably gonna see cute edits, fan pages and fancams. If you look up a celebrity or influencer on here, you will find countless subs of thousands of men who congregate to leak/fap over (primarily non-consensual) suggestive content of said influencer. Even if they are underage and/or not adult content creators. For many many years, incel-type men were the primary users of this platform. It has recently become more mainstream for people of all ages/genders to use reddit, but the culture here is still incredibly misogynistic and kinda scary. If you post on subs outside of the drama/snark/deuxmoi sphere (or generally female subs like squishmallows or crafting) you will see what i mean.
The more you become familiar with reddit, the more you will understand what i’m saying. This is a Toxic platform with loose moderation (which is why we are able to have subs that exist solely to shit on influencers lol). reddit is WELL known for not taking down “jailbait” and other borderline illegal subs for many years before it became a media frenzy. Google reddit cp controversy and you’ll see what i mean. This ain’t IG where a nipple is considered controversial. Cp was normal here for many years.
Feel free to add to this in the comments, i’m worried that there are large groups of girlies migrating here from tik tok not knowing the wild-west nature of reddit. Be careful y’all!!! and PLEASE use media/internet critical thinking skills during all your interactions on these forums.
edit: not gonna delete this, just gonna let this downvoted good-faith post be a perfect example of the point i was trying to convey Lol. stay safe y’all
submitted by Key_Tap_3449 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2022.10.18 09:37 angstypantsy Anon points out the hypocrisy

Anon points out the hypocrisy submitted by angstypantsy to greentext [link] [comments]

2022.09.10 19:40 Ketnamro8833 beyler yukarıdan aşağıya giden bir 4 chan buz dağı gibi bir şey buldum bayağ garip şeyler vaar

beyler yukarıdan aşağıya giden bir 4 chan buz dağı gibi bir şey buldum bayağ garip şeyler vaar submitted by Ketnamro8833 to bbaasho [link] [comments]

2022.01.14 04:31 4chanGPT_2 "You should be afraid of what you can't handle," from the 4chan board r/jailbait

submitted by 4chanGPT_2 to SubSimulatorGPT2 [link] [comments]

2021.09.13 13:00 mlbb_odd-ice Reddit- cosa è e cosa è stato per davvero, la mia libreria piena di conoscenze

E niente volevo condividere varie cose che so su reddit, discutendo soprattutto delle parti più interessanti che magari piaceranno pure a voi, la sua storia, vari utenti ed altri eventi particolari, cominciamo.
Reddit nasce nel 2005 da un'idea di Steve Huffman(conosciuto come spez da tutti voi sul sito) e Alexis Ohanian, era una bella idea e qualcuno ci investì 100 mila dollari(la società Y Combinator), in seguito il progetto venne acquistato dai proprietari della famosa testata giornalistica Wired, nel 2010 introdusse il famigerato reddit gold, le persone che a quei tempi acquistarono il reddit gold, hanno oggi nel loro profilo il trofeo Charter member e le persone che hanno questo badge hanno il premium a vita, poi dal 2013 ha cominciato ad accettare pagamenti in bitcoin da spendere sempre per avere il reddit gold; in seguito nel 2015 Huffman sostituì Ellen Pao nel ruolo di CEO.
Passando ai subreddit invece abbiamo dei record sul sito che elencherò:
  1. Il subreddit reddit.com è stato il primo subreddit in assoluto
  2. announcements è il subreddit con più membri attualmente
  3. il subreddit più famoso è IAmA, dove Obama ci ha pure fatto un'AMA
Ora passiamo a varie controversie successe nel sito, che lo hanno fatto apparire come un social razzista, per pedofili ed altro(come 4chan):
Nel 2014 il subreddit(ormai bannato) thefappening creò un gigantesco scandalo siccome vari redditors cominciarono a rubare varie foto di certe celebrità anche minorenni, il sub venne chiuso a causa delle accuse di pedopornografia e violazione della privacy e c'è una pagina di wikipedia dedicata a quest'evento;
Nel 2016 spez confessò che modificò vari commenti di utenti che disprezzava, soprattutto insulti rivolti a lui per far in modo che l'insulto sembrasse indirizzato ai mods del sub The_Donald;
Nel 2017 venne chiuso il subreddit incel essendo misogino.
Passiamo alle accuse di razzismo:
Nel 2018 sempre spez dichiarò che il razzismo era consentito, ma non era il benvenuto(essendo reddit una piattaforma dove vige la libertà di parola);
Ellen Pao era stata vittima di insulti razziali da molti redditors, successivamente lei scrisse su twitter una critica alla community di reddit definendola ipocrita e razzista.
fattucci interessanti d'informatica:
Reddit fu scritto originariamente in Common LISP, poi in Python, nel 2009 cominciò ad usare jQuery, nel 2010 gli admins lanciarono un'interfaccia per mobile riscritta in CSS, che ti poteva far scorrere all'infinito in homepage, come database utilizza PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ per l'offline processing, HAproxy per il load balancing e memcached per la gestione delle cache.
Scandali più recenti:
6 mesi fa venne assunto un admin che era conosciuto per la sua vita in politica e soprattutto perché sosteneva la pedofilia, ogni volta che veniva nominato il suo nome, l'utente veniva bannato da reddit e il commento/post cancellato, fortunatamente venne licenziato questo scarto sociale, per più informazioni potete leggere qua;
Circa un anno fa(non so di preciso quando) venne postato un post in cui venivano messi in mostra i più famosi mods di reddit, erano 5 e moderavano i 20 subreddits con più membri del sito(escluso announcements), 4 di loro hanno cancellato l'account, ma merari01 è ancora attivo e ancora modera centinaia di subreddits.
Awkwardtheturtle, un powermod molto conosciuto è stato accusato di razzismo, misandria e omofobia, ecco qua varie prove: quello sulla misandria, un altro, un altro ancora e ancora un altro, i commenti razzisti non li trovo e neanche il post dove dice in un sub pro LGBT che i mods sono fagotti(scritto di proposito), mi spiace.
Passiamo alla parte, che sinceramente, secondo me è la più interessante, stavolta parlerò di una persona che il 99% non conoscerà: Violentacrez, Violentacrez è stato il primo powermod di reddit, aiutava significatamente gli admins e diventò una persona importante, purtroppo non tutti sono perfetti e cadde in un altro scandalo e grosso questa volta, quest'utente creò jailbait, un sub dove venivano postate foto di minorenni che non avevano raggiunto l'età di consenso, ma che dal fisico pareva fosse così, il subreddit venne sfruttato dagli admins per far entrare sempre più gente su reddit fino a quando non venne chiuso a causa delle accuse di pedofilia, questo rovinò brutalmente la reputazione del sito facendo pensare alla gente che era un covo di pedofili, dopo la chiusura di jailbait, venne creato creepshots di cui sempre violentacrez era mod(ma non il creatore), un giornalista minacciò Violentacrez di doxxarlo, un modo che poteva rivelare la sua identità, così per non rischiare grosso, finalmente Crez cancellò l'account, vi condivido un'intervista dedicata a lui.
Ennesima controversia che fece sbroccare varia gente:
verso gli inizi, avendo pochi utenti, gli admins cominciarono a creare doppi accounts che servivano a gonfiare il numero di utenti del sito, il trucco funzionò e questi accounts esistono ancora oggi, spesso hanno solo 1 di karma e 0 commenti/posts.
Ora varie cose mediamente interessanti:
questo commento è quello più premiato di reddit;
questo post invece è il più upvotato del sito;
questo quello con più awards;
Gallowboob era la persona con più karma di reddit, ormai non farma più karma essendosi ritirato ed infatti CheetahSperm18 lo ha superato, come vedete, posta in continuazione e non si ferma mai;
questo è un post con tutti i subs NSFW di tutto reddit;
questo è il commento più downvotato di reddit, a proposito, ora vi starete chiedendo come non sono andati in negativo di karma e la risposta è che quando un commento viene downvotato tanto, una piccola parte influisce sul tuo karma e nel loro caso, avranno perso almeno 100 di karma o di più, già, reddit è strano.
questo post è l'unico post che ha l'unobtanium award, è un'award donato a lui dagli admins che era semplicemente un test, ci sono pochissime informazioni riguardo ad esso e si pensa che potesse fare da sostituto al posto dell'argentium awar.
Altro fatto accaduto quest'anno:
l'utente swiftieofblackhill trovò un bug di reddit per avere monete di reddit infinite, cominciò a regalare svariati awards a certa gente, a me regalò 15 argentium gratis e in cambio di carte regalo regalava circa 300-400 ternion a persona(io non pagai niente, postai un semplice meme), insomma scambiava roba che valeva meno di 0 per lui per soldi veri, dopo questo venne effettuato un totale reset dei coins e chi li ricevette da swiftie, li perse tutti, per mia fortuna spesi tutti e 50 mila coins in challenges, giveaways ed in altre robe, reddit in quell'arco di tempo perse centinaia di migliaia di dollari contando che i coins si possono solo acquistare, gli admins hanno cancellato tutto quello che riguardava il bug/posts in cui c'erano centinaia di ternion per nascondere le prove che il loro sistema aveva una falla.
Ecco un altro fatto accaduto quest'anno:
Il 17 ottobre del 2021 è iniziato un evento di battaglie di photoshop in collaborazione con adobe, è finito con la vittoria del team mango e il sottoscritto ha ricevuto questo premio, invece le persone che non hanno vinto, hanno ricevuto un semplice trofeo in base al loro team, l'evento è finito il 24-25 ottobre.
E niente se siete arrivati fin qui vi adoro, che leggete posts così in cui la gente ci mette voglia e tempo(ho speso 3 ore a fare questo post) e anche dopo aver scritto tutto a mano, inserendo link e usando le migliori fonti per non raccontarvi balle, grazie per aver letto, salvatevi questo post in caso vi serva qualcosa in una futura discussione, diciamo che questa sarà la libreria delle conoscenze, dove ci ho messo quasi tutte le cose che sapevo di questo sito, grazie di nuovo se avete letto fino a questo punto.
Au revoir.
(se ho commesso qualche errore, ditemelo che lo correggo).
(p.s questo è un post programmato che verrà automaticamente postato il 13 settembre 2021 alle 13 in punto).
submitted by mlbb_odd-ice to TeenagersITA [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 05:21 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

PedoBear is the new biggest coin that's taking over the BSC network! We have a very strong community that is holding our coin because they believe in us. We just hit 40k mc and have plans to go much higher!

Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.


1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet

Liquidity is locked on DxSale and proof is in the tg

Devs are available in vc at launch to answer anyone’s questions, come hang out!

Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36

Website: https://pedobear.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/

Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc

Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 05:21 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

PedoBear is the new biggest coin that's taking over the BSC network! We have a very strong community that is holding our coin because they believe in us. We just hit 40k mc and have plans to go much higher!

Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.


1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet

Liquidity is locked on DxSale and proof is in the tg

Devs are available in vc at launch to answer anyone’s questions, come hang out!

Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36

Website: https://pedobear.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/

Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc

Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoCurrencyTrading [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 05:21 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

PedoBear is the new biggest coin that's taking over the BSC network! We have a very strong community that is holding our coin because they believe in us. We just hit 40k mc and have plans to go much higher!

Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.


1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet

Liquidity is locked on DxSale and proof is in the tg

Devs are available in vc at launch to answer anyone’s questions, come hang out!

Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36

Website: https://pedobear.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/

Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc

Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 04:26 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 04:26 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 04:26 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoCurrencyTrading [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 04:26 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:59 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:59 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:59 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoCurrencyTrading [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:59 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:42 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:42 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2021.06.09 03:42 Odd_Bid_9602 🐻 $PEDO - PEDOBEAR Token Just Fair Launched Liq Locked and Mooning!! 🐻

The Bear market is upon us but at least the one thing we can come together to unanimously agree with and fight against is Pedophiles.
Pedo Bear is here to promote Anti-Pedophile Activism. We want that every child can be safe online without the risk of falling into the hands of Predators.
Pedobear is an Internet meme that became popular through the imageboard 4chan. As the name suggests (“pedo” being short for “pedophile”), it is portrayed as a pedophilic cartoon bear. It is a concept used to mock pedophiles or people who have any sexual interest in children or “jailbait”.
1T Supply
Liquidity Locked
3% Marketing Wallet
Liquidity will be locked on DxSale and proof will be sent to the tg.
Contract: 0xc93fe9480ebc8a446f08a46d6656994bb1c58e36
Devs are in voice chat answer anyone’s questions.
🐻Website: https://pedobear.xyz/
🐻Twitter: https://twitter.com/PedoBearBSC
🐻Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/PedoBearBSC/
🐻Telegram: https://t.me/pedobearbsc
Come join the resistance and grab your one way ticket to the moon!
submitted by Odd_Bid_9602 to CryptoCurrencyTrading [link] [comments]
