Cvs detox drinks


2023.11.23 07:14 glyphosatefree

Your resource for glyphosate awareness and glyphosate-free living 🌱 Glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, has long been thought to be a harmless chemical. But more & more studies show this systemic biocide is extremely hazardous to the environment & human body, leading to incurable health issues. This space is to post awareness about glyphosate & glyphosate-containing foods, drinks, & other products to avoid. Detox methods or other preventative measures are also welcome. 🌱

2024.05.07 22:01 WateredDownExcuse I’m 8 days sober.

29m. I was a casual drinker until 2021. I developed horrific anxiety and panic attacks so I started drinking heavily every day to keep the panic attacks at bay.
That was my mistake. 3 years later and I’ve been in the hospital for detox and other alcohol related health problems so many times I’ve lost count.
The last detox was the worst. I was drinking 1.5 liters of vodka a day. I’m 8 days sober and I still feel like death. My anxiety is unbearable. If I go back to drinking I know I’ll die but my panic attacks are unbearable.
Am I ever going to feel better? Ever? I thought I’d feel at least a little better after 8 days of sobriety but I can barely walk.
submitted by WateredDownExcuse to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:32 AdLife5484 Self care/activity tips in early sobriety?

Here we go again! My fourth attempt at at home detox. I went to the emergency 3 days ago due to unbearable withdrawals. I was on the waitlist for in hospital detox but couldn’t take it anymore. I was given 20, 5mg of Valium. What did you do in the early days to keep yourself occupied? So far I’ve been cleaning and organizing obsessively, chain smoking as well, to keep myself busy - but in the past me working so hard has led to me binge drinking as a reward. But for me this is the last time as I can’t continue on like I had been before. Also open to any nutrition suggestions as my stomach is pretty messed up.
submitted by AdLife5484 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:08 HeartNo622 When did you notice weight loss after you quit drinking?

I stopped drinking after going through medical detox. It’s been a little over 2 weeks since my last drink. I’m not overweight by any means but I put on like 10 pounds in the last year, I was drinking 600-1,200 calories of just vodka daily and was also eating more junk food.
I guess I was naive to think cutting the alcohol calories would result in more rapid weight loss. Just wondering what others experiences have been.
submitted by HeartNo622 to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 14:00 BatVisible31 Parents came to visit for Cinco de Mayo. Never again will I do this.

This past week my parents visited and since they like going out to eat and don't eat at home, they don't want to eat all my food I have here which is strictly just carnivore. Everything I have in this house is from animals. There's no garbage food etc.
This past week was very difficult for me. My parents don't eat healthy, they like to eat processed garbage chemical food. So we went to all these places that didn't have what I would typically eat.
Everything from chicken wings, breads, subs, fast food, pizza, on Cinco de Mayo I had homemade enchiladas and they were delicious but I felt very sick afterwards. Not to mention I had ice cream, cookies and a bunch of other garbage. They drink coffee every single morning and for some reason I can no longer drink coffee as it makes me feel sick.
The only good place that we went was a barbecue restaurant where I ate as much meat as I could. The chicken wings however they were very good but, they made me really sick. Like my stomach felt like it was being cut open.
Now that they've left, I feel sick, bloated, I have zero energy, I feel like I'm about to pass out and sleep all day. I've been outside all day using the bathroom. I've had explosive diarrhea, passing gas like crazy, this is the most I've gone to the bathroom in the last 6 months.
This is the worst I felt in 6 months. I haven't felt like this since before I started carnivore. I feel like the next week of my life will be dedicated to detox. I will never, ever do this again.
submitted by BatVisible31 to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:45 ambalamps911 Tomorrow I go into detox

I am 40 and have heavily drank since I was 21. I have had a really rough couple of years and have felt my life falling apart. I couldn’t tell you the last day I didn’t have a drink, to be perfectly honest. Even despite having covid twice. I drank way too much yesterday, more than a liter of whiskey, and felt absolutely horrific today. I woke up quite literally wanting to die and decided that it was either detox or the psych ward (I have been having a lot of suicidal ideations) but still managed to go to work. My attendance has been poor already this year, despite it only being May, that I’m on my final written warning at work, which had never happened before. I am literally out of my two weeks of PTO already. I’ve been quite high functioning until now. After lunch, being unable to stomach food because I felt so sick, I broke down and told my boss what was going on, and she was so very supportive and immediately told me she’d contact the benefits people and get me set for FMLA so I could take care of myself.
Tomorrow is a new start.
submitted by ambalamps911 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 04:05 DismalBalance Close friend is an alcoholic and I am struggling so much

I have a friend with extensive childhood trauma who has been an alcoholic basically his entire adult life.
He has been in a cycle recently of being sober for about a month, then drinking, getting to the point where he doesn’t even eat or drink water, feeling so physically bad he stops and goes through withdrawal, rinse and repeat.
I’m sincerely worried this will kill him. I don’t know what my role in all of this is, if anything. The thought that I could sit by and he could die of alcohol poisoning or any other related issue is horrifying, yet I also know that you can’t help someone unless they want to help themselves.
When he gets to the point of not eating or taking in water, all he does is talk about how he wants to die. He seems hell bent on killing himself through alcohol and it is very distressing. Part of me wonders if I should ever call 911 or like go strong arm him into medical detox. Again, rationally I know that there is precious little I can do but the distress of thinking this will kill him is so immense that I feel frantic.
His partner is leaving him as well and moving out of their place to protect themselves from further trauma due to his drinking, and soon he will be living alone until he either loses his job and gets evicted or decides to stay sober. He has no family to speak of and no real support system.
Are there moments I should consider calling an ambulance? Should I just let the chips fall where they may? Is there anything I can reasonably do to encourage harm reduction ?
submitted by DismalBalance to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:45 Ok_Tadpole7822 Do I really just do nothing?

My (32f) brother (29m) is an alcholic. Every payday he goes on a bender. This lasts 3-5 days. He's been an alcholic since he was around 19 years old. Our mother passed away 6 months ago due to cancer and since then it's just gotten worse. He will miss work (good paying job) his fiancee broke up with him but still checks in on him. He's had 3 apartments in the past few months because he keeps getting evicted. He's about to lose his car due to not paying. He's had a DUI. Ive brought him to the hospital yesterday as he was day 3 on a bender and suicidal. His blood level was at 63 and nurse said 65 is deadly. He hadn't had a drink in 6 hours at that point. This is a recurring thing. He's at the hospital, suicidal a lot but sobers up and tells them hes fine and leaves. He's been to detox & doesnt seem to want to go back or call to get a bed. He's most likely fired from his job because this happens every 2 weeks. He won't even call in sick he just doesnt show up. He left the hospital after telling the psychologist He's fine then went to go buy more. He calls me constantly asking me to go watch him as he falls or can't walk. Sometimes he's violent. He's hurt people in the past and tried to hurt me yesterday while simultaneously asking for help. He will go to a mental health professional then stop showing up. It seems because he's drunk the hospital only watches him over night then they tell him to call detox and he won't. We can't force him to get sober. He's upset at me that I won't let him stay with me since he's going to lose his job and apartment but I can't afford to take care of him, nor do I have the energy. I also have kids and I refuse to put them in danger due to his drinking. He can make all the promises that he won't drink but he's done that before when my mother would take him in or his friends or exs. I also can't go help him In the middle of the night when he calls for help because i have responsibilities. I feel like the only thing I can do is have police do wellness checks on him. I feel like he's going to end up living in a tent outside or passed away because of driving drunk, suicide or because he fell down somewhere. I'm so exhausted and haven't even had my own time to grieve.
submitted by Ok_Tadpole7822 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:37 Competitive_Tough989 Spearmint Tea experiences?

I had bought literally monthssss ago this spearmint tea off Amazon "especial" for PCOS and expensive herb blend.
I would drink it on and off but honestly not often, but after reading all of the great reviews I want to start with 1 cup a day for the week and go from there.
First time I took it last year I didn't feel amazing. But let me explain I'm not sure it was the tea itself.
I have been trying castor oil in my abdomen and it gave me cramps bc its detoxing. The next day I had some tea thinking it could help and I actually felt worse. More bloated and just slight cramps. So then I didn't drink for a long time.
Every now and then I would drink it and I think it's slightly detoxing bc most times i would get slight cramps which is why I never drank it much.
Took some this morning before braking my 20 hr fast and I'm not sure if it's the tea or coffee/milk I had after but I have felt extra bloated/uncomfortable today...anyone experience anything similar with the tea?
I keep seeing great things. For reference my Dr says my androgen and testorone levels were high..tested last year and I suffer from inflammation often.
My skin is fine most days honestly and I don't suffer from hirsutism or excess hair at all. I mainly want to see if it helps with inflammation/bloating and weight loss.
Just want to hear other people's experiences. If I feel ok tomorrow I will drink some at night instead of morning well see...
submitted by Competitive_Tough989 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:39 Independent_Ebb_5527 cvs but only around me?

my boyfriend (we are long distance but supposed to be living together soon - together for 4 years but known each other for about 7/8) has cvs and the first attack i knew about was triggered by an extremely stressful experience (not involving me) not long after we got together. he says it has happened his whole life but I guess it must have been brushed off when he brought it up.
he had an attack after drinking last Christmas but every other time he has had one for a couple of years it has been when we have had plans together. we have still been visiting each other but say I get there on the Friday and we have plans on the Saturday, he will get sick on Saturday morning. this doesn't happen when he has plans at home or when he goes to visit friends he doesn't see often.
I had to push him to go to the doctor for it because I wasn't sure if it was triggered by anxiety or if there was something going on. I tried to be as gentle as possible about it but it took a long time for him to do this and I can't say I didn't get frustrated.
I figured that maybe he felt too much pressure on him when we have plans because we haven't been able to see each other very often. he says it isn't that, and I have begged him to tell me what is going on because I can only assume that it's me that is stressing him out so much that it's making him sick and if it is I want him to be with someone that doesn't cause this to happen. he says it's not me and is moving from the other side of the country to come and live with me, I guess if I was that stressful to be with/around he would have backed out by now? I don't know.
I've researched cvs and I've not come up with much so I guess I'm here to ask you guys more about what this illness is like and how it behaves. I want us to be able to have a normal relationship where we can go out and do things and not be stuck inside when we do live together. I want to be able to support my boyfriend when this happens and not make anything worse. any advice and information is appreciated. thank you 🙏💖
submitted by Independent_Ebb_5527 to CyclicalVomiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 01:35 Bii4x4 Finally getting help

I've been trying to cut back and get myself sober again after I screwed myself over in March. Realized today after 6 hours with no alcohol my hands were shaking so bad I couldn't type.
Pulled my boss aside and took time off and found a rehab center to do detox. It was so much harder to ask for help than it was trying to hide this from everyone.
I go in tomorrow afternoon and will start my sober life again. I know I get DT when detoxing and the symptoms from just swapping from 100 proof to 80 proof are too much for me to do alone.
So yes, I'm drinking tonight to alleviate symptoms, but starting tomorrow, IWNDWYT(omorrow)
submitted by Bii4x4 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 20:16 bestjays This is my second day not drinking!

I'm not trying to quit drinking altogether but just need to get control of it. Since October I have been drinking every day mostly, often blacking out. I have gained 5 pounds in thr process. I still want to drink occasionally but need a good chunk of time off. Am I in the right place here? Advice on how to detox and be healthier are appreciated.
submitted by bestjays to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:37 Ambitious_Bat3699 I've been under medication for so long, is there any way i can improve my health after this?

Been on a lot of different medications for different illnesses for 6 years, and i think it took a toll on my overall health. Though i will talk about this to a health professional, is there a way on how i can, besides drinking alot of water, can try to eliminate the effects of using too much medication? Idk this feels like a stupid question or a rant, but im honestly curious.
Like the best way to put this question is, how can improve my health after using medications for a long time and "detox"? (i think this term aint correct but i hope you know what i mean)

submitted by Ambitious_Bat3699 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:25 Technical_Concert_22 Days go by too fast

Does anyone feel like sober days go by so much faster than days when we were drinking. Have a bit over a year and yes I struggled hard in the beginning (detox, treatment, etc.). Since then I’ve been able to pick up new hobbies and have a new profound interest and love towards things I never thought would be interesting. Sometimes I look up and the days seem to fly by without even realizing it and it’s 7 pm. I remember when I was drinking and one day felt like 24 years, not hours. Does anyone else feel that or was I just so lost in my own brain?
submitted by Technical_Concert_22 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:22 _benguini_ Separated from my S/O of 7 years due to alcoholism

I (26m) made the hardest decision of my life last month to separate from my (25f) fiancé after 7 years, living together for 6. She’s my best friend and the love of my life.
Her dad passed away tragically when she was still in highschool, which was a catalyst for poor coping mechanisms. Specifically alcohol abuse. When we first started dating it wasn’t a “problem” and we would drink together. She also had a history of eating disorders and body dysmorphia which she would almost trade off for drinking (when she stopped drinking she’d become anorexic, and she’d start drinking again in order to eat consistently)
As we matured together, it started to become a problem. I myself don’t really ever drink outside of the occasional social gathering or while out to eat. She’s the sweetest most gentle and kind person when she’s sober, but when she’s not, well. The issues I had were more along the lines of the way she would treat herself, like she was worthless or meaningless. How could someone who means everything to me think so lowly of herself? She’d begin to tell me and act like she wasn’t worthy of love and would do and say things to push me away. Things that she knew would hurt me, say things she knew would knock me down and upset me. But I always knew it was a defense mechanism for her, and the amount of guilt she’d feel after sobering up would basically drive her to drink again.
Something changed about two years ago however and her body started to fight back. Now instead of just getting drunk and sobering up she began to have life threatening withdrawals every time she became intoxicated. We both came from essentially nothing, both of us have respectable careers and built a comfortable life with nothing but each other for support. But she began to miss work due to the violent withdrawals. And to keep them at bay, she’d continue to drink. Then she began to lie to me about it, which is something she didn’t do before. I’d come home to the odor of alcohol, see her laying there unshowered and sick, empty nip bottles scattered and stuffed in random areas around the apartment. I knew she was missing work, I knew she was drinking, but she’d lie right to my face and tell me she wasn’t.
Over the last two years she went to both in patient and out patient rehab 4 times and was rushed to the hospital for medical detox and withdrawals no less than 14 times in the last year alone. I tell her all the time that this isn’t who she is, it’s just what she’s going through. But she was actively killing herself, unpredictable and suicidal, and I was the brunt of all of her outbursts. I have a stressful job and work 3rd shift, and was no longer able to perform as needed or focus because I was perpetually worried for her wellbeing and what she was up to when I wasn’t around. She’s fine when we’re together, but as soon as I leave she’d buy liquor. And when she was too drunk to drive, she’d door dash it.
She ended up in the hospital again at the very end of March and I pleaded her on my knees (for probably the millionth time) to get help and get sober. I needed her, I needed my best friend. It was all too much, the stress, the worry, the dishonesty, and I felt like I had nobody to turn to, I just wanted her back. I wanted her safe, I wanted the person who was supposed to be the mother of my children to actually have a chance at the future we worked so hard for. We sobbed at her hospital bed together for hours and she promised me it would be the last time. It wasn’t.
Four days after I brought her home from the hospital I came home to her nearly incapacitated on the couch with a bag of 36 empty nip bottles stuffed nearby. I broke down, I lost it. I screamed at her like never before in my life, we had a brutal argument, and without getting into too much detail- I told her I couldn’t do it anymore. While she was in the hospital I packed all of my things and moved in with my friend.
At first I was bitter, frustrated. But then she got sober. She has no job, no money, no friends, and had nowhere to go until her uncle offered for her to stay with him. I’m still in the process of moving everything from our apartment. I’m helping her get her things to her uncle’s because he’s sick and can’t do much.
It’s been 3 weeks and I found myself laying in bed tonight with one of our cats (we have two and each took one) and I’ve felt more alone in this moment than I ever have in my life. I have friends and a support system, but most people my age don’t understand what this is like. It wasn’t a quick fling, we weren’t “dating”. She was everything to me, we were literally all but married.
How do I let this go? How can I ever move past this? Should I wait for her to prove she can get sober? Should I cut ties? I still speak to her but try to keep my distance because it’s so painful for both of us. I want to sweep her off her feet, I want to protect her. I just can’t watch her kill herself anymore. I could no longer provide her with a safe and supportive environment. I was just bitter and resentful at the end due to the frustration, arguments day in and day out, always paranoid. She loves me more than words can explain, I know I’m her world and I have never once doubted her feelings for me. She makes me feel wanted and cared for. But she just hates herself so so much. It’s all for the sake of self infliction, everything she does. I just wish she could understand what it does to me
Her uncle no longer works due to leukemia. He and his wife actually have the time to keep her on a short leash and watch her every second of the day while she goes through treatment. Something I could not provide for her due to my career.
I miss my best friend. She’s nearly two hours away from me now and it feels like a world away. I don’t know what to do, I just hope I’m doing the right thing. I don’t know if I should wait for her, or shut her out, or what. I knew this would be hard, I could have never known how hard
submitted by _benguini_ to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:10 Darylftw Will Mocktails help first week?

Hello Everyone,
Long story short have been an alcoholic for about 10years, finally hit my low drinking a bottle every 3days (I know rookie numbers to some but still can’t stop myself) anyways called for help for family involved and went to Dr. got on a detox regimine and have been tapering and last night was my (hopefully) last drink. The last few night of tapering I obviously haven’t been getting drunk (3 then 2 then 1 drink a night) but last night as I took that drink it is the mental relief that it gives me to drink to be able to calm down and not feel like I’m on edge crawling out of my skin. My Dr. is going to give me naltrexone but says you have to be alcohol free for 7 days before starting it.
All that to suffice and ask, are mocktails good or bad to use especially cally during your first week to get you over the hump? I have read that non alcoholic beer is bad because it still has some alcohol but you can get complete 0% vodka (vodka sprite is/was my drink). I can’t find any definitive advice so wanted to check in here and see if anyone had any advice.
submitted by Darylftw to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:52 Acceptable_Space2815 BioLean Reviews – Does BioLean Pills Really Work? Here My Experience

BioLean Reviews – Does BioLean Pills Really Work? Here My Experience
The health and wellness industry has been abuzz with the introduction of BioLean, a supplement that takes a different approach to natural weight loss. This product stands out for its targeted approach against obesogens, the foreign toxins present in everyday products, which are increasingly linked to obesity and other metabolic disorders. BioLean’s entry into the market is particularly noteworthy, offering a non-GMO, plant-based solution to tackle these pervasive chemicals that have been accumulating over the past fifty years.

What is Biolean?

According to the official BioLean website, these Obesogens are chemicals that can disrupt the normal functioning of hormonal and metabolic systems, contributing to weight gain and obesity. These substances can be found in various sources, including processed foods, plastic containers, personal care products, and pesticides. They interfere with the body’s endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating metabolism, growth, and development.
Get started with BioLean today!

There are several mechanisms through which obesogens can lead to weight gain:

Fat Cell Development: Obesogens can promote the growth of new fat cells and increase the fat storage capacity of existing cells. This can lead to an increase in body fat even without an increase in calorie consumption.
Metabolic Disruptions: These chemicals can alter metabolic rates, making it harder for the body to burn calories. This can lead to weight gain over time, as the body becomes less efficient at using energy.
Hormonal Imbalances: Obesogens can mimic or interfere with the body’s natural hormones, such as estrogen and thyroid hormones, which play critical roles in regulating metabolism, appetite, and fat distribution.
Appetite Regulation: Some obesogens can affect the neurological systems responsible for appetite control, leading to increased hunger and food intake, which contributes to weight gain.
Insulin Sensitivity: They can also affect insulin sensitivity, which can lead to increased fat storage and, eventually, to conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Because obesogens are widespread in the environment and products used daily, minimizing exposure can be challenging. However, strategies such as eating whole foods, avoiding plastic containers for food and drink, using natural personal care products, and reducing the use of pesticides can help limit their impact on health and weight.
Click here to visit the official website for BioLean
source : google images

The Potency of BioLean’s Ingredients

BioLean is a distinctive dietary supplement formulated with a unique combination of eight plant-based ingredients. This blend is designed to assist in the elimination of obesogens—chemicals that can contribute to weight gain by interfering with the body’s hormonal balance—and to support the breakdown of toxic fat that can accumulate around organs and throughout the body.
The ingredients in BioLean aim to provide a natural boost in energy and help in the repair and recovery of cellular damage that may occur over years of maintaining excess weight. While no supplement can substitute for a balanced diet and regular exercise, BioLean’s formulation is crafted to complement a healthy lifestyle by potentially enhancing fat loss and supporting various aspects of health, including cardiovascular, cognitive, and joint health.
BioLean positions itself as a supplement that, when integrated with a balanced diet and exercise regimen, might offer a more holistic approach to weight management and overall wellness.
Central to BioLean’s effectiveness is its composition of eight exotic plant ingredients, each selected for its health benefits and ability to combat obesogens. This formula combination includes:
  • Bitter Orange: For obesogen removal and cardiovascular health.
  • Banaba Leaf: For shrinking fat cells and blood sugar stabilization.
  • Korean Ginseng: For metabolism enhancement and sexual health.
  • Cayenne Fruit: For headache reduction and obesogen removal.
  • Resveratrol: For stress relief and blood pressure management.
  • Green Tea Leaf: For metabolism boost and toxin removal.
  • Cinnamon Bark: For liver health and joint pain alleviation.
  • Ginger Root: For digestion improvement and cardiovascular health.
According to the official website, these ingredients work together not just for weight loss but also to improve overall health, from enhancing energy levels and metabolic functions to supporting heart, brain, and joint health.

BioLean Flexible Purchasing Options and Wellness Bonuses

BioLean is available in various packages to suit different needs:
source : google images
  • A single bottle for $59 as a starter pack.
  • A three-bottle package for $147, which includes two free bonuses.
  • A six-bottle favorite pack for $234, coming with three free bonuses.

Place your order right here for the best prices available!

All options are shipped free within the US, and purchases are recommended through the official website to ensure authenticity and leverage the 60-day money-back guarantee.
In addition to the product itself, BioLean offers wellness bonuses for purchases of 3 or 6 bottles. These include the “Home Detox” program, the “Mind Reset” guide, and, exclusively with the 6-bottle package, the “BioCleanse” detoxifier for nightly cleansing of vital organs. These bonuses are designed to enhance the physical and mental health benefits of BioLean.

BioLean Supplement Bonuses

Bonus #1 Home Detox –
This manual aims to show you how to cleanse your organs and improve how well your body takes in the helpful components of BioLean. It’s crafted to work alongside BioLean, highlighting the use of everyday kitchen items for body detoxification.
The manual details how everyday herbs and common household ingredients can aid in lowering inflammation, restoring youthful skin, enhancing memory, and cleaning the colon, along with providing other health advantages. Adding these straightforward, garden-grown herbs to your meals daily is a simple strategy for realizing these benefits.
Don’t miss out on these bonuses!
Bonus #2 Mind Reset –
This book introduces techniques aimed at enhancing your mental well-being to complement the physical changes you’re experiencing. It includes a straightforward method that takes just eight seconds to help alleviate stress and quiet your mind. The book guides you through recognizing and discarding negative self-beliefs that may have been a barrier to your progress throughout your life. It also outlines a simple approach to bolster your natural self-esteem and confidence, particularly in social settings and when interacting with others.
Additionally, you’ll discover practical strategies designed to improve mental clarity, and focus, and provide solutions for emotional challenges you encounter. These tools are intended to assist you in achieving your fullest potential.
Bonus #3 BioCleanse –
BioCleanse is a natural detoxification supplement, formulated to complement BioLean by cleansing your body each night before you sleep. It targets the removal of toxins from critical organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and digestive system. This preparation ensures that when you take BioLean the following morning, your body is primed to fully absorb its ingredients.
You can have access to the free bonus when you purchase more than one bottle of Biolean.

Biolean Purchase Guarantee

The BioLean’s manufacturer offers a 60-day money-back guarantee from the date of purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with the product, its results, or your experience within the first 60 days, you can contact the customer support team at Upon returning the product, even if the bottles are empty, you will receive a refund within 48 hours of the product’s return. This policy allows you to try BioLean with the assurance that you can get your money back, no questions asked if it does not meet your expectations.

BioLean’s Comprehensive Approach to Weight Loss

By focusing directly on the challenge of obesogens, BioLean provides a natural, plant-based solution for those struggling with weight loss due to these environmental and dietary toxins. Its unique blend of ingredients distinguishes BioLean in the crowded market of dietary supplements, making it not just a tool for weight loss but a comprehensive approach to improving overall health.
For optimal results, it’s advised to complement BioLean’s regimen with a clean diet and regular exercise, underscoring the product’s role as part of a holistic health and wellness strategy. With its natural formulation, flexible purchasing options, and health-boosting bonuses, BioLean offers a promising solution for individuals looking to overcome weight loss challenges and achieve better health.

User Testimonials Highlight BioLean’s Impact

The success stories of real users, such as Sandra from Toronto, who lost 23 pounds, and Jason from South Carolina, with a 31-pound loss, attest to BioLean’s effectiveness. These testimonials emphasize not only the product’s ability to manage weight but also its positive effects on users’ overall well-being and lifestyle satisfaction.
(OFFICIAL DEAL) Click Here to Order BioLean from Its Official Online Store!
submitted by Acceptable_Space2815 to OxyBreathPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:16 spartan9cowboy How to detox from coffee?

So I’ve been strictly animal based for a couple months now, paleo before that - my only cheat or vice has ever been coffee. Like many others here, I loved it too much to give it up, even if I knew it wasn’t doing my health any favours. But I didn’t care too much cause it didn’t seem to affect me much; around a month and a half ago I noticed I got immensely dizzy, nauseous and couldn’t think straight after having my regular two cups of coffee; so I started only drinking one coffee in the morning and it worked fine - any time I would have so much as half a cup more I would get the same symptoms. A couple weeks ago it started happening after just a cup’s worth, and it would kick in sooner too. I’ve stopped even loving coffee as much as I used to, it tastes good but its not the incredible treat I looked forward to every morning. This morning I had my regular coffee and now I just feel completely shit. I’m drinking a lot of water now so I can pee out the coffee toxins and caffeine sooner and get rid of this nausea.
TLDR: I’m quitting coffee, and I’m okay with that - my question is what can I do to detox from coffee in both short term and long term; I want this shitty feeling to go away today quicker but if long term consumption of coffee has accumulative impacts I wanna know what I can do to heal my body from that.
submitted by spartan9cowboy to AnimalBased [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:09 UnusualSchool5723 AITA for paying for SO's detox from our joint account?

Hi all,
I've got no idea whether I'm at wrong or not anymore.
SO is addicted to alcohol and started another binge drinking episode which lasted in total 8 days. On day 8, I was bombarded by constant "help me, please" every 5 minutes, so I did my best to help.
I agreed first on day 5 to his idea of "give me 1.5 day, I will be sober but I need to reduce the alcohol amount slowly". Long story short it didn't work and 2 days later he was as drunk as before. I gave him options: detox at home, ER, detox centre, detox in a private medical facility, or he stops drinking, no more "cutting off slowly". I asked if he has other ideas - he didn't. He didn't agreed to anything but after ca. 12h of more drinking he agreed to the private facility idea, which cost nearly 5k for 3 days.
Now he's out after 2 days, blaming me for "being firvulous with money" and that if I had given him another 3 days he would be bored of drinking enough to stop on his own. He says it's my fault, that I decided to pay by myself as he was under the influence and unable to consent. Now he's bringing it up constantly since yesterday that I have to "reimburse him" or "find a way to pay off my debt".
The issue is we've got a joint account and my entire salary goes there, we're both taking an amount for a month for basic needs only (to save money for our own place not because we're struggling financially, we've got some savings, he's bringing more money than I do as he's older and has more work experience so he works on a higher postion). I /could/ find a second job on top of the one I do full time or sell some of my stuff like books or idk stop eating but I feel like that's completely unfair. But maybe I'm in the wrong and am acting the vitctim, idk. So, aita for paying for the detox from our joint finances?
TL;DR: SO was binge drinking, agreed under influence to detox, which cost 5k, was not happy with it, and blames me for spending our money on an unnecessary cost.
submitted by UnusualSchool5723 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 09:51 _benguini_ Separated from my S/O of 7 years due to alcoholism

I (26m) made the hardest decision of my life last month to separate from my (25f) fiancé after 7 years, living together for 6. She’s my best friend and the love of my life.
Her dad passed away tragically when she was still in highschool, which was a catalyst for poor coping mechanisms. Specifically alcohol abuse. When we first started dating it wasn’t a “problem” and we would drink together. She also had a history of eating disorders and body dysmorphia which she would almost trade off for drinking (when she stopped drinking she’d become anorexic, and she’d start drinking again in order to eat consistently)
As we matured together, it started to become a problem. I myself don’t really ever drink outside of the occasional social gathering or while out to eat. She’s the sweetest most gentle and kind person when she’s sober, but when she’s not, well. The issues I had were more along the lines of the way she would treat herself, like she was worthless or meaningless. How could someone who means everything to me think so lowly of herself? She’d begin to tell me and act like she wasn’t worthy of love and would do and say things to push me away. Things that she knew would hurt me, say things she knew would knock me down and upset me. But I always knew it was a defense mechanism for her, and the amount of guilt she’d feel after sobering up would basically drive her to drink again.
Something changed about two years ago however and her body started to fight back. Now instead of just getting drunk and sobering up she began to have life threatening withdrawals every time she became intoxicated. We both came from essentially nothing, both of us have respectable careers and built a comfortable life with nothing but each other for support. But she began to miss work due to the violent withdrawals. And to keep them at bay, she’d continue to drink. Then she began to lie to me about it, which is something she didn’t do before. I’d come home to the odor of alcohol, see her laying there unshowered and sick, empty nip bottles scattered and stuffed in random areas around the apartment. I knew she was missing work, I knew she was drinking, but she’d lie right to my face and tell me she wasn’t.
Over the last two years she went to both in patient and out patient rehab 4 times and was rushed to the hospital for medical detox and withdrawals no less than 14 times in the last year alone. I tell her all the time that this isn’t who she is, it’s just what she’s going through. But she was actively killing herself, unpredictable and suicidal, and I was the brunt of all of her outbursts. I have a stressful job and work 3rd shift, and was no longer able to perform as needed or focus because I was perpetually worried for her wellbeing and what she was up to when I wasn’t around. She’s fine when we’re together, but as soon as I leave she’d buy liquor. And when she was too drunk to drive, she’d door dash it.
She ended up in the hospital again at the very end of March and I pleaded her on my knees (for probably the millionth time) to get help and get sober. I needed her, I needed my best friend. It was all too much, the stress, the worry, the dishonesty, and I felt like I had nobody to turn to, I just wanted her back. I wanted her safe, I wanted the person who was supposed to be the mother of my children to actually have a chance at the future we worked so hard for. We sobbed at her hospital bed together for hours and she promised me it would be the last time. It wasn’t.
Four days after I brought her home from the hospital I came home to her nearly incapacitated on the couch with a bag of 36 empty nip bottles stuffed nearby. I broke down, I lost it. I screamed at her like never before in my life, we had a brutal argument, and without getting into too much detail- I told her I couldn’t do it anymore. While she was in the hospital I packed all of my things and moved in with my friend.
At first I was bitter, frustrated. But then she got sober. She has no job, no money, no friends, and had nowhere to go until her uncle offered for her to stay with him. I’m still in the process of moving everything from our apartment. I’m helping her get her things to her uncle’s because he’s sick and can’t do much.
It’s been 3 weeks and I found myself laying in bed tonight with one of our cats (we have two and each took one) and I’ve felt more alone in this moment than I ever have in my life. I have friends and a support system, but most people my age don’t understand what this is like. It wasn’t a quick fling, we weren’t “dating”. She was everything to me, we were literally all but married.
How do I let this go? How can I ever move past this? Should I wait for her to prove she can get sober? Should I cut ties? I still speak to her but try to keep my distance because it’s so painful for both of us. I want to sweep her off her feet, I want to protect her. I just can’t watch her kill herself anymore. I could no longer provide her with a safe and supportive environment. I was just bitter and resentful at the end due to the frustration, arguments day in and day out, always paranoid. She loves me more than words can explain, I know I’m her world and I have never once doubted her feelings for me. She makes me feel wanted and cared for. But she just hates herself so so much. It’s all for the sake of self infliction, everything she does. I just wish she could understand what it does to me
Her uncle no longer works due to leukemia. He and his wife actually have the time to keep her on a short leash and watch her every second of the day while she goes through treatment. Something I could not provide for her due to my career.
I miss my best friend. She’s nearly two hours away from me now and it feels like a world away. I don’t know what to do, I just hope I’m doing the right thing. I don’t know if I should wait for her, or shut her out, or what. I knew this would be hard, I could have never known how hard
submitted by _benguini_ to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 07:32 lost-but-lovingit WTF

So I got employed somewhere and told my friends they should apply for some positions that were vacant preferably by dropping their CVs instead of emailing them. In that pretext 3 niggas just moved into my bedsitter, it's been a month, niggas do nothing but drink, sleep and watch movies,my house has became a pigsty. On payday I gave each fare ya kurudi wherever they came from( didn't tell them this I thought it was common sense). They went drinking instead, on my off days I bring my girl to stay over but bado hawashikanishi shit.The worst part none applied for the job,how can I effectively get them to leave?
submitted by lost-but-lovingit to nairobi [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:10 Alice2022is Chronic BV 3 years please ladys help me

Hi everyone . First I would like to thank your for your care and trying to help me . I’m 33 years old women mother of 2 kids . I had iud birth control for 1 year . I removed in 2021 since I’m struggling with BV. I had 4 different dr they only prescribing me different antibiotics but my BV keep coming back . I don’t eat sugar much I drink a lot of water I eat clean . I tried all this vitamins for PH level . Tried boric acid vitamins all this cvs Walgreens creams and vitamins . Drinking vitamins D and magnesium too . Unfortunately it’s keep coming back . I had my vaginal check up for cancer and kidney check up . I don’t know what else to do ! I’m very tired living with this discomfort. Please ladys help me
submitted by Alice2022is to WomenHealthTreatments [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 03:04 Wide_Round_1928 My friend feels entitled to my things

Okay I know the title sounds ridiculous but bear with me. I am getting very annoyed because my friend is always asking to drink my water but she will never buy her own.
For Example:
-When we study together, I will bring water and there is a vending machine and a water fountain in the room. She will ask to drink my water then as well.
I know this sounds ridiculous but I hate sharing drinks. These situations are very awkward because I really do not know how to tell her that it is one of the things I do not like to share. Disclaimer: money is not an issue, she makes more than I do (also a water bottle is not more than $3 max?!?!?)
Also, when she comes over to my house and she is hungry, she will open my fridge and looks through my pantry without asking. I really hate that. Money is a bit tight for me (i'm in college) and I really can only afford to feed myself and I live alone so I usually just buy what I am making myself for the week. I find that very rude but again, I do not know how to say this without sounding like an asshole. It would be one thing if she asked me but the fact she just looks herself really rubs me the wrong way.
How do I set this boundary without sounding like an asshole. I know people may feel different about the topics aforementioned but I personally do not like it when someone constantly drinks my water from my water bottle or feels as if they can help themself to my pantry/fridge.
submitted by Wide_Round_1928 to Advice [link] [comments]