Pea pod baby blanket pattern

Star Wars Episode 1:The Beginning- A TPM rewrite heavily based on the 1994 draft (through not a carbon copy)

2024.05.19 22:13 wheresmylife-gone222 Star Wars Episode 1:The Beginning- A TPM rewrite heavily based on the 1994 draft (through not a carbon copy)

I think its common knowledge in these circles that the first draft of TPM from 1994 (originally called The Beginning) is much better. Still very flawed, but a good baseline for a better movie.
For some reason, Lucas added many things in the final draft that made the movie a lot worse. It's fascinated me for a while now about how things could have been if the original script was built upon.
I have been watching videos summing up the original draft for a while now and I discovered something. Apparently Lucas gave his final TPM draft to Lawrence Kasdan a week before shooting started and asked for him to take a look at it. However, Kasdan refused because he though he wouldn't have enough time to make revisions.
I want to imagine how TPM would look if Kasdan or some other hypothetical collaborator got to see the first draft in 1994 and fixed it up. This isn't my preferred PT rewrite. This is just what I would have done if Lucas had dropped his first draft in my lap and told me to revise it.
Here are the videos I got the information from:
The movie starts with an opening crawl talking about how it is a time of weakness in the Republic. The Outer Rim controlled by megacorporation's has seceded backed by droid armies. War has not broken out yet, but the galaxy is on the brink. They are now blockading the peaceful planet of Utapau to gain its rich plasma mines as well as its newly discovered Cloning formula. The Supreme Chancellor Valorum has dispatched two Jedi to investigate and/or negotiate if they can.
We then cut to a republic starship coming to land just like in the finished film. Only the Jedi are wearing samurai esqe uniforms (like the concept art), one black and one white. The black uniformed Jedi is Obi Wan Kenobi who is about 30, trained by Yoda and is already a full Jedi Knight. Very strict and by the book. The white uniformed Jedi is his brother Ben Kenobi who just became a full jedi. This is Ben's first mission without his master Oui Gon.
Ben Kenobi is very reckless and wonders why the Republic doesn't just declare war on the Confederacy already. Obi Wan argues with him while they wait in the conference room. Meanwhile Nute Gunray and the rest of the Nemoidians look more like how they do in early concept art. Much less humanoid and they speak in an alien language with subtitles.
They call Palpatine on the hologram and he is enraged that they let the Jedi land. He chokes Nute Gunray through the hologram, cowing him. They agree to kill the Jedi and things go similarly as in the finished movie. The ship is blown up, and poison gas is pumped into the conference room. Ben and Obi Wan cut their way through the battle droids and get to the hanger. They decide to stow away on the landing craft.
On the surface of Utapau they run into Jar Jar. In this version though, Jar Jar while emotional and still comic relief speaks in a normal voice and is a bit more mature. He's more of the everyman character. Ben persuades Jar Jar to take them to the Gungan city with a mind trick, this is something Obi Wan disapproves of. Ben is more unorthodox.
They get there and are captured just like the real film. The only difference is that all the Gungans have regular voices. They are taken to Governor Nass and we learn that Jar Jar was banished because he was a trouble maker who argued for more cooperation between the Gungans and Humans. As he rants, fish continuously fall through the bubble and a young gungan gathers them up and puts them outside again.
The two Jedi still convince him to call the humans and the whole bubble is engulfed in static. It is clear that communications have been cut off. The two Jedi are then given a submarine and told to try to navigate the planet core. Nobody has been able to do it in generations and it is clear Nass thinks its a suicide mission, a convenient way to get rid of three nuisances. They then travel through the planet core being attacked by various creatures while Jar Jar is kept calm through mind tricks.
We then cut to the city of Oxon (what later became Theed) where Queen Amidala who is 40 and her daughter Princess Padme around 14 are being briefed by captain Panaka and Sio Bibble. The Queen is complacent while Padme thinks they should take the fight to the Confederacy. Suddenly the droid army attacks the city and we see building being blown up and city guards killed.
The Queen, Padme, Panaka and all the other dignitaries are captured. Nute and the rest of the Nemodians show up as well to gloat like in the final movie and give some more exposition about how they want Utapaus cloning formula. We then see the Gungan submarine surfacing and the Jedi and Jar Jar sneak into the city.
They find the prisoners being walked down an alley and save them like in the real movie. Ben uses some flashy moves to finish the droids off and is almost killed by another droid while his back is turned. Obi Wan cuts the droid down and admonishes Ben for his recklessness. The Queen and co are pleased to see two Jedi knights but they are very hostile towards Jar Jar. Which the Jedi are displeased over.
They run to the hanger like the finished film and free the Pilots, however a stray blaster shot kills the Queen with Padme screaming in horror as they board the ship. The humans also try to prevent Jar Jar getting on board but the two Jedi insist upon it.
The ship gets attacked by the blockade and Naboo guards man gun positions while astromech droids finish the repair. After they get into hyperspace there is only one droid left. R2D2 who is thanked by a still in grieving Padme. She goes off down into the droid bay to be alone and runs into Jar Jar who consoles her. This starts Padmes turn towards liking the Gungans instead of being bigoted towards them.
Meanwhile Ben and Obi Wan look through the planets accessible through their damaged hyperdrive and only find one inhabited world. Tatooine, which most of the royal guards/pilots are horrified about. Still they have no choice so they land. Padme goes with the Jedi despite protests. She wants to see another planet and get some fresh air after what just happened. Panaka lets her go reluctantly because she has two Jedi to guard her. Jar Jar also goes with them because the Utapau humans say he's "stinking the ship up".
We then cut to Utapau again where Nute Gunray and the Nemoidians are talking to captured scientists about their cloning program. They look at something in a cloning tank and look impressed. Then a hologram droid walks in projecting Darth Sidious. He castigates them for their failure in letting the princess get away and they grovel before him again. Darth Sidious says its no matter, as he will send his apprentice, Darth Maul. The Sith warrior himself looks even scarier than in the film we got with him looking like the concept art, he also has blood red robes.
We cut to a balcony on Coruscant where master and apprentice talk. Maul speaks more than in TPM and says how eager he is to get revenge on the jedi, they are no match for me yada yada.
Back on Tatooine in Mos Espa we see our heroes trying to get the part they need. It is a rowdy place and a leering slimy alien (Sebulba but we don't know that yet) tries to touch Padme arm but she elbows him and after that the crowd gives them a wide berth. Obi Wan and Ben sense something, an overpowering aura of the force. They follow it and find themselves in front of Wattos junk shop.
They meet Anakin who is 14 the same age as Padme. He is mature for his age and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder from being a slave. We also meet Watto but he resists the mind tricks because of his strong will, not because of his species. Things go similarly, though the dialogue would be much better, no "are you an angel" in this version. Jar Jar still clumsily breaks a few things but it is more toned down. Watto also hits Anakin and tells him to get back to work. Ben grabs Wattos arms as he is about to hit him again while Obi Wan helps him to his feet.
The heroes get nowhere with Watto especially after stopping Wattos abuse and a sandstorm starts to blow in so Anakin offers to take them to his place. We meet Anakin's adopted mother Shmi Lars and her son Owen Lars who is older (19) and very protective of his little brother. At the dinner scene we learn about Anakin's Podracing (how he's nicknamed Skywalker) and how many people gamble on it for huge sums of money. Ben gets an Idea while we also see just how rare Jedi actually are in most of the galaxy with Owen calling them wizards.
We then see Anakin working on his Pod while talking to Padme. They both share their own struggle going up. Padme says she's never met anyone like Anakin while Anakin says he's never met anyone like her either. He then kisses her on the cheek while Jar Jar (who was watching out of boredom) jumps in surprise. Meanwhile we see the Jedi helping Shmi and Owen with the dishes.
The topic of Anakin's father comes up. We learn that Shmi's sister left Tatooine when she was young in search of adventure. Years later she came back and gave Shmi baby Anakin begging her to take care of him before leaving. She had a lightsaber on her belt same as the two Jedi now. She also tell them how Anakin is special and can see things before they happen, just like her sister.
Ben says Anakin needs to be trained as a Jedi while Obi Wan resists the idea saying he's too old. He's all about giving the family their freedom but not taking along Anakin. Owen is Obi Wans side, saying Anakin's head is already off in the clouds as it is. Being a Jedi won't help him, he needs to be grounded and down to earth. His idealism is going to get him killed. Shmi isn't sure which side to take in the argument and defers judgement until after Anakin hopefully wins the podrace tomorrow.
Ben goes out and talks to Anakin and tells him about the Jedi and the Sith. We get a whole spiel about how strong Anakin is and how he would be a great asset to the order. Meanwhile, Darth Mauls ship lands on Tatooine at dusk and he sets out different probes to find the Jedi and the Princess. He smiles evilly to himself, showing rotting teeth.
The pod racing stuff is basically the same, only Padme is outraged when Sebulba threatens Anakin and Ben/Obi Wan manage to get the freedom of Owen and Shmi as well by trickery (not sure how). There is no two headed announcer and no Jabba cameo either. At the end, in desperation, Anakin uses his force powers to crash Sebulbas pod killing him. Nobody notices that Anakin used the force except the two jedi who look on in concern
While everyone else gathers around Anakin's pod to celebrate Ben and Obi Wan have a heated argument in the shadows of the bleachers. Obi Wan takes this as a reason why Anakin shouldn't be trained while Ben thinks that it would be better to teach Anakin before he falls down the path of evil. Eventually they agree to let Anakin decide, Obi Wan saying he'll probably want to stay with his family.
However Anakin decides to go. His mother respects his decision and is proud of him while Owen is furious, but accepts the decision as well but telling Anakin that one day he'll regret his choice and when he does he's always welcome to come live with them again. The family hugs while everyone else just kind stands around.
They walk back through the desert when they encounter a probe droid. Obi Wan slashes it with his lightsaber and tells everyone to run. Everyone runs inside while Maul approaches in his speeder bike. The fight goes differently as it is a two one one fight. They all exhibit powers never seen in the original trilogy like levitating objects swirling around them, going super fact, and slow motion. Basically a Matrix fight with lightsabers before they both jump onto the ship.
The scenes as they travel to Coruscant are similar. Anakin and Padme miss their parents etc. They then arrive at Coruscant and it is basically like the finished movie in design. They land and meet Chancellor Valorem, Senator Palpatine, and Qui Gon Jinn. Qui Gon hugs Ben like a son while Palpatine talks to Padme. Padme then talks to Jar Jar about how she doesn't understand the rift between the Gungans and the Humans. We then learn that the Gungans have a large army. Padme has an idea and decides to go back to Utapau.
The senate scenes are cut down dramatically. Its more of a montage showing Padme's increasing frustration before she finally calls for a vote of no confidence while Palpatine smiles sinisterly. The Jedi Council meanwhile consists of three members. Qui Gon who is a very unorthodox Jedi mindful of the living force (wanting the jedi to go and help the common people more), Mace Windu a bastion of militaristic conservatism (wanting the Jedi to take their rightful place as generals/leaders, and Yoda who wants to stay the course on isolationism and study of the force.
We don't see the Jedi trials, Anakin just talks about them to Ben, Obi Wan and Qui Gon. He says he didn't understand them, and Qui Gon who has taken a liking to this upstart kid says he wasn't supposed to. They are all called in and Mace says Anakin shall not be trained. He is too old and there is much anger in him. Anakin is heartbroken while Obi Wan nods grimly in acceptance. Ben Kenobi however is not having it. He says he shall train Anakin with or without the councils permission. Mace denounces this as Heresy while Qui Gon smiles. Yoda sighs and says the matter will be decided after this current crisis has ended.
Ben, Obi Wan, and Qui Gon all decide to go with Padme, but Anakin is told to stay behind. There is also the discussion about how Anakin is dangerous which Anakin overhears. Being told by Ben and Qui Gon that he's not a problem and how he will be a Jedi. Anakin gets an idea and sneaks aboard the ship with the help of R2. He is quickly discovered to Obi Wans rage and Bens laughter.
They get back to Utapau and have to go through the blockade. Anakin is able to hyperspace jump between the ships and the planet with motivation from Ben. Our heroes then try to find the Gungans at their city but it has been completely blown up. We actually see this though, as well as Jar Jars sorrow before he remembers the Gungans sacred place.
They go there and like the movie Padme makes a big speech about overcoming difference, with Jar Jar intelligently backing her up. We then get ready for the battle. Anakin tinkers with a disabled battle droid and finds out there is a second droid control hidden somewhere in the palace. So the plan is set. The Gungans will distract the droids, while the humans will infiltrate the palace, one team disabling the backup control systems and the others capturing Nute or stealing starfighters that will be used to take out the droid control ship.
The plan goes into action and things are kind of similar to the finished film, though Jar Jar shows intentional heroism instead of the goofy antics in TPM. When the starfighters are launched though, Padme goes into the fighter with Anakin. Him being the pilot and Padme being the gunner. The rest of the human teams make short work of the battle droids. However when they reach Nute a surprise is awaiting them, clones.
These clones look kind of like Dark Troopers and a Super Battle droid had a kid. They decimate the Utapau soldiers while Nute flees. Meanwhile with the Jedis they disable the secondary control system but are then met with Darth Maul. It is a brutal and awe inspiring fight. 3v1 and yet Maul still comes out on top. He knocks out Qui Gon who falls of the bridge (the duel setting is the same) while taunting the other two. "This is the end of the jedi" you get the drill.
The remaining soldiers manage to kill the clones but there are not enough left to fend of the droids. They are captured same as the Gungans. Ben gets riled up, makes a mistake and is killed. Obi Wan screams and charges getting knocked into the pit, hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile Anakin and Padme manage to destroy the flagship at the same time that Obi Wan takes Ben's lightsaber and cuts Maul in half. He then says "learn not live not as my master says" and then rushes to Bens side.
Ben begs him to train Anakin and he agrees. Meanwhile the humans and Gungans are celebrating. We cut to Qui Gon and Queen Amidala's funeral. Qui Gon throws away his lightsaber and walks off. He is done with the jedi after the death of what was effectively his son. Palpatine looks at him go intrigued. Meanwhile Yoda and Obi Wan argue over Anakin's training. Obi Wan says he will train him even without the will of the council like Ben said. Yoda gives in but warns Obi Wan of his arrogance.
We then get the celebration the end.
submitted by wheresmylife-gone222 to RewritingThePrequels [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 Bitchfaceblond Playing a dangerous game

Playing a dangerous game
I'm knitting a dress 1 month before my daughter's second bday. (I know I'm insane with 2 babies under 2). This is what I have left of my yarn. I've got 37 or so rows. And I'm on row 19. I've got increases and to split for the sleeves and have sleeves are held, I have a few rows around the bodice before I can change colors for the skirt. Please wish me luck. I really don't wanna go to the store for one ball.
submitted by Bitchfaceblond to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:03 JetCityWoman1 High-Risk HPV, Biopsy & LEEP: One Woman's Experience in 2024

Sorry if this is a bit disjointed and long, there's a TL;DR at the end. I just had my LEEP on Thursday and wanted to share my experience. Hopefully this soothes a fellow over-thinker.
Background: 30 yr old female, 130 lbs, 5'2". No moderate, severe or chronic health conditions.
I was diagnosed with high-risk (HR) HPV with LSIL/abnormal cells in February of this year. Not 16/18, but another HR strain. I got at least one shot of the HPV vaccine before I turned 26 so I was really shocked at this. I had a complete emotional breakdown because of the connection to HPV and cervical cancer, plus I just felt....dirty. I've gone through my sexually active years without getting as much as a yeast infection, and now I had just been hit with an STI, and the one that causes cancer. I went into a pretty deep depression and honestly I'm still in that depression zone but not nearly as much. I did a ton of research and my findings told me that even if it was cancer, it's one of the most curable ones especially given my age, health, etc.
My primary doctor referred me to a gyno's office connected to the hospital I go to, and I scheduled an appointment for March 1st. Gyno (who was actually not an OBGYN but an APRN/midwife?) basically did a slightly more advanced exam/questionnaire then I got another referral to an actual OBGYN for a colposcopy and scheduled it for April 1st. I thought I would have the colpo/biopsy with the APRN during my March appointment but I guess that's just a "yeah your primary is right you need a colpo" step. Idk, very confusing.
April 1st comes, the doctor that was available for that date (I wanted to get this done asap) had some less than favorable reviews on the internet so that made me a little uneasy. Between each appointment I was spending hours researching, redditing, googling, youtubing etc. so I wouldn't go into this completely ignorant and hopefully minimize the chance of any BS being pulled.
My doctor was, to my surprise, very chill, professional and knowledgeable. Took time to answer all my questions, we even had some laughs. Please ladies, find a doctor that makes you feel comfortable if you can. No question is a silly question and no doctor or nurse should make you feel like you're stupid for raising concerns or asking a lot of questions. If you feel something is off or a doc is being an a-hole, that's your sign to GTFO and find another doctor. Pleasant staff make this experience so much better.
The colpo: wasn't that bad. They crack you open like a pistachio with a speculum (like they would use for pap smear) and take a look at your cervix with this scope. A vinegar solution is applied to highlight the abnormal cells. My doc's colpo machine did have a screen that could show me what he was seeing, although it wasn't working and honestly I'm glad. I think seeing what was going on inside of me would make me worry more. So I just had to take my doctor's word for it when he said the area of abnormal cells was small.
I had a punch biopsy done during my colpo and oh man. It hurt. I wasn't instructed to take ibuprofen beforehand. I'm not sure if they didn't think I would need a biopsy or what but holy crap. 2 samples were taken, at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on my cervix, and I received a curettage as well. The curettage didn't hurt or was minor in comparison to the biopsy. After the biopsy, a "liquid bandage" was applied, this bandage is called Monsel's solution I believe. It's a mustard yellow paste.
The biopsy caused immediate moderate cramping and pain. The "6 o'clock" one, which was a larger sample, made me flinch and let out a little yelp. 6 o'clock hurt a lot. I will say that my doctor talked about what he was going to do before doing or as he was doing it so it's not like I was taken entirely by surprise. However, you don't realize how sensitive your cervix is until a chunk is taken from it.
After the biopsy, I felt this dull pain, nausea and cramping and apparently had excessive bleeding. Dribbles of blood were present on the procedure chair and floor, some of which had been cleaned up by the nurse/assistant prior to me sitting up so who knows how much was there. Doc confirmed this excessive bleeding in my after visit summary, but it wasn't so much so that it warranted some kind of emergency. I experienced some spotting for about 2 to 3 days after. I expected more blood in my pads but that never happened. I think seeing all this blood, knowing where it came from and why it was there made me even more nauseous.
The nausea and...weakness after the biopsy really had me messed up. I could barely focus as my doctor went into detail about what to possibly expect afterwards, what he saw (he even drew a little picture of my cervix), answered any questions I had. We said our goodbyes, I got dressed and made a mad dash to the waiting area's water cooler. I figured some cool water would calm my nerves and my stomach. I stupidly walked home after the procedure (I live in Chicago, very close to my doc's office). Nothing terrible happened but in hindsight, what if I passed out in the office, in the street? If you can ladies, have someone with you to get you home safely and for support. Or, at the very least, take an uber after.
After getting home I checked my pad, everything was good although I did have some "coffee grounds" in my pad from the Monsel's solution. The doc warned me about this and to expect it for a few days. I crashed on my couch for a little nap before going to a concert later that evening because I don't know how to take a day off.
The next month following my biopsy was largely uneventful, I did have intercourse about 2.5 weeks post-biopsy with no issues or pain, although the thought of infection and the whole process made it hard to enjoy sex (I healed up just fine so this was more unnecessary worrying). I didn't experience any pain, fever, or excessive bleeding, only some mild discomfort/cramping/lethargy (likely due to mentally stressing myself out) on day 2. I did however, experience one moment that freaked me out:
Day 3 post-biopsy: I got home from after work (my job requires me to be on my feet most of the day) and felt something in my vagina. It felt like a freshly inserted, regular sized tampon. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands and reached down to feel something coming out of me. Something was crowning and breaching my labial gates. I reached back down and slowly pulled out whatever object was in me. It felt like a horror movie. I knew I had inserted nothing.
Based on the feeling of said object, I thought my cervix was falling out of my body. I started panicking a bit. Panicking intensified after pulling out this...sac.
It looked alien. It was this membrane sac, about the size of a pitted date when rolled up. Within the sac contained those "coffee grounds." I knew it was the Monsel's solution and likely I had shed the liquid bandage. That logical thought didn't stop me from freaking out and gently wrapping my alien sac Starbucks trash baby in a piece of toilet paper and further sealing this HPV caused abomination into a Ziploc bag. My plan was to run to the ER and show them the freak I had given birth to.
Problem is, I had just lost my is insurance and was in process of getting a new plan, so a costly trip to the ER, waiting for hours for them to likely tell me I'm a panicky idiot wasn't really in the cards. So what does any overly anxious patient do? Turn to Dr. Google of course! I found a couple of reddit posts from women who had experienced the same thing but there wasn't much information on what had just slithered out of me. I found one of those "pay $5 for any kind of advice: legal, medical etc! Chat with an expert today!" sites that seemed legit enough. I got in chat with a doc quickly after some AI pre-chat prompts and he confirmed my suspicions: it was the Monsel's solution that I had expelled from my body. I was told this wasn't unusual and so long as I don't have an excessive bleeding, fever, pain, blah blah, I should be fine.
And I was fine. If you experience this and don't have any accompanying complications, you should be fine too. It is weird when it happens though.
My results came back about 2 weeks later. What was initially thought to be LSIL turned out to be HSIL/CIN-III, and my OBGYN told me I needed a LEEP sooner than later. My appointment was scheduled for next month and I still didn't have insurance. These month long waits between appointments were anxiety ridden depression fests, fueled by junk food and further exacerbated by internet research. The LEEP posts on Reddit had me so concerned, I reached out to my doctor to see if I could be put under general anesthesia for my LEEP, instead of receiving local anesthesia. Women on here described LEEPs as painful and traumatic. Just awful stuff. If you're reading this you've likely read those too. They described leg shaking after the shots, crying, etc. My doctor left me a detailed voice message and responded to my concerns with: "most women tolerate it well but if you're uncomfortable we'll send you to the hospital and put you under monitored sedation/anesthesia." I was still worried but was willing to see how I felt after local anesthesia. I was pleased he was open to working with me and my comfort level.
Fast forward to Wednesday last week:
The night before my LEEP, I got maybe an hour of sleep. I couldn't turn my mind off. My heart started racing an hour before my procedure and I had weird heart palpitations/irregular heart beat. I showered to calm myself down and be clean for my appointment, took 600 mg of ibuprofen as instructed, then headed out. Got a little snack from Starbucks (croissant for before since I was walking to my doc and some madeleines for after to help offset some potential nausea). For my LEEP I wore a big comfy sweater, some "period" leggings (leggings that aren't too tight and I don't care if they get blood on them) and brought a pad with me just in case. They should provide one for you but I'd rather be prepared. Got to the office, checked in, did the pregnancy urine test, got called in quickly, went through the whole height/weight/med history routine. About 5 mins later I sat down in my OBGYN's office. He described the lab findings (CIN-III), detailed the procedure, the tools and supplies they would use, aftercare and answered any questions I had. He then led me into a procedure room (pretty sure it was the same one I had my bloody biopsy in). I got undressed from the waist down like a pap, sat in the procedure chair, draped a little paper blanket over my bare bits and waited. The doctor came in with his nurse and went to work.
They again cracked me open with a speculum, this time it was rubberized on some parts. This is so your vagina doesn't get fried from the electrical current, otherwise your pubes and vulva will look like Marv in Home Alone. They also slapped a little rubber pad on my thigh to "ground" me like I'm some kind heavy duty machinery. Colpo machine comes forward so the doc can zoom in on your cervix. He applied 2 types of solution if I recall correctly: the normal vinegar solution to highlight abnormal cells and an iodine solution to highlight normal cells. Someone can correct me if that's wrong. The solutions and their uses were the least of my concerns.
He then went in with 4 lidocaine injections to numb the area, total of about 1 ml of lido I think. He used a very small needle and upon insertion, it felt like a little pinch. Now, for those afraid of needles, it is a long ish needle but the actual poke is minimal. Although some women report that the inject was the worst part. That was not the case here but the visual can be a bit alarming. After the first injection, I didn't feel the other 3. I felt comfortable going forward with the procedure, and my doc kept checking in with me to make sure I was ok. I did feel an increase in my heart rate post-lidocaine, but it wasn't concerning. I wasn't sure if this was from the "holy shit he's about to start zapping" or as a side effect of the lidocaine. Regardless, my heart rate came back down to a reasonable level given the circumstances in a few minutes. I was actually so comfortable at this point, I managed to relax my asscheeks after they were clamped together like a vise grip from the moment my derriere hit the chair.
I'm not really sure what happened after the injections, I knew he was using the LEEP machine but I don't know how long that lasted and when the wound was being created vs. cauterized as I didn't feel anything except some mild cramping/discomfort. I didn't flinch like I did with the biopsy. When the doc was finished, he applied a little bit of Monsel's, described how much he removed, went over aftercare again, we said our thank yous and goodbyes. I got dressed and went on my way, snacking on my madeleines on my way home (I walked again lol). I felt well post-procedure and even stopped at Target to do some shopping and smell some summer collection candles. I did feel myself bleeding but when I got home and checked the pad, there was a minimal amount of blood. Some women here have reported a distinct burning smell during their LEEP, I didn't smell anything but I also have sinus issues soooo maybe I just didn't pick up on it? My appointment was at 9 a.m. and I was out by 9:32.
When I got home I had some orange juice, water then slept for about 8 to 9 hours. I did have little cry sessions here and there after my procedure. But I was also sleep deprived and know I tend to get emotional. Regardless, take some time off after a LEEP, stay home around your own germs if possible. Get some of your favorite snacks, a face mask and a Nintendo switch or something. This is a good time for some self-care and rest, girlies.
Friday, day after LEEP: no bleeding, minor cramping/discomfort.
Saturday: Usual morning pee met with some blood in the toilet paper. Nothing in my pad though. Throughout the day I slept on and off, I've been more tired than usual. My body and mind has gone through some shit so I'm not mad at myself for being sleepy. I did experience some heavier bleeding throughout the day that was mostly dark colored. The blood level was about the same if not less than what I'd experience with a period. No unusual smell. I did shed the liquid bandage. Did have some mild cramping at certain points during the day but not debilitating or worth taking ibuprofen over.
Sunday: Energy levels finally back up to something normal, don't feel as tired. Still bleeding dark red blood/brown discharge but it's minor. Ran some errands today, I figured gravity would cause me to bleed more but it's about the same as yesterday if not less.
If there's interest, I'll check in at maybe the 2 week and 4 week mark, or whenever I remember since this is my throwaway account.
Overall the LEEP was way better than the biopsy in my experience. Reddit had me freaking out. I know I'm lucky, and this post isn't to dismiss any terrible or painful experience other women have had. I want to share my 'positive' experience, since most of my mental state surrounding my diagnosis, fears, the upgrade from LSIL to HSIL, has been negative.
Oh and I did get insurance literally a week before my LEEP, thank God.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask them below!
TL;DR: -Colpo: easy -Biopsy: sucks. Most pain I've ever felt and felt nauseous/uneasy after. Ask your doctor if you can take ibuprofen prior to a biopsy. Monsel's solution/liquid bandaid came out in sac-like alien baby about 36 to 48 hours later. Was able to have intercourse 2-2.5 weeks post-biopsy. No insertion of anything for about 3 days after. -LEEP: easy-ish? 600 mg ibuprofen 1 hour before procedure. Anxiety inducing but once I was numbed with local anesthesia, I felt nothing except some mild cramping. The injection didn't hurt and caused no serious side effects. No smell. No excessive bleeding. Felt fine post-LEEP but did experience some bleeding. It's been less than a week so I'll update if anything spooky happens, if no updates then expect everything went fine. No intercourse/tampons/etc for 3 to 6 weeks.
Tips: -Prioritize self care throughout this experience especially. It'll help you stay calm and heal. -Dress comfy for procedures -Take some snacks and water to your appointments for post-procedure ick -Do your research. Knowledge is power even if it makes you uncomfortable. Youtube was a great resource for me, I like to see what's going to happen before it does. Just try not to get worked up like I did. -Ask questions. If a doctor makes you feel stupid, see another doctor if possible. -Have someone with you for support and to make sure you get home ok -If you experience fever, intense pain, soaking through pads, or notice any weird smell: GO TO A DOCTOR
submitted by JetCityWoman1 to PreCervicalCancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:58 Xiimme Help identifying Mama Latte’s fur pattern

Help identifying Mama Latte’s fur pattern
Meet my lovely Mama Latte! She showed up to my house last Easter Monday! Can you help me identify what’s her fur colopattern and type of you can? (Bonus picture of her and her babies when they’re younger!)
submitted by Xiimme to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:49 Sad-Environment-2392 Will my baby grow out this? I really need reassurance

My baby is 11 months old. He was born at 38 weeks. Starting at 1 week old he developed profuse watery mucous poop, reflux, bad diaper rash. He was breast fed. At that point I was quick to take dairy, eggs, and soy out of my diet. He got mostly better, and has been gaining weight fine. At about 3 months dairy krept into my diet and he developed blood in his poop (the mucous never actually cleared up) so we switch to a hypoallergenic formula (similac)…blood never cleared after about 2 weeks and symptoms worsened (reflux, rashes) so we went to an elemental formula….he did great. Mucous cleared up, rashes cleared up, and reflux improved.
Fast forward to now at 11 months. We purée his foods. Still on elemental formula. He eats but he’s not interested in eating. He gags on anything that isn’t pretty soft s/a raspberries, and bananas…and he still gags on those sometimes. He can eat about 12 foods that he doesn’t react to. Otherwise his reactions to foods can be vomiting, mucous poops, eczema, reflux. He reacts to dairy, egg, wheat, peas, shrimp, maybe chicken, beef and fish. He’s been on omeprazole since about 2 months old.
We have appts with peds GI and peds allergy pending. Someone please tell me you’ve seen this before in practice and the kid grew out of it. I’m so worried this might be eoe and/or eoc.
submitted by Sad-Environment-2392 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Street-Health-3603 Making friends as an adult is so, so hard

I went to a party yesterday. I felt optimistic, i wanted to socialise because i have been so isolated recently. My old friend group was there. Someone who i had a HUGE falling out with, because they talked down to me and were overall not nice was there. We spoke normally. It was VERY strange, but welcomed, because we were best friends. It was fun! i felt somewhat included, some weird looks or comments here or there but i chalked it up to me being paranoid since i havent socialised and have been quite isolated.
Then the "tea time" happened. I am not exaggerating, fifteen people in a circle in the garden in blankets, used their trauma as entertainment for the party. Very intimate details of many people i did not consent to hear. I thought I WAS the weird one being horrified, because, everyone else seemed fine. I left early, and cried on the way home.
I found out today, the day after the party, nobody wanted me there, and the person i had a HUGE falling out with was actually being "two faced" and expressed immense relief when i left the party to everyone there. If they talk shit about others and use others "down fall" as story time, i know i will be next. I have cut contact. The kicker? THEY ARE ALL AUTISTIC / ADHD.
I feel so embarrassed i didn't realise the person i had a BIG falling out with wasn't actually being nice to me. I am so upset that i know they all don't like me.
This is all to say, this happens. A LOT. All of my close friendships have blown up in my face because of
  1. Them not communicating something i am doing or saying is hurting them, then blowing up at me and ending the friendship because it should've been "obvious"
  2. Them deciding to become my bully
  3. Me being too mentally ill for them (not anymore, i have worked on this and i am very proud of my boundaries and way of handling my mental illness)
How do i try and make friends, when it feels like this pattern keeps happening? I just want friends, but, all of the people i have tried to be friends with have ended up as being very drama loving and self cantered. I used to be that, but i have grown out of it. I was like that to mask, and potentially they are too.
Blegh. Thank you for reading <3
submitted by Street-Health-3603 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 PartyintheKorea [AB] Review of Foothills Labour & Delivery and Postpartum

This review is copied from my Google Maps review (if you want to see photos) of the Foothills Medical Centre L&D and Postpartum units on the 5th floor. Overall a pleasant experience in an older facility carried by awesome nurses who made us feel taken care of.
My wife was set to receive an induction. After her cervical ripening balloon fell out, we called L&D and they told us they were busy and that they'd likely call us the next morning unless we felt it was an emergency.
Parking is $15 a day which is okay considering it's a hospital.
Our private L&D room in Unit 51 was sizable and had a couch and private bathroom but no TV or mini fridge. The shared fridge was stocked with milk, juice, yogurt, jello, pudding, sandwiches, tea and coffee (decaf). 8 hours in, the doctor checked her cervix and discovered that our little one had his whole arm sticking out. Doctor said it would have to be a c-section.
Fast forward to the postpartum side and we received a "semi-private" room. We were essentially separated by a shared toilet/shower and a couple curtains, but at least we were not right beside each other. No complaints about our neighbours.
Our part of the room was small in comparison with the L&D room. There was definitely a lot of shuffling around with the bed table, chair, and obviously the baby. We did have our own sink and mini fridge. Again, no TV so consider bringing your own entertainment. The room was quite stuffy but there was a fan to alleviate that. The chair they provided me was essentially a deck chair and one armrest was literally worn out to the metal. I was happy that I brought a sleeping bag to set up on the floor and a blindfold. I also borrowed a couple blankets and a pillow from the unit. It was not exactly pleasant but could've been worse had I not been a back sleeper.
The shared fridge in postpartum was not quite as stocked as in L&D, although there was typically always drinks and sometimes extra trays of food leftover after breakfast/lunch/dinner. I ate whatever my wife couldn't finish. Luckily, I brought some snacks from home for sustinence and McDonald's is not a long drive away for late night food. Yes, outside food is allowed. I took a picture of an example lunch menu that my wife received.
Pretty much all the nurses and staff we interacted with were very helpful, patient, and caring. They were happy to show us how to breastfeed, swaddle a baby, change a diaper, burp the baby, etc. so don't feel bad asking. They gave us a bag of essentials for mom and baby such as underwear, pads, diapers, burp/face cloths, vaseline, etc. They may or may not give you a couple extra if you ask nicely. There was a breastfeeding pillow in the room as well as some basic instructions on how to breastfeed. My wife wasn't producing quite enough for our baby's appetite so we did purchase a bottle of donor breastmilk to supplement for $18 (free if you're still on the L&D side) which lasted us for the couple of nights we stayed.
Unless there's a new hospital built in North Calgary soon, we will likely be back here for our next baby.
submitted by PartyintheKorea to BabyBumpsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 Formal-Technical Raw Vegetables

Hi! Newly pregnant (4 w 3 d) and trying to do my best navigating a diet. Last night some crunchy veggies sounded good so I ate a mini cucumber, some snap peas, some broccoli and carrots with ranch. I thoroughly washed everything. Today in my anxious state I’ve read a lot that even washed raw veggies should be avoided? In addition, my broccoli came in a bag so I didn’t cut it myself. So much to learn and feel like I’m carrying a lot of guilt for screwing up/putting my baby at risk. Interested to hear others takes or how you navigate the anxiety.
*naturally, I have thrown out the pre cut broccoli and spent all day worried that I contracted listeria
I know I sound crazy and BD is probably already tired of the anxiety so looking for opinions here! TYIA
submitted by Formal-Technical to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 Street-Health-3603 Making friends is so, so hard

I went to a party yesterday. I felt optimistic, i wanted to socialise because i have been so isolated recently. My old friend group was there. Someone who i had a HUGE falling out with, because they talked down to me and were overall not nice was there. We spoke normally. It was VERY strange, but welcomed, because we were best friends. It was fun! i felt somewhat included, some weird looks or comments here or there but i chalked it up to me being paranoid since i havent socialised and have been quite isolated.
Then the "tea time" happened. I am not exaggerating, fifteen people in a circle in the garden in blankets, used their trauma as entertainment for the party. Very intimate details of many people i did not consent to hear. I thought I WAS the weird one being horrified, because, everyone else seemed fine. I left early, and cried on the way home.
I found out today, the day after the party, nobody wanted me there, and the person i had a HUGE falling out with was actually being "two faced" and expressed immense relief when i left the party to everyone there. If they talk shit about others and use others "down fall" as story time, i know i will be next. I have cut contact. The kicker? THEY ARE ALL AUTISTIC / ADHD.
I feel so embarrassed i didn't realise the person i had a BIG falling out with wasn't actually being nice to me. I am so upset that i know they all don't like me.
This is all to say, this happens. A LOT. All of my close friendships have blown up in my face because of
  1. Them not communicating something i am doing or saying is hurting them, then blowing up at me and ending the friendship because it should've been "obvious"
  2. Them deciding to become my bully
  3. Me being too mentally ill for them (not anymore, i have worked on this and i am very proud of my boundaries and way of handling my mental illness)
How do i try and make friends, when it feels like this pattern keeps happening? I just want friends, but, all of the people i have tried to be friends with have ended up as being very drama loving and self cantered. I used to be that, but i have grown out of it. I was like that to mask, and potentially they are too.
Blegh. Thank you for reading <3
submitted by Street-Health-3603 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 mischiefmanagedxxx week 6-8 scaries

my LO is currently 3 weeks and is an overall pretty calm baby. only fusses when hungry or getting lotion put on lol. she’s very relaxed, sleeps in her bassinet at night until morning snuggles, and gives us 2.5-3 hours of sleep between wakes at night - HOWEVER all i’ve been reading about and seeing is the hell that weeks 6-8 brings 🥲 i sympathize with the parents who are going through the thick of it in those weeks, but i’m curious if anyone has had a positive experience throughout those weeks and if their baby’s sleep patterns didn’t change much? or are we all in solidarity doomed for this regression? (if that’s what it’s called)
anyways, just wondering if anyone’s baby kept their cool during those weeks cause i’m frightened LOL
submitted by mischiefmanagedxxx to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:02 DistributionSilent98 How I killed fatalis but still failed the hunt.....

Okay so it was like my fourth or fifth time fighting (I was still yet to kill him) I'm solo I had recognized his patterns and everything and whatnot Had my Alatreon switch axe and my go-to armor will not disclose
The hunt starts I ghile mantle down there just to scope the area I have the heavy artillery skill so load up the cannons begin the hunt.
Blast him with both cannons and reload connected with two volleys he goes down begin to wail on his head zsd the fuck out of it
He gets agro the hunt really begins he starts spraying fireballs sweeping everything I'm dodging weaving get some damage but it's manageable I have speed eating so it was easy to heal I managed to farcast back to camp wait for my Ghile to recharge I see the time I still got plenty of time I eat again restock on supplies go back down there.
Load up the secondary Cannon by the gate and blast away he goes down get on the roaming ballista aim for his wings till they are broken then his head zsd his head first horn gone second phase begins managed to get behind the gate in time so I'm good there.
That's when it really got intense...
The second phase is up I'm taking a little bit more damage but no problem I still got ancient Max potions and all the health potions I need so still good.
I die twice and once I'm on my last life I immediately stop taking damage and lock the fuck in.
I shoot him with the binders he's down keep aiming for his head in his chest I'm doing good damage ran him into walls he's down I keep getting it done hit him with plenty of dragon pods he's good he's feeling the damage but then I look at the time I literally do not have time to play around.
My weapon is dull I sharpen it real quick cuz I always have speed sharpening I look at the time my heart starts racing a lot so I just keep wailing zsd zsd zsd until he finally the last explosion kills him and he dies.
Buuuuut because of his damn death animation that takes too long time ran out as his death animation was going so technically I failed the quest but when I looked back in the book it said how many times I kill them it says one but I still failed the quest so it took me 10 more times of fighting him to finally solo him again and I damn near broke My controller doing it so that had to be the worst experience of my life playing iceborne
But then after that killing him became child's Play and have a full fatalis armor set with switch axe Max level and everything so I'm good I just go reminisce at that time how I was hoe'd by time. .
submitted by DistributionSilent98 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:57 ramdytis3c Unposted Tracks - Part1 [Out 2024-05-17] [Black Source]

SIEM T - Enigmatic (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 135, 6:12, MP3 15.23 Mb
SIEM T - Enigmatic concept (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 136, 6:11, MP3 15.15 Mb
SIEM T - Enigmatic dream (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 133, 6:19, MP3 15.49 Mb
SNOOKO - Funny Beet (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 5:57, MP3 14.69 Mb
SNOOKO - Paco Di Bongo (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 5:02, MP3 12.50 Mb
STRØBE - Dreamscape (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 80, 2:41, MP3 6.58 Mb
S_Zer0, SAKKO - Man of the Year (Club Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 125, 3:45, MP3 9.60 Mb
Santiago Krenz - Computer System (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 142, 5:25, MP3 13.05 Mb
Santiago Krenz - Oxigeno (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 150, 6:50, MP3 16.45 Mb
Sarah Berg - Sunset Dance (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 118, 2:15, MP3 5.84 Mb
Sascha Dive - Time for a change (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 123, 6:15, MP3 15.32 Mb
Schiela - ALL NIGHT, BABY! (Benjamin Fröhlich Remix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 5:15, MP3 12.83 Mb
Schillist, Kxne, Daniel Best - Life Be Like (feat. KXNE) (Extended Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 3:52, MP3 9.64 Mb
Schindergrimm - After the Silent (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 132, 7:16, MP3 17.59 Mb
Schindergrimm - Lost in Time (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 138, 6:46, MP3 16.36 Mb
Schindergrimm - Missing Link (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 133, 8:16, MP3 19.95 Mb
Sean Harris (UK) - Matter (Extended Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:39, MP3 13.91 Mb
Sean Harris (UK) - Matter (Radio Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 3:01, MP3 7.61 Mb
Sean Tyas - Lift (Chris Voro & Ode ReChill) / Key Dm, BPM 115, 6:18, MP3 15.40 Mb
Sebastiaan Hooft - Magazine (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 135, 6:42, MP3 16.44 Mb
Sebastiaan Hooft - Void (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 2:45, MP3 6.72 Mb
Sebastian Darez - M87 (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 124, 6:50, MP3 16.75 Mb
Sebastian Darez - The Winter Is Coming (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 6:55, MP3 16.94 Mb
Sebastian Davidson - Safe and Sound (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 100, 3:34, MP3 8.72 Mb
Segler - Kesäyöt (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 6:26, MP3 15.81 Mb
Self Deception - Cat's Dreams (Original mix) / Key Fm, BPM 113, 4:02, MP3 10.14 Mb
Self Deception - Purple Fields (Original mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 110, 4:27, MP3 11.03 Mb
Selomi - Igwe (Tomahawk Bang Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 122, 6:37, MP3 16.38 Mb
Senbei, MGHN - Saji (feat. MGHN) (Gavrosh Remix) / Key Em, BPM 127, 3:18, MP3 8.39 Mb
Sentin, Wout Vantieghem - A Wall Of Glass (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:17, MP3 15.43 Mb
Sergii Petrenko - Tropical Breeze (Format Groove Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 6:30, MP3 15.72 Mb
Sergii Petrenko - Tropical Breeze (Techno Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 6:10, MP3 14.91 Mb
Sevdavision - For Now (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 5:24, MP3 13.09 Mb
Sevdavision - OK (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 106, 3:17, MP3 8.02 Mb
Sevdavision - Osoti (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 106, 2:54, MP3 7.08 Mb
Sevdavision - Pazar (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 91, 5:07, MP3 12.41 Mb
Sevdavision - The Old Goes (Original Mix) / Key B, BPM 100, 2:39, MP3 6.51 Mb
Sevdavision - Will We Meet Again (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 96, 5:40, MP3 13.75 Mb
Sharapov - Pictures (Instrumental Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 118, 5:17, MP3 12.91 Mb
Sharapov - Pictures (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 118, 5:17, MP3 12.92 Mb
Shelby Zyxx - Love Love (Original Mix) / Key B, BPM 145, 2:29, MP3 6.14 Mb
Shokh - FPM (Edit) / Key B, BPM 130, 5:22, MP3 13.17 Mb
Shokh - Pepper (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:16, MP3 12.91 Mb
Shokh - Pur (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 138, 7:16, MP3 17.70 Mb
Shokh - Tonka (Original Mix) / Key Bb, BPM 125, 5:31, MP3 13.53 Mb
Shunus - Where's the Party At? (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 5:18, MP3 12.95 Mb
Sillaz - The Pill (Extended) / Key Cm, BPM 131, 1:32, MP3 4.05 Mb
Silvertone (US) - Life's a B!tch (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 5:34, MP3 13.92 Mb
Silvertone (US) - Out My Mind (Extended Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 4:38, MP3 11.67 Mb
Simon Pagliari - Kiss Like This (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 130, 5:43, MP3 13.87 Mb
Simon Pagliari - Kiss Like This (Radio Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 130, 3:43, MP3 9.06 Mb
Singular Anomalies - I'll Tell You Tomorrow (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 137, 5:43, MP3 14.06 Mb
Singular Anomalies - Implant (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 137, 5:43, MP3 14.06 Mb
Singular Anomalies - Latent Heat (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 136, 5:46, MP3 14.16 Mb
Sinkix - Mermaids Of Osiris (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 121, 7:41, MP3 18.62 Mb
Sinkix - Mount Shipton (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 122, 7:09, MP3 17.34 Mb
Sir Soundbender - 1 4 Da Money (Miggedy's Full Count Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 8:10, MP3 19.84 Mb
Siskin - Fly Away (Hel:sløwed Extended Remix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:47, MP3 14.15 Mb
Skatman - Unchained (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:56, MP3 14.37 Mb
Skurilla - Roll (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 140, 6:42, MP3 16.44 Mb
Slash Eleven - Sun God (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 4:09, MP3 10.33 Mb
SleepCycle - Reflection (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 3:28, MP3 8.59 Mb
Slygui - Devin (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 130, 7:58, MP3 19.68 Mb
Smilla - Bad Lost (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 139, 6:55, MP3 16.98 Mb
Soalex - Music Never Done (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 122, 3:17, MP3 8.75 Mb
Social Assassins - Restrain this (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 144, 5:47, MP3 14.21 Mb
Sofus Wiene - After The Beep (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 2:58, MP3 7.32 Mb
Sofus Wiene - Xtasy (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 3:23, MP3 8.30 Mb
Solc - Where Am I (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 6:04, MP3 15.25 Mb
Solma - Stomatal Conductance (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 136, 6:12, MP3 15.16 Mb
Solma - Sugar Snake (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 138, 6:20, MP3 15.50 Mb
Solntsev - Watch Me Dancing All the Time (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 6:26, MP3 15.69 Mb
Something Else DR - Abusadora (Extended) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 4:08, MP3 10.28 Mb
Something Else DR - Abusadora (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 2:40, MP3 6.78 Mb
Sonic Flash - Fly Away (Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 140, 4:56, MP3 12.14 Mb
Sonny Fodera, Blythe - Mind Still (feat. blythe) (Tita Lau Extended Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 130, 4:59, MP3 12.01 Mb
Sophie Nixdorf - Kiko (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 6:35, MP3 15.88 Mb
Soul& - Ain't No Beauty (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 116, 4:27, MP3 11.03 Mb
Soul& - All The Doors Are Open (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 95, 6:08, MP3 15.10 Mb
Soul& - Someday We Will Win (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 102, 5:31, MP3 13.62 Mb
Soul& - The Sailor (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 129, 3:23, MP3 8.47 Mb
Soul& - Those Blue Eyes (Mata Biru) (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 112, 3:39, MP3 9.14 Mb
Soul& - War (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 95, 4:36, MP3 11.42 Mb
Spaces Between - LaVey (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 120, 5:12, MP3 12.58 Mb
Spaces Between - Lineside (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 141, 4:09, MP3 10.08 Mb
Spaces Between - Summer 94 (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 165, 3:07, MP3 7.59 Mb
Spaces Between - Wilgefortis (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 122, 3:04, MP3 7.46 Mb
Speedman, Techno Cats, Hyper Hamster - Dirty Talk (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 148, 3:47, MP3 9.37 Mb
Speedman, Techno Cats, Hyper Hamster - Dirty Talk (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 148, 2:25, MP3 6.10 Mb
Spektrx - Chaoswave (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 133, 6:32, MP3 15.90 Mb
Spektrx - Confusion (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 131, 6:53, MP3 16.72 Mb
Spektrx - Particulas (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 133, 7:16, MP3 17.63 Mb
Spring Rolls - Architecture Conceptuelle (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 5:55, MP3 14.58 Mb
Spring Rolls - Etude Preliminaire (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 121, 2:59, MP3 7.53 Mb
Spring Rolls - L'Invitation (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 135, 5:21, MP3 13.21 Mb
Spring Rolls - La Porte Derobee (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 131, 7:05, MP3 17.38 Mb
Spring Rolls - Mixture Melodique (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 134, 6:13, MP3 15.28 Mb
Spring Rolls - Une Balade Sournoise (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 6:45, MP3 16.58 Mb
Spring Rolls - Vibration Harcelante (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 134, 6:27, MP3 15.85 Mb
Spring Rolls - Violence Percussive (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 134, 5:44, MP3 14.14 Mb
Squeeze DJ, Vito Raisi - Analog Aura Adventure (Explorer Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 6:38, MP3 16.16 Mb
Squeeze DJ, Vito Raisi - Analog Aura Adventure (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 6:51, MP3 16.70 Mb
Stagz Jazz, Da Vynalist - Soft Landing (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 116, 6:54, MP3 16.91 Mb
Stefre Roland - Close Your Eyes (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 3:18, MP3 8.13 Mb
Step2Sun - Dance With Me (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 130, 7:13, MP3 17.51 Mb
Step2Sun - Nice, Very Nice (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 7:07, MP3 17.24 Mb
Steven Liquid - Sunset Coast (Sunny Island Freaks Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 124, 6:01, MP3 14.74 Mb
Stoked - It's the Groove (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 132, 6:02, MP3 14.60 Mb
Stoned Chicken - Mood Developer (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 6:10, MP3 14.84 Mb
Store P - Det Kunne Begynt Å Brenne (Boge Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 4:13, MP3 10.37 Mb
Subcisco - Reset (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 3:25, MP3 8.40 Mb
Sunlounger, Betafish - Beachwalk (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 160, 3:22, MP3 8.37 Mb
Supaderb - The Days (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 5:36, MP3 13.59 Mb
Super-Secret - Cappuccino (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 5:36, MP3 13.60 Mb
Super-Secret - FrenchDarkProg (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:06, MP3 14.81 Mb
Super-Secret - Mister Techno Cox (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 6:06, MP3 14.81 Mb
Svarog - Psalm (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 131, 6:07, MP3 14.80 Mb
Sven Neawolf - In meinen Gedanken (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 160, 3:57, MP3 9.66 Mb
Sven Nielsen - You (Andy Lizard Pres. LZD Melodia Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:43, MP3 16.50 Mb
Sven Nielsen - You (Andy Lizard Pres. LZD Melodia Vocal Intro Edit) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:46, MP3 16.61 Mb
Sven Vath, Gregor Tresher - Flashback (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 135, 7:14, MP3 17.85 Mb
Sven Wegner - Rollercoast (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:17, MP3 12.82 Mb
Swomp - Balance (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 145, 2:59, MP3 7.43 Mb
Sym Bioz - Celestial (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:36, MP3 16.18 Mb
Sym Bioz - Cerebral (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 132, 6:42, MP3 16.40 Mb
Sym Bioz - Disinhibition (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:40, MP3 16.32 Mb
Sym Bioz - Latency (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:38, MP3 16.25 Mb
Sym Bioz - Megahertz (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:40, MP3 16.32 Mb
Sym Bioz - Ultra (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 6:38, MP3 16.25 Mb
T.Markakis - 1979 (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 123, 5:20, MP3 13.06 Mb
T.Markakis - Deeper Thoughts (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 123, 7:09, MP3 17.44 Mb
THE.PROVIDER - Resonate (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 135, 6:12, MP3 15.13 Mb
TRFN - Plain Jane (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 145, 2:16, MP3 5.98 Mb
TURN X - Nine Is God (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 123, 6:06, MP3 14.92 Mb
Takairo Oishi - Beyond the Odd Grid (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 138, 6:44, MP3 16.37 Mb
That Kid Chris - Tonight (Apache Tribal Mix (Remastered)) / Key A, BPM 134, 9:03, MP3 21.87 Mb
That Kid Chris, DJ Mada - That's It! (Hyperdrive Mix (Remastered)) / Key Am, BPM 134, 8:22, MP3 20.23 Mb
The Bestseller - Moments (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 114, 3:52, MP3 9.53 Mb
The Bossline - Take It (Ibiza Chill Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 114, 2:36, MP3 6.52 Mb
The Dudes [COL] - Colera (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 6:39, MP3 16.12 Mb
The Dudes [COL] - La Libertad (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:13, MP3 15.08 Mb
The Notwist, What Are People For? - illusions (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 159, 4:47, MP3 11.77 Mb
The Phantom (CR) - Do You Remember Love (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 132, 7:26, MP3 17.94 Mb
The Phantom (CR) - Tribu (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:53, MP3 14.23 Mb
The Populists - Step Inside (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:53, MP3 16.84 Mb
The Regular Guy - Everlasting Love (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 6:47, MP3 16.51 Mb
The Sleeper, Lju Je - Pod Room (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 120, 8:23, MP3 20.29 Mb
Theodor Nabuurs - Feels Like High (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 4:58, MP3 12.26 Mb
Thomas Baumhauer - Juno (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 5:22, MP3 13.10 Mb
Thorkell Máni, 2 HANDS - Yellow Jacket Boys (Addi Stefansson Remix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:44, MP3 14.11 Mb
Thorkell Máni, 2 HANDS - Yellow Jacket Boys (G.Roy Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 6:10, MP3 15.15 Mb
Thorkell Máni, 2 HANDS - Yellow Jacket Boys (SKYN Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 94, 6:02, MP3 14.83 Mb
Tier Ra Nichi - Beats & Rhythm (Original Version) / Key Fm, BPM 120, 7:28, MP3 18.15 Mb
Tier Ra Nichi - Deeper, Let's Go (Let's Go Deeper Voxstrumental) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:38, MP3 13.75 Mb
Tier Ra Nichi - Lab In The Am (The Late Night Operation Imprint) / Key F, BPM 123, 6:46, MP3 16.48 Mb
Tier Ra Nichi - Mars On Tap (New Direction Instrumental Imprint) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 6:16, MP3 15.28 Mb
Tijn Driessen - In Bloei (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 118, 5:48, MP3 14.33 Mb
Tim Baresko, RAYZIR, Daniel Orpi - Takin' Over (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 5:25, MP3 13.19 Mb
Tim Olsson - Is It Really Love (Original Mix) / Key G, BPM 114, 2:01, MP3 5.40 Mb
Timothy Allen - Rapture (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 5:40, MP3 13.75 Mb
Tokyo Cartel - Theme From Tokyo (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 4:45, MP3 11.70 Mb
Tokyo T, Jay Cara - Do It Like Me (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 6:30, MP3 15.77 Mb
Tokyo T, Jay Cara - Tranquilao (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 6:38, MP3 16.07 Mb
Tomas Bisquierra - Beatz Up (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 6:04, MP3 14.93 Mb
Tommy Crash - Don't Sleep (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 4:40, MP3 11.34 Mb
Tommy Crash - Don't Tell Me Your Name (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 126, 5:28, MP3 13.23 Mb
Tommy Crash - She Bad (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 127, 5:45, MP3 13.94 Mb
Tony Deledda - Everybody (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 120, 5:46, MP3 13.94 Mb
Tony Deledda - Something Intense (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 6:43, MP3 16.23 Mb
Tony Ess - Just a Packet of Crisps (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 5:29, MP3 13.32 Mb
Tony Postigo - Take It Over (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 6:29, MP3 15.89 Mb
Tooloud - I Still Think About You (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 125, 2:51, MP3 6.91 Mb
Toru S., Benign Polypupu - A Day Before My Birthday (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:56, MP3 14.54 Mb
Tough Art - Caribean Swag (Extended Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 129, 6:18, MP3 15.42 Mb
Tough Art - Ghetto (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 5:06, MP3 12.54 Mb
Traumer - Lemerci (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 6:25, MP3 15.64 Mb
Traumer - Rodage (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 127, 6:50, MP3 16.64 Mb
Tree Threes - Change with Me (Original Mix) / Key E, BPM 121, 5:56, MP3 14.32 Mb
Tree Threes - Stone Turned (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 6:07, MP3 14.79 Mb
Treibsand - Muchacho (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 5:46, MP3 14.20 Mb
Tren - Closing Loop (Original Mix) / Key F#, BPM 118, 4:45, MP3 11.66 Mb
Tren - Essays in Idleness (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 4:43, MP3 11.57 Mb
Tren - Tensor (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 5:45, MP3 14.05 Mb
Trentemøller - A Different Light (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 130, 5:50, MP3 14.22 Mb
Tripolism - Good Times (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 6:21, MP3 15.38 Mb
Truncate - Remember (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 138, 5:08, MP3 12.64 Mb
Truncate - Remember (V2) / Key Gm, BPM 142, 4:46, MP3 11.78 Mb
Truncate - That Chord Again (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 142, 4:35, MP3 11.32 Mb
Tueba - Last Forever (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 2:23, MP3 5.90 Mb
Tumbian - Kulya (HUGEhands Remix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 6:20, MP3 15.41 Mb
Tumbian - Kulya (Leeman Brothers Remix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 5:54, MP3 14.37 Mb
Tumbian - Kulya (Original Mix) / Key Ab, BPM 126, 5:08, MP3 12.53 Mb
Twin Scream - Que Soy (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 3:57, MP3 9.74 Mb
Twin Scream - Que Soy (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 2:58, MP3 7.40 Mb
Tydra - Touchdown (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 4:28, MP3 11.06 Mb
UMIIN - Fraction (Das Ton Remix) / Key Cm, BPM 115, 5:17, MP3 12.92 Mb
UMIIN - Fraction (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 108, 5:29, MP3 13.40 Mb
Uncertain - Close (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 143, 4:29, MP3 10.83 Mb
Uncertain - Different (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 5:07, MP3 12.36 Mb
Uncertain - Donna (Mark Broom Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 143, 4:02, MP3 9.74 Mb
Uncertain - Donna (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 143, 4:32, MP3 10.96 Mb
Uncertain - Extreme (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 141, 4:06, MP3 9.89 Mb
Uncertain - Physical (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 141, 4:20, MP3 10.46 Mb
VDMV, Then Ruloks - Trust (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 6:23, MP3 15.58 Mb
VE/RA - All Night (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 93, 5:14, MP3 12.84 Mb
VNDM - Flash (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 6:03, MP3 14.76 Mb
VNDM - Look at Me (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 131, 4:48, MP3 11.76 Mb
Valentino Favetta - Shake That (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 3:35, MP3 8.81 Mb
Valjus - Luxury Vacation (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 5:36, MP3 13.70 Mb
Vallilo - Get Money (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 5:17, MP3 13.10 Mb
Vandermann - Lifeline (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 132, 4:33, MP3 11.18 Mb
Vanillaz - Lets Get Lost (Freudenthal Remix) (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 124, 7:05, MP3 17.30 Mb
Vanstone - Close to Me (Club Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 5:19, MP3 13.36 Mb
Victor Moreno - Paradise (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 7:14, MP3 17.54 Mb
Vier Equis - Mentor (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 8:40, MP3 21.14 Mb
Villano - Back to the Oldschool (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 5:03, MP3 12.17 Mb
Villano - Back to the Oldschool (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:16, MP3 10.31 Mb
Vinback, JUNAR, Madaë - Everything (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 150, 3:00, MP3 7.69 Mb
Vincentsnap - N'oublie Pas (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 8:48, MP3 21.38 Mb
Vinsent D. Vanitas - Splatter Spread (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 145, 5:23, MP3 13.36 Mb
Visage Music, Ragie Ban - Time After Time (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:29, MP3 13.43 Mb
Vitorino - Alchemy (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 141, 5:02, MP3 12.70 Mb
Vitorino - Dark Tape (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 146, 4:56, MP3 12.45 Mb
Vitorino - Isolate (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 147, 4:51, MP3 12.24 Mb
Vitorino - Red (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 144, 4:56, MP3 12.45 Mb
Vitorino - Survive (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 5:02, MP3 12.68 Mb
Vitorino - Time Machine (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 146, 5:22, MP3 13.50 Mb
Vittorio Brena - Rimini By Night (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 5:41, MP3 13.73 Mb
Vittorio Brena - Start (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 126, 6:20, MP3 15.29 Mb
Vivaro, BLOTE - Penthouse (Extended) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 3:49, MP3 9.54 Mb
Vivienne WU - Rave All Night (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 138, 6:02, MP3 14.67 Mb
Vivienne WU - You Forgot Who I Am (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:36, MP3 13.64 Mb
Volodia Rizak - Shaker (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 6:02, MP3 15.04 Mb
Voost - Drums (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:38, MP3 13.99 Mb
Vortex - Auto Erotica (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 127, 7:27, MP3 18.05 Mb
Vortex - Garuda (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 7:38, MP3 18.51 Mb
Vortex - Pressed (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 7:28, MP3 18.09 Mb
Vortex - Salt (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 5:27, MP3 13.25 Mb
Vortex - Shard (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 7:16, MP3 17.61 Mb
Vortex - The Fly (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 127, 6:34, MP3 15.94 Mb
WONGA, Sohowt - Enter The Rave (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 138, 5:28, MP3 13.40 Mb
Wally Lopez, German Brigante, Sarah Carter - Touch (German Brigante Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 5:38, MP3 13.60 Mb
Wally Lopez, German Brigante, Sarah Carter - Touch (German Brigante Instrumental) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 5:38, MP3 13.60 Mb
Wally Lopez, German Brigante, Sarah Carter - Touch (German Brigante Remix) / Key Ebm, BPM 123, 2:57, MP3 7.16 Mb
What Are People For? - criminals r snoozing (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 115, 4:48, MP3 11.82 Mb
Whirl, Engelbert - Petrichor (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 120, 5:28, MP3 13.22 Mb
Whirl, Pentia, Engelbert - ADSR (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 124, 6:20, MP3 15.29 Mb
Whirl, Pentia, Engelbert - ADSR (Those Shadows Remix) / Key Dbm, BPM 123, 5:58, MP3 14.42 Mb
Whitesquare - Ephemeral Eyes (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 6:54, MP3 16.67 Mb
Whitesquare - XPR (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 6:33, MP3 15.83 Mb
Will Møller - Unaffected (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 126, 3:05, MP3 7.60 Mb
Wlack - Claps (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 137, 5:40, MP3 13.87 Mb
Wlack - Loverdose (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 136, 5:36, MP3 13.73 Mb
Wlack - Perc Beep (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 137, 5:12, MP3 12.75 Mb
Wlack - Time (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 137, 5:43, MP3 14.01 Mb
WolmeR - Chrono Synthesis (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 132, 4:38, MP3 11.39 Mb
WolmeR - Nebula (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 133, 5:12, MP3 12.74 Mb
Womp-Life - Pegasus (Club Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 5:38, MP3 14.02 Mb
Womp-Life - Pegasus (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 125, 7:01, MP3 17.32 Mb
X-Statik - Rapture (Edit) / Key Em, BPM 134, 4:06, MP3 10.16 Mb
XAAV - Mind Connection (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 124, 5:14, MP3 12.98 Mb
XAAV - Take It Back (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 127, 5:02, MP3 12.45 Mb
XENEZE - I Can't Let You Go (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 105, 3:12, MP3 7.79 Mb
Xerxes-k, Isse Maraà - Bound to Break feat. Xerxes-K (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 7:08, MP3 17.35 Mb
Ximena, Ali X, Pvlomo - Pastillitas (Ali X Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:59, MP3 17.08 Mb
Ximena, Ali X, Pvlomo - Pastillitas (BadWolf Remix) / Key Em, BPM 120, 5:59, MP3 14.70 Mb
Ximena, Ali X, Pvlomo - Pastillitas (Phunkadelica Mitsubishi Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 5:36, MP3 13.79 Mb
Ximena, Ali X, Pvlomo - Pastillitas (Shorter Version) / Key Em, BPM 120, 6:43, MP3 16.44 Mb
Ximena, Ali X, Pvlomo - Pastillitas (TH3OS Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 132, 4:40, MP3 11.54 Mb
Xrolac - Inhuman (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 10:02, MP3 24.27 Mb
Xrolac - Xrolac (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 136, 7:11, MP3 17.43 Mb
YAAS - Where Have You Been (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 3:15, MP3 7.96 Mb
Yan Cook - Freak Show (Original Mix) / Key F#, BPM 128, 5:42, MP3 13.71 Mb
Yan Cook - Loophole (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 129, 6:20, MP3 15.26 Mb
Yan Cook - Quatro (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 129, 6:09, MP3 14.80 Mb
Yan Cook - Rose (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 6:35, MP3 15.83 Mb
Yanamaste - 8 Tone (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 145, 4:53, MP3 11.78 Mb
Yanamaste - All night (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 145, 5:20, MP3 12.84 Mb
Yanamaste - Dance (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:03, MP3 12.16 Mb
Yanamaste - Trojan (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 145, 5:00, MP3 12.05 Mb
Yannick Weineck - Mandelbrot (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 141, 5:00, MP3 12.14 Mb
YolcuBeats - Et si tu n'existais pas (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 95, 3:27, MP3 8.67 Mb
Yooniq - Come & Get It (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 3:58, MP3 9.71 Mb
You Man - Birdcage (Original Mix) / Key E, BPM 109, 5:39, MP3 14.06 Mb
You Man - Birdcage (Theus Mago Version) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 4:39, MP3 11.64 Mb
ZARROUKI.YFGD - Simple Mind (FREE DOWNLOAD) (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 7:37, MP3 18.70 Mb
ZUCC (BR) - I Like That (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:06, MP3 15.03 Mb
Zakari&Blange - Control Data (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 135, 6:38, MP3 16.30 Mb
Zappa, Henry Sour - Alien (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 3:18, MP3 8.04 Mb
Zerevo, AMRND - Hey Bitch (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 3:04, MP3 7.59 Mb
Zerevo, AMRND - Hey Bitch (Radio Edit) / Key Em, BPM 125, 2:18, MP3 5.75 Mb
Zoogy Bless - Que Ma (Extended) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 4:36, MP3 11.19 Mb
Zoogy Bless - Que Ma (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 3:14, MP3 7.91 Mb
shotobi - Impostor (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 126, 4:22, MP3 10.60 Mb
sloli - Trainer (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 143, 5:33, MP3 13.54 Mb
Émilie Rachel - Get Low (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 5:02, MP3 12.13 Mb
İsmail Uluçay - Blind (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 140, 2:51, MP3 7.01 Mb
Забавка і Дмитрик - Винокурня (Original Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 113, 1:32, MP3 4.01 Mb
Забавка і Дмитрик - Музика і матюки (Original Mix) / Key D, BPM 132, 1:12, MP3 3.19 Mb
Забавка і Дмитрик - Шимпанзе (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 86, 1:24, MP3 3.69 Mb

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submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:53 ramdytis3c Unposted Tracks - Part2 [Out 2024-05-17] [B2Simple Records]

Ground Work - Psico (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 127, 7:18, MP3 17.78 Mb
Ground Work - Silver Sand Man (Original Mix) / Key Ab, BPM 134, 6:56, MP3 16.73 Mb
Ground Work - Tranziente (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 100, 7:29, MP3 18.27 Mb
Grum - Higher State (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 4:07, MP3 9.97 Mb
Gunjack - ACID CITY (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 145, 6:14, MP3 15.21 Mb
Gunjack - ACIDF4K (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 146, 6:10, MP3 15.05 Mb
Gunjack - MDUB9 (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 142, 6:21, MP3 15.52 Mb
Gustavo Bassani - Additive Rhythm (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 135, 5:45, MP3 13.92 Mb
Gustavo Reinert - I Wanna (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 130, 4:56, MP3 12.17 Mb
Gustavo Reinert - Paqueta (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 6:00, MP3 14.73 Mb
Hackerbeatz - Find A Way (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 5:05, MP3 12.73 Mb
Hackerbeatz - Woke Up (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 4:40, MP3 11.76 Mb
Haley Maze, Thoré - Reflections (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 120, 3:22, MP3 8.34 Mb
KBeat - In This Moment (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 134, 5:21, MP3 13.04 Mb
KLBR - Hourglass (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 139, 6:00, MP3 14.64 Mb
KOII - Prisoner (Kanif The Jhatmaster Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 78, 3:36, MP3 9.26 Mb
KREZUS, ØNELY - reset (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 166, 1:50, MP3 4.61 Mb
Kai 5 - No Rules (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 137, 6:18, MP3 15.34 Mb
Kairos Grove, Lake Matisse - Fairytale (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 120, 2:18, MP3 5.92 Mb
Kalondoly - Focus (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 105, 3:01, MP3 7.45 Mb
Kana - Black Star (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 100, 4:12, MP3 10.16 Mb
Kana - Life (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 107, 5:00, MP3 12.10 Mb
Kana - Love Me (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 100, 5:53, MP3 14.23 Mb
Kana - Stereo Love (Original Mix) / Key E, BPM 110, 4:05, MP3 9.88 Mb
Kangding Ray - Four Intertwined Spirals (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 136, 6:12, MP3 15.20 Mb
Kangding Ray - Polar (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 6:24, MP3 15.68 Mb
Kareful, LOSTMANE, pale fortress - Sentinel (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 115, 2:20, MP3 5.79 Mb
Kareful, LOSTMANE, pale fortress - Sentinel (slowed) / Key F#m, BPM 101, 2:39, MP3 6.54 Mb
Kareful, LOSTMANE, pale fortress - Sentinel (sped up) / Key Bbm, BPM 126, 2:07, MP3 5.28 Mb
Karin, Drop The Cheese, DJJINA - BUM BUM BUM (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 3:38, MP3 9.06 Mb
Karin, Drop The Cheese, DJJINA - BUM BUM BUM (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 2:37, MP3 6.63 Mb
Kathy Brown, Bimbo Jones - Dance (The Future Collective Remix Extended) / Key Dbm, BPM 125, 4:21, MP3 10.70 Mb
Kathy Brown, Bimbo Jones - Dance (The Future Collective Remix) / Key Dbm, BPM 125, 2:39, MP3 6.63 Mb
Kaybee, Joey SLVR - Fallen Angels (Extended Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 5:48, MP3 14.05 Mb
Kaydell - Dia y Noche (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 2:41, MP3 6.57 Mb
KeTrab - Acid Domination. (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 150, 6:50, MP3 16.95 Mb
KeTrab - Arsonists ! (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 150, 7:02, MP3 17.46 Mb
KeTrab - Back to Acid (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 150, 6:50, MP3 16.95 Mb
Kemyo - Miks Am (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 137, 5:07, MP3 12.65 Mb
Ken Silver - Dreams (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 130, 3:21, MP3 8.18 Mb
Kev Wright - The Molecule (Beat Laundry Remix) / Key C, BPM 115, 5:43, MP3 13.83 Mb
Kev Wright - The Molecule (KPAXX Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 123, 6:42, MP3 16.17 Mb
Kev Wright - The Molecule (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 123, 6:54, MP3 16.66 Mb
Kevin Yost - I1 (Yost's Extended Rework) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 9:59, MP3 24.00 Mb
Kevin Yost - T2 (Card Remix Version) / Key Dm, BPM 122, 9:02, MP3 21.75 Mb
Kholiqov - Who You Are (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 105, 2:49, MP3 6.92 Mb
Kidd Evil - Pa Bajo (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 128, 4:04, MP3 10.05 Mb
Kidd Island - Takes Over (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 3:52, MP3 9.62 Mb
Kiesse - Lock Me Free (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 123, 5:18, MP3 13.04 Mb
Kikko Esse - 4Pm (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 125, 6:10, MP3 15.15 Mb
Kikko Esse - Deep Mind (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:43, MP3 16.46 Mb
Kikko Esse - Make It (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 123, 6:22, MP3 15.64 Mb
Kikko Esse - Take It Easy (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 125, 5:58, MP3 14.67 Mb
Kiko, Etienne De Crecy - Superdata (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 6:01, MP3 14.61 Mb
Kiming Dollo - Gorgon town (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 1:54, MP3 4.95 Mb
King G - Glory (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 116, 6:05, MP3 14.85 Mb
King G - Go On (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 115, 5:26, MP3 13.30 Mb
King G, X-Soul RSA - Teamwork feat. X-Soul RSA (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 116, 6:56, MP3 16.89 Mb
Kirill Dark - Hold Me (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 2:41, MP3 6.53 Mb
Kito Jempere - Love Myself But I Can't Make It Love (Album Version) / Key Abm, BPM 159, 1:58, MP3 5.04 Mb
Kito Jempere - Love Myself But I Can't Make It Love (School Band Version) / Key Abm, BPM 159, 1:32, MP3 4.00 Mb
Klaudia Gawlas - Dark Space (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 146, 6:12, MP3 14.99 Mb
KllangBunker - Rescurrection (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 6:00, MP3 14.44 Mb
KllangBunker - Trap (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 142, 5:28, MP3 13.17 Mb
Knox - Too Strong (Instrumental) / Key Em, BPM 124, 7:04, MP3 17.21 Mb
Knox - Too Strong (Original) / Key F#m, BPM 124, 7:04, MP3 17.21 Mb
Kora, Stang - Wasting Time (DCVCV Extended Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 128, 4:51, MP3 11.93 Mb
Korsakow - Here Comes the Sun (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 7:08, MP3 17.35 Mb
Korsakow - Soul Brother (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 121, 5:41, MP3 13.87 Mb
Krespo - Party (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 127, 5:19, MP3 12.93 Mb
Krespo - Power (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 124, 5:12, MP3 12.62 Mb
Kriss Bergasa - Dale Con Perreo (Extended Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 128, 5:18, MP3 12.88 Mb
Krizman Toni - Late Night (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 5:44, MP3 13.98 Mb
Kuss - Stay Like This (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 141, 4:38, MP3 11.38 Mb
L/F/D/M - Chalet (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 135, 4:02, MP3 9.91 Mb
L/F/D/M - China Town (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 139, 5:59, MP3 14.60 Mb
L/F/D/M - Push (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 4:57, MP3 12.12 Mb
L/F/D/M - Scaredy Cat (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 137, 5:29, MP3 13.41 Mb
LLLIT - Sampler Dub (Lamebot Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 3:55, MP3 10.02 Mb
LUĐØ - Planeta Morado (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 135, 6:01, MP3 14.71 Mb
Lad - Ron Ron (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 138, 6:25, MP3 15.75 Mb
Lamyadon - Bantayan (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 110, 4:27, MP3 10.97 Mb
Larry Ababio - Kinda Loving (Extended Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 6:02, MP3 14.66 Mb
Laureano Sánchez, Alex Lyng - Cerca Del Mar ft. Dani Barranco ((Canarias)) / Key Cm, BPM 140, 3:05, MP3 7.53 Mb
Laurent Simeca - Feel Good (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 4:57, MP3 12.00 Mb
Laurent Simeca - Feel Good (Radio-Edit) / Key Ebm, BPM 130, 2:55, MP3 7.13 Mb
Lausen - Acid Inhaler (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 133, 4:47, MP3 11.52 Mb
Lausen - Creeper (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 133, 5:28, MP3 13.17 Mb
Lausen - Dry Ray (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 127, 5:14, MP3 12.60 Mb
Lausen - Get In (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 5:59, MP3 14.40 Mb
Lausen - Orange (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 84, 4:59, MP3 11.98 Mb
Lausen - Silver & Black (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 134, 6:03, MP3 14.54 Mb
Lausen - Slot (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 137, 5:54, MP3 14.20 Mb
Lausen - Vaporized (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 132, 6:09, MP3 14.78 Mb
Leffingwell - Plastique (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 128, 5:38, MP3 13.82 Mb
Lefrenk - New Groove (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 136, 5:55, MP3 14.45 Mb
Lefrenk - Profundo (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 137, 5:28, MP3 13.34 Mb
Lefrenk - Swing (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 136, 4:53, MP3 11.94 Mb
Lefrenk - Tesis (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 136, 5:13, MP3 12.74 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (Arnau Ariza Extended Remix) / Key Am, BPM 129, 5:27, MP3 13.44 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (Arnau Ariza Remix) / Key F#m, BPM 129, 2:59, MP3 7.49 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (J.Moral Extended Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 4:19, MP3 10.71 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (J.Moral Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 3:24, MP3 8.52 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (Jaidek Extended Remix) / Key Bbm, BPM 125, 5:11, MP3 12.79 Mb
Lenn Wated - Pim Pam (Jaidek Remix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 3:04, MP3 7.72 Mb
Levii, Joseph Feinstein - Let You Go (Extended Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 122, 4:12, MP3 10.48 Mb
Levii, Joseph Feinstein - Let You Go (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 122, 3:14, MP3 8.15 Mb
Lewinsky, EIIVI - Move It (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 3:52, MP3 9.52 Mb
Lewinsky, EIIVI - Move It (Radio Edit) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 3:23, MP3 8.37 Mb
Linear System - Blue Magic (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 144, 5:53, MP3 14.27 Mb
Lisi & Bill - Haunted By Love (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 120, 6:45, MP3 16.52 Mb
Lisi & Bill - Never Enough (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 121, 5:50, MP3 14.35 Mb
Liu, Alex O'Clock - Bad Boys (Extended Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 128, 5:15, MP3 12.85 Mb
Liz Van Gretsch - Burn This City (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 95, 3:55, MP3 9.54 Mb
Lo Fi Jack - Grooves (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 86, 2:40, MP3 6.66 Mb
Locasena - Can't Stop (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 134, 5:37, MP3 13.59 Mb
Logo alloy, Zam T - What I Gota Do Boy (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 120, 6:02, MP3 14.60 Mb
Lois (fr) - Fire (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 129, 5:55, MP3 14.44 Mb
Loopover - Hant (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 140, 4:54, MP3 11.78 Mb
Lorenzo Chi - Under Deep (Original) / Key Fm, BPM 123, 4:49, MP3 11.79 Mb
Lorenzo Chi - Under Deep (WhoisBriantech House Of Bx Dub) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 7:12, MP3 17.51 Mb
Lorenzo Oppo - Schranz (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 82, 4:42, MP3 11.58 Mb
Lost In Bass - I'm Here (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 140, 5:30, MP3 13.45 Mb
Louis Millne - W.Y.G.D (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 6:45, MP3 16.56 Mb
Low Detail - shadowsintheforest (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 119, 1:38, MP3 4.74 Mb
Luca La Rocca, Ivision - Nobody Stranger (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 5:32, MP3 13.39 Mb
Luca Maniaci - Evanesco (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 140, 5:36, MP3 13.56 Mb
Luca May - Orizon (Trance Progressive) / Key Fm, BPM 138, 5:00, MP3 12.21 Mb
Lucalag - Night Shift (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:49, MP3 14.37 Mb
Lucalag - Northern Lights (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 5:49, MP3 14.37 Mb
Lucianno Villarreal - Lo fi pattern (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 123, 6:46, MP3 16.40 Mb
Ludwig Berger - leeching off the glow-work of organ rooms (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 3:13, MP3 7.84 Mb
Ludwig Berger - like aurochs who fraternized with syntax of the riverbed (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 148, 2:48, MP3 6.83 Mb
Luigi Di Buono - Las Mujeres (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 128, 4:45, MP3 11.72 Mb
Luis Baro - Sintilate (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 6:46, MP3 16.50 Mb
Luis Miranda - Awamba (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 139, 4:40, MP3 11.36 Mb
Luis Miranda - Sincopada (Bruce Zalcer Remix) / Key Am, BPM 140, 4:19, MP3 10.54 Mb
Luis Miranda - Sincopada (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 140, 5:39, MP3 13.75 Mb
Luis Miranda - Termination (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 138, 5:34, MP3 13.53 Mb
Lukas Stern - Check my Groove (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 148, 5:04, MP3 12.52 Mb
Lumonde - Feel Alive (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 142, 8:04, MP3 19.67 Mb
Lumonde - Forever United (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 142, 6:51, MP3 16.76 Mb
Lysergic - Reconexion (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 7:02, MP3 17.30 Mb
M Wagner - Marcy Av (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 4:42, MP3 11.58 Mb
M Wagner - Never Gone (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 132, 4:46, MP3 11.74 Mb
M Wagner - Rome Generator (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 96, 2:31, MP3 6.35 Mb
M!KE V - There For You (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 124, 3:00, MP3 7.55 Mb
M. Vaughan - Cold Read (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 106, 4:39, MP3 11.35 Mb
M87 - Dream (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 143, 5:53, MP3 14.26 Mb
MAINCREED - Falling. (Loved & Held) (Original Mix) / Key Db, BPM 135, 2:55, MP3 7.44 Mb
MAINCREED - Inner Peace. (Satisfied & Fulfillment) (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 130, 3:11, MP3 8.09 Mb
MAINCREED - Offline. (Thankful & Be Present) (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 3:25, MP3 8.66 Mb
MAINCREED - Summer. (Hope & Bright Future) (Original Mix) / Key F#, BPM 155, 3:36, MP3 9.10 Mb
MAINCREED - Toxic Habits. (Performance & Expectations) (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 132, 3:46, MP3 9.50 Mb
MAINCREED, YUILA - Hopeless. (Vulnerable & God) feat. YUILA (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 3:57, MP3 9.96 Mb
MARK HAMILTON - Acid on My Drinks (Ademir Remix) / Key Em, BPM 138, 10:16, MP3 25.07 Mb
MARK HAMILTON - Acid on My Drinks (DJ Deep Noise Remix) / Key Bm, BPM 138, 5:48, MP3 14.36 Mb
MARK HAMILTON - Acid on My Drinks (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 150, 3:44, MP3 9.41 Mb
MORVN, Jimmy Moon, Alure - Got No Love (Extended Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 126, 3:03, MP3 7.66 Mb
MVCA, Avi Snow, maybealice - Open Waters (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 120, 2:52, MP3 7.22 Mb
Maf3sto Musique - Umber (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 113, 8:17, MP3 20.34 Mb
Mahe Schulz, Hombres Buenos Hacen Deep - Salvation (Edit Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 126, 2:06, MP3 5.39 Mb
Mahe Schulz, The Watermelon Summer Crew - Sunshine People (Edit Mix) / Key Em, BPM 122, 2:09, MP3 5.54 Mb
Mairos, DJ FISH (Official) - Detroit Memory (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 5:57, MP3 14.45 Mb
Majed Salih - Morssk (Original Mix) / Key F, BPM 119, 5:42, MP3 13.70 Mb
Malyne, Lewii, Luminatix - Nothing Left (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 142, 5:05, MP3 12.43 Mb
Mandabrat - Angels Cry Too (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 120, 5:28, MP3 13.27 Mb
Manu Soto - Somalie (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:35, MP3 16.01 Mb
Mao Al - Deconstruction (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 140, 5:48, MP3 14.19 Mb
Marc Brauner - Margarita (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 6:15, MP3 15.03 Mb
Marcello Perri - Drug Addict (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 129, 7:27, MP3 18.42 Mb
Marco Bailey - Full Steam (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 131, 5:10, MP3 12.65 Mb
Marco Herzing - Gallus (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 139, 5:32, MP3 13.60 Mb
Marco Herzing - Prince Chelios (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 136, 6:07, MP3 15.02 Mb
Marco Wellisch - Bammbule (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 127, 8:08, MP3 19.74 Mb
Marco Wellisch - Down to His Knees (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 7:35, MP3 18.44 Mb
Marco Wellisch - Fine Tune (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 124, 6:31, MP3 15.88 Mb
Marco Wellisch - StundenTräumer (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 120, 8:56, MP3 21.68 Mb
Marcus Code - I Feel The Sunlight (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 126, 6:08, MP3 14.98 Mb
Marcus Soulbynight - Deep Faith (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:56, MP3 14.35 Mb
Mareke - I Waked for Love (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 128, 5:16, MP3 13.00 Mb
Mariline - Tu Cuerpo (Extended Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.38 Mb
Mariline - Tu Cuerpo (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 125, 2:23, MP3 6.03 Mb
Marina George - BPD (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 140, 8:58, MP3 21.66 Mb
Mario Conte - Naikeland (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 120, 7:32, MP3 18.18 Mb
Mario Conte, Fabio Spzz - Cubalibre (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 125, 8:19, MP3 20.06 Mb
Mario Tapon - Body Grooving (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 6:16, MP3 15.32 Mb
Mario Tapon - Keep Moving (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 124, 6:12, MP3 15.16 Mb
Mark Dekoda, Droplex - Seductive (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 136, 5:39, MP3 13.72 Mb
Mark Pharrow - Boogity Bump (Extended Mix) / Key Em, BPM 126, 3:59, MP3 9.72 Mb
Mark Pharrow - Boogity Bump (Radio Edit) / Key Em, BPM 126, 2:59, MP3 7.34 Mb
Marlldexx - Voodoo Drums (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 126, 5:24, MP3 13.19 Mb
Martin Ikin - Hustlin' (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 129, 4:49, MP3 11.66 Mb
Martin Yorston - Crazy (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 6:22, MP3 15.57 Mb
Martin and Morales - Wet (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 128, 7:38, MP3 18.60 Mb
Marzziano - MUSIC IS THE KEY (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 128, 6:06, MP3 15.07 Mb
Massa - Inner Depths (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 169, 6:33, MP3 16.01 Mb
Massa - Miracle Worker (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:48, MP3 16.62 Mb
Massa - The Seed (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 127, 6:12, MP3 15.18 Mb
Mastik Groove - Eternal (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 135, 5:49, MP3 14.11 Mb
Morris DJ, Ferreck Dam - Impetus feat. Morris DJ (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 128, 4:04, MP3 9.80 Mb
Morris DJ, Ferreck Dam - Impulsive Techno feat. Morris DJ (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 127, 5:23, MP3 12.98 Mb
Morris DJ, Ferreck Dam - Metamorhic feat. Morris DJ (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 127, 5:46, MP3 13.90 Mb
Moses (IN) - Made To Rave (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 145, 5:01, MP3 12.07 Mb
Mosfamous - Feeling B (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 132, 6:35, MP3 15.97 Mb
Mosfamous - Galactica (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 128, 7:36, MP3 18.42 Mb
Mossed - Side A (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 138, 5:43, MP3 14.09 Mb
Mossed - Side B (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 137, 5:44, MP3 14.13 Mb
Mossed - Side C (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 136, 6:20, MP3 15.56 Mb
Mossed - Side D (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 141, 6:23, MP3 15.70 Mb
Mossed - Side E (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 137, 6:07, MP3 15.08 Mb
Mossed - Side F (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 140, 5:34, MP3 13.75 Mb
Mr. Nunez - Morena (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 6:07, MP3 14.87 Mb
Mr. Nunez - The Warning (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 126, 6:06, MP3 15.14 Mb
Mr. Nunez - Toma (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 130, 5:55, MP3 14.72 Mb
MusicbyAden - Yore (Original Mix) / Key B, BPM 120, 3:44, MP3 9.20 Mb
NERGY - Move Your Feet (Extended Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 3:37, MP3 9.13 Mb
NMN - Haptico (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 138, 5:49, MP3 14.22 Mb
NMN - Haptico (The Fabric Of Reality Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 135, 5:22, MP3 13.13 Mb
NMN - Ocularcentrismo (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 134, 6:00, MP3 14.65 Mb
NMN - Retina (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 133, 6:05, MP3 14.85 Mb
Nachtwaker - Selfhelp (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 128, 6:11, MP3 14.98 Mb
Naems, Koriz - Inside Your Mind (Extended Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 2:47, MP3 7.51 Mb
Nalestar, Agezzi, Nick Palm - Old Friends (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 122, 3:03, MP3 7.44 Mb
Namhar - A Moment Of Chaos (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 145, 5:45, MP3 13.82 Mb
Napsoul - Nobody Knows (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 115, 6:09, MP3 14.92 Mb
Nastro - Hit The Club (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 136, 6:07, MP3 14.78 Mb
Nastro - On Fire (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 137, 5:29, MP3 13.27 Mb
Natalie Greffel, musclecars - Ha Ya! (Eternal Life) (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 116, 7:40, MP3 18.69 Mb
Nathan Barato, Gettoblaster - The Move (feat. Tony Duke) (Original Mix) / Key F, BPM 129, 5:31, MP3 13.44 Mb
Nausica, Danny Rhys, Gloria IT - La Flaca feat. Gloria IT (Extended Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 5:18, MP3 13.17 Mb
Nautica, LVGA - See Me Fly (Club Mix) / Key Am, BPM 125, 3:55, MP3 10.02 Mb
Ned Bennett - Big Band Accelerator (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 144, 5:29, MP3 13.40 Mb
Neil Landstrumm - Hybrd (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 138, 6:07, MP3 14.73 Mb
Neil Landstrumm - Techno For Tash (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 134, 5:49, MP3 14.01 Mb
Nem - What You Believe (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 126, 3:49, MP3 9.23 Mb
Netty Hugo - Avon (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 141, 5:18, MP3 13.05 Mb
Netty Hugo - Dont Ever (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 136, 5:43, MP3 14.03 Mb
Netty Hugo - Nova (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 145, 5:23, MP3 13.23 Mb
Netty Hugo - Or4l (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 151, 4:51, MP3 11.95 Mb
Neuron, Davvi - No Rules feat. Davvi (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 97, 3:25, MP3 8.58 Mb
Newlexim - Too Good to Be True (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 115, 6:15, MP3 15.11 Mb
Newlexim, Sambo Sq - Soul Deep feat. Sambo Sq (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 114, 5:45, MP3 13.94 Mb
Niall Kelly - Guataqai (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 143, 5:57, MP3 14.57 Mb
Nick Dare - Don't U Want It (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 123, 6:51, MP3 16.81 Mb
Nick Dare - Keep Me Right (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 123, 5:50, MP3 14.38 Mb
Nick Harvey - Work (Extended Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 127, 6:39, MP3 16.16 Mb
Nick Hook, Mizaru, Quentin Hartz - Reach (Martin Sharp Remix) / Key Gm, BPM 125, 6:43, MP3 16.37 Mb
Nico Crespo, MRVLZ - All Around Me (Extended Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 6:11, MP3 15.21 Mb
Nico Crespo, MRVLZ - All Around Me (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 126, 4:40, MP3 11.57 Mb
Niereich, Shadym - Fermi Paradoxon (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 130, 6:02, MP3 15.04 Mb
Nifiant - Loneliness (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 115, 2:37, MP3 6.58 Mb
Niklas Wandt - Gottesfuß (Original Mix) / Key A, BPM 98, 5:25, MP3 13.26 Mb
Niklas Wandt - Wandt Uncorked (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 133, 6:48, MP3 16.59 Mb
Nilbog, Julia Okulewicz - Kregoslup (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 120, 5:44, MP3 14.34 Mb
Nilbog, Julia Okulewicz - Scesja (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 134, 7:47, MP3 19.26 Mb
Nino Tores, Tal Tobi - Different (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 122, 5:27, MP3 13.44 Mb
Nino Tores, Tal Tobi - Minako (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 122, 5:20, MP3 13.18 Mb
Nino Tores, Tal Tobi - Strange (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 4:39, MP3 11.53 Mb
Niteplan - UNDR-GRND (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 127, 6:03, MP3 15.09 Mb
Nkanyezi Kubheka, Golden DJz, Uncle Zee - MSOLOMBA (Original Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 113, 5:29, MP3 13.39 Mb
Nowakowski, Alex Denver - Call me (Original Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 120, 3:36, MP3 8.85 Mb
Noël Patrianelli - Shake It (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 128, 4:30, MP3 10.88 Mb
Nuhn - Archangel (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 145, 7:12, MP3 17.40 Mb
Nuhn - Better Than Knowledge (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 140, 4:54, MP3 11.94 Mb
Nuhn - Diablo (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 135, 7:24, MP3 17.90 Mb
Nuhn - El Amanecer (Original Mix) / Key Ebm, BPM 140, 5:57, MP3 14.44 Mb
Nuhn - Orphax (Original Mix) / Key F#m, BPM 160, 6:54, MP3 16.74 Mb
Numa Gomez - Tra Tra (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 125, 5:57, MP3 14.41 Mb
Oakstream - Sweet Bubbles (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 118, 4:57, MP3 12.17 Mb
Octavio - Burned Device (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 135, 5:49, MP3 14.11 Mb
Octavio - Doomsday (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 136, 5:46, MP3 13.99 Mb
Octavio - From Within (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 136, 5:46, MP3 14.01 Mb
Oi - Interstellar (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 4:37, MP3 11.45 Mb
Oi - Neptune (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 125, 5:30, MP3 13.60 Mb
Oi - Orion (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 125, 4:52, MP3 12.08 Mb
Oi - Sirius (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 125, 4:33, MP3 11.29 Mb
Oldboy, Odyssette - Risk It All (Original Mix) / Key C, BPM 120, 3:23, MP3 8.47 Mb
Oliver Deutschmann - Dogma (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 128, 6:25, MP3 15.74 Mb
Oliver Gil - Baby Again (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 126, 5:11, MP3 12.74 Mb
Oliver Gil - Baby Again (Radio Edit) / Key Am, BPM 126, 3:07, MP3 7.81 Mb
Oliver Rosa, Papi Mikey Dinero, Bruut 99 - Immigrana (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 129, 5:59, MP3 14.47 Mb
Oliver Wickham - Heart and Mind (Extended Mix) / Key Eb, BPM 122, 5:04, MP3 12.35 Mb
Oliver Wickham - Let's Go Back (Extended Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 124, 7:16, MP3 17.61 Mb
Ollie S. - Luminous (Original Mix) / Key Dbm, BPM 126, 7:11, MP3 17.29 Mb
Ollie S. - Stanton (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 127, 6:39, MP3 16.03 Mb
Ollie S. - Stanton (Steve Kelley Remix) / Key Dm, BPM 126, 5:51, MP3 14.08 Mb
Ollto Jade - Aesthetics VS Mechanics (Original Mix) / Key Dm, BPM 124, 5:43, MP3 14.07 Mb
Ollto Jade - Lambda X 3 (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:15, MP3 12.95 Mb
Olly James - Inside Your Mind (Extened Mix) / Key Abm, BPM 142, 3:28, MP3 9.07 Mb
Omega Drive - Let's Twist It (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 140, 7:33, MP3 18.38 Mb
Omega Drive - Love Me (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 132, 6:27, MP3 15.77 Mb
Omega Drive - You Want What (Original Mix) / Key Bm, BPM 143, 6:50, MP3 16.67 Mb
OneSeas - Room of Fearless (Original Mix) / Key Cm, BPM 126, 5:20, MP3 13.08 Mb
OneSeas - Skygrid 2 (Original Mix) / Key Bbm, BPM 129, 4:45, MP3 11.69 Mb
ki ya tori - yume (Original Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 132, 7:22, MP3 18.00 Mb
madugo, loumé - By Your Side (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 110, 2:16, MP3 5.80 Mb
musclecars - Running Out Of Time (Original Mix) / Key Am, BPM 122, 7:19, MP3 17.84 Mb
musclecars - There's Space For Us All (Original Mix) / Key Fm, BPM 124, 9:53, MP3 23.99 Mb
musclecars, Kamaal - Tonight (Original Mix) / Key Em, BPM 124, 5:56, MP3 14.52 Mb

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submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:24 missuspeanutbrittle Finished this baby blanket with a few weeks to spare, will be gifted soon.

Finished this baby blanket with a few weeks to spare, will be gifted soon.
One of my favorite humans is having another baby in a few weeks. I worked fast to get it completed in time, overall I’m happy with how it turned out. I made my first ever quilt for her first baby and it lead to a love of quilting. I was so excited to get to make a blanket for her second.
submitted by missuspeanutbrittle to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:16 Radiant_Security_173 What I take from Shera as a happily married woman

I discovered Shera's videos quite a few years ago, and loved her humour as well as her message to level up. I started noting down all her little gems. They give me motivation, and a giggle too. I am older, in my fifties, and have been happily married for over 15 years, so I don't need her dating, sugaring, or 'get the bag' advice, but I do love her level up advice. I saw another lady share her notes, so I wanted to as well. There are tons, I've realised! I hope you enjoy them!

How do you become the prize?

If you don’t start as the prize, then you aren’t the prize. If you don’t know if your mind that you are already the prize then you can never be the prize.


How to be more feminine so I can be spoiled more?

It’s a lifestyle. You have to act, fake it until you make it, and create a lifestyle. The days that you don’t feel very feminine are the days that you have to use more of your masculine energy.

Remember to always have a space to come back to that is feminine, and recharge yourself with feminine energy. Create a more feminine environment, wear more feminine clothes, listen to music that is going to help your femininity instead of diminishing it.

Keep things that you like to do feminine and do feminine things. Going shopping, getting your nails or hair done, buying shoes, picking out décor for our rooms, decorating tables, going on picnics, watching girly movies.

Recharge yourself by doing some of those things. You need to be able to recharge your femininity at least once or twice a week.


Live the type of life you want already. It may not be on the scale that you want to live it at, but it needs to be a version of it. For example, if you want to live a soft, feminine life make sure your current life reflects that: your current environment, the current way you dress, the current way you walk, talk and act.

The more you receive, the better treatment you receive, if you can get a provider who can let you live a more feminine life, a softer life, then it's just going to get better and better.

But already live the life you want to live, that way they can only improve you and they see how you treat yourself and see what you like and that’s what they are going to be giving you. Your goals will be met just by dating.


What are some ways to keep him interested in he provides well?

Look good
Make sure you know what his interest are
Talk to him
Make sure he feels like he is the man
Look good when you are out with him
Make sure you are pretty and heads turn ‘ooh who’s he with’
His self-esteem will skyrocket when you go out with him if you look good and he’s not going to want to leave that


Men like women to switch it up as long as it’s classy.


Flower attract bees to them by their bright colours and they smell good. Attract men to you:

· Wear bright pretty colours
· Smell good
· Look fresh, dewy and youthful
· Look attractive

Look like the prize. Look like his fantasy. Look through his eyes: what would he like to see?

It’s not that complicated. Bring it back down to simplicity? What do men like?

Long hair
Red lipstick
Baby voice
Feminine colours
Make them feel good
Give them compliments
Let them talk
Don’t talk about your boring stuff – they don’t care

Use the formula to get success with men.


If you want to dress casual in jeans and a cute top, still wear heels, hair, full makeup. If you’re going to wear jeans, you’re going to need to wear heels.

Also think about this: what sort of man are you attracting. If you wear jeans when you meet you’re going to get taken to a jeans date. Dress for the life you want.


When we had a fight I cut my hair short & bangs & went shopping. He was so glad he said “you look like a different person!” The fight was forgotten & he treated me new again & took me shopping again.


"Life is fun! (...) life is a movie, life is a stage. Get into character... "


Men don’t care about anything else but what you look like and how you make them feel.


If you’ve let yourself go, level yourself up to the point that their jaw will drop when they see you.


The only limitations are the ones you believe in.


What do rich men’s wives all have in common besides being pretty?

They’re feminine
They’re classy
They’re not loud and obnoxious
They don’t outshine their husband
They hold back and keep it together in public
They are well proportioned

Shera had a friend who was a little rachet, and she ended up marrying wealthy. She had to totally change everything about herself:

The way she dressed
The way she wore her hair
The way she spoke
The kind of shoes she wore
Her makeup
She had to change it all
How she acted around people
How she spoke to men
She had to change everything
It’s not that she changed who she was inside or her personality
It’s that she changed who she was around men
There’s a difference


Your stock should go up after you get married, not down. If your stock is not rising after marriage you’re doing it backwards. That means still investing into yourself, your beauty, your clothing, into your stash (money, wealth and investments). If you got married and your stock plummeted, that’s your fault.


Loving yourself means putting yourself first as a priority. Knowing your worth and value and not taking any crap from anybody because you value yourself, you love yourself. That’s all loving yourself means. And not talking down about yourself. And knowing that you deserve what you want in life.

Once you do that other people will as well – men, co- workers, your boss, parents, spouse, brother, sister, cousin, whoever. Whoever is in your life at the moment will recognise that you love yourself and that you don’t have to submit to them or that you’re not desperate for their approval. In fact they may start to be desperate for your approval. So make sure you’re putting yourself first.

Don’t be always talking about the other person and what they want or what they think. Don’t care who they are. Don’t care about other people or their spouse or the person they’re interested in. It’s not about them, it’s about you. If they can’t recognise you and they don’t like you, then you are wasting time.

If you have to sit there and be puzzled about why someone is not responding properly or why they’re not doing this or that, it means they don’t like you so just move on and stop trying to waste time worrying about it. You already know that in the back of your mind; you’re just hoping for a different outcome that there won’t be.

Make sure that when you realise you are putting other people before yourself as a priority then you’re not going to get the type of man or people attracted to you that you need. When you can get somebody in the click of a finger and they’re not used to that it means you are valuable and that they are not necessary. They are very unnecessary and therefore they feel like you have even more value because you don’t need them. You don’t need them, they need you. That’s why they seek you out. That’s why they call you, that’s why they ask you out.

Make sure you’re not getting caught up in silliness. If they’re not putting you first, you’re gone. Or you put them on ice; that means you let them figure it out and when they start acting right again then you allow them back into your life. If you’re chasing behind someone, if you’re worrying about someone who ghosts you then you’re not putting yourself first.

And that means you don’t love yourself. A lot of people were taught to act a certain way – not cocky etc – if you don’t, all people see you as is a doormat. You can let down your guards later when they are fully invested in you and aren’t going anywhere, but until that happens they are there to impress you.


How do you fall in love with yourself when you aren’t happy with yourself?

Become happy with yourself:

· Do things that make you happy
· Look the way you need to look
· Continue to do this every day until you are happy

Only you can make you happy


Don’t go out there lookin’ like Plain Jane. Plain Jane gets passed by with the eye.


The key is confidence. You can learn all you want, if you don’t have confidence you can’t pull it off. The key is confidence, knowing your value, and not listening to no dusties. That’s the key, that’s the masterclass right there – be confident.

Be main character energy. Stop caring what people think. Have a goal of what you want and go for it and don’t stop until you get it. Speak positive about yourself and stop dealing with dusties. That’s just it. You do all those things and you’re going to have something. You’re going to get what you’re looking for. That’s it.


It’s not what you look like – it’s how you make them feel.

Are you going to make them feel young again?
Are you going to make life exciting for them?
Do they enjoy being with you?
Do they like being seen out in public with you?


Shera, on when you talk about all your feelings and prior history:

“You’re being an informant on yourself. You’re telling on yourself. You’re giving out all your secrets and revealing everything. So that’s definitely not feminine energy, because feminine energy is naturally dark. You know, it’s water, it’s the cosmos, it’s that. So when you’re revealing everything, when nothing is unknown and everything is known, now you’re masculine. Because that’s light- everything is known. So the more you say, the more you tell, the more you open up, the more masculine you become in that energy, and the less mystery and femininity and feminine allure you have, because now you’re an open book. And they have all the clues to how the story ends and how to manipulate the character.”


“Feminine energy is naturally dark, is water, is the cosmos, is that. So, when you are revealing everything, nothing is unknown and everything is known, now you’re more masculine, because that is light, everything is known.

So the more you say, the more you tell, the more you open up, the more masculine you become in that energy, and the less mystery and femininity and feminine allure you have because now you are an open book, you’re predictable.

And they have all the clues to how the story ends and how to manipulate the character.”


Get them to worry about you, while you worry about you.


How do you find your purpose? You create it.


Leveling up is actually a lot of fun when you are present and mindful about it it’s probably be the best gift you could ever give yourself as a woman.


Stop caring what other people think and live the life you want to live. If you don’t like kissing people’s butts, don’t kiss their butt.


A lot of women don’t realise that if you just get into your feminine, and you stick with your standards, you can get what you ask for.


How to become detached and unbothered?

Stop caring. When you care too much, that’s when you can’t detach and be unbothered. Stop caring, become ‘take it or leave it’. That’s your attitude. You will be fine with it or without it.



Three years ago I was getting yelled at a public train station (which we had to take because neither of us had a car) by my dusty disgusting ex. I lived in a cheap apartment with four unsavory roomates and their boyfriends. Now I live in a luxury high rise with a conceirge and valet. All I did today was get a facial, sit by the pool and shop. I don’t have to worry about a SINGLE THING and every man in my life treats me like a queen. I’m truly breaking generational curses; my dad left my mom with four kids alone while she worked at Denny’s waitressing overnight. If it weren’t for Shera’s wisdom I don’t know where I would be today but I just give thanks every day that I saw the light. This is my one and only life so why shouldn’t I be living peacefully and bougie.

It’s crazy how fast life can chance when you realize your worth and act on it. Keep on inching further and further; the more luxurious things you do the more the rest of your life catches up. It literally started with me going to the expensive nail salon instead of the cheap one. Then I felt like I deserved more. I moved into a nicer apartment that was out of my budget at first, then a nicer car, then I started buying designer bags and now I live in an ultra-luxurious place. Small steps and the rest of your life will catch up in time. Of course look your best every day and be healthy. And do not give a second of your time to anyone who does not treat you with respect, remember if they’re not adding to your life they are taking away.

The universe somehow just opened up and rains abundance on me. The more you surround yourself with the vibrations of prosperity the more it will be drawn to you. Ella Ringrose on YouTube helped me a lot to draw in money.



Shera ever since I started watching you I have levelled up my life completely. I lost 50 pounds and changed my whole look to be more feminine. My husband was so motivated he started making more money and bought me a home and my dream car. He does everything I want now and he feels proud to bring me home his paycheck. I no longer work and just workout every day and focus on my children. A lot of my family members don’t understand this life but I am very happy and comfortable.


If you give yourself away too easily, your value is low.


10 Important Habits of a Gold Digger

1)high standards
2)high self-esteem
6)be unapologetic
8)business plan
9) knowledge/value of money
10)stay unbothered


‘Busy patterns that aren’t classy make you look older’. You can show how classy your clothing is by the cut, colour and pattern, not the brand or designer.

Look to magazines for style inspiration:

O magazine = for older women
Instyle = more youthful


Men need respect, they don’t want your love.


Wealthy men like women who are thin, feminine, and classy, or classy/sexy.


Classic = classy. Dress in a way that you wouldn’t look crazy in a photo in 20 years time.


‘We’re not trying to fit in, we’re trying to stand out.’


Looking beautiful, adore your blouse and that classy backdrop. I have earrings very similar. I have to go out now, I’m over 60 and always look stylish heading out the door . Make up and a cute dress today. You never know who is at the coffee shop 😊


Be cute, be feminine, don’t talk so much. Let him do the hard work.


‘You’re not his momma stop acting like it’ video
Women will turn into their man's mother without realizing it! Then he will run.

A lot of times when a woman has been in a relationship for a long time or is married, they start acting like a mother to the man without even realising it. To avoid that, do these things:
· Totally change everything – change how you dress, put more makeup on, wear heels.
· Act ten years younger.
· Don’t be concerned about the things you used to be concerned about.
· Let everything be free and fly.
· If you once worried about dishes in the sink don’t worry about it anymore.
· Change it up.
· If he realises that you stop caring and you just put all that extra energy that you were nagging and trying to organise and keep stuff right or that you were frustrated about – if you took all that extra energy and put it back into yourself – and you stopped worrying about the house and the domestic issues and him doing this, this and that. He’s going to think, ‘Well dang, everything is out of order, now she’s dressing like this and putting on makeup and looking this way, and the dishes aren’t clean anymore, or she’s not nagging me about picking up my clothes and the room is a mess’, then either he’ll get up and do it or he’ll start turning into your father.
· You mirror what they do and they’re gonna start seeing what you are doing by you have to act that way with them.
· You stop cleaning dishes, you start leaving your stuff on the floor.
· You start dressing cute, and say you’re going out.
· You forget to do stuff, or you stop helping out because you don’t want to damage your nails or the Real Housewives is on.
· Start doing the same thing to him – he watches sport, you say, ‘Oh Housewives is on, I wanna watch it. I don’t wanna watch it later.’
· You don’t do any of this like it’s revenge, just like you joined him in not being responsible, or joined him with more relaxed rules.
· He might like it. He might be like ‘you’re so laid back, you look happy today’.
· Then he might start cleaning up more because it’s not an order.
· But as long as you’re happy and not nagging him, he’s going to do it voluntarily.


How you act and how you make him feel will give you more power to get what you want.

· Look good
· Be more feminine
· Speak softly
· Smile
· Laugh at whatever he is saying and make him feel good about who he is
· Let him talk more than you
· Feed his ego
· Act vulnerable and he will want to do things for you, will want to please and impress you

(I added:
· Ladylike, dainty, girlish, delicate, compassionate, considerate, sympathetic, tolerant, warm-hearted, gracious
· Calm, refined and tasteful
· Agreeable, friendly, good-natured,
· Kind, moral, pleasant, delightful)

That’s how you get what you want.

Our power is in our femininity, not in our masculinity, not in being in competition with a man, but making them weak because we are giving them exactly what no-one else does and so they’re not used to it and they yield to it and want more of it and they’re going to do what you want.

Being feminine is the key to getting what you want. There is no magic formula; it’s just ‘being feminine’. Work on that and you will get what you want. Work on your baby voice. Work on asking men for things and help, feeling vulnerable around them and stroking their ego and you can pretty much get what you want, especially if you choose the right target. Don’t go up and choose someone who has a thousand options, go up and choose someone who feels lucky to be with you and who will act accordingly.


Men don’t like jealous women. You look insecure if you show jealousy. If you feel jealous, act like you don’t care – laugh it off.


Men don’t like to be told what to do or have someone running their life. They don’t need you to offer them suggestions – this will just make them feel like a child, emasculated and they will rebel.


Have a hobby and have a life.
Have your own life.
Make yourself number one.

Make sure he likes you more than you like him. If he really likes you he is going to chase you and not let you go, and you don’t even have to do anything to make this happen.


I am not a people pleaser. I live for myself not others. And that’s how you have to be to be unbothered. Be unbothered always and you will live your best life.


I live in a fantasy world every day. That’s why I can create the world that I want.


A dream woman is motivation for a man in every way. If you no longer motivate him, you are no longer his dream woman.


A good actress will melt into her role.


Instead of waiting and having regret later, make the decision now to do what’s best for you, not what’s best for the outside world and what they think. Do what’s best for you in the long run, not what’s best for you right now in this one moment which will pass. Think ahead. Right now is gone. As soon as you think about it, it’s gone.


To be a dream woman and to be worshipped by the man you are with, you have to stay focused on you. Don’t be about him. A man’s dream woman does not mean she is all over him. She has a life. Keep a healthy distance instead of being extra clingy. That way you stay on his level. Make sure you appeal to his friends (in a classy way) too. He will see that others appreciate you and know that he has the prize.


“Put outfits together in your mind when negative people are talking.”


How to be unbothered?


‘Fake it till you make it. That’s what happened with me I started to pretend that it didn’t bother me. Now I’m literally so unbothered and focused on myself.’

‘When you are showing that you’re upset or bothered, you are giving them power to know they affected you. I love everyone but I do not argue. I have trained myself not to get emotional even at my husband or family. Being this way also makes you more respected, it’s part of your charisma.’

‘Being unbothered is a choice.’



If you're over 35 the best ways to look young is to drink a gallon of water a's good for wrinkles..and helps your makeup glide on like butter.

Eat less and eat as much green as you can (Kale, Broccoli, Spinach) so you can be as slim as possible so that you feel good in your clothes....

Work out to increase your confidence...

Dress your age....nothing worse than a woman who dresses out of her age range...makes you look like you're trying too hard...


Build confidence by not accepting that you have low self-esteem. Every day improve yourself so your self-esteem gets higher and higher. Don’t wallow in it, don’t accept it. Every day tell yourself what you want:

I look good
I feel good
I’m great

Tell yourself that. Give other people compliments, and they will give you compliments. Before you know it, you’ll have high self-esteem. You have to work on it, it doesn’t come automatically. It took a long time to tear down your self-esteem, and it takes a moment to pull it back up.

Just work on it, keep moving forward. Don’t let anyone put you down again.


How to keep your husband interested

· Less communication
· Less giving of information
· Spend more time apart
· Don’t get so close that he is going to want to back up
· You have to get close then back up, get close then back up again
· Look your best at all times
· Don’t smother people and they won’t try to escape you
· Have a life
· Have things to do
· Have a to-do list that does not require that person

Go out and do things. He will appreciate you more when you get back. He will wonder what you’ve been doing. He will anticipate your return.

Don’t let him conquer you. When men have conquered a woman, they will move on. If he doesn’t feel like he can ever conquer you, he will try harder. Never let him feel like he totally has you.


Masculine people (men or women) tend to run to the rescue of others.


Shera, on uplevelling your looks and being your best every time you step out the front door: Don’t let life pass you by. Life is short. Life is very short.

Comment on Shera’s video: My mom went through a season where she dressed up and it just made our whole family and home come alive. I remember when my mom walked into the living room all fixed up and my little cousin's eyes just lit up. He said be careful don't touch her lol. He literally went from seeing her as a plain ol’ aunt to a princess. He was so young, but he couldn't fake it; that was his instincts.

· It’s not about looking young, it’s about looking good.
· If you miss an opportunity to be levelling up, you are only cheating yourself.
· Stay ready.
· Every day do something to improve yourself - hair, exercise, mindset, self-esteem
· Enjoy getting ready – be creative
· If you’re wearing makeup, go bold. Men want to see the makeup.
· Men like it when you look your best. When you’re out in public, people are judging a man’s status by the type of wife he has, how she looks. You add status to any man that you are with.
· If you are attractive, you will have a lot of friends inviting you out. They will use you to attract attention because you look good. They are going to gravitate towards you and associate you with success. Your appearance will get you further than almost anything else.


When you’re trying to lure a man in, dress for that man. Men do pay attention to what you look like.

Broke men pay attention to your silhouette. They look at your body because they just want to have sex with you.

Men with money pay attention to what you wear: your clothes, your shoes, your jewellery, your shoes, your hair, everything. Are you appropriate? If he wants to take it to the next level and take you out and get to know you, start a relationship, introduce you to his friends, he isn’t just looking at your body.


The better you look, the more successful he looks.


Men are visual creatures. Everything men do is based on that they see. How they treat you is based on what they see.

If you go without makeup, hair not done, and dressed badly, you won’t get the same treatment even by the people who see you every day. When you look good, the people around you have a little bit more respect for you. They see you looking pulled together and to see you any other way is foreign to them.

When you are levelled up, keep this in mind, don’t backslide. When a man meets you looking good, he wants to see you like that for your entire marriage. He doesn’t want you to let yourself go.

Try hard to keep yourself up during your marriage; how you looked when you met him is how he wants to see you forever more.

Men are very visual creatures, so when they see us looking bad, it upsets them. It literally makes them clench inside a little bit because they are so affected by the visual.

You are like a Christmas tree or a beautiful ornament. It’s a pleasure to look at you and they’ll want to be around you just for that.

People may treat you badly because you didn’t keep up your looks - a man could be speaking to another woman or ignoring you.


“Just act and dress like a feminine lady. You’re making them feel younger by being in their presence. Watch 1950s Hollywood movie stars to watch how those ladies acted.”

Never help a man level up as they will always put you in a maternal role and look at you as a mother figure.

How to change your mindset:
1. Tell yourself that you are no longer allowing people to make you feel bad about something – that’s your choice.
2. Decide that you want to be better, and each day take action towards being better. Your self-esteem will rise from this.
3. Surround yourself with like-minded people so you can influence and help each other.


People who talk less are generally more well respected.


“Look for the positive in every negative comment or situation, and you will find it every time.

Whatever your weakness is, make it your strength, to fuel you to the next level. That’s how you really level up from inside. Face your weakness head on. If someone calls you fat, flaunt it. Say, ‘So what? Yes, I eat, I haven’t seen a rib in many decades, but I’m happy. I got a lovely husband, nice house, nice car.’

Instead of being a victim about it, empower yourself with it. Your flaw can be your power. It can be your power if you take it and embrace it and stop focusing on it as an insecurity. The more you focus on something as an insecurity, the more other people will focus on it because they know it’s your weakness and that’s how you get affected. Whatever your flaw is, turn it into something that can give you more than it can take from you. If people say it’s a flaw, take it and turn it into a power.”


Don’t listen to what people say; what do you think? Opposition creates interest.


· Be extra feminine in the way you dress, speak, act.
· Be charming - smile, don't argue (and then do exactly what you were going to do anyway).
· Ask for help from your man - opening a jar, lifting something, reaching up high, anything - they love it. Do this three times a day. Say things like 'It's too heavy for me'. Doing this makes them feel protective of you.
· When you are offered help, accept it.
· Talk to men in a feminine baby-voice.
· Practice being feminine and flirty every day to men everywhere so that it becomes second nature. Things such as asking a man for assistance at the supermarket and smiling and saying thank you in a feminine voice.
· Use your feminine charm on everyone around you.
· Look your best, put on makeup every day, smell good, be well groomed, have nice nails.
· Speak to him as if he's a person and not a child - don't try to control him. Mothers control their children and men don't want to have sex with their mother.
· Ask for what you want, but do it in a feminine way.
· Act like the prize to be the prize.
· Be unpredictable - men will get bored of you if you are too predictable. If you are unpredictable it is exciting to them plus scares them a little too. They will wonder why you are different.
· Don't talk so much.
· Mirror how he acts to bring him closer. Say your man is a bit distant; my natural inclination is to wonder what is wrong, try and talk to him etc. That is clingy, a better way to behave is mirror that - be busy doing your own things, happy but busy and let him come looking for you when he comes out of his cave.
· Be feminine in everything you do - surround yourself with reminders of your femininity - i.e. a pink phone cover.
· Be the receiver not the giver.
· Let him think up ideas, with your subtle input.
· Hardly ever text or call him at work, unless you need him to pick up something.
· Dress up every day for no reason.
· Smile.
· Always be levelling up.
· Have a plan B.
· Don't tell him your plans for the day or where you have been - be a little mysterious and let him wonder what you've been up to.
· Keep the mystery alive with privacy - closet, bathroom etc.
· Don't do everything together.
· Have hobbies and interests of your own.
· Make him feel like a man by asking his advice, seeking help from him, not trying to tell him what to do etc.
· Keep up with new trends and the latest styles. Try new looks, buy new clothes, look cute.
· Make him feel younger by being fresh, new and exciting.
· Be excited by life and easily impressed.
· Go on vacation, go out to places.
· Do new things and turn him on to new things. Do new things in bed.
· Change your looks - look different, be different.
· Listen to the latest music.
· Keep up with the latest trends in things.
· Be an exciting adventure.
· Be happy go lucky, not a care in the world, everything is fun.
· Head up, chin up, look around, smile.
· Get all excited when you talk about little things.
· Light up when you talk to people.
· Bring a high energy.
· Wear your hair long and straight or smooth-wavy.
· Be seasonal - with your look/outfit, eating, décor.
· Reinvent yourself regularly.
· Play different characters for fun.
· Channel someone else when you go out.
· Be constantly changing and improving.
· Be a lively woman - bubbly, happy, exciting, smiling, lifts their spirits, fun to be around.
· Grab his hand and pull him along like a child.
· Be energetic and breathe life into others.
· Mirror his body language about 10-30 seconds later.
· Try new things, new looks.
· Practice your charm on waiters etc.
· Be a people watcher in different environments depending on the lifestyle you desire.
· Look from the outside in - how do people view you? How attractive are you?
· Transform yourself.
· Be his ultimate fantasy girl.
· Look good, do your makeup every day.
· Speak to your him as if he is a person and not a child.
· ‘Can you help me/lift that/get me a blanket?’ in a baby voice. Get him used to looking after you. ‘This is too heavy for me, I can’t reach it’. Do this three times a day minimum.
· Ask for what you want in a feminine way.
· Use the baby voice.
· Be extra feminine.
· Be charming – smile, don’t argue – agree (but do exactly what you want anyway).
· Ask for help from men.
· When you are offered anything, accept it.
· Talk to men in a feminine nature.
· Practice being feminine and flirty every do so that it becomes second nature to you – it will become easier with practice.
· Ask questions and smile.
· Play a bit dumb (not stupid; request their knowledge).
· Use your feminine charm on everyone around you – practice on any man to get better.
· Never get too comfortable (don’t let yourself go).
· Keep the illusion going – makeup, hair, lotion, fragrance.
· Look like you did when you first met (me: 66-67kg, long blonde hair, stylish clothes).
· Men are visual creatures and your hair is foremost – long, silky and straight.
· Have your makeup on, look cute.
· Shera’s husband treated her differently when she gained weight and then lost weight.
· Shera’s advice to a lady who gained 40 pounds and now her husband isn’t attracted to her: ‘Lose 40 pounds’.
· Still look sexy even if you’ve been together a while.
· Exfoliate your face and body.
· Have glowing, moisturised skin.
· Use highlighter on your face.
· Wear perfume, body lotion, nicely scented products.
· Wear red lipstick, eye makeup.
· Wear light, modern perfumes.
· Have simple, nice nails.
· Tell him that whatever you want is your ‘ultimate fantasy’.


If you want to be married to a rich man, dress like a rich man’s wife.


Be unbothered

It’s so amazing to just not care. You have no idea how much better your life gets when you stop caring. When you stop caring about stuff that’s not beneficial to you, everything blossoms, everything. Because your attention is no longer on anything negative, it’s all on you, and so you blossom.

How to keep your man chasing you? Be busy, don’t call him all the time. Have a hobby or a business and let him have to go looking for you.


Did you ever feel insecure about your weight?


At any weight my mental game was tight, it was good. I could get anything I wanted, so it never really held me back. The only thing that would ever make me feel insecure about anything is… I really don’t have a lot of insecurities anymore. I had the normal insecurities of a child. But when I grew up and I understood that you could take your power from any situation, you no longer have insecurities.

If I was insecure about my weight, I wouldn’t be up here on YouTube, and if someone says something about how I look, I don’t care. I say Okay yeah and so what? I’m eating good, I’m living good. It doesn’t bother me, because that’s not what defines me. I’m gonna get paid skinny or fat. I’m gonna be happy at whatever makes me feel happiest. So it’s all about how you feel about yourself and how you value yourself. You don’t base your self-worth on what other people think about you.

And the reason why I teach people you gotta look good if you want to turn heads and make men cross the room is because if you are trying to get a date, yes, you have to be concerned with what other people find attractive. But that should not ever play a role in your own personal self-esteem.

Whatever you need to feel good at the time, tomorrow or today, that’s what you need to be doing.”


submitted by Radiant_Security_173 to SheraSeven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:41 StruggleEnough4279 First time seeing my C.elegans hunt. I’m so happy

First time seeing my C.elegans hunt. I’m so happy
Excuse the shakiness, it’s hard to record and feed such a small babi.
I got her (🤞) when she was half a mm. I’ve had to prekill all food and leave it in her enclosure. This was the first time I’ve seen her outside of her den and she took the fruit fly like a champ. She’s my smallest T (and will probably stay that way 🥴), I’m so happy seeing her little heart for the first time (she didn’t have her patterns until this point.)
I’m geeking out about the wee babi.
submitted by StruggleEnough4279 to tarantulas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:30 thesilverpoets96 Song of the Week: Rent A Cop
Hello everyone, I hope all is well. Today we are going to be looking at “Rent A Cop” which is the eighth track from Ben’s 2006 release Supersunnyspeedgraphic, The LP.
This is an odd album because it’s basically a glorified compilation album. In 2003 and 2004, Ben started releasing these EP’s which consisted of original songs and covers. After fans started complaining about these songs not being in one place, Ben collected some of the songs, as well as a few others, and put them on this album which he named by putting all three names of the EPs together.
“Rent A Cop” originally was released on the 2004 EP titled Super D. It’s an interesting song because it’s a fun tune with a lot of humor, but I don’t see it mentioned much on here so I’m not sure how it’s perceived by fans. The song starts off with a drum fill and launches into the main part of the song. Ben’s playing this piano riff low on the piano in an upbeat feel that gives off a lot of energy. We are then hit with some weird robotic synths and some acoustic guitar which is always a welcomed thing in Ben’s music.
But to me, it’s the drums that really make this song. The pattern of the drum beat is addictive and really drives the song because when Ben starts singing, the piano and guitar drop out and it’s only Ben’s voice, bass and those rhythmic drums. Lyrically, this song is basically a precursor to the Kevin James movie Paul Blart as this song is about a mall cop. Ben sings through the perspective of a mall cop who exclaims that that it’s the best job in the world because he gets to “‘troll food courts for girls.” He assures us that the girls love him for his uniform and his “little mustache.”
Then this pervy cop explains how he can check out all the women in the mall because he’s wearing sunglasses. We also get the stereotypical lyric about cops and donuts as Ben sings “I whisper through my doughnut ‘Hey baby, baby light that ass on fire.’” It’s a corny line but it fits the personality of this “cop” and I love how musically you can hear the guitar and synths in between each verse.
We then get to the chorus where this cop seems to hate his job. He’s counting down the hours until he can clock out and complains about how he’s all alone in this big mall. If this song took place today then this mall cop would really feel all alone. I love how Ben’s vocals are a little bit louder and fuller during the chorus and right after the chorus we get these horns that really shine in the song.
The second verse sees this mall cop explaining to a kid that he’s not equipped with a gun. And how he doesn’t “get paid enough to run.” Which must lead into some type of argument with this kid because our mall copy says “so you can call me what you want but I'll be hanging at the check out, checking out your girlfriend. Figure out how she's going to fit all of that butt into that underwear.” Is this one of Ben’s worst lyrics? It’s definitely possible. But Ben is singing this song through a character and the way he’s singing (especially with the “yeahs” after each verse) is really selling the whole thing.
We get some different lyrics for the second chorus. This time Ben, or should I say this “rent a cop”, is flirting with this girl at the mall and tells her that he can help her find where she parked her daddy’s car.
Then we get to the bridge of this song which begins with this awesome drop out where it’s only the drums. I wouldn’t call it a drum solo but there’s definitely additional percussion going on and it sounds massive. But when the piano and horns enter back into the mix it sounds like we get some sort of modulation or key change. The horns are playing these longer notes and Ben’s piano playing is more bluesy. He eventually returns to that opening piano riff but played a couple octaves up. Then the horns really go crazy and start playing the riff as well! The bridge is extremely musical and gets my head nodding every time.
We return to the chorus where the mall cop is waiting until it’s “Miller time” which is basically beer o’clock. Then we get this outro which starts with a percussive sounding acoustic guitar which is eventually swapped out for that funky sounding synth keyboard lead. We get more boisterous sounding drums and those jazzy horns. Each instrument gets a turn to solo and shine, all the while Ben sings “I whisper through my doughnut, hey baby light that ass on fire.” The song eventually ends with a drum outro until you can hear Ben in the studio say “alright that’s good.”
Is this one of Ben’s masterpieces? No, I’m not sure anyone would think that. But I do feel like this song may get overlooked. Yeah, lyrically the song is over the top goofy and this mall cop character is a sleaze bag. But Ben’s vocal delivery really sells the character and it’s not meant to be a “deep” song. Besides, the music of this song is one of Ben’s more lively pieces of music with a full band. Not in a fast or “punk” type of way, but more in a dynamic “big band” sort of way. I wish he toured with horns. What’s cool is that during Covid lockdown when Ben was doing livestreams in his apartment, he played a bit of this song on guitar. Which makes me curious if he wrote this song originally on guitar. You can check it out in this video below:
But what do you think of this more obscure song? Do you feel like it deserves more love? What do you think the song is about? Favorite lyrical or musical moments? And have you ever seen it live?
submitted by thesilverpoets96 to benfolds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:29 Craig-Paxton The Landing Sight for Lehi’s Party Discovered

In a fascinating study, evidenced for a possible landing sight for Lehi in America has been discovered within easy travel distance to Palmyra, NY. If substantiated, it could add weight to an Atlantic migration, the controversial Solutrean Hypothesis, in addition to the traditional Siberian route.
The link is behind a pay wall. Here’s the article
PARSONS ISLAND, Md. — With the Chesapeake Bay sloshing at his knee-high boots, Darrin Lowery stood back and squinted at a 10-foot-tall bluff rising above a narrow strip of beach. To the untrained eye, this wall of sandy sediment is the unremarkable edge of a modest island southeast of the Bay Bridge. To Lowery, a coastal geologist, its crumbling layers put the island at the center of one of the most contentious battles in archaeology: when and how humans first made their way into the Americas. The story of the first Americans has long been a matter of public and scientific fascination, undergirded at times by vicious disagreements. The timeline of when people arrived has shifted earlier in grudging steps over the past century, and scientists today mostly agree people were in the Americas at least 15,000 years ago. Story continues below advertisement
Lowery’s site and others like it could revise the story again, pushing back the timeline earlier than most experts thought possible. In total, Lowery and a motley crew of collaborators have discovered 286 artifacts from the site on the island’s southwestern edge. The oldest, they reported, was embedded with charcoal dated to more than 22,000 years ago, a time when much of the continent would have been covered in ice sheets. If Lowery is right, Parsons Island could rewrite American prehistory, opening up a host of new puzzles: How did those people get here? How many waves of early migration were there? And are these mysterious people the ancestors of Native Americans?
Casts of tools found at Parsons Island are seen on display. Lowery and his team have unearthed 286 artifacts from the site so far. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) New claims of sites dated this far back face a wall of skepticism, rooted in legitimate scientific scrutiny and in the threat they pose to long-entrenched views. To complicate matters, Lowery — who has been affiliated with the Smithsonian but does much of his work independently — presented the results of his study of Parsons Island in a 260-page manuscript posted online rather than in a traditional peer-reviewed journal. The peer-review process is designed to help validate scientific claims, but Lowery argues that in archaeology it often leads to a circle-the-wagon mentality, allowing scientists to wave away evidence that doesn’t support the dominant paradigm. He says he isn’t seeking formal publishing routes because “life’s too short,” comparing this aspect of academic science to “the dumbest game I’ve ever played.”
The island is also a challenging site to study for a variety of reasons — most poignantly because it is rapidly eroding as the land subsides and sea level rises. The spot where the artifacts were found is now covered by the choppy waters of the bay. “The visit reinforced my will to invest my time into this time period, because it’s a very fragile record,” said Sebastien Lacombe, an archaeologist at Binghamton University, who visited the island in 2017. “It’s at risk of disappearing, and we’re at risk of [allowing] these sites and artifacts to lose their meaning forever.” ‘A weirdo kid’
Darrin Lowery walks a beach on Parsons Island. Most of the artifacts were excavated by erosion, discovered on the beach after they had already fallen out of the bluff. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Lowery began exploring the Chesapeake shoreline as a child, wandering his backyard on Tilghman Island, about 15 miles southwest from Parsons Island. In 1977, 9-year-old Lowery picked up a distinctive fluted stone projectile point. A few years later, he saw something similar on a documentary on public television, in which a Smithsonian archaeologist explained it was a Clovis point, a relic of what most people then believed were the first Americans. For the last half of the 20th century, the peopling of the Americas followed a tidy narrative. Humans traveled from Siberia across a land bridge that connected Asia and North America during the last Ice Age, when sea levels dropped. They then migrated southward around 13,000 years ago, when the ice sheets covering the continent retreated and exposed a previously impassable inland route. These people — named after a site in Clovis, N.M. — left behind distinctive, fluted stone points that have since been found scattered across North America. Story continues below advertisement
Lowery turned to his dad and said, “I found one of those.” He found more by walking the shoreline every day. Lowery made discoveries as he meandered, and he began to understand how seasonal patterns, sediment movement, wind and waves could unearth ancient treasures. “I was a weirdo kid,” he recalled. He trained as a geologist, and it was geology that initially attracted Lowery to study Parsons Island. In 2010, he published an article in Quaternary Science Reviews describing layers of windblown silt deposited between 13,000 and 41,000 years ago at Miles Point in eastern Maryland. But the geological record is like reading the CliffsNotes version of a book, and he was frustrated by an “unconformity” in the sediment layers where thousands of years were missing, like someone had ripped out those chapters.
Parsons Island is rapidly eroding. The archaeological site is now covered by the Chesapeake Bay. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Lowery and a colleague were prowling around in a whaler, looking for a spot that might fill in the blanks, when they spotted a black streak of sediment rising up out of the bay. They pulled up to Parsons Island and thought they had found “the Rosetta stone” to decode the geology. Parsons is a 78-acre island less than a mile offshore that is privately owned by the Corckran family, which uses it as a family retreat. With the Corckrans’ permission, Lowery and colleagues began to visit regularly. The bluff layers preserved a remarkably intact geologic timeline going back more than 40,000 years. Then, one morning in August 2013, the team discovered a leaf-shaped prehistoric stone tool jutting out of this crumbling wall. They knew from the work they’d already done that it was probably quite old. Story continues below advertisement
On a recent visit to the island, geoarchaeologist Daniel Wagner demonstrated why. He stepped back to scan the cliff, then tapped a narrow spade into a light tan sediment layer just above his head. That, he said, is the geologic “chapter” where they’d expect to find Clovis artifacts. Lower layers were set down before Clovis. The palm-size tool Lowery and his colleague found came out of the dark sediment layer near their knees. The scientists used two methods to date the sediment around the artifact, both showing it was more than 20,000 years old. They scoured the beach on 93 visits and conducted a formal, top-down excavation, collecting the 286 artifacts. They sent out sediment to labs that specialize in studying ancient pollen and microfossils called phytoliths to help reconstruct the ecosystem at the time. Back then, this region wouldn’t have been a coastline. The sediment the tools are embedded in dates to the “last glacial maximum” — the scientific term for the most recent coldest period of the Ice Age. In the final analysis, Lowery thinks the artifacts may have been transported downslope before they were buried, making them between 15,000 and 20,500 years old. “This was a swale, where water was collecting,” Lowery said, envisioning the ancient landscape. “You’ve got a dune. It’s got sedges and small trees on it that are windblown and all contorted, and then behind it you’ve got a little pond.” That pond may have attracted prehistoric bison, musk ox and llamas, whose fossilized molars he’s found scattered on the island shore. And it may have been what attracted the mysterious people who left behind a cache of stone tools. A story in flux
Parsons Island is seen from nearby Kent Island in the Chesapeake Bay. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Parsons Island is the latest addition to a growing list of what are called pre-Clovis sites. But while the long-held “Clovis First” theory has crumbled over the past three decades, that has only deepened the debate about how much earlier the first Americans arrived. Claims of early sites present a challenge on two fronts. The first is technical: Dating a site convincingly can be difficult, depending on the context. Sediments can shift or be disturbed. What at first look like artifacts can turn out to be “geofacts,” created not by humans but by natural processes or animals. As a result, many pre-Clovis sites “enjoy a Warhol-esque 15 minutes of fame, and then they disappear” because of real problems with the geology or the methods, said archaeologist James Adovasio. In 1973, he began excavating Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Pennsylvania, which dated back 16,000 years. It was instantly mired in controversy, and the site still has its critics today. The second challenge reflects the culture of science. For a long time, people who claimed to find pre-Clovis sites were swimming upstream against deeply entrenched thinking. Tom Dillehay, an archaeologist at Vanderbilt University, began working on a site in southern Chile called Monte Verde in 1977, which was dated to 14,500 years ago. He recalled a group of researchers he calls the “Clovis police,” scientific gatekeepers who summarily rejected any pre-Clovis sites, sometimes for valid reasons and sometimes as a knee-jerk reaction. Monte Verde began to change that. In 1997, a group of respected archaeologists visited the site and declared it authentic. “It took about 25 to 30 years for Monte Verde to be accepted,” Dillehay said. “We went through hell.”
Holly, a German shorthaired pointer, runs across a bluff top on Parsons Island. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Lowery says he isn’t interested in running that gantlet. He noted that he drew on multiple labs and methods for dating the Parsons Island artifacts in an effort to ensure that any one extremely old date isn’t a fluke. He’s also invited other researchers in to visit and study the site. That approach irritates some scientists. David Meltzer, an archaeologist at Southern Methodist University, said in an email that he would not discuss Lowery’s claims “until they go through the wringer of peer review and get published.” Others like Stuart Fiedel, an independent archaeologist based in western Massachusetts who has been skeptical of other sites, say the site should not fly under the radar just because of Lowery’s unconventional process. Story continues below advertisement
“There are people I know in the field who will not pay any attention to it, because it has not been peer-reviewed, which I think is kind of sticking your head in the sand,” Fiedel said. “It’s there. We can’t act as [if] nothing’s been found there.” Share this article Share
A bigger issue may be the site’s rapid erosion. Most of the artifacts were found after they’d fallen out of the bluff, which means their place in the geologic timeline is obscured. Nine artifacts were found in place, and only three were able to be dated using charcoal flecks found next to them. Steven Forman, a geoscientist at Baylor University, helped date the sediment layers at Parsons Island, corroborating findings from another lab. He said that it’s hard to find the artifacts in the kind of bulletproof geological context needed to support extraordinary claims. “The case is not as tight as we like to see it with other sites,” Forman said. Michael Waters, an archaeologist at Texas A&M University who has worked on pre-Clovis sites and excavated at Parsons Island, thinks he probably got there too late, when most of the artifacts had already been eroded out. Still, he pays someone to monitor the bank profile on a regular basis, because he’s ready to jump on a plane if they see something in place. “Too bad we didn’t get there four to five years sooner,” Waters said. Enter ancient DNA
An ancient bovine tooth is among the fossils found so far on Parsons Island. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Parsons Island isn’t the only site that could dramatically push back human arrival in the Americas. Last fall, a study published in the journal Science described fossilized human footprints discovered at White Sands National Park in New Mexico that have been dated to between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago. That stunning finding suggests people were here during the Ice Age — much earlier than most experts thought possible if the first humans arrived via the Bering land bridge and inland corridor. The dates at White Sands are still being disputed because of questions about the methods. But the timeline collides head-on with another exciting line of evidence: studies of ancient DNA. By examining genetic material preserved in bones and teeth and comparing those samples to modern populations, scientists have been able to track when populations mingled and became isolated from one another, offering a new window into patterns of human migration. Story continues below advertisement
In broad strokes, they’ve found that the ancestors of Native Americans split from ancient Siberian populations no earlier than 23,000 years ago. The studies can’t say where such splits took place, but many scientists interpret genetic evidence to mean that the ancestors of modern people weren’t in the Americas until much later. Genetic studies suggest that Native American ancestors traveled into what is now the United States between 17,500 and 14,600 years ago. Joe Watkins, a senior consultant for Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants in Tucson and a Choctaw tribal member, said that he sees a few problems with using the still-evolving DNA evidence to decide how ancient sites are related to modern-day people. “The reality is genetics does not equal culture,” Watkins said. He also argued that there are still too few samples of ancient DNA in the Americas to be sure they capture the whole story. “Trying to create population histories based on 10 people, if you will, is a little bit of a scientific conundrum,” Watkins said. It could be that additional ancient genomes will one day help fill in the blanks. Another possibility is that earlier sites could represent small, isolated groups of people who didn’t contribute to the ancestry of living Native Americans.
A tree-lined path leads to a beach on Parsons Island. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) “Let’s suppose you have a successful population colonizing an area, and then one day, 15 males go out and get eaten by a short-faced bear,” Lowery said. “You reduce the genetic diversity, and bada boom, bada bing, game over.” All this explodes the neat picture of one population migrating into the Americas as ice sheets retreated, hunting big animals like mammoths and giant sloths, driving them into extinction as they went. If there were small groups making their way into the New World, with different stone tool technologies, and far earlier than previously believed, how did they get here? People could have migrated along the coast by boat, following a “kelp highway.” It’s also possible the ice sheet was not as impenetrable as experts have long thought. Lowery’s longtime collaborator, Dennis Stanford, proposed that people crossed the Atlantic Ocean in what is known as the Solutrean Hypothesis, though that idea has been rejected by many archaeologists. To resolve the question, scientists need to keep looking for more evidence. Archaeology is a historical science, and unlike chemistry or biomedicine, where researchers can perform the same experiment over and over again to see if they get the same results, consensus is built by argument, counterargument and new evidence. To a certain extent, older ideas and prejudices also fall away as new people enter the field, said James Feathers, who performed dating on samples from Parsons Island before he retired from the University of Washington. “Sometimes you have to wait for people to die off,” Feathers said.
Alex Corckran, whose family owns Parsons Island, stands on a beach on the southern side of the island. (Michael Robinson Chávez/The Washington Post) Lowery is determined to keep motoring around the Chesapeake, researching the ephemeral landscape that he loves and that may contain clues about human prehistory. He acknowledges that the sites, perhaps a little bit like him, are “persnickety” but that shouldn’t deter interest in them. Instead, it should spur more. He noted that if a pod of silverfish was found gnawing on documents in the National Archives, people would be galvanized to act. “I view it as my swan song,” Lowery said, “to say you can learn a lot from [an] eroding site if you do a little bit of effort and look at it systematically.”
By Carolyn Y. Johnson Carolyn Johnson is a science reporter. She previously covered the business of health and the affordability of health care to consumers. Twitter MORE FROM THE POST
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submitted by Craig-Paxton to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:21 Same-Ad3055 Baby hairs falling at 5 months of oral minoxidil 2.5 mg

Baby hairs falling at 5 months of oral minoxidil 2.5 mg
Hey guys,
I have AGA and TE since i can remember. I still havent heard about a case that began as early as mine. I started noticing my hair falling in big amounts as soon as i had my first period, at 12. I had thick beautiful curly hair and it started to get thinner each year. My teenage years were intense and stressful and this topic has become a huge part of my life ever since.
Now i am 25 and i've tried many things to deal with it, such as topical minoxidil, spiro, injections, changing BCs. It's been a wild ride for sure, but i ended up dropping all of it due to lack of consistent results.
Last year my situation got to a point that was too much to ignore anymore. Big bald spots and thinning and weak hair all over my head. So i went back to the doctor and started taking oral minoxidil 2.5 mg. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT DREAD SHED YALL!!!!!!! It was dreadful and it sure was a shed. I lost about half of what was left of my poor hairs. But the good news is that i was seeing a lot of baby hairs growing everywhere, and i mean EVERYWHERE. I suddenly had thick brows and lashes again. I was excited!
I've been taking oral minox for 5 and a half months now, and the dread shed stopped. The falling almost ceased at all at one point, it was crazy. But then it begun again, with a pattern to it now.
I'm seeing many baby hairs falling, as well as particularly thin hairs. I'm not sure if this is a part of the process or i should go after a DHT blocker too. It's not near as bad as the loss i had before, but it's definetely noticible. What do you guys think?
The pictures from left to right: the two first is how it was before the oral minox, the third is the baby hairs after 3 months i started oral minox, and the fourth is the baby hairs falling at 5 months in.
submitted by Same-Ad3055 to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:06 saintgeorgette Revenge Never Smelled So Sweet

I apologize, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort is needed to understand this excuse of a man and/or human being. 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse no one knows about?
Cast: OP-me Swister- my older sister Mom - mine and my sister’s mom, grandmother to Trish/Patty BIL- exactly who it says, and a huge butthole. Patty/Trish - the same person, a four year old little girl, product of union between BIL and Swister.
Some (bit rambling to explain some stuff) backstory:
Last winter, to get out of the horrible, freezing, painfully striking sleet (it would not pass over our town, was just there, stuck in a vortex, for what seemed like eternity) of January in our hometown (we were always just a couple degrees away from it being snow, and quite a few times we got lots of hail, some as big as softballs, and could damage cars and punch through windshields, etc. I know this sounds like ‘The Long Winter’ by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but both me and my mom (I’m disabled and have to live with someone to help in every day life, I’m not a high school dropout living in mommy’s basement playing fortnight or assassin’s creed and have memorized cheat codes. The only video games I’ve ever played were duck hunt, which my grandpa actually got for himself bc he loved to hunt, so I only got to play it in turns with my five other cousins when we visited him); and N64’s Zelda:Ocarina of Time. I hope those titles illustrate for you the last time I played a video game. Oh! And the Oregon Trail, but I always died of some disease that doesn’t happen today or is curable with fluids, rest, and maybe some penicillin. But I digress.) but both me and my mom and my older sister (who was pregnant at the time) and BIL moved about 15 minutes down a little used two lane highway. And when my niece was born late 2019, we named her Patricia after my grandmother. (Patty or Trish for short).
My BIL claims he can smell everything ten times better than any other human, ‘probably because I’m an Alpha Male, and I need heightened senses to protect my pack, my family.’ Okay, I won’t deny he is sensitive to scent, but if his food doesn’t come out smelling right (almost always made special order bc of his ‘allergies’ (that’s what he tells the waitress; in reality, he just doesn’t want stuff he doesn’t like on his plate, and is too fucking lazy to just take the single pickle chip off the McDonald’s cheeseburger. If half of America can do it, why not him? ‘I might smell and taste it with my superhuman olfactory senses.’ He said with a very sincere, serious tone and face, like I was in special education and couldn’t understand it was 1,2,3, not 1,3,2. He is an arrogant misogynistic asshole. My sister could have done sooooooo much better. Idk y she chose him to marry (for a general idea of all what he looks like, speaks like, and sounds like (minus the slight lisp) is the video of the ‘dating coach’ who took the video in his car, opening it with ‘you do not have to accept her rejection, say things like I’m the best, why wouldn’t you want me, you should see my basement with ropes and pulleys and hooks, and do you know what a did with her that night? Well, it’s not appropriate to talk about on this platform”… yeah, that guy, except for the lisp, could be my BIL IDENTICAL twin. Anyway, now you know BIL is a creepy, asshole, bastard with no sense of boundaries or personal space, who think women are lesser than him. Moving on.
I also suffer from anxiety, insomnia, and a few other things that require me to take meds that can slow down your breathing, so if I can take care of my pain, anxiety, and insomnia without having to take a narcotic or benzo, and it works, I choose that path first. Some of these ways are ice packs, heating pads, a special herbal tea, aromatherapy, yoga, sleeping surrounded by pillows like I were in a nest, making sure to do a little bit of some exercise and always taking my daily walks (I don’t want the pain to get so bad from being sedentary I will require a wheelchair before I absolutely have to) and don’t always want to be popping clonapen or oxy or morphine all day and falling asleep, especially around my niece. I don’t want her to ever believe pills fix problems.
So to escape the horrible winter in our new home environment, my mom decided to use her saved-up reward points and book us all a ten day trip to Disney Aulani Hawaii, specifically Disney bc of my niece. My mom and I had been there before, in 2020, right when resorts opened back up at much less than capacity because of COVID rules, and we had gone for a week, so I knew they had an awesome spa I could spend my saved vacation money on.
The minute we step into our two bedroom, two full bath (each with both a shower and separate tubs!), an ok sized but capable kitchen, and a nice, big, comfy furniture filled common room/living room. All of my stuff I put in the room I’d be sharing with my mom, then took my niece to go and get her first Shirley Temple (they are a virgin cocktail I have loved as a kid, still do, that are super easy to make the ghetto way - diet 7up (diet taste better in the cocktail, idk why, it just the way the Gods have decreed it so), grenadine, and maraschino cherries (as many as you want, but kids usually get two and adults one. I think this is unfair) and tada! You have a Shirley Temple.
So I’m walking back to the room, both of us holding our reusable drink cups for our stay (if you bring the cup with you, you get any non alcoholic drink for free during your stay. Coolcool.) And I open the door and hear my mom and sister begging BIL to just stop it, let it go, just enjoy the ten days here. BIL is in MY room, going through MY things, yelling at mom and sis to leave him alone, he has to find it, it reeks, etc. I’m like, GTFO of my stuff, this is extremely violating, sister, are you not concerned and pissed he is pawing through my bra and panties right now, ‘looking for hidden pockets’?
Finally, he grabs this 15 or 20 mL vial I have, a pain relieving roll on I use for my migraines and tension headaches, about $55 after tax, not including S&H. I had left my almost empty one at home, and this was a brand new vial, safety wrapping still on. He blames me, said I was trying to ruin ‘his hard earned vacation’ (he has no job, only looks after my niece enough to feed her (most of the time) and my sister had to find a high -enough paying job so she could work from home so she could do every job like she were a single mother. The only chore he does, and only like 65% of the time (they love to eat out and/or order in) is cooking, and as much as I hate him, sometimes his dishes are good. Not phenomenal, like he practically requires everyone to praise it as, even if he just added sage basil and oregano to a frozen pizza.
So I ask, “how the hell can you smell that? There is the outer plastic seal and the inner lid seal?” And he goes off on being an Alpha Males and olfactory nonsense. Then he takes the vial and runs out of the room with it. He takes it to a housekeeping services cart several doors down and spikes I into her trash can, which by the thunk sound the vial made told me not only was her trash nearly or almost nearly empty, and that he had broken and wasted a valuable medical tool because he is batshit crazy and doesn’t see me as a person outside of how I interact with his everyday life, like I’m a NPC who doesn’t exist or say anything until a real person player comes into my field of awareness. He pawed through every item I owned, including underwear and opening my tampons one to sniff (I especially bought no scented for this trip, and he went and ruined a whole box of them (I’m not putting a previously opened and practically stuck up my BIL’s nose tampons! It’s not just unsanitary, it’s gross on so many levels! I also save up what little money I have leftover from my SSDI monthly checks, so over several months, I had saved up to buy that, bc it worked where others just smelled good but didn’t take the tension headache or migraine away. He has never had to pay for things with his own money, so has no concept of it, of saving money, of worth.
I stewed and stewed and I knew I had to be as petty as possible and still not get caught. I was still thinking these thoughts on our third to last day while I got an unusual massage at the Aulani spa. First is usual deep tissue massage, but then they rub your back and skin with tingly oils and take what looks like the contents of a bag of tea (very heady and fragrant in that small room) and rub it all over you, wrap you up for 15 min, scrape it off you, also taking excess body oil and dead skin cells with it as it goes. And then, smelling all those wonderful scents, I had a genius thought. As she scraped the herbs and stuff off my skin into a bowl, I asked for a to go bag for the herbs, and pretended I wanted to put them in a foot bath I was giving myself tonight in my room. Shockingly, they agreed, and gave me all the scrapings, herbs, essential &body oils, and dead skin cells, in a linen drawstring bag they said I could just toss the whole bag into the hot water.
Now, when I travel, I always pack duct tape in my checked baggage. To make sure shampoo, conditioner, lotion, stuff like that, wet and messy? So it will stay in the bottle with the top duct taped both on shut and to the top of the bottle. Nobody was in the room; they were taking a hike my physical disabilities made very challenging (like an 7-8/10 for me, and a 3.4.5/10 for them) over broken terrain and off trail a bit to climb to a waterfall, so I had said ‘I’m going to the spa. Peace!’ So nobody was back from the hike yet, but I had no idea when they would be, so I acted fast. I grabbed my duct tape and went into sister and BIL’s room and squished and squiggled my way as far under the bed as I could, an duct taped the linen bag of herbs and scrapings right under where he would lay his head to rest at night (according to his ‘Alpha Wolf’ status, he was always on the side of the bed between the door and the rest of his collectables in his room.
We had that day, two more days, and three nights left. BIL did not sleep a wink during that entire time - he had housekeeping change the bedding (including duvets and their covers) several times in that small frame of time, and demanded of my mom to rent him (on my moms dime, not this 40 y o mans money, the mooching leach, but her carefully budgeted money and visa card points hoarded over years.) his own, just perfectly sanitized room, obviously something had been left here by a former guest that was rotting. Finally, FINALLY my mom and sister had HAD IT. He whined and moaned more than my four yo niece. They finally ripped him a new one, saying he had been acting like an entitled baby man with delusions he is more important than he is, that we as women should fawn over him, and that he had already ruined all of ours, but especially my vacation by tossing my personal property and screaming at me for wearing perfume when I didn't even pack any. At one point I even piped up, ‘I didn’t put up with my father treating me like this, what makes you think I’m gonna take it from you?’ (AN/OP: my father abused me and mom and sister our whole lives. Lots of verbal, emotional, psychological abuse. Sister had it pretty literally; mom had it worst. But when my dad had 100% custody of me at beginning of divorce, my sister went away to college and moved out within the following two weeks, and I was his sole remaining target. For three years straight. Other, even more horrible disgusting things he did to me I’ve only just started to talk about, and don’t want my whole life blasted online while I deal.
So i got my silent, sweet-smelling revenge. For those 3 days and 3 nights, he didn't sleep a wink, which meant he couldn't keep his 'good guy' image up, and everyone saw how he treats me, and I'm no longer a liaexaggerating. I hope some act of God, or him driving around while completely wasted, as he does every single freaking day. He a waste of space, a waste of oxygen.
Again, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort was needed 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse type thing?
PS: he never did repay me for the OVER $300 worth of MY STUFF he upped and just tossed, or first broke then tossed, because it either offended his nose or him, personally, even though he begrudgingly promised to do so, and my sister promised he would. I only had like a 10% belief he would, but he has no money of his own, how was he gonna do that? Yes, I admit, I keep a record of anything I hear about him doing something negative, so one day if my sister even starts to consider divorce, I can whip out journal/notebook and show her his patterns, and he has always been this way, and he won’t ever change.
submitted by saintgeorgette to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:06 jaztinax I Ranked Every Glee Song: Part 8

Hi friends! I've made the slightly unhinged decision of sharing my ranking of all (well, close to all) the songs that were featured on Glee. This is part 8 out of... probably like, 50. Because Glee has a lot of songs. A LOT.
4 years ago, I also hosted a very extensive ranking where the sub got to participate in ranking the entire Glee soundtrack, and you can see the results here! Let me know if you guys want a redo of this, and I'll find a less consuming way to make this happen, because that ish was HARD.
If you coincidentally also have ranked all of the Glee songs, you are more than welcome to join and reveal your rankings as well!! Or share your opinions, everything is welcome :)
Just a quick reminder of what I've had in mind while ranking these so you guys understand more: I scored them based on vocal performance, context of the show, how it compared to the original song and how much I liked the actual production/arrangement of the Glee version. So a song could be really good, but if it was used in a bad or cringy scene, it'll affect the score negatively or the other way around!
We are still in the good tier, which are songs that I think are good, but not great. They've made it just within my range of songs that I'm okay with.


564. Away In A Manger

Performed by Kitty Wilde, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez with New Directions.
Probably one of the less exciting Christmas songs that has been on the show, but they all sound great in it.
Score: 61/100

563. The Fox

Performed by New Directions and Pamela Lansbury.
Maybe someone here was wondering why they hadn't seen The Fox yet? Maybe it's controversial for me to put it in the 'good' tier and give it an above average score, but hear me out. First of all, I LOVE the original. It's so funny yet it's such a well-crafted EDM-pop song. Second of all, everyone in the Glee version sounds really good, and the song suits them all well. The only downfall that this version has is that they take this song a bit too seriously, which gives it the cringe factor. They treat it like it's a normal song, but it's not. It's a parody song created for a comedy show/a skit show. So them trying to pull it off as a serious song is kind of weird.
Score: 61,1/100

562. You Can't Stop The Beat

Performed by New Directions, with Artie Abrams, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones and Rachel Berry as leads.
This had a lot of potential as it's one of my favorite songs from my favorite musical, and while they do a great job, it doesn't quite hit like the Hairspray movie version, which is my personal favorite.
Score: 61,25/100

561. I'll Remember

Performed by Kurt Hummel.
I feel similar to this like I feel about As If We Never Said Goodbye that I wrote about in the previous part, but I like this slightly better because I like the range he stays in here vocally.
Score: 61,33/100

560. Candyman

Performed by the Troubletones.
Sorry, I know it's absolutely criminal to put a TT song here, but this song doesn't do a lot for me. The vocal performance and TT in general are the main reasons this song is good enough.
Score: 61,4/100

559. I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Performed by Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez.
This song is really cute, the performance/scene for this is so great and Brittany and Santana are adorable here with their matching outfits and hair bows. If they absolutely had to give Brittany a Whitney song, this was the perfect choice.
Score: 61,45/100

558. Lucky Star

Performed by Kurt Hummel and Maggie.
I wasn't very fond of this storyline, but I thought this particular scene was really cute. It's also pretty funny that they added a Madonna song to the Peter Pan play, and Maggie is really cute in this.
Score: 61,5/100

557. Nice To Meet You, Have I Slept With You?

Performed by April Rhodes and Will Schuester.
This is from a deleted scene from season 2, episode Rumours. I get why they cut this song, I don't think I'd prefer to keep it over any other scene in Rumours, but I think this song is really funny and so April-core.
Score: 61,67/100

556. Big Girls Don't Cry

Performed by Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel and Rachel Berry.
One of the more forgettable performances of season 3, but they sound wonderful together. Also, we rarely got to see these three sing together (just them), so.
Score: 61,7/100

555. Without You

Performed by Rachel Berry.
My favorite parts of this song are when she sings in the lower range. I used to love this song a lot more back when I was a bit more passionate about Finchel, now I find it alright.
Score: 61,75/100

554. Here's To Us

Performed by New Directions, with Rachel Berry as lead.
I think this song is great, I just think it was a strange choice for a show choir competition setlist. At least she pulls this song off very well.
Score: 61,8/100

553. I Love LA

Performed by New Directions with Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Jake Puckerman, Sam Evans and Will Schuester as leads.
I just realized that there are a lot of ND group numbers in season 5 where Schue has solos. Matt must've negotiated more songs in his contract or something. Anyway, very fun song, maybe a little too "adult contemporary" for a group of high school kids, but still good. I love group numbers where you get to see small interactions between the ND members and they're just all in a good mood and being friendly with each other. It's cute!
Score: 62/100

552. Broadway Baby

Performed by Blaine Anderson and Rachel Berry.
I didn't care for this song at all when season 5 aired, and also I was kind of tired of Rachel always pushing NYADA's and Carmen Tibideuax' limits, lmao. But context aside, this song is objectively great and Blainchel are definitely duet twin souls. Context of this scene is pulling the score down though because god how annoying are they?
Score: 62,1/100

551. I Am Changing

Performed by Kurt Hummel and Mercedes Jones.
Ever since Amber said that this song was the hardest song to do in Dreamgirls, I haven't stopped thinking about how she felt/reacted when she saw she was doing this with Chris. Like, I know they're best friends and all, but if MISS AMBER RILEY thinks this song is hard, how is Chris supposed to do it justice? Anyway, I can definitely tell that this song isn't quite made for Kurt, so because of that it kind of falls short. I do, however, love that Kurtcedes got a duet in season 5 - their friendship seemed so distant at the time, so it was so nice to see them together again.
Score: 62,15/100

550. Blow Me (One Last Kiss)

Performed by Marley Rose and Unique Adams.
This is such a weird choice for a Sandy audition, but a good choice for a Rizzo audition, so Unique definitely had an advantage here. Although, I think Finn and Artie had already made up their mind about Marley being Sandy by just looking at her, so.
Score: 62,2/100

549. Need You Now

Performed by Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry.
I love that Rachel was like, "you know what would make the football team that Glee club is cool? A country duet". If I could, I would probably switch this with Just Give Me A Reason, and have Quick sing Need You Now in season 5, and have Puckleberry sing the other.
Score: 62,25/100

548. Friday

Performed by Artie Abrams, Noah Puckerman and Sam Evans.
This is the first song in this ranking so far where the Glee version is actually better than the original. I know my girl Rebecca Black is talented af now, but back then... Anyway, very fun performance and I love this trio together.
Score: 62,3/100

547. Jump

Performed by New Directions, with Artie Abrams, Finn Hudson, Mercedes Jones and Rachel Berry as leads.
Idk if I can qualify Mercedes as a lead here when all she does is yell at the end, but it's not my fault that's all they decided to use Mercedes for in season 1. Anyway, I used to love this song, but I also found myself skipping this song every time it came up on my iPod. And I haven't really listened to it in full since.
Score: 62,4/100

546. Yeah!

Performed by Singaz Wit Attitude.
I need to know who these singers are because they are really good. They'd be higher if they actually were actual characters who it was possible to be emotionally invested in.
Score: 62,5/100

545. Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)

Performed by Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry & Santana Lopez.
I don't have much to say about this besides that it's a fun Christmas song. And Kurt sitting by the tiny piano with the doll-like forced smile is always funny to watch.
Score: 62,75/100

544. Animal

Performed by the Warblers, with Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel as leads.
I like this song a lot, the only thing that irks me about this one is the "na na na na na na na na" part that the Warblers do.
Score: 62,8/100

543. Shakin' My Head

Performed by Mercedes Jones.
You can't convince me that Mercedes wrote this song, let alone decided to release it and perform it in public after writing and recording Colorblind??? Like it's a whole bop, but why would she willingly sing all of that 😭
Score: 63/100

542. We Found Love

Performed by New Directions, with Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez as leads.
This song would be much higher if it was more of a group number with more leads or if Rachel wasn't on it. I kind of think she's pulling it down a little bit. Other than that, I love the scene, the syncronized swimming choreo is really cute and I love the proposal as well.
Score: 63,1/100

541. Funny Girl

Performed by Shelby Corcoran.
I always thought this song was pretty boring, but I've realized gradually how great Shelby sounds here.
Score: 63,2/100

540. Empire State of Mind

Performed by New Directions, with Artie Abrams, Finn Hudson, Mercedes Jones, Noah Puckerman and Rachel Berry.
Sunshine being the only one who paid attention is lowkey unrealistic, because this was a pretty good performance. It can only be explained by that they weren't using mics and were coming from all kinds of directions, so no one really heard them sing.
Score: 63,25/100
That's all for now! Do you like any of these songs?
submitted by jaztinax to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:02 urolimetechno Top 10 Kubernetes Best Practices for Efficient Container Management

Efficiently managing Kubernetes environments is crucial for maximizing the benefits of containerization, ensuring security, scalability, and optimal resource use. Here are ten best practices for achieving efficient container management in Kubernetes:
  1. Adopt Namespace Segmentation
Actionable Tips:
  1. Implement Resource Requests and Limits
Actionable Tips:
  1. Utilize Auto-scaling
Actionable Tips:
  1. Secure Your Cluster
Actionable Tips:
  1. Implement Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Pipelines
Actionable Tips:
  1. Optimize Resource Usage
Actionable Tips:
  1. Implement Robust Logging and Monitoring
Actionable Tips:
  1. Regularly Update and Patch Kubernetes
Actionable Tips:
  1. Design for Fault Tolerance
Actionable Tips:
  1. Use Kubernetes Native Tools and Services
Actionable Tips:
By following these best practices, organizations can achieve efficient container management with Kubernetes, enhancing security, scalability, and resource optimization. Adopting these strategies will help in maintaining robust and reliable Kubernetes environments, ultimately leading to smoother operations and better performance for containerized applications.
submitted by urolimetechno to u/urolimetechno [link] [comments]