650cc breast augmentation beverly hills

Beverly Hills cop theme šŸ”„

2024.05.19 22:46 Akemi1376 Beverly Hills cop theme šŸ”„

Beverly Hills cop theme šŸ”„
This mix was amazing! Can you guys help ID the artist? I didnā€™t catch who it was since I was in lala lane at this point lol.
submitted by Akemi1376 to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:40 candamce2890 5/19/10 - Shopping in Beverly Hills,California

5/19/10 - Shopping in Beverly Hills,California submitted by candamce2890 to TaylorSwiftPictures [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 VaguelyArtistic I know how confusing it can be to figure out where everything is in LA, and to know how huge it is, so I thought this map from John Mulaney's Netflix special might help a little.

I know how confusing it can be to figure out where everything is in LA, and to know how huge it is, so I thought this map from John Mulaney's Netflix special might help a little.
This is a map of the City of Los Angeles. (This map includes other cities located within LA, eg Santa Monica, Westwood Hollywood, and Beverly Hills.)
Located outside its borders are Malibu 1ļøāƒ£ and Pasadena 2ļøāƒ£ . They're approximately 40-45 miles apart and depending on the time, day, and direction it could take an hour or almost two hours to go between the two. And that's assuming there are no accidents or other road nightmares.
Hope that helps a little!
submitted by VaguelyArtistic to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:30 CelebMaestro Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher submitted by CelebMaestro to gentlemanboners [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:22 Si_yonara Stopping Hormones After Breast Augmentation - Is It Necessary?

Hey everyone,
I wanted to share my experience and seek some advice from those who might have been through something similar. I had my breast augmentation on May 10th, and I'm a 30-year-old with high blood pressure.
My surgeon advised me to stop taking my hormones for one month post-surgery. I understand the importance of following medical advice, especially with my high blood pressure, but I'm feeling quite overwhelmed by this.
Is stopping hormones for a month a common recommendation after breast augmentation? Has anyone else received similar advice from their surgeon? How did it go for you?
Any insights or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Si_yonara to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:11 thatmozzie_ Created A CyberPunk Dystopian Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Novel Set In The Year 2124 In Los Angeles

Created A CyberPunk Dystopian Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Novel Set In The Year 2124 In Los Angeles
"The Neon District"
I was inspired after reading another user's experience creating his own world, so I decided to give it a shot. I wanted to create a sort of interactive choose-your-own-adventure cyberpunk story set in 2124 Los Angeles. I prompted ChatGPT to essentially create a story and world that revolves around common themes within a typical CyberPunk setting such as rampant crime, corrupt cops and politicians, massive drug usage, mega-corporations out of control, poverty, and technology blurring the lines between humanity.
One of my favorite video games lately of all time is CyberPunk 2077, so I just wanted to create something similar that I could experience and live through in a different interactive way while also testing out ChatGPT out of boredom. Here are some of the results from the simulation.
I'll denote "USER INPUT" as anything I wrote or input, and "CHAT GPT" anytime it outputs anything.
Rules: I will use minimal intervention / altering and mainly allow the program to pretty much lead me through the story barring any world-breaking narratives or plots:

Setting: Los Angeles, 2124

General Environment

  • Skyline: The skyline is dominated by towering skyscrapers, neon signs, and massive holographic advertisements. The upper levels house the wealthy elite and powerful corporations, while the lower levels are grimy, chaotic, and densely populated.
  • Streets: The streets are teeming with life at all hours. Neon lights and electronic billboards illuminate the darkness, casting a perpetual artificial glow. The air is thick with pollution, making clean air a luxury.
  • Architecture: Buildings are a mix of high-tech designs with futuristic materials and dilapidated structures. Graffiti covers many walls, and it's not uncommon to see makeshift shelters and slums in the shadow of corporate headquarters.
  • Technology: Advanced technology is integrated into everyday life. People have cybernetic enhancements, AI assistants, and immersive virtual reality systems. However, the gap between those who can afford cutting-edge tech and those who can't is vast.


  • Crime and Law Enforcement: Crime is rampant. Gang wars and turf battles are common. The police are corrupt, often working for the highest bidder, whether it's a corporation or a crime syndicate. Justice is a commodity, and the wealthy can buy their way out of trouble.
  • Economy: The economy is dominated by a few mega-corporations that control everything from food and water to security and healthcare. Small businesses struggle to survive. Basic necessities are expensive, and clean water is a luxury.
  • Culture: The culture is a blend of hedonism and despair. Nightclubs, brothels, and underground fight clubs offer temporary escape from harsh realities. Art and music are heavily influenced by the cyberpunk aesthetic, with neon colors, dark themes, and digital elements.

Key Locations

  • The Underground: A labyrinth of tunnels, abandoned subway stations, and hidden passages used by criminals, hackers, and those avoiding the authorities. This is where Zoe feels most at home.
  • Corporate Towers: Massive skyscrapers where powerful corporations operate. They are heavily guarded, both physically and digitally, but hold valuable data and resources for skilled netrunners like Zoe.
  • Black Markets: Hidden marketplaces where anything can be bought or sold, from illegal tech and drugs to human organs and stolen data. Zoe frequents these markets to find jobs and acquire tools for her hacks.

Main Character: Zoe


  • Early Life: Zoe grew up on the streets, learning to fend for herself from a young age. She quickly became skilled at navigating the dangerous urban environment and developed a talent for hacking and stealth.
  • Skills and Abilities: Zoe is a netrunner, capable of hacking into secure systems using her neural augmentations. She is also proficient with small arms and knives, and excels in stealth, disguise, acting, and manipulation.
  • Personality: Zoe is resourceful, intelligent, and determined. She has a sharp wit and a knack for thinking on her feet. While she can be cynical and distrusting, she also has a strong sense of loyalty to those she cares about.


  • Height and Build: Zoe stands at 5'6" with a slim, athletic build. Her frame allows her to move quickly and silently.
  • Features: She has sharp features, piercing eyes, and a distinctive look that she can easily alter with makeup and disguises. Her hair is usually styled in a practical yet edgy way, fitting the cyberpunk aesthetic.
  • Augmentations: Zoe has several cybernetic enhancements, including neural implants for hacking, enhanced vision, and a subdermal interface for interacting with digital systems.

Plot Elements


  • Corporate Rivalries: The mega-corporations are constantly vying for power, using any means necessary to sabotage their rivals. Zoe often finds herself caught in the crossfire, hired by one corporation to hack another.
  • Underground Power Struggles: Crime syndicates and gangs are in a constant state of flux, battling for control of territory and resources. Zoe's connections to these groups provide her with both opportunities and dangers.
  • Personal Stakes: Zoe's ultimate goal is to uncover the truth behind her parents' mysterious deaths, which she believes were orchestrated by one of the powerful corporations. This quest drives many of her actions and decisions.


  • Humanity vs. Technology: The story explores the tension between human identity and technological augmentation. Zoe struggles with maintaining her humanity as she becomes more reliant on her cybernetic enhancements.
  • Survival and Loyalty: In a world where trust is scarce and betrayal is common, Zoe must navigate complex relationships and alliances. Her loyalty to her friends and allies is both a strength and a vulnerability.
  • Power and Corruption: The pervasive corruption in both the corporate and criminal worlds serves as a backdrop for Zoe's journey. She constantly grapples with the moral complexities of her actions and their consequences.
Lets create some additional characters to the story and more world building, starting with her childhood best friend. He's trustworthy, loveable character type. Strong, loyal to a fault, pure, but also an amazing fighter and can be mean to those that do him or his family wrong as quick as any common thug on the streets. What should his name be?
Let's name Zoe's childhood best friend Lucas. Here's a detailed character profile and additional world-building elements:

Character Profile: Lucas

Name: Lucas "Luc" Raines


  • Age: 20
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Build: Muscular and athletic
  • Appearance: Lucas has short, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. His face is usually adorned with a friendly smile, but he can turn fierce in an instant when provoked. He has several tattoos, each symbolizing different aspects of his life and struggles.
  • Personality: Lucas is trustworthy and lovable, known for his unwavering loyalty and pure heart. Despite the harsh realities of their world, he maintains a strong moral compass. He's always ready to stand up for his friends and protect those he cares about, even if it means getting his hands dirty.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Combat: Lucas is an exceptional fighter, trained in various martial arts and street fighting techniques. His strength and combat skills make him a formidable opponent.
  • Loyalty: His loyalty to Zoe and their close-knit group of friends is unshakeable. He would go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.
  • Strategic Thinking: While Lucas may come across as a brawler, he's also a strategic thinker, able to plan and execute complex operations when needed.


  • Zoe: Lucas and Zoe have been best friends since childhood. They share a deep bond, built on years of mutual trust and shared experiences. Lucas is fiercely protective of Zoe and often acts as her guardian in dangerous situations.
  • Family: Lucas has a younger sister whom he cares for deeply. His parents were victims of corporate exploitation, fueling his disdain for the mega-corporations that dominate their world.

Additional World-Building Elements:

Key Factions:

  1. The Vanguard Syndicate:
    • Overview: A powerful crime syndicate that controls much of the underground economy in Los Angeles. They deal in everything from illegal augmentations to black-market goods.
    • Leader: Damien "The Viper" Valdez, a ruthless and cunning leader known for his strategic mind and brutal enforcement tactics.
    • Conflict: The Vanguard Syndicate often hires netrunners like Zoe for high-risk hacking jobs, while also clashing with rival gangs and corporations.
  2. NeoCore Corporation:
    • Overview: One of the largest and most influential mega-corporations in the city. They specialize in advanced cybernetic enhancements, AI development, and data security.
    • Public Image: NeoCore presents itself as a benevolent entity, promising technological advancements and prosperity. However, beneath the surface, they are involved in unethical experiments and corporate espionage.
    • Objective: They are always seeking to expand their influence and eliminate any threats to their dominance, making them a constant antagonist in the story.

Key Locations:

  1. The Neon District:
    • Description: The heart of the city's nightlife, filled with clubs, bars, and entertainment venues. It's a place where people go to forget their troubles, at least for a while.
    • Atmosphere: The district is always buzzing with energy, illuminated by neon lights and holographic advertisements. It's a haven for both thrill-seekers and those looking to make shady deals.
    • Significance: This is where Zoe and her friends often gather, blending in with the crowds and keeping their ears to the ground for potential jobs.
  2. The Wastes:
    • Description: The outskirts of the city, where pollution and neglect have turned the landscape into a desolate wasteland. The Wastes are home to the city's poorest residents, who live in makeshift shelters and struggle to survive.
    • Danger: The area is lawless, ruled by scavengers and rogue gangs. It's a place where only the strong or well-armed dare to venture.
    • Connection: Zoe occasionally visits the Wastes to help those in need or to hide from the authorities when necessary.
  3. The Vault:
    • Description: An underground bunker and safe haven for netrunners. It's a hidden, secure location equipped with the latest hacking tools and technology.
    • Community: The Vault is a tight-knit community of hackers and tech enthusiasts who share information, resources, and protection.
    • Importance: This is where Zoe refines her skills, plans her heists, and collaborates with other netrunners on large-scale operations.

Plot Hooks and Story Arcs:

  1. The Heist:
    • Synopsis: Zoe and Lucas are hired by a mysterious client to infiltrate a NeoCore facility and steal valuable data. The heist requires meticulous planning and flawless execution, with high stakes and unexpected twists.
    • Challenges: They must navigate through tight security, betrayals, and unforeseen dangers. The job tests their skills and loyalty to each other.
  2. The Rescue:
    • Synopsis: Lucas's younger sister is kidnapped by a rival gang seeking leverage against him. Zoe and Lucas must track down the kidnappers and rescue her before it's too late.
    • Emotional Stakes: This mission is deeply personal for Lucas, and his rage and determination drive the story forward. Zoe must balance her tactical mind with supporting her friend through this ordeal.
  3. The Conspiracy:
    • Synopsis: Zoe uncovers clues about her parents' deaths, leading her to a massive conspiracy involving NeoCore and the Vanguard Syndicate. As she digs deeper, she realizes the scale of corruption and danger she faces.
    • Revelations: The story arc delves into Zoe's past, her parents' secrets, and the true extent of corporate manipulation. It sets the stage for a climactic showdown against the forces that have shaped her life.
These elements add depth to your story, creating a vivid and engaging world for Zoe and her companions.
Can you generate an image in an anime/cyberpunk style reminiscant of the style of Ghost In The Shell. Generate our main character Zoe
let's develop more scenes and characters as well. It would be interesting to have a sort of old underground father type figure to both Zoe and Lucas, someone not related to them but someone that took them in to the underground at a young age and taught them everything they know. He looks after them like family, but he is also a criminal type in the underground world so a mix of good to them, but can be evil to others. Feel free to create other interesting characters and scenes / locations / etc as well

New Character: Marcus "Iron Hand" Kane

Role: Father Figure to Zoe and Lucas
  • Age: 55
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Build: Stocky and strong, with a presence that commands respect
  • Appearance: Marcus has a rugged, weathered face with deep-set eyes that have seen the worst of the city. His hair is a mix of grey and black, often tied back. His most distinctive feature is his cybernetic right arm, known as the "Iron Hand," which is both a powerful weapon and a symbol of his status in the underground.
  • Personality: Marcus is a complex character, blending kindness and brutality. To Zoe and Lucas, he is a protective and caring father figure, offering wisdom, guidance, and training. To others, he is a feared criminal, ruthless in his dealings and unwavering in his pursuit of power.
  • Skills and Abilities: Marcus is a master tactician, skilled in combat and cyber warfare. His "Iron Hand" cybernetic arm has multiple functionalities, including enhanced strength, weapon capabilities, and hacking tools. He is also a shrewd negotiator and leader.
  • Marcus took in Zoe and Lucas when they were just children, recognizing their potential and providing them with a home in the underground. He trained them in survival, hacking, and combat, instilling in them the skills they needed to thrive in the harsh realities of their world.
  • He has a dark past, having been involved in numerous criminal activities and power struggles. Despite his ruthless nature, he has a strong sense of loyalty to those he considers family.

Additional Characters:

1. Lila "Viper" Santos
  • Role: Underground Information Broker
  • Age: 28
  • Appearance: Lila is a striking figure with sharp, green eyes and sleek black hair. She has a slender build and often dresses in stylish, high-tech attire. Her cybernetic enhancements include a neural interface that allows her to access and process vast amounts of information quickly.
  • Personality: Lila is cunning, resourceful, and always a step ahead. She has a network of informants and is known for her ability to find out anything about anyone. Despite her aloof demeanor, she has a soft spot for Zoe and Lucas, often providing them with critical information.
  • Skills: Expert in data retrieval, espionage, and manipulation. Her cybernetic enhancements give her an edge in accessing secure networks and uncovering secrets.
2. Riko "Ghost" Tanaka
  • Role: Elite Netrunner and Rival
  • Age: 22
  • Appearance: Riko is an enigmatic figure with short, spiky white hair and cybernetic eyes that glow faintly blue. He has a lean, agile build and is known for his stealth and speed.
  • Personality: Riko is a lone wolf, fiercely independent and highly competitive. He respects Zoe's skills but also sees her as a rival. He is driven by a desire to be the best netrunner in the city.
  • Skills: Master hacker with advanced cybernetic enhancements that allow him to move through digital networks undetected. He is also skilled in parkour and close-quarters combat.

New Locations:

1. The Hub
  • Description: The Hub is a massive underground complex that serves as the central meeting place for the city's netrunners and tech enthusiasts. It's filled with advanced tech, servers, and hacking terminals. The atmosphere is a blend of chaos and order, with people constantly exchanging information and working on new projects.
  • Significance: This is where Zoe and Lucas often go to gather information, meet contacts, and plan their operations. The Hub is also a place of relative safety, where violence is strictly forbidden.
2. The Sprawl
  • Description: A sprawling slum area on the outskirts of the city, characterized by makeshift shelters, narrow alleys, and rampant poverty. Despite its dire conditions, the Sprawl is a vibrant community where people band together to survive.
  • Atmosphere: The Sprawl is always bustling with activity, from street vendors selling homemade goods to children playing amidst the ruins. It's a place of both danger and resilience, where the inhabitants have learned to adapt to their harsh environment.
  • Connection: Zoe often visits the Sprawl to help those in need and to stay connected with her roots. It's also a place where she can move around relatively unnoticed.
3. NeoCore Headquarters
  • Description: A towering skyscraper in the heart of the city, NeoCore's headquarters is a symbol of corporate power and technological advancement. The building is sleek and modern, with state-of-the-art security systems and heavily guarded entrances.
  • Significance: NeoCore Headquarters is often the target of Zoe's hacking missions, as it houses valuable data and cutting-edge tech. The building's imposing presence is a constant reminder of the corporation's influence over the city.

New Scenes:

1. The Heist
  • Setting: NeoCore Headquarters
  • Description: Zoe and Lucas undertake a daring heist to steal critical data from NeoCore. The scene is filled with tension as they navigate through tight security, avoid detection, and hack into the corporation's mainframe.
  • Key Moments: Zoe uses her hacking skills to disable security systems, while Lucas provides physical protection and deals with any guards they encounter. The heist culminates in a high-stakes escape, with the duo narrowly avoiding capture.
2. The Rescue
  • Setting: The Sprawl
  • Description: Lucas's younger sister is kidnapped by a rival gang, and Zoe and Lucas must infiltrate the gang's hideout in the Sprawl to rescue her. The scene showcases the gritty, dangerous environment of the slums and the close-quarters combat skills of the protagonists.
  • Key Moments: The rescue mission is fraught with challenges, from navigating the labyrinthine alleys of the Sprawl to engaging in fierce hand-to-hand combat with gang members. The scene highlights Lucas's protective nature and Zoe's quick thinking.
3. The Confrontation
  • Setting: The Hub
  • Description: Tensions rise as Riko "Ghost" Tanaka confronts Zoe, accusing her of stealing a job from him. The scene is set in the bustling environment of the Hub, with onlookers gathering to watch the showdown.
  • Key Moments: The confrontation escalates into a heated argument, showcasing the rivalry between Zoe and Riko. Despite their differences, the scene hints at a potential alliance in the face of a greater threat.
can you create images in the same style as the original image for the new Characters Marcus Iron Hand, Lila Viper Santos, and Riko Ghost Tanaka, Lucas, etc? Also generate additional images of some of the new locations etc separately.
Awesome. Lets start the story now. The story begins with Zoe waking up on a typical Saturday late morning. Friday night was a big night celebrating her childhood friends birthday drinking and partying at their favorite club. She wakes up with a slight hangover and is hungry. she notices several missed calls and messages

Scene: Zoe's Apartment - Late Saturday Morning

The dim light filtering through the grime-covered windows of Zoe's apartment barely illuminates the cluttered room. The remnants of last night's celebration are scattered everywhereā€”empty bottles, discarded clothes, and the faint hum of old electronic music playing in the background. Zoe groans and sits up in bed, rubbing her temples to ease the throbbing in her head.


Narrator: Zoe squinted at the holographic display, her vision still slightly blurry. The notifications were a mix of urgent messages and missed calls, each vying for her attention. She quickly scanned through them, her fingers moving with practiced ease over the interface.
Zoe: (mumbling to herself) "Great, just what I need. More problems to deal with..."
She swings her legs over the edge of the bed, stretching and wincing at the persistent hangover. With a sigh, she picks up her cybernetic arm from the nightstand and attaches it, feeling the familiar click as it integrates with her neural network. She taps her wristband, bringing up the missed messages and calls.


Zoe: (talking to herself) "Let's see... job offers, updates from the underground... and what's this? 'Urgent Opportunity ā€“ High Reward.' Sounds promising."
Her stomach growls, reminding her of her hunger. She heads to the small kitchenette, grabbing a protein bar and some instant coffee. As she munches on her makeshift breakfast, she taps the message to read the details.
Zoe: (reading aloud) "High-risk, high-reward job, requiring a skilled netrunner. Substantial payout. Meet at The Hub tonight. Perfect."
Her thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. She frowns, not expecting visitors this early. Cautiously, she approaches and peers through the peephole. Recognizing the familiar figure on the other side, she relaxes and opens the door.
Lucas: (with a grin) "Morning, sunshine. You look like hell."
Zoe: (rolling her eyes) "Thanks, Lucas. Youā€™re a real charmer. Come in."
Lucas steps inside, looking as rugged as ever with his scruff and tattoos. He drops a bag on the table and takes a seat.
Lucas: "I brought breakfast. Figured youā€™d need it after last night."
Zoe: "Youā€™re a lifesaver. So, whatā€™s up?"
Lucas: "Got a tip about a job. Sounds like it could be worth our while. But first, you need to get your head straight. Eat up and letā€™s talk."
They share a quick meal, discussing the potential job and catching up on recent events in the underground.

Choice Point 1: Zoe's Response to the Job Offer

Option A: Agree immediately and start planning. Option B: Ask for more details and express caution. Option C: Refuse the job and suggest looking for something safer.
Please choose an option by typing "Option A," "Option B," or "Option C."
Option B

Choice: Option B - Ask for More Details and Express Caution

Zoe: (taking a sip of her coffee) "Hold on, Lucas. Before we jump in headfirst, I need to know more about this job. What exactly are we dealing with here?"
Lucas: (nodding) "Fair enough. It's a high-stakes heist at NeoCore Headquarters. Our client wants us to steal some sensitive data from their secure servers. The payout is massive, but so are the risks. We'll need to get past top-tier security, both physical and digital."
Zoe: (raising an eyebrow) "NeoCore, huh? That place is a fortress. Who's the client?"
Lucas: "No name, just an anonymous contact. But they seem legit. They've provided detailed blueprints and security protocols. Still, I get it if youā€™re hesitant. This one's big."

Choice Point 2: Zoe's Next Action

Option A: Accept the job but suggest taking extra precautions and planning thoroughly. Option B: Contact Marcus "Iron Hand" Kane for his advice and see if he has any additional information or support. Option C: Investigate the client further to ensure their legitimacy before making a decision.
That's all i have so far but this was a super cool way to pass some time on a Sunday. I am considering starting a parallel story similar to this but a horror-survival one, similar to something like the original Silent Hill etc.
What do you guys think - Anyone interested in seeing how this develops?!
submitted by thatmozzie_ to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:25 StarCaulfield Doctors want me to stop HRT 2 weeks before BA because of blood clots, is this normal?

I'm about to have Breast Augmentation next month and 2 weeks before doctors want me to stop HRT (I do estradiol injections and progesterone for reference since I've had my orchiectomy) and resume taking them after I'm "mobile." I was wondering if this was normal and if I should be worried about any masculine traits returning or anything? I've been on hrt for around 2.5 years now.
submitted by StarCaulfield to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:24 Symgaria (Offer) 1917, A Quiet Place, Arrival, 50 Shades, Forrest Gump, Home Alone, La La Land, Logan, Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Schindler's List, Smokey and the Bandit, Starship Troopers, The Batman, The Fifth Element, The Wolf of Wall Street, Warm Bodies, Marvel/Disney/Sony/Universal (requests) ISO

(Offer) No reward points unless specified otherwise.
Sony Movie Buff Pass (quantity = 4)
May Universal Reward (quantity = 5)

4K Movies

HD Movies

SD Movies


submitted by Symgaria to uvtrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:48 KDrakeAuthor 11dpo - How to balance ā€œget movingā€ with ā€œkeep feet up and reduce swellingā€. Losing the battle!

Had a TT w/MR and breast augmentation and lift in May 8th. Iā€™m wearing a merena compression garment 24 hours a day (except to shower and to wash the thing), plus binder during the day. Yesterday I was stir crazy and decided to walk outside, nothing too crazy like the miles I did pre surgery. I think I made it less than a quarter mile and it was flat terrain, also all in the sidewalk. Came inside and chopped some fruit. Went to the restroom and looked down at my legs and holy hell my thighs were like tree trunks! Did nothing the rest of the night, focused in lots of water, protein shakes, and kept my feet elevated. Woke up this morning, still swollen like crazy. Oh and I do still have a drain, Iā€™m putting out 40-50 mL of fluid every 24 hours, doc says I can have it removed when Iā€™m averaging lower than 20mL per day.
So today Iā€™m in the usual prescribed compression gear, plus yoga capris that have light compression, and my lovely compression socks. I have so much compression going on, my head might pop off. Im getting up every 30 minutes to pee because Iā€™m drinking so much water, otherwise elevating my feet.
I should add- everything under the compression garment looks great! Boobs are swollen of course but the incisions are already fading. TT incision looks great too, and Iā€™m so very happy with the results!
Iā€™m worried about tomorrow- I go back to work. Still donā€™t have to leave the house, Iā€™ve worked from home for almost 20 years- but Iā€™ll be at a desk. Itā€™s an adjustable standing desk, so I can get up and down. Trying to figure out how to prop my feet up, havenā€™t gotten that solution yet.
At 11dpo, is this much swelling unusual? (I do have a message out to my post op nurse team, but Iā€™m also impatient, lol). Any other suggestions on how to combat it? Any ideas about working at a desk all day? Is it possible to wear too much compression? LOL
Thanks in advance yall. I hope everyone is doing well!
submitted by KDrakeAuthor to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:18 GreenEyeliner13 Unrealistic Vacay?

Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I am scheduled for a tummy tuck and breast lift/augmentation on June 3. My husband and I have a Disney cruise scheduled for us and our kids that leaves out on July 5. Is it unrealistic to think I will be well enough to go? We can always postpone to fall break- just wanted to get some thoughts from folks with experience. It wonā€™t hurt my feelings if the group thinks Iā€™m being a bit over ambitious- I promise. I teach high school so it takes a lot to hurt my feelings. Lol. Thanks friends!
*adding that I just had a hysterectomy in March and went back to work after a few days. Iā€™m young, healthy, had two very easy unmedicated births, a gastric sleeve in 2022, and I think I can tolerate a fairly good amount of pain. (I know births do not compare to this whatsoever- just thinking of pain tolerance)
submitted by GreenEyeliner13 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:07 Nightlocky recc for things/places to do/go in LA?

hi, I would be coming to LA late August this year and would like to ask for some recommendations
my iternary is day 1: SF day 2: yosemite day trip day 3: SF, night flight to LA day 4: LA day 5: LA (night flight to Las vegas) day 6: LV day 7: Grand canyon day 8: grand canyon day 9: Las Vegas ( night flight to canada)
I would staying in LA for effectively 2 days and 1 night
currently, I planned to visit, Beverly Hills, Hollywood/walk, santa Monica pier, Griffith Observatory
not really a fan of drinking/bars, I would prefer interesting places to visit/sightsee
do also let me know what's the estimated time I should spend in the places I stated. I won't be renting a car.
Also right now, I am contemplating between taking a bus or flight to Las vegas. I have one checked in luggage. do let me know if you have any recommendations
any other recommendations/things to take note of?
submitted by Nightlocky to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:05 Admirable_Size_3914 My Custom 4K Cover Insert for Beverly Hills Cop

My Custom 4K Cover Insert for Beverly Hills Cop submitted by Admirable_Size_3914 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:05 RecordingForsaken143 Thy two breasts are like two young roes that

Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, and to the hill of frankincense
submitted by RecordingForsaken143 to u/RecordingForsaken143 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:54 farzam1999 (SELLING) INDIANA JONES & BEVERLY HILLS COP 3 4K

Selling the following codes, payment as PayPal F&F, there might be a fee for the transfer.
submitted by farzam1999 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:41 blueandgreypretty Has anyone undergone plastic surgery in Thailand? Is it safe?

Hi, Iā€™m dealing with excess skin after major weight loss and would like to get it removed. It is particularly expensive in the US, however Thailand costs 1/4 of what doctors in US would charge.
Has anyone had experience undergoing plastic surgery in Thailand?
(Tummy tuck, breast lifts/augments, thigh/arm lifts)
Would like to get some advice if its safe or not.
submitted by blueandgreypretty to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:16 uber_rhian Revision surgery?

What is standard regarding the costs of a revision surgery performed by the original surgeon? Background: I had a breast augmentation with an amazing surgeon. Best of the best. But the results are sub par. It was a more involved/ complex surgery because he had to reconstruct one side to line up with the other. But the reconstructed side is looking increasingly deformed. We agreed I would see how I felt after the summer. Itā€™s now making me feel more insecure than before and i definitely want to do whatever can be done to get it corrected. Anyone go through this? Any suggestions?
submitted by uber_rhian to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:05 druznutz [WTS] Vintage Silver for cheap and 14k Carousels at Melt!!

Hey everyone, here are some deals for you on this fine Sunday, before I tackle this yardwork:
5 ozt Engelhard landscape pressed bar in original seal - 170 SOLD!!
5 x 1 ozt silver trade units with a cool 3-d effect - 165 SOLD!!
3 x 14k tri-gold carousels made by Beverly Hills Gold. The white/yellow/rose gold horses spin. Super cool. They weigh 6.3-6.4 grams each, take for melt value - 290 each
Shipping is 5 for ground, 10 for priority
I accept Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp, PPFF
Thanks for looking and have a great day!
submitted by druznutz to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:09 djguf šŸ“øšŸ‘ØšŸ¾ā€šŸ’»

šŸ“øšŸ‘ØšŸ¾ā€šŸ’» submitted by djguf to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:14 LongjumpingArea7101 Every man in my life has disappointed me and itā€™s fucking depressing

My older brother told my first boyfriend if he ever hurt me he would mess him up. He did hurt me and my brother didnā€™t do shit.
My first bf was always commenting on other women in our friend circle and how they had nice butts. He implied one day if I didnā€™t take him back after our breakup he was going to check himself out. Being a teen, not knowing better, I stayed until he date-graped me in college and then broke up with me a few months later and told all of our (mostly his) friends that I was toxic and I stalked him. Not even a little trueā€¦when I was crying at home the first time we broke up my dad knew what happened and screamed in my face ā€œgrow tf up, get outside and help with the yard sale!!ā€
My other brother who has autism (not the one that said heā€™d hurt my first bf), was inappropriate with me when I was 5 and my parents found out because I told them in the night and they yelled at him but in the following weeks he would stare up my skirts and Iā€™d tell him knock it off and my mom would say ā€œthatā€™s your brother he has autism, be nice to him!ā€
my youngest brother, my bio cousin my parents adopted. Used to throw things at me and same response from parents ā€œthatā€™s your brother be nice to him! Heā€™s a kid!ā€
I maintained a long distance friendship with a Mormon guy during college and didnā€™t have a car. After talking nearly every day he mentioned meeting up and seemed to be after more than being a friend. I told him I didnā€™t know if it would happen and we would see one another because I donā€™t have a car. He then got angry and told me ā€œIā€™ll see you..at your funeral :) ā€œ we were having a nice conversation when this happened and then he ghosted me.
My 2nd bf who I dated in college told me he was old fashioned and didnā€™t put relationship status on Facebook. Then he said he stays friends with all his exes. I allowed that to be fine and chose to see us as a casual dating situation and not so serious. He asked me about what house I would want to live in too and I scoffed because Iā€™m not talking about the future with someone that still talks to his ex and wonā€™t even tell people weā€™re dating. 9 months into dating he broke up with me over something petty and when I wouldnā€™t take him back he stalked me and body shamed me for being flat chested for years and still does to this day.
Last yr my stalker ex sent me a photo of a knife when I learned he is the one stalking me and confronted him in messages. I told My current bf of 6 years I live with that this happened and the next day I was having a panic attack because I saw a car same make and model as my ex used to own parked in front of our home. My now bf screamed at me and said ā€œyouā€™re fucking crazy! Nobody wants to hurt youā€!! That same week he also told me even tho I was afraid for my life I would have to resign our lease in a couple months when it ends because itā€™s cheaper here than moving. Addresses where I live are public and online but if we moved I could use this program for dv victims to make it confidential. My bf was not having that. I donā€™t feel comfortable telling him about the stalking anymore and have been living inside my head my own personal hell now.
The police wouldnā€™t help because I didnā€™t have enough evidence of threats according to them and I became so depressed and scared. In February this year I saw my ex outside of my apartment just walking wearing a black hoodie.
He messaged on and off with angry spells the last year and Iā€™ve felt like the only way thru it is by messaging him and giving him what he wants at the time, attention. If I stop talking to him he escalates.
He is now offering me $1000 for an eyelid biopsy o need to check for cancer which Iā€™m worried aboutā€¦and heā€™s saying he wants me to get a breast augmentation consultation in return for that. Itā€™s so degrading and if I say no to him about anything he doesnā€™t take rejection well so Iā€™m easing into the no.
My lease ends in 3-4 months and I cannot wait to get tf out of here.
submitted by LongjumpingArea7101 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:01 FelicitySmoak_ Thursday, May 19, 2005 - People v. Jackson Day 56

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - People v. Jackson Day 56
Trial Day 56
Michael goes to court with Katherine.
Judge Melville ruled that the jury would be unable to hear the testimonies of CNN talk show host Larry King & publisher Michael Viner as impeachment material against civil attorney Larry Feldman. Melville's ruling effectively handicapped the ability of Jackson's defense team to counter testimony offered by Feldman under oath.
Feldman represented Gavin Arvizo some time between March 2003 and June 2004. The attorney also represented Jordan Chandler, the first boy who brought accusations against Jackson in 1993
During direct examination on 4/1/05, DA Thomas Sneddon used Feldman to drive home the notion that the accusing family was not out for money, as the defense contends. Feldman stated that the family was not seeking to file a lawsuit, and that he had never been asked to file a suit against Jackson on behalf of the family.
On cross-examination, lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau attempted to undermine Feldman's credibility by asking him about a conversation that allegedly transpired between himself, King, and Viner. Feldman repeatedly denied ever meeting with King and Viner at an eatery in Beverly Hills some time in 2004, where he purportedly relayed to the two men his belief that Janet Arvizo was fabricating the allegations against Jackson. He also denied even personally knowing who Viner was, claiming that he had "never had a meeting with Michael Viner in [his] life."
However, according to a memo attached with a defense motion, Viner recalled Feldman stating that he didn't believe Gavin and referred to the boy's mother as a "flake." Feldman had also allegedly stated that both mother and son were sent out to "another expert and they failed the smell test," and felt they were into the case solely for "money."
When asked by defense investigator Scott Ross if this was a statement actually made by Feldman, Viner replied, "Absolutely." Upon being told by Ross that Feldman had testified that he didn't know who Viner was, Viner stated that was untrue, that they had met many times. Viner added that he was clueless as to why Feldman would deny knowing him.
In a hearing outside of the jury, King stated that Feldman had told him during this lunch that the accuser's mother was "wacko," was "in it for the money," and that the accusations against Jackson "didn't hold water." King added that Feldman met with the mother and "didn't want to represent her," advising that she contact authorities with the allegations. The civil attorney did end up representing the woman and her family, but later withdrew as counsel for reasons unknown.
Viner testified that he "walked away believing that [Feldman] did not believe the allegations." When cross-examined, Viner could not recall Feldman directly quoting anything the accuser's mother may have told him, which would have been a violation of the attorney-client privilege.
After listening to the proposed testimonies, Judge Melville declared them to be "irrelevant," stating that it was unclear if Feldman was sharing an opinion or if he was quoting the accuser's mother. Depending on the media slant, various reasons have been given as to why King and Viner were rejected, including references to the testimony as "hearsay" and an inability to "verify" the statements as "fact."
There have been a number of statements offered during the course of this trial that were allowed in, but not "for the fact of the matter" be it "verifiable" or not. The judge could have allowed both King and Viner to testify to having met Feldman for lunch and to state that the attorney had in fact expressed negative opinions about Janet Arvizo. That would not have been hearsay, and it would have been enough to impeach at least a portion of Feldman's testimony, particularly since King and Viner's statements seemed to corroborate one another.
Given this recent ruling, it seems that there is a differential application of law in the case, one that puts Michael at a disadvantage. Statements offered by any number of prosecution witnesses, particularly those of Gavin and his family, are not in a different category than the testimonies of King and Viner.
It should be clear by now that there seems to be two sets of standards operating here: one set favoring the prosecution, and one that appears to impair Michael's constitutional right to a fair trial.
The highlight from the day was Azja Pryor, a Hollywood casting assistant & the girlfriend of Chris Tucker. Early in her testimony, Pryor broke down and cried when about the family.
ā€œItā€™s hard for me because I really do love the kids a lot,ā€ she said in an apparent reference to her reluctance to testify against them.
Pryor became friends with the Arvizo family after she was introduced to them through Tucker when Gavin was battling cancer & a number of celebrities became involved in efforts to help them. Pryor testified that she met the family at the Laugh Factory club in Hollywood in 2001. Pryor said she and Tucker began taking the children places. Tucker took them by private jet to an Oakland Raiders game and invited them to his brother's wedding, she said.
Under questioning from Mesereau, Pryor said Janet Arvizo had asked her to take the family back to Neverland in February 2003, just after the family met with a social worker investigating possible child abuse. On that trip, Gavin & Starr spent the day playing at Neverland & even asked the ranch manager to be allowed to stay in Michael's bedroom at a time when he was away.
She told the jury that Janet Arvizo complained to her in early March 2003 that two German associates of Jackson had stepped in to keep her family away.
"I asked, "Does Michael know anything about this?' She said, "They won't let us around him because they know the children tug at his heart strings' ", Pryor testified.
The time period she cited is critical because prosecutors allege the abuse happened between Feb. 20 & March 12, 2003. When Janet testified in the trial, she spoke out against "the Germans" and said they were conspiring with Jackson to hold her family captive.
Pryor testified she and Janet would talk for hours on the phone, but the mother never complained to her about Michael. Pryor said that she never spoke critically of Jackson and praised him in lavish terms.
ā€œIt was something to the effect (of) what a great man he is. He is an angel. His love is great,ā€ Pryor said.
The woman also talked with excitement about heading to Brazil for Carnival, Pryor said. That countered prosecution claims Jackson had planned to spirit the boyā€™s family away to head off trouble
Janet's participation in a ā€œrebuttal videoā€ in Jacksonā€™s defense was voluntary, Pryor said.
ā€œShe was very anxious to tell the world that this beautiful friendship was nothing more than they saw -- a beautiful friendship,ā€ Pryor said.
Court Transcript
Trial Reenactment
US talk show host Larry King leaves court after answering questions from the judge. He was not required to testify
Waving as he arrives at court
Arriving at court
Talk show host Larry King & his entourage arrive at court
Talk show host Larry King leaves court after the judge ruled he would not be allowed to testify for the defense
Talk show host Larry King leaves court
Defense witness Larry Nimmer arrives at court
Leaving court
Leaving court
Leaving court
Lead defense attorney Thomas Mesereau Jr. smiles as he leaves court
Waving as he arrives at court
Arriving at court
Waving as he leaves court
Defense witness Aja Pryor arrives arrives at court
Katherine Jackson returns to court after a break
Defense witness Aja Pryor returns to court after a break
Defense witness Aja Pryor leaves the courtroom during a break
Larry King passes through security as he arrives at court
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:52 Ambitious_Ad_7433 293 episodes

293 episodes
Just now realizing I have only seen a small fraction of total episodes. Also, I wish Brenda was at this final scene.
submitted by Ambitious_Ad_7433 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:01 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 19th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - May 19th
1973 - The Jackson 5 play at the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio.
1977 The Jacksons perform ā€œShow You The Way To Goā€ on Top Of The Pops in London
1977- The Jacksons European Tour began. These was their first concerts after switching record labels from Motown to Epic, while also changing their name from the Jackson 5 to the Jacksons. The tour took place between May 19 & May 24. It was the shortest tour performed by both Michael Jackson and the group, lasting only 5 days in total
1979 - On their Destiny Tour, The Jacksons play the Atlanta Civic Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
1979 - The Jacksons song "Shake Your Body Down To The Ground" peaked at #7 on the Billboard Hot 100
1984 - "Thriller" falls off the Billboard Hot 100, ending a run of hits from the Thriller album that started on 11/6/82, when "The Girl Is Mine" entered the chart. In that stretch, only two weeks went by without a Thriller song on the chart
1988- Michael arrives in Rome, Italy, and stays at the Lord Byron Hotel
1993 - Michael receives the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award from Norris McWhirther, the Editor of the Guinness Museum of World Records in Los Angeles. He also was presented with a plaque from the Michael Jackson Observer Fan Club.
1995 - 'Scream", the first single from the album HIStory is officially launched on radios worldwide. The song was leaked to radio stations early, despite Epic Records' attempt to keep it off air until the release date of May 29th. "Scream" would become the first single in the 37-year history of Billboard to debut at #5 on the US Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked
1998 - During the Forum Summit, Michael has a private meeting with President Laurent Kabila of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Kabila and Jackson met privately for about 20 minutes over water and orange juice at the World Economic Forum's Southern African summit in the Namibian capital.
Most reporters were kept out of view by guards protecting the two men, but a Congolese television team travelling with Kabila was allowed to film the encounter.
They told reporters that Kabila had proposed an anniversary concert in Kinshasa. One said Jackson promised to "seriously consider the invitation."
2005 - Trial Day 56
Michael goes to court with Katherine
2009 - Michael visits the American Idol rehearsals at to the Nokia Theater then he visits Dr Klein in Beverly Hills.
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]
