1 guy 1 jar real video guy

Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

2015.10.31 15:09 onemananswerfactory Darth Jar Jar: The key to all this.

This subreddit is dedicated to exposing and discussing the consistently shady and ambiguous nature of Jar Jar Binks, and the expanding (Darth) Jar Jar theories created by fans of the Star Wars prequels. If you want to know more then please read the pinned post: "The Darth Jar Jar Holocron (updated)"

2010.03.22 04:37 coopnl Breaking Bad

A subreddit for fans and critics of the hit television series Breaking Bad on AMC. Here you will find discussions and speculations about the show, pictures from the show, AMA's with the cast, and anything else Breaking Bad related.

2009.03.16 05:31 astrosmash Family Guy on Reddit

A subreddit dedicated to the TV show *Family Guy*.

2024.05.19 22:49 AxstromVinoven Jumper Axstrom - #28 - The Fountain + Biosphere Supplement

Axstrom's Notes

  1. The list is here: big jump list
  2. The draw (1-5548) is 877, 1520, 4754, 5265, 1478
    1. Drawing 5 so there are backups in case of issues, but the jumper gets to choose among 4
    2. 877 is Earth Final Conflict - A TV show whewre aliens come and uplift Earth but have a hidden agenda
    3. 1520 is Investiture of the Gods - A fantasy tale in Zhou Dynasty
    4. 4754 is Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - a Disney mashup videogame
    5. 5265 is The Fountain - A film about contuinity across time, grief, death, and growth
    6. Jumper chooses The Fountain
      1. Jump Doc
      2. Reddit discussion
    7. Jumper buys access to The Biosphere Supplement
      1. Supplement Doc

Build Notes

  1. Drawbacks - None - Part of the point is that you can't have everything
  2. Companions - None - This is the journey of an individual soul
  3. Origin
    1. Past: Noble - setting the stage for grander thigns
    2. Present: Inventor - striving for progress
    3. Future: Witness - seeing what has become of the world
  4. Perks
    1. Noble Thought - free for Noble, stay connected to the people who are affected by your actions
    2. Noble Deed - free for Noble, your actions have greater impact and are remembered and recorded
    3. Inventor's Vision - free for inventor, studying a problem gives increasing insight in how to improve it
    4. Inventor's Intent - free for inventor, your creations are harder to misuse
    5. Improved POV - free for witness, observe / remember events from multiple perspectives
    6. Bystander - free for witness, events can unfold around you leaving you unharmed
    7. All Together Now - merge all your past origins into a complex mind
    8. 500 Years of Practice (Teaching) - mastery beyond mastery of the chosen skill
    9. Soothing Presence - calm strong emotions and suffering
    10. Absolution - If someone genuinely repents, you can allow them to move
  5. Items
    1. Meditation Garden - self-explanatory warehouse attachment
    2. Biosphere - Full purchase activates the Biosphere Supplement
    3. Tree of Life Sapling - Grows six immortality fruits per decade, which can (over very long time) grow more trees

Jump Notes

  1. I wake up in my room in the warehouse apartments, after shutting myself in without even checking the Benefactor's Lounge the night before
    1. I'm still lingering on the frustration of not cracking the riddle of Allabar, and not being able to solve the problem permanently
    2. But there's no going back, so I commit to facing forward for the rest of the week, and head to the Benefactor room
      1. Once again, there are four envelopes with me, and my big chart of jumps up on the wall, like something from a Kindergarten classroom
      2. As I affix a sticker saying "The Fountain (2006)" to the big chart, a small round outline appears next to it: "Biosphere Supplement available"
    3. On my way to call a team meeting, I catch a surprise outside the apartments
      1. Three of our bard graduates are slowly exploring the area
    4. At the team meeting, I announce my intention to go solo on the next jump
      1. The decision isn't popular, but most of them have waited while I've done gauntlets before, so it's not a big shock
    5. We set up the entertainment room to watch the movie, even though I don't expect that meta knowledge will be much help
      1. For the first time, we don't all fit in the Entertainment room
      2. By count, there are eleven of us (me and ten companions), the Halflings are now up to fifteen after two recent births, and we have nine new bards with us, so we set up a second showing in the evening
    6. Finally, before heading in to the jump, I make one last check of the Benefactor's office to see if there's more information on the biosphere supplement, but though my note has been removed, there is no response, and nothing on the tablet
  2. I awake from a deep sleep in a luxurious bed, it is early morning and the sun is still rising
    1. I can feel the absence of my abilities; I am reduced below even bodymod, to the level of a baseline middle-aged man in a world with primitive medicine
      1. Nevertheless, I can feel a gift reaching back in time to me - and as I accept it, I am calmed, no longer distressed by what I have lost
    2. In this time, I have duties, both in the mundane sense of the tasks those around me expect me to perform, as well as a greater sense in which I must try to make this world better
    3. My new gift becomes invaluable in due time
      1. All manner of petitioners and officers come to me with grievances, and each of them are a storm of emotions - no one comes before their Count to declare how satisfied they are with things
      2. In short time, word of my wisdom spreads, and my council is sought by King Ferdinand
    4. I lobby my King with an eye to improving the lives of all involved
      1. It is the lives of ordinary Spaniards that are the measure of his ability as a King, not the mass of his treasury
      2. Colonialism brings with it dangers beyond the obvious, and responsibilities for ages to come
      3. Allowing the priests to destroy artifacts of other cultures does not increase our glory, but diminishes it
    5. Despite my ability to make my case clearly and seemingly overcome all objections, my guidance is rarely heeded when I leave the room
    6. And before long, it seems I have made enemies of those who stand to gain by plundering the New World
      1. They do not discuss the matter with me, or make their displeasure known by facing me down in violence
      2. But as the breath leaves my lungs over dinner, my last thought is that I have been poisoned by a coward
  3. I awake from a fitful sleep in a large bed, my wife still asleep beside me despite the chirping of my alarm clock
    1. My first throught is of the date - It is September 7, 1999 - the first day of fall semester
      1. This will not be my first time teaching CS 101, but this time will be different, I can feel the power in my body, my mind, and my soul
    2. I arrive at my office early, of course, and make sure everything is in order - the syllabus handouts are ready, my slides are in order and proof-read, and my TAs have confirmed their preparedness
      1. The lecure hall is large - so many students sign up for CS 101 without any prior programming knowledge, just to see what it's like, or convinced that they will be a natural
      2. As the students file in, they sparsely occupy the massive auditorium, afraid to sit near people they don't know, not fully understanding that for the vast majority of them, this is their first class on campus, their first opportunity to get to know eachother
      3. I exhort them to move towards the front so they can hear and see better, and a few oblige
      4. The first lecture flows like a breeze, the students hanging on my words as I understand what each one needs to hear to understand what the rest of this semester will hold
    3. By semester's end, the students and TAs are in awe, the CS department chair has asked for my materials and told me that spring registrations for CS102 are higher than ever, both of the student papers have run articles praising my class, and the dean of Arts and Sciences has interceded to clear my spring schedule to prioritize my research work on the condition that I teach 101 again next year
      1. I appreciate my grad students and TAs, but I don't have a real family in this life, so I head into the warehouse for winter break
  4. I awaken rested and enthusiastic on a beautiful spring day
    1. It is graduation day for the first group of freshman I taught after coming to this jump, nearly four years ago
      1. They have come so far, and I'm fortunate that some of the best have continued to work with me, and three of them will be graduate students working under me starting in the fall
    2. It is also the first day of human trials for the drug, a new anti-inflammatory
      1. We were hoping it would treat chronic inflammatory diseases, but early testing suggests that it may significantly reduce hay fever, which would be great if we can mass produce it cheaply
    3. My reputation at the school has skyrocketed thanks to the combination of my groundbreaking research plus my teaching perks ensuring high instructor reviews as well as students learning and retaining more
      1. My tenure process has been fast-tracked, since the dean is rightly concerned about losing me to another institution
  5. I awaken slowly, and awkwardly, as if from a coma, as a cocktail of drugs is released into my body, still restrained on my cryobed
    1. Our vessel, the Cyllene, is essentially a large asteroid with a hole carved in the middle, stuffed with propellent, equipment, supplies, expansive aquaponics facilities, and a relatively tiny living area
      1. Cyllene was said to have nursed and protected Hermes, as this vessel must nurture and protect us, the first observers, and hopefully, colonists,
    2. As my body and mind resume normal function over the course of 90 minutes, I get a slow trickle of updates on the status of the Cyllene and our mission
      1. The mission clock says it's 202 years since we left Earth, but thanks to time dilation, Earth has experienced 221
      2. Computer Block 5 (of 8) is currently undergoing automated reconstruction as the block with the highest error correction rate at the time the last automated reconstruction completed
      3. 1575 individuals are currently in cryosleep, and 25 (including me) are active, all sufficiently healthy
      4. I am still Dr. John Axstrom, revered teacher and groundbreaking computational pharmacologist, but my consciousness seems to have jumped forward a few hundred years, skipping past the development of miracle cures, life extension medications, and cryogenic preservation of humans
    3. As I realign with my memories and identity, I remember why I'm here
      1. If colonization proceeds, the coming generations are going to need exceptional teachers if they are to learn their place in the universe, and I'm one of the best there ever was
      2. Our mission is expected to take about 750 years from departure to arrival, and though the vast majority of that time is spent in cryosleep, we take shifts being "awake" to ensure systems are functioning and keep eachother mentally and physically healthy
    4. Since the monitoring systems will throw a fit if I straight up disappear from the vessel, I take a long ride out to the external "observation" check, out of the range of most of the sensor systems
      1. There's not really much to observe in deep space - it's like the night sky, as the ancients saw it with no light pollution, but from a different perspective
      2. Here I quickly form a stunt double duplicate, hand over my electronics, and duck into the warehouse
    5. The warehouse clock confirms my suspicions - I'm nearly seven years into the jump
      1. Since it looks like this isn't going to take nearly 1000 years, the team hasn't been going full-stasis mode
      2. The bards have been poring over J-Borg's personal library as well as the impressive collection of the warehouse media room
      3. But the reason I came is the Tablet of the Free - I'm stuck on a large but still confined deep-space vessel until my scheduled return to cryosleep - how is that supposed to entertain the boss?
      4. After confirming nothing interesting is in the warehouse, I head back to the observation deck, and stash the portable door I've been using back into hammer-space before re-merging with my stunt double, and taking the long trip back to the living area
  6. I wake up to an unfamiliar synthetic beep - apparently the Cyllene's version of a doorbell
    1. When I open the door, one of my crewmates tells me that our directional antennas have picked up some unusual RF activity that seems to be coming from our destination system, and they want me (as the on-shift programmer) to help the astronomer, comms, and operations staff to help make sense of it, and ensure we're not about to get nuked by a magnetar or something
    2. Initial findings were sparse and inconclusive - just occasional pulses of a signal that must have been very strong and highly directional at the time of transmission, to reach us so far away
    3. But I had access to diagnostic tools that the astrophysicists and comms staff didn't, for all their training and equipment: a series of perks specifically for teasing out the needles of relevance from the haystack of noise
      1. And as I looked at what we were seeing, and what we weren't, the answer became clear: these radio bursts looked just like a primitive form of RADAR
      2. At first my colleagues on the Cyllene were skeptical, but the evidence kept mounting, with 4 additional series of "pings" being detected in the next six weeks
    4. With the spectre of extraterrestrial intelligence hanging over the Cyllene, our XO followed protocol, and ordered the full complement to be wakened from cryosleep to assist in the work to come
    5. Within six months, we had fabricated and installed a much larger purpose-built directional antenna array on the surface of our asteroid hull, and reports of different signals were coming in almost daily
      1. We needed all the extra hands, even our mining and terraforming experts were lending a hand with signal analysis and attempts to form patterns
      2. The whole crew felt the urgency and wondered at the situation - temporally, it would mean that their early experiments with RADAR and initial RF broadcasts would have happened at about the same time as humans did those things on earth, and if they developed at the same rate as us (a big if), they would likely be more advanced when we arrivedd than humans were when we left (and thus the technology of our vessel), and would almost certainly see us coming
    6. The coming months flew past, each bringing further confirmation of suspicious, but with it frustration, as we had been unable to extract a coherent signal - the broadcasts we could pick up didn't appear to be using either amplitude or frequency modulation
      1. More than once I brought signal samples to the warehouse team, but they were just as stumped as us
      2. Even more "esoteric" means didn't work - we tried every variation of "Tongues" and "Comprehend Language" spells on printed, audioized, and even engraved versions of the RF signals we caught, but they all failed and the representations seemed full of too many discontinuities
    7. I could feel my new Inventor's Vision working on the task of how to decode these signals, and about two years after the first pulse was detected, I had my breakthrough
      1. The signals didn't represent continuous audio (like human radio) or even piece-by-piece visuals (like rasterized video), but something of each, and a little weirder
      2. They were composed of many (from seven to three hundred, and not consistent at all) micro-audio clips
      3. It was like making an ultra-low bitrate recordding of the voice of every singer in a chorus individually, and transmitting fifty milliseconds of one, then fifty milliseconds of the next, and so one, in serial, and then starting back again with the first voice
      4. We couldn't figure out why they did this, but once I was able to identify the break points between each "voice", I could layer them on top of eachother to make a composite audio version
      5. And that composite audio could be played, and was a viable candidate for magic translation
    8. The entire vessel went wild when I demonstrated the isolation and recombination of the signals to produce audio
      1. The sound of the thing was somewhat like the sound of multiple birds, frogs, and crickets in a forest, in very brief clips
      2. Of course, I didn't reveal that I had access to magic translation - I figured the comms and signals staff (and the one cryptographer) should have to earn their pay
    9. The remaining year and a half was spent in intense research, for them, while I mostly slacked off and tried to make conversation with the people doing important work on this front, since my actual mission here was to "observe" as humans of this universe underwent a sort of assymmetrical first contact
  7. I awaken in my weird little pod bed in my weird little capsule room for the last time, perfectly aware of the remaining hours in this jump
    1. After the initial excitement died down, the majority of the colonists were put back into cryosleep, with only the decoding specialists and those "on shift" like me staying active
      1. There has been a lot of anxiety around the Cyllene for the last few months - we are clearly a colony ship and the intelligent inhabitants of that system probably do not want to be colonized, and may well be easily capable of destroying us
      2. There were discussions about trying to reverse course and head back to Earth, but we could do that any time, and the closer we get, the more information we can gather about the system and its inhabitants
    2. It would be cruel to try to skim supplies from this vessel even if there were something I wanted aboard, so I just wait my time out, helping where I can and secretly translating any communications we receive when time permits
      1. So far it has all been rather uninspiring, which makes me even more curious what kind of species would develop radio technology but not transmit any fiction or speeches or poetry
    3. When it's almost time, I once again make the long trek out to the Cyllene's observation deck alone, and split off a Stunt Double, who can at least stay here for a month, while I slip into the warehouse
      1. When I enter, J-Borg greets me and informs me of a message at the Benefactor's lounge
      2. The note on the door says "Supplement Pending - please attend as soon as possible", so I go in to check it out
      3. With the choices all locked in, the door unlocks and I head out to meet with the team
    4. With the memories of my time in Spain finally restored, I realize how I had been trying to communicate with myself all along, but failing
      1. The need for calm communcation and education will never end - among our closest neighbors or with a civilization 300 light years away
    5. We have the traditional group dinner in the commons, and discuss what's going on
      1. The team did end up spending most of the time in stasis, and the formerly-newborn halflings are a little over a year now biologically, learning to speak and walk
      2. When I mention the Biosphere supplement and how I wasn't allowed to consult them, they naturally asked when it would apply, but it hadn't even occurred to me that there were now definitely too many of us to wait out warehouse changes in the entrance hall, so I checked with the central control
    6. Afterward, no one was complaining when the doors finally unlocked and we were able to leave the commons hall, only to find that the door led to an outdoor path with a natural-looking sunset on the horizon
      1. I didn't want to spoil the whole setup yet, so I said we could tour in the morning, and turned off a number of the facilities and systems for the night, to give me some time to understand what options were available before letting my companions go wild with them
      2. Fortunately, the obvious items like the tree of life and factory complex were on other islands, that would be difficult to reach without the transport disks running
    7. And then I went to sleep again, wondering what the next awakening had in store for me

Notes on the Fountain Jump Doc

  1. Honestly this doc has been on my to-try list since I saw it - I really enjoyed the movie and gladly rewatched it again when it came up in my random draw.
  2. The author took some liberties with the source material, which makes sense because of how focused on Thomas the story is, and the extensions largely make sense
  3. There were a few confusing things in the jump, such as how you get essences and what powers you bring with you into each phase of the jump, but a close reading makes them clear enough
  4. The jump has a few really standout purchase
    1. the inventor's intention is the answer to a lot of concers that "do-gooder" jumpers are likely to have in their careers
    2. the full tree of life is an amazing item - the ability to grant perfect health and immunity to aging within a regrowing item solves a lot of problems
    3. 500 years of practice is amazing if you have a particular skill or art in mind - literally centuries better than the "10 years of practice" equivalents that you find din many other jumps, and has a lot of potential to synergize with other perks that scale off your skill in a particular area
    4. Biosphere is super cool if you want your fiat-backed warehouse to grow into something more
    5. The Dagger of the Path is a great example of a conceptual weapon, and something I probably would have picked up if I had a bunch more points
  5. How you're supposed to interleave the three eras is a little unclear, and maybe I'm not a creative enough author to pull it off. I don't believe SJ Chan ever got around to writing a fictionalized account of jumping to it, unfortunately
    1. If anyone else has done a good jump fiction of this jump, please let me know
  6. Overall absolutely a fantastic jump. Obviously a great option for anyone who likes the movie or wants to solve one of the specific problems available
    1. I'd especially recommend it for an early-chain jumper because of the generally low danger level and great variety of rewards

Notes on the Biosphere Supplement Doc

  1. I knew this was something I wanted to pick up when I first read the fountain jumpdoc several months ago
  2. I use the "Personal Reality" warehouse which was co-authored by SJ Chan, and this supplement feels perfectly tailored to supplement that
  3. There are lots of good pickups for people with various interests, or those who just want to keep their options open
    1. Observation Deck seems like the real must-have since a lot of the other buys are controllable through it
  4. The structure of the biosphere was a little confusing at first - I thought that there was an island, a void around the island, and a hard shell, and wasn't sure why you'd want to increase the shell thickness, but further reading cleared that up
  5. On the whole, a good pick up, especially considering it only cost 400 CP in the jump, and normally buying warehouse upgrades with CP has a very unfavorable conversion, but in this case, the biosphere purchases all seemed cheaper than they ought to be.
(Builds to come in a separate post due to length restrictions)
submitted by AxstromVinoven to u/AxstromVinoven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:48 AimbotSaki Garage Sale Find - Tips?

Garage Sale Find - Tips?
Garage Sale Find - Tips?
For context, I am very new to golf so I’m not sure if these are right for me, and I also haven’t been fitted for clubs yet (hoping to find my swing speed and everything soon). My girlfriend was passing a garage sale and saw clubs for sale so I ended up driving over. Found these clubs in great condition with new(ish) golf pride grips. Figured I couldn’t pass up the deal as I could gift them to a friend or end up using them (I have apex 2021s).
These are Callaway X Forged 2013 irons ($75). Heads look great and there aren’t real issues I could see. The man offered me the titliest caddy bag for an added $10 and a RTX Ripcore wedge for an added $10. He ended up throwing in another wedge for free since I was talking about my lack of knowledge on when to use specific wedges.
Really awesome guy, all in all spent $110 on all of this. The real question is should I play these while developing my swing? The shafts are project x PXI 6.0. I’ve read online that they were great for their time but I know technology advances and all. I understand it’s hard to say since I haven’t been fitted, but as I am still learning, would these be okay to learn with or should I stick to my Apex Pro 2021s?
submitted by AimbotSaki to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:47 iannola89 Working out on the weekends

As I get older (35) I have less motivation to drive to the gym on the weekend to lift weights. I guess I care a lot less about having a “perfect” body, as I have managed to work on body image issues while being single the past 2 years. Getting compliments on my body only made me feel less attractive as I feared guys only saw that in me. I have no needs of abs and I actually prefer my future partner to be fit but not exceedingly lean or even close to that. I would rather enjoy movies, good food and a couple of drinks with friends than spending 4 hours of the weekend in the gym including the drive. I want to stay fit but abs, muscles are so overrated in my opinion. I went for 40 min swim this morning and that brought real joy, being outside, in the sun, breathing fresh air instead of benching weights in a gym. Have you felt the same way. Prioritising the gym/getting a perfect physique less as time goes on ?
submitted by iannola89 to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:46 MilesEvan7 Deaf roommate jerks off loudly while I’m in the room every day and doesn’t know I can hear it

Just finished my (M19) first year at college and I had a pretty gross roommate. Aside from being disgustingly messy, he was deaf and very horny. Basically every day, while I was in the room, he would jerk off in his bed, and it would be loud. I guess he didn’t know it made sound. I can only describe the sound as sticking your fist in and out of a large tub of mac and cheese repeatedly. And every time, he would go into a birth giving position and I would even be able to see his hand going up and down, so there’s no way this sound could be anything else. He even kept is moisturizer right on his bed for everyone to see.
The worst part of it was that he would cum in his sheets and leave it, so it would sometimes stink up the room BAD. There were visible stains on his sheets and idk if he ever washed them. Me and my friends held a black light up to his area once and it was disturbing. By the end of the year he wasn’t even laying on a fitted sheet, he was just raw dogging his mattress.
The first time it happened, I walked into the room and heard the Mac and cheese, so I instantly left and waited in the lounge. That happened a bunch of times and then at a certain point he would start doing it while I was already in the room. At that point I was like fuck it, if it’s like that then ima just stay in here and pop my AirPods in.
I was like grossed out but I also thought it was kind of funny and a fun story to tell people. One day I had the door and windows open to air out the room cause it stunk, and he started jerking off, not even caring that people could prolly see him from the door. I decided to take a video of him cause I thought it was funny. I showed my parents it over winter break and they made me delete it tho smh.
On the first day of the second semester, I came back to my room and didn’t notice that he was there too cause he sometimes blends into his bed, and so I was unpacking. Then I heard the Mac and cheese sound and instinctually looked over to the sound. My roommate and I locked eyes. I was like, fuck. But it turned out to be a great thing because after that, he stopped jerking off while I was in the room. I guess it was at that moment that he realized jerking off isn’t silent.
He didn’t stop doing it all together tho, sometimes I’d wake up in the middle of the night and hear it and be like god damn it and I’d have to put my air pods in. I also would walk in on him doing it pretty often but at least he’d stop once he saw me walk in. He never even locked the door tho so it’s like bruh.
When my parents came up to move me out, I left the room for 5 minutes to let my them in the building and when we came back, he had already started jerking off, and my dad didn’t know and like waved to him, and my roommate took his hand out and like awkwardly waved back.
So yeah that was my first college dorming experience. Honestly it wasn’t the worst cause we were in a triple, so my bed wasn’t directly next to his bed so I felt like I at least had my own little area, which I kept VERY neat. Lmk if you guys have any questions cause there’s def stuff I left out.
submitted by MilesEvan7 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 Final-Possible8091 THF Bayzoo Fights Gets Demolished By King Kong On Video Boss top 0-30 Bayzoo 1-55 😱

THF Bayzoo Fights Gets Demolished By King Kong On Video Boss top 0-30 Bayzoo 1-55 😱 submitted by Final-Possible8091 to DrillandBop [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 SozoWantsMore Advice for a trans guy?

So, I'm a trans guy, and I like wearing skirts a lot. However, recently I've been finding it makes me feel dysphoric and like I'm not a real guy if I like this stuff. I know it's not true, but this has been making me feel really bad lately. Is there anything I should do??
submitted by SozoWantsMore to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 ReasonBeneficial4834 Hint date applies for a job in the middle of the date

i met this guy on hinge and he seemed like a chill vibe. Based off of his photos he seemed to be someone i would be attracted to. dark complexion, medium build , introverted, and kind of nerdy. We had matched, exchanged numbers, and developed somewhat of a connection but nothing serious. we had mutual interest like video games, and x-men comics. i wanted to get to know him better outside of messaging and asked him if he wanted to see a movie. he responded with “i would love to, but i am currently not working and wouldn’t be comfortable with you paying for your own ticket on the first date.” i found that commendable, and understood that it was currently hard to get a job in our city at the moment (Toronto/GTA AREA). as we continued to talk he became eager to meet me in person, and asked if we could go on a walk. i agreed, but he proposed that we meet him somewhere five minutes away from his house, which was a 30 minute drive away from mine. i expressed that i didn’t feel comfortable doing that because i didn’t see the difference in paying for my own movie and paying for my own gas there and back to see someone for the first time. he also didn’t offer to meet anywhere in between which i would’ve been fine with. for context he told me he didn’t drive or have his license. he agreed with my sentiments and apologized, so we met somewhere in between the both of us. we walked around a local mall for an hour and i told him where to meet me. he had a little bit of trouble but we saw each other and embraced each other with a hug. he then pressed me for not giving him better details on where he could find me but i never thought anything of it. if i’m going to be honest i expected him to look different. firstly he lied about his height, which didn’t make any sense to me but whatever i don’t care for height. i also noticed his hygiene was off. he had insanely cracked dry skin, peeling lips, foam in the corner of his mouth, and an insane amount of build up under his long finger nails. i ignored it and just continued to walk and talk. i notice he couldn’t hold a conversation for his life making it very awkward but i sympathized with him, as he could’ve been nervous. time goes by we’re just walking, window shopping and then he asks for us to go get patties. we went to the patty shop, i bought a patty and he bought one. he noticed the hiring sign, and while on the date he filled out an application for that job. while he was filling out the application i was planning an exit in my head out of this situation. i found it a bit awkward and maybe rude to do so on your first date with someone. i didn’t say anything and then we went home. i went to my car and asked if he needed a ride. he said no, i drove here. at this point i wanted a gun to shoot my self. he had already told me he doesn’t have his license so i was confused how he drove here and why he wanted me to drive all the way to his end of the city if he could drive. i confronted him and told him i thought he didn’t drive. he told me its his dads car and he just takes it sometimes. we then hugged and went our separate ways. the next day he messages me talking about the kind of relationship he wants and tells me he just wants a sexual relationship but nothing serious. i was thinking of a response as this was random and we never had this convo or any conversation like this before. but as time went on i couldn’t think of a reply and ended up ghosting him. do you think i was justified in my actions, or should i have made a better effort to come up with a response?
submitted by ReasonBeneficial4834 to HingeStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:45 kaygmo Burned bridge or welcome sales opportunity?

We bought a used car from a brand dealership and purchased the option to return the car. Ended up returning it the next day after finding some evidence that it had been sitting, undriven (and unmaintained) for quite a while. We've now found another car we are interested in at their sister dealership. The sales guy and manager at dealership 1 were really wonderful to work with. Would it be okay to go back to them, ask them to move the car we're interested in to their lot (we have confirmed that they do this regularly, it's like a 10 minute drive), and give them the sale (assuming we like the car and can agree on terms)? Or did we burn the bridge by returning the first car?
submitted by kaygmo to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:44 stfu_itsmybusiness What do you all think?

I have a crush on the guy in my uni. We are basically strangers because we haven't talked to each other. I have just seen him quite a lot of time. I know it will be weird to have a crush on someone just by seeing them every day (not really). I want you all to be honest and choose these polls. And help me make my delusions dieee.
We had eye contact with each other, but they all are short-lived, like for 1 or 2 secs hardly. The recent eye contact I had with him was funny because I saw him and he saw me too but we both looked away quickly.
When I was walking with my friends, he didn't even look at me. There is one more where I thought he was approaching me... because he stood near my table in the library and stared at me a second. And later left. For your information, he was finding something in his pockets, so my delusional mind got feedings.
Once, I did talk to him, but the funny thing was he was sitting behind me, and I had to call someone standing at his table in the library. So I asked him to call the person... and he did help me as a kind human.
I honestly feel that he doesn't have feelings for me because he seems really reserved. Has 1 or 2 friends, doesn't talk much. He also got that gym body... unlike me.
View Poll
submitted by stfu_itsmybusiness to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 -dead_night- Textures are all messed up (list of mods in the end)

Textures are all messed up (list of mods in the end) submitted by -dead_night- to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 ReasonBeneficial4834 Hinge date applies for job while on first date

i met this guy on hinge and he seemed like a chill vibe. Based off of his photos he seemed to be someone i would be attracted to. dark complexion, medium build , introverted, and kind of nerdy. We had matched, exchanged numbers, and developed somewhat of a connection but nothing serious. we had mutual interest like video games, and x-men comics. i wanted to get to know him better outside of messaging and asked him if he wanted to see a movie. he responded with “i would love to, but i am currently not working and wouldn’t be comfortable with you paying for your own ticket on the first date.” i found that commendable, and understood that it was currently hard to get a job in our city at the moment (Toronto/GTA AREA). as we continued to talk he became eager to meet me in person, and asked if we could go on a walk. i agreed, but he proposed that we meet him somewhere five minutes away from his house, which was a 30 minute drive away from mine. i expressed that i didn’t feel comfortable doing that because i didn’t see the difference in paying for my own movie and paying for my own gas there and back to see someone for the first time. he also didn’t offer to meet anywhere in between which i would’ve been fine with. for context he told me he didn’t drive or have his license. he agreed with my sentiments and apologized, so we met somewhere in between the both of us. we walked around a local mall for an hour and i told him where to meet me. he had a little bit of trouble but we saw each other and embraced each other with a hug. he then pressed me for not giving him better details on where he could find me but i never thought anything of it. if i’m going to be honest i expected him to look different. firstly he lied about his height, which didn’t make any sense to me but whatever i don’t care for height. i also noticed his hygiene was off. he had insanely cracked dry skin, peeling lips, foam in the corner of his mouth, and an insane amount of build up under his long finger nails. i ignored it and just continued to walk and talk. i notice he couldn’t hold a conversation for his life making it very awkward but i sympathized with him, as he could’ve been nervous. time goes by we’re just walking, window shopping and then he asks for us to go get patties. we went to the patty shop, i bought a patty and he bought one. he noticed the hiring sign, and while on the date he filled out an application for that job. while he was filling out the application i was planning an exit in my head out of this situation. i found it a bit awkward and maybe rude to do so on your first date with someone. i didn’t say anything and then we went home. i went to my car and asked if he needed a ride. he said no, i drove here. at this point i wanted a gun to shoot my self. he had already told me he doesn’t have his license so i was confused how he drove here and why he wanted me to drive all the way to his end of the city if he could drive. i confronted him and told him i thought he didn’t drive. he told me its his dads car and he just takes it sometimes. we then hugged and went our separate ways. the next day he messages me talking about the kind of relationship he wants and tells me he just wants a sexual relationship but nothing serious. i was thinking of a response as this was random and we never had this convo or any conversation like this before. but as time went on i couldn’t think of a reply and ended up ghosting him. do you think i was justified in my actions, or should i have made a better effort to come up with a response?
submitted by ReasonBeneficial4834 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 DutyTop8086 How Much Money Do I Need to Start an FBA Business on Amazon?

1. Amazon Store Rent
First, let's talk about the monthly rent for an Amazon store. Registering an Amazon store is free, but using a company registration instead of a personal one is recommended. This approach is safer and has a higher approval rate. After registering, you can choose between an Individual account and a Professional account.
Individual Account: This account has no monthly fee, but you'll pay Amazon $0.99 for each item you sell. It’s suitable for sellers who are just starting out and have lower sales volumes.
Professional Account: This account costs $39.99 per month, but you won’t pay a fee per sale. This option is more cost-effective if you sell more than 40 items per month.
Recommendation: If you’re just starting and your sales are low, opt for the Individual account. As your sales increase and you consistently sell more than 40 items per month, switch to the Professional account to save on per-item fees.
  1. Product Selection Tools
Choosing the right products to sell is crucial for the success of your e-commerce business. Fortunately, there are several tools available to assist with this process, each offering unique features to help you make informed decisions.
Popular Paid Tools: JungleScout and Helium10
JungleScout: Priced at $49/month, JungleScout is widely recognized for its comprehensive suite of tools designed to help sellers identify profitable products, estimate sales, and analyze competition. Its features include:
Product Database: Allows you to filter products based on various criteria like price, sales, and competition.
Product Tracker: Helps track the performance of potential products over time.
Keyword Scout: Provides keyword research and optimization suggestions to enhance product listings.
Sales Analytics: Offers insights into sales trends and revenue estimates.
Helium10: At $79/month, Helium10 is another powerful tool that provides a wide range of functionalities for Amazon sellers. Key features include:
Black Box: A product research tool that allows you to find profitable niches.
Xray: A Chrome extension that gives you a quick overview of product performance metrics directly on Amazon.
Keyword Research: Tools like Cerebro and Magnet help you discover and optimize for high-ranking keywords.
Listing Optimization: Features like Scribbles and Index Checker ensure your product listings are optimized for maximum visibility.
Free Tool: 4SELLER
4SELLER: For those who are looking for a budget-friendly option, 4SELLER is a free tool that offers a robust set of features to aid in product selection and management. It includes:
Product Selection: Assists in identifying profitable products by analyzing market trends and competition.
Inventory Management: Helps track inventory levels, forecast demand, and manage stock efficiently to prevent overstocking or stockouts.
Supplier Finder: Aids in locating reliable suppliers, which is essential for maintaining product quality and consistency.
Why Product Selection Tools are Essential
Using product selection tools is vital because they provide data-driven insights that help you make informed decisions. These tools can save you time and reduce the risk of choosing products that may not sell well. They offer features that allow you to:
Identify Trends: By analyzing market data, these tools help you stay ahead of trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Evaluate Competition: Understanding your competition is crucial. These tools provide detailed analysis of competitors' products, pricing strategies, and sales performance.
Optimize Listings: Well-optimized product listings are more likely to attract buyers. These tools offer keyword research and listing optimization features that improve your product's visibility on e-commerce platforms.
Manage Inventory: Efficient inventory management ensures you have the right products available at the right time, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and maximizing sales.
Whether you opt for a paid tool like JungleScout or Helium10, or a free option like 4SELLER, leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your ability to select profitable products, manage inventory effectively, and optimize your listings for better performance.
3. Initial Stock Costs
Purchasing your first batch of products involves a significant initial investment, and the amount required can vary widely depending on the type of products you choose to sell. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to consider when estimating your initial stock costs:
Factors Influencing Initial Stock Costs
Product Type and Price: The nature of the products you choose to sell will greatly influence your initial costs. Higher-priced items tend to have less competition but require a larger upfront investment. Conversely, cheaper products are more budget-friendly but often come with higher competition.
Quantity: The number of units you decide to purchase initially is another major factor. A common recommendation for new sellers is to start with 200-500 units. This range allows you to test the market demand without overcommitting financially.
Calculating Initial Costs
To estimate your initial stock costs, you need to multiply the quantity of units by the purchase price per unit. Here’s a simplified formula:
Initial Stock Cost=Quantity×Purchase Price per UnitInitial Stock Cost=Quantity×Purchase Price per Unit
For instance, if you decide to buy 300 units of a product that costs $5 per unit, your initial stock cost would be:
300 units×$5/unit=$1,500300 units×$5/unit=$1,500
Typical Budget Ranges for New Sellers
Low Budget: If you’re starting with a tighter budget, you might opt for products with a lower purchase price. For example, if you choose items costing around $2 per unit and purchase 200 units, your initial cost would be $400.
Moderate Budget: A more common range for new sellers is between $1,000 and $3,000. This allows for a balance between purchasing a reasonable quantity of units and managing the risk of unsold inventory. For example, buying 400 units at $5 per unit would total $2,000.
Higher Budget: With a larger budget, you can consider higher-priced items that might have less competition. For instance, purchasing 300 units at $10 per unit would result in an initial cost of $3,000.
Why Initial Stock Costs are Important
Understanding and planning for initial stock costs is critical because it ensures you are adequately prepared for the financial outlay required to launch your business. Here are a few reasons why this is essential:
Market Testing: Buying an appropriate number of units allows you to test market demand without over-investing. This way, you can gauge the product's popularity and adjust future orders accordingly.
Cash Flow Management: Proper planning helps manage your cash flow effectively. Ensuring you have enough funds to cover initial stock costs, along with other expenses like marketing and shipping, is crucial for maintaining business operations.
Risk Mitigation: Starting with a moderate quantity of units helps minimize the risk of unsold inventory, which can tie up capital and lead to losses. It’s better to start small, analyze performance, and scale up gradually.
Carefully estimating and planning for your initial stock costs is a vital step in setting up your e-commerce business. By understanding the factors that influence these costs and budgeting accordingly, you can make informed decisions that set the foundation for a successful venture. Whether you have a limited budget or can invest more significantly, strategic planning will help you manage risks and maximize your chances of success.
4. UPC Codes
UPC stands for Universal Product Code, a standardized barcode used by retailers, including Amazon, to track products. Obtaining UPC codes is a critical step in setting up your products for sale. Here’s a detailed explanation of why you need them, where to get them, and the associated costs.
What are UPC Codes?
Definition: UPC codes are unique identifiers assigned to products. Each code consists of a series of black bars and a corresponding 12-digit number that can be scanned by barcode readers.
Purpose: These codes help retailers manage inventory, streamline the checkout process, and track sales. For e-commerce platforms like Amazon, UPC codes ensure each product is uniquely identifiable, reducing errors and simplifying logistics.
Where to Buy UPC Codes
Official Source: GS1: The Global Standards 1 (GS1) organization is the official provider of UPC codes. Purchasing from GS1 ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of your codes, which is crucial for compliance with Amazon’s policies.
Why GS1?: While there are third-party sellers offering UPC codes at lower prices, these codes might not always be unique or compliant with GS1 standards. Using GS1 guarantees that your UPCs are globally recognized and legitimate, preventing potential issues with listing products on Amazon.
Cost of UPC Codes
Initial Purchase: GS1 sells UPC codes in packs. A pack of 10 UPCs costs $250 initially. This upfront cost covers the registration and issuance of the codes.
Annual Renewal Fee: In addition to the initial purchase cost, there is a $50 annual renewal fee. This fee ensures your codes remain active and your registration with GS1 stays current.
Breakdown of Costs
Initial Cost: For a pack of 10 UPC codes, the initial cost is $250.
Annual Renewal: The $50 annual renewal fee applies every year to maintain your codes.
Example Calculation:
If you purchase a pack of 10 UPCs, your total cost for the first year would be:
$250 (initial cost)+$50 (annual renewal fee)=$300$250 (initial cost)+$50 (annual renewal fee)=$300
In subsequent years, you will only pay the $50 renewal fee to keep your UPCs active.
Why UPC Codes are Important
Inventory Management: UPC codes play a crucial role in inventory management, allowing you to track stock levels accurately. This helps prevent stockouts and overstock situations.
Product Identification: Each UPC code is unique to a specific product, ensuring that Amazon and other retailers can correctly identify and catalog your items. This reduces the risk of listing errors and mix-ups.
Compliance and Credibility: Using GS1-issued UPC codes ensures compliance with Amazon’s listing requirements. This adds credibility to your listings and prevents potential issues that might arise from using unauthorized codes.
Efficiency and Automation: UPC codes facilitate the automation of various processes, including checkout, shipping, and inventory updates. This enhances operational efficiency and reduces manual workload.
Investing in UPC codes from GS1 is an essential step for any e-commerce business aiming to sell on platforms like Amazon. The initial cost of $250 for a pack of 10 UPCs, along with the $50 annual renewal fee, ensures that your products are uniquely identifiable and compliant with global standards. This investment not only helps in effective inventory management but also enhances the credibility and efficiency of your business operations.
5. Shipping and Distribution Costs
Shipping and distribution costs are critical components of your overall budget when selling on Amazon. These costs encompass various fees and charges that ensure your products reach Amazon’s warehouses and, ultimately, your customers. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to consider and how these costs can impact your business.
Components of Shipping and Distribution Costs
Shipping to Amazon’s Warehouse: This involves the costs of transporting your products from your supplier to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Factors influencing these costs include the size and weight of your products, the shipping method, and the distance between the supplier and the warehouse.
Packaging: Proper packaging is essential to protect your products during transit. This includes boxes, cushioning materials, and labeling.
Inspection Fees: To ensure quality and compliance with Amazon’s standards, you might need to pay for product inspections before they are shipped.
Import Duties and Taxes: If you are importing products from another country, customs duties and taxes will apply. These costs vary based on the product category and the country of origin.
Estimated Shipping Costs by Product Size
Small Items: For smaller products, shipping costs are generally lower. On average, you can expect to pay around $4 per unit for shipping.
Mid-sized Products: For larger or heavier items, shipping costs increase. These costs can range from $8 to $12 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight of the products.
Amazon FBA Fees
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) Fees: Once your products are in Amazon’s warehouse, the company handles storage, packaging, and shipping to customers. Amazon charges FBA fees for these services, which are based on the size and weight of the product.
Small and Light Items: FBA fees for smaller items typically range from $2.92 to $6.13 per unit.
Larger Items: For bigger or heavier products, FBA fees can be higher, reflecting the additional handling and shipping costs.
Breakdown of Costs
Shipping Costs to Amazon’s Warehouse:
Small items: $4 per unit
Mid-sized items: $8-$12 per unit
Amazon FBA Fees:
Small items: $2.92-$6.13 per unit
Larger items: Higher fees depending on size and weight
Example Calculation
If you are shipping 300 small items to Amazon’s warehouse, with each unit costing $4 to ship and an average FBA fee of $4.50, your total costs would be:
Shipping to Warehouse: 300 units×$4/unit=$1,200300 units×$4/unit=$1,200
FBA Fees: 300 units×$4.50/unit=$1,350300 units×$4.50/unit=$1,350
Total Shipping and Distribution Costs:
$1,200 (shipping)+$1,350 (FBA fees)=$2,550$1,200 (shipping)+$1,350 (FBA fees)=$2,550
Why Shipping and Distribution Costs are Important
Budget Planning: Understanding and accurately estimating these costs is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. Unexpected expenses can significantly impact your profitability.
Pricing Strategy: These costs need to be factored into your pricing strategy to ensure you maintain healthy profit margins. Underestimating shipping and distribution costs can erode your margins and affect your competitiveness.
Customer Satisfaction: Efficient shipping and distribution are key to timely delivery and customer satisfaction. Using Amazon FBA ensures reliable and fast shipping, which can enhance your seller ratings and lead to repeat business.
Operational Efficiency: Managing these costs effectively can streamline your operations and improve cash flow. By optimizing packaging, negotiating better shipping rates, and accurately forecasting demand, you can reduce expenses and improve efficiency.
Shipping and distribution costs are a significant part of your overall expenses when selling on Amazon. By carefully estimating these costs, including packaging, inspection fees, import duties, and Amazon FBA fees, you can better manage your budget and pricing strategy. Understanding these costs helps ensure smooth operations, enhances customer satisfaction, and supports your business's profitability and growth.
6. Inventory Storage Costs
Inventory storage costs are a critical consideration when using Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. These fees are based on the size and quantity of your inventory stored in Amazon’s warehouses and vary throughout the year. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these costs and their implications for your business.
Amazon’s Storage Fees
Amazon charges monthly storage fees that depend on the size category of your products (standard-size or oversized) and the time of year. The fees are higher during the holiday season (October to December) due to increased demand for warehouse space.
Standard-Size Storage Fees
January to September: $0.83 per cubic foot
October to December: $2.40 per cubic foot
Oversized Storage Fees
January to September: $0.53 per cubic foot
October to December: $1.20 per cubic foot
Calculating Storage Costs
To estimate your storage costs, you need to know the cubic footage of your inventory. Here’s how you can calculate it:
Cubic Footage=Length×Width×HeightCubic Footage=Length×Width×Height
Once you have the cubic footage, multiply it by the applicable storage fee rate.
Example Calculation for Standard-Size Products
Let’s say you have 500 units of a product, each measuring 1 cubic foot. Your storage costs would be:
January to September: 500 cubic feet×$0.83/cubic foot=$415500 cubic feet×$0.83/cubic foot=$415
October to December: 500 cubic feet×$2.40/cubic foot=$1,200500 cubic feet×$2.40/cubic foot=$1,200
Example Calculation for Oversized Products
If you have 200 units of an oversized product, each measuring 3 cubic feet, your storage costs would be:
January to September: 600 cubic feet×$0.53/cubic foot=$318600 cubic feet×$0.53/cubic foot=$318
October to December: 600 cubic feet×$1.20/cubic foot=$720600 cubic feet×$1.20/cubic foot=$720
Why Inventory Storage Costs Matter
Budget Management: Accurately estimating storage costs is crucial for budgeting and financial planning. These costs can add up, especially during peak seasons, impacting your overall profitability.
Inventory Turnover: High storage costs can incentivize better inventory management practices, such as maintaining optimal stock levels and ensuring a higher inventory turnover rate. This helps in reducing long-term storage fees and minimizing the risk of overstocking.
Seasonal Planning: Knowing that storage fees increase during the holiday season can help you plan your inventory levels more effectively. You might choose to stock up on faster-moving items or reduce slower-moving inventory before the fees increase.
Cost Control: By understanding these fees, you can implement strategies to minimize them, such as reducing the size of your packaging, negotiating better storage terms, or using other fulfillment centers if necessary.
Strategies to Manage Storage Costs
Optimize Inventory Levels: Maintain a balance between having enough stock to meet demand and avoiding excess inventory that incurs high storage costs.
Seasonal Adjustments: Plan your inventory levels based on seasonal fluctuations in storage fees, ensuring you minimize costs during peak periods.
Efficient Packaging: Use packaging that minimizes space without compromising product safety. Smaller packaging reduces the cubic footage and, consequently, storage fees.
FBA Inventory Management: Use Amazon’s inventory management tools to monitor and adjust your stock levels based on sales data and forecasts.
Inventory storage costs are an important aspect of selling on Amazon using FBA. These costs, varying by product size and season, can significantly impact your business’s profitability. By accurately estimating these fees and implementing strategies to manage and reduce them, you can optimize your inventory management and control expenses effectively. Understanding and planning for these costs will help ensure a smoother and more profitable operation.
  1. Platform Commission
When selling on Amazon, it’s essential to account for the platform commission, known as the referral fee. This fee is a percentage of each sale and varies by product category. Understanding these fees is crucial for pricing your products and calculating your profit margins.
Amazon’s Referral Fees
Amazon charges a referral fee on each sale made through its platform. The percentage varies depending on the product category. Here are some common examples:
Electronics: 8%
Beauty Products: 15%
Books: 15%
Clothing and Accessories: 17%
Home and Kitchen: 15%
How Referral Fees Are Calculated
The referral fee is calculated as a percentage of the total sales price, which includes the item price and any shipping or gift wrap charges.
Referral Fee=Sales Price×Referral Fee PercentageReferral Fee=Sales Price×Referral Fee Percentage
Example Calculations
Electronics: If you sell a gadget for $100, the referral fee would be: $100×8%=$8$100×8%=$8
Beauty Products: If you sell a skincare product for $50, the referral fee would be: $50×15%=$7.50$50×15%=$7.50
Why Platform Commission is Important
Pricing Strategy: Knowing the referral fee helps you set your product prices appropriately to ensure you cover costs and achieve desired profit margins.
Profit Margin Calculation: Understanding the commission allows you to accurately calculate your net profit after deducting all fees.
Category Selection: The commission rate can influence your decision on which product categories to focus on. Lower commission rates in certain categories might lead to higher profitability.
Competitive Pricing: Factoring in the referral fee ensures your prices remain competitive while still being profitable.
Impact on Different Product Categories
High-Commission Categories: Categories like beauty products and clothing with higher referral fees require careful pricing to maintain profitability. High fees can significantly impact margins, especially for low-cost items.
Low-Commission Categories: Categories like electronics with lower referral fees can offer better profit margins, but these categories might also have higher competition.
Strategies to Manage Referral Fees
Optimize Pricing: Adjust your pricing to ensure it covers all costs, including the referral fee, while remaining attractive to customers.
Product Selection: Consider the referral fee when selecting products to sell. Products in categories with lower fees might be more profitable.
Bundle Products: Creating product bundles can help increase the average sales price, potentially offsetting the impact of the referral fee.
Platform commission is a significant cost factor when selling on Amazon. By understanding the referral fee structure and calculating these fees accurately, you can make informed decisions about pricing, product selection, and profitability. Properly managing and accounting for these fees ensures your business remains competitive and financially sustainable on the Amazon platform.
8. Advertising Costs
Advertising is a crucial component of your e-commerce strategy, driving visibility and sales for your products on Amazon. Effective advertising can help you reach potential customers quickly, but it requires a financial investment. Here’s a detailed breakdown of advertising costs, strategies, and their impact on your business.
Types of Advertising
Amazon Advertising: The primary form of advertising on Amazon is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads. These ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, allowing you to target specific keywords and audiences.
Sponsored Products: These ads promote individual product listings and appear in search results and product pages.
Sponsored Brands: These ads feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products.
Sponsored Display: These ads target audiences both on and off Amazon, helping to re-engage shoppers who have viewed your products.
Off-Amazon Advertising: To broaden your reach, you can also advertise on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. These platforms allow for targeted advertising based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Budgeting for Advertising
A typical budget for new sellers on Amazon ranges from $700 to $1,000. This budget should cover various advertising strategies, including PPC campaigns and social media ads.
Cost Breakdown
Amazon PPC Ads:
Sponsored Products: These are the most common and can cost anywhere from $0.10 to $2.00 per click, depending on the competitiveness of your keywords.
Sponsored Brands: These ads generally cost more per click due to their higher visibility and brand promotion capabilities.
Sponsored Display: Costs vary but can be effective for retargeting potential customers.
Social Media Advertising:
Facebook Ads: Costs typically range from $0.50 to $2.00 per click, depending on targeting options and competition.
Instagram Ads: Similar to Facebook, Instagram ad costs range from $0.50 to $2.00 per click, with the advantage of visual storytelling through images and videos.
Example Budget Allocation
Let’s allocate a $1,000 advertising budget across different platforms:
Amazon PPC Ads: $600
Sponsored Products: $400
Sponsored Brands: $150
Sponsored Display: $50
Social Media Ads: $400
Facebook Ads: $200
Instagram Ads: $200
Why Advertising is Important
Increased Visibility: Advertising ensures your products appear in front of potential buyers, increasing the likelihood of sales.
Competitive Edge: With many sellers on Amazon, advertising helps you stand out and reach customers who might otherwise not find your products.
Sales Velocity: Effective advertising can boost your sales velocity, improving your product rankings and increasing organic visibility over time.
Strategies for Effective Advertising
Keyword Research: Use tools like Amazon’s Keyword Planner or third-party tools to identify high-performing keywords for your PPC campaigns.
A/B Testing: Continuously test different ad creatives, headlines, and targeting options to find the most effective combinations.
Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review your ad performance data to optimize your campaigns. Adjust bids, pause underperforming keywords, and allocate more budget to high-performing ads.
Leverage Social Media: Use Facebook and Instagram to build brand awareness and drive traffic to your Amazon listings. Engaging content, such as videos and customer testimonials, can enhance ad performance.
Advertising is a vital part of your e-commerce strategy on Amazon and beyond. Allocating a budget of $700 to $1,000 for advertising can significantly enhance your product visibility and drive sales. By utilizing Amazon PPC ads and leveraging social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you can reach a broader audience and increase your chances of success. Effective advertising requires continuous monitoring and optimization, but the investment can lead to substantial returns in terms of sales growth and brand recognition.
9. Returns and Refunds
Managing returns and refunds is an inevitable part of selling on Amazon. While they can impact your profitability, understanding the associated costs and implementing effective management strategies can help mitigate their effects. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the costs and considerations involved in handling returns and refunds.
Amazon Return Processing Fees
Amazon charges a return processing fee that varies depending on the product’s size and weight. This fee is applied when a customer returns a product, and it covers the cost of handling and processing the return.
Standard-Size Products: Fees for standard-size products are typically lower due to their smaller dimensions and weight.
Oversized Products: Fees for oversized products are higher because of the additional handling and storage space required.
Example Fee Structure
Standard-Size Product Return Fee: Approximately $2 to $5 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight.
Oversized Product Return Fee: Approximately $5 to $20 per unit, depending on the specific dimensions and weight.
Additional Costs of Returns and Refunds
Restocking Fees: Amazon may charge a restocking fee for certain returned items. This fee is deducted from the refund amount and can range from 10% to 20% of the item’s price.
Return Shipping Costs: In some cases, you may be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping, especially if the return is due to a defect or error on your part.
Product Condition: Returned items that are not in resellable condition may need to be disposed of or liquidated, leading to additional losses.
Why Returns and Refunds Matter
Customer Satisfaction: Efficient handling of returns and refunds is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and positive reviews. Poor management can lead to negative feedback and damage your seller reputation.
Cost Management: Understanding and anticipating the costs associated with returns can help you better manage your budget and pricing strategy, ensuring you account for these potential expenses.
Inventory Control: Effective return management helps maintain accurate inventory levels and reduces the risk of overstocking or stockouts.
Strategies to Manage Returns and Refunds
Clear Product Descriptions: Provide detailed and accurate product descriptions to reduce the likelihood of returns due to customer dissatisfaction or misunderstandings.
Quality Control: Implement rigorous quality control measures to minimize defects and errors that could lead to returns.
Customer Service: Offer excellent customer service to address issues promptly and potentially resolve problems without necessitating a return.
Return Policies: Establish clear and fair return policies that balance customer satisfaction with protecting your business from excessive costs.
Example Calculation
Let’s consider you sell 100 units of a product, with an average return rate of 5%. Here’s how you can calculate the potential costs:
Product Price: $50 per unit
Return Rate: 5% (5 units)
Return Processing Fee: $3 per unit
Restocking Fee: 15% of the product price ($7.50 per unit)
Return Shipping Cost: $5 per unit
Total Return and Refund Costs:
Return Processing Fee=5 units×$3=$15Return Processing Fee=5 units×$3=$15 Restocking Fee=5 units×$7.50=$37.50Restocking Fee=5 units×$7.50=$37.50 Return Shipping Cost=5 units×$5=$25Return Shipping Cost=5 units×$5=$25
Total Costs:
Handling returns and refunds is a necessary aspect of selling on Amazon, and the associated costs can add up quickly. By understanding the fees and implementing strategies to manage returns effectively, you can minimize their impact on your profitability. Clear product descriptions, stringent quality control, excellent customer service, and well-defined return policies can all contribute to reducing return rates and associated costs. Efficient return management not only helps maintain customer satisfaction but also supports better cost control and inventory management.
  1. Miscellaneous Expenses
In addition to the primary costs associated with setting up and running your Amazon business, there are several miscellaneous expenses that can significantly impact your budget. These costs, while often overlooked, are crucial for creating a professional and efficient operation. Here’s a detailed breakdown of these potential expenses and their importance.
Graphic Design for Product Listings
Importance: High-quality graphics and well-designed product listings are essential for attracting customers and conveying professionalism. Poorly designed listings can deter potential buyers.
Costs: Hiring a freelance graphic designer can cost between $50 and $200 per listing, depending on the complexity and the designer's experience.
Services: Graphic design services might include creating product images, infographics, and enhanced brand content (EBC) that highlights your product's features and benefits.
Professional Photography
Importance: Professional photos can make a significant difference in how your product is perceived. High-quality images help build trust with customers and increase conversion rates.
Costs: Professional product photography can range from $100 to $500 per product, depending on the number of images and the photographer’s expertise.
Services: This may include standard product shots, lifestyle images showing the product in use, and detailed close-ups of key features.
Virtual Assistant (VA) Services
Importance: Hiring a virtual assistant can help manage various tasks, such as customer service, inventory management, and order processing. This can free up your time to focus on strategic growth.
Costs: VAs typically charge between $10 and $30 per hour, depending on their skill level and the tasks they perform.
Services: Tasks handled by VAs can include responding to customer inquiries, updating product listings, managing social media accounts, and handling administrative duties.
Other Potential Miscellaneous Expenses
Subscription Services: Tools and software subscriptions for keyword research, inventory management, and sales analytics can cost anywhere from $20 to $200 per month.
Legal and Accounting Services: Professional advice for legal and tax matters is crucial. This can include incorporating your business, trademark registration, and tax preparation, costing several hundred dollars annually.
Packaging Design: Custom packaging design can enhance your brand image and customer experience. Costs can range from $100 to $500, depending on the complexity of the design.
Marketing and Promotional Materials: Additional marketing efforts, such as email campaigns, social media ads, and promotional giveaways, can also add to your expenses.
Example Budget Allocation
Let’s break down a potential budget for these miscellaneous expenses:
Graphic Design: $150 per listing for 5 listings = $750
Professional Photography: $300 per product for 3 products = $900
Virtual Assistant: $20 per hour for 10 hours per month = $200 per month
Subscription Services: $100 per month
Legal and Accounting Services: $500 annually
Packaging Design: $300
Marketing and Promotional Materials: $200 per month
Annual Costs:
Graphic Design=$750Graphic Design=$750 Professional Photography=$900Professional Photography=$900 Virtual Assistant=$200×12=$2,400Virtual Assistant=$200×12=$2,400 Subscription Services=$100×12=$1,200Subscription Services=$100×12=$1,200 Legal and Accounting Services=$500Legal and Accounting Services=$500 Packaging Design=$300Packaging Design=$300 Marketing and Promotional Materials=$200×12=$2,400Marketing and Promotional Materials=$200×12=$2,400
Total Annual Miscellaneous Expenses:
Why Miscellaneous Expenses Matter
Professionalism and Trust: Investing in professional services like graphic design and photography enhances your product listings and builds trust with potential customers.
Efficiency and Focus: Hiring a virtual assistant allows you to delegate time-consuming tasks, enabling you to focus on growing your business.
Operational Smoothness: Subscriptions to essential tools and professional legal and accounting services ensure your business operates smoothly and compliantly.
Brand Building: Custom packaging and marketing materials contribute to a strong brand identity, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
Miscellaneous expenses, while sometimes overlooked, play a vital role in the success of your Amazon business. By budgeting for high-quality graphic design, professional photography, virtual assistant services, and other essential tools and services, you can create a professional and efficient operation. These investments not only enhance your product listings and customer experience but also free up your time to focus on strategic growth, ultimately contributing to your business's long-term success.
Setting up and running an Amazon business involves various costs that need careful consideration to ensure profitability and efficiency. Here’s a summary of the key cost components:
Product Selection Tools: Essential for choosing profitable products, with popular tools like JungleScout ($49/month) and Helium10 ($79/month). Free alternatives like 4SELLER also provide valuable features for product selection and inventory management.
Initial Stock Costs: Depending on the product type and quantity, initial stock costs can range from $1,000 to $3,000. Starting with 200-500 units is recommended to test the market without overcommitting financially.
UPC Codes: Necessary for product tracking, these should be purchased from GS1. A pack of 10 UPC codes costs $250 initially, plus a $50 annual renewal fee.
Shipping and Distribution Costs: Includes fees for shipping products to Amazon’s warehouse and Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees, which range from $2.92 to $6.13 per unit. Shipping small items might cost around $4 per unit, while mid-sized products could cost $8-$12 per unit.
Inventory Storage Costs: Monthly fees for storing products in Amazon’s warehouse vary by size and season. Standard-size storage costs $0.83 per cubic foot from January to September and $2.40 per cubic foot from October to December. Oversized storage costs $0.53 per cubic foot and $1.20 per cubic foot during these periods, respectively.
Platform Commission: Amazon takes a commission on each sale, typically between 8% and 15%, depending on the product category. For instance, electronics have a referral fee of 8%, while beauty products have a fee of 15%.
Advertising Costs: To drive visibility and sales, set aside $700-$1,000 for advertising. This includes Amazon PPC ads and potentially social media ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Returns and Refunds: Handling returns incurs costs, including Amazon’s return processing fee, restocking fees, and return shipping costs. These fees vary based on product size and weight.
Miscellaneous Expenses: Other costs include graphic design for product listings ($50-$200 per listing), professional photography ($100-$500 per product), and virtual assistant services ($10-$30 per hour). Additional expenses may include subscription services, legal and accounting services, packaging design, and marketing materials.
In total, you'll need at least $5,000 to start an Amazon FBA business today. Plus, you'll need to spend a lot of time managing your store and optimizing your product listings. This includes continuously monitoring your sales performance, tweaking your advertising strategies, and keeping an eye on competitors to stay ahead in the market.
By understanding and planning for these costs, you can effectively manage your Amazon business, ensuring it remains profitable and efficient while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction.
submitted by DutyTop8086 to AmazonFBA_USA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 nolesfan2293 7 Months Post Snip

Hi gents, I wanted to share my journey with you all. I’m 31 years old and I got my vasectomy after having my second child because the wife and I decided we were done. Surgery was in October 2023. I had some strange nerve pain radiating to my groin for about 2 weeks but was certain the worst was over by thanksgiving and started exercising again.
The first week of December I got a horrible case of epididimo-orchitis. 10/10 pain. Was put on doxycycline and levoflaxcin for about 30 days. Was still hovering around 7/10 testicle pain going into the new year. I noticed that ejaculating would leave me in terrible pain the following day so I began abstaining. I waited 2 weeks and tried ejaculating again and that’s when the prostatitis symptoms came on. Burning in the urethra, lower abdomen pain, lower pain back. I freaked out and began realizing this wasn’t going away soon. I had a mental breakdown and was searching for answers. I contemplated suicide, I couldn’t eat, and I couldn’t sleep due to debilitating anxiety and fear.
I saw about 4 urologists, did 3 ultrasounds, and 4-5 urinalysis, everything came back clean. I found a pelvic rehabilitation specialist in Miami and began a 6 round series of pelvic injections. (Very pricey ~ $6k). Thank god I stored away some crypto that helped pay for it. I was also referred to a pelvic PT and have gone around 8-9 times. I consistently do daily stretches and some wand work my home. I radically changed my diet (dairy, gluten, process food - free), take herbs (turmeric, quercetin, zinc, etc.), and eliminated caffeine and alcohol.
My symptoms began to subside by the end of the 6 week injection series and I was cautiously feeling good about living life again. About 2 weeks post the final injection the prostatitis symptoms came back along with my mental agony. Every day is a mental battle and if it wasn’t for the support of my wife and family I don’t know if I would be able to function.
Where I’m at today (May 2024):
On a positive note my testicle pain has subsided quite a bit since December. I hover around 1-3 most days which is mostly tolerable and a large departure from the 10/10 pain in December. My urethra burns daily and I’m never able to fully void my urine. My lower abdomen pain is very consistent and discomforting. Ejaculating makes all the above worse so I do so sparingly. I’m trying to stay positive but it’s very hard when the only thing I want is to have is my life back.
Anyone else have similar symptoms?
I think about a reversal daily and have already consulted with Dr P in Orlando (2.5 hrs from me). Is it a good bet to wait to pull the trigger till the year mark?
Can a reversal even help with my prostatitis symptoms?
Thank you all so much for sharing your stories and giving guys like me hope. I hope to come back in a few months with a better update.
submitted by nolesfan2293 to postvasectomypain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 Possible-Mechanic9 An lost vocaloid song

An lost vocaloid song
So this is an lost vocaloid song and I hope someone finds it because on the creators vocadb page there's only 1 song on there Link: https://vocadb.net/A120082 This was found on a Nico Nico Douga video compilation
submitted by Possible-Mechanic9 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:42 tinytiptaps Assassin manga identification

I read this manga maybe 8-10 years ago. The story is centered about a boy who saw his mother killed by an assassin. I think he was holding a bunch of roses when he went to his mother's room. The male assassin had long hair and belonged to a group? That group of assassin had weekly or monthly ranking. The boy joins that in hopes of killing the man he saw, who was ranked number 1 in the assassin group. If I remember correctly, the tree of yggdrasil was also mentioned at one point. It was revealed that the ranked 1 assassin was not a bad guy and he also knew the boy's mother.
submitted by tinytiptaps to manga [link] [comments]

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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 ringingbells Remember this? The media is talking about January 28, 2021. NOW's the time to TELL them Robinhood wasn't the biggest defaulter last time, & the congressional hearing + Hollywood movie based itself on 2nd place. 1st place, Instinet, had $46.63B in prior risk deterrents leading into January 28, 2021

Remember this? The media is talking about January 28, 2021. NOW's the time to TELL them Robinhood wasn't the biggest defaulter last time, & the congressional hearing + Hollywood movie based itself on 2nd place. 1st place, Instinet, had $46.63B in prior risk deterrents leading into January 28, 2021 submitted by ringingbells to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Ok-Dimension-7496 What's wrong?

What's wrong?
At first, the car wasn't reacting at all when I tried to start it. Then some lights came on the more I kept trying, then came what's happening in the video. I kept trying to start it and it finally started after sitting in a parking lot for like 8 minutes. My car does this every once in a while. It's a 2014 Toyota Corolla S. The last time it did this was 1-2 months ago but once I kept trying, it started, just like this time. Does anyone have any idea what the issue could be?
submitted by Ok-Dimension-7496 to carproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 Far_Constant5080 Me and my best friend's ex talk. I always feel weird about it.

So I (15F) have been friends with my best friend (16F) for around 2 1/2 years now. She is one of my closest friends and we have this insane bond where we literally trust each other with everything. I know that if I tell her something, she'll never tell anyone else, and vice versa. We tell each other EVERYTHING. Anyways, she has been on and off with this guy (17M) for about two years now. I third wheeled them a lot and the three of us used to hang out together a lot. We also are in a gc together and the three of us used to call all the time. Anyways, me and him are friends because of that. Fast forward to a few months ago, my friend and him are having problems and she decides to break it off with him. They go no contact. Suddenly, he is texting me a lot, asking about her, wanting to call me and rant. I checked with her to make sure she's okay with it- and she always says yes. She says she trusts me to not flirt with him, and that she wants him to have someone he can talk to. I almost always tell her the overview of our conversations so she doesn't worry (he knows I do this). Lately, he's been calling me just to talk because he's a bit lonely (it's usually him who texts first, I rarely do). I don't tell her about every single interaction that we have anymore, because it feels repetitive, and I'm not sure if she wants to hear about him. It doesn't feel like I'm hiding it from her, but something feels wrong. He's invited me to hang out with him a couple of times, and I've only said yes once. Even though I know nothing is going on between us, and my best friend says she's okay with it, I get the feeling she's a bit weirded out by the whole situation. However, whenever I ask her she always says she isn't. I still feels like it's a bit weird whenever we talk and I start to feel really guilty for talking to him, even though I'm not doing anything wrong. I don't have many friends, so it's nice to have someone who calls me. I'm very antisocial, and also extremely depressed. I have a lot of trouble making friends. Me and my best friends bond is an incredibly lucky situation that I never thought would happen. I never want to lose her. What do you guys think? Is it weird that I talk to my best friends ex? They are on good terms, but I'm a bit weirded out by it. What do I do?
submitted by Far_Constant5080 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:40 Acceptable_Tie_3927 Are we being scammed big time?

Maybe I'm not normal (well, I watch GBC eps 3 times: MTL, fan sub 1, fan sub 2, like Tomo watches Granma's Investigations thrice...) but someting has been buggging me for the last two eps. (*)
Are we being scammed big time? I mean GBC is about an indie band of angry rocker girls, who are fighting to be able to shove their pinky in the face of "the establishment". Meanwhile GBC anime is made by Studio Toei, a big name with Universal's music label backing it and preparations have been going on for over 3 years (e.g. auditions for real-life Togenäshi Togeäri band members). Plus a dozen commissioned songs were recorded for the project and it's advertised all over Tokyo subway lines and Shibuya giant LCD walls 1984 style.
That sounds like Establishment is pouring lots of money into an anarchist project. I see few possible explanations for such illogial phenomena:
  1. Everything according to plan. We are living in orwellian virtual reality, believing an establishment-funded franchise with a strong anti-establishment theme to be real. That would explain deliberate lack of anglo-sphere stream licensing, since japanese audiences are less likely to make a fuss about such contradiction vs the individualist, non-conformal west.
  2. GBC anime is the new Kemono Friends, where director was given a heavily manufactured but possibly already failing Intellectual Property package - which he and colleagues turned into a CGI goldmine despite all odds, by pouring their creative minds, soul and sweat into it.
(Should that be the case, we'll be able to say hours after last ep of s1 airs, from a tweet announcing summary firing of anime director for a severe indiscretion, like failing to greet production committe chairman's nephew upon graduation from kindergarten... As whole creative crew resigns in solidarity, tycoons will use the rookie seiyuu / band girls for PR shield against otaku backslash, resulting in an ever bigger scandal, which shelves GBC franchise for 4 years and then result in an s2 which real fans refuse to watch...)
  1. Do you have any other, hopefully less cynical theories?
(*) As to why the latest 2 eps made me question things, those gave slight hints that somebody in the creative process doesn't really care about project's integrity / suspension of disbelief. The ad hoc choice of band name from a T-shirt, possibly printed by an already copyrighted or trademarked entity, doesn't even sound realistic in-story. Not much thought was poured into that sub-plot? Animator also seemingly started to use hand-downs from Oshi no Ko mega-project (notice how Iseri Nina now wears "Baking Soda" style t-shirt and beret hat just like Arima Kana does.) The thought of Kadokawa behind GBC makes me shiver.
submitted by Acceptable_Tie_3927 to girlsbandcry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:39 PuzzleheadedGate1134 AHHH

AHHH submitted by PuzzleheadedGate1134 to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:39 EstimateExpensive621 I had a sleep paralysis of the boiled on phenomenon

I watched the boiled one like 1 month ago and I’ve always been thinking abt it like it has taken over my mine when I was bored I tried not to think abt what it said in the video and every now and then I would say it bc I was bored and idk what was wrong with me. I never dreamed about it which was good. I finally stoped thinking about it but just mabye once a day I would think abt it but I calmed down and kinda forgot about it. But yesterday when I went to go to sleep I turn on my tv and fall asleep to YouTube. When I try to find videos to find it showes other recommend videos and one had the boiled ones face on it. It scared me bc it was like 12:00am but I quickly went away from it and tried not to think about it. I fell asleep and then I woke up not being able to move or talk I could just blink and there it was. The infamous PHEN-228 standing there. I couldn’t believe it. I was scared shitless and every time I blinked it came closer and moved faster. Eventually like 2 minutes later it was on my bed looking at me. I was so scared then I saw its mouth move but it didn’t say anything it was just looking like it was gonna fall off. I was hoping I would wake up until like 5 minutes later trying not to blink as much and I woke in a panic. I tuned in my led lights and was so relieved that it was over. Please wish me luck for today when I fall asleep.
submitted by EstimateExpensive621 to SleepParalysisStories [link] [comments]
