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Getting hammered while getting slim

2013.01.12 00:16 stupidrobots Getting hammered while getting slim

A subreddit devoted to the careful craft of the low-carb drunk. Too many sugary cocktails and carb-laden beer finding their way to your gut, ass, and thighs? We've got the cure for you! Self promotion of any non-alcohol related keto products is considered SPAM On this sub and you will be banned without further question.

2012.03.05 16:44 ts87654 for cosplayers, by cosplayers

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2012.10.23 18:00 Adobe Premiere

A community-run subreddit for Adobe video editing apps including Premiere Pro, Premiere Rush, Premiere Elements, and Media Encoder. Support, tips & tricks, discussions, and critique requests are welcome!

2024.05.19 12:39 Ice666White Field Report: Game New York

Field report from community member of Game New York.

(Fri night attempts field report)
Was supposed to meet this girl for first date at bar in greenwish vlg last night, but got stood up/ghosted. Stil hung out in the bar for about or so talked to bunch of ppl. Got insta from this australian chick who was about to leave when I was chatting w her. She said come meet my friends and i sat at the booth along them. Met her 2 friends. (My mind was like impress the friends thats most of challenge here) but I failed honestly. One was ‘meh’ to me the other was for some reason did not like me lol. Got the girl’s insta but dont think shes gona follow back.

Walked around the block and saw this really cute girl sitting by herself on the bldg porch I went up to her with “can I ask you a question?” But before i could finish, i saw she was crying I was like are u ok what happen. Started talking sat next to her consoling n stuff. It was going alright, needed maybe 5-10 mins more w her to get her socials but her friends were passing by so she called them and left with them.(Not bcz she wanted to go away from me she was actually liking the support, prolly just too in her head and dipped out idk but i was bummed)

Bar hopped around. Talked to couple chicks here n there. started talking to this swizz chick at a club-ish bar. Shes here on vacay for few more days. I suggested getting drink since her hand was empty shes like lets do a shot im like cool and took my wallet out but she was like no let me pay I was stunned for a second never happed before lmao but Im like ok if u want to. Took a shot back to dancing/talking her friends were leaving so she started to go followed her to the door got her insta she seemed interested to go out on weekend. She said message me while leaving. (Shes hasnt followed back yet)
any tips on converting this potential swizz chick into success? Lol
submitted by Ice666White to GameGlobal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:39 NoArgument3206 Unsure of how to handle a friendship after birthday meltdown

My birthday was last week and I had plans with my friends that fell through. Initially since my birthdate fell on a weekday I had planned to go to the spa and grab dinner later with a friend. I doublechecked with them day of and they confirmed. By 6pm I called them and they told me that they had some work to finish up and they would let me know in 15 minutes and that now they needed a car seat because of an unexpected change. I didn’t get upset I just said keep me posted because we can always reschedule. Two hours and half later they called me saying we can still go to dinner despite the restaurant doing their last seating at 9pm it was 8:36pm. At this point I’m in my pjs and annoyed because I honestly had no problem ordering in and I was sure we weren’t going to make it on time. I got dressed and went anyway because they were persistent on trying. We got to the restaurant at 9:08 and they confirmed they were no longer seating but I opted to ask the bar server if I could still order to go since I didn’t eat, while my friend was getting herself together in the car. Because it was my birthday she agreed and let us order drinks and food to go. We stayed at the restaurant for 35 minutes. The following day I called them to confirm the weekends plans they had made for my birthday. They agreed but let know they had something to do Saturday night. Saturday comes I call them bright and early no answer. They called back two hours later saying they would have to do a rain check. Fine, but considering they knew from the night before (based on that morning’s conservation) I was pissed. I called at 7am because the plans were to leave by 9-930am they called me back at 9. I called them back and simply and calmly stated that I understand you have a lot going on, and I don’t mind rescheduling plans. However, it would be nice if you communicated these things in a timely manner that way I have a chance to plan accordingly because at this point I’m frustrated. The place is a brunch spot that tends to get packed quickly so ideally you want to be there before 10. She agreed that she could have communicated better we hung up. Less than five minutes later she calls back and stated I have high expectations for her. I told her I knew she was going to cancel and my expectations were far from high. She then pointed out things that upset her like me having a slight attitude when she picked me up for dinner and that I assumed the rest of the day’s plans were cancelled too (and they were because I didn’t hear from her again) and other situations outside of our friendship that were frustrating her. Which to me seems like excuses because I asked for nothing but communication. Although I tried to be considerate she in turn just got upset. mind you we’ve been friends for over 20 years we are in our 30’s. This is not the first time she has a habit of waiting til the last minute to cancel or simply just not answer the phone.
submitted by NoArgument3206 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:38 Lucky_Lunch1202 Annoying mother.

Idk if this belongs here. If there's a more suitable page, please let me know.
Basically, nothing I ever do is enough. I babysit my sister 3 days a week, from 8am to 8pm. She in herself is another whole issue, but that's due to my mother's coddling, no doubt. During this time, I need to get my sister ready for school, drop her off, pick her up, do a variety of chores (dishwasher is all that she says, but she complains if the floors arent clean and the washing is piled up, so basically i try to do every possibke chore), make dinner for everyone, and feed our outdoor pet.
I don't mind this. My mum works hard. But when she comes home she complains about EVERYTHING. If my sister made a mess of something and I hadn't noticed it, if my sister touched the walls with greasy hands, if my shoes were in front of the door after I went out to feed the pet that her and my little sister got before i even knew. Like nothing is good enough. She's constantly bitching about my sisters, which makes me anxious to do the same. When I'm around her I don't dare grab a coke, snack, or make pasta, because she's constantly dogging on them for this.
One of the worst parts is how she claims she's blunt but everything feels passive aggressive. She will address it to my little sister like "Oh what have I told you about doing this, where's your this, hope you haven't been on that TV all day, what did you eat, oh baby let me go get you another drink." Her tone just screams that she's talking to me. Like, I'm sorry your kid is a literal demon. Idk what happened after I left for university, but my sister was lovely and silly, and she adored me, used to want to be me, and now she's horrifying. "If you don't do this, I'll tell Mum lies about you. If you don't, then you'll ruin my childhood, I love mum and my other sisters more than you."
Besides, nothing is good enough for my mother, I'm perfect. On social media, I'm the best daughter, I'm so smart, and she's so proud, and I'm so beautiful. She wonders why I have no self-worth? Because I've never heard those things to my face. I hear her tell me I have a good figure, but never without hearing, "You don't want to be like your sister. She's too skinny." Oh, I have a nice face? Only because my sister is so punchable.
She reminds me every day that she's a great mother. I'll say well you can be a bit this or that, and she has an excuse for everything." Why you do it doesn't matter. If it hurts, it hurts. What's the point in parenting if the child doesn't find it effective.
I recently told her I think I might have something not quite right with me. A lot of people (mostly AuDHD) say they think I'm autistic or have adhd, and I've thought that for a long time. I have a lot of issues, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a mixture of many of them that just seems like autism or adhd. Basically, my mother said it's a trend right now and an excuse to be lazy. It was really giving "were all depressed, just stop being a lazy victim" vibes. She also told me I was too normal as a child and refutes all the instances of me being strange. Like when I had a no talking phase, when I told all my friends I didn't like them because they were too hard to talk to, when I cried to my mum basically explaining alexithymia to her because I didn't feel the emotions I expressed, all my various sensory issues I still have to this day that she said we're typical kid behaviour. It's all only gotten worse from there. I feel completely not normal, like I can't explain it. I also have a lot of issues with sounding monotone. Sometimes, I feel like I'm "dropping the act." From a young age, I've always been told off about my tone. If I'm angry, I better not sound it, if I'm sad, if I'm pissed off. I'm always lectured about my tone, but she sounds like she's making passive-aggressive jabs at me all the time, and that's fine.
There's so much more, like so much more. A lot of things she would say never happened. Like how she let my abusive bf take drugs to a holiday and kind of peer pressuring me to do them (I got SAd while I was sleeping that night by him). She said the whole time she didn't like him but didn't tell me in case I got upset. Or that time when I was getting pressured by my bf at 13, and she thought something was going on and just told me if I'm going to do anything I should just ask her for condoms instead of being an idiot. Reading this back, holy shit. One time she was crying and I went to give her a hug and she shooed me away and told me to leave her alone, and then seconds later my sisters aunt did the same thing and she broke down to her even more and hugging her. I was her emotional support child, btw, so obviously, this crushed me as that felt like my only value to her.
But yeah, there's so much idk how to even get into it all. So it probably doesn't seem so bad because this is probably typical parent behaviour. Also, yes, she is a single mother, and I'm grateful, but she has never said sorry to me. Never. It's always sorry you feel that way, but you're dramatic, victimising yourself, lazy, you'll thank me later. Like, no, I won't. Later you'll be estranged. She also has it in my head that no man is good. She keeps warning me of my bf, who yes is a pos sometimes, but better than a druggy rpist? I'd fricking say so, yeah. I tried to OD after breaking up with him. She doesn't even know because if I told her, she'd say I'm stupid and selfish. She also gets annoyed when I unblock my bf (as I broke up with him) to work things out. We're in a hard place, and I'm having complex emotions, and she just wants me to block him and spend time with family and study well. Like, let me grieve, jeez. She also tells me him mother is a psycho jealous bitch and his dad is a pdo. Like excuse me? You met them once, and know nothing about them.
I'm just writing this because I woke up to her complaining about a single cup and some pans that were left out last night (since the dishwasher was on) and saying how it's unfair as she wakes up early and has to deal with it. Why didn't you deal with it by cleaning it if it bothered you? Instead you wait till people are awake to criticise it and make them feel bad. Like we always do the dishwasher, that's one of my babysitting chores. Just ask me to do it nicely when I wake up, why all the backhanded comments and sparky remarks? Just communicate, you're 45, get a grip. She feigns perfection constantly and paints us as a perfect family when one child has cptsd, one has anxiety, I got a shit tonne of issues, and my little sister is an absolute entitled brat who will cry and scream and threaten if not given her way. Literally my sister said she would tell lies about me because I told her to wipe her own ass because I had chores to do (she's 8) and she said my mother would do it and that's why she doesn't love me. I want out of this house, but my mum will fault me for not babysitting as it costs money, and I do it for free.
Ask any questions you'd like. I understand there's not much to go off of, I'm happy to elaborate as I really need to vent I can't lie.
submitted by Lucky_Lunch1202 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:22 RubberKut 20240519: Omg.. i can feel it.. i am slipping again.. Perhaps i am just tired and need to catch some sleep.

Dear diary, missed me? hehe..
Back home again.. and i lied yesterday.. It wasn't that no one knew that i came back.. the cat sitters.. they had to know when i was back again.. Yesterday i had a little visit from one the cat sitters (2 people, it's a couple)
It was nice.. But i do feel, that i can't be 100% me.. the interest is not there.. like i shared before.. i need to share.. It's all feelings and thoughts and.. how it left an impression on me. And they can hear it for 30 minutes or so, before the interests fades away.. It becomes harder for me to share when i feel that i don't have their attention and i only feel more lonely then.. But they are my good friends and i just have a lot to share.. It's too much... (that's why i write and i am being vague here on purpose, not sharing everything, it's still the internet..) Plus i can't... i have 5+ weeks of experience in me.. Every thought is like cross-chatter and i can't express myself very well then. Perhaps i am just tired now, hence the cross-chatter.
I want to share on the moment (like what i am doing now), for example in chat groups, but then nobody responds.. I am literally talking to myself and now it's faded, it became a memory and i don't have the words anymore, i can't share the wonders and awe i experienced then.. I made a lot of photos, most of them are 'shit' though, out of focus, bad composition and etc... so it's boring to watch.. i need to filter and edit many of them..
Anyway.. But i am feeling it. My energy is already fading. I don't know what to do.. well i do know.. i need to clean my house, lets start with that, it's full with cat hair, dust and it's a mess.. It's a lot of work, so i'll be focussing on that for now, but then i distract myself by being here, hehe, but i am so tired, to be fair, i haven't slept very well in the last 5 weeks. Did i even sleep 2 days ago? I was on a airplane, not much sleeping then.. Crying kids, it was a kids fest on the airplane, but thank god for my noise cancelling earphones, that was a good investment. The fact that i am crashing now is understandable, but i don't want to sit still.. and what am i doing now? Sitting still..) Being in my house.. like i used to do before.. It just feels wrong.. i don't wanna be here, but where do i want to be? I dont know...
What do normal people do on days like today? It's sunny, it's sunday.. Visit friends? During the holiday i had no problems.. I was alone, I just go and do my thing, there is so much to do and see, so much to experience, here i feel lost.. Directionless, i don't know what to do.
Well.. i think i'm gonna clean a bit and go to bed soon, i need to catch up (it's not even afternoon and i am already falling asleep..)
But my cats.. they did miss me.. even when the 2 cat sitters came, she also mentioned that.. We were sitting on the couch and both cats were sitting with me.. both being in a deep sleep.. they do remember me and they do enjoy my company and they feel safe with me.. That's a nice feeling.. What would i do without the love of animals? They are my friends, my little buddies.
Also.. i'm gonna share it here, and not in the other sub, but i am done, with the INFP-sub. It was a good sub for me, for a while. I learned a lot about myself. But in my opinion it has really downgraded to BS. What a bunch of idiots (a lot of them, not everybody) So many lost people and i cant talk to them.. i try sometimes.. but to no avail.. They are stuck in their little loop, and they ain't listening and it sucks me in and i can't get them out.. Why do i wanna help? It's so draining sometimes.
Also i am here so connected with the internet world.. I just saw a news item, which brought me down as well.. i want to share, but its negative of course and somebody told me this is not the place to share these things.. so where can i share it? It has been said before, this place is a little sanctuary, also for me.. but if i can't share my own shit.. what kind of sanctuary is it for me? It's like.. why cant i share my shit? I know it's dark and it's hard.. I am alone again, in my own house, amongst friends... aint that funny?
How am i supposed to heal myself, if i see that the world needs healing.. But it's... it's governments i am talking about, it's the social structure, how.. how am i supposed to deal with that? Just accept it? I am not a conformist.. Or even a peaceful guy, i need action, change needs to happen, within me and the outside world. I don't wanna put blinders on, pretend it doesn't exist or it doesn't happen. Look at how many of us are troubled souls.. we need.. action, we need to change so many things about ourselves.
Observe but don't absorb, is a sentence i shared not so long with one of you.. and what am i doing? I am absorbing.. I gotta live to my own advice that i am giving away..
Crap... hehehe :) Well, at least i can still laugh about my own bullshit. Thx for listening. I am working on it.. and i am lost.. Not sure what to do and where to go..
The more i think about it, the more i feel i should do it.. Move out of the country, be in a place that i love and enjoy. In nature, in the mountains, in the sea with the fishies, with a culture i love and enjoy.. This culture here is... to shallow for my taste. It's about money and acting cool (not my friends, just.. this country in general) Being at parties and being seen as if you are cool.. It's empty and drug-fueled. (alcohol fueled, that's how a lot of people stay happy, by drinking and laughing)
They ignore problems, they ignore self-therapy and meditation.. (oeoe.. i need to meditate.. you know what.. after my post i will meditate for 30 minutes, lets do that.. lets be silent and be in the now) This country i live in.. it's a good country, better than many other countries.. wealthy, a caring government, we have health care and things like that.
But the people.. i mean, they are good people, but i am an outsider.. Not much family here, my friends have families, there is no time for me, they have their own lifes.. and i must find my own life too.
Lets meditate! Are you joining? Meditate everyday for 30 minutes (that's my minimum, Alan Watts said 40, but that's pushing it, lol.. hehehehe, if i can keep this up. I will meditate daily for an hour, that's my goal. )
I like to put rainforest sounds while meditating, but you have to be picky which background sounds you put on, some ambient sounds start to repeat itself and that becomes annoying, it distracts me from the meditation., because i can hear the loop, hehehe. 😅
Anyway thx again.
submitted by RubberKut to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:20 Jetblackheart21 20 [M4NB/F] #Online #USA Husker looking for his angeldust

I'm from Utah County and non-Mormon, so you can see the obvious fun I have dating /S. I'm not making this a sob story; the real reason I'm posting here is that it feels a bit more personal than most dating apps. I'm a pretty cheerful, confident guy. I can be a massive smartass and yap a lot, but I can have serious conversations and value communication. So, if you need an ear, I'm game, but do expect the same in return. I tend to be out and about a lot, usually doing stupid stuff and trying not to get hurt or in trouble while doing it. Most of the time, I'm a pro, but there are quite a few stories where I fumbled, lol.
I like to work out. I mostly do calisthenics. I'm admittedly fairly skinny but decently toned. I've also taken up running, but I'm not Usain Bolt, lol. I also play video games, mostly military simulation games like Arma and OHD. I also play platformers like Mario and Sonic, with Sonic being my go-to for my neurodivergent self. I'm big into history, mostly WW2 and the Cold War, and some WW1. I'm actually working on making a Cold War-themed board game.
On top of being a nerd, I do have a sensitive side. I know some of you have probably rolled your eyes, but hey, I like to write poems, and I'm a huge flirt when I warm up to someone. I'm looking for a sweet, caring person around my age and preferably living in the USA. I'm not picky, it's more important that we click, you know?
As for my values, I'm very liberal and an atheist. You don't have to share my views exactly, but I'm being upfront now to avoid causing issues later. I drink sometimes and don't use drugs. I don't care if you use pot, but anything harder is a no-go zone for me, as my family has some history with addiction. If you want to talk, I'm down to give you my Snap or Discord in DM
submitted by Jetblackheart21 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:04 ficus77 Some tips for first time travellers to Vietnam

Just got back from Vietnam - North to South tour over a couple of weeks around my partner's birthday. Absolutely loved the experience and would love to visit again and slow down the travel to take things in a bit more.
I have some tips for folk from my own experience. I'm from the UK - and specifically Cornwall where tourism is a mainstay of our local economy and I know what it's like to have your land flooded with tourists.
1: the pound is roughly 30000 Vietnamese dong, so divide by 3 and knock off some noughts. It's easier to knock off the last three 0s from the dong price first. Very important for weighing up the personal value of something you might buy/are being hassled to buy.
2: Security at airports is not like our biometric passport scanners in the UK - it's guys in very officious looking uniforms taking their sweet time to weigh up whether you should be let in (or out) of the country. Bear this in mind for planning follow up transport or arriving for a flight. Huge queues. It took about an hour after arriving to get through security, and an hour and a half when departing for our UK flight (important as they were shutting the doors by the time we got through security).
3 phone data - while queuing to get into the country in Ho Chi Minh, we opted to buy some local SIM cards from a stall next to the queues. They were £8 each and gave us unlimited data for our 2 weeks. Ideal. Might be able to get it cheaper but convenience after 20 hours of travelling was worth it.
4 airport transfers - take advantage of these where offered. Again, just takes the stress out of things as we found the country quite overwhelming, especially HCMC and Hanoi (overwhelming in a good way though).
5 city markets - we went to Hanoi, Cat Ba, Hoi An, Phú Quoc and Saigon and in each place there was a sizeable (Cat Ba was smaller) market advertised as a "must see" experience but in truth is the same place selling knock off clothes, luggage, souvenirs, food ingredients, etc. Every fourth or fifth stall is EXACTLY the same stuff. It gets boring after 10 minutes. Would advise visiting this wherever you are on your last day to buy some stuff to take home rather than lugging it around.
6 scooters - I wouldn't consider this unless you know how to ride a scooter, especially in the cities. Vietnamese traffic is an organic wonder to beyond from the safety of a taxi.
7 crossing the road - for UK folk, they drive on the other side in Vietnam. Very important to look both ways but believe the hype, pick your moment and go confidently - Vietnamese also have incredible spacial awareness to avoid you.
8 GRAB - download the app, add your card and Grab away. Again, speaking of convenience and least stress, you will quickly appreciate not walking for 20 minutes in +30° city heat and choosing to take an air conditioned taxi. For comparison, a trip that would cost about a tenner in UK costs a £1. Incredible value for your wallet, comfort and time.
9 food - try everything. OK, maybe Thit Cho on Hanoi is a stretch too far for the average Brit but everything else should be experienced. Personal favourites were Hotpot (so wish we had similar in UK) and BBQ where it's in the middle of the table and you do all the grilling. You can find Pho for equivalent of about £1 if you need shoestring food.
10 wine - some places sell local Dalat wine which is OK but wine is not a big deal in Vietnam and is usually at least UK price if not more. My partner found this hard as she doesn't like beer and didn't want to drink cocktails all holiday. Dalat is perfectly good plonk though - white and red.
11 Hoi An - don't believe the hype. We spent too long here (so sorry Saigon, you weren't as loved as you should have been). It can be done in a day and you've experienced it all. Reviews were lead to believe there was more to it. Nightlife was a laugh in a trashy way though if you want to do the whole Brits abroad thing.
12 Be respectful - my experience was that Vietnamese are a country of grinders who work all hours of the day. So speaking of Brits (or anyone else) abroad be respectful that not everyone you see is there for your photo opp or to help you and those in markets and hospitality are making a living, so don't waste their time. British especially are a nation of window shoppers and I'm not sure that came across too well on our travels. Try to be low key while you weave around the lives of Viet folk.
13 Learn to confidently say "no thanks" - politely saying "no thanks, just looking" and moving on is a valuable tool for getting through certain touristy areas. Engaging with folk will both give that person the wrong expectations and exhaust you in the process.
14 Google Translate - download this and use for basic enquiries. I don't think I was saying Xin Chao, Cam On or Tam Biet properly, so for anything beyond that, I have no clue. Don't assume people speak English - some are good enough to say Hello first to get past that.
15 Find a spot and just watch - find a coffee shop, relax and watch a very different people go about their lives. Things I enjoyed: how cool all the young people are; how obsessed the young folk are about selfies; care of children; karaoke round the dinner table (understand not to everyone's taste); friends enjoying a hotpot; lads fighting a crab into said hotpot; groups of friends having animated toasts after work; care of old folk; many and varied ways to use a scooter to carry people, goods, materials, flat screen TVs, dogs.
16 Beers in order of my personal taste - Saigon Red; Larue; Saigon Special; Hanoi; 333
17 Beer St in Saigon - go walk through it. I have never seen anything like it. Don't necessarily stop there but go observe it's wild, perverse nature.
18 If staying in a hotel, before you head out for the day, soak a flannel in water, put it in a glass, put the glass in the fridge. You will appreciate it when you get back from your enevitablely roasting walk around town (mad dogs and Englishman..).
19 pack for very hot weather (in May at least). I took a set of clothes for UK - these were worn to and from the airport and otherwise lived at the bottom on my bag. Otherwise, shorts, t-shirts and light shirts to keep the sun off. Even cotton t-shirts felt too much at times. My favourite items were a matched black linen shirt and shorts I bought out there. Pretty much lived out of them exclusively towards the end of the trip. Must have announced my musky presence from a great distance. Utilise the laundry services for sure.
20 ignore the rubbish - try to tune it out and adjust your hygiene expectations. This is important as in two weeks, I got blisters, bites, at anything and yet came away without food poisoning, infection or anything else. It's an eyesore at times to these soft UK eyes but don't let it ruin the trip. Hope Vietnam authorities can do more to handle that as it'll mount up the more the country is discovered.
Sure there's more but just offloading after getting back. Hope it helps.
submitted by ficus77 to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:03 EndersGame_Reviewer Thoughts on Babette's Feast (1987)

Babette's Feast (1987) is a highly regarded arthouse film with strong spiritual themes. It won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, and has received much critical acclaim. But is it simply something pretentious, or is the respect its gained well deserved? And does it even have something serious to say?
The film introduces us to the two sisters Martine and Filippa, who are part of a very strict Puritanical and ascetic Protestant church group that was started by their father. He’s now deceased, although the first part of the film does show us some of the background, where they spurn the love of two young men in favour of the ascetic lifestyle taught by their father. The main story begins when we see them as aging spinsters, giving refuge to a needy woman from France, who is our central character, Babette.
After she wins the lottery, Babette wants to express her gratitude to her hosts for 14 years of their hospitality by cooking them with a sumptuous meal on what would have been their father’s 100th birthday. Afraid of enjoying earthly pleasure, the ascetic group solemnly agrees in advance that they will act as if the delightful food and drink doesn't have any real taste. But can they really maintain this illusion when the food is that good? Aside from this main storyline, the film also touches on some inner conflicts among the church group.
The film is in the French language, although the version I watched had an optional soundtrack with a dubbed English voice-over. Despite not knowing French, I found it far more enjoyable to use English subtitles along with the original French soundtrack. This maintains the more subtle voice inflections of the actors, and it’s surprising how much of the authenticity and impact is lost without this.
But why is this film so charming, and what has made it such a success? Aren’t we basically just watching a group of people solemnly eating a meal? Cynics will find a lot to make fun of here. But for those prepared to chew a little, there’s more than what meets the eye. To begin with, the characterization is excellent, and the depiction of the two single ladies who have forsaken everything for their faith is particularly well done. Babette’s humble service and her extravagant gift, along with all its culinary delights, is beautifully presented, in a slow-moving and serene way.
In many respects Babette's Feast first and foremost shows the foolishness of a faith that is artificial and ascetic. The feast that Babette prepares highlights the hypocrisy of the religious sect, by exposing the foolishness of their religion of externals. The Protestant group is blind to the value of the gift they are enjoying, contrasting with the visiting General and with Babette, who see and understand how things really are. There seems to be an implied critique on such ascetic religious groups, with the General functioning as a character who is enlightened despite his simplicity. True religion doesn’t just practice piety, but there also finds room to enjoy life’s pleasures.
But there is more going on besides this obvious message. Many commentators have suggested that Babette is essentially a Christ-like figure, because she gives a gift of grace in a meal that has overtones of Christ's last supper. This interpretation gives her meal a sacramental quality, and when viewed in this light, it gives a whole new perspective on the film. There may be something to this, because there is a sense in which Babette selfishly sacrifices all she has for her two patrons. Reading what Catholic reviewers like Stephen Greydanus have to say about the sacramental aspect of the film is especially interesting (link to his review). Other reviewers suggest a Lutheran interpretation, and focus more on how the film depicts a marriage between the spiritual and the carnal. Given the Danish setting, a Lutheran background to the theology is also very plausible.
You’ll find a wide range of theological interpretations among critics, so there is lots of room for discussion here. I'd be reluctant to insist on a particular interpretation, because it seems to me that the film already does us a service by stimulating such discussions, rather than coming to definitive conclusions on them.
But clearly the film does want us thinking about theology, because Martine and Filippa are named after the Protestant Reformers Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchton. Central to Protestant theology is the notion that good deeds are not done to earn a heavenly reward, but are a grateful response to a God-given gift of grace. Ironically, it’s Babette’s generous gift that captures this spirit more than the combined piety of the two sisters and their religious group. It’s possible to be so intent on pursuing piety that one misses the point of life, and fails to enjoy grace and the pleasures God gives.
The suggestion has been made by some that Babette's feast helps change the characters, and causes old quarrels to be healed, and past sins to be genuinely forgiven. If so, this raises interesting questions about the nature of sacraments, and how they function. But I’m left wondering whether it really is the film’s goal to suggest that the sacramental quality of the feast helps dispense grace and solve the sharp differences and shortcomings within the small group. For example, many reviewers see the positive discussions that the group has about their religious leader while enjoying the meal as evidence of its transforming quality.
But does this elaborate feast really transform the characters who share in it, like a sacramental eucharist might do? I’m not convinced, because it seems to me that these conversations could equally be their way of desperately avoiding talking about the gift itself, by turning to pious talk that had nothing to do with the food, and are evidence that they’re stubbornly persisting with their religious blindness. But perhaps repeated viewings of the film might cause me to reconsider this view.
The film also raises interesting questions about the value of art, as is evident from what the famous opera singer Achille Papin says about art in the afterlife. This conversation returns in the film’s concluding words to Babette about her art as chef. Filippa echoes what Papin had said to her, promising that in paradise Babette will be the great artist God intended her to be. An artist will always give their best, and that’s exactly what Babette’s extravagant feast is.
Clearly there’s more to Babette’s Feast than meets the eye, and I feel I’ve only scratched the surface of its meaning. Extensive full length academic papers have been written about it, some of which can be found online. For me anyway, spending time at Babette’s table has only increased my appetite to find out more about this thoughtful film. I'd love to get insights and perspectives from others who have enjoyed it.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:48 Nancy48236 Trailmaster Milano 50 N 50cc scooter review

Trailmaster Milano 50 N 50cc scooter review
Ordering a scooter online is a bit of a risky adventure, especially when you review the terms and conditions and the return policy. But, you have to agree to it in able to place the order. Less risky is buying at a dealer, but you pay a significant premium for the product. I've read horror stories online about folks receiving junk and even non-operating scooters. That is a possiblity, and with the terms to which you agree, very risky.
We were lucky, though, with Family Go Carts (FGK) and the Trailmaster Milano N 50cc scooters.
I ordered, online, two Trailmaster Milano N 50cc scooters from FGK - one for me, one for my husband - on May 1,2024. We received the scooters on 5/18/2024. Considering US shipping demand, that is a reasonable time to delivery. The lady at FGK who called me to coordinate the delivery was kind, and gave instructions on how to receive and prepare for the first run (ie. Change oil - upon arrival, the engine has shipping oil in it).
Shipping: "Free", but you have to pay access fee and lift-gate fee. Not too bad considering how shipping rates have skyrocketed in the last few years.
She asked for our second choice in colors. Thankfully, we got our first choice - light blue and white for me and black and white for my husband.
Unpackaging: Remove cardboard (there's no bottom to the cardboard). Just cut down the cardboard at any one of the corners, then walk around the steel skeleton shipping cage. Then you'll take off the top of the steel shipping skeleton. Undo all bolts and nuts on the bottom. You'll a;so have to undo the two bolts on the top that attach the steering column fork to the steel cage. Then, just tip off the cage on one end, and continue tipping it off to the other end.
Assembly: No instructions for it. Some assembly is a no-brainer, but the handlebars and front wheel require explanation. Thankfully, someone posted a video on the assembly of Trailmaster Milano: , I couldn't have done it without that video.
Handlebar assembly: First, just get the bolt in - front to back, with the curvey part of the washer against the column and between the column and the bolt head. Notice you can't get to the nut on the backside (unless you have 6" fingers of a contortionist). Don't worry like I did. Get the bolt in, assemble the front wheel, then come back the the handlebar column. Turn the bars far to one side. Now you can reach the backside of the bolt and add the nut. We added blue Loctite to the axle and the steering column/handlebar threads for the nuts.
Make sure you connect the blinkers. Trial and error to get left blinker coordinating with left blinker connector. Two trials if unlucky - not too bad.
You'll still have one body-based connector without a mate. Again, don't worry like I did - that's for the headlight. You'll assemble that later.
Front wheel assembly: The front wheel assembly is best with two people. First goal is to get the scooter out of the steel shipping skeleton and on flat ground so you can support the scooter on its center stand.
Get the scooter out of the steel shipping skeleton. This will require some muscle and two persons. Remove the front axle bolt that holds the scooter to the bottom part of the steel shipping skeleton. One straddles the scooter while keeping the front lifted up (shaking up and down) while the other removes the bolt axle. Once the bolt axle is removed, with muscles, one straddles the scooter while keeping the front lifted up and carefully walking through the steel cage bottom while the other person pushes from behind. Then, get the scooter center stand down so the scooter rests on that on flat, solid ground. We ended up balancing the frame of the scooter on a block of wood, then putting the center stand down.
Now, work on the front wheel. Slip the silver-colored, stainless axle bolt spacer into the wheel's disc side. It's frustrating getting the wheel on because you have to get the brake disc lined up with the brake pads (remove the pad spacer put in for shipping and toss it) and the speedometer on the other side correctly lined up with the wheel and fork, ALL that simultaneously while getting it lined up to insert the axle. Fun times! You may end up with assembly partners snapping at each other and swearing - a lot. Persistence and patience and it will get done. Add blue Loctite for final tightening on the axle/lug nut.
Oil change: Drain out all the shipping oil. There's a lot in there. After draining, we added about two cups of 15W40.
Headlight and front cowl assembly: Connect the headlight to the body-based headlight connector. Use the included zip ties to secure all the wires out of the way and neatly, without putting too much strain on any connections. Make sure you put the U-shaped, color matched plastic cover (in horizontal plane) separating the handlebars speedometer instrument from the front cowl. Snap it into the tabs. THEN, attach the front headlight cowl to the body. Don't do like I did - get the headlight front cowl section on then try to snap in the cover. I had to remove the headlight front cowl, snap in the color-matched cover, then re-attach the front headlight cowl.
Topcase/trunk: Best with two persons, but can be done with one. Big enough for a half helmet, gloves, goggles, wallet, and other little things. Looks good on the scooter, too.
Battery installation: This can be tricky. You have to have a square nut below the terminal screw. If you put the battery in the scooter and try to get those nuts under the terminal, you won't be able to do it. If you just try to balance the square nuts on the battery while dropping the battery into the scooter's battery compartment, the square nuts fall off. We decided to secure the nuts to the battery terminals with the terminal screw only half-turned. Then drop the battery in and complete connections. First, connect the black, then connect the red. The batteries we received were fully charged.
Moment of truth: Put premium gas in the tank. Since the carburetor is empty, you'll have to let the starter work a bit to get gas flowing into the engine. Didn't even take three total minutes. Run the starter for about 30-60 seconds, stop, repeat. Three times and it started right up. Whew. Let it run for a while. Good idle speed and it sounds like the aifuel mix is spot on.
One sees many horror stories about buying Chinese scooters online from dealers. And, those stories are bad. As I said above, you have to agree to the terms and conditions before you can buy. Those terms and conditions put all the risk on the buyer, not the dealer. So, know what you're getting into.
But, thankfully, FGK did well. We received both Trailmaster Milano N 50 scooters in a timely manner, without damage, and the scooters fired up right away.
Finally, registration of your scooter in your state: My state, Virginia, requires registration of 50cc scooters so you can display a license tag on the back. To register, you need a title. You don't get a title from this dealer. But, you get enough documentation from the dealer (manufacturer's transfer document, invoice, bill of lading) where you can fill out an easy affidavit for title. Get it notarized and submit with your title application and registration. Pretty easy and far easier and quicker than waiting for the dealer to do it for you, IF the dealer is willing to do it for you, that is. I didn't even ask FGK for their title transfer document, so I can't comment on their responsiveness to such a request. I did the easy work-around at the DMV.
So far, so good. I've gotten it up to 32 MPH (speedo reading, not GPS-confirmed), and that wasn't at full throttle. I'm still being careful with getting to full throttle until the engine has a bit of time to break in.
I am aware that we will have to wrench these scooters from time to time. Thanks to so many videos available online about how to work on the 139QMB GY6 50cc engines, I think we can do this. (edit to add: I attached a brown leather drink holder to the steering bars, just below the speedometer instrument, using a black velcro strap with a D-ring.. So, that's what that brown thing is - a drink holder. It's made by Hide-and-Drink and available on Amazon.)
submitted by Nancy48236 to scooters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:27 Character_File8451 BF of 11+ years has been cheating for the past 5 years…

Writing this under a throwaway account because honestly I feel disgusted, empty and embarrassed at myself and just need to rant. My boyfriend and I (both in our 30s) have been together for a while and honestly the past couple of years have died down for us sexually and emotionally starting with him one holiday being nearly black out drunk and physically assaulting me with a knife and choking me, but I was able to defend myself and calm him down. I know…major red flag. We broke up for nearly a year over this and took a while to talk things through and work it out.
But honestly, things started off rocky way earlier in our relationship when he cheated on me emotionally and physically behind my back. When we got back together, I decided to get on Prep for my own safety and I’m glad I did. I don’t know why, but my spidey senses were tingling this evening and trusted my gut reaction again (hate that I did this, but also glad?) and went through his phone just now while he’s passed out from drinking too much from partying. Found out this guy (I confronted my soon to be ex-bf about this guy a couple months ago) and my bf had gone on a couple dates behind my back and he slept with him in our bed, multiple times (the guy has no idea I exist). Shamefully, I decided to snoop even more and found out he’d been sleeping around with multiple people in our bed (coordinating with them when i need to be in the office since he works from home), slept with guys at our local gym, as well as their places for the past couple of years. All of them having no idea that I exist or that he’s in “committed” relationship.
As stupid as this sounds too, earlier in our relationship when he first cheated on me, I proposed we open our relationship but we decided against it. Personally, I couldn’t do it and am a monogamous dater. I think I was fooling myself into thinking that I was the problem and opening would solve our problems.
I’ve been going to therapy over the past year to understand myself better as a person and uncovered that quite a bit of my anxiety and lack of self esteem stems heavily from this relationship.
I know people are thinking “so many red flags why didn’t you leave” and honestly I’m embarrassed at myself for not ending things sooner. But when you’ve spent so much time together, met each others families and friends, built over a decade of your life together, shared so many milestones together (people’s weddings, traveling to multiple countries, moving in together, being there for each other during funerals) and so on, it’s not easy to say “I’m done, we’re done” and walk away without trying everything. I think I’ve spent so much of our time together telling myself things can get better, he can get better, that I’ve successfully fooled myself and glanced past these red flags over and over again.
I guess for those who are in a similar boat, don’t be hard on yourself. Sometimes you win some, sometimes you lose some. If someone hurts you and won’t change/improve and you’ve given so much time, energy, therapy sessions, tears, and money, it’s okay to walk away because I’m telling this cheating SOB once he wakes up that’s it’s officially over.
submitted by Character_File8451 to gaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:16 Agitated_Tax_6716 My partner chastised me like a child then later accuses me of being the one abusing him.

Im stuck. I dont know if i need to vent, need advice or words of encouragement but I am ashamed to say that today I stood in front of my partner with my head down and crying while he berated me like a child after I told him about something the dog damaged.
I was nearly going to throw up and have a panic attack at the thought of telling him because I knew exactly how it would happen and low and behold it was exactly that.
There is no safe space and I hate how he makes me feel about myself. I remember standing there as 6yo me when my parents were doing the same thing. I'm a 38F so very much not a child.
How can someone work on childhood trauma and begin to heal if the environment they are trying to heal from is that exact space?
I've begged, pleaded, and tried a million ways for this man to understand but nothing is going to change.
I left the house and returned to him drunk and telling me that I am controlling him by crying. He then assumes that he knows exactly why I am upset and keeps pushing me until I raised my voice saying that is not what I am thinking as a reaction to him.
Suddenly I am now the abuser and he began to yell and when I said that you are upset at me for raising my voice but you are doing the same thing. His words... I don't care, I can do what I want and I don't give a shit about feminity bullshit. Whatever that means.
My head is swimming and I actually don't know what I need right now or how to feel. When he drinks he gets all belligerent and keeps pushing to fight and get a reaction out of me. I walked away from the conversation and said I cannot talk to him when I am feeling the way I am and we can talk later. In his mind, I'm controlling and no doubt he will be back for round 2 later.
My psychologist is on holidays and I don't have anyone close to reach out to so I'm trying to figure out what steps I need to take next for me emotionally and for my children (2 mine 1 ours). Thanks for making it this far.
submitted by Agitated_Tax_6716 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:11 GarbaGarba I just want to share my sweet girl on her birthday!

I just want to share my sweet girl on her birthday!
Today, Eleanor Vader K-lastname turns 9! Her name was going to be Nancy, as I wanted to have a pet with an old lady name, but my now ex-husband just wasn’t feeling it when he got home and met her. The little girl that gave her to us was Ella, so Ella was what she was officially named. Over the years, her name has slowly transformed — she sometimes will respond to Ella, but now she mostly responds to Bean, and only to Beanie Baby when my roommate calls her. It was a long transition with quite a few nicknames!
She is one of the weirdest cats I have ever met in person. She has a huge personality that she is very careful with showing to unfamiliar people. This girl has been spoiled rotten since she came to live with me at 5 weeks old, after her mom disappeared. Her mom was a barn cat. Ella came to live with me, my two cats from the same litter that are 4 years older than her, and my dog that was 2 1/2 at the time. My dog, Jasper, has been obsessed with her for her whole life. They love each other so much!
I lived in an apartment in a small city when I first brought her home. She was pretty social and friendly as a kitten but kind of slowly stopped being as social with anyone outside of me or my ex-husband. No one had ever been unkind to her, she was just kind of an antisocial girl. In 2019, right after she turned 4, we moved to a much bigger house in the country and she just became a totally different cat. Over the first few months that we lived her, she completely came out of her shell and just showed off her big personality. I used to call her our “pet me with your eyes” cat, but now she was all about making friends.
In 2021, my ex and I split. I stayed in the house and invited my best friend to live with me. He moved in and brought his kitty, Zim, and Zim decided immediately that Ella was going to be his best friend. She did not agree for a while, but now, they are almost inseparable. When they can’t find each other, one will walk up and down the hall and yowl in their weird way until the other one comes out, so they can go find a place to snuggle. Zim taught Ella how to have a cat friend and Ella taught Zim how to gallop up and down the hall.
Ella loves to gallop full speed down my super long hallway, beg for extra meals, watch ghost bugs, perch in her cat bestie’s tower, snuggle Zim on the chair the two of them claimed, try to force the dog to clean her ears and face, bury invisible things, drink water upside down, eat spray can cheese, and sometimes escape her best friend for alone time.
Ella does not like traveling, stepping even one single toe bean outside, moccasins for some reason??, dogs that aren’t her brother-mom, and the fact that she is having much more carefully measured portions of food, because she and Zim got hella chunky and we needed to correct that. She is much slimmer now, but at what cost????? She also will tolerate her dog sister (who lives with dad), but prefers to not be in the same room as her. I am super close friends with my ex’s new wife, and even before that, I was my ex’s primary pup-sitter, since we got her together.
Happy birthday, miss Bean! I can’t wait to see what kind of unhinged shit you do this year.
submitted by GarbaGarba to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:11 PseudoNimious Do I (47f) tell my husband (49m) he killed my libido?

We have not had sex in more than 5 years. He has made a few idle comments that he wished we had more sex, but he’s never tried to have A Real Conversation about it. I now have zero libido, so I am fine with the current situation. But I worry he’s more upset than he lets on, and will leave me. We’re essentially roommates… but we’re damn good roommates and I neither want nor can afford to live alone. Should I just let sleeping dogs lie? Or try to discuss, which would mean telling him that I lost interest in sex because of his actions?
When we met, and for the first few years together, I was a very sexual person. He has never stimulated me orally; I tried hinting once, and he made it so clear the concept disgusted him that I never progressed to an actual request. (I still extended the favor, even though it was never returned.). But we were young, digital stimulation was usually enough, so I accepted that.
Move forward a few years, and perimenopause hit at the same time as a really stressful time at work. It became harder for me to orgasm, and he made it clear that annoyed him. There was eye-rolling, impatient huffing, and more than one exclamation of “how can you not be done YET?” I gave up trying to orgasm, and just told myself if the sex felt nice for a little while, that was enough. It wasn’t, and I started to dread sex and make excuses to delay it.
When my husband realized that I had given up trying to orgasm, he stopped any attempt to please me; digital stimulation was limited to making sure I wasn’t dry. Sex often hurt. I started drinking to get through it. He knew, and didn’t care. It got to the point where I blacked out during sex.
The last time we had sex, I passed out during the (limited as previously mentioned) so-called “foreplay.” My husband had sex with my unconscious body and I learned about it the next day. That was the nail in my libido’s coffin. It was bad enough that he lacked interest in giving me pleasure, but to violate my bodily autonomy like that… I just couldn’t imagine ever trusting him enough to be intimate again. I haven’t so much as fantasized since then. I tried reading erotica, watching sexy movies, daydreaming about past loves… I felt nothing.
I don’t miss sex, it’s like that part of myself flew away. Sometimes I half-wish that I missed it. But I worry that if I don’t find a way to force myself through it again, my husband is going to leave. We’re good friends and roommates, good as financial partners, and (his issues with weaponizing incompetence aside) a pretty good team overall. So… do I find the courage to broach the subject, or just sit tight? And if the former, how do I tell him that he’s the reason I went from having a high to a nonexistent libido?
submitted by PseudoNimious to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:01 pipted Universal Studios Japan day report, with kids aged 8 and 11

I thought I’d add a trip report for Universal Studios Japan as I found some of this detail was hard to find online (e.g. the opening time!) My husband and kids (aged 8 and 11) visited USJ on a weekday in mid April.
Tickets: All purchased through Klook without any problems. Printed at home to save the hassle of flicking through four passes on my phone every time. We bought the 7 Express Pass which was worth every cent. We also bought the Early Entry studio pass, designed to let us in 15 minutes early. That wasn’t entirely accurate, see paragraph below!
Entry times: We had read online that the park opens an hour before the posted time. Not today! The posted time was 9am, and we turned up at 8:15. The park opened at around 8:40. At this time, the regular lines and the Early Entry lines opened all at once. But it was still definitely worth buying the Early Entry pass, because the lines were much, MUCH shorter. If you’re using an Early Entry pass, just show the attendants when you turn up and they’ll direct you to the Early Entry lines.
Super Nintendo World: We had already reserved an entry time for Super Nintendo World at 10:50 through our express passes, but we didn’t want to wait. We checked the app as we walked in at 8:50, and we could get an entry time to SNW at 9:10. We went straight there, lined up, and they let us in 15 minutes early! We found the same for all of our express passes too: They would allow us in at least 10 minutes earlier. Perhaps it’s because it wasn’t a particularly crowded day (still crowded, but not a weekend or holiday). In brief, SNW is everything you’ve seen online, but so spectacular in person.
SNW power up bands: We bought these at the first kiosk, but should’ve followed the advice online and walked further into the area. There were power up band kiosks with no queues inside. We didn’t really get much value for money out of these: the kids had fun hitting the blocks and coins and interacting with them a little on the rides, but they couldn’t be bothered to wait in the long queues for the more elaborate games. There’s a big challenge which requires playing several games to collect keys to enter a boss level. It probably would have taken an extra hour or two, but we were ready to go on more rides.
Jaws: We went on this next, but there was no need for a fast pass as the queue was very short. It was entertaining enough despite being in Japanese. We would have preferred to ride the Hollywood roller coaster; our 7 express pass had that as an alternative to Jaws, but unfortunately it’s currently closed.
Minions Mayhem: This was the best 3D movie ride I had ever been on (until we went on Soaring at DisneySea!). Both are excellent. The intro videos have English subtitles; the main 3D movie ride didn’t, but there wasn’t much dialogue. Very fun, enjoyed by all. Walked past the other Minions ride, Freeze Ray Sliders, but looked like a version of spinning teacups, not worth the ever-lengthening queue times.
Mario Kart: Koopa’s Challenge: Probably our favourite ride for the day. It’s a combination ride / 3D movie / interactive experience with virtual goggles – worth every bit for the express pass, and worth the queue if you don’t have an express pass!
Yoshi’s Adventure: Very much a young kids’ ride and can be skipped! Even our kids looked bored. There are good views, but not much that you can’t see elsewhere. (As an aside, the two best views of the not-yet-opened Donkey Kong Country were found at the peak of the Flight of the Hippogriff rollercoaster, and on the Tempozan Ferris Wheel which we visited the day before.)
Flying Dinosaur: Our 11-year-old doesn’t like extreme roller coasters, but our 8-year-old was unsure as she has liked some bigger roller coasters before. We decided that my husband and I would ride it while the kids watched (and took videos, hilarious) and we could tell her afterwards if it was too scary. DEFINITELY too scary, haha. I love roller coasters, and I closed my eyes in parts. I’m so glad I did it, but it’s not for the faint-of-heart.
Jurassic Park meet and greet: We happened to walk past as the dinosaurs were coming out. Cute for the kids, but not worth structuring your day around. I wish the Jurassic Park log flume ride was open, but it’s currently still closed.
Waterworld: We queued for this 20 minutes before show time, but we needn’t have bothered, as the seating area was huge. They were still letting people in as the performance began, and none were having trouble finding seats. We could have chosen the front row, but we sat slightly behind the ‘splash zone’ so we wouldn’t get wet. Sitting higher up afforded a better view too, but views would have been good from anywhere. The plot was simple enough to follow without understanding Japanese – fun and good for a long rest for our already tired feet!
Hogsmeade: Utterly stunning, all of it: The shops, the food, the performances (singing frogs and magical beasts turned up regularly). We ate at the Three Broomsticks, which appeared crowded with a long queue, but with an app to order, it cleared quickly enough. There were plenty of empty tables out the back, with a view across the lake to Hogwarts! My kids had wanted to try butterbeer for so long, but it was sickly sweet, like bubbly maple syrup. It was quite difficult to find a place to dispose of the rest of the drink so we could take the souvenir cups home, but eventually we just dumped the contents in the bathroom sink.
Interactive wands: These were much better value for our kids, and they took part in five of the seven interactive spells before exhaustion hit at the end of the day. The first (wingardium leviosa!) was not being managed by staff, so it was hard to get it to work. It had about a 50% success rate. The later ones were all managed by very kind and patient staff (who also happened to speak excellent English) who allowed each guest to keep trying until it worked. It meant the queues were slow-moving, but most were short enough, and my kids were happy to wait while they watched others attempting the spells.
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey: We were so excited for this one, but it scared both my kids a bit! The 8-year-old because of the giant dementors (both on-screen and big animatronics), and the 11-year-old because the chair actually tipped a really long way back and forward. She was worried we would go right upside-down, but we didn’t. It was a lot more intense than we had expected. I really loved it, but be careful if you have sensitive kids.
Flight of the Hippogriff: This is a pretty tame roller coaster, and I’m not sure why people would queue two hours for it. The kids loved it, though. One warning: my six foot tall husband had to be moved to the front row as his legs didn’t fit!
Minions Mayhem again: We noticed on the app that there was only a 10 minute queue for Minions Mayhem, so my husband and 8-year-old had another go. A 10 minute queue means no queue at all, as it takes 10 minutes to walk through and watch the intro videos. We checked the app, and all the more popular rides still had huge queues, so decided to call it a day.
All up, we were there from opening to 6pm, and were utterly exhausted by the end of it. Plan a quieter day for afterwards, if you can! And we were very jealous of the people staying in the hotel right by the park – in hindsight it would have been worth the extra packing and unpacking to shift to that hotel for the night before and/or after.
submitted by pipted to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:56 vsfool The Windows

Before I moved into my apartment I Iived in a rented house,it wasn't very big but I liked it a lot and it was more than enough for me. It was a litle bit of a longer drive to get to my job every day since the house was somewhat far from the city but still, I liked It. The neighbors were great as well, it was more or less a perfect little place to find peace, or so I thought. Now, my story is a prime example of things going downhill, here's where everything gets very interesting.
For a year and a half pretty much every day after work I would drive home, take a shower and have a cup of coffee to relax myself before doing anything. For the duration of my coffee, I would always sit by the window while reading a book or watching TV. Most days were the same, I would get caught up reading, lose track of time and I'd spend the last few moments of sunlight looking out the window. It was a peaceful sight; city noises were replaced with kids' laughter.
One day I fell asleep in the chair and woke up some time after midnight to find my TV still on and the remote inside of my coffee cup,I was just gonna go to the bedroom and continue the slumber when I saw a glimpse of light up on the hill.
There was an old church up there, or what was left of it, but I've never seen anyone get even close to those ruins before let alone see someone go inside. It appeared as if one of the windows had a candle near it. My mind wandered and to this day I don't know why but I just stood there and couldn't take my eyes off of it. Then out of thin air, like someone jumped toward the window impetuously a pair of eyes appeared. I was paralyzed, the distance between me and them wasn't there, I was naked in the dark and those red eyes were the only thing I could see. I don't remember anything about that night from that point on, the next morning I woke up in my bed upstairs and even the air in the room felt queer.
When you can't explain something and you're also not all that eager to explain it, you forget things strangely fast.
A week went by and it was Friday, my friend had come over to stay the weekend since we don't see each other that often. We stayed up late and had a few drinks,so naturally when I asked him about the red glowing eyes we saw in the window the next morning, he sald he didn't even remember when he got to my place. But I couldn't forget, it was driving me crazy, I was scared, and then I wasn't, I was angry, then scared again, and if anything, very bewildered. On Monday I had decided to wait and look, and look I did.
Sometime after midnight, my eyes started itching, I rubbed them and thought to myself what in the holy hell am I even doing, then looked back and there they were.
Describing something Ilike that feels wrong, words could never paint the picture the way fear does it.
This time I was sane, aware of what is happening, something demonic was looking at me, and through me, from that window. I felt the air get cold and got kind of dizzy, it didn't take long before I closed the curtains and ran off to bed, knowing full well there was going to be no sleep that night.
It continued happening for some time, I would stop and watch the light until the eyes appeared, then I'd look away. That chair by the window became my favorite and my least favorite place in that house. It wasn't curiosity, it was fear that kept me looking. Yet there was something comforting about it, knowing the eyes were up there on the hill and making sure they're up there every night, away from me, made me feel safe.
Then one day something happened that gave me a spark of hope. Hope. It's the only thing stronger than fear, but, if you cling onto it too hard, sometimes it can crush you.
I was walking to the local store in the early morning and heard noise up on the hill. I saw some workers and machines up there so I went to check it out. The man in charge told me the old ruins were getting demolished. I wasn't sure how I felt about that but nonetheless by the time I got back they had started the work. I thought that whatever has been happening for the past few weeks was going to stop, and if I never had to see it again, I didn't have to know what it was. That day I called in sick and decided that this is going to be the last time I ever look.
There I was again, in the chair by the window, drinking coffee and hoping that when I look outside that window in an hour and a half, all I see is darkness up on that hill. Midnight came fast and I looked, I didn't want to leave but even after 15 minutes nothing happened, the light wasn't there and the eyes were gone. It's done. I let myself think that for a small second, and regretted it immediately.
Across the street, in my neighbor's window I saw them watching me. "Is this real?" I thought. In that moment everything had fallen apart, the strange feeling of comfort I had before was gone, something was changing and I didn't know what to do about it. What I didn't realize at the time was, malevolent as they were, those eyes were not the worst of it, not compared to what could follow. Then for the first time something started to change, the air got cold again, out of the darkness beneath the eyes I could see a nose, just the tip of it.
Then it started getting bigger as if it was slowly getting pressed against the glass, l knew what was to follow but couldn't bring myself to look away. There it was, the single most terrifying thing l've ever seen, a face. Is it a demon from hell?I thought. The deepest darkest part of hell, because what else, could leave me petrified like this? I couldn't tell you what went through my head at that moment but it was probably blank, looking back at it, death seems gentler.
Then the human inside of me woke up and I shut the curtains driven by fear,I ran to turn on every light in the house and lock the door, then locked myself up in the bedroom upstairs. It was implanted in my mind and I couldn't make it go away, like the face was coming toward me, and l was going to die.
Time was a strange concept for me in the hours that followed but nothing happened, I was in my room until I could see the first rays of sun through the blinds, then I went outside. Nothing was waiting to kill me and I could breathe again, I went around the house and while still trying to put my thoughts back together I saw something strange.
My neighbor didn't have a window on that side of the house.
Of course there's no window, there never was. I never saw the eyes in the window of the church, I didn't see them in my neighbor's window. I saw them in my window.
It was there all along, in the house with me, breathing it's cold air behind my neck...
submitted by vsfool to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:53 Jetblackheart21 20 [M4NB] #Online #USA discord calls ?

I'm from Utah County and non-Mormon, so you can see the obvious fun I have dating /S. I'm not making this a sob story; the real reason I'm posting here is that it feels a bit more personal than most dating apps. I'm a pretty cheerful, confident guy. I can be a massive smartass and yap a lot, but I can have serious conversations and value communication. So, if you need an ear, I'm game, but do expect the same in return. I tend to be out and about a lot, usually doing stupid stuff and trying not to get hurt or in trouble while doing it. Most of the time, I'm a pro, but there are quite a few stories where I fumbled, lol.
I like to work out. I mostly do calisthenics. I'm admittedly fairly skinny but decently toned. I've also taken up running, but I'm not Usain Bolt, lol. I also play video games, mostly military simulation games like Arma and OHD. I also play platformers like Mario and Sonic, with Sonic being my go-to for my neurodivergent self. I'm big into history, mostly WW2 and the Cold War, and some WW1. I'm actually working on making a Cold War-themed board game.
On top of being a nerd, I do have a sensitive side. I know some of you have probably rolled your eyes, but hey, I like to write poems, and I'm a huge flirt when I warm up to someone. I'm looking for a sweet, caring person around my age and preferably living in the USA. I'm not picky, it's more important that we click, you know?
As for my values, I'm very liberal and an atheist. You don't have to share my views exactly, but I'm being upfront now to avoid causing issues later. I drink sometimes and don't use drugs. I don't care if you use pot, but anything harder is a no-go zone for me, as my family has some history with addiction. If you want to talk, I'm down to give you my Snap or Discord in DM
submitted by Jetblackheart21 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:48 Haydensmith877 25 F Is friendship really mission impossible?

Hello Agent
There isn’t much time for me to give you this mission so you must listen carefully. There is someone that we need you to befriend to get more information on. Down below is what we know about her so far.
Name: Gillian Gender: Female Age: 25 From: Wisconsin Hobbies: writing, baking, and drawing abstract Music: 80's, classical, 2000's and jazz Favorite color: doesn’t have one. Favorite food: tacos Favorite drink: Regular coca cola 
One random fact about the agent: They have a unique self-published book. Rumor has it that the pages are filled with the emotions the agent normally keeps hidden.
To establish contact with the agent you must provide the details below to her. It is a first step in the right direction of gaining trust.
Name: Age: Where you are from: Tell her something you think is interesting about you: 
We know that she is a night owl by choice based on the report from the last agent. She has a list of health issues but continues to push on even with them. Doing such shows the determination and hard-headedness that she has. Although this has helped her through life it means that it is going to be another obstacle for you, take note of that.
She is anti-drug and anti-alcohol by choice. One thing that is a must if you choose to continue is she is quiet and shy. You might ask how I can get the information quicker, you can’t, it will take time and patience. If you do not have that turn around right now because you will just frustrate yourself while she sits there calm and composed.
You get to ask the agent one free question. Meaning no matter what you will get an honest answer.
Follow these instructions carefully. If you don't there is no guarantee that you will get a response. The agency wishes you the best of luck on what is going to be a tough mission.
Transmission terminated
submitted by Haydensmith877 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:40 hydra1280 If you could have a gimmick in a fantasy world, what would it be

Mine would be something like 'I Became The Convenience Store King In A Cultivation World', you can't tell me that isn't a title you might be interested in reading. Imagine the MC suddenly in a fantasy world in a convenience store, unlocking a system that made me the "Convenience Store King". My system could be directly tied to profit margins with all forms of currency and materials being exchangeable for goods like fresh chip packets or ice creams.
Going into story recap mode:
Leaving the store, it disappears and vanishes into my system storage with an information window that I can summon it on its own or by using an inner space like a cave or doorway. Suddenly, I am travelling to the nearest city, working a bunch of odd jobs to afford things that I want in my convenience store, delivered in packages and boxes. Soon enough, a cultivator group is riding through and stops at the city to ask about monsters and beasts that might have attained sentience and began cultivating. It is then that they come across my store which only has 2 windows and a door in the middle of a shack, showing the inside and attracting their curiosity. Going inside they were perplexed about the expansion of the inner space, thinking it was the product of a cultivator and that maybe the mortal simply picked up the item. I reassured them and gave them some discounts, alluring them with the taste of modern confectionary products that they can't simply steal because the interior suppresses their cultivation. With no other choice, they buy some of the stock and get hooked, taking some for later and paying with spiritual stones once they ran out of taels since they had spent most buying information.
Coming back bursting through my store which expanded to a business district store instead of a shitty stall, the cultivators came back to buy more with their mysterious master, allowing me to get more spiritual stones and buy a spiritual energy sucker that solved my electricity billing problem and gives me more cash to spend. It is then that the sect master shows herself with her regal and youthful appearance, demanding my servitude, something I refuse and she smirks at, saying she is interested in me and asks me to return with her, to which I only agree if I can open a store in the sect where both inner and outer disciples can shop. She agrees and we get to go on a flying ship after I sell my store, using an instantly deployable Yurt that I got as a system reward to continue selling until I got to the sect. At the sect, the sect leader set me up with a store at the gateway for outer disciples when they need to attend mass or graduate to an inner disciple. Every time a new item came in stock there would be an uproar of people wanting to taste it and give it a try with even the sect master coming by to buy food, drinks and clothing. All the while I would be learning the sect's cultivation techniques and taking some time off to join others in their activities.
As time passes, the store is updated with security cameras, metal detectors, an ice machine, a bigger store, more storage in the back, stronger doors and locks, an emergency call button to the sect and a TV that I can use to look at cameras or watch the internet from back in my world. I would also use the sect to get a magical beast who would help manage the store and I would train with good quality meat that other convenience stores wouldn't usually sell. Together the two of us would manage the store and train in cultivation, going on adventures since my importance would warrant inner disciple status and maybe get me picked as the sect master's direct disciple, allowing me to bring and use my store and eventually upgrade it to have different entry points. Upgrading the store brings me benefits like opening branches that all connect to the same store, bringing in extra business as I also create meeting rooms for those wishing to use the store's spacial property to connect with others like a mail service or
submitted by hydra1280 to randomideasorthoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:34 mikosgf I dont know how much longer i can take my mom’s abuse

Im not sure how much longer of this i can take.
I dont know what if im looking for.. maybe jus a place to vent but just about anyone reading this and giving me their thoughts i would much appreciate.
TW/ abuse, nudity, kind of gross stuff or weird situations (?) idk how to call it, not eating
I need to get it all out there so here’s whatever
I (17f) am from a high-middle class family. I’m not rich, but I’m well off and comfortable.
The system in my house is gonna be complicated to understand so please bear with me. I’ll maybe edit this again to add or clarify more idk
My mom is abusive. Despite us being well off she insists with us (me and my brothers 11yr old and 4yr old) peeing in tupperwears at certain times of the day because the bathroom has already been cleaned. You must be thinking, what about the other bathrooms? We have about 6 in the house and not a single one can we use except for the one my mom says we can. That is whenever we’re upstairs at least.. i’ll explain more later. Its humiliating. I turn 18 in a few weeks and she makes me, despite being on my period, pee in the tupperwear.
She monitors what we do in the bathroom too in the morning, and rarely are we allowed to poop. If we do she gets really angry and makes us clean a whole lot of the bathroom in parts we didnt even touch. She bathes my two brothers, but since we are only allowed to use one bathroom, she usually watches me take a bath as well. Even insulting me as I shower, if I “miss a spot” or if there’s too much hair on my legs now, etc. If we just came from outside the house, we’d have to shower twice. First downstairs (more explained later) then go up naked. Yes we go up naked, stark fucking naked, just dried from the towel, we’re not allowed to wear anything, then we wait until our mother allows us into the bathroom upstairs to take a bath again. You can already imagine how humiliating it feels as a girl, who at certain times as their period and has to do this nonetheless.
Another is we cant eat until she says so. Fuck im not even allowed to enter the kitchen at all. We (including my little brothers) only are allowed to eat when she’s not “tired” anymore. So we mostly dont eat until 3pm in the afternoon. But there are a good lot of times where it was until 7pm. Yes. 7pm. If we complained about being hungry we would be told to shut up andjust sleep or drink our waters which we have. As I write this, it’s 4pm and still no food. It’s not even that we dont have any food. We absolutely do. The pantry is packed enough to feed families. My mom doesnt care. We only eat when we’re allowed to. And yes we have maids. Why she doesnt make use of them as much.. I dont know.
I said upstairs because like i said theres a weird sort of system in my house. Upstairs is clean. Upstairs is where my mom sleeps and my youngest brother usually. But sometimes me and my brother sleep downstairs with my dad, whos our main provider while my mom jjst stays at home. The downstairs isnt horrible. Its cleaned regularly by our maids. Its essentially my dad’s room/study and theres a bed he sleeps in there etc. Whenever i sleep there i get a mattress and just sleep on the ground. Its good enough for me. Since my mom doesnt care about downstairs, we usually get to do anything. Pee whenever, take baths without it being weird, eat in the mornings or whenever we’re hungry, do whatever we want.. maybe not whatever but just the freedom allowed that isnt with my mother. Sometimes we’re allowed to sleep downstairs for weeks, but just two days ago my mom made me and my brother go back up. It’s much harder for all of us when we’re up so i never understand why we even go up still. But yeah.
Sorry this all must be so messy but thats the gist of the system in my house. And yes i know any of those things we are made to do has NOTHING to do with a financial struggle. We go to europe yearly, and my mom has rows of designer bags lined up. Again i dontmean to say this with any boastful intents, i just wanna explain. My mom and dad have had numerous fights too about why she does this to us when we have a big house and maids. I guess my mom just likes the control of it. Idk. English isnt my first language too so sorry if its kinda confusing.
My mom also regularly beats me up. I’m a good student and a good sister. I got into one of the most prestigous universities in our country, straight-As student, and even make my own money sometimes. She just hates me. She had me when she was 19 so i get it i guess. I ruined her life. She once beat me so badly i couldnt go to school for two days.
Anyway i made this post so i could for once tell someone or something or whatever. No one, not even my girlfriend or my best friends totally know of my situation at home besides the regular physical abuse.
My dad promised me he’ll get me an apartment to move out to for college which is in 2-3 months. But i dont know how much longer i can take. Im so tired.
If you read all this, thank you so much. It means a lot. Really.
submitted by mikosgf to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Amf Babylon Lanes

Amf Babylon Lanes
Amf Babylon Lanes As we step into the world of Amf Babylon Lanes, we are greeted by a symphony of crashing pins and infectious laughter. It's a place where families come together, forming lasting memories and strengthening their bonds.But there's more to Amf Babylon Lanes than meets the eye. Behind the vibrant atmosphere lies a rich history, state-of-the-art facilities, and a plethora of exciting events.So, join us as we unravel the secrets of Amf Babylon Lanes and uncover why it has become a beacon of fun and entertainment for families everywhere.Key TakeawaysAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history and has undergone renovations to enhance the experience.The facilities include upgraded equipment, improved lanes, and a modernized scoring system.Joining a bowling league provides community and skill development through consistent practice.AMF Babylon Lanes regularly hosts a variety of special events and promotions.History of AMF Babylon LanesAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history in the world of bowling, making it a notable destination for families and enthusiasts alike. Over the years, this iconic bowling alley has undergone several renovation plans to enhance the experience for its visitors. These renovations have included upgrading the facilities, improving the lanes, and adding modern technology to the scoring system. As a result, AMF Babylon Lanes continues to attract a wide range of bowlers, from casual players to professional athletes.Throughout its history, AMF Babylon Lanes has also been host to several famous bowlers who've graced its lanes. One such notable bowler is Earl Anthony, a legendary figure in the world of bowling. Anthony, a multiple-time Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Player of the Year, has competed at AMF Babylon Lanes and left a lasting impression on both the staff and spectators.Another famous bowler who's played at AMF Babylon Lanes is Walter Ray Williams Jr. Williams, considered one of the greatest bowlers of all time, has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including multiple PBA Player of the Year titles and a record-breaking number of PBA Tour titles. His presence at AMF Babylon Lanes has brought excitement and inspiration to aspiring bowlers who've had the opportunity to witness his skill and expertise firsthand.Location and FacilitiesAfter exploring the rich history and notable bowlers of AMF Babylon Lanes, it's now time to shift our focus to the location and facilities of this iconic bowling alley.Located in the heart of Babylon, New York, AMF Babylon Lanes is easily accessible and conveniently situated for both locals and visitors alike. The alley offers ample parking space, making it hassle-free for bowlers to arrive and enjoy a fun-filled day of bowling.In terms of facilities, AMF Babylon Lanes boasts state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that bowlers have a top-notch experience. The lanes are well-maintained and regularly serviced to provide smooth and consistent gameplay. Additionally, the alley features a variety of ball sizes to cater to bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, AMF Babylon Lanes has you covered.Looking towards the future, AMF Babylon Lanes has exciting plans for upcoming renovations. The management is committed to enhancing the overall atmosphere and comfort of the alley, with improvements that will elevate the bowling experience. From updated seating areas and modernized scoring systems to vibrant lighting and refreshed decor, these renovations aim to create a more enjoyable and engaging environment for bowlers.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes understands the importance of accessibility options. The alley is wheelchair-friendly, with ramps and accessible lanes available for bowlers with mobility challenges. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone can participate and enjoy the sport of bowling.Bowling Leagues and TournamentsBowling leagues and tournaments at AMF Babylon Lanes offer a competitive and exciting experience for bowlers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, participating in a bowling league can bring a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition to your bowling journey. Here are three reasons why joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes can be a rewarding experience:Community and Connection: Bowling leagues provide an opportunity to meet new people who share your passion for the sport. You'll have the chance to form new friendships, build a support network, and be part of a close-knit community. Whether you're cheering on your teammates or engaging in friendly banter with opposing teams, the social aspect of bowling leagues can enhance your overall bowling experience.Skill Development: Joining a bowling league allows you to consistently practice and improve your skills. Regularly bowling with others who are equally dedicated to the sport can push you to strive for higher scores and refine your technique. Additionally, you can learn from experienced bowlers and receive valuable tips and advice to enhance your game.Competition and Achievement: Bowling leagues provide a platform for friendly competition and the opportunity to challenge yourself. As you participate in league matches and tournaments, you can set personal goals and work towards achieving them. Whether it's improving your average score or winning a league championship, the sense of achievement and accomplishment can be immensely gratifying.In order to make the most of your bowling league experience, it's important to familiarize yourself with bowling etiquette. Be respectful of your fellow bowlers, observe lane courtesy, and follow the rules and guidelines set by the league. By doing so, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.Joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes not only allows you to indulge in your passion for bowling but also offers a range of benefits, from building connections to enhancing your skills. So, lace up your bowling shoes, grab your favorite ball, and get ready to enjoy the thrill of bowling in a competitive and supportive environment.Special Events and PromotionsSpecial events and promotions at AMF Babylon Lanes offer exciting opportunities for bowlers and enthusiasts alike. We understand the importance of providing a unique and enjoyable experience for our customers, which is why we regularly host a variety of events and offer exclusive discounts and deals.Upcoming Events:Event NameDate and TimeCosmic Bowling NightFriday, 7 PM - 12 AMFamily Fun DaySaturday, 10 AM - 5 PMCollege NightWednesday, 6 PM - 10 PMDiscounts and Deals:PromotionDetailsMonday Madness$2 games and $2 shoe rental all dayLadies NightHalf-price games for ladies on ThursdaysStudent Discount10% off games with valid student IDAt AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in offering a diverse range of events to cater to different interests and preferences. Our Cosmic Bowling Night is perfect for those looking for a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, with neon lights and music. Families can enjoy a fun-filled day together on our Family Fun Day, complete with discounted prices and special activities for kids. College Night provides a great opportunity for students to unwind and socialize while enjoying discounted games.In addition to our events, we also offer various discounts and deals throughout the week. Monday Madness is a popular promotion, offering affordable games and shoe rentals for everyone. Ladies Night is a great way for women to enjoy a night out with friends and take advantage of discounted games. Students can also benefit from a 10% discount on games with a valid student ID.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we strive to create an inclusive and exciting environment for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and take advantage of our discounts and deals for a memorable bowling experience.Food and Beverage OptionsWhen it comes to the food and beverage options at AMF Babylon Lanes, customers can expect a diverse selection that caters to all tastes and preferences. Our goal is to provide a satisfying dining experience that complements the excitement of bowling.Here are three reasons why our food and beverage options are sure to please:Extensive Food Options: Whether you're in the mood for a classic burger and fries or something a bit more adventurous like our signature chicken quesadilla, we've you covered. Our menu features a wide range of appetizers, entrees, and desserts that are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure a delicious meal every time.Customizable Beverages: We understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to their drinks. That's why we offer a variety of beverage choices, including soft drinks, juices, and a selection of alcoholic beverages for those who are of legal drinking age. Our fully stocked bar ensures that you can enjoy your favorite drink while you bowl.Special Dietary Accommodations: We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy our food options, regardless of their dietary restrictions. That's why we offer vegetarian and gluten-free choices on our menu. Our staff is also knowledgeable about food allergies and can help guide you in choosing a meal that fits your specific needs.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we want you to have the freedom to enjoy a delicious meal and refreshing beverages while you bowl. Our diverse food options and customizable beverage choices ensure that there's something for everyone. So, come hungry and thirsty, and let's take care of your dining needs while you have a great time bowling.Pricing and Membership OptionsCustomers at AMF Babylon Lanes have a variety of pricing and membership options to choose from. When it comes to pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes offers competitive rates for their bowling lanes. They've hourly rates for groups, as well as special rates for certain times of the day or week. This allows customers to choose the option that best fits their budget and schedule.In addition to their pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes also offers membership options that come with a range of benefits. One of the main benefits of becoming a member is the ability to save money. Members receive discounted rates on bowling games, shoe rentals, and food and beverages. This can add up to significant savings, especially for frequent bowlers.Another benefit of membership is the convenience it provides. Members have access to exclusive lanes and priority lane reservations, which means they can avoid long wait times during peak hours. This allows them to enjoy their bowling experience without any hassle or stress.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes offers special perks for members, such as free game credits, birthday discounts, and access to member-only events and tournaments. These additional benefits enhance the overall bowling experience and provide members with even more value for their membership.Amenities and EntertainmentAMF Babylon Lanes offers a range of amenities and entertainment options to enhance the bowling experience for our customers. Whether you're looking to host a party or celebrate a special occasion, or if you're planning a fun day out with the kids, we've got you covered.Here are three options that will surely evoke excitement and create lasting memories:Party Packages and Event Hosting: We understand the importance of celebrating milestones and creating unforgettable experiences. That's why we offer a variety of party packages and event hosting options. From birthdays to corporate events, our dedicated team will work with you to customize the perfect package that suits your needs. With our spacious party rooms, delicious food options, and state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, your event is guaranteed to be a hit.Kids' Birthday Party Options: Planning a birthday party for your little one? Look no further! We've a range of options specifically designed for kids' birthday parties. Our party packages include bowling, shoe rentals, arcade play, and food options that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Our friendly staff will ensure that every detail is taken care of, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the celebration.Entertainment Galore: At AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in providing entertainment beyond just bowling. Our arcade is packed with exciting games that will keep both kids and adults entertained for hours. From classic arcade games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, our fully stocked bar and lounge area offer a perfect place to unwind and socialize with friends and family.With our extensive amenities and entertainment options, AMF Babylon Lanes is the ultimate destination for freedom seekers who crave a bowling experience like no other. Join us for a day of fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories.Customer Reviews and TestimonialsBased on the feedback from our valued patrons, AMF Babylon Lanes consistently receives rave reviews and glowing testimonials for its exceptional customer service and unforgettable bowling experience. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of our operations, from the moment you step foot in our facility until the time you leave with a smile on your face.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we understand that bowling isn't just a game, but a passion for many. That's why we strive to provide the best bowling experience possible, catering to both casual bowlers and seasoned professionals. Our state-of-the-art lanes and equipment are meticulously maintained to ensure optimal performance, allowing you to showcase your bowling techniques with ease.But it's not just about the game itself; it's about the entire experience. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. They're well-versed in the intricacies of bowling techniques and are happy to offer guidance and tips to help you improve your game.In addition to our top-notch customer service, our amenities further contribute to the overall satisfaction of our patrons. From our comfortable seating areas to our fully stocked snack bar, we strive to create an environment that's both enjoyable and relaxing.Don't just take our word for it, though. Our customer reviews and testimonials speak for themselves. Time and time again, our patrons express their delight with the quality of our service, the cleanliness of our facility, and the overall experience they've at AMF Babylon Lanes.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Average Wait Time for a Lane at AMF Babylon Lanes?Factors influencing wait time at Amf Babylon Lanes can vary depending on various factors such as the day of the week, time of day, and overall popularity of the bowling alley. To minimize wait time, it's advisable to plan your visit during off-peak hours or consider making a reservation in advance.Additionally, arriving early or utilizing online booking options can help reduce wait times. Taking these tips into consideration can ensure a smoother and more efficient experience at Amf Babylon Lanes.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in Bowling Leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes?There are age restrictions for participating in bowling leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes. While specific age requirements may vary depending on the league, it's common for leagues to have minimum age limits.For example, some leagues may require participants to be at least 18 years old, while others may have age restrictions of 21 or older. These age restrictions ensure that participants have the necessary skills and maturity to compete in a league setting.Can I Bring My Own Bowling Shoes or Do I Have to Rent Them?When it comes to bowling, many people wonder if they can bring their own shoes or if they've to rent them. The decision ultimately depends on the specific bowling alley and their policies. Some places may allow you to bring your own shoes, while others may require you to rent them.It's always a good idea to check with the bowling alley beforehand to see what their rules are regarding shoe rentals.Is There a Dress Code for Bowling at AMF Babylon Lanes?When it comes to bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, there's indeed a dress code. But don't worry, it's nothing too restrictive. The dress code ensures a pleasant and comfortable experience for everyone.So, put on your favorite casual attire and get ready to bowl!As for the benefits of bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, you can expect a fun-filled time with friends and family, a chance to improve your bowling skills, and the opportunity to create lasting memories.Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for Large Groups or Parties at AMF Babylon Lanes?Large group discounts and party promotions are often available at various bowling alleys. These deals can help save money and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.It's always a good idea to check with the specific bowling alley, like AMF Babylon Lanes, to see what discounts or promotions they offer for large groups or parties. They may have special packages or rates that cater to these types of events, providing an affordable and fun option for gathering with friends or celebrating special occasions.ConclusionIn conclusion, Amf Babylon Lanes is like a striking melody, bringing families together with its state-of-the-art facilities and friendly atmosphere.With options for all skill levels, exciting events, and delicious food and beverage options, it's a must-visit destination for families looking to create lasting memories.So grab your bowling shoes and join us on this unforgettable journey of fun and bonding.Let the pins fall and the good times roll at Amf Babylon Lanes!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 Ok-Personality7517 Thinking about giving my (19f) bf (22m) an ultimatum about coke even though we’ve done it together. How to go about this?

Okay backstory, so my bf(22m) and I (19f) used to do coke together at the beginning of our relationship, not everyday but weekends and occasions. He however would always do a lot more than me, and a lot more often, which wasn’t a problem for a while until I started wanting to cut down. We had a really big fight one night, basically I had said that I’d attend this event with his friends only if they weren’t doing coke, and that if that was the plan it wasn’t a big deal I just wouldn’t be there. He made a huge deal about asking all of his friends about giving it up for the night, telling me it was fine and I wasn’t intruding and told me 100% that no one we were with would be doing coke. Long story short, him and all of his friends were doing it and hiding it, and he didn’t tell me until I figured it out. We fought mostly because of the fact that he lied to me after making such a show about making me comfortable, but also because,,, why couldn’t he give it up for one night? When I specifically asked him? I considered breaking up with him, but left it at “if you lie to me again we’re done”. After that he told me he didn’t want to do it anymore and he never meant to hurt me, that he loved me too much for it to cause problems between us and would never lie to me again. That it scared him how badly he felt like he needed to do it, that he didn’t wanna be doing it forever, etc etc. It’s been about 5 months since then and he hasn’t done any.
Now here for the current issue: I thought we were on the same page about being done with it for good, I gave it up after that too, still have some but haven’t touched it since and the growing healing part of me doesn’t want to. Me and my friend were planning on going to a music festival and I invited him, told him we’d only be drinking and smoking. He essentially said that if he couldn’t do coke there he probably wouldn’t go. I pressed him about it, asked him why he wanted to so bad and if he really thought it wouldn’t be worth it without coke. His reasoning was “because I miss it and it’s fun” “I’m not gonna spend hundreds of dollars just to drink and smoke”. I understand substance issues and I have some of my own, but I’ve been in a relationship before where the substance issues bounce off the other person (terrible experience) and I truly can’t take that step back now that I’ve stopped, as much as I may want to sometimes. I tried to consider being okay with it, asked him thoroughly whether he’d keep using it after the festival or would be able to regulate, or maybe letting him compromise or something. The more I think about it though, I don’t know if i could handle the “fomo” I’d have if he was doing it and I wasn’t, in a bad way. I don’t think I could be okay with him doing it in any capacity. I don’t really see the point in starting again after you’ve already gone so long without. Obviously you want to, it’s addictive, but that’s something you have to work against, and actively steer yourself away from. I don’t know if he’s ready to do that.
I worry especially since he says he misses it that even if he’s fine with not going to the festival at all, he’ll just find another place or event to do it at. I know it may be hypocritical considering we used to do it together, but I don’t think I can be with him unless he’s fully commited to not doing it again. I feel like we’ve been together long enough to grow as people in that time, and I don’t want to do hard drugs anymore (only sometimes). I know part of all his reassurance on not doing it again was probably because he was scared of me breaking up with him, but I thought at least most of it was true. Am I wrong for thinking we were on the same page? I don’t know how to go about this and I don’t want us to break up, but I don’t want to ignore my feelings either.
note: I love my boyfriend so much, we have such a good relationship other than times like these he treats me well and we communicate well and I’ve never felt more loved by anyone, it would kill me for this to be the end of it, it’s not what I want at all. I just worry even if he accepts it, that he’ll just lie to me about it because he knows I’ll break up with him. Best case scenario, he accepts my boundary no matter how begrudgingly and won’t do it again. I’m looking for realism here though and I’m not great at that. I know I can’t magically make him not want to do coke ever again, but how do I go about this in a way that’s not attacking him? I hate to give ultimatums but it kind of is. Maybe it’ll be a simple thing maybe it won’t, I really don’t know. I’m just scared of losing him over this, even if that sounds dramatic.
tl:dr I’m worried my bf’s attitude towards coke is going to either cause problems or ruin our relationship.
submitted by Ok-Personality7517 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 popablaster I wish I could dissociate my consciousness from my body, give my body its own consciousness, and then torture the fuck out of it

I'm so fucking sick of taking 1-3 hours to fall asleep (yes THREE HOURS) each night and then waking up long before I get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Whereas I know that many other people fall asleep and for a long time uninterrupted much much faster, like my dad who will be snoring in less than 5 mins. No I don't have any diagnosed sleep disorders, my body in particular is just fucking retarded. Just wound up with this sorry excuse for a body how unfortunate oh well
Tonight I made it a point to sleep extra early, at 11pm, when I had been sleeping at 1-3am for a while before. I took a warm shower, then immediately went to bed without looking at any screens (even if I did, both my phone and computer are perpetually on night mode anyway). I also don't drink alcohol or abuse any substances, basically I should be in good condition to have restful sleep most nights. Well guess what? I actually did fall asleep relatively quickly, probably in under an hour, but my retard fuck body ruins what would be a productive sleep by waking up at 2am and it's been an hour of lying in the dark trying every USELESS fucking sleep help technique i know of (counting backwards from 500, thinking of words for each letter of the alphabet, relaxing muscles one by one... all strategies that seem to work for other people having trouble sleeping but OF COURSE NOT ME), so I give up and I'm here ranting about how much I want to inflict suffering on my own useless noncooperative pussy of a body. Daytime tomorrow I'm probably going to be tired as shit and only THEN I'll fall asleep easily........ hmmmm i wonder why? fucking retard
It's like you don't want to work with me you fucking sorry piece of meat. I work out on most days and stuff food down my body, wayyy more calories than my natural bitch body's appetite, both healthy things that would be expected to help sleep, but then this shit happens? Is this shit youre pulling on me your way of getting revenge on me for putting you through this (exercising and eating like a healthy person)? I'm doing this for you and our health you fucking ingrate.
I also have diarrhea rn, have had it for a few days, I don't even know how the fuck that happens considering that my day to day diet (which is pretty healthy as far as I can tell; good macronutrients, calorie surplus to gain weight, and good amount of water) barely fluctuates. In theory 1L of milk every day may in theory result in the shits, but I have been drinking the same amount of milk everyday for months without any problems (I know it's the same because I buy those 3-pack bags of milk from the store and go through 1 bag/day). And if it turns out im lactose intolerant? Oh well just another entry in my body's massive catalogue of faults, no surprise there.
Speaking of eating, also such a fucking pussy in that regard. Tonight 2am woke up with extreme hunger pangs even though I finished eating, meeting my daily calorie/protein goal right before bed (and lying down or taking a shower soon after eating is apparently bad for you, wow very cool! fucking retarded human body requires so much shit and then refuses to work even when those requirements are met) so im here typing this as i eat goldfish crackers. I spend a disgusting amount of time cooking, shopping and calorie counting (which is fine) but also a disgusting amount of time EATING because my body is, again, a fucking pussy. I am probably one of the slowest eaters I know period, I could probably literally be starving and still take 30min to finish 500cal worth of rice. And the constant gagging that always seems to happen in the latter half of any meal, shut the fuck up and down it you useless sack of shit.
Ok now lets talk about the gym. Weak ass pathetic fucking body, of course i am small and skinny by default because my genetics said fuck you and im stuck with this. I've been training on and off for almost 2 years now yet some people who have literally never touched a weight or counted a single calorie in their life can probably lift more than me and somehow also progress faster and gain faster if they keep going because woohoo genetics!!!! maybe if you decided to cooperate and sleep like a normal functional body you would be much better off physically? unless you want to be a fucking loser for good, you sorry cunt. Now don't get me wrong, I have improved quite a lot over my training, but... see above
I wish I could dissociate my mind, soul and consciousness from my body, give it a retroactive consciousness of its own, and punish it for all the bitchmade shit its been pulling. Don't want to fall asleep? Well I hope you enjoy being fully awake for the whole night because I'm going to be torturing you medieval style the whole time. Thats what you wanted right? Hahahaha. Want to pussy out like usual and nap during the day? Too bad, you asked for it. Bitchmade eating difficulty? I will shove more food down your gullet than you can handle, lets see how you are after that... or I'll completely starve you instead since you don't want to eat right? Fucking cunt. And weak ass body at the gym? Either I'll make sure you train to failure every time until your very sinews are tearing, or I'll let your muscles atrophy to nothing since thats what you wanted right?
And this is just the physical side of things, not even going to get into the other shit. At least I'm mentally okay I guess, don't have depression or anxiety or anything, so we know those arent causing my somatic problems its just my body being fucking stunted
There is so much more I want to get out but it's 4am now and i'm tired on less than 3 hours of sleep and we all know why. yes, it's so fun how I'm too tired to do anything, yet unable to sleep! so very fun!! worst of both worlds, thanks for nothing fucking disabled body. I'm going to play video games to hopefully wear myself out ENOUGH, then try to head back to sleep with zero guarantee of success. good night
submitted by popablaster to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:32 RedditAwesome2 ACL reconstruction (+MCL/LAT Meniscus injury)- Do NOT Skip Pre-hab. No pain, no brace, one crutch DAY 1 Post-Op. WTF.

I just wanted to share my experience here and as I had never seen something like this and I actually had an OVERWHEMINGLY positive experience with this surgery. I realise there is luck + age(29) involved but pre-hab really paid off.
There will be a tl;dr + my final PREHAB exercises.
On march 3rd I tore my MCL (2nd degree) + ACL (full tear) + Lateral meniscus (2nd degree leision) from my MRI. I couldn’t bear any weight and upon ER visit I was given a brace.
First 30 days I wore the brace (because of the torn MCL which requires it to heal on its own) and could only put a very minimal amount of weight on my injured leg. Did that, then started PT on day 30.
Day 30 after injury - had no muscle on my leg, couldn’t bend my knee at all. Had my first PT session where they removed my brace. I started PT 3 times a week at a sports centre where they also worked with the best surgeons in my city. PT was kind of painful and started out slow but it was getting better each day. On week 2 of PT I started doing all the exercises at home on rest days, so basically I did PT 7 times per week.
Day 60 after injury - was supposed to have my surgery here but my Physio suggested to my surgeon to delay. I still went for a check up where my surgeon said he could have done the surgery that week and it was good enough but I/We declined and opted in to wait another 2 weeks of PT. At this point in time my leg was still a bit stiff but after warming up I could bend it properly. My extension was also pretty good / flat but couldn’t match my hyperextension.
Day 60 - 74 after injury - I kept going hard at PT for the last two weeks before surgery, sometimes I did PT at home twice, even went for stationary bike at the gym. At this point for the extra added two weeks, my leg actually started feeling like my own leg again. The progress, as suggested by my PT, was INSANE. Day and night difference. Some days still felt a bit stiff but I was able to lower the bicycle seat a lot, gained a bunch of muscle back, swelling in the mornings was VERY minimal. I could sleep on my side etc. I felt like a normal person again. Sure I could only walk slowly but I didn’t have ANY limp anymore, so much that car drivers would get annoyed at me at crossroads for walking slowly.
Day 75 after injury - SURGERY DAY. I went in pretty nervous but I talked to my PT who as I mentioned also worked at the clinic and was there right before my surgery. He gave me encouraging words but I was still in panic mode. My turn for surgery came, went in, had the ?partial anasthesia where you stop feeling your legs which felt super weird to me. I was still pretty nervous and kind of shivering so they asked if I wanted full anasthesia or just some sort of drugs added to my systems to relax. I said I wanted the funny thing (LOL) and sure enough, the nurse puts in the funny thing and within what felt like 30 seconds, I started laughing in my head and hearing my own voice saying funny shit like “lol finally getting surgery this shits cool haha”. It felt super weird as my anxiety disappeared within seconds. That’s when the surgeon popped in my view and told me the good news - my meniscus had healed properly (as well as the MCL) since I wore the brace for 30 days after injury and did prehab. The guys at my prehab place did tell me most times with the brace and prehab the meniscus can fix itself but I didn’t think that would be my case. So when surgeon told me I did a big thumbsup, laughed a bit and said some dumb shit like “awesome” lol. My entire 2 hour ACL surgery felt like 5 minutes after they had put in the “relax” drug. I loved it, I barely remember any of it other than seeing my leg being thrown around a bit. DEFINITELY ASK FOR THE FUNNY DRUG IT MADE ME SO CALM AND HAPPY (I never do any other drugs, rarely drink etc but this felt like getting verrrryyy tipsy right before going black out drunk usually lol). Surgery’s done, it’s a success, they send me back to my room. This place also uses drainage for 48hr so you stay in the clinic. I kept waiting for the pain to arrive but I was so buzzed up with the funny things and kept telling each nurse how good the stuff they put in me was LOL. I probably still looked worried as they kept making jokes about me being very worried and how they’d take care. They kept asking me if I had any pain and that’s when I used my REDDIT KNOWLEDGE and told them my pain was 1/10 but I heard you wanna take meds preemptively as if you feel any pain - meds not gonna work. Some time passed and they gave me the hardcore painkillers in my veins. They had some “program” where they give you stuff each 4 hours. I felt NO PAIN AT ALL. My accident felt WORSE than laying in the hospital bed post op. I kept waiting for the pain to arrive but it never did.
ONE DAY POST OP - I was playing on my switch when at about 9 AM my PT storms into the room and starts telling me to quit playing lmao. He asked me if I could do a leg raise, and sure enough I could. I knew I could because while laying down I kind of kept checking my mind muscle connection and even after surgery I could still feel my muscles. He tells me to do 25 and he’ll be back later. Mind you, 25 leg raises with a drainage and a heavy-ish brace, under painkillers that were given me an hour earlier as part of the 1 per 4 hour things. But I was able to do them.
Fast forward one hour and my PT is back. He’s telling me that we’re gonna start walking. I’m happy and get up. Immedietely a bit lightheaded so I took some water and was standing up on two crutches. They had previously shown me how to use crutches at PT, so I tried to walk as fast and normal looking as possible. To my shock, 3 steps in, my PT literally laughed and KICKED THE BACK OF MY OPERATED LEG and said “go faster nothing to worry about, I don’t gave much time here lol”. The kick kinda hurt but it made me more confident walking. I did about 10-15 steps on two crutches, he told me to not lean on them but just use for balance. Did some more steps and he literally grabbed one of my crutches and ran away laughing. Told me that I only need one and sure enough - I could walk with one crutch (and the basic support brace). He then taught me how to go up and down stairs and gave me 6 exercises to do in my hospital bed. I did them and that was it. He said “no limit on walking and bear as much weight as you can”. I literally couldn’t believe it. Day ONE post op, one crutch. I had NEVER even read a story like that on this sub. Felt crazy good to know that doing the 6 weeks PT with him saved me so much trouble. As a side note, the other patients in my room, some of which with the same doctor felt TRAMENDOUS amount of pain, couldn’t sleep, kept hearing them do little screams from the pain etc. etc. etc. I was the only one who did extreme PT before surgery from my room.
Day 2 post op - had drainage AND BRACE removed and was told to only rest up to not have any more swelling (drainage is used to remove swelling basically). So I laid around in the hospital bed, got up to the toilet a few times and could only walk with one crutch no brace and that was day 2.
Day 3 post op - I went home, managed to fit in car front seat, did the exercises I was told to do and could sort of walk one crutch only to get around even tho it was not easy and felt a bit sus.
My FINAL PRE-OP list of PT EXERCISES in the correct order: 1. 12-15 minutes of stationary bike on the lowest possible seat where I felt no pain or light in my knee. 2. 3x15 or climbing up a stair, as high as I could. You put your injured leg on the stair, you climb up with your other leg and then put the other leg back on the ground. At this time I could do a pretty good height on this exercise and do slow negatives. The height was about 3 standart staircase steps or 3x a regular stepper. 3. 3x20 slowly walking down a stair, from as high as possible. Walking down was harder for me, so my maximum was about 2 steps high (66% of climbing). You step on the top step and use your healthy leg to touch the ground and then “jump” back up on your injured leg which never leaves the higher step. 4. 4x20 Squatting on a very low bench. Basically slowly sitting down to something as low as you can while making sure to bend your knees equally. I could do this at two steps heigh where my knees would bend quite a bit more than 90 degrees. Still felt a bit of pain here 5. Walk around for 30-60 sec instead of rest between all of these. If I had energy left, I would add in a few mins at the bike at a lower seat.
That’s it, do all of them as slowly as possible. I did these sometimes twice a day if I had the willpower and my knee felt good. Also used ice after doing them sometimes and made sure to have mind muscle connection and use my injured leg as much as possible. ——-
Tldr; DO PRE-HAB. Managed to walk one crutch only DAY ONE after ACL reconstruction with a temporary brace that was removed day two and went out of the hospital on just one crutch. Only minor pain after surgery 2/10. A bit painful to walk around and bear weight but that’s as expected. Do your prehab because others in my room couldn’t walk at all and were in agonizing pain for 3 days after surgery.
Thanks for reading, I hope this post is helpful for fellow sports lovers. I am 29 years old / 6’1 / 180 lbs, did mostly bodybuilding at the gym and bicycle.
submitted by RedditAwesome2 to ACL [link] [comments]