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How to introduce dried leaves into a redfoot diet?

2024.05.19 17:15 Hnaami How to introduce dried leaves into a redfoot diet?

I recently started adding dried mulberry and dried dandelion leaves to my tortoise diet. They nibble on it, but leave it for the most part and just go back to sleeping.
I tried mixing it in with radicchio and romaine lettuce today and threw in a blackberry as a treat. They ate the radicchio and lettuce and devoured the blackberry. But they left the dried leaves. Aside from picking out one dried dandelion head.
I read these leaves are healthy for redfoots, but I don't know if I will be able to make it the majority of their diet. I did spray the dried leaves, but that didn't really seem to make a difference to them. The mulberry leaves especially smell so good! But they just don't seem to love it. I can't get fresh mulberry leaves, because they are not so common where I'm from, so I have to resort to dried.
Should I keep offering them and not give in to their pickiness? I don't want them to starve, but I do want them to start eating more dark leafy greens.
submitted by Hnaami to tortoise [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:38 deacc Corn and crazy blackberries haul at Meijer. All this for $8.

Corn and crazy blackberries haul at Meijer. All this for $8.
These are just store sale price. Corn is $0.20 each ear. So $2 for 10. The blackberries are on crazy sale at $0.50 each!!! So I bought 12. Yes, I know how to store them so they will keep fresh for at least 2 weeks.
submitted by deacc to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:11 bajajoaquin Why/where are Blackberries invasive?

I have a piece of rural land in the Southern California mountains. It’s at 5600’ and gets about 20”” of rain annually. I’m trying to understand what makes blackberries invasive in the PNW and if those conditions are present for me.
The hope is that if they don’t have the conditions to be invasive, can I plant a stand and have the joy of august berry picking without having introduced a chaparral killer to the region?
I’m hypothesizing that the limiting factor is rain. We get essentially zero precipitation March through October.
submitted by bajajoaquin to invasivespecies [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:06 Thisfuggenguy I love my city. but this is a bad look.

I love my city. but this is a bad look. submitted by Thisfuggenguy to AreYouGarbagePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:19 RDO_CoyoteJack 19 May Daily Challenges

19 May Daily Challenges submitted by RDO_CoyoteJack to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:57 BruntNixSix These Still around?

are blackberrys and Other Slider Phones Still being made? and which ones and still talk and text?
submitted by BruntNixSix to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:14 Electrical-Beat494 Advice Regarding Cross Pollination & Plant Varieties

I plan to start growing a few berry plants at my new home I just built. I have chosen varieties based on their respective qualities and needs, and I'm hoping to get some advice on cross pollination.
My main plants I'm concerned with are triple crown blackberries. To my understanding, these are self pollinating, but cross pollination may increase fruit yield. Does anyone know what varieties may partner well with these to maximize yield? As I understand, each plant type must bloom at the same time in order for cross pollination to occur, is that accurate?
I will also be growing heritage raspberries. To maximize yields, should I plant another raspberry variety with these? If so, if what variety would partner well with them?
Will the raspberries and blackberries cross pollinate with each other? I will also be growing several kinds of blueberries, is there any chance these could help satisfy pollination needs?
Thank you to any experienced growers for any advice you can share with an aspiring berry cultivator! Information on this particular topic is shockingly difficult to find through independent research, I'm hoping I can rely on your wisdom and experience instead!
submitted by Electrical-Beat494 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:35 mcfudge2 Odd Bunch fruit & veggies in the news $20/box

Odd Bunch fruit & veggies in the news $20/box
Highlighting an alternate food option. From the article:
The company has several box sizes with contents that change week-to-week depending on what’s available. This week’s "small box" included potatoes (one was flat), apples (too small), blackberries (miscoloured), romaine lettuce (oddly shaped) and perfectly good asparagus. Ojha estimates the box contains between $45-$60 worth of produce at a cost of $20.
submitted by mcfudge2 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:42 GirthyGainzzz BB References in Recent Posts

BB References in Recent Posts
I just watched all the recent Twitter posts from that account that was dormant for years. I interpret the posts as indicating a run is coming up for the original BANG stocks - BB, AMC, NOK, and G. The BANG acronym was created during the 1st meme run when all these stocks ran hard. I noticed several references to BANG and BB in particular in the posts, with of course the most obvious references being for G. For purposes of this post I am going to assume these posts are genuine, even though I have a healthy amount of skepticism that the account was sold or is now part of a marketing campaign working with G, especially with the offering in AMC and G occurring right after the account starting posting again. This post is exploring the references in the posts, I am not going to debate whether it is in fact the original poster trying to say something, or just a marketing scheme to create bagholders. I think either could be true.
On the first day of posting videos, there is a post where it cuts to a song titled BANG with a video in a casino. Lyrics to the song appear on the screen. BANG BANG BANG appears several times. I believe this may be a reference to the original BANG stocks. There are several other posts involving loud gunshots and bangs, that may also be references to the original BANG stocks.
There is a Candyman post where the word "BE" appears on the screen with a bee icon flying away from it - BB.
There is a lot of BB alliteration throughout the posts. Several Breaking Bad posts. The post where the words Britney Bitch appear on screen. The Busta Rhymes post where Busta Bust appears on screen. There is a Beavis and Butthead post. I'm sure there are other examples.
There is also a lot of references to "Black". There is a Pirates of the Caribbean post where captain Barbosa asks what has become of his ship. The ship in the move is the "Black Pearl". There are several Men in Black posts. I'm sure there are several other references to "Black" throughout the posts.
There is the post from tombstone with Doc Holliday. Doc Holliday's most famous line is "I'll be your Huckleberry".
There is an Always Sunny post where Dennis holds up the photo of him grabbing the therapist's boobs from the back and there is the G sign for her boobs. The word "Boobs" contains BB. The actor who plays Dennis was also a main character in the Blackberry movie.
This could just be some Q-anon level dot connecting nonsense, or referring back to Always Sunny, the Mac meme where he is smoking a cigarette with the white board in the background. But I think there is too many potential references to be a coincidence, and I think the posts are referring to BB and the other original BANG stocks, as well as G (obviously). Again, this doesn't answer the question of whether these are genuine posts, or some big psy op or marketing scheme. If it is the original poster posting these, I think he is also saying that BB and original BANG stocks are going to run as well.
I will be buying some lotto BB OTM calls on Monday. Just gambling in case this is genuinely Kitty posting. IV on BB calls is still reasonable compared to AMC and GEM. I think NOK IV is still low and may be worth a look as well. There also seems to be a good floor on BB for shares, I don't see it going below $2.50 anytime soon, so potential upside vs low downside in my opinion. I just need a post next week with the "blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice" Tupac song, and I am all in.
submitted by GirthyGainzzz to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:38 Furry_boo new gerbs!

new gerbs!
i just got these new babies, names are kodiak and blackberry! let me know how the tank setup looks!
submitted by Furry_boo to gerbil [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:36 aLobsterFest Where can I find it?

Where can I find it? submitted by aLobsterFest to rva [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:53 System-id How dangerous are blackberry roots for a foundation?

How dangerous are blackberry roots for a foundation?
Google says it's fine, I just want a second opinion before I commit.
submitted by System-id to BackyardOrchard [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 mvbenz New user

I used JEFIT back in the BlackBerry days (yes I’m old) and loved it.
I am currently a FitBod user but looking at other apps for tracking due to not using a lot of the automated features anymore but I’m paying for them.
Currently in FitBod i have two saved workouts. One is for upper body and the other is for lower. I cycle thru them 3 days on and one day off. What I mean is I do upper, lower, upper, day off, lower, upper, lower, day off, etc….
I also use FitBod to auto adjust weight. I used to let it adjust weight, sets, reps based on logged effort but changed it to each exercise is a static 6reps, 6sets due to inconsistencies I noticed in the algorithm.
This gives each muscle group a day for recovery and once a week each group gets two days.
My question is, can I do this in JEFIT as I’m not seeing it?
I have no issues paying for premium if these are options under premium. I kinda like not thinking about the weight and let the app just push me ahead.
For now I’m looking for an app that is more designed for someone that’s been doing this a while. Fitbod got me back into lifting without killing myself. But I’m not using most of the features anymore hence looking for something a bit cheaper.
submitted by mvbenz to jefit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:47 obllak Rotational grazing; 25 sheep

Intense daily rotational grazing with 25 sheep.
We are getting sheep next week and we are planning on clearning some bushoged pasture. We are new to sheep.
I know this will be trial and error, but I was wondering if someone could give us recommendation on how big of the area we should put them and rotate them daily?
We have 20 acres of pasture. 10 acres amazing grass field and 10 acres that were bushoged few months ago and are growing blackberry bushes + poison ivy + grass in between. We plan to put them on that bushoged area and improve the pasture.
submitted by obllak to sheep [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:18 nmmju GCSE tips for extremely lazy people

Not sure if this will help anyone but I hope it helps atleast one person. these tips are from me, diagnosed with major depressive disorder, the king of demotiviation and procrastination and lack of caring, so u can trust these tips!
1) Drink water and eat - Obviously. But drink atleast 2 cups of water a day (dehydration= headaches= not good for revising and doing exams) and eat some fruits, vegetables, meat etc. ensure you aren't eating cereal all the time for example. Just get a little bit of extra nutrition I don't even care how you do it, when I was younger my parents couldn't afford fruit so I would pick blackberries off bushes and wash and eat them. There's no reason not to eat atleast some fruit/veg, if you can't afford meals you should get free school meals and surely your school has a banana for you or something.
2) Clean your room - I don't just mean pick up some stuff off the floor, vacuum the floor and open windows so all the dust goes. Wipe down surfaces and make sure your school stuff is atleast accessible and you know where it is. My french teacher gave us revision resources but i lost them in my room and everyone else was cramming using that and I had nothing lol. Even if it's in one big stack just ensure you know where it is. AND MAKE SURE YOUR PENCIL CASE IS READY. in over 5 mocks i came to school without even a black pen. not good.
3) Positive mindset - i know it's cringe when you see those "believe in yourself" quotes but if you're depressed/burnt out to the point you hate yourself and see no point in continuing, ditch the nihilism and embrace the cringey inspirational quotes, it's worth it to get an ounce of your self-esteem back.
4) REVISION!!!! - Revise how you want. I use a range of rainbow-coloured highlighters to annotate war poems. Juxtaposition maybe. But if it helps you concentrate just do it! I've also been made fun of for showing up to exams with wet, crumpled pieces of paper with completely illegible writing rather than "aesthetic" organised notes like the others. But guess who gets the grade 9s? Hint: not the people who spend 8 hours writing one cursive sentence and highlight every word. I do, because I'm more focused on learning than decorating. I'm the girl who sits on the dirty ground outside to scribble away with my 5p biro while I get weird looks, because I couldn't find another place to study. I'm not saying you have to do that but what I'm saying is, now isn't the time to CARE what other people think, you NEED those grades even if it means wearing those glasses you hate so you can actually read, getting teased by people for being a nerd, or missing out on video game or youtube time.
Figure out whether you: A) revise too much and are too hard on yourself B) don't revise and procrastinate C) revise the perfect balance so your health and academics are both good
and adjust accordingly. Personally I'm person B but I'm aiming to be person C today, it's not too late. Good luck to everyone doing exams and I hope you're all taking care of yourself and others during this time too. Best of luck :-)
submitted by nmmju to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:49 CollecTurk Tips on what to eat for NAFLD?

Got diagnosed about a month ago, I was at 254lbs and since then I’ve gotten myself down to 239lbs after a weigh in this morning. I’ve been eating basically the same thing every day, because I really am not a good cook. These meals include: Breakfast: Baked oats with cinnamon, maple syrup, a scoop of protein powder, chia seeds, cocoa powder, baking powder, almond milk and oats. Everything added is under a teaspoon, besides the baking powder which is 1tbsp.
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with two slices of oven roasted turkey, on two slices of whole wheat bread. Baggie of mini carrots Sliced apple
Dinner: Two grilled chicken breasts Half a bag of steam fresh broccoli
Snacks I really only have a banana, or walnuts
How can I make this a more balanced diet? I just feel like it’s not a good one but would like some advice on other foods that are easy and can help reverse my NALFD.
I also did just purchase plain Greek yogurt, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries to have for a breakfast choice too!
submitted by CollecTurk to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:35 ComfortOneStop [MM4A] Discovering New Powers with Your Two Familiars [Demons X Mage] [Multiple Speakers] [Poly] [Strangers to Lovers] [Rivals to Lovers] [Comfort] [Monster Boys]

Monetization is okay, but do not lock behind a paywall, if you make an audio using this script please post the link or comment as I would love to hear it! The monsterboys are a bluejay demon and a garden snake demon.
Snake has already been a familiar before and speaks with confidence, comes off as overprotective and controlled, until he gets upset.
Bird has not been a familiar before and comes off as overexcited and needy. Tries his best but is new to feeling romantic emotions and does not really know how to handle it.
Both care deeply for their mage and (secretly) for each other, but their ideals and emotions often clash.
I learned that the lines do not show up for some reason so longer pauses in audio will be shown with ~~~~~~~~ from now on and hopefully it shows up.
Part One
("Spoken" noises)
*Tone Changes / Suggestions*
~~~~~~~~ Listener "speaks", longer pause in spoken audio
SD: *Muffled, through the door* Sweet mage? Are you up yet? We brought breakfast and it is actually pretty good today.
BD: Hey! My cooking is good every day, you always lick your plate clean and ask for more.
SD: (laughing) Hmhmhm... As long as our mage doesn't get sick, I will consider it acceptable...
[Irritated chittering]
[Door Opens, plate set down]
Both: Good morning, my mage!
SD: Be careful, slowly, here let me help.
BD: Don't just grab them like that, they are still in pain from summoning us a few days ago. Let my mage rest if they need it.
SD: (Sigh, slight hissing) If I have to remind you that they are our mage one more time Birdie...
BD: Same thing, Coils.
SD: (Sigh) Yes, our mage is right, it is too early to be fighting like this. And while they do need to rest, they also need food for energy and small movement to keep their body in shape.
BD: A few days of deep rest isn't going to cause their body to shut down completely.
SD: *Slight mocking* So you do not want your mage to eat the food you made? Are you not confident in it?
BD: *Flustered* Of course I am! Cooking is my favorite hobby and I put love and care into every dish!
SD: Especially those you cook for us?
BD: Of course, wait I mean- the meals I cook for our mage, I mean, I guess you eat them too and give me praise for it but-
SD: (laughing) Sorry, teasing you is just way too fun.
BD: Hmm? Oh, yes, Ill help you eat, here.
SD: I'm glad you're feeling a lot better today. Maybe after eating we can walk around for a bit? Get some fresh air, feel the ground underneath your feet?
BD: Are you kidding me? They can barely stand! Why would they want to-
BD: Oh, you want to? [Cooing] Well... I guess if that's what you want.
SD: Ha! See? I knew our pretty vine needed some sun. Besides, if they get tired I could always change forms and carry them around.
BD: Why would they choose to be carried by a cold, scaly, snake instead of a warm, soft, bird?
SD: *Offended* Maybe because you take them completely off the ground? They are the Mage of Vines, they need to be connected to the earth, not up in the sky. Go be the familiar to a Mage of Air.
BD: [Angry chittering] What did you just say?
SD: (Sigh) You are right love. Sorry, I did not mean to be rude Birdie.
BD: It's fine...
SD: No, it is not. I just... get upset when others imply that I can't feel emotions just because I am a snake... I am cold-blooded but my heart does beat in every way yours does.
BD: *Remorseful* I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I'll be careful about not saying that again. I promise.
SD: Thank- (voice crack, throat clearing) Thank you.
BD: Oh you're done eating? Can you take these to the kitchen? We can clean up after our walk.
SD: Sure, and if it is all the same to you, I will clean up. The last time you tried to help half the spoons went missing and I had to dig them out from under the couch.
BD: *Embarrassed* I don't have a space for my nest yet and they were shiny...
[Snake leaves] [Dishes being put in sink]
BD: *whispering* I'm really going to have to make it up to him, I just- I never thought I would be tied to another demon along with a mage, it's all new to me.
BD: I know he will forgive me but I don't want to make either of you feel bad, especially if it's a huge insecurity. I just didn't know, but I do now and I'll be better about it, I swear.
[Snake comes back]
SD: Are you both ready?
BD: Yes. Love, are you okay to stand on your own or do you want to be carried?
BD: You want to be carried? Okay. Hey Coils, you said you wanted to carry our mage? Go ahead.
SD: *Excited* Really? Thank you! Hold on, let me just...[Magic sounds] That feels so much better. I know my first human form is better for moving around the house but I admit I like my second form the best. I can stretch my snake half but still speak.
BD: Nagas really are the best of both worlds. I feel the same about my second form, still able to walk and talk but I have my wings so I can fly.
SD: It is kind of annoying that we get more animalistic as we go down our forms though.
BD: Definitely, I get our full animal forms are better for unleashing our power and for resting if we are hurt but still...
SD: Oh right, sorry pretty vine, Birdie, place them on my back.
BD: Okay, try to be still.
SD: Hmm? No, you are not too heavy. This actually feels really nice, you've been in bed under the covers for days, so nice and warm...
BD: [Cooing] Okay, lets go, if you get tired, we will come straight back inside.
[Door opens, forest sounds]
SD: (Happy sigh, slight hissing) The sun feels amazing. I am so glad it's been a warm spring so far.
BD: [Magic sounds] I agree. Either of you mind if I stretch my wings a bit?
SD: Not at all.
SD: You want to stand up and walk around Mage? Are you sure? Okay, but be careful.
[Sounds of vines growing]
BD: *Panic* What are you doing love? Your magic hasn't fully recovered!
SD: *Hesitant* You want to...see what your new powers are? That's...fair. But please do not push yourself. What exactly could you do before?
BD: Oh, all you could do was grow small vines around your feet? Hmmm, go ahead. I'm excited to see what you can do now.
[Ground cracking, lots of vines growing]
BD: *In awe* Great foliage! Those vines are almost as tall as the house, with thorns too!
SD: *Encouraging* What else? Push more magic into it, sweet mage.
[Popping noises, vines swishing]
BD: *Excited* Grapes! And blackberries!
[Noises stop]
SD: Oh no, Birdie catch our mage!
BD: Ah! I got them! Carefully, lay down.
SD: (laughs) So, your vines are a lot bigger and stronger now.
BD: [Eating] And you can grow fruit from them too! I wonder if it's just grapes and blackberries...
SD: Hmmm... probably not but growing fruit most likely uses more magic than growing vines since it is a new facet of their power. I would not be surprised if they can grow most things that grow on vines. But we can find that out later. My main concern right now is the huge tangle of vines that seem to be attached to our house after that show.
BD: *Dazed* Yeah.. it's a real jumble...dark...and quiet...
SD: Uh, Birdie? Are you okay?
BD: [Walking into the vines, still dazed] A nest... a safe place for my mates. Warm and protective... I'll make it soft and pretty...impressive...they'll love it and praise me...
SD: [Grabbing Bird from the vines] Sssssnap out of it!
BD: *Still out of it* We can cuddle once I make one...all of us...I promise not to take anything from the house...
SD: Oookkkaayy we are going back inside now. [Fast slithering] [Door closes]
BD: *Waking up* Ugh, what? Why are we inside?
SD: I think seeing the vines next to our house triggered your nesting instinct. I brought us inside so you could not see it.
BD: *Embarssed* Oh! Thanks... it's been a bit difficult not having my own space, I mean I like being with you two but-
SD: I get it, I've been feeling the same way without a den. But with that addition to the house I think that problem has just been solved. Well, maybe if our mage can make another one on the opposite side.
BD: That's a great idea! You can make a den in one and I can make a nest in the other!
SD: *Teasing* For your mates? Both of us?
BD: (Humming, flustered) Yes....
SD: (Sighs) Let's get our mage back in bed, you were right, they were not ready to use magic just yet.
BD: The walk did feel nice though, I hope...we aren't the cause of our mage being so weak.
SD: Their body is not used to the amount of magic in their soul. It was unlocked because of us but the potential was always there. We just need to provide care while they get used to it.
BD: We can do that. Lay them back on the bed, and then we can start cleaning the house. The faster we get done with the chores, the faster we can come cuddle.
SD: And when our mage wakes up we can discuss our plans for our own spaces... now come on, I will finish the dishes if you sweep up.
[Leaving the room, voices fading slowly]
BD: Why do I always have to sweep?
SD: *Teasing* Because the broom is made from your own feathers and not shiny.
BD: *Playfully offended* I already apologized for the spoons!
submitted by ComfortOneStop to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:48 Madt2 "Leaves of Three Leave It Be."

Poison ivy is notorious for its three-leaf arrangement and the potential for causing a rash upon contact. While the expression “leaves of three leave it be.” is a good rule of thumb for what to avoid at a glance, poison ivy is not the only plant native to the United States with these characteristics. Several other plants share similar features, which can sometimes lead to confusion, especially for those less familiar with botanical identification. Here’s a bit more information about some of these look-alikes:
  1. Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia): Like poison ivy, Virginia creeper is a vine that often climbs trees or structures. Its leaves also typically consist of five leaflets, but occasionally it may have only three leaflets, resembling poison ivy. However, Virginia creeper lacks the characteristic notched or smooth leaf edges of poison ivy.
  2. Boxelder (Acer negundo): Boxelder, also known as ash-leaved maple, is a fast-growing tree commonly found throughout the United States. Its leaves often consist of three to five leaflets, which can resemble those of poison ivy, particularly in their early growth stages. However, boxelder leaves typically have serrated edges, unlike the smooth or notched edges of poison ivy.
  3. Hog Peanut (Amphicarpaea bracteata): This native perennial vine produces leaves with three leaflets, similar to poison ivy. However, hog peanut tends to grow in moist woodland areas and produces distinctive seed pods that resemble peanuts, making it easier to differentiate from poison ivy.
  4. Blackberry and Raspberry (Rubus spp.): Some species of blackberry and raspberry can also have leaves with three leaflets, which might resemble poison ivy at first glance. However, the leaves of these plants typically have serrated edges and lack the smooth or notched margins characteristic of poison ivy.
  5. Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis): Also known as touch-me-not or spotted touch-me-not, Jewelweed is a native annual plant found in moist woodlands and along stream banks. Its leaves typically grow in pairs and are often confused with poison ivy due to their similar arrangement. However, Jewelweed leaves are more rounded and have irregular, serrated edges. Additionally, Jewelweed is renowned for its traditional use as a natural remedy for poison ivy rashes. The juice from its stems and leaves is believed to soothe and alleviate the itching and irritation caused by exposure to poison ivy.
It’s essential to remember that while these plants share similarities with poison ivy, they do not produce urushiol, the oil responsible for the allergic reaction in most people. However, misidentification can still lead to unnecessary caution or accidental contact. If you’re uncertain about a plant’s identity, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid touching it.
submitted by Madt2 to NativePlantsUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:28 Queens-Thief LBE: A surprising Samples Review

Im back again, newbie to perfumes with three new samples! This time, I’m trying another new to me house: LBE. I’ve heard generally good things about this house, most general consensus is that they have simple and nice scents. Granted I’m a self professed book nerd, and adore things that represent my love for books and this just hits the mark.
I’m still figuring out what exactly I like in perfumes, but I guess I’m someone who seems to enjoy fruity fresh scents for the most part? Not partial to florals but most of them (minus maybe lavender and rose) are tolerable. Spicy, smoky and incense-y ones are ones I don’t particularly like.
Anyways! I had such a good experience this time around compared to when I tried Poesie and HoG! There were mostly misses (Poesie) and a few hits (HoG) but this time around, I liked all three scents! I wanted to try a few that were recommended and that I’ve seen on this sub before but a couple weren’t available when I searched sadly so I made my third option something I usually wouldn’t go for. I had a bit of difficulty getting the ball in the rollerball to actually move, which is a bit annoying but not the end of the world. I love rollerball formats and I’m sure it’ll move easier with time.
So I got 3 samples:
Romance Novel: I bought this one because berries and whipped cream! And also because my favorite book genre is romance. this one is very reminiscent of HoG’s Pink Marshmallow Milk but with an almost more… mature? Berry scent. It feels a little more complex version of whatever berry is in HoG’s, or maybe more of a natural berry scent? It’s very very soft on me and I can’t tell if it’s because my skin eats it or because of the rollerball. Either way, I keep going back and sniffing my fingers like a weirdo as I’m typing this. Don’t really get any of the other notes with it but that’s perfectly fine with me! Absolutely a gorgeous scent that I’d absolutely full-size once my sample runs out. 5/5
Fairy Dust: I’m coincidentally known to my friends as a person who loves fairies and with how I saw people love this scent, I thought I would try it. At first it’s smelled like a fizzy jolly rancher but as I put it on and let it settle into my skin, it definitely has a ginger-y undertone that I’m not fully into. There’s some notes of sweetness behind the ginger and fizz and I do really like those little hints, I just wish they were more foreword. Not going to full size this but it’s a fun little scent! 4/5
Agatha Christie: this one was the wild card. I’m coincidentally reading “The Murder of Roger Ackroyd” at the moment and my bf and I are major mystery buffs so if I didn’t like it I’ll probably destash to him just for the novelty of it! In the bottle it was very orangey to me. On skin though, this starts off veeeery scone and butter forward which I really disliked. Now that it’s dried down on my skin though, the cranberry and orange really take center stage and there’s maybe the smallest hint of black tea in it. It kind of reminds me of the Jack Black Lip Balm in black tea and blackberry actually which is what really made me get this aside from the novelty factor. This is a maybe full size. 4.5/5
All in all I’m suuuper impressed and surprised with Little Book Eater and will absolutely be sticking with their scents for awhile before trying a new house! And will be using the little library card thingy as a bookmark hehe.
submitted by Queens-Thief to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:05 Super_Programmer_958 Need some help for my project

So I am working on my final year project and I'm stuck in a bit of a pickle. The assignment is based on mobile security threat analysis and this the question is:
"Due to the increasing use of mobile devices for everyday tasks, the security of mobile applications has become a significant challenge within cyber security. For this assignment you are required to do the following:
  1. A reflective summary of the current threat landscape for mobile applications
  2. Present an in-depth study of a specific mobile application threat (for our chosen platform) aided by evidence of experimentation
Note: Due to the availability of multiple mobile application platforms, the choice of mobile platforms such as iOS, android, windows, and blackberry is your choice"
I first researched about the current mobile security threats and one of them was droidjack but I don't know how to implement it or demonstrate it. So, could you please tell me any easy mobile application threat that I can demonstrate using kali linux and a virtual box. Also is it possible for me to continue with droidjack or is there any other easier alternatives like insecure data storage, broken authentication or unintended data leakage to name a few :)
Thank you in advance for putting up with my questions and a lack of communication skills :D
submitted by Super_Programmer_958 to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:32 zimzamzimo Help!

What's eating my blackberry. Location central Indiana. Our broccoli and blackberry are being munchedoni. Is there a product someone canrecommend to help protect them?
submitted by zimzamzimo to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:18 WingedRabbits Valarr Scales, Lord of The Scales + Aurion Scales

Reddit Account: WingedRabbits
Discord Tag: professorpisstake
Name and House: Valarr Scales
Age: 62
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: Valarr is a withered, frail, old man with a permanent scowl on his face - despite this or perhaps because of this, he is quite an imposing character. His hair is white and wispy, and falls just down to his shoulders where it meets his well-maintained beard. A jagged scar runs along the right-side of his face, starting at his lip and twisting up to his ear. Valarr walks with a limp, and is seemingly always clutching his silver cane.
Trait: Numerate
Skill(s): Architect, Avaricious (e), scrutinous, administrator
Talent(s): Haggling, Bargaining, Familial Matters
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of the Scales, Lord of house Scales.
Starting Location: Opening
Alternate Characters: Aurion Scales
Name and House: Ser Aurion Scales
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Valyrian (Westerosi)
Appearance: In contrast to his father, Aurion is a strapping, elegant man. He has wonderful, straight, brown hair which droops down to his shoulders, and a fine beard. He wears bright, fanciful clothing - which makes him stand out like a sore thumb against his father and his father's retinue, who tend to wear dull, dark clothes. Aurion has a well-mannered stride.
Trait: Just
Skill(s): Vanguard, Two-Handed Weapons, Armored
Talent(s): Public Speaking, Fashion, Charm
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Heir to The Scales,
Starting Location: Opening Event


37 BC - Valarr is born as the first child of Lord Aurane Scales. He is born a sickly child. Maester Corwyn begins taking care of Valarr.
36 BC - Valarr is declared healthy by Maester Corwyn. He is expected to grow into a healthy young child. A daughter is born to Lord Aurane Scales. She is named Helicent, after her grandmother. She is said to have cried for hours after her birth.
32 BC - Another son is born to Lord Aurane. He is named Edric. Young Valarr begins his tutelage under his father. Luthor Scales is born to Valarr’s uncle, Lucerys ‘The Wise’. Luthor weighed ten pounds at birth.
31 BC - Pirates assault The Scales in a surprise raid. Although they are repelled, the damage they dealt will be felt for years to come. Valarr is given a cat for his nameday - he affectionately names it “Balerion”, after the dragon which he often saw soaring above.
29 BC - Helicent becomes subject to relentless bullying by some older kids in court. Valarr witnesses this, and starts teaching Helicent how to fight back using techniques he had learned from his father and his other tutors. The siblings become friends. Johanna Scales is born to Lucerys ‘The Wise’.
27 BC - Following his tenth nameday, Valarr is sent to study in Dragonstone for a year. He grows to miss his siblings greatly, though. Valaena Targaryen allows Valarr to hold and play with the newborn Aegon on occasion, which helps him deal with his homesickness when his parents did not visit. Edric begins his tutelage under Lord Aurane.
26 BC - Valarr returns home from his year-long stay in Dragonstone. Valarr and Edric struggle to get along - but find common ground in their hatred of their oafish cousin Luthor.
24 BC - Aurane begins teaching Valarr how to command and lead armies, and how to manage a domain. Valarr shows unusual aptitude with the logistics and management of a fiefdom.
22 BC - Edric begins shirking his studies to spend time at the local port. Valarr and Luthor’s rivalry intensifies.
21 BC - Valarr celebrates his 16th nameday, and the beginning of his adult life. His studies under his father conclude. Valarr struggles with his feelings for his sister. They share their first kiss. Aurane announces that Helicent is to be betrothed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr is upset.
20 BC - Helicent celebrates her 16th nameday, and is wed to Maekar Belaerys. Valarr leaves The Scales for Dragonstone, to serve in the court of the Targaryens.
16 BC - Edric and Luthor both celebrate their 16th nameday. Edric takes the first chance he gets to sign on as a sailor with a merchant ship, right under his father’s nose. Lord Aurane is infuriated. Luthor undergoes a growth-spurt, and by the end of it - he is as tall and broad as men twice his age.
14 BC - Luthor begins frequenting brothels on Dragonstone and brings home his first bastard. The child is named Aerion. Valarr does not enjoy having to explain to Lord Targaryen that Luthor’s choice of name was meant as a compliment, rather than an insult.
13 BC - Lucerys ‘The Wise’ falls ill with consumption. He is dead within the year. There is a suspicious increase in the number of silver-haired babies born on Dragonstone this year.
10 BC - Luthor brings home a second bastard child, and names this one Aegon. Valarr returns to The Scales after spending the last few years serving in the court of the Targaryens. Luthor and Valarr begin to bicker constantly. Lord Aurane falls ill. Valarr begins courting Calla Blackberry.
8 BC - Edric returns home after receiving word of his father’s condition - with him, he brings a Tyroshi woman named Rohanne and a young child. He explains that he and Rohanne fell in love during his time in Essos, and wed. The child is their son, Elyas. Valarr is just glad to see his brother again.
7 BC - Lord Aurane dies clutching at his heart during a feast. Valarr becomes the new Lord of House Scales, and is eager to make his father proud. New construction efforts within the Scales begin immediately.
6 BC - Lord Valarr marries Calla Blackberry. He commissions a suit of plate-armour - decorated with ornamental scales across the breastplate and base. Calla becomes pregnant.
5 BC - Aurion Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Triston Scales is born to Valarr and Calla.
2 BC - Aegon Targaryen declares his intention to unite the Seven Kingdoms. Valarr Scales is among one of his first and most ardent supporters. When Aegon rallied his banners, Valarr was the first to arrive. When Aegon landed in the Blackwater Bay, Valarr was one of the first to feel the sand under his boots. Alongside Valarr was his brother Edric and cousin Luthor. The trio were unstoppable on the battlefield. Valarr and his men participate in the Battle of the Reeds and Wailing Willows.
1 BC - The Last Storm. Valarr, his brother, and his cousin all fought on the front line. Valarr commanded his men from atop his horse. They withstood the Storm King’s initial assaults, but upon his fourth charge the line broke. Argilac’s spearmen surrounded his position and picked off his retinue - eventually, they even got Valarr. They butchered his horse and pierced his hip. Valarr fell from his saddle, and then his horse fell on him - or at least, on his right leg. He eventually managed to free himself, only to be met with a hammer directly to his face. He was lucky the padding beneath his helmet took most of the impact. He was found the following morning by healers, and carried back to camp for treatment. Many of his bones had been broken, and much of the skin on the right side of his face was only hanging on by threads. Despite this, he made a miraculous recovery after a short battle with infection. However, his leg never healed right - and it seemed unlikely he would ever be able to fight again because of it.
1 BC - The Field of Fire. After Orys Baratheon’s successful campaign in the Stormlands, Valarr and his forces were reassigned to fight once more under Aegon’s banner - this time in his conquest of the Reach. Valarr did not participate directly in the Field of Fire, rather he was put in charge of managing the logistics for Aegon’s army. He was to make sure Aegon’s men were fed and supplied for the duration of his campaign in the Reach, and Valarr excelled at this job. When the day came that Aegon’s forces met the combined forces of the Kingdoms of the Rock and the Reach, Valarr took position as one of Aegon’s commanders. Although he was not in any chief leadership position for the battle, he played a role in devising the crescent formation that would keep Aegon’s men from being surrounded. Edric and Luthor again fought on the frontlines.
1 AC - Valarr is present for Aegon’s coronation. Valarr returns home to the Scales with Edric and Luthor in tow.
2 AC - Valarr commissions a Qohorik blacksmith to forge a cane to assist with walking. The cane is to be made half of lightweight silver and half of polished black wood, and the silver is to be engraved in the style of scales, with the handle of the cane to be fashioned in the style of a dragon’s head. The commission nearly halves Valarr’s treasury. Edric is given the task of staying in Qohor until the cane is completed, and then returning it to Valarr.
3 AC - Valarr’s cane is finished. Edric returns with it in haste. Luthor sires another bastard - Brea ‘Waters’.
5 AC - Rohanne Quaynis gives birth to a daughter. Edric names her Rohanne, after her mother. Luthor and his sister Johanna begin an affair. Valarr begins renovations of his holdfast - with the goal of elevating his home into a proper Keep. Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes known as a formidable warrior.
7 AC - Several pregnancies coincide this year, causing the House to grow quite a bit. Valarr and Calla introduce their daughter Cyrenna Scales to the world. Edric and his wife have a son, who they name ‘Aurane’, after Edric’s father. Luthor and Johanna have a bastard of incest together. They might have been able to keep their affair a secret, but Johanna dies during childbirth and Luthor takes open responsibility for the child. She is named Rhaenys. Luthor begins to spiral into his vices, namely drink and food. Aegon ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales to search for work as a mercenary.
7 AC - Valarr attends Aegon’s feast in King’s Landing. He reconnects with his King, and they share many stories of their childhood and their younger years, and then stories of their time during the Conquest. Valarr leaves to handle some issues with his family. By the time he returns, Aegon has already been wounded. After a few tense days of waiting, Aegon’s death is made public. Valarr mourns the loss of his King, and his friend.
8 AC - Luthor finally marries after spending years as a bachelor. He has a daughter with his new wife. He names his first trueborn child ‘Saera’.
10 AC - Aurion Scales - son of Valarr - reaches his tenth nameday. He is sent to live in the court of Dragonstone for a year. Triston grows resentful of his brother. Luthor has a son, who he names Morgan.
11 AC - Aurion returns from Dragonstone. Luthor has another daughter, who he names Falyse. Elyas Scales - son of Edric - marries.
12 AC - Triston has a bastard son with a servant girl. He names him Oswyn. Elyas has twins, who he names Lucerys and Casella.
14 AC - Edric arranges a betrothal for his daughter Rohanne, but she refuses to marry. Rohanne hides on a merchant ship as a stowaway. Rohanne winds up in Pentos and begins living as a beggar.
15 AC - Many Scales attend Orys’ Kingswood hunt, including Edric, Aurion, and Elyas. Elyas is struck down during the Kingswood Catastrophe by brigands while protecting his mother - who is also slain. Edric is distraught over the death of both his son and his beloved wife. Aurion displays great bravery during the event, and manages to free a group of hostages on his own while slaying a small band of brigands. For his bravery and courage, Aurion is knighted.
16 AC - Edric boards a ship bound for King’s Landing. During the voyage, he is reported to have flung himself overboard in an apparent act of suicide. His body could not be found. Valarr is very upset to have lost his brother. Valarr makes up with his cousin Luthor.
18 AC - Aurion leaves Dragonstone for the mainland, and begins traveling across Westeros as a hedge-knight - focusing on fighting in tourneys, and helping anyone who needs it. Rohanne joins up with the Company of the Rose after years of begging and stealing to survive.
20 AC - Triston Scales begins aiding his father with his duties, as Valarr becomes increasingly frail. Brea ‘Waters’ leaves The Scales on a ship to Storm’s End. She bounces between port towns until she winds up Tyrosh, where she joins up with a band of pirates.
21 AC - Aerion ‘Waters’ becomes the Master-At-Arms of The Scales, replacing ‘old’ Ser Clayton.
22 AC - Oswyn ‘Waters’ becomes entranced with books and legends and history. He is never seen without a book in his hand.
23 AC - Brea ‘Waters’ manages to become the captain of her own vessel, ‘The Black Wyrm’. Her crew is a nuisance to many traders along the coasts of the Free Cities.
24 AC - Valarr is discontent with the state of House Scales, and with how little recognition they have received despite their contributions to their liege. He drafts plans to forge alliances with as many houses as he can, and to build up the prestige and power of his house.
25 AC - Present. Valarr, Aurion, Luthor and a few other members of House Scales attend the festivities in The Kingswood.
House Scales in 25 AC
submitted by WingedRabbits to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]