Can i take animal stak with pristiq

Animals reacting to magic and other trickery

2017.07.03 01:38 hate_mail Animals reacting to magic and other trickery

Have an animal surprised by a magic trick, funny reaction to a trick or some great tomfoolery?! Share it here!

2013.07.24 00:33 gugulo Conscious Like Us

"All censorship should be deplored. When people put their thumbs on the scale and try to say what can and can't be sent, we should fight back both through protest and through software." Reddit Cofounder Aaron Swartz (1986-2013)

2019.04.10 03:08 Dads Who Did Not Want Pets

Welcome to /DadsWhoDidNotWantPets, a place to share photos of humans with the pets they didn’t originally want.

2024.05.19 18:30 Lokisma-0220 This is all new and I'm scared...

So I hope this makes sense... I'm a Libra and have ADHD I know I can fall in love fast and I'm scared. I have reconnected with my bisexuality the past couple years but was not interested in men or any committed relationship really. I was on dating apps to find woman who I could be friends with and talked but just felt so stiff. I've been celibate for 3 years now. I've really been working on myself. I just had my one year review in therapy! I'm finally going to get serious testing for ADHD. I'm getting out of my agoraphobia and applying for work! I'm learning to set boundaries. I love and respect myself more now than I ever have. My social life is booming with positivity for the first time. I feel supported, really supported by others but mainly myself.
Well I've play Call of duty mobile since it came out and after years I found a strong online community. We've all been talking for about 2 months now. I'm so thankful for them! They've all helped me grow so much! It's also my first time talking to lesbians who are so openly... Lesbian lol.
There was this girl (CS) I had already been playing with before we met this group. We never talked but we played fairly often. I got invited to the group and kept inviting CS so we got introduced at the exact same time! We're both shy and started talking because they brought us out of our shells. My point is it's taken time but it's also going really fast. It feels strange. I feel weird about online especially gaming relationships...
She's a Taurus and we're both ruled by Venus. I've never been close to an earth sign like this. We talk about zodiacs alot lol. I found out she liked me pretty quick and I thought she was pretty but still felt celibate, no need for a romantic relationship. Just wanted some girls to get to know... Well I got the know her... We have so much in common and I feel the need to support someone coming back. It got really bad when the group chat was talking about lesbian relationships late one night love / horny music, tik toks, movies, etc. I just felt that longing for love creeping back into my soul hearing her talk about her life, herself and how she loves. We all even talked about exes and trauma the communication was unreal. I was literally scared after though! After I realized I was actually craving a relationship again..It felt like post nut clarity! Lol. It's so strong I'm scared it will take over my life again.. we've been flirting so much. The subliminal and obvious flirting in private messaging is so strong. We sleep and talk on the phone usually in the GC but for the first time alone the past two nights. My heart is heavy in that curious way attraction hits you. The group chat even took the bdsm test together 🤣 and she even calls me "bunny", babe, sweet, etc.
I feel like I'm falling into so many lesbian stereotypes it's painful I mean hell she even lives in another country... Idek why I'm posting this I guess I need to tell someone but don't know who. 🤦🏻‍♀️
submitted by Lokisma-0220 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:29 Accomplished_Cat5530 [16M] looking for the right girl aged either 1 year younger - 2 years older than me

16M, im not afraid to show my face, vc or ft(i only have whatsapp and telegram) and im a pretty good person to chat with about many topics. my personality is romantic,caring,loving,reassuring,honest,flirty,loyal. i have hobbies such as boxing,building model cars and jets, im also about to start college(im from the uk) specifically for being a mechanic. i also watch f1 and FE and anime like spy x i sadly get bullied since i sing, looks and my surname for 13 years and ive been took advantage of too many times. i can be quite flirty but if i do speak dirty i apologise
my type of girl is:
if i meet anyone's criteria send me a dm with your age,name and one interest of yours
submitted by Accomplished_Cat5530 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:29 Baking_bread2 Teacher In another world

The story is about a 30 year old teacher who dies protecting his students from a former student of his. He gets transported in a small village In another world. He takes some time to adapt and accept his current predicament. He becomes quite popular with the local children and teach them on his freetime. One day someone of influence who was passing by (could be important to the story like a minister, the director of a magic school, a noble or royalty) takes interest in his talents and as him to become a teacher in a prestigious academy to replace a homeroom teacher who went missing (there isn’t a lot of people willing or able to become teachers in this world).
He ends up going to the school and teaches (non Magic related stuff )While most of his students are noblility, from high ranked families or geniuses. There’s also very few commoners who managed to earn themselves a spot and are bullied. The very few commoners are the only one who at the start are nice to him since the others seem to hate him a lot due to him not having any social ranking, magic skills (despite being a teacher in a magic school) and also the fact that the previous teacher he is now replacing was a renowned teacher of great ranking.
We learn that despite having great academic results and getting into great schools, the Mc was a pretty terrible teacher not because of his abilities but the fact that he was very severe, cruel , harsh and always kept getting on his students bad side. He let a lot of them down. Even when some were getting bullied he never intervened which is why one of them committed suicide and the former student that attacked the school was her friend who blamed the school for her suicide. After the suicide of that student the teacher kept blaming himself and wanted to become a better teacher which was his main motivation for sacrificing his life for his students. So the story is about him trying to become a better teacher in this new world and help his students.
Bonus info about the story and world:
In this world there are monsters and dark creatures who threaten humanity (humanity in this world include every human-like races and not just Homo sapiens)
Monsters aren’t the only dangers since there are conflict between human and other races or even races on each other (including humans )
Each student in the class are their own person with their own personalities and complexities. So they aren’t to be treated as background characters or space fillers. The mcs interaction with his students, his relationship with them is a very important part of the story. So if you take this idea and use it please don’t forget to expend their characters.
Also the mc is not a pedophile he’s not gonna blush at teenagers. If a student does fall in love with him please make it one sided ( I have to make it clear cuz in some isekai Ives seen the Mc can be very questionable )
You guys are free to use that idea for yourselves and tweak it.
submitted by Baking_bread2 to Mangamakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:28 a-f-b- How can I love my baby but hate being a mom?

Im just looking for other people that went through the same thing as I am going through now, to not feel as alone as I do now...
To recap: it was not an unwanted pregnancy, I was happy when I saw the positive test. We were not using protection anymore. But to be honest, I would have wanted to wait one more year. But to be double honest, I dont know if I would have ever wanted to have kids.
I am a very independent person that is very pragmatic. I know for a fact that being pregnant and becoming a mum is very strenuous on the woman. Your career takes a step back, your personal life and individuality takes a step back, your health and body now belongs to someone else.
I love my baby and love being needed but hate being needed at the same time. I would like to be by myself from time to time.
I feel like I cant really tell this to anyone I know, because all the other mums really wanted to be mums, unlike me. I kinda did it because of my husband and our marriage (he really wanted it). I want to have a kid and enjoy our future life in like 20 years from now (talking about family life, having everyone over for dinner, etc.), but right right now... not so sure.
I think I'm struggling the most with the lose of my person as an individual, and feeling like I cant accomplish anything I used to. For example, we just moved and everything takes 4-6 times longer than it used to, and its driving me crazy. I know this is normal but I just wish someone else had him so I can just power through and finally be done with the mess. We had help from MIL and it was great, but today was the first day alone and I am not doing so well emotionally.
Has anyone gone through something similar? Can anyone relate to not wanting to be a parent but loving their child?
submitted by a-f-b- to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 bigdunks4eva What's something in this game that makes you laugh?

Here's a few things that always make me LMAO. It's mostly Gief related:
Whiffing Lily's lvl 1 and Gief's lvl 2. It looks SOOO stupid 😂. Usually my opponent just stands there watching.
Gief's recovery from his heavy drop kick after you block it. Absolutely ridiculous!
Hitting someone with Gief's charged heavy punch and seeing them slide all the way across the stage
Empty jump SPD's, especially lvl 3's. If I get consecutive empty jump SPD's I'm usually LMAO because I been on the receiving end of them and it's very salty.
The ridiculous grab range of his light SPD. Like come on man, I was nowhere near him and he still grabbed me! The amount of tones I've seen Snake Eyez grab someone when they seemed to be clearly too far away!
So many times I try to gain wind stocks with Lily, but somehow the game gives me the whiffed SPD animation. So I'm all the way across the screen from my opponent and Lily is just like "Oh No" as she tried to SPD. I saw this happening to a legend Lily player during a match once and I laughed so hard because I thought that only happened to me!
The absolute PANIC that you see in some players when you walk them down to the corner with Zangief. The repeated failed jump outs. Some people totally freak out and can't help but jump into lariats, or they just go YOLO out DP's
There's also a ton of ridiculous moments in World Tour. Meeting blanka had me in tears, lol.
And I'm not gonna lie, teabagging, or buffering so hard that it looks like teabagging, is hilarious. Not the idea of mocking someone, its just that it looks stupid that I find it funny 😂.
What about you guys? This game can really frustrate me at times, but other times I'm laughing through me entire play session.
Edited the format of the post
submitted by bigdunks4eva to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 MommyIssues124 Endometriosis, is like having a first class ticket to your grave, a little earlier than everyone else.

Yes. I know this sounds morbid. No, I don’t care. Women suffer for YEARS even just trying to get diagnosed. Women suffer for YEARS just dealing with endo for the rest of their life. We have EVERY right to feel like we wanna end it, every month. We’re tired, hurt, angry, sad, uncomfortable, VULNERABLE, etc.
Any time I get this way, I just think back to Marilyn Monroe. Poor girl died at 36. She had suffered from endometriosis. Took LOTS and LOTS of pain killers. Which is why I TRULY believe, she died because she couldn’t take the pain anymore. She had also suffered with depression and anxiety. And possibly BPD (borderline personality disorder) she definitely would’ve been another woman with PMDD.
All the stuff about the Kennedy’s is pure and utter bullshit to me. I mean, this woman, suffered through miscarriages, depression, anxiety. She just wanted someone to love her, talk to, have kids with, etc. Something EVERY woman with endometriosis can understand. No matter what stage of endo. No wonder she held onto living her life, until she decided she didn’t want to anymore. And honestly, I DO NOT blame her. I’m 23, and I’ve had moments where I wanted to take myself out as well.
submitted by MommyIssues124 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 Extension_Bit4323 How do I deal with this situation at work?

A little about me. I'm 27 ♀️ and I'm super quiet and shy. I also have issues with standing up for myself, I just don't have the confidence.
I started a new job as an airplane cleaner three months ago and it's my first one since I joined a temp agency 4 years ago. So far it went well and I had no issues apart from being slower than everyone but that's fine I got quicker.
But then Jo (♀️) was asked by the manager who was making the teams if she wanted me so there was 6 instead of 5 and she was like "😒 I guess so." Her granddaughter also worked there and she asked who they have and she said the usual people and "Extension Bit cos no-one wants her." This made me sad for the rest of the night but I didn't let it show.
She kept telling me to speed up and/or kept telling me to clean the galley and toilets and was never on the seats. She hates me for some reason, I have no idea what it is. She told the manager she doesn't want me in her group.
Then Lynn (♀️) came off holiday and had me in her group and I was nice to her, same as I was nice to Jo, just casually chatting and I said hi at the start of shift and anything I found on the plane I gave to her if I didn't want it. I thought we were alright like neutral but then came yesterday when the manager was making the teams he put me with Lynn and she said in front of the whole staff room of about 10 people that she's not working with me because "I don't work" as I "don't take stuff (cleaning supplies, vacuum etc) out the van. If you put me with her I'm going home." This was like 4 hours into her 12hour shift (she starts at 6, I start at 8) so she'd really only get paid 3 hours just to not be with me.
The whole room went quiet and I felt everyone and the manager looking at me. I clammed up and didn't say anything but was like "what's her problem? It's not even cos I'm slow, it's cos of that?" I actually do take stuff out but if there's too many people around the van or there's nothing to take up then I don't bring anything but I bring rubbish down and the supplies back down.
I was also thinking "Great someone else hates me now." For like a stupid reason. She then said my friend Charlene said the same thing don't make me be the bad guy and she said she's staying out of it. When I asked her later she said she said it when I first started but then I started bringing stuff up and being faster. She's never said it recently.
Then today, I was heading to the toilet and it was the same time as Jo's husband Kevin left. As I was coming out the toilet he asked me if I was alright as I looked upset yesterday and I said yea then explained what happened yesterday. We were walking back to the staff room together then Jo and Lynn were coming down the corridor too and Jo took Kevin aside and asked what we were talking about.
I say in the staff room with Charlene and Lynn came in saying "don't you just hate when people talk behind your back? If you got something to say, say it to my face." and I was like thinking "you can talk, you were doing the same thing yesterday." and also that I ever said anything bad about her to Kevin I just said what happened, I didn't call her names or anything. And it's not "talking behind your back" when the whole fking staff room heard it.
But now the manager has left as it was his last day today and I'm worried about what the new managers gonna be like and if he'll let me be with either Charlene or Paul and Cheryl as they don't hate me (yet). I'm worried he's gonna put me with either Jo and/or Lynn and he won't give them a choice and since they already hate me they'll probably treat me like crap and expect me to my part of the plane in like 20 seconds or something.
It's honestly making me feel like asking the base manager if I can be moved to the other night shift or just quit and go back to the temp agency where I worked alone but was struggling to make enough money to pay bills and stuff. 😓
submitted by Extension_Bit4323 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 UniqueMistakes Annual leave vs sick day vs making up time

Hi there,
Wanted to get opinions on how to handle various scenarios of team members being unavailable for work.
Here are the scenarios faced so far and how it's been handled, the issue I have is wanting to be an understanding line manager but trying to balance that with what's faireasonable for the business. I also realise I need to be consistent in how things are handled.
Personal sickness - advised to take sick day
Personal sickness combined with sickness of child - advised to take sick day
Sickness of child - advised to take sick day, rest of team covered (one day). In hindsight perhaps I should've also asked for hours to be made up
Relative suddenly ill in hospital - have advised either take annual leave or make up hours, but only choose option two if practical to do so as also parent of young children.
All spread across the team, not any one member, but all team members do have young children.
Our business doesn't have a HR department so am struggling a bit with how to approach these, but I am getting heat from our Finance Director who manages basic personnel admin.
His view is all of the above apart from personal sickness should be taken as annual leave, as it is we only get 23 days per year. I want to be more flexible and understanding where possible, as if annual leave has to be used instead of any flexibility then I think team performance could suffer as a result, not actually recharging batteries etc. And by giving flexibility I can see we're getting flexibility back.
Thanks in advance
submitted by UniqueMistakes to AskHRUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 v0kk3r Rescue Pigeon advice

Hello Reddit. I'l be brief as I don't like making posts.
My mother found this pigeon out in the street in a place frequented by cats that was unable to fly, so she scoops it up with a box and brings it home. She then leaves it in a spare room with some water and the box so it can use it as shelter while also leaving the window open so it can fly away eventually.
Fast forward yesterday (two days later) pigeon still haven't left, so we prepared window with about half a meter tall chicken mesh, larger carboard house and old shower curtain so we move it someplace it'll feel encouraged to leave and can sunbathe.
When moving the pigeon, it allowed me to pick it up by hand from below, seems like it cannot walk properly, only waddle away while tripping and doesn't even try to fly away. I take it to the window, but I realized it had some string stuck on it's legs and was constricting it's fingers. I take a scissors and gently cut the string and apply peroxide to the string wound marking, I also notice there a weird mosquito running bettween the feathers which I couldn't pluck.
Today the pigeon still isn't trying to fly away, allows itself to be picked up and even tho it no longer has the string, can only waddle, I also checked it to see if it had any visible injuries but couldn't find anything, only the mosquito still too fast for plucking.
I called a veterinary yesterday for advice but they told me to not worry and that the poigeon will most likely be alright in a week or two of resting.
Should I be concerned? Is there anything I could be doing better? Any help is greatly apreciated.
The pigeon in it's window picture attached!
submitted by v0kk3r to pigeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 accur4te What shall my approach be for expansion of the business as 2nd generation of it ?

business background - we are one of the top manufacture of digital flow meters in my country . The company was started by my father in 2009 and currently we are doing 600k dollars usa (as per Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), direct conversion 146 000 dollars ) in sales .
I am 19 and have been working with electronics since 8 yrs . Now i have been focusing of development of 2 products for my dad's company - electromagnetic flow meter and a iot system for battery powered flow meters . In short i have good technical knowledge about our products and development.
My dad wants to expand the company in other instrumentation areas but struggling cause of time . As my dad is currently in good shape and can take care of the ideal functioning of the business for at least 6-7 yrs , I am looking forward to watch the expansion part . I want to go all in , in terms of growth ( i mean aggressive expansion ) . But i am confused which part should i focus on - should i develop new instruments on existing concepts on my own? , outsource it ?, or buy subparts of the instruments and assembly at the factory ? or focusing on increasing profit per sale?
I am just confused were to start and were to grow towards
PLS provide your advice
submitted by accur4te to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 Impressive-Sort223 Things are harder 3 weeks NC

My ex and I split very amicably in January after dating for 4.5 years. We talked for 3 months. We hung out, skied, got drinks, and hooked up occasionally. We finally finished separating the stuff in our old place 3 weeks ago and then we said goodbye.
She reached out a couple times in the first week and I turned her down and stayed strong. The second week she was on a cruise so it was easy to not reach out. This third week has been absolutely hell. I fight the urge to go beg her to take me back all day. No matter what I do or how busy I keep myself, she is all I can think of. I dream of her EVERY night and wake up with knots in my stomach. I’m in a personal hell.
Anyone else feeling this? How long did it last for you?
submitted by Impressive-Sort223 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 LordAsdf Just finished the Desmond saga for the first time.

I played the first AC a lot of years ago, and LOVED IT. I think it was the first time I was truly mesmerized with a game. Then, I started II and dropped it. Believe or not, at that time, I thought Ezio was an insane downgrade from Altair.
A month ago I set my goal to at least finish all of the AC games, and then later go for the 100%. Already beat II, Brotherhood, Revelations, and III (just the main story and some side stuff in all of them). I actually 100%'ed all main constraints in III and it was pretty fun, so I'll probably clean up the full 100% on all Desmond saga before moving on.
And I gotta say, to this point, these games have me hooked. I feel zero burnout, and I want to start the next one as soon as I can. I know there's some grindy, overbloated games in my future, but I'm still so excited to play them for the first time. I love the story so far (although I've read that the past-present story kind of takes a backseat in the coming games) and really want to see how it develops.
I can't wait to visit all these different places, meet new ancestors, and just roam around seeing what awaits me.
(Any tips or advice for beating or 100%ing any of the games is welcome, as long as it is spoiler-free!)
submitted by LordAsdf to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:27 KaleidoscopeGlobal12 AIO for wanting to break up with my gf because she romanticizes being serious and negative?

We’ve been in a long distance relationship for 1 1/2 years and I’m visiting her right now. I only got involved with her because I saw her to be very spiritually conscious, kind, independent, and someone who I thought I could heal as well as could heal me. Things have shifted. After spending time with her (this is now my 2nd trip) she has explicitly revealed to me that she strives to be an “ass faced” serious and negative person as her default. I’ve also made another AIO post in the past about how she does tik tok lives for money (lives in a less fortunate country) and how she has placed money as the most important factor in why she does it - in addition to her originally claiming she was off social media for good when we met and her having guys in her DMs that she claims to be either gay guys or strictly friends when I express my stress and concern, because I had caught her in the past using an app called meete with convos with guys for “money”. (She also threatened the relationship over me accidentally liking 2 photos of girls I knew who I had no sexual history with.) However what I need counsel on is if I should put up with her reactions to small things despite her saying I’m her “one and only” and other love bombing things. Most recent example is us playing chess together on my phone (she said she wants to learn despite her not being experienced) and got mad when I do things like take out her queen. She called me a piece of shit and gets mad, not holding grudges, but more often than not I need to say things like I don’t want to fight and then things get mended. I also, all the time, need to ask her to not get mad when we play games like this. This wasn’t the first example of that. She will also be very easily influenced by an angering situation and will start slamming doors, be more susceptible to yelling at her dog, and doom scroll on tik tok for hours. I’ve frequently had to focus on making her feel better when my healing journey isn’t even done myself and I feel like I’m neglecting myself. When I got into this relationship I felt like I wouldn’t have to. She has recently tried for the first time to console me after I started feeling too stressed, but the energy made it feel like it was a chore to her. One time she made 130$ off a tik tok live but I discovered an underwear picture of her on her profile that i had no idea about. When I asked her about it she dismissed it as a trend and only deleted it when confronted. She then had an anxiety attack because I didn’t acknowledge the money she made and I had to comfort her the rest of the night while being on the verge of one myself, because I knew her past history of having sought attention from other guys. However she love bombs me and makes it feel stressful to leave. Last time I visited she made the last week extra special for me before I left to keep up the image of her I fell in love with, and she will do the same again as I leave soon.
I just don’t want to be tied down with someone who doesn’t strive for happiness all the time, which is how I want to live my life. And I want a relationship where we do our best all the time and never be negative unless we really have to. I have started feeling so much stress because for a long time, it was her having negative reactions to small things and me bending over backwards to be as accommodating and loving as possible, with little changing over a long period of time. When she consoled me when I was stressed, it started with a sigh and then her holding me. That didn’t feel genuine. So despite her love bombing me and calling me her love of her life despite the negativity I absorb from her, should I feel empowered to walk away? I really want to and explore other amazing qualities I can consistently find in other women, especially not romanticizing negativity and chasing euphoria together, especially not the social media version of it, but something that will make both of us fall in love with life itself.
submitted by KaleidoscopeGlobal12 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 Pickle2Fresh First time backpacking experience

First time backpacking experience
This was from last year but i just wanted to share what I learned from my first backpacking trip. To start this was Granite Peak in Montana. I packed fairly heavy as a lot of first timers do. My pack weighed 29lbs when i left the house and yes i knew that was a lot and needed to shed some weight. I didn’t have a ultra light weight tent but we split in up between 3 of us since it was a 3 person tent. I shed some weight at the truck and accidentally left all my clothes at the truck and turns out you don’t really need spare clothes for a 2-3 day hike. I do wish i had spare socks but i let them dry after getting wet the next day. I won’t be bringing a camel back next time because that was unnecessarily heavy compared to two smart water bottles. I brought a decent sized bag of trail mix expecting to share it with friends but didn’t get to it cause i had plenty of food to begin with so that was a mistake. I left my go pro at the truck to shed weight but wish I brought it and left the trail mix cause they were about the same weight. I brought electrolyte mix which was a good move cause I definitely needed it when hiking 10+ miles a day. I had a giant bear proof container that i wish I didn’t have. It was necessary cause there were no trees where we camped and i was the only one smart enough to bring a bear proof container lol. I just had to take one for the team and carry it for everyone. I won’t be bringing that next time and will buy something lighter for sure. I brought my bear gun (glock 40, 10mm) with a drop holster and definitely regretted the drop holster. I should’ve got a chest holster but I don’t regret bringing the glock cause it’s bear country of course. I didn’t bring mosquito spray or deodorant and definitely was worth it cause it’s not necessary. Didn’t bring tea or coffee or a cup and definitely don’t regret that cause i didn’t even need it. Didn’t bring sun screen cause i wore light weight long sleeve, pants and a hat. I also trained for this trip for about 6 months to prepare myself and it honestly was easier than I anticipated but i also lived in Montana at the time and was acclimated. Post is running kind of long so I can answer any questions in the comments about other things i brought or left behind. 10/10 on this trip if anyone else wanted to hike it.
submitted by Pickle2Fresh to backpacking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 rpkat [F4A/M] Mafia Romance

Hi there! I’m 26, central US timezone, and female!
Message me with your age, timezone (US Timezones Preferred), what plot idea you’re interested in, and a sample of your writing!
Partner requirements: must be 22-38 - Must play male (IRL gender doesn’t matter)- write in third person - at least two paragraphs - decent grammar and punctuation- must be able to post once a day to every other day. Communication is key, please let me know if you are going to be busy for longer than a day or two or if you are no longer interested. No asterisks for actions. Dialogue should be in quotations. NO AI ART OR WRITING.
I’ve been craving a good enemies to lovers roleplay for awhile now and what’s a better enemies to lovers roleplay than something revolving around the mafia?
Plot idea #1: Your character has recently taken over the family business. My character is a college student on a study abroad trip that happens to see something they weren’t supposed to. Y/C’s men that were handling the deal take her back to the main ‘headquarters’ and keep her locked up, leaving Y/C to deal with her.
Plot idea #2: Your character is in a small gang that is tasked with kidnapping the naive daughter of a mob boss that stole money from another. Basic idea, can be fleshed out more together.
Plot idea #3: your character would be a police officer that’s gone undercover with some small local gangs to bust a couple of drug dealers and whatnot. Having done such a great job there, he is offered a bigger mission and if he takes it, when he returns to his actual station, he will get a bigger raise, new car, K-9 unit, some sort of special thing that he’s been working towards. This bigger mission would be infiltrating a bigger mafia family that seems to be running all these smaller ones. Thanks to some forged documents, lies spread around, and some of the actual dirty work he has done over the last six months, the head of the family invites him to a nightclub to chat. The chat leads to the offering of a position within the family, a personal bodyguard for the mob bosses daughter after the situation that happened with her last one. It’s his first break through and they’re welcoming him with open arms. Does he accept?
submitted by rpkat to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 EmpressDiarist Mom’s angry because I don’t want to see my aunt to try and keep the peace

I don’t want to see my aunt. My dad is receiving end of life care at my parents house and can’t barely move at this point. My aunt got a ticket to come visit him three weeks ago. She just called my mom and said to get ready for her arrival. She didn’t ask for permission.
My mom’s just letting it slide because she’s my dad’s sister. Auntie traveled on a plane by herself against everyone’s wishes. She can barely walk anywhere unassisted. Mom did not tell my dad about her coming to visit because she didn’t want him to get upset at her. This made me angry because he just doesn’t want to make peace with her either.
So I told my mom not to expect me to come around throughout the week to help out, in advance, and that she can rely on my sister and cousin who don’t pay to live with her.
The reason I don’t want to see her is because of what she did after grandma passed. An uncle of mine would take care of grandma on his dime. He sold his house so that he can move in with his mom and take care of her. Somehow, when my grandmother passed away, we found out that the house was willed to my aunt as well as all of her money. My uncle got kicked out. My aunt was my grandmother‘s favorite daughter, and grandma would always give her money whenever, but she never took care of her. My uncle though, even if he would always go head to head with grandma, no matter what he made sure that she was always taken care of (such as feeding and bathing her) and paid all the bills.
My mom has called me multiple times pressuring me to come by the house to at least say hi to my aunt because she keeps asking about me. Eventually, I did go in the morning to get it over with, but no one came to the living room. I just left. My mom knew I was in the house, including my aunt who was upstairs in a guest room and now my mom wants me to come back again. I told her I tried to see her this morning to “keep the peace” but they were busy, now I want to see her even less.
Mom said something along the lines of trying to be polite, but honestly, I just can’t be nice to her. And from what I have heard my dad is incredibly upset right now.
submitted by EmpressDiarist to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 Representative_Bad57 How to explain to husband that his 50% each split for house hold ressource (not money) doesn’t work when the kids’ stuff comes exclusively from my half?

Our dynamic is that he works a tradition 9-5 for the bulk of our income, while I’m an independent contractor bringing in about 20% of our income but doing like 90% of the household and kid stuff. We both actively parent, it’s just that I organize the carpools, register kids for activities, track clothes, etc. It’s what works for us and I’m fine with that. I don’t even know how to adequately explain this issue and our time for discussion is so limited right now I can’t figure out how to start this discussion and phrase it without seeming like I’m attacking him.
He grew up in a very bad environment and the idea of family resources didn’t really exist for him until we started one. It’s not money, but it will be like he buys a very bulky new baking tool. I point out that our kitchen is already stuffed and his response is “well, you are taking up way more than your half.” Except he’s counting the cabinet that holds kids lunch supplies, snacks, etc. as part of “my half.” Another example would be him filling the entire deep freeze with baking that is theoretically for the family, but in reality is only 1 meal per week and means that I can’t fit in a whole weeks worth of what I need so have to make extra trips to the store. Any ideas?
submitted by Representative_Bad57 to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 DameDerpin At the end of 2 weeks post spay; is this normal?

At the end of 2 weeks post spay; is this normal?
I usually adopt older animals/shelter animals so I've never been up close with any spaying situations, so I'm not sure if this is normal or not.
It's looked like this the whole time, it looks/feels kinda like cotton or something? The vet didn't give us any instructions beyond "you can take the cone off after 2 weeks" so I don't think I'm supposed to do anything to it, right? But she's definitely going to lick at it and/or try to remove it as soon as she's not coned, so I want to make sure this is normal and safe and she'll be okay?
I'm very nervous and just want her to be safe and okay.
submitted by DameDerpin to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 watertheodz 21f looking for a gen z, lonely, neurodivergent best friend

This post is for US people and gen z people only, no I will not make an exception
Hiya, the titles whack but it’s probably the most accurate thing I’m looking for.
I’m looking for someone who’s gen z, meaning they understand our lingo and mannerism. For example, memes, tik tok lingo, sending eachother memes, not sending a period after a sentence unless you’re upset, talking literal brainrot sometimes and being able to laugh about it. I’m not looking for anyone older than a gen z, we just won’t have good conversation.
Lonely part is mostly because I’m lonely despite having a few friends, I’m not exactly sure where this lonely feeling comes from but hey if you can relate that’s perfect.
And neurodivergent because as I’ve seen neurotypical people on here just don’t understand any of my struggles so if you’re not neurospicey, it’s a no go babes.
I’m not someone who’s very mainstream media tho, don’t get me wrong I like it but I’m not super deep into celebrity news or politics, so if those are what you wanna talk about that’s not what I’m looking for.
As for things about me personally I’ll keep it short bc honestly we don’t have to have things in common to be friends. I love to read, I watch anime, I game abit (I’m down for new games), 420 friendly, looking for a clingy best friend honestly, I hate the beach and a lot of food textures, and I’m a very empathetic and intuitive person.
I’m looking for this to be long term, i am happy to move to discord but definitely not off the bat.
Alright that’s all, if you’re interested intro and ASL on your first message, the more personality in your message the better, take care!
submitted by watertheodz to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 Artistic-Badger680 Don't enjoy dating or general online environments

Has anyone over 40 just given up looking for a relationship and just decided the hassle to look for someone isn't worth it?
Never have or will enjoy dating and to me being single is just easier. Would i like a monogamous relationship? 100% yes but it would take someone truly special for me to be interested these days.
I have just deleted Grindr and Scruff yet again and am hoping it will be permanent this time. I can barely last two weeks on them without getting frustrated with them.
For me the online method doesn't work. I am not interested in pen pals or spending a week chatting to someone then meeting them in person and we don't click.
I am not in my 20's or 30's anymore and don't want to waste time on these stupid apps where 99.9% of the time nothing comes of them.
I don't think i have the personality type that does well with anything online. I loathe social media (don't really regard Reddit as SM).
Anyone else relate? I just want to give up on men and say fuck the lot of it 😭
submitted by Artistic-Badger680 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:26 eoux Buckling with bills due and unwarranted termination.

Immediate Financial Crisis Losing my job unexpectedly has left me in a precarious situation. After working 14 consecutive days, I was fired by my boss at the VFW. The club where I worked is a private establishment, and we primarily rely on weekend sales. Unfortunately, I won’t be working this weekend, which significantly impacts my financial stability. Bills are piling up, and I’m unsure how to cover them.
  1. Dependence on Weekend Sales The VFW post is strategically located near a tourist beach town, attracting a lot of foot traffic during weekends. These weekends are crucial for our sales. However, with my sudden termination, I’m facing a weekend without work. Without funds, I won’t be able to meet essential expenses.
  2. Savings Depleted While I’ve managed to save a portion of my rent, other bills remain unpaid. Utilities, groceries, and childcare costs are pressing concerns. Without additional funds, I’m unable to maintain a stable living situation.
  3. Health and Well-Being My health is suffering due to exhaustion. I had to call out of work because I was on the verge of collapsing. As a single mom with two kids, taking care of myself and my children is essential. However, financial stress exacerbates health issues. Access to funds would alleviate this burden.
  4. Temporary Assistance I’m seeking help until I can get back on my feet. While I’m confident in my ability to recover, the immediate situation requires urgent support. I’ve poured my soul, time, and even my own money into the VFW post, and now I find myself sinking financially.
Conclusion In conclusion, funds are not just numbers in a bank account; they represent opportunities, security, and freedom. As I strive to overcome this challenging time, financial resources will be my compass, guiding me toward a brighter future. I’ll continue seeking support and exploring available resources to ensure stability for myself and my children.
Remember that you’re not alone, and there are people who care about your well-being. Keep your resilience strong, and I believe you’ll find a way through this difficult period. Thank you all for reading.
submitted by eoux to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:25 walkaway2 Turning 30 this year, can’t seem to get red bumps and texture under control

Turning 30 this year, can’t seem to get red bumps and texture under control
Last summer my skin was just glowing, I was in a really good routine very similar to the one listed below. But then I traveled abroad for a few months and since being back in the states, my face just feels so… unlike me. I’ve been getting red bumps, not acne, that linger for weeks (you can see a dark spot above my right brow from a bump that just would not go away) and my texture just looks rougher than I’d like. I’d like to know what I need to be adding into my routine in general as well what I can do for my current concerns. I had a lot of acne in my teens but have been mostly clear the last few years. I’ve also had the lines in my forehead since my teens, so I know Botox is the only option if I want to get rid of those and I’m not really interested in that.
My evening routine 1. Cleanse with Ponds cold cream — I was using Clinique Take The Day Away but wanted to try a cheaper alternative. I’m not really liking Ponds so when I use it up I think I’ll switch back. 2. Cleanse with Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser — I switched from their regular cleanser to gentle during the winter since my skin got so dry and I was a lot more north while traveling but I wonder if switching back (it’s been about 3 months now) would address some of my concerns 3. Exfoliate 2-3x/week with Clinique 7 Day Scrub, though again I just switched yesterday to their regular Exfoliating Scrub as it has Salicylic Acid in it and I’m hoping that helps with these bumps 4. Apply The Ordinary Squalene Oil — can’t say I see much of a difference after using this for the last couple months 5. Apply Weleda Skin Food Light — another winter skin purchase but now that I’m back in my regular climate I’d like to get an actual night cream once I use it up
My daytime routine 1. Usually but not always also apply Squalene Oil 2. Naturium Vitamin C Complex with hyaluronic acid and vitamin E — started this one about 2 weeks ago 3. I just yesterday bought The Ordinary Azelaic Acid as it’s helped with acne concerns in the past 4. CeraVe ultra light moisturizing gel
submitted by walkaway2 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]