Lip numbness, sinus infection

Is a history of vasovagal syncope/hypersensitivity a precaution to GA?

2024.05.28 02:55 bluefortress05 Is a history of vasovagal syncope/hypersensitivity a precaution to GA?

39, female. PMH - CRSwNP. Meds - topical steroids/antihistamine
I have sinusitis with polyps and a deviated septum the ent doc said that I would need a general anaesthetic
I have never had a general before and one of the things I am worried about is I have a history of vasovagal syncope. I have fainted 9 times since the age of 10. The triggers are usually pain but 2 were unexplained. Some examples:
It was my first day of work in a factory when I was 17 and after 10 mins from my start time I started thinking that I’m not going to last my 12 hour shift and other negative things. I sort of felt freaked out and thought to myself I hope I don’t faint. The next thing I’m feeling sick, dizzy and woke up with people around me. I basically thought myself into unconsciousness.
My most recent time was on a ferry I sprained my ankle and shortly afterwards blacked out. When I woke up one onlooker told me that during the episode my lips had turned blue and I had been making a snorting/gasping noise. However I did manage to continue walking the rest of the day with no concerns. I had an ecg and tests when I got home all were normal. This episode was followed by months of acute health anxiety I kept worrying about passing out again.
I’m just thinking that as I’m so weird and hypersensitive it’s probably better to have poorer quality of life than to ‘risk myself’ under a general anaesthetic. I would probably just get there and change my mind last minute. I’d be a nightmare for them : /
I guess I was looking for rational advice is a history of vasovagal syncope anything to be concerned about with GA?
submitted by bluefortress05 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:17 Migraine_Brain_123 Lots of strange symptoms spanning multiple specialties Neurology, ENT, GI, ...

I suspect that all of my symptoms are connected, but they span lots of different specialties and it's impossible to get all my doctors together to go over things. So I'd like to know what you think and in particular answers to any of these questions:
I have a hard science background, a graduate degree in physics, and some undergrad chemistry and biology, so I'm interested in more detail than I'm getting from my doctors here. I'm hopeful that understanding can lead to some better treatments, but I am also just interested academically.
Everything listed here I have had since I was an early teenager, all starting around that time. None have had any particular identifiable trigger.
Sorry this is a bit long, I'm trying to be comprehensive.
39M, 160 lbs, 5'11", white, in okay shape. Don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. I eat fine, don't eat out, and drink plenty of water. Drink a few cups of green tea per day, occasionally a coffee in the morning. Rarely drink soda. Generally take care of myself.
It's about 50/50 constipation/diarrhea. I have symptoms from it every day. I'd say about 1/3 of the time its not that bad, 1/3 moderately bad, and 1/3 severe.
I have significant pain and bloating when it's acting up. Pencil-thin stools. Sometimes diarrhea and constipation at the same time, like I have to strain to get very liquidy diarrhea out.
There is also very significant distention. When it's not bothering me, my stomach looks flat, and when it is I can look fairly overweight, like a beer belly. I've never found anything that helps with this.
I've tried every elimination diet known to man, and nothing has helped. I haven't found any food triggers or other specific triggers. But just eating or drinking can trigger it. Sometimes I'll feel fine and take a sip of water, and a minute later I feel awful.
The IBS symptoms feel significantly different than "normal" GI problems, I can't describe how, but it feels more "wrong" than regular constipation, bloating, diarrhea, etc.
50mg of CBD 2x/day, and it's the only thing that's ever helped with the IBS pain.
Pepcid 1x/day from acid reflux, presumably from the IBS.
Imodium, few times a week.
In the past I've tried tricyclic antidepressants, Bentyl, and some other stuff I don't remember, which weren't helpful.
IBS aura
Sometimes in the morning I will have a strange dream-like experience. It's not a dream per se, but I'm asleep, and it feels like one, but with no imagery or anything. There's an intense feeling of unreality and dissociation that comes along with it. I'd describe it as kind of similar to the strange feeling that comes with a migraine aura, but much more intense and much much weirder.
When I wake up, I feel extremely sleepy and confused for a few moments, but physically completely fine. Then after about a minute, I'm overwhelmed with sudden, immediate, incapacitating IBS pain. The pain will last all day, and is by far the worse IBS pain I get. It happens once or twice a year. And always exactly like this (e.g., never when I'm awake, or after a nap.)
I don't get anything like that "aura" preceding normal IBS symptoms.
Migraine with aura
The aura is a dark spot starting on the lower-right of my field of vision which increases to fill about 1/3 of the lower right-hand side. Random smaller dark spots appear across my field of vision, and sometimes small point-like scintillating spots.
Pain is also localized on the right-hand side just behind my eye, extending backwards for a bit, and I'd typically describe as throbbing.
The migraines come and go. I might have them every day for weeks, then none for months or years. But typically it's several a month.
I also have frequent regular headaches, several a week.
Neurological workup is fine otherwise.
Cymbalta 60mg 1/day, as a preventative. It works okay.
Sumatriptan, when needed. Also works okay, both together make a migraine tolerable but still bothersome.
Eustachian tube dysfunction / objective tinnitus
In both ears, but primarily the right ear, I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. The tubes are closed most of the time, like I have a cold. I do the Valsalva maneuver several times a day to help. There's no fluid buildup though.
Often I hear a rumbling sound in my ears that is nearly identical to what you hear when you yawn. When this happens, by placing my finger just in front of my ear I can clearly feel something twitching, there's significant movement. Pressing with moderate force typically stops it.
It's extremely irritating and distracting, but doesn't seem to hurt my hearing. AFAIK nothing triggers the rumbling, and the only thing that stops it is pressure. It's mostly bothersome at night. I've been tested for allergies, and didn't find any serious ones.
Very occasionally, my ears ring for a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes the background "tone" changes, like when a bad movie cuts from one person's dialogue to someone else's and it feels like it doesn't match.
Deviated septum
A year ago I had a septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction to correct a deviated septum I'd had since I was a kid, making it increasingly hard to breathe out of my right nostril. Covering the left nostril and breathing out of the right would make me feel like I was suffocating. AFAIK there was no trauma that caused this.
CT scans didn't show any sinusitis or inflammation and septal deviation was "moderate."
Surgery went great and it's much better, but the right-hand side still feels like there's less throughput. I can feel this clearly if I block one nostril and exhale out the other. The ENT says that there're no obstructions or other reasons he can see for this and doesn't know why it's happening. I'd say the right nostril has like 75% of the throughput of the left one.
I've also been diagnosed with ADHD, the inattentive type.
Also anxiety and depression. As a teenager they were more severe, now they're more manageable. Saw psychologists for years but don't anymore.
I've tried several SSRI/SNRIs, and none of them have helped at all. But they have had sexual side effects of significantly decreased libido and difficulty maintaining erections. I still get erections in the mornings fine. Without the drugs I've never had these problems. They also made me pretty anhedonic in the long-run.
I take Vyvanse 40 mg, a few times a week for the ADHD symptoms. I'd take it more frequently, but it causes the same sexual side-effects as the SSRI/SNRIs. For some reason the Vyvanse almost completely eliminates my anxiety within about an hour of taking it.
Cialis 5mg, for sexual side-effects, but it's only a little helpful.
Weird symptoms
I haven't had a diagnosis associated with any of these. I've had these all since I was a kid/teenager.
Minor weird things
Probably not related to anything, but for completeness. I've also had all of these since I was a kid/teenager.
Family history
I've had so many tests I can't think of them all. They always come back normal, with the exception of low vitamin D (19).
I had lots of tests for IBS as a teenager, including uppelower GIs, and a bunch other I don't remember.
Recently had comprehensive metabolic panel, thyroid tests, testosterone test, estradiol test, and a bunch of STD tests. All normal, but Glucose is in the high 90s (but it's always been < 99) and cholesterol is a little high.
Blood pressure is on the high end of normal, resting heart rate is in the 80s.
My Apple watch says my EEG is fine, SpO2 is fine, and sleep is fine with no interruptions and no drops in SpO2 or respiration rate.
Other daily medications
Fexofenadine, multivitamin
submitted by Migraine_Brain_123 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:07 Foreign_Elk5677 Can you sue cvs for how their front store staff's safety and wellbeing being absolutely destroyed?

As a front store employee, our hours are continuously cut. This means we are running the store alone on a regular basis for 1+ hours. This is not safe. The regulations for cleaning the store and wear houses are not able to be maintained because there's no hours to do it. All of the hours go to the pharmacies, we can't retain employees because we do far more work then we get paid to do, there's trash, food and mold in the shipment totes, because fs and wear house don't have the hours and bodies to clean them. Almost all employees that have been there for years are broken down, exhausted and defeated. Even after the shooting and death of an employee, there are still no real safety officers in at-risk areas, and they are needed especially on truck day, which is when most of the theft occurs. The a/c units are always breaking in the summers and in the hotter states, we had to BEG for a portable a/c unit and we had to give it back before the a/c unit was properly repaired. A lot of the buildings have mold in them and are in desperate need of repair. The amount of gross that comes out of the vents gets in our eyes and causes allergy symptoms even in those who Don't normally experience them, sinus infections, respiratory infections and more. I started my crusade against them after my face started swelling up and I had to keep working through it. I have evidence of mold and maltreatment in many locations.
submitted by Foreign_Elk5677 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:48 Spike_Flings The Corpse In the Crater

They clung to the edge of the shell crater like a drowning man to driftwood. The rattle of the MG 08’s and the shriek and boom of artillery muffled all the shouts and cries and screams. A burst of bullets skipped across the top of the hole like a smooth stone across a calm lake. They heard a whistling like a distant kettle and then heard nothing but an almighty ringing in their ears, their very minds.
“Are you hit?” Tommy screamed over the chaos of the battlefield. William’s hearing came back in He fired one, twice from the lip of the defilade, not aiming at any spot in particular, just in the general area that the Germans were in. Squeeze the trigger, work the bolt, don’t look at the rotting corpse to your left. Just keep the rhythm. William thought. Just like training.
William patted himself down. He checked his chest, his legs. He felt wet down the leg of his trousers. Blood from a wound he feared, the mud of No Man’s Land he hoped, piss from fear he knew.
Tommy’s Springfield Rifle lay some yards away, half submerged in stagnant crater water, the butt splintered from a machine gun bullet.
“I don’t think…no, I’m okay. I’m fine.” William called. His fingers continued to search along his kit. His canteen had been struck; what little water he had left sloshed below the impact line. That thin, metal bottle had stopped much of the force of the bullet. It had probably been a ricochet anyway. He pressed his side. Blinding light and a feeling in his throat like he might hurl confirmed his fears.
A flash and roar like a thunderstorm from Hell erupted above them. And again. And again. William clasped his hands over his ears and screamed. He screamed for God, he screamed for his mother, he screamed for anyone or anything that could make it stop.
He could not die. Not here. Not in some devastated spit of land thousands of miles from home. Not while Martha waited for him. And not next to this carcass.
The body had been dead for some time, maybe even since the start of the war. A mud splattered uniform made him impossible to identify. His helmet, along with the entire top of his head, had been blasted into a ruin of metal and bone. His eyes had rotted away, or else been picked clean by the legion of rats that infested the area.
And suddenly, it grew quiet. The guns had stopped. And in that silence, the horror grew. Groans, moans, screeching horses and screaming men.
Dirt had showered William. It got on his neck, down his shirt, it stuck to his sweat soaked face and piss and blood stained pants like metal to a magnet.
William’s eyes grew wide as he saw the red-brown patch on Tommy’s side grow. “Oh, Christ!” He scrambled over the dirt and debris to his friend. “Tommy, your mask!” There was a chunk of shrapnel the size of William’s fist through the glass lense of the right eye socket of Tommy’s gas mask. It had punched clean through and lodged in his hip.
“I’m okay. I mean I’ve been hit, but I’m not dying here. The Germans haven’t deployed gas. Listen…no gas gong. We’re okay, Will.”
There were more screams now, more choking some muffled, all very human in their commiseration.
The corpse in the shell hole seemed to turn to look at William now, its eyeless sockets fixed right on him. Look up. William heard the voice in his mind, clear as if Tommy had said it.
William crawled away from Tommy and carefully, slowly, peered over the top.
It seemed like fog at first. It had a similar consistency. A sort of soupy, yellow-brown cloud was approaching, rolling over men and horses and devastation, inevitable as the ocean tide.
Gas. Mustard gas by the look of it. A mere touch causes your skin to blister. William did not want to imagine what happened if you inhaled it.
“Tommy! Gas!”
Thomas Totman, Private First Class, Brother, Son, William Lafevre’s best friend, drew his trench knife and advanced.
The blade was nicked from use. The brass knuckles attached to the handle, so proudly maintained through the first weeks of combat, were worn and cracked in places. But that blade was sharp. Sharp as the day was long. And today was July 4th, not far from the longest day of the year.
The knife cut through cloth and flesh as if they were butter. It sank to the hilt, retreated, and charged in again with the same ease as before. William went stiff and half rolled, half tumbled down the crater, next to the skeletal remains of one who came before.
The eyeless face, the exposed jaw and teeth, all seemed to grin at William as blood bubbled from his lips.
Tommy was on him again, though this time with searching hands. William tried to push him away, but his arms felt funny, his fingers numb.
Tommy snatched the rubber gas mask from William’s hip. It amazed him that something so small, so fragile, so unknown to them both until a few months ago, would not only destroy their decades long friendship, but also end his life.
Tommy pulled the mask on, squeezing it over his head and checking to make sure it sealed properly. Then he sat, pulled his legs to his chest and rocked back and forth, his breath misting the lenses.
The gas rolled over the lip of the crater, the smoke of a million cigarettes blown down a narrow stairwell. William tried to crawl away, maybe to the dead man, maybe he had a working mask.
His chest was screaming, begging for relief, and his useless arms did nothing but twitch at his side. The dead man’s jaw slammed open like a drawbridge, and he started laughing, cackling, as the gas descended to the bottom of the crater.
submitted by Spike_Flings to scaryshortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:42 therealdocturner Fast Food

I saw her dancing across from me in the club. She was in this black thing that cut off just under her butt and squeezed her perfect breasts up to her chin. She looked like she was from somewhere in the middle east. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and she kept looking over at me. I wanted her.
After a while, I tried to make my way over to her, fighting my way through the sweaty crowd. Every time I got closer to her, I would lose her, only to watch her reappear somewhere else in the club. She was smiling at me.
Eventually, I had to give up. She was an unattainable dream.
Until she wasn’t.
“Hey Pretty.”
I had just walked out of the club when I heard her voice. A beautiful voice. An accent that I couldn’t quite place. She was behind the wheel of a black and silver convertible Shelby that was rumbling in the street.
“Hi.” I couldn’t think of anything smooth to say. I walked over like a happy idiot, unable to slip into my normal character.
“Don’t you want to take a ride with me?”
She opened the passenger door.
I got in.
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Mark.” She laughed and bit her lip.
“It doesn’t matter.”
We sped off into the night.
She reached forward to the radio and found the song she wanted.
Sade. No Ordinary Love.
She pumped up the volume, and I could feel it beating in my chest while the wind beat against my face.
This was getting interesting.
“Give me your hand.”
I gave it to her. She placed it on the stick shift and then she draped her hand over mine.
“I want you to help me.”
“I’ll do whatever you want.”
We shifted into high gear and she pulled onto the freeway. She started weaving in and out of traffic, shifting up and down. I don’t know if she ever went below a hundred. Her driving scared me, but it was exciting. She was a precise machine behind the wheel. A beautiful machine.
We drove through two songs in silence while she played her game through the other cars and big rigs, until she finally said something.
“Who was that girl in the club?”
I didn’t answer. I silently cursed myself. She had been watching me.
“The one you screamed at and slapped?”
“She’s no one. She doesn’t matter.”
Another smile.
Something pierced my hand underneath hers. I tried to pull away, but I couldn’t. My body went numb. I couldn’t even speak. My tongue wouldn’t work. My eyes were the only things that I could move.
I started to panic.
She smiled.
“You’re perfect. Exactly what I was looking for.”
She jerked the wheel to the right and we flew down an offramp onto a crowded street. She started breathing fast, and I watched her bite her lip as she started to weave through traffic on the surface street, sometimes hopping the curbs onto the sidewalks. She never slowed down. People jumped out of the way.
I was helpless. My heart was pounding. She moved the car to the beat of the music, and the more panicked I became, the more sharp inhales she made. Those little noises I usually love.
She was getting off on how terrified I was.
My hand felt hot and wet. I moved my eyes down. I could see that her hand over mine had turned a milky clear; almost translucent. I could see that my hand was liquifying into hers. A bloody and chunky cloud trapped within her clear skin.
Her hand was absorbing mine.
I tasted blood in the back of my throat.
She moaned and flew back onto the freeway.
She took her hand from the stickshift, leaving me with nothing below a melted wrist; my hand was gone. It was being digested.
She reached over and splayed her fingers over my face. Her hand seared into my flesh. I could smell my skin burning, until I couldn’t smell anything at all.
“You taste so good!” Her hand and fingers spread out in a clear thin film that covered my face.
My hearing was muffled.
I couldn’t breathe.
My body began to convulse and I could still see her outline through her jellied flesh for a moment before my eyes popped.
Everything went dark, as I slowly melted into her.
submitted by therealdocturner to tinyhorribles [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:37 borntofork (NAD) This is what I’ve had nightmares about.

(NAD) This is what I’ve had nightmares about.
I don’t know what to do. And do not actively have dental or even health insurance. I’m sorry that this is a long read and I’m not sure it’s necessary but I think it may better help.
As a youth my teeth health was not great…had a really bad cavity that I let get bad because I didn’t care to go to the dentist while my mom was raising me by herself. It eventually got infected and was giving me the worst tooth pain I ever had, eventually got off antibiotics and got a root canal.
Wasn’t well off back then, and had “Western Dental” (Funny enough a dentist that took care of me in the military knew of this not so good company). They conducted the root canal [About 16 years old], didn’t give me enough numbing agent, I can remember the pain of them packing the root (or as I imagine it), and even had the dentist pull the drill out of my mouth while it was still on and cut my lip. As everything finally came together, I remember an odd smell that lingered around for a little while (I could only now describe it as ‘like’ a half epoxy smell). Years later, I’m in the Marines at dental [About 20-21 Years Old], and one of the examiners noticed on my x-ray that the crown was not sealed and said that while it wasn’t a priority, I should schedule an appointment to get it replaced. Of course being the idiot I am, and to avoid missing training I never cared to make an appointment for that. It also was never an issue as far as pain or smell while I was in.
Just within the past 6 months (Now at the age of 26), I was eating popcorn and THINK that a kernel got in between my gums and the actual tooth beneath the crown, which was mildy painful to bite on that side, and was bleeding whenever I tried to floss it out, which also hurt. Soon after, a smell started to become prevalent and it was hard to get rid of, I can describe it as a trapped food/bacteria & cavity smell….very unpleasant and has made me very self conscious (especially around women or even to kiss them). To remedy the smell, I have been both flossing diligently between the crown, and also using a water flosser to try and flush any bacteria/smell out (directly where the unsealed part was/is). I also have been chewing gum on that tooth, because I can smell for a-few-chews (the smell), and then it begins to go away until I have another meal or something.
Just last night, I was chewing gum at work and started to notice what felt like a piece of tartar or something was coming out. Then I finally noticed the crown was wiggling and sticking to the gum until I chewed down again and re-set it back into place. I went to restroom and wiggled it off and was shocked to reveal what is pictured, and almost went into a panic attack. (Also, the smell was obviously not great). I composed myself and was able to slide it back on. (NOTE: there is no pain)
My question is now; What should I do until I’m able to take care of it. I’m broke right now, and don’t have insurance. My next step is to apply for VA Health/Dental and get an appointment ASAP. But am I able to clean the area under the crown? Should I not even touch it? Is this reverse-able? Or am I going to completely lose the tooth? I’m very scared and also embarrassed.
Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to read this and respond!
submitted by borntofork to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:21 Birdheaded Anyone else’s lips go numb?

About two weeks ago I started to notice my lips get numb and sometimes tingly randomly throughout the day at first I thought maybe I was having an allergic reaction to something but through process of elimination it’s not that. I started to notice sometimes my cheeks will feel tingly too. And now as of today I’ve realized it seems to occur almost always when I smile or open my mouth wide. But it does seem to happen if I lean my neck back as well but I don’t do that often bc of how bad my neck is so it’s hard to say.
I’m just wondering if this can also be yet another symptom of Chiari and wonder if anyone else has experienced this?
submitted by Birdheaded to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:54 Ok_Marsupial9182 Help, please!!!

Hi, so around two weeks ago, I started getting DPDR symptoms, they were absolutely terrible and trashing. I bit the bullet, and decided to start Escitalopram 2.5mg. It took so much for me to start this antidepressant because I read all the side effects about vision and whatnot, and it absolutely trashed me.
First night I took the SSRI, I didn't really have any side effects, but once I continued; they only got more unbareable. So I decided to continue, the doctor advised I stopped and then try again. Now I don't know if this is DPDR, anxiety or an actual issue. I just can't pinpoint anything.
So the side effects in the last 7 days have got so gradually intense, I couldn't handle it. I have severe GAD and I get every physical symptom I can think of, it's awful and intense. I have always had visual snow, but this brought it out 10x worse to the point it looks like it's flickering..
Listed below are the symptoms I am currently dealing with:
Foggy/cloudy vision?
Palinopsia - this is severe
Flickering visual snow as well as when I close my eyes
Blurred vision
Struggling to focus vision
Floaters - black, white, flashing, clear.
Shaking vision - visual snow and actual vision
Head pressure, behind eyes, jaw, teeth and nose
Dull headache
Very bad dizziness/bad balance. I can't be stood up for long, it makes me feel absoulutely terrible.
Dull eye pain that feels intense, radiating from the back to the front of my eye,
Terrible nausea
Light sensitivity/haloes/glare - this is quite annoying and looks foggy the more tired I get
Distorted images - more on lines, smaller shapes and walls
So I decided to stop the SSRI, as I began getting all these symptoms and it trashed me, it did. I decided to go on to Google (I wish I didn't) and I ended up googling bad side effects, google wasn't displaying some of these which left me confused, so I tried to ignore them. I went to the urgent care center twice, they said my eyes are reacting to light perfectly fine, could read the letters fine and that I shouldn't worry. This didn't convince me however. I have spent sleepless nights researching google/reddit for an answer, worsening my symptoms because I can't find a reason.. I woke up the next day after, with intense nausea, dizziness and my vision was like listed below, this is when I started to get really concerned. So I got on the phone to 111, and they advised I go to A&E to get assessed. They checked my bloods and did an ecg, all came back fine. He again checked my eye dilation and did a word check and said it looks fine. I felt absolutely awful.
The next day, woke up feeling slightly more normal and decided to call Specsavers, as advised by the doctor who seen me in A&E and they said they'll sort me an appointment out. I worsened the symptoms all night by thinking I had lots of eye conditions, and that my eyes didn't look right. I managed to get into specsavers today at 2pm, they looked into the back of my eye and checked if I could read etc, the MEX specalist said my eyes looked fine. He said it looks very healthy, and that it could be anxiety or maybe migraines?
Now I know how powerful my anxiety is and how DPDR can effect you, but I literally can't focus my eyes on anything and they are constantly hurting like crazy. I get very severe symptoms, and they usually subside pretty quickly. I have to have my room lights on low brightness, as well as my mac as any higher light is too much. Wearing tints over my glasses, they do help a tiny bit.
I just can't focus my eyes, my perfereal vision looks out of wack, every colour looks washed out and the glare/halo is too much. I just don't know. I did develop vss, glare/halos before all of this. I'm not certain if it is the lexapro withdrawl/side effects or not, but I'm worrying and automatically thinking of the worst. I've always had very healthy eyes, even with the anxiety the optician never saw an actual issue with it. I've read sinus infections etc, but it doesn't all add up which doesn't make sense to me. I am going to go to my GP today for an appointment to rule out what is going on, as it's unbareable. I've dealt with this for 4-5 days now. I find it gets worse the more tired I am, which is harder to ignore as it's bedtime. I get floaters in brighter conditions also, like looking out the window etc. It's just making me more anxious, which is resulting in more symptoms. I just can't nail if it's anxiety or not.
The optician telling me my eyes are fine did relieve a lot of my worries, but it's not enough to clear my mind. I do have blepharitis and dry eye also, so not sure if this is a contributing factor or not. Words shake, I think it's visual snow
It's just so hard to deal with because even watching the tv, I can't focus my eyes to see it properly, when I go in the bathroom I feel like I can't see what or where I am going, or what I'm looking at. It's all blurry and unfocused, it's just hard to deal with..
Has anyone dealt with this? I just don't know how to deal with it. I'm hoping my doctor will have an insight on what's going on......
Thank you
submitted by Ok_Marsupial9182 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:54 Ok_Marsupial9182 What is happening to me?

Hi, so around two weeks ago, I started getting DPDR symptoms, they were absolutely terrible and trashing. I bit the bullet, and decided to start Escitalopram 2.5mg. It took so much for me to start this antidepressant because I read all the side effects about vision and whatnot, and it absolutely trashed me.
First night I took the SSRI, I didn't really have any side effects, but once I continued; they only got more unbareable. So I decided to continue, the doctor advised I stopped and then try again. Now I don't know if this is DPDR, anxiety or an actual issue. I just can't pinpoint anything.
So the side effects in the last 7 days have got so gradually intense, I couldn't handle it. I have severe GAD and I get every physical symptom I can think of, it's awful and intense. I have always had visual snow, but this brought it out 10x worse to the point it looks like it's flickering..
Listed below are the symptoms I am currently dealing with:
Foggy/cloudy vision?
Palinopsia - this is severe
Flickering visual snow as well as when I close my eyes
Blurred vision
Struggling to focus vision
Floaters - black, white, flashing, clear.
Shaking vision - visual snow and actual vision
Head pressure, behind eyes, jaw, teeth and nose
Dull headache
Very bad dizziness/bad balance. I can't be stood up for long, it makes me feel absoulutely terrible.
Dull eye pain that feels intense, radiating from the back to the front of my eye,
Terrible nausea
Light sensitivity/haloes/glare - this is quite annoying and looks foggy the more tired I get
Distorted images - more on lines, smaller shapes and walls
So I decided to stop the SSRI, as I began getting all these symptoms and it trashed me, it did. I decided to go on to Google (I wish I didn't) and I ended up googling bad side effects, google wasn't displaying some of these which left me confused, so I tried to ignore them. I went to the urgent care center twice, they said my eyes are reacting to light perfectly fine, could read the letters fine and that I shouldn't worry. This didn't convince me however. I have spent sleepless nights researching google/reddit for an answer, worsening my symptoms because I can't find a reason.. I woke up the next day after, with intense nausea, dizziness and my vision was like listed below, this is when I started to get really concerned. So I got on the phone to 111, and they advised I go to A&E to get assessed. They checked my bloods and did an ecg, all came back fine. He again checked my eye dilation and did a word check and said it looks fine. I felt absolutely awful.
The next day, woke up feeling slightly more normal and decided to call Specsavers, as advised by the doctor who seen me in A&E and they said they'll sort me an appointment out. I worsened the symptoms all night by thinking I had lots of eye conditions, and that my eyes didn't look right. I managed to get into specsavers today at 2pm, they looked into the back of my eye and checked if I could read etc, the MEX specalist said my eyes looked fine. He said it looks very healthy, and that it could be anxiety or maybe migraines?
Now I know how powerful my anxiety is and how DPDR can effect you, but I literally can't focus my eyes on anything and they are constantly hurting like crazy. I get very severe symptoms, and they usually subside pretty quickly. I have to have my room lights on low brightness, as well as my mac as any higher light is too much. Wearing tints over my glasses, they do help a tiny bit.
I just can't focus my eyes, my perfereal vision looks out of wack, every colour looks washed out and the glare/halo is too much. I just don't know. I did develop vss, glare/halos before all of this. I'm not certain if it is the lexapro withdrawl/side effects or not, but I'm worrying and automatically thinking of the worst. I've always had very healthy eyes, even with the anxiety the optician never saw an actual issue with it. I've read sinus infections etc, but it doesn't all add up which doesn't make sense to me. I am going to go to my GP today for an appointment to rule out what is going on, as it's unbareable. I've dealt with this for 4-5 days now. I find it gets worse the more tired I am, which is harder to ignore as it's bedtime. I get floaters in brighter conditions also, like looking out the window etc. It's just making me more anxious, which is resulting in more symptoms. I just can't nail if it's anxiety or not.
The optician telling me my eyes are fine did relieve a lot of my worries, but it's not enough to clear my mind. I do have blepharitis and dry eye also, so not sure if this is a contributing factor or not. Words shake, I think it's visual snow
It's just so hard to deal with because even watching the tv, I can't focus my eyes to see it properly, when I go in the bathroom I feel like I can't see what or where I am going, or what I'm looking at. It's all blurry and unfocused, it's just hard to deal with..
Has anyone dealt with this? I just don't know how to deal with it. I'm hoping my doctor will have an insight on what's going on......
Thank you
submitted by Ok_Marsupial9182 to Eyesight [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:52 Ok_Marsupial9182 Hi, I need a shed of light on what could be possibly going on?

Hi, so around two weeks ago, I started getting DPDR symptoms, they were absolutely terrible and trashing. I bit the bullet, and decided to start Escitalopram 2.5mg. It took so much for me to start this antidepressant because I read all the side effects about vision and whatnot, and it absolutely trashed me.
First night I took the SSRI, I didn't really have any side effects, but once I continued; they only got more unbareable. So I decided to continue, the doctor advised I stopped and then try again. Now I don't know if this is DPDR, anxiety or an actual issue. I just can't pinpoint anything.
So the side effects in the last 7 days have got so gradually intense, I couldn't handle it. I have severe GAD and I get every physical symptom I can think of, it's awful and intense. I have always had visual snow, but this brought it out 10x worse to the point it looks like it's flickering..
Listed below are the symptoms I am currently dealing with:
Foggy/cloudy vision?
Palinopsia - this is severe
Flickering visual snow as well as when I close my eyes
Blurred vision
Struggling to focus vision
Floaters - black, white, flashing, clear.
Shaking vision - visual snow and actual vision
Head pressure, behind eyes, jaw, teeth and nose
Dull headache
Very bad dizziness/bad balance. I can't be stood up for long, it makes me feel absoulutely terrible.
Dull eye pain that feels intense, radiating from the back to the front of my eye,
Terrible nausea
Light sensitivity/haloes/glare - this is quite annoying and looks foggy the more tired I get
Distorted images - more on lines, smaller shapes and walls
So I decided to stop the SSRI, as I began getting all these symptoms and it trashed me, it did. I decided to go on to Google (I wish I didn't) and I ended up googling bad side effects, google wasn't displaying some of these which left me confused, so I tried to ignore them. I went to the urgent care center twice, they said my eyes are reacting to light perfectly fine, could read the letters fine and that I shouldn't worry. This didn't convince me however. I have spent sleepless nights researching google/reddit for an answer, worsening my symptoms because I can't find a reason.. I woke up the next day after, with intense nausea, dizziness and my vision was like listed below, this is when I started to get really concerned. So I got on the phone to 111, and they advised I go to A&E to get assessed. They checked my bloods and did an ecg, all came back fine. He again checked my eye dilation and did a word check and said it looks fine. I felt absolutely awful.
The next day, woke up feeling slightly more normal and decided to call Specsavers, as advised by the doctor who seen me in A&E and they said they'll sort me an appointment out. I worsened the symptoms all night by thinking I had lots of eye conditions, and that my eyes didn't look right. I managed to get into specsavers today at 2pm, they looked into the back of my eye and checked if I could read etc, the MEX specalist said my eyes looked fine. He said it looks very healthy, and that it could be anxiety or maybe migraines?
Now I know how powerful my anxiety is and how DPDR can effect you, but I literally can't focus my eyes on anything and they are constantly hurting like crazy. I get very severe symptoms, and they usually subside pretty quickly. I have to have my room lights on low brightness, as well as my mac as any higher light is too much. Wearing tints over my glasses, they do help a tiny bit.
I just can't focus my eyes, my perfereal vision looks out of wack, every colour looks washed out and the glare/halo is too much. I just don't know. I did develop vss, glare/halos before all of this. I'm not certain if it is the lexapro withdrawl/side effects or not, but I'm worrying and automatically thinking of the worst. I've always had very healthy eyes, even with the anxiety the optician never saw an actual issue with it. I've read sinus infections etc, but it doesn't all add up which doesn't make sense to me. I am going to go to my GP today for an appointment to rule out what is going on, as it's unbareable. I've dealt with this for 4-5 days now. I find it gets worse the more tired I am, which is harder to ignore as it's bedtime. I get floaters in brighter conditions also, like looking out the window etc. It's just making me more anxious, which is resulting in more symptoms. I just can't nail if it's anxiety or not.
The optician telling me my eyes are fine did relieve a lot of my worries, but it's not enough to clear my mind. I do have blepharitis and dry eye also, so not sure if this is a contributing factor or not. Words shake, I think it's visual snow
It's just so hard to deal with because even watching the tv, I can't focus my eyes to see it properly, when I go in the bathroom I feel like I can't see what or where I am going, or what I'm looking at. It's all blurry and unfocused, it's just hard to deal with..
Has anyone dealt with this? I just don't know how to deal with it. I'm hoping my doctor will have an insight on what's going on......
Thank you
submitted by Ok_Marsupial9182 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:50 Terrik27 Nasal rinses really help my allergies and sinusitis, but I've gotten several sinus infections recently despite religious washing: not sure if it's the nasal rinse or not, but are there any chemical disinfectants (iodine, rubbing alcohol, bleach) I can use consistently with a neilmed bottle?

As the title states. I use nasal rinses after I'm outside a lot (doing yard work) and it makes a huge difference in how I feel the next day. They also seriously help with cold recover (toddlers in daycare! yay. . .)
I've been using them on and off for a decade, however in the last year I got my first sinus infection. . . and my next four. They're hellish, and they require strong antibiotics every time.
I have no idea if the sinus rinses are contributing, but I am paranoid of it now, to the point I rinse less than I'd prefer. I wash and dry them exactly as directed, microwave (which apparently doesn't actually work, from a study, despite the NeilMed site), and only use distilled water. I tried boiling the bottles, but they got... lumpy.
Has anyone got any good guidance on a chemical disenfectant to use with the NeilMed squeeze bottles, or the Sinupulse? (Have both, prefer the bottles)
I'd really like to just get a batch of like, 6 bottles, and just let a bit of iodine or similar sit in 5 of them for an hour every 5 days, or similar. I don't want to start degrading the bottles and making their porosity, etc, worse. Has anyone seen any good guidance on a solid way to super reliably disinfect these things?
submitted by Terrik27 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:49 Kramer_Costanza A New Blood Test that Could Help Solve The Mystery of MS

The researchedoctor is also the article author; therefore, he writes from a personal perspective
A blood test recently developed by me and my colleagues has allowed us to estimate the strength of the immune response in people with MS.
This finding may not only bring us one step closer to understanding the causes of MS, but to developing better treatments for the condition.
Researchers still aren't entirely sure what exactly causes MS. But a growing body of evidence suggests the main driver of the condition is Epstein-Barr virus (also known as glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis).
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is spread through saliva and typically infects children at a young age. Symptoms are often mild, resembling the common cold. But for others they may have a sore throat and high levels of fatigue.
However, the body never actually clears the virus. In most people, the immune system renders it harmless. But people with MS have an abnormal immune response to this virus – which may be responsible for the disease.
The link between Epstein-Barr virus and MS has been considered for over 20 years, with multiple studies highlighting the high prevalence of this virus in people with MS. But in 2022, a large study of more than 10 million young adults finally provided a robust, epidemiological basis for this link.
The study, which followed participants for 20 years, found that risk of MS increased 32-fold after an EBV infection. No other viral infections were shown to increase MS risk.
Work has also shown that the proteins which comprise EBNA-1 (a component of Epstein-Barr virus) and myelin (the outside coating of our nerves), share a similar structure. Myelin normally keeps our nerves healthy, but in people with MS the immune system recognises myelin as a foreign invader and attacks it.
This finding provides an important starting point for research investigating the mechanisms behind the aberrant immune reaction that leads to MS. It may also allow researchers to some day develop better treatments for MS.
MS blood test
MS symptoms are typically managed using immunosuppressive drugs. These suppress the body's overall immune response, which can reduce the severity of MS symptoms.
But these drugs have many unwanted side-effects, including headaches, stomach pain and gastrointestinal problems. And, because they modify the immune system's response, this can result in more frequent chest, sinus or bladder infections.
Antiviral drugs could be another possible treatment route. These target a specific virus in the body and prevent it from replicating. Because these only target one specific virus, they don't dampen the body's overall immune system.
There have been a series of intriguing case reports of people with MS who also developed HIV and were given antivirals – a standard part of HIV care, as they stop the virus replicating itself.
The surprising consequence was that these people's MS symptoms appeared to resolve. This suggests antivirals could be a useful treatment. By preventing EBV from replicating in the body, it could help put MS into remission.
But in order to develop an antiviral, we need to know just how strong of a response the immune system is mounting against EBV in patients with MS.
With this in mind me and my colleagues developed a blood test that quantifies the body's immune response to EBV.
To test if it worked, we took blood samples from people with MS, epilepsy and those with no existing medical conditions. We looked at 145 people in total and also confirmed with laboratory testing that each person had signs of previous EBV infection.
Although our main focus was MS, we wanted to compare how these participants' immune responses differed compared to people with no existing health conditions, and against people with a different neurological condition that isn't linked to EBV.
We found that the immune response to EBV was higher in people with MS than it was in people from either of the two other groups. This provides support for the idea that it is the immune response to EBV that is responsible for causing MS.
We also saw that current MS drugs do influence the immune system's response to EBV. Drugs that deplete circulating immune cells (known as B cells) were shown in MS patients to create an immune response to EBV that was equivalent to the immune response healthy participants had to the virus.
We were interested in this result as the precise mechanism of action these B cell depleting drugs have in MS has not been understood. One theory has been that these drugs clear EBV from the system by attacking the B cells that the virus hides behind. It has been difficult to prove this, but we believe our study's finding support this theory.
One of the leading aims of our study has been to develop a potential way to record the effect of drugs that target EBV in MS in clinical trials. We believe that testing for virus levels alone would not suffice, as the disease is caused by an immune response. We believe our new blood test has the potential to be used in future clinical trials using antivirals or vaccines against EBV in MS.
submitted by Kramer_Costanza to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:47 Terrik27 Nasal rinses really help my allergies (and cold recovery) but I've gotten several sinus infections recently despite religious washing: not sure if it's the nasal rinse or not, but are there any chemical disinfectants (iodine, rubbing alcohol, bleach) I can use consistently with a neilmed bottle?

As the title states. I use nasal rinses after I'm outside a lot (doing yard work) and it makes a huge difference in how I feel the next day. They also seriously help with cold recover (toddlers in daycare! yay. . .)
I've been using them on and off for a decade, however in the last year I got my first sinus infection. . . and my next four. They're hellish, and they require strong antibiotics every time.
I have no idea if the sinus rinses are contributing, but I am paranoid of it now, to the point I rinse less than I'd prefer. I wash and dry them exactly as directed, microwave (which apparently doesn't actually work, from a study, despite the NeilMed site), and only use distilled water. I tried boiling the bottles, but they got... lumpy.
Has anyone got any good guidance on a chemical disenfectant to use with the NeilMed squeeze bottles, or the Sinupulse? (Have both, prefer the bottles)
I'd really like to just get a batch of like, 6 bottles, and just let a bit of iodine or similar sit in 5 of them for an hour every 5 days, or similar. I don't want to start degrading the bottles and making their porosity, etc, worse. Has anyone seen any good guidance on a solid way to super reliably disinfect these things?
submitted by Terrik27 to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:43 therealdocturner Fast Food

“Hey Pretty.”
I had just walked out of the club when I heard her voice. A beautiful voice. An accent I couldn’t place. She was behind the wheel of a black and silver convertible Shelby that was rumbling in the street.
“Don’t you want to take a ride with me?”
She was in this purple thing that cut off just under her butt and squeezed her perfect breasts up to her chin. She looked like she was from somewhere in the middle east.
She opened the passenger door.
I got in.
“What’s your name?”
“I’m Mark.” She laughed.
“It doesn’t matter.”
We sped off into the night.
She reached forward to the radio and found the song she wanted.
She pumped up the volume.
I could feel it beating in my chest while the wind beat against my face.
“Give me your hand.”
I gave it to her. She placed it on the stick shift and then she draped her hand over mine.
“Help me.”
We shifted into high gear and she pulled onto the freeway. She started weaving in and out of traffic, shifting up and down. I don’t know if she ever went below a hundred. Her driving scared me, but it was exciting. She was a precise machine behind the wheel.
“Who was that girl in the club?”
I didn’t answer. I silently cursed myself. She had been watching me.
“The one you screamed at and slapped?”
“She’s no one. She doesn’t matter.”
Another smile.
Something pierced my hand underneath hers. I tried to pull away, but I couldn’t. My body went numb. I couldn’t even speak. My tongue wouldn’t work. My eyes were the only things that I could move.
I started to panic.
She smiled.
“You’re exactly what I was looking for.”
She jerked the wheel to the right and we flew down an offramp onto a crowded street. She started breathing fast, and I watched her bite her lip as she started to weave through traffic on the surface street, sometimes hopping the curbs onto the sidewalks. She never slowed down. People jumped out of the way.
I was helpless. My heart was pounding. She moved the car to the beat of the music, and the more panicked I became, the more sharp inhales she made.
She was getting off on how terrified I was.
My hand felt hot and wet. I moved my eyes down. I could see that her hand over mine had turned a milky clear; almost translucent. I could see that my hand was liquifying into hers.
She was absorbing my hand.
She moaned and flew back onto the freeway.
She took her hand from the stickshift, leaving me with nothing below a melted wrist. She splayed her fingers over my face.
It burned.
“You taste so good!” Her hand and fingers spread out in a clear thin film that covered my face.
My hearing was muffled.
I couldn’t breathe.
My eyes popped.
I was melting into her.

submitted by therealdocturner to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:19 seginho_9017 Swolen up piercing

So i have an issue. I have had snake bites for almost a year now, i changed the studs to rings recently. Today i woke up to my lip being really swollen and the ring hurt to move. Lip entirely filled the ring. I tried cleaning it with mouthwash and octenisept both out and inside of my mouth and i tried to downsize the swell with ice. Now i recently checked it again and i have thick white deposit inside of my mouth around the hole. Is that an infection?
submitted by seginho_9017 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:12 CupOCoop Could I, disabled veteran, have a serious infection?

Little background first. I’m a 38 year old male, smoker, previously had poor dental hygiene from being a homeless disabled veteran. Also heavy drug user. Lost a majority of my back molars. I have had a lot of work done the past year or two though, which is where our story starts. Back in July of last year I had a root canal. Afterwards the tooth hurt but not so much I was greatly concerned I just thought it was post op stuff, eventually the pain dissipated on my left bottom molar. A week or so later I started having issues with the right side of my face. My eye tears and I get tired often, maxillary sinus area burns, and the area feels like it’s infected. It causes great discomfort. This is November of last year, I get diagnosed with a sinus infection and take amoxiclav for two weeks and it semi improves and then goes back to being painful again. This goes on for months with doctor visits, all ending with no answers. My dentist isn’t the greatest. But I can afford her and she takes my insurance. I went back to her last week and told her my issues and she checked my teeth and asked about pain which I still have none in the tooth that this is all started around, but she found what she called “a small infection”. This is the only one infection anyone has found in this entire process so I’m wondering if it’s possible this is it because if it is I’m ready to just extract the tooth and get my health back with that and some paired antibiotics. I figured asking professionals would be a good first step though. I know it’s Memorial Day and people are enjoying family time so thank you if I get any responses.
submitted by CupOCoop to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 00:01 Unique-Chicken-5763 🪓Understanding the Potential Side Effects of Penis Enlargement Devices

Penis enlargement devices promise size enhancement and better sexual performance, but they pose risks. This content alerts users to potential side effects, enabling informed decisions about sexual health.
🥒Tissue Damage:🥒
Penis enlargement devices can cause tissue damage like bruising, swelling, and tearing with excessive or improper use. Long-term usage may lead to scarring and deformities, impacting appearance and function.
Erectile Dysfunction:
Prolonged use of penis enlargement devices may raise the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) by disrupting blood flow and nerve function, making erections difficult to achieve or maintain.
🍌Pain and Discomfort:🍌
Many users report pain and discomfort with penis enlargement devices due to pressure and tension, causing sensations of soreness, numbness, or burning, making device use unpleasant or intolerable
Risk of infection:
Inadequate cleaning of penis enlargement devices can lead to infections as bacteria or fungi thrive in the warm, moist environment, causing urinary tract or genital skin infections.
🌽Natural and Unique Exercise:🌽
Our male enhancement program guarantees a growth of up to 4 inches within a 4-week period, achieved solely through natural exercises. There are no pills or devices involved, ensuring safety and avoiding any risk of injury. Your well-being is our top priority. Watch our video tutorial and learn more.
submitted by Unique-Chicken-5763 to growthmatrixUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:55 holderofthebees Simple chocolate raspberry cake for family yesterday. Side note: remission didn’t last.

Simple chocolate raspberry cake for family yesterday. Side note: remission didn’t last.
I posted not even a month ago celebrating my MS going into remission with a cake. Well yesterday I took my mom to my fiancé’s mom’s house out in the countryside so they could meet. We ate dinner, played board games and card games, had a grand ol time. I brought this cake and everyone adored it. By the time I left that night I was at risk of passing out from neck pain. Now my face burns and itches, my fingers are half numb, I’m dead exhausted and completely flat.
I looked it up and most relapses resolve within a month, apparently. My last one was five months, but it started with a covid infection so I hope that this one isn’t the same way.
My 28th birthday is in July. My party’s the Saturday night after — unfortunately my HS reunion is that same day at noon. Can we all hold hands and pray that I’m in remission by then? I really don’t want to go tell everyone that the genius who was gonna rock the world struggles to do the dishes now. Especially because two weeks later I’m being paid to cater my cousin’s baby’s first birthday party. 😭
submitted by holderofthebees to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:51 Maximus_multiplus Chronic lower back pain - Please help!

TLDR: Lower back and hip pain for 2 years, mixed diagnoses, desperate for suggestions for a way forward.
I’ve had lower back pain for the last two years and I feel at rock bottom. I feel like I’ve wasted so much money on physical therapy etc and still have no answers or improvements.
My symptoms are a sharp pain at the lowest part of my back on the right side plus a sharp pain and pulsating in both hips and down the front of my legs. Sitting relieves it all and I feel fine but as soon as I stand up or move around the pain starts. I’ve had an X-ray of my right hip which was all clear. Bloods all fine and no numbness or groin related issues. It’s ruining my life and really impacting my mental health now.
I saw a physio for 6 months. He thought sacroiliac joint inflammation at first, then suggested it could be a disc bulge. He gave me exercises to do to work on my core but there were no improvements. I then saw an Oesteopath who said it was the Quadratus Lumborum muscle inflamed. He used a massage gun, minimal hands on work, and gave me similar exercises, again no improvement after 4 months. I’ve tried a few sessions at a chiropractor who said my pelvis was a bit misaligned but no improvement after the sessions and even she suggested I go back to a physio. My latest Oesteopath is saying it’s probably lots of general inflammation and weak muscles so again I’m not feeling hopeful. If it’s of any relevance, I find the yoga position of Cow to be fine but the Cat really hits the exact painful spot and I can’t do it at all. Also I’m female, 40s, overweight by about 100lbs and have a desk job. I do gentle yoga most days. U.K. based.
My doctor was so reluctant to send me for any scans as previously I had to have multiple chest exams due to a serious infection. Eventually she allowed one X-ray on my right hip but that came back perfectly fine. All blood tests were also fine. She won’t send me for any other tests or scans and says just to continue with physio.
I’m at my wits end and am desperate for some answers. Would anyone suggest a specific exam that I could pay for privately to see what’s causing this? Or is there a specialist who would do a more thorough diagnosis than a PT or Oesteopath? I just want to know what it is and start to see even the smallest of improvements. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions on where to go next would be very welcome! Thank you and apologies for the long post.
submitted by Maximus_multiplus to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:47 lildrewzivertt throat tightness

hi, i (24m, 150 lbs) recently i’ve been dealing with the feeling of my throat being tight all of the time. it tends to get worse when i move my neck, and as a result i am constantly anxious about my throat closing. i have severe hypochondria just to put that out there. i know both anxiety and heartburn cause this, but is there a chance this could be something i need to get looked at? it’s causing me debilitating anxiety every day now. i also have been dealing with sinus congestion so idk if thats it. any help or encouragement is appreciated!
for reference i have a new feeling in my body that causes me dread every day. i was recently in the ER because of my chest pains and it all came back clear
I’m also dealing with a tooth infection and my lymph nodes are super swollen and hard
submitted by lildrewzivertt to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:42 Jfred1986 What is the weirdest precursor to a sinus infection you have had?

submitted by Jfred1986 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 23:03 count_bassy_ Please help! I am desperate! Does anyone have advice or can anyone relate?

I have never been diagnosed with asthma. However, about two years ago, I seemingly inhaled hairspray and it caused a major coughing fit which led to wheezing. From there on out, for close to a year, I would get a tickle in my throat which would cause an uncontrollable cough and wheeze. I went to the ER near the beginning of this, and all they did was give me an albuterol inhaler with almost no instruction or warning of how you aren’t supposed to use it daily. I ended up stopping use of it on my own when I scared myself into thinking I was overdosing on it (I have health anxiety too). At some point in that next year, early on I believe, I went to the doctor and they had no advice but sent me for a spirometer test. It was completely normal, but then again, it was usually a scent that would set off the tickle. I began taking Claritin as a last resort and it seemed to help at least a little. Eventually, after around a year, the feeling went away and I seemed to be fine.
Flash forward to this past March and I stupidly do the same thing with hairspray (safe to say, I will never ever be wearing it again!). Here comes the same coughing and wheezing! I tried to control the coughing a bit so that I wouldn’t wheeze as much and began taking Claritin again. After doing research, my thought was Reactive Airway Disease/Disorder (although I saw that might just be the term people use when they don’t know what is going on). I go back to the doctor and ask for advice. He tells me it’s nothing and gives me another albuterol inhaler (once again not telling me to not use it daily), an Allegra prescription (because the Claritin wasn’t working this time), and a second prescription pill called Singulair. I recognize the name of that one and tell him I remember another doctor wanting to prescribe that to me when I had a bad sinus infection but changing her mind because I’ve had some serious anxiety issues in the past. She had told me that this drug was capable of bringing on severe anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues in even a perfectly healthy individual. I had later done my own research and found this to be true, as the company literally legally had to place a printed out warning to go along with the bottle of pills. I tell my current doctor all of this and he tells me I’m wrong. I tell him maybe I’m just not remembering right and it could have been a different medication that I was thinking of. It was not, so I naturally decided not to take it.
It is now nearing the end of May and I have determined that the Allegra does not seem to be doing much of anything. I have been trying to not use inhaler too often, but some weeks I must use it multiple days in a row. I know this isn’t good and I try very hard not to do so. At this point, I am now wheezing from my chest more often than my throat. I wheeze on both my inhale and my exhale (I know wheezing on an inhale is a sign of a situation being worse, but my doctor claimed he wasn’t worried about that). This was not something that really ever happened the first time I experienced this. The wheeze now even shows up without me having to cough or even smell a strong chemically-produced scent. I am planning to schedule another appointment because it just seems to be getting worse.
I was just wondering if anyone had any sort of advice for me as to what I should be taking for my situation? Is it even asthma or is this just a temporary problem? I’m really scared about what has been happening and I am also scared my doctor will be of no help and will insist on me taking the Singulair (which I for good reason will not be doing). I am sorry for rambling! This has just been an incredibly stressful few months of dealing with this unresolved issue.
submitted by count_bassy_ to Asthma [link] [comments]