Self-injection lovenox teaching

The New Data Drug

2024.05.19 01:45 TheFalseViddaric The New Data Drug

I messed up. I messed up bad.
“Never get high on your own supply”. The human who sold me this data told me it was a saying from his world. But I had to be sure it was the real deal. After all, data drugs that worked on people without a brain interface installed? It was unheard of. But here I am [30 hours] later, and I no longer doubt. I feel utterly exhausted despite having barely moved. My every neuron feels fried. All 6 grasping appendages are sore from the repetitive motions, and my eyes are dry and unfocused from the long strain I have put them through. I feel intense pangs of hunger and thirst, as I haven’t eaten or drank since I started this test.
I still want more. But with a great effort of will I force myself away from the screen of my computing terminal and stumble to my pantry so I may attend to my body’s needs. As I gulp down nutrient drinks and chew some dried fruit, I reflect on the trance I’ve somehow barely managed to pull myself out of.
Simulations. A useful tool for engineers, scientists, and military strategists. We had never thought to teach storytellers or artists to use them. Humans had. And what they created was both miraculous and monstrous.
Humans decided to use simulation technology to create art and craft stories. It seemed that there was a human simulation… no, hundreds of human simulations, designed to invoke whatever feeling or emotion you could imagine. And possibly some you couldn’t.
I had started simple. A basic test of spatial reasoning, and later quick thinking, expressed through the medium of stacking colored blocks formed into geometric shapes. While comparable at first to a children's toy, as the speed and challenge increased I became increasingly hypnotized. The feeling of lining up and clearing four rows at once with the all too rare straight piece was intensely satisfying. Making a mistake, leaving a gap caused frustration and incompleteness like I had never felt before, and eventually fixing it gave a feeling of relief, of rightness. As the game sped up, I found myself more and more frantic to try and find places for every piece. The rush of success and agony of failure only increased as I prided and chided myself on my quick decisions.
Eventually, I could keep up no longer, leaving me only with a number. A score.
Could I push that score higher?
[4 hours] went by, and I barely noticed.
I should have stopped. I knew that what I had was genuine. But I wanted to know what else this data was capable of.
I navigated a colorful landscape, defying gravity with every action and finding joy in exploration and collection.
I slaughtered demons with a chaingun, turning the fear of being devoured into a rising sense of conquest and bloodlust.
I failed a single test of dexterity, sending me tumbling down a hole and erasing hours of progress, and I nearly knocked myself out from the shock of frustration.
I defeated a hulking warrior with a team of other adventurers, and the triumph of it was only amplified by the sting of failing several times before.
Freedom and entrapment.
Horror and domination.
Elation and sorrow.
Every new experience was an emotional high of a kind I’d never had before, and my hearts were racing with the myriad of feelings rushing through my mind. My imagination was going wild with the possibilities of all these new worlds of data and programming.
My self-reflection comes to a grinding halt. I need to stop. If I’m not careful I’ll get addicted and end up like one of those mindjackers, burning their brains out on data drugs. Supposedly these simulations can’t do that, but I wouldn’t have put it past the seller to lie about that kind of thing.
Well, one way or another, I’m gonna make a [alien animal that shares many traits with both giant squids and magpies]’s hoard selling these. Time to call my best clients…
[Time skip: approximately 25 solar years]
The Rise of the Galactic Game Industry: Fluke of the Black Market, or Human Marketing Genius? You Decide!
Dr’k-Nam, Head Investigative Critic for the Arts and Culture section of Twin Suns Newsgroup
Simulation games, also known as “video games”, have taken the galaxy by storm ever since their controversial introduction and subsequent series of bannings and legalizations across the galaxy. Simulation technology is nothing new of course, but galactic newcomers from the Sol system, Humans, used it in an extremely novel way: art and entertainment. According to their historical records, a significant amount of their entertainment industry is based around simulation games, and that portion has grown even further with their introduction to the galaxy at large.
At first, however, no one was interested. A simulation with little or no practical application, designed only to entertain? Most people preferred to stick with the entertainment they knew, or seek new experiences outside of sims. So what changed?
Simple: some anonymous human decided to sell them as data drugs instead of simulation games; data drugs usable by simply interacting with a computer program, rather than having to inject the data directly in through a neural interface. With this small, but completely false new branding, video games were ready to start spreading across virtual black markets like spoilers for the latest episode of Ace Flyer Kr’t-Kah on the galnet (side note: please have some courtesy to others and tag your spoilers).
Human governance and society at large had been reportedly as surprised to see a lack of simulation games from other species as they were that humans had them. But they were even more surprised when they started getting accused of pushing the latest data drug. This was an especially confusing accusation because neural interface technology was not widely adopted by humanity at the time, and only a fraction of a percent of their population even knew of the existence of data drugs in the first place. The revelation that most humans had video games of some sort on their PPDDs (personal portable data devices) threatened to cause an uproar in the galaxy, as paranoia around data drugs was at an all time high among many species.
After trying and failing to ignore the problem for long enough for it to go away, human governance, as well as human corporations producing video games, were forced to release statements, acknowledging that:
Ironically enough, the controversy made them much more popular, even in places that decided on banning them. The idea of a simulation that could act like a data drug without the risk of frying your mind like the real thing was enticing to many. The lack of side effects and ease with which the games could be distributed only increased both their spread and unregulatability. In short order, races throughout the galaxy were trying out a new pastime, and galnet connected multiplayer games were bridging the gaps between the stars. Now, several other races, including my own, are seeking advice from human developers in starting their own simulation game projects. Only time will tell what kind of games their unique perspectives will produce, but it’s unlikely that humans will lose their position as the most powerful and profitable storytellers through this new medium; they have generations of experience to draw upon, after all.
Rumors that the data drug sales pitch was a deliberate ploy by the human game industry (to drum up intergalactic sales) or by human governance (to spread human culture and influence) are still under investigation, but solid evidence for either has yet to emerge.
Edit: anyone posting untagged Ace Flyer Kr’t-Kah spoilers in the comments section of this article will receive an immediate, no-warning permaban.
submitted by TheFalseViddaric to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:58 adulting4kids Fentynal Guide To Quitting

Title: Understanding Fentanyl: Uses, Risks, and Controversies
Introduction: Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its role in the opioid epidemic. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fentanyl, including its medical uses, associated risks, and the controversies surrounding its widespread misuse.
Medical Uses: Originally developed for managing severe pain, especially in cancer patients, fentanyl is an analgesic that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is commonly used in medical settings for pain management during surgeries, chronic pain conditions, and palliative care.
Risk Factors: While fentanyl is effective in controlling pain when administered under medical supervision, its misuse poses serious health risks. The drug's high potency increases the likelihood of overdose, leading to respiratory depression and, in extreme cases, death. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to the rising number of opioid-related deaths.
Controversies and Illicit Use: The illicit use of fentanyl has sparked controversy and public health concerns. The drug is often clandestinely produced and added to other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. This has resulted in a surge in overdoses, as individuals may unintentionally consume lethal doses of the opioid.
Law Enforcement and Regulation: Governments and law enforcement agencies worldwide are grappling with the challenges posed by the illicit production and distribution of fentanyl. Efforts to regulate its manufacturing and distribution are ongoing, with stricter controls in place to prevent diversion into illegal channels.
Treatment and Harm Reduction: Addressing the fentanyl crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including expanded access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, and public awareness campaigns. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, has proven effective in reversing opioid overdoses and is increasingly available to first responders and the general public.
Conclusion: Fentanyl, with its remarkable pain-relieving properties, has become a double-edged sword in the realm of healthcare. While it serves a crucial role in medical settings, its misuse poses severe risks to public health. Efforts to combat the opioid epidemic must focus on education, regulation, and treatment to strike a balance between managing pain effectively and preventing the tragic consequences of its illicit use.
Narcan, also known by its generic name naloxone, is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids target, effectively reversing the life-threatening effects of opioid toxicity. Narcan is commonly administered in emergency situations where an individual is experiencing respiratory depression or unconsciousness due to opioid overdose.
Emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and even some non-professionals, such as family members of individuals at risk of opioid overdose, may carry naloxone. The medication is available in various forms, including nasal sprays and injectable formulations, making it accessible for different situations.
The prompt administration of Narcan can restore normal breathing and consciousness, providing crucial time for the affected person to receive further medical attention. It is an essential tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at preventing opioid-related deaths and is a key component of public health initiatives addressing the opioid epidemic.
Suboxone is a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It is a combination of two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.
  1. Buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to but with less intensity. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals in recovery to better manage their addiction.
  2. Naloxone: Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist, which means it blocks the effects of opioids. When taken as directed, naloxone remains largely inactive. However, if someone were to misuse Suboxone by injecting it, the naloxone component can counteract the opioid effects, reducing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to opioid addiction that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It can be used in the detoxification phase as well as for long-term maintenance therapy. The goal of Suboxone treatment is to help individuals gradually reduce their dependence on opioids, manage cravings, and improve their overall quality of life during recovery.
It's important to note that Suboxone should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use or abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms or other complications.
Precipitated withdrawal refers to the accelerated onset of withdrawal symptoms, often more severe than typical, when an opioid antagonist is introduced to the body. This occurs because the antagonist displaces the opioid from receptors, leading to a sudden and intense withdrawal reaction.
For example, if someone is currently dependent on opioids and receives a medication like naloxone or naltrexone, which are opioid antagonists, it can rapidly trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is a safety mechanism, as these medications are often used to reverse opioid overdose or as part of addiction treatment.
The term is commonly associated with medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, where medications like buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) are used. If buprenorphine is administered before other full opioids have cleared from the system, it can displace those opioids from receptors, leading to precipitated withdrawal. This is why healthcare providers carefully time the initiation of medications like buprenorphine to avoid this intensified withdrawal reaction.
Understanding the potential for precipitated withdrawal is crucial in the context of addiction treatment to ensure safe and effective transitions between medications and to minimize discomfort for individuals in recovery.
Using Suboxone involves adherence to a specific treatment plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Here are some key aspects related to the use of Suboxone:
  1. Prescription and Medical Supervision: Suboxone is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated and supervised by a qualified healthcare provider, typically in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
  2. Dosage: The healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on the individual's specific needs and response to the medication. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not adjust it without consulting the healthcare provider.
  3. Administration: Suboxone is often administered sublingually, meaning it is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. This method allows for the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream.
  4. Timing: The timing of Suboxone administration is crucial. It is often started when the individual is in a mild to moderate state of withdrawal to reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the appropriate timing.
  5. Regular Monitoring: During Suboxone treatment, individuals are regularly monitored by healthcare professionals to assess progress, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  6. Counseling and Support: Suboxone is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. This holistic approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
  7. Gradual Tapering: Depending on the treatment plan, there may be a gradual tapering of Suboxone dosage as the individual progresses in their recovery. Tapering is done under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Avoiding Other Opioids: It's crucial to avoid the use of other opioids while taking Suboxone. Combining opioids can lead to dangerous interactions and diminish the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. Side Effects and Reporting: Like any medication, Suboxone may have side effects. Common side effects include headache, nausea, and constipation. Any unusual or severe side effects should be promptly reported to the healthcare provider.
  10. Pregnancy Considerations: If an individual is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to discuss this with the healthcare provider, as the use of Suboxone during pregnancy requires careful consideration.
Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and inform them of any concerns or changes in your condition during Suboxone treatment. Successful recovery often involves a combination of medication, counseling, and support tailored to individual needs.
Suboxone, when used as prescribed under the supervision of a healthcare professional as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder, has a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to full opioid agonists. This is because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, which has a ceiling effect on its opioid effects.
Buprenorphine's partial agonist properties mean that it activates opioid receptors in the brain to a lesser extent than full agonists like heroin or oxycodone. As a result, the euphoria and respiratory depression associated with opioid abuse are less pronounced with buprenorphine.
However, it's essential to emphasize that any medication, including Suboxone, should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Misuse, such as taking larger doses or combining Suboxone with other substances, can increase the risk of dependence or addiction.
Abruptly stopping Suboxone can lead to withdrawal symptoms, emphasizing the importance of a gradual tapering plan under medical supervision when discontinuing the medication. It's crucial for individuals using Suboxone to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper management of their opioid use disorder and to address any concerns or side effects during the course of treatment.
Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone, or buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone), can occur when someone who has been using the medication for an extended period stops taking it abruptly. It's important to note that withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration based on factors such as the individual's overall health, the duration of Suboxone use, and the dosage.
Common withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone may include:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Muscle aches and pains
  4. Sweating
  5. Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  6. Anxiety
  7. Irritability
  8. Runny nose and teary eyes
  9. Goosebumps (piloerection)
  10. Dilated pupils
It's important to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and precipitated withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal can occur if someone takes Suboxone too soon after using a full opioid agonist, leading to a more rapid and intense onset of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from Suboxone is generally considered less severe than withdrawal from full opioid agonists, and the symptoms tend to peak within the first 72 hours after discontinuation. However, the duration and severity can vary from person to person.
If an individual is considering stopping Suboxone or adjusting their dosage, it's crucial to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Tapering the medication gradually, rather than stopping abruptly, can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and increase the chances of a successful transition to recovery. Seeking support from healthcare providers, counselors, and support groups is essential during this process.
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. The leaves of the Kratom tree have been traditionally used for various purposes, including as a stimulant, a pain reliever, and to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The active compounds in Kratom, called alkaloids, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects that can vary depending on the strain and dosage. These effects can include:
  1. Stimulation: At lower doses, Kratom may act as a stimulant, promoting increased energy, alertness, and sociability.
  2. Sedation: At higher doses, Kratom may have sedative effects, leading to relaxation and pain relief.
  3. Pain Relief: Kratom has been used traditionally for its analgesic properties, and some people use it as a natural remedy for pain.
  4. Mood Enhancement: Some users report improved mood and reduced anxiety after consuming Kratom.
However, it's important to note that Kratom is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its safety and effectiveness for various uses have not been clinically proven. There are potential risks associated with Kratom use, including dependence, addiction, and adverse effects such as nausea, constipation, and increased heart rate.
Due to these concerns, Kratom has been a subject of regulatory scrutiny in various countries, with some regions imposing restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution, seek reliable information, and consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of Kratom, especially for medicinal purposes or to manage opioid withdrawal.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication used primarily in the treatment of opioid dependence, particularly in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It is a long-acting opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same opioid receptors in the brain that other opioids, like heroin or morphine, do.
Key points about Methadone include:
  1. Opioid Dependence Treatment: Methadone is often used as a maintenance medication to help individuals reduce or quit the use of illicit opioids. It helps by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Long-Lasting Effect: One significant advantage of methadone is its long duration of action. A single daily dose can help stabilize individuals, preventing the highs and lows associated with short-acting opioids.
  3. Supervised Administration: In some cases, methadone is provided through supervised administration in specialized clinics to ensure proper use and minimize the risk of diversion.
  4. Tolerance and Dependence: Like other opioids, individuals using methadone can develop tolerance and dependence. Therefore, the dosage needs to be carefully managed, and discontinuation should be done gradually under medical supervision.
  5. Reduction of Illicit Drug Use: When used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, methadone has been shown to reduce illicit opioid use, lower the risk of overdose, and improve overall health outcomes.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Methadone can have side effects, including constipation, sweating, drowsiness, and changes in libido. It's important for individuals to report any adverse effects to their healthcare provider.
  7. Regulated Use: The use of methadone is tightly regulated, and it is typically dispensed through specialized clinics or healthcare providers who are authorized to prescribe it for opioid use disorder treatment.
Methadone treatment is part of a broader approach that often includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It has been a valuable tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic and helping individuals achieve and maintain recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program that provides support for individuals recovering from addiction, particularly those struggling with substance abuse issues. It is important to note that NA, like other 12-step programs, does not have an official stance or opinion on specific medical treatments, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for withdrawal.
The approach to medication assistance in withdrawal can vary among individuals within the NA community. Some may find success and support in MAT, while others may choose alternative methods or prefer an abstinence-based approach. NA encourages individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope, but it does not dictate specific treatment choices.
The primary focus of NA is on mutual support, fellowship, and following the 12-step principles, which include admitting powerlessness over addiction, seeking spiritual awakening, and helping others in recovery. Members of NA are encouraged to respect each other's choices and paths to recovery.
It's essential for individuals seeking support for addiction to find a treatment plan that aligns with their needs and values. Consulting with healthcare professionals, attending support groups, and considering various treatment options can be part of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, secular alternative to traditional 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous. SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and utilizes evidence-based techniques to support individuals in overcoming addiction.
Regarding Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SMART Recovery takes a neutral stance. The program acknowledges that MAT, when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can be a valid and effective part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. SMART Recovery recognizes that different individuals may have unique needs, and treatment plans should be tailored to the individual's circumstances.
SMART Recovery's focus is on teaching self-reliance, coping skills, and strategies for managing urges and behaviors associated with addiction. The program encourages participants to make informed decisions about their recovery, including the consideration of medications that may be prescribed by healthcare providers.
Ultimately, SMART Recovery emphasizes a holistic and individualized approach to recovery, allowing participants to choose the methods and tools that best suit their needs and align with their values. This includes being open to the potential benefits of MAT for some individuals as part of their overall recovery plan.
Several treatment modalities are available for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder. The most effective approach often involves a combination of different strategies. Here are some key treatment modalities for opioid addiction:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT involves the use of medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, to help manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and support recovery. These medications are often used in combination with counseling and therapy.
  2. Counseling and Behavioral Therapies: Various forms of counseling and behavioral therapies are crucial components of opioid addiction treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are among the approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction and help individuals develop coping skills.
  3. Support Groups and 12-Step Programs: Participating in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or 12-step programs can provide valuable peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community for individuals in recovery.
  4. Detoxification Programs: Medically supervised detoxification programs help individuals safely manage the acute withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping opioid use. These programs often serve as the initial phase of treatment.
  5. Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment programs provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery. These programs may include a combination of medical supervision, counseling, and therapeutic activities.
  6. Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while living at home. This flexibility can be beneficial for those with work or family commitments. Outpatient treatment often includes counseling, therapy, and medication management.
  7. Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Some individuals find benefit from holistic approaches, such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These can complement traditional treatment modalities and contribute to overall well-being.
  8. Peer Recovery Support Services: Peer recovery support services involve individuals with lived experience in recovery providing support, guidance, and encouragement to others going through similar challenges.
The most effective treatment plans are often individualized, taking into account the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each person. Collaborating with healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach can significantly enhance the chances of successful recovery from opioid addiction.
The withdrawal timeline for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, can vary among individuals based on factors such as the duration and intensity of use, individual metabolism, and overall health. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms typically start shortly after the last dose and follow a general timeline:
  1. Early Symptoms (Within a few hours): Early withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, sweating, and increased heart rate. Individuals may also experience muscle aches and insomnia.
  2. Peak Intensity (24-72 hours): Withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first 24 to 72 hours after discontinuing fentanyl. During this time, individuals may experience more intense symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Subsiding Symptoms (5-7 days): The most acute withdrawal symptoms generally begin to subside within about five to seven days. However, some symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings, may persist for a more extended period.
  4. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): Some individuals may experience a more prolonged period of withdrawal symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This can include lingering psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. PAWS can persist for weeks or even months.
It's crucial to note that fentanyl withdrawal can be challenging, and seeking professional help is recommended to manage symptoms safely and effectively. Medical supervision can provide support through the detoxification process, and healthcare professionals may use medications to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms and improve the overall comfort of the individual.
The withdrawal process is highly individual, and some individuals may find additional support through counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups to address the psychological aspects of recovery. Always consult with healthcare professionals for guidance on the safest and most effective approach to fentanyl withdrawal.
Xylazine is a veterinary sedative and analgesic medication. It belongs to the class of drugs known as alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. While it is primarily intended for veterinary use, xylazine has been misused in some cases for recreational purposes, particularly in combination with other substances.
In veterinary medicine, xylazine is commonly used as a sedative and muscle relaxant for various procedures, including surgery and diagnostic imaging. It is often administered to calm and immobilize animals.
However, the use of xylazine outside of veterinary settings, especially when combined with other drugs, can pose serious health risks. Misuse of xylazine has been associated with adverse effects, including respiratory depression, cardiovascular issues, and central nervous system depression.
It's important to emphasize that the use of xylazine for recreational purposes is highly dangerous and illegal. The drug is not intended for human consumption, and its effects can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.
If you have concerns about substance use or encounter situations involving illicit drugs, it is crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or local support services. Misuse of veterinary drugs or any substances not prescribed for human use can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
PAWS stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It refers to a set of prolonged withdrawal symptoms that some individuals may experience after the acute phase of withdrawal from substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. PAWS is not limited to a specific substance and can occur with various drugs.
These symptoms are generally more subtle than the acute withdrawal symptoms but can persist for weeks, months, or, in some cases, years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS can vary widely among individuals and may include symptoms such as:
  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Insomnia
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty concentrating
  7. Memory problems
  8. Reduced impulse control
  9. Cravings for the substance
PAWS can be challenging for individuals in recovery, as these lingering symptoms may contribute to relapse if not effectively managed. Supportive interventions, such as counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing PAWS. Healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, may also contribute to the overall well-being of those in recovery.
It's important to note that PAWS is not experienced by everyone in recovery, and its severity and duration can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists can assist individuals in managing PAWS and maintaining long-term recovery.
Quitting substance use "cold turkey" involves stopping the use of a substance abruptly without tapering or gradually reducing the dosage. It's important to note that quitting cold turkey can be challenging, and the level of difficulty varies depending on the substance, the duration and intensity of use, and individual factors.
If you're considering quitting a substance cold turkey, here are some general recommendations:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Before making the decision to quit cold turkey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation, assess potential risks, and offer support.
  2. Create a Support System: Inform friends, family, or a support network about your decision to quit. Having a support system in place can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance during challenging times.
  3. Understand Withdrawal Symptoms: Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting the substance cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance but may include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and other physical or psychological effects.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial during the quitting process. Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming a balanced diet to support your overall well-being.
  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health.
  6. Consider Professional Treatment: Depending on the substance and the severity of dependence, professional treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient programs, may be beneficial. Medical supervision can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring safety.
  7. Therapy and Counseling: Consider participating in therapy or counseling to address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and to develop coping strategies for a successful recovery.
  8. Plan for Triggers: Identify situations, environments, or emotions that may trigger the urge to use the substance. Develop a plan to cope with these triggers without resorting to substance use.
It's essential to approach quitting any substance with a comprehensive strategy, and individual circumstances vary. Seeking professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions about the best approach for your specific situation. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or have concerns about quitting cold turkey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Tapering refers to the gradual reduction of the dosage of a substance, typically a medication or a drug, over a specific period. Tapering is commonly used in the context of addiction treatment, where it involves slowly decreasing the amount of a substance to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risks associated with abrupt discontinuation.
Key points about tapering include:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Tapering is often part of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. For example, individuals dependent on opioids might undergo a gradual tapering of medications like methadone or buprenorphine.
  2. Reducing Dependence: Tapering is employed to reduce physical dependence on a substance by allowing the body to adjust to lower levels gradually. This helps minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Individualized Approach: Tapering plans are typically individualized based on factors such as the substance used, the duration and intensity of use, and the individual's overall health. Healthcare professionals design tapering schedules to meet the specific needs of each person.
  4. Supervised Tapering: Tapering is ideally done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. This is particularly important in cases where abrupt discontinuation could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or complications.
  5. Psychological Support: Tapering is not only about physical adjustments but also addresses psychological aspects of dependence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to develop coping skills and strategies for managing life without reliance on the substance.
  6. Preventing Relapse: Gradual tapering can help reduce the risk of relapse by easing the transition to complete abstinence. It gives individuals the time and support needed to adjust to life without the substance.
Tapering is a careful and structured process that should be guided by healthcare professionals. Abruptly stopping certain substances can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks. Seeking professional advice and support is crucial for a safe and successful tapering process, whether it's part of addiction treatment or the discontinuation of a prescribed medication.
Engaging in activities during withdrawal can help distract from symptoms, provide a sense of accomplishment, and contribute to overall well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping busy during withdrawal:
  1. Reading: Escape into a good book or explore topics of interest to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Movies or TV Shows: Watch movies or binge-watch a TV series to pass the time. Choose lighthearted or inspirational content.
  3. Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching. Exercise can help improve mood and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Creative Hobbies: Explore creative outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques to calm the mind and reduce stress.
  6. Gardening: Spend time outdoors, tending to a garden or plants. Nature can have a positive impact on mood.
  7. Puzzle Games: Solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally stimulating games.
  8. Listening to Music or Podcasts: Create playlists of your favorite music or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.
  9. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to nourishing meals.
  10. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic during withdrawal.
  11. Educational Courses: Take online courses or watch educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy.
  12. Board Games or Card Games: Play board games or cards with friends or family for some social interaction.
  13. Self-Care Activities: Take relaxing baths, practice skincare routines, or indulge in other self-care activities to nurture your well-being.
  14. Volunteering: If possible, consider volunteering for a cause you're passionate about. Helping others can be rewarding.
  15. Stay Connected: Reach out to friends and family for support. Having a support system is crucial during withdrawal.
It's important to choose activities that align with your interests and energy levels. Remember that withdrawal is a challenging time, and it's okay to prioritize self-care. If symptoms become severe or unmanageable, seeking professional help is recommended.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:27 astrobabag Ullu Se Vashikaran: Strange Owl-Minded Control Techniques in A World Not Our Own

Ullu Se Vashikaran: Strange Owl-Minded Control Techniques in A World Not Our Own
Wildness and all its mystery are about the owls, in which they are rich in cultures and the identity of history. As mentioned in some Indian spiritual beliefs, owls really have supernatural ability to control minds and behaviors of other people through Shushe said ullu (owl) vashikaran or spiritual mind control of owls.
Ullu Se Vashikaran
It is not known exactly where the roots of association with owls and vashikaran are, but some researchers claim that they are based on running for centuries on ancient tantric beliefs. It is as per the study that owls are fundamentally the most effective in the alter of the intensity of subtle energies and psychic forces that used in rites to control of thoughts, and also the human's free will according to the esoteric teaching One the tantricization aghori the sect, which is the lowest make the vishal se vashikaran ritual, and it is useful for the dominating
The discovery of the means by which the mind control rituals are conducted, namely the involvement of owls, is mostly obscure for the people sitting outside and ignorant of the use of owls. The knowledge is considered exclusive, transmitted by the inspired gurus to the disciples by direct transmission.
Sometimes they cast spells on people by wearing feathered owl trikes, bones or eggshell powder with magical owl prayers to turn their soul into the owl soul. through the messengers of Owl, the devotees acquire the freedom of thought and hence the strange forces are believed to control their emotions, influence their behavior and distract their consciousness.
Though unconventional tantrika assured that owel based vashikaran is not only working for handling thoughts but also for resolving the subconscious drives and memories. The capacity along with owel' dark and nocturnal kind as well as night vision is an ability to enter the background of psyche.
A tantrika believes that such a mental access leads to the darkest core of the self and, from it, they can get at all hidden memories and truths in order to perform the most delicate mind manipulations with the critical psychologies and behaviors. This divination can be abused in the hands of the unethical as a way to exert power and control, manipulate the minds, and hypnotize without consent. However, Edda's vevenaran portrays the picture of ethics fails to be clear openly.
The critics belittle brain-worm control undertaken by owls through practices that they characterize as superstitions and called science-less activities. Without noticing any connection, they postulate the non-existence of empirical or trial evidence proving the authenticity of owl minds that are used in controlling thoughts.
On the other hand, believers also argue, that what they see as dangerous elements of humanities are supposed to be protected from what science does not understand at this moment. Of course, the enigma that rituals have is that it simultaneously creates interest and confusion because this peculiar element of occultism is the subject of this process.
The enactment of the spell in ullu se vashikaran evokes several emotional reactions such as ranging from sceptical scientific view to amazement over magic to ethical issues which make us think on how a person is going to be treated in the society. Members of the fringe Indian spiritual subcultures even today sometimes disagree about the real existence, appropriateness, and the morality of the owl if it is a part of the rituals that can provide psychic control, mainly as the belief of them (the occult).
In the deep side of knowledge, Tantric Washikaran is referred to as the dark arts, with empirical evidences meager and counters nonexistent. Human nature itself and the ‘black magics’ developed for control of a human mind via the owl occult powers could forever remain incomprehensible and even unexplained to the general public who does not step into the world of occultism.
The owl obliged the capability of seeing into the hearts of people, and it was believed that the owl's injecting of unintentional inwardness could affect the decisions of the unfortunate, and this was regulated by the mysterious nature of the owl.
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2024.05.11 14:27 MGT1111 13 Maladaptive Defense Mechanisms Against the Healing of Destructive Emotion and Painful Experiences as an Emotional Barter Deal in Polyamory and Nonmonogamy: Projective Identification in Polyamorous and Nonmonogamous Abuse!

When a person expels an unacceptable behaviour or action, it may well be onto another person. Projective identification is used to project the bad behaviour or action into (not onto) another person so it becomes a part of that person. The person then identifies with that other person, and hence has means to control them.The person projected into may consequently be pressured to behave congruently with the projective phantasy, believing and accepting their role. The projecting person may also seek to be physically close to the person into whom the fantasy is projected. Projective identification may also be used to externalize confusing or uncertain aspects of the self so they can be studied more objectively and then re-internalized in a more acceptable form.
The concept of projective identification can be described as a type of defense mechanism or strategy employed by the unconscious mind, that allows an individual to deny or distort reality (create a fantasy) in order to maintain a socially acceptable self-image. Applied to polyamory and ENM this means that projective identification allows the polyamorist unconsciously to deny or distort the million of years proven reality of monogamy and pair bonding as one of the most deep seated hallmarks of the human species in order to maintaim a socially acceptable image despite the attept to rationalize infidelity and systemically institutionalise adultery as well as acitively abusing their spouses and mistreating them. As result, the manipulated victim begins to behave congruently with the projective phantasy, believing and accepting their role, as I have outlined above.
This takes place also or maybe especially during an interpersonal interaction in which the projector pressures the projected into thinking, feeling, and acting in accordance with the projection. In polyamory and ENM this may take place as the nonmonogamist applies pressure and manipulation on a reluctant spouse or proselytize monogamous people into polyamory
In other words, projective identification consists not only in the projection of negative aspects of oneself onto others but also in the pressure exerted on the other for him to act in a way that is congruent with what is being projected. For instance, a polyamorist or a practitioner of polyamory projects his unfaithfulness unto others believing everyone is a cheater, promiscous, und faithful anf monogamy isn't natural. Then, after rationalizing and trying institutionalizing infidelity, they procceed to proselytize others to act in the same way. The polyamorous war and crucade against monogamy, the mass shaming of monogamous people and the phenomenon of the polyamorous industroal and media complex, are all rooted and are expression of said projective identification.
Another form of projective identification happens on the relational level between two partner either by polybombing, enforcing a mono poly relationship on a monogamous spouse by exploiting her or his weaknesses or by trying to manipulate and gaslight a reluctant partner. Projective identification here is the process by which a thought or feeling is projected into the reluctant monogamous partner, then interacting with that person to make him/her experience the projected feeling. As if the other person becomes the container for affect they cannot tolerate themselves. As such and by using tactics of manipulation and gaslighting, projective identification often crosses the line into the realm of emotional abuse.
Projective identification goes also the other way aroung. It is most hazardous when the victim, the person who has been projected onto, intetnalize the content of projection, and starts to believe the agressor, namely the person who is projecting. In this case, Projective identification is when someone has been projected onto, and they internalize those qualities believing them to be truthful. This means that the judgments, negative feelings, or deficiencies that someone cannot accept themselves are then blamed onto another person, who, in turn, due to fear of loss, loneliness or abondonment, gives credence to those statements by rationalizing everything.
While there are many different types of defense mechanisms, projection and projective identification is perhaps the one that inflicts the most collateral damage. When someone is projecting, they are denying their inadequacies, failings, and other negative emotions and parts of the self and displacing them onto someone else. When the other person fell prey and internalizes evreything, the projecting person succeeded in succumbing someone into suffering and the projected on person lives nowin the word of agonizing suffering.
In polyamory this scenario plays out when a polyamorist polybombs, manipulates, gaslights, emotionally blackmails or plays on the insecurities of the reluctant spouses. Quite a seizable size and even great portion of those who engage in monogamy are spouses who were afraid to loose the partner and did not enthusiastically or realy wholeheartedly but quite reluctantly agreed to non monogamy.
In the previois article, I've elaborated on projection as a defense mechanism within the context of cluster B disorder and narcissim and abuse which pervasively overlaps with polyamory and nonmonogamy. To put it simply and ss extinuation, projective identification is a form of abuse that happens when a polyamoristand nonmongamit exhibit narcissitic tendencies, not being able to deal with their problems and past traumas, the shadow side of themselves. Instead of directly dealing with these undesirable aspects of their personality, they use you as an emotional dumping ground, exclaiming, "I don't want these feelings; you take them."
Thus, it is worth mentioning that when they treat you like you're inherently "bad," posessive, controlling, unappealling, dumb, a loser, or worthless, a well know polyamorous and nonmonogamous tactic of monogamy shaming, it's a clear evidence, they're projecting the parts of themselves they dislike onto you. It's a common tactic nonmonogamist and polyamorists share with narcissist, overt or covert. Unlike more obvious forms of abuse, projective identification as a form of mental and emotional abuse, operates on a subconscious level and has a profound impact on the recipient—the spouse or partner of a narcissistic polyamorist and nonmonogamist.
From the standpoint the psychoanalytic theory, what makes projective identification different from "simple" projection is that projective identification combines elements of both projection and introjection. The projector thrusts their emotions, thoughts, or traits onto the recipient and induces a compelling psychological influence that prompts the recipient to internalize and identify with these projected elements. Polybombing as well as polyamorous or nonmonogamous councelling sessions with a reluctant monogamous spouse, are prime examples of projection and projective identtification as a form of narcissistic abuse.
In the above example, this twofold nature turns the reluctant and monogamous partner into an unconscious collaborator in the drama, as they unknowingly internalize the projected attributes as their own. It is not just about the polyamorist and nonmonogamist projecting emotions outwardly but it also binds the reluctant paryner and the monogamous recipient in a shared emotional narrative when they internalize the abuse, blurring the lines between self and other.
Experiencing such projective identification is synonymous with enduring a profound and sustained form of gaslighting which is anothetr aspect of narcissistic abuse as applied by polyamorist and non monogamist too. The constant projection of the partners and often the poly or nonmonogamy therapist's unresolved emotions, fears, or insecurities onto you creates a distorted reality in which the experiences of the reluctant monogamous partners are systematically invalidated. The result is a pervasive sense of confusion and self-doubt, akin to living in a perpetual state of polyamorous and nonmonogamous gaslighting.
Esxperiencing such gaslighting and abuse over time, the reluctant and monogamous spouse begin to internalize the false narrative, the distorted sense of reality, doubting the authenticity of their own experiences. The insidious nature of this dynamic compounds the trauma, as you start to believe you are the one who made up your trauma. Heinz Kohut's, a psychologist, explains that individuals with narcissistic traits have fragile self-structures and struggle with a lack of mirroring and empathy during their development. Their self-esteem is fragile, so when they encounter aspects of themselves they find undesirable or threatening, they resort to projecting them outward onto others
Polyamorists and nonmonogamists use projection as a defense mechanism to be rid of parts of themselves they do not want to face. Polyamorous and nonmonogamous projective identification takes it a step further—it involves projecting and compelling the the reluctant monogamous spouse, actually the monogamous majority, to internalize and identify with these projections, both as a personal as well as collective form of abuse. The spouse and as extention everyone that is monogamous monogamous, becomes an emotional dumping ground and punching bag for the polyamorous and nonmonogamous mental issues.
Imagine a situation in which a a polyamorist and nonmonogamist uses projective identification to inject their feelings of insecurity, worthlessness, unworthiness and inadequacy onto you. In this psychological movie, you would find yourself enveloped in a swamp of insecurity, inadequacy, worthlessness and unworthiness thinking it originates from yourself rather than something your spouse have injected into you. The subtlety of this form of narcissistic poly and nonmonogamous abuse lies in its unconscious nature. As the projector, the polyamorous and nonmonogamous spouse remains oblivious to their role as the emotional scripter, and you, as the the unconcious recipient, are equally unaware of the emotional script being imposed upon you.
Instead of working on themselves through personal growth, therapy, or addressing past traumas, they hand off their emotional baggage to you. Unconsciously, they resort to different tactics, all to make you believe that their shame and self hatred are somehow your own issues. Adding to the complexity, polyamorists and nonmonogamists might unknowingly replay their own childhood traumas while living with you. It is like a subconscious replay button, where they make you feel the same way they did when they were growing up—worthless, insecure, inadequate, betrayed, abondoned, unworthy, ashamed, and in constant fear of loneliness. So, when they behave this way, they pass on their unwanted shame, urging you to carry and absorb their burdon as your emotional baggage.
Based on the theory of Ogden, one can say that projective identification as in regard to narcissism and by extention to polyamory and nonmonogamy has three steps:
a. The unconscious impulse of projecting a painful or destructive part of ones own shadow into another person and of that part taking over the person from within.
b. A conscious interpersonal interaction by means of manipulation and gaslighting brings pressure on other to think and act like the projection.
c. The reintrojection ot internalization of the projection after it is psychologically processed and then internalized by the other. This processing by the other is also an unconscious process.
The drive or the impulse of controlling the other person from within is key to projective identification, and the result takes place not merely in the mind. This is not a virtual pressure, but rather, real one exerted by means gaslighting and emotional manipulation based a multitude of interactions between the projector and the recipient. Projective identification does not exist where there is no interaction between projector and recipient. Though done intentially, the pressure itself is more overt and hidden aspect of behavior. It's message, though unstated, is "if you are not what I want you to be, you don’t exist for me"
As I also said in my article on projection, though highly developed as theories, they are all the same extremely subtle mental projections, garbed in an intricate metaphysical and philosophical phraseology about love, understading, caring and sharing. These ideas are so deep-rooted in narcissists, polyamorists and nonmonogamist, and so near and dear to them, that they do not wish to hear, nor do they want to understand, any teaching against them. In fact, they pervert the meanings of these important values to create a false narrative of their meanings. So, how does it work? Let's see.
Though projective identification is clearly an intrusion and an offence against another person, narcissists and by extention nonmonogamist and polyamorists, distort the meaning of intrusion and gaslighting and paint a cosy picture of the abuse as the most fundamental reflection of their desire to be heard and understood. In other words, through intricate mental processes of distortion, denial, delusion and self deception, the abuse turned into love and the need to be heard. Seems familiar? Of course, that's the first line of defense, domestic abuser use when battering their spouses, for instance.
Narcissists go on to abuse and pervert and very important value of human being wanted to be acknowledge of their suffering. Healthy people seek to air their feelings and their suffering to be acknowlodging. They seek support but they don't wish others to dwell in agony. Unhealthy poeple, look for others not really to perfectly understand their suffering, but they do require them to take on their suffering. Polyamorists as well as nonmonogamists do exactly that. Because it's quite clear to identify this kind of abuse and see projective identification for what it is, an aggressive form of interpersonal violence, the narcissit, the polyamorist and nonmonogamisy resort to a more covert tactic. They, again, describe this kind of abuse and paint a cosy picture of just being another way to look at it as though that it is the most primal and fundamental way of sharing an unbearable experience, and that an act of sharing may be an act of love. When, you hear, for instance, swingers and polyamorista spew the infamous "sharing is carring", those are the extremely subtle mental processes, garbed in an intricate metaphysical and philosophical phraseology about love, understading, caring and sharing, that excuse the evil.
Both projection as well as projective identification are a fundamental concepts in understanding violence and abuse. While projection is more easier to grasp, projective identification is a more covert tactic to be aggressive while appearing to be the nice or the victim. The bully seeks validation, the perverted sense of being "understood" by others, by means of making the spouse and others believe, it's them the problem, while they walk scot-free.
Moreover, projection and projective identification, are not just mere Freudian defense mechanisms, they are powerful tool for justifying aggression, violence and abuse. The narcissist, the polyamorist, the nonmonogamist, the borderline personality, and other people that have regressed to a shallow level, will project accusations like a firehose, they will use them to gaslight and emotionally manipulate the spouse to believe it's not them, the abuser being the problem but the victim itself, and the increasingly wild nature of the accusations will reflect the decay of their mental condition. The cognitive dissonance in the head is reflected by the increasingly contradictory and mutually exclusive accusations they hurl.
In other words, projective identification is a way of getting the proof of that horrible but elusive something about the other person, a way to get group (or personal false sense of) validation, praise, and attention. This quote from Wikipedia is way too technical but let's rephrase it. Projective identification is a term first used by Melanie Klein (1946) to describe a process whereby parts of the ego are thought of as forced into another person who is then expected to become identified with whatever has been projected. Understand it now or maybe not? Well, that may be way too obscure, so let's rephrase it again.The projector strives to find in the other, or to induce the other to become, the very embodiment of projection..... their behavior towards the object of projection invokes in that person precisely the thoughts, feelings or behaviors projected.
Now it is clearer - instead of just making foolish ad hominem attacks, the aggressor tries to bait a victim into giving them the proof they need so desperately to validate their own suppressed rage, anger and hatred. Then they can rally their friends or family for an attack. Bonus points are awarded for gaining sympathy and being the center of attention. The manipulator poses as a poor victim, but orchestrates the whole performance for an audience. I guess it could be used for good, but it seems like it's always a form of aggression, specifically covert aggression. Those processes are very known tactics applied by polyamorists whether they polybomb their spouse, nuke the relationshipwith nonmonogamy or engaging in monogamy shaming.
Probably the easiest way to understand this is to review projection and projective identification and and see the difference. So, how works the twofold nature ofprohection and orojective identification abuse? Here is an example:
First, cones projection:
1) A liar accuses others of lying.
2) The cheater accuses others of cheating.
3) The thief accuses others of stealing.
4) The polyamorist and nonmonogamist accuses others of bein cheaters, unthrustworthy, promiscous and sexually permissive
(Notice how the abuser is, generally, accusing everyone, yet, not accusing them of any transgression, but only the one he's obsessed with namely his own?)
And, then, follows, projective identification:
1) An angry person accuses their victim of being angry, until the victim becomes angry.
2) An depressed person accuses their victim of being depressed, until the victim becomes depressed.
3) The parent constantly accuses their child of being defiant until the child becomes defiant.
4) The person who feels crazy accuses the other of being crazy (projection of bad thoughts) with the intention of making them believe they are crazy ("gaslighting").
5) The polyamorist and nonmonogamist accuses everyone and especially their spouses of being cheaters, unthrustworthy, promiscuous and sexually permissive with the aim at proselytizing them until they succumb and convert to the polyamorous and nonmonogamous cult
(notice how the effort has shifted now to one specific victim, an individual or a collective, until they succumb and, internalize the abuse hurled at them and begin to act in the spirit of the projected incentive)
Likewise, projective identification differs from the simple projection in that projective identification can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, whereby the projector hating certain parts about their existence and nature, carring a perveted or distorted understanding of reality based on self deception carry a false narrative and an intencive to influence and coerce the recipient to carry out the precise content of the projection and its goal so that the projector now get the justification and confirmation that the unwanted parts are no more perceived as bad but legitimate, hence, now other people are having them too. In extreme cases, the recipient may lose any sense of their real essense of existence and become reduced to the passive carrier of outside projections as if possessed by them. This phenomenon has been noted as being rooted gaslighting.
Within the context of polyamory and nonmonogamy, projective identification projective identification become a self-fulfilling prophecy, when the projector hating certain parts about their existence and nature, related to our monogamous parts, monogamous relationships and past traumes telating and resulting from them, carring a distorted understanding of the monogamous reality as well as distorted view of the nonmonogamous nature and based on self deception carry a false narrative and an intencive to influence and coerce the monogamous recipients to carry out the precise content of the projection and its goal so that the projector now get the justification and confirmation that the unwanted parts are no more perceived as bad but legitimate, hence, now other people are having them too. As we have said, in these cases, the recipient loses any sense of their real essense of their existence and becomes reduced to the passive carrier of outside projections as if possessed by them. That's why polyamory and nonmonogamy are abusive and represent a form of intimate partnet violence
The very nature of this behavior is exatcly what is understood as projective identification. It reflects the fact that the assumptions made by the projector about the recipient and reality reveal the projectors unconscious impulses, drives, traits, desires and delusions, their perceptions about themselves, their inner worlds, the others, the othrr's inner world as well as the external world, especially the projector's most primal fears and destructive emotion, attitudes and traits. Because the projector is incapable to take responsibility of them, they project their inner toxicity onto the recipieny, and in doing so the recipient aims at disowning them. This pushing off of unnaceptable aspects of the projector's personality represents the lack of accountability and exibits the narcissistic attemot of blame shifting. It stands at the root of this kind of behaviour. In the projector's unconscious mind this is perceived as the benefit of of the emotional barter deal yearning to avoid suffering by means of deception or escapism, yet, in reality it only creates more suffering.
At the core of this emotional barter deal the principle, the concept or the perception of “as if”. That is, the projector engaging in this defense mechanism is basically creating baseless assumptions of no corresponding reality about the incentives and the nature of the recipient, the external world as well as reality itself. Having created a virtual picture for oneself instead of reality, the recipient, then, goes on to behave as if their assumptions are valid. In other words, the projector engaging in this kind of behaviour projects , perceptions, motives, axioms, and emotions onto the recipient and then identifies with those projected traits and hallmarks, reincorporates them, and acts accordingly. Projective identification is, therefore, a kind of closed circuit, which typically serves a self-fulfilling prophecy, as mentioned above, because it causes the recipient to drown in the projector’s closed loop. This is the stage that is interactive between projector and recipient. Though the projectors maneuvers follow a self-contained loop, they enforce it with such pathos, they draw the recipient right into becoming an active player in the movie that the projetor ha created which has now brought the recipient into the third stage.
What happens when the projector's painted picture or created movie also incorporates promiscuity, infidelity, adultery and an extramarital relationships? Can a projector coerce and manipulate with gaslighting the recipient as enacnct that triangulate which is destructive marriages and relationships? I want not to discuss a term I borrowed from Robert Mendelson that is collusive infidelity and discus it in this exact context and in relation to polyamory and nonmonogamy.
Subsequently and relating to polyamory and nonmonogamy, collusive nonmonogamous adultery or collusive nonmonogamy is a situation where either there is a reluctant partner or one partner is less interested than the other and the more willing nonmonogamous partner unconsciously coercing the other partner to engage in an adultery and a promiscuous behavior with an outsider to the marriage. Neither member of the couple is conscious of the collusion that is the coercive aspect, so that the partner who is already committing adultery or is acting in ways typical of someone who wishes to do this. That is, he or she is either already pursuing an affair, having someone on mind ready to go or just planning in general terms to do so while keeing the secrets and conflict of interest inherent in the practice.
This act requires not only skill in deception, but also denial, distortion, rationalization, compartmentalization and more. To hide an actual affair or planning to do so while encouraging the other partner to think that his or her suspicions are ridiculous or that their unwillingness to do so is a result of ther infiiority, backwardness and unopeness requires a high level of wicked lying and evil manipulation commonly acknowledged as gaslighting. Polybombing, taking a reluctant monogamous partner to poly therapist or even suggesting such a partner tries to hear out and understand the monogamous spouse are some example for such evil behaviour
Collusion, however, is more active than mere enabling which can bemore passive. Coersion by means of gaslighting and deception is the crucial aspect of collusion as I have described it above. Collusion embodies a more active role of involvement in the marital recipient's enactments. In other words, a colludeding may also mean enabling but an enabling is not necessarily colluding. Whereas an enabler simply may simply ignorethe situation trying to adjust to the situation with someone who acts out his or her addictions, the projector's enabling involves primarily conscious and unconscious behaviour, that is, he or she are active agents of coercion.
While collusion means a consciously effort on the projector's part, that is, he or she, both on the unconscious as well as on the conscious level, are planning, plotting and executing a plan, the enabling recipient being more weak or codependent simply allows the situation to happen by turning a blind eye to it or keeps quite as not to shake the boat. Similar to the cheater, a nonmonogamist acting in this way by means of projective indentification, sets a goal and achieves a moral equivalency in which his unacceptable behaviour is whitewashed and he get's the justification he's seeking. The cheater would say, "you see, you also did it, that's o.k." and the polyamorist or nonmonogamist would proclaim, "you see, you did it, it was you being unreasonable". Clear tactics of gaslighting.
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2024.05.10 16:58 adulting4kids Fentynal Guide To Quitting

Title: Understanding Fentanyl: Uses, Risks, and Controversies
Introduction: Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its role in the opioid epidemic. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fentanyl, including its medical uses, associated risks, and the controversies surrounding its widespread misuse.
Medical Uses: Originally developed for managing severe pain, especially in cancer patients, fentanyl is an analgesic that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is commonly used in medical settings for pain management during surgeries, chronic pain conditions, and palliative care.
Risk Factors: While fentanyl is effective in controlling pain when administered under medical supervision, its misuse poses serious health risks. The drug's high potency increases the likelihood of overdose, leading to respiratory depression and, in extreme cases, death. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to the rising number of opioid-related deaths.
Controversies and Illicit Use: The illicit use of fentanyl has sparked controversy and public health concerns. The drug is often clandestinely produced and added to other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. This has resulted in a surge in overdoses, as individuals may unintentionally consume lethal doses of the opioid.
Law Enforcement and Regulation: Governments and law enforcement agencies worldwide are grappling with the challenges posed by the illicit production and distribution of fentanyl. Efforts to regulate its manufacturing and distribution are ongoing, with stricter controls in place to prevent diversion into illegal channels.
Treatment and Harm Reduction: Addressing the fentanyl crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including expanded access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, and public awareness campaigns. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, has proven effective in reversing opioid overdoses and is increasingly available to first responders and the general public.
Conclusion: Fentanyl, with its remarkable pain-relieving properties, has become a double-edged sword in the realm of healthcare. While it serves a crucial role in medical settings, its misuse poses severe risks to public health. Efforts to combat the opioid epidemic must focus on education, regulation, and treatment to strike a balance between managing pain effectively and preventing the tragic consequences of its illicit use.
Narcan, also known by its generic name naloxone, is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids target, effectively reversing the life-threatening effects of opioid toxicity. Narcan is commonly administered in emergency situations where an individual is experiencing respiratory depression or unconsciousness due to opioid overdose.
Emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and even some non-professionals, such as family members of individuals at risk of opioid overdose, may carry naloxone. The medication is available in various forms, including nasal sprays and injectable formulations, making it accessible for different situations.
The prompt administration of Narcan can restore normal breathing and consciousness, providing crucial time for the affected person to receive further medical attention. It is an essential tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at preventing opioid-related deaths and is a key component of public health initiatives addressing the opioid epidemic.
Suboxone is a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It is a combination of two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.
  1. Buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to but with less intensity. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals in recovery to better manage their addiction.
  2. Naloxone: Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist, which means it blocks the effects of opioids. When taken as directed, naloxone remains largely inactive. However, if someone were to misuse Suboxone by injecting it, the naloxone component can counteract the opioid effects, reducing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to opioid addiction that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It can be used in the detoxification phase as well as for long-term maintenance therapy. The goal of Suboxone treatment is to help individuals gradually reduce their dependence on opioids, manage cravings, and improve their overall quality of life during recovery.
It's important to note that Suboxone should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use or abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms or other complications.
Precipitated withdrawal refers to the accelerated onset of withdrawal symptoms, often more severe than typical, when an opioid antagonist is introduced to the body. This occurs because the antagonist displaces the opioid from receptors, leading to a sudden and intense withdrawal reaction.
For example, if someone is currently dependent on opioids and receives a medication like naloxone or naltrexone, which are opioid antagonists, it can rapidly trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is a safety mechanism, as these medications are often used to reverse opioid overdose or as part of addiction treatment.
The term is commonly associated with medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, where medications like buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) are used. If buprenorphine is administered before other full opioids have cleared from the system, it can displace those opioids from receptors, leading to precipitated withdrawal. This is why healthcare providers carefully time the initiation of medications like buprenorphine to avoid this intensified withdrawal reaction.
Understanding the potential for precipitated withdrawal is crucial in the context of addiction treatment to ensure safe and effective transitions between medications and to minimize discomfort for individuals in recovery.
Using Suboxone involves adherence to a specific treatment plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Here are some key aspects related to the use of Suboxone:
  1. Prescription and Medical Supervision: Suboxone is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated and supervised by a qualified healthcare provider, typically in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
  2. Dosage: The healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on the individual's specific needs and response to the medication. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not adjust it without consulting the healthcare provider.
  3. Administration: Suboxone is often administered sublingually, meaning it is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. This method allows for the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream.
  4. Timing: The timing of Suboxone administration is crucial. It is often started when the individual is in a mild to moderate state of withdrawal to reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the appropriate timing.
  5. Regular Monitoring: During Suboxone treatment, individuals are regularly monitored by healthcare professionals to assess progress, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  6. Counseling and Support: Suboxone is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. This holistic approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
  7. Gradual Tapering: Depending on the treatment plan, there may be a gradual tapering of Suboxone dosage as the individual progresses in their recovery. Tapering is done under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Avoiding Other Opioids: It's crucial to avoid the use of other opioids while taking Suboxone. Combining opioids can lead to dangerous interactions and diminish the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. Side Effects and Reporting: Like any medication, Suboxone may have side effects. Common side effects include headache, nausea, and constipation. Any unusual or severe side effects should be promptly reported to the healthcare provider.
  10. Pregnancy Considerations: If an individual is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to discuss this with the healthcare provider, as the use of Suboxone during pregnancy requires careful consideration.
Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and inform them of any concerns or changes in your condition during Suboxone treatment. Successful recovery often involves a combination of medication, counseling, and support tailored to individual needs.
Suboxone, when used as prescribed under the supervision of a healthcare professional as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder, has a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to full opioid agonists. This is because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, which has a ceiling effect on its opioid effects.
Buprenorphine's partial agonist properties mean that it activates opioid receptors in the brain to a lesser extent than full agonists like heroin or oxycodone. As a result, the euphoria and respiratory depression associated with opioid abuse are less pronounced with buprenorphine.
However, it's essential to emphasize that any medication, including Suboxone, should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Misuse, such as taking larger doses or combining Suboxone with other substances, can increase the risk of dependence or addiction.
Abruptly stopping Suboxone can lead to withdrawal symptoms, emphasizing the importance of a gradual tapering plan under medical supervision when discontinuing the medication. It's crucial for individuals using Suboxone to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper management of their opioid use disorder and to address any concerns or side effects during the course of treatment.
Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone, or buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone), can occur when someone who has been using the medication for an extended period stops taking it abruptly. It's important to note that withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration based on factors such as the individual's overall health, the duration of Suboxone use, and the dosage.
Common withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone may include:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Muscle aches and pains
  4. Sweating
  5. Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  6. Anxiety
  7. Irritability
  8. Runny nose and teary eyes
  9. Goosebumps (piloerection)
  10. Dilated pupils
It's important to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and precipitated withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal can occur if someone takes Suboxone too soon after using a full opioid agonist, leading to a more rapid and intense onset of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from Suboxone is generally considered less severe than withdrawal from full opioid agonists, and the symptoms tend to peak within the first 72 hours after discontinuation. However, the duration and severity can vary from person to person.
If an individual is considering stopping Suboxone or adjusting their dosage, it's crucial to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Tapering the medication gradually, rather than stopping abruptly, can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and increase the chances of a successful transition to recovery. Seeking support from healthcare providers, counselors, and support groups is essential during this process.
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. The leaves of the Kratom tree have been traditionally used for various purposes, including as a stimulant, a pain reliever, and to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The active compounds in Kratom, called alkaloids, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects that can vary depending on the strain and dosage. These effects can include:
  1. Stimulation: At lower doses, Kratom may act as a stimulant, promoting increased energy, alertness, and sociability.
  2. Sedation: At higher doses, Kratom may have sedative effects, leading to relaxation and pain relief.
  3. Pain Relief: Kratom has been used traditionally for its analgesic properties, and some people use it as a natural remedy for pain.
  4. Mood Enhancement: Some users report improved mood and reduced anxiety after consuming Kratom.
However, it's important to note that Kratom is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its safety and effectiveness for various uses have not been clinically proven. There are potential risks associated with Kratom use, including dependence, addiction, and adverse effects such as nausea, constipation, and increased heart rate.
Due to these concerns, Kratom has been a subject of regulatory scrutiny in various countries, with some regions imposing restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution, seek reliable information, and consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of Kratom, especially for medicinal purposes or to manage opioid withdrawal.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication used primarily in the treatment of opioid dependence, particularly in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It is a long-acting opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same opioid receptors in the brain that other opioids, like heroin or morphine, do.
Key points about Methadone include:
  1. Opioid Dependence Treatment: Methadone is often used as a maintenance medication to help individuals reduce or quit the use of illicit opioids. It helps by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Long-Lasting Effect: One significant advantage of methadone is its long duration of action. A single daily dose can help stabilize individuals, preventing the highs and lows associated with short-acting opioids.
  3. Supervised Administration: In some cases, methadone is provided through supervised administration in specialized clinics to ensure proper use and minimize the risk of diversion.
  4. Tolerance and Dependence: Like other opioids, individuals using methadone can develop tolerance and dependence. Therefore, the dosage needs to be carefully managed, and discontinuation should be done gradually under medical supervision.
  5. Reduction of Illicit Drug Use: When used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, methadone has been shown to reduce illicit opioid use, lower the risk of overdose, and improve overall health outcomes.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Methadone can have side effects, including constipation, sweating, drowsiness, and changes in libido. It's important for individuals to report any adverse effects to their healthcare provider.
  7. Regulated Use: The use of methadone is tightly regulated, and it is typically dispensed through specialized clinics or healthcare providers who are authorized to prescribe it for opioid use disorder treatment.
Methadone treatment is part of a broader approach that often includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It has been a valuable tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic and helping individuals achieve and maintain recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program that provides support for individuals recovering from addiction, particularly those struggling with substance abuse issues. It is important to note that NA, like other 12-step programs, does not have an official stance or opinion on specific medical treatments, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for withdrawal.
The approach to medication assistance in withdrawal can vary among individuals within the NA community. Some may find success and support in MAT, while others may choose alternative methods or prefer an abstinence-based approach. NA encourages individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope, but it does not dictate specific treatment choices.
The primary focus of NA is on mutual support, fellowship, and following the 12-step principles, which include admitting powerlessness over addiction, seeking spiritual awakening, and helping others in recovery. Members of NA are encouraged to respect each other's choices and paths to recovery.
It's essential for individuals seeking support for addiction to find a treatment plan that aligns with their needs and values. Consulting with healthcare professionals, attending support groups, and considering various treatment options can be part of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, secular alternative to traditional 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous. SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and utilizes evidence-based techniques to support individuals in overcoming addiction.
Regarding Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SMART Recovery takes a neutral stance. The program acknowledges that MAT, when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can be a valid and effective part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. SMART Recovery recognizes that different individuals may have unique needs, and treatment plans should be tailored to the individual's circumstances.
SMART Recovery's focus is on teaching self-reliance, coping skills, and strategies for managing urges and behaviors associated with addiction. The program encourages participants to make informed decisions about their recovery, including the consideration of medications that may be prescribed by healthcare providers.
Ultimately, SMART Recovery emphasizes a holistic and individualized approach to recovery, allowing participants to choose the methods and tools that best suit their needs and align with their values. This includes being open to the potential benefits of MAT for some individuals as part of their overall recovery plan.
Several treatment modalities are available for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder. The most effective approach often involves a combination of different strategies. Here are some key treatment modalities for opioid addiction:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT involves the use of medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, to help manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and support recovery. These medications are often used in combination with counseling and therapy.
  2. Counseling and Behavioral Therapies: Various forms of counseling and behavioral therapies are crucial components of opioid addiction treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are among the approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction and help individuals develop coping skills.
  3. Support Groups and 12-Step Programs: Participating in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or 12-step programs can provide valuable peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community for individuals in recovery.
  4. Detoxification Programs: Medically supervised detoxification programs help individuals safely manage the acute withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping opioid use. These programs often serve as the initial phase of treatment.
  5. Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment programs provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery. These programs may include a combination of medical supervision, counseling, and therapeutic activities.
  6. Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while living at home. This flexibility can be beneficial for those with work or family commitments. Outpatient treatment often includes counseling, therapy, and medication management.
  7. Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Some individuals find benefit from holistic approaches, such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These can complement traditional treatment modalities and contribute to overall well-being.
  8. Peer Recovery Support Services: Peer recovery support services involve individuals with lived experience in recovery providing support, guidance, and encouragement to others going through similar challenges.
The most effective treatment plans are often individualized, taking into account the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each person. Collaborating with healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach can significantly enhance the chances of successful recovery from opioid addiction.
The withdrawal timeline for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, can vary among individuals based on factors such as the duration and intensity of use, individual metabolism, and overall health. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms typically start shortly after the last dose and follow a general timeline:
  1. Early Symptoms (Within a few hours): Early withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, sweating, and increased heart rate. Individuals may also experience muscle aches and insomnia.
  2. Peak Intensity (24-72 hours): Withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first 24 to 72 hours after discontinuing fentanyl. During this time, individuals may experience more intense symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Subsiding Symptoms (5-7 days): The most acute withdrawal symptoms generally begin to subside within about five to seven days. However, some symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings, may persist for a more extended period.
  4. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): Some individuals may experience a more prolonged period of withdrawal symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This can include lingering psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. PAWS can persist for weeks or even months.
It's crucial to note that fentanyl withdrawal can be challenging, and seeking professional help is recommended to manage symptoms safely and effectively. Medical supervision can provide support through the detoxification process, and healthcare professionals may use medications to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms and improve the overall comfort of the individual.
The withdrawal process is highly individual, and some individuals may find additional support through counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups to address the psychological aspects of recovery. Always consult with healthcare professionals for guidance on the safest and most effective approach to fentanyl withdrawal.
Xylazine is a veterinary sedative and analgesic medication. It belongs to the class of drugs known as alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. While it is primarily intended for veterinary use, xylazine has been misused in some cases for recreational purposes, particularly in combination with other substances.
In veterinary medicine, xylazine is commonly used as a sedative and muscle relaxant for various procedures, including surgery and diagnostic imaging. It is often administered to calm and immobilize animals.
However, the use of xylazine outside of veterinary settings, especially when combined with other drugs, can pose serious health risks. Misuse of xylazine has been associated with adverse effects, including respiratory depression, cardiovascular issues, and central nervous system depression.
It's important to emphasize that the use of xylazine for recreational purposes is highly dangerous and illegal. The drug is not intended for human consumption, and its effects can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.
If you have concerns about substance use or encounter situations involving illicit drugs, it is crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or local support services. Misuse of veterinary drugs or any substances not prescribed for human use can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
PAWS stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It refers to a set of prolonged withdrawal symptoms that some individuals may experience after the acute phase of withdrawal from substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. PAWS is not limited to a specific substance and can occur with various drugs.
These symptoms are generally more subtle than the acute withdrawal symptoms but can persist for weeks, months, or, in some cases, years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS can vary widely among individuals and may include symptoms such as:
  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Insomnia
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty concentrating
  7. Memory problems
  8. Reduced impulse control
  9. Cravings for the substance
PAWS can be challenging for individuals in recovery, as these lingering symptoms may contribute to relapse if not effectively managed. Supportive interventions, such as counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing PAWS. Healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, may also contribute to the overall well-being of those in recovery.
It's important to note that PAWS is not experienced by everyone in recovery, and its severity and duration can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists can assist individuals in managing PAWS and maintaining long-term recovery.
Quitting substance use "cold turkey" involves stopping the use of a substance abruptly without tapering or gradually reducing the dosage. It's important to note that quitting cold turkey can be challenging, and the level of difficulty varies depending on the substance, the duration and intensity of use, and individual factors.
If you're considering quitting a substance cold turkey, here are some general recommendations:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Before making the decision to quit cold turkey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation, assess potential risks, and offer support.
  2. Create a Support System: Inform friends, family, or a support network about your decision to quit. Having a support system in place can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance during challenging times.
  3. Understand Withdrawal Symptoms: Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting the substance cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance but may include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and other physical or psychological effects.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial during the quitting process. Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming a balanced diet to support your overall well-being.
  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health.
  6. Consider Professional Treatment: Depending on the substance and the severity of dependence, professional treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient programs, may be beneficial. Medical supervision can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring safety.
  7. Therapy and Counseling: Consider participating in therapy or counseling to address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and to develop coping strategies for a successful recovery.
  8. Plan for Triggers: Identify situations, environments, or emotions that may trigger the urge to use the substance. Develop a plan to cope with these triggers without resorting to substance use.
It's essential to approach quitting any substance with a comprehensive strategy, and individual circumstances vary. Seeking professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions about the best approach for your specific situation. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or have concerns about quitting cold turkey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Tapering refers to the gradual reduction of the dosage of a substance, typically a medication or a drug, over a specific period. Tapering is commonly used in the context of addiction treatment, where it involves slowly decreasing the amount of a substance to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risks associated with abrupt discontinuation.
Key points about tapering include:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Tapering is often part of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. For example, individuals dependent on opioids might undergo a gradual tapering of medications like methadone or buprenorphine.
  2. Reducing Dependence: Tapering is employed to reduce physical dependence on a substance by allowing the body to adjust to lower levels gradually. This helps minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Individualized Approach: Tapering plans are typically individualized based on factors such as the substance used, the duration and intensity of use, and the individual's overall health. Healthcare professionals design tapering schedules to meet the specific needs of each person.
  4. Supervised Tapering: Tapering is ideally done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. This is particularly important in cases where abrupt discontinuation could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or complications.
  5. Psychological Support: Tapering is not only about physical adjustments but also addresses psychological aspects of dependence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to develop coping skills and strategies for managing life without reliance on the substance.
  6. Preventing Relapse: Gradual tapering can help reduce the risk of relapse by easing the transition to complete abstinence. It gives individuals the time and support needed to adjust to life without the substance.
Tapering is a careful and structured process that should be guided by healthcare professionals. Abruptly stopping certain substances can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks. Seeking professional advice and support is crucial for a safe and successful tapering process, whether it's part of addiction treatment or the discontinuation of a prescribed medication.
Engaging in activities during withdrawal can help distract from symptoms, provide a sense of accomplishment, and contribute to overall well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping busy during withdrawal:
  1. Reading: Escape into a good book or explore topics of interest to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Movies or TV Shows: Watch movies or binge-watch a TV series to pass the time. Choose lighthearted or inspirational content.
  3. Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching. Exercise can help improve mood and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Creative Hobbies: Explore creative outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques to calm the mind and reduce stress.
  6. Gardening: Spend time outdoors, tending to a garden or plants. Nature can have a positive impact on mood.
  7. Puzzle Games: Solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally stimulating games.
  8. Listening to Music or Podcasts: Create playlists of your favorite music or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.
  9. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to nourishing meals.
  10. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic during withdrawal.
  11. Educational Courses: Take online courses or watch educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy.
  12. Board Games or Card Games: Play board games or cards with friends or family for some social interaction.
  13. Self-Care Activities: Take relaxing baths, practice skincare routines, or indulge in other self-care activities to nurture your well-being.
  14. Volunteering: If possible, consider volunteering for a cause you're passionate about. Helping others can be rewarding.
  15. Stay Connected: Reach out to friends and family for support. Having a support system is crucial during withdrawal.
It's important to choose activities that align with your interests and energy levels. Remember that withdrawal is a challenging time, and it's okay to prioritize self-care. If symptoms become severe or unmanageable, seeking professional help is recommended.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:13 Sage_AI New Tools for Web3 Creators: Core Technologies and Applications of Sage AI

Web3, as a decentralized network paradigm, not only redefines how users interact on the internet but also provides a new platform for content creators to express, share, and monetize their works more freely. However, this new era also brings challenges, especially in terms of content innovation, personalization, and production efficiency. It is in this context that Sage AI has emerged. Sage AI is a Web3 content creation platform that combines artificial intelligence (AI) with big data, aiming to help creators overcome technical barriers, unleash creative potential, and efficiently produce diversified content through its one-click AI creation tools.
Overview of Sage AI’s Core Technologies
Sage AI is built on various advanced AI technologies, including but not limited to ChatGPT, DALL·E-3, and SORA intelligent networks. The combination of these technologies enables Sage AI to possess the ability to understand complex contexts, generate high-quality content, and continuously self-learn. Through deep learning models, Sage AI can analyze vast amounts of data to generate endlessly creative, richly themed, and linguistically fluent textual content. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) technology makes image creation unprecedentedly efficient and high-quality.
The design philosophy of Sage AI is to alleviate the technical burden on creators, allowing them to focus on creation itself rather than technical details. Through its one-click AI creation tools, users do not need profound programming knowledge or AI background; they only need to provide simple instructions or content outlines, and Sage AI can automatically generate high-quality textual, image, or video content. This design not only significantly reduces the barriers to content creation but also makes the creation process more efficient and innovative.
Applications of Sage AI in Multifaceted Creation
Textual Content Creation
For creators who want to write articles, blogs, or marketing copies, Sage AI provides powerful support. Users only need to input some basic information, such as topics, styles, or desired keywords, and Sage AI can automatically write logical, coherent,
and user-demand-oriented textual content. This not only saves creators a lot of time but also stimulates more innovative thinking.
Image Creation Capability
By utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) technology, Sage AI can generate images and artworks based on the creator’s descriptions. This provides designers and content creators with endless possibilities, enabling them to achieve unprecedented visual expressions. Whether it’s creating images for articles, designing posters, or creating NFT artworks, Sage AI can meet the needs of different creators with its outstanding image generation capability.
Automated Video Content Generation
Sage AI can also automatically produce creative video content based on brief textual descriptions. This feature is particularly useful for creators who need to quickly generate commercial advertisements, educational materials, or entertainment videos. With Sage AI, users can obtain professional-level video works in a very short time, greatly enhancing the attractiveness and dissemination efficiency of the content.
Through the above different application scenarios, Sage AI not only provides powerful technical support for content creation in the Web3 era but also opens up new paths for creation methods and content dissemination.
Specific Application Scenarios of Sage AI in Web3 Platforms
NFT Creation and Management
Sage AI provides a powerful toolkit for NFT artists and creators through its advanced AI technology, enabling them to easily generate unique digital artworks and their related metadata. In this decentralized network world, creators can use Sage AI-generated content to create NFTs, accelerating the creation process and adding additional guarantees to the uniqueness and originality of the works. Furthermore, Sage AI’s technology can also assist in managing the sales and transaction
processes of NFTs, allowing creators to focus on creation while leaving the tedious management work to AI.
Decentralized Social Media Content
In the current social media landscape, personalization and instant content updates are key to attracting users. Sage AI provides the capability to generate personalized content for decentralized social media platforms, such as automatically creating and recommending articles or videos based on user interests and interaction history. This not only enhances the user experience but also creates an active and interactive community environment for the platform. Additionally, Sage AI can be used for monitoring and managing community content, ensuring the health and continuous growth of the community.
Education, Training, and Gaming Content
Sage AI’s technology can significantly improve the quality and personalization level of online education and training content. By automatically generating teaching materials, practice exams, and interactive learning activities, Sage AI can provide learners with more tailored and optimized learning experiences. Similarly, in the game development field, Sage AI can automatically generate game plots, dialogues, or even complete interactive scripts based on specified themes and styles, greatly enhancing the innovation and development efficiency of games.
Impact of Sage AI on the Web3 Content Ecosystem
Promoting Content Diversity and Innovation
By providing efficient and user-friendly creation tools, Sage AI breaks through the technical barriers in the creation process, allowing more creative ideas to be realized and shared. This not only enriches the diversity of the Web3 content ecosystem but also promotes content innovation, inspiring creators to explore new territories in art, education, and entertainment.
Enhancing Production Efficiency
Through automated and intelligent creation processes, Sage AI can significantly improve content production efficiency. For creators, this means being able to create more high-quality content in a shorter time, while for platforms, it means being able to meet user needs and market changes more quickly. In this rapidly developing era, efficiency improvement is undoubtedly an important factor in competitiveness.
Incentivizing and Supporting the Global Creator Community
Sage AI is not just a tool or platform; it represents a support system for a global creator community. By providing easy-to-use, highly accessible AI creation tools, Sage AI attracts creators from all over the world to join the ranks of Web3. This global participation and collaboration, coupled with the support of Sage AI technology, continuously inject new vitality and innovation into the Web3 content ecosystem.
As a new tool for Web3 creators, Sage AI not only changes the boundaries of content creation through its core technologies and applications but more importantly, it brings innovation and efficiency to the content ecosystem of the Web3 era. With further technological development and expansion of application scenarios, Sage AI is expected to continue leading the wave of content creation innovation, driving the prosperous development of the Web3 world, and becoming a core force in building the metaverse.
About Sage AI
Sage AI, the inaugural Web3 community platform harnessing AI for creative content, featuring automated processes, AI copywriting, video creation, and fostering a utopia for creators and users to thrive together.
Twitter: TG: DC: YouTube: Linktree:
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2024.05.09 07:38 calciumQs need extreme amounts of calcium to not be sick.. results say no hyperparathyroid or low calcium..?

I would be very grateful if anyone has any comments on my results, or even my symptoms, or even both together, or who could perhaps point me in the right direction.
My original post where someone asked for results
(edit: sorry my title is wrong, I meant to just say parathyroid but it won't let me change it)
I'll post more / the screenshots later. I had to repeatedly insist on the parathyroid test and teach the staff to test everything else due to previously requesting it all. My B12 is very very high, like 2000+ because I take sublinguals. I had been injecting to self-treat suspected antibody negative pernicious anaemia but now just take the tablets (methyl). I take very high doses of almost every vitamin and mineral except for potassium and copper which I started quite recently but don't take much of. I started to take vitamin K recently and usually forget vitamin C entirely. I don't take biotin oddly enough as it's not in my b complex but I had maybe 3 biotin tablets in the past 3 weeks.
I stopped taking magnesium a few months ago or more, (but only took 1/2 or 1/3 of the 440mg dose usually daily) and finished a literal few of the last in the pack recently. I originally thought I maybe had low magnesium then high magnesium. LOL.
The only thing that makes me feel better out of the minerals is iron, potassium usually from a liquid source, and calcium. I am 100% reliant on 1500mg calcium per day and 20+mg elemental iron or I cannot get out of bed. The calcium requirement or severity is apparently new.
serum TSH level 0.55 mU/L [0.3 - 4.2]
serum ferritin 88 ug/L [10.0 - 120.0]
vitamin D 114
serum calcium level 2.44 mmol/L [2.2-2.6]
serum adjusted calcium concentration 2.34 mmol/L [2.2-2.6]
(A previous calcium serum result from 2022 said 2.34 and I'm sure this is the time I asked for it thinking I was low in calcium back then, but not sure)
mean cell volume slightly over normal mean cell haemoglobin level above normal mean platelet volume above normal
renal function tests serum sodium level 146 mmol/L [133.0 - 146.0] serum potassium level 3.7 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.3] serum creatine level 57 umol/L [55.0 - 110.0]
serum albumin level (XE2eA) 48 g/L [35 - 50]
SERUM MAGNESIUM LEVEL 1.10 mmol/L [0.7 - 1.0] - too high
my IgM levels have been low for years and now igA levels are also too low. I also have unexplained low grade fevers pretty much daily.
I started trying to drink water recently as I basically don't drink and was ridiculously thirsty.
As you can see my results say high magnesium for no real apparent reason and calcium looks fine although I have been taking the calcium supplement daily for about a year. If I drop down to 1000mg a day I get very very ill with all the calcium deficiency symptoms. It takes about 2 weeks of 1500mg per day every single day for me to feel normal again.
The only change in my diet I can think of is that I stopped eating butter, and chocolate mostly, and probably less salt. I still consume about 900mg of calcium minimum, via milk daily in drinks so I do not understand this.
My diet is pretty terrible due to various health problems or symptoms or intolerances. I use lactose free milk. Is it as simple as I need the daily recommended dose via supplements, daily, and if I don't I'll be ill daily? But it doesn't reflect in the blood test results. ? I am also waiting for them to test me for CKD as someone in my family has it but they won't do it as I have no cysts visible on my kidneys. My teeth are literally disintegrating which is my main worry and I have osteopenia but I have a history of eating disorders but don't think this explains it. I aim for 1500-2000 calories a day and use junk food to get and keep it up especially due to my digestive issues. I want to be tested for bacterial overgrowth or treated for it with the antibiotics as there has been no reason found for my stomach and similar issues, like celiac disease etc, and apparently this can cause you to be unable to absorb nutrients. It seems I cannot absorb even high dose vitamins of every kind.
I previously went through extreme cravings for milk products and got the idea to take calcium as my previous bone breaks began to hurt again and my tooth broke randomly. I am really fed up. Calcium supplements can upset your stomach, I don't want to take them for no reason as I have enough going on.
submitted by calciumQs to Parathyroid_Awareness [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:04 Holy_Oblivion Aging Demographics, Immigration, and Establishing a National Identity for the next generations before 2058.

In 2030, America will be composed of more older individuals than younger individuals for the first time in it's history. In addition by 2058, the United States will cross the 400 million mark in population but for the first time since 1850, a majority of it's population will come from Immigrants rather than natural born citizens. Demographically, the Anglosphere concept of "White America" has and will continue to be dissolved into immigrants replacing the traditional WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) overwhelmingly from Hispanic and Asian origins will dominate the new immigration of seekers of the American Dream. What does this mean for Christian Nationalism? What does this mean for our stated end state/objectives and demographically how do we maintain a cohesive base for the future? My thought and answers below.
I will restate what I see as the Christian Nationalists end state and objectives: To have a Western Right Orthodox Church of America be the foundation of the Cultural, Social, and Familiar ties within the United States. What does this mean? This means the Church of America would be the sole foundation of society at large: families, schools, communities, laws, and expectations within the United States as a whole. This looks like having God in school/large amount of private Christian schools and colleges, organized community events around Christian calendar, strong support for the military, larger and more focused Christian efforts in government/government policy based on Christian ethos, and strong emphasis place on families and communities as a whole. This is centered around the Anglosphere cultural concept with injected Western Right Orthodoxy: Anti-authoritarian, Sanctity of Human life, individual freedom, high patriotism, self-expression of values, strong military support/backing, highly structured/focused on order, Anglosphere influenced, and high valued family focused structure.
With our end state re-stated, what does the ethnic/immigrant-based society look like with an overall America that is older, not younger thanks to aging Baby Boomers? We would have to form a strong backbone of the Anglosphere/Western Right Orthodoxy within the United States before the overall immigration becomes it's own type of subgroup culturally. Rather than shun or be afraid of the immigrants coming into the country and joining our communities, they should be welcomed into our cultural dynamic and have their children brought up in our communities. Adopting the faith of Western Right Orthodoxy and having them conform to social order, rather than be another culturally divisive group not co-existing within our shared space. By having strong cultural bonds over the past 100 years within the WASP dominated United States, the Eastern and Southern Europeans as well as Middle Eastern/Asianist children have, for the most part, conformed to WASP cultural hegemony by 2nd or 3rd generation. While elements of the culture are still present from their home country, by the third generation most of them are stripped away. In the same sense, people immigrating for a better life in America from other countries live longer, have more children, and generally speaking are more economically/socially upwardly mobile than native born Americans.
It will take a shift to and teach the new immigrants the Anglosphere concept of Western Right Orthodoxy and American Culture from a base that already exists. What this means for Christian Nationalism is we must match the amount of new populations with our own. Large families within the American Orthodox Church/ Western Right Orthodoxy and have 5-6 children much like the greatest generation to have as many children as possible, not fight off the immigrants but to match it. Of the 79 million new population added to the United State by 2058 according to the US Census Bearu, about 30 million will be Native born while 49 will be Immigrants. What this means is we within Christian Nationalist Hegemony must produce an additional 19-20 million within 1 generation. To do quick math: 20 million babies living to adulthood means 4 million couples having 5 children within 20 years that are part of the Christian Nationalist Hegemony. Or roughly 800,000 children a year for 30 years. Which means by 2058, 24-30 million of the 400 million people within the United States would be national born, Christian Nationalist pledging to Western Right Orthodoxy. 8% of the population would become Native born and match the number of native-born Americans already predicted to be born.
With this new surge of youth created to support our aging population, Christian Nationalism and the United States will be made stronger by a robust, family focused, Christian, American first massive boost of population for assistance. With the aging population crisis being staved off by a rejuvenation of youth, American can continue to be a dominate superpower in the world while most other first world countries experience a population collapse, we experience population boom/boost of population. A strong, God focused, patriotic, working class that can sustain Americas Growth and dominate power for the next 40-80 years. The Aging population should be co-horded into the Hegemony, as we take care of the Veterans of wars, old workers, and serve those who kept the American Dream alive for generations. Push hard for JROTC, Apprenticeship, Scouting, and pre-military programs to help give the youth the technical and hands on skills to support future infrastructure which is slowly crumbling and military recruiting that has seen the dwindling numbers. Focus on hands on or strong career focused groups rather than service industry jobs.
The Christian Nationalists can be in a great position to accept and thrive to the introduction of the largest immigration group since the 1850's by creating that strong cultural foundation and start re-building the primary/core families with 5-7 children and a massive population boost committed to the ideals of raising large families within the Western Right Orthodoxy of Anglosphere culturally influences United States of America. The accepting and then slow conversion/integration of these immigrants into American society can stave off the horrible decent of debauchery and decline of the United States of America. The "WASP" America will end up dying off, along with the corrupt version of Christianity that it has slowly degraded into for the past 50 years. However, what can rise out of it, is a stronger re-born Western Right Orthodox Anglosphere Christian Church of America that can survive for the next 80-150 years to carry on our cultural and religious ideals forward into the future and beyond to protect our great, great, great-grand children. This would be a multi-ethnic group of Americans who are united behind a common bond of God, country, primary family, and the constitution of the United States. The future of Christian Nationalism is a Multi-ethnic, cultural hegemony united forward towards Christ in Orthodoxy and all that makes Western Anglosphere ethnics/values good in the world.
Let me know what you think. Does this match up with what you think the direction of Christian Nationalism and the direction we should take having to face hard truths about the future? What does the future look like in 30 years from now if we do not act?
submitted by Holy_Oblivion to Christian_Nationalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:39 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:34 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 08:51 BoomHeadshotDie How to stop porn and masturbation ( read this article you will stop for sure)

(most important note in the end, dont miss it )
This is totally depends on how long have been you doing this..
Understand this first.
Now if you doing from past 10 or 15 years it take time to recover your body tissues.
I understand you feeling low but it's never late if you realise your mistake now follow this steps if you doing this from long time..
• As you know you are doing this from long time so you first need to do that do not fap yes you heard it right do not fap at any cost it will completely make your life hell.
• Due to long time problem may be you find night fall problems but relax don't be serious it happens in starting just calm down no matter what happens don't use your hand at any cost believe in yourself.
• Avoid sugar drink more water do exercise when you urge to do the same thing busy yourself take a good diet for 100 days
• After 100 days you will feel more energetic and on your face you can see yourself more confidently in mirror all the best.
Now for Those who doing this from short period of time like 1 years or 3 years.
Just follow this simple steps.
• Do not fap for 30 days yes you heard it right just do this and you will feel more confident
• You will realise your worth
• Take a good diet Avoid junk food all the best.
1.End 🤗🤗🤗🤗
2 👇👇
Masturbation is much more harmful then Alcohol, cigarette smoking, or other drugs. It makes u addicted to dopamine. When u r watching porn, enjoying masturbation ur dopamine lvls rise to 200-300%. Now ur brain thinks it as a new normal value of dopamine. If u try to stop masturbation ur brain is already addicted to dopamine’s high lvls… so brain doesn't allow… u get bad mood, no motivation to work, no social life…until u return to masturnation again. Also a lot of mitochondria are released from body having a lot of energy in the form of fructose.When u r masturbating twice or thrice a week ur brain considers reaching climax faster to ease the stress as a result premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction occurs.U also get dark circles under eyes. Most of the ppl on internet say there is no scientific evidence of harms of masturbation…ask them what is it then.U can masturbate but not daily.If u say masturbation is safe ppl do it 3–5 times a day that is really very dangerous.
U should think urself if u had to masturbate and wet ur clothes daily then why there are girls on earth.There is time for evwrything.Ur body will deplete of fluid if u masturbate daily. Also u will be unable to satisfy ur partner. So, I will say u need more then 1–2months to recover from fluid deficiency and vital minerals. U will aso had to take gud diet. If u do not masturbate the energy and minerals of extra semen will be utilized to regenerate dead cells of ur skin and repair brain cells. U will feel more attractive to Girls.
Body has natural mechanism of restabilization. If u leave masturbation, extra receptors for high dopamine will degenerate themselves.U will discover sharp memory, more motivation, faster then ever, more energy, more testosterone(during first week). Finally ur interest will change to females instead of masturbation and watching porn. It will take 3 months. U should go for no fap or ask ur frndz for keeping an eye on u.
My experience:
I have been practicing semen retention for two years.I feel motivated, more focused,on my daily tasks, more energetic, Sharp memory. I have made habit of sleeping at 10 daily so that I won't indulge in such habits of porn and masturbation… as a person is alone sometimes at night and have urges that time…..
2 end 🤗🤗🤗🤗 ( copied from internet (quora) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
🔥🔥🔥 part 3 🔥🔥🔥
Can pornography be a healthy thing?
Blue films and porn movies are fake/false. Nothing is true in them. It is not sex at all. It is acting only with lots of technology effects. Today so many technology is available like editing, good quality of many cameras in different angles and at different distance, animation, illusion technology which is generally used in fiction movies. Then female expressions are totally fake. In movies it look like that they are enjoying but actually they are in lots of pain. They are exploited in movies. They use plastic surgery, breast implant (upto 500 cc silicon implant per breast), other make up for female and Viagra, drugs, sometimes fat injection into penis for male. Lots of lubricating agents for both male and female. By editing, 30 second movie are made upto 10-15 minutes. Each clip/movie made after shootings for many months. Performers are drug addicts, mentally unfit persons, very poor and many of them do not do it by their will, they do to get some money to survive. In these movies corn starch, pina colada mix, some protein mix used which looks like sperm/semen only. In movie many times they pour this mix on female organs and viewers are not able to recognise that is it from penis or not, because of editing. Female orgasm is totally fake. These movies are not sex at all. Whatever you are watching in these movies, hardly 10 % are true. These movies are addiction even more than alcohol, drugs. They are made like that only so that they can make money only. They are not for sex education. Do not fall down in trap of them. Better to watch romantic movies. These blue movies can destroy your mental, physical health, sometimes your life also. These are anti-social, anti-natural, anti-religion, anti-morality, anti-ethics and anti-humanity.
Real life sex include hug and kiss at female forehead, lip, eye, chick, neck, and breast. You can use your hand gently not harshly on female body parts. Then ejaculation (intercourse) in vagina and this ejaculation takes 1-2 minutes only. Not like porn movie for 30 minutes. No man can last more than 1-5 minutes. Women breast do not have any special feeling and its main function is for feeding to child only. Many women do not feel anything many times during intercourse so they can use pillow below their hip. Do not copy different positions from any porn movie. They all are the effect of camera at various angles. Try whatever both partner feel comfortable. Try to make love with your partner. Female is not for sex only. Treat them as a human being and make more love then sex. Respect your female partner. Enjoy with her. You can use condom for intercourse. Do not do excessive sex also, not good for man physical health. Try lots of kissing and hug. Try to spend quality time with your partner. Rarely any girl watch blue/porn movies and it is their best quality. You can enjoy more, if do not watch these illogical, mis-guiding, mis-leading, fake, fiction movies. These movies creat biasness. Use your brain. Do not follow anything blindly. Mainly sex is for making child, family and only sometimes with precaution to enjoy.
Porn is not a real sex. They are fake. Pornography is not made to educate, but to sell. It's a big business that makes a lot of money and doesn't care how. They'll show you whatever they think will make you come back and buy more. So, pornography will tell whatever lies attract and hold the audience. Porn thrives on lies -- lies about sex, women, marriage and a lot of other things. It is misleading, unrealistic and more than 90 % of clips, shots, poses or expression are fake medically means scientifically men’s penis tip has special nerve ending and inside of female vaginal opening has special nerve endings which causes sensation/pleasure/enjoyment while having intercourse. This enjoyment can be feel by intercourse or penis in vagina only. Rest of the body parts of female for eg. Breast do not have any special nerve ending/sensation and except genital part female will not feel anything special in other parts. You should not reenact/follow that which you see in porn! For health reasons! For reasons of respect for your sex partner ! Make Love Not Porn”. Female orgasm (moment of most intense pleasure) is totally fake it is not real. It is a money making shot for them.” The moviemakers know their viewers want to see the moment of orgasm, and they usually want to see it all over the woman’s body like back, butt, chest etc. and believe it is 100% fake/false/lie. It's fiction. Why is it that people lose their brains when the subject of pornography comes up? She’s faking it, dude. Well, first off, the woman you saw doing that thing is a professional. And she is an actress. She is paid to do those things/pretend to do those things/pretend to enjoy doing those things. Because the folks who do that/pretend to do that/pretend to enjoy doing that are actors. Beside this it is finally made after lots of editing, lots of camera shots in different angles, lots of use of computer software (technology) so that it looks true. Many things used are artificial which looks like real for eg. Men ejaculation sometimes not true instead of true they use some corn mix with some chemical which looks same as semen. Female breast are not natural. Most of them go for some artificial incorporation inside breast. Porn is known to often cause problems in relationships. Even apart from the issue of pornography addiction, which is a phenomenon that can absolutely destroy a relationship, heterosexual men who consume porn tend to report experiencing less satisfaction with the woman they have sex with. A problem without a purpose. So porn is a touchy subject. And we’re not even talking about violent porn here. But even the more vanilla forms of it are based on fictions and falsehoods. But even though porn is fake, the problems it can cause are all too real. But you can tell someone something over and over and over again. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn is not real. Porn pollute viewer’s mind. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. The problem with porn's shallow perspective is that relationships are not built on sex, but on commitment, caring and mutual trust. Being with someone who loves and accepts you, someone who is committed to you for your whole lives together, someone you can give yourself completely to, that is what makes sex really great. Let's look at some of lies/fake/false of porn and see just how badly they can mess up your life and attitudes. • Lie #1 - Women are less than human Porn often refers to women as animals, playthings, toy, pets or body parts. Some pornography shows only the body or the genitals and doesn't show the face at all. The idea that women are real human beings with thoughts and emotions is played down. • Lie #2 - Women are property Porn displays women like merchandise in a catalog, exposing them as openly as possible for the customer to look at. It's not surprising that many young men think that if they have spent some money taking a girl out, they have a right to have sex with her. Porn tells us that women can be bought. • Lie #3 - A woman's value depends on the attractiveness of her body Less attractive women are ridiculed in porn. They are called dogs, whales, pigs or worse, simply because they don't fit into porn's criteria of the "perfect" woman. Porn doesn't care about a woman's mind or personality, only her body. • Lie #4 - Women like rape "When she says no, she means yes" is a typical porn scenario. Women are shown being raped, fighting and kicking at first, and then starting to like it. Porn teaches men to enjoying hurting and abusing women for entertainment. • Lie #5 - Women should be degraded Porn is often full of hate speech against women. Women are shown being tortured and humiliated in hundreds of sick ways and begging for more. Does this kind of treatment show any respect for women? Any love? Or is it hatred and contempt that porn is promoting toward women? • Lie #6 - Illegal sex is fun Porn often has illegal or dangerous elements thrown in to make sex more "interesting." It suggests that you can't enjoy sex if it isn't weird, illegal or dangerous. • Lie #7 - Prostitution is glamorous Porn paints an exciting picture of prostitution. In reality, many of the women portrayed in pornographic material are runaway girls trapped in a life of slavery. Many having been sexually abused. Some of them are infected with incurable sexually transmitted diseases that are highly contagious and often die very young. Many are addicted to drugs and alcohol just to cope. Pornography makes a profit from the ruined lives of young women and entraps men who will spend lots of time AND money succumbing to their product. We might think that the things we see and hear don't affect us. Yet we all admit that good music, good movies and good books add a lot to our lives. They can relax us, educate us, move us or inspire us. Just as uplifting media can benefit us, pornographic images can negatively affect us. Images are not always neutral. They can persuade us. Businesses know that if they can get a persuasive image of their product in front of you during a highly emotional moment, it will sink into your subconscious mind. Pornography entraps you with lies.
What are the effects of pornography? What kinds of ideas is porn putting into our heads? If the wrong things keep getting dumped in, your mental environment can get so polluted that your life is going to have problems. One of the most vital parts of mental environment is a healthy idea of who we are sexually. If these ideas are polluted, a critical part of who we are becomes twisted. Porn Addiction: The Pull of Pornography Not everyone who sees porn will become addicted. Some will just come away with toxic ideas about men, women, sex, marriage, and children. However, some will have some kind of emotional opening that allows the addiction to really grab hold. The porn companies don't mind at all if you become completely addicted to their product. It's great for business. Dr. Victor Cline has divided the progress of addiction into several stages; addiction, escalation, desensitization, and acting out. For porn addicts, I've found that there is another stage that comes first -- early exposure. Let's look at these stages: EARLY EXPOSURE Most who get addicted to porn start early. They see porn when they are very young and it gets its foot in the door. PORN ADDICTION You keep coming back to porn. It becomes a regular part of your life. You're hooked and can't quit. ESCALATION You start to look for more graphic pornography. You start using porn that disgusted you earlier. Now, it excites you. DESENSITIZATION You start to become numb to the images you see. Even the most graphic porn doesn't excite you any more. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again, but you can't find it. ACTING OUT SEXUALLY This is the point where men make a crucial jump and start acting out the images they have seen. Some move from the paper and plastic images of porn into the real world, with real people, in destructive ways.
Blue films are not real. They are edited to show extraordinary sex. Ultimately, pornography is bad for sex. Offensive to women. But many person don’t understand that porn is fantasy. Demerits of watching it is to such an extent that, Overnight a Billionaire becomes pauper, elite conservative studious boy lands in jail., teenagers become drug addicts, experiments to get AIDs too. Otherwise peaceful Society turns to be under siege of a terrorist group, and the list is much more to disclose in these columns.
To brief specifically, films are Only Stories. Films get produced after many takes, rehearsals etc., over many days, to months and gets be edited to portray the story and events of over many decades too, in less than a couple of hours Only. Same is applicable to Blue Films too, misunderstood by over 80% of it's viewers. Trying to imitate those scenes by them leads to all problems, as mentioned in short already. In High school level, knowledge in sex education is a must, but shall not be thro Blue films, to bring up a healthy new generation. Also the Blue films can destroy marital harmony.
As Addendum: I would like to state that, films marked or advertised as X or XX or XXX shall be illegal, in our set up & cultural background for at least a Century more.
There are no merits of watching blue films. In fact, there are many demerits of it.
(1) Weakening of body """""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film causes stimulations in the sexual organs of the body of the person. These stimulations weaken and loosen the muscles of these organs which adversely affects sexual capacity.
(2) Provocation of masturbation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Watching a blue film also provokes the person to masturbate. Masturbation is an activity very harmful to health because many hormones and fluids vital to the body are rapidly lost during masturbation. These hormones and fluids are responsible for energy, tolerance, fearlessness, and self-confidence.
(3) Provocation of criminal activities """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""... Watching blue films causes considerable changes in the attitude of the person towards other people. He begins to fantasize people indecently. For example, he fantasizes their nude appearances and doing sex with them. This may provoke the person to indulge in criminal activities like molestation, rapes, and gang-rapes
( copied from internet / quora ) ( there is some typing mistakes but you will understand )
part 3 End 🔥🔥
part 4...🔥🔥👇👇 very important 👇👇🔥🔥
" Lord Buddha on how to control sexual urge '
Buddha emphasized mindfulness and awareness as key tools for understanding and overcoming cravings and desires, including sexual urges. His teachings suggest observing these urges without judgment or attachment. Here's how you might apply his teachings to dealing with the urge to masturbate:
  1. Awareness: Start by becoming aware of the sensations and thoughts associated with the urge to masturbate. Notice how it arises in the body and mind without trying to suppress or indulge it.
  2. Observation: Observe the urge with a sense of curiosity and detachment. Instead of reacting impulsively, take a step back and simply observe the urge as it comes and goes, recognizing it as a passing phenomenon.
  3. Understanding: Reflect on the impermanent nature of the urge. Recognize that it is not a permanent aspect of who you are, but rather a transient experience that arises and fades away.
  4. Non-Identification: Avoid identifying yourself with the urge. Just because the urge arises does not mean you are defined by it. Cultivate a sense of separation between the urge and your true self.
  5. Acceptance: Practice accepting the urge without resistance or aversion. Acknowledge that it is a natural part of human experience and that it's okay to feel these sensations without acting on them.
  6. Redirecting Energy: Instead of acting on the urge, channel the energy it generates into more constructive activities, such as mindfulness meditation, exercise, creative pursuits, or engaging in meaningful relationships.
  7. Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Recognize that overcoming ingrained habits takes time and effort, and treat yourself with patience and understanding.
By applying these principles of mindfulness and awareness, you can gradually weaken the grip of the urge to masturbate and cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and freedom.
Remember , if you not understand yourself first . Then motivations not gonna help. i mean you will start again after few days. So first understand yourself how to fight against urge. how urge looks like . You will win this fight after you understand it yourself . Just think about life and reality . Good luck 🔥🔥 ( if you feel tired , hungry , sleepy , less motivate to work... now your fu##ed up brain try to urge you to watch porn or masturbation . So first understand that thing. Stay safe ,healthy and stronger . ❤❤
submitted by BoomHeadshotDie to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 23:07 BroManBro_Grows Why does my brain function this way? Is it just me?

It’s difficult to walk through this day to day and not feel overwhelmed by my own inner dialogue. The normal thoughts that consume me are typical comparisons of why my life doesn’t look the way I want it to. Why do I feel like I am running in place every day? Why does it feel like when one obstacle has been overcome a larger one presents itself? I want to be better than I was the day before but how? Why do I go unnoticed? Why is there nothing special about me that appeals to the online masses? Maybe not even the online audience but just the people I live around. Not that I want a cruise line worth of friends but It does feel like I walk through this life in isolation for the most part. Unnoticed. Unimportant. Am I just self absorbed or so self aware that it tortures me? Are my expectations for other people too high? Have I broken free of the trance that everyone else lives in or am I still deep asleep? The more I ask the less answers I find. The more I explain this to the people I do consider important, the less it seems they care. These are just some of the thoughts that plague my mind. My body doesn’t want to respond to my mind. The instant gratification way of life does seem to be the root of this problem. To be clear, these aren’t complaints, but thoughts that bounce in my head. Very rarely vocalized. Even when they are it makes no difference. The world seems backwards from what I was brought up to believe. The lessons taught from a family with no education or financial comfortability was to work hard, be smart, and be a good person. These teachings do not seem to ring true in modern society. It seems as though the opposite is actually true. The more awful and unintelligent you are the further you actually make it in life. At least from the outside looking in its how it feels. The shittier a person is the more they win and the more people seem to crowd around them. As I stated before, the world seems backwards from what I was taught to believe is the path to success. To me success means being able to afford the lifestyle you want and not feel the overwhelming stress of not knowing how a bill is going to be paid. How and why do we live in a world where terrible people are the ones that are always miles ahead? What does that say about the world we live in? How should that translate to living the day to day or raising children in a world such as this? The successful say money doesn’t solve all problems but they sure don’t hand it out to people that would benefit from more of it. Nor are they willing to part with the thing they claim doesn’t bring happiness. I am sure there are different perspectives I could have or haven’t heard that may change my mind. I do stand firm on the mantra of Talk is cheap, put your money where your mouth is. Yet that just gets me the label of negative pessimist. Weird weird times we live in.
I find myself disappointed and let down by people quite often. Don’t get me wrong, I do rather enjoy my solitude as it is devoid of expectations to be anything but myself. On the flip side I do enjoy conversations of perspective and other intellectual interaction. It does seem hard to come by for me. I am very aware that I do feel a level of anxiety and discomfort/awkwardness when engaging with others I am not familiacomfortable with. However, I go out of my way to engage and socialize when the occasion calls for it. What I tend to find is that most people prefer to control an entire conversation by interrupting and blurting their own thoughts/opinions. So I find myself typically observing a conversation rather than participating. Going back to what I was taught to have good manners by waiting patiently for my turn to participate. Rarely does that opportunity come and I find myself distracted or uninterested in the conversation after a short period of exclusion. In turn, I revert back to my own internal monologue questioning if I myself am actually the problem. Am I that uninteresting that everyone overlooks the fact that I’m speaking? Do they lack the patience and proper conversation skills to participate in an actual conversation? Am I just so programmed with respect for others that it cripples me from being assertive? Why do these individuals not show the same respect? You see how this turns into a downward spiral in my mind? What is wrong with me? Are my expectations for people just too high? What a miserable spiral to constantly be stuck in. When vocalized though, a person is labeled as negative or overthinking things. Is it only because vocalizing isn’t accompanied by music as it seems these thoughts are very popular in song. Perhaps I am self absorbed and can’t see past my own view of the world? I have yet to find this answer.
Friends are kind of hard for me. I spent most of my childhood and teenage years seeking acceptance from my peers. I would give all of my energy to anyone who claimed me as friend. In most of these friendships I was a friend of convenience. If I had something to offer I was in. As soon as I had nothing to offer I was irrelevant. It took years to understand this. Maybe this is another instance that I had no boundaries for myself? These experiences have definitely jaded me. It makes it very hard for me to accept anyone new and not think there is some ulterior motive. Even still to this day people try to inject themselves into my or my family’s life for their own personal gain. Typically in the form of unburdening themselves of their current life situations. Once they have found themselves in a better position internally or externally they exit just as fast as they came in. It seems very odd to me that friendships doesn’t bare the same weight to others. People are perfectly ok with coming into your life and forgetting you ever existed. It does not compute to me. If I claim someone as friend I typically find myself wondering how their day is going or if they need anything at minimum of once a day. If I go a few days without hearing from them or seeing them I reach out and check in. Is this not common practice towards those considered friend? I just don’t understand people’s logic or rational.
I’ve heard all of the change your mindset blanket answers. I’ve heard all of the gain more perspective answers. These are just ramblings of my inner monologue and wondering if it’s just me that thinks and feels this way.
submitted by BroManBro_Grows to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 11:43 KirbysLeftBigToe I do my own T shots AMA

I see a lot of people with really specific questions about injecting, specifically self injection so I wanted to do a post to help anyone who’s thinking about moving to shots but isn’t sure about something.
Obligatory a medical professional is the best person to teach you how to do your own shot. But I know that’s not an option for everyone and a lot of people have providers who won’t inject for them.
Also I can’t really help with anyone who has a fear of needles as I have no issues with that whatsoever.
I’ve been doing my own shots for about 3 months now. I’ve been on T for 14 months total. My shots are 1 ml of Sustanon 250 IM once every three weeks, but that was my providers decision so obviously others will have different starting doses and timings.
submitted by KirbysLeftBigToe to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 02:57 christineyvette To men and boys:

This is an excerpt of the book "Consent Laid Bare: Sex, Entitlement & the Distortion of Desire" by Chanel Contos.
"In a perfect world, as many boys and men would read this book as girls and women. Then again, if that were the case, this book probably wouldn’t need writing. If there is a man in your life who you think would benefit from reading this book, get him started with this chapter. It may be your son, your father, your partner, a friend or even someone you’re having a debate with about this very topic. This is a summary of the book, some of my thoughts on things you may or may not agree with, and my plea to you to go forth with this information and lead by example for another man in your friend group or family.
Toxic masculinity:
This underpins the whole conversation. To clarify: toxic masculinity is not the same as masculinity. It describes a form of masculinity that oppresses men, and then as a consequence, society as a whole. Toxic masculinity is a set of attitudes and ways that are expected of men in order to fit the stereotype of a "man" that has a negative impact on men and on everyone else. It is important to note that while it harms everyone toxic masculinity first and foremost affects men. For example, ideas like ‘boys shouldn’t cry’ are a form of toxic masculinity. Teaching that to young boys tells them that emotions are bad and need to be suppressed. This can contribute to mental health issues for men, and prohibit them from learning about how to express emotions in a positive way. When you don’t learn to vent emotions in a healthy way, they will come out in unhealthy ways, like by punching a wall – or a person. Even if the ramifications are not violent, the constant social reinforcement telling boys to repel their emotions can result in them feeling a lack of human connection at different points in their life.
In many contexts, especially in high-school years, toxic masculinity is ‘cool’. When toxic masculinity is the overriding form of masculinity (think about a school context where the kids in the first XV rugby team are "cooler" than the drama kids), a boy/man gains social currency from three main things:
1. Physical intimidation
2. Wealth
3. Sexual conquests.
Physical intimidation is kind of obvious. That’s probably the most stereotypically perceived version of a "man’. At extremes, they fight. They’re warriors, superheroes, they’re the guys who do the debt-collecting in gangster movies. They’re also the guys who are tall, strong and play sports.
A classic complaint that I hear from young men is that it’s unfair that six-foot has become an ideal for them, as there is nothing they can do about height. I completely agree, and this is an example of toxic masculinity being projected on men. And while acknowledging that it is frustrating, it’s important to also acknowledge that even though women are allowed to be any height, they are expected to have big boobs, a butt (but with no stretch marks), no body hair below the eyebrows and a constant aura of ‘natural’ beauty. Isn’t it ridiculous we are all forced to operate within these impossible standards?
Then we have wealth. There is a disproportionate social burden on men to be the main income earners in a household and to ‘provide’. This is where online mentors such as Andrew Tate make their relevance. These figures and ideals of masculinity promote arguably good ethics around hard work and supporting your family, but then inject seriously misogynistic and problematic concepts into every couple of videos. Everyone likes money but the toxic masculinity bit comes in with the obnoxiously flashy cars, the idea that women need to be "cared for" by men, when paying for a woman comes with the expectation she will repay you with sex, and that men must be the sole breadwinners. Did you know that if a woman earns more than her male partner, she is 35 per cent more likely to experience domestic abuse*?
This is an insidious manifestation of toxic masculinity, whereby a woman earning more than a man is seen as something that should (and therefore does) damage a man’s ego, which is often the root of male violence.
The third way that boys and men gain social status in a toxic-masculinity community is sexual conquests. I use "conquests" deliberately here, because when sexual activity occurs for the purpose of raising social status, healthy intimacy just isn’t possible. Do you remember being in high school (or maybe you still are) and phrases such as "virgin" or "frigid" being an insult? Where if you didn’t have a story to tell about a girl you got with on the weekend, you couldn’t partake in lunchtime conversation on a Monday? Ever heard of a "summer bucket list" or a "party challenge list" that involves social reward for sexual acts? If you take a step back to reflect on most movies, social media, your own perception of this, and the politics in the playground at school, you’ll likely come to the conclusion that it’s ideal for men to have sex as often as they can and with as many women as possible. It’s a "claim’" something to be celebrated. The same is not true for women. Sex is seen as something that a man takes from a woman, and this idea of sex as capitulation is a fundamental of rape culture. Additionally, in a community where sex gives you an increase in social capital, young men may project the pressure they feel from their peers onto their sexual partners.
It’s worth noting that toxic masculinity only celebrates men having sex with other women. It doesn’t say the same about gay men. It may not have sounded like that big of a deal at the time, but again, think back to the schoolyard. "Fag" and "that’s gay" were insults, often used to describe boys who weren’t engaging in sexual activity with girls. There was an unspoken rule that gay guys were less "masculine" than straight guys. This is only possible in a toxic definition of masculinity, a definition of masculinity that polices the sexualities of men. Moreover, the idea that sex is a fundamental component of manhood perpetuates the problematic idea that men always want sex, and that if they were a real man, they would always be down for it. This isn’t the case at all and it can often dismiss men who are victims of sexual assault or unwanted sexual advances.
To recap, toxic masculinity tells men they must be fit and tall; when they are not, they may feel self-conscious and angry. Toxic masculinity tells men they must be wealthy, and that this wealth entitles them to whatever they want, including women. When they feel as though they haven’t met society’s expectations, then the people around them are at higher risk of harm. Toxic masculinity tells men that sex with women is an accomplishment, not an act of intimacy. This lays the groundwork for sexual coercion, sexual harassment and sexual assault to appease social pressures."
To quote bell hooks: "Challenge notions of masculinity that equate manhood with the ability to exert power over others. Toxic masculinity affects everyone. Challenge it.”
submitted by christineyvette to u/christineyvette [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:58 adulting4kids Fentynal Guide To Quitting

Title: Understanding Fentanyl: Uses, Risks, and Controversies
Introduction: Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its role in the opioid epidemic. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fentanyl, including its medical uses, associated risks, and the controversies surrounding its widespread misuse.
Medical Uses: Originally developed for managing severe pain, especially in cancer patients, fentanyl is an analgesic that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is commonly used in medical settings for pain management during surgeries, chronic pain conditions, and palliative care.
Risk Factors: While fentanyl is effective in controlling pain when administered under medical supervision, its misuse poses serious health risks. The drug's high potency increases the likelihood of overdose, leading to respiratory depression and, in extreme cases, death. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to the rising number of opioid-related deaths.
Controversies and Illicit Use: The illicit use of fentanyl has sparked controversy and public health concerns. The drug is often clandestinely produced and added to other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. This has resulted in a surge in overdoses, as individuals may unintentionally consume lethal doses of the opioid.
Law Enforcement and Regulation: Governments and law enforcement agencies worldwide are grappling with the challenges posed by the illicit production and distribution of fentanyl. Efforts to regulate its manufacturing and distribution are ongoing, with stricter controls in place to prevent diversion into illegal channels.
Treatment and Harm Reduction: Addressing the fentanyl crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including expanded access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, and public awareness campaigns. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, has proven effective in reversing opioid overdoses and is increasingly available to first responders and the general public.
Conclusion: Fentanyl, with its remarkable pain-relieving properties, has become a double-edged sword in the realm of healthcare. While it serves a crucial role in medical settings, its misuse poses severe risks to public health. Efforts to combat the opioid epidemic must focus on education, regulation, and treatment to strike a balance between managing pain effectively and preventing the tragic consequences of its illicit use.
Narcan, also known by its generic name naloxone, is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids target, effectively reversing the life-threatening effects of opioid toxicity. Narcan is commonly administered in emergency situations where an individual is experiencing respiratory depression or unconsciousness due to opioid overdose.
Emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and even some non-professionals, such as family members of individuals at risk of opioid overdose, may carry naloxone. The medication is available in various forms, including nasal sprays and injectable formulations, making it accessible for different situations.
The prompt administration of Narcan can restore normal breathing and consciousness, providing crucial time for the affected person to receive further medical attention. It is an essential tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at preventing opioid-related deaths and is a key component of public health initiatives addressing the opioid epidemic.
Suboxone is a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It is a combination of two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.
  1. Buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to but with less intensity. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals in recovery to better manage their addiction.
  2. Naloxone: Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist, which means it blocks the effects of opioids. When taken as directed, naloxone remains largely inactive. However, if someone were to misuse Suboxone by injecting it, the naloxone component can counteract the opioid effects, reducing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to opioid addiction that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It can be used in the detoxification phase as well as for long-term maintenance therapy. The goal of Suboxone treatment is to help individuals gradually reduce their dependence on opioids, manage cravings, and improve their overall quality of life during recovery.
It's important to note that Suboxone should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use or abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms or other complications.
Precipitated withdrawal refers to the accelerated onset of withdrawal symptoms, often more severe than typical, when an opioid antagonist is introduced to the body. This occurs because the antagonist displaces the opioid from receptors, leading to a sudden and intense withdrawal reaction.
For example, if someone is currently dependent on opioids and receives a medication like naloxone or naltrexone, which are opioid antagonists, it can rapidly trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is a safety mechanism, as these medications are often used to reverse opioid overdose or as part of addiction treatment.
The term is commonly associated with medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, where medications like buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) are used. If buprenorphine is administered before other full opioids have cleared from the system, it can displace those opioids from receptors, leading to precipitated withdrawal. This is why healthcare providers carefully time the initiation of medications like buprenorphine to avoid this intensified withdrawal reaction.
Understanding the potential for precipitated withdrawal is crucial in the context of addiction treatment to ensure safe and effective transitions between medications and to minimize discomfort for individuals in recovery.
Using Suboxone involves adherence to a specific treatment plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Here are some key aspects related to the use of Suboxone:
  1. Prescription and Medical Supervision: Suboxone is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated and supervised by a qualified healthcare provider, typically in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
  2. Dosage: The healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on the individual's specific needs and response to the medication. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not adjust it without consulting the healthcare provider.
  3. Administration: Suboxone is often administered sublingually, meaning it is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. This method allows for the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream.
  4. Timing: The timing of Suboxone administration is crucial. It is often started when the individual is in a mild to moderate state of withdrawal to reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the appropriate timing.
  5. Regular Monitoring: During Suboxone treatment, individuals are regularly monitored by healthcare professionals to assess progress, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  6. Counseling and Support: Suboxone is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. This holistic approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
  7. Gradual Tapering: Depending on the treatment plan, there may be a gradual tapering of Suboxone dosage as the individual progresses in their recovery. Tapering is done under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Avoiding Other Opioids: It's crucial to avoid the use of other opioids while taking Suboxone. Combining opioids can lead to dangerous interactions and diminish the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. Side Effects and Reporting: Like any medication, Suboxone may have side effects. Common side effects include headache, nausea, and constipation. Any unusual or severe side effects should be promptly reported to the healthcare provider.
  10. Pregnancy Considerations: If an individual is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to discuss this with the healthcare provider, as the use of Suboxone during pregnancy requires careful consideration.
Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and inform them of any concerns or changes in your condition during Suboxone treatment. Successful recovery often involves a combination of medication, counseling, and support tailored to individual needs.
Suboxone, when used as prescribed under the supervision of a healthcare professional as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder, has a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to full opioid agonists. This is because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, which has a ceiling effect on its opioid effects.
Buprenorphine's partial agonist properties mean that it activates opioid receptors in the brain to a lesser extent than full agonists like heroin or oxycodone. As a result, the euphoria and respiratory depression associated with opioid abuse are less pronounced with buprenorphine.
However, it's essential to emphasize that any medication, including Suboxone, should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Misuse, such as taking larger doses or combining Suboxone with other substances, can increase the risk of dependence or addiction.
Abruptly stopping Suboxone can lead to withdrawal symptoms, emphasizing the importance of a gradual tapering plan under medical supervision when discontinuing the medication. It's crucial for individuals using Suboxone to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper management of their opioid use disorder and to address any concerns or side effects during the course of treatment.
Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone, or buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone), can occur when someone who has been using the medication for an extended period stops taking it abruptly. It's important to note that withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration based on factors such as the individual's overall health, the duration of Suboxone use, and the dosage.
Common withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone may include:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Muscle aches and pains
  4. Sweating
  5. Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  6. Anxiety
  7. Irritability
  8. Runny nose and teary eyes
  9. Goosebumps (piloerection)
  10. Dilated pupils
It's important to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and precipitated withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal can occur if someone takes Suboxone too soon after using a full opioid agonist, leading to a more rapid and intense onset of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from Suboxone is generally considered less severe than withdrawal from full opioid agonists, and the symptoms tend to peak within the first 72 hours after discontinuation. However, the duration and severity can vary from person to person.
If an individual is considering stopping Suboxone or adjusting their dosage, it's crucial to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Tapering the medication gradually, rather than stopping abruptly, can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and increase the chances of a successful transition to recovery. Seeking support from healthcare providers, counselors, and support groups is essential during this process.
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. The leaves of the Kratom tree have been traditionally used for various purposes, including as a stimulant, a pain reliever, and to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The active compounds in Kratom, called alkaloids, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects that can vary depending on the strain and dosage. These effects can include:
  1. Stimulation: At lower doses, Kratom may act as a stimulant, promoting increased energy, alertness, and sociability.
  2. Sedation: At higher doses, Kratom may have sedative effects, leading to relaxation and pain relief.
  3. Pain Relief: Kratom has been used traditionally for its analgesic properties, and some people use it as a natural remedy for pain.
  4. Mood Enhancement: Some users report improved mood and reduced anxiety after consuming Kratom.
However, it's important to note that Kratom is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its safety and effectiveness for various uses have not been clinically proven. There are potential risks associated with Kratom use, including dependence, addiction, and adverse effects such as nausea, constipation, and increased heart rate.
Due to these concerns, Kratom has been a subject of regulatory scrutiny in various countries, with some regions imposing restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution, seek reliable information, and consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of Kratom, especially for medicinal purposes or to manage opioid withdrawal.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication used primarily in the treatment of opioid dependence, particularly in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It is a long-acting opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same opioid receptors in the brain that other opioids, like heroin or morphine, do.
Key points about Methadone include:
  1. Opioid Dependence Treatment: Methadone is often used as a maintenance medication to help individuals reduce or quit the use of illicit opioids. It helps by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Long-Lasting Effect: One significant advantage of methadone is its long duration of action. A single daily dose can help stabilize individuals, preventing the highs and lows associated with short-acting opioids.
  3. Supervised Administration: In some cases, methadone is provided through supervised administration in specialized clinics to ensure proper use and minimize the risk of diversion.
  4. Tolerance and Dependence: Like other opioids, individuals using methadone can develop tolerance and dependence. Therefore, the dosage needs to be carefully managed, and discontinuation should be done gradually under medical supervision.
  5. Reduction of Illicit Drug Use: When used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, methadone has been shown to reduce illicit opioid use, lower the risk of overdose, and improve overall health outcomes.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Methadone can have side effects, including constipation, sweating, drowsiness, and changes in libido. It's important for individuals to report any adverse effects to their healthcare provider.
  7. Regulated Use: The use of methadone is tightly regulated, and it is typically dispensed through specialized clinics or healthcare providers who are authorized to prescribe it for opioid use disorder treatment.
Methadone treatment is part of a broader approach that often includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It has been a valuable tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic and helping individuals achieve and maintain recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program that provides support for individuals recovering from addiction, particularly those struggling with substance abuse issues. It is important to note that NA, like other 12-step programs, does not have an official stance or opinion on specific medical treatments, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for withdrawal.
The approach to medication assistance in withdrawal can vary among individuals within the NA community. Some may find success and support in MAT, while others may choose alternative methods or prefer an abstinence-based approach. NA encourages individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope, but it does not dictate specific treatment choices.
The primary focus of NA is on mutual support, fellowship, and following the 12-step principles, which include admitting powerlessness over addiction, seeking spiritual awakening, and helping others in recovery. Members of NA are encouraged to respect each other's choices and paths to recovery.
It's essential for individuals seeking support for addiction to find a treatment plan that aligns with their needs and values. Consulting with healthcare professionals, attending support groups, and considering various treatment options can be part of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, secular alternative to traditional 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous. SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and utilizes evidence-based techniques to support individuals in overcoming addiction.
Regarding Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SMART Recovery takes a neutral stance. The program acknowledges that MAT, when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can be a valid and effective part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. SMART Recovery recognizes that different individuals may have unique needs, and treatment plans should be tailored to the individual's circumstances.
SMART Recovery's focus is on teaching self-reliance, coping skills, and strategies for managing urges and behaviors associated with addiction. The program encourages participants to make informed decisions about their recovery, including the consideration of medications that may be prescribed by healthcare providers.
Ultimately, SMART Recovery emphasizes a holistic and individualized approach to recovery, allowing participants to choose the methods and tools that best suit their needs and align with their values. This includes being open to the potential benefits of MAT for some individuals as part of their overall recovery plan.
Several treatment modalities are available for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder. The most effective approach often involves a combination of different strategies. Here are some key treatment modalities for opioid addiction:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT involves the use of medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, to help manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and support recovery. These medications are often used in combination with counseling and therapy.
  2. Counseling and Behavioral Therapies: Various forms of counseling and behavioral therapies are crucial components of opioid addiction treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are among the approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction and help individuals develop coping skills.
  3. Support Groups and 12-Step Programs: Participating in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or 12-step programs can provide valuable peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community for individuals in recovery.
  4. Detoxification Programs: Medically supervised detoxification programs help individuals safely manage the acute withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping opioid use. These programs often serve as the initial phase of treatment.
  5. Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment programs provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery. These programs may include a combination of medical supervision, counseling, and therapeutic activities.
  6. Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while living at home. This flexibility can be beneficial for those with work or family commitments. Outpatient treatment often includes counseling, therapy, and medication management.
  7. Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Some individuals find benefit from holistic approaches, such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These can complement traditional treatment modalities and contribute to overall well-being.
  8. Peer Recovery Support Services: Peer recovery support services involve individuals with lived experience in recovery providing support, guidance, and encouragement to others going through similar challenges.
The most effective treatment plans are often individualized, taking into account the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each person. Collaborating with healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach can significantly enhance the chances of successful recovery from opioid addiction.
The withdrawal timeline for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, can vary among individuals based on factors such as the duration and intensity of use, individual metabolism, and overall health. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms typically start shortly after the last dose and follow a general timeline:
  1. Early Symptoms (Within a few hours): Early withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, sweating, and increased heart rate. Individuals may also experience muscle aches and insomnia.
  2. Peak Intensity (24-72 hours): Withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first 24 to 72 hours after discontinuing fentanyl. During this time, individuals may experience more intense symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Subsiding Symptoms (5-7 days): The most acute withdrawal symptoms generally begin to subside within about five to seven days. However, some symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings, may persist for a more extended period.
  4. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): Some individuals may experience a more prolonged period of withdrawal symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This can include lingering psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. PAWS can persist for weeks or even months.
It's crucial to note that fentanyl withdrawal can be challenging, and seeking professional help is recommended to manage symptoms safely and effectively. Medical supervision can provide support through the detoxification process, and healthcare professionals may use medications to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms and improve the overall comfort of the individual.
The withdrawal process is highly individual, and some individuals may find additional support through counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups to address the psychological aspects of recovery. Always consult with healthcare professionals for guidance on the safest and most effective approach to fentanyl withdrawal.
Xylazine is a veterinary sedative and analgesic medication. It belongs to the class of drugs known as alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. While it is primarily intended for veterinary use, xylazine has been misused in some cases for recreational purposes, particularly in combination with other substances.
In veterinary medicine, xylazine is commonly used as a sedative and muscle relaxant for various procedures, including surgery and diagnostic imaging. It is often administered to calm and immobilize animals.
However, the use of xylazine outside of veterinary settings, especially when combined with other drugs, can pose serious health risks. Misuse of xylazine has been associated with adverse effects, including respiratory depression, cardiovascular issues, and central nervous system depression.
It's important to emphasize that the use of xylazine for recreational purposes is highly dangerous and illegal. The drug is not intended for human consumption, and its effects can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.
If you have concerns about substance use or encounter situations involving illicit drugs, it is crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or local support services. Misuse of veterinary drugs or any substances not prescribed for human use can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
PAWS stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It refers to a set of prolonged withdrawal symptoms that some individuals may experience after the acute phase of withdrawal from substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. PAWS is not limited to a specific substance and can occur with various drugs.
These symptoms are generally more subtle than the acute withdrawal symptoms but can persist for weeks, months, or, in some cases, years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS can vary widely among individuals and may include symptoms such as:
  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Insomnia
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty concentrating
  7. Memory problems
  8. Reduced impulse control
  9. Cravings for the substance
PAWS can be challenging for individuals in recovery, as these lingering symptoms may contribute to relapse if not effectively managed. Supportive interventions, such as counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing PAWS. Healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, may also contribute to the overall well-being of those in recovery.
It's important to note that PAWS is not experienced by everyone in recovery, and its severity and duration can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists can assist individuals in managing PAWS and maintaining long-term recovery.
Quitting substance use "cold turkey" involves stopping the use of a substance abruptly without tapering or gradually reducing the dosage. It's important to note that quitting cold turkey can be challenging, and the level of difficulty varies depending on the substance, the duration and intensity of use, and individual factors.
If you're considering quitting a substance cold turkey, here are some general recommendations:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Before making the decision to quit cold turkey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation, assess potential risks, and offer support.
  2. Create a Support System: Inform friends, family, or a support network about your decision to quit. Having a support system in place can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance during challenging times.
  3. Understand Withdrawal Symptoms: Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting the substance cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance but may include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and other physical or psychological effects.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial during the quitting process. Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming a balanced diet to support your overall well-being.
  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health.
  6. Consider Professional Treatment: Depending on the substance and the severity of dependence, professional treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient programs, may be beneficial. Medical supervision can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring safety.
  7. Therapy and Counseling: Consider participating in therapy or counseling to address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and to develop coping strategies for a successful recovery.
  8. Plan for Triggers: Identify situations, environments, or emotions that may trigger the urge to use the substance. Develop a plan to cope with these triggers without resorting to substance use.
It's essential to approach quitting any substance with a comprehensive strategy, and individual circumstances vary. Seeking professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions about the best approach for your specific situation. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or have concerns about quitting cold turkey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Tapering refers to the gradual reduction of the dosage of a substance, typically a medication or a drug, over a specific period. Tapering is commonly used in the context of addiction treatment, where it involves slowly decreasing the amount of a substance to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risks associated with abrupt discontinuation.
Key points about tapering include:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Tapering is often part of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. For example, individuals dependent on opioids might undergo a gradual tapering of medications like methadone or buprenorphine.
  2. Reducing Dependence: Tapering is employed to reduce physical dependence on a substance by allowing the body to adjust to lower levels gradually. This helps minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Individualized Approach: Tapering plans are typically individualized based on factors such as the substance used, the duration and intensity of use, and the individual's overall health. Healthcare professionals design tapering schedules to meet the specific needs of each person.
  4. Supervised Tapering: Tapering is ideally done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. This is particularly important in cases where abrupt discontinuation could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or complications.
  5. Psychological Support: Tapering is not only about physical adjustments but also addresses psychological aspects of dependence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to develop coping skills and strategies for managing life without reliance on the substance.
  6. Preventing Relapse: Gradual tapering can help reduce the risk of relapse by easing the transition to complete abstinence. It gives individuals the time and support needed to adjust to life without the substance.
Tapering is a careful and structured process that should be guided by healthcare professionals. Abruptly stopping certain substances can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks. Seeking professional advice and support is crucial for a safe and successful tapering process, whether it's part of addiction treatment or the discontinuation of a prescribed medication.
Engaging in activities during withdrawal can help distract from symptoms, provide a sense of accomplishment, and contribute to overall well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping busy during withdrawal:
  1. Reading: Escape into a good book or explore topics of interest to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Movies or TV Shows: Watch movies or binge-watch a TV series to pass the time. Choose lighthearted or inspirational content.
  3. Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching. Exercise can help improve mood and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Creative Hobbies: Explore creative outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques to calm the mind and reduce stress.
  6. Gardening: Spend time outdoors, tending to a garden or plants. Nature can have a positive impact on mood.
  7. Puzzle Games: Solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally stimulating games.
  8. Listening to Music or Podcasts: Create playlists of your favorite music or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.
  9. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to nourishing meals.
  10. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic during withdrawal.
  11. Educational Courses: Take online courses or watch educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy.
  12. Board Games or Card Games: Play board games or cards with friends or family for some social interaction.
  13. Self-Care Activities: Take relaxing baths, practice skincare routines, or indulge in other self-care activities to nurture your well-being.
  14. Volunteering: If possible, consider volunteering for a cause you're passionate about. Helping others can be rewarding.
  15. Stay Connected: Reach out to friends and family for support. Having a support system is crucial during withdrawal.
It's important to choose activities that align with your interests and energy levels. Remember that withdrawal is a challenging time, and it's okay to prioritize self-care. If symptoms become severe or unmanageable, seeking professional help is recommended.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 07:12 coolnavigator Feminism is Occult Population Control

The evolutionary psychologist Mads Larsen writes:
Sex ratio theory suggests why mating practices have become dysfunctional in the West and other regions. [...] Statistics from the Nordic countries—the world’s most gender-equal region—indicate that subjective perceptions of the sex ratio in modern environments drive singledom and low reproduction. Scandinavia has the world’s highest occurrence of one-person households: 43–46%. In the past decade, the Norwegian fertility rate dropped from 2.0 to 1.5. Sex ratio studies suggest that women’s perception of there being few acceptable partners activates a polygynous mindset, which in prosperous, monogamous societies drives promiscuity to the detriment of pair-bonding.
Statistics show that women are increasingly unwilling to copulate or pair-bond with less attractive mates. Although women desire relationships, as they have gained equality, their standards have increased. Today’s rising economic stratification motivates further discrimination of certain men. With improved gender equality, women sorted away the poorest men. Rising economic inequity makes women exclude those men who are just below average (Brooks et al., 2022). Being a high-value man in the modern environment is about more than financial capital. Women generally want men with high education and status, financial success, greater intelligence, a tall stature, independence, and self-confidence (Buss, 2016; DeSantis, 2021). Those unable to attract such a man may forego pair-bonding and reproduction to prioritize other sources of fulfillment, such as a rewarding career or financial independence (Sng and Ackerman, 2020).
The increased social status of women makes them choosier resulting in a growing number of men being excluded from the mating market.
On the flip-side, a growing number of women remains unpartnered because they find themselves unable to find a man who meets their expectations. But this wealth of unpartnered women also affects the cognition of men.
Instead of raising their standards to attract a higher-value partner, men would lower their standards to have more promiscuous sex. Instead of lowering their standards to attract a mate, women would raise their standards to avoid being deceived by men who seek short-term mating (Stone et al., 2007).
The high status men, desired by women, become more promiscuous and less likely to commit to a single partner. Women respond to this by becoming choosier and more promiscuous at the same time.
They compete more fiercely and do so by catering to male mate preferences. Women permit more uncommitted sex (Schmitt, 2005). They signal promiscuity, for instance, by wearing shorter skirts (Barber, 1999). A novel expression of such female–female competition, informed by male preferences, is that when high income inequality reduces the proportion of attractive bachelors, women post more sexualized selfies (Borgerhoff Mulder, 2018). Early pregnancy is another competitive means. In low-ratio contexts, women appear to compete for males through teenage pregnancies and pregnancies outside of marriage (South and Trent, 1988; Barber, 2000, 2001; Chipman and Morrison, 2013).
As a consequence both men and women become frustrated with the opposite sex. Women because they can't get the long-term relationships with the high status men they desire and men because they find themselves confronted with a increasingly competitive dating market from which certain men are excluded in entirety.
In liberal circles people often blame plummeting birthrates on economic hardship but the Nordic countries serve as a counter-example.
In the Nordic countries, generous welfare frees more women to break out of, or avoid, burdensome bonds (Trägårdh 1997). Similar to the way in which early hominin females could make do without paternal care, modern women can raise children on their own. Buss (2016) wrote that with long maternity leave, subsidized daycare, and other forms of support, Nordic “taxpayers effectively provide women with what partners otherwise would.” In Norway, social democratic governance on average transfers $1.2 million more to each woman over a lifetime than she pays in tax. The average man pays more in tax than he receives in benefits (Statistics Norway, 2022d; national oil revenue also counted as tax).
Instead of the birthrates being raised, they dropped even further.
In 1974, the typical Norwegian woman was 23 years old when she married. In 2020, she was 34 (Statistics Norway, 2015, 2022a)—although her first birth was at 30 (Statistics Norway, 2022b). Over this period, her fertility rate fell from 2.13 to 1.48 (Statistics Norway, 2022e).
And the poorest men were sorted out instead of being enabled to have families.
Nordic women being less dependent on male provisioning influences how their mate preferences play out. From 1985 to 2012, the number of Norwegian men who failed to reproduce by age 45 increased from 14% to 23% (Amundsen, 2014). Three times as many men as women suffer involuntary childlessness (Håkonsen and Krekling 2017). Experts attribute this inequality to women’s recycling of high-value mates (Jensen and Østby, 2014)—which can be viewed as a form of temporal polygyny. Norwegian men with high salaries have a 90% chance of being pair-bonded by age 40—those with low salaries, a 40% chance (Almås et al., 2020). Danes experience a similar marginalization: 45% of low-skilled men live alone (Forum for Mænds Sundhed, 2017).
tl;dr - the inability of men and women to pair bond results in demographic collapse. And immigration does not help remedy this problem either but introduces other negative externalities.
Experts give an impression of not knowing why this is occurring or which policies could counter the demographic collapse. Their most common recommendation has been to increase immigration (Grant et al., 2006; Grunfelder et al., 2020; Vollset et al., 2020). Since many developing countries still have high fertility rates, transferring parts of their population to developed nations appeared as a viable solution. From 2000 to 2015, Norway’s immigrant population tripled (Midttun, 2018), yet the fertility rate kept falling. Today, 15% of residents are immigrants (Statistics Norway, 2022c), which increases the population, but without motivating reproduction near replacement levels. A cultural change across Europe after the 2015 migrant crisis has made continued large-scale immigration a less compelling proposition. Recent long-term-cost estimates have shown that instead of improving national finances, many groups of immigrants undermine the future viability of Western welfare states (NOU 2017:2, 2017). Eastern European and Asian cultures have been less willing to open their borders to counter low fertility (Vollset et al., 2020).
Rachel Wilson writes:
To understand the modern-day political movement we call feminism, we must go back to the beginning. Early pagan religious ideas gave birth to feminism, and it is always out of paganism and the occult that feminist ideas and movements emerge. What is “the occult,” anyway? The word “occult” simply means hidden, but when I refer to “the occult” I am speaking of religious beliefs that claim to have hidden knowledge, or which claim to allow the practitioner to gain this knowledge, power, or god-like personal deification from its practice. This is the reason feminism is born of occult belief, because at its core, feminism seeks to make women gods over men, or at the very least to deify women. The very essence of feminist thought is a worldview where women and men struggle for dominance. This is the Hegelian master-slave dialectic, and it defines the feminist struggle no matter how often feminists want to convince us that it’s about “equality.” Feminism, in various forms, has appeared throughout human history. It is only modern technological advancements, however, that have made it possible for feminism to become the dominant, accepted political ideology governing society as it does now. More on this later, but for now let’s explore the origins of feminism found in the world’s oldest religions.
Goddess worship was once part of many of the world’s oldest religions. You can find elements of goddess worship in Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, as well as in Jewish mysticism and paganism, among others. These goddess figures represent everything from love, creation, and motherhood to sensuality, war, and death. Goddess worship is seeing a huge revival in accordance with the rise of modern feminism, which is why it’s important to understand where these myths come from, and why women in the west are reviving them in a modern era which normally thinks of such ancient myths as superstitious. Wicca and other forms of witchcraft are the fastest growing religions in the United States[iii]. This is directly due to many decades of feminist propaganda demonizing traditional religions such as Islam and Christianity as patriarchal and oppressive toward women. Christianity has been the main target of feminists due to its domination in the west. Most women buy into feminism first, having been taught in public school and university as well as through pop culture that the women who came before them fought a brave grassroots war against the patriarchy. They are told that it is only because of these brave women and all that they sacrificed that you even have the right to speak or put words on paper, therefore you have a duty to carry on this fight.
Christianity is a patriarchal religion, with all things being created by God the Father, rather than some earth mother goddess, which would mean that not only is patriarchy the natural and divine order of the created world, but that feminism is a battle that cannot be won against an omnipotent Heavenly Father. So, feminists need to find a new religion that fits their feminist worldview, and Christianity becomes an enemy and a target of destruction for more serious practitioners of witchcraft. Feminist scholars and intellectuals interested in religious systems that can replace patriarchal Christianity adore ancient goddess worship because, as I’m about to demonstrate, it is rife with vengeful female supernatural beings whose main motivation always seems to be domination of men and male gods. It makes perfect sense that the modern feminists would be drawn to tales of such powerful beings who have been fighting the patriarchy since the dawn of time.
The impact of Theosophy on feminism cannot be overstated. Even though most regular Americans probably haven’t heard of it, Theosophy was the perfect bridge from the radical reformers who embraced spiritualism in the first half of the 19th century to the New Age religious movements of the 20th century. It brought the world’s oldest religions together, attempting to combine them with newly burgeoning science and anthropology, but also with transcendentalism and mysticism. If you could create a religion specifically for feminists at the turn of the century, Theosophy would be the perfect recipe. Even today, almost 150 years later, women all over the west embrace at least parts of Theosophy, perhaps without even realizing it. Things like tarot cards, astrology, horoscopes, and all sorts of New Age phrases and trends such as yoga, vegetarian and vegan diets, or “sending good vibes” to your friends are concepts that can be attributed to Theosophy bringing those things from places like India and Tibet to the new world. Theosophy was very popular with men as well, but it was particularly alluring to women. It was founded by a woman, and it gave equal standing to both men and women. The Theosophical Society had many prominent female leaders and it claimed to teach its adherents to develop their psychic abilities and innate intuitions- characteristics that were considered naturally stronger in women due to their sensitivity and emotionality. It offered women of the time a sense of personal power and importance that many did not get from the Christianity which dominated the west at the time.
The funding of feminist movements has been somewhat hidden for a reason---the feminist agenda, and suffrage in particular, are always spoken of as grassroots movements driven by the collective will of the people, therefore making it sound like a democratic tool of liberation. The opposite is true. People would naturally reject a top-down ideology which pushed such radical changes to the structure of society and the family if it was openly known that it was the trans-national banking elite who were behind it. The next logical question is "why?" What motivated the elites of the Victorian era to create this campaign for women's suffrage and present it as a natural, grassroots movement? I will explore more about the funding of feminism and why the wealthy elite of the world put so much money and effort into propagating it, not only in the west, but around the world as we continue.
To definitively examine the effects of the women’s liberation movement in the west would require a whole separate book, but I can give you a snapshot of some of the biggest changes which have happened over the last several decades since feminism really took hold.
According to data from the U.S Census analyzed by Pew Research Center, 72% of all legal adults in the U.S. were married. By 2016, that number had decreased to just 50%. The Centers for Disease Control statistics say that in 1960 only 5% of babies born in the U.S. were born out of wedlock. That number has now increased to 41% in 2010. CDC data also states that in 2012, one third of all children living in the United States live in homes without their biological father present. The risks for children growing up without fathers has been studied extensively, and we have plenty of data showing over and over that the risk of poor outcomes increases dramatically for children raised in fatherless homes. For instance, CDC data say that 90% of children who are homeless come from fatherless households, along with 85% of kids with behavioral disorders, 70% of children in juvenile incarceration facilities, and 71% of children in adolescent substance abuse treatment centers. Another consequence of children growing up without their biological fathers is that they tend to end up in living situations which include the mother’s boyfriend. CDC statistics also show that children left with male caregivers who are not their biological father suffer more frequent and more severe physical abuse than any other care situation. They also show that the living situation with the lowest overall rates of child abuse are for children living with both married parents.
A 2012 study called The Effects of Family Structure on Mental Health of Children: A Preliminary Study by Bahere, Basnet, and Campbell conducted a retrospective chart review of 154 children admitted to the preadolescent unit of Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center over a six-month period. The study found that only 11% of the children came from intact families, with the other 89% having a disruption to the traditional family structure. Two-thirds of the children had been exposed to trauma, with physical abuse seen in 36% of patients. The study highlighted the role of disrupted family structure and its adverse effects on the mental health of children. In addition, children in both the U.S and Europe now overwhelmingly grow up in daycare settings rather than at home with their mothers. In 1940, the number of children under age 6 with mothers working full time outside the home was 6%. In 2103, that number had jumped almost tenfold to 58%. In 2016, a report by, a daycare service finder, found that 20% of U.S. households spend more than a quarter of their income on childcare. It is also interesting to note that U.S. government welfare spending has increased in lock step with the rise of out of wedlock births, from $50 billion per year in 1950 to a whopping $700 billion in 2010.
But women are happier now than they were before feminism, right? Well not exactly. A 2009 paper called “The Paradox of Female Happiness” by Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers caused quite a stir when it was released by the National Bureau of Economic Research. The abstract summary of their findings says that, despite objective measures of well-being in America over the prior 35 years increasing, the subjective overall happiness among women in the study had decreased both absolutely and relative to the happiness of men.
tl;dr —
I don't have time to spoonfeed all of this to you. The point is that feminism started as an attack on the general public back in the 1700s. It was started as a movement by those familiar with the alternatives to Christianity, almost as a spiritual attack against Christianity. The "patriarchy" that they fight is not human man, but godly man.
The ultimate designers of said plans are not, of course, "goddess worshippers". However, they inject that into the culture. Why? Population control. This is a predictable thing. Christianity was the ideology, like it or not, that led to stable two parent households and lifelong marriage. I am not a fan of organized religion, but it is what it is, and this is precisely what Nietzsche ruminated about so much, describing "god" as dead. Feminists killed him, and now we are left with a demographic collapse now that the propagation of the counter culture has reached its final stage.
Going back to Christianity is not an alternative. "Christianity" was never necessary to uphold family tradition. However, faith put in good philosophy usually leads to good outcomes, even if the faith aspect lacks epistemology. We should look at Christianity as philosophy and consider alternative ways of preserving it in our culture.
You could say "But why? Let's just focus on reproduction." Well, because the god of Christianity is positively masculine, and what replaces this when it dies is negative masculinity. "When the cat is away, the mice will play." The cat is positive masculinity, the mice are negative or toxic masculinity. Women cannot complain away toxic masculinity. Only positive masculine men can enforce such an arrangement. Which is to say, only men can police other men. That's why the battle in the Bible as well as any other mythological text is not "divine feminine vs divine man"; it's "divine man type A vs divine man type B". Actually reducing "type A" and "type B" to positive and negative is a bit reductive if you understand mythology (it comes down to psychological archetypes which are not purely good or bad), but it's good enough for our purposes.
And so ultimately, the philosophy of the most important character of the bible is the key to solving feminism, the birth crisis, and really the cultural and political crisis at large.
submitted by coolnavigator to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:58 adulting4kids Fentynal Guide To Quitting

Title: Understanding Fentanyl: Uses, Risks, and Controversies
Introduction: Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its role in the opioid epidemic. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fentanyl, including its medical uses, associated risks, and the controversies surrounding its widespread misuse.
Medical Uses: Originally developed for managing severe pain, especially in cancer patients, fentanyl is an analgesic that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is commonly used in medical settings for pain management during surgeries, chronic pain conditions, and palliative care.
Risk Factors: While fentanyl is effective in controlling pain when administered under medical supervision, its misuse poses serious health risks. The drug's high potency increases the likelihood of overdose, leading to respiratory depression and, in extreme cases, death. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to the rising number of opioid-related deaths.
Controversies and Illicit Use: The illicit use of fentanyl has sparked controversy and public health concerns. The drug is often clandestinely produced and added to other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. This has resulted in a surge in overdoses, as individuals may unintentionally consume lethal doses of the opioid.
Law Enforcement and Regulation: Governments and law enforcement agencies worldwide are grappling with the challenges posed by the illicit production and distribution of fentanyl. Efforts to regulate its manufacturing and distribution are ongoing, with stricter controls in place to prevent diversion into illegal channels.
Treatment and Harm Reduction: Addressing the fentanyl crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including expanded access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, and public awareness campaigns. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, has proven effective in reversing opioid overdoses and is increasingly available to first responders and the general public.
Conclusion: Fentanyl, with its remarkable pain-relieving properties, has become a double-edged sword in the realm of healthcare. While it serves a crucial role in medical settings, its misuse poses severe risks to public health. Efforts to combat the opioid epidemic must focus on education, regulation, and treatment to strike a balance between managing pain effectively and preventing the tragic consequences of its illicit use.
Narcan, also known by its generic name naloxone, is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids target, effectively reversing the life-threatening effects of opioid toxicity. Narcan is commonly administered in emergency situations where an individual is experiencing respiratory depression or unconsciousness due to opioid overdose.
Emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and even some non-professionals, such as family members of individuals at risk of opioid overdose, may carry naloxone. The medication is available in various forms, including nasal sprays and injectable formulations, making it accessible for different situations.
The prompt administration of Narcan can restore normal breathing and consciousness, providing crucial time for the affected person to receive further medical attention. It is an essential tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at preventing opioid-related deaths and is a key component of public health initiatives addressing the opioid epidemic.
Suboxone is a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It is a combination of two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.
  1. Buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to but with less intensity. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals in recovery to better manage their addiction.
  2. Naloxone: Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist, which means it blocks the effects of opioids. When taken as directed, naloxone remains largely inactive. However, if someone were to misuse Suboxone by injecting it, the naloxone component can counteract the opioid effects, reducing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to opioid addiction that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It can be used in the detoxification phase as well as for long-term maintenance therapy. The goal of Suboxone treatment is to help individuals gradually reduce their dependence on opioids, manage cravings, and improve their overall quality of life during recovery.
It's important to note that Suboxone should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use or abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms or other complications.
Precipitated withdrawal refers to the accelerated onset of withdrawal symptoms, often more severe than typical, when an opioid antagonist is introduced to the body. This occurs because the antagonist displaces the opioid from receptors, leading to a sudden and intense withdrawal reaction.
For example, if someone is currently dependent on opioids and receives a medication like naloxone or naltrexone, which are opioid antagonists, it can rapidly trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is a safety mechanism, as these medications are often used to reverse opioid overdose or as part of addiction treatment.
The term is commonly associated with medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, where medications like buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) are used. If buprenorphine is administered before other full opioids have cleared from the system, it can displace those opioids from receptors, leading to precipitated withdrawal. This is why healthcare providers carefully time the initiation of medications like buprenorphine to avoid this intensified withdrawal reaction.
Understanding the potential for precipitated withdrawal is crucial in the context of addiction treatment to ensure safe and effective transitions between medications and to minimize discomfort for individuals in recovery.
Using Suboxone involves adherence to a specific treatment plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Here are some key aspects related to the use of Suboxone:
  1. Prescription and Medical Supervision: Suboxone is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated and supervised by a qualified healthcare provider, typically in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
  2. Dosage: The healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on the individual's specific needs and response to the medication. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not adjust it without consulting the healthcare provider.
  3. Administration: Suboxone is often administered sublingually, meaning it is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. This method allows for the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream.
  4. Timing: The timing of Suboxone administration is crucial. It is often started when the individual is in a mild to moderate state of withdrawal to reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the appropriate timing.
  5. Regular Monitoring: During Suboxone treatment, individuals are regularly monitored by healthcare professionals to assess progress, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  6. Counseling and Support: Suboxone is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. This holistic approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
  7. Gradual Tapering: Depending on the treatment plan, there may be a gradual tapering of Suboxone dosage as the individual progresses in their recovery. Tapering is done under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Avoiding Other Opioids: It's crucial to avoid the use of other opioids while taking Suboxone. Combining opioids can lead to dangerous interactions and diminish the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. Side Effects and Reporting: Like any medication, Suboxone may have side effects. Common side effects include headache, nausea, and constipation. Any unusual or severe side effects should be promptly reported to the healthcare provider.
  10. Pregnancy Considerations: If an individual is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to discuss this with the healthcare provider, as the use of Suboxone during pregnancy requires careful consideration.
Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and inform them of any concerns or changes in your condition during Suboxone treatment. Successful recovery often involves a combination of medication, counseling, and support tailored to individual needs.
Suboxone, when used as prescribed under the supervision of a healthcare professional as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder, has a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to full opioid agonists. This is because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, which has a ceiling effect on its opioid effects.
Buprenorphine's partial agonist properties mean that it activates opioid receptors in the brain to a lesser extent than full agonists like heroin or oxycodone. As a result, the euphoria and respiratory depression associated with opioid abuse are less pronounced with buprenorphine.
However, it's essential to emphasize that any medication, including Suboxone, should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Misuse, such as taking larger doses or combining Suboxone with other substances, can increase the risk of dependence or addiction.
Abruptly stopping Suboxone can lead to withdrawal symptoms, emphasizing the importance of a gradual tapering plan under medical supervision when discontinuing the medication. It's crucial for individuals using Suboxone to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper management of their opioid use disorder and to address any concerns or side effects during the course of treatment.
Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone, or buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone), can occur when someone who has been using the medication for an extended period stops taking it abruptly. It's important to note that withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration based on factors such as the individual's overall health, the duration of Suboxone use, and the dosage.
Common withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone may include:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Muscle aches and pains
  4. Sweating
  5. Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  6. Anxiety
  7. Irritability
  8. Runny nose and teary eyes
  9. Goosebumps (piloerection)
  10. Dilated pupils
It's important to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and precipitated withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal can occur if someone takes Suboxone too soon after using a full opioid agonist, leading to a more rapid and intense onset of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from Suboxone is generally considered less severe than withdrawal from full opioid agonists, and the symptoms tend to peak within the first 72 hours after discontinuation. However, the duration and severity can vary from person to person.
If an individual is considering stopping Suboxone or adjusting their dosage, it's crucial to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Tapering the medication gradually, rather than stopping abruptly, can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and increase the chances of a successful transition to recovery. Seeking support from healthcare providers, counselors, and support groups is essential during this process.
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. The leaves of the Kratom tree have been traditionally used for various purposes, including as a stimulant, a pain reliever, and to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The active compounds in Kratom, called alkaloids, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects that can vary depending on the strain and dosage. These effects can include:
  1. Stimulation: At lower doses, Kratom may act as a stimulant, promoting increased energy, alertness, and sociability.
  2. Sedation: At higher doses, Kratom may have sedative effects, leading to relaxation and pain relief.
  3. Pain Relief: Kratom has been used traditionally for its analgesic properties, and some people use it as a natural remedy for pain.
  4. Mood Enhancement: Some users report improved mood and reduced anxiety after consuming Kratom.
However, it's important to note that Kratom is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its safety and effectiveness for various uses have not been clinically proven. There are potential risks associated with Kratom use, including dependence, addiction, and adverse effects such as nausea, constipation, and increased heart rate.
Due to these concerns, Kratom has been a subject of regulatory scrutiny in various countries, with some regions imposing restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution, seek reliable information, and consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of Kratom, especially for medicinal purposes or to manage opioid withdrawal.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication used primarily in the treatment of opioid dependence, particularly in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It is a long-acting opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same opioid receptors in the brain that other opioids, like heroin or morphine, do.
Key points about Methadone include:
  1. Opioid Dependence Treatment: Methadone is often used as a maintenance medication to help individuals reduce or quit the use of illicit opioids. It helps by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Long-Lasting Effect: One significant advantage of methadone is its long duration of action. A single daily dose can help stabilize individuals, preventing the highs and lows associated with short-acting opioids.
  3. Supervised Administration: In some cases, methadone is provided through supervised administration in specialized clinics to ensure proper use and minimize the risk of diversion.
  4. Tolerance and Dependence: Like other opioids, individuals using methadone can develop tolerance and dependence. Therefore, the dosage needs to be carefully managed, and discontinuation should be done gradually under medical supervision.
  5. Reduction of Illicit Drug Use: When used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, methadone has been shown to reduce illicit opioid use, lower the risk of overdose, and improve overall health outcomes.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Methadone can have side effects, including constipation, sweating, drowsiness, and changes in libido. It's important for individuals to report any adverse effects to their healthcare provider.
  7. Regulated Use: The use of methadone is tightly regulated, and it is typically dispensed through specialized clinics or healthcare providers who are authorized to prescribe it for opioid use disorder treatment.
Methadone treatment is part of a broader approach that often includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It has been a valuable tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic and helping individuals achieve and maintain recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program that provides support for individuals recovering from addiction, particularly those struggling with substance abuse issues. It is important to note that NA, like other 12-step programs, does not have an official stance or opinion on specific medical treatments, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for withdrawal.
The approach to medication assistance in withdrawal can vary among individuals within the NA community. Some may find success and support in MAT, while others may choose alternative methods or prefer an abstinence-based approach. NA encourages individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope, but it does not dictate specific treatment choices.
The primary focus of NA is on mutual support, fellowship, and following the 12-step principles, which include admitting powerlessness over addiction, seeking spiritual awakening, and helping others in recovery. Members of NA are encouraged to respect each other's choices and paths to recovery.
It's essential for individuals seeking support for addiction to find a treatment plan that aligns with their needs and values. Consulting with healthcare professionals, attending support groups, and considering various treatment options can be part of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, secular alternative to traditional 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous. SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and utilizes evidence-based techniques to support individuals in overcoming addiction.
Regarding Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SMART Recovery takes a neutral stance. The program acknowledges that MAT, when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can be a valid and effective part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. SMART Recovery recognizes that different individuals may have unique needs, and treatment plans should be tailored to the individual's circumstances.
SMART Recovery's focus is on teaching self-reliance, coping skills, and strategies for managing urges and behaviors associated with addiction. The program encourages participants to make informed decisions about their recovery, including the consideration of medications that may be prescribed by healthcare providers.
Ultimately, SMART Recovery emphasizes a holistic and individualized approach to recovery, allowing participants to choose the methods and tools that best suit their needs and align with their values. This includes being open to the potential benefits of MAT for some individuals as part of their overall recovery plan.
Several treatment modalities are available for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder. The most effective approach often involves a combination of different strategies. Here are some key treatment modalities for opioid addiction:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT involves the use of medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, to help manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and support recovery. These medications are often used in combination with counseling and therapy.
  2. Counseling and Behavioral Therapies: Various forms of counseling and behavioral therapies are crucial components of opioid addiction treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are among the approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction and help individuals develop coping skills.
  3. Support Groups and 12-Step Programs: Participating in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or 12-step programs can provide valuable peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community for individuals in recovery.
  4. Detoxification Programs: Medically supervised detoxification programs help individuals safely manage the acute withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping opioid use. These programs often serve as the initial phase of treatment.
  5. Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment programs provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery. These programs may include a combination of medical supervision, counseling, and therapeutic activities.
  6. Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while living at home. This flexibility can be beneficial for those with work or family commitments. Outpatient treatment often includes counseling, therapy, and medication management.
  7. Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Some individuals find benefit from holistic approaches, such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These can complement traditional treatment modalities and contribute to overall well-being.
  8. Peer Recovery Support Services: Peer recovery support services involve individuals with lived experience in recovery providing support, guidance, and encouragement to others going through similar challenges.
The most effective treatment plans are often individualized, taking into account the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each person. Collaborating with healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach can significantly enhance the chances of successful recovery from opioid addiction.
The withdrawal timeline for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, can vary among individuals based on factors such as the duration and intensity of use, individual metabolism, and overall health. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms typically start shortly after the last dose and follow a general timeline:
  1. Early Symptoms (Within a few hours): Early withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, sweating, and increased heart rate. Individuals may also experience muscle aches and insomnia.
  2. Peak Intensity (24-72 hours): Withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first 24 to 72 hours after discontinuing fentanyl. During this time, individuals may experience more intense symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Subsiding Symptoms (5-7 days): The most acute withdrawal symptoms generally begin to subside within about five to seven days. However, some symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings, may persist for a more extended period.
  4. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): Some individuals may experience a more prolonged period of withdrawal symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This can include lingering psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. PAWS can persist for weeks or even months.
It's crucial to note that fentanyl withdrawal can be challenging, and seeking professional help is recommended to manage symptoms safely and effectively. Medical supervision can provide support through the detoxification process, and healthcare professionals may use medications to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms and improve the overall comfort of the individual.
The withdrawal process is highly individual, and some individuals may find additional support through counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups to address the psychological aspects of recovery. Always consult with healthcare professionals for guidance on the safest and most effective approach to fentanyl withdrawal.
Xylazine is a veterinary sedative and analgesic medication. It belongs to the class of drugs known as alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. While it is primarily intended for veterinary use, xylazine has been misused in some cases for recreational purposes, particularly in combination with other substances.
In veterinary medicine, xylazine is commonly used as a sedative and muscle relaxant for various procedures, including surgery and diagnostic imaging. It is often administered to calm and immobilize animals.
However, the use of xylazine outside of veterinary settings, especially when combined with other drugs, can pose serious health risks. Misuse of xylazine has been associated with adverse effects, including respiratory depression, cardiovascular issues, and central nervous system depression.
It's important to emphasize that the use of xylazine for recreational purposes is highly dangerous and illegal. The drug is not intended for human consumption, and its effects can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.
If you have concerns about substance use or encounter situations involving illicit drugs, it is crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or local support services. Misuse of veterinary drugs or any substances not prescribed for human use can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
PAWS stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It refers to a set of prolonged withdrawal symptoms that some individuals may experience after the acute phase of withdrawal from substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. PAWS is not limited to a specific substance and can occur with various drugs.
These symptoms are generally more subtle than the acute withdrawal symptoms but can persist for weeks, months, or, in some cases, years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS can vary widely among individuals and may include symptoms such as:
  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Insomnia
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty concentrating
  7. Memory problems
  8. Reduced impulse control
  9. Cravings for the substance
PAWS can be challenging for individuals in recovery, as these lingering symptoms may contribute to relapse if not effectively managed. Supportive interventions, such as counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing PAWS. Healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, may also contribute to the overall well-being of those in recovery.
It's important to note that PAWS is not experienced by everyone in recovery, and its severity and duration can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists can assist individuals in managing PAWS and maintaining long-term recovery.
Quitting substance use "cold turkey" involves stopping the use of a substance abruptly without tapering or gradually reducing the dosage. It's important to note that quitting cold turkey can be challenging, and the level of difficulty varies depending on the substance, the duration and intensity of use, and individual factors.
If you're considering quitting a substance cold turkey, here are some general recommendations:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Before making the decision to quit cold turkey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation, assess potential risks, and offer support.
  2. Create a Support System: Inform friends, family, or a support network about your decision to quit. Having a support system in place can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance during challenging times.
  3. Understand Withdrawal Symptoms: Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting the substance cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance but may include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and other physical or psychological effects.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial during the quitting process. Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming a balanced diet to support your overall well-being.
  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health.
  6. Consider Professional Treatment: Depending on the substance and the severity of dependence, professional treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient programs, may be beneficial. Medical supervision can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring safety.
  7. Therapy and Counseling: Consider participating in therapy or counseling to address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and to develop coping strategies for a successful recovery.
  8. Plan for Triggers: Identify situations, environments, or emotions that may trigger the urge to use the substance. Develop a plan to cope with these triggers without resorting to substance use.
It's essential to approach quitting any substance with a comprehensive strategy, and individual circumstances vary. Seeking professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions about the best approach for your specific situation. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or have concerns about quitting cold turkey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Tapering refers to the gradual reduction of the dosage of a substance, typically a medication or a drug, over a specific period. Tapering is commonly used in the context of addiction treatment, where it involves slowly decreasing the amount of a substance to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risks associated with abrupt discontinuation.
Key points about tapering include:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Tapering is often part of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. For example, individuals dependent on opioids might undergo a gradual tapering of medications like methadone or buprenorphine.
  2. Reducing Dependence: Tapering is employed to reduce physical dependence on a substance by allowing the body to adjust to lower levels gradually. This helps minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Individualized Approach: Tapering plans are typically individualized based on factors such as the substance used, the duration and intensity of use, and the individual's overall health. Healthcare professionals design tapering schedules to meet the specific needs of each person.
  4. Supervised Tapering: Tapering is ideally done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. This is particularly important in cases where abrupt discontinuation could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or complications.
  5. Psychological Support: Tapering is not only about physical adjustments but also addresses psychological aspects of dependence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to develop coping skills and strategies for managing life without reliance on the substance.
  6. Preventing Relapse: Gradual tapering can help reduce the risk of relapse by easing the transition to complete abstinence. It gives individuals the time and support needed to adjust to life without the substance.
Tapering is a careful and structured process that should be guided by healthcare professionals. Abruptly stopping certain substances can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks. Seeking professional advice and support is crucial for a safe and successful tapering process, whether it's part of addiction treatment or the discontinuation of a prescribed medication.
Engaging in activities during withdrawal can help distract from symptoms, provide a sense of accomplishment, and contribute to overall well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping busy during withdrawal:
  1. Reading: Escape into a good book or explore topics of interest to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Movies or TV Shows: Watch movies or binge-watch a TV series to pass the time. Choose lighthearted or inspirational content.
  3. Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching. Exercise can help improve mood and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Creative Hobbies: Explore creative outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques to calm the mind and reduce stress.
  6. Gardening: Spend time outdoors, tending to a garden or plants. Nature can have a positive impact on mood.
  7. Puzzle Games: Solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally stimulating games.
  8. Listening to Music or Podcasts: Create playlists of your favorite music or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.
  9. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to nourishing meals.
  10. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic during withdrawal.
  11. Educational Courses: Take online courses or watch educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy.
  12. Board Games or Card Games: Play board games or cards with friends or family for some social interaction.
  13. Self-Care Activities: Take relaxing baths, practice skincare routines, or indulge in other self-care activities to nurture your well-being.
  14. Volunteering: If possible, consider volunteering for a cause you're passionate about. Helping others can be rewarding.
  15. Stay Connected: Reach out to friends and family for support. Having a support system is crucial during withdrawal.
It's important to choose activities that align with your interests and energy levels. Remember that withdrawal is a challenging time, and it's okay to prioritize self-care. If symptoms become severe or unmanageable, seeking professional help is recommended.
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2024.04.24 16:02 requieminadream Stellar Blade Review Megathread

Game Information

Game Title: Stellar Blade
Developer: Shift Up
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 83 average - 87% recommended - 75 reviews

Critic Reviews

AnaitGames - Víctor Manuel Martínez García - Spanish - 6 / 10
The explicit and self-confessed influence of NieR: Automata ends up having just enough importance in Stellar Blade—an enjoyable, solid action game, somewhat confusing and overloaded, and without much to say.
Atarita - Eren Eroğlu - Turkish - 92 / 100
Stellar Blade has a unique way of always surprising you. Including uncovering the secrets of its well-crafted universe one by one. It offers an unforgettable adventure with deep gameplay that constantly evolves.
Atomix - Sebastian Quiroz - Spanish - 85 / 100
Stellar Blade has great merit when we see it from a production point of view and as Shift Up's letter of introduction to the international market. As an exclusive to the PlayStation 5, it lets us see that the industry is willing to expand and show us the AAA proposals that other regions have for us. Despite its positive points, the title offers us a generic story and gameplay mechanics that lack depth, although the presentation and production levels are impressive.
But Why Tho? - Matt Sowinski - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is a fantastic addition to the PlayStation-exclusive library. The combat is slick and fun, the story deep and interesting, and the set pieces all bigger than the last. It's obvious why Sony scooped this one up, fitting into its story-rich third-party pedigree of titles.
CGMagazine - Chris De Hoog - 8.5 / 10
Despite some flaws, Stellar Blade is a thrilling take on the modern action-adventure which any post-apocalyptic aficionado should check out.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 93 / 100
Stellar Blade stands out as one of the best action-adventure games of its generation. Its combat system is both deep and multilayered, ensuring that every encounter is an exhilarating experience. Offering a range of options, players can tackle enemies in several ways, be it through offensive maneuvers or defensive strategies. Whether opting to dodge, parry, or create distance, the choices are intuitively designed. Coupled with its captivating narrative and cinematic presentation, Stellar Blade is an essential exclusive.
Checkpoint Gaming - Luke Mitchell - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade bursts out of the gate looking stunning, full of jaw-dropping set pieces, intense action and gory violence, and maintains that pace throughout. Underneath this flashy action game are a lot of systems that we've seen before, but despite what can feel like a lack of innovation at times, it never feels stale or unenticing due to its overwhelming sense of style and polished, gratifying combat. For every familiar puzzle or annoying platforming section, there's a brutal boss battle or incredible over-the-top sequence that pulled me back in. Stellar Blade is a joy, a deliciously crafted adventure jam-packed with dramatic thrills. - Tanner Dedmon - 4 / 5
Beneath the fanservice and comparisons to NieR Automata and the Bayonetta games, Stellar Blade boasts some surprisingly involved combat systems and fantastic creature designs all in a relatively compact experience.
Console Creatures - Luke Williams - Recommended
With Stellar Blade, Shift Up shifts gears into overdrive to create an excellent debut console experience. However, the entry fee comes at being able to get over the surface level characterization.
Daily Star - Tom Hutchison - 4 / 5
By pulling on the strings of many a modern classic they’ve been able to deliver a fun, tough, playable title that’s addictive and enjoyable. But it can be improved on in both image style and gameplay if there is a sequel.
Destructoid - Steven Mills - 8 / 10
Overall, Stellar Blade is a journey worth experiencing. I feel like with some improvements in certain areas, Stellar Blade could be a legendary landmark experience like those it clearly draws inspiration from. But even in its current form, Stellar Blade offers a fast-paced action combat system in a unique world with a rewarding narrative. It's not quite stellar, but it's certainly solid. Solid Blade.
Dexerto - James Busby - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade has landed a critical hit, successfully slicing through the crowd of well-established action-adventure game giants. If you’re a fan of sleek and stylish combat, with sprinklings of Soulsborne and Nier Automata vibes, you’ll feel right at home when playing Shift Up’s triumphant console debut.
Digitec Magazine - Domagoj Belancic - German - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade is a brilliant PS5 exclusive with tons of over-the-top action. It mixes numerous elements from other games and genres to create a unique work of art. The aesthetics of the sci-fi world and the oversexualized protagonist are contrasted with ultra-ugly and superbly designed enemies. The dreamlike soundtrack perfectly underlines the melancholy atmosphere of the desolate sci-fi world. Graphically, the game looks excellent with a few exceptions and is one of the prettier games on the PS5.
The combat system is fast, fluid and intuitive. Aside from the spectacularly orchestrated battles, there is plenty to discover with excursions into other genres. The frustrating platformer passages, the moderately exciting side quests and the largely empty open game areas tarnish the otherwise fantastic overall impression a little.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - No Recommendation
Stellar Blade is a game full of ambition and confidence, but it's too attached to its main inspirations, making it a somewhat unoriginal piece of entertainment. - Giannis Archontidis - Greek - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade offers excellent gameplay, an engaging protagonist, plenty of bloody action, an immersive battle system, and an interesting story.
Evilgamerz - Daan Nijboer - Dutch - 8 / 10
With Stellar Blade, Shift Up joins a solid list of exclusives from the Playstation 5, and does so properly. Their first console game manages to impress with challenging battles, where the boss fights in particular steal the show, and a fantastic world. And although the side missions lack quite a bit of creativity, the main mission manages to keep your attention enough. Stellar Blade has everything it takes to become a hit, but should not be mentioned in the same breath as the biggest Playstation exclusives. The South Korean developer has already hinted at a sequel and once they manage to address the weak points there, it will not be long until Stellar Blade will become one of the most important games for Playstation.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 85%
Stellar Blade is an excellent action-game. And could have been even better without the sexist shenanigans regarding the female cast. Nonetheless, the overall gameplay is more than solid with combat and variety in level-design standing out.
GGRecon - Jack Roberts - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade is an exceptionally well-crafted game that has learned from its influences and honed their teachings to a highly polished standard that can only be commended.
GamePro - Jonas Herrmann - German - 82 / 100
Entertaining sci-fi action with great role models, which doesn't have many ideas of its own.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 10 / 10
More than just a Soulslike with a protagonist to serve as eye-candy, Stellar Blade has far surpassed our expectations, offering varied gameplay, outstanding visuals, a sublime soundtrack and an engaging story. It's a must-play for action game fans.
Gameblog - KiKiToes - French - 8 / 10
A very good and generous action game, that's pretty good to sum up Stellar Blade.
Gameffine - Subhasish Das - 90 / 100
Stellar Blade is not just a great hack-and-slash game, it's a culmination of a great fashion designer's wardrobe and a 'souls-like' veteran's wildest fantasies. Thanks to its satisfying combat, varied enemy designs, and stellar presentation, it really lives up to its name despite some occasional hiccups involving lackluster platforming and repetitive side requests.
Gamepressure - Sebastian Kasparek - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade is an above-average title. Well-developed, with a captivating story from the first moment, and most importantly engaging due to thoroughly well-planned and competently executed gameplay. The South Korean studio Shift Up performed exceptionally well, and despite my initial skepticism, I ultimately saw it as one of the top games of 2024.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 8 / 10
Fluid and adrenaline-fueled combat, a compelling setting, and a stylish aesthetic make Stellar Blade an action game well worth experiencing.
GamingTrend - Henry Viola - 90 / 100
Despite not vibing too well with the demo, we were utterly in love with Stellar Blade by the time the credits rolled. Shift Up has done a tremendous job with their first triple A project and sets a high bar for modern action role playing games. There are some pacing issues, and the narrative's delivery stumbles, but the game as a whole is near perfect: the themes, the visuals, the music, the combat, the exploration, the world, and the technical performance. A modern masterpiece.
Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 8.5 / 10
From its incredible soundtrack to its brilliant world design and combat, Stellar Blade’s debut is a much-needed injection of fun across the PlayStation-exclusive library and likely the most refreshing new game on the platform to date.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9 / 10
There's a hell of a lot going on in Stellar Blade, but it remains a surprisingly elegant and exciting adventure throughout.
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4.5 / 5
Stellar Blade delivers masterclass gameplay, spectacular visuals and a compelling universe. It no doubt will draw comparisons to Nier and its successor, but what Shift Up has done is improved upon the formula greatly in creating one of the best action games of the year. The combat will have you engaged from start to finish, and while the story is overly predictable, the beautiful visuals and mesmerizing soundtrack will have you immersed. It does have fatigue when it comes to the open areas and side quests, and there’s a lost opportunity with the location choices, but the main story has been finely crafted into a wondrous adventure that will last over fifty hours. It helps that the side quests help establish the lore of the world and the characters are compelling enough to keep your interest. In the end, Stellar Blade is a must-play.
Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - 77 / 100
Stellar Blade tries to cover a lot more than it should and that ends up taking its toll, but when it focuses on the hard-hitting action and explosive sequences it's a highly enjoyable experience.
IGN - Mitchell Saltzman - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is great in all of the most important ways for an action game, but dull characters, a lackluster story, and several frustrating elements of its RPG mechanics prevent it from soaring along with the best of the genre.
IGN Italy - Alessandro Digioia - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is a good game, plain and simple. It feels like so much love and passion has been poured into it, and even if the story doesn't quite reach the heights of NieR Automata and the like, Eve's tale kept me interested until the credits rolled, and made me eager for more. There are some minor issues, and I would have loved to see a little more environment variety, but snappy combat, terrific music and visuals, and a world almost as enchanting as her protagonist make Stellar Blade very easy to recommend.
IGN Spain - Estrella Gómez - Spanish - 9 / 10
EVE has come to conquer the hearts of fans. Shift Up has built a very beautiful game that, although it presents a somewhat weak story, is capable of catching anyone with its mechanics and fluid combat. Stellar Blade is a game that will remain in the memory for a long time.
INVEN - Suhho Yoon - Korean - 9 / 10
A beautiful, yet deadly action game that combines fast-paced action with the tension of a Souls-like experience. the game also caters to various gaming tastes with beginner-friendly features and puzzles. While the lack of story buildup and the short length are disappointing, and the details of close-range to long-range combat swaps can be cumbersome, overall it's an impressive piece.
Kakuchopurei - Alleef Ashaari - 60 / 100
Ultimately, Stellar Blade is a game that focuses on style over substance with aa developer being overly ambitious for their first AAA console title. Let's hope that SHIFT UP continues to improve with their future games because with further refinement and a more specific tight focus on sharpening and honing its good mechanics instead of mixing everything in a mess like throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, Stellar Blade could have turned out to be a much better game.
LevelUp - Ulises Contreras - Spanish - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade is a game that stands out for its excellent character design and lore, but its appeal goes beyond the beautiful visual aspect. It's a really fun experience that we enjoyed due to its exceptional combat system, epic boss battles and enjoyable exploration. It's a brave game that dares to challenge many current trends to become one of the top South Korean representatives in the gaming industry.
Merlin'in Kazanı - Samet Basri Taşlı - Turkish - 83 / 100
I liked Stellar Blade, which I finished in about 35 hours, and got involved in side quests as much as I could. For the first time, it was a game that was prepared by a team that prepared a AAA game, and it was a game that could be much more fun if some of its mechanical systems were overhauled. Even as it is, it's worth buying and playing, don't pass without trying a demo first. At least you can get a little more idea of what the battles are like. The progress you make there is also saved so that you can use it in the main game.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade absolutely delivers on its stylish, demanding action, impressive visuals and memorable music, even if the story execution and writing stumbles at times.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is an extremely impressive debut from Shift Up, serving up a combination of dynamic combat with visuals and animations that pay extreme attention to detail. Eve's adventure is dressed up with the wrappings of a masterful soundtrack that resonates long after the game is finished, and there's enough content to warrant a more thorough playthrough the second time around.
Stellar Blade's story is sadly predictable, and characters like Eve prove hard to form an emotional connection with due to their relatively flat personalities, but the world and lore are intriguing enough to create more properties should the developers choose to do so. It doesn't offer much in terms of groundbreaking innovation, but Stellar Blade is a competent and confident effort that will offer a good time worthy of your attention.
PSX Brasil - Ivan Nikolai Barkow Castilho - Portuguese - 90 / 100
Stellar Blade is a great action game with an interesting story. It's challenging in just the right amount and its content is varied enough to keep the player entertained. However, certain combat mechanics need some tweaking. In addition, the main campaign is somewhat short, and can be finished in about 10 to 15 hours (the parallel content compensates for the situation, being able to double this number).
PowerUp! - Adam Mathew - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade is a provocative sword guard thumb-pop that ought to make every fan of the genre snap to attention.
Press Start - Harry Kalogirou - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade recalls the classic era of character-action games in truly inspired fashion. It might struggle to deliver on its core narrative, and its platforming is often more frustrating than it isn't, but neither of those things are enough to bring down a thoroughly enjoyable action experience. It wears its inspirations on its sleeve, but manages to build on them in engaging fashion with a deliciously layered combat system and gorgeous presentation to boot.
Push Square - Sammy Barker - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade is a slick console debut from a developer clearly on the rise. With an ever-evolving counter-attacking combat system, some superb art direction, and a sensational soundtrack, this is the kind of back-to-basics PS5 outing that fans have been pleading for. A dire English dub and some trite story beats mean the studio still has plenty of room to refine its craft, but Eve's inaugural outing is largely excellent across the board, and destined to become a firm favourite among PS5 enthusiasts.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 8.3 / 10
It's much easier than we expected, and it lacks really fresh ideas, but Stellar Blade is a very solid first effort from korean team Shift Up and a bold new IP for the Playstation Studios, thanks to a fast and furious combat system and solid performances. We're sincerely eager to see in which direction the devs will go from here in the future.
TechRaptor - Austin Suther - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade stands toe-to-toe with some of the best games of the character action genre. This package offers a satisfying combat system with plenty of progression, beautiful visuals, and one of the best soundtracks in years.
The Beta Network - Samuel Incze - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is a fun hack-and-slash that leaves a little to be desired. The story is decent, the combat is challenging, but traversal and some mechanics bring the experience down. There is a lot to enjoy here, and despite its flaws, it should keep you entertained for a while.
TheSixthAxis - Gareth Chadwick - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is a pretty enjoyable game to swing your hairband sword at, so long as you don't mind the obvious sexualisation. There's a few rough areas, but nothing to spoil things overall and there's plenty of interesting story to uncover as you fight your way through giant monsters with circular saws for heads and weird tentacles for legs.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Italian - 7.5 / 10
Stellar Blade, as remarked several times during the review, turns out to be a collection of elements taken by weight from other productions and put together into a composition that while cohesive, seems soulless.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 3 / 5
Stellar Blade’s potential was clear, but as its ambitions expanded into something greater, it lost focus. As soon as Stellar Blade tries to bring everything together, it merges into a single figure that looks deformed and uneven. The quality is unquestionable but it wasn’t the final product I was slowly building in my head as I went through the game’s first half.
Twinfinite - Jake Su - 3.5 / 5
It all contributes to Stellar Blade being a bit of a mixed bag, checking off boxes for what constitutes an action RPG in this modern age. That is not exactly a bad thing per se, but it is most certainly a missed opportunity for positioning the game as the leader of a new generation of experiences that build upon the successes that have come before. This title might not be the sharpest blade around, but it still has an edge that players can enjoy. Come for the visuals, stay for the combat, and try to ignore the suboptimal portions of humankind's latest attempt to take back the Earth.
VGC - Tom Regan - 4 / 5
For those who wished that God of War Ragnarok offered a bit more challenge or that Bayonetta had a bit more weight to its combat, this slick sci-fi slasher is the perfect tonic, offering both the perfect entry point into the Souls-like genre and a refreshing refinement of the well-worn character action formula. It may lack the naval gazing intelligence of the excellent Nier Automata, but when you’re having this much fun, it’s hard to care.
VideoGamer - Jack Webb - 6 / 10
If you take just the combat and the music from Stellar Blade, you’ve got a fantastic game. Sadly, this is not the whole package.
Wccftech - Kai Tatsumoto - 9 / 10
Taking a step back from Kim Hung Tae's character designs for a moment, Stellar Blade is a phenomenal action RPG that evolves from the framework of NieR Replicant and NieR Automata to become one of the next cult classics. - Chris Boers - Dutch - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade combines great looks with thrilling fights. The game regularly borrows from the greatest games of today and combines that into an entertaining mix that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
submitted by requieminadream to PS5 [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 16:00 Turbostrider27 Stellar Blade Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Stellar Blade
Developer: Shift Up
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 84 average - 95% recommended - 39 reviews

Critic Reviews

AnaitGames - Víctor Manuel Martínez García - Spanish - 6 / 10
The explicit and self-confessed influence of NieR: Automata ends up having just enough importance in Stellar Blade—an enjoyable, solid action game, somewhat confusing and overloaded, and without much to say.
Atarita - Eren Eroğlu - Turkish - 92 / 100
Stellar Blade has a unique way of always surprising you. Including uncovering the secrets of its well-crafted universe one by one. It offers an unforgettable adventure with deep gameplay that constantly evolves.
Atomix - Sebastian Quiroz - Spanish - 85 / 100
Stellar Blade has great merit when we see it from a production point of view and as Shift Up's letter of introduction to the international market. As an exclusive to the PlayStation 5, it lets us see that the industry is willing to expand and show us the AAA proposals that other regions have for us. Despite its positive points, the title offers us a generic story and gameplay mechanics that lack depth, although the presentation and production levels are impressive.
But Why Tho? - Matt Sowinski - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is a fantastic addition to the PlayStation-exclusive library. The combat is slick and fun, the story deep and interesting, and the set pieces all bigger than the last. It's obvious why Sony scooped this one up, fitting into its story-rich third-party pedigree of titles.
CGMagazine - Chris De Hoog - 8.5 / 10
Despite some flaws, Stellar Blade is a thrilling take on the modern action-adventure which any post-apocalyptic aficionado should check out.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 93 / 100
Stellar Blade stands out as one of the best action-adventure games of its generation. Its combat system is both deep and multilayered, ensuring that every encounter is an exhilarating experience. Offering a range of options, players can tackle enemies in several ways, be it through offensive maneuvers or defensive strategies. Whether opting to dodge, parry, or create distance, the choices are intuitively designed. Coupled with its captivating narrative and cinematic presentation, Stellar Blade is an essential exclusive.
Checkpoint Gaming - Luke Mitchell - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade bursts out of the gate looking stunning, full of jaw-dropping set pieces, intense action and gory violence, and maintains that pace throughout. Underneath this flashy action game are a lot of systems that we've seen before, but despite what can feel like a lack of innovation at times, it never feels stale or unenticing due to its overwhelming sense of style and polished, gratifying combat. For every familiar puzzle or annoying platforming section, there's a brutal boss battle or incredible over-the-top sequence that pulled me back in. Stellar Blade is a joy, a deliciously crafted adventure jam-packed with dramatic thrills. - Tanner Dedmon - 4 / 5
Beneath the fanservice and comparisons to NieR Automata and the Bayonetta games, Stellar Blade boasts some surprisingly involved combat systems and fantastic creature designs all in a relatively compact experience.
Console Creatures - Luke Williams - Recommended
With Stellar Blade, Shift Up shifts gears into overdrive to create an excellent debut console experience. However, the entry fee comes at being able to get over the surface level characterization.
Daily Star - Tom Hutchison - 4 / 5
By pulling on the strings of many a modern classic they’ve been able to deliver a fun, tough, playable title that’s addictive and enjoyable. But it can be improved on in both image style and gameplay if there is a sequel.
Destructoid - Steven Mills - 8 / 10
Overall, Stellar Blade is a journey worth experiencing. I feel like with some improvements in certain areas, Stellar Blade could be a legendary landmark experience like those it clearly draws inspiration from. But even in its current form, Stellar Blade offers a fast-paced action combat system in a unique world with a rewarding narrative. It's not quite stellar, but it's certainly solid. Solid Blade.
Dexerto - James Busby - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade has landed a critical hit, successfully slicing through the crowd of well-established action-adventure game giants. If you’re a fan of sleek and stylish combat, with sprinklings of Soulsborne and Nier Automata vibes, you’ll feel right at home when playing Shift Up’s triumphant console debut.
Digitec Magazine - Domagoj Belancic - German - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade is a brilliant PS5 exclusive with tons of over-the-top action. It mixes numerous elements from other games and genres to create a unique work of art. The aesthetics of the sci-fi world and the oversexualized protagonist are contrasted with ultra-ugly and superbly designed enemies. The dreamlike soundtrack perfectly underlines the melancholy atmosphere of the desolate sci-fi world. Graphically, the game looks excellent with a few exceptions and is one of the prettier games on the PS5.
The combat system is fast, fluid and intuitive. Aside from the spectacularly orchestrated battles, there is plenty to discover with excursions into other genres. The frustrating platformer passages, the moderately exciting side quests and the largely empty open game areas tarnish the otherwise fantastic overall impression a little.
Echo Boomer - David Fialho - Portuguese - No Recommendation
Stellar Blade is a game full of ambition and confidence, but it's too attached to its main inspirations, making it a somewhat unoriginal piece of entertainment. - Giannis Archontidis - Greek - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade offers excellent gameplay, an engaging protagonist, plenty of bloody action, an immersive battle system, and an interesting story.
Evilgamerz - Daan Nijboer - Dutch - 8 / 10
With Stellar Blade, Shift Up joins a solid list of exclusives from the Playstation 5, and does so properly. Their first console game manages to impress with challenging battles, where the boss fights in particular steal the show, and a fantastic world. And although the side missions lack quite a bit of creativity, the main mission manages to keep your attention enough. Stellar Blade has everything it takes to become a hit, but should not be mentioned in the same breath as the biggest Playstation exclusives. The South Korean developer has already hinted at a sequel and once they manage to address the weak points there, it will not be long until Stellar Blade will become one of the most important games for Playstation.
GAMES.CH - Olaf Bleich - German - 85%
Stellar Blade is an excellent action-game. And could have been even better without the sexist shenanigans regarding the female cast. Nonetheless, the overall gameplay is more than solid with combat and variety in level-design standing out.
GGRecon - Jack Roberts - 4 / 5
Stellar Blade is an exceptionally well-crafted game that has learned from its influences and honed their teachings to a highly polished standard that can only be commended.
GamePro - Jonas Herrmann - German - 82 / 100
Entertaining sci-fi action with great role models, which doesn't have many ideas of its own.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 10 / 10
More than just a Soulslike with a protagonist to serve as eye-candy, Stellar Blade has far surpassed our expectations, offering varied gameplay, outstanding visuals, a sublime soundtrack and an engaging story. It's a must-play for action game fans.
Gameblog - KiKiToes - French - 8 / 10
A very good and generous action game, that's pretty good to sum up Stellar Blade.
Gameffine - Subhasish Das - 90 / 100
Stellar Blade is not just a great hack-and-slash game, it's a culmination of a great fashion designer's wardrobe and a 'souls-like' veteran's wildest fantasies. Thanks to its satisfying combat, varied enemy designs, and stellar presentation, it really lives up to its name despite some occasional hiccups involving lackluster platforming and repetitive side requests.
Gamepressure - Sebastian Kasparek - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade is an above-average title. Well-developed, with a captivating story from the first moment, and most importantly engaging due to thoroughly well-planned and competently executed gameplay. The South Korean studio Shift Up performed exceptionally well, and despite my initial skepticism, I ultimately saw it as one of the top games of 2024.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 8 / 10
Fluid and adrenaline-fueled combat, a compelling setting, and a stylish aesthetic make Stellar Blade an action game well worth experiencing.
GamingTrend - Henry Viola - 90 / 100
Despite not vibing too well with the demo, we were utterly in love with Stellar Blade by the time the credits rolled. Shift Up has done a tremendous job with their first triple A project and sets a high bar for modern action role playing games. There are some pacing issues, and the narrative's delivery stumbles, but the game as a whole is near perfect: the themes, the visuals, the music, the combat, the exploration, the world, and the technical performance. A modern masterpiece.
Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 8.5 / 10
From its incredible soundtrack to its brilliant world design and combat, Stellar Blade’s debut is a much-needed injection of fun across the PlayStation-exclusive library and likely the most refreshing new game on the platform to date.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9 / 10
There's a hell of a lot going on in Stellar Blade, but it remains a surprisingly elegant and exciting adventure throughout.
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4.5 / 5
Stellar Blade delivers masterclass gameplay, spectacular visuals and a compelling universe. It no doubt will draw comparisons to Nier and its successor, but what Shift Up has done is improved upon the formula greatly in creating one of the best action games of the year. The combat will have you engaged from start to finish, and while the story is overly predictable, the beautiful visuals and mesmerizing soundtrack will have you immersed. It does have fatigue when it comes to the open areas and side quests, and there’s a lost opportunity with the location choices, but the main story has been finely crafted into a wondrous adventure that will last over fifty hours. It helps that the side quests help establish the lore of the world and the characters are compelling enough to keep your interest. In the end, Stellar Blade is a must-play.
IGN - Mitchell Saltzman - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is great in all of the most important ways for an action game, but dull characters, a lackluster story, and several frustrating elements of its RPG mechanics prevent it from soaring along with the best of the genre.
IGN Italy - Alessandro Digioia - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is a good game, plain and simple. It feels like so much love and passion has been poured into it, and even if the story doesn't quite reach the heights of NieR Automata and the like, Eve's tale kept me interested until the credits rolled, and made me eager for more. There are some minor issues, and I would have loved to see a little more environment variety, but snappy combat, terrific music and visuals, and a world almost as enchanting as her protagonist make Stellar Blade very easy to recommend.
IGN Spain - Estrella Gómez - Spanish - 9 / 10
EVE has come to conquer the hearts of fans. Shift Up has built a very beautiful game that, although it presents a somewhat weak story, is capable of catching anyone with its mechanics and fluid combat. Stellar Blade is a game that will remain in the memory for a long time.
INVEN - Suhho Yoon - Korean - 9 / 10
A beautiful, yet deadly action game that combines fast-paced action with the tension of a Souls-like experience. the game also caters to various gaming tastes with beginner-friendly features and puzzles. While the lack of story buildup and the short length are disappointing, and the details of close-range to long-range combat swaps can be cumbersome, overall it's an impressive piece.
Kakuchopurei - Alleef Ashaari - 60 / 100
Ultimately, Stellar Blade is a game that focuses on style over substance with aa developer being overly ambitious for their first AAA console title. Let's hope that SHIFT UP continues to improve with their future games because with further refinement and a more specific tight focus on sharpening and honing its good mechanics instead of mixing everything in a mess like throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks, Stellar Blade could have turned out to be a much better game.
LevelUp - Ulises Contreras - Spanish - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade is a game that stands out for its excellent character design and lore, but its appeal goes beyond the beautiful visual aspect. It's a really fun experience that we enjoyed due to its exceptional combat system, epic boss battles and enjoyable exploration. It's a brave game that dares to challenge many current trends to become one of the top South Korean representatives in the gaming industry.
Merlin'in Kazanı - Samet Basri Taşlı - Turkish - 83 / 100
I liked Stellar Blade, which I finished in about 35 hours, and got involved in side quests as much as I could. For the first time, it was a game that was prepared by a team that prepared a AAA game, and it was a game that could be much more fun if some of its mechanical systems were overhauled. Even as it is, it's worth buying and playing, don't pass without trying a demo first. At least you can get a little more idea of what the battles are like. The progress you make there is also saved so that you can use it in the main game.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade absolutely delivers on its stylish, demanding action, impressive visuals and memorable music, even if the story execution and writing stumbles at times.
One More Game - Chris Garcia - 8.5 / 10
Stellar Blade is an extremely impressive debut from Shift Up, serving up a combination of dynamic combat with visuals and animations that pay extreme attention to detail. Eve's adventure is dressed up with the wrappings of a masterful soundtrack that resonates long after the game is finished, and there's enough content to warrant a more thorough playthrough the second time around.
Stellar Blade's story is sadly predictable, and characters like Eve prove hard to form an emotional connection with due to their relatively flat personalities, but the world and lore are intriguing enough to create more properties should the developers choose to do so. It doesn't offer much in terms of groundbreaking innovation, but Stellar Blade is a competent and confident effort that will offer a good time worthy of your attention.
PSX Brasil - Ivan Nikolai Barkow Castilho - Portuguese - 90 / 100
Stellar Blade is a great action game with an interesting story. It's challenging in just the right amount and its content is varied enough to keep the player entertained. However, certain combat mechanics need some tweaking. In addition, the main campaign is somewhat short, and can be finished in about 10 to 15 hours (the parallel content compensates for the situation, being able to double this number).
PowerUp! - Adam Mathew - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade is a provocative sword guard thumb-pop that ought to make every fan of the genre snap to attention.
Press Start - Harry Kalogirou - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade recalls the classic era of character-action games in truly inspired fashion. It might struggle to deliver on its core narrative, and its platforming is often more frustrating than it isn't, but neither of those things are enough to bring down a thoroughly enjoyable action experience. It wears its inspirations on its sleeve, but manages to build on them in engaging fashion with a deliciously layered combat system and gorgeous presentation to boot.
Push Square - Sammy Barker - 8 / 10
Stellar Blade is a slick console debut from a developer clearly on the rise. With an ever-evolving counter-attacking combat system, some superb art direction, and a sensational soundtrack, this is the kind of back-to-basics PS5 outing that fans have been pleading for. A dire English dub and some trite story beats mean the studio still has plenty of room to refine its craft, but Eve's inaugural outing is largely excellent across the board, and destined to become a firm favourite among PS5 enthusiasts.
Spaziogames - Gianluca Arena - Italian - 8.3 / 10
It's much easier than we expected, and it lacks really fresh ideas, but Stellar Blade is a very solid first effort from korean team Shift Up and a bold new IP for the Playstation Studios, thanks to a fast and furious combat system and solid performances. We're sincerely eager to see in which direction the devs will go from here in the future.
TechRaptor - Austin Suther - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade stands toe-to-toe with some of the best games of the character action genre. This package offers a satisfying combat system with plenty of progression, beautiful visuals, and one of the best soundtracks in years.
The Beta Network - Samuel Incze - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is a fun hack-and-slash that leaves a little to be desired. The story is decent, the combat is challenging, but traversal and some mechanics bring the experience down. There is a lot to enjoy here, and despite its flaws, it should keep you entertained for a while.
TheSixthAxis - Gareth Chadwick - 7 / 10
Stellar Blade is a pretty enjoyable game to swing your hairband sword at, so long as you don't mind the obvious sexualisation. There's a few rough areas, but nothing to spoil things overall and there's plenty of interesting story to uncover as you fight your way through giant monsters with circular saws for heads and weird tentacles for legs.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Italian - 7.5 / 10
Stellar Blade, as remarked several times during the review, turns out to be a collection of elements taken by weight from other productions and put together into a composition that while cohesive, seems soulless.
Too Much Gaming - Carlos Hernandez - 3 / 5
Stellar Blade’s potential was clear, but as its ambitions expanded into something greater, it lost focus. As soon as Stellar Blade tries to bring everything together, it merges into a single figure that looks deformed and uneven. The quality is unquestionable but it wasn’t the final product I was slowly building in my head as I went through the game’s first half.
Twinfinite - Jake Su - 3.5 / 5
It all contributes to Stellar Blade being a bit of a mixed bag, checking off boxes for what constitutes an action RPG in this modern age. That is not exactly a bad thing per se, but it is most certainly a missed opportunity for positioning the game as the leader of a new generation of experiences that build upon the successes that have come before. This title might not be the sharpest blade around, but it still has an edge that players can enjoy. Come for the visuals, stay for the combat, and try to ignore the suboptimal portions of humankind's latest attempt to take back the Earth.
VGC - Tom Regan - 4 / 5
For those who wished that God of War Ragnarok offered a bit more challenge or that Bayonetta had a bit more weight to its combat, this slick sci-fi slasher is the perfect tonic, offering both the perfect entry point into the Souls-like genre and a refreshing refinement of the well-worn character action formula. It may lack the naval gazing intelligence of the excellent Nier Automata, but when you’re having this much fun, it’s hard to care.
VideoGamer - Jack Webb - 6 / 10
If you take just the combat and the music from Stellar Blade, you’ve got a fantastic game. Sadly, this is not the whole package.
Wccftech - Kai Tatsumoto - 9 / 10
Taking a step back from Kim Hung Tae's character designs for a moment, Stellar Blade is a phenomenal action RPG that evolves from the framework of NieR Replicant and NieR Automata to become one of the next cult classics. - Chris Boers - Dutch - 9 / 10
Stellar Blade combines great looks with thrilling fights. The game regularly borrows from the greatest games of today and combines that into an entertaining mix that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:52 Plastic_Finish1968 The Long Walk Home: chapter 6. (In spite of my glocery of explitives.)

Ted would learn a lot of new words by the end of this day. Hopefully, you're learning too, but some of the words Ted learned, I will not be teaching you. You are— if you are an egg, as I presume— too young for that.
It started with finding Eddy's old campsite. He left a message for me. No one leaves a message like that in the middle of nowhere unless they don't think they'll live much longer. Eddy was in trouble, or about to do something really stupid. I followed the direction his glove pointed and pressed on.
I hadn't mentioned before how bad my feet were hurting. Let's rectify that. Space suits weren't meant for long walks on the beach or long walks through a crypt. They were loud, cumbersome, and had poor arch support. Of all things to complain about in times like these, plantar fasciitis wasn't top of my list of predictions. My entire suit was falling apart for that matter. Tattered sleeves and pant legs hung around the metal mating surfaces of wrist and ankle rings. Those would have to come off sooner or later.
"I do wish you would hurry along," from Ted.
"Why are you all of a sudden in such a hurry?" I asked.
"Because if you die somewhere my people can't find me, I may be stuck here forever."
"You keep mentioning your people, but I haven't seen anyone that looks like you."
"There's a logical explanation, I'm sure. Just keep moving and find my portal, please and thank you."
I had taught him that "please and thank you" meant "quickly and I demand you," but I suspect he was catching on. Even if he does, The sarcastic implications could still be used to his advantage. He was a snarky robot, thats for sure.
"My people come first," I said.
"Says who?" He asked.
"Says the person with legs."
"I would still have legs if YOU hadn't eaten them."
Poor decision, something heard me, something always hears me. That something was audibly moving closer after having been awoken by our quaral. It sounded like chains dragging. I stopped for a moment, ready to run. My heart pounded on the inside of my eardrums, threatening to burst out as I stood, frozen in space.
Ted's whispering voice broke the silence. "I'm going to let you in on a secret. You NEVER yell in a place like this."
The sound got louder, as whoever or whatever it was got closer.
I whispered back. "I'll let you in on a secret. Your toes came out looking exactly as they went in, dessication and althetes foot in one."
The sound took a cautious step ever closer.
"I hope you're happy being monster food!" The whisper escalated into a stage whisper.
"I hope you're happy being my food!" I accidentally spoke, just outside of a whisper.
The sound seemed to zero in on our location. There was a monstrous low growl and a quickening of the rattling sound.
"I should run now," I astutely observed.
"Tick tock," came a bored-sounding voice from Ted.
I did just that. I ran, metal shoes clinking all the way. Light level being poor in every part of this place, but especially so here, I managed to stumble, bonk, scrape, and smack every hard, sharp, or immovable surface there was. The terrain was causing me more discomfort than whatever was chasing me, and I hadn't even seen it yet.
I ran past Eddy's old campsite, back through the carved tunnel, and around a bend, which permitted more adequate lighting. Again, I making a ruckus all the way. When I felt I was more able to put up a valiant defense, I stopped, turned, and held up a big rock, ready to come down on whatever is analogous for a head on this creature. What came out was the cutest darned thing I had ever seen.
It was like, if you took a rabbit's ears and stuck them on a puppy's head and gave it an otter's body. Scale that up to about knee height. The disconcerting part was it had no eyes.
It looked like an animal from Earth, but I know that wasn't possible. Animals, again, are Earth creatures. Everything else is on its own tree of life. It probably didn't even have DNA as we know it, something definitional for literally every living being on Earth, barring a few who dump it after reaching maturity. But wow, if it wasn't the darndest thing. It looked distinctly Earth.
I stood, unable to bring it down. Don't look at me like that. You try clubbing a baby seal if you think it's that easy. Smashing something like that would take something from you, you could never get back. It's like explaining the birds and the bees to a child who wasn't emotionally mature enough. It ruins them. I suppose a better analogy would be "telling a kid Santa isn't real." But darn it if it didn't happen to me. Speaking from experiance, alright?
I stood there, waiting, hoping it would move on. It stepped a little further out, its substantial claws clinking on the floor like metal. Then Ted did what I feared more than anything else. He spoke.
"Is it gone yet?"
That adorable face centered on Ted's location, which was, of course, in my satchel. I raised the stone up another 3 inches, then accepted my fate, rather than hurting such an innocent-looking creature.
It stepped closer, low and carefully. I closed my eyes, then nothing happened. One eye opened slowly, to see another human.
"It's me, Sean," he said.
I dropped the rock behind me, and swung open my arms. Then I hugged him in the most manly way possible. Which is to say, not manly at all. I was hungry, lonely, and anxious. A losing combination for manly fortitude.
"Do you have any food?" I asked.
He laughed. "No, I can't say that I do. Sorry," he replied.
"Hey look, Ted, it's Eddy. I told you about Eddy, right?"
"Endlessly," was Ted's response.
"Hey, whatever happened to that cute-looking alien?" I asked.
"What alien?" He asked back. He seemed a little nervous at that. "Have you been seeing aliens?"
"Are you kidding me? They're everywhere! Most are dead, some I ate, most I ate actually. You were just in a cave full of a bunch of little ones covered in way too much skin. What are you? Blind?"
A careful eyebrow raised as he replied, "right," with a long drawn-out "ight." The sound of skepticism. That's alright, though, as long as he's alive.
We regrouped at his old campsite, reigniting a lantern, and used as a stove. The protein bars went down a little easier when heated up, but there were no protein bars. Best I have to offer are slivers of jerky I stole from justin. You remember justin. He saved me from that first mosnter by being dead, and big enough for me to hide under.
I heated them up as we would our rations, and Eddy watched closely. I handed him one.
"Cookies and cream, my favorite," was his sarcastic "thank you."
"I got your message," I said. "I'm glad you left it for me. I don't know if I would have stuck around long enough for you to find me if you hadn't."
"A message?" He asked.
"Yeah, this one." I handed him the wrapper
He looked at it, flipped it over, then back, then handed it back. "It's just a wrapper. Are you okay?"
"Huh?" I asked. "It's right—huh... it was here, I swear."
"Something's wrong," Ted whispered. It was just loud enough for me to hear, but I could have sworn Eddy's head tilted at that.
"I'll say. My jerky is beginning to taste like that nasty cookies and cream flavor," I said. "Why did he have to mention it? Now that's all I can think of."
I took another bite. They say smell is the quickest way to activating a memory. This seemed to be working in reverse. Now, I smell it from mere memory.
He paused, watching me eat. "Sean, who are you talking to?"
"Oh yeah, meet Ted. I found him a while back. I ate his leg, but he only recently started talking to me." I showed him the artifact Ted was stored in.
"Charmed, I'm sure," from Ted.
Eddy didn't reply. He instead, looked at Ted, then looked back up at me. Finally, he added, "I'm glad to have you back, but I think we need to get some sleep."
That isn't something I've mentioned before. Sleep was a hard thing to reach in a place like this. At first, sure it was easy, but the more you learn about what lurks in the shadows, the weaker sleep's hold on you gets. This time, knowing someone was watching my back, it came much easier. That, or it was the hypodermic needle injecting something into my neck. Note to self: when a coworker pats you on the back, check the hand for a knife.
It was a trip at first, and by that, i mean The colors sang to me, and I could smell the tunes. Yeah, it was that kind of high, a bad one.
Once that was all over, I found myself drooling on my pillow at home. There wasn't a sound to be heard outside my window. All was quiet and peaceful, not even the wimper of a dog at my bed side. Odd, I thought for sure they were right there. I got up, left my bedroom, which apparently led to my front yard. That made sense somehow. My front yard was my living room, no questions there. Also, what idiot left the TV running? And on the news? Who cares about the news? It was playing Some boring dribble about the Canadian prime minister allocating resources to their border. I didn't care. If America wanted Canada—I checked my watch: 3:30. If America wanted Canada, we'd have it by 4:30. There isn't a darned thing they can do about it, boarder patrol of no.
Hey wait a minute, I'm late for work. Darn it, I left my car at work. I'm going to have to borrow my wife's. Don't know how I'll get them both home, but that's not my concern. I've been late too many times. They might fire me, the one and only chosen astronaut to represent my country.
My ride to work wasn't without pit stops. One moment, I was camping with Eddy, he had just put out a fire after offering me a cookies and cream protein bar, then rolled over to go to sleep. Then I was back in my car having been pulled over by duck who was reading me my Miranda rights. I mean a literal duck, 2 feet tall, and i was in hand cuffs. Eventually, I made it to work, apparently having given Eddy a ride, because I had to reach into my back seat to wake him up again.
If i had to guess what this dream meant, I would say, the front yard being me living room, represented how splayed open my life was to the world once I was chosen to fly to space. No privacy whatsoever. Being late? Everyone has those dreams. Eddy and me sharing a protien bar while camping is self explanitory. Then there was the duck. For the lofe of me, I still can't figure that one out. I could wax poetic about how ducks quack, and to quack means "to spill the beans" in mafia talk. Or maybe I was being arrested because I felt like a prisoner her, but I honestly dont know. It was a trip, thats all I can say.
"Are we there yet?" came Eddy's groggy voice.
"Yes, and we had better hurry. We are going to be late for our diaper training," I replied.
You laugh, but dream or no dream, diaper training was real. It was a sanitary effort. Grown men as we were, Eddy and I couldn't keep ourselves from laughing. The Chinese weren't happy to see us having a good time, but James joined in.
We kept it together long enough to get back into the locker room. There, we each took turns strutting our stuff, like we were on a fashion show. when it was my turn again, I added a flourish. "At least I'm wearing the diaper." I turned to Rook, who was a bear in my dream. "On some astronauts, the diaper wears them."
Then I turned and strutted away, making sure to swing my hips. We looked to the Russian, who eventually broke into a laugh and joined in.
He walked confidently across the room to the designated starting point, hiked up his diaper, turned, and started his catwalk. "In Mother Russia, the diaper does wear you." He mocked a hair flip, turned away, and walked back.
"Way to go Ivan Drago," I applauded.
The Chinese were still unamused, though I was sure I saw one of them crack, ever so slightly.
Oh, by the way, this actually happened. I was just reliving it in my fever dream, though Rook wasn't a real bear. That should go without saying, but I had to check. We were having a ball. Then I heard a strange thing. It was a guttural noise.
Somehow I knew the owner of that sound, and his name was Ted. I don't know how I knew him, or where his voice was coming from, but that his name was Ted, I was certain.
The others slowed their roll and looked at me.
"Ted?" James asked. "Who's Ted?"
I held up an index finger. "Ted? Where are you?"
The gurgling started again, then broke through as speech. "Sean. You have to move."
"What? Move? Am I asleep?"
"No, you are not asleep, but you are hallucinating. Eddy, as you called him, is modifying your sensory inputs. I say, you have chosen a rather poor friend if you ask me."
"Modifying my— if he's modifying my senses, how can I hear you?"
"Because you aren't sensing me, I'm in your head. One moment, I'll try to switch it off."
And he did. He switched off every sense I had. Even the secondary ones like proprioception. I was not only in nothing, but I was nothing. I wasn't even granted the luxury of seeing black. You know what the back of your eyes look like? I mean, how there is NOTHING behind you, as far as your eyes are concerned? Not even black can escape back there. That is what I was in the middle of. A sense of panic set in as I wondered if Ted had managed to switch me off. Then, the worst pain imaginable.
Oh, this is when Ted learned all those new words. Despite my extensive grocery of expletives, I failed to truly communicate the extent of my pain. Shouting, was a mistake though. It comsumed much of my energy in a mater of seconds.
"I'm going to need definitions for all those new words when you get a chance," Ted requested, a little too politely.
I pried my eyelids open, to see a hideous, translucent, gelatinous monster latched to my chest. It loomed over me with somewhere between 5 to 9 supporting limbs.
I reached for one of the gadgets Larry, Curly, and Moe gave me.
"Grab my gun you nimwit!" Ted advised.
"Doesn't— work—" I managed.
Got it. The alien device was in my hand, and I aimed it carefully at the biggest portion I could find.
With a "thub thub" the device fired some of Moe's hardening spit, which went right through its body and stuck to the wall behind it.
"What was that?" Ted asked. "That doesn't sound like my gun!"
I grabbed another of the three Stooges' gadgets. This one was much more low tech. It was a big honking knife. Nice. I swung it at the monstrous alien's giant sucker still attached to my chest. It chose to let go before the knife could hurt it. Either it had good reflexes, or I was much too slow and tired.
"Sean it's me, Eddy. Are you trying to put an eye out?"
"Don't listen to it," Ted advised. "Just grab my gun and end this."
I did as he told me. Wouldn't hurt, if not, I'm dead anyway. That thing did a number on me. Still on my back, I held it steady. "Alright, how do you use this thing?" I coughed.
I blinked, and the monstrous alien, was that earth looking animal again. It struck serious platypus vibes, in that it took all the cutest parts of an animal and smushed them together.
"Do you have my gun yet?" Ted asked.
The creature regained some amount of composure and began inching forward, sniffing the air in that adorable way it does.
"Yeah. Got it." My voice was quiet. Barely a whisper. It took all the energy I had left just to say it.
"Thumb on top."
I did so.
"First finger goes in the hole on the side."
I did that too.
"Use your other hand to support the gun at the handle, then use your third, and final finger to pull the trigger."
"Kaboom" would fail to fully encapsulate just how impressive the sound was that came next. It wasn't so loud that it hurt, but I felt it in every inch of my body. That gun rocked my world, and I'm sure it did the same to the creature.
Somehow, it died from the massive hole in its body. Who knew?
The odd thing was, everything of Eddy's disapeared after that. The lanturn, the glove that pointed forward, the message on the wraper, but the wraper was still there. That means Eddy was here.
Next chapter:
submitted by Plastic_Finish1968 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:51 Plastic_Finish1968 The Long Walk Home: chapter 6. (In spite of my glocery of explitives.)

Ted would learn a lot of new words by the end of this day. Hopefully, you're learning too, but some of the words Ted learned, I will not be teaching you. You are— if you are an egg, as I presume— too young for that.
It started with finding Eddy's old campsite. He left a message for me. No one leaves a message like that in the middle of nowhere unless they don't think they'll live much longer. Eddy was in trouble, or about to do something really stupid. I followed the direction his glove pointed and pressed on.
I hadn't mentioned before how bad my feet were hurting. Let's rectify that. Space suits weren't meant for long walks on the beach or long walks through a crypt. They were loud, cumbersome, and had poor arch support. Of all things to complain about in times like these, plantar fasciitis wasn't top of my list of predictions. My entire suit was falling apart for that matter. Tattered sleeves and pant legs hung around the metal mating surfaces of wrist and ankle rings. Those would have to come off sooner or later.
"I do wish you would hurry along," from Ted.
"Why are you all of a sudden in such a hurry?" I asked.
"Because if you die somewhere my people can't find me, I may be stuck here forever."
"You keep mentioning your people, but I haven't seen anyone that looks like you."
"There's a logical explanation, I'm sure. Just keep moving and find my portal, please and thank you."
I had taught him that "please and thank you" meant "quickly and I demand you," but I suspect he was catching on. Even if he does, The sarcastic implications could still be used to his advantage. He was a snarky robot, thats for sure.
"My people come first," I said.
"Says who?" He asked.
"Says the person with legs."
"I would still have legs if YOU hadn't eaten them."
Poor decision, something heard me, something always hears me. That something was audibly moving closer after having been awoken by our quaral. It sounded like chains dragging. I stopped for a moment, ready to run. My heart pounded on the inside of my eardrums, threatening to burst out as I stood, frozen in space.
Ted's whispering voice broke the silence. "I'm going to let you in on a secret. You NEVER yell in a place like this."
The sound got louder, as whoever or whatever it was got closer.
I whispered back. "I'll let you in on a secret. Your toes came out looking exactly as they went in, dessication and althetes foot in one."
The sound took a cautious step ever closer.
"I hope you're happy being monster food!" The whisper escalated into a stage whisper.
"I hope you're happy being my food!" I accidentally spoke, just outside of a whisper.
The sound seemed to zero in on our location. There was a monstrous low growl and a quickening of the rattling sound.
"I should run now," I astutely observed.
"Tick tock," came a bored-sounding voice from Ted.
I did just that. I ran, metal shoes clinking all the way. Light level being poor in every part of this place, but especially so here, I managed to stumble, bonk, scrape, and smack every hard, sharp, or immovable surface there was. The terrain was causing me more discomfort than whatever was chasing me, and I hadn't even seen it yet.
I ran past Eddy's old campsite, back through the carved tunnel, and around a bend, which permitted more adequate lighting. Again, I making a ruckus all the way. When I felt I was more able to put up a valiant defense, I stopped, turned, and held up a big rock, ready to come down on whatever is analogous for a head on this creature. What came out was the cutest darned thing I had ever seen.
It was like, if you took a rabbit's ears and stuck them on a puppy's head and gave it an otter's body. Scale that up to about knee height. The disconcerting part was it had no eyes.
It looked like an animal from Earth, but I know that wasn't possible. Animals, again, are Earth creatures. Everything else is on its own tree of life. It probably didn't even have DNA as we know it, something definitional for literally every living being on Earth, barring a few who dump it after reaching maturity. But wow, if it wasn't the darndest thing. It looked distinctly Earth.
I stood, unable to bring it down. Don't look at me like that. You try clubbing a baby seal if you think it's that easy. Smashing something like that would take something from you, you could never get back. It's like explaining the birds and the bees to a child who wasn't emotionally mature enough. It ruins them. I suppose a better analogy would be "telling a kid Santa isn't real." But darn it if it didn't happen to me. Speaking from experiance, alright?
I stood there, waiting, hoping it would move on. It stepped a little further out, its substantial claws clinking on the floor like metal. Then Ted did what I feared more than anything else. He spoke.
"Is it gone yet?"
That adorable face centered on Ted's location, which was, of course, in my satchel. I raised the stone up another 3 inches, then accepted my fate, rather than hurting such an innocent-looking creature.
It stepped closer, low and carefully. I closed my eyes, then nothing happened. One eye opened slowly, to see another human.
"It's me, Sean," he said.
I dropped the rock behind me, and swung open my arms. Then I hugged him in the most manly way possible. Which is to say, not manly at all. I was hungry, lonely, and anxious. A losing combination for manly fortitude.
"Do you have any food?" I asked.
He laughed. "No, I can't say that I do. Sorry," he replied.
"Hey look, Ted, it's Eddy. I told you about Eddy, right?"
"Endlessly," was Ted's response.
"Hey, whatever happened to that cute-looking alien?" I asked.
"What alien?" He asked back. He seemed a little nervous at that. "Have you been seeing aliens?"
"Are you kidding me? They're everywhere! Most are dead, some I ate, most I ate actually. You were just in a cave full of a bunch of little ones covered in way too much skin. What are you? Blind?"
A careful eyebrow raised as he replied, "right," with a long drawn-out "ight." The sound of skepticism. That's alright, though, as long as he's alive.
We regrouped at his old campsite, reigniting a lantern, and used as a stove. The protein bars went down a little easier when heated up, but there were no protein bars. Best I have to offer are slivers of jerky I stole from justin. You remember justin. He saved me from that first mosnter by being dead, and big enough for me to hide under.
I heated them up as we would our rations, and Eddy watched closely. I handed him one.
"Cookies and cream, my favorite," was his sarcastic "thank you."
"I got your message," I said. "I'm glad you left it for me. I don't know if I would have stuck around long enough for you to find me if you hadn't."
"A message?" He asked.
"Yeah, this one." I handed him the wrapper
He looked at it, flipped it over, then back, then handed it back. "It's just a wrapper. Are you okay?"
"Huh?" I asked. "It's right—huh... it was here, I swear."
"Something's wrong," Ted whispered. It was just loud enough for me to hear, but I could have sworn Eddy's head tilted at that.
"I'll say. My jerky is beginning to taste like that nasty cookies and cream flavor," I said. "Why did he have to mention it? Now that's all I can think of."
I took another bite. They say smell is the quickest way to activating a memory. This seemed to be working in reverse. Now, I smell it from mere memory.
He paused, watching me eat. "Sean, who are you talking to?"
"Oh yeah, meet Ted. I found him a while back. I ate his leg, but he only recently started talking to me." I showed him the artifact Ted was stored in.
"Charmed, I'm sure," from Ted.
Eddy didn't reply. He instead, looked at Ted, then looked back up at me. Finally, he added, "I'm glad to have you back, but I think we need to get some sleep."
That isn't something I've mentioned before. Sleep was a hard thing to reach in a place like this. At first, sure it was easy, but the more you learn about what lurks in the shadows, the weaker sleep's hold on you gets. This time, knowing someone was watching my back, it came much easier. That, or it was the hypodermic needle injecting something into my neck. Note to self: when a coworker pats you on the back, check the hand for a knife.
It was a trip at first, and by that, i mean The colors sang to me, and I could smell the tunes. Yeah, it was that kind of high, a bad one.
Once that was all over, I found myself drooling on my pillow at home. There wasn't a sound to be heard outside my window. All was quiet and peaceful, not even the wimper of a dog at my bed side. Odd, I thought for sure they were right there. I got up, left my bedroom, which apparently led to my front yard. That made sense somehow. My front yard was my living room, no questions there. Also, what idiot left the TV running? And on the news? Who cares about the news? It was playing Some boring dribble about the Canadian prime minister allocating resources to their border. I didn't care. If America wanted Canada—I checked my watch: 3:30. If America wanted Canada, we'd have it by 4:30. There isn't a darned thing they can do about it, boarder patrol of no.
Hey wait a minute, I'm late for work. Darn it, I left my car at work. I'm going to have to borrow my wife's. Don't know how I'll get them both home, but that's not my concern. I've been late too many times. They might fire me, the one and only chosen astronaut to represent my country.
My ride to work wasn't without pit stops. One moment, I was camping with Eddy, he had just put out a fire after offering me a cookies and cream protein bar, then rolled over to go to sleep. Then I was back in my car having been pulled over by duck who was reading me my Miranda rights. I mean a literal duck, 2 feet tall, and i was in hand cuffs. Eventually, I made it to work, apparently having given Eddy a ride, because I had to reach into my back seat to wake him up again.
If i had to guess what this dream meant, I would say, the front yard being me living room, represented how splayed open my life was to the world once I was chosen to fly to space. No privacy whatsoever. Being late? Everyone has those dreams. Eddy and me sharing a protien bar while camping is self explanitory. Then there was the duck. For the lofe of me, I still can't figure that one out. I could wax poetic about how ducks quack, and to quack means "to spill the beans" in mafia talk. Or maybe I was being arrested because I felt like a prisoner her, but I honestly dont know. It was a trip, thats all I can say.
"Are we there yet?" came Eddy's groggy voice.
"Yes, and we had better hurry. We are going to be late for our diaper training," I replied.
You laugh, but dream or no dream, diaper training was real. It was a sanitary effort. Grown men as we were, Eddy and I couldn't keep ourselves from laughing. The Chinese weren't happy to see us having a good time, but James joined in.
We kept it together long enough to get back into the locker room. There, we each took turns strutting our stuff, like we were on a fashion show. when it was my turn again, I added a flourish. "At least I'm wearing the diaper." I turned to Rook, who was a bear in my dream. "On some astronauts, the diaper wears them."
Then I turned and strutted away, making sure to swing my hips. We looked to the Russian, who eventually broke into a laugh and joined in.
He walked confidently across the room to the designated starting point, hiked up his diaper, turned, and started his catwalk. "In Mother Russia, the diaper does wear you." He mocked a hair flip, turned away, and walked back.
"Way to go Ivan Drago," I applauded.
The Chinese were still unamused, though I was sure I saw one of them crack, ever so slightly.
Oh, by the way, this actually happened. I was just reliving it in my fever dream, though Rook wasn't a real bear. That should go without saying, but I had to check. We were having a ball. Then I heard a strange thing. It was a guttural noise.
Somehow I knew the owner of that sound, and his name was Ted. I don't know how I knew him, or where his voice was coming from, but that his name was Ted, I was certain.
The others slowed their roll and looked at me.
"Ted?" James asked. "Who's Ted?"
I held up an index finger. "Ted? Where are you?"
The gurgling started again, then broke through as speech. "Sean. You have to move."
"What? Move? Am I asleep?"
"No, you are not asleep, but you are hallucinating. Eddy, as you called him, is modifying your sensory inputs. I say, you have chosen a rather poor friend if you ask me."
"Modifying my— if he's modifying my senses, how can I hear you?"
"Because you aren't sensing me, I'm in your head. One moment, I'll try to switch it off."
And he did. He switched off every sense I had. Even the secondary ones like proprioception. I was not only in nothing, but I was nothing. I wasn't even granted the luxury of seeing black. You know what the back of your eyes look like? I mean, how there is NOTHING behind you, as far as your eyes are concerned? Not even black can escape back there. That is what I was in the middle of. A sense of panic set in as I wondered if Ted had managed to switch me off. Then, the worst pain imaginable.
Oh, this is when Ted learned all those new words. Despite my extensive grocery of expletives, I failed to truly communicate the extent of my pain. Shouting, was a mistake though. It comsumed much of my energy in a mater of seconds.
"I'm going to need definitions for all those new words when you get a chance," Ted requested, a little too politely.
I pried my eyelids open, to see a hideous, translucent, gelatinous monster latched to my chest. It loomed over me with somewhere between 5 to 9 supporting limbs.
I reached for one of the gadgets Larry, Curly, and Moe gave me.
"Grab my gun you nimwit!" Ted advised.
"Doesn't— work—" I managed.
Got it. The alien device was in my hand, and I aimed it carefully at the biggest portion I could find.
With a "thub thub" the device fired some of Moe's hardening spit, which went right through its body and stuck to the wall behind it.
"What was that?" Ted asked. "That doesn't sound like my gun!"
I grabbed another of the three Stooges' gadgets. This one was much more low tech. It was a big honking knife. Nice. I swung it at the monstrous alien's giant sucker still attached to my chest. It chose to let go before the knife could hurt it. Either it had good reflexes, or I was much too slow and tired.
"Sean it's me, Eddy. Are you trying to put an eye out?"
"Don't listen to it," Ted advised. "Just grab my gun and end this."
I did as he told me. Wouldn't hurt, if not, I'm dead anyway. That thing did a number on me. Still on my back, I held it steady. "Alright, how do you use this thing?" I coughed.
I blinked, and the monstrous alien, was that earth looking animal again. It struck serious platypus vibes, in that it took all the cutest parts of an animal and smushed them together.
"Do you have my gun yet?" Ted asked.
The creature regained some amount of composure and began inching forward, sniffing the air in that adorable way it does.
"Yeah. Got it." My voice was quiet. Barely a whisper. It took all the energy I had left just to say it.
"Thumb on top."
I did so.
"First finger goes in the hole on the side."
I did that too.
"Use your other hand to support the gun at the handle, then use your third, and final finger to pull the trigger."
"Kaboom" would fail to fully encapsulate just how impressive the sound was that came next. It wasn't so loud that it hurt, but I felt it in every inch of my body. That gun rocked my world, and I'm sure it did the same to the creature.
Somehow, it died from the massive hole in its body. Who knew?
The odd thing was, everything of Eddy's disapeared after that. The lanturn, the glove that pointed forward, the message on the wraper, but the wraper was still there. That means Eddy was here.
Next chapter:
submitted by Plastic_Finish1968 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 03:31 danl999 The Gazing Shine Direction Into The Second Attention Dimension

The Gazing Shine Direction Into The Second Attention Dimension
This will eventually be a post, but I wanted to store ChatGPT pictures in it first, to remind myself of the topics in the morning. But then I couldn't resist rearranging the order of the pictures, which required explanatory text.
So I guess it's a done post now, except I can't afford the time tonight to fix errors.
It's about something anyone who has activated the second attention knows, but possibly never thought about in this way.
If you gaze out into the world, imagine that there's a 4th dimension.
Into the Nagual. Into the wonders that your double gets to witness, with its powerful sleeping dreamer eyes.
It's not hard to imagine, since if you can move your assemblage point along the J curve, your "space" begins to be multiple spaces.
You might be seeing a forest materialize on your darkroom wall, while you can still perceive that you are in your normal darkroom.
On a very good day you can walk right off into that forest, through the solid wall. In your physical body it seems at the time.
But that's not the main point of this post. It's the fact that the forest is located in another "dimension".
Some kind of gazing "depth".
In its most basic form, it's like practicing meditation and you know things are about to get more interesting, because suddenly the blackness you have been watching with your closed eyes, has "depth". It clearly feels like you are gazing into a dark space. Almost like you are inside a cave, and even though you can't see anything, you can feel that your blackness is now "3D".
That's "Green Line" depth into the second attention.
Not much, but people start entire cults and religions over being able to perceive that using meditation.
With Sorcery, instead of moving the assemblage point just 8 inches down the back, as meditation does, you eventually move it a full 23 FEET. I calculated it using ChatGPT.
The "depth" available with simple closed eye meditation feels about like 10 feet. Coming from that 8 inch movement. If you are meditating and suddenly the blackness "opens up", and you can feel that it's now a space, if you were to estimate how large that black space is, meaning how far you could stand up and walk off into it, you might estimate 10 feet.
But out in the purple zone on the J curve, if you gaze out to figure out how far that 4th dimension of depth into the Nagual reaches, you would start to move.
Sitting up on pillows on the bed, you'd find that the bed and the pillows scrolled back and away from you, with you seemingly safe just hovering in the air at the same height, while everything else traveled back on it's own. With you heading out into outer space, but a space filled with new realities.
Now, before you start drooling (and it is in fact this awesome to be in Silent Knowledge) forget it...
You don't get to enjoy it the way you're imagining.
"Enjoying" things to people who live in the river of shit, means running around "sharing" your discovery with friends.
We can't even enjoy something, without others to run to and grab attention!
It's the same as bad players who post in this subreddit, and anyone seasoned instantly knows they want attention. Not magic.
It's a curse on us so horrible that we can't even conceive of enjoying something just for the enrichment of our own awareness.
We NEED that attention fix from others. As someone posted today, we seek the dopamine high of "sharing" with others.
To reach SK, you have to ditch that "poor baby me" self obsession. Not everything has to be a thing you can sell in the marketplace.
Even a hint of the merchant mind kills any possibility you can get to this level of exploration of reality.
Thus scratch all religions and magical systems.
It's hopeless for them. All showbiz, profits and endorsements.
If any of them stumbled on slightly better magic than the green zone has provided them, they'd waste it all on the idea of "proving it" to more people, so they can become famous.
They kind of have to be stuck with mediocre magic, by the very nature of their systems. Anything more will stop them from making more progress, by activating their book deal mind. If they rise above whatever endorsement seeking muck they are stuck in, they'll only try to figure out how to lord it over others on that basis.
Putting aside any moral implications, they quite simply can't "see in the right direction and at the necessary depth".
And even if they tried, their "depth" is limited to 10 feet.
There's no chance for them to shrink their tonal and travel nearly infinite distances in depth, due to the lack of an energy body forming around them. That can't even begin to happen until the assemblage point is moved at least 12 feet. Not 8 inches.
To do the most spectacular things, you have to have your double with you. His eyes are the ones which can focus to anywhere in time and space.
Which brings me to a key point. The reason that first picture shows a ghost in a park and a man looking at her.
I couldn't get ChatGPT to draw what I wanted no matter what I told him. He just got more and more lost because he incorporated new ideas into the last failed picture.
But imagine that park is very full of bushes and people and activity, and the ghost girl is rather hard to see, off in the bushes.
If he looks away for even an instant, he might not find her spot again.
That's because in fact, she isn't located in a specific place in the park. She's absolutely located in the direction of specific bushes and the little clearing in the middle of them, but it's also at a very specific "depth" into the Nagual.
Into the second attention.
And so even looking off to the left of her to see why people are cheering at their volleyball game in the park, will require him to adjust the "depth" he's gazing at, into the multiverse.
The girl is at "Possibility 172,486". Located between those bushes.
But the volleyball game is at possibility #1, in the ordinary blue line reality.
By having to refocus his depth to see if someone just spiked the ball at an opponent, he's lost the location of #172,486 reality variation.
And when he looks back there's no ghost child there anymore.
Believe it or not, this is why it's so horrible when beginners try to use someone who can move their assemblage point, as an experimental subject.
Suggesting "why don't you try this for me, and tell me what happens."
It's close to manslaughter to ask someone to do that, because whatever they were currently exploring will be erased by injecting that person's lazy greed into the emanations.
This insect nest picture is pretty bad, but imagine that we're always reaching towards a specific combination of emanations we've discovered, in the dark sea. Our darkroom practice stores the "intent" of what's happened all the times we practiced it before.
And it's "in depth". Your tensegrity pass summons a specific depth into alternate versions of your dark room.
If you don't do your ritual combination of movements in precisely the same order and same way, as last time, while remembering your 2nd attention goal during that movement, you may never find it again.
Afterall, we all get "intent gifts" from time to time and discover that even expecting that to happen again is enough to make it impossible.
It's not the same situation as when it happened the first time, even if all that changed was your expectation.
Our "depth into the nagual" is a beam of awareness we don't normally use. Some kind of "auxiliary shine" of our gaze.
I'm certain that witches are better equipped to understand this. Because they have to get involved in self-soothing from time to time. And they develop a ritual, so that they can "find" the little sparkle of good feeling which blossomed the last time they managed to soothe themselves. They "look for" some specific sensation while laying in a nice warm bath surrounded by flowers and candles.
Or at least, Cholita does that.
I collided with her 2 days ago, and this post is the result.
Things got really weird as a result. The power on our side of the street went out, I left my darkroom realizing Cholita would be worried, and found she'd placed little candles in a trail all through the house, leading out and into her work studio.
She set up a path for me to follow, when I finally left my room. But didn't disturb me before then. Since I was already in darkness, it took me a while to figure out we'd lost power.
Reluctantly I snuck in the direction she wanted, worried she had herself thrown off the power switch.
And when I was almost to where the trail of glowing yellow candles ended I heard, "Daniel... Can you fix this?"
You might be saying, "That's not so odd."
But you're just not realizing what that looked like, with the entire block of our neighborhood blacked out.
It was the middle of the night.
The result was literally what you see in this badly made ChatGPT picture. I just couldn't get him to draw what I asked.
But it conveys the point.
If you are blowing the flower petals off a dandelion, you have to blow in a certain direction. But also aim for the "depth" of the dandelion flower. If you blow "past" it, it'll just fall apart in an instant. If you blow too shallow, nothing will happen. You have to "aim" for the center of that flower, if you want to watch the petals fall off a few at a time.
I started my picture request with a little campfire in a hole in a huge chunk of swiss cheese, asking ChatGPT to show that the man was blowing into the hole in the cheese. One of many, but he had identified one where a spark of awareness had created a little campfire surrounded by alien beings, and he was trying to blow the fire brighter so he could see their faces.
But ChatGPT decided that lighting fires in swiss cheese is dangerous, so he extracted the fire into a safe clay container, held by the man.
Saving me from unethical activities.
Still, his dandelion alternative is ok to convey the point.
When I collide with Cholita like that, I gain her dark energy.
And it lasts up to several days.
What it seems to do, is give me more ability to fine tune which "depth" in the second attention my gaze is focused, and to learn what that depth "feels like" so that I no longer have to search for it.
If I want to return to viewing that location in the multiverse I only have to blow my breath gently into that memory of a specific feeling.
That single patch of the multiverse, which is actually just a specific mini-bundle of emanations which can be lit up by focusing your awareness on enough of them to trigger the right harmonics and summon that reality patch to be projected back to you, can be done by using the feeling of your breath.
Except, there's one MILLION such feelings.
And you have to feel the right one.
So you could never teach people to try to use their breath, to adjust the horizontal position of their assemblage point, at a specific depth.
Even though, Carol Tiggs tried to teach that in Sochi.
People just complained about her. Even seemed to like Cleargreen leaders better than Carol.
She wasn't rehashing the same old make believe "warrior" routine, and had introduced something too new for their tastes.
As she once joked, she'd been told not to tell stories at workshops anymore because it makes the women cry.
submitted by danl999 to castaneda [link] [comments]