Bipolar medince lamictal

My psychiatrist won’t let me try lamictal

2024.05.19 10:50 Lotoalofafaavauvau My psychiatrist won’t let me try lamictal

First time poster. I have bipolar 1 with psychotic features. I have been medicated for over a decade on a low dose of Tegretol, lithium and clonazepam. I can’t tolerate higher doses but this regime does prevent full blown mania and psychosis.
I have suffered severely for all these years this fluctuating between up and down swings despite trying every med Dr.’s can think of. I desperately need something I can use to stop the mania and the insomnia that goes with it. Every episode is a battle to keep in control, a battle I usually lose with torturous consequences.
I have been asking to try lamictal now for 6 months and the Dr., well nurse practitioner, keeps putting it off. He told me yesterday that it’s “only for depression; it doesn’t treat mania.” I responded that it’s a mood stabilizer, like Tegretol, and I was under the impression it treated both.
He also said because I am alternating my Tegretol dose every other day he won’t let me try lamictal. I am alternating every other day because they don’t offer the dose I can tolerate which is 250 mg. He hates that I do that and is getting frustrated with me. Any lower and my psychosis starts creeping in. Any higher and I get debilitating GI issues. I was devastated to hear him say I could not try it and postponed it for the 4th time.
He also says despite me being on a super low Tegretol does I would be doubling my risk of Steven Johnson’s syndrome (the deadly rash).
He won’t let me take Tegretol and lamictal together because he says he won’t know which one caused the rash, (if I were to get it) but I’ve been on Tegretol for over a decade with no rash.
The question: is lamictal just for bipolar depression? Does it not curb mania? Is he overreacting regarding the risks? Is his frustration founded regarding me taking the every other day alternating dose? I do that to cope with the fact that they don’t make the dose I need to stay sane enough; it’s not for fun.
I was ready to brave another med trial, which is usually debilitating for me. When my brain is active, which is now, i am able to try new meds. When I am down I am not. I desperately need more medication and he’s basically stringing me along while I am barely keeping it together between mania and the insomnia that comes with it.
When I’m down again, he says he may let me try it, if I promise to only take Tegretol 200 every single day, never going to 300mg even if I feel I need extra to sleep or whatever. Is that too strict or is it reasonable?
I do appreciate a lot of things about him and there is a provider shortage where I live so finding a good alternative doesn’t seem likely. He does seem to get easily stressed and frustrated, seems he’s overworked right now.
I am venting a bit but any thoughts or advice is welcome. 🙏
submitted by Lotoalofafaavauvau to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:14 ohwhatevers Fainted during TMS

34F, 160 cm, 65 kg
Treatment resistant depression, Bipolar II. Medication: venlafaxine 300 mg once a day, lamictal 100 mg twice a day.
Last week I went in for the first consult and mapping to start TMS. Once the strength was determined and the coil was placed on my head, I fainted probably 20 seconds into the treatment. I was out for only a few seconds. After regaining consciousness, I felt extremely nauseous, weak and sweaty, and it took a few hours for me to feel better.
The psychiatrist and the technician said vasovagal syncope at the first session is not a contraindication to continue TMS. I am now hesitant to continue TMS, since I find fainting and it's aftermath very unpleasant. Also, it's been almost a week since the mapping session and I still have headaches and nausea every day.
I fainted several times in the past. Once it was just out of nowhere, and the other two times at the start of an infection, before developing other symptoms.
Is there a way to prevent vasovagal syncope if I was to give TMS a go? Is there a reason why fainting can happen during TMS? I tried looking it up on the Internet but I didn't find much info - just some case reports
submitted by ohwhatevers to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from an increase of an additional prescription?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:42 Rotini_Rizz Overstimulation from recent increase?

TLRD; Recently jumped from 25mg to 50mg of Lamictal (taken with other medications) after two weeks and wondering if my painfully unstoppable energy is a side effect.
Hey all. I currently started taking Concerta 36mg generic a few months ago and restarted Lexapro 10mg generic at the beginning of the year. Because of my gene type my psychiatrist suggested I take Lamictal generic to help boost the effects of another medications. This isn’t new to me, I had a different doctor do the same with Abilify years ago. I read that it can cause withdrawal and I suffered that from Effexor last year, but she assured me that the risk is low up until a certain point.
I started on 25mg and was taking that for a couple weeks consistently, then moved up to 50mg a couple days ago as we planned. But I just realized that I’ve been getting pretty overstimulated and wired since my increase. I’m super hyper-focused and fixated and energetic. It’s EXHAUSTING me. I’m not sure if it’s because of the medication or some other factor, but it’s been a lot. For reference, I have a general intake of caffeine because I work at a coffee shop, but no more than I’m used to >! a couple days after starting the Concerta I had a triple shot of espresso compared to my 1-2 and it made me WIRED— I spent four hours in a Target !<
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just a side effect of changing doses? I’m scheduled to jump to 75mg in two weeks so I just want to know what to expect or look out for.
[Edit to add: I’m not taking this for bipolar disorder or epilepsy, though it was prescribed in part because I did have a seizure during my childhood.]
submitted by Rotini_Rizz to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:30 Mysterious-Papaya-37 When did you start to feel better and what did it feel like?

I (21M) was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder after nearly 10 years of being misdiagnosed with MDD and being put on antidepressants which didn’t do a thing for me. I started on Lamictal 25mg two weeks ago and just titrated up to 50mg yesterday. So far, I haven’t noticed any change in my mood or ability to function properly. I was wondering how long/what dose you started to notice changes at, and what those changes felt like? My depression is currently very debilitating and it feels like my professional, academic and social lives are on pause until I can figure it out. I’ve been depressed for so long that I don’t think I have any idea for what “normal” feels like. I’d just like some hope right now.
submitted by Mysterious-Papaya-37 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:37 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
Symptoms list optionally if anyone wants to read that my son made :
What's your go to treatment plan for mixed states? Is this a mixed state rather than unipolar
  • Agitation/Inner restlessness: Unable to remain calm/sit still. Blaming all of her symptoms on this restlessness. When this comes the other symptoms which I'll mention come along too:
  • Crying and shouting loudly (simply can not control this to sorta escape)
  • Excessive anger and snapping at/blaming others for no reason: Involuntarily blame people for the most random and petty things who've been the most helpful and kind.
  • Very Irritable.
  • Suicidality (to escape the restlessness). Suicidal attempts in aggression where she had to be stopped with a lot of physical force.
  • Racing negative thoughts leading to Guilt and worthlessness
  • Irrational/Questionable decisions and behaviors were almost always noted by my family members during these periods accompanied with extreme impatience.
  • Energy: Being fatigued and unmotivated that she can't even move or do stuff. But at the same time having so much Energy to shout so loud and rip her chest open to escape the "agitation".
  • Pupils get dilated.
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:49 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:49 mika-the-kittycat1 Psychiatric meds while pumping

Does anyone here take mood stabilizers while pumping? I recently started Lamictal, and have noticed a decrease in milk supply and nothing but starting the medication has changed. I pump the same amount of time and the same amount of pumps everyday and I went from pumping around 55 oz a day to 45 oz a day. I need to be on a mood stabilizer for my bipolar but I can’t allow my milk supply to slowly dry up and need anyone’s input on what worked for others that didn’t affect supply. Cause if push comes to shove I’m gonna go back off my meds so my supply doesn’t decrease
submitted by mika-the-kittycat1 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:05 twof907 ECT and/or TMS?

Has anyone tried ECT or TMS? Allegedly they can be really effective for bipolar and I'm getting desperate. I can stop mania/hypomania but am left with relentless adhonia/apathy and cannot stop the SI. I've tried so many meds and react badly to most of them. Currently on Lamictal alone and I just can't keep this up. I've been in therapy forever, I have a pretty healthy lifestyle and don't drink. Honestly if I didn't have a kid I'd just get off the ride st this point. I don't really even have the desire to get better. It seems so impossible, but I want him to have a good mom so I'm still going. A few years ago a therapist suggest ECT but I wasn't a big fan of her so I'd kind of forgotten till now.
submitted by twof907 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:07 ahatz111 tolerance?

I’ve been on lamictal since nov 2019…. i’m currently at 400mg and have been there for a while.
increasingly lately, i’ve been having severe mood swings & violent outbursts. so much so that i’ve physically hurt my partner.
do you build up a tolerance to it? i’ve been on it almost 5 years, but i’ve seen people be on it for 20 yrs and it still work.
i’m taking it for bipolar 1
submitted by ahatz111 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:02 Two_Blue_Eyes Lamictal/Lamotrigine

I might need to post this in the Bipolar sub but I’ll start here.
About 6 years ago, my then psychiatrist had me try out Lamictal as an adjunct. I recall minimal side effects except for a lacy looking very light red rash on my arms. (I have fair skin.) No other symptoms like a flu like reaction which is how Stevens-Johnson Syndrome usually starts.
Doctor did say Lamictal can also cause a light rash without it being serious. However, we erred on the side of caution due to Lamictal’s reputation with SJS and stopped the drug.
So fast forward to this past week. Current psychiatrist and I discussed possibility of rechallenging the drug. My GeneSight test suggests I have a lower risk of serious hypersensitivity reactions like SJS, if that’s correct.
So my question is, has anyone taken Lamictal and possibly gotten a light rash that turned out to be benign?
submitted by Two_Blue_Eyes to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:29 grass-whore is there anything good about being hyper mobile?

I read we are less prone to wrinkles, because of the elasticity of our skin. I also have very soft skin despite rarely moisturizing. Any other silver linings?
Context: I am hyper mobile, on a wait list to see if I have a connective tissue disease other than hypermobility.
Stats: 25 y.o. 4'11, 150lbs, AFAB
Meds: Lamictal 200mg, invega sustana 117mg, Mirena IUD.
Other comorbidities: Bipolar disorder, anxiety, adhd, autism, ocd, trichotillomania, depression
submitted by grass-whore to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:31 Impressive_Cry4268 Lamictal withdrawal.

I’m posting this here as well because I was given it because my psych “suspected bipolar 2”
I started Lamictal early March and progressed my way up to 100mg. I didn’t feel anything happening on 100 so she bumped me up to 150mg. The two weeks I was on 150 were awful. Had trouble falling asleep but then struggled to wake up, sobbed for hours on end, stopped eating to the point I lost 6 pounds. I asked my doc to safely take me off of it, her regimen was 50mg/day for a week and call it good. When I started on the 50, I felt mildly crappy but last night was my first night not taking anything. I could not sleep for the life of me. My already bay anxiety disorder was through the roof and it comes through in waves and will happen with no trigger. When should I expect this to stop? This is miserable.
submitted by Impressive_Cry4268 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:57 Ok_Jellyfish7156 Saved my life.

I’ve been on Lamictal for 3 weeks, still didnt reach the high final dose (upping slowly) and fuck it CHANGED MY LIFE. My cyclothymia was out of control and very very bad (probably have bipolar 2). It was ruining my life, one day on top of the world and the next suicidal-no in between. Since Lamictal I’m so much calmer, panic disorder is GONE, mood swings are GONE. I am at peace. Also I am on Lexapro and seroquel at night 50mg to sleep. I am so happy and if you can relate to me you might wanna talk about this med to ur doc, it’s a miracle drug.
submitted by Ok_Jellyfish7156 to Lamotrigine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:57 Sad-Photograph-2326 Vraylar or Latuda for mixed features and hypomania associated restlessness?

I was treated for unipolar depression back in 2020 with SSRI lexapro + amisulpride 50mg and was in remission until 2023 with it.
Then in 2023 I blew a small stressor TOTALLY out of proportion(I think hypomania had already begun then) and got into a really bad or probably even mixed episode (my first one if it was actually mixed). I'd get so restless I'd want to tear off my clothes, attempt to run away, suicidal, get so irritative that I'd say the most wicked shit to my loved ones who were really just trying to help me, lay in bed and cry and shout so loud ALL the time. It was so bad I felt like I was going to die and family members were so worried, I was admitted.
Doctors totally ruled out mania/bipolar disorder because I wasn't impulsively buying stuff, didn't lose control etc bullshit and kept treating me for unipolar depression but they did add lamictal with the 20mg Lexapro to address the aggression etc it was titrate to 200mg and put me in remission for a whole year.
But now in 2024 January I relapsed again and this time it was so bad that doctors were continuosly suggesting ECT. I was admitted for over 3 weeks. Same symptoms- agitation, restlessness etc being treated for MDD and borderline personality disorder Bullshit.
Finally, I saw this miracle doc who said I might actually be bipolar and experiencing mixed episodes. Both the combination of hypomania and depression were making me restless. He said he often sees his patients who're hypomanic get so restless they wanted to crawl out of their skin.
SSRI lexapro would only fuel both so it must be stopped immediately and suggested me to try ketamine (because my symptoms were mostly depressive) and started lithium 600mg/day. They worked like a CHARM. I loved ketamine so much and it put me in remission for 3 months.
But then I relapsed again 3 months later and doc now said it is now time to try the big guns aka antipsychotics and continue ketamine. He said he's willing to prescribe either Vraylar or Latuda which work great for mixed episodes.
TLDR : So, do you have any of my symptoms especially the restlessness during your depressive/hypomanic episodes and which antipsychotic of the two worked the best for you without fueling the restlessness. Personally leaning more towards Vraylar (it has amazing reviews and doesn't cause weight gain)
Symptoms list optionally if anyone wants to read that my son made :
What's your go to treatment plan for mixed states? Is this a mixed state rather than unipolar
  • Agitation/Inner restlessness: Unable to remain calm/sit still. Blaming all of her symptoms on this restlessness. When this comes the other symptoms which I'll mention come along too:
  • Crying and shouting loudly (simply can not control this to sorta escape)
  • Excessive anger and snapping at/blaming others for no reason: Involuntarily blame people for the most random and petty things who've been the most helpful and kind.
  • Very Irritable.
  • Suicidality (to escape the restlessness). Suicidal attempts in aggression where she had to be stopped with a lot of physical force.
  • Racing negative thoughts leading to Guilt and worthlessness
  • Irrational/Questionable decisions and behaviors were almost always noted by my family members during these periods accompanied with extreme impatience.
  • Energy: Being fatigued and unmotivated that she can't even move or do stuff. But at the same time having so much Energy to shout so loud and rip her chest open to escape the "agitation".
  • Pupils get dilated.
submitted by Sad-Photograph-2326 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:51 Alive_Potentially Bipolar, maybe? I don't know.

(Note: I've added this here and to the Bipolar sub, just to see if I can maximize getting the perspectives of others.)
I’m finding myself on a very strange journey. I was recently diagnosed with focal epilepsy, after 20 years of having seizures, and prescribed Lamictal.
I’m on day 9 of the med and the last week or so has been a very strange ride. The way I have described it countless times at this point is that it’s like having someone running through my mind flipping on light switches. I am remembering things I haven’t though about since I was a kid/teen, it’s bringing up a lot of emotions, and in a way that I am unable to fully understand or describe, it’s changed a bit of how I perceive my own day to day life. I’ve also gleaned that these particular experiences will level out or stop.
A close friend of mine is diagnosed Bipolar II. My brother is Bipolar I. They have both, separately, told me that I need consider that I may be bipolar. My immediate reaction is No. I am not bipolar. Just because a medication makes me feel a specific way at the start, when the full effects aren’t experienced until much further down the line at a higher dose, does not somehow indicate that I am bipolar.
All of that said, part of the odd side effect of feeling like my memories are more lit up that I’ve experienced in years, is the effect of really contemplating my mental heal through being a kid to a nearly 40 year old adult. I grew up poor, my mother suffered from mental illness and anger issues, my parents fought all the time (I recall wishing they would get divorced when I was a kid), as a teen I became depressed, but also very angry myself. I took steps as I got into adulthood to remove myself from my past and ensure my success. In a lot of ways, I have done better than anyone in the history of my family. In other ways, I know there are still demons I can’t chase away.
In recalling my childhood, I absolutely remember experiencing hypomania. Between middle school and high school, it was absolutely there. I remember getting really wound up at night and doing all sorts of weird things in my room. I recall one night where I took a white t-shirt and scrawled these arrogant lyrics on the back, and then cutting the t-shirt down the center and wearing it over a band tee. I remember often getting really wound up and making a plan for myself, writing everything out; This was how I was going to succeed and get to where I wanted to be in life! My bursts of energy would typically revolve around being better for myself or becoming better than those around me. Rising above them, in an egotistical way. Of course, you get on the path and a few days later realize that it’s not quite so easy and head right back to a slump. There are so many of these occurrences in my life.
The description of hypomania in relation to alcohol is something I have absolutely experienced. Alcohol winds me up and I could drink until I pass out. In addition to this is hypersexual behavior. This occurs with or without alcohol, but alcohol certainly make things and related decisions much worse.
I question the potential that I might be bipolar, because I know so many have symptoms that are well worse than mine. If bipolar exists on a spectrum, then I would think my moving back and forth between a state of depression and a state of hypomania would be less severe. With some of the experiences I’ve read here I think, “Ok, well I’ve never done anything as bad as that.”, but then again, I don’t know.
I have always had a temper and it seems to come in cycles. I would say that the last 7-8 years of my life, I don’t know that I have experienced the swings quite like I did when I was younger. I’m not sure if having the same job, kids, etc. would impact my perspective on it or any other potential bipolar symptom. I managed to get my degree and keep a 3.9 GPA. Knowing myself, it seems like if I was truly bipolar that would have been impacted.
At one point I was on Lexapro and Xanax. I finally weaned myself off of Lexapro due to sexual side effects. I’ve been in therapy for 4 years.
I’m just looking for thoughts, advice, experiences of others. This whole thing is weird. My mental health has always been an issue, but it’s also always been an elusive thing for me to make sense of. Am I depressed? Anxious? Bipolar? Do I just have anger issues? Am I just trying to fill a void somewhere by having multiple sexual encounters?
Why do our brains seem to want to kill us?
submitted by Alive_Potentially to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:31 No_Blackberry7009 secretly taking lamictal, mother is unsupportive

Hi, so I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 and borderline personality disorder. I wasn't able to access mental healthcare as a minor or as an adult 18-20, because I was mostly stuck at home and don't have the finances to drive. Back then I didn't have many friends around the area.
So, finally, I seen a psychiatrist at my college. That's where I got my diagnosis from her and my therapist. And she started me on lamictal, 25 mg of course.
The thing is, this is all behind my mother's back. She's super unsupportive, says things like anyone mentally ill should be put away in a hospital and not able to live life normally. That's why I'm afraid. I'm very aware of SJS and other side effects and if they do happen to me, I don't know how I'd explain. She has no friends, is completely dependent on me, abusive and controlling. She also lacks empathy for anyone but herself.
This is more of a vent. But I'd like to hear some thoughts... I'm 22 now, and I plan to move out with my partner eventually, but it feels wrong not telling my mom about my mental illnesses or medication. I'm just kind of sad I never had the support I needed. I heard "you're fine" my whole life just to be diagnosed by multiple professionals with bipolar and BPD, possibly more since we're still talking. She thinks she's always right and is the type to argue with a professional.
I got off of lamictal for a bit, and then, I started it up again, got past the fear and feel calmer. It's the same 25mg. Yes, I took it for one day, got scared and stopped but here I am again. I don't want to live like this anymore. In fear and depressed, hypomanic and ruining relationships by impulsivity.
submitted by No_Blackberry7009 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:59 _sonandheir Problems with Sunosi?

tl;dr: Did Sunosi make you feel more sleepy? If you stopped taking it for any reason, did you get bad headaches/body aches or any other side effects/symptoms?
I've been taking 70mg of Vyvanse and 20-40mg of Ritalin as needed for about 4-5 years now, and the combo works "okay". It's kind of manageable, but not great. I tried Wakix for two months in 2022 but it made me depressed, and as I have bipolar II with a history of chronic depression that's a no-go, so I stopped. About four months ago I started Sunosi and was up to 150mg - and it felt like it did nothing to help with the sleepiness/exhaustion, and even seemed to make me feel more sleepy? Like with just the Vyvanse/Ritalin combo I still get sleep attacks where I need to lie down, but I can't actually sleep - I have to just relax as if I'm going to nap for at least 30-45 minutes and then I'm (usually) good to go. But with Sunosi in the mix I would actually fall asleep when I napped during the day and I couldn't nap for anything less than 45 minutes, usually more than an hour, which is not dissimilar to how it was before I took any stimulants. I didn't notice any emotional or mental side effects, pretty much just the sleepiness.
I stopped taking the Sunosi about a week ago to see if it was really making a difference, and now I'm definitely having more headaches/migraines than usual (I have chronic migraines as it is), and my regular medication doesn't always make it stop, but I can't be sure if it's from stopping the med or if my migraines are just acting up. I also felt *really* nauseated yesterday morning and actually had to leave work, and my stomach has felt kind of messed up in general. I do feel a bit less sleepy and foggy during the day, but the headaches really suck, and I feel like my pain levels have been worse in general too.
If you've been on Sunosi did you notice any negative effects (other than agitation)? Did you ever feel more sleepy? And if you stopped it, did you have any "withdrawal" symptoms or negative effects? Everything I've seen says that Sunosi doesn't cause withdrawal issues, but I've had some weird side effects with other meds that supposedly weren't common, so I just don't know.
For context: I have narcolepsy w/o cataplexy, bipolar II disorder, ADHD, chronic migraines, and am being evaluated for Ehler's-Danlos Syndrome. I take 70mg Vyvanse, 20-40mg Ritalin, 300mg of Lamictal, 100mg Zoloft, 10mg Abilify, 5mg rizatriptan as needed and just started Emgality injections for migraines
submitted by _sonandheir to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 BigCharacter466 Adderall and Bipolar

Looking for similar experiences/advice!
I have been taking Lamotrigine (Lamictal) 100mg for a little over a year now, which has helped greatly with stabilizing my BP2. While I still experience depressive episodes from time to time, they are not nearly as bad as they used to (I can actually get out of bed lol). Last week I was diagnosed with ADHD, just 10 IR to take twice a day, and increasing dose as needed. The last week or so I have been so emotional. To be fair, I have had a very stressful past few weeks, and have been so so busy with work and school stuff without a break, as well as family and friend issues. I'm not sure if my episode of moodiness (specifically crying spells, anxiety and irritability) have to do with the Adderall or if it's just a mixed-ish episode, bipolar related. I'm going through a lot in my life right now so I know it could be a combination of both. Has anyone has similar experiences with this? Or any other suggestions? I have a psychiatrist follow-up next week and I'm not sure how to approach it. I really struggle with ADHD symptoms, and would hate to not be able to take medicine for it when it's helped me actually focus at work and school.
submitted by BigCharacter466 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:32 YarnCraft-CityVibes Just Started Bipolar Therapy.

I have been recently diagnosed with bipolar. I have been going to a therapist for many years while taking Lexapro.
The problem was that I wasn't getting better. I had on occasion episodes that are now identified as manic ones. So, about two months ago I started seeing a psychiatrist and stopped my regular therapy.
Here are my questions, concerns:
1) this week we are discussing my medications. I am currently taking Lexapro and the doctor will add Lamictal. What are peoples experience with this combo?
2) My trauma is much more that just being bipolar. I am still working through childhood sexual abuse and many other traumas born out of those childhood experiences. Should I look for a new psychoterapist to join my mental health team?
3) I came of a manic episode two months ago in which I incurred a lot of credit card debt because I "was investing in a new small business." Everything came falling down when my spouse accessed my credit report ... Since then I sank in a very deep depression, suicide ideations included. Any advise how to manage this episode? I started doing short tapping sessions when I get overwhelmed and anxious. I also crochet, knit, and color to clear my mind as much as possible.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by YarnCraft-CityVibes to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:09 Unlikely_Draft_9349 Lamictal set me free from my 13 year eating disorder

I (25F) started on 25mg of lamictal 8 weeks ago after being diagnosed with bipolar 2 and ADHD. This was the first time I have EVER taken medication in my life, and I was scared. Psych decided to medicate the bipolar and hold off to see if ADHD symptoms improved before trying anything for that since my manic/depressive episodes were the real killer for me. After two weeks I bumped up to 50mg, then two weeks later 100mg, and now I’m holding steady at 150mg feeling better than ever. I seriously can’t believe how much better I feel with next to no symptoms. Having battled an eating disorder that has cycled with my bipolar for the last 13 years, exercise addiction, body dysmorphia and bouts of psychosis that caused many severe acts of self-harm, I feel like I’m meeting myself for the first time and have been set free.
Don’t get me wrong - Everyday isn’t perfect, I still have really hard moments. But it’s absolutely nothing compared to my previous day to day reality. With the help of therapy and other self-exploratory activities such as journaling, reading, and art, I actually feel capable of observing my feelings and dissecting them to better understand them, whereas before my one and only option was to act on whatever loud emotion I was experiencing which led to very destructive behavior.
If you’re struggling and are looking for reviews and experiences with lamictal, I can tell you that my experience has been life changing. I encourage you to give it a try if it’s been recommended to you by a professional, and I truly hope you have a successful experience like i did.
submitted by Unlikely_Draft_9349 to lamictal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:16 hannaht5 Lithium + Lamictal

I have bipolar 2, OCD, ADHD and PTSD. I’ve tried a lot of psych meds through the years but Lamictal I’ve been on for 4 years. It’s been the only med that’s ever helped my bipolar symptoms. In the beginning of this year i had a trauma flare up, which prompted me to have some bad mixed episodes. My psychiatrist raised me from 200 mg Lamictal once a day to twice a day, so I’ve been on that for a few months now. Im still experiencing some depression, and my OCD makes socializing and functioning really difficult. My psychiatrist is now starting me on 150 mg lithium twice a day, and he says it’ll really help my bipolar 2 further, as well as my ocd and adhd focus/executive function issues (i’m not on a stimulant).
So i guess I’m really just wondering what to expect with starting lithium. I’m scared to start it, and I’m scared about weight gain because i struggle with my weight. Does anyone else take lithium with Lamictal, or take lithium for bipolar 2 and or ocd? Really just any comments on what lithium feels like would be reallly appreciated
submitted by hannaht5 to Lithium [link] [comments]