Kisah2 seks melayu

Can I apply for UITM?

2024.02.23 09:40 skyFADE75 Can I apply for UITM?

Can I apply for UITM?
Hi, for context, I'm born in Malaysia and is a Muslim, however, my father is not Malaysian. On the other hand, after a quick google search, I found out that I'm a bumiputra cus my mother is a Muslim Malaysian.
Under "keturunan" on my birth certificate it says: Pakistani
So am I a bumiputra or not? Can I apply for UITM then??
submitted by skyFADE75 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2023.07.11 04:53 Jeff1314 Why Chinese speaking fluent Malay turn heads (WM)?

As per title, example scenario in Peninsular Malaysia: Typically in a Malay majority area or R&R or Warung. Whenever I, a Chinese speaking Malay, every Malay turn heads & 8/10 will comment. “Wah! Cina fasih Bahasa Melayu, jarang ni!”. Some will ask, “Bagaimana kau boleh cakap BM macam melayu?”. Or dari Budak sunat laser: OMG! Your BM Is better Than me!.
Di TikTok atau YouTube, cina cakap melayu = viral. Eg.bulu ketiak, Mekyun, Abang Gan!
Hello, 1 Malaysia Mah! I budak Sek Men Kebangsaan lah! I open To the floor: Bincangkan…
submitted by Jeff1314 to malaysians [link] [comments]

2023.06.04 05:48 UsernameGenerik Fahmi is alleging that some messaging platforms are unwilling to cooperate with MCMC to stop the distribution of sex videos

Fahmi is alleging that some messaging platforms are unwilling to cooperate with MCMC to stop the distribution of sex videos submitted by UsernameGenerik to malaysia [link] [comments]