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MVIS Stock Message Board on Reddit. Microvision technology and stock prices discussion. $MVIS

2016.07.14 19:34 gear323 MVIS Stock Message Board on Reddit. Microvision technology and stock prices discussion. $MVIS

UNOFFICIAL -- Discussion about MicroVision (MVIS) Technology and Stock, including applications that use or may use MicroVision's technology. $MVIS

2012.05.30 06:27 Sayter SingularityNET

Subreddit for the world's first decentralized AI network.

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2024.05.14 00:49 KitchenWorldliness87 Ransom Scam of some type

So, I'm a "white knight" on a couple of the facebook pages I use. No longer though - ran into a major issue. I clearly pissed off a scammer by calling them out , fearing that they'd scam honest people. My grandparents were scammed pretty severely so it holds a special place in my heart to stop these idiots from stealing peoples' money. Well, every single morning , from 2am - 6am , conveniently the meat of my sleep before work.. I've been receiving spam calls from the same person on several different numbers.. assuming they're google voice numbers. They'll call me, sit there in silence, then text me a "threatening" set of emojis.. skulls crossbones, a red X, money symbols, my address and full name with my relative's names. "A lot to lose... " With an hourglass symbol. Clearly they're trying to scare me into thinking my life's in danger, and I'm sure that they're going to try to get me to pay them off. Or, if not I just made them mad and they decided to harass me daily. They're clearly trying to call me while I'm asleep to bother me and to screw me out of my sleep. It's causing me to have to silence my alarms and use an alternative alarm, and it's really pissing me off. I've researched how to go about reporting google voice accounts ... "Local law enforcement" There's no way in hell that my local PD is going to go through the steps to subpoena their information. And even if they did, I know these scammers just spoof peoples' numbers anyway. So, it appears that I'm going to have to get creative. Any tips, anti-scams anyone wants to try to help me out with ? Getting really annoying.
submitted by KitchenWorldliness87 to scammers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:17 gamercopx Great Unexpected Outcome - by "Chubbs Barron" from 813 Tattoos in West Allis, WI

Great Unexpected Outcome - by
So this back piece is not completely finished but I wanted to share it because the blank space in the middle which looks like a bird or phoenix was completely unintentional. I thought that was pretty cool and had meaning.
The Chinese symbol on the back of the neck is old and is getting covered up and the piece under it still needs to be filled in.
Work by Chubbs Barron - Facebook = Chubbs Barron
submitted by gamercopx to tattoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:47 ReserveAggressive458 I Met Tim Pool On The Frontline of the News War [Pool Post]

I Met Tim Pool On The Frontline of the News War [Pool Post]
"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand tweets, a thousand victories."
  • Tim Tzu
Tim Pool, wearing his now iconic red beanie, sits on the wreck of Timbah.
The stench of burnt ink hung heavy in the air. The acrid haze made my eyes water and my head swim.
"News," Tim spat a thick glob of red ink onto the ground, "news is hell."
He sat atop the ruin of a colossus. The faint, yet still audible, thrumming of dubstep from its core marked it as the wreck of the fearsome TimbahOnToast. Dense clouds of black smoke belched from the gaping hole in its back, and sticky red ink ran from a thousand wounds, forming rivulets that criss-crossed the mountain of his corpse.
My fellow Journalism graduates stared up, eyes red and streaming from the smoke, but wide, captivated by their first sight of the legendary investigative journalist and face of the rebellion. I didn't recognise any of them, we have been pulled from separate training camps.
Just minutes ago we had been watching from the shelter of the tunnel system as Pool and his crew lured the towering automaton into their trap, carefully scattering just the right amount of misinformation in his path, tempting him with contradictory tweets and poorly researched blog posts. Hell bent on collecting enough for a devastating third take-down video, Timbah pursued them.
His autotuned screams will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Tim's voice cut through my reverie.
"You've all graduated at the top of your classes in both journalism and news-combat training. You represent the very best of the next generation of center-left, fencing-sitting liberal investigative journalists. Your stories are the ones that will upset both the Left and the Right."
Tim flicked open the straps of his hip holster and pulled out his phone, beginning our lesson. As he spoke, several of the members of his personal entourage walked amongst the graduates, handing out sealed packets roughly the size of an envelope.
"The Galaxy A15 service phone is a lightweight air-cooled, kinetic-operated, news-fed hand weapon. It fires 140-character tweets at an input rate of up to 15 per minute. This is my phone. Repeat after me."
We repeated, as we had a hundred times before in basic training.
"Open your packages. Your phone is pre-loaded with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, YouTube - the works. The Mainstream Media," Tim slapped the wreck beneath him, "has all these same tools available to them and more. I trust what you've seen here today has reminded you of this fact."
In one dope move, Tim flipped his skateboard off his back, hopped on and grinded down the spine of the automaton, sending sparks flying from his titanium-reinforced board. He came to a stop right in front of us.
"News is hell. Media bias has taken our country from us, driven us out, forced us to hide here among the ruins of Rumble, the deserts of Truth Social, and the mausoleum of Parler. But it wasn't always this way. Long ago I could tweet freely that the polls were all lies, that there would be a 49-state landslide, I could pull back the veil and expose the secrets that CNN, MSNBC and Fox didn't want you to know. Never forget what we're fighting for. The world wants the truth, and we'll give it all the truth it can handle.
I'm sending the twelve of you on an impossible mission. If I could spare anyone else I would, but I can't. You must travel to Parler, enter the catacombs and find the Tesla Vault. Bring me Musk."
My heart skipped and my breath caught in my throat. Musk, the maverick owner of X, a hero of free speech before Biden, at the behest of his Mainstream overlords, shattered the constitution and stripped Musk of his company and his wealth. He hadn't been seen or heard from in years. Rumour had it that Musk had been assassinated by the Boeing cartel for sheltering whistle-blowers. He was more myth than man these days.
"You'll need these." Tim opened his satchel and pulled out a bundle of freshly knitted combat beanies. "Fully kitted out with the latest journalistic technologies and hardwired with the full Pim Tool AI suite. You can't have me, but you've got the next best thing. These beanies are not just another tool though, the beanie is a symbol of our defiance. A symbol of our commitment. A symbol of hope. Get out there and earn it."
The latest run of combat-journalism beanies.
With that parting message, Tim was hurried off by his staff to another engagement. We could all see the chatter building on our new phones, notifications flooding in thick and fast - something was brewing in the West, somewhere behind the Social Block forces were stirring once again. Timbah's downfall had not gone unnoticed.
Please direct any hate towards u/holeyshirt18, this is all her fault.
submitted by ReserveAggressive458 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:36 imgurofficial Dug this up out of my screenshots - this is 100% real

Dug this up out of my screenshots - this is 100% real submitted by imgurofficial to nflcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:04 naneek_ Comparing the cuts, and why I prefer the directors cut

I wrote this as a reply but it basically turned into a little essay, so I figured I might as well post it.
Here's a (not so) brief rundown of the changes between the final cut, director's cut, and theatrical cut. We start with the final cut, the current version that most people have seen, then compare it with the directors cut and theatrical cut which most people probably haven't seen if they watched the movie on streaming or bought the standard edition blu ray.
Final cut:
They added cgi effects to make the eye reflections more obvious and appear in more scenes. It looks good, but it's used so frequently it becomes borderline distracting. It's no longer a subtle hint from a unique in camera photographic technique. It's hitting you over the head with brightly glowing eyes on deckard and all the replicants. I think you'll get something different from the original versions of these scenes.
Most of the added cgi is 2d digital matte paintings replacing the traditional matte paintings. They all have that hazy 2006 edge feathered compositing look, and in my opinion it's worse than seeing the matte lines or a slight difference in color compared to the surrounding scenery.
One of the biggest changes is a 2d animated matte in the final shot where Batty releases the dove. In the theatrical and directors cut, the dove flies off into a patch of blue sky. It's the only moment in the whole film with a blue sky, and it's perfect symbolism. It doesn't need to have perfect continuity.
Apparently Ridley Scott was always frustrated that it didn't match the grey skies. In the new shot, the dove is shrunk down and composited into a large animated matte painting with skyscrapers, smokestacks, and glowing signs that don't match with the backdrops seen throughout the fight scene on the roof.
Whether he got the shot he wanted or not, the original shot worked and clearly conveyed the emotion.
That's why I like the directors cut more than the final cut. You get all the extra content and editing improvements, but all the visuals are authentic to the original shoot and post production visual effects.
There are also some odd overdubs and line rewrites in the final cut that don't add anything in my opinion. For example, when Batty comes face to face with Tyrell, the original line is
"I want more life, fucker"
and it is replaced with "I want more life, father"
I think the original dialogue hits harder and in a way, it conveys the same meaning of "father" with deeper symbolism. The act of creating life is in a sense a destructive act because it leads to the inevitability of death.
Directors cut:
Compared to the theatrical cut, the directors cut is extended by a decent amount. But whereas the final cut prioritizes including as much material as possible, the directors cut prioritizes pacing and momentum.
The final cut often adds an extra shot or two that seems to break up the momentum of a sequence. For example, Pris slowly sticking her fingers into Deckard's nose is only in the final cut. it's interesting and visceral, but do we really think Deckard would hold still for that? (haha)
The directors cut represents Scott's original vision for the film, prior to the studio mandated reshoots and edits. I consider this to be the definitive version.
The directors cut loses the narration and the extended theatrical ending that was mandated by the studio.
Theatrical cut:
The theatrical cut is shorter, faster paced, and the violence is toned down a bit in some scenes.
It has the added film noir narration, which I enjoy because it adds a lot of detail about the world. Harrison Ford's voice is dripping with contempt and absolutely flat. Supposedly he was trying to sabotage the voiceover, but it comes out sounding just like a cool early 50's b-grade film noir. That hardboiled pulpy gritty vibe works. It reinforces the traditional film noir archetypes and imagery, grounding it in a context that makes a very exotic world a bit more familiar.
And the biggest difference in the theatrical cut is the ending. Instead of cutting to black as Deckard and Rachel flee the apartment, there is a voiceover from Deckard explaining the message that Gaz has sent him with the origami unicorn.
After they leave the aparment, we see Rachel and Deckard in a spinner together, driving through the country on a two lane highway surrounded by pine trees. This is the only time we see trees in the original film.
Instead of total ambiguity not knowing if Rachel and Deckard will live, we know they escaped and have a new life together in the country, even if it's just for a short time before they get caught.
Connection to 2049:
I thought it was genius the way 2049 incorporated the imagery of the tree as a clear reference Deckard and Rachel escaping and starting a life together in the country. The tree also acts as the symbol of heredity and the family tree, as opposed to the artificial creation of Wallace's replicants.
Villeneuve performed an amazing balancing act- 2049 connects perfectly with all 3 cuts of the original.
submitted by naneek_ to bladerunner [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:02 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 12 2024

DAY: DAY: MAY 12, 2024

MAY 12, 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:27 Hiei80 The Daily Dogelon - Monday, May 13th, 2024

The Daily Dogelon - Monday, May 13th, 2024
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2024.05.13 20:09 elsa78910 34f My SO’s ex 29F sent this long message idk who to believe. Have any women had a similar experience? How did you react

His ex sent me this message. Sorry it’s so long! Has anybody else gotten a similar message in the past? How did you react?
Message below: “It’s been over a year of me wondering whether I should just come out and ask you or message you… but being afraid that if I do, and I’m wrong, it’ll be a the biggest mistake of my life. I have begged and begged him to tell me what you are to him, and he denies having anything more than a platonic friendship with you.
I want to preface this message with, I have no ill will towards you, I just want some answers… answers I don’t believe I’m going to get from Jared. I don’t know if he’s mentioned anything about me. So here goes…
November 2022, I sent Jared an email, telling him I loved him, missed him, and though I didn’t require a response back, I wanted him to know how sorry I was for everything that had happened and things had ended. He responded with a lengthy email telling me he still fervently loved me and how he too was sorry for how things had ended. That email lead to the last year and a half of events.
December 2022, I drove down to Roanoke and surprised him at the Carilion garage. He left the hospital as fast as he could that night, and we spent the rest of that evening together, catching up, and he left for Key West two days later. Two weeks later, he came up to DC and we had a late birthday celebration for him at Clyde’s in Georgetown and went to see A Christmas Carol at the Ford Theater. A few weeks later we drove to Jersey to see Matchbox20, by now it was the end of January 2023. Almost every week off, for the last year, he would come up and see me, if even for only two days, or I would drive down to Roanoke and spend the week with him. We spoke about our past, the hurt, and future, he told me numerous times that when he pictured marriage and children, it was only with me, but he needed time. This part is important, and I’ll come back to it later. We celebrated my birthday at a restaurant in Navy Yard, two weeks before you guys left for London. Chris video chatted with that night while we were at the restaurant eating Wagyu, and they discussed the new shipment of sunglasses Chris had gotten for Miggieswear.
The weekend of the Super Bowl, he had come seen me earlier that week, the day after he left I came to Roanoke and left the day of the Super Bowl. He told me his parents were having a viewing party and he had to go home and cook. I’m now assuming he left my Airbnb and came to your place.
That February he planned a trip to London, with Nicole, Ryan and Chris, and what he told me were, Nicole’s “friends.” Nicole happened to post a picture of you guys sitting on the plane and I was shocked, why would Nicole’s friend be sitting between him and Ryan. I sent him a message while you were on that 6 hour flight, telling him that if he had been seeing somebody, then why didn’t he tell me? There was no point in us spending time together if he had moved on. His response to me was “do you even know what you’re looking at? I’m surprised you don’t recognize her, that’s Nicole’s friend. You’re jumping to a lot of conclusions right now and don’t know what you’re talking about.” Something in my gut didn’t believe it but I wanted to trust that, so I did. I put you out of sight, out of mind. When he got back, he told me how he wished I’d been there with him, we both love history and old buildings, it’s a place we would have found magical together. I don’t know who came up with the idea of going to London, but part of me always thinks I’m the one who put it there when I shared the pictures i had taken when I went there the year we had been no contact.
We went to a Kenny Chesney concert in Charlottesville that March when I got back from my family trip to India, and he got back from London. Between work, us both traveling with our families, we were excited to see one another. We were going to go to St Augustine, but because of the weather, we stayed in Roanoke and saw Kenny Chesney in Charlottesville. The original plan had been to spend the night in Charlottesville at a hotel, but we couldn’t get one last minute so we ended up driving back to Roanoke and sneaking into the basement at his parents house and sleeping in his bed at 3am.
A few months later, we went to Richmond, and stayed the weekend, exploring the city, and watched Hamilton at the Altria Theater. A few months after that, we went to Savannah and Atlanta, where he got a flat tire driving into the garage, and spent the rest of the weekend at a yoga retreat. July, he asked me to go to Boston with him and his brother, for 4th or July weekend, but I couldn’t because my siblings were in town. Every single week, he came down and either stayed with me, or made a quick trip to spend time with me…
This past September, I found out he took you to Justin’s wedding, and I broke. I needed more from him. I have known him, been intimate with him, shared my every fear, worry, I have brought him home cooked meals from DC and surprised him at work with dinner, I’ve made him care packages. I’ve made Ryan Easter baskets and sent him birthday presents and encouraged Jared to put him in academic classes, I’ve helped Jared look into private schools for Ryan, and weighed the pros and cons of the options. I had no expectations in return from him other than, at the very least, a mutual respect and HONESTY.
I’ve seen him quite a few times since September and I last saw him in Roanoke at the beginning of March 2024. We sat in front of each other, in his car before he went into work that Monday night, and he told me, again, that when he thinks of marriage and a future, I’m the only one he pictures a marriage and children with. I’m not saying this to hurt you, or to make a point, I’m saying it because i don’t know what to believe anymore.
I became suspicious of his relationship with you, when he mentioned going to Macchu Picchu and hiking through the mountains. As all women have the ability to find out details they might later regret, I did the same thing. Except I didn’t believe he had actually gone to Macchu Picchu. I knew his passport had been long expired since around or before COVID, and I knew he had renewed it before he went to London. But that was when I realized you were the girl in the photo that Nicole posted. When I confronted him about Macchu Picchu, he told me he had been joking and he had also already told me he’d been joking. He had NEVER told me it was a joke, he had actually refused to show me photos when I asked him for pictures from the trip… he had then proceeded to change the topic, which is what had even raised red flags in my head.
My point is, I have asked him point blank so many times whether you two have a relationship. You tell me you still love me, that you picture marriage and a family with me, but this girl is a part of your life, and you took her to a wedding with you, while I was on a trip with my siblings, you took her to London with you, and you continue to tell me she’s just a friend. I asked him again on Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning after he left work, if you two are dating, and he said no. He asked me why I’m so hyper-fixated on somebody who’s just a friend when he has a million other female friends.
In September, he told me he needed a month to clear his head, that he wanted to commit to me, but he was afraid and that he needed to get over the fear and roadblock of our past break up. I gave him grace and understood. So we took a 4 week break. Some time during that time period, he sent me a snap of doves, and said “doves, and swans mate for life.” He sent me Ed Sheeran songs telling me he wants to find his way back to me. “No Strings Attached… you are the one I love”
In November, he messaged me and told me he had a surprise for me and to look for something in the mail. He loves the Count of Monte Carlo, it’s one of his favorite movies, and he told me it was in reference to that. A few weeks later I got a candle, a silver 400 dollar Buddha candle from Thomson Ferrier. I didn’t understand the reference to the Count of Monte Carlo, but it was a beautiful gesture and present… especially because he knew how much little gestures from him mean to me.
Fast forward to January, I got another 350 dollar black skull candle from him, from Thomson Ferrier. At this point I was upset, angry and livid. I called my sister in tears that evening. I had come back to him because he told me he loved me, that he “has a fire that burns so deeply” when he thinks of me. If i had known that wasn’t true, i would have closed the chapter a year and a half ago. I don’t want $700 worth of gifts and candles, I want more. I want marriage, I want children, I want our lives to move forward, I want communication. Out of anger, I packed up the candle, his sweatshirts and clothes that he had left at my place this past year, and mailed them back to his house. I’m sure it’s sitting somewhere in his basement closet/ bedroom… along with his white Huq sweatshirt, a picture of us I had up in my house, and various articles of clothing.
What upsets me is that he didn’t just involve me this year, he involved my family. He sent my mom presents, my parents in return sent him gifts. My sister, parents and cousins messaged him asking him to come around more. There was no point in involving my family, if he was going to involve himself with you. There was no point in involving himself with me, if he was going to involve himself with you. Those leather Indian shoes sitting in his room, my dad bought those for him. That blue sweater, those green pants and that maroon shirt, my parents bought those for him just this last year.
I don’t know what he’s told you about me, but I will say this. I was your age when we started dating. I was 29 years old. He was single, that’s what everyone in our residency program thought. He would tell everyone how Shari left him one day, all of a sudden just got up and left. “I saw the look behind her eyes just change when she looked at me.” He would tell everyone his horrific dating stories. When i started dating him, there was no doubt in my mind he was single… but I was wrong. He wasn’t single, he was dating Devon, one of the nurses from Carilion, and he had been for the past 4 years prior to that. At one point when he moved to Norfolk, she had even moved in with him. Even Shari was visiting him in Norfolk during this time period. I would have never suspected it, nobody in our residency program did. It wasn’t until one day, when he told me his friends were visiting from home, and they were all going to a concert together, that I found out. Her profile picture was of the two of them together, and her Facebook relationship status said “in a relationship.” Out of my own naivety, i believed him when he told me she was crazy and obsessed with him. He told me, to him, they were just friends but she wanted more. Women do a lot of things, but no woman is dumb enough to think she’s your girlfriend when she’s not. When we moved back to our hometowns, Devon was there waiting for him. He disappeared one day for 24 hours, told me that he was helping his dad’s friend who was stranded in NC. A year and a half later, i would find out that was a lie and that he had been at a concert Florida Georgia Line concert with her. She had been visiting his grandmother with him, staying at his parents home. The irony is that a few weeks after he took her, he took me to the same concert in Scranton. Him and his family didn’t bat an eye when a month later, I showed up and was the “new girlfriend.”
Eventually Devon found out about his lies and left him, but again, stupid me thought she was a crazy girl who just wanted so badly to be with him, that she built their relationship up in her head.
Dignity, respect for humans, empathy, are the most important qualities in a human being.
What I don’t wish is for you to be in my spot in 5 years. He will paint you in his colors, make you fall in love with MB20, and take you to Augustana concerts, he’ll tell you that you understand him, and his heart in a way that nobody else does. He’ll bond with you over music, and send you songs that make you feel he’s talking about you. He is so good at making you feel seen, and involving you with his family. He’ll say he had a vision of a girl that looks like you, coming into his life, and here you are, his soul mate. And one day, the same way that Shari, Devon and I got lost in him, the reality of everything will come pouring down on you. Be careful, there are signs between the lines, and the smiles, and good times. Make sure you don’t miss those, whatever you decide.
My relationship with him, started off just like yours. Another girl on the periphery, and teetering the line of inappropriate. Everything you call him out on, will always have an excuse, and you will believe him because he’s the “good guy” who goes above and beyond for people.
I don’t wish for any woman to go through the pain I’ve gone through, the manipulation, the lies and the emotional abuse. I can’t tell you what to do, but I will say, be careful and don’t be blind to the small things that will one day become huge. The novelty will fade, and though Jared isn’t the devil, he has a lot of growing up to do at 40. It was not okay to toy with me and drag me through the mud this year. It wasn’t okay to minimize his relationship with you and lie to me about it. It’s not okay to, to this day claim to see a life with me and not commit to it. I deserve better, and you deserve better.
How men talk about their ex’s and other women is an indication about how they will one day talk about and treat you. That is the worst and best lesson i have learned. I’m 34, years of my life wasted, and he took another year of my life knowing full well, this is how it would end. He’s sat on the phone with me for hours talking about how stupid PA’s are and if you were going to not be a doctor, at least become an NP, who has better bedside knowledge. Why would he say that, because i suppose you’re a PA and it minimizes the significance of even having a relationship with somebody who isn’t as intelligent as he is. The lack of respect will always be there, you just have to look for it.
Dishonesty, and manipulation are a plague, and if that’s who you are at 40, it is who you will always be unless you recognize that something needs to change. Where there is no accountability, there can be no change. I’m not the exception, I’m the same as the two girls before me. He’ll show you text messages where he never responded to me, even though he replies on Snapchat where every thing is erased. I cannot believe i didn’t see the signs. He will make me look crazy and laugh at me, the same way he showed me messages from Jen, and Elisabeth, and Devon, and made them sound crazy to me. I guess that’s his MO. The same way he told me you were nothing to him.
I was going to send you this message, two months ago… i then decided not to because he convinced me he wasn’t dating you… I saw him less than a month ago in Roanoke, i begged him to tell me that he was in a relationship with you. He said he wasn’t, again, he told me he was going to a wedding alone with only Ryan and that he wasn’t taking you. I then begged him to tell me that we were done and that he didn’t love me anymore. His response was idk what’s going to happen a year from now, i know I’ll see you again. His response every time has been when im ready for a relationship, emotionally, do you want me to finally let you know? I don’t care to be with him anymore. I’m so over it but i really think you should know the type of person you’re dealing with.
He has put me through so much hell for a year and a half of my life, stringing me along acting like he’s doing me a favor while he works on his own mental health and claims to still love me when we are together.”
TLDR: my SO’s ex messaged me saying he’s been seeing both of us for the past year and a half. Has anybody experienced this before. She sent me pictures from the past year of them and their text exchanges
submitted by elsa78910 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:32 elsa78910 Long message, should I believe the ex? Or is she lying

His ex sent me this message, should I believe it? I don’t know what to do. Sorry the message is really long!
“It’s been over a year of me wondering whether I should just come out and ask you or message you… but being afraid that if I do, and I’m wrong, it’ll be a the biggest mistake of my life. I have begged and begged him to tell me what you are to him, and he denies having anything more than a platonic friendship with you.
I want to preface this message with, I have no ill will towards you, I just want some answers… answers I don’t believe I’m going to get from Jared. I don’t know if he’s mentioned anything about me. So here goes…
November 2022, I sent Jared an email, telling him I loved him, missed him, and though I didn’t require a response back, I wanted him to know how sorry I was for everything that had happened and things had ended. He responded with a lengthy email telling me he still fervently loved me and how he too was sorry for how things had ended. That email lead to the last year and a half of events.
December 2022, I drove down to Roanoke and surprised him at the Carilion garage. He left the hospital as fast as he could that night, and we spent the rest of that evening together, catching up, and he left for Key West two days later. Two weeks later, he came up to DC and we had a late birthday celebration for him at Clyde’s in Georgetown and went to see A Christmas Carol at the Ford Theater. A few weeks later we drove to Jersey to see Matchbox20, by now it was the end of January 2023. Almost every week off, for the last year, he would come up and see me, if even for only two days, or I would drive down to Roanoke and spend the week with him. We spoke about our past, the hurt, and future, he told me numerous times that when he pictured marriage and children, it was only with me, but he needed time. This part is important, and I’ll come back to it later. We celebrated my birthday at a restaurant in Navy Yard, two weeks before you guys left for London. Chris video chatted with that night while we were at the restaurant eating Wagyu, and they discussed the new shipment of sunglasses Chris had gotten for Miggieswear.
The weekend of the Super Bowl, he had come seen me earlier that week, the day after he left I came to Roanoke and left the day of the Super Bowl. He told me his parents were having a viewing party and he had to go home and cook. I’m now assuming he left my Airbnb and came to your place.
That February he planned a trip to London, with Nicole, Ryan and Chris, and what he told me were, Nicole’s “friends.” Nicole happened to post a picture of you guys sitting on the plane and I was shocked, why would Nicole’s friend be sitting between him and Ryan. I sent him a message while you were on that 6 hour flight, telling him that if he had been seeing somebody, then why didn’t he tell me? There was no point in us spending time together if he had moved on. His response to me was “do you even know what you’re looking at? I’m surprised you don’t recognize her, that’s Nicole’s friend. You’re jumping to a lot of conclusions right now and don’t know what you’re talking about.” Something in my gut didn’t believe it but I wanted to trust that, so I did. I put you out of sight, out of mind. When he got back, he told me how he wished I’d been there with him, we both love history and old buildings, it’s a place we would have found magical together. I don’t know who came up with the idea of going to London, but part of me always thinks I’m the one who put it there when I shared the pictures i had taken when I went there the year we had been no contact.
We went to a Kenny Chesney concert in Charlottesville that March when I got back from my family trip to India, and he got back from London. Between work, us both traveling with our families, we were excited to see one another. We were going to go to St Augustine, but because of the weather, we stayed in Roanoke and saw Kenny Chesney in Charlottesville. The original plan had been to spend the night in Charlottesville at a hotel, but we couldn’t get one last minute so we ended up driving back to Roanoke and sneaking into the basement at his parents house and sleeping in his bed at 3am.
A few months later, we went to Richmond, and stayed the weekend, exploring the city, and watched Hamilton at the Altria Theater. A few months after that, we went to Savannah and Atlanta, where he got a flat tire driving into the garage, and spent the rest of the weekend at a yoga retreat. July, he asked me to go to Boston with him and his brother, for 4th or July weekend, but I couldn’t because my siblings were in town. Every single week, he came down and either stayed with me, or made a quick trip to spend time with me…
This past September, I found out he took you to Justin’s wedding, and I broke. I needed more from him. I have known him, been intimate with him, shared my every fear, worry, I have brought him home cooked meals from DC and surprised him at work with dinner, I’ve made him care packages. I’ve made Ryan Easter baskets and sent him birthday presents and encouraged Jared to put him in academic classes, I’ve helped Jared look into private schools for Ryan, and weighed the pros and cons of the options. I had no expectations in return from him other than, at the very least, a mutual respect and HONESTY.
I’ve seen him quite a few times since September and I last saw him in Roanoke at the beginning of March 2024. We sat in front of each other, in his car before he went into work that Monday night, and he told me, again, that when he thinks of marriage and a future, I’m the only one he pictures a marriage and children with. I’m not saying this to hurt you, or to make a point, I’m saying it because i don’t know what to believe anymore.
I became suspicious of his relationship with you, when he mentioned going to Macchu Picchu and hiking through the mountains. As all women have the ability to find out details they might later regret, I did the same thing. Except I didn’t believe he had actually gone to Macchu Picchu. I knew his passport had been long expired since around or before COVID, and I knew he had renewed it before he went to London. But that was when I realized you were the girl in the photo that Nicole posted. When I confronted him about Macchu Picchu, he told me he had been joking and he had also already told me he’d been joking. He had NEVER told me it was a joke, he had actually refused to show me photos when I asked him for pictures from the trip… he had then proceeded to change the topic, which is what had even raised red flags in my head.
My point is, I have asked him point blank so many times whether you two have a relationship. You tell me you still love me, that you picture marriage and a family with me, but this girl is a part of your life, and you took her to a wedding with you, while I was on a trip with my siblings, you took her to London with you, and you continue to tell me she’s just a friend. I asked him again on Tuesday night/Wednesday Morning after he left work, if you two are dating, and he said no. He asked me why I’m so hyper-fixated on somebody who’s just a friend when he has a million other female friends.
In September, he told me he needed a month to clear his head, that he wanted to commit to me, but he was afraid and that he needed to get over the fear and roadblock of our past break up. I gave him grace and understood. So we took a 4 week break. Some time during that time period, he sent me a snap of doves, and said “doves, and swans mate for life.” He sent me Ed Sheeran songs telling me he wants to find his way back to me. “No Strings Attached… you are the one I love”
In November, he messaged me and told me he had a surprise for me and to look for something in the mail. He loves the Count of Monte Carlo, it’s one of his favorite movies, and he told me it was in reference to that. A few weeks later I got a candle, a silver 400 dollar Buddha candle from Thomson Ferrier. I didn’t understand the reference to the Count of Monte Carlo, but it was a beautiful gesture and present… especially because he knew how much little gestures from him mean to me.
Fast forward to January, I got another 350 dollar black skull candle from him, from Thomson Ferrier. At this point I was upset, angry and livid. I called my sister in tears that evening. I had come back to him because he told me he loved me, that he “has a fire that burns so deeply” when he thinks of me. If i had known that wasn’t true, i would have closed the chapter a year and a half ago. I don’t want $700 worth of gifts and candles, I want more. I want marriage, I want children, I want our lives to move forward, I want communication. Out of anger, I packed up the candle, his sweatshirts and clothes that he had left at my place this past year, and mailed them back to his house. I’m sure it’s sitting somewhere in his basement closet/ bedroom… along with his white Huq sweatshirt, a picture of us I had up in my house, and various articles of clothing.
What upsets me is that he didn’t just involve me this year, he involved my family. He sent my mom presents, my parents in return sent him gifts. My sister, parents and cousins messaged him asking him to come around more. There was no point in involving my family, if he was going to involve himself with you. There was no point in involving himself with me, if he was going to involve himself with you. Those leather Indian shoes sitting in his room, my dad bought those for him. That blue sweater, those green pants and that maroon shirt, my parents bought those for him just this last year.
I don’t know what he’s told you about me, but I will say this. I was your age when we started dating. I was 29 years old. He was single, that’s what everyone in our residency program thought. He would tell everyone how Shari left him one day, all of a sudden just got up and left. “I saw the look behind her eyes just change when she looked at me.” He would tell everyone his horrific dating stories. When i started dating him, there was no doubt in my mind he was single… but I was wrong. He wasn’t single, he was dating Devon, one of the nurses from Carilion, and he had been for the past 4 years prior to that. At one point when he moved to Norfolk, she had even moved in with him. Even Shari was visiting him in Norfolk during this time period. I would have never suspected it, nobody in our residency program did. It wasn’t until one day, when he told me his friends were visiting from home, and they were all going to a concert together, that I found out. Her profile picture was of the two of them together, and her Facebook relationship status said “in a relationship.” Out of my own naivety, i believed him when he told me she was crazy and obsessed with him. He told me, to him, they were just friends but she wanted more. Women do a lot of things, but no woman is dumb enough to think she’s your girlfriend when she’s not. When we moved back to our hometowns, Devon was there waiting for him. He disappeared one day for 24 hours, told me that he was helping his dad’s friend who was stranded in NC. A year and a half later, i would find out that was a lie and that he had been at a concert Florida Georgia Line concert with her. She had been visiting his grandmother with him, staying at his parents home. The irony is that a few weeks after he took her, he took me to the same concert in Scranton. Him and his family didn’t bat an eye when a month later, I showed up and was the “new girlfriend.”
Eventually Devon found out about his lies and left him, but again, stupid me thought she was a crazy girl who just wanted so badly to be with him, that she built their relationship up in her head.
Dignity, respect for humans, empathy, are the most important qualities in a human being.
What I don’t wish is for you to be in my spot in 5 years. He will paint you in his colors, make you fall in love with MB20, and take you to Augustana concerts, he’ll tell you that you understand him, and his heart in a way that nobody else does. He’ll bond with you over music, and send you songs that make you feel he’s talking about you. He is so good at making you feel seen, and involving you with his family. He’ll say he had a vision of a girl that looks like you, coming into his life, and here you are, his soul mate. And one day, the same way that Shari, Devon and I got lost in him, the reality of everything will come pouring down on you. Be careful, there are signs between the lines, and the smiles, and good times. Make sure you don’t miss those, whatever you decide.
My relationship with him, started off just like yours. Another girl on the periphery, and teetering the line of inappropriate. Everything you call him out on, will always have an excuse, and you will believe him because he’s the “good guy” who goes above and beyond for people.
I don’t wish for any woman to go through the pain I’ve gone through, the manipulation, the lies and the emotional abuse. I can’t tell you what to do, but I will say, be careful and don’t be blind to the small things that will one day become huge. The novelty will fade, and though Jared isn’t the devil, he has a lot of growing up to do at 40. It was not okay to toy with me and drag me through the mud this year. It wasn’t okay to minimize his relationship with you and lie to me about it. It’s not okay to, to this day claim to see a life with me and not commit to it. I deserve better, and you deserve better.
How men talk about their ex’s and other women is an indication about how they will one day talk about and treat you. That is the worst and best lesson i have learned. I’m 34, years of my life wasted, and he took another year of my life knowing full well, this is how it would end. He’s sat on the phone with me for hours talking about how stupid PA’s are and if you were going to not be a doctor, at least become an NP, who has better bedside knowledge. Why would he say that, because i suppose you’re a PA and it minimizes the significance of even having a relationship with somebody who isn’t as intelligent as he is. The lack of respect will always be there, you just have to look for it.
Dishonesty, and manipulation are a plague, and if that’s who you are at 40, it is who you will always be unless you recognize that something needs to change. Where there is no accountability, there can be no change. I’m not the exception, I’m the same as the two girls before me. He’ll show you text messages where he never responded to me, even though he replies on Snapchat where every thing is erased. I cannot believe i didn’t see the signs. He will make me look crazy and laugh at me, the same way he showed me messages from Jen, and Elisabeth, and Devon, and made them sound crazy to me. I guess that’s his MO. The same way he told me you were nothing to him.
I was going to send you this message, two months ago… i then decided not to because he convinced me he wasn’t dating you… I saw him less than a month ago in Roanoke, i begged him to tell me that he was in a relationship with you. He said he wasn’t, again, he told me he was going to a wedding alone with only Ryan and that he wasn’t taking you. I then begged him to tell me that we were done and that he didn’t love me anymore. His response was idk what’s going to happen a year from now, i know I’ll see you again. His response every time has been when im ready for a relationship, emotionally, do you want me to finally let you know? I don’t care to be with him anymore. I’m so over it but i really think you should know the type of person you’re dealing with.
He has put me through so much hell for a year and a half of my life, stringing me along acting like he’s doing me a favor while he works on his own mental health and claims to still love me when we are together.”
submitted by elsa78910 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:51 bluedogbite Positive Snake Symbolism?

I am Catholic and also love snakes, and it makes me sad to see so many Christians think they're evil or spawns of Satan when in reality they're beloved creations of God. I wanted to find more positive snake symbolism in Catholicism, like the bronze snake being risen up likened to Christ and the "wise as serpents, innocent as doves" scripture. Anyone have more positive scriptures, saint stories, or other symbolisms for snakes?
submitted by bluedogbite to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:42 Shiroudrake Maybe the Moon Sisters are the Shades, and maybe something is wrong?

Maybe the Moon Sisters are the Shades, and maybe something is wrong?
The Four Shades created by the Primordial One, when fought with the Seven Dragon Sovereign.
Before Sun and Moon "When the Doves Held Branches"
When the eternal throne of the heavens came, the world was made anew. Then the true lord, the Primordial One, came forth and did battle against the seven terrifying sovereigns, dragon-lords of the old world. The Primordial One created shining shades of itself, and the number of these shades was four.
We know two of them. Istaroth or Kairos, who is the "Shade of Time" who is Venti's "creation mother" And the "Shade of Life" who create the living beings and she was Egeria's "creation mother" Two of them are female.
The creation (or terraforming) was a "360 years long period." (400-40 = 360). And the humanity was the last creation.
"Forty Years After the Held Branches" Forty winters entombed the flames, and forty summers churned the seas. The Seven Sovereigns were vanquished, and the seven nations submitted to the heavens. The Primordial One, the great sovereign, began the creation of heaven and earth for "our" sake — that of its creations which it cherished most, who would soon appear upon this earth.
"Four Hundred Years After the Held Branches" The mountains and rivers were made, and the seas and oceans accepted those who rebelled and those who would not kneel. The Primordial One and one of its shades created the birds of the air, the beasts of the earth, and the fish of the sea. Together, they also created flowers, grass, and trees, before finally creating humans — our ancestors, numerous as the stars in the sky, uncountable as the sand on the shore. From that time, our ancestors made a covenant with the Primordial One, and so entered into a new age.
The Moon Sisters was older than the humanity and the Seelies. So the Moon Sisters are not Seelies
Moonpiercer The tale of the moon goes like this: this story came from a very ancient dream, one that was hidden in a Nilotpala Lotus. Long before Aramuhukunda had been born from the pomegranate, and before a great and noble race and your ancestors walked the earth together, There were once three sisters. When night came, they would leave the pearl-colored palace to roam the desert, and Nilotpala Lotuses would bloom at their feet.
We know who and when created the Shades We don't know who and when created the Moon Sisters But both the Moon Sisters and the Shades exist in the creation period. There were Three Moon Sisters and Four Shades. 3 ≠ 4
But the Moon Sisters was a lover, the Stars of Daybreak So now we have four ancient gods in two side.
Moonlit Bamboo Forest Vol. 3 These three luminous moons shared but one love, the stars of daybreak
The Moon Sisters and the Stars of Daybreak were travelling in the sky with their carriage or chariot. Those are not a synonyms of a planet, because "the sky is a hoax" so more like a flying machines or floating islands like "Celestia" and the Jade Chamber (the Jade Chamber can move)
In a long time ago possible around 6000 years ago when Rex Lapis was young. Nibelung the Dragon King cames back from beyond the sky and using with the "Forbidden Knowledge" attack the Primordial One. The war makes a Gereat Calamity, and the Primordial One was used the Divine Nails to clear the world.
Nibelung = Second Who Come:
(Soure: Istaroth's scriber a human who lives long time ago) Before Sun and Moon "The Funerary Year"
The second throne of the heavens came, and war was rekindled, as it was in the world's creation. That day, the heavens collapsed and the earth was rent asunder. Our ancestors and their ancestral land fell into this place during that conflict.
The era of darkness had begun.
(Soure: Nabu Malikata who was a seelie and an ancient god) Amethyst Crown "It was a faraway time of calm and peace. Divine envoys spoke openly with the people then, bringing them the word from the heavens..." "But, in time, invaders descended from beyond the firmament, bringing with them destruction, overturning rivers, spreading plagues..." "And though the invaders brought war to my former kin, they also brought about illusions that could break through shackles to the land." "But the master of the heavens, consumed by fear for the rising tide of delusion and breakthroughs, sent down the divine nails to mend the land, laying waste to the mortal realm..." "We then suffered the torment of exile. Stripped was our connection to heaven, to our powers of enlightenment..."
(Soure: Apep the Dendro Dragon Sovereign who was older than the gods) Nahida Second Story Quest Apep: It's a long story... We all once believed in the distant past that only forbidden knowledge could give us enough power to defeat the Heavenly Principles. Apep: The Dragon King (Nibelung) acquired the power of darkness from outside of this world and led us in a fight against the order established by the outsiders. Paimon: D—Dragon King!? Apep: An unimaginable war took place in Teyvat, causing destruction on an unprecedented scale. The world itself was on the verge of collapse. Apep: In war, the victor would inherit the right to shape the world, while the losers must turn into ash... Apep: But I didn't give up on searching for a way to turn the tides, even after the death of the Dragon King. Apep: As I attempted to collect more forbidden knowledge from the corners of the world as it was on the verge of collapse... I was stopped by the giant spike that fell from the sky.
3 of 4 chariots/carriages was fallen from the sky. A Sun Chariot and Two Lunar Carriage
When the Sun Chariot fallen creates the Chasm. Deep in the chasm are the ruins of an ancient city with similar architecture to Khaenri'ah.
The Grave of the Guarded Traveller: Was this upside-down city built by Khaenri'ah/Abyss Order?? Dainsleif: Not necessarily. The closer we draw, the more I am inclined to conclude that these ruins belong to a more ancient civilization still. Dainsleif: The Abyss Order simply got to them before anyone else. Paimon: Even older than Khaenri'ah? Whoa, Paimon can't even imagine back that far... Dainsleif: That said, the architecture here does somewhat resemble that of Khaenri'ah... At least, it would if it were the other way up. Dainsleif: Let's head toward the light over there. Mind your footing on the way ahead. It's a long way down.
A part of the Sun Chariot the "Fleeing Jade" was impact in northern Lisha. It's wery possible the Fleeing Jade was Zhongli. That means ho was one of the subordinatas of the Stars of Daybreak, (maybe the creation or the son) Just Look at the Dunyu ruins architect, it's a same as the Guili Assembly, there giant "Milelith Guards" statues, ad in a neighbour of MT Tianheng.
Stone Tablet Compilations: Vol. I In the beginning, Rex Lapis descended. He lowered the tides, raised Mt. Tianheng, and calmed the waves. Thereupon, peace was brought to the people.
Solar Relic It is said that Rex Lapis was still young, the sun was a chariot that raced across the earth. When the three sisters of the night sky were martyred in a calamity, the solar chariot fell into a deep gorge.
Records of Jueyun Vol. 6 In a past beyond memory, when even Rex Lapis would still have been young, a star fell from the sky into the barren plains west of Liyue. These plains were transformed into a huge and deep chasm in the wake of that star's descent, and jade would emerge from within, beautiful and limitless, and it would become the foundation for a thousand years of industrial mining in Liyue thereafter.
Legend has it that when that nameless star fell, a fragment of it broke off and crashed into the rocks in northern Lisha.
As most know, wordless stones harbored soul and spirit, and in manners and times not witnessed by mortal eyes they watched and listened to the ley lines' pulses, the echoes of the alpine springs, and the slow but inexorable movements of the mountains.
But unlike the ordinary but enduring stone of the earth, the fragments of the meteorite that fell from heaven had a proud and agitated temper.
Enkanomiya is floating island beneath sea and the surface in a very great cavern and was created same time when the Chasm. So I think this is one of the Fallen Moon Carriage
Before Sun and Moon "The Funerary Year"
The second throne of the heavens came, and war was rekindled, as it was in the world's creation. That day, the heavens collapsed and the earth was rent asunder. Our ancestors and their ancestral land fell into this place during that conflict.
After that Abrax/Aberaku built the Dainichi Mokoshi (with Istaroth help) to light up the dark deep. Dainichi Mokoshi literally means "Divine Chariot of the Great Sun" And its possible he used parts of the Moon Carriage when built it
Before Sun and Moon "The Year of Blindness"
The sage Abrax's wisdom was awakened, and he unveiled a light-bringing miracle from within his hands. So our ancestors began to build the Helios, with him as their leader.
The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent Enjou: First, you'll need to find something known as the "Golden Bridle" According to related literature, it's a device that is less than an armful in size. Paimon: Oh, so it's not a rope? Enjou: The name is simply derived from one of Byakuyakoku's legends. They say that the sun and the moon were moved by the chariots of the gods. Enjou: And the Golden Bridle was Byakuyakoku's national treasure.
And third Divine Chariot was possible fallen where Khaenri'ah is. More precisely there is two "crater" the Turning Hollow which is Khaenri'ah's entrace, and the Vourukasha Oasis which is Nabu Malikata "homeland" And based the Gate position the City beneath the Oasis.
Nabu Malikata was connected with the Moon Sisters. She is subordinates or a children of one of them like Zhongli.
Moonpiercer There were once three sisters. When night came, they would leave the pearl-colored palace to roam the desert, and Nilotpala Lotuses would bloom at their feet.
Ay-Khanoum's Myriad Gorgeous purple flowers bearing semblance to the moon bloomed wherever she stopped by. They were named "Padisarah."
And also the city they built together with Deshret. The name Ay-Khanoum, means the City of the Moon Maiden.
Malikata was the Lord of Flowers and based on this she was propably the subordiantes or creation daugter of the Moon Sister of Life or the Shade of Life. Also that means She was Egeria's little sister. Nabu Malikata was a Seelie Egeria created the Oceanids whose are literally a Hydro Seelies.
BUT! Peruere (Arlecchino) stroy and lore that Moon Sisters was more connected to Death than the Life.
For me its looks like Peruere concept is based on two Honkai Impact Character. The one is Raven who has a similar appareance and both of them are an Orphanage Director The other is Seele whose weapon is a Scyte and "she was" the Herrscher of Death in the previous era, and she is the Herrscher of Rebirth in the current era. And Seele has double personality.
It's looks like Mihoyos seems to be interested in dealing with the topic of dissociative personality disorder Both Honkai Impact and Genshin Impact contains characters with double personality. (I haven't played the Star Rail yet.) In Honkai Impact: Kiana, and Seele In Genshin Imapct: Azhdaha, Layla, and Furina
Herrscher of Death/Rebirth powers is the Life and Death manipulation.
What if the Shade of Life also the Shade of Death? Or call her the "Shade of Life and Death" or the "Moon Sister of Life and Death"
Some interesthin thing about Peruere
Hu Tao and Peruere Both is Pyro Polearm character whit Pyro Conversion ability. Both connected with the theme of death. Neither works well with healer teammates Can heal themselves with their Bursts Both of them have flower shaped pupill and can mark the enemies with those flower. ("Using the elemental skill")
(So maybe Arlecchino = Hu Tao 2.0 XD)
And there is and other character who has a flower shaped pupill and can mark the enemies with those flower. She is Nahida. It's simply logic that the avatar of Irminsul also created by the the Shade of Life or somehow connected. And an interesting opposite where Nahida power based on the knowledge and remembering and Peruere has the power of forgotting.
The Artifacts. Whe have 5 pieces in a set.
Maybe The Flower of Life and the Plume of Death connected the Shade of Life and Death. Maybe the other three pieces connected with the Shades.
In Mondstadth there is three charactes whose have an artifact shaped conbstellation.
Lisa is an Electro chararacter with a Hourglass constellation. The Electro Resonance is the Energy Recharge, in main stat only in appears in the Sands of Eon. The Electro Erchon, Ei's power based on the Energy Recharge. Also she and her sister connected with Istasroth. Istaroth worshiped both Mondstadth and Inazuma (Enkanomiya). Ei is the God of Ethernity The latin tempus means both weather and time.
Barbara is a Hydro character with a Grail constellation. It's maybe fun if we call that is Neuvillett's glass. But the first Hydro Archon more like connected with Flower of Life. Something is not OK. (But later)
Rosalia is a Cryo character with a Crown constelaltion. The Cryo Resonance is the Crit%, in main stat only in appears in the Circlet of Logos.
In Arlechino Character demo at 40s the narrator has same Voice Actor as Bronya
The Circlet of Logos another name is Crown of Reason. And Bronya is the Herrscher of Reason (I hope Tsaritsa will has a motorbyke!)
So the connections Flower of Life and Plume of Death -> Shade of Life and Death Circlet of Logos/Crown of Reason -> Shade of Reason Sands of Eon/Sands of Time -> Shade of Time (Istaroth)
In Enkanomiya we can get three Achievements named Kairos' Constancy)
Kairos is Istaroth other name, we could logically think that also Phosphoros and Hesperus is the member of the Four Shades.
Phosphorus is Morning Star in the Greek Myth. And the Morning Star is the syninym of the Stars of Daybreak whose Sun Chariot fallen in the Chasm.
Hesperus is the Evening Star in the Greek Myth
In our World both Phosphorus and Hesperus refer to a same star the Venus So thats maybe means the driveruler of the Sun Chariot is the Shade of Morning and Evening, or the Shade of Light and Darkness
So I thought in this point if the Shades has two sides they are:
Shade of Life and Death Shade of Time and Weather Shade of Light and Darkness Sahde of Reason and "Instinct" (as the opposite of reason)
But something is not OK
Istaroth name from the demon Astaroth who is demonized of the Goddes Astarte/IstaAttar
Astarte/IstaAttar symbol is the Venus. That means Istaroth is the Stars of Daybreak and Phosphorus and Hesperus is also refers to her. Ok its logic because she was the only god who helped Enkanomiya's pepeole. And the morning and evening is a time period. The Sun and the Moon and the Stars can be use the measuring of time.
Istaroth survived the impact, and her divine chariot was repaired and replaced with the people of ancient Liyue. Maybe this chariot is the floating island tha we call "Celstia"?
Solar Relic It is said that Rex Lapis was still young, the sun was a chariot that raced across the earth. When the three sisters of the night sky were martyred in a calamity, the solar chariot fell into a deep gorge. The mountain people, taking it for a sign, repaired the device, allowing it to shine through the darkness again. And though it was returned to its constant westward cycle, a single piece would forever remain behind. When they moved to the city, they would grind that fragment into crystals and sell it to someone who knew its value...
And teh weather is not the opposite of time. ( Followings are not perfectly logic sorry for that)
What is? If we say the "Space" then the Shades are
Shade of Life and Death Shade of Time and Space Sahde of Reason and "Instinct" And an Unkown Shade
Talk again the Artifacts Barbara is a Hydro character with a Grail constellation. Goblet of Eonothem The Eonothem is the chronostratigraphy version of the Eon And the other name is Cup of Emptiness or Cup of Space or Cup of Void
Just in mention: In Sumeru the is a Varuna Contraption weather controll device In the Vedic Myth Varuna is the god of Sky and the Oceans The Sun Symbol:
The Unknown God concpet based on Kina Herrscher of Void form from Honkai Impact. Maybe she is Istaroth?
But she was attacked the Shiblings. Or maybe saved them?
In the Opening, she sealed the Twins
But the Traveller never mentioned how to break the seal. Traveller: When I woke, I was all alone.
Maybe she was send them into the future? (Or into the present from the past in our viewpoint) Maybe she didn't want them to have the same fate as the Third Descender? Maybe she want them to do something, but she couldn't say them to what?
Interesting thing: The Sundial in the Nameless Island (Mondstadt) points to its starting point of the Game. The rock on which the Traveler was sitting.
Istaroth works again the Primordial One or the Heavenly Principles?
The Primordial One itself or ordered someone to cut down or destroy Irminsul. (or kill Buer the God of Knowledge) And this is propably ereased everyone memory. But Istaroth saves a branch and Buer with it.
Before Sun and Moon "The Parable of the Tree" The king's gardener and the tree spirit of the royal garden were in love. But the king wished to repair the beams of his pavilion, and so needed to cut down the tree with the most spiritual energy within it. The king was the incarnation of the Primordial One, and the gardener could not defy the sovereign of sovereigns, and so he could only bring his plea to the king's priest, who was the incarnation of Tokoyo Ookami. The priest had pity on the gardener and said to him: "Go, and cut the branches of the spirit-tree down." The gardener did so, and afterward did as the king ordered, cutting the spirit-tree itself down. Then the priest said: "Plant the spirit-tree's branches in the ground." But the gardener said: "A spirit-tree shall take five hundred years to grow." The priest said: "Your one thought shall echo through eternity." And so the gardener planted the branches in his back yard. In an instant, the slim branches grow into a new tree, and the new tree spirit was a continuation of the past one. For it is the God of Moments who is able to take "seeds" from this "moment" into the past and the future.
The Befire Sun and Moon writed by Istaroth's scribe so the source of the knowlege of the oild world was Istaroth herself.
Before Sun and Moon The Tenth Year of Sun and Moon
Abrax is long gone. The events before the sun and the moon have been recorded sufficiently. Well, if I did not dare to write things down just as they happened, how could I consider myself a scribe of Tokoyo Ookami?
Hark, I hear armor without. Here, I shall stop writing.
But the Heavenly Principles not too happy for it.
The Subterranean Trials of Drake and Serpent
Enjou: These chronicles are known to the people here as the times "before Sun and Moon." Back then, no gods walked the earth, and the whole land belonged to a single civilization. Paimon: Was there ever really such a time? The bards claim that the times "when gods walked the earth" is the furthest back we go! Enjou: Yes, that's precisely it. That's why I wanted to find this book. That way, we, the Abyss Order, would have proof. Proof that the gods and Celestia came from beyond this world. Enjou: The only thing I do know at the moment is that the Great Serpent was sentenced to death by Celestia for accidentally reading this book.
The Heavenly Principles want to erease all of knowledge of hte past, but Istaroth want to save rhem.
Perhaps Istaroth is behind all the fairy tales that hide the ancient history of Teyvat?
Just a final think. Watch again the oppening and watch carefully to the Twins
Are they really twins? Their hair colorshade is not same Their pupill is not same
Lumine wears Inteyvat flowers in her hair. (Flower of Life) Aether wears a feather shaped earrings in his left ear and a same ornament in his braid. (Plume of Death)
Are they connected with the Shade of Life and Death?
Ps. Very sorry if untraceable, some ideas came while writing. And also very sorry for my bad english
submitted by Shiroudrake to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:11 ar_david_hh Insider: Church leaders met to discuss next steps; The events preceding AM-AZ border delimitation agreement; Geopolitics & diplomacy; Kazakhstan, Blinken & Macron: Interview w/ Babajanyan \\ Death threats, sappers, and the ժեխ \\ Opposition's plan \\ Car insurance market liberalization

10-minute read.

interview with Hanun Hanrapetutyan party leader Arman Babajanyan: Germany & Blinken, border delimitation, opposition Archbishop's meeting with his boss Catholicos

REPORTER: What can you tell us about the meeting in Kazakhstan?
BABAJANYAN: Azerbaijan was initially refusing the launch the border delimitation unless Armenia withdrew from the 2.5 Soviet-era Azeri villages. This Tavush delimitation process began during the [February] meeting in Berlin, after which Pashinyan announced that Armenia had to transfer the 2.5 villages. Blinken visited Paris and discussed this issue with Macron, followed by a joint press conference in which the French FM accused Azerbaijan of occupying Armenian territories. Blinken called Aliyev, and for the first time, Azerbaijan very openly vowed to continue the process based on the 1991 Almaty principles.
This is when we learned that the Armenian side was finally able to sway Azerbaijan and to organize the transfer of these 2.5 villages not as a one-sided concession, which is what Azerbaijan initially demanded, but to include them as part of a wider Almaty delimitation agreement (April 19), which is what Armenia wanted.
The 1991 Almaty declaration was one of the few cards in Armenia's hands and that is what Armenian diplomacy has been focused on since the September 2022 invasion, after Russia refused to help and Armenia decided to use the Almaty as a legal tool to pressure Azerbaijan with the help of West in Prague. After two years of intense diplomatic efforts, we were able to reach an agreement (April 19) with Azerbaijan around Almaty principles. However, Azerbaijan continues to resist the inclusion of Almaty in the larger peace agreement, while Armenia continues to negotiate for its inclusion.
I have internal information that the Armenian opposition's protests to the 1991 Almaty process have had no effect on the diplomatic efforts. Kazakhstan stepped in and made the 1991 Almaty declaration even more symbolic and stronger by providing a platform for negotiations. Armenia must treat Kazakhstan as a potential economic and political partner in Central Asia. The news of President Tokayev's trip to Yerevan was met with pain in Baku because Kazakhstan is a member of Turkic states.
This delimitation process is accompanied by several geopolitical developments that have a direct impact on the future of Russia's influence in the South Caucasus. (1) The April 5 meeting radically changed Armenia's weight category. (2) The outcome of the Pashinyan-Putin meeting: withdrawal of Russian forces from the AM-AZ border, in addition to Zvartnots Airport.
In 1988, Soviet Armenia and Soviet Azerbaijan went through a whole set of legal procedures to conduct a border delimitation and demarcation. It's no coincidence that Nikol Pashinyan emphasizes the need to "reproduce" the borders. In 1988, Soviet AM and AZ used topographic maps to confirm 95% of the border - around 1050 kilometers. Today they are trying to stay as close to this as possible.
I'm not a fan of direct AM-AZ talks without a Western mediator, but we know that Blinken is being briefed daily on this process so it's one of the topics at the center of his attention. The West has welcomed the delimitation process. The West is "present" as long as the process is based on Almaty principles. As for Russia, they are more cautious towards this Almaty delimitation because Russia itself is violating Almaty in Ukraine.
REPORTER: Why do you find it important to minimize Russia's physical presence in Armenia?
BABAJANYAN: (1) Russian presence did/does not protect Armenia from external threats. (2) Russian forces are a potential threat to Armenia's internal stability. We've witnessed hybrid warfare attacks from Russia and the use of Russian agents in Armenia's internal political life. I can't rule out the possibility of Russia using its forces in Armenia to resolve its problems. (3) Russian border agents were preventing Armenian citizens from moving from one Armenian settlement to another Armenian settlement, within Armenia. They were also preventing Armenian journalists and EU border observers from entering certain regions.
Russia's main ally in the South Caucasus is animosity and bloodshed. If we are able to involve the international community in this delimitation process, if we are able to deploy a contingent of Armenian border guards equipped with modern monitoring tech across the border, and I know for a fact that the West wants to help Armenia with this, then I don't see why it won't be possible for Armenia to guard its own borders.
REPORTER: You mentioned a possible intervention by Russian forces into Armenia's internal affairs. What did you mean?
BABAJANYAN: The forced removal of the Pashinyan administration with the use of the 102nd Russian military base, if they realize there is no other way to accomplish that. They have ranking officials like Dmitri Medvedev, who is the deputy head of NatSec, writing posts that convey the Russian government's stance towards the Armenian government and Armenia's European aspirations.
REPORTER: But how can we have peace with Azerbaijan if they are talking about Armenia being "Western Azerbaijan"?
BABAJANYAN: What Aliyev says with the intention of stirring things up in Armenia and feeding his own population should not hold Armenia back from doing what's best for Armenia. Azerbaijan's agreement to accept the Almaty principles was a big concession by Azerbaijan. Prior to that, every time Armenia would slightly hint at Almaty, Azerbaijani figures would raise vaynasoon and sharply rebuke Armenia.
Azeris were bringing arguments against the 1991 Almaty. (1) They [and Armenian's parliamentary opposition party ARF] argued that Azerbaijan did not ratify the 1991 Almaty in 1992. (2) They argued that Armenia violated Almaty by entering Lachin during the first war to protect ethnic Armenians. However, as of right now, there are serious internal political developments in Azerbaijan after Aliyev's recent statement on recognizing Armenia's territorial integrity and acceptance of Almaty as the principle for border delimitation. This was a diplomatic accomplishment by Armenia, backed by the international community's support. Aliyev's occasional outbursts of maximalist rhetoric do not help the process, of course, but it's part of a hybrid warfare against Armenia. I'm surprised we have so many analysts in Armenia who still fall for it and help Aliyev while ignoring Armenia's accomplishments on Western platforms.
REPORTER: There are protests in Armenia led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan. They demand Pashinyan's resignation.
BABAJANYAN: There is nothing complicated here. I know quite well where this movement originated from, how it got big, and who the forces are behind this process. Initially, they did not publicly demand for PM's resignation, before suddenly demanding it on Republic Square. I think this is an "apolitical" movement because it lacks a political program. The figures behind this process perhaps believe the public is naïve and doesn't understand what's happening. The beneficiaries of this movement are not on the stage; they are elsewhere, including outside of Armenia [in Russia]. They have attempted coups since 2018 because they are terrified of elections.
As a former [churchman], I have insider sources from the church. Yesterday I met ranking clergy figures and I've been informed about the internal situation, what the majority of archbishops think, and what happened yesterday at 7 pm.
REPORTER: What happened at 7 pm?
BABAJANYAN: A meeting by ranking church officials. They urged the Catholicos [big boss] to take steps to prevent the escalation of this process. No surprise that they held it at 7 pm. They essentially waited to see how many people would show up at the Republic Square protest [the number was reportedly 3x smaller than previously]. They recognized that their "holy movement" was dying down and Catholicos himself understood that it was necessary to stop Archbishop Bagrat. The Catholicos said that he plans to speak with Bagrat on Sunday and convince him to end his participation in this movement. The Catholicos will thank Bagrat for his service, and for leading people, and will urge Bagrat to hand over the movement to politicians. Bagrat will be asked to return to serve in his church in Tavush. How Bagrat will respond to this, and how the supreme leadership of the church will respond, will likely become clear on Monday after the second meeting of ranking churchmen.
Other archbishops are very concerned about the events in Yerevan and its impact on the church's reputation and future developments. Archbishop Bagrat has opened Pandora's Box and granted the government the legitimate right to also intervene in the church's internal affairs, including financial and material processes, something that the state has so far left untouched. It won't be a problem now for the state to investigate the church's revenue sources and donations. I think it's time to tax the income from parafin sales and other sources.
The Catholicos informed the other archbishops that he was not behind the march launched by Bagrat and that he only "blessed" Bagrat's efforts limited in Tavush. Catholicos also told archbishops that he urged Bagrat to stay with Tavush villagers, serve them, and amplify their voices. In other words, Catholicos says he has no participation in the "march". This is according to ~10 archbishops with whom I spoke. I believe them. I believe Catholicos did not take part in this process. Perhaps Bagrat thought his actions were helping the church so he decided to claim that he had the Catholicos's "blessing".
Sure, Catholicos could have called and asked Bagrat to retract it, or perhaps Catholicos legitimately thought Bagrat could succeed in his "holy struggle" and in bringing back Kocharyan. Kocharyan's circles are actively discussing the candidacy of ex-Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan, who is a favorite of former regime forces.
I believe Catholicos and Bagrat have already met today [Bagrat later said it's a normal practice to regularly meet Catholicos but claims they have not discussed the ongoing protests...]. I hope Bagrat will announce how he plans to end his mission. If you remember, he said earlier that he has no plans to take part in this process forever and that it's a matter of "few days" for him.
The timing of this movement is not a coincidence. For Russia, the target is May 15, when border commissions led by Mher Grigoryan and Mustafayev must sign the Protocols to be ratified by parliaments. If they manage to derail this process, Azerbaijan will use it as a chance to exit the border delimitation process that's based on Almaty principles. The West "forcefully" brought Azerbaijan to this negotiation table, so if Armenia walks away, Azerbaijan could use it as an excuse to carry out more aggression. This delimitation is the biggest diplomatic achievement of the Pashinyan administration in 6 years.
source, source, source,

"adopting the 1991 Almaty Declaration as the basis for border delimitation is a felony crime": ex-foreign ministry official Vahagn Melikyan, an opposition speaker in Republic Square

Yesterday opposition churchman Bagrat asked Kocharyan's foreign minister Vardan Oskanian and other ex-officials to draft a new negotiation system. They announced the involvement of 30 foreign diplomats, who urged for the suspension of the ongoing delimitation process based on 1991 Almaty, "քանի որ այն չի պարունակում սահմանային նկարագիր, միայն տարածքային պահանջներ չունենալու հարց ունի": //
A ruling party MP accused some of the ex-diplomats in the aforementioned group of "deserting" during the difficult hours in 2021.
MP TOROSYAN: It's 2021. The government has resigned. Azerbaijan invades Armenia in May. These people fled their diplomatic trenches and left the country without a Foreign Minister, knowing well that the just-resigned government could not appoint a new Minister. This includes Ara Ayvazyan. //
source, source,

Russia begins withdrawing border agents from the Armenia-Azerbaijan border at the request of Pashinyan

Goris and Chakaten in Syunik are first. They were deployed there in December 2020 at the request of Pashinyan.

these are the former regime's plans after the removal of Pashinyan, according to Bagrat

(1) The end of Pashinyan's anti-Russian foreign policy.
(2) No constitutional reforms until new elections [Pashinyan did not plan to hold one that soon either]
(3) No Academic City. [need to involve as many student protesters as possible]
(4) Reversing Pashinyan's policy of removing the Armenian Language from the science field. [unclear what it means, is it about shifting to English-language programs?]
(5) Reversing Pashinyan's plan for the Central Bank to have access to bank account balances [but not individual transactions] for anti-laundering purposes.
(6) Won't raise the transport price. [need Dog to join protests]
(7) The release of former officials from jails. The opposition calls them "political prisoners". A U.S. report on Armenia says there are no political prisoners in Armenia.
(8) Bring back the Nagorno-Karabakh officials imprisoned in Baku.
(9) Delimit the borders under one package after signing a peace agreement.
source, source,

prominent opposition figure and protest co-organizer wishes the death of Armenian sappers who carry out demining activities on Tavush borders

EDGAR GHAZARYAN (Serj-era head of Staff of Constitutional Court): There have already been two instances of Armenian sappers blowing up on the mines planted by Armenian soldiers in Armenia. I wish this to all of them. We wish for every Armenian sapper who enters that minefield to be removed dead or wounded.
Արդեն երկրորդ դեպքն է, որ հայ սակրավորը պայթում է հայ զինվորի կողմից տեղադրված ականի վրա ՀՀ ինքնիշխան տարածքում: Մաղթում ենք, որ դա վերաբերվի բոլորին: Ինչքան հայ սակրավոր կմտնի ականապատ դաշտ, ցանկանում ենք, որ այնտեղից դուրս բերվի նրա մարմինը կամ վիրավոր մարմինը

prominent ruling party MP shared a death threat he allegedly received on Facebook

Which one would you choose?
(1) Join [the impeachment of Nikol]
(2) Nemesis 2.0 [get assassinated]
(3) A ticket to Istanbul [because Nikol = "Turks"]
The MP Alexanyan accused ARF of inciting violence and using a rhetoric towards Pashinyan that's 80% similar to the rhetoric they used before the assassination of PM Vazgen Sargsyan in 1999.
He also accused the Archbishop-led protest of being "fascist" after one of the speakers said, "Those who are not Armenian should leave this country" [presumably "Turks"]. Another opposition speaker thanked the ethnic minority supporters who joined them.
source, source,

This is your only realistic chance to prevent Nikol from building the Academic City and turning your child gay by filling up the Academic Library with George Soros books.

The opposition called for total paralysis of Yerevan starting at 8 am through road closures, strikes, and other acts of civil disobedience. A ruling party MP described it as acts of "obedience" by Kocharyan's team towards his "northern rulers" [Russia].
source, source,

STARMUS 2024 science-music festival begins in Slovakia

Armenia's car insurance market has been liberalized

REPORTER: The car insurance market was liberalized a year ago. Instead of fixed prices, companies offer their own prices now. The monitoring body, the Motor Insurance Bureau, reviewed the outcome a year later.
BUREAU: The outcome meets our expectations and we are satisfied. The practice of other countries shows that liberalization can briefly raise the prices before it's reduced by competition, but we didn't see a price hike in Armenia.
REPORTER: The prices were reviewed twice over the last year. Initially, it dropped too much amid a competition between firms trying to attract clients. The coverage also improved for motorists, raising the size of average compensation.
BUREAU: That's why the second correction was made, raising the prices. Still, the price [premiums] is 2% lower and the size of compensation is 17% larger than before the liberalization. It meets our expectations.
REPORTER: Here are stats from one of the car insurance firms...
2023: 83K clients
2024: 87K clients
2023: ֏3.7B collected
2024: ֏2.9B collected
2023: ֏2.047B compensated
2024: ֏2.056B compensated
INGO INSURANCE FIRM: This system is fair because it rewards drivers with a good record, allowing them to freely choose between firms.
more in video,
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:50 materhcp Nikon D3s Dead?

Hi all! I'm new in this sub thread. I have an issue with my D3s. I bought it used on Facebook marketplace for dirt cheap with 4 lenses. All of the lenses work fine. When it comes to the camera, it came with a drained battery and without a charger. I bought a charger and when I saw that the battery was fully charged, I put it into my camera. When I turned on the camera, the low battery symbol started flashing and none other than the top LCD screen was working. I tried charging the batteries again and it still gives me the same issue. It doesn't let me see the screen or any of the functions. Is there any hope for this old camera?
submitted by materhcp to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:04 NoTelephone2287 Any of you remember anything about the "পেঁয়াজ ভূত" frenzy during 2007?

Just came across a Facebook post that jogged my memories. How this whole rumor got so big people started sticking religious symbols on their doors.
submitted by NoTelephone2287 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:57 Sember Z13 - The cipher holds the key

Looking at some of the observations made in the Encyclopedia of observations:
My own observations :
Here's a few things I noticed within the cipher that have not been mentioned:
Hypothesis: The solution to the cipher "aen⌖8k8m8⊥nam" lies in the manipulation of the alphabetic characters (a, e, n, k, m) using the number 8 as a key.
Key Points:
Conclusion: I'm strongly convinced that the z13 can be solved using the clues and code found within the cipher itself, and that the solution will follow some logical steps, figuring out the correct steps and methods would require more understanding of the structure and methods used in order to create the cipher. But the key to the cipher is contained within itself, that makes the most sense considering how short it is.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by Sember to ZodiacKiller [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:33 ApocalypseSpoon RESOURCE: 1956 book "Brainwashing: The Story of Men Who Defied It"
I'm only on page 6 of this, and I am already absolutely convinced the Soviets and the CCP have 1000% NEVER changed their ways, despite the (alleged) "fall of the Berlin Wall" in '89 (which I am old enough to remember, thank you). This book from 1956 describes XitteFacebook/YouTube et al before modern computers even existed.
Right down to the denial/too-little-too-late reaction of the world, in trying to act against the Communists and their propaganda machine. Which they have basically parasitized the entire Internet into, as of right now, three-quarters of a century later.
Everything old is new again. You want to understand Russia/China and their "QAnon" campaign they have brainwashed so many in "the West" with? Read this book! It is wild how accurately it maps to what the "QAnon" disinformation campaign is/was/will be!
Which would be fine, only, H5N1 is in mammalian transmission from the start (as opposed to SARS-CoV-2 only hitting mammalian transmission after 3 years of unchecked spread, thanks to the very same Chinese/Russian disinformation campaigns on the Internet, designed to do that), and avian flu is 100% circulating via human-to-human spread in the United States right now - again, because of the Chinese/Russian "QAnon" and "germs don't exist" anti-vaccination and pro-plague-spreading disinformation campaigns they've spread via the Internet, to get SARS-CoV-2 to become endemic, instead of being eradicated (which "the Reds" have succeeded, in doing).
So, Russia and China have now, in 2024, gone full-on, masks-off (do you see what I did there) scorched-earth policy, and are continuing their disinformation campaigns to cause chaos, disease, suffering, and death, to spread across the face of the earth. Which weren't even their plans, back in '56, when this book was written, about the beginnings of what would eventually become QAnon.
Only, this time, billions are going to die, because H5N1 has a 50% or better kill rate. Fun, eh? /s
The communist hierarchy preferred people to believe that there was no such thing as brainwashing. So long as they could keep it concealed, without a name, opposition to it could be kept scattered and ineffective. As explained by Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo, a psychiatrist of Dutch origin, in his book Conversation and Communication, it is practically im- possible to fight something until it has been given a name. "To name an object is to bring it within the sphere of human control," he wrote. "Without a name it arouses fear, because it is unknown. . . . Whoever knows the name has power." Dr. Meerloo coined the fine laboratory word menticide—murder of the mind—for this atrocious quack science devised by the Reds to bring about the voluntary submission of people to an unthinking discipline and a robotlike enslavement.
But making believe that brainwashing didn't exist could not make it disappear. Neither could people wish it away, any more than the witch doctor I recently watched in the interior of Ceylon could exorcise the evil spirits of kidney disease out of a Singhalese cook by all-night Kandyan dancing and frenetic tom-tom beating. The patient, after going through this costly nerve-deadening ceremony, really believed that he was a well man again. He felt well, too; he was sure of it for more than a month. Then the old pain began racking his back again, fiercer than ever. Neither can brainwashing be exorcised by any journalistic mesmerism, nor by recourse to the comforting escape of hush-hush.
During this early period I saw white men coming out of China, across the plank railway bridge at the border of Hong Kong's leased territory, or through the medieval archway at the Portuguese colony of Macao.My first acquaintance with brainwashing came from Chinese who had undergone it on the mainland. .... I remember one in particular because he seemed to symbolize them all. He walked across the boards feebly, his eyes staring ahead with frightful intensity. He looked centuries older than his middle age.
edit and
None of these white people would speak to the press during that early period, and very few of the Chinese would, either. They were being blackmailed. This tactic used to enforce silence was not new, but still terrifying. The Reds threatened to severely punish and even kill the closest associates of any man who broke the hush-hush. Before leaving Red China, each person had to designate a hostage who would sign a guarantee for him. This enabled the communist authorities to avoid making direct threats. The hostages did so for them in the new, so-called voluntary method. "Please do not talk; my life is dependent on it," such persons would beg of their departing friend. They had been his associates, perhaps in church work or in business. The nightmare vision of such old colleagues being put to the rack and tortured unto death rose before a man's eyes and gagged his throat when he wanted to speak out.
Now read this:
edit and read this:
Nothing has changed in China. Nothing.
Now read this:
The Americans have known what the Chinese have been doing, for three-quarters of a century, and they continue to refuse to stop it, because XitteFacebook/Alphabet are the only vile websites that are literally propping up their delusional "infinite growth" economy. I said somewhere else on here, it's long overdue for the Americans to bring the Red Scare back!
submitted by ApocalypseSpoon to Qult_Headquarters [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:08 Odd-Hand-2026 goats have climbed up and were put on the “run Way” for modelling.. they on their way to fall to 33rd degree Masonic death.. or try to get into the wombs of European to go back to “KamE”.. two different types of fallen angels. pardon true Moab.. the raisins. “Corinth” twice served.

Europe ⚫️ Ice age and L = 🇺🇸 ⚫️ I wore the ice ice baby shirt when i was ☀️.. goats have climbed up and were put on the “run Way” for modelling.. they on their way to fall to 33rd degree Masonic death.. or try to get into the wombs of European to go back to “KamE”.. two different types of fallen angels. pardon true Moab.. the raisins. “Corinth” twice served.. Europe ⚫️ L = 🇺🇸 ⚫️ proof two night stand my brother had sex with the Nubian twice. No relationships. And 🌞 same for me. Twice is also sign of silver.. but We die on Silver.. this a fight for previous familles life. My brother He is my “bine” same I also take his hits financially (imbalance). Otherwise I’m good but he must stay under that curse or be in excessive. I never left because I am not free. I will soon be released from him pray for me.. my brother not evil, he’s good he just ignorant, low iq , and not steadfast to me but in the lie making my life straight hell. He literally Spiritually retarded .. nor understanding simply not spiritual and more simply a ish ⚪️ = a burden thats what a ish is to take him is pure stupidity.. Literally could cry why tf you want my ish a ish is nothing to want.. 😩😩 seriously.. this is not laban bs this is a God appointed yoke for duty. Who tf would want to claim someone’s bondage to overcome is even more stupid… I’m paired with him young so its all i know the bible speaks on this “better to take the yoke early” (anything done early is better especially if unpleasant) will include the verse. It was because an Israeli 🇮🇱 “Haim shalom” was dating and seeing a girl name “Aquila” before all this in secret. (Remember these names they will be important) After he couldn’t date me.. with one night stand with German ethnicity person and me never happened. The proof is Haim shalom his name means Life peace .. dove 🕊️ = principality .. we worked at 👁️ eye Chic. I was manager.. i never paid nobody manager as in open close the store and make sure i bring in the most money I didnt manage black women get real your not that blessed or fortune to say you served me.. or worked for me .. you never did shit for me .. I’m the asset! The delusion.. Their is no other encounters.. why is this important for me because I am ⚫️AE. And Uriel is symbolic of white crosses that i told you are “bronze” = these are the tall whites. Area 51 some who had fallen.. in a war between old empire (Orion) and the federation.. meaning killed and have been reincarnating over and over again. Til i am where i am now.. dying at peak. If i can finish my unfolding it will all make clear sense to everyone.. thou online I never got to finish from 3day hold. And the pink triangle is not about homosexuality the jews & no men understood. Its about a Female Shaman incarnation and “Uranians” Peace = principality (but Nubia spinx insures it is taken away) and that I can not rest. Its not Elijah i start off a boy or masculine powered so i show up strong and in wisdom for Saturn the opposite of Israel. As men are from Israel and women from Moab .
submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:40 Ha_1133 Lee Jae-myung's reelection support at 44%, Jung Cheong-rae: "I am in full support... Let's shoulder the responsibility together."
Regarding the news that the reelection support rate for Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the Democratic Party of Korea, has reached 44%, prominent member Jung Cheong-rae, known for his close ties to Lee Jae-myung, expressed his full support.
On the 11th, Representative Jung posted on Facebook, stating, "Representative Lee Jae-myung has been busy fighting against the suppression and oppression from the opposition for the past two years, and as the party leader, he has not been able to demonstrate his full capabilities."
This response follows the announcement made in response to a survey conducted by the news agency Newsis, in collaboration with the polling organizations, the National Research Group and Ace Research, on the 8th to 9th of last month. The survey involved 1,000 adults aged 18 and older nationwide, querying them about their opinions on the reelection of Representative Lee Jae-myung. According to the results, opposition to his reelection stood at 45%, while support for his reelection reached 44%. The survey employed random sampling proportional to population by region, gender, and age, and utilized 100% automated response via wireless phones. The margin of error for the sample was ±3.1 percentage points at a 95% confidence level, with a response rate of 1.5%. For further details, one can refer to the website of the Central Election Polling Deliberation Committee.
In his statement, Representative Jung expressed his belief that Lee Jae-myung, the party leader, has faced numerous political crises, surrounded by both external and internal adversaries, and has even been physically attacked with a knife, symbolizing the grave dangers he has encountered in politics. Representative Jung, having closely observed Lee's actions, stated, "From my close observation, I am confident that if he serves another term as party leader, he will be able to fully demonstrate his political capabilities."
Furthermore, he emphasized Lee Jae-myung's leadership by stating, "Even amid such subjective and objective difficulties, he led the party to an unprecedented victory in the general elections." Representative Jung underscored that there is no leader other than Lee Jae-myung who can unite all citizens opposing the Yoon Suk-yeol administration. He emphasized that Lee's reelection as party leader is the shortcut to changing the administration.
Representative Jung added, "I am considering taking the lead in actively persuading and encouraging Representative Lee Jae-myung and am willing to do whatever it takes to foster an atmosphere supportive of his reelection as party leader."
submitted by Ha_1133 to SouthKoreanNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:32 adulting4kids Symbolism

Term: Symbolism

Definition: Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense.
Example: The dove symbolizes peace.
Freewrite Prompt: The old oak tree in the backyard held more than just branches; it held the stories of generations, its sturdy trunk a symbol of resilience and endurance.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:21 DevonXDal Brainstorming Symbols to Use in an Updated Flag Design - Suggestions Greatly Appreciated

Brainstorming Symbols to Use in an Updated Flag Design - Suggestions Greatly Appreciated
Currently progress in being made towards a manifesto for the main constitution and an alternative constitution. Neither will be done soon. Among a variety of other projects I plan to do, one thing I wish to do is update the flag design.
As you can see from the subreddit's icon, the current version is a very simplistic design meant to get started. Just three SVGs appended to a teal background.
I am planning to create a symbol to represent liberal technocracy specifically, just like technocracy's monad:
I wish to keep the monad pattern but do something to the symbol similar to this:
What I am going for is to make a monad symbol that has a dove yin and an owl yang. The above is a dove and raven. The dove I plan to have with an olive branch and I plan to add a similar green feature to the owl.
The monad of technocracy will remain but in a new form.
The dove with a light green olive branch will represent democracy and xenophile relations. It will be white or silver.
The owl with its associated feature will represent wisdom and knowledge, to represents the experts. It would be teal rather than red.
By having them together like this, it will represent a balance between rule by the people and rule by the experts. From there, flags could be made using the symbol.
Any opinions or suggestions? I plan to pay an artist (when I have the funds) to design the symbol.
submitted by DevonXDal to LiberalTechnocracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:30 swiftygemini18 Weird symbols in this social media video

Weird symbols in this social media video
This is super weird… I was scrolling Facebook reels and this couple that does a lot of riddles had a video pop up… I was watching and everything seemed normal, until they got to this riddle and I thought, hold up… is that an upside down pentagram and a swirl? And in the conspiracy world I’ve read and heard on various blogs and podcasts that those symbols are heavily tied to the occult, and what’s even more concerning is the spiral symbol is allegedly a symbol involved with pdffiles. I wonder if this is there way of showing others in the know that they are part of the occult and/or are into creepy illegal stuff? Or am I just going to far down the rabbit hole and need to get off the internet?
submitted by swiftygemini18 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 00:39 Eturnumsgate Had an off brand idea

I had an off brand product idea a while back when Steven He did the video game Off brand thing. Steven's dad: You have fallout? The salesman: Oh yeah! Stand-in, The meeting game! Steven's dad: You have Powerpoint? Salesman: Oh yeah, we have: WeakFinger. Steven's dad: Do you at least have YouTube? Salesman: Totally. I gochu. *Facebook logo with "Youtube" underneath." Steven's dad: You have dove? Salesman: We have Dave. *The last one is a real product.*
submitted by Eturnumsgate to StevenHe [link] [comments]