Lingerie cinemax

Need helping figuring out movies from 90s or early 2000s

2024.01.28 12:40 Aruiz647399 Need helping figuring out movies from 90s or early 2000s

Need help figuring out movie title of movie from 90s or early 2000s
There are 2 movies I cannot remember their names and I cannot find it no matter what I enter in Google but I remember specific scenes. Also, bear with me as one is erotic (HBO or Cinemax after hours in the 90s) while the other could possibly be classified as a western(?) which I saw in 90s. I cannot remember if it was early, mid or late 90s (erotic could be early 2000s but again cannot remember)
Erotic- I only remember one scene. There is a (un)married couple who happened to get involved into a threesome with a blonde. During the scene, the blonde is getting into it by moving around and taking charge of everything. Blonde is in black lingerie (I think it’s lingerie). The couple was not into it. The (un)married woman decides to stop and the blonde decides to go down on the dude. Before she can start, he stops her and scene changes. The (un)married couple are in bed clothed and conversing (I was a hormonal kid so I don’t remember the words haha). During their conversation they laugh/giggle, then the blanket/cover comes off and you can see the dude’s hand undoing the woman’s pants as it pan’s up to her smiling face before fading to dark… that’s the end of what I remember. Someone suggest Henry and June, saw the trailer and it is not Henry and June. The above movie was in a modern setting. The (un)married woman had sweat pants during the convo scene with a string (I think they were the color of an avocado smoothie).
Western(?) - from what I remember, there is a town/village/city populated by African-Americans. They live peacefully. A Caucasian male arrives but the town folk are weary. The stranger tells them he comes in peace and that the town is isolated. He calls other people up to the town, other folks show up these men are on horseback, some are armed but most are evil. Soon, these armed men take over the town and take advantage of them. They said if they did not follow or listened to them, they would kill them one a time. Main way of killing was hung in a forest, if someone tried to take them out and buried, that person would suffer the same fate. The first man that arrived was upset and disappointed in what these armed men did. He attempts to apologize and rectify things but the armed men enjoyed the power and told him to get in line too. The man thought of a plan, he could helped them escape so he told the town people to be ready x day to leave because there will a train coming nearby. That night, as they are leaving, they go through the forest where everyone was hung, they cannot believe their eyes because every single body was no longer there. Just the ropes. As they try to escape, the armed men find out and start chasing after them on horseback. They fight tooth and nail and as they continue to escape, one of the town folk that was hung is riding towards the escapee as the train slowly rolls away.
That’s all I remember of these movies… now that I am older, I wanted to understand the 2nd movie and what it was about. The first movie, shoot I just wanted to see how they got into threesome like that lol
submitted by Aruiz647399 to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2023.08.16 01:57 Recent-Skill7022 What's this 80s-90s movie that is somewhat adult, but was shown in Cinemax in the 90s?

Hey guys, There's this movie that was shown in Cinemax in the 90s I think it's a coming of age movie where Teenagers (maybe late teens) friends go to the beach I think around 3 of them. I forgot. One of them went back with his bicycle and he stops by a house from the side and looks at the window and sees a sexy woman like dancing or window dressing wearing black lingerie. (it is like the Weird Science film but older characters and not comedy more like a subtle film)
Then the woman like calls the guy and let's her feel her chest but it was covered by the guys hand. It was really a surprise coz I never thought it would be shown in Cinemax.
btw it's not American Pie, it's like My Tutor 1983 but it's a later film.
Thanks in advance
submitted by Recent-Skill7022 to movies [link] [comments]