Auto scaut

Big kids?

2023.08.07 20:01 Sibbeno Big kids?

Big kids?
I know Canadians are supposed to be tall, but I’d be scared to see the kids who use this playground.
submitted by Sibbeno to snowrunner [link] [comments]

2022.09.09 20:59 randompas DL.max qliphorts because I think they are neat

DL.max qliphorts because I think they are neat submitted by randompas to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

2019.09.18 20:11 michal12345654321 [PS4] W: sentinel auto stim right leg bos marine scaut H: 15k

submitted by michal12345654321 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2016.10.23 20:55 Ska__ Uh ok?

Uh ok? submitted by Ska__ to gaming [link] [comments]

2016.07.07 01:15 KaIIous Damn Sliphantom, back at it again with the Ragequit!

submitted by KaIIous to PhantomForces [link] [comments]

2015.07.27 16:14 k0per1s Need some pro help for 2000+ hour infiltrator

I have done , everything this class does , and got good at all the things . Yet one thing bugs me a lot for long time is that i cant find a mid range gun , even tho infill has ton of mid range guns .
Semi rifles such as NYX or Phantom are good for ambushes , how ever targets sidestepping , or health bufs such as HA shield just destroy these , ha shield needs to be shot 3 more times with nyx , or 2 more with phantom, basically doubling the ttk up beyond 1 second. Armistis , how i say it is a total trash but i have good kd with it , simply because it sinergyses with infiltrator so it is good not because it is good but because infill works with it .
Now what i wanted to ask you about is how do you find forward grips on SMG . Do you have some suggestions for mid range brawling , apart from the auto scauts since i gave it many tries in all shapes and forms and it still underpreforms for me.
I played with Eridani vx5 with extended mag focusing on ADS but i find that past 20-30 m i just cant hit shit without proper bursting dropping my TTK a lot .
i ran with sirius sx 12 with a forward grip for a while yet i still get outgunned by other ads guns that are used by similar or bit lower skill players .
today i tried the eridani with a forward grip , yet the mad recoil on it made me switch back to trusted sirius with adw laser .
Keep in mind i am not used to adsing with these guns as much so it might be a skill thing . or it is just that vs got the ugliest recoil SMGs with sirius having worst recoil out of all3 faction SMGs what am i doing wrong ?
My char info
submitted by k0per1s to Planetside [link] [comments]