
Hey, I am a person who seeks to learn more about the Philosophy of Friedreich Nietzsche, what may be a good starting point? And are there any figures who have expanded on his work after he died?

2023.07.19 13:00 Empires_Fall Hey, I am a person who seeks to learn more about the Philosophy of Friedreich Nietzsche, what may be a good starting point? And are there any figures who have expanded on his work after he died?

As per the title, I have recently gained an interest in the philosophy of Friedreich Nietzsche, and I am wondering where I should exactly start to learn about his philosophy even further. Should I start with 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', 'Beyond Good and Evil' or some other work of his, what may be a good starting point to understand his philosophy, and if possible, are there any notable indivuial who have expanded on his work and included their own interpretations or sought to 'unscrammble' the more vague or parts of his works that are up for interpretation (Such as with him crying "God is dead...") or any figures who have sought to try and connect his philosophy to modern society's. (I'm wondering this as I seek to write a paper regarding how his philosophy connects to the modern world, but I only guess myself to have surface level knowledge.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Empires_Fall to askphilosophy [link] [comments]

2021.07.27 23:11 Loyal_theorist-253 Ready Player One ARG

So recently I watched the movie Ready Player One and noticed that at around 35:50, there is a magazine with a QR code on it. After scanning I got a link to the first clue in a massive Easter Egg hunt spanning throughout several social media accounts and websites. After doing some research I realized that this happened a couple years ago, but I think that there is a lot here to theorize about with how it connects to the books and movies. I ended up having a lot of fun going through the arg and even decided to entertain myself by going through the Game Theorist ARG, by the way MatPat, if you do end up seeing this I think I speak for all of us loyal theorists when I say that we would love to see another one of those. No rush. Until then I think this would be a good topic for a film theory video. Let me know if you agree.
So after some discussion with canIgetuhmufuckinuh we realised that at one point in 2018 (using the wayback machine) , the website, www.jointhequest.io, used to have the option of typing in a password. In addition to this there was a second image: https://i.redd.it/ip8lwi5lu4301.png the binary on this combined with the binary from www.jointhequest.io/HallidaysGhost created a letter substitution cipher spelling out Gunters Never Die, our first password. The website would then lead you to a video titled Are You Ready? in between the frames the phrase "What is the Quest", our second password.
Across the following social media accounts: https://www.reddit.com/readyplayerone/comments/7s02rm/see_the_future/
several ACll pictured characters are shown. The characters used to create the images correspond with a videotitled Acapella: http://www.jointhequest.io/acapella/. A series of images with highlightes squares appear and when they are set on top of the images above with the corresponding color in the corner the highlighted squares appear over the letters EREVN (Reddit) EFDE (imgur) A (instagram) UTNRGE (facebook) TFARE (tumblr) IDMIHNTG (twitter) which when unscrammbled translates to "NEVER FEED A GUNTER AFTER MIDNIGHT" our 3rd password. Still trying to figure out the next password...
submitted by Loyal_theorist-253 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]
