Nausea mild diarrhea headache fatigue

9 months post op, gallbladder attack? Clear scans.

2024.06.09 10:02 esme530 9 months post op, gallbladder attack? Clear scans.

Hello, so I am 9 months post op. I never had an “attack” before it was mainly dull ache, bloating and nausea and throwing up maybe twice. Well 2 weeks ago I had a HORRENDOUS upper middle stomach pain that radiated through my back and it left me unable to talk and breathe. I went to the ER and they did a CT with contrast & an Ultrasound and they all came back clear. My labs showed AST 268, ALT 143 and ALP 121, but my bilirubin was normal 0.7 and my wbc was 9.9 (higher end) they gave me morphine & sent me on my way home. After the attack it was followed with 3-4 days of yellow liquid diarrhea and I had some nausea and lots of fatigue and my whole right side was sore. Now I am having both shoulders ache and stomach grumbles quite a bit, my bowel movements are back to brownish and a hint of yellow. My primary took labs a week after the attack and my AST is now 19, ALT 75 & ALP 95 my bilirubin is now 0.5 and WBC 5. I have no idea what caused that pain and being told if I had an obstruction I’d be yellow and my bilirubin would be high, I got referred to do a endoscopy but that’s not until September and I am still having aches on my right upper side that wrap around to my back as well as shoulder pain on both shoulders & I just feel so confused as to my labs and what could this be? I’d also like to add I didn’t have stones, I had my gb removed due to sludge & debris. Even after my surgery I’ve always consistently had URQ pain that was mild and an ache feeling but 2 weeks ago it went from 0-100 really fast. Have any of you experienced this? And what did it end up being?
submitted by esme530 to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 signorewhite Protein, fiber, exercise and dosage

Here is an approach that helped me lose weight slowly and steadily, while minimizing the side effects and improving or maintaining my muscle mass: - Trying to consistently eat about 2000kcal, 150g of protein and 30g of fiber each day (as recommended by a nutritionist - obviously your optimal numbers might look different) - Doing a minimum of 100 minutes zone 2 cardio and three resistance workouts (covering the main muscle groups) each week - Not increasing the dose above 0.5mg, although I have a prescription for 1mg. In fact, I started experimenting with 0.375mg, and injecting myself every 9-10 days
I’ve lost about 20 pounds over three months without disproportionally losing muscle mass, which was one of the theee biggest concerns I had with Ozempic.
Another two were:
  1. Side effects. I am lucky not to have any other side effects except for an occasional mild nausea (with excessive exercise effort or fatty foods and, as most people, slowing down of gastric emptying.
But trying to hit 40+ grams of finer over the first few days of the injection and then 30+ grams have been a lifesaver, keeping me regular every day.
  1. Not learning the skills, or changing the habits, and being dependent on Ozempic my whole life. Well the jury is definitely out on this one, as I am still at early stages of my journey.
But with the lower dose, and especially during the days 8-10 after the injection, I still have to work at this every day. I still have to work at controlling my portions (although obviously Ozempic is a big help), on making healthy choices, sticking to exercise (which I managed to do for a year now), getting that protein and fiber etc.
I noticed one big change, for which I am very grateful (and that gives me hope): I managed to let go of the all-or-nothing mentality. In other words, I am now able to get back to my commitments the next day, after experiencing a slip or a struggle. While before, I would feel discouraged, disappointed in myself and would struggle to get motivated to resume my good habits.
Has anyone else had a similar experience, or experimenting with a similar approach?
For those in the maintenance stage, have you tried getting off Ozempic or significantly reducing the dose and what was your experience like?
Thanks for listening.
submitted by signorewhite to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:55 NattyorNice Farewell my brothers and sisters!

First off I want to say thank you everyone who's contributed to this sub. I've learned so much and I would be worse off without your encouragement. For the past 2 years I've struggled with extreme IBS symptoms. It started off with random diarrhea, and then escalated to nausea and fatigue. I can no longer enjoy my favorite foods or spend a normal night out with friends without the possibility of symptoms. On top of all of this, I get sick at least once a month due to high anxiety and stress.
One night I was watching my younger brother eat a bowl of vanilla ice cream with a side of apple pie. As he gobbled his food I began to envy him. I began to hate him. It made my blood boil. After a few minutes passed, I broke down crying. What have I become? These symptoms have brought me to hating my own family.
As someone who aspires to be a pro bodybuilder, it's torture to get my meals in. My appetite is very random. Some days it's suppressed, some days normal. I've gotten hundreds of tests from doctors, yet no one can figure out what is wrong. On my worst days, the stomach issues will cause bad breath and heavy anxiety. I work as a cashier and my confidence has never been this low ever in my life.
Even though my symptoms have gotten more manageable after the first year, I still envy those with a normal life. I remember days I could have pizza after football practice, I remember the days of going on dates without worrying I will crap my pants, I remember the days of simplicity.
I am deleting all social media including Reddit. I need a few months alone. How can one expect to self improve without their health? I can get good grades, I can eliminate porn, I can do all of this 'self improvement' but it will mean nothing because tomorrow could be one of my worst diarrhea days..
Who knows? I could have cancer or a very horrible disease. Health anxiety is my best friend. As I type this I'm at the end of my wits, but I refuse to give up on life. If I go, I will go doing what I love. That's why I've made the decision to start anabolic steroids. Farewell my brothers and sisters, the best is yet to come.
submitted by NattyorNice to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:48 rosiknitzar Struggling

I'm really struggling to find a sense of purpose right now. Perimenopause, PMDD, and Fibro are creating a perfect storm. I'm taking an antidepressant which helps, but might not be enough; I don't know. Pregabalin may help more than I realize, but it's not helping me fall asleep anymore. Melatonin isn't doing much either, lately. Sometimes the herbal tea/concoction helps, or seems to, and other times insomnia gets me no matter what I do. I've been working on fixing my sleep for over a year, changing so many habits, adding meds, herbs, supplements, etc. Breathing, low light, magnesium (in various formulas), and it seems like my body reverts to the backwards clock it's had since childhood when my fibro probably began. At sundown I finally get awake, but my body is tired. All day I drag with fatigue, then I drag through hours of insomnia. I get so sleepy, but it's like a butterfly that flies away at the slightest breeze or movement.
You all know the frustrations of trying to find something that works - and keeps working. I think hormonal changes and lack of sleep are making the mild depression much worse. And then the financial pressures, issues with my marriage and 3 daughters, etc, etc, and it often feels like nothing matters and nothing will change any time soon. I can't see a way to improve my situation. I don't know who to talk to or what good it would do. I'm not at risk of harming myself, especially because I can't put my family through that, and because if nothing else, it seems that to some degree, they still need me, even in my limited capacity. (It probably isn't helping either that I am recovering from a root canal on an infected tooth, although some of the depression got worse 8 months ago when my dad died - we weren't really close, but it turned out to affect me a lot more than I expected.) Thanks for reading, and thanks to those who respond. I'm not sure that I am looking for advice - you know how our situations are so complicated and how to every suggestion there's a reason why it won't work. Also, I am not living in the United States, so a lot of things don't apply.
submitted by rosiknitzar to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:36 HimCardReadGood Did I have some kind of encephalitis?

It's been eleven years since it occurred, but I'm led to wonder anyway, given its bizarreness and intensity.
When I was ten, I came down with a bad flu-like illness, with severe headaches, habitual vomiting (routinely occurring every four hours) and nausea. This was diagnosed as typical flu by a local doctor. After five days of illness I seemed to be gradually recovering and the symptoms lessening. On the evening of day five, however, I was lying in bed when I realized that I couldn't move my left leg; it had been completely paralyzed. Within minutes, a mild static-like sensation spread up the left side of my torso and paralyzed my arm, followed by my neck and the left side of my mouth (complete with slurred speech and drooped face). I was obviously terrified and, after several hours of attempting to phone my dad and persuade him to take me to the hospital (he didn't believe that anything was up; my mom later came back and had to intervene on my part), was put in intensive care in a crash victim hospital (everywhere else was full) and blacked out.
I woke up the next morning feeling extremely weak with a severe headache, a stiff neck and a general feeling of disorientation, as if I were stuck in a kind of nightmare; the paralysis had gone and didn't recur that weekend. The medical staff around me had no idea what the illness was, despite MRI scans and spinal taps, although they had discovered three legions on the brainstem and one in the frontal cortex. Despite claiming that I would probably not walk again for years (or possibly the rest of my life), I managed to force myself to slowly walk around the hospital hall two days later (although my left leg felt strangely detached, like it was "less intrinsic" than my right one) and was taken home, although I remained extremely weak and nauseous; the headache was continuous.
I spent most of the next week being driven in and out of hospital wards in an attempt to diagnose the illness; I heard whispers about encephalitis but this was never confirmed; even the guy monitoring the MRI scan said they didn't know. After I was dismissed one day, I had another attack of paralysis and collapsed in the parking lot; the doctor would not see me as their shift had finished, so I was loaded into a different ward, where I was told that my nerves were apparently traumatized from the initial attack and so would recurringly "re-induce" the paralysis. It vanished around four hours later. After a few days of recurring "attacks", this finally subsided, and, only days later, I strangely seemed to recover, the entire ordeal having seemingly lasted only thirteen days, although I felt different emotionally: my brain was much more prone to "fogging" than before (concentration was difficult for around a year afterwards), my short-term memory was hazy for months, bright sunlight was much more difficult to tolerate (I still feel ill and anxious on clear summer days years later) and I felt more anxious and temperamental, as if bodily sensations and fears were much more acute than before; I often "spaced out" in intense ways, with my skin crawling and sweating, and frequently cried for no apparent reason; I sometimes experience these even today. I also began to develop symptoms of OCD, although I'm not sure if this was more from the stress of the situation. My left side was never entirely the same afterwards either - my left leg still has a weird gait where it tends to move in a circle, while my left arm generally doesn't swing when I walk and often feels mildly sore for no apparent reason.
Several months later, I was taken back to the hospital for another MRI test. The legions had completely vanished and I was told it was a "miracle". I then asked what the illness was and none of them knew for certain. Does anyone know what I could have had, and whether it could be encephalitis as was sometimes suggested?
submitted by HimCardReadGood to Encephalitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:28 LeeroyFunsweet I have an appointment coming up and I'm scared.

I've had health issues for my entire life, just over a year ago I started to feel worse, I have chronic fatigue but the tiredness I started to experience last year was like nothing I've experienced. On top of this I had other symptoms which over the last year have gotten worse.
I've had numerous blood tests done over the last year or so, through every one my white blood cell count has been raised a lot. Usual readings are between 6 and 11 (it was 11, looking at my results seems to be 9 now), mine started at 14 in my first blood test last year and in my most recent is 17.4, amongst this a lot of other parts of the results have also increased beyond range suggested to be normal.
My health the last 3 months has been awful, I started struggling to eat, I have no appetite and I've lost a lot of weight. I've had headaches every day, I have recently developed a tremor, I'm weak and exhausted. I'm not sure what to expect at the appointment on Monday, but I feel like I'm dying. I don't fear death, I fear leaving the people I love to suffer the pain of losing me.
Against my better instincts, I googled one of the things in the results. I went through pages of Google searches and the only thing that was on every page was referring to leukemia, no matter how I searched the term, leukemia was the only thing that came up. I hope that it won't be that, but given how I've been feeling, I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Following that search, I googled the symptoms of leukemia and I have all of them minus nosebleeds..
I'm nervous about the appointment, I'm scared for the possible results of the appointment. If I've been having these symptoms for over a year and it is leukemia, there's a chance it might be too late to treat. I'm not sure what to do, I guess I'm looking for advice? Words of encouragement? I'm not sure really.
submitted by LeeroyFunsweet to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:03 Waste-Location-6395 Surgery 3 weeks ago

I had a retrosigmoid craniotomy on May 14th. I’ve been recovering very well.
Last night I accidentally rolled over onto my stomach and slept flat - I am not supposed to sleep flat for 4 weeks post-op. When I woke up this morning I went to go to the bathroom and I had the most excruciating headache I’ve ever experienced in my life. A legitimate 9/10, instantaneous crying, photophobia, nausea. I laid down and the headache subsided within about 10 minutes and then I was able to go on with my day. This sounds like a CSF leak headache to me…
I’ve had no fluid dripping from my nose and no recurrence of headache throughout the day. I have a line out to my neurosurgeon but it’s late night on a Saturday and I’m not sure if they will get back to soon. Is this something I should go to the ER for you think?
submitted by Waste-Location-6395 to CSFLeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:58 The_Sibelis Mothball exposure, long term. Possibly repeated..

I have due to ignorance and negligence(with a possible smattering of malevolence) been exposed to moth balls.. at least a dozen evaportating total over the course of 2-3 years in an inclosed, poorly ventilated home.
I am looking for a little advice in a roundabout way, but not direct medical, I AM already seeing the doctor about its symptoms. Will attempt to describe whatever possible to pad the story up with details that seem to be of interest to those in the fields here. Can of course, ask if you want to know something specific..
I'm also concerned, because they were used for bat control/repellent that the shady slumlord may have applied them in the basement and elsewhere I'm not aware of that circulates through the old style converted apartment..
I have been suffering from random kidney failure, puking, ect for those years. It becoming worse, I'm going to the doctor for all kinds of stuff related to my kidneys, gastrointestinal, stomach, headache an confusion, fatigue, ect.
But I just now made this link in between visits, found a random mothball on my floor and looked up exposure symptoms and realized I'm symptomatic AF. I tried to limit my exposure since then. I'm currently not at home.. I don't feel good there. Not sure if i should go back. Still reeling from discovering the connections here last night.. it comes an goes seasonally, in the spring, when they treat for bat's an in winter when they turn on the air an it starts circulating the air inside...
Eyeballs ache. Puke daily, so tired an cants stand almost. Dizzy an unsteady. Bouts of not expelling solid or liquids. Squirts if I force it down. The kidney shutdown.. I'm autistic, and did alot of internal meditation. So my extro/interroception let's me FEEL like my kidneys have alternatively 1 deflated, like sometimes I can feel/hear the same sort of suction sound you expect from a toilet. That slurp at the end . 2 are soo fuking big, full to the brim and just not goin ANYWHERE with it.. or 3 hard as a rock an sore as a fresh burn. To touch them in the back to feel them is to evoke a strong desire puke, though not the ability(i.e my stomach is empty)
I've lost around 40 pounds in around 3 months, while trying to eat and maintain weight.
If I've become sensitized to it will a sudden exposure like holding it bring on an almost allergic reaction? Will bloodwork pick this up, or just its effects? We're already doin a scope into my kidney to check out scar tissue and blockages, because one was damaged in a physically from being struck a long time ago. But they're still looking for what's wrong an now I gotta figure out who to redirect where without getting the hypochondriac reaction I have, multiple times over those years been to the emergency room, feeling like my insides were shutting down. Most recently in January, where I think if they hadn't put me on an IV I feel certain I'd have passed of dehydration(worried about that from exposure rn as I write). It's what made me feel so much better I realized later...
Already did a Renal scan. The Lasik put me into agony. Emptying my bladder was okay, but what still hadn't cleared rushing to fill the void hurt. I spent 15m in the machine squirming, "what the fuck?!?" and "oh God" my Mantra. Followed by another 5-10 sitting on the bed doing the same thing rocking back an forth while the nurse patiently watched.
Now here's the Tangential, put on your tin foil..
I've had these precise symptoms ONCE before this in period in my life. Living with relatives an in-laws around a dozen years ago.
I remember exactly the same thing happened to the similar results, the doctors were mystified as to what was wrong.. before deciding I must just want drugs or something.(better primary now, knows I'd really just like to continue to live) Didn't have insurance at the time, didn't follow up on it, moved out of the place I'd been in the meantime and got better.
I wasn't alone in those symptoms tho, mine just got the worst. All my nieces an nephew had constipation type issues of an on in that period. So much so, that my mom, whom God bless her, is smart but a Lil quick to blame n accuse because of her personal traumas, actually told me in a rant she thought so n so was poisoning everyone.
She also accuses him of 'murdering' the Son who passed away from Sids a couple years prior to that.. And another daughter idk how long before that..
He moved out of state from me years ago now, but multiple animals have also passed away mysteriously around his household or that he has access to.. my Niece recently paid alot of money on an autopsy for her dog that died of parvo only to be told they could not tell what he died of, only that it wasn't any disease that dogs usually die from..
I'm the kind to read the whole PhD. Published page on something when I look it up, so when I had to look up direct exposure all of this just kinda started clicking together.
Can it be proven in the case of the dog if I tell her to look? What about something that passed 20 odd years ago? It's doubly important, but I don't want to upset her either because she's preggo and was already devastated about her dog.
It's just a thought.. but I've feel like I've been dying for a few years, so getting right with God an all that, and this is the kinda cluebat shit he gives me to ponder while we figure out if I have cancer or if my kidneys have permanent damage.. it's like "btw, you've experienced this before..." and here's why it's dangerous small animals..
submitted by The_Sibelis to toxicology [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:52 throw_at-will_away [PA] Got sick, had drs note, got “demoted”

I’m (supposed to be) a full-time shift supervisor for a regional branch of a national retail NPO and in late May I got really sick for nearly a week and could not go to work(fever, chills, severe fatigue, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting). I called off through proper channels everyday and I got a doctor’s note excusing everyday that I was out.
When I was finally cleared to go back I was met by the regional manager who was about to terminate me saying they never got my notes, luckily I had brought copies in case. I showed them the copies of the notes and they started backtracking and called the main office to discuss the situation (which I was not privy to) and came back saying that I was not going to be fired, however I would be “temporarily” forced to step down from my position to “floor leader” and made me part-time and a pay cut of $1/hr.
I was told that this “demotion” is only going to be for my next 30 work days and that as soon as that’s over I will be put back into my proper position and pay rate and I made sure to get all of this in writing and signed by the regional.
Now I have two questions stemming from this whole situation;
1) With PA being an at-will state, does this signed document mean anything or can they still let me go after my thirty days?
2) Is this situation even actually legal or a bunch of bs?
Thank you to anyone that can help me with this.
submitted by throw_at-will_away to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:49 ireallylovalot At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.

At what point should one consider going to urgent care, ER, ED for infection symptoms? Dentist closed until Monday but I started course of antibiotics prescribed thru Teledoc about 4 hours ago. Timeline, pictures, and details in post body.
Any responses will be taken in good faith and I understand that decisions on treatment, seeking care, etc are my own responsibility.
I (33M) had a crown replacement on my lower second molar (with temporary) on Thursday before feeling a bit better if not still a little sore yesterday.
No fever, dizziness, or confusion, or trouble breathing. Any of these would make me get up and seek care, but are any other things I should keep an eye out for until I can contact my dentist? Can this likely be considered managed for now since I am on antibiotics?
Some details:
This afternoon, I started feeling some very mild shooting pain in my ear, slight headache, and additional soreness around my gums so I was seen on Teledoc and prescribed a course of amoxicillin-clav, which I was able to take 125mg of with 200mg of ibuprophen about 4 hours ago.
Since then, my gums and mouth have become more swollen and I am experiencing a bit more pain and tingling in my jaw and face. It’s not unbearable but is more like a warm persistent ache. Ear is also stil hurting intermittently. The gum tissue behind the crown (where wisdom tooth would be if I had them) is now making contact with the gum tissue of my upper jaw if I close my mouth completely.
submitted by ireallylovalot to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:45 Due_Chapter3027 Long Covid symptoms questions and rant

Hey guys 24 M here. Have been dealing with a lot of weird symptoms for the past 3 months but am going down the autoimmune rabbit hole etc. I’ve been convincing myself I have Lupus, celiac, Lyme, fibromyalgia, RA, Hashimotos, Sjogrens, cancer, etc. have gotten some autoimmune tests and everything has been normal so far except a 1:80 speckled ANA which can mean something or nothing. Have been having on and off extreme full body joint pain, fatigue (when flaring), headaches, dizziness, cold feet, muscle twitches, hair loss, brain fog, etc. have been trying to “hunt” the cause and am going to a rheumatologist in august but this is killing me mentally. Can’t do anything physical without paying for it later or during… I don’t know what to do I’m miserable and depressed. Any advice or if you relate that would be great! Thanks 🙏
submitted by Due_Chapter3027 to LongCovid [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:40 General_Asparagus206 Why does this supplement give me headaches? Activated B PlusE (link in post)

32F 5.4FT BMI 31 no current medications (except OTC pain relief) non-smoker and non-drinker.
I went to my pharmacy for support with fatigue In February/March and was provided this product: TRESOS Activated B PluSe
Why does this give me horrible headaches? I went back and told the herbalist but I was the first person they've given it to that's had that reaction so they weren't sure.
Since Easter I've had IIH symptoms and seeing a neurologist soon to investigate.
I'd totally forgotten that I tried taking this supplement until I found the bottle in the cupboard. I only took 2-3 tablets overall and every single time got a nasty headache. I only took 1x tablet per day as per label instructions.
submitted by General_Asparagus206 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:32 mrpooooopy STD fatigue

When you’re feeling under the weather, you may assume that you’ve simply caught the latest bug that’s going around. Especially during cold and flu season, symptoms like headaches, nausea, fatigue, or fever are easy to dismiss as a common illness. With any luck, you’ll take a couple days at home to rest and be back on your feet in no time – right? What you may not realize is that your flu-like symptoms may be signs of something far more serious: a sexually-transmitted disease.
STDs: More Common Than You Might Think
According to the American Sexual Health Association, one out of every two sexually active adults will deal with an STD by age 25, and yet less than 15 percent of young adults receive regular STD testing. With undiagnosed STDs potentially leading to severe illness, infertility, and other health issues, consistent, reliable STD testing is critical to your sexual health.
It’s not uncommon to contract an STD without realizing it, especially because many STDs have no detectable symptoms. Furthermore, because so many common STD symptoms are extremely similar to those of the cold or flu, it’s easy to misdiagnose yourself. However, being aware of basic STD symptoms can help you take the proper steps to protect your sexual health.
Possible Signs of an STD
While you may be familiar with the more well-known symptoms of STDs, such as painful urination and visible skin lesions, there are many other signs that are harder to pinpoint. Here are a few of the most commonly missed STD symptoms, most of which mimic the flu or a common cold:
Chronic fatigue is a possible sign of several different STDs, including late-stage gonorrhea, chlamydia, and Hepatitis A, B, and C. You might think you’re feeling extra tired because of a few late nights, but if the fatigue persists even after getting good rest, it’s time to consider an STD test.
A fever is an indication that your body is trying to fight off some type of infection and can easily signal an STD. Syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, and Hepatitis A all cause a spike in body temperature.
If you’re experiencing nausea and vomiting, it might not be the stomach flu or something you ate. Instead, it may very well be HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis C, or Hepatitis A. Especially in cases where the symptoms persist past a day or two, it’s important to get tested quickly to allow for proper medical care.
Body aches or a sore throat may signal a range of STD infections, with joint paint often indicating an STD that’s been left untreated for a considerable amount of time.
Even headaches can signal a sexually-transmitted disease, such as herpes, syphilis, or HIV.
Finally, many STDs are asymptomatic, meaning they show no symptoms at all. For this reason, regular STD testing is important for all sexually active individuals, even those that feel perfectly healthy.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:29 mrpooooopy STD that causes cramps

STDs can affect nearly every part of the human body. Syphilis rashes may appear on the soles of the feet. And STDs like chlamydia can even cause eye infections. Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, there are several STDs that can cause abdominal pain. What’s the STD that causes cramps and bloating most often? Typically, the two STDs most commonly associated with abdominal pain are chlamydia and gonorrhea. It’s worth noting now that men are unlikely to experience cramps or bloating as a result of an STD. This is a symptom that happens almost exclusively to women.
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Risks
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are two extremely prevalent, extremely similar STDs. In fact, it’s often difficult to tell the difference between the two. Plus, you can even have both chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time. Though these infections are widespread, they are not harmless. For one, they both can cause pain and discomfort on their own. Women with either may experience pain during urination, sexual intercourse, or vaginal itching. Worryingly, chlamydia and gonorrhea can also contribute to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
When left untreated, STDs can lead to PID. PID, in turn, will often cause abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, chills, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Beyond these unpleasant symptoms, though, PID can have long-lasting effects. PID can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancies. As mentioned above, both chlamydia and gonorrhea are common catalysts for PID. And it may only take a few days after the initial exposure to bacteria for PID to occur.
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:31 Wubby_Dubby9898 Out of nowhere “migraine”

So I’ve had what I think are migraines since I was atleast 12 or 13 (I’m now 18) they use to occur maybe once every few months. I’ve talked with my mom and other family members and they all say they could be from my sinuses but I’m not to sure if they’re actually migraines or if they’re tension headaches (kinda clueless on the difference) but basically about a week ago I got up at night from a nap and decided to drive to town and get some food. As I pull in to get food I notice some “visual snow” which is basically like static in my vision that slowly expands to the outer sides of my vision and when it goes away (20-30 mins) I get a terrible headache that is usually followed by nausea If I can’t get home and take a nap. It caught me off guard because I haven’t had one in over a year and a half I think. Normally when I take a nap I wake up feeling perfectly fine but the next morning I had the worst nausea I’ve ever experienced. We’re thinking I had a stomach bug because I was sick for about 3 days but, I had no head pain the whole time!?!? It was probably the worst experience of my life so far because I got extremely dehydrated and lost about 20 pounds in 5 days cause I’m stupid and didn’t drink water or eat in fear of throwing up (puking is very traumatizing for me). I had to go to the ER to get an IV done to get some electrolytes back in me, the doctor did mention that heat can also be a cause since I live in louisiana and it’s been extremely hot recently. One time I did have what I thought was a “migraine” and took some headache relief medicine my friend had and it helped a lot, like no pain or nausea what so ever. I recently made a trip to the store when I felt better to get some “Excedrin” so I’m hoping that works but I might have trouble taking the pill bc it’s kinda big for me. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if someone could help explain the whole migraine vs tension headache thing.
EDIT: Another thing I forgot to mention is I’m thinking it might’ve been caused by too much caffeine. Normally I don’t drink caffeine but for the past week before I had about 5 energy drinks in total. I don’t know if that could’ve contributed or not but it’s just a thought🤷
submitted by Wubby_Dubby9898 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 Comfortable-Quail367 Weight lose injection

Weight loss can be a challenging journey. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes are often recommended, but achieving lasting results can be difficult. In recent years, weight loss injections have emerged as a potential tool to aid weight management, but it's important to understand their role and limitations.
What are Weight Loss Injections?
Weight loss injections are prescription medications delivered subcutaneously (under the skin) with a fine needle. They work by impacting various hormones and bodily functions that influence hunger, satiety (feeling full), and blood sugar control.
Types of Weight Loss Injections:
Liraglutide (Saxenda): This injectable medication increases feelings of fullness and reduces appetite, promoting calorie restriction. It's approved for adults with obesity (BMI ≥ 30) or overweight (BMI ≥ 27) with a weight-related condition like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure. Tirzepatide (Mounjaro): This newer injection works similarly to liraglutide but also targets additional hormones, potentially leading to greater weight loss. It's approved for chronic weight management in adults with obesity (BMI ≥ 30) or overweight (BMI ≥ 27) with at least one weight-related condition. How Effective are Weight Loss Injections?
Research shows that weight loss injections can be quite effective. Studies indicate an average weight loss of 5-10% of body weight, which can translate to significant health improvements. However, it's crucial to remember that injections are not magic bullets. They work best when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Benefits of Weight Loss Injections:
Enhanced Weight Loss: Injections can help you feel fuller for longer, leading to reduced calorie intake and increased weight loss compared to diet and exercise alone. Improved Blood Sugar Control: Certain injections like tirzepatide can be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Weight loss can lower the risk of developing obesity-related conditions like heart disease, stroke, and sleep apnea. Potential Side Effects of Weight Loss Injections:
Gastrointestinal Issues: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation are common side effects, especially when starting the medication. These usually lessen over time. Injection Site Reactions: Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site can occur but are typically mild. Gallstones: In rare cases, some injections might increase the risk of gallstones. Potential for Misuse: These medications are not recommended for people with a history of eating disorders. Who is a Candidate for Weight Loss Injections?
Weight loss injections are not a one-size-fits-all solution. They are typically recommended for adults with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher (obesity) or a BMI of 27 or higher (overweight) with at least one weight-related health condition. Consulting a doctor is essential to determine if injections are right for you.
Important Considerations:
Cost: Weight loss injections can be expensive, and insurance coverage may vary. Long-term Use: The long-term effects of these medications are still under investigation. Behavioral Changes: Sustainable weight loss requires long-term commitment to healthy habits. Injections should be used alongside lifestyle changes, not as a replacement. Conclusion
Weight loss injections offer a promising new tool for weight management, particularly for those struggling to lose weight with traditional methods. However, they are not a quick fix. When used alongside a healthy diet, exercise, and behavioral changes, weight loss injections can be a valuable addition to your weight loss journey. Consult a doctor to discuss your weight loss goals and see if weight loss injections are right for you.
submitted by Comfortable-Quail367 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:11 Avelion-chan Need help with diagnosis, since my doctor won´t do any tests

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Picture of throat from this morning here.
submitted by Avelion-chan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:07 Neither-Software3153 Feel awful

I had a large cookie at 6 pm (dumb I know) and I’ve been sick ever since. Nausea and some diarrhea. I can’t sleep. Zofran and pepto haven’t helped. Any ideas?
submitted by Neither-Software3153 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:05 Avelion-chan What pathogen might be the cause and do i even need antibiotics?

Hi I (31F) need help with narrowing what is infection i might have. For the last week i had strong rhinitis with clear mucus. Meanwhile my colleague was scratchy voice(not sure if it´s called this way in english too) since thuesday, saying, that she just got her vocal cords irritated by icy drink. I believed her and we worked together for the rest of the week. On friday, she finnaly got some pastilles for that, but on that day i started to feel sore throat. In the evening, it was already so bad i could barelly swollow without tears(but still able to swallow, no obstruction). That went trough while night. Yesterday it got a bit calmer, but my rhinitis got stronger, producing green mucus(hard to describe, but it smells the way bitter pea taste). I heafeel bubbly noise while blowing my nose. Ears don´t hurt, just feel weird. Temperature 37,8°C, which is weird, since i usually don´t suffer from higher temperatures. Joints, but not muscle, pain. Also, for some reason, slight pain in kidney area. Tonsils are not swollen(at least from the outside). Mild to medium headache. Nausea without vomiting. Today woke up with dry cough. Everything remains the same. Rhinitic treated with Sinupret acut and camomile tea.
Non-acute health problems: Non alergic asthma(treated with inhalation corticoids) and Selective immunoglobulin A deficiency.
Does anyone know what it could be? I´m planning to call my doctor, but don´t want to go visit her, since i don´t really wanna travel 1,5 hour to city while knowing, that she doen´t like to do any other test than looking into my throat and hearing lungs.(yep, no blood or microbiology testing, unless it´s serious) I was thinking haemophilus influenzae, but will be happy for any advice. Anything that makes her not give me just another broad spectrum antibiotics.
Adding ptoho of the throat from this morning.
submitted by Avelion-chan to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:58 eew_tainer_007 Does this sound like Medical Malpractice ? What kind of pressure can be applied on California MDs under the circumstances ?

Patient Overview:
Analysis of Medical Visits and the Doctors Notes
1. Dr -1 MD (February 8, 2024)
2. Dr. -2 MD (February 23, 2024)
3. RN Message Notes (March 16, 2024)
4. Dr.-3 MD (April 9, 2024)
5. Dr.-4 MD (April 19, 2024)
6. Dr. -5 (May 14, 2024)
7. Dr. -6 MD (June 4, 2024)
My Conclusion
The medical notes and actions taken by the various healthcare providers indicate a pattern of randomized and non-evidence-based medical practices. Despite extensive assessments and imaging, the patient, Jane Doe, continues to suffer from persistent symptoms without a definitive diagnosis or effective treatment plan. The frequent changes in potential diagnoses and the suggestion of various treatments without solid medical evidence point towards a trial-and-error approach, rather than a methodical, evidence-based treatment strategy.
  1. What can a Patient Advocate do under the circumstances ?
  2. Should the Patient consult a CA Med Mal attorney who can write a demand letter to the Doctors / Hospital to stop human experiments and perform standards based diagnosis and treatment ?
  3. Should the Patient commence a claim against the hospital irrespective ?
  4. What kind of initial documentation will help a Med Mal lawyer review and consider this kind of case ?
  5. California Business and Professions Code 2052 deals with exceeding the scope of license. Did any of the Doctors involved in diagnosing, treating the patient exceed the scope of their license by not using evidence based methods to diagnose and prescribe medications. One is a ENT, other is ER Doc, third is PCP etc etc...
  6. What would be the best course of action in the given circumstance where the Patient is in pain for over 11 months and for gods sake wants a proper diagnosis than being experimented upon. Can the patient request better imaging methods such as Cone Based CT ?
submitted by eew_tainer_007 to MedicalMalpractice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:53 silentstentorian CD 21 BFP FRER/Clear Blue

CD 21 BFP FREClear Blue
Has anyone had a positive this early? LMP: May 15th HSG Procedure: May 23rd Faint Positive: June 4th Noticeable Positives (in photo): June 5th
It’s just wild but I know I wasn’t pregnant because I did pregnancy test prior to doing the HSG procedure. I took a bunch of tests because I have history of miscarriages and was in shock the HSG worked so quickly 🤣
I technically tested positive at 3 weeks pregnant right? Also having a lot of symptoms already like fatigue, boobs are swollen aF, whiffs of nausea. I am on progesterone suppositories which could be contributing to some of the symptoms but I just FEEL pregnant. I also had a sharp feeling of round ligament pain yesterday when I got out of bed quick. I have labs this upcoming week but I’m so excited! Just can’t believe I was positive so early.
submitted by silentstentorian to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:53 mrpooooopy UTI vs STD female

Frequent, urgent trips to the washroom along with lower abdominal pressure or pelvic pain and a burning sensation during urination could mean a urinary tract infection (UTI). However, it could also be a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like chlamydia or gonorrhea. Because UTIs share symptoms with some STDs, many people incorrectly assume they have a UTI when they really have an STD, or vice versa.
So, how can you tell what’s causing your symptoms? While UTIs and STDs have some symptoms in common, there are also differences that can give you clues about the most likely cause.
What is a UTI?
In a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI, bacteria infect any part of the urinary tract, which consists of the urethra, bladder, ureter, and kidneys. The most commonly affected area is the bladder.
Urinary tract infections can be uncomfortable but are usually mild. However, if not treated properly, the infection can spread and cause serious complications, especially if it reaches the kidneys.
What is an STD (STI)?
Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are a group of diseases that are most commonly spread through sexual intercourse. The bacteria, viruses, or parasites that cause the STD can be present in semen, vaginal secretions, blood, and saliva. Because of this, other forms of contact, anal and oral sex, or skin contact with an infected area (with genital warts) can also spread the disease.
How can you tell the difference between an STD and a UTI?
Some STDs have several symptoms in common with UTIs. These symptoms can include pain or burning with urination. UTI’s often have a frequent or urgent need to urinate, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, and cloudy, dark, or strange-smelling urine. However, STDs can have additional symptoms that are not present with a UTI. These symptoms include:
Pain during intercourse
Genital blisters, sores, or rashes
Sore throat
Spotting between periods
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]