Padrinos for quinceaneras

Planning a Mexican Wedding

2023.09.21 20:52 PotatoThtDissapoints Planning a Mexican Wedding

My boyfriend of seven years and I are finally officially planning our wedding. Although we aren't engaged yet, we want to plan in advance especially considering the costs. He did mention that he would propose on our 10th year, so we are building up our funds currently. For now, we are still looking for venues, photographers and videographers, mariachi and bandas, catering, and everything in between. This post is also to help me write things out to see how much more planning we have to do. Here's what we've talked about so far:

If there's anything I missed or any suggestions please let me know, I want to be super prepared and make sure we save up enough money. Things could change in the next 2 years so I would rather be safe than sorry. Also, does anyone know about how much I should expect to spend on a wedding this size with everything I just mentioned? I want to be realistic and see if we can afford it or stick with a backyard wedding at my future in-laws' house.
submitted by PotatoThtDissapoints to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2015.05.04 18:18 seritchey89 Me [26/F] with my S/O [32/M] 1.5 yr's together. He is still involved with his ex's family. Can I be too?

Hey Relationships! Long time lurker, you guys have given awesome advice to others so I entrust you with my story now
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend, (We will call him Mark) for a little over a year. He's great, we are great, we have the typical struggles as with any relationship but I truely believe he's the one. I could go on forever about how amazing this man is to me but thats not what we're here for....
Backstory: Before me, Mark was dating another woman, Tina (32/33 y/o???) , who he met through knowing her family. Tina was married to another man but divorced and then moved back home to the state we live in and restarted with her family. Like I said Mark knew her family before Tina and him dated, he met them through their bowling league and has been around Tina's sister, Kristen and Kristen's husband John, for 10+ years. Mark is Kristen and John's children's God father, he was the Padrino at her daughter's quinceanera, watched two of her kids be born, helped them with school work, watched them grow up, etc. When Tina moved back home they dated on and off for a few years but from my understanding it was very unhealthy. They broke up and a few months later Mark and I started dating. I have seen Kristen and John a few times throughout my relationship with Mark, the first time Kristen gave me a very cold shoulder along with a few glares (understandably) but Mark talked to her and its been very positive from there. I've never met her kids though.
We recently ran into Kristen and John this weekend and she was asking Mark to come around her children more, saying they have been asking about him and her 18 y/o daughter is graduating HS this June and wants him there. I was not personally invited to this event but I assume by association I am allowed to go. (It's also the high school I graduated from so it would be neat to see some old teachers) Kristen also talked about having other events in the future with friends from our bowling league and wanting Mark to go. I was never made to feel like I was invited but I also wasn't made to feel like I wasn't invited.
My problem is this....Do I or do I not go to the graduation? I absolutely trust Mark to go and be around Tina, I will admit to having a teensy bit of jealously deep inside but I'm not worried about it and know that I trust Mark beyond any doubt so my own worries need to be put aside (this is just typical woman jealousy's that I know will fade into nothing). I just don't want to be the outsider and shunned if I do go. I don't want to deal with a negative vibe from Tina or her family. I also don't want to be a negative person to them, more mainly Tina. By going to this event I can open up the idea of going to other events in the future because I don't want to be absent in something Mark values so much because of an ex. I also won't make Tina feel like she can't be around her family because I will be there.
Mark said that he has been avoiding hanging out with Kristen, John and their kids because he values our relationship too much but that he also doesn't want to cut the kids out of his life. If they mean that much to him I would like to be open to them too. Mark would be happy if I tried but I'm concerned and unsure of how to feel or even try. Thanks again for the help/advice!
***Please believe I am not worried about Mark being around Tina, this post isn't about my struggle with the "other woman" its simply do you think its ok to try and be involved in her life and if so how? I obviously can't tell you how Tina will feel but I don't want anything bad like drama, emotional, physical, overall negativity to come of it.
tl;dr: S/O was involved with ex/s family before they dated but still wants to be around her family now. He has been invited to an event in June and I'm unsure if I can/want to go too? They mean a lot to him and I want to him being happy. I'm not worried about the ex, just her family.
~Edit~ grammar
submitted by seritchey89 to relationships [link] [comments]