Flirty nicknames for guys

R4R30Plus: Meet fellow redditors over 30

2012.10.14 15:05 SurvivorType R4R30Plus: Meet fellow redditors over 30

Come in & meet people over 30! Whether you're looking for friends, a partner, buddies, pals or friends with benefits, this is the place. This is a space for Redditors 30 or older to make connections, and maybe meet in real life. This is a safe for work subreddit, so NO NSFW material. You don't have to be 30+ to engage with the community, but you MUST be 30 or older to post. Please check the tagging guide and rules for further information. Be excellent to each other.

2011.05.09 05:38 r/Trans

trans, the Reddit Home for everything Transgender.

2024.05.17 13:23 Ok_Yoghurt2624 WIBTA if i left my “friend” in debt i know he can’t pay

This is gonna be long so bear with me pls. I (f21) used to hook up with this guy (m22), I started liking him a lot, he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship. I didn’t take it personally plus I was transferring to another school abroad at the end of the year and then I’d probably never see him again.
About 3 months after i moved (so march 2023) he spontaneously booked a flight and came to visit me during spring break, he stayed with me and we were together basically the whole time, we hooked up but it was kind of an fwb situation? but throughout he kept dropping hints which I decided to ignore since I knew he wasn’t interested in being more than friends.
I do want to mention that I come from a rather well to do family and i might be a little spoilt in the sense that my family pays my tuition so I don’t have student loans and I get my rent money and some pocket money from home because my family doesn’t want me to work yet so I can focus on school more, but since I moved I have been working 2 jobs (without my family knowing) to save money because I like to live comfortably, go shopping, travel, and I’m trying to save up for my masters so I’m pretty comfortable financially, which he saw on his visit since I paid for p much everything. (Now that I think about it, I took a leave from work and didn’t have school that week so he didn’t actually see how hard I work, to him i was just chilling all day and living rich).
When he went back after his visit he kept talking ab how he has such a good time with me and how he really likes me and we started talking a lot more and I was kinda into him again. After like a month he started telling me that he wants to stop seeing other people and he dsnt want me to see other people either, still no mention of a relationship but he wanted to be exclusive. I had been on a couple dates since I moved but I wasn’t really interested in anyone so I agreed. Within a month of that (so june 2023) he started saying he loves me and for the longest time I hesitated to say it back but eventually i did. He kept saying he wants to visit me again etc but he cnt afford it. I agreed to pay bec i wanted to see him too but I thought that since I didn’t have school all month we could go on a little vacation instead of just him coming over, since I could afford it. We planned an trip for July and decided everything but before I paid for anything I asked him if he sees this ever turning into a relationship and he told me no at first but after i said if it’s not going anywhere (I was going to pay for his flights, all the stay and we would split the money we spend there) I don’t want to invest financially in it like time is one thing but i work really hard for the money, he said he just doesn’t feel like he’s ready for a relationship now but gave me hope saying that might change as we spend time together. I was naive enough to fall for that and we went on our little vacation.
Towards the end of the vacation like 2 days before we were supposed to go back, we were at a club and I was sitting down with my drink while he was on the floor and I saw him make a snapchat call and he was on it for a while and in the middle of it his screen lit up and a girl’s (let’s call her K) bitmoji was on it, so i went up to him to ask who he was talking to, he straight up lied and told me it was one of his guy friends and i just went and sat back down. After he finished the call he came and sat next to me and held his phone in a way that he obviously wanted me to look at the screen bec he had called his guy friend now the bitmoji was on the screen, which was such a failure because his guy friend didn’t even answer the phone he just showed me the “ringing” screen. I didn’t say anything tho because we both were pretty drunk and I didn’t want to start a fight in that condition. The next was our last night there and it went well but on the way back to our hotel at the end of the night i forgot my phone in the uber and used his phone to call the uber driver to ask if there was any way i could get it back. He was almost passed put by the time the uber driver came back around to bring my phone so i asked him if i could take his phone outside while i go to bring my phone just in case I need to contact the driver, he agreed and unlocked his phone and gave it to me. When i was going, K called him and i just rejected the call but then she sent him like a million texts and my suspicion got the best of me and I opened the chat. I barely had to scroll up before I saw several explicit msgs and photos (all very recent) and it made me sick to my stomach. I got my phone back and went back to the room to find him passed out I threw his phone at him and he woke up and we talked about it basically all night, I was crying like the whole time and in the end he promised me he wouldn’t do it again and he only wants to be with me and all this other emo (and in hindsight, toxic) crap that I fell for at the time and the next day we flew back.
Things were okay for like 2 months after that. On Halloween we were both on facetime, getting ready to go to halloween parties (in our respective countries lol) and I was telling him how to do his makeup (he really likes my style and often asks me for advice on clothes, makeup, hair etc) we talked for a while it was all great and after we got ready we ended the call and I went to the party (it was like 10min from my place) and as soon as I got there I tried to send him a snap but couldn’t find him on my snapchat friend list, so i tried to text him on Instagram only to find he had blocked me, on everything.
I DID NOT handle that well. After he had been nc for a week, he called me. Of course, I couldn’t resist and answered. He asked for help with a school project (I would often help him with things like that, even tho he was in a much complex course i would learn his stuff and then help him with homework and stuff). Even tho I was not in good condition physically bec of the withdrawals and even tho he hadn’t even addressed the fact that he had blocked me on everything out of nowhere I decided to help him again because I was just so desperate to talk to him and I basically made the whole thing for him and he got a good grade, he thanked me and stuff and when i asked him why he blocked me he just said “idk i was just upset idk why” he just always refused to talk about it. But i mean social media is so accessible, i did see that he had been commenting on K’s old Instagram posts (he commented on ALL her posts actually) throughout the week, so i’m sure it had something to do with her, but I didn’t ask because he seemed irritable whenever i would bring it up.
We started talking like before again, he graduated (i’m still in school) and we planned for another vacation for new years eve. Big surprise, even tho he was the one who proposed the trip, now he was unemployed so he couldn’t afford it, again. And another big surprise, I agreed to pay for it again. It was all good except I brought about $1000 in cash to spend on the trip and every time I took money out of it he would comment about how it was such a “fat stack” which sussed me out a little but whatever. About halfway through the trip I got really drunk and passed out and when I woke up the next morning all my cash was gone and I asked him if he kept it with him and he refused and got mad at me for losing such a big amount of money (as if I wasn’t stressed enough) and how he was going to have to pay now (hotels and flights were already paid for, he’d be paying for drinks and food basically). I still don’t think he would steal from me bec if he wanted money he could just ask and I would have just given him and not even asked for it back but there’s nowhere it could’ve gone because I never took the whole cash out of the hotel room and it was just us two there. I didn’t want to accuse him of anything so i let that go and never mentioned it. But that was the first time I got sus ab him with the money.
Fast forward to two months ago, we planned another trip (to my home country this time) which was supposed to be two weeks long but while we were there we were having so much fun that we kept extending it and it ended up being a month long. I saved up hella for this trip because I knew exactly what hotels I wanted to stay at, what places i wanted to go etc and i knew it was gonna be kinda expensive but even then because we stayed much longer it also costed way more than expected. At this point he didn’t even have to tell me he couldn’t afford it, it was just understood that i would be paying since he was still unemployed. But this time he had this new credit card and wanted to increase his credit score so he asked if i could use his cards to book everything and pay HIM back instead, i was like sure whatever. So i booked both our flights on my card and hotels and stuff on his. We had the best time on this trip, felt closer to him than ever so I didn’t mind paying. We decided that I would give him a certain amount in cash (to avoid international transfer fee) and transfer the rest (because countries have a limit on how much cash u can bring without having to report to customs). Once again towards the end of the trip I saw he was still talking to that girl, and it wasn’t just sexual, he called her the same nicknames he called me, he sent her the same reels and stuff on Instagram that he sent me it was like reading his chats with me. I didn’t say anything then, but a couple hours later I asked him if we should see other people too, like keep seeing each other but also see other people (i even said “we both” so he dsnt feel the need to get defensive) and he said no he dsnt want to and he dsnt even want me to. Him lying again when i gave him a chance to end his lie really broke my heart completely (bec at this point he was just lying for the sake of it) but it was just 3 days before we were gonna leave so i decided not to ruin the rest of the trip and end things with him after I paid him back for the credit card (I’d already given him more than half the amount in cash as soon as we met). When we were booking flights to go back he insisted that be take pne with a layover in a third completely put of the way country because it was cheaper and i was like sure, but then he also said because it’s two really long flights he wants to stay in this third country for a couple days bec he wouldn’t be too exhausted and wanted me to pay for the airbnb, I already wasn’t a fan of paying for a whole solo trip for him where I wasn’t going (it was one of my bucket list countries too) so i tried to tell him to just suck it up and take a couple hour layover instead but he wouldn’t listen. AND to make it worse, i saw his phone again (I didn’t even checking his phone or anything even once on this trip, he had the conversation open while he was sitting next to me and i could see) and he was talking to this girl who was around that country and asked her if she would travel there for a couple days to meet him and she agreed at first but once he sent her an airbnb and asked what she thought about it, she left him on seen and never responded even after he offered to pay (im guessing bec initially she just thought he meant they would hang out and when he brought up staying together even she got creeped out). THIS MAN WANTED ME TO PAY FOR HIS INTERNATIONAL TRIP TO MEET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HE TOLD HE WAS PAYING FOR EVERYTHING.
That was my last straw i got so mad and we had a big conversation , highlights: (Note: this is all in a very calm tone, i was holding back tears but no one was being aggressive)
Him: she’s just a friend and I haven’t even ever slept with her or anything PLUS that’s not even happening i’m not going to see her Me: because SHE left you on seen, u were clearly trying in fact ur the one who asked her to begin with Him: sighs & shrugs
Me: what about the girl in (hometown)? Him:
Me: why did u block me after halloween Him: i cnt tell u that Me: is it because u were also lying to K, telling her u were not seeing other people n she found out u were talking to me and to keep her from leaving u blocked me till she calmed down? Him: sighs, leans back and looks away
Me: why is one girl not enough Him: bec I’m not 40 Me: so why do u lie instead of just being honest and saying ur also seeing other people Him: bec i dnt wanna hurt feelings Me: i never asked u for anything u were the one who insisted on being exclusive, u were the one who said u loved me first while u knew the whole time u were lying, u really had no reason to lie? Him: u wouldn’t treat me the same if u knew i was seeing other people Me: i was treating u the exact same before u said all that? When u came to visit me i still paid for everything, u really didn’t have reason to lie Him: sighs
Me: what do u expect me to do now? Him: idk i guess u can see other people too(?)
Me: i didn’t mind paying for u if u were seeing other people n honest about it but dnt want to pay for someone who goes out of their way to lie to me for no reason (i p much never get pissed ab anything as long as it’s honest so there’s really no reason to lie which is why i cnt stand when people lie to me) Him: i understand
Me: did u at least use protection with other people (he told me he was clean and wasn’t seeing other people so i agreed to not using protection since i was on birth control anyway) Him: yes u can get tested if u want (i did and turns out he was lying i came home with a nasty std, I haven’t slept with anyone else in about a year)
After the long conversation we went to sleep and he noticed i was still crying so he hugged me and said “i dnt want u to cry talk to me” so i started saying how idk how to feel or what to do it’s just too much to process that he would do this bec i trusted him so much even when I didn’t want to but he rolled his eyes in the middle of my sentence which ticked me off so i turned away and was like “no dont turn away” to which I said “when im not talking u have an issue, when im talking u have an issue, what do u want?” This was the first time i dropped my calm in from of him and picked up an actually annoyed tone, which seemed to set something off in his head and he just blew up at me like YELLING about how im the one making a big deal out of everything and im the one who keeps turning away and refusing to talk to him etc and then he got up from the bed and punched the wall REALLY hard so i grabbed both his hands and sat him down on the bed and told him to shut up and calm down bec he was gonna get hurt if he keeps punching shit. He already hurt his hand p bad and he just held his hand to his chest and i could tell he was trying to hold in screams bec he was so much in pain. I called room service to bring ice and went downstairs to get him a painkiller. He finally calmed down and fell asleep. The next day he didn’t talk to me for 8 hours, didn’t go out or anything, we just sat there in the hotel room in silence, whenever i tried to bring up anything he just shrugged and continued to not say a word, Finally we both got hungry and went to get dinner after which we got drinks, once we got a little buzzed he started talking to me again and told me he got triggered bec i yelled at him (I didn’t yell but i did get annoyed so i got what he meant) and i apologised.
We were fine for the rest of the day and the next day and the night after that we finally flew back home.
He asked me to transfer him the money for his credit card and i asked him how much it was. The number he gave me was ridiculously higher than the number i had on my spreadsheet (since i made the bookings i even had the receipts) so i showed him saying these were the numbers that I had and he said “no but this is what my card got charged” and he sent me his own spreadsheet that me made (v poorly made no dates or anything, there were even some amounts without descriptions) so i said ok this isn’t helpful, just send me the credit card statement and i’ll see what went wrong in my calculations and he has been making dumb excuses for the last 2 weeks every time i ask him to send the statement like “there’s other payments too on the statement so u might get confused” (as if idk how to read??) or “oh i’ll send it when i open the credit card website next” but he keeps asking me to send him the money like constantly. Another thing that’s weird to me is that he completely disregarded the part where I told him I would only be paying for my half of the trip bec of him lying to me, which I already gave him more than half in cash in the beginning of the trip. Thirdly, not only does he want me to pay full he is also disregarding the money i gave him in cash bec he “spent it on the trip so it didn’t go towards the credit card payment” which I never agreed to give him spending money, that’s supposed to be on him, I brought my own spending money separately so it wasn’t even like he had to pay for both of us.
So basically, he wants me to pay for the whole credit card bill (which he won’t send me the statement for) on top of what i gave him in cash which was more than half of the number HE is giving me (and close to 80% of the number I have) ALL AFTER he lied to me, tried to make me pay for him going to meet another girl in a different country, yelled at me, punched a wall and made ME apologise.
The amount he’s asking for is big and I know he’s unemployed and if that’s the actual number, he definitely can’t pay it. While i can afford it (just barely after everything I already paid for including previous trips, flights for this trip and the money i gave him in cash) i did already tell him I would only be paying for my half (which i already did) and he agreed at the time, and i’m still extremely hurt and angry about all the lies and the drama. If he sent me the credit card statement I would still help him a little bit but he even refuses to do that. He hasn’t talked about anything else except asking me to send him the money for the past few days. I was going to cut him off after I paid him but he’s being kind of not cool about it and it’s not like i just have the money lying around. So would I be the asshole if I just ghosted him with his credit card debt that i know he can’t pay?
Also want to add: i keep mentioning his unemployment bec until February i was helping him improve his resume, prepare for interviews etc (I’m studying HR and recruitment) but after this trip he told me he is not even looking for a job bec if he got a job he “wouldn’t be able to travel as much” which pissed me off more bec im working my ass off to afford all this.
submitted by Ok_Yoghurt2624 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:52 CCR_HitchHiker Killed =FL= admin once in this play and got banned for it

Killed =FL= admin once in this play and got banned for it
Well, this reddit post is inspired by a previous one where a guy plays on a server dedicated to Special Forces maps. I have something similar situation. So, I got banned on =FL= server which hosted by some people there. I'm not so great player in BF2 though but I angered the admin with my kill. After this clip I was permanently banned. So this video was created for this admin server as unban request. I hope you're good person buddy.
Nickname: Hitch-Hiker (Sweet as prefix)
Link (for some reason the video won't play on the reddit post so I posted it on YouTube):
submitted by CCR_HitchHiker to Battlefield2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:46 Technical-Invite-859 Would people still be racist if humans were some other color like blue or pink, rather then brown?

I'm half black and half mexican with dark brown skin, and I experienced racism in elementary and middle school. In high school, there was a more diverse population, but in elementary and high school, I was in a sea of white.
kids would make racist comments about my skin color, and the one thing I noticed is that many of those comments were distinctly "fecal" in nature. For a while I was nicknamed "dookie" or "poop". I remember this one time when a white kid on the bus said he didn't want to sit with me because I was brown and would get poop on him. every time anyone detected the odor of flatulence in the room, they'd blame me. when i asked a kid why, he said "you're brown, so they probably associate your skin color with poop smell.
these comments hurt alot and as silly and childish as they seem, they actually effected my self-image for a long time. Even as an adult: I heard a white guy say that when he hears the word "brown" he automatically thinks about poop and turds.
So my question is:Would humans be racist if skin was some other color that people like better? like many people like blue. So if our skin was blue would people have the same negative reactions to it? The negative associations people make with the color brown, seem so ingrained in people's minds. Especially whites.
submitted by Technical-Invite-859 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:20 Hot-Row7226 It just happened..

I don’t know what to say.. I feel stupid and like my life is about to be ruined.
I was drinking earlier and got a message from a girl on insta who seemed to be real at the time (consistent posts with normal comments and likes from 2017) we started talking just shooting the shit and she eventually asked for my snap and I gave it to her. Later on in the night she started getting flirty saying how hot I am and how she wants to see more.. after a little while I ended up giving in and sending a few pics of my stuff to her. She responded with screenshots of all my followers next to the pictures of my junk, and started a group chat with me,her, some of my friends and even family where she started it off with “I have something to show you guys”… she starts threatening to send it to everyone if I don’t give 200. I tried to tell I’m broke and don’t have money but she just kept getting more upset and raised it to 500. Eventually I broke and sent her a bunch of iTunes cards to the point my account is now froze. It’s 4am and she just now is allowing me to sleep after i continuously told her my account is frozen and I can’t pull any more money. So now she expects me message her when I wake up, call the bank and then send more cards..
I don’t know what to do, I know everyone is saying just block and ignore but how do I explain to my family why they are all of a sudden seeing my junk on insta.
submitted by Hot-Row7226 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:53 mumbaidaddy123 Rant on a online relationship(sort of) btw Me [21M] & [20f] girl I met on dating app.

Mods pls remove this if it doesnt belong here but I need a place to vent
This is a long rant pls bear with me
In the month of March I came out of a friendship with a very slyly manipulative person, due to this I had lost my self esteem, self confidence had trust issues to an extent where I felt that I was unlovable.
To actually test out my doubts and to find some emotional connection, I went on a dating app, I was getting right swipes but no good conversation, until I saw the profile of a girl who had the bio of avg 20yr old female which was full of demands from her future partner and said she was looking for longterm. I texted her regarding how I find her bio wrong n she started to built a convo.
We began talking she showed so much enthusiasm, so much energy and flirty ness that I was like woah this is good, we talked n joked, for the next 8 days things went well, and so well that we had about 6000 messages(where about 55% of messages were from her side), 11 hours of video calls where she told me about her trauma, her past relationships(she said there were 3) I shared mine too , our exs n all , I messed up by get irritating by her male friends, which was my fault (I took full responsibility over it) etc and I started falling for her, we talked on how communication is important for us. We were long distance I live near Mumbai n have my college here, she has college in Bhubaneshwar.
We were getting so close that we used to share the messages we got from other ppl on dating apps with each other and she sent me a screenshot of her friend who was commenting about her body n all in a flirtatious way i was like ehh aint this wrong n all since she was the one who began the talk of being serious n all. I also got to know she lied about number of her exes it was 6 which invovled this friend too.
She used to flirt like hell and when i said dont go itna fast she used get a little upset and that chat was yesterday she said no no he is a friend n all etc things happened we communicated and we moved forward that thing. She told me this guy was her ex-situation ship that too only for a week, but then I asked her why is he still talking to u like this she said o aisa hi hai n all, I let it go. Things were going well, we used to play chess even though we were booth noobs n online games together etc.
Out of no where she says she wants to end this and I was like but was shunned from inside bcs this is the same person who was showing so much effort n all n suddenly at 3:30 am, I was shocked n my pit of traumas opened again, but i asked her for the actual reason n all she told me i was possessive n all, I agreed n told her ki I will work on it which I actually did, I used to read articles, become aware of the exact cause becoming possessive n all.
She was impressed n all. We used to exchange emails to appreciate each other and she promised in a email that she would work on her communication and appreciated me how I was different from other guys since I expressed myself n all.
But her attitude changed she reduced texting n all but we used to come on video call at night, I communicate that to her but she was like no I was sleeping, schedule change etc. I got bit suspicious but trusted her, once we were talking, she was sharing her screen and I saw a message of the same friend on telegram where he was again talking about kissing her n all. I was like dude ye kya she said isi trha n all, i asked her as we move forward will she end her contact with him, she said no and now their friendship is just friendship but then i saw in the chat that they had kissed on 20th April, which is just before just before her college closed for holidays n a few days before me n this girl met.
All this stuff in the last 15-20 days have taught me to trust my instincts n not get flown away just bcs a person is talking nicely, dont trust them so early, dont share so early, dont allow them to get close so early.
I have almost lost all trust in her and now I have given few questions to answer and only then I will move forward with her these include question regarding her feelings on that guy, why isnt she texting n all etc.
submitted by mumbaidaddy123 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:44 AnonHereWeGo What to do about Ex-GF in boardgame group who's continually cruel towards me? M28 F26

Greetings everyone, praying for a good day for you all!
As you can tell this is abit of a long one XD.
This happened over a year ago but it still haunts and torments me to this day, and is the first time I've told anyone else about it.
There's some context I believe that's necessary to better understand everything going on, going into this situation.
Have been having some issues at a board gaming group with a ex gf I met there.
Please don't take mine or her side. Don't harass, gaslight, insult or generally be cruel towards me about this XD. Have more then a lifetime of that don't want anymore. No one does. Don't assume you know how she's thinking or how I'm thinking, or who's right or wrong.
You don't know her, you don't know me, you weren't there for any of it. Do not assume.
I just want to find a peaceful solution to this problem and for her to stop antagonizing me, her actions cause me insane amounts of stress, anxiety, panic attacks. To the point where I almost have hypertension attacks, where my body goes numb, I can't breathe, and I die!! Horray!! :^D
Even typing this right now I'm having a panic/stress attack.
The amount of courage and energy it's taking me to type this and seek help is very painful.
She was someone I met through the boardgaming group.
I had just had a group of individuals spread sexual harassment gossip and rumors about me and get me kicked out of a Creator Space, another board gaming group and banned from a boardgaming store.
I walked in one day to play Gloomhaven as usual with 2 friends when the owner started yelling and screaming at me to leave the shop immediately or he was going to call the police to have me forcibely removed. I was not told ahead of time of my banning despite being on their discord and having spoken and seen their employees before on a few occasions.
Apparently one of the workers at the store was friends with someone who was accusing me of sexual harassment and spreading lies about me, and that I was silently banned from their discord and store without having been notified ahead of time.
Never once did the store owner or anyone else at the store contact me to get my side of the story before judging the situation.
I was guilty until proven innocent, which they didn't even give me the chance of proving my innocence.
Never had I been more abused or mistreated in my whole life then in that one moment.
Very humorously enough the only good person and friend I made from the Gloomhaven group when he listened to my side of the story believed me! Everyone who listened to me believed me while those who judged me without even talked to me didn't. Weird huh?
Sorry to go off on a tangent, but this is just background to me joining the new boardgaming group and the insane amount of depression and anxiety I was battling and currently still do.
I was insanely nervous and deeply depressed going into the new group, and terrified that news might spread and that I might get cruely kicked out of the new one which luckily did not happen.
It meets up in a church basement, and the fact that I can leave food and drink there, and that it isn't noise or loud or triggers my tinnitus or anxiety is great.
But some drama did occur around me on the discord related to other stuff that did make the "in" group of people dislike and have grudges against me!
So just a very tricky and complicated situation.
After our split up she now seems to antagonize me constantly if I happen to be there when she is there. In very passive aggressive ways.
After we split ways I was hoping to stay friends, but I don't know she herself comes from a abusive family background, with her parents being divorced and seeing different people among other things. One day I texted her a image of a Eclipse 2nd Dawn of the Galaxy supplement that had arrived at 6 or 7am and she blew up about it saying it was way too weird of a hour to message someone about this, despite her being the only person I've ever talked to that had a problem with this despite this being a very common thing for most people, and blocked my number.
Since then I've tried to be as loving and kind as possible not talking to her, avoiding eye contact, generally being as passive as I can. But that's still not enough for her.
I really believe she's trying to bully, cold shoulder me out of the boardgame group despite the fact I get along with almost everyone there and it's the only one that has worked for me.
There was a campaign I was with with her when we were playhing a campaign board game, and she would yell and strictly criticize any little mistake I would make in front of everyone all the time.
There was a time when there was some leftover food in the kitchen from a thanksgiving meal that I was given persmission to layout and share with everyone. I found some paper plates to use and she harshly yelled at me that we weren't allowed to use them. We only had styrofoam at that point and I was trying to find microwaveable plates to use. I went to someone else and asked if I could use the paper plates and he said totally. She was right there too, and she never apologized to me.
Good thing we had paper plates and people could heat their food!
Just the other night I was playing a game of Nemesis with some guys, and one of them happens to have the same name as me.
She came over and constantly just kept saying his name not differentiating between the two of us, despite the face she's called me by the same name multiple times. Continuing to ignore me and engage with everyone else there as if I don't exist. She knows how much it hurts me to say our exact names without differentiating.
It might not be a problem for some people, but for me it's very confusing and heart wrenching.
My Dad recommended we both get nicknames to make differentiating us easier and less painful.
I just don't want to create any more drama for anyone and the group, and maybe approach the other guy who shares a name with me about this issue.
Even he I feel can tell he's being thrown in the middle of something he has nothing to do with.
If anyone would have some kind, loving, empathetic advice I would greatly appreciate it. :^)
submitted by AnonHereWeGo to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:22 BeginningCoat6482 He's been too busy to meet up again - for 4 months now.

I (32f) met this guy (33m) on Tinder in February. We instantly hit it off over text, texted 3 days straight and had a 4 hour phonecall on the second day. I then kind of pressured him into a date, he said he needed to study for finals, but could meet up for a few hours if it was important to me .
The date went well, we talked for 3 hours, laughed a lot. He seemed really nervous, but nothing too extreme and we had a lot talk and laugh about, as in our texts. He isn't super attractive by modern standards, but that doesn't bother me at all, I find him cute and told him that. He hinted at his looks being a problem, but I reassured him that I liked him and wanted to meet up again if he found time.
Since then we have been texting on and off for 4 months, but he hasn't had time for another date yet -at least he says that. He seems to enjoy talking to me, though, but he isn't flirty at all (I don't think he's the type to flirt at all), he's very focused on his work and getting his degree, which I admire. at the same time I am going crazy over here.
I have built up this mental image of him for 4 months now and I can't seem to stop thinking about him. He has many qualities I like, he's funny, witty, very intelligent, has ambition and drive and many interests... I feel like I'm starting to fall in love, which is unfortunate, because he keeps saying he has to put his career and studies first until at least July and he doesn't want to just meet up sometimes, because he knows that if we start meeting up and getting closer, I will be even less okay with him having to prioritise other things over me for months. I get that, I really do - but I'm going crazy. I can't seem to concentrate on anything else anymore, I have this deep urge to meet him, I can't wait anymore.
How can I get through the next 2 months without much flirting, no dates, no "security" but the prospect of this relationship in the future? I really don't think he's lying to me, he just seems very ambitious, shy, logical over emotional and just not experienced in relationships.
submitted by BeginningCoat6482 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 Tasty_Neat5924 Advice on my crush

We have only met online through Reddit and I asked to talk more frequently on Instagram, maybe three weeks ago. He has known I have a boyfriend, and listened/given advice about my situation since day one. The guy I’m with is really very sweet to me and we’ve been together, going on six years now…no ring, no house, no kids…. ever since I moved to the only place he’s ever lived for him, but I’m ready to move back home and to branch out. Truthfully, I believe he likes guys. I really don’t want to put myself in that environment anymore
The most we really know about each other are our names, and a bit about shared music taste, and our ages, but I am pretty sure he has a girlfriend as well, just female intuition - because I am pretty much ignored from 6 pm to 8 am the next day. However, I am so naive in thinking everyone is as honest as I am. He is such a troll on other sex worker’s pages and always interacting & commenting on their content. Oddly enough, that’s how my current bf met me. I have mentioned before how jealous (but not jealous? In a way ¿) it makes me, and he has not been as active in doing that the past few days. We both have been open to jerking off foto each other, which I believe is all the relationship is ever going to amount to, it’s just flirty and easy to brush off because of our location differences. I really wish I did not look as forward to talking to him as I do, or the instant butterflies I get seeing him, but I really find myself so in need of human communication & connection most days, so I settle for responding to his bare minimum messages most mornings. Anyway, I had hoped writing this out would help clear things up in my mind but i still feel just as confused as before If anyone had experience in anything similar, your wisdom is greatly appreciated 🙏🏽 thank you
submitted by Tasty_Neat5924 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 Round-Produce-7349 How enslaved Muslim Africans became the ONLY successful slave rebellion in the history of North America and ruled Haiti afterwards?

As most people already know, the transatlantic slave trade was one of the gruesome forms of slavery in the history of mankind. Millions of humans were shipped off into cargo size holes inside of ships to unknown areas and they were chained up for months on end. As soon as they got to the new world. They were sold off into slave auctions. They were treated worse than cattle. Fathers were routinely beaten and mothers were routinely raped by slave masters. There were many more gruesome things such as slave breeding farms across America during this time period. It was practically hell on earth for these slaves.
Many slaves ran off the plantations and were chased around by slave patrols at night and if they were caught. They could have their legs chopped off or castrated.
A major trend that many historians and authors have noticed across the history of slavery in the new world
EVERY successful slave rebellion from Haiti to Brazil was conducted by Muslim Africans
The Haitian revolution was the only successful one at such a large scale. They managed to fight off multiple European powers. They damaged the French so much that Napolean was forced to not only retreat from Haiti but also sell Louisiana during the Louisiana purchase.
Many Muslim Africans were forced to convert to Christianity but they still practiced Islam in secret across Haiti
The most ruthless slave rebel to the European masters was a guy by the name of Francois Macandal
He literally ended up killing over 6,000 European plantation owners in Haiti, his nickname was poison by them
The only time where Muslims were no successful in a slave rebellion was when they were intermingling with Christian Africans and pagan voodoo Africans
However the European colonial powers knew that Islam was the most aggressive belief system to cause them harm
European colonial people from Thomas Jefferson all the way to modern day Donald Trump have always seen Islam as a threat to their European Western rule over the world.
Right now, Haitians aren't Muslims by majority anymore. Even the religion of Islam is frowned upon in Haiti. The European colonial agents have successfully corrupted the minds of Haitians so that they could never see another revolution again uprooting their system
Many European westerners say Arab Muslims are just a racist as whites to African people
However people to need realize that Islam does NOT equal Arabs
You can find bad human beings in all religions but the ISLAMIC faith is NOT racist according to the Quran
This why even Arab Muslims had their whole empire destroyed to shreds by Muslim African slaves in the Zanj rebellion
Over 1 million Arabs were killed by African Muslim Zanj rebels and the leader Muhammad Ibn Ali
What I'm trying to say is that Islam always gives the slaves and oppressed to fighting chance to uproot the status quo or masters of the region
Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) uprooted the pagan Quryash and other upper class pagan Arabs
Then he uprooted the Persians who thought they were better
Even in India, the WHOLE 1857 rebellion was carried out by Indian Muslims against the British
Islam is ONLY belief system that guarantees as downtrodden people results and history has proven this
These Haitians do not know that they can easily be enslaved again because Africans without Allah(SWT) are very disorganized people
Same goes for Indian Hindus and even pagan Persians at the time
You have to remember that at a time when it was legal to enslave any black African and treat them like dogs and if they try to fight back. They would be lynched or beaten to a pulp. They had NO help at all. You have to remember that sugar cane plantations are way worse than cotton plantations.
This is why Pakistan should never let western ideology such as feminism or any type of pagan Bollywood thrive in Pakistan's psyche
Islam strengthens a people from the status of slaves and impoverished to the status of kings and rich rulers
All these other belief systems makes a person more docile by nature
submitted by Round-Produce-7349 to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:18 thoughtful_dilemma Crush kinda asked me out but I'm an idiot.

There's this guy in my coaching who happens to live near my house and hence, he drops me off home everytime. We are quite close and I have a crush on him and I think he does too.
We don't have classes for two days but our physics teacher takes extra classes on off days so I was asking him if he was sure that there were no extra classes, because if that was the case then I'll make plans to hang out. ("Agar classes nahi hongi so main toh ghumne ka plan banaungi.") So he asked where do I wanna go ("Accha batao kahan chalna hai?") but at first, I didn't read his text and went off saying my own thing that my dad and I are planning to go on a road trip but then again it might not be possible as he's busy with his university's work (my dad's a professor). And then when I did read and UNDERSTOOD his text, I did try to ask him to hang out by saying stuff like all my friends are kinda busy so i don't know if I'll be able to hang out.. but he was only like "Dukh Dard Peedha" ("Pain Agony Misery"). Actually I know he kinda feels awkward to initiate things again after I've ruined things because of my dumbness... But he also hesitates a bit...
One day he sent me a snap of him hanging out with his friends and actually one of his friends took his phone and pretended to be him and texted me that let's all hang out together after next mock test. And then he clarified the next day that whatever conversation I had, it was with his friend(🤡). And his friend was also there, and he said that "this guy was saying I wanna come here with (the nickname he calls me) so I thought it was my responsibility as a sincere friends to make things easy for him but I guess he would have liked it for only the both of you and not a group".
We both know that we like each other but none of us has made any moves to take things onto the next step.
I want to use this opportunity to make a move but I also don't want to sound desperate.
Hence, I need some advices on this situation.
Thanks for reading.
Tldr: My crush asked me out but I'm dumb. So now I'm caught up in a mess and need some advices.
submitted by thoughtful_dilemma to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:17 LautyGameplaysYT I need some help looking for a specific Manhua that i stumbled upon a few months ago.

Edit 1: Someone already found it and told me the name, it was I became invincible after descending.
Original post: So the thing is, a few months ago (cant recall how long, but atleast 5 months ago) i was scrolling through YouTube when i found one of this "recaps" of Manhua/Manhwa/Manga vids (i belive this particular one was a Manhua, hence why im posting this here). after binging the entire recap i really enjoyed it and since then i have forgot about it, until a few days ago when i remembered about it and wanted to actually read it. however, i cant seem to find the original video that i viewed nor can i find any information on the particular Manhua anywhere on the internet. So i was hoping any you here might know the name of it so that i can find it and give it a proper read. here is what i remember about it:
I believe this wraps the most important/memorable parts that i remember. Does anyone know the name of this Manhua?
submitted by LautyGameplaysYT to Manhua [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:10 qawsed_x 50 [M4F] #Melb #Australia - Hey, if good food, wine, reading, getting out / staying in, easy conversation and a few laughs is your thing, hit me up. (Photos in profile)

Hey There!
- I’m an easy going, no drama guy. The glass is half full.
- Love a night in cooking up a storm over a few drinks. I equally enjoy eating out.
- My espresso machine is my favourite appliance.
- Into health and fitness, but not at the expense of fun.
- Recent reads: Before The Coffee Gets Cold, To Kill A Mocking Bird, ACOTAR, Fourth Wing.
- Activities: The beach - Swimming, reading, walking, surfing - all year. Snowboarding / skiing, the gym, occasional golf.
- 5’7” 68kg
I'm here looking for a connection, I'm after friendship, fun and a relationship. Hopefully we hit it off over a bit of fun, flirty banter and then we can meet in person. I want to share real life experiences. Ideally you’re in Geelong or the Western side of Melbourne, but it’s not a show stopper for me, I’m up for some online chat and happy to travel. Oh, and I don't expect an exact match on my interests either.
The photo is me and there are more in my profile. Please be ok with sharing too. 😊
submitted by qawsed_x to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:07 qawsed_x 50 [M4F] #Melb #Australia - Hey, if good food, wine, reading, getting out / staying in, easy conversation and a few laughs is your thing, hit me up. (Photos in profile)

Hey There!
- I’m an easy going, no drama guy. The glass is half full.
- Love a night in cooking up a storm over a few drinks. I equally enjoy eating out.
- My espresso machine is my favourite appliance.
- Into health and fitness, but not at the expense of fun.
- Recent reads: Before The Coffee Gets Cold, To Kill A Mocking Bird, ACOTAR, Fourth Wing.
- Activities: The beach - Swimming, reading, walking, surfing - all year. Snowboarding / skiing, the gym, occasional golf.
- 5’7” 68kg
I'm here looking for a relationship. Hopefully we hit it off over a bit of fun, flirty banter and then we can meet in person. I want to share real life experiences. Ideally you’re in Geelong or the Western side of Melbourne, but it’s not a show stopper for me, I’m happy to travel. Oh, and I don't expect an exact match on my interests either.
The photo is me and there are more in my profile. Please be ok with sharing too. 😊

submitted by qawsed_x to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:46 surprisephysical45 Was this flirting?

Context: I’m a Chinese medicine practitioner, I would never usually do this but I’m way too embarrassed to ask colleagues about it, but I’m not sure if I should stop seeing him.
So in the moment I had my professional lens on.
This guy came in, after I saw him on a dating app I was on. I immediately deleted the app cause I was so embarrassed that clients might see my profile. I mentioned a sport I learned in my profile.
This client books in, having not come in like 8+ months, the one I saw on the dating app. He usually has a specific concern. Today was just a ‘tune up’. I asked if anything felt tight, and he said hips, then showed me this weird pose I guess he does for work outs, it was like this weirdly deep lunge- he kinda made intense eye contact while doing it. I was more focused on the movement and commented on how his hips moved. He just wants a full body massage.
We always chat during the massage, so we did. He mentioned the sport I mentioned in my profile- he asked if I’d ever done it— it’s not something common for our area at all. I said yes.
Then when I turned him to be face up, he put the sheet down past his naval, I pulled it back up, and he kinda tugged it down again, or would move his hands to exposure his chest (he works out and he’s very proud of his physique clearly).
Then when I finally worked on his biceps I said ‘does this hurt’ and he said ‘I mean, I come to massage expecting to get felt up so go on’.
He kinda lingered after paying and kept looking back at me and smiling. I’m pretty good at my job so I’m used to people wanting to stay and chat… but he like paused at the door while I was trying to move onto my next client.
Only thing is: he’s pretty good looking and he knows it. We have a good laugh while he’s there.
Maybe it’s just me thinking he’s cute and therefore taking his normal weird things as flirty?
TDLR: conventionally attractive client came in after I saw him on a dating app out of no where, he did a couple weird things that seemed like him maybe showing off his body, could have just been him being comfortable— he made a joke about me feeling him up, and he lingered intensely at payment.
submitted by surprisephysical45 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:18 urmomsanoverthinker Crush on my way older coworker. What do I do?

I have a massive crush on my 43 M year old coworker (19 years older than me 24F). I always find myself crushing on people that are just out of reach (my brother's best friend, someone with a gf, guys way older than me). Lol daddy issues? But I genuinely think we would be a great match. We get along really well and have so much in common. We have a flirty way of interacting with each other but I cannot tell if he is just a flirty person or if he may like me too.
I always cut myself off at the knees with guys and overthink things before anything has happened so I'm really trying not to do that here. I have also been told my entire life that I am an "old soul" and am really mature for my age, and I think because of this I have tried to surround myself with similar people and I now naturally gravitate toward people older than myself (this isn't the first time I've had a age gap crush/friendship). What do I do??
PS. I am NOT a forward person. I will not just flat out ask him to hang out if there isn't a real reason to. We are both managers at our job so we work together closely and I don't want to risk that becoming awkward.
submitted by urmomsanoverthinker to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:21 flurple_purp Should I tell my friends husband about her activities?

My "friend" has been married for a short amount of time to a guy that works in the same building as us.
Before they dated, she had gotten around with some other people that worked with us. He's oblivious to her still being in contact with multiple old flings. Another friend of ours even told me she recently went on a day trip with one. The times he has suspected anything, she brushed it off and said she'd never even have a chance to cheat since they live together and go to work together.
While I don't know how far she's actually gone to cheat, I know she's been flirting with other men. She's also made a lot of comments to people about regretting getting married so early, and flat out telling people never to get married.
A few coworkers have noticed her flirty behavior and have begun commenting on it to me and I've been really distancing myself from her and considering telling her husband.
submitted by flurple_purp to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:04 Arthur_Fookin_Dayne Most intense synchronicity I’ve experienced, it makes me feel insane.

Copied from my post on another group
I’ll try my best to keep this as short as I can while remaining coherent about it..
When I was young, my Grandma always called me “Mizpah” as a nickname. Being young, I never thought much of it, especially what it even meant in the first place. I ended up losing her in a tragic way at the age of 17 which affected my life in a negative way for a good amount of time. I was never necessarily religious or even spiritual for that matter, but after her passing, I begged for a sign for the longest time, to no avail. Fast forward.
I’ve never been good with people romantically. Like ever. Never been in a real relationship or experienced any true deep connection with anyone, up until around September of ‘23. This girl got hired at my work, (how I even ended up at this store in this state is in and of itself a story with its many synchronicities), and I was tasked with training her. We hit it off incredibly well very fast, and while we never dated because she technically has a boyfriend, over the span of seven months we grew insanely close with one another to the point where we were nearly inseparable, and despite her being in a relationship, (long distance mind you, never met each other), there’s a very real chemistry there between us.
So, what do these two parts have to do with one another? WELL. Just over two months ago, I was at her house and we were watching some random YouTube series about the paranormal which in part dealt with communicating with dead loved ones. Half way through the episode, I paused it and decided to finally come around in being open with her about what exactly happened with my grandma, and part of that was telling her, “how I begged for a sign for the longest time but never received one, but in hindsight, I’m happy I didn’t because I probably wouldn’t have been able to handle it. But if I were to receive a sign now, I think I’d be at peace with it.”. I then resumed the episode. After the episode ended, I started to bring up my grandma once again, and as I did, my phone started to ring. Who was calling? My grandmas old phone number. I actually instantly broke down about it because I had never experienced anything “paranormal” ever before. I didn’t answer the phone because I was too shocked honestly. I let it ring, then after composing myself, called back, and some random guy answered, saying he didn’t make any calls and was just on his way to grab groceries from the store. That was that. I told her, (and another friend more recently), that I feel like that was my grandma’s way of saying she was watching over us.
It gets weirder. Fast forward to Easter of this year. Due to some stupid situation taken out of context the day before, me and this girl had a falling out. We haven’t seen each other since, and have only argumentatively spoken like twice. Aside from that, I’ve just been focusing on myself as one is supposed to in these situations. Well, a few days ago I had the urge to treat myself; I’ve always wanted to own a piece of jewelry, but something antique, something from Victorian times. Within a short amount of time on Etsy, I found a sterling silver ring with a single word imprinted on it… ‘Mizpah’. After laughing at the “no way!” feeling about it, I had to finally see what that word meant after all this time. It’s a Hebrew word that means ‘watch over’. It became popularised during the Victorian period wherein couples would gift each other rings with this word to keep them safe while they were apart from each other.
I’ve experienced a good amount of synchronicities with this girl, but this one is borderline haunting. A little extra “crazy” thing about the ring I found too, (and I did end up buying it), is that the makers mark is B&B, with coincides with the initials of this girls and I surnames.
Just a super, bizarre, series of events that I figured you guys would find interesting. Feel free to ask any questions you may have!
submitted by Arthur_Fookin_Dayne to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:04 dietcokehellokitty I don’t know what to do

My (29M) boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me (25F). But it doesn’t seem black and white to me. To start off, we’ve had our share of issues all involving alcohol. He has a big problem with it, but he is a really good person and boyfriend when he’s not drinking. Drinking he is a different person. 1 month into us being official he kissed an old friend he saw at a concert. I forgave him and moved past it. I also had my share of running into an old friend- drinking - and kissed him. I didn’t tell him.
Our relationship has been probably the best it ever has been recently. We live together across the country from our families right now. We don’t have much but each other out here. The other night, he went out with coworkers for karaoke night. I was invited but declined.
I wake up at 1:30am and he isn’t back. His location is still at the bar. He ignores all my calls and texts. Finally a little after 2:00 I see his location heading home. I see the car pull up, he isn’t getting out. I assume he’s talking to his coworkers. It’s been a while, I have a bad feeling, finally I go out and am greeted by a girl getting out of the car, saying my boyfriend is half naked being an asshole in her car. Part of me died.
He was an asshole, beyond drunk, and his pants off. Immediately an easy decision I am leaving. As the next day goes on it becomes confusing. He had no idea what happened. I know that’s a popular lie but I believe him. He didn’t know her, she was a lot bigger and unattractive esp considering his type. She was also sober, trying to hook up with a guy who could barely form a sentence. Weird. He remembers nothing , doesn’t think he consented. He remembers being very drunk and seeing her, but he does have a friendly outgoing personality that can come off flirty.
He is beyond remorseful, disgusted, confused. Will do anything for me to stay. I’m back and forth on it. Plan was to stay together with strict expectations and boundaries, he doesn’t drink, goes to aa, gets therapy etc. If he slips up on any part I go. My friends are berating me I’m being stupid and manipulated. I don’t know what to do. To me we are perfect couple. I have had my share of drinking issues and fixed them before I met him. I don’t want it to be over. But I also have a bad habit of giving 100 chances (never been cheated on before tho) and sweeping things under the rug. I don’t want to do that but I don’t want it to end.
submitted by dietcokehellokitty to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:44 poppunksucks144 Don't know what to put here

I feel "inspired" to post this since we're all sitting around the campfire talking about it. I'm a guy, and I got cheated on. Not only did she cheat on me, but I couldn't even get the courtesy of being ghosted. She had to look me in the eyes and berate me for not being good enough like the guy she cheated on me with. She went for the jugular by attacking every single insecurity she knew I had.
Later on, I met a new woman, and we immediately clicked. I swear we were on the same wavelength like we could finish each other's sentences. It was heavily flirty and she'd send me suggestive (but not nude) selfies. We actually talked damn near all day every day.
That was up until I found out she had a bf. I can accept a rejection, but I didn't get a straight no. She kept talking to me all day every day, telling me stuff like I miss you and flirting while she had a bf.
Essentially the "bf" was there for everything but the emotional support. She used me for what she wasn't getting from him, and it made me feel like shit. Like that's all I'm good for. I want to be the partner who does that stuff.
I'm not really looking for advice because I've read everyone's in other posts (go to the gym, think more positively about yourself, be social, etc). It's great advice. I've been doing that, and I know I've come a long way. I feel so much better about myself and don't go crying over spilled milk anymore. I just feel stuck. I keep running, but I'm not getting anywhere.
I'm so discouraged from trusting anyone or having feelings ever again because of my personal experiences and all the horror stories I read on social media.
On the other hand, I've seen posts from women (or heard irl) about how they want a loving partner who's emotionally available, is loyal, puts effort into the relationship, etc. Well, I'm right here.
I don't know. Maybe just help me from becoming the very thing that I hate, an emotionally unavailable man.
Please keep in mind this isn't roast me (I guess the cheater's got me afraid of being bullied since that's what she did and made me feel worthless)
submitted by poppunksucks144 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:41 Arthur_Fookin_Dayne Most intense synchronicity I’ve experienced, it makes me feel insane for noticing it.

I’ll try my best to keep this as short as I can while remaining coherent about it..
When I was young, my Grandma always called me “Mizpah” as a nickname. Being young, I never thought much of it, especially what it even meant in the first place. I ended up losing her in a tragic way at the age of 17 which affected my life in a negative way for a good amount of time. I was never necessarily religious or even spiritual for that matter, but after her passing, I begged for a sign for the longest time, to no avail. Fast forward.
I’ve never been good with people romantically. Like ever. Never been in a real relationship or experienced any true deep connection with anyone, up until around September of ‘23. This girl got hired at my work, (how I even ended up at this store in this state is in and of itself a story with its many synchronicities), and I was tasked with training her. We hit it off incredibly well very fast, and while we never dated because she technically has a boyfriend, over the span of seven months we grew insanely close with one another to the point where we were nearly inseparable, and despite her being in a relationship, (long distance mind you, never met each other), there’s a very real chemistry there between us.
So, what do these two parts have to do with one another? WELL. Just over two months ago, I was at her house and we were watching some random YouTube series about the paranormal which in part dealt with communicating with dead loved ones. Half way through the episode, I paused it and decided to finally come around in being open with her about what exactly happened with my grandma, and part of that was telling her, “how I begged for a sign for the longest time but never received one, but in hindsight, I’m happy I didn’t because I probably wouldn’t have been able to handle it. But if I were to receive a sign now, I think I’d be at peace with it.”. I then resumed the episode. After the episode ended, I started to bring up my grandma once again, and as I did, my phone started to ring. Who was calling? My grandmas old phone number. I actually instantly broke down about it because I had never experienced anything “paranormal” ever before. I didn’t answer the phone because I was too shocked honestly. I let it ring, then after composing myself, called back, and some random guy answered, saying he didn’t make any calls and was just on his way to grab groceries from the store. That was that. I told her, (and another friend more recently), that I feel like that was my grandma’s way of saying she was watching over us.
It gets weirder. Fast forward to Easter of this year. Due to some stupid situation taken out of context the day before, me and this girl had a falling out. We haven’t seen each other since, and have only argumentatively spoken like twice. Aside from that, I’ve just been focusing on myself as one is supposed to in these situations. Well, a few days ago I had the urge to treat myself; I’ve always wanted to own a piece of jewelry, but something antique, something from Victorian times. Within a short amount of time on Etsy, I found a sterling silver ring with a single word imprinted on it… ‘Mizpah’. After laughing at the “no way!” feeling about it, I had to finally see what that word meant after all this time. It’s a Hebrew word that means ‘watch over’. It became popularised during the Victorian period wherein couples would gift each other rings with this word to keep them safe while they were apart from each other.
I’ve experienced a good amount of synchronicities with this girl, but this one is borderline haunting. A little extra “crazy” thing about the ring I found too, (and I did end up buying it), is that the makers mark is B&B, with coincides with the initials of this girls and I surnames.
submitted by Arthur_Fookin_Dayne to Synchronicities [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:36 walakomaisip_25 Long post ahead

Hi. Im a 30M na may partner na 34M. He's my first. Naka isang gf lang ako tapos siya na. Kung san pa ko humugot ng lakas ng loob makaamin lang na gusto ko siya, and I did it over the phone.
Now, we're reaching our 2nd year.
Early stages ng relationship was like heaven. Best days of my life. Pero of course, there are shaky moments, actually madalas.
It all started when I tried to browse his phone. He came from a relationship (same sex) Where he allowed na maging number 2. Nung kinukwento nya to habang nanliligaw pa lang ako eh, I can totally feel the pain and how devastated he was. Kaya medyo nahirapan siya pagtiwalaan ako nung una. I saw some videos, during the time na nag eexplore siya (G app) Kasi prior to the number 2 situation, nagka rel pa siya na didnt end well too. I asked him why the videos are still there. ( I saw them on his very old phone na ginagamit lang nya for bank transfers) He said, years na bago ung last na check nya dun sa phone na yun and didnt know it was still there. So to put an end on this argument, I took the liberty of deleting every single thing, for my peace of mind as well.
Then there came a time na I had a problem financially during the rel. Nag offer kasi si bank ng loan, I took it. We spent it mostly, going out of town, cebu, tagaytay, galera etc, and magbili bili ng gamit sa apartment na nirerent nya. So basically, we were building our life together.
So, nung nagsimula na ung time na palagi akong CWD, tinanong nya ano nangyayare kung may loan ba ko, baket lagi ako gipit, kasi di na ko nakakapag bigay ng share ko sa expenses. I lied. Told him na wala akong loan, na majority lang ng sahod ay napupunta sa family.
This kept going on for months, ramdam ko ung stress nya sa pera dahil napapaheram na din siya sa family nya, feeling nya wala siya katulong, based don sa kwento nya sa mga friends namin, di nya masabi saken kasi nga mahal nya ko at ayaw nya ako pauwiin/paalisin.
Then, there were 2 instances din na minsan nakakuha ako pera sakanya ng di nya nalalaman. Sobrang mali. Sobrang sising sisi ako na ginawa ko yon. Moreover, nung nag stay temporarily ung isang friend namin sa apt (kasi walang wala din yon) nalaman namin na pwede pala unahan si bank sa pagkaltas, so gagawin hintayin macredit sahod then bibilisan ang transfer sa ewallet para di madeduct sa loan, don ko na lang nashare na may loan din ako, not directly to him, nabrought lang yung convo kaya nasabi ko na din.
When it comes to intimacy, we've never done penetration, ever. So I know that u guys knew what we were doing. Last time we did it was last year. After non wala na, recently nag ask ako kasi nga 1yr na nakalipas, sabe nya, puro kasi problema kaya pano gaganahan. I accepted kasi totoo naman.
Magkawork kami sa office at magkateam, after a year, napromote ako into level II. Actually sabay kami nag apply pero ako lang nakuha. Lungkot din sya non, kasi sabay kami inapproach to apply pero ako lang nakuha. He felt left behind, na parang wala siyang growth don. So he resigned.
Last year December, I lost my mom. Wala na siya sa office non, ako andon pa. Sobrang sakit mawalan ng magulang. I expressed my intention to him na reresign na din ako don kasi I lost my focus, I lost myself, gusto ko lang magkulong at magluksa.
He kept telling me na while andon pa ko and if Im planning to resign, mag apply apply na ko sa iba para di ako mabakante ng matagal. I didnt listen. Umalis ako at nagpahinga with my final pay as my only source, dun pa din sa apartment. Then, malapit na maubos funds ko saka lang ako nag apply apply, nahirapan ako, up to now naghihintay pa din ako ng final interview.
Siya naman, nakapag start na ulet mag work. Bumalik sa dati ang sitwasyon. Pinapasan nya ulit lahat, waiting for me na makabangon. Kaya lang di na nya nahintay.
He told me na napagod na siya maghintay makabangon ako, pinilit naman nya. Kasi ung pinangsimula nya, sa family nya siya umasa eh. So yun ang binubuno nya hulugan ngayon. Sabe nya saken, somehow nagsisi siya at nalungkot makita na nalugmok ako. Hindi ako nakakapag pagupit, sobrang pumayat ako, bumagsak katawan ko, bigat na bigat ako sa sarili ko.
Then sa office nila, may umaaligid saknya na guy. Nagpaparamdam. Before he started working, he gave me a headsup na hindi nya ipapaalam na Bi siya na may partner siya. I said ok, kasi discreet din kami nung una then eventually nalaman din kasi dahil saken din, I was just proud na kami, we're together.
This guy kept on sending him flirty messages, nag effort pa yun kumuha mga stolen pictures nya then isesend sa msnger with a caption "pogiii" I asked him sino yun, sabe kawork, at biro biro lang yon, palabiro talaga at may ibang nililigawan sa office. Di naman nya mapagbawalan magsend kasi di nga alam na may partner, tinatawanan lang nya pag nirereplayan nya. Pero I know na may something don sa guy. Na naaamoy nya partner ko.
Then saturday came, naginuman sila buong team. Mga 2pm na siya nakauwi, out nya 5am. Lasing na lasing, di alam pano nakauwi. So, forda alaga ako. While he was sleeping, sunday morning, I had an urge to check his phone, nilagay ko daliri nya kasi tinanggal na nya fingerprint ko at iniba ung pin dahil sa instance ng pangungupit.
The guy messaged him, called him "daddy mwa" at "wag mo ipagkalat sa office kung gano ko kasarap humalik kasi di naman ako magpapagaw"
Kahit tulog pa siya, talagang sumigaw ako. Sabe ako ano ibig sabihin neto at pano nya nagawa saken to. Nung sinagot nya ko siya ba nag sabe na "wag mo akong lolokohin" And then this??!!!
He said, hindi nya alam, wala siya matandaan, lasing siya. Typical reasoning.
Sobrang nagiinit ang emosyon ko, sabe ko papuntahin nya ung guy or tawagan at mag uusap kaming tatlo. Ang tinawagan nya, ung straight friend na offcmate nya to ask if nakita nya siya naghalikan, sabe non hindi nya alam, hindi nya matandaan.
Now, we're taking a break. Physically, intimately, emotionally. Dun nya nabrought ung struggle namin financially na naging deciding factor para sakanya.
Monday, the day I packed my stuff (Di ko nakuha lahat kasi andami) We had a mature conversation before I left, na aayusin muna ang mga buhay buhay, lalo na ko since wala ko work at pera, ang hirap kumilos. Then kapag ok na lahat, maybe we can try again. Focus muna ako sa sarili at pamilya ko, kasi pati rent namin sa bahay where are father lives ay behind na, malapit na kami maapaalis.
So, yun ang usapan.
The next day, siguro tinadhana na din na mahanap ko ung acct ni guy. Matagal ko na kasi talagang hinanap. Di ko napigilan at minessage ko, di ko inaway or minura. I kept it professional.
Told the guy na nababasa ko lahat ng chat nya lalo na ung inuman scene, told him na may partner is not available, not single kaya please pakitigil.
Sinend nya ung message ko na yun sa partner ko with a message "hindi ka pala single, gago ka" He said sorry to the guy.
Inabisuhan ko naman partner ko na nahanap ko ung acct, sinend ko din ung sinabi ko to prove na di ko inaway. Asked him what he feels, he said na di nya alam, na sana hinayaan ko na siya na magsabi. Sabe ko naman, kung matagal mo na sinabi, hindi aabot sa ganto.
Right now, nag uusap pa din kami. Minsan sobrang nakukulitan din ako sa sarili ko kasi nag usap na kami na time and space nga pero madalas ko pa din siya chinecheck. Maybe I'm still at the withdrawal stage. Nag apologize ako, and said unti unti kong ititigil. Na ano pang sense nung napag usapan kung araw araw pa din ako chat ng chat.
I asked an update don sa guy, sabe di na sila naguusap at nagpapansinan kasi galit nga. Na awkward na nga sa work.
Kagabi galing ako don, nag ask ako permission to stay the night kasi late na natapos interviews at wala na ko masasakyan pauwi. He agreed. Medyo inis pa nga siya na andon ako ulit eh akala nya ba may pinag usapan kami, sabe nya. Pero naging ok naman eventually.
Now, Im back home, pinipigil tanggalin siya sa sistema ko muna. Masyado ko kasi pinaikot mundo ko sakanya, kaya napabaayan ko na sarili ko. Katapos lang namin mag chat over IG pero hindi kami ok. Kulit ko din kasi talaga. Baka sa kakulitan ko eh icut na nya comms ng tuluyan para don talaga sa time and space. Kaya tumigil na ko, pipigilan ko hanggat maaari.
What are your thoughts on this po? Sobrang bait din niya kasi sabe nya pagsahod nya, bibigyan nya ko pang simula. Di na muna nya huhulugan family nya.
Im still trying to continue my life na di siya nakakausap, kasama at nakikita. Focus muna ako ibangon ang sarili ko, yun din sabe nya, na nawala na ung taong nakilala nya at minahal nya. I guess, heto muna ang mundo ko.
Help please.
submitted by walakomaisip_25 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:26 RiverbedRogue 33 [M4F] Midwest/Online - cozy on up and tell me about your day

Looking for a casual chat partner for a cozy and cuddly sfw or nsfw conversation. Fun and flirty, or venting and relaxing, I’m up for talking with you. Maybe you had a bad day at work and need to just spell it out or maybe you are lonely and need to rub one out. I’m your guy. :)
Let me know up front what kind of conversation you’d like to have, please be decent with chat conversations, and I’d like to keep things on Reddit if possible. Looking forward to hearing from you under the covers!
submitted by RiverbedRogue to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]