Make friendship bracelets with writing

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2012.01.15 18:00 crh r/Language_Exchange - Find a language partner here!

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2012.09.22 03:07 thefreedude Bracelet craft

This is a reddit for your bracelet creations (metal, wood, polymer clay, friendship or some combination freestyle) and techniques, as well as the place to learn the craft.

2020.10.08 20:36 akaawol NotJustKnots

Taking friendship bracelets to the next level with akaawol

2024.05.02 16:33 Far_Afternoon_6980 I can't be there for my parents or anyone any more, and it hurts

This will be a long and complex story, but I will do my best. Somethings I will keep vague because this is a throwaway account.
I believe my parents are narcissists, or someone not very good at being there for their children. They had me (F, 30+) at a late age. They were well off. Both had well-paying jobs and everything looked fine. They however didn't save any money but spent it on looking wealthy (cars, etc.).
While my mother was infertile at first, they somehow managed to have me (F, 30+), my brother (M,20+), and my sister. She died by accident being 2 years old when I was in my early teens. I, my mother and brother were there, my father wasn't.
After that, everything went downhill. They went bankrupt, my mother became an alcoholic and my dad was always abroad at work, till I was 17 or so. At age 21 they lost their house (my family home), it was ceased and sold by the bank, and they did nothing. They just wallowed in self-pity. We needed money and although we live in a country that has very good benefits from the government, my father felt "too good for it" and wasn't willing to take jobs below his qualities. I was the one who managed to keep us off the streets and keep me and my disabled brother safe.
Me and my boyfriend at the time moved back in with my parents to save money for buying a house. Only to find that my parents asked about 375 euros each, just because we lived with them. In hindsight, this was because they were bankrupt. I worked like crazy during that time and gave all my money to my ex because he convinced me I couldn't handle money just like my parents. After our breakup, I learned he gambled all of it, made debt (15k in my name), and spent it on expensive clothes. While he was cheating.
Same age I developed a serious drug addiction, just to escape from my reality. In the meanwhile, I graduated from college, and university and started to work. A lot of my money gave to my parents, to keep them afloat. Nobody forced me to stop taking drugs (marihuana), because I was still high functioning. Later on, I learned I have CPTSD / ADHD or both, and I was self-medicating.
I tried to build a life of my own, just to keep being dragged into taking care of my parents and brother. He was sent to a caring home (just during the weeks) and my parents started receiving money from him because he is "disabled". In my honest opinion, he is just not very smart but could have gone a long way with the right care.
I managed to transfer him to a farm, where he is very happy. I am very content that he is in a good spot and away from my parents (during the week). When he is at home on the weekends, my mom calls me regularly to help out with taking care of him. He is a bit autistic and I speak his language. He is my best friend and I will always take care of him. My dad committed a crime in 2016 and dragged me along with it. Now, 8 years later it seems like he has to do serious jail time for it. Things are looking better for me in terms of jail time. I just lost my job (I have a burnout) because I worked my freaking ass off.
I am off the marihuana (had a minor fallback a half year ago, but I quit once again), but I am still drinking heavily. In the 8 years of the lawsuit, I managed to keep jobs, being dumped, and building a life of my own. I have a nice apartment, I have a company and I was working full-time. I had an affair with a co-worker for several years after my break-up, who turned out the have several relationships beside me. He cheated on me, just like my ex. We are still together though. I do not want to go into details but I love this man, I understand why he did what he did and I just can't be alone. I don't want to underestimate what he did, but our relationship was very FWB-type. Monogamy and a serious relationship weren't high on our agenda.
A couple of months ago I was contacted by a friend that he was cheating on me. Although it hurt a lot, it wasn't very surprising. I already had my suspicions. We lived a very free and unhinged life together. Everything was about fun. I am bisexual and communicated openly about my flirts with women, he did as well. We experimented with other people. Besides what he did to me, I need to mention that I flourished during our relationship. I gained self-confidence, became more articulate about my boundaries, solved a lot of insecurities and just became a better person. He was and is my best friend. He was technically my boss (he owned the company for 25% with someone else). I worked there for 4 years. Our relationship started 2 years in. He was divorcing his wife and fell in love with me. And I am in love with him. I waited for 2+ years for things to get better. Our relationship was a secret in the office, but not for our friends and family. While I was still with my ex I managed to get him (my ex) a job during Corona at a related company, only to learn we fused after our break-up in 2022, which brought a lot of challenges on its own.
I was working with my sneaky link (boyfriend) and ex and had a company besides my full-time job, only to get by. I always wanted to get to the point where I was safe. Safe from harm, having a nice home and not having to worry about anybody taking it away. In February this year, I called in sick, because one of my close friends told me my "sneaky link" was cheating on me. I needed a couple of days to process. After a week or so I contacted my ex, to get some information about what was happening at work. He told me and others already knew about our secret relationship, but never mentioned it because they were planning to kick him out of the company. He needed to "burn".
The wife of the companion (75%) contacted every woman who ever had contact with my boyfriend (affairs and flirts). She recorded the conversations and played them in front of my colleagues and interns while I was sick at home. She and her boyfriend (75%) made false claims about how he stole things from the company (I have proof this is false) and was an extreme womanizer and not trustworthy in general. Although he is a cheater, he has always been a good boss / co-worker, and person in general. I understand this is hard to believe, but is it true. Several co-workers confirm he always had our best interest at heart.
The fact that nobody considered me during this situation there broke me. Everyone in the company already knew the wife of the other companion (75%) was planning on taking over the company. She was the boss of my ex when he started his job during Corona time. She is also the owner of the company we fused with in late 2022. She was also the one who told him he should break up with me because I had no additional value to his life (I did all of the house chores, gave all my money to him, worked for him, and more).
After his outing, they (man and wife 75% of the company) forced my sneaky link to confess to everybody about our relationship. They fired him on the spot based on his relationship with me and his affairs. He had shares in the company before but gave them over in good trust to get a refund for making his home sustainable. He became an employee in the meantime. They agreed to give his shares back in February (we have this in writing). Looking back it all seems like a grand scheme to work him (and me) out of the company. Their firing of him was not legal, and we are fighting this via court to this day.
When I learned all this I stayed at home. I was done. I felt so betrayed. Now back to the reason I am writing this post. My parents know where I am at. What I am dealing with. They asked me multiple times a week for us to come by. Mostly this is accompanied by asking for financial aid. Also concerning my boyfriend, who is better off than me.
Last week they asked me to come by on Monday. I declined because I was tired and burned out. They said that I should be there on Tuesday or Wednesday. We just couldn't make it work. I asked my boyfriend to propose in the group chat to come by this evening (Thursday evening). My parents said "Never mind, just leave it be. We do not want another disappointment." I went off. I called them. My dad said, "I am going to prison for a long time, and you are not here for me." "Your mother is very disappointed in you." I stopped responding. Only to find them at my door 15 minutes later. More yelling.
I tried to explain my boundaries and where I am coming from. That I am working my ass off to make things work and I am very insecure and tired. I try to be there for them every step of the way, only when I can. They said, "I am not behaving like myself." This is no surprise to me, because now I am finally learning I am responsible for my own life and not theirs.
When they went out the door (and my mother didn't even look at me) my dad said: I expect you guys to be there tomorrow.
My boyfriend just came home and said he does not feel like going to my parents this evening when they are behaving in this immature way.
Now I am at a point in my life where I don't know what to do. I lost friends and colleagues, and I feel betrayed by everyone I ever loved. I am faced with even more lawsuit shit. I just want peace, happiness, and feeling safe. I am having therapy, I am doing the shadow work, I am doing everything to make things look better.
I love my parents, my brother, and my boyfriend (even after what he did to me, that shit is ours to figure out). The relationships with my friends (the ones I have left) are hard because they are berating me for the wrong choices I make. I just want to feel loved and supported. Not being belittled about what I do to survive.
submitted by Far_Afternoon_6980 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:30 Karen_coco1020 Friendship/relationship advice

Hello everyone, please read the entire post for detailed information before offering your insights because the situation is unique. Writing this post takes a lot of courage, I appreciate your time and support.
My question is: would you kiss someone you like (and they like you too)but you know you won’t have a long term relationship with (not that you don’t want to, but you can’t)?
Before I go into the details, I need to talk a bit talk about my background: I am a (straight) female. I have always attracted to men growing up, masculine men, tall, handsome, active, etc. My ex boyfriend was 6,2”, he serves in the military(just an example).
HOWEVER, since last year, I found that I caught the feeling for a girl.
We met on an online singing platform, and we started chatting because we like the same artist and we like each other’s voice.
I live overseas, and for the past one year and half we have chat frequently via text message, and video chatted twice. During our chat, I knew she likes me too.
Fast forward two weeks ago, I came back to my country to visit and we met in person. Everything is going well so far (I was worried it wouldn’t).
A little bit about her background: she never had dating experience. She told me she never had romantic feeling for anyone in her life. (We were half joking that she is probably asexual or aromatic). And she never touched anyone’s hand, even her female besties.
In the last couple times we hung out, we held hand quite naturally (more natural than I thought it would be). Tomorrow will be the last time we hang out before I go back to North America. I really want to kiss her, because I don’t know when will be the next time we meet. But at the same time I don’t want to hurt her because we know we can’t have a relationship (we live in different countries. Plus, neither of our family would accept this type of relationship. For the worst, I am afraid it would ruin our friendship).
What would you do if you were me? Follow your feelings or be rational (kiss her or let it go)?
I am all over the place now, so if there is anything that is unclear please let me know.
Thank you again for your time and insight.
submitted by Karen_coco1020 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:30 Dexx-Man Long Time Best Friend Asking For Money

I don’t post a lot on Reddit but just finding some advice for a friend I’ve known for 15+ years. Never had any issues with borrowing money before but has told me that he cannot be accepted for credit cards years in the past.
The first time was he asked me for £10 to get some food while he was working for an agency. Which I sent over in a heartbeat. 2 Weeks later then asked me for another £20 claiming to be for McDonalds one night. I tend to make big orders when I’m hungry but hasn’t been even near £20. Few weeks after it become £30, right after said if he could have another £10. Which I did. Till the point it went high as £40 & £50 & still owed me from the previous payments that went up to £100+ I did send him my card details to make the payments.
Most of the payments got made but were always late & he still owes me £20 this time present. I’m just testing to see if he is going to play the amnesia treatment “I forgot” or “I thought I sent it” I know most people will say I’m silly for this but it felt like the right thing to do at the time.
I don’t want to lose my friendship with him as he is my best friend I’ve known from school but I’ve somewhat been feeling used. Plus he knew recently in December that I lost my job. April the 22nd he asked me one last time for £20 & stated that he still owes me the £20 from before as this week he found a new job so he can pay me back. I told him I’m overdrawn & cannot do it.
I know I could have said “no” or made an excuse but I just didn’t think about myself in the moment, I had the money at the time. It’s just the only texts I got from him for the last few months has been about asking for money.
Any advice from you guys or second opinions would be great. Just feeling mixed emotions right now. I’ve defiantly learned my lesson from this. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Dexx-Man to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:30 Previous-Original898 untypical cozy games

hiii 🦋 i love playing cozy games like dreamlight valley, roots of pacha, palia (until some point) but i miss a little bit of a challenge in these games they are too coddling and i tried elden ring lol😭 but that was horrible for me i kept dying to anything so what is a game that i can play and make cozy or cozier a game that can be played in a cozy way or has cozy vibes 🎀 but has also somewhat of a difficulty aspect to it like kingdom two crowns or cult of the lamb (it's comfy because there's a base you can decorate and it doesn't feel pressuring) i don't mind playing with mods to cozify the game 😊
chatgpt version because i write in lowercase 📖
Hi! 🦋 I love playing cozy games like Dreamlight Valley, Roots of Pacha, and Palia (until some point). But, I miss a little bit of a challenge in these games. They are too coddling. I tried Elden Ring lol 😭 but that was horrible for me. I kept dying to anything. So, what is a game that I can play and make cozy, or cozier? A game that can be played in a cozy way or has cozy vibes 🎀 but has also somewhat of a difficulty aspect to it, like Kingdom Two Crowns or Cult of the Lamb (it's comfy because there's a base you can decorate, and it doesn't feel pressuring). I don't mind playing with mods to cozify the game 😊
submitted by Previous-Original898 to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:29 Weird-Marionberry-52 Should I invite my INFJ neighbor out more?

Hello Everyone!
I am an INTP (25F) and I have a new neighbor in my apartment complex who is an INFJ (26F). They moved in about a month or 2 ago and live directly across from me! The first time we met, she came to my door to ask for help with her washing machine and I took a look for her but all my troubleshooting didn't help so I told her to call maintenance. We met again in the hallway a couple days later and exchanged numbers. I asked her out to a comedy event and we walked to the venue together, she asked me out this week and we went to a bar for drinks, I gave her some food I cooked after since a new move is always stressful and she didn't have any food.
Now, I want to ask her out again to come on a trip with my friends and I to the beach, I would also like to ask her if she wants to attend a party this weekend since she said she likes parties. Although she is very kind, I don't want it to seem like I'm a stalker or something or being annoying by asking her out to places especially with people she doesn't know. To me she seems fairly mentally healthy and her Se is pretty well developed which makes me think she would appreciate the experiences.
We are both queer and I just got out of a situationship (lol) which I told her all about (very kind of her to listen to that even though we don't know each other like that) so I don't want her to think I'm trying to sleep with her or anything, even though she is very beautiful! and we both have art in common I would like her to feel safe and respected and I would like to form a friendship with her without over stepping any boundaries.
So, as an INFJ, would you appreciate the gesture to invite you out? especially after dealing with the stress of moving and all? I think she's super cool and the area we live in is amazing to explore with a friend.
submitted by Weird-Marionberry-52 to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:29 Desperate-Salad-1044 Depressed. Frustrated.

I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work with Honors and worked as a Social Worker, even being promoted to Welfare Officer in my country. My husband got a job here as an engineer, obviously with a better salary. I was the excited one to come here because social workers have a brighter future in European countries than in ASEAN.
Now, after one year and five months, I'm in SFI D, still struggling to speak Swedish and not getting anywhere. I don't want to go back to my country as the racism is really heartbreaking, and I couldn't get a job here because of the language barrier. I feel stuck.
Am I alone in feeling this way, or is this normal? Why is Swedish so tough? Why do I feel low every day? I haven't done anything for a week now, and on top of this, my eczema is getting really bad. I feel like everything is falling apart.
I didn't even know why I'm writing this here. Maybe your kindness might make my day. Thank you.
submitted by Desperate-Salad-1044 to Svenska [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:29 septimusrp [M4A] (A Playing as F) Prompt drop of Harem based anime and fandom, story driven RPs. Balance of Smut and Story! (Anime, Rule 34. Fandoms, Games.)

18+ for smut themes.
Hey there! I’m Septimus (M) And it’s nice to meet you!
Today I’m coming forward with the desire to RP as an OC in OC x OC or OC x CC harem based prompts.(I’m greedy, I know but what’s RP without wish fulfilment?)
For my replies I only write in first person and the length of my replies vary from a few sentences to a few solid paragraphs depending on how much is going on in a scene. I figured I’d put a fair warning here that if you reply with low detail, I won’t be rping with you. I’m not looking for a few words as a response. While that might be your thing, that's fine and power to you! It’s just not mine.
I’m someone who likes a nice balance of build-up and story to go along with the smut. I’m not the biggest fan of constant sex, or sex that starts within one or two replies. I also like cute dates and moments, and love to type out action driven moments. Of course this isn’t exactly applicable to every starter.
What I look for in a partner:
Third Person responses (Unless you're playing an OC among the harem)
Don’t take control of my character at any point. Self explanatory but if you write that he does something or has a reaction to something I didn’t write myself I’m not going to be rping with you. You usually get one chance with this and little to no warnings.
Active: I don't wanna be waiting a week for a single reply with no warning. I understand if you're busy outside of RP but please let me know so I'm not just waiting around and twiddling my thumbs. If I go a few days up to a week without hearing from you at all I'm going to assume you're no longer interested. This is once the RP has started. I hear nothing from you I will simply assume you aren’t interested unless you state otherwise. This is just me making sure my friends list isn’t cluttered and I’m not being ghosted. :)
Communicative: It kinda links in with the other but if you're not feeling the RP or you're busy. I'm not gonna get mad or anything I'm an understanding person! Also we don’t both need to be online to RP I generally go off the idea that we both reply whenever we’re able to and the other will get to it once we’re up for it/online.
Please for the love of god don’t spam me every 5 mins. Sending “Hellos?” “?”, ask me if I’m busy, or send a message, delete it and then resend it if I don’t reply right away. It comes across as extremely pushy. I’m not ignoring you if I don’t reply, I’m probably busy. And if I come back to a bunch of spam or keep hearing the notification noise while I’m trying to do something else, it annoys me. As it would anyone I’m sure. Spamming me is a quick way to get blocked. You get one chance with this and no warnings. Sending a bunch of ideas/thoughts about the RP is fine though.
Detailed responses: Anything just around a paragraph (4+ sentences though it depends on the RP AND my response.) is enough, but more is always very much appreciated.
I don’t do group RPS and I don’t play as female characters.
Now to get into the meat and potatoes, I’ll post my kinks and limits. There’s a lot there and not all of them will be applicable to the starters. Aside from Harems. Those are compulsory.

Harems – (Which doesn’t mean playing a bunch of characters at once. If you prefer to play 1 character per scene that’s fine, though the minimum amount of overall characters I’ll take in a harem/RP would be 4 though more is heavily preferred! This kink is currently compulsory for all my rps)
Outercourse (Which is stuff like titjobs, thigh jobs, grinding, hot dogging, that kinda thing), Risky/public spaces. (Places you can get caught but don’t. Toilet stalls, changing booths, that kinda thing), Facials, Freckles (Face and body), Big, nicely shaped bums (Especially if they jiggle… just an overall fan of the jiggle if I’m honest), Creampies, Cum on tits/body, big cumshots, thigh high socks, showewater sex (places like pools, showers, hot tubs that kinda things, and a Mutual desire for sex. I also don’t mind pubic hair as long as it’s not overly bushy, trimmed stuff is nice and preferred! :) I’m also into the rougher stuff. Things like Anal, rough sex. Choking, Spanking all that as well!
Pregnacy, which also includes lactation (Hard limit, sorry), Vomit, Piss, Blood, toilet stuff, knife/gunplay, noncon, Gangbangs (reverse gangbangs with females is fine), non hetero pairings, Rimming/pegging, cartoonishly large proportions, NTR, (There could be more that I haven’t thought of, if you’re unsure feel free to ask)
There could be more that I might be into, that hasn’t been listed so feel free to ask about it and we can work something out. And without further ado let’s head straight into it.

I’ve made an easy access list for you to read through to see if anything piques your interest before you have to scroll through this abundant list.
Of course, due to reddit’s character limits I’ll just be posting a few of the starters below, so you can get a handle on my writing, any other ideas you might be interested in feel free to shoot me a PM and I can send those to you!

Anime/Fandom/Game Ideas:
Idea 1: My Harem (Hero) Academia.
Idea 2: One Piece.
Idea 3: Jujutsu Kaisen.
Idea 4: Fire Force.
Idea 5: Demon Slayer.
Idea 6: Attack on Titan.
Idea 7: Fairy Tail.
Idea 8: Naruto.
Idea 9: Bleach.
Idea 10: Fullmetal Alchemist
Idea 11: Chainsaw Man.
Idea 12: Sword Art Online.
Idea 13: Tokyo Ghoul.
Idea 14: Black Clover.
Idea 15: Darling in the Franxx.
Idea 16: Pokemon.
Idea 17: Avatar the Last Airbender.
Idea 18: DC Titans.
Idea 19: Spiderman.
Idea 20: Persona (Girls from 3, 4 and 5.)
Idea 21: Final Fantasy. (7/14)
Idea 22: Baldur's Gate 3.
Idea 23: World of Warcraft.
Idea 24: The Witcher 3.
Idea 25: League of Legends.
Idea 26: Cyberpunk 2077.
Idea 27: Apex Legends.
Idea 28: Overwatch.
Idea 29: Mass Effect
Idea 30: Harry Potter.
OC Ideas:
Idea 31: Scifi Space Crew. (Can be used for Mass Effect)
Idea 32: Bladebreaker. (Can also be used for Xenoblade 2)
Idea 33: Fantasy Harem Adventure.
Idea 34: Tokyo Demon Hunters.
Idea 35: Fallout/Nuclear Apocalypse.
Idea 36: Zombie Apocalypse.
Idea 37: Only man of the town.

Idea 1: My Harem (Hero) Academia.
(So for this one, my character will be a transfer into class 1-A. From Shiketsu. His power is that of Persuasion. With the power he’s able to convince someone to do something as if it’s their own free will. That being said he’s rather hesitant to use it on other people and due to the stigma around his quirk he’s been seen as an outcast and a freak and has been constantly harassed due to the nature of his quirk.)
(The idea I have for this RP is that the girls of class 1-A will help him come out of his shell and accept that his quirk isn’t the villainous thing that other people have led him on to be. This is more of a “Love Route” though I suppose a more selfish route is also available! Also if you wanted to branch out to internships with heroes like Mirko and Mt Lady that’s available too! It’s currently set after the training camp arc and will continue from there.)
Starter: It was a day which started like most others in Class 1-A. The students got ready in the dorms and headed to class to chat among themselves while they waited for Aizawa to enter. However, unlike most days there seemed to be an extra desk placed in the room. The seat caused some confusion which didn’t last long as the first bell rang and Aizawa entered the room.
“Morning everyone.” He stated in his mainly bored and sleepy tone which seemed to sound like he was stifling a yawn. “Today we’ve got a new student transferring in from another school. He’s from Shiketsu, some of you may recognize the name since it’s got the same level of prestige as U.A. but regardless, make sure he feels welcome.” He said, pointing a sweeping stare at everyone and finally resting on the problem student of the U.A class Bakugo.
With that he fell silent and I felt it was my cue to enter. Swallowing a little at the nerves I steeled them quickly and entered. Nervously my blue eyes sweep over some of the familiar faces in the room. Many of the students had standout performances in the UA sports festival and as well in the news reports about the villain attack on the training camp.
I had a lot to live up to if I wanted to join these legends in training but regardless, I was determined to do just that. Breathing a little and shifting my auburn hair from my eyes I smiled the best I could. “My name is Schwarzer, Chris Schwarzer. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” I say bowing to the class.
Satisfied with the introduction, Aizawa nodded to the spare seat in the room. Taking that as an order I nodded back and headed over to my seat sitting down and getting my books out. Curiously I turned to the seat next to me noticing one of the girls in the class and gave her a slight smile as Aizawa began his lesson.

Idea 2: One Piece.
(I’m not so sure how I want to approach this one, however I’ll jump in and give it a go. Much like the MHA starter this character will have the power of Persuasion. Having eaten the Persua-Persua fruit. I’m thinking for now either he makes a crew with characters from the story, or he joins the Straw Hats and goes on adventures with them. (Obviously this doesn’t have to be canon and completely made up as we go.) Either way I’m super keen on this since I love One Piece to death. I also have a list of potential crewmates I can send!)
Starter: Adventure! Freedom, Treasure and Booze! These were all the things a pirate needed in life. And exactly what every pirate set out to obtain. Two years after the events at Marineford where Strawhat Luffy himself took on the government with an army behind him, and the Whitebeard Pirates at his side in order to rescue his brother… And two years since I felt inspired enough in his absence to set forth on my own.
I gathered up a strong crew and made a name for myself. My alias, Silver Tongue Schwarzer, is a nice title which rolled off the tongue. I had no issues amassing a sizable bounty at 90 million berries. While it wasn’t as grand as other pirates, the world government saw enough of a threat in my power to provide a bounty that large. Of course, had my powers been widely known it’d have rocketed higher.
So then why was I now sitting at a bar on the Sabaody Archipelago, alone and staring into the amber liquid of booze in a mug? It was simple. Mutiny. Those whom I had trusted most among my crew turned on a dime and after reaching the Archipelago they threw me overboard and turned around. To where I didn’t know and quite frankly after their betrayal I didn’t care.
“Damn them. Damn them all.” I muttered under my breath cursing as I downed the rest of my contents. “Another!” I called out to the barkeep who approached to fill my mug.
“You’re looking a little rough there, are you sure you need another?” The bartender asked as he took the mug from me.
“I don’t have anything else to do. I don’t even know what else to do with myself.” I responded grumpily. “Just fill it up.” I demanded.
“Right.” The bartender responded as he filled it with more of the alcoholic amber liquid and slid It in front of me.

Idea 9: Bleach
(So a new human soul reaper makes it into the soul society. His power isn’t great to begin with simply being enough to take out the average hollow. And with the resurgence of the hollow threat the Soul Society has offered to give him a substitute badge to take out those hollows deemed too small for the soul society to handle. Maybe he’s paired up with someone or someone like Orihime steps in to help him grow.)
Starter: Another boring day at university followed by a night of boring patrols. With all the big hollows being taken care of by “Full-fledged” Soul reapers it didn’t leave me with much opportunity to train against bigger enemies.
At least that’s what I thought originally. A few blocks from me there was a rift which opened up and the pure spiritual pressure that came from the hollow that stepped out of it was enough to make me feel as though gravity itself was pushing against me.
It was hard to breathe and even harder to stand as my hand clutched my blade in my left hand tightly. I shook my head as I heard the loud roar of the large breast and could even see its towering form from my position.
It was nothing close to a menos, but it was enough to tower over a three-story building for sure. “Damn.” I hissed to myself as I knew there were no soul reapers around at this stage. With a threat this big I was sure they’d come, but until then it was up to me to buy some time and make sure no humans or souls were consumed.
Pushing myself forward I reached the park that the Hollow had appeared in. Thankfully the park was deserted at this time of night.
When he saw me, the hollow let out a low growl. “You don’t smell like much, but you’ll do as a snack.” The hollow commented as it charged forward.
“Just evade, buy time.” I commented to myself as I began to leap around the battlefield looking a bit like and feeling like an idiot.
The hollow toyed with me a little while enjoying the chase before it seemed to get bored. Just when I was thinking I was fast enough to keep avoiding it the creature’s mouth opened and its forked tongue shot out at me with faster speed than I was anticipating. I raised my blade to defend myself but it was a feeble attempt and I knew it wouldn’t be enough.

Idea 20: Persona (Girls from 3, 4 and 5).
(So basically this is just gonna be a fairly interesting idea. My character along with the girls of persona 3, 4 and 5 get stranded in this strange dimension where they have to fight their way out to make it back to their own worlds.)
Starter: It all happened so fast. One minute I was in a team meeting with my group discussing what we should use our newfound powers for next. And the next second, I blinked and I was in some kind of strange room.
One by one more people were added into this room. Some of which were dressed in some elaborate costumes. And I frowned as I looked at each one of them, all of which I didn’t recognize at all and judging by their looks they didn’t recognize me. Although before we managed to introduce ourselves a booming voice broke the silence.
“Welcome all!” The clearly male voice commented. “To the room of my design.” He added on. “I’m sure you’re all confused. And no doubt you’ll want to return back to your homes. However, to do so you’ll need to enter my labyrinth. “Make it to the end and you’ll all return home.” The voice explained.
“Of course, this maze isn’t without its dangers. Enemies, much like you encounter on a regular basis will roam these halls. As well as beasts of my own design far stronger than those… Fear not though for every checkpoint you reach this room will become more furnished with amenities. For now, you simply have beds to rest on.” He said as there was an audible click and the dark room was suddenly lit up. Sure, enough there were rows of beds all lined up one for each person to sleep on.
“When you’re ready to test yourself, step through this door and enter the first level of the labyrinth.” He declared as a large door appeared and opened up in front of them.
For a while nobody said anything, probably all too stunned to even process the information.
“So, I’m guessing we’re all persona users given what he just said.” I spoke up. “I guess we should probably start with names and strengths, right?” I questioned the group. “I’m Chris Schwarzer.” I say. “My persona, Seraph focuses on ranged combat.” I explained.

Idea 21: Final Fantasy VII. (Others Can be done! :))
(So this one will be set in the world of Final Fantasy VII, however if you’re looking to do others, I’m more than happy to do so! I’m familiar with them all. Mainly 7 and 14 But this one will be focused on FF VII, since Jessie, Yuffie, Tifa and Aerith are best girls! If you wanted to mix this up with FF 14 and have them transported to Eorzea we can make something up!)
Starter: Midgar. Easy place to find work given you were capable enough. There were a lot of monsters prowling the highways between sectors and a lot of people willing to pay mercenaries to get the job done.
“Hiyah!” I called out as I cleaved my blade through the neck of a monster severing its head from the rest of its body and slaying it instantly. It was a tough fight but I overcame it. I panted a little as my muscles relaxed and I slid my blade back into its sheath. The job I was on was simple, kill the beast and return its head to a barkeep in sector 5. I scooped the beast’s head up into a burlap sack and hoisted it over my shoulder before I headed back to the bar.
By this point I was a rather well-known mercenary. Jobs exterminating monsters were easy to come by and easy enough to complete. Plus, the payout paid for my room and for most of my meals. As I entered the bar I headed up to the counter and placed the bloody burlap sack on the counter. “Got it done.” I say to the barkeep.
The older man, his hair and beard white with age frowned a little and looked at the bag. The blood splatter on the counter… which he had just cleaned was enough to let him know that I was serious and he placed the sack full of gil on the counter.
“Thanks.” I say as I picked up the purse. It was lighter than I expected, but even if it was short I wasn’t about to start an argument. In return to my manners, I got a short grunt back.
“Don’tcha forget about disposin of that thing, I ain’t want it.” He said waving his hand dismissively towards the bag.
“Right, I’ll get on that.” I say as I grabbed the sack.
“An there was a woman lookin for you.” He stated. “Said she’d be waitin for you in buildin next to the orphanage.” He stated.
“Right, thanks.” I said to the man and headed out, disposing quickly of the severed head in the sack before I headed up to the building in question. I frowned as I peered inside. My eyes looking around for any sign of someone out of place. It did seem a little crowded in the building after all. I was about to announce myself when I felt a hand tap my shoulder and turned to see who it was.

Those are by no means all of the starters and given the size limits of post limits I figured I’d narrow it down to some of the ones I like the most! Feel free to ask me about any of the others! Thanks so much for reading this and I hope to hear from some of you soon! :)
submitted by septimusrp to fantasy_roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:28 digitalnomader1 Looking to hire a video game writer for a small project - $1000USD for initial outline and scoping

Game Writer
As our experienced video game writer, you will help us outline and shape our interactive storytelling app. Capturing the voices of our NPC characters who interact, guide, and train, with the player through a WhatsApp style chat interface.
As a successful candidate, you will be an expert in integrating gameplay and storytelling, creating, considering, and reviewing scenes with an understanding of what makes good content entertaining and humorous.
Keep all narrative reference documents up to date.
Incorporate feedback, rewrite, and revise content to meet expectations.
Review and update existing scripts understanding the effect those updates have on the game narrative as a whole.
Learn the gameplay elements to assess how they affect the story development.
3-5 years of experience in scriptwriting or relevant story experience.
Understanding of game Narrative and the role that dialogue has on the player's experiences.
Professional writing samples are required for consideration.
Excellent use of English Grammar, and subtext.
Preference for North America or Europe based timezones.
You embody a love and passion for working in entertainment that is truly good for casual gamers. You work remotely. You track your own time. You will begin part-time.
submitted by digitalnomader1 to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:28 Saif162 Interview partners needed for Bachelor thesis (Europe)

Hi there, I'm a bachelor's student and currently writing my thesis. It explores how digital multinational enterprises (MNEs) integrate local digital ecosystems into their location strategies for their European logistics hubs. I'm trying out specific subs since LinkedIn did not help.
I am looking to interview professionals who have expertise in: 🖥️ E-commerce logistics 📦 Supply chain management within digital MNEs 🌍 International business strategy 📍 Strategic location decision-making for distribution centres
If you have experience in these areas or know someone who does, I would really appreciate the opportunity to conduct a brief interview with you. It would take approximately 30-40 minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience through a call or video meeting.
If you're interested in participating or would like more information, please comment or feel free to send me a direct message.
submitted by Saif162 to Warehousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:27 moe12727 Christianity makes the most sense to me.

This is a remake of a previous post,where I still didn’t know how to interact in this sub.
So I deleted it and made a new one.
The reason I believe Christianity makes the most sense is due several reasons,
First we need to break it down is there a god? Obviously if we try to find if god exists with the scientific theory,we’ll get the result that he doesn’t exist because he’s not something that can just measured and experimented on,
So let’s put that on hold,
Does the Bible have scientific contradictions? Not really.(we can talk more about it in the comments)
I’m not saying the Bible has scientific miracles either.
But it’s a spiritual book first and foremost so it makes sense why it wouldn’t be scientific even if it was true.
So over all there are no scientific evidence that the Bible is true.
But let’s go for other things,did the events happen?
Some have evidence some don’t,
Obviously the first few humans didn’t have evidence, Adam and eve, Noah, Abraham etc, Especially the first three because they’re literally so old.
Moses is where some evidence start coming into place, Moses himself doesn’t have evidence for his existence, The documented movement of Semitic people in and out of Egypt in the 18th and 19th dynasty. There is evidence of the plagues nothing too fancy though.
That’s where there is some small evidence,and frankly it’s great we even have that at all because the ancient Egyptians would not write their defeats only victories.
And there are small archaeological evidence that point towards the biblical Joseph.
So far these things encompass all abrahmic faiths obviously if you disprove the existence of these people you disprove all of the Bible and Quran and especially the Quran because the Quran claims its word by word god’s word, While the Bible is gods word but obviously not word by word and written more like a story while the Quran is a rule book,
Now Jesus, Did Jesus exist?
There are Roman accounts that mention Jesus and his followers, Usually 30-100 years after his death, Which means they weren’t actual eye witnesses for Jesus, But they acknowledge that this man has a following.
Did other figures exist historically? Yes Pilate the man who ordered his crucifixion.
Virtually all scholars of antiquity believe Jesus Christ did indeed exist, as well as the entire community of Christians, Muslims, and other religions.
Unfortunately the 12 apostles don’t have compelling evidence ,they have as much evidence as any other ancient people .
However we can safely assume that for example Matthew wrote Matthew due to the his gospel is written compared to the rest.
Matthew was a tax collector and it shows clearly he spoke about money in his book more than any other book.
Also the New Testament’s whole point is that it is eye witness account for Jesus’s life and death.
These are my two cents
submitted by moe12727 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:26 Saif162 Interview partners needed for Bachelor thesis (Europe)

Hi there, I'm a bachelor's student and currently writing my thesis. It explores how digital multinational enterprises (MNEs) integrate local digital ecosystems into their location strategies for their European logistics hubs. I'm trying out specific subs since LinkedIn did not help.
I am looking to interview professionals who have expertise in: 🖥️ E-commerce logistics 📦 Supply chain management within digital MNEs 🌍 International business strategy 📍 Strategic location decision-making for distribution centres
If you have experience in these areas or know someone who does, I would really appreciate the opportunity to conduct a brief interview with you. It would take approximately 30-40 minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience through a call or video meeting.
If you're interested in participating or would like more information, please comment or feel free to send me a direct message.
submitted by Saif162 to SupplyChainLogistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:26 Crypt4307 I ‘M33’ have fallen in love with an unavailable friend ‘M35’. Do I tell him?

I (33m) identify as gay. He (35m) identifies as bi and is currently dating a woman. He and I have connected in the last 10 months and has quickly become the closest friend I’ve ever had. It’s a friendship that constantly pushes the other to do and be better. We talk every day (initiated by both parties). It’s always encouragement and self improvement. I feel there are a lot of ways in which we understand each other that other people don’t seem to understand. Everything about the friendship seems so healthy except for my feelings. I’m in deep.
For as long as I’ve known him, he has been in a relationship that he is unhappy with. I know he loves her. There is just an imbalance in their emotional give and take. They’re not compatible in that sense. He talks to me about it frequently but is too scared of hurting her or seeing her hurt to end it.
I know there are qualities about me that he’s attracted to but I often find that he isn’t as sure as I am about him. I feel like I’m a Plan B that he’s still testing the water to see if I’m viable. While he’s been with men, he’s never dated one. I think this scares him. Sometimes I think he still has some internalized homophobia he’s still trying to process.
I’ve avoided telling him how I feel for fear of ruining a friendship that I value so much. I’ve recognized that it’s not fair to me to wait around for him so I’ve been trying to date. It feels wrong to me though to be on these dates and not be available to these other guys until I’ve processed these feelings. I’m even constantly comparing these guys to him and that’s in no way fair to them.
I’ve committed myself to trying to make him happy. Genuinely giving advice and putting in efforts to heal and restore his relationship.
I feel as though to get over these feelings, I need to talk to him. But while he’s in a relationship the only answer I would receive would only damage or create rifts in a friendship I value so immensely. Alternatively I’m losing sleep thinking about him. I feel like a crazy person. Do I talk to him or continue to bide my time waiting for his relationship to inevitably end?
submitted by Crypt4307 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:24 Cheese-Owl How to make deeper friends in my running clubs?

I joined some run clubs and met cool people there. How can I make deeper friendships with people there? I go to runs and social events but how can I go deeper? How can I make close friendships and even more intimate relationships (esp with interested women)?
Sorry if this is a stupid question!
submitted by Cheese-Owl to RunNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:23 littlecheruboy DOCTOR CALLED AND IT WENT WELL!! ˆᗜˆ

i have major phone anxiety. it use to be so hard that i couldn’t even be on the phone with my mom, but the doctor called me n i picked up!! it wasn’t anything serious but it feels very accomplishing knowing i answered and didn’t fuck up lol. she needed me to write something down and i was kinda panicking cuz i didn’t have writing material right beside me so after i got my notebook i said “alright-“ as a reflex, but i wasn’t ready to write anything down so i went “okay wait-“ and i think she giggled a little which makes me feel good cuz like yes girl i am being silly right now excuse me 😭 but yay!! so happy!! =3
submitted by littlecheruboy to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:23 JasonBetter10 The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp

The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp
Packing for camp? How exciting! We hope after reading our summer camp packing list that you'll feel prepared for fun-filled summer at Camp Friendship.
Camp gear to bring
Suitcase or duffel?
It doesn't matter which! Campers are free to bring a large duffel bag, a suitcase with or without wheels, a large plastic tub, or even a set of plastic drawers. There's no need to buy anything specific, whatever you have at home will work just fine, but we don't recommend large trunks because of their size. Please note that all our cabins and bunks are different, so there's no guarantee that luggage will fit under the bed. However, our awesome counselors will help campers store luggage so that it's out of the way of cabin fun.
Pack comfortable clothes that are okay to get messy and are adventure-ready. Kids go through more clothes at camp than you'd expect. While they're actively enjoying the outdoors, they're actively getting dirty tool Please ensure your camper has enough clothes to change a couple of times each day to stay comfortable, healthy, and dry.
Our Camp Store does have some great CF swag. However, you'll want to ensure your camper has enough of their own clothes to last at least a week and a half. For our campers staying multiple weeks, we'll do your laundry for you towards the end of each week.
Although it is summer camp, it can be cool at night. so include a few sets of warm clothes on your camp packing list. Afternoon rain showers are fairly common in Virginia, so a light waterproof jacket is must.
Camp Tip: Two-piece swimsuits can be easier for younger campers to put on and take off.
We have a closed-toe shoes rule at camp to ensure everyone's tootsies stay safe from rocks, twigs, and splinters. Tennis shoes are perfect for everyday wear. If campers want to wear flip flops, those are best saved for shower time. We recommend a pair of closed-toe water shoes like Crocs or Keens that easily slip on and off for the lake or pool.
Personal items
Although camp can be messy, it's important to stay clean and healthy. Pack a washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush (or two!) and any other personal items campers might need. Please consider packing their favorite toiletry items rather than selecting new travel sized ones. Many campers realize the toothpaste packed isn't to their taste or they don't like the smell of their new soap. Knowing they will use their familiar items with confidence is a must for good hygiene at camp.
If your camp forgets or runs out of any of these items, we always have extra and are happy to help some campers like to bring all these items in a plastic basket or shower caddy for easy carrying. When packing liquids, use plastic bags to avoid spills and leaks.
Required items
There are a few essential items to put on your camp packing list. Firstly, a water bottle is a MUST. Campers spend more time outside than they are typically used to and can easily become dehydrated during the busy camp day. Although counselors encourage campers to drink water during meals and activities, campers should carry a water bottle with them at all times. They can fill up at the various hydration stations around camp. Staying hydrated is cool at camp, we even have special CF water bottles and water bottle stickers to prove it.
What's the thing we hear our counselors say more often than anything else? "Don't forget your sunscreen and bug spray!" Campers enjoy many activities around our forests and fields, and bug spray is especially important in the mornings and evenings.
It's always a good idea for campers to bring a small backpack to carry their belongings between activities. Backpacks are handy to keep a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of socks, and that perfectly shaped pet rock you just found!
While our camps have electricity, they are not air conditioned. Campers should bring battery powered fans to help them stay cool in the cabin. We recommend packing extra batteries and practicing how to change out the batteries with your camper.
Lines and Laundry
Camp beds are all single bunk beds. We encourage parents to pack twin size sheets regardless of whether campers bring a sleeping bag or blanket. You can't go wrong by packing an extra sheet or two as campers are asked to make their beds as part of their daily cabin chores. There's nothing like jumping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets at the end of a day full of fun!
Campers should come with at least one bath towel and one beach towel, but extras are always recommend for campers who will be swimming multiple times during the day.
Campers who fly into camp from other states and countries can receive camp linens on arrival. Camp linen sets include a pillow, blanket, sheets, and are refreshed at the end of each week.
Camp tip: Pack your camper with a mesh laundry bag, even d they're only staying one week. It helps campers stay organized and differentiate from their clean and dirty clothes. Additionally, it makes packing up at the end of the week a breeze.
Horseback riding gear
If your camper is enrolled in the Equestrian Program, they will need to pack some program-specific gear. It is important to be comfortable when riding, long pants are required, and bringing extra socks is always a good idea. Caps are welcome if you have them. Make sure to bring your riding boots or hard-soled shoes will a heel. If you have your own helmet, you're welcome to bring it to camp as long as it's ASTM-approved. If you are missing gear, you are more than welcome to borrow some from camp. There's no need to bring your own tack and grooming supplies though - we have plenty here!
What NOT to bring
If something is valuable, treasured, fragile or potentially dangerous, leave it off your summer camp packing list! Campers should also leave all electronics at home. Camp Friendship is a unique experience where children can truly connect without the use of digital devices. Please give your child the chance to make these connections by leaving phones and all other electronics at home. For our friends who travel to camp from other states and countries, we will gladly keep electronic items safe and return them upon departure.
Packing pro tips
Label your stuff
Please don’t let your camper’s stuff join the Lost and Found mountain. We encourage parents to label every item, article of clothing, and piece of equipment with your camper’s first and last name.
Companies such as Mabel’s Labels and Oliver’s Labels have easy-to-use waterproof labels that help to avoid mix ups and lost items. You can even purchase these labels directly through your CampInTouch account by selecting “Camper Clothing Labels”.
Pack medication in original packaging
All medication, prescription or non-prescription (including vitamins and over-the-counter medication), must be brought to camp in the original packaging or in a blister pack pre-packaged by a pharmacy. Medication will be handed to the Nurse on check-in day and kept in our Health Center for safekeeping.
Make letter writing easy
Help you to help…you! If you want to hear from your camper while they’re at camp, it’s wise to send them with letter-writing materials such as e-Letter paper, dark ink pens (not pencils), pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, postcards or smoke signals (just kidding!) Campers have cabin time each day where they can choose to write home.
Camp Tip: Most campers write their letters from their bunk bed. A book light with a clip can be really helpful for younger campers still perfecting the art of holding a flashlight while writing.
Please remember that even the best of intentions can be forgotten. Campers have exciting new games to play with friends, the chance to finish that friendship bracelet they’ve been working on, time to take a nap, or chat to their counselor with an interesting accent. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive a letter from your camper within the first day or two. We’ll do our best to encourage them to write home. Sending them with the materials to make it quick and easy certainly helps.
Bring a few home comforts
If this is your camper’s first time at sleep-away camp, certain reminders of home can be a nice touch. A favorite book, comfortable blanket or family photo can help make their cabin feel a little more homey. Games for cabin time are always a great move too. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or something very dear to them, we suggest leaving that at home and finding a ‘camp favorite’ to bring to camp. We would hate for your child’s favorite item to go missing!
Help your camper re-pack
Include an UN-checked copy of your packing checklist in your camper’s things so they can use it to re-pack and come home. This helps them to ensure they have everything and reduces Lost and Found at Camp—yay!
Don’t let packing for camp stress you and your camper out! Use our printable packing checklist to make packing a breeze.
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:23 Euphoric-Seesaw [Complete][80K][Mystery] Dead To Rights

Hello, looking for betas for my adult mystery novel. Here's a blurb:
For more than a decade, Adam Roth has been the personal journalist for detective Solomon Brooks, following him to crime scenes and writing about his most interesting cases. Brooks is a pain in the ass but the money is good and the arrangement works for them. When Brooks agrees to investigate the death of Anna Flynn, a local housekeeper, Adam goes along, expecting to write another popular story about a crime that only Brooks can solve.
But when Brooks is killed, shot from somewhere inside Anna’s seemingly empty apartment, Adam becomes the prime suspect. His lawyer’s advice? Pray the police find someone else, because they already have the murder weapon and they’ve linked it to Adam.
Realizing that he's being framed, Adam has two choices: trust his life to the incompetent police, who think he’s guilty, or ignore the advice of his family and friends and investigate Brooks’ death himself. But Adam quickly learns that writing about crimes and solving them are two very different things. He can’t see the patterns that Brooks could. He doesn't have the experience. And every clue he manages to find only makes him look guiltier.
The one thing Adam has going for him is ten years of old notes, a play-by-play of how Brooks went about solving his cases. With these files as his guide, Adam discovers that Brooks and Anna Flynn have a history. The two deaths may be more intertwined than they first appeared. And the killer isn’t done yet.
DEAD TO RIGHTS is an 81,000 word adult mystery that will appeal to fans of TWIST OF THE KNIFE by Anthony Horowitz and THE MARLOW MURDER CLUB by Robert Thorogood.
Looking for betas but also in the market for a critique partner if we happen to click. If you're interested, let me know!
submitted by Euphoric-Seesaw to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:22 pepeizbored Stabbing an arrow in my own heart

I never thought i'd be writing a letter with you in mind. I remember when it all began, how your subtle hints started tugging at my heart until you slowly creeped into my life and became a huge part of it.
Making the silliest expressions and poses was something you adored doing, and it was refreshing to see how comfortable you were into your skin. "I can't change the way i look, might as well get comfy with it" were your words. Those words rolled off your tongue in the most casual way possible and they had the biggest impact on me. I wasn't ashamed anymore of looking at myself through your normal camera
Talking to you was unpredictable at times, you weren't good at following the script i had in my mind but that's what made it better. I know the tears that're running down my cheeks as i write this aren't because i miss you, but they're because i miss the you i saw with my rose-tinted glasses.
Almost a year long situationship, i think i was blushing when you told me you showed your mom my picture. she didn't quite approve, and i blamed it on how you must've introduced me to her. Everything was perhaps good, minus how anxiously attached i was to you and how your words never reached into genuine effort or actions.
Your friend said you always talk about me, but all i wanted to respond back with was i wish you'd talk to me too. Your profile said you were "looking for someone" and we communicated, but for someone who was a huge advocate of communication, your baatein never reached my heart. I was done being fed crumbs of attention. I took the step forward and blocked you, for good.
You could still contact on my number, but you never did. You never dared to reach out. I wonder how long ago i should've blocked you? It's been months since we're not in contact anymore. Your memories strike back again at the most random hour and they send me crumbling back down.
I know time will work it's way up, but ig i felt like i needed to let it all out. I'd never get your prespective but i could summarize my feelings.
submitted by pepeizbored to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:22 CloakedLight Nao or Era (or Mako?) - Help me choose!

I play mid field for my group and am trying to decide which of these two to pick up, (might pick up the other one later but for now only one.) I main Vyce and tinker with Luna but I want a Striker that has Creations/Buffs for certain maps. After researching it looks like only Nao and Era fit this bill (On writing, Mako also has these but I dont know if mid-field would be her strong suit. Mako enjoyers are free to enlighten me though!)
For Era, I feel like I am playing a blue deck/Control warrior from hearthstone. When I play right I just say no to a peticular enemy and they are not allowed to touch the ball. She leans more into buff/debuff but her creation is quite potent. Dislike witch aesthetic however.
Nao has a creation that is present more often then Era (being a primary instead of a special). However Nao's special...really doesn't excite me at all. Maybe I am just not wired to see its potential but does it feel unimpressive. Like her aesthetic though!
Mako is only here because in write I realized she has the qualifications of having a creation and a buff, but I dont know her mid field potential. Looks at her kit also makes my head spin does it have alot of words. So if anyone wants to make an argument for Mako please do!
TLDR: Between Era Nao and Mako, sell me on who I should learn next!
submitted by CloakedLight to OmegaStrikers [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:21 Gandalvr “I built too much skin”: DIY Magazine interview May 2, 2024

“I built too much skin”: DIY Magazine interview May 2, 2024 submitted by Gandalvr to auroramusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:21 FaithlessnessNo1432 How much does it cost to make a bayonetta game

Theres a lot of expenses with creating a game, the actual development, soundtrack, story writing, and so on
so does platinum or nintendo ever reveal how much it costed to make any game from the bayonetta series (asides from nintendo not being involved in the first game)
submitted by FaithlessnessNo1432 to Bayonetta [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:21 Saif162 Interview partners needed for Bachelor thesis (Europe)

Hi there, I'm a bachelor's student and currently writing my thesis. It explores how digital multinational enterprises (MNEs) integrate local digital ecosystems into their location strategies for their European logistics hubs. I'm trying out specific subs since LinkedIn did not help.
I am looking to interview professionals who have expertise in: 🖥️ E-commerce logistics 📦 Supply chain management within digital MNEs 🌍 International business strategy 📍 Strategic location decision-making for distribution centres
If you have experience in these areas or know someone who does, I would really appreciate the opportunity to conduct a brief interview with you. It would take approximately 30-40 minutes and can be scheduled at your convenience through a call or video meeting.
If you're interested in participating or would like more information, please comment or feel free to send me a direct message.
submitted by Saif162 to logistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 16:21 TheGlitchZA M365 Tenant Report

Hi Everyone,
I’ve been working on creating an M365 tenant report using mainly MS Graph and PsWriteHTML.
The idea was to create a report that would give a client basic insight into their security and license utilization, but also includes quite a bit of additional information.
Rather than running multiple scripts and dealing with csv files, this puts everything into a nice readable format.
For clients that do not have Entra ID Premium licensing it fails back to retrieve MFA info from the now deprecated MSOnline powershell module. Unfortunately, that seems to be the only way to retrieve that info. So, part of the report will look a little different based on the licensing available.
The only real edit you should need to make is to add your client or MSP logo and FavIcon in the variables, and perhaps change the number of audit logs to retrieve especially if you have a larger environment. Obviously, you can customise the layout and colours as you need, if you are familiar with PsWriteHTML.
The script is set to check if the MS Graph and PsWriteHMTL modules are installed and if not, install them. Same with the MSOnline module if required. (For MSOnline, you'll get an error if trying to run this from VS Code for example, it needs to just run in Powershell)
As usual always check the code to make sure you are comfortable with it before running it.
I am in no way a Powershell guru, but have used what others have done and also utilised GitHub Copilot quite a bit. (References to work I have used are in the script.)
I would be interested to know what you guys think of it and if you would find something like this valuable to use when engaging with clients.
submitted by TheGlitchZA to msp [link] [comments]