Poem notice of a change of address

i lik the bred

2017.03.23 18:51 Hasnep i lik the bred

Poems based on this one about a cow licking bread by Poem_for_your_sprog: my name is Cow, and wen its nite, or wen the moon is shiyning brite, and all the men haf gon to bed - i stay up late. i lik the bred.

2017.03.13 22:39 mmonzeob Bad MakeUp Artists

BadMUAs is on black out until further notice in protest of Reddit's policy change that will kill third-party apps! To learn more, see: https://www.reddit.com/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/147cksa

2008.03.15 19:41 Poetry - spoken word, literature code, less is more

A place for sharing published poetry. For sharing orignal content, please visit OCPoetry

2024.05.18 15:20 JackRVL Can I attempt to pull payment

Ok I’ll keep this snappy
1) Client signed up with me for my business services. Signed terms and conditions + agreement to work together for X months etc
2) client was due to pay but had bad news from work and was delayed a lump sum. We agreed in writing to delay payment a month
3) client didn’t make payment again and is now owing multiple months payments
4) I gave notice before claim for an MCOL (money claim online UK) and he agreed to do a payment plan.
5) client paid 2 payments and then has ghosted and blocked me on different platforms - I have since done an MCOL procedure
Question: I used stripe to sign him up for the service subscription so I have his payment details stored there. Am I legally allowed to attempt to pull the full remaining amount?
P.s. this guy is a dodgy character, multiple posts about him scamming people on Facebook when I searched. Seems like a piece of S*** I cannot guarantee he is at his address anymore for a legal follow up through MCOL
submitted by JackRVL to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:16 One2ThreeJewelry Birthstones for June

Three original birthstones for June birthdays

Birthstones are gemstones that conduct a birth month and have a bizarre definition and historical point. Every month has its birthstone. Ordinarily, one month has one birthstone, but three months are the luckiest, they have three birthstones each. One such month is June. June birthstones are moonstone, pearl, and alexandrite. Consequently, if you were born in June, you have got an exceptional opportunity to pick your June birthstone according to your preferences and budget.

June birthstones №1: Pearls

From ancient times it was thought that stones have exceptional power and bring distinctive energy to those who wear them. Pearls can bring mercy, innocence, and faith. They have healing powers, curing various diseases, and even insanity. Pearls still apply as medicines in Asia. If the month of your birth is June, you are a fortunate person. You can wear pieces of jewelry with such a rare June birthstone. Its uniqueness lies not only in its astonishing features but also in its exquisite form because the color of pearls deviates from white to black.
Pearls are also called "gifts of the ocean" because they are the only gemstone that is created by living organisms - mollusks. Due to the special liquid that these microorganisms secrete around the pathogen pearls are created. This liquid is called nacre.
Today, many distinctive farms grow mollusks which create pearls. They are located in the most picturesque parts of the world away from civilization. Mollusks will never grow and produce a nacre in polluted water.

June birthstones №2: Moonstone

A moonstone also belongs to the group of June birthstones. It is a translucent blue-silver feldspar. It has got a name due to the blue-white and silver gradients, which are provided by its delicate structure. This is June's birthstone of inventive people, who are frequently in search. In Indian culture, it is considered a sacred rock and one that brings good luck.
As for the beneficial properties of the June birthstone, we can say that it has a very substantial effect on the human body, it can:
Plus, it is a very robust love June birthstone. Any decoration with a moonstone can attract real love to you. The foremost thing, it needs to be worn near a heart.
June birthstones №3: Alexandrite
Alexandrite, or the birthstone of the aristocrats, has a unique ability to change color depending on the lighting. This June Birthstone was invented by Alexandre the Second in 1833. He noticed it while searching for emeralds, and this stone was supposed an emerald. But later it turned out, that it is much harder than emerald, and also it has a unique capacity to change color. Alexandrite is clear, but very seldom colorless. Its most common color is bluish-green. Less common is olive with shades of yellow and brown. Ural alexandrite, which is properly respected by the standard of beauty, in daylight, has a bluish-green color, and in artificial -purple. Alexandrite is a June birthstone which requires a lot of money.
Sometimes people wonder which June birthstone is better to pick: pearl, moonstone, or alexandrite. In this case, you should follow your preferences or discover the healing properties of stones. Like pearls, alexandrite is considered a very prominent energy stone. Nevertheless, it is proper for people who are strong in spirit and persistent in their goal, to overcome all impediments. While pearls are a softer and calmer gem.
Regarding the medicinal qualities of alexandrite, its central purpose is to cleanse the blood and strengthen blood vessels. It is also believed that if the stone regularly changes color, the person who wears it should pay attention to blood sugar. is

Where is Better to Buy June Birthstone

You can obtain some pieces of jewelry with these novel stones at one2threejewelry.com. Especially, pay attention to the pearl dainty ring which will be excellent in the role of an engagement band.
submitted by One2ThreeJewelry to u/One2ThreeJewelry [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 copro7 Tricked into giving money to church

Long story short, I (42F) left Christianity in my early twenties. I live in Canada (QC) where religion is not as intertwined in society as it is in the US but I've started to see new churches rise that are more imposing. This is a new phenomenon in my town in the last 5 years. It worries me.
My husband and I have 2 kids that we raise to be critical thinkers and respectful citizens. It's not always easy answering their questions but they get that religion is not a reliable path to truth.
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store with my boy. At the register, volunteers were packing purchases to help raise money for low income families so they can receive a free backpack and school supplies for the next school year. Wonderful cause I thought !
I didn't have any cash on me and I cannot use a credit card to donate so they ask that I make a donation online. I said that of course I will. They gave me a card with their contact info and I went home.
When I came to make the e-transfer, I noticed that their address is to one of those new hard core churches. Their signs at the grocery store didn't mention the church nor did they told me verbally. Now I feel like they lured me in making a donation to their church. What will they truly do with the money ? Will it all go to kids/families in need ?
I feel like a fool. I should have seen this coming. Now my kids are asking me what I will do. Not donate and walk back on my word or donate to their church ? My husband suggested I give the money to a charity of our choosing instead. Maybe ? Should I write to the grocery store owner ? Should I write to the church and explain why I won't donate ?
Do you have other suggestions ?
submitted by copro7 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 como365 Republican infighting marked 2024 legislative session

JEFFERSON CITY — The 2024 legislative session that ended Friday seemed more a referendum on Republican Party loyalty than a collective venture toward policy.
Constant infighting among Republicans over priorities and which ones were truly conservative led to days-long filibusters, name calling and the death of many conservative bills, including a top party priority: making it more difficult to amend the Missouri Constitution.
The divisions were so ingrained that the Senate Democrats, holding 10 seats in a 34-person body, delivered the deciding votes on some of the session's most important bills.
The hard-right Freedom Caucus has said their issue with mainstream Republican leaders in the legislature is a lack of dedication to “big red” policies like reducing personal property tax and preventing foreign countries from owning Missouri land.
Looking back at previous sessions, that argument doesn’t quite stack up. In the last several years Republicans have passed one of the nation's most strict abortion bans, limitations on transgender health care and enacted several income tax cuts.
The Freedom Caucus went to great lengths to disrupt Senate procedure and strong-arm leadership in an effort to pass their highest priority, changes to the initiative petition process. The impact was that they were tossed off Senate committees by the Republican leadership and later in the session failed to convince their Republican colleagues to embrace their priorities.
Less than two weeks before the constitutional deadline for the budget and with an important federal health care reimbursement that creates over $4 billion in revenue, Freedom Caucus members filibustered for 41 hours with the demand that leadership first bring up a resolution changing the approval threshold for state constitutional amendments.
Going into the last week of session, initiative petition reform still had not passed.
This week, the Freedom Caucus supported a motion among Republicans to end the Democratic filibuster on the issue through an extraordinary motion — the previous question — that hasn’t been used in the Senate since 2020. But only 16 Republicans would support that plan, which needed 18 votes, so it was never brought before the floor.
With that failure on Wednesday, the resolution was sent back to the House, which refused to budge on Thursday and sent it back to the Senate. On Friday the Senate adjourned without any further action and the effort died.
The failure to pass the resolution making initiative petition changes showed the inability of even a supermajority to act when splintered on such chaotic, disruptive lines.
Senate President Pro Tem. Caleb Rowden, R-Columbia, said that this session showed that more can get done through compromise than confrontation.
"I'm walking out of here as a guy that has basically accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish and I did it in a way that was respectful and collegial," Rowden said in a press conference after adjournment.
Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo, R-Independence, backed up that point saying, "I don't think Democrats won or Republicans lost (the session), I think decorum won."
Fiscal Year 2025 budget
A set of constitutionally mandated bills that fund the state's operations passed just three hours before the May 10 deadline. The final budget is $51.7 billion, $1 billion less than what the governor proposed, and about $2 billion less than last year's budget.
Three things stuck out in this year's budget: Infrastructure continued to be a major focus, spending was reduced to come in line with revenue projects and numerous members on both sides of the aisle were frustrated by the lack of transparency in the process.
Over the last two years, about $3.5 billion has been put into widening I-70 to six lanes statewide and I-44 in the southwestern part of the state. Both projects are about equally funded through debt and general revenue. The budget that was approved is expected to reduce the state surplus to about $1.5 billion.
Up-to-date numbers from the Office of Administration show a more rosy revenue picture than anticipated. So far Fiscal Year 2024 revenue receipts are up 2.7% year over year. That's far higher than the projected .2% growth in revenue used to craft the budget. If that revenue continues at the same pace and with a current general fund balance of over $4 billion there is a chance the state's surplus will hardly be tapped over the next year.
The declining budget also represents a return to normal state budgeting. Since the pandemic, states have received an unprecedented influx of federal COVID relief and infrastructure cash. That has led to record high appropriations that oftentimes don't get spent. In the FY 2023 budget, $10 billion of the $48 billion appropriated was never used. In 2018, only $2 billion of the $28 billion budget was left unspent.
No public comment was taken during the budget process and meetings between the House and Senate where the final budget package was finalized only existed behind closed doors. Senators only had a few minutes to review the bills before voting on them and House members had little time to debate as they passed the budget just hours before the constitutional deadline.
This backdoor process drew criticism from Democrats, Freedom Caucus members and the governor as many felt out of the loop.
Elections and initiative changes Fighting over changes that would make it harder to amend the Missouri Constitution again put the brakes on normal operating procedures on the Senate floor this session.
The Freedom Caucus has more than once sent the Senate into disarray over a piece of legislation that again failed to cross the finish line after years of attempts.
The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, R-Arnold, would have asked voters whether the current threshold to amend the state constitution — a simple majority, or 50% plus one — should be raised to also require a majority vote in at least five of the state’s eight congressional districts.
This year’s proposal included two provisions that led the chamber to several lengthy filibusters totaling more than 100 hours. In addition to the threshold requirement, the provisions would ask voters to bar noncitizens from voting on constitutional amendments and to ban constitutional amendments sponsored by foreign governments.
These provisions are already state law and Democrats made a point of filibustering against those provisions.
Republicans this session also pushed a resolution that would ban ranked-choice voting in Missouri. SJR 78 was passed by the House on Friday. The question will now go to voters to decide.
Ranked-choice voting is a practice where voters rank their preferred candidates on a single ballot until a winner is declared after receiving a majority of the vote. The idea is to give voters more options once their top-ranked choice is eliminated by distributing their vote to their next preferred candidates. Opponents said the practice does the exact opposite by splitting the vote.
While it is not in state law, St. Louis practices a version of ranked-choice voting that will be protected if the ban passes.
Education bill An omnibus education bill, SB 727, raising the minimum teacher salary, allowing charter schools in Boone County and providing private school scholarships to low-income students, has already been signed into law by Gov. Mike Parson. The provisions of the bill, approved by the minimum vote required in the House, are estimated to cost the state $468 million.
The new state minimum salary for teachers is set at $40,000 a year beginning with the next school year and includes additional incentives for teachers with longer careers and those with master’s degrees.
The voucher-like scholarship program for private school students offers up to $6,375 per child for expenses such as tuition, textbooks and transportation. The program is funded by private donors who can claim tax credits.
The size of the bill ballooned from 12 pages to more than 150 because of amendments in the Senate. House leaders blocked amendments so that the bill would not have to be returned for another vote in the Senate out of concern it would die because of filibusters on other topics.
The law requires a public vote to approve any switch to four-day school weeks while providing incentives to schools that stick with five-day weeks.
New crime provisions A major public safety bill that passed during the final House session on Friday made changes to how children are viewed in the court system, increased punishment for various crimes and limited the authority of citizen police review boards, among other items.
The bill tracks legislation passed last year, except for two technical provisions that prompted a veto by Parson. The law increases the age under which children could be considered adults in felony offenses from 12 to 14.
On July 4, 2011, Blair Shanahan Lane was killed by reckless celebratory gunfire. A portion of the bill dubbed "Blair's Law" creates penalties for such activity. After the bill passed on a bipartisan basis Friday, House members rose for a round of applause directed at Blair Lane's mother, who was in attendance.
The bill also creates "Valentine's Law" raising punishments for fleeing a law enforcement stop. It is named for St. Louis County Detective Antonio Valentine, who died in a crash pursuing a person fleeing police.
And there is a provision known as "Max's Law" that increases punishment for injuring or killing law enforcement K-9 dogs.
Sludge regulations House Bill 2134, which would create new regulations for wastewater sludge under the Missouri Clean Water Act, gained bipartisan approval and was signed by Parson.
The bill gained traction as concerns about waste lagoons and land application practices by Arkansas-based Denali Water Solutions have been brought to light. The new law prevents companies like Denali from applying waste as fertilizer without a regulatory process and testing.
Denali was previously forced to cease operations in Missouri after 6,000 gallons of slaughterhouse waste spilled into a field, causing residents to complain about the smell and runoff concerns.
Regulatory Sandbox Act The House Friday gave final approval to SB 894 creating an avenue for new companies offering innovative products to be excused from meeting some state regulations for the first 24 months that they begin offering innovative products to consumers.
Companies would be required to apply and meet certain criteria to participate in the program.
The bill also creates an Office of Entrepreneurship within the Department of Economic Development that will promote policies and initiatives to support the growth of entrepreneurship of Missouri-based businesses with less than ten employees.
Eviction moratorium A bill passed on Friday barred any municipality from enacting an eviction moratorium. The bill, SB 865, comes in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic when cities across the country prevented landlords from evicting tenets. Realtors and apartment associations spoke in favor of the bill as they feel moratoriums violate the rights of property owners.
National Guard deployment Parson signed a bill on May 8 approving additional funding for a Missouri National Guard deployment to the southern border. The governor traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, to sign House Bill 2016 into law and visit with members who have been deployed since March.
“The battle that we’re fighting down here at the border is keeping it from happening in our own borders, in our own state in Missouri,” Parson said before signing the bill.
Members of the National Guard are assisting with Operation Lone Star after being invited by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Operation Lone Star is a state-level border security effort at the Texas-Mexico border that began in 2021.
The $2.2 million in funding supports the operations of approximately 200 National Guard members and 22 Missouri State Highway Patrol officers for 90 days. Since the start of their mission, only around 50 guardsmen and 22 members of the highway patrol have served in Texas.
Sports wagering moves ahead After years of failed attempts to get legalization through the Missouri General Assembly, sports gambling appears to have found a more promising path.
Early in May, the Winning for Missouri Education committee along with a coaltion of Missouri professional sports teams submitted over 340,000 signatures for a ballot initiative to the Secretary of State's office desk.
If the Secretary of State verifies that enough signatures are genuine, the question would be put to voters in November. Thirty-eight other states have legalized some form of sports wagering.
The petition proposes a 10% tax on wagers to be collected by the Department of Revenue, deposited into the state treasury and credit to the "Gaming Proceeds for Education Fund," raising a projected $35 million.
Approximately $5 million in funds from the sports wagering tax would go into a fund to help compulsive gamblers and the rest would go to public school and higher education programs.
Child tax credits Bipartisan support and a State of the State address plug by Parson helped two bills, SB 742 and HB 1488, which would add provisions allowing for tax credits related to child care services to reach the Senate floor for consideration.
However, opposition from Freedom Caucus members of the Senate stalled action both in an effort to advance bills they felt deserved more priority and out of a general dislike of tax credits. The Senate version is sponsored by Sen. Lauren Arthur, D-Kansas City, while the House bill is sponsored by Rep. Brenda Shields, R-St. Joseph.
Protecting IVF House and Senate bills to protect in vitro fertilization clinics got a flurry of attention but did not advance following an Alabama state court ruling that relied on a state abortion ban to restrict in vitro fertilization clinics.
The Missouri Court of Appeals in St. Louis ruled in 2016 that IVF-created embryos were a matter of “marital property of special order.” This has provided legal protection for doctors and patients in the IVF field.
However, that court ruling cited abortion protection offered by Roe Vs. Wade, which was overturned in 2022. With Missouri having a similar abortion ban to the one in Alabama, leading advocates and lawmakers alike are concerned about what could lie ahead.
Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, filed SB 1486 which would specify that Missouri's abortion ban does not have a definition that includes in vitro fertilization embryos that have not been implanted in a body. Rep. Bill Allen, R-Kansas City, filed House Bill 2845 which states that the IVF process is protected under law and no one can be prosecuted for undergoing or administrating IVF.
Here is what happened to other legislative topics that garnered attention during the session but did not pass:
Protections for pesticide maker: HB 2763, sponsored by Rep. Dane Diehl, R-Butler, would have protected pesticide manufacturers from claims that they failed to warn consumers of possible cancer risks in their products as long as the federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved those products.
Much of the debate before the House approved the bill focused on Bayer, the company with U.S. headquarters in St. Louis that purchased Monsanto, the original manufacturer of RoundUp pesticide. According to The Associated Press, the company is seeking to stem a tide of lawsuits claiming that Bayer’s products cause cancer.
Diehl, a farmer, said he drafted the legislation out of fear that Bayer would be forced to pull RoundUp off of the market, harming farmers ability to grow crops. The bill never made it to the Senate floor for consideration.
Presidential primaries: New voting laws passed in 2022 eliminated the presidential primary in Missouri. Following low voter turnout in this year’s Republican presidential caucus, SB 1120 and HB 2618, which would reinstate presidential primaries, passed out of their respective committees. The House bill passed with amendments that would create new residency restrictions for candidates vying for U.S. Congress. Ultimately, neither bill got floor consideration.
The Taylor Swift Act: Bills in both the House and Senate sought to address the impact of problematic images created by artificial intelligence but did not make it into law. While ten states provide some form of retribution for this type of crime, only Minnesota and New York statutes allow for both civil and criminal relief.
The Taylor Swift Act, House Bill 2573, offered by Rep. Adam Schwadron, R-St. Charles, targeted fake pornographic images. The bill was approved by the Special Committee on Innovation and Technology but never received a floor vote. The name of the bill referred to explicit AI-created images of the singer that went viral in January.
A similar bill, Senate Bill 1424, sponsored by Sen. Travis Fitzwater, R-Holts Summit, did not get a hearing.
Media Literacy: Companion bills, House Bill 1513 and Senate Bill 1311, aimed to teach students about media and digital literacy. Neither bill advanced.
Danny's Law: Legislation that sought to protect 911 callers from prosecution when calling to report a hazing incident stalled in the House. The bill was named after former University of Missouri student Danny Santulli, who suffered irreparable brain damage after drinking too much when pledging a fraternity at MU in the fall of 2021.
Danny’s Law was meant to offer exoneration to those involved in hazing incidents if they’re the first to call for emergency help.
“As the mother of three college-age men, I understand this is a major issue,” said Rep. Jo Doll, D-St. Louis, who spoke during a March 7 committee hearing. “It’s really important to give kids the ability to call 911 without being afraid of the consequences to them.”
Protecting major water users: House Bill 2669, which sought to limit information being released to the public about major water users, was approved by a House committee but failed to get a floor vote. The bill was meant to protect the information of Missouri’s family farmers and would keep information about individually identifiable water users from being disclosed to the public.
Highway Commission changes: A bill, House Bill 2568, that would have changed the makeup of the Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission was voted down in a committee in Apri. Two other bills that would have either changed the makeup of the commission or done away with it altogether failed to move forward after being the subject of public hearings in early February.
Nursing restrictions: Missouri is one of only a few states not to allow nurse practitioners to practice independently without the authority of a physician. A House committee passed an amended version of one bill, HB 1773, sponsored by Rep. Chad Perkins, R-Bowling Green, that would allow nurses to practice independently after 6,000 hours of work under a physician's supervision. The bill was never placed on the House calendar, a roadblock which some nurses point to opposition from House Floor Leader Rep. Jonathan Patterson, R-Lee’s Summit.
Dmitry Martirosov, Molly Miller, Aidan Pittman, Grant Green and Madeline Shannon contributed to this story.
Cover image: State Representative Chantelle Nickson-Clark(cq) throws her papers at the end of the legislative session on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Statehouse in Jefferson City. Nickson-Clark was the first Black woman elected to represent District 67 in St. Louis County in Nov. 2022.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 FudgieB143 Is this Sustainable & Am I doing this right?

So I am 1 week in, just took my second shot (2.5) last night. I lost 10 lbs in 7 days, which unfortunately given my history of yo-yo-ing and quick dramatic swings made me feel less confident that this is real and sustainable. I want this to work, no I need this to work and stick, but I still feel skeptical. I have had no side effects thus far, other than maybe feeling like I can’t fall into a deep sleep. I have noticed the reduction appetite and cravings in general making easier to eat better and portion control. All good things.
I am concerned if I am doing it right and I feel a bit like I’m on my own. I have good insurance but have been using VA as my primary care as they did a good job with my cholesterol and sleep apnea. While my doctor mentioned that I would be a good candidate for ozempic the loopholes to get it through the VA was too much of a burden. Luckily, I do have good insurance for the family but struggled finding a primary care taking new patients and ended up going through the online service RO. Sign up wasn’t bad and they got everything approved through my insurance. I got a prescription but no real feedback or guidance. Hence I came here and YouTube, etc…
First thing I noticed is everyone talking about diet plans and forcing themselves to eat as well as a lot of eating high protein specific plans. I have never been a big breakfast person so I don’t see how making myself eat can be conducive to long term change as long as I am not binge eating or over eating to make up for it. Honestly on a typical day I’m probably eating 1-2 “meals”, maybe a snack and close to if not more than a gallon of water. For me the biggest impact is that I have loss my “sweet tooth” I don’t crave sweets. I don’t get hungry and go let me get two double cheese burgers and a milkshake! I normally drank water throughout the day and then lemonade and water when I got home, maybe some wine. I don’t want any juice or wine! I simply have no desire for it and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. I feel good and comfortable and maybe that’s what worries me. Despite those differences, I don’t feel like I have made some massive change. Am I doing by this wrong?
I don’t know how to add this so 40m 5’11 sw: 285 cw: 275 GW: 210
submitted by FudgieB143 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:14 jay_dhd KYC-Free Blockchain Casinos, Anonymous Gambling Should be Fun

Nobody likes the KYC process at traditional online casinos. Handing over your passport, proof of address, and who-knows-what-else just to play a few slots? No thanks. That's where KYC-free crypto casinos come in, and they're changing the game.
So, Why Ditch KYC?
KYC, short for "Know Your Customer," is supposed to prevent fraud. But let's be honest, it's mostly a hassle. It's like having to show your ID to buy a candy bar. All that personal info you're handing over? It's a huge privacy worry for me and with my background in IT security it should be for others too.
Some blockchain casinos let you gamble anonymously. That means no more sharing sensitive docs, no more waiting days for verification. Just sign up with an email (sometimes not even that), deposit your crypto, and you're off.
But Are They Safe?
That's the million-dollar question, right? Not every crypto casino is created equal. Some are shadier than others. But there are a few reputable ones out there that prioritize security and fairness.
Here's what to look for:

Two Casinos I've Tried and Tested

Meta Win
These guys have an active owner and community, are doing some cool stuff with their own $MWIN and $ROCKY tokens. You can earn $MWIN it just by playing, which is a nice bonus. You can connect by Web3 wallet on Coinbase so transactions are instant.
500 Casino
Tons of games, sleek design, and fast crypto payouts. Random Rain Drops (free money) while you play.


KYC-free crypto casinos aren't just a trend, they're the future. They give you control over your privacy, make gambling more accessible, and let you focus on what really matters: having fun and (hopefully) winning big.
So, if you're tired of the KYC hassle and want to try something new, give anonymous crypto casinos a shot. Just do your homework first, and remember to gamble responsibly.
submitted by jay_dhd to noverificationcasinos [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:14 Silent_Permission27 Don't like the idea that a wayward was "weak"

I notice that I really despise the idea that my WH cheated because he was "weak" and I feel triggered whenever someone says this about their WS. For context my WH cheated while nearly blackout drunk with an extremely aggressive woman, but this applies to any wayward really. I guess this feeling comes from the idea that our waywards wanted someone else. I cannot reconcile that idea. In my case my husband insists he didn't want this woman at all, but rather was too drunk to defend himself. It has been difficult to believe because he admitted that he thought she was attractive.
It's a strange feeling because I've never been offended by my WH finding other women attractive until now. Maybe because he always made me feel like even if women are attractive I'm the only one he wants. But this has completely turned that idea upside down for me. So when someone says their WS had a moment of weakness, it means to me that they wanted someone else and just couldn't resist I guess? And I hate that idea.
Anyone else feel this way? I'm just trying to put this feeling into words I suppose. Maybe I could change my thinking or figure out why that bothers me so much. After all anyone is capable of cheating right? Anyone could potentially want someone besides their partner right? I don't like the idea that my WH could want anyone but me.
submitted by Silent_Permission27 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:13 SpodGamesTV RodeCaster Duo in combine with the Rode Procaster

I use the Rodecaster Duo in combination with the Procaster for Streaming with OBS. But I noticed that the output volume of the microphone is really low. Its at -17 to -20 db. Even on the out of the box settings and customized one. The only way to get the microphone louder is to raise the windows volume for the device to about +7.7 dB to get a nice loud signal out of it.
My question is, rode swt every device to about 54 % which is 0.0 db. Are users of the mixer supposed to change the volume via windows or is there a hidden setting in the mixer?
submitted by SpodGamesTV to rode [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:13 grrrlfieri Came home to my locked front door wide open multiple times. What is going on?

Posting this for my friend.
I live alone in a building with approximately one hundred apartments in New York city. On Monday, I came home after work after sleeping at my boyfriend’s house the night before. The apartment door was wide open, even though I distinctly remember locking it before I left.
All of my belongings are still here, including my purebred cat, multiple large TVs, iMac, and thousands of dollars of designer purses. Nothing in the apartment seems to have been moved around, no food is missing and there was no evidence that anyone had been in here (smell etc.)
I thought it was weird, and assumed I had left it open. I slept in my apartment Tuesday and Wednesday nights and came home from work as usual and the door did not open while I was gone.
On Thursday morning before I left for work, I closed the door and checked it MULTIPLE times because I was freaked out from the prior incident. I absolutely closed the door this day. That night, I slept at my boyfriend’s apartment again, and I came home on Friday to the door wide open.
My relationship is fairly new. Prior, I would leave the light on only for my cat when I would leave for work. I would never open my blinds because I frequently changed in my living room. You are able to see into my apartment easily either by standing in the parking lot, looking from another apartment, or looking by the window by the elevator bank. I read articles about how sunlight was good for you so I started opening my blinds more. I started doing this more often when I wasn’t home for my cat. When I would come home from work, I would close them to change. When I go to work and sleep over my boyfriend’s house, I’m not there to close the blinds at night, so it’s noticeable when I’m not home. During these nights, the door was opened.
I called the super who tried to open my locked door from the outside and wasn’t able to. He examined the lock and said nothing was broken.
No one has a copy of my keys besides me and the building management who has a master apartment key for when repairs are done when tenants are not home. I am not sure who exactly on the staff has access to this master key, but there are only two people I can think of (the super and the person who cleans the lobby). I don’t believe it was the super who is doing this but I don’t know much about the lobby janitor.
I have never had a suspicious interaction with anyone in or around the building, including other tenants or workers. I have lived in this apartment for 3.5 years and there has only been one tenant here before me, and I have their set of keys. There has been thefts from the package room and robberies of unlocked apartments in this building previously. The thefts in the package room are occurring with less frequency now. But in this instance my door was locked and none of my stuff was touched.
The super agreed to change my locks but won’t say when, and is being very nasty and dismissive and showing no urgency. In the meantime, I bought a ring camera and will set that up today. I am not opening my blinds anymore or giving any physical indication for when I am not home.
Asking for advice. What do you all think is going on? Is someone breaking in and just hanging out here and leaving? If so, why not take anything and why not CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND THEM WHEN THEY GO? Is my door just broken? It doesn’t look broken to the naked eye and does not jam or creep open when I am home. It also does not feel any different than usual when you jiggle the handle or open/close it.
I am a very quiet and respectful person and do not have any history of a stalker, or anyone who would want to hurt me or follow me including exes etc.
What should I do from here? I know I need the locks changed but at this point I am also hesitant to trust a locksmith that I just call at random. I also don’t know if changing the locks will do anything if the door itself is broken. Please help me!
submitted by grrrlfieri to homesecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:13 l0lw0w I fell in love and she's newly single. Did I make the right decision on this?

Story time..
I met this girl at her job a few months ago (she's a bartender) and I felt she was really cute and has this bubbly personality that is very contagious. That's biggest reason why I started subtly flirting with her on this night. That same night I got her information and we started texting on IG. IG dming went well and she gave me her number on her own some days later when she felt comfortable. When we hung out for the first time, we immediately hit it off. We always had fun with what ever we did, she would even come over and hang out at my place after our first few times out. The first time we hooked up was nice. It was just us, in that moment. Sex is sex but eventually after our first initial time, it felt like it was becoming more & more romantic. She would always ask me these random questions though that would give her reassurance about us. So come recently, after we stopped and laid down, we continued kissing and minutes later, had a very in depth conversation. She's the one that told me after sex and the passionate kiss we shared, that she felt like she was falling in love with me. I was very surprised that she said that. I wasn't ready for that kind of statement and she asked me if I felt the same. (I was slowly starting to feel that way as well.) So I just said "mhm" and shook my head and kissed her forehead.
Fast forward after that, (this happened almost a week ago now.) I haven't seen her in a couple days after our talk in bed. I get a phone call from her while I'm closing up at work. I start talking to her on the phone and she's asking me when I get off, I tell her an hour from then because I'm pretty busy with closing work. She's telling me she really wants to see me, and that she's sad. So I ask her why she's sad and she gives me this really vague reason (I hear her friend in the back ground) and her friend takes over the phone and said basically she's sad, had a bad night, was crying and that I'm the only one that makes her feel comfortable and makes her really happy. So I say "Okay. Well I'll be there soon after I finish up." I continue working and ended up missing a phone call from her 30 minutes later and didn't realize it until I met her in person. (Eager for me to see her I guess.) She likes to hang out at her job every now and then so that's where we went. I'm walking in the parking lot making my way inside and I see her friend. Her friend is sitting in her car with her door open and waves me over and says: "Hey, so she's drunk and I don't know how much longer I can do this with her, essentially she went out with this guy tonight at the movies and he belittled her and said demeaning things after the movie which proceeded to make her cry. I don't know why she uses men to cope with her feelings and that aggravates me. But you're a good guy and anyway, she's inside and she's really drunk and wants to take her anger out, maybe you could calm her down?" I sighed and knew exactly what I was getting myself into. It had been a long night for me already and didn't want to do this, but I went inside to the first place I met this girl at.
This moment on is where things get bad...
She was hanging out with people and some I noticed were regulars. (I, myself at this point am a regular as well) So she sees me and comes and gives me a hug from behind while I'm ordering my drink from the bar. Over the course of the night, things were going okay. We start talking at the bar and eventually came to the decision to play pool 1 on 1 together to help calm her mind and that way we would continue talking to catch up. Pool was one of the first things we did when we met, turns out she was good at it. As we're playing pool, this regular guy, i'll call him Alex. Alex approaches us, (and she's still very intoxicated by the way.) Alex also plays pool. So hes watching as we're playing, she's very close to him at one point and he's very close to her and towards the end of the game that we're playing, they kissed infront of me. Like wow wtf. Not cool at all, I lose my cool later and told her about it. And now that I think about it, I should've asked Alex for space/privacy for us while she & I talked.
Anyway, we went back to my car and we're talking in private now after me seeing this BS. I'm buzzed at this point. Not fully drunk but the liquor is hitting me. She says apparently before I got there that she and Alex had already made out. She didn't really know that until someone told her what she did. Tells me she didn't remember doing that beforehand and said she regretted it and apologized to me. Okay, whatever, but I'm not that person to let that kind of thing pass or slide without saying anything. That's why I brought her to the car to talk. We went back to my apartment to continue talking after I sobered up a bit.
So now we're in bed and speaking on this topic of other people, and she tells me about this guy that's a childhood friend of hers
(We'll call him Jacob.)
I'm cutting straight to the point and asking the important questions about if they have anything going on that I should know about after she completely ruined my trust infront of me with some other guy. So she says yes, sort of. He's a friend. I pry a bit and ask with benefits? She says yes, basically. Also proceeds to mention that he already knows about me and now I know about him. She says that she likes him a bit but mentions she likes me a lot more. He's from out of town. Her home town actually. Almost an hour away, and proceeds to mention that he lives with her dad and is taking care of him. I'm hurt by this information, but I appreciate the communication & honesty. So I just tell her okay and remind her that she's the only person I'm seeing at this time. (My last relationship was 6 months ago so I'm trying to get back out there.)
After all of this happens, another day passes. We text and she says she's working, as was I when I sent the message. It was a bit slow at my job. So I was bored and decided to ask her how it's going and don't get a reply, so I assumed she's busy. Still no text back but I popped up on her that night after work with a coworker who's a really good buddy of mine. Since he's the one that introduced me to the place, I figured I'd bring him as well. I had already planned and anticipated on seeing her when I got off anyway.
She sees me walk in and smiles ear to ear. She makes her way over and rubs my arm and asks me how I am, how work was and what I want to drink. I didn't really want to get drunk or anything after the other night that we had, so I got something light. I get the drink and talk to my buddy. Time goes on and we begin whispering and talking lightly. I tell him I see a guy at the bar that MAJORLY has her attention and vice versa. I'm glimpsing his way every now and then just to get a look at him. He has the same style as I do. There were times when I would see out of the corner of my eye, that he's just blatantly staring me down as I'm talking to people.
Over the course of the night, she's kind of making her way back and forth to me and him and is kissing on me and stuff like that while we were outside & away from the guy. She typically didnt do that kind of stuff while she's working so I asked if she was drunk because her demeanor changes a bit and I can pick up on that from her easily. So she says yes, she's kind of drunk and told me that she snuck her own liquor in and started drinking it. I said alright then. And think to myself that there's not much I can do at this point to stop her from drinking too much because shes already drunk. But I then proceeded to ask if she wanted to hang out at my place afterwards while we were talking outside. She gave me this half-ass yes style answer. We always go home to my place to hang out after she gets off work, and I've helped her close a handful of times before. And now that we've made our way inside with our conversation, we walk to the other end of the bar, away from but still infront of the guy. She's like "well, what time do you work tomorrow, is it early again?" I said "no, that was only a special occasion, remember? It's normal hours this time. So we don't have to wakeup early." Neither one of us are early birds. She says she can't come because I work tomorrow. I'm genuinely confused and say "What? That's never stopped us in the past. We always sleep in before I leave for work." She says "...okay, I'm going back to (insert hometown) tonight for 2 days." We look at each other for a couple seconds. She says "...you don't want me to go?" So I put 2 & 2 together and didn't want to assume anything just yet. About 15 minutes pass and my thoughts are killing me. I asked her to step aside in private for a minute and asked who that was sitting at the bar. She says that was the guy she told me about the other night. Jacob. My heart sank. He knows about me. I know about him. Now it was all hitting me at once and it all made sense in my head. He came to town.
My buddy is still there, so I make my way over to him after I had that conversation with her and he's killing it at this arcade game that he's playing with a bunch of people. I go over and watch. The only people behind us are she and him at the bar. I'm watching the game being played, but for a second, I glance back and see them kissing. I had seen enough at that point. I'm ready to go but my buddy isn't. I go outside. A little while later and everyone is closing out. Jacob is helping her do closing duties. Me and the other guys, including my friend are all outside talking. 45 minutes go by and the other guys with us leave the area for a sec and I look at my friend and ask, "..did you see that?" He says "no, what?" I said "she was kissing that guy in there, the one I had a feeling about." He was shocked. A couple more minutes later, Jacob walks out, holds the door open for her and she walks right past me. She goes to get in the car with him. My friend is standing there and he looks at me and whispers "dude, I love you.. I'm so sorry." As soon as he says that, I see her from around the corner of the pillar my friend is leaning on and I tell him to pause a sec. She makes her way over back to me and looks at me and says "I feel like such a butt hole.." I just looked back at her in the eyes and shook my head. She walks away and repeats it again and leaves with him and texts me the next day trying to continue the conversation we had prior to me popping up at her job. Like everything was okay. I couldn't believe the audacity of that so I never replied. Yesterday she texts me again saying something about a shirt. I text her back and make it to the point in a paragraph explaining how I feel.
Me: "Hey, so it's been on my mind these past couple of days and I'd much rather tell you this in person, but I think it would be best just at this time for me to back away for a little while. Because I feel it's clear that we want two different things, and don't get me wrong, I like you. But I feel like it's the right thing for me right now, for my peace."
Her: "You don't wanna hang out any more?"
Her next message shortly after: "I need a little time after my relationship and I am sorry but I do like hanging out with you"
(Granted, she just got out of a relationship. An abusive one. We discussed it in person)
Me: "I do understand that reasoning, but to answer your question, yes. I'm sorry."
"Okay" is what I got back as the final text.
I got home from work last night 30 minutes after that short string of messages and my eyes start watering. I'm getting out of my work clothes and begin to put my stuff away to get ready for bed. I see some of her jewelry and shades on my night stand and couldnt hold it in, I lost it. I broke down. We were supposed to hang out tonight and go on our first official, real date tomorrow.
I don't know if I made the right decision with how I went about doing this, I'm very conflicted and I know I can't go back on my word now. This is the first time I've came to Reddit for something at all but I seriously need help, and a second opinion on this situation. Thank you guys so much for reading this far into my f'd up situation.
submitted by l0lw0w to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:10 grrrlfieri Came home to my locked front door wide open multiple times. What’s going on?

I live alone in a building with approximately one hundred apartments in New York city. On Monday, I came home after work after sleeping at my boyfriend’s house the night before. The apartment door was wide open, even though I distinctly remember locking it before I left.
All of my belongings are still here, including my purebred cat, multiple large TVs, iMac, and thousands of dollars of designer purses. Nothing in the apartment seems to have been moved around, no food is missing and there was no evidence that anyone had been in here (smell etc.)
I thought it was weird, and assumed I had left it open. I slept in my apartment Tuesday and Wednesday nights and came home from work as usual and the door did not open while I was gone.
On Thursday morning before I left for work, I closed the door and checked it MULTIPLE times because I was freaked out from the prior incident. I absolutely closed the door this day. That night, I slept at my boyfriend’s apartment again, and I came home on Friday to the door wide open.
My relationship is fairly new. Prior, I would leave the light on only for my cat when I would leave for work. I would never open my blinds because I frequently changed in my living room. You are able to see into my apartment easily either by standing in the parking lot, looking from another apartment, or looking by the window by the elevator bank. I read articles about how sunlight was good for you so I started opening my blinds more. I started doing this more often when I wasn’t home for my cat. When I would come home from work, I would close them to change. When I go to work and sleep over my boyfriend’s house, I’m not there to close the blinds at night, so it’s noticeable when I’m not home. During these nights, the door was opened.
I called the super who tried to open my locked door from the outside and wasn’t able to. He examined the lock and said nothing was broken.
No one has a copy of my keys besides me and the building management who has a master apartment key for when repairs are done when tenants are not home. I am not sure who exactly on the staff has access to this master key, but there are only two people I can think of (the super and the person who cleans the lobby). I don’t believe it was the super who is doing this but I don’t know much about the lobby janitor.
I have never had a suspicious interaction with anyone in or around the building, including other tenants or workers. I have lived in this apartment for 3.5 years and there has only been one tenant here before me, and I have their set of keys. There has been thefts from the package room and robberies of unlocked apartments in this building previously. The thefts in the package room are occurring with less frequency now. But in this instance my door was locked and none of my stuff was touched.
The super agreed to change my locks but won’t say when, and is being very nasty and dismissive and showing no urgency. In the meantime, I bought a ring camera and will set that up today. I am not opening my blinds anymore or giving any physical indication for when I am not home.
Asking for advice. What do you all think is going on? Is someone breaking in and just hanging out here and leaving? If so, why not take anything and why not CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND THEM WHEN THEY GO? Is my door just broken? It doesn’t look broken to the naked eye and does not jam or creep open when I am home. It also does not feel any different than usual when you jiggle the handle or open/close it.
I am a very quiet and respectful person and do not have any history of a stalker, or anyone who would want to hurt me or follow me including exes etc.
What should I do from here? I know I need the locks changed but at this point I am also hesitant to trust a locksmith that I just call at random. I also don’t know if changing the locks will do anything if the door itself is broken. Please help me!
submitted by grrrlfieri to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:10 ConsistentAd8229 I have a question regarding public or private property

So, I and some of my friends were passing by a road which didn't have much human life. There were few houses here and there but nothing much.
We saw a mango tree and we decided to get some as it seemed to be in a public area. But when we were done, a lady and her daughter came rushing towards and started scolding us very harshly about what we did.
We were confused until she said that the tree belonged to her. The area where the tree was didn't have any fencing nor any signs which indicated that her statement was true. But still we decided to return whatever mangoes we picked to her, but she still kept saying us rude words and calling us thief. She even tried getting our addresses and indirectly was asking for payment even after we returned whatever we took.
After approx 20 minutes of verbal fight where she threatened to hit us, we left her after apologizing. Even if we were pretty far away we could hear her shouting to the neighbours around telling about us. We were too embarrassed due to it.
I accept our fault but we really didn't know if it was a private or public property.
So, can she send us a legal notice regarding it? Are we in trouble?
submitted by ConsistentAd8229 to india [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 NDC71334 Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic

Context: I thought that AEW did a great job with the Continental Classic 6 months ago and I want to try to book the next one (as I imagine they will be doing this again). For this booking, I will be doing the men's continental classic in 2024. Now for this, we are changing one major thing for this tournament compared to what they did last year. The winner of this tournament will get a shot at the AEW World Championship at the Revolution PPV. The finals of the Continental Classic will take place at World's End. The world champion in this fantasy booking for around this time is Will Ospreay. All of these matches take place on episodes of Dynamite and Collision respectively (I won't book what match takes place on which network) , I'll just be booking the tournament week-to-week. Below are the competitors listed for each block.
EDIT: My first draft exceeded the character limit for a post so I will be trimming down match details
Gold Block:
Blue Block:
Scoring: Win=3 points, Draw=1 point, Loss=0 points
20-minute time limits for each match
Outside interference is prohibited! No one is allowed at ringside (breaking these rules result in a point deduction)
Gold Block: Week 1
Blue Block: Week 1
Gold Block: Week 2
Blue Block: Week 2
Gold Block: Week 3
Blue Block: Week 3
Gold Block: Week 4
Blue Block: Week 4
Gold Bock: Week 5
Blue Block: Week 5
Final Standings (Gold and Blue):
Gold Block Finals:
Blue Block Finals:
Continental Classic Finals: AEW World's End
(MJF goes on to be a heel from this and Kenny Omega will face Will Ospreay in the main event of Revolution for the AEW World Championship)
What did you think? Did you like it? Did you not like it? What did you specifically like or dislike about it? Let me know!
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 grrrlfieri Came home to my locked front door wide open multiple times. Whats going on??

Posting this for my friend.
I live alone in a building with approximately one hundred apartments in New York city. On Monday, I came home after work after sleeping at my boyfriend’s house the night before. The apartment door was wide open, even though I distinctly remember locking it before I left.
All of my belongings are still here, including my purebred cat, multiple large TVs, iMac, and thousands of dollars of designer purses. Nothing in the apartment seems to have been moved around, no food is missing and there was no evidence that anyone had been in here (smell etc.)
I thought it was weird, and assumed I had left it open. I slept in my apartment Tuesday and Wednesday nights and came home from work as usual and the door did not open while I was gone.
On Thursday morning before I left for work, I closed the door and checked it MULTIPLE times because I was freaked out from the prior incident. I absolutely closed the door this day. That night, I slept at my boyfriend’s apartment again, and I came home on Friday to the door wide open.
My relationship is fairly new. Prior, I would leave the light on only for my cat when I would leave for work. I would never open my blinds because I frequently changed in my living room. You are able to see into my apartment easily either by standing in the parking lot, looking from another apartment, or looking by the window by the elevator bank. I read articles about how sunlight was good for you so I started opening my blinds more. I started doing this more often when I wasn’t home for my cat. When I would come home from work, I would close them to change. When I go to work and sleep over my boyfriend’s house, I’m not there to close the blinds at night, so it’s noticeable when I’m not home. During these nights, the door was opened.
I called the super who tried to open my locked door from the outside and wasn’t able to. He examined the lock and said nothing was broken.
No one has a copy of my keys besides me and the building management who has a master apartment key for when repairs are done when tenants are not home. I am not sure who exactly on the staff has access to this master key, but there are only two people I can think of (the super and the person who cleans the lobby). I don’t believe it was the super who is doing this but I don’t know much about the lobby janitor.
I have never had a suspicious interaction with anyone in or around the building, including other tenants or workers. I have lived in this apartment for 3.5 years and there has only been one tenant here before me, and I have their set of keys. In the past, there were people who would steal from the package room. One person posed as a pizza delivery person and robbed an unlocked apartment. However during my stay here, the property manager has changed. There are now fewer thefts. I don’t get anything delivered to my apartment, I always send packages to my job.
The super agreed to change my locks but won’t say when, and is being very nasty and dismissive and showing no urgency. In the meantime, I bought a ring camera and will set that up today. I am not opening my blinds anymore or giving any physical indication for when I am not home.
Asking for advice. What do you all think is going on? Is someone breaking in and just hanging out here and leaving? If so, why not take anything and why not CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND THEM WHEN THEY GO? Is my door just broken? It doesn’t look broken to the naked eye and does not jam or creep open when I am home. It also does not feel any different than usual when you jiggle the handle or open/close it.
I am a very quiet and respectful person and do not have any history of a stalker, or anyone who would want to hurt me or follow me including exes etc.
What should I do from here? I know I need the locks changed but at this point I am also hesitant to trust a locksmith that I just call at random. I also don’t know if changing the locks will do anything if the door itself is broken. Please help me!
submitted by grrrlfieri to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:09 Odd_Noise_2729 I just have this theory for fun called "Neighbors" in enneagram and i'd like to know what you guys think of this

So i noticed the disintegration/integration in enneagram highlights the direction that an enneagram type goes to in stress. and wings help us pick a subgenre of our core type. Since i really like those system, I came up with my own one called "neighbors" , in which they are the types that naturally aid and align within the quality and value of your core types, in a way that continue or backup the purpose of your core type that are the most upfront. It functions like a coexisting flow, or in other words, a set of "neighbors" since they are really familiar with each other.

Type 1: (Neighbor 8, 3)

Type 2: (Neighbor 9,4)

Type 3: (Neighbor 1,5)

Type 4: (Neighbor 2, 6)

Type 5: Neighbor (3, 7)

Type 6: (Neighbor 4, 8)

Type 7: (Neighbor 5, 9)

Type 8: (Neighbor 6, 1)

Type 9: (Neighbor 7, 2)

submitted by Odd_Noise_2729 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:07 Mysterious_Beyond905 Is it ok to call my kid’s friend ‘he’ if their parent doesn’t acknowledge this request?

My daughter has a female friend who, since we’ve known of them, has wanted to be referred to as a boy and go by a boy’s name.
They met during the pandemic when kids their age were all obsessed with the concept of gender and sexuality. We’ve since then noticed a lot of kids have grown out of this phase or moved on. I realize it’s not a phase for everyone, of course, and I am a supporter and ally of the LGBTQ community to the best of my ability. I was involved in the community when I was younger, having friends who are gay and bi and myself dating both sexes. So, yeah, I’m no stranger to it but have been out of it for many years since growing apart from those friends and exclusively being in a straight relationship for decades now.
So, here’s the issue. My kid’s father thinks “we should respect the parents wishes to call her a ‘her’ and not feed into the kids’ fantasies about who they think they want to be” and has addressed the topic with me numerous times saying we need to be on the same page on what we’re teaching our kids. My thought is “they’re kids. They’re exploring who they are and who they want to be. This has been consistent for a few years now with no change. I don’t care what they want to be called. Why not give them a safe space be who they want to be?” But he disagrees wholeheartedly and feels it’s disrespectful to the parents to call this kid a boy, who, when you look at them is clearly a girl. I’ll admit, I do have trouble when looking directly at them. One time I even said to my daughter about their friends “she’s such a cute girl!” and my kid got mad about it.
So, what do you all think? I feel like my stance on it is right and I’m not going to argue that here. But I’m open to opinions from parents who have been through this with their kids or have gone through it themselves as teens. My child’s father just doesn’t seem to be able to see the other side of the coin here, so I feel it would be helpful to have some personal stories to share with him.
submitted by Mysterious_Beyond905 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:06 MyBqckHurts33 Could develop a character

In my story the main character is a righteous hero known for only killing true villains and has a personal vendetta to side villain the group/his friends find the villain before him and notice he’s become docile and regrets his actions and the group decides to leave him but the main character later finds him and despite the villain apologising and feeling genuine regret the main character kills his out of anger. (Does this add to his character he’s still considered a hero and doesn’t just kill anyone but this event changes the groups perception of him and he later regrets it) is this a good way to add depth to a character?
submitted by MyBqckHurts33 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:05 username53976 No pics...just a story

I'm in my 50's, my folks are closing in on 80. So, we're at that stage where things are getting passed around. My mom opened up her cedar chest where all the blankets/afghans are stored (most of them crocheted or sewn by my paternal grandmother, who taught me to crochet), and told us kids we could pick out anything we wanted. Well, I spied one of my grandma's quilts, which my mom let me take. And there was the old afghan that was on the back of our couch for decades, which she did NOT let me take. I'll get it at some point, lol. The color scheme just screams 70's, so it's pretty cringe, but my grandma's work was flawless. It was a ripple afghan with color changes EVERY row, and I couldn't find where she weaved in any of the ends. This thing is perfection. I will have it.
Anyway, I found something else in that chest. A Christmas present from my grandma that I thought had long disappeared. Turned out my mom kept it. I don't know how to explain it, and maybe only older people will even know what I'm referring to, b/c I think they were popular back then. When I first opened the box, I thought my grandma had crocheted me my own little afghan, but it turned out to be a baby blanket with a baby in it. It wasn't a separate doll. It was crocheted into the blanket. The doll's head was just the front. It was stuffed and a bonnet on it .There were plastic hands and feet, but the arms and legs were crocheted and stuffed and attached to the blanket.
I was, I think, a bit too old for this to be a good present. You couldn't have the doll outside the blanket, and I was too old for dolls, anyway. And it didn't really work as a doll-in-a-blanket, b/c it was hard to swaddle the doll b/c it was sewn into the blanket straight, and as any self-respecting kid learned from their mommies, when you swaddle your dolls, they are laid diagonally in the blanket, so I couldn't get a proper swaddle on this thing anyway.
So, fast forward to me finding this 40-plus years later. I brought it home with me and it's been sitting on my shelf. I'm packing to move, and I'm wondering what to do with it. I want it for the memory, for the example of my grandma's flawless handiwork, but wtf am I going to do with a doll crocheted into a blanket? I thought of donating it. I thought of just tossing it. Then I noticed that the back of the doll was the same color as the blanket. The back of the doll WAS the blanket. I looked close and realized that the doll was attached by crocheting into stitches that were already there. IOW, I could cut the doll out and be left with a baby blanket. So, I did. The blanket ended up being a central rectangle, crocheted back and forth. Then stitches were picked up and the blanket crocheted in the round with increases at the corners, and the final round was shells. The central rectangle was what the baby's body was attached to.
So now I have something I'm willing to keep and take with me wherever I go!
submitted by username53976 to crochet [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:04 VisitIcy2391 Error updating to Bookworm

I have a raspberry pi, and I was updating the OS and keep getting make errors. from the make.log, it looks like a dependency for a WiFi USD adaptor I used for a while is now causing problems - probably incompatible with the new kernel. The box is hardwired now, so I really don't need this driver.
How do I remove the driver from the modules for the compile?
Sorry for the long dump, but here's the make.log
pi@plexpi:/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build $ cat make.log
DKMS make.log for rtl8821CU-5.4.1 for kernel 6.1.0-21-arm64 (aarch64)
Sat 18 May 08:53:14 EDT 2024
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/6.1.0-21-arm64/build M=/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/ussrc/linux-headers-6.1.0-21-arm64'
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_cmd.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_security.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_debug.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_io.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ioctl_query.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ioctl_set.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ieee80211.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_mlme.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_mlme_ext.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_mi.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_wlan_util.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_vht.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_pwrctrl.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_rf.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_recv.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_sta_mgt.o
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_sta_mgt.c: In function ‘rtw_mfree_stainfo’:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_sta_mgt.c:379:25: warning: the comparison will always evaluate as ‘true’ for the address of ‘lock’ will never be NULL [-Waddress]
379 if (&psta->lock != NULL)
In file included from /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/include/drv_types.h:107,
from /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_sta_mgt.c:17:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/include/sta_info.h:256:17: note: ‘lock’ declared here
256 _lock lock;
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ap.o
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ap.c: In function ‘rtw_ap_update_chbw_by_ifbmp’:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ap.c:4397:42: warning: the comparison will always evaluate as ‘true’ for the address of ‘padapters’ will never be NULL [-Waddress]
4397 if (!(ifbmp & BIT(i)) !dvobj->padapters)
In file included from /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ap.c:17:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/include/drv_types.h:1020:19: note: ‘padapters’ declared here
1020 _adapter *padapters[CONFIG_IFACE_NUMBER];/*IFACE_ID_MAX*/
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_ap.c:4417:42: warning: the comparison will always evaluate as ‘true’ for the address of ‘padapters’ will never be NULL [-Waddress]
4417 if (!(ifbmp & BIT(i)) !dvobj->padapters)
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/include/drv_types.h:1020:19: note: ‘padapters’ declared here
1020 _adapter *padapters[CONFIG_IFACE_NUMBER];/*IFACE_ID_MAX*/
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/mesh/rtw_mesh.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/mesh/rtw_mesh_pathtbl.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/mesh/rtw_mesh_hwmp.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_xmit.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_p2p.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_rson.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_tdls.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_br_ext.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_iol.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_sreset.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_btcoex_wifionly.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_btcoex.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_beamforming.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_odm.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_rm.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/rtw_rm_fsm.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/core/efuse/rtw_efuse.o
CC [M] /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.o
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.c: In function ‘rtw_change_ifname’:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.c:2494:28: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘_rtw_memcpy’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
2494 _rtw_memcpy(pnetdev->dev_addr, adapter_mac_addr(padapter), ETH_ALEN);
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.c:925:24: note: expected ‘void *’ but argument is of type ‘const unsigned char *’
925 void _rtw_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, u32 sz)
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.c: In function ‘rtw_random32’:
/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.c:2618:16: error: implicit declaration of function ‘prandom_u32’; did you mean ‘prandom_u32_max’? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
2618 return prandom_u32();
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
make[2]: *** [/ussrc/linux-headers-6.1.0-21-common/scripts/Makefile.build:255: /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build/os_dep/osdep_service.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [/ussrc/linux-headers-6.1.0-21-common/Makefile:2035: /valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/ussrc/linux-headers-6.1.0-21-arm64'
make: *** [Makefile:2217: modules] Error 2
pi@plexpi:/valib/dkms/rtl8821CU/5.4.1/build $
submitted by VisitIcy2391 to debian [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:04 jay_dhd No More KYC Hassle: Why Anonymous Crypto Casinos Are the Future of Gambling

The online gambling landscape is shifting, and a major player in this revolution is the rise of anonymous crypto casinos. If you value your privacy, security, and a hassle-free gaming experience, it's time to pay attention.
What's the Big Deal About KYC?
KYC, or "Know Your Customer," is the process traditional online casinos and many other financial institutions use to verify your identity. This involves submitting personal documents like passports, driver's licenses, and proof of address. While intended to prevent fraud and money laundering, it comes with significant downsides:
Enter the Anonymous Crypto Casino
Anonymous crypto casinos offer a compelling alternative. By leveraging the inherent privacy features of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, they eliminate the need for KYC. Here's why this is a game-changer:
Is It Really the Future?
The trend is clear: more players are seeking out no-KYC options. Traditional casinos are taking notice, with some experimenting with hybrid models that offer both KYC and anonymous options. However, it's the crypto-native platforms that are truly leading the charge.
Of course, anonymous casinos aren't without their critics. Some argue they could be used for illicit activities. However, responsible platforms have robust measures in place to prevent fraud and maintain a safe environment.
How to Get Started
If you're intrigued, it's easier than you might think to find a reputable anonymous casino. Do your research, read reviews, and look for platforms with a strong reputation and provably fair games.
The future of gambling is here, and it's anonymous. By choosing no-KYC crypto casinos, you can reclaim your privacy, enjoy a seamless gaming experience, and be part of a movement that's changing the way we play.
submitted by jay_dhd to noverificationcasinos [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:04 MGK_2 Changing Gears

OK, we are going to try to piece it together yet again. As I've stated in the past, all is conjecture but some of the things which I said in the past need realigning given the new direction the Company is taking. For a long time we've searched, but it all started in the beginning, so therefore, by definition, there must be an end. Many thanks to you my friend u/psasoffice for your help in piecing this puzzle together.
So, the time frame begins when it began, until the time it is realized or when the money runs out. Let's go back again to the summer of 2022, when share price went to $1.26, what caused that? Well to answer that, we need to go back even further.
Back in 2019, CytoDyn put out this PR CytoDyn Announces FDA Clearance to Proceed with Phase 2 Study of Leronlimab (PRO 140) and Regorafenib as a Combination Therapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Regorafenib is a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor with minimal efficacy and high toxicity. As u/perrenialloser pointed out, it has plenty of side effects and really is not that functional. However, the drug manufacturer Bayer was prepared to do this Phase II Clinical Trial in patients with metastatic CRC with CytoDyn.
"The study will be conducted by lead principal investigator, John L. Marshall, M.D., Director, The Ruesch Center for the Cure of GI Cancers Frederick P. Smith Endowed Chair, Chief, Hematology and Oncology Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C."
I wasn't around at the time to know for sure, but I believe this trial was set up by Nader. Eventually, this study would be withdrawn for reasons which I am about to disclose.
In October 2021, the MD Anderson Study with Keytruda is announced.
"Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., CytoDyn’s President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “We anticipate this study will further evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of leronlimab in the tumor microenvironment. We are excited about the possibilities for leronlimab to offer a potential new treatment option for breast cancer patients. This could be an additional indication for which we are pursuing approval for leronlimab. We are also very grateful to Dr. Scott Kelly for arranging for this study to be conducted by Dr. Jangsoon Lee, assistant professor of Breast Medical Oncology Research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center."
Cyrus Arman comes onboard as President effective July 9, 2022. During that summer of 2022, the CYDY share price ran up as high as $1.26 per share for some unknown reason. In the past, I attributed it to NASH. I give a breakdown of my thinking here in I Tell You A Mystery. In the commotion of Cyrus' hiring and the mass fluctuations of the share price, the MD Anderson Study had already been completed and the results were looking good to those privileged enough to have been granted rights to actually see the data. Coincidentally, it was about this time that the CRC with Regorafenib was withdrawn. Hmmm, Why was this trial withdrawn? Just because the MD Anderson results looked great or because there was something even more profound and substantial built upon those results?
"We can apply the same logic in the Oncology study being run by MD Anderson using Merck's Keytruda in combination with Leronlimab. We had all been waiting to find out what had happened with the results of the MD Anderson study, and Cyrus threw us this line: "Leronlimab is currently being trialed in combination with Keytruda (pembrolizumab) in a breast cancer xenograft model in partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center." From here, he gave us a hint of what is to come."
Soon following his hiring, Cyrus presented his Vision & Plan for the Company:
"17:09: And we're also still committed to HIV, but we're really looking at it more through the lens of developing longer-acting agents. And Dr. Sacha will be talking about that at the end of our discussion today.
17:21: So, within oncology, we're interested in studying what would be referred to as immunologically colder tumors. And Dr. Glück will present on what those -- what we mean by that later. But we think that these are areas where more recent advancements from checkpoint inhibitors have yet to really have a large impact in those markets. And so, we think that there's a unique opportunity based on the data we already have in some of these colder tumors to make an impact.
17:51: Within NASH, we're particularly excited about the data that we have there, and NASH will be our primary focus going forward. We'll also talk a little bit about a unique opportunity to study and look for the treatment effect of leronlimab in people living with HIV who also have NASH. And we think that we might be in a unique position to address that population."
"18:22: So, going forward, we're focusing on NASH, oncology and earlier-line HIV indications through longer-acting agents that inhibit CCR5. Again, we've already generated promising clinical signals in both NASH and oncology. And within NASH, we're exploring the opportunity to study a segment of patients of those NASH patients who are also living with HIV.
18:50: Within oncology, we want to pursue colorectal cancer and breast cancer specifically. Within the colorectal cancer population, we want to focus on a micro-satellite stable group, which represents about 85% of all diagnosed colorectal cancers. And within breast cancer, we want to focus on the hormone receptor positive HER2-negative population, which is about 70% of all diagnosed breast cancers, and the TNBC population since we have data in that space. All of these are quite large markets."
The FDA made it truly tough for Cyrus to meet his goals as the Company's main devotion was to get the hold lifted, so Rules had to be followed. Also, Cyrus unfortunately made NASH a focus and then subsequently became sick and then found himself taking a demotion. His focus really should have been on Oncology as #1 target as it finally is today. Here though is a revealing statement he made:
"...these are areas where more recent advancements from checkpoint inhibitors have yet to really have a large impact in those markets. And so, we think that there's a unique opportunity based on the data we already have in some of these colder tumors to make an impact."
Keeping that escalation in share price to $1.26 in mind, when did CA know about this data? He got the data on the MD Anderson results either before or shortly after his hire. Remember, shortly after NP was terminated, Cyrus was at CytoDyn working at least for a few months prior to his hire giving opportunity to the BOD to assess his work ethic and ways about him. In this time, CA saw the MD Anderson results and they were looking mighty good. Where are these results today? They still reside with MD Anderson. Why don't we have them right now? Too many $millions to buy it, but we saw the results and those results are the impetus for the change in gears of the Company's priorities. Surely Scott Kelly, who was responsible for securing the MD Anderson study has seen them as well.
Speculation: So, what did Cyrus do immediately once he saw those results? He negotiated a cancer play in mCRC with MD Anderson. We can try to piece this together using parts of this post.
"What also happened in August? Only the removal of the first management player who’s experience was in Negotiation and Partnerships, Brendan P. Rae. No longer any necessity for Negotiation? I guess not. As time went quickly by, without any word of what was taking place, the share price began to fall. It became uncomfortably obvious that by mid November, Recknor had been let go. He was CytoDyn's most experienced scientific, medical and managerial player for NASH, but in the game of a collaboration, anyone and everyone is a commodity and all are replaceable. On the same topic, a significant stock bonus was paid to the president in September of last year after only two months on the job. Was a deal struck? Also, our very own CMO, Scott Kelly who coined the phrase: “There are many ways to structure a partnership.“ himself gets terminated in December 2022."
Just like that bonus, (which was based on his obtaining a partnership), the short-lived share price rise also assumed that a deal had been struck. Scott Kelly was privy to the MD Anderson results just as Cyrus was. Why didn't Kelly put a deal together like Cyrus did? I don't want to diminish the fact that Kelly was wholly responsible originally for getting the MD Anderson murine study going. The fact is that a deal had been made and justifies Cyrus' bonus payment.
Proof came a year later, in October 2023 in a few posts by biloxiblues which together with everything else, in my eyes, solidifies this new theory. The price went to $1.26 because of this 100% fully funded, 200 patient Phase II mCRC combination Keytruda Clinical Trial Cyrus Arman had arranged with MD Anderson, based on the spectacular results of the MD Anderson murine study. But, as discussed in the posts by biloxi above, the BOD got in the way. This can also explain why the Regorafenib Bayer trial was withdrawn, when it became clear as day that the results of the MD Anderson study were great and a massive combination Keytruda trial was struck, but pending, unfortunately, taking second fiddle to the work of getting the hold lifted.
Through his discussions with Cyrus, biloxiblues indicates that Tanya would not compromise. She and the others on the BOD were too intently focused on following the mandates of the FDA. The FDA wasn't fooling around with the hold and CytoDyn could not make any more mistakes. Tanya was dead set on following the "Rules". The number one priority was to get off clinical hold and the FDA made it damn near impossible for CytoDyn and Cyrus. It damn near killed him. So, the BOD made the incredulous decision to walk away from Cyrus' baby, which was a fully funded mCRC combination trial with Keytruda and we learned all of that in October 2023 thanks to biloxiblues.
But this was Cyrus' baby, and he wasn't about to let her go. Could this be why CA is still with us? After all, aren't we back to mCRC again?
Dr. Lalezari comes on board in November of 2023 and puts forth the Inflammation and Immune Activation within a very small sub-set of HIV patients. Share price bumped up and pulled back. Damn, this trial with 90 patients could cost CytoDyn near $10 million. Where does that money come from? Share price is lower after the announcement. Can't raise money with a low share price. That would consume boat loads of shares. Inflammation/Immune Activation was not working. People weren't buying it.
Cyrus Arman is witnessing everything going on, that there is no money and that it is not advancing, and it occurs to him that his baby, may not be completely abandoned altogether. No, he realizes that the hope he once had lost due to circumstance could now be found again, so he advocates in earnest for her.
He recalls Scott Kelly discussing the 12/14/21 CC with Scott Kelly Basket Trials:
"25: 25 Kelly: We are excited about the Basket Trials. I'll start by saying I just presented at San Antonio Conference December 10th. That was in results wrt mTNBC in combination with carboplatin, CCR5 positive, mTNBC and I tell you, the reason why we are excited about the Basket Trial is that they think that there is a growing acceptance that the Tumor Micro Environment is the next Frontier for Immunotherapy. And I mean this amongst practicing physicians, the academic world, probably as well as big pharma, and I think we are more advanced than this. We've been looking at the mechanism of action in the tumor micro environment and see Leronlimabs impact across multiple different oncologic indications and we also think that we can pair this with a check point inhibitor, chemo, radiation, antibody zero conjugates, as well as maybe even a potential monotherapy in certain patients that don't qualify for other treatments. We think the MOA, with T-Regs. When T-Regs come in, they turn off the immune system. We know that they have a high prevalence of CCR5. We can block that. We can actually maybe leverage the immune system. If we look at macrophage re-polarization, that's another potential opportunity. Our animal studies showed a significant reduction in angiogenesis. I think it was 62% in total vessillary and 80% reduction in small vessel area. But, we know that tumors need a blood supply to grow and if we can help limit that, then we think we can have benefit for patients. And last, we know that normal cells, CCR5 is only present on an immune cell, but we know that when cells under go malignant transformation, that they start sprouting up CCR5, and we believe that is a contributor to metastasis. So, we have multiple different mechanisms of action and we continue to find more as we go along that we will be evaluating."
He remembers Dr. Gluck's discussion in the 12/7/22 R&D Update Dr. Stefan Gluck; MicroEnvironment.
"So, as you saw, very small studies, but extremely promising, and the signal for an oncologist like myself is so strong that I'm enthusiastic about it. We, as oncologists, need to be positive because otherwise, we cannot treat patients and tell them something better is coming. The leronlimab decrease of these tumor cells actually did relate both in mTNBC and in colorectal with improved survival. That's amazing."
Cyrus turns to our 3rd party AI collaborator and requests an assessment on the effect of a CCR5/L5 axis blockade in mCRC. Their AI engines get to work and compile all that is known and understood regarding the pertinent Biomarkers in combination with all the pertinent journal articles on the blockade of the CCR5/L5 axis in the disease to finally determine that it works like a charm, like no other.
He reflects upon these statements made in this Regorafenib study which supports the fight against the MSS cold tumors. Thank you u/perrenialloser for this journal article.
"The majority of patients with CRC exhibit a microsatellite stable (MSS) or mismatch repair proficient (pMMR) status, which is known as the “cold tumor” with less mutated oncogenes and less inflamed tumor immune microenvironment, resulting in a limited efficacy of ICIs (2). The inadequate recruitment and activization of immune cells to the tumor microenvironment were considered to be fundamental mechanisms underlying the inefficacy of ICIs in MSS mCRC (4). Combination strategies to enhance the immunogenicity of the tumor microenvironment and exploit the benefit of ICIs in patients with MSS are urgently needed."
He becomes even more convicted. Given all that I presented here in addition to the proven results of the MD Anderson, Keytruda study which Cyrus has laid his own eyes upon, he becomes whole heartedly supportive of the Priority switch to the mCRC Oncology Indication. I'm sure Richard Pestell was also 100% behind Cyrus in this decision to switch priorities. Also, by switching to Oncology, share price has a better chance of increasing as Oncology is favored by the public. Fund raising could happen much quicker with a higher share price resulting from a better indication. From the recent May 2024 Letter to Shareholders:
"Over the next six months, we expect to commence at least one, and potentially two clinical trials. The prospective clinical trials, in order of priority, are: (i) a Phase II study of leronlimab in patients with relapsed/refractory microsatellite stable colorectal cancer; and (ii) a Phase II study exploring leronlimab’s effects on inflammation. The Company’s priority will be the oncology trial which, if successful, will put us on track towards a commercial approval of leronlimab in that indication. The inflammation study is aimed at clarifying certain provocative observations related to leronlimab, and to help define the dose and underlying mechanism of anti-inflammatory action. It is imperative that the Company generate unassailable results in the clinic and I believe the above trials can accomplish this. Starting the oncology study and related fundraising is the top priority of the Company at this time, but our current hope is that we can initiate both studies before the end of this calendar year."
So straight from the CEO's mouth, related fundraising is the top priority of the Company at this time. Cyrus remains here at CytoDyn because of the need to pump up the value by switching to a more attractive Indication Priority. I repeat all of this, because with all of the peer reviewed and published Journal Articles that discuss the CCR5/L5 axis in the context of Colo-Rectal Cancer and given Keytruda's exceptional performance as a PD 1 blockade in only 15% of these CRC MSI tumors, leronlimab can open the door wide open to the remaining 85% MSS tumors. The trial starts this year. Also from the recent Shareholder Letter:
"Research and development partnership opportunities are important to the Company as we search for cost-effective ways to further build out our product development portfolio. We have identified several such opportunities that we believe are intriguing and anticipate finalizing agreements with these partners in the very near future. Such potential partnerships include an investigator-initiated pilot study of leronlimab in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, and a project that will evaluate the use of leronlimab in patients living with HIV who are undergoing stem cell transplantation in a proof of cure study. Following lifting of the clinical hold, we have observed a significant increase in third parties that are interested in partnering with the Company. We will continue to review opportunities as they arise, given the potential for significant value return at little or no cost to the Company."
The question I now have is with whom? Partners are incoming, but did leronlimab make it easier for the PD-1 blocker Keytruda to work in MSS mCRC tumors? If it did, (and Cyrus knows if it did or did not), then Merck certainly remains there in the bidding. If leronlimab did it all by itself and Keytruda was superfluous, then the partner might be someone like u/i__OBSERVER points to entities such as the NIH as the source of that funding.
Personally, I am very much thankful to anyone involved that pushed for the change in priority as mCRC is a much better recognized Indication, and one that is easier to understand and bring to the public.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:04 TheQuranicMumin What you should (and shouldn't) do according to the Qur'an

Salaam all!
I've attempted to compile the "do's and don'ts" of the Qur'an, the following list is all OC. I very likely have made some mistakes/errors in judgment whilst compiling - or missed things out, so please do comment and point things out, i'll edit the post.
Enjoy :)

Do this:

Serve God (1:5)
Ask God for help (1:5)
Believe in Unseen (2:3)
Uphold the salāt (2:3)
Believe in the Qur’an and what preceded it (2:4)
Be certain of the Hereafter (2:4)
If in doubt, bring a Surah like it (2:23)
If there comes to you guidance from Him, follow it (2:38)
Render the zakāt (2:43)
Be in ruku’ (2:43)
Use reason (2:44)
Seek help in patience and salāt (2:45)
Consider your meeting with the Lord (2:46)
Be in prudent fear of the judgment day (2:48)
Trust in God, the last day, and do good (2:62)
Be good to parents (2:83)
Be good to kin, fatherless or the poor (2:83)
Be in prudent fear (2:103)
Say “look at us” (2:104)
Pardon and forbear (2:109)
Send good ahead (2:110)
Bring proof of claims (2:111)
Submit to God (2:112)
Do Good (2:82)
Trust in God and the last day (2:126)
Hold to the creed of Abraham (2:135)
Say that you trust in Him, what He has sent down (2:136)
Make no distinction between the prophets (2:136)
Immerse in Him (2:138)
Respond to those who say that Abraham (and descendants) were Christians/Jews with “know you better, or does God?” (2:140)
Direct your face to the inviolable place of worship wherever you are (2:144)
Remember Him (2:152)
Be grateful to Him (2:152)
Be patient (2:153)
Bear glad tidings to the patient (2:155)
Repent / Ask forgiveness (2:160)
Love Him (2:165)
Eat what is halāl or tayyeb (2:168)
Trust in Him, the last day, the angels, the Writ, the prophets (2:177)
Give wealth to relatives, the fatherless, the needy, and the wayfarer (2:177)
Manumit slaves (2:177)
Keep a covenant when you make it (2:177)
Qisās ‘prescribed’ (2:178)
Pay blood-money if no Qisās (2:178)
Will ‘prescribed’ (2:180)
Make right when you notice testator partiality (2:182)
Fasting in general ‘prescribed’ (2:183)
If sick or on journey, carry fasting forward (2:184)
Pay fidya if fast missed (2:184)
Fast in Ramadān (2:185)
Respond to Him (2:186)
Trust Him (2:186)
Lie with women after fasting (2:187)
Seek what he prescribed (2:187)
Eat and drink until the white thead is clear from the dark, then fast till sunset (2:187)
Approach houses by doors (2:189)
Fight those who fight you (2:190)
Kill those who fight you (2:191)
Turn out those who turned you out (2:191)
Don’t fight in the inviolable masjid until fought (2:191)
Fight until they desist, or until the end of fitnah (2:193)
Qisās in the sacred months (2:194)
Spend in His cause (2:195)
Do the hajj (2:196)
Do the offering of animals if not possible (2:196)
If sick, or hindrance of the head: redemption by fasting, charity, or penance (2:196)
If cannot attend, fast three days during it, the seven days upon return, save if family is permanently resident on site (2:196)
Take provision (2:197)
Remember Him at al-mash’ar al-harām (2:198)
Pour forth from where men have poured forth (2:199)
Remember Him like the remembrance of your father or stronger, after rites finished (2:200)
Ask Him to give you good in the World and Hereafter, and to protect you from the punishment (2:201)
Sell yourself for Him (2:207)
Enter into submission completely (2:208)
Fighting ‘prescribed’ (2:216)
Trust (2:218)
Emigrate (2:218)
Strive in His cause (2:218)
Hope for his mercy (2:218)
Spend the surplus (2:219)
Approach purified women in the correct manner (2:222)
Purify yourself (2:222)
Bear glad tidings to the mu’minūn (2:223)
Wait four months after foreswearing women (2:226)
Divorced women wait themselves for three menstrural courses (2:228)
When divorcing, retain them or release them (2:231)
Remember His favour (2:231)
Children are suckled for two ‘haūl’ (2:233)
Father provides provision and clothing (2:233)
Widows must wait for 4 months and ten days (2:234)
When divorcing her and you haven’t touched her nor appointed an obligation for her, make her a gift (2:236)
If they have an obligation appointed, then give half, unless forgoed (2:237)
Don’t forget the bounty between you two (2:237)
Preserve the salawāt (2:238)
Stand up for God humbly obedient (2:238)
If in fear, waking or riding (2:239)
Widows are to recieve one years maintenance with no expulsion (2:240)
Divorced women recieve provision (2:241)
Fight in His cause (2:244)
Spend of what He provided (2:254)
Deny tāghūt (2:257)
Spend in His cause (2:261)
Give up usury (2:278)
Defer money return until ease upon borrower (2:280)
[Follow debt contract instructions] (2:282)
If on journey and no writer, then a pledge in hand (2:283)
Make no distinction between messengers (2:285)
Obey Him (2:285)
Be truthful (3:17)
Seek forgiveness at dawn (3:17)
Be obedient (3:17)
Bear witness that there is no God save He (3:18)
Ask those given the writ and the unschooled if they’ve submitted (3:20)
Obey Him and the Messenger (3:32)
If they turn away, bear witness that you are submitting (3:64)
Fulfil your covenant (3:76)
Make no distinction between the prophets (3:84)
Spend of what you love (3:92)
Make pilgrimage to the house (3:97)
Hold fast to Him (3:101)
Hold fast to the rope of God together (3:103)
Have a community that invites to God, enjoins what is fitting, and forbids perversity (3:104)
Compete in good deeds (3:114)
Place trust in Him (3:122)
Be in prudent fear of the fire (3:131)
Vie with each other for forgiveness (3:133)
Control wrath (3:134)
Travel in the Earth to see the final outcome of the deniers (3:137)
Seek His approval (3:162)
Respond to God after injury befalls (3:172)
Fear Him (3:175)
Remember Allah standing, sitting, on the sides; reflect on the creation (3:191)
Be steady (3:200)
Give the fatherless their property (4:2)
If there is an injustice of the fatherless, then perform polygamy (4:3)
Give women their dowries (4:4)
If they remit anything voluntarily, then consume it with satisfaction and pleasure (4:4)
Feed and clothe the incompetent (4:5)
Test the fatherless when they reach marriage, if they are sound then give their property with witnesses (4:6)
Men/Women have a designated share of what parents/relatives leave (4:7)
If the fatherless and needy are at the site of division, then give part of what is left (4:8)
[Inheritance laws] (4:12-13)
[*] (4:15-16)
If you can’t marry free women, then from MMA of believing maids, marry them with the lesve of their people (4:25)
MMA are due half the punishment of free wine if they commit fāhisha (4:25)
Avoid enormities of whats forbidden (4:31)
For men and women is a share of what they earned (4:32)
Give shares to those whom your oaths have bound (4:33)
Men have responsibility over women (4:34)
Women are to be humbly obedient and keeping unseen what God keeps (4:34)
If you fear contempt from your women, then admonish them, and leave in beds apart, and [*] them – save that they obey you (4:34)
If a breach is feared, then an arbitrator from both sides are to be raised (4:35)
Good conduct towards relatives, the fatherless, the needy, the neighbour, the companion, the wayfarers, and MMA (4:36)
Spend of what Allah provides (4:39)
If you are ill, on a journey, have defecated, or had intercourse, and find not water, then perform tayammum (4:43)
Deliver trusts to owners and judge with justice (4:58)
Obey those in authority amongst you (4:59)
If you differ in a matter, refer to God and the Messenger (4:59)
Turn away from munāfiqūn, and admonish them (4:63)
Ask the messenger to ask forgiveness for you (4:64)
Take precaution and advance in groups/together (4:71)
Fight satan’s allies (4:76)
Consider the Qur’an with care (4:82)
Interceding in a good cause (4:85)
When you are greeted, return it, or greet with something greater (4:86)
Take not that munāfiqūn as allies until they emigrate in His cause, if they turn back then kill them (4:89)
If they withdraw and offer peace, you have no path against them (4:90)
Accidental murder of a mu’min: Manumit a mu’min slave and give blood-momey to family – save forgiveness (4:92)
Fast two months consecutively if not possible (4:92)
Verify/investigate when you go forth in His cause (4:94)
When you are amongst them then perform the salāt for them[follow procedure mentioned] (4:102)
When that salāt is concluded, remember Him standing, sitting, on the sides, and when at ease (4:103)
The salāt is required to be performed at set times for the mu’minūn (4:103)
Submit your face to Him, do good, follow the creed of Abraham (4:125)
Stand up for equity for the fatherless (4:127)
Be witnesses to God (4:135)
Bear tidings to the munāfiqūn (4:138)
Desist from tritheism (4:171)
[Kalalah inheritance] (4:176)
Fulfil contracts (5:1)
Assist one another to virtue (5:2)
Eat from what is caught by what you have trained of animals of prey as trainers (5:4)
When you rise for the prayer, wash the face, the hands, the arm, and the feet to the ankles (5:6)
If you are unclean, then purify yourself (5:6)
Lend to God a goodly loan (5:12)
Bury after death? (5:31)
If one wages war against God and His messenger, and work corruption in the land: Then kill them, or crucify [or put to death by stake] them, ot their hands and feet be cut off, or they be banished (5:33)
Seek to Him the means of approach (5:35)
[Punishment for stealing] (5:38)
Let ahl al-injīl judge by what God sent (5:47)
Take Him, His messenger, and those who trusted as allies (5:56)
Be moderate (5:66)
Prevent one another from performing perversity (5:79)
Eat of what God has provided from what is lawful and good (5:88)
[Oath expiation] (5:89)
Avoid khamr, games of change, altars, and divining arrows (5:90)
Bear responsibility for yourself (5:105)
[Testimony after death] (5:106)
Listen (5:108)
Travel in the Earth to see the final outcomes of the deniers (6:11)
Use reason (6:32)
Call to Him (6:41)
Humble yourself (6:43)
Turn in repentance after committing evil by ignorance (6:54)
Measure God with the measure due (6:91)
Preserve your salāt (6:92)
Leave those who fabricate, and what they fabricate (6:112)
Eat over which His name has been remembered (6:118)
Leave the outwardness and the inwardness of sin (6:120)
Work according to your power (6:135)
Render due on day of harvest (6:141)
Inform with knowledge when making claim (6:143)
Follow the straight path (6:153)
Dedicate your salāt, penance, your living, and your dying to Him (6:162)
Uphold countenances at every place of submission (7:29)
Call to Him sincere in doctrine (7:29)
Take your adornment at every place of submission (7:31)
Acknowledge Messengers when they come (7:35)
Call to Him humbly and in secret (7:55)
Be patient for the judgment (7:87)
Repent and believe after evil deeds (7:153)
Follow the unschooled prophet (7:157)
Forbid evil (7:165)
Use your [metaphoric] senses (7:179)
Call to Him by his names (7:180)
Call your partners and see if they respond (7:194)
Seek refuge in Him from the satan, if provoked (7:200)
Heed to the Qur’an and listen attentively (7:204)
Reserve spoils for God and His messenger (8:1)
Make right in what is between you (8:1)
Respond to Him and His messenger when He calls you to what gives you life (8:24)
Fight until no fitnah (8:39)
If they turn away know that He’s your protector (8:40)
What you obtain of spoils, a fifth belongs to God, His messenger, relatives, fatherless, the poor, and wayfarer (8:41)
If you fear treachery, cast them back (8:58)
Prepare forces and calvary to terrify them (8:60)
If they incline to peace, then incline to it (8:61)
Consume what you took of spoils (8:69)
Strive with four property and lives (8:72)
Help those who seek help within the deen (8:72)
Bear tidings to those in kufr of a painful punishment (9:3)
Kill, seize, ambush, and restrain the mushrikīn once the inviolable months have passed (9:5)
Release them if they repent, and perform the prayer, and render the zakāt (9:5)
If a mushrik seeks protection, grant it,.until he hears His words; then escort to his secure place (9:6)
Fight those who make not unlawful what is unlawful (9:29)
Fight until the jizya is payed (9:29)
Give the Rabbis and Monks tidings of a painful punishment (9:34)
Please Him (9:62)
Let them be (9:95)
Act (9:105)
Rejoice in the contracted bargain with Him (9:111)
Keep His limits (9:112)
Be with the truthful (9:119)
Fight the kufār close to you (9:123)
Be harsh with them (9:123)
Serve Him (10:3)
If they challenge the Qur’an, ask them to bring a Surah like it (10:38)
Declare yourself quit of them (10:41)
Consider that the punishment can come at any time (10:50)
Take a straight path (10:89)
Look at what is in the heavens and the Earth (10:101)
Humble yourself unto Him (11:23)
Be clement, compassionate, penitent (11:75)
Be right-minded (11:78)
Right ordering (11:88)
Watch (11:93)
Fear the punishment of the hereafter (11:103)
Uphold the prayer at both ends of the day, and at the night’s approach (11:114)
Forbid corruption (11:116)
Use reason (12:2)
Pick imprisonment over sexual immorality (12:33)
Invite to Him with insight (12:108)
Respond to Him (13:18)
Join what’s commanded to be joined (13:21)
Avert evil with good (13:22)
Find rest in remembrance (13:28)
Be patient wherein you are hindered (14:12)
Fear His station (14:14)
Speak a good word (14:24)
Leave them to enjoy themselves (15:3)
Give glory (15:98)
Warn that there is no God save Him (16:2)
Be virtuous (16:32)
Ask the people of the remembrance if you know not (16:43)
When you recite the Qur’an, seek refuge from the accursed satan (16:98)
Falsely declare things to be lawful/unlawful (16:116)
Repent, despite committing evil out of ignorance (16:119)
Invite with wisdom, comely admonition, and dispute with what is best (16:125)
Retaliate with the like of what wherewith you are harmed, save that you forgive (16:126)
Strive for the hereafter (17:19)
Good conduct to parents (17:23)
Speak to them a noble word (17:23)
Be gentle with them and make supplication for them (17:24)
Speak a gentle word to those who need charity, but you can’t provide (17:28)
Weigh with the straight balance (17:35)
Recite the Qur’an (17:45)
Say that which is best (17:53)
Uphold the prayer at the merging of the sun until the dark of the night (17:78)
Recite at dawn (17:78)
Keep a vigil with some of the night (17:79)
Ask God to cause you to enter a true entrance and to leave at a true exit (17;80)
Declare that truth has come, and vanity is to pass (17:81)
Declare Him a sufficient witness (17:96)
Perform salāt at a medium volume (17:110)
Whoso wills, let them believe – and vice versa (18:29)
Be steadfast in His ‘ibādah (19:65)
Eat and attend to your cattle (20:54)
Give glory before rising of the sun, before it’s setting, some of the night, and at two ends of the day (20:130)
Extend your eyes towards what has been granted to others (20:131)
Call in hope and fear (21:90)
Be a righteous servant (21:105)
Feed the unfortunate poor (22:28)
Make an end of unkemptness (22:29)
Fulfil vows (22:29)
Walk around that ancient house (22:29)
Honour the sacred things (22:30)
Avoid false speech and abomination of idols (22:30)
Incline to Him (22:31)
Honour the tokens of God (22:32)
Sacrifice at ancient house (22:33)
Remember His name over camels when they are in lines (22:36)
When their flanks collapse, eat thereof and feed the reticent poor and the beggar (22:36)
Be in ruku’, and sujood (22:77)
Be a mu’min (23:1)
Be humble in salāt (23:2)
Preserve chastity (23:5)
Preserve your salawāt (23:9)
Leave them in their flood of ignorance, for a time (23:54)
Have a heavy balance (23:102)
Lash the unchaste woman and the unchaste man each with 100 lashes, have no pity on them, and let it be witnessed by mu’minūn (24:2)
Lash those who accuse chaste women with insufficient witnesses with 80 lashes, and never accept them as a witness (24:4)
If you, as a visitor, are asked to leave, then leave (24:28)
If you are a man, lower your gaze (24:30)
As a woman, you should also lower the gaze, you must additionally not reveal adornment except what I’d apparent, and you should cover the bosom [except to listed people] (24:31)
Give in marriage the unmarried (24:32)
Abstain if you find not marriage (24:33)
Emancipate those who seek it, if there is good in them, and give them of your wealth (24:33)
Declare allegiance (24:51)
If you are part of one’s right hand possessions, or one who has not reached puberty yet, then – ask permission before entering at the three times of their nakedness (24:58)
Greet with a greeting from God (24:61)
Rest at night (25:47)
Walk modestly (25:63)
Speak peace when addressed by ignorants (25:63)
Spend the night standing and in sujūd (25:64)
Seek a middle ground when spending, if you must (25:63)
Pass by vain speech with dignity (25:72)
Request to Him that your wives and progeny be made a comfort, and make you a good model (25:74)
Obey the command of the committers of excess (26:151)
Warn relatives (26:214)
Help people out (28:25)
Seek provision with Him (29:17)
Discover how He originated creation (29:20)
Reflect within yourself (30:8)
Provide to MMA (30:28)
Set yourself towards the right natural deen (30:30)
Desire His face (30:38)
Prepare for yourself (30:44)
Grateful to parents (31:14)
Be modest in walk (31:19)
Lower the voice (31:19)
Fall in sujūd when reminded of proofs (32:15)
Forsake your bed (32:16)
Call the adopted children by their fathers (33:5)
Take the messenger as a model
Stay within houses [prophet wives] (33:33)
Give glory morning and evening (33:42)
Give those whom you divorce before consummation provision (33:49)
[Historic conduct regarding prophet’s house] (33:53)
Greet the prophet with a valuation (33:56)
Women draw down over themselves some garments, for recognition (33:59)
Stand up for God in twos and alone, then reflect (34:46)
Let the workers work (37:61)
Remember David, the repentant (38:17)
Be humbly obedient in the watches of the night (39:9)
Hope for His mercy (39:9)
Expand your breast to submission (39:22)
Experience a positive reaction to the Qur’an (39:23)
Come with the truth and live in accordance to it (39:33)
Follow the best of what is sent down (39:55)
Invite to your Lord (41:33)
Grow not weary in giving glory (41:38)
Take the Qur’an as a healing (41:44)
Defer disputes to His judgement (42:10)
Uphold the Deen (42:13)
Be in dread of the hour (42:18)
Love your kin (42:23)
Avoid enormities of sin and immorality (42:37)
Conduct affairs by mutual consultation (42:38)
Help yourself when insolence visits (42:39)
Remember His favour once settled on cattle (43:13)
Watch for the day of the obvious smoke (44:10)
Watch (44:59)
Forgive those who look not for His days (45:14)
Follow the sharī’a (45:18)
Keep to the path (46:13)
[Say what is mentioned upon reaching fourty] (46:15)
Believe in what was sent down upon Muhammad (47:2)
Smite the necks of those in kufr when in battle (47:4)
Grace or ransom war captives (47:4)
Help Him (47:7)
Be obedient (47:21)
Consider the Qur’an with care (47:24)
Sue for peace when you have the upper hand (47:35)
Honour the messenger (48:9)
Be hard against those in kufr (48:29)
Lower voice in presence of messenger (49:3)
Verify the report of a perfidious one (49:6)
Make right between groups of mu’minūn (49:9)
Fight the oppressive group (49:9)
Make right between brothers (49:10)
Preserve modesty and duties (50:32)
Give ear with a conscious mind (50:37)
Glorify at the ends of the sujūd (50:40)
Listen for the day that the Caller will call from near (50:41)
Sleep little of the night (51:17)
Ask forgiveness before break of day (51:18)
Give glory when arising (52:48)
Give glory at the retreat of the stars (52:49)
Remember the ayah of the ark (54:15)
Remember the Qur’an, which is easy for remembrance (54:17)
Remember destruction of sects (54:51)
Fear His standing (55:46)
Aim to be of the sābiqūn (56:10)
Touch the Qur’an only when purified (56:79)
Aim to be of the muqarrabūn (56:88)
Fight before victories (57:10)
Lend to Him a goodly loan (57:11)
Compete for forgiveness (57:21)
Observe good/neutral innovations with due observation (57:27)
If you go back on what you have said, then free a slave before touching [other circumstances in next verse] (58:3)
When engaging in private conversation, don’t allow it to be of a sinful kind (58:9)
Make room in the assemblies when instructed; arise when instructed (58:11)
[Charity before conversation with messenger historically] (58:12)
What the messenger gives you, take it [and opposite] (59:7)
Protect from avarice of the nafs (59:9)
Look to what you have sent ahead for the morrow (59:18)
Take Abraham and his companions as good models [see full verse] (60:4)
Examine the emigrated women, to determine their faith; if they are mu’mināt, send them not back (60:10)
Return the mahr to those whom have had wives flee to kuffār (60:11)
Fight in compacted ranks (61:4)
When the call for the Friday salāt is heard, hasten to it (62:9)
Disperse upon completion, seek His bounty (62:10)
Spend before death arrives (63:10)
Beware of enemies amongst wives and children (64:14)
Listen to the Qur’an (64:16)
Count waiting period after divorce (65:1)
Turn divorcees out of house, unless they commit immorality (65:1)
Seperation to be witnessed by two just men (65:2)
If no menstruation, count three months (65:4)
If pregnant, wait until end (65:4)
Lodge then where you are, according to means, don’t press them (65:6)
Spend if they have a child, until delivered (65:6)
If they suckle, give them their reward; consult honourably (65:6)
If difficulties between you, let another suckle (65:6)
Let him with abundance spend out of it (65:7)
Fear your Lord while unseen (67:12)
Walk in the tracts (67:15)
Be patient with comely patience (70:5)
Be constant in your salāt (70:23)
Confirm.the day of judgment (70:26)
Be in dread of the punishment (70:27)
Be upright in your witness (70:33)
Preserve you salāt (70:34)
Follow the broad ways of the Earth (71:20)
Recite the Qur’an distinctly (73:4)
Devote yourself completely to Him (73:8)
Recite what is made easy of the Qur’an (73:20)
Magnify Him (74:3)
Purify your garments (74:4)
Foresake defilement (74:5)
Give food out of love of Him to the prisoner (76:8)
Seek a way to paradise (76:18)
Remember His name morning and evening (76:25)
If you have a plan then plan against Him [challenge] (77:39)
Be lowly (77:48)
Take the day as a living (78:11)
Take your Lord as a journey’s end (78:39)
Fear His station (79:40)
Let aspire those who aspire (83:26)
Let look at what you are created from (86:5)
Take heed (87:10)
Purify yourself (87:14)
Remember His name (87:15)
Look at the creation of the camel, sky, mountain, Earth (88:20)
Free a slave (90:13)
Feed in a day of starvation a fatherless relation, or a needy one in misery (90:16)
Counsel one another to compassion (90:17)
Increase the nafs in purity (91:9)
Confirm the best (92:6)
Recount His favour (93:11)
When unoccupied, make ready (94:7)
Turn your desire to Him (94:8)
Enjoin prudent fear (96:12)
Draw near (96:19)
Be pleased with Him (98:8)
Have a heavy balance (101:6)
Counsel each other to truth (103:3)
Sacrifice (108:2)
Declare that you serve not what those in kufr serve (109:2)
Declare the oneness.of Him (112:1)
Seek refuge in Him from the evil of what He created, the darkness, the blowers on knots, and the envier (113:5)
Seek refuge from the evil of the retreating whisperer (114:4)

Don’t do this:

Buy error at the price of guidance (2:16)
Make equals with God (2:22)
Deny before bringing a surah like it (2:24)
Break the agreement (2:27)
Work corruption in the land (2:27)
Deny the āyāt (2:39)
Conceal truth knowingly (2:42)
Enjoin virtue and forget yourselves (2:44)
Ask to see/interact with Him openly (2:55)
Change the saying (2:59)
Complain (2:61)
Kill prophets (2:61)
Exceed bounds / Transgress (2:61)
Transgress the Sabbath (2:65)
Ask unnecessary/excessive questions (2:71)
Assume (2:78)
Fabricate a kitāb, claiming it’s from God (2:79)
Ascribe what you know not (2:80)
Allow offenses to encompass you (2:81)
Kill amongst you and turn out of homes (2:84)
Assist in sin (2:85)
Believe in part of the kitāb and reject the rest (2:85)
Buy this life over the hereafter (2:86)
Wax proud (2:87)
Claim that your heart is covered (2:88)
Deny what God has sent (2:90)
Ignore/Deny clear signs (2:92)
Commit shirk (2:96)
Be an enemy to Him, angels, messenger, or Gabriel and Michael (2:98)
Practice sihr (2:102)
Say “attend to us” (2:104)
Ask Muhammad the same way that Moses was asked (2:108)
Exchange security for kufr (2:108)
Attempt to bring people into kufr (2:109)
Claim who enters paradise (2:111)
Hinder places places of worship (2:114)
Say that He has a son (2:116)
Follow vain desires (2:120)
Be in kufr (2:126)
Be averse to the creed of Abraham (2:130)
Die save you are submitting (2:132)
Conceal witness from Him (2:140)
Say that those matyred are dead (2:154)
Follow the footsteps of shaytān (2:168)
Commit evil (2:169)
Commit the immorality (2:169)
Follow/Trust forefathers blindly (2:170)
Eat carrion, blood, or flesh of al-khinzīr (2:173)
Eat what is dedicated to other than Him (2:173)
Buy punishment at the price of forgiveness (2:175)
Differ concerning the kitāb (2:176)
Transgress after qisās settlement (2:178)
Change the will (2:181)
Lie with women when remaining in masājid (2:187)
Consume wealth in vanity (2:188)
Bribery (2:188)
Shave head until animal is at slaughter place (2:196)
Destroy yourself (2:195)
Have sex, do perfidity, or quarrel during hajj (2:197)
Ask God to give to you in the World (2:200)
Complete the hajj in less than two days (2:203)
Destroy tilth and progeny (2:205)
Have pride in sin (2:206)
Exchange favour of God for denial (2:211)
Fight in the sacred months (2:217)
Expel those of the inviolable masjid (2:217)
Consume khamr or engage in games of change (2:219)
Marry mushrikīn until they are safe from calling to hell (2:221)
Approach women during menstruation (2:222)
Make God a cover for oaths (2:224)
Conceal pregnancy (2:228)
Take what you have given women unless they cannot uphold the limits (2:229)
Transgress the limits of God (2:229)
Remarriage not lawful till she marries someone else (2:230)
Retain women through harm (2:231)
Take ayāt in mockery (2:231)
Constrain not those whom you divorce from marrying spouses (2:232)
Allow a mothefather to be harmed by child (2:233)
Take an oath with those whom you intimated of women regarding proposal, save you speak a fitting word (2:235)
Decide upon knot of marriage until writ reaches it’s term (2:235)
Force others into the doctrine (2:256)
Hinder (2:262)
Commit immortality (2:268)
Consume usury (2:275)
Commit sin (2:276)
Conceal the witness (2:283)
Seek the interpretation of what is ambiguous, seeking fitnah (3:7)
Kill those who enjoin equity (3:21)
Say that the fire will touch for days numbered (3:24)
Take kāfirūn as allies (3:28)
Engage in scheming (3:54)
Dispute regarding what you have no knowledge in (3:66)
Clothe truth in vanity (3:71)
Seek outside the doctrine of God (3:83)
Deny after faith (3:86)
Obey a faction of those given the writ (3:100)
Be divided (3:103)
Take intimatez other than your own (3:118)
Consume usury (3:130)
Faint/Grieve (3:139)
Assume entry to jannah (3:142)
Weaken/Yield (3:146)
Be like those in kufr, who believe that different circumstances would have saved their brothers (3:156)
Coercion (3:161)
Incur His wrath (3:162)
Say with your mouths what isn’t in your heart (3:167)
Think that those killed in his cause are dead (3:169)
Fear not Satan’s allies (3:175)
Buy denial at the price of faith (3:177)
Be miserly with what God gives of His bounty (3:180)
Say that God is poor (3:181)
Having pride and pretending (3:188)
Exchange your bad things for their [fatherless] good things (4:2)
Polygamy if you fear that the fatherless will not be justly treated (4:3)
Give the incompetent your wealth (4:5)
Consume the property of the fatherless wastefully/hastily (4:6)
Try repent last minute (4:18)
Inheriting from/Constraining wiomen against their will – save that they commit fāhisha (4:19)
Take from the fortune that you gave your first wife for your new wife (4:20)
Marrying what your fathers married (4:22)
Marrying your mothers, daughters, sisters, p/m aunts, nieces, milk-mothers, milk-sisters, mothers-in-law, step-daughters under protection, daughters-in-law, being in wedlock with two biological sisters simultaneously (4:23)
Marrying married women – save MMA (4:24)
Take secret friends (4:25)
Kill those amongst you (4:29)
Consume wealth in vanity (4:29)
Wish for that by which Allah has made some of you exceed others (4:32)
Being a conceited boaster (4:36)
Being miserly and enjoining miserliness (4:37)
Spend wealth for recognition (4:38)
Oppose the messenger (4:42)
Approaching the salāt when intoxicated or unclean – save passing by upon the path – until you wash (4:43)
Twist tongue and slander the Deen (4:46)
Beliefs in fictions and tāghūt (4:51)
Envy the bounty of others (4:54)
Referring legislation to tāghūt (4:60)
Staying behind from fighting (4:72)
Try hiding away (4:78)
Conspiring (4:81)
Leaking information regarding public safety (4:83)
Interceding in an evil cause (4:85)
Killing a mu’min on purpose (4:92)
If one greets with peace, don’t declare them a non-mu’min (4:94)
Being sedentary (4:95)
Making excuses about being oppressed, to justify wronging their souls (4:97)
Faint in seeking the people (4:104)
Advocating for the treacherous (4:105)
Argue on behalf of those who decieve themselves (4:107)
Commit an offense upon an innocent (4:122)
Make a breach with the messenger after the guidance is clear (4:115)
Following desires, changing the creation (4:119)
Incline towards only one wife, leaving the other hanging (4:129)
Distort/Evade (4:135)
Wavering (4:137)
Sit with those who discourse vainly concerning the proofs of God until they move to another subject (4:140)
Seel to decieve God (4:142)
Performing the salāt to be seen (4:142)
Public mention of evil, save when wronged (4:148)
‘Choosing’ messengers (4:150)
Ask to see God (4:153)
Be tritheistic (4:171)
Hunt when forbidden (5:1)
Violate the tokens of God, or the inviolable month, or the offering, or the necklaces, or the visitors (5:2)
Commit injustice to those who turned you out of the inviolable place of worship (5:2)
Consume the strangled, the beaten, the fallen, the gored, that eaten by the beast of prey – save what is slaughtered, that sacrificed upon the alter (5:3)
Seek apportionment by divining arrows (5:3)
Deny the faith (5:5)
Claim that God is the Messiah, son of Mary (5:17)
Claim that you are His sons and beloved (5:18)
Kill another soul (5:30)
Fear mankind (5:44)
Take the Jews and Christians as allies (5:51)
Take those who take the dīn in mockery as allies (5:57)
Take the call to the salāt in mockery (5:58)
Claim that His hand is fettered (5:64)
Forbid the good things made lawful (5:87)
Kill game when forbidden (5:95)
[Expiation for killing] (5:95)
Ask about things that would distress you if made clear (5:101)
Follow forefathers (5:104)
Declare clear signs to be sorcery (5:110)
Take Jesus and Mary as gods (5:116)
Ask for angels (6:8)
Mock messengers (6:10)
Be among the mushrikīn (6:14)
Oppose Him (6:15)
Be a wrongdoer (6:21)
Declare the Qur’an to be be legend (6:25)
Claim that there is only one life (6:29)
Denial of the meeting (6:31)
Of the ignorant (6:35)
Call to other than Him (6:40)
Take an intercessor besides Him (6:51)
Drive away those seeking His face (6:52)
Sit with those who discourse vainly concerning His proofs (6:68)
Take your deen as play and diversion 6:70)
Clothe the faith with injustice (6:82)
Deny the Writ, judgment, and prophethood (6:89)
Claim revelation (6:93)
Be deluded (6:95)
Make the jinn partners of God (6:100)
Revile those whom are called besides Him (6:108)
Seek other than Him.as a judge (6:114)
Be of the doubtful (6:114)
Obey most on Earth (6:116)
Lead astray by vain desires without knowledge (6:119)
Eat not that over which His name has not been remembered (6:121)
Assigning a share of His creation to partners (6:136)
Declaring things to be taboo (6:138)
Kill your children (6:140)
Make unlawful what He has provided you (6:140)
Commit excess (6:141)
Approach open or concealed immorality (6:151)
Follow other ways (6:153)
Wait for angels (6:158)
Divide the deen into sects (6:159)
Allow the satan to subject you to fitnah (7:27)
Commit excess when eating and drinking (7:31)
Make unlawful the adornment of God (7:32)
Sectarian zealotry (7:33)
Wax proud at proofs (7:36)
Be a mujrim (7:40)
Seek to make His path crooked (7:45)
Name names with no authority (7:71)
Scorn His command (7:77)
Approach men with lust, rather than women (7:80)
Lie in wait on the road, threatening and turning away from The Path (7:86)
Being blind to lessons (7:95)
Bribe using promise of power (7:114)
Bewitch people (7:116)
Be stubborn (7:132)
Be heedless of proofs (7:136)
Follow that path of the workers of corruption (7:142)
Take the wrong path, ignore the path of sound judgment (7:146)
Be impatient over His command (7:150)
Be a forger (7:152)
Scorn what you’ve been forbidden.(7:166)
Deviate concerning His names (7:180)
Public speech (7:205)
Dispute the truth after it’s clear (8:6)
Retreat (8:15)
Turn away when you are near (8:20)
Pretend to hear (8:21)
Betray (8:27)
Turn away from the inviolable place of submission (8:34)
Make a mockery of the salāt (8:35)
Spend wealth on turning away from path of God (8:36)
Dispute together (8:46)
Be boastful (8:47)
Let those in kufr believe that they got away (8:59)
Bear tidings of a painful punishment to the mushrikīn with whom a covenant has been made, who haven’t been deficient towards you in anything, nor assisted anyone against you (9:4)
Allow your beloved things to be dearer to you than Him and His messenger (9:24)
Allow the mushrikīn to approach the inviolable place of submission (9:28)
Take Rabbis and Monks as lords (9:31)
Wrong yourselves concerning the count of months (9:36)
Engage in their postponement (9:37)
Spend unwillingly (9:54)
Come to the prayer as an idler (9:54)
Allow their wealth and children to impress you (9:55)
Complain regarding charity distribution (9:58)
Hinder the prophet (9:61)
Enjoin perversity and forbid what is fitting (9:67)
Withhold His bounty and turn away (9:76)
Deride the believers who willingly give charity (9:79)
Remain behind due to weather (9:81)
Perform the funeral prayer for any one of them (9:84)
Staying behind due to affluence (9:86)
Make excuses (9:94)
Take what you spend as a loss, await reversals (9:98)
Take a place of submission in harm and denial (9:107)
Ask forgiveness for the mushrikīn (9:113)
Go forth all at once (9:122)
Look not for the meeting (10:7)
Neglect after being helped (10:12)
Desire for the Qur’an to be changed (10:15)
Rebel in the Earth after being delivered (10:23)
Deny before interpretation arrives to you (10:39)
Allow their speech to grieve you (10:65)
Repent too late (10:91)
Hide away (11:5)
Wish that a treasure or an angel had been sent upon him.(11:12)
Make the path crooked (11:19)
Dismiss on basis of mortality and lack of bounty (11:27)
Claim that your deity caused messenger to be touched with evil (11:54)
Follow that command of tyrants (11:59)
Heed due to their disappointment (11:62)
Decrease the measure and the balance (11:84)
Respevt others for power more than you do Him (11:92)
Rely upon those who do wrong (11:113)
Reveal dreams that could cause enmity (12:5)
Falsify evidence (12:18)
Sexual assault (12:23)
Despair of the comfort of God (12:87)
Deny physical resurrection (13:5)
Seek to hasten the evil instead of the good (13:6)
Sever what’s commanded to be joined (13:25)
Become bored when being presented with ayāt (14:9)
Threaten to expell warners (14:13)
Respond to Satan (14:22)
Speak a bad word (14:26)
Ignore similitudes (14:45)
Be of those who despair (15:55)
Refuse to provide rights and hospitality (15:70)
Build bunkers to feel secure from Him (15:82)
Make the Qur’an into parts (15:91)
Seek to hasten the command (16:1)
Be an open disputant (16:4)
Offer submission too late (16:28)
Appoint daughters for Him (16:57)
Refuse to give provision to those that their right hands posses (16:71)
Make conceptual comparisons for God (16:74)
Be a burden (16:76)
Take oaths as deception (16:92)
Take another disposer of affairs (17:2)
Being hasty (17:11)
Be perfidious (17:16)
Say “fie” to / Repell old parents (17:23)
Squander wastefully (17:26)
Be extreme on both ends of charity (17:29)
Kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
Approach zina (17:32)
Commit excess in lawful killing (17:33)
Walk exultantly (17:37)
Be neither loud nor quiet in salāt (17:110)
Say that you will do something later without declaring that it’s dependant upon God’s will (18:23)
Show-off (18:34)
Declare something to be eternal (18:35)
Be contentious (18:54)
Try refuting the truth (18:56)
Do shirk in the ‘ibadah of Him (18:110)
Follow lusts instead of the salāt (19:59)
Deny, then claim that you will recieve wealth and children (19:77)
Neglect the rememberance (20:42)
Carry injustice (20:111)
Oppose His command (20:121)
Have a distracted heart (21:3)
Declare the Qur’an to make no sense (21:5)
Declare yourself to be a God (21:29)
Be devoted to statues (21:52)
Divide your affair amongst yourselves (21:93)
Serve upon an edge (22:11)
Be a treacherous ingrate (22:38)
Take what Satan casts as a fitnah for you (22:53)
Seek behind relations with wives or MMA (23:7)
Declare His promise to be far-fetched (23:36)
Be self-exalting (23:46)
Divide your command into writings (23:53)
Talk to no purpose into the night (23:67)
Have a light balance (23:103)
Marry other than one unchaste or a mushrik, if you are unchaste (24:3)
Accuse chaste women without sufficient witnesses (24:4)
Love that there be spread of immorality (24:19)
Swear not to give (24:22)
Enter other’s houses without having asked leave nor greeted those therein (24:27)
Strike feet to reveal adornment [for women] (24:31)
Compel your girls to whoredom, if they desire chastity (24:33)
Submit only when the truth is to your liking (24:49)
Swear that you’d do what the messenger commands (24:53)
Slip away surreptitiously (24:63)
Be greatly scornful (25:21)
Make friends with wrong people (25:28)
Abandon the Qur’an (25:30)
Take desires as a god (25:43)
Spend extravagantly and miserly (25:67)
Bear witness to falsehood (25:72)
Disbelieve on basis of abject followers (26:111)
Build bunkers to live forever (26:129)
Lay hold as tyrants (26:130)
Cheat with men (26:166)
Follow poets (26:224)
Hasten on the evil before the good (27:46)
Commit immorality with open eyes (27:54)
Approach men with lust instead of women (27:55)
Divide and oppress people (28:4)
Seek the ignorant (28:55)
Exult in riches (28:76)
Assume that you won’t be tried (29:2)
Obey parents who compel you to shirk (29:8)
Take idols as love between you and the life of this world (29:25)
Cut off the way (29:29)
Commit perversity in your assemblies (29:29)
Continued in the comments.
submitted by TheQuranicMumin to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]
