Cory monteith smoking

Cory Monteith

2018.02.09 06:48 Cory Monteith

This is a subreddit about the late actor & Glee superstar, Cory Monteith. This is a place to remember him, share your favorite moments of him etc.

2024.05.16 19:17 HappyArt8101 Cory Monteith subreddit

Cory Monteith subreddit
Hey everyone! I received permission from the mods to share this here so thank you to them.
CoryMonteith is back up and running after being banned for not having a moderator
I hope to maintain a positive space to remember him
Youre all invited! I hope you'll come check it out!
submitted by HappyArt8101 to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 08:54 ThatBitchStaceyFR S5 Ep3

Was not intentional but quite a coincidence that I’m rewatching Glee for the first time and today 5/11 I was s5ep3. Today is Cory Monteith’s birthday and this episode has been the saddest episode by far. And I watch the actors “play” grief but it’s clearly not acting. I read that some of the cast felt forced to go back to work so soon because Lea Michelle chose to go back. I don’t know if that’s true but if it is, I feel so bad for them that the choice wasn’t up to them.
Whether it’s true or not, happy birthday, Cory Monteith. This broke my heart to watch.
submitted by ThatBitchStaceyFR to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:42 RyanAyr83 What did everyone think of the episode "The Quarterback?"

I know Ryan Murphy regrets doing the episode,at%20the%20age%20of%2031.
But I've just watched it and thought it was well done. What does everyone else think?
submitted by RyanAyr83 to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:33 HappyArt8101 Requesting r/CoryMonteith, banned due to no moderators

submitted by HappyArt8101 to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 20:17 autobuzzfeedbot 27 TV And Movie Scenes That Are Super Weird To See Considering What We Know Now

  1. This scene from The Cosby Show is super disturbing to watch now, considering Bill Cosby was found guilty of sexual assault after multiple women claimed he slipped them pills and then took advantage of them. One claimed Cosby called the pills "friends to help you relax."
  2. The scene from That '70s Show where Hyde acts out what's essentially a rape scene between a record sleeve and a record is also super disturbing in light of actor Danny Masterson's rape conviction.
  3. And the scene where Hyde says he sees himself in prison in five years feels strangely prophetic, considering Masterson is now in prison.
  4. Similarly, this scene from Glee is eerie considering that Mark Salling ended up being sentenced to 48–84 months in jail after he was arrested on child sexual abuse image possession charges, and then died by suicide.
  5. There are actually a ton of scenes involving Mark's character Puck that are super creepy to look back on, including this one where child sexual abuse images and their illegality are actually mentioned.
  6. There's this super creepy comment his character makes in one scene...
  7. ...Along with this one in another scene...
  8. ...And finally, this scene where an underage student asks his character to a Sadie Hawkins dance after he's graduated high school.
  9. This scene from iCarly is kind of sad to watch, considering that Friends star Matthew Perry died in his hot tub, with drowning being a contributing factor to his death.
  10. It's a little weird to see Chris Brown teaching anyone about women's rights (as his character does in this episode of The O.C.), considering his felony assault conviction after he severely beat his then-girlfriend Rihanna.
  11. In Heathers, two of the actors later had untimely deaths that seemed predicted by their characters. Peter (Jeremy Applegate) prays he won't kill himself — the actor later died by suicide. Kim Walker — who had the iconic line, "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" — died of a brain tumor.
  12. This line Matt Lauer says on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is ironic considering his sexual misconduct accusations — and his sexist interviews with women.
  13. Does anyone remember this scene from Seinfeld where Elaine tries to convince her new boyfriend, who shares a name with a serial killer, to change his name? She suggests something more innocuous, like O.J., in reference to O.J. Simpson. The episode aired just months before Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered. Simpson would later go to trial for the murders, though he was acquitted.
  14. This scene from Parks and Recreation where Louis C.K.'s character calls another character a pervert is weird to see now, considering C.K. admitted to exposing himself to women and masturbating in front of them.
  15. As is this line from Bananas, where Woody Allen mentions studying child molestation. Allen's stepdaughter, Dylan Farrow, has long accused Woody of molesting her as a child, which Allen has denied.
  16. Actually, a lot of Woody Allen movies are concerning, especially Manhattan, where his character dates a 17-year-old and it's established that they're having sex.
  17. Back to Glee — this anti-drug verse Finn sings is super sad to watch back considering the actor, Cory Monteith, died of a drug overdose.
  18. This scene from the Jackass Backyard BBQ Special is also sad and prophetic considering Ryan Dunn died in a car crash where he was driving, also killing his passenger.
  19. In a lighter example, this line Ben Affleck says in Jersey Girl is funny considering he would later play Batman.
  20. This line from iCarly is definitely ironic considering when iCarly was rebooted, it was made without Sam.
  21. This scene from Terrifier 2 is kind of funny to see considering Jeffrey Dahmer became a huge Halloween costume the very same year this movie was released, after the Netflix series on Dahmer starring Evan Peters blew up.
  22. This scene from The Good Place feels eerie in light of the COVID pandemic that would occur two years later...which was a flu-like virus that potentially came from bats.
  23. This line from Scream feels almost like dark sarcasm now, considering all the school shootings in America.
  24. And this line from Law & Order similarly didn't age well.
  25. This scene from Friends — where Chandler jokes about bringing a bomb on a plane and then gets detained by the TSA — aged poorly before it was even released. They actually had to completely replace the scenes in the wake of 9/11, which occurred after the episode had been filmed but before it aired.
  26. Mel Gibson once guest-starred on The Simpsons, and his character joked that he was too lovable and that cops refused to give him tickets. Notably, Gibson would suffer a significant fall from grace after he went on an antisemitic rant while being arrested for a DUI.
  27. And finally, we'll end on a positive one, also from The Simpsons: when the show mocked John Travolta by making him a bartender at a '70s bar just weeks before Pulp Fiction flung Travolta straight back into the A-list.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:16 Striking-Cap-1202 Memoirs of a rotten beginning

Here is some of my story, to help understand what I suffer from? A dr asked if there was anything I could think of that could have caused my depression. I said no, but here are some of my life memories that may have had a play in it. I'm sure many things played a part in my down coming, but I think it only fueled something already broken inside me.
4-5yrs old. My earliest memories.
I heard an adult male voice that would yell at me, very angry, very loud at night when I would use the bathroom. HURRY UP, FASTER, NOW, GO!!! it would rush me.
I seen shadow figures dart down the hallways.
My mom and dad would scream behind closed doors, almost as if mom was screaming for help, but all I could do was beat on the door.
I was thrown outside into the dark night alone and would scream and cry from fear. We had people break into our home through my window while I slept. You can imagine my fear as I stood alone shaking in fear of the unkown outside.
I remember "floating" off of a curb in front of the house.
One night watching tv alone I heard a noise behind the couch, a gremlin like creature jumped out at me when I looked to see, I ran screaming!!! True stroy :/
My parents got a divorce.
I sat on the couch alone with my dad as he loaded his handgun, cocked it, and pointed it to his temple. I begged and cried for him not to do it! He pulled the trigger as I held his arm. It clicked, a dud.
I don't really remember having any emotions other than pain I guess.
I remember being told we were going to Disney world and I was like, ok, and someone saying they've never seen a kid act so calm about something so exciting. I remembered that, and thought a lot about it, what did they mean?
I had strange thoughts too, like adults would cut their legs off by shutting their car doors when entering the vehicle . . . Me sitting behind unable to see what was really happening. I knew better though.
I started school, I remember watching and learning how my peers around me acted and I started to mimic their behaviors.
I began masking my own emotions with being happy and acting crazy because I seen it made people laugh and happy.
2nd grade i already felt guilty all the time and anxious. Someone else in trouble, why do I feel guilty?
I remember learning I was color blind and the teacher basically humiliated me by saying, will someone please help Cory pick out the correct colored crayons, clearly annoyed. I got even smaller, helpless, unable to help myself.
By the time I hit 4th grade, my thoughts were non stop, I couldn't focus, and I didn't see the point of even trying . . . Why, what is the point??? I've absorbed so much already I also thought school was basically useless in the long run. My grades began to rapidly decline because I didn't care anymore. I did continue to learn, I just chose not to do the work.
I always had horrible thoughts, I continued to mask my emotions despite being in constant despair.
I always feared something bad would happen to my dad, a car wreck, ect, losing him. I missed him dearly. My weekend visits every 2 weeks only fueled my worries.
I had a lot of trouble falling asleep, I would cry in fear I would turn into a serial killer while I slept.
I was always super anxious when needing anything, so I tried my hardest to cover up anything I could to keep from needing help.
I couldn't handle the thoughts anymore. The pain. I always wanted something bad to happen to me so someone would care, like I wished I would die. So by 10, I balled my eyes out in my backyard alone, untieing my tire swing, I climb the pine tree a good ways up, tied a slipknot in the rope, placed it around my neck, looked at the ground below and just gave up, I jumped! Luckily, I was so distraught I didn't measure the length of the rope and I hit the ground. Nobody knew.
I was accused of being on drugs a few times, what are drugs?
I started to try out smoking cigarettes.
I refused to wear shorts because people would question my birth mark, is someone beating you??? More unwanted negativity, I just want to disappear.
5th grade the bullies start, I was stabbed with pencils 2 times, and constantly attacked behind the scenes. Nobody knew. I refused to seek help.
D.A.R.E. came and taught us all about the wonderful world of drugs and how good they can make you feel, and how illegal and dangerous some can be. Hmmmm.
7th grade nothing has changed, still struggling with who I am and why I even exist.
I discovered, sex, drugs, and alcohol in 7th grade. Started with pills, then weed, sex and alcohol.
14 years old, we've moved a few times by now, I don't have any life long friends, but anyone I met eventually referred to me as an alien. I remember that nickname since like 4th grade. Different people, still an alien. I did manage to use drugs to elevate my mood, and I made new friends. I didn't have friends. Just drug addicted teens and bullies.
I flunked 7th grade, not because I was stupid or didn't know how, but what is the point? My lowest grade was a 27%.
The schools appointed me with a school counselor, needless to say, by the end of that year, she told me she was going to quit, she has never had a child fail so badly under her care.
Life went on, got more serious, more complicated, 17 my stepdad kicked me out. I continued to mask my life away, hiding behind a false smile. Still moving, still plagued by suicidal thoughts, anxiety. Bullying continued till I dropped out of school the day I turned 18 and immediately got my G.E.D. My stepmom kicked me out.
I got arrested, 13xs and 14 driving suspensions during an endless 10+ year cycle. Currently no probation, and I have a license.
Relationships always ended with me being cheated on, despite my kindness, trust no one, more fuel for my distrust.
People still try to hurt me for no reason, I even have titanium in my jaw from being sucker punched by someone I don't have any connection with. I just happened to be there. More pointless pain. I've kind of become a warrior of injustices I see around me. I am easily triggered and I will jump to someone's defense in a heart beat.
The pain never ended, I kept pushing, people do care, I don't want them to hurt for me.
30+ years I learned to cope somehow, experimenting with many different drugs. Some worked, but most had negative side effects. I can tell you in pretty good detail lol I did manage to quit EVERYTHING except weed and cigs, on my own.
I had nothing left, fresh out of jail, ready for change, I found her, I met my wife to be. I still struggle with my racing thoughts, and depression, but my beautiful wife has helped me become something more than I ever was, a better father, a husband.
I still struggle with emotions and racing thoughts. Zoom zoom.
Tiktok has made me aware of many things I didn't realize weren't normal feelings or behavior, I've saved them.
My love language is mental and physical intimacy, words of affirmation, kindness, hugs, kisses, feeling the other person close, making love, a mutually agreed upon ritual of love only between the 2. I smother my poor wife, I know I do, I don't mean to, I crave that close human contact. I understand she needs the space sometimes, I get it, I can become overwhelming im sure, still hurts for some reason though despite knowing people need some space sometimes. My thoughts are always racing.
Most doctors have automatically labeled me a drug seeker due to self medicating the pain away with marijuana, even though I've asked for help, That's fine, I don't want drugs to get high, I just want to feel better. If I wanted to get high I would just hit up the sobo clinics using my insurance.
Here I am, a broken man, mended together by my wife's love, can I be fixed? This is what has shaped me. I'm sure there is more, I've mentally removed, or forgot to list because I have sooooo many persistent internal thoughts, but I did notice that speed, like adderal, i can stop thinking, silence my racing thoughts, and my heart rate drops to like 50 bpm, instead of 90-100bpm, but the side effects I hate, it gives me E.D. although, I'm sure my wife probably wouldn't mind that part at all, haha.
Like I said, im probably still labeled a drug seeker, so what's a depressed man who refuses to admit he is broken to do? Contine to mask it, and try to fix it himself?
I'm a 38 y/o male, btw. Ha, still undiagnosed :P
submitted by Striking-Cap-1202 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:20 Independent_Jacket92 TIL that Cory Monteith from Glee was in FD3

Is there any other secluded cameo that you guys are aware of?
submitted by Independent_Jacket92 to FinalDestination [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:02 Aggravating_Share574 Do you think Rachel got to tell Finn she got Fanny?

I’m rewatching Glee and just finished 5x02 which ends with Rachel getting told she got Fanny Brice in the Funny Girl revival and the next episode is the Cory Monteith tribute episode. The way I take the order of the episodes, Finn would have still been alive in 5x02. Do you think she got to tell him? Or, sad thought, do you think she found out he died when she called to tell him?
submitted by Aggravating_Share574 to glee [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:19 JRII2 Went to t&c in Shoreline, Wa

Went to t&c in Shoreline, Wa
Prices don’t include WA state taxes
submitted by JRII2 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:34 Charming_East_959 Do I (26F) have a chance at finding a physically attractive, stable Caucasian man to settle down with me as a plus sized black woman that doesn’t see me as a fetish? Or am I wasting my time?

I was in a relationship for a long time (I’m 26) and recently got out. My type is pretty conventionally attractive Caucasian men (like Cory Monteith from glee for example) but I have had absolutely no luck on hinge or bumble, some men I am into that I match with but they mainly only see me as a fetish and don’t want anything more. How possible is it I can find someone of my liking that doesn’t just want me for my body? Am I just wasting my time?
submitted by Charming_East_959 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 19:45 Fickle-Exchange2017 Season 4, Ep 14. RECAP!

Last time on Party Roll

We've just been awoken by Meeb who tells us what he sees, but lest not forget; we came to the inn to rest and regain our strength while avoiding trouble. So as long as they don't know we're in here, we're good. Sarn's curiosity gets the better of him and while the others sleep, he checks out the rooftop and see's that these strange men are actually heading towards the inn. Oh Geeeeeze Rick... Hurrying back inside to tell Meeb, the two concoct a plan to use the windows to escape, but not all the party members are present to hear that idea. So...we wait...we wait and see....and the longer we wait the more our suspicious are confirmed; these assholes are looking for our party. It doesn't take long to find them in such a small inn and a full blown hallway/bedroom battle goes down. Otto is useless, Sledge is clever, Donoub stops whoring to casts spells and Sarn/Meeb are trying their darndest to be effective against a female elf wizard and his cronies. At some point during all the chaos, the baddies make a staggered retreat and Sarn is caught up in it, being dragged away by his collar by Big Barb. With the rest of the group fighting Saldamand Grunty, we are left to either finish business here or chase after our friend.

Party Roll to beat: 10
Matt 13 Cory 3 Jose 10 Dusty NAT 20!! Mark Vanessa

Side story time!

Big Barb is pass Otto, down the staircase, Sarn being dragged alongside him. Big Barb then picks up Sarn, smashes him against the wall and flings him down the remainder of the stairs. Big Barb then turns towards the group and takes a defensive stance.

Roll for Initiative!
Otto 16 Sledge 3 Donoub 15 Big Barb 6 Krimbim 18

Lets rewind a bit...
We last saw Krimbim in the desert and then he went MIA. However how the stories goes.....Krimbim heard the explosions go off and like a sandworm, decided to use his skills and dig into the sand, into the underground towards safety. Once the dust settled, he climbed outta his hole and instead of heading back to the caravan, made his way to this Inn in Drybed. Having been consumed by sand for days, our wary adventurer opens the door, ready to drink his sorrows away, when he sees Sarn being thrown down a stairwell and isn't moving. Krimbim is now at the bottom of the stairs looking up towards Big Barb.

Krimbim's turn, Throws sand on the stairs to trip up Big Barb 10 he throws 10 sand. Yup, 10 big handfulls of sand on the stairs.

Otto's turn, casts eldritch blast on Big Barb Beam one 12, Miss Beam two, 18, Hit

Donoub's turn, Casts chill touch on Big Barb 21, Hit 10 dmg

Big Barb's turn, swings is sword at Otto 8, Miss
second attack 10, Miss
Sledge's turn, Roll for melee attack on Big Barb 16, Miss
Second attack 24, Hit 8 dmg

Krimbim's turn, Goes to sand blast Big Barb with his Sand blaster that he picked up before coming to the inn. Yup, Steven really is allowing Dusty to do whatever he wants, lol 17, Hit 11 dmg Big Barb catches a lot of sand that blinds him and skins the top layer of skin off in places.

Otto's turn, casts eldritch blast on Big Barb Beam one 14, Miss Beam two, NAT 20, Hit 20 dmg Takes a beam hard into the chest

Donoub's turn, casts eldritch blast on Big Barb Beam one 10, Miss Beam two, 12, Miss

Big Barb's turn, swings is sword at Otto, With disadvantage because he's got sand in his eyes 3, Miss
second attack 13, Miss

Sledge's turn, Roll for melee attack on Big Barb 15, Miss
Second attack 20, Hit 13 dmg

Krimbim's turn, takes out his garden fork and stabs at Big Barb's ankles 6, Miss
second attack 11, Miss

Otto's turn, casts eldritch blast on Big Barb Beam one 18, Hit 12 dmg Hits him right in the head, goes in but doesn't come out. His eyes glow with energy and there is a smoking green hole in his head. His body goes limp, ENEMY DOWN!!!!

--- Combat Over ---

Sledge goes through the pouches of Big Barb. We find potions, 3 healing potions and 20 gold. The big sword has a built in burner on it that lights the sword on fire, which Sledge takes.
Donoub checks the back pockets and finds a piece of paper. It's a note from somebody, the signature is just an "O", but it's a simple note for them to just look out for the staff.
We wonder where the staff is actually...which is on the passed out Sarn. Otto carefully heads downstairs to check on Sarn with Sledge tailing. Otto finds Wizburr the female wizard elf, trying to drag Sarn outta the inn. Otto then casts Hypnotic pattern on Wizburr who won't stop her lackeying. Spell DC wisdom save 15 14, Miss, Wizburr is charmed and stops what she is doing and just stares back at Otto. Sledge ties up Wizburr and we pick Sarn up. As she is tied up, the charm breaks.
They take Wizburr's staff and a wand she was hiding within her robe and begin asking her questions regarding if she's told anyone about our party. She won't say. The inn is pretty empty from the ruckus we just caused. We surmise that this group of baddies likely will be looked for, as they haven't called back to their superiors, so staying here in the inn might not be the best thing. Wizburr only explains that they are here for the staff for the king. the RIGHTFUL King Alabaster. Donoub has had enough and begins to waterboard Wizburr. It's Zero Dark Thirty in hurr!
Otto decides that he's gunna take Wizburr's wand, place it next to her head and activate it. Why? I dunno, cause he doesn't know what the wand can do.
A small ball of light appears next to her head and quickly begins to expand into a fireball, so everyone within 20 feet, needs to do a dexterity save" - DM Steven

Roll for Dex Save!
Otto 19 Half dmg 19dmg Sledge 18 Half dmg 19dmg
Donoub 7 Full dmg 38 dmg Krimbim 7 Full dmg 38 dmg
Sarn is severely wounded. Wizburr is not dead and Donoub is knocked out and a little on fire. Wizburr gets a hand loose and casts misty step and gets outta the door. Sledge drops Sarn and runs out the door after Wizburr. Sledge catches up, seeing Wizburr limp towards her horse.
Sledge, roll to tackle, roll athletics 18, success She is tackled and binds her hands. She beings to scream out. Ppl start coming by trying to pry Sledge off Wizburr as he tries to explain the issue. Wizburr who looks pretty roughed up, staggers to her feet and hops on the horse. Sledge shows his signet that the king gave them, to the people. They believe he is a guard, so they stop interfering and allow Sledge to tackle Wizburr again.
Wizburr, now on a horse, looks back and tries to shoot a firebolt at Sledge but it misses.
Sledge, roll to tackle, roll athletics 12, success sorta, she's down off the horse but we don't have a hold of her. She gets back on her feet and starts heading back to her horse
Sledge, roll melee attack with warhammer non-lethal 16 , Hit Wizburr is knocked the fuck out and he bides her up again, flashing the signet for compliance.

Otto helps Donoub by waking her up and he heals Sarn who's no longer in mortal danger.
Dusting the burnt hair and flakes of ashes off their shoulders, our party members need now to find a place to rest and recoup and it can't be here. So where?!

Will Sarn be pissed when he wakes up?
Will we get answers out of our hostage?!
Will we ever get a long rest in?!
The time for action is done, but the time for answers is near. Keep your eyes peeled and your toes curled cos before you know it, you'll know it! On the Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttttttttttttttttttttttt episode ooooooooooooffffffffffff Pppppppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

"I've been busy making kids...On to my 5th one right now" - Dusty, on why he's been MIA of late
"We call that a Jersey goodbye" - Dusty, when you kick the shit outta the table and leave
"...Dusty has no character sheet right now and I'm gunna allow him to do whatever the hell he wants" - Unprepared DM Steven
"What if you needed to shit and you died?" - Dusty, on if you'd shit yourself if you died
"What if you were shitting and you died, Elvis style; Well he was on the toilet so it wouldn't really have mattered..." - DM Steven

"I think it all sucks back into your ass, then you die and then shit again" - Matt, on what happens to your poo when you die

"Courtesy flush goodbye" - Dusty, on how he thinks Elvis went out

-Steven's grandpa needs a feeding bag, as he can't swallow anymore.
-Steven comes unprepared again, not having Sarn's stat sheet, nor having Krimbim's character sheet, nor what happened during combat last time. When you see him, give him a chop.
-That's a chop
-Rory is MIA
-Matt is in the same room as the guys for this episode.
-Matt calls Big Barb, Pistol Pete
-Krimbim's sand blaster looks a lot like the ghostbuster backpack with hose.
-Meeb is canonically dipped into the sand
-Sledge ominously says that he's lost 10 years of his life running away from people
-Cory says, you'll like this
-Timestamp 43:11 for Steven to recap the story for Dusty as to why they are all here.
-Matt finds this interesting
@ party_roll on twitter
Teener Time
submitted by Fickle-Exchange2017 to PartyRollPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 15:47 wabashcr Caverns setlist 4/20/24

Listened on mixlr, smoking show from start to finish. Anyone catch the Sugarleg song in the first set? Something about roll me over, but I didn't recognize it.
7:00 Half moon night, Sitting on top of the world, Broadside ballad> Hangman's reel, ??? (Sugarleg tune sorry drawing a blank)? Chore, Running gun, Dark as a dungeon, Darlin Cory, Luck of the draw> Sugarlegg rag 8:24
8:50 Ain't living long like this, Weathervane> Blue Skies> Weathervane> 10 ft of rope, Double Exposure, High Country, Sunshine in the rain, Tumbling tumbleweed> Dance in the Desert, 10:20
10:22 Lose Your Mind> Waymore's Blues> Mystery Train 10:42
submitted by wabashcr to danieldonato [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 06:13 T-Boner1010 TV and Radio broadcasts

I miss Dick. Don't read that as a knock on Cory, because it's not. I like Cory. The times he did the national TV broadcasts last year were good, and he's doing well enough so far this year that the transition to being Dickless just kind of feels strange, but at least there's no pain...
Until you have an errand to run during the game and you hop in the car and turn on the radio broadcast. And it's not who you are probably thinking. It's not Atteberry that sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I can handle the non stop ramblings of Atteberry. He's been part of the radio broadcast for long enough now that his never ending word vomit is kind of like white noise. And it's not Dazzle. I know he's a bit polarizing, but I've never thought Gladden was bringing down the broadcast.
This pains me to say it, because the man in a hometown legend, but my God Paul Molitor is unlistenable. His voice reminds me of my first boss who smoked 2 packs of unfiltered Pall Mall's a day. It comes through the car speakers so harsh, so scratchy, that I can't even process what he's talking about. Which is really disappointing, because that man has SO much knowledge of this game, and probably has enough stories from his life in baseball to fill the entire broadcast schedule this season. But my brain just shrieks and goes into hiding the second his vocal cords start to vibrate.
I love Paul Molitor as a player, manager, Hall of Famer, local legend. But please, please limit his time on the radio broadcasts. We only get so much time per game where Atteberry stops talking. I'd rather hear Kris and Dan arguing like an old married couple than hear Molitor's voice.
A nice big healthy dose of Dick back in the booth would really turn things around right about now.
I've never had anything other than Dick before this year. Being Dickless is rough. I just want my Dick back... I'm lost without Dick....
submitted by T-Boner1010 to minnesotatwins [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 06:23 Fickle-Exchange2017 Season 4, Ep 10. RECAP!

Last time on Party Roll

Just as we were leaving the secret communication room, some guards decide to throw a little bomb for us from above. The fireball races down the tunnel at our party, sparing everyone BUT Sarn. Guy is more toasted than a Rastafarian on 4/20. Smoke and ash cover us and our surroundings but we do make a slow get-away. Stuck at a fork in the road, we decide that it's best that we find the tunnel that leads out to the desert. That way we can meet up with the caravan and the King. Just one little problem... When we do make it to the edge of town and into the desert, the caravan is gone! NARF! Scanning the lands, we see in the distance our Caravan being raided by a group of horse men. Off to the side on a ridge much closer to us are two dirt elves. Memorized, as if they were watching Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium. We wanna try to avoid them, but we're gunna need their horses if we wanna catch the racing caravan. Naturally, we come up with a great plan and even our rolls of stealth almost guarantees our first stealth kills of the campaign!. ...Only....we have our rolls blow it all up in our faces and a brew-ha-ha breaks out. Its mostly hit and miss between both sides, but after fixing up our fuck up, we snag the horses and ride off without killing anyone. Racing deep into the desert and after the caravan, we make it and are greeted by Donoub and Meeb, who have made it safely and avoided the ambush earlier. The King tells us to rest, but we aren't safe nor outta danger; for the scouting party ahead has gone silent and that doesn't bode well for any of us.
Party Roll to beat: 18
Mark 17 Matt 8 Cory 19 Vanessa 9 Jose 13 Dusty 9
Cory arrives to the party with all the DnD books he has and debates with Steven on what can cure, stop and prevent the poisoned condition in 5e. Mark is banished to the DM corner and forced to hear everything.
Back to the party maaaaan!
Sarn catches up Donoub and Meeb as to what happened on their side journey. We have our HP's back from a decent nights rest and we are called to the King's Chambers. Our King still doesn't look like he's in great shape. His wounds aren't healing but thanks to that crazy mini side quest searching for snakes, we happen to have concocted some anti venom which we give. The same can't be said for our caravan. The damage it has taken now makes it travel a lot slower than usual.
Huddled around the King, we are asked to go ahead of the crawling caravan and find components to fix it. He expects that in about 10 hours they will be dead in the water, so it's imperative that they head down and talk to his lead mechanic.
We make our way down into the bowels of the crawler and meet, 'Krimbin the Ejaculator' (Dusty), the head engineer. Collecting some wears, we head out and everyone has their own horse. Sarn further goes into detail of what they've learnt about the crown and the staff. How the two contain massive power and because they have the staff, they will be hunted down for it.
Krimbin eavesdrops on the talk between the group and is brought up to date on current affairs. By the time we are all caught up, night is setting in and the caravan has at most, 8 hours left until it fully breaks down, which we can barely see behind us on the horizon. Darkness is about to hit, so we spot, find a place to tie up the horses and unpack our camping wears.
Sledge has been working on a song and he asks to share it with the group.
Now I know that we just met, and that we don't know eachother long... but I thought that I would try to catch this friendship with a song. Because friendship's like my hammer, are a thing that I hold dear and I cherish ours immensely, even when I won't be near.
Cause I'm leaving, tho I won't sound far away, I'm sorry Steven, thanks for all the games we played. Please continue, with your fun fulfilling life and keep Party at the party we don't say goodbye.
I don't really know how to communicate that well, but I can say what's on my heart and that is that I will miss you also very much, leaving you is the hardest part,
cause I'm leaving, tho I won't sound far away, I'm sorry Steven

We take a short rest of 3 to 4 hours and then get going. We come across a small consort, likely part of the caravan and it looks to have been recently raided. There are some people who are still alive, but severely injured. It's about 200 yards away, the ppl yelling for help.
Turns out they were randomly raided and they don't know why. Donoub shows her new boob tattoo of that snake symbol we found earlier in town. The people acknowledge that who ever raided them carried that same exact symbol. We can't really do much to help these people, with the exception for one fella who is very grateful for it. To show his gratitude, he limps towards some broken crates and pulls out something
Roll Perception, to see what it is
Sledge 17 Otto 8 Sarn 24 Meeb 12 Donoub 19
Sarn notices instantly that this is the same flare gun that Otto has. and.... this feller looks like he's about to let it loose into the sky...
Sarn readies thorn whip and tries to snap the wand out of his hand 8, Miss He whips wide and the flare goes off.
Sledge is too far to hit him
Donoub readies Takisha's hideous laughter, Dc save 15 Fella dude 14 The fella falls to the ground laughing, letting go of the wand which Sarn quickly picks up.
We tie him up for good measure, but he swears that he was getting the flare to give as payment for saving his life. They don't believe him. Do we leave him do we take him? Sarn makes the decision to take him back to the town and see if he is legit. The entire time this is going on, Krimbin has been savaging around and collects some dry good food,some jewelry and an axel, wheel and spokes.
We get back on our horses, packing this fella on Sledge's horse. We make haste away from this raided small consort
Roll Perception, to see whats around them before they disembark.
Sledge 11 Otto 19 Sarn 14 Meeb 13 Donoub 3???
Otto is the only one to look and see a flare going off into the air from the caravan which they didn't fully check.
Fack! We hightail it outta the place, while Sledge does a pathetic assault on the Fella in an attempt to knock him out. He almost gets away, thats how pathetic it was.

Everyone, Roll Perception
Sledge 12 Otto 19 Sarn 12 Meeb 3 Donoub 17 Krimbin 14

Otto and Donoub see in the distance, by the horizon, two figures by a ridgeline. They have horses, so they aren't the same guys. lol

We take off back to the city but we are about a days away from it, so night comes again and riding hard means we gotta rest. Sledge and Otto take first watch.
Roll Perception
Sledge ??? Otto 12
They don't see anything but things stay quiet for about 2 hours. That's when we hear a little glass bead sound that's bouncing close towards the resting party.

Roll Perception
Sledge 15 Otto 16
They notice that it's a glass ball, which is now glowing red.
Sledge skips, hops and jumps is way towards the glowing red glass ball and tries to huck it away
Sledge, roll athletics 22 He quickly flicks it into the air and it explodes.

The rest of the party wakes up to similar glass ball tinkering sounds, about 5 of them, some making their way, well into the camp. Sledge yells out to the rest to mobilize.

There is about 6 to 7 guys, coming in on horses and two guys outside of our camp, just flicking these glass balls towards us.
Otto casts Eldritch blast on Bad guy #1 beam one 9, Miss second beam 15, Hit 9 dmg It hits him and they start marching towards Otto.
Sarn casts protection from energy (fire) over him
Combat to begin in 3.......2........1........

Will our party ever catch a break?
Do we have enough to fix the caravan crawler?
Can we trust Krimbin the Ejacualtor?!

The plot thickens, as our sick and twisted DM toys with our party....So stay tuned to find out what happens on the neeeeeeeexttttttt episode offffff Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

"He also made a style of music called, 'Jizz' " - Dusty, on George Lucas. Oddly enough, right after he says this, the mics start to go wonky
"So, Vanessa, Im gunna have to have you rule in on this, but my 7 year old niece told my older nephew, who's a freshman in high school, that he's an 'old meme' because he vapes. Can you verify this?" - Dusty

"Fuck you Matt" - Cory, snifflin from Matt's in game song to Steven. Ghaaaay! (I got misty eye'd too)

"Is Gundry there?" - Jose with the Deepcut on when the Party sees a raided caravan

-The entire group is back. This is Dusty's first episode this season
-If you listened to the savage roll before this episode, you'll notice that they carry over the same technical difficulties with static interference in this episode, but it does clear up.
-This was Matt's last live appearance with the group before he moved to Texas.
-If you roll a 11 to party, you also get a binny.
-The King's tattoo artist is always available on call
-The horses that we stole have names: Buckles and Knuckles
-The King is an elf who had weirdly defined thighs.
-Timestamp 11:56 to hear some pateron supporters shoutouts who were all NPC's, no survivors
-Sarn rides Buckles -Matt names his horse 'Dr Funk' after is RDR2 horse -Dusty's horse is named "Cuckles"
-What Matt's song made Steven sound like
@ party_roll on twitter
Teener Time
submitted by Fickle-Exchange2017 to PartyRollPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 18:39 femchad_ i (27NB) found out my (27M) boyfriend had been secretly texting fake porn accounts

i’m polyamorous but have the capacity to be monogamous with the right person. My boyfriend, let’s call him Cory, is strictly monogamous. we’ve talked about this before we made it official and decided that we are both comfortable with being monogamous. i am still very affectionate with my friends, physically and emotionally, but romance and sexuality is reserved for Cory. when we first started dating, we realised i have a much higher libido than him. Cory says that to him sex is just a bonus, he could go his whole life just helping himself out because to him it is just as good. he has sex with me because he enjoys making me feel good. to me that was good enough and it worked for us, up until a week before this incident. we don’t live together and both work full time so we only really have the chance to fool around when we stays over my place every weekend. he lives with his parents and although we sometimes fool around, we can never really get into it incase his parents barge in so my place on the weekend is the best chance. he didn’t want to do it this weekend, which is totally fine, but i asked what was up. he said he just lost the urge and didn’t feel up to it. we shrugged it off but he said he’d make it up to me on the following weekend.
following weekend come around and i’m hosting a little dinner party with my sister and two cousins where i cook for them and we smoke pot and watch movies. great vibe. Cory tags along too. we have a good time, family leave, Cory says he’s going to bed, i say i’d join him after i clean up. i see him to bed, and go to cleaning up after the party. while cleaning i hear a buzz in the couch. Cory and i have different brand phones but same colour case (all black) so i grabbed it thinking it was mine to check what the notif was. i opened his phone and saw that a woman’s name i did not recognise sent him a video through discord. by this time it’s 1am, no woman i don’t recognise should be sending him videos at this time. i decide, even though it’s the wrong thing to do, to open the message and i see that it’s from a very sexualised lady with big lips, very large breasts, showing them off to the camera. i listen and she’s saying seductive things. to my horror, i scroll up and see he has been talking to her for about a month. upon scrolling up further i see they had begun talking years before we had met but stopped around the time Cory and I started dating. it was just in the last month that they had begun again.
im absolutely mortified. before Cory i was hard on the h8 all men train, and Cory was the one who made me believe that it’s only a select amount of men that are bad. he reassured me so often, communicated well, was patient through my mental health problems, helped me financially while i was in between jobs, encourages me to study and work out and work on myself, builds me up when im not feeling strong enough. he’s been so healing to me, to be in such a healthy relationship after such destructive ones. and now i feel like im back to square one, with another man lying to me about an external source of sex.
i storm into my room, wake him up and shove the phone at his face. i demand to know who it is and he slowly gets up all groggy, checking his phone. i grab my phone to record the convo because we are both high and drunk and i don’t want to forget what was said. he, very calmly and quietly, says they are porn accounts he talks to to get off sometimes. i say “Accounts?? There’s MORE??” he admits there are three accounts he talks to sometimes when he feels the desire to talk to people to get off to. sexting. i checked the media exchange and notice he’s never sent anything to them, they send to him. i ask if he pays them and he says no. i say “hot girls like that don’t text men like you for free”. he says “im pretty sure they’re all fake and videos taken offline, it might even be one creep who catfishes people.” im utterly disgusted and start crying. i cry for about 3 minutes and notice he’s just sitting there, watching me.
furious i ask him “you’re not even gonna say anything? we’ve been so great together your not scared of losing me?!” probably toxic thing to say but at this point i don’t care.
“of course i am,” he says, “im just very drunk and high and i don’t do this often so i can’t process how im feeling or talk.” to his credit, he’s right, he’ll get high maybe once or twice a year, mixed with alcohol probably wouldn’t help. but im fuming, im hurt, im terrified.
we eventually agree to hold off and talk in the morning. i’m outside on my balcony processing this all, crying, wanting to drown myself in smoke to feel nothing. i don’t want to leave him because we genuinely have had such a beautiful relationship, the healthiest ive had, everything about our lives fit nicely together, we are so compatible. i know he didn’t physically cheat and i think i believe it was just a porn thing, something to get off on then forget about once you’ve cleaned up. i know he loves me very dearly still.
but i don’t know how to feel. i want to cheat on him to get back at him. i had had suitors hit my dms, very attractive guys willing to pamper me and i said no because i agreed to monogamy with Cory. it feels so incredibly unfair that im wired to want to have multiple partners but i happily agreed to be monogamous with Cory because he was worth it. i feel disgusting that Cory wasn’t comfortable having sex with me last weekend but is comfortable talking to fake porn accounts. i am incredibly triggered.
i’m not sure what to do. what should i do?
submitted by femchad_ to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 22:57 Fickle-Exchange2017 Season 4, Ep 9. RECAP!

Right now on Party Roll

We've enter the residency, taken care of the bad-guy guards and tend our attention towards the hidden door in the floor Having a hostage really streams the lore; the door leads towards a network of caverns that are below the city. But the real zinger here is that the tunnels are laced with traps. Strong arming our hostage to show us the way we do pretty well. Welll.......SOME of us. Our young, yet clumsy squire, last in the line of the party, steps right on a trap and it's activated. To make things worse, his clothes snag a trap wire and the slightly pull or push could trip it. Ahead of us, our hostage is making great strides to get away. Sledge tries to keep up without splitting the party and Sarn....Oh boy...Sarn had what I like to call "a Matt moment". Seeing Otto face certain death, Sarn decides to take action and concocts a plan to first use throne whip to neutralize our hostage from running away. This of course trips a trap and luckily the arrow coming out of the wall hits no one. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! Sarn then decides to cast "Warding wind", creating a force of wind presumably to protect them from incoming projectiles. Unfortunately, this trips every trap possible and a fireball inevitability hits Otto. Sledge also faces similar events and gets poisoned, but after a lot of rolls and projectiles, we make it safely to the other side! Out of the fire and into the frying pan. After some sweet talking, we gain access to what's on the other side of this wall. We make quick work of anyone that's around and do some recon, finding out this place acts like a communication centre. As we are about to leave to head through some more tunnels, we are interrupted by a group of Guards, who look down at us from their hatch and they got this smirk on their face like none other. Why? Cause they just happen to throw some grenades down and our party are now fleeing for their lives in this fireball tunnel.

Party Roll to beat: 3
Mark 11 Matt 7 Cory 5 Vanessa Jose Dusty

Sarn, Roll dex save from the incoming fireball 13, Ouuf... Get's toasted for 33 dmg...
A bunch of smoke and ash comes billowing down the tunnel, creating a black soot of smoking blinding everyone and making it difficult to breath. Sledge uses the tunnel walls as a guide until they come towards a fork in the road with 4 possible tunnels to choose from. We whip out our map and see that the tunnels to our right leads to an opening about 100 yards outside of town. The tunnel that's north east heads towards a house towards the edge of town and the other two tunnels lead to houses on the western side of the town. We decide that heading back to the king and the caravan is the best idea, so to the right we go!
Otto heals up Sarn for 20hp but Sledge who has poison within him, taking 6 dmg. We learn that the poison will slowly kill Sledge and that the antidote is hard to come by.
We walk and arrive at an angled cellar door and just open it; no need to check it. The dawns light braces against our eyes in front of us. Behind us, the town is on fire. Now just to find the King's Caravan.
Sarn, roll perception on his surroundings 8 Notices there are foot and hoof prints on the ground
We head east south east, thinking the Caravan might be there or at the very least, we can intercept it. Sarn casts, "pass without trace" aiding in our stealth in these unholy lands.

Seeing that Sledge could die before we see the King, we decide that it's best to find the snake that deals in this poison and try to come up with an antidote.
Traveling is slow but after Sarn sees some snakes ahead, Sledge takes out his long bow and shoots at one of the snakes
Sledge, roll for long bow attack 9, Miss

second attack 20, Hit The snake is donzo.
Sarn, Roll medicine to create an antidote from the dead reptile. 19, Success Sarn being from the desert, collects some scattered herbs and such and creates the anti venom.
So we're back on the trail and after some time, we come to some giant metal tracks....ugh...We missed the Caravan. We're hoping to catch up to it but Sarn knows that walking through the desert is not only taxing physically, but will take a very long time.
Sledge, roll perception to see how fresh the tracks are 14 He puts sand in his mouth and then wonders why he did that.

We do notice some oilish substance that trails with the tracks. We suspect its from the caravan itself and it's warm to the touch. Finding the nearest ridge, we look out into the desert.
Sarn, Roll perception for what his elven eyes can see 12 He sees the caravan and it's moving pretty fast. BUT Coming from the north, a small caravan of horses can be seen intercepting the Caravan and they doooooo not look friendly. Oh....and below us and off the ridge cliff are two elves on horseback looking out into the desert; who are also wearing the same kind of armor as Sir Onn'd...

We debate if we wanna get involved with this, but it's really outta our hands. Staying practical (and low on spell slots) we realize that we're gunna need those horses if we're gunna even catch up to the Caravan, let alone survive out here. So Sledge's idea is to sneak up, using his rope, pull off the elf from his horse and stab him with his read all that right....Oh boy...
Off in the distance, the horses have surrounded the caravan and we can see arrows and spell magic going back and forth between them. It's quite mesmerizing.
Using that as an opportunity to get the jump on these guards, we travel away and creep up on their blind side by coming around.
Everyone roll stealth, add +10 as 'pass without a trace' is cast on everyone.
Sarn 27 Sledge 25 Otto NAT 20!!!
The guards are too focused on the battle before their eyes. Otto actually creeps right up next to the horse and guard undetected.
Otto, roll to cast 'inflict wound" on the guard, with advantage uses binny 11
Otto climbs up, tickles the guards neck, which spooks him to throwing elbows.
Sledge, roll for strength to grab the other guard off his horse and slam him to the ground, w/advantage 15 Grabs him, slams him to the ground for 3 dmg
Sarn jumps onto the guy Sledge just took out and leaps on top of the guard to attack with his scimitar
Sarn, roll for melee attack w/advantage 12, misses as the guard dodges outta the way.
Roll for initiative!
Sarn 3 Otto 6 Sledge 17 Bad guy on the ground 21

Bad guy on the ground's turn, Grabs a dagger out, throws it into the distance and disappears when the dagger hits the ground. Then reappears 10ft away holding the dagger. The hilt of the blade is made of displacer beast.
Sledge's turn, roll for melee attack on bad guy still on his horse 15, Hit 12 dmg
second attack 14, Miss
The bad guy falls off the horse and is prone, leaving Otto alone on the horse.
Bad guy #2's turn (the guy that was fighting with Otto and just fell to the ground) Roll to stab up at Otto 17, Hit, Miss

Otto's turn, takes out his pact blade and casts thirsting blade on it First attack 11, Miss Second attack 9, Miss
In a last ditch effort, Otto slaps the horse to get away.
Bad guy #2, roll for opportunity attack on Otto 24, Hit 12 dmg to Otto.

Sarn's turn, Jumps on the vacant horse and yells to Sledge to jump on with him

SITuation REPort In the distance the Caravan seems to have held off the horseman attack. Sarn is on the horse, Sledge is right to the side of him, Right in front of Sledge is Bad guy #2 and about 10-15 feet away we have the bad guy #1....and Otto is just riding off
Using the horse to his advantage, Sarn tries to trample Bad guy #2 Bad guy dex save 22, dodges outta the hooves
Bad guy #1, Throws the knife at Sledge 11, Miss The knife misses and dings off Sledges shield. As it hits the ground, the bad guy then appears next to Sledge.
Second attack 18, Miss

Sledge's turn, goes to hop on the horse with Sarn Roll agility aka dex. 16 successfully hops on the horse
Bad guy #2's turn, standing next to Sarn, stabs at him 18, hit 12 dmg
Second attack, 12, Miss

Otto's turn, tries to gain control of the horse Bonus action, roll animal handling 17. success
Casts eldritch blast on Bad guy #2 13, Miss second beam 24, Hit 9 dmg, hits him right in the face and knocks him off his feet
Sarn's turn, Roll animal handling to calm the horse and gett'er goin NAT 1 The horse rails up and tries to buck off Sarn and Sledge
Sarn 14 Sledge 14
We hold on...phew...
We hightail it and get some distance away while they shoot a few arrows at us, but nothing hits. Looking back we see a red flare shoot up into the desert sky from where we left the two guards. OOooooooOOoOOO But we continue to press deeper into the desert. Remembering that they have a magic wand that the king gave them that shoots a flare, Otto fires one off in the opposite direction under the guise of misdirection for anyone looking.
We come up closer and behind the caravan and a lot of bodies surround the tracks. Guards hold us up thinking we are badguys, but Sarn holds up the King's sigil and that's when we see Meeb and Donoub! We are ushered in and finally safe from the desert horrors.
Sarn requests to see the King and when we arrive we see a King that looks far worse off than when he left us. He is alive, but bandaged up and looking unhappy.
Our party explains that they didn't find the boy or Sir Onn'd, but did find out they are out to kill him and the operations for this are massive. We are offered potions of healing and food but are told by the King himself that they shouldn't get too comfortable. He sent riders ahead to warn the city of what is happening but hasn't heard back from them in some time. They are days way from arriving, so once the group is healed and better, he aims to have them go ahead and find out what's going on....
To Be Continued....

Where is Sir Onn'd ???
What is Sir Onn'ds angle on all of this???
Will Cory ever roll good again!?
It's the weekend, so grab your favorite junk food, put some microwave'd ranch sauce all over and stay tuned for what lies in store on the neeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxtttttt PPPPPAAAAARRRRRRTTTTTYYYYY RRRRROOOOOOLLLLLLLL!!!!!


"I got 'magic stones' which ugh I make stones from my handy little um my slingshot" - Mark
"Next town I go to, i'm gunna buy so much fucking rope" - Matt's BDSM fetish coming through in gameplay
"These are dirt elves" - DM Steven on how these elves differ from Star elves.
"I'm safe...I don't bareback it" - Cory, potentially on his horse riding preference. Potentially...
"Dirt elves is a very derogatory term for Nomads" - DM Steven
"Youre a gooood boooyah" - Matt when Otto coo's his horse down

-Mark and Cory roll their same Numbers from the last party roll
-Cory is hell bent on curing poison as a condition in 5e
-'Derek the Cleric' was one of Cory's characters from years ago, from before they started recording.
-'Chadlier the Cavalier' was another Cory character
- For Matt and Cory but also Mark
-Master Qui Gon, what's a Displacer Beast?
-Otto should of gotten stabbed as the attack met his AC of 17. If it meets, it beats.
-Thereeeeee Boooyaaah
@ party_roll on twitter
Teener Time
submitted by Fickle-Exchange2017 to PartyRollPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 04:32 AndrewHeard What is the most loving tribute to an actor who died while a TV show was on the air?

I was watching the latest episode of The Cleaning Lady and at the end of the episode they had the “In Loving Tribute to Adan Canto” tag. I didn’t realize that the actor had passed on until I looked it up after. Most of the new season was built around the characters searching for the character who Adan played. Which probably should’ve been a tip off that something happened to him.
But it got me thinking about some of the other examples where shows paid tribute to actors who died. Some that come to mind are Cory Monteith in Glee and Luke Perry in Riverdale. They really did good work in giving the actor a beautiful send off for the character.
So what’s the loving tribute that you appreciated the most?
submitted by AndrewHeard to television [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 23:42 Aend3r Cory, Trevor, smokes let's go
submitted by Aend3r to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 20:28 CP4-Throwaway A rough estimate of celebs that may seem more X, M, or Y from Famous Birthdays, based on the widest definition of my personal transitional Gen Y/Anadigital/Xennial/MilleXer microgeneration, b. circa 1977-1985 (UPDATED)

Just for context, in this specific post:
X = Gen X
Y = Cusp
M = Millennial
This is a repost from the original (which was an extension of the very original post here) that I did a few years back, just to be updated for 2024 because I thought it'd be to fun to explore this again.
But I will exclude the 1984-1985 list because that'd be way too long. I'll add them in the comment sections. So in this post, I'll focus on the celebrities born from 1977-1983.
I know the vast majority of this sub will disagree but I'll post it anyway.
This is based on the vibes and/or appearance of the celebrity so please don't take this too seriously as this may or may not be accurate, depending on one's view of Gen X and Millennials.
This is based on my current perception of these celebrities.

  1. Kanye West, 46, Rapper - Y
  2. John Cena, 46, Wrestler - X
  3. Shakira, 47, Pop Singer - X
  4. Tom Brady, 46, Football Player - X
  5. Gerard Way, 46, Rock Singer - Y
  6. Jerry Trainor, 47, TV Actor - X
  7. Thinknoodles, 46, YouTube Star - X
  8. Christi Lukasiak, 47, Reality Star - X
  9. Daddy Yankee, 47, Reggaeton Singer - Y
  10. Orlando Bloom, 47, Movie Actor - Y
  11. Brittany Murphy (1977-2009), Movie Actress - Y
  12. Ludacris, 46, Rapper - X
  13. Rhett McLaughlin, 46, YouTube Star - M
  14. Tula Rodríguez, 46, TV Actress - Y
  15. Chris Martin, 47, Pop Singer - Y
  16. Tom Hardy, 46, Movie Actor - Y
  17. John Mayer, 46, Rock Singer - Y
  18. Floyd Mayweather Jr., 47, Boxer - X
  19. Psy, 46, Pop Singer - Y
  20. Brock Lesnar, 46, Wrestler - X
  21. Jason Aldean, 47, Country Singer - X
  22. Milo Ventimiglia, 46, TV Actor - Y
  23. King Ali, 47, Snapchat Star - M
  24. 2 Chainz, 46, Rapper - X
  25. Tamar Braxton, 47, R&B Singer - X
  26. AJ Styles, 46, Wrestler - X
  27. Raina Telgemeier, 46, Cartoonist - Y
  28. Dave Portnoy, 47, Entrepreneur - Y
  29. Liv Tyler, 46, Movie Actress - X
  30. Robin Thicke, 47, R&B Singer - Y
  31. Fiona Apple, 46, Rock Singer - X
  32. Jason Earles, 46, TV Actor - Y
  33. Sarah Michelle Gellar, 46, TV Actress - X
  34. Jeff Hardy, 46, Wrestler - X
  35. Tom Welling, 46, TV Actor - Y
  36. Rob Jensen, 46, YouTube Star - X
  37. Jessica Chastain, 47, Movie Actress - X
  38. Donald Trump Jr., 46, Business Executive - X
  39. Bhushan Kumar, 46, Film Producer - X
  40. Lana Parrilla, 46, TV Actress - X
  41. Kerry Washington, 47, Movie Actress - X
  42. Matt Bomer, 46, TV Actor - Y
  43. Varli Singh, 46, TikTok Star - X
  44. Papa Bee, 46, YouTube Star - Y
  45. Vince Carter, 47, Basketball Player - X
  46. Jeezy, 46, Rapper - X
  47. Mrs Netta, 46, TikTok Star - X
  48. Buddy Valastro, 47, Chef - X

  1. Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), Basketball Player - X
  2. Ian Somerhalder, 45, TV Actor - M
  3. Usher, 45, R&B Singer - Y
  4. Tia Mowry, 45, TV Actress - X
  5. Rachel McAdams, 45, Movie Actress - Y
  6. Jensen Ackles, 46, TV Actor - Y
  7. James Corden, 45, Comedian - Y
  8. Andy Samberg, 45, TV Actor - M
  9. John Legend, 45, R&B Singer - X
  10. James Franco, 45, Movie Actor - X
  11. Scott Cawthon, 45, Game Designer - X
  12. Jillzfoodz, 45, TikTok Star - X
  13. Zoe Saldaña, 45, Movie Actress - X
  14. Ashton Kutcher, 46, TV Actor - X
  15. Link Neal, 45, YouTube Star - M
  16. Nicole Scherzinger, 45, Pop Singer - Y
  17. CM Punk, 45, Wrestler - X
  18. Alesha Dixon, 45, Rapper - X
  19. Nelly Furtado, 45, Pop Singer - X
  20. Roly May, 45, TikTok Star - X
  21. Luis Fonsi, 45, Pop Singer - Y
  22. Evan Britton, 45, Entrepreneur - X
  23. Tamera Mowry, 45, TV Actress - X
  24. Anthony Mackie, 45, Movie Actor - Y
  25. Mike Vitar, 45, Movie Actor - X
  26. Katherine Heigl, 45, Movie Actress - X
  27. Katie Price, 45, Model - X
  28. Tom Ellis, 45, TV Actor - Y
  29. Kel Mitchell, 45, TV Actor - Y
  30. AJ Cook, 45, TV Actress - X
  31. Mandana Mani, 46, Fashion Designer - M
  32. Kenan Thompson, 45, TV Actor - Y
  33. London Charles, 46, Reality Star - X
  34. Christian Coulson, 45, Movie Actor - M
  35. Bill Hader, 45, TV Actor - X
  36. Tyrese Gibson, 45, R&B Singer - X
  37. Judith Barsi (1978-1988), Voice Actress - X
  38. Michelle Rodriguez, 45, Movie Actress - X
  39. Perez Hilton, 46, Blogger - Y
  40. Chris Stapleton, 45, Country Singer - X
  41. Manny Pacquiao, 45, Boxer - X
  42. Dianna Williams, 45, Reality Star - Y
  43. Katie Holmes, 45, TV Actress - X
  44. Roger Clark, 45, TV Actor - X
  45. Diplo, 45, DJ - M
  46. Justin Long, 45, Movie Actor - Y
  47. Joanna Gaines, 45, Reality Star - X
  48. Ginnifer Goodwin, 45, TV Actress - M

  1. Kourtney Kardashian, 44, Reality Star - Y
  2. Kevin Hart, 44, Comedian - Y
  3. Pink, 44, Pop Singer - Y
  4. Aaliyah (1979-2001), R&B Singer - X
  5. Heath Ledger (1979-2008), Movie Actor - X
  6. Chris Pratt, 44, Movie Actor - Y
  7. Adam Levine, 45, Pop Singer - Y
  8. Jason Momoa, 44, Movie Actor - X
  9. Cooper Barnes, 44, TV Actor - Y
  10. FGTeeV Mom, 44, YouTube Star - M
  11. Sheri Nicole, 44, TikTok Star - X
  12. Ne-Yo, 44, R&B Singer - Y
  13. John Krasinski, 44, TV Actor - X
  14. Flo Rida, 44, Rapper - Y
  15. Oscar Isaac, 45, Movie Actor - X
  16. Brandy, 45, R&B Singer - X
  17. Notch, 44, Game Designer - Y
  18. Kate Hudson, 44, Movie Actress - Y
  19. Mindy McKnight, 44, YouTube Star - M
  20. Tiffany Haddish, 44, Comedian - X
  21. Pete Wentz, 44, Bassist - M
  22. June Shannon, 44, Reality Star - X
  23. James McAvoy, 44, Movie Actor - X
  24. Caroline Flack (1979-2020), TV Show Host - Y
  25. Aaron Paul, 44, TV Actor - M
  26. Jawed Karim, 44, Entrepreneur - Y
  27. Monique Carrillo, 44, Business Executive - Y
  28. Mama Bee, 44, YouTube Star - Y
  29. The Game, 44, Rapper - X
  30. Rider Strong, 44, TV Actor - X
  31. Jennifer Love Hewitt, 45, Movie Actress - X
  32. Jennifer Morrison, 44, TV Actress - X
  33. Sophie Ellis-Bextor, 44, Pop Singer - M
  34. Lecrae Moore, 44, Rapper - M
  35. Lamar Odom, 44, Basketball Player - Y
  36. Mark Goldbridge, 45, YouTube Star - M
  37. Rose Byrne, 44, Movie Actress - X
  38. Colleen Hoover, 44, Novelist - X
  39. Kimi Raikkonen, 44, Race Car Driver - X
  40. Drew Brees, 45, Football Player - X
  41. Bianca Lawson, 45, TV Actress - Y
  42. Joe Gorga, 44, Reality Star - X
  43. Walker Hayes, 44, Country Singer - Y
  44. Luke Evans, 44, Movie Actor - Y
  45. Juan Pablo Di Pace, 44, TV Actor - X
  46. Adam Brody, 44, TV Actor - M
  47. Kelis, 44, R&B Singer - X
  48. Natasha Lyonne, 45, Movie Actress - X

  1. Kim Kardashian, 43, Reality Star - M
  2. Brooke Norris, 44, YouTube Star - Y
  3. Ryan Gosling, 43, Movie Actor - Y
  4. Matt Slays, 43, YouTube Star - M
  5. Nick Cannon, 43, TV Actor - Y
  6. Matthew Gray Gubler, 44, TV Actor - Y
  7. Channing Tatum, 43, Movie Actor - Y
  8. Jake Gyllenhaal, 43, Movie Actor - X
  9. Mark Rober, 44, YouTube Star - M
  10. Christina Aguilera, 43, Pop Singer - Y
  11. Lin-Manuel Miranda, 44, Stage Actor - Y
  12. Rebel Wilson, 44, Movie Actress - Y
  13. Jonathan Saccone-Joly, 44, YouTube Star - Y
  14. Katie LeBlanc, 43, Family Member - Y
  15. Randy Orton, 44, Wrestler - X
  16. Gucci Mane, 44, Rapper - Y
  17. Ronaldinho, 44, Soccer Player - Y
  18. Macaulay Culkin, 43, Movie Actor - Y
  19. T.I., 43, Rapper - Y
  20. Billy LeBlanc, 44, YouTube Star - Y
  21. Kristen Bell, 43, TV Actress - Y
  22. Gisele Bündchen, 43, Model - X
  23. Theo Von, 44, Comedian - Y
  24. Shay Carl Butler, 44, YouTube Star - M
  25. Chris Pine, 43, Movie Actor - X
  26. Ashanti, 43, R&B Singer - X
  27. Richie McCaw, 43, Rugby Player - Y
  28. Jason Coffee, 43, TikTok Star - M
  29. Rishi Sunak, 43, Politician - X
  30. Zooey Deschanel, 44, TV Actress - M
  31. Monica Arnold, 43, R&B Singer - X
  32. Jenna Dewan, 43, Movie Actress - Y
  33. The Miz, 43, Wrestler - Y
  34. Olivia Munn, 43, TV Actress - Y
  35. Gotye, 43, Rock Singer - M
  36. Pauly D, 43, DJ - M
  37. Ben Savage, 43, TV Actor - Y
  38. Mikey Way, 43, Bassist - Y
  39. Bernice Burgos, 43, Instagram Star - M
  40. Jessica Simpson, 43, Pop Singer - X
  41. Remy Ma, 43, Rapper - X
  42. Venus Williams, 43, Tennis Player - X
  43. Grant Thompson (1980-2019), YouTube Star - Y
  44. Corey Gamble, 43, Reality Star - X
  45. Mikey Day, 44, TV Actor - X
  46. Swoozie, 43, YouTube Star - M
  47. Christina Ricci, 44, Movie Actress - X
  48. dodgerfilms, 43, YouTube Star - Y

  1. Beyoncé, 42, Pop Singer - Y
  2. Britney Spears, 42, Pop Singer - Y
  3. Adriana Lima, 42, Model - M
  4. Chris Evans, 42, Movie Actor - Y
  5. Justin Timberlake, 43, Pop Singer - Y
  6. Paris Hilton, 43, Reality Star - M
  7. Alicia Keys, 43, R&B Singer - Y
  8. Ray William Johnson, 42, YouTube Star - M
  9. Tom Hiddleston, 43, Movie Actor - X
  10. Hayden Christensen, 42, Movie Actor - Y
  11. Meghan Markle, 42, Duchess - Y
  12. Keyshia Cole, 42, R&B Singer - X
  13. Natalie Portman, 42, Movie Actress - Y
  14. Jessica Alba, 42, Movie Actress - Y
  15. Pitbull, 43, Rapper - Y
  16. Joseph Morgan, 42, TV Actor - Y
  17. Alexis Bledel, 42, TV Actress - Y
  18. Chad Michael Murray, 42, TV Actor - M
  19. Serena Williams, 42, Tennis Player - Y
  20. Romeo Santos, 42, World Music Singer - Y
  21. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 42, Soccer Player - M
  22. Casey Neistat, 43, YouTube Star - M
  23. Kira Girard, 42, Reality Star - M
  24. Kelly Rowland, 43, Pop Singer - Y
  25. Rami Malek, 42, TV Actor - M
  26. Jennifer Hudson, 42, Pop Singer - Y
  27. Tiffany Rockelle, 43, Family Member - Y
  28. Ray J, 43, R&B Singer - Y
  29. Stephen Amell, 42, TV Actor - Y
  30. Jesse Williams, 42, TV Actor - Y
  31. Rachel Platten, 42, Pop Singer - X
  32. Ben Barnes, 42, Movie Actor - Y
  33. Danielle Fishel, 42, TV Actress - Y
  34. Coyote Peterson, 42, TV Show Host - X
  35. Finn Bálor, 42, Wrestler - M
  36. Stephanie Beatriz, 43, TV Actress - Y
  37. Elijah Wood, 43, Movie Actor - M
  38. Ivanka Trump, 42, Business Executive - Y
  39. Fernando Alonso, 42, Race Car Driver - X
  40. Frank Iero, 42, Guitarist - Y
  41. Tiania Haneline, 42, TikTok Star - Y
  42. Nicky Jam, 43, Reggaeton Singer - Y
  43. Natasha Bedingfield, 42, Pop Singer - X
  44. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 43, Movie Actor - Y
  45. Amy Schumer, 42, Comedian - Y
  46. Mehran Rowshan, 42, Soccer Coach - X
  47. Guy Sebastian, 42, R&B Singer - M
  48. Julia Stiles, 43, Movie Actress - Y

  1. Nicki Minaj, 41, Rapper - M
  2. Rebecca Zamolo, 41, YouTube Star - M
  3. Kate Middleton, 42, Princess - Y
  4. Paul Wesley, 41, TV Actor - M
  5. Lil Wayne, 41, Rapper - Y
  6. Anne Hathaway, 41, Movie Actress - M
  7. Sebastian Stan, 41, Movie Actor - Y
  8. Keemstar, 42, YouTube Star - M
  9. Kelly Clarkson, 41, Pop Singer - Y
  10. William, Prince of Wales, 41, Prince - Y
  11. Priyanka Chopra, 41, Movie Actress - M
  12. David Dallas, 41, Rapper - M
  13. Jared Padalecki, 41, TV Actor - Y
  14. Tati Westbrook, 42, YouTube Star - M
  15. Jodie Sweetin, 42, TV Actress - X
  16. Ong Squad, 42, TikTok Star - M
  17. Lil Boosie, 41, Rapper - X
  18. Cory Monteith (1982-2013), TV Actor - M
  19. Ty Dolla Sign, 41, R&B Singer - M
  20. Vanessa Bryant, 41, Model - Y
  21. Ms. Rachel, 41, YouTube Star - M
  22. Natalie Dormer, 42, TV Actress - M
  23. Dwyane Wade, 42, Basketball Player - Y
  24. Sophia Bush, 41, TV Actress - Y
  25. Spice, 41, Reggae Singer - M
  26. Kirsten Dunst, 41, Movie Actress - Y
  27. Jamie Dornan, 41, Movie Actor - Y
  28. Jesse Wellens, 41, YouTube Star - M
  29. Matt Smith, 41, TV Actor - Y
  30. Misty Copeland, 41, Dancer - M
  31. Kaká, 41, Soccer Player - M
  32. DaddyOFive, 41, YouTube Star - X
  33. Seth Rogen, 41, Movie Actor - Y
  34. Daveed Diggs, 42, Rapper - Y
  35. Chyler Leigh, 41, TV Actress - Y
  36. Adam Lambert, 42, Pop Singer - M
  37. K Michelle, 42, R&B Singer - X
  38. Jeddah Navalua, 42, YouTube Star - Y
  39. Billy Wingrove, 41, Soccer Player - M
  40. Eddie Redmayne, 42, Movie Actor - Y
  41. Pornsak, 42, TV Show Host - M
  42. John Mulaney, 41, Comedian - Y
  43. DeStorm Power, 42, Pop Singer - M
  44. Rachel Bennett, 41, YouTube Star - M
  45. LeAnn Rimes, 41, Country Singer - X
  46. Sexy Star, 41, Wrestler - M
  47. Stephen Boss (1982-2022), Dancer - Y
  48. Yandy Smith, 42, Reality Star - Y

  1. Chris Hemsworth, 40, Movie Actor - Y
  2. Amy Winehouse (1983-2011), Soul Singer - X
  3. Andrew Garfield, 40, Movie Actor - M
  4. Roman Atwood, 40, YouTube Star - M
  5. Future, 40, Rapper - M
  6. Mila Kunis, 40, Movie Actress - Y
  7. Henry Cavill, 40, Movie Actor - Y
  8. Carrie Underwood, 41, Country Singer - Y
  9. Donald Glover, 40, TV Actor - M
  10. Nikki Garcia, 40, Wrestler - M
  11. jeenie.weenie, 40, TikTok Star - M
  12. Emily Blunt, 41, Movie Actress - Y
  13. Scott Disick, 40, Reality Star - M
  14. Frankie Grande, 41, YouTube Star - M
  15. Amber Rose, 40, Model - M
  16. Lupita Nyong'o, 41, Movie Actress - M
  17. Brie Bella, 40, Wrestler - M
  18. Aaron Rodgers, 40, Football Player - M
  19. Macklemore, 40, Rapper - M
  20. Vic Fuentes, 41, Rock Singer - M
  21. Kendra Johnston, 40, YouTube Star - Y
  22. Stacy Hinojosa, 40, YouTube Star - M
  23. Cheryl Ann Tweedy, 40, Pop Singer - Y
  24. Zoe Perry, 40, TV Actress - X
  25. Adam Driver, 40, Movie Actor - M
  26. Miranda Lambert, 40, Country Singer - Y
  27. Dani Alves, 40, Soccer Player - Y
  28. Summer Rae, 40, Wrestler - M
  29. Ronnie Radke, 40, Rock Singer - M
  30. Jonah Hill, 40, Movie Actor - M
  31. Camilla Luddington, 40, TV Actress - Y
  32. Huda Kattan, 40, Instagram Star - M
  33. Steven Yeun, 40, TV Actor - M
  34. Adam DeVine, 40, TV Actor - M
  35. José Bae, 41, TikTok Star - M
  36. Danielle Busby, 40, Reality Star - Y
  37. Adam22, 40, Podcast Host - M
  38. Katrina Kaif, 40, Movie Actress - Y
  39. Rebecca Ferguson, 40, Movie Actress - Y
  40. Nancy Ajram, 40, Pop Singer - Y
  41. Jessica Ballinger, 41, Instagram Star - M
  42. Nathaniel Buzolic, 40, TV Actor - M
  43. Greta Gerwig, 40, Movie Actress - Y
  44. Darren Fizz, 40, YouTube Star - Y
  45. Loreen, 40, Pop Singer - M
  46. Jeana Smith, 41, YouTube Star - M
  47. Peachy Queen, 41, TikTok Star - M
  48. Ashley Johnson, 40, TV Actress - Y
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to generationology [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 18:47 TonyYumYum Biographies and Memoirs Free Audiobook Megathread

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Unspeakable Surviving My Childhood and Finding My Voice By: Jessica Willis Fisher Grant Audiobook By Ron Chernow cover art 93. Grant By: Ron Chernow I Did a New Thing Audiobook By Tabitha Brown cover art 94. I Did a New Thing 30 Days to Living Free By: Tabitha Brown The Surrender Experiment Audiobook By Michael A. Singer cover art 95. The Surrender Experiment My Journey into Life's Perfection By: Michael A. Singer Into Thin Air Audiobook By Jon Krakauer cover art 96. Into Thin Air A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster By: Jon Krakauer An Unfinished Love Story Audiobook By Doris Kearns Goodwin, Bryan Cranston cover art 97. An Unfinished Love Story A Personal History of the 1960s By: Doris Kearns Goodwin, Bryan Cranston Starvation Heights Audiobook By Gregg Olsen cover art 98. Starvation Heights Dangerous Women: True Crime Stories Series: Dangerous Women - True Crime Stories The Spy and the Traitor Audiobook By Ben Macintyre cover art 99. The Spy and the Traitor The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War By: Ben Macintyre The Wisdom of the Bullfrog Audiobook By Admiral William H. McRaven cover art 100. The Wisdom of the Bullfrog Leadership Made Simple (But Not Easy) By: Admiral William H. McRaven Product List True Crime All The Time (Ad-free) Podcast By Emash Digital / Wondery cover art 1. True Crime All The Time (Ad-free) Cook County ICU Audiobook By Cory Franklin MD cover art 2. Cook County ICU 30 Years of Unforgettable Patients and Odd Cases By: Cory Franklin MD Included in Plus membership Mother, Neighbor, Russian Spy Podcast with Rosamund Pike cover art 3. Mother, Neighbor, Russian Spy American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? Audiobook By Blanchard House cover art 4. American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? By: Blanchard House The Hiding Place Audiobook By Corrie ten Boom, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill cover art 5. The Hiding Place By: Corrie ten Boom, Elizabeth Sherrill, John Sherrill Exposed Audiobook By Sophie Elmhirst, Maria Luisa Tucker cover art 6. Exposed The Ashley Madison Hack By: Sophie Elmhirst, Maria Luisa Tucker A Child Called 'It' Audiobook By David Pelzer cover art 7. A Child Called 'It' One Child's Courage to Survive By: David Pelzer Night Audiobook By Elie Wiesel cover art 8. Night By: Elie Wiesel Series: Night Trilogy, Book 1 Trace of Doubt Audiobook By Samantha Weinberg cover art 9. Trace of Doubt By: Samantha Weinberg Once Removed: An American Family Reunion Podcast with Elvis Mitchell cover art 10. Once Removed: An American Family Reunion Your Mama's Kitchen Podcast with Michele Norris cover art 11. Your Mama's Kitchen Play Follow The Cases That Haunt Us Audiobook By John Douglas, Mark Olshaker cover art 12. The Cases That Haunt Us From Jack the Ripper to JonBenet Ramsey, the FBI's Legendary Mindhunter Sheds Light on the Mysteries That Won't Go Away By: John Douglas, Mark Olshaker The Republic of Pirates Audiobook By Colin Woodard cover art 13. The Republic of Pirates Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down By: Colin Woodard Deputy Mayor Putin Audiobook By Maeve McQuillan cover art 14. Deputy Mayor Putin By: Maeve McQuillan Elvis and Me Audiobook By Priscilla Beaulieu Presley cover art 15. Elvis and Me By: Priscilla Beaulieu Presley Meghan and Harry Audiobook By Lady Colin Campbell cover art 16. Meghan and Harry The Real Story By: Lady Colin Campbell Tears of the Silenced Audiobook By Misty Griffin cover art 17. Tears of the Silenced An Amish True Crime Memoir of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Brutal Betrayal, and Ultimate Survival By: Misty Griffin Five Families Audiobook By Selwyn Raab cover art 18. Five Families The Rise, Decline, and Resurgence of America's Most Powerful Mafia Empires By: Selwyn Raab The Radium Girls Audiobook By Kate Moore cover art 19. The Radium Girls The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women By: Kate Moore Arthur Audiobook By Mikael Lindnord cover art 20. Arthur The Dog Who Crossed the Jungle to Find a Home By: Mikael Lindnord Series: Arthur, Book 1 The Polygamist’s Daughter Audiobook By Anna LeBaron, Leslie Wilson - contributor cover art 21. The Polygamist’s Daughter By: Anna LeBaron, Leslie Wilson - contributor Sorry for Your Loss Audiobook By Michael Cruz Kayne cover art 22. Sorry for Your Loss By: Michael Cruz Kayne Dolly Parton, Songteller Audiobook By Dolly Parton cover art 23. Dolly Parton, Songteller My Life in Lyrics By: Dolly Parton The Demon Next Door Audiobook By Bryan Burrough cover art 24. The Demon Next Door By: Bryan Burrough Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast Podcast By Michelle Obama cover art 25. Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast The Amityville Horror Audiobook By Jay Anson cover art 26. The Amityville Horror By: Jay Anson Pimp Audiobook By Iceberg Slim cover art 27. Pimp The Story of My Life By: Iceberg Slim Shattered Audiobook By Kathryn Casey cover art 28. Shattered The True Story of a Mother's Love, a Husband's Betrayal, and a Cold-Blooded Texas Murder By: Kathryn Casey JFK and the Unspeakable Audiobook By James W. Douglass cover art 29. JFK and the Unspeakable Why He Died and Why It Matters By: James W. Douglass Healing Wounds Audiobook By Diane Carlson Evans, Bob Welch - contributor, Joseph Galloway - foreword cover art 30. Healing Wounds A Vietnam War Combat Nurse's 10-Year Fight to Win Women a Place of Honor in Washington, D.C. By: Diane Carlson Evans, Bob Welch - contributor, Joseph Galloway - foreword Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Audiobook By Caitlin Doughty cover art 31. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes And Other Lessons from the Crematory By: Caitlin Doughty Confessions of a Prairie Bitch Audiobook By Alison Arngrim cover art 32. Confessions of a Prairie Bitch How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated By: Alison Arngrim Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Audiobook By Richard P. Feynman cover art 33. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! By: Richard P. Feynman The Debutante Audiobook By Jon Ronson cover art 34. The Debutante By: Jon Ronson The Doors of Perception Audiobook By Aldous Huxley cover art 35. The Doors of Perception By: Aldous Huxley Red Notice Audiobook By Bill Browder cover art 36. Red Notice A True Story of High Finance, Murder and One Man's Fight for Justice By: Bill Browder Surprised by Joy Audiobook By C. S. Lewis cover art 37. Surprised by Joy The Shape of My Early Life By: C. S. Lewis The Lost Boy Audiobook By David Pelzer cover art 38. The Lost Boy Brutally Honest Audiobook By Melanie Brown, Louise Gannon cover art 39. Brutally Honest Mel B’s tell-all memoir By: Melanie Brown, Louise Gannon Doctors from Hell Audiobook By Vivien Spitz cover art 40. Doctors from Hell The Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans By: Vivien Spitz A Higher Call Audiobook By Adam Makos cover art 41. A Higher Call An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of World War II By: Adam Makos The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Audiobook By John Perkins cover art 42. The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man By: John Perkins The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women Audiobook By Elizabeth Norton cover art 43. The Hidden Lives of Tudor Women A Social History By: Elizabeth Norton I Escaped from Auschwitz Audiobook By Rudolf Vrba, Alan Bestic, Sir Martin Gilbert - foreword, Robin Vrba - editor, Nikola Zi 44. I Escaped from Auschwitz The Shocking True Story of the World War II Hero Who Escaped the Nazis and Helped Save Over 200,000 Jews By: Rudolf Vrba, Alan Bestic, Sir Martin Gilbert - foreword, Robin Vrba - editor, Nikola Zimring - editor The Year of Magical Thinking Audiobook By Joan Didion cover art 45. The Year of Magical Thinking By: Joan Didion Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879 Audiobook By Herman Lehmann cover art 46. Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879 The Story of the Captivity and Life of a Texan Among the Indians By: Herman Lehmann Chase Darkness with Me Audiobook By Billy Jensen, Karen Kilgariff - foreword cover art 47. Chase Darkness with Me How One True Crime Writer Started Solving Murders By: Billy Jensen, Karen Kilgariff - foreword 48. The Year of Magical Thinking The Medici Audiobook By Paul Strathern cover art 49. The Medici Power, Money, and Ambition in the Italian Renaissance By: Paul Strathern The Year of Less Audiobook By Cait Flanders cover art 50. The Year of Less How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store By: Cait Flanders Something Ain't Right Audiobook By Roger Stringer, Zachary Stringer cover art 51. Something Ain't Right By: Roger Stringer, Zachary Stringer 90 Minutes in Heaven Audiobook By Don Piper cover art 52. 90 Minutes in Heaven A True Story of Death & Life By: Don Piper The Pale-Faced Lie Audiobook By David Crow cover art 53. The Pale-Faced Lie A True Story By: David Crow We Few Audiobook By Nick Brokhausen cover art 54. We Few US Special Forces in Vietnam By: Nick Brokhausen Beyond Band of Brothers Audiobook By Dick Winters, Cole C. Kingseed cover art 55. Beyond Band of Brothers The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters By: Dick Winters, Cole C. Kingseed The Search for the Green River Killer Audiobook By Carlton Smith, Tomas Guillen cover art 56. The Search for the Green River Killer The True Story of America's Most Prolific Serial Killer By: Carlton Smith, Tomas Guillen Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears Audiobook By Matthew P. Mayo cover art 57. Cowboys, Mountain Men, and Grizzly Bears Fifty of the Grittiest Moments in the History of the Wild West By: Matthew P. Mayo Never Broken Audiobook By Jewel cover art 58. Never Broken Songs Are Only Half the Story By: Jewel The Mission, the Men, and Me Audiobook By Pete Blaber cover art 59. The Mission, the Men, and Me Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander By: Pete Blaber Desert Solitaire Audiobook By Edward Abbey cover art 60. Desert Solitaire A Season in the Wilderness By: Edward Abbey Finding Tamika Audiobook By Erika Alexander, Kevin Hart, Charlamagne Tha God, Ben Arnon, Rebkah Howard, David Person, James T 61. Finding Tamika By: Erika Alexander, Kevin Hart, Charlamagne Tha God, Ben Arnon, Rebkah Howard, David Person, James T. Green, SBH Productions, Color Farm Media Midnight Son Audiobook By James Dommek Jr., Josephine Holtzman, Isaac Kestenbaum cover art 62. Midnight Son By: James Dommek Jr., Josephine Holtzman, Isaac Kestenbaum Caesar Audiobook By Adrian Goldsworthy cover art 63. Caesar Life of a Colossus By: Adrian Goldsworthy When the Air Hits Your Brain Audiobook By Frank T Vertosick Jr. MD cover art 64. When the Air Hits Your Brain Tales from Neurosurgery By: Frank T Vertosick Jr. MD Confession of a Serial Killer Audiobook By Katherine Ramsland PhD cover art 65. Confession of a Serial Killer The Untold Story of Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer By: Katherine Ramsland PhD Up from Slavery Audiobook By Booker T. Washington cover art 66. Up from Slavery By: Booker T. Washington Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Audiobook By Frederick Douglass cover art 67. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave By: Frederick Douglass The Hiding Place Audiobook By Corrie ten Boom cover art 68. The Hiding Place By: Corrie ten Boom To Hell and Back Audiobook By Audie Murphy cover art 69. To Hell and Back By: Audie Murphy Class of '88 Podcast with Will Smith cover art 70. Class of '88 Whispers in the Tall Grass Audiobook By Nick Brokhausen cover art 71. Whispers in the Tall Grass Own It Audiobook By Diane von Furstenberg cover art 72. Own It The Secret to Life By: Diane von Furstenberg Grandma Gatewood's Walk Audiobook By Ben Montgomery cover art 73. Grandma Gatewood's Walk The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail By: Ben Montgomery West Cork Podcast By Audible Original cover art 74. West Cork An Exorcist Tells His Story Audiobook By Fr. Gabriele Amorth cover art 75. An Exorcist Tells His Story By: Fr. Gabriele Amorth A Room of One's Own Audiobook By Virginia Woolf cover art 76. A Room of One's Own By: Virginia Woolf Deviant Audiobook By Harold Schechter cover art 77. Deviant The Shocking True Story of Ed Gein, the Original "Psycho" By: Harold Schechter We Thought We Knew You Audiobook By M. William Phelps cover art 78. We Thought We Knew You A Terrifying True Story of Secrets, Betrayal, Deception, and Murder By: M. William Phelps Three Ordinary Girls Audiobook By Tim Brady cover art 79. Three Ordinary Girls The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins and WWII Heroes By: Tim Brady The Frontiersmen Audiobook By Allan W. Eckert cover art 80. The Frontiersmen A Narrative By: Allan W. Eckert Series: Winning of America, Book 1 The Magic of Marie Laveau Audiobook By Denise Alvarado cover art 81. The Magic of Marie Laveau Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans By: Denise Alvarado The Ice Man Audiobook By Philip Carlo cover art 82. The Ice Man Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer By: Philip Carlo God's Smuggler Audiobook By Brother Andrew cover art 83. God's Smuggler By: Brother Andrew What I Talk about When I Talk about Running Audiobook By Haruki Murakami cover art 84. What I Talk about When I Talk about Running By: Haruki Murakami The Reason I Jump Audiobook By Naoki Higashida cover art 85. The Reason I Jump The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism By: Naoki Higashida The Brothers Audiobook By Stephen Kinzer cover art 86. The Brothers John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War By: Stephen Kinzer The Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers Audiobook By Todd Grande PhD cover art 87. The Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers The Intersection of Personality Theory and the Darkest Minds of Our Time By: Todd Grande PhD In the Dream House Audiobook By Carmen Maria Machado cover art 88. In the Dream House By: Carmen Maria Machado Endurance Audiobook By Alfred Lansing cover art 89. Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage By: Alfred Lansing Wizard Audiobook By Marc J. Seifer cover art 90. Wizard The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius By: Marc J. Seifer The Cuckoo's Egg Audiobook By Cliff Stoll cover art 91. The Cuckoo's Egg Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage By: Cliff Stoll Agatha Christie and the Dandelion Poisoner Podcast with Joe Nocera cover art 92. Agatha Christie and the Dandelion Poisoner The Peyton Place Murder Audiobook By Renee Mallett cover art 93. The Peyton Place Murder The True Crime Story Behind the Novel That Shocked the Nation By: Renee Mallett Everybody's Best Friend Audiobook By Ken Englade cover art 94. Everybody's Best Friend The True Story of a Marriage That Ended in Murder By: Ken Englade Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Audiobook By Edwin Lefevre cover art 95. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator By: Edwin Lefevre This is Actually Happening (Ad-free) Podcast By Wondery cover art 96. This is Actually Happening (Ad-free) The Redhead of Auschwitz Audiobook By Nechama Birnbaum cover art 97. The Redhead of Auschwitz By: Nechama Birnbaum Wounds of the Father Audiobook By Elizabeth Garrison cover art 98. Wounds of the Father A True Story of Child Abuse, Betrayal, and Redemption By: Elizabeth Garrison Bundy:The Deliberate Stranger Audiobook By Richard W. Larsen cover art Virtual Voice Sample 99. Bundy:The Deliberate Stranger By: Richard W. Larsen The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Audiobook By Benjamin Franklin cover art 100. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin By: Benjamin Franklin Biographies & Memoirs Top 100 I'm Glad My Mom Died Audiobook By Jennette McCurdy cover art 3. The Woman in Me 4. Spare 5. Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing 6. Rebel Rising 7. Elon Musk 8. Be Useful 9. Killers of the Flower Moon 11. Burn Book 12. Oath and Honor 13. Cook County ICU 14. Sociopath 15. Born a Crime 17. The House of Hidden Meanings 18. If You Tell 19. Paris Sale ends in 22d 14h 14m 24s 20. American Dreamer: Who Was Jay Gatsby? 21. Becky Lynch: The Man 22. Finding Me 23. Elevate and Dominate 24. Only Say Good Things 25. The Hiding Place 27. Exposed 28. Counting the Cost 29. A Child Called 'It' 30. Never Leave the Dogs Behind 31. Educated 32. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone 33. Kitchen Confidential 34. Mostly What God Does 35. Night 36. The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah's Book Club) 38. Trace of Doubt 39. Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter 40. Becoming 41. The Light We Carry 42. Chaos 44. Going Infinite 45. Untamed 46. Reality Check: Making the Best of The Situation 47. The Devil in the White City The Amish Wife Audiobook By Gregg Olsen cover art 48. The Amish Wife 49. Crying in H Mart 50. Scars and Stripes 51. Steve Jobs 52. The In-Between 53. Astor 54. American Prometheus 55. The Cases That Haunt Us 56. The Republic of Pirates 57. In Cold Blood 58. Tuesdays with Morrie 59. Vanderbilt 60. Leslie F*cking Jones 61. Deputy Mayor Putin 62. The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel 63. Down the Rabbit Hole 64. In Pieces 65. Elvis and Me 66. Poor Charlie’s Almanack 67. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil 68. The Storyteller: Expanded 69. Meghan and Harry 70. Shoe Dog 71. Tears of the Silenced 72. Five Families 73. The Wisdom of the Bullfrog 74. My Effin' Life 75. Among the Bros 76. Making It So From the Streets to the Suites Audiobook By Snoop Dogg cover art 77. From the Streets to the Suites Words + Music Vol. 36 By: Snoop Dogg Series: Words + Music Add to Library 78. Mindhunter 79. What My Bones Know Will Audiobook By Will Smith, Mark Manson cover art 80. Will By: Will Smith, Mark Manson If You Would Have Told Me Audiobook By John Stamos cover art 81. If You Would Have Told Me By: John Stamos Thicker than Water Audiobook By Kerry Washington cover art 82. Thicker than Water By: Kerry Washington Worthy Audiobook By Jada Pinkett Smith cover art 83. Worthy By: Jada Pinkett Smith Leonardo da Vinci Audiobook By Walter Isaacson cover art 84. Leonardo da Vinci 85. Napoleon 86. The Splendid and the Vile 87. Einstein 88. When Breath Becomes Air 89. The Surrender Experiment 90. How to Change Your Mind 91. I Did a New Thing 92. Being Henry You Owe You Audiobook By Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul - foreword cover art 93. You Owe You Ignite Your Power, Your Purpose, and Your Why By: Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul - foreword 94. The Exvangelicals 95. The Power Broker 96. On Writing 97. Grant Enough Audiobook By Cassidy Hutchinson cover art 98. Enough By: Cassidy Hutchinson Down the Drain Audiobook By Julia Fox cover art 99. Down the Drain By: Julia Fox 100. Churchill
submitted by TonyYumYum to freeaudiobooksforu [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 16:56 FourthPrince-4040 Molly behavior

I have 7 mollies, the tank seems to have settle down and the stress is gone. So much so my largest Male molly is stuck to a little female like glue, however she isn’t the only female in the tank, there is a another female who is older and looks closer to breeding size then the harassed female. That one male Molly thinks he runs the tank it’s very entertaining to watch he even picks on the smallest male who doesn’t want the smoke so he hangs with the Cory’s some of the time. I have purchased an isolation box just incase. The ratio is 4 males and 3 females. I have another large male who is equal in size to the boss but he isn’t aggressive at all, all the females besides the harassed sticks with him. Side note: the one female who is of bigger size I mentioned earlier is a different color then the rest they are all gold dusted except her she has bits of black but nothing significant. Sometimes I catch her alone or not moving with the group.
submitted by FourthPrince-4040 to aquarium [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 02:20 AFC-Yero New to Manga collecting!

New to Manga collecting!
I’m new to Manga collecting and I went down the route of picking what seemed the most interesting to me from the “popular” pile. Currently reading Berserk which is the whole reason this all even started! Looking for more recommendations based off of these picks but I am also open to any recommendations!
submitted by AFC-Yero to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]