Different types of teaching styles kindergarten


2020.04.12 18:01 98Senpai AnimeHairstyles

Twintail or Ponytail, Long hair or Short hair this is a community where we appreciate every kind of hairstyles.

2021.01.02 09:23 Accomplished_Tale_42 ftmAustralia

For all my Aussie trans dudes to chill out and ask for advice abt all types of trans related topics. AUS can be a bit different to the rest of the world when it comes to men and different trends and styles so here we be more specific abt advice and questions. Couple of rules: Don't be dicky If you can offer advice to someone, do it in a resprectful way

2021.02.01 11:07 tavitavi42 tavicomics

Hey! I am Tavi, a 25 year old from Romania. I love illustration and stupid humour. And that's what brought me to webcomics! I post once a week, every Wednesday. It takes me about 8 hours to make a comic because I like putting a lot of detail and texture.

2024.05.18 14:17 demon_baba Next-Auth with typescript strange error

Next-Auth with typescript strange error
I am trying to use next-auth with typescript in one of my projects. I am using Google as my provider, I am encountered with a very strange error, I would paste the code and error below, can anyone help me.
import Nav from '@/components/Nav'; import Provider from '@/components/Provider'; import '@/styles/globals.css'; import { Session } from 'next-auth'; import { AppProps } from 'next/app'; import React from 'react'; type AppPropsWithSession = AppProps & { pageProps: { session: Session; }; }; const RootLayout = ({children,}:{children: React.ReactNode}, pageProps:AppPropsWithSession) => { return (    
) } export default RootLayout
This is the error I am getting while running
Can anyone please help me ?
submitted by demon_baba to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:17 undeniabledwyane Step by step instructions

Hi; could you post step by step instructions for curing aphantasia? Between all of the different types of pjs tasia and practices, I think a manual of where to begin would be very helpful, as opposed to going through link through link
submitted by undeniabledwyane to CureAphantasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:16 BenkiTheBuilder Template argument deduction on the RIGHT side, not the wrong side!

Templates are an important tool in embedded C++ programming because they allow us to construct complex data structures as compile time constants that are put directly into .rodata, with no code emitted for constructor calls and no cost in precious SRAM.
Templates used to be very painful with their , crazy_long> but fortunately template argument deduction came to the rescue in C++17. Now we can just write
const std::array foo = {1,2,3}; 
and the compiler will deduce that we mean
const std::array foo = {1,2,3}; 
So far, so good. Now I just stumbled upon an issue that may no longer be relevant with newer versions of GCC (I'm using 9.2.1) and that only an embedded developer would ever care about. But since it can give you some extra SRAM for free, I thought I'd share it.
If the template argument deduction happens on the LEFT side of an "=", then the first time GCC has to deduce a specific type, it fails to properly mark the object as constant and will emit it in the .data section rather than .rodata. This does not happen when argument deduction happens on the RIGHT side of an "=".
#include  extern const std::array a1 = {1,2,3}; extern const std::array a2 = {4,5,6}; extern const std::array a3 = {4,5,6,7}; extern const auto a4 = std::array{4,5,6,7,8}; 
Compile this with:
arm-none-eabi-g++ -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -std=c++17 -Os -S foo.cpp 
and at least with GCC 9.2.1 I get

 .global a4 .global a3 .global a2 .global a1 .section .rodata .align 2 .type a4, %object .size a4, 20 a4: .word 4 .word 5 .word 6 .word 7 .word 8 .type a2, %object .size a2, 12 a2: .word 4 .word 5 .word 6 .data .align 2 .type a3, %object .size a3, 16 a3: .word 4 .word 5 .word 6 .word 7 .type a1, %object .size a1, 12 a1: .word 1 .word 2 .word 3 
As you can see a1 is put into .data instead of .rodata. a2 on the other hand is put into .rodata, because it has the exact same type as a1 and it seems once GCC has seen a type every instance after the 1st is properly constant. You can also see that a3 is also in .data rather than .rodata, because its type is different from that of a1 and a2, so it's the 1st time again. a4 on the other hand, despite having a different type from all the prior constants is put into .rodata right away, because its argument deduction happens on the RIGHT side of the equals.
TL;DR: If you have a constant object whose definition uses template argument deduction, put the type name on the RIGHT side of an "=" to make sure it gets put into .rodata so that it will stay in FLASH and won't be copied to SRAM.
submitted by BenkiTheBuilder to embedded [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:16 adulting4kids Songwriter Inspiration

  1. Nature Walk and Observation:
    • Encourage songwriters to take a walk in nature, observe surroundings, and draw inspiration from the environment.
  2. Photograph Analysis:
    • Provide a set of diverse photographs and ask songwriters to create lyrics based on the emotions or stories conveyed in the images.
  3. Emotion Mapping:
    • Have songwriters create a map of different emotions and then write lyrics corresponding to each emotional zone.
  4. Word Association Game:
    • Initiate a word association game where each participant contributes words, and then challenge them to turn those words into lyrics.
  5. Object Storytelling:
    • Ask songwriters to pick an everyday object and craft a song that tells a story related to that object.
  6. Literary Exploration:
    • Have songwriters read a short story, poem, or novel and use it as a springboard for creating song lyrics.
  7. Song Title Challenge:
    • Provide a list of intriguing song titles and challenge songwriters to build a story or emotion around each title.
  8. Character Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to invent a fictional character and write a song from that character's perspective or about their experiences.
  9. Current Events Reflection:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore current events and write lyrics expressing their thoughts or reactions.
  10. Dream Journaling:
    • Instruct songwriters to keep a dream journal and use elements from their dreams to inspire song lyrics.
  11. Collaborative Storytelling:
    • Pair up songwriters to collaboratively create lyrics, merging different perspectives and styles.
  12. Random Sentence Generator:
    • Use a random sentence generator to spark creativity and challenge songwriters to build a narrative around the generated sentence.
  13. Travel Diaries:
    • Have songwriters write lyrics inspired by their travel experiences, capturing the essence of different places.
  14. Historical Exploration:
    • Research a historical event and challenge songwriters to craft lyrics that transport listeners to that moment in time.
  15. Dialogue Exercise:
    • Create a dialogue between two characters and challenge songwriters to turn the conversation into song lyrics.
  16. Mood Board Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to create a mood board with images, colors, and textures that inspire a specific mood for their lyrics.
  17. Reverse Songwriting:
    • Start with a chorus or a hook and challenge songwriters to build the rest of the lyrics around it.
  18. Genre Fusion:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore different musical genres and write lyrics that blend elements from two or more genres.
  19. Song Cover Transformation:
    • Pick a well-known song and challenge songwriters to transform the lyrics, creating a completely new story or perspective.
  20. Personal Artifact Exploration:
    • Have songwriters bring in a personal artifact and write lyrics that delve into the emotions or memories associated with that item.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:14 oftenfrequently Book recommendation if you're interested in Old Hollywood/star image and the older verified celebs

Book recommendation if you're interested in Old Hollywood/star image and the older verified celebs
I'm about halfway through this book and am really enjoying it - it goes into a lot of detail on different stars' images and the differences between how they were perceived back then (50s/60s). It's actually super helpful for understanding why Kibbe typed them in the way he did! Featuring appearances by/mentions of many verified celebs in addition to Audrey, including Marilyn Monroe, Doris Day, Gloria Vanderbilt, Grace Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Kim Novak, and a few more.
So far my favorite detail has been the author talking about how Edith Head didn't like costuming Audrey in Roman Holiday due to all of the alterations she needed (Edith ended up adding a lot to the silhouette to hide her body essentially because she thought Audrey looked awkward) vs how much she loved dressing Grace Kelly because her proportions were perfect and she made everything look amazing lol. The back then commentary on Audrey's beauty in general was so harsh!
Has anyone else read this book? Any other books you'd recommend in this vein?
submitted by oftenfrequently to Kibbe [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:13 Many_Astronomer_678 How old is this portrait?

How old is this portrait?
I am sorting a bunch of old oval portraits, this one feels different, it is heavy! How best to identify how old it is? Does the frame style indicate age? Can you identify her attire? Looking for more details and how best to evaluate the others.
submitted by Many_Astronomer_678 to Antiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:13 CaitlinHuxley Profitable Amazon Ads - Lessons Learned

This question gets asked at least 3 times a week, and so I figured I'd share my experiences in a central place so folks can search for it easier. If you've had some experiences you'd like to share in the comments, that would be cool as well.
Disclaimer: I have 1 book, it's non-fiction, and unique in that is applies specifically to political campaigning. My genre is very niche. Thus, your mileage will probably vary from mine. Additionally, I say the word "profitable", but that doesn't mean wildly successful, just that I'm no longer losing money on amazon ads. From starting, it took 4 months of tweaking for me to earn a profit in a single month, and 2 more months before I made my money back.
Campaigns: Set up one of each of the Automatic, Keyword, and Product campaigns. After a few months you'll hopefully be able to open a "Winning Campaign" for the Keywords and Products to track your successes separately. Don't do custom text yet (US only), more on that down in A/B testing.
Ads: If your book comes in more than 1 format, pick the format that has the highest royalties. Again, you can test variations later.
Targets (keywords and products/categories): Go wide at first. Search for your book using the search terms(keywords) you think people will use, and add them to your campaign targets. There are plenty of services (google the term "amazon keyword tool") to help you come up with new ones. Just keep adding things, but don't be ridiculous.
After a while (like 2-3 months) if you notice that some targets just don't produce sales. If they have 50+ clicks, then just turn them off.
Bids: The big trick is to let it run long enough to really know your target cost per click. Start very small (ignore "suggested bid") and only increase later. Set these to "Dynamic bids - down only". I am serious about ignoring the suggested bid. I watched a video that said to set my bids to the suggested and max out at a dollar, but I hemorrhaged money. The people making these videos don't know the break even point of your book.
Bid adjustment: After about 200 clicks, calculate the average number of clicks before you get a sale. Then divide your royalties by that number and set your bids to slightly lower than that. Don't worry about impressions, since you only pay for clicks. For me that calculation look like this - My royalties are $5.50 per book, and the ads have sold 61 copies ($335.5 total), it took me 855 clicks to get those sales (conversion rate: 14 clicks per sale), so each click should cost $0.40. You should actually do this calculation separately for each of your campaign types. My Products campaign is set to $0.25 and my Keywords bid is set to $0.75. Unless your book royalties, and conversion rate is the same as mine, don't use my bid numbers.
Budget: Unless your bids are high, it shouldn't matter how you set it. Mine is at $10 a day, and amazon literally never uses that. Just pick a number you don't mind losing, and you'll be fine.
Winning Campaigns: Slowly, as you notice certain keywords, categories, or products produce sales at a higher rate than that average, you can spin those off into a separate "Winning Campaign" and set the bid slightly higher. My Winning Products has 4 categories and 0 product targets. My Winning Keywords has 2 keywords in it.
Remember that bid calculation from above? Do it again for each target and set the rate on each one individually.
A/B Testing: I said above not to do custom text. Well now that you have a winning campaign with profitable targets it's time to start. You can google for ideas, but I've tried a few different variations of themes from my blurb, excerpts from reviews, and just whatever I could come up with.
Other than custom text, there are number of things you can try. If you have an idea, spin it off into its own campaign, and give it a try. After a reasonable number of click (50-200 probably) you can safely call it statically relevant and turn off the losing version.
Final Tips: Be patient. Don't obsess. Don't change things too often. Keep good notes. Good luck!
submitted by CaitlinHuxley to selfpublish [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:12 tsj-network What is Semantic SEO? Complete Guide with FAQ’s

In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), understanding and implementing the latest strategies is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. One such strategy is semantic SEO. This approach focuses on the meaning behind the words and phrases users type into search engines, rather than just the keywords themselves. But what exactly is semantic SEO, and why is it important? Let’s dive in.

The Basics of Semantic SEO

At its core, SEO is about optimizing content for the intent behind a user’s search query. Instead of focusing solely on specific keywords, semantic SEO considers the context and relationships between words to provide more relevant and comprehensive search results. This approach aligns with how search engines like Google are becoming increasingly sophisticated in understanding and processing language.

Let’s Talk on Fiver

How Semantic SEO Works

Semantic SEO leverages advanced algorithms that understand natural language and context. These algorithms can interpret synonyms, related concepts, and even the sentiment behind queries. By optimizing your content with a semantic approach, you help search engines better understand the context of your content, which can lead to higher rankings and more relevant traffic.

Why Are Semantic Keywords Important in SEO?

Semantic keywords are crucial because they reflect the way people naturally speak and search. Here are a few reasons why they matter:
  1. Enhanced User Experience: Content that addresses the user’s intent provides a better experience, which can lead to longer site visits and lower bounce rates.
  2. Improved Search Engine Understanding: By using semantic keywords, you help search engines grasp the broader context of your content, making it easier for them to match it with relevant queries.
  3. Higher Rankings: Content optimized for semantic search is more likely to rank higher because it aligns with the sophisticated algorithms of modern search engines.
  4. Increased Visibility: Semantic keywords can help your content appear in a wider range of search results, capturing traffic from various related queries.

The Role of Structured Data in Semantic SEO

Structured data plays a significant role in semantic SEO. It helps search engines understand the context of your content by providing explicit clues about the meaning behind it. Implementing structured data, such as schema markup, can enhance your site’s search engine visibility by enabling rich snippets and other enhanced search results features.

Semantic SEO Tools

Several tools can help you implement a semantic SEO strategy effectively. Here are some of the most popular ones:
  1. Google’s Natural Language API: This tool analyzes text to understand the structure and meaning behind it.
  2. SEMrush: Offers features to identify semantic keywords and analyze content for semantic SEO.
  3. Ahrefs: Provides insights into related keywords and their context, helping you optimize your content.
  4. MarketMuse: Uses AI to suggest content improvements and identify semantic gaps in your writing.
  5. Surfer SEO: Analyzes top-ranking pages to help you optimize your content semantically.

Implementing Semantic Keywords in Your SEO Strategy

Incorporating semantic keywords into your SEO strategy involves several steps:
  1. Keyword Research: Start by identifying primary keywords related to your topic. Then, use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to find related terms and phrases.
  2. Content Creation: Write content that naturally incorporates these keywords. Focus on creating comprehensive, in-depth articles that cover the topic from multiple angles.
  3. Use Synonyms and Related Terms: Don’t just repeat the same keywords. Use synonyms and related terms to create a more natural and varied text.
  4. Optimize for User Intent: Consider what users are looking for when they type a query. Aim to answer their questions and solve their problems.
  5. Structured Data: Implement schema markup to help search engines understand the context of your content.

Case Study: Successful Semantic SEO

Let’s look at a hypothetical case study to understand the impact of semantic SEO. Imagine a travel blog looking to increase its organic traffic. By adopting a semantic SEO strategy, they might do the following:
  1. Identify User Intent: Understand that users searching for “best travel destinations” might also be interested in “affordable travel destinations” or “family-friendly travel spots.”
  2. Create Comprehensive Guides: Develop detailed guides covering various aspects of travel destinations, including costs, activities, and family-friendly options.
  3. Use Structured Data: Implement schema markup to highlight key information, such as location, price range, and user reviews.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Continuously use tools like Google Analytics and SEMrush to monitor performance and adjust the content strategy as needed.
By focusing on the semantic relationships between keywords and understanding user intent, the travel blog can attract a broader audience and rank higher in search results.

Common Misconceptions About Semantic SEO

There are several misconceptions about semantic SEO that can hinder its effective implementation:
  1. It’s Just About Using Synonyms: While synonyms are part of it, semantic SEO is more about understanding and addressing user intent.
  2. It Replaces Traditional SEO: Semantic SEO complements rather than replaces traditional SEO practices. Both are essential for a successful strategy.
  3. Only Big Sites Can Benefit: Any site, regardless of size, can implement semantic SEO to improve its rankings and visibility.

Future of Semantic SEO

The future of semantic SEO looks promising as search engines continue to evolve. Here are some trends to watch:
  1. Voice Search: With the rise of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, optimizing for natural language queries will become even more crucial.
  2. AI and Machine Learning: These technologies will further enhance search engines’ ability to understand context and intent.
  3. Visual and Video Search: As visual and video content becomes more prevalent, understanding the semantics of these formats will be key.


Semantic SEO is a powerful strategy that goes beyond traditional keyword optimization. By focusing on the meaning and context behind search queries, you can create more relevant and comprehensive content that meets user intent. Implementing semantic keywords, using structured data, and leveraging advanced SEO tools can significantly enhance your site’s search engine visibility and rankings. As search engines continue to evolve, staying ahead with semantic SEO will be essential for maintaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

FAQs on Semantic SEO

  1. What is the difference between traditional SEO and semantic SEO?
Answer: Traditional SEO focuses on optimizing content around specific keywords to improve search engine rankings. It involves practices like keyword stuffing, backlink building, and meta tag optimization. In contrast, semantic SEO emphasizes the meaning and context behind keywords, understanding user intent, and creating content that addresses those intents comprehensively. It uses related terms, synonyms, and structured data to help search engines understand the broader context of the content.
  1. How can semantic SEO improve my website’s search rankings?
Answer: Semantic SEO can enhance your website’s search rankings by aligning your content with how search engines understand and process language. By optimizing for user intent and context, you create more relevant and comprehensive content. This improves the user experience, leading to longer visits and lower bounce rates, which are positive signals to search engines. Additionally, using structured data helps search engines better understand and display your content in rich snippets, further boosting visibility.
  1. What tools are best for implementing semantic SEO?
Answer: Several tools can assist with semantic SEO implementation. Some of the most popular include:
  1. How do I find semantic keywords for my content?
Answer: To find semantic keywords, start with thorough keyword research using tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Google Keyword Planner. Identify your primary keywords and then look for related terms, synonyms, and variations. Analyze search queries and user intent to understand what users are looking for. Tools like Answer the Public can also provide insights into common questions and topics related to your primary keywords, helping you identify semantic keywords that align with user intent.
  1. Why is structured data important in semantic SEO?
Answer: Structured data is crucial in semantic SEO because it provides search engines with explicit information about the content on your website. By using schema markup, you can help search engines understand the context and relationships within your content. This can enhance your search engine visibility by enabling rich snippets, knowledge graphs, and other enhanced search results features. Structured data helps ensure that your content is accurately represented in search results, making it easier for users to find and engage with your content.
In the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization (SEO), understanding and implementing the latest strategies is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. One such strategy is semantic SEO. This approach focuses on the meaning behind the words and phrases users type into search engines, rather than just the keywords themselves. But what exactly is semantic SEO, and why is it important? Let’s dive in.
submitted by tsj-network to u/tsj-network [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:11 Doonpublicschool000 The Best CBSE Schools in Paschim Vihar: A Comprehensive Guide

CBSE schools in Paschim Vihar is a well-built residential area located in Delhi. It is known for its lush green environment, new age amenities and comfortable living. There are high-rise apartment buildings as well as gated societies, which make it a great place for families. Therefore, the environment for children is good for studies. Paschim vihar in many CBSE schools which are very good for the future of children. It is necessary for studiesThere is a good network of paschim vihar roads and paschim vihar Delhi Metro to connect with the rest of Delhi. Due to this, main commercial and business centers can be easily reached from here paschim vihar .Paschim Vihar also has many parks, shopping centres, hospitals and recreational facilities. People living in paschim vihar enjoy a peaceful and safe environment and there is a sense of togetherness among the people in the neighbourhood. Furthermore, Paschim Vihar has many reputed schools, making it a great location for families who value their children's education.

Importance of Choosing the Right CBSE School in Paschim Vihar

Choosing a CBSE school for children is an important decision for parents in paschim vihar . These schools lay the foundation for children's education and development of their entire personality in paschim vihar . So that children have a good future, make a good career, get knowledge of every field and every subject, CBSE schools are very good in paschim vihar.
Paschim Vihar best CBSE schools inculcate good values and discipline in children, making them responsible and good human beings.Only those schools are good which work closely with the parents and keep them involved in the education of their children. This relationship between parents and teachers is very important for the progress of children.

Criteria for Selecting the Best CBSE Schools

Choosing the right CBSE school for your child is an important decision that impacts their studies and their overall development. Let us see what to keep in mind while choosing the best CBSE school:1. Academic performanceGood education is the most important thing for any renowned schools. To ensure that the school will strengthen children's basic education, you should consider the following:
2.Teachers and teaching methodsThe knowledge and commitment of educators have a major impact on the standard of education. When choosing a school, it is crucial to assess the instructors and their methods of instruction.
3.Infrastructure and facilitiesThe well-equipped school provides an environment suitable for learning and all-round development. It is important to evaluate the infrastructure and facilities while choosing a school.

Best CBSE Schools in Paschim Vihar: Doon Public School

Doon Public School is one of the top CBSE schools located in Paschim Vihar, Delhi. The school is known for its commitment to providing quality education and promoting all-round development. This school has established itself as a major center not only for being top in studies but also for building good character of children. Sports and dance take children to excel in everything, which helps children a lot in their future career. and takes the first step into the world of success
The school has a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to nurturing the intellectual and personal development of each student. With a low student-teacher ratio, Doon Public School provides individual attention, giving teachers the opportunity to meet individual learning needs and foster a supportive and encouraging environment.
Doon Public School is equipped with modern facilities that make the learning experience even better:
  1. Classrooms: Spacious, well-lit and air-conditioned classrooms with smart boards and audio-visual aids to promote interactive learning. These classes create a good environment for learning and help children concentrate.
  2. Laboratories: Advanced science and computer laboratories provide students with hands-on learning experiences, fostering scientific curiosity and technical proficiency. Laboratories equipped with the latest equipment give students the opportunity to put theoretical knowledge into practice.
  3. Library: A well-equipped library with a wide range of books, magazines and digital resources encourages a love of reading and research. This serene environment motivates students to study and gain knowledge.
Understanding the importance of holistic development, Doon Public School offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities:
  1. Sports: The school has extensive sports facilities, including cricket, football fields, basketball courts and indoor games, which promote physical fitness and teamwork. Participation in sports competitions inculcates a sense of healthy competition among the students.
  2. Arts and Culture: Regular art classes, music education, dance and drama programs provide opportunities to students to explore their creative talents. Cultural festivals and events celebrate diversity and promote cultural appreciation. These activities make students feel confident and comfortable on stage.
  3. Clubs and Societies: Various clubs like Debate, Robotics and Environment Club help students pursue their interests and develop leadership and organizational skills. Participating in club activities builds cooperation, coordination and team spirit among students.


Choosing the right CBSE school in Paschim Vihar is important to ensure the academic success and all-round development of your child. Doon Public School stands as a premier institution providing high quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure and a nurturing environment. With its experienced teachers, emphasis on academic excellence and a wide range of extra-curricular activities, Doon Public School prepares students for future challenges and opportunities. Investing in a school like Doon Public School is a step towards securing a bright and promising future for your child.
submitted by Doonpublicschool000 to u/Doonpublicschool000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:11 RailrecipePatna Enhance Your Train Journey with RailRecipe

Enhance Your Train Journey with RailRecipe
Traveling by train offers a unique blend of scenic vistas, rhythmic movement, and the opportunity to connect with fellow passengers. One crucial aspect that can significantly elevate this experience is the availability of delicious, hygienic, and well-prepared food on board. RailRecipe is dedicated to transforming your train journey into a delightful culinary adventure, offering an extensive range of meals that cater to every taste and dietary preference.
A Culinary Delight for Every Palate
RailRecipe takes pride in offering a diverse menu that ensures there is something for everyone. Whether you crave the rich flavors of North Indian cuisine, the spicy and aromatic dishes of South India, the comfort of Chinese food, or the sophistication of Continental fare, RailRecipe has you covered. Our menu includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, so you can enjoy a satisfying meal at any time of the day. We also offer regional specialties, allowing you to savor local flavors as you travel across different parts of the country. From buttery parathas to spicy dosas and wholesome thalis, our menu is designed to provide a variety of delicious options.
Simple and Convenient Ordering Process
Ordering food in train with RailRecipe is designed to be as simple and convenient as possible. Passengers can easily place their orders through our user-friendly website or mobile app. By entering your PNR number, you can browse our extensive menu and select your preferred meals. We offer multiple payment options, including online payments and cash on delivery, ensuring a seamless ordering experience. This convenience means you can focus on enjoying your journey without worrying about your next meal.
Commitment to Quality and Hygiene
At RailRecipe, we understand the importance of quality and hygiene when it comes to food. All our meals are prepared with fresh ingredients and follow stringent hygiene standards to ensure they are safe and delicious. We partner with reputable restaurants and food providers who share our commitment to quality. This ensures that every meal delivered to you is not only tasty but also meets the highest standards of cleanliness and safety. Our focus on hygiene and quality control means that you can trust RailRecipe to provide meals that are not only flavorful but also safe to eat.
Timely Delivery to Your Seat
One of the key features of RailRecipe is our commitment to punctuality. We understand the importance of receiving your meal on time, especially during a train journey. Our efficient logistics network and coordination with partner restaurants ensure that your food is freshly prepared and delivered right to your seat at the specified station. This guarantees that you receive a hot and fresh meal without any hassle. Our punctual delivery system ensures that your dining experience is smooth and enjoyable, allowing you to relax and savor your food without any concerns.
Customized Meals for Special Dietary Needs
RailRecipe recognizes that many passengers have specific dietary needs or preferences. To accommodate this, we offer a variety of customized meal options, including Jain food, diabetic-friendly meals, and more. Our customer service team is always available to assist with any special requests or concerns, ensuring that your dietary requirements are met, and you can enjoy your meal without any worries. Whether you have allergies, dietary restrictions, or simply prefer certain types of food, RailRecipe is committed to meeting your needs with tailored meal options.
Positive Customer Feedback
Our customers’ satisfaction is our top priority, and we are proud to share their positive feedback. Ramesh K., a frequent traveler, says, “RailRecipe has completely changed my train travel experience. The food is always fresh, delicious, and delivered right on time. I never have to worry about finding a meal on my journey anymore.” Similarly, Priya S. shares, “As someone with dietary restrictions, I appreciate the customized meal options RailRecipe offers. It’s so reassuring to know that I can get healthy and tasty food that meets my needs while traveling.”
A Memorable Culinary Journey
With RailRecipe, train travel is not just about reaching your destination; it’s about enjoying the journey along the way. Say goodbye to the monotony of pantry car meals and hello to a delightful culinary experience. Enjoy the comfort of your seat while savoring delicious food, making your train travel truly memorable. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, alone or with family, RailRecipe is committed to enhancing your journey with exceptional food. Our diverse menu, easy ordering process, and dedication to quality ensure that every meal is a highlight of your travel experience.
submitted by RailrecipePatna to u/RailrecipePatna [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:11 Flaky-Start6568 I’m a newb and I have some questions about land financing (as a seller).

I’m trying to understand how I can sell my land to people who want to use loans. Can you ELI5 pls?
(this is not usa btw)
In my area, other land owners are dubdividing their land and sell to many buyers. Lately I’m seeing they let buyers finance the deal to make the deal more affordable for buyers.
To give an example, one land owner subdivides 6 acres of his land into 60 parts and sell to 60 different buyers. It’s sort of a niche type of land.
There are a few things I don’t understand.
Can I get the payment in full using a bank as a “service provider” such that the bank is responsible to collect the monthly payments? How would this work? What would be the fees like?
What are other options?
How much of a headache is this?
submitted by Flaky-Start6568 to CommercialRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:10 deer-at-the-keyboard [F4F Writing M Character] Seeking Literate Partners

Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat.
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along.
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection.It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day.
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later.
Searching For:
modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, post apocalyptic/dystopia, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, mysteries/crime, and much more!
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well.
Fandoms (OCS ONLY)
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games, Fallout (TV Show)
I only use discord to write. Drop me a PM or chat message. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
submitted by deer-at-the-keyboard to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:09 ASHKVLT I'm actually sad I can't visit Israel

So I'm a massive history and archeology enjoer and Jerusalem is a very historical city and there is soo much for many different civilisations you can see across Israel. A lot contradicts and disproves Zionist pseudo historical narratives. And I want to see it at sometime, maybe when the apartheid and genocide ends because eventually it will (I hope). And there is no ethical tourism you can do. And I don't want to see apartheid up close, or see Zionists being in favour of child murder, and that would be putting it mildly a fucked vibe and I don't want to sat something and get arrested or killed by some fascist (I'm not white and to a fascist I can look Muslim Arab, it's the brown skin).
But I can't because regardless of how I travel would be putting money in the hands of the Israeli state to destroy and erase Palestine, commit genocide and maintain apartheid and destroy the countries history. A lesser talked about part of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is the deliberate erasure of the real history of the country and the destruction of archeological sites of significance, because to exist Zionism needs to erase not just Palestinian history but Jewish history as well. The destruction of mosques, churches and other sites have the effect of erasing that part of history so future generations will think "well it's always been like this" to justify the settler colonialist claim to the land, it's what the USA did but in a different way. And a thing I think about is during the nakba you had Jewish community leaders who lead mixed communities, standing up to the Zionist militias, this has been almost completely erased from history because for Zionism to function they have to homogise Jewish people into a monolith and same for Arabs, as has the history of peace and coexistence.
Why I think history is so important is because you can learn from it, and it's essential it's preserved because of what it can teach you. Imo it's maybe one of the most important things to a society is accurate history
submitted by ASHKVLT to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:09 XSSMOKEONE League of Legends and Valorant Unplayable when using any type of Overwolf Statistics App on modern AMD GPU Drivers

Any type of Overwolf App that runs on top of any of the two games make them unplayable. Lag spikes from 300+ fps to 40 fps. This only happens on modern AMD GPU drivers (RX 6650 XT 2021 drivers and newer). I tested the fps on an older GPU driver from 2020 that Windows 11 Pre-Installs and it runs fine, but using that driver means missing out on security fixes and game patches. Using Hardware Acceleration On or Off doesn't make a difference. Quitting the Overwolf App makes my Games' fps stay at 240 fps at all times. Any solutions?
submitted by XSSMOKEONE to Overwolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 theashenoneta 28M - Looking to make long-term chat buddies

Im looking to make long term chat buddies to hopefully make friends with online. It's always nice to connect with people from all across the world and learn about each other and our different cultures and countries.
I have a wide variety of interests ranging from sports and fitness, movies and tv shows, anime and video games to travelling and food.
Ideally this would be a long term friendship so I'm looking for the type of people who don't ghost people needlessly.
Im from London, UK so my timezone is BST.
If you feel like we'll get along, feel free to hmu in chat :)
Ps. I don't use Discord or any other platform, I exclusively use Reddit
submitted by theashenoneta to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 deer-at-the-keyboard [F4F Writing M Character] Seeking Literate Partners

Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat.
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along.
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection.It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day.
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later.
Searching For:
modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, post apocalyptic/dystopia, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, mysteries/crime, and much more!
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well.
Fandoms (OCS ONLY)
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games, Fallout (TV Show)
I only use discord to write. Drop me a PM or chat message. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
submitted by deer-at-the-keyboard to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 theashenoneta 28M - Looking to make long-term chat buddies

Im looking to make long term chat buddies to hopefully make friends with online. It's always nice to connect with people from all across the world and learn about each other and our different cultures and countries.
I have a wide variety of interests ranging from sports and fitness, movies and tv shows, anime and video games to travelling and food.
Ideally this would be a long term friendship so I'm looking for the type of people who don't ghost people needlessly.
Im from London, UK so my timezone is BST.
If you feel like we'll get along, feel free to hmu in chat :)
Ps. I don't use Discord or any other platform, I exclusively use Reddit
submitted by theashenoneta to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 deer-at-the-keyboard [F4F Writing M Character] Seeking Literate Partners

Hi, you can call me Storm! I'm 30 and the mom of a loud and demanding cat.
I’m a multiple paragraphs/novella style writer. I love to write detailed descriptions and delve into a character’s head/emotions as well as surroundings. I compare it to writing a novel together. Not every reply has to be novella length, however. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I only do MxF (with me writing the female role). I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along.
I'm really hoping to find a friendship, someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection.It's difficult for me to write with someone if I don't feel that genuine bond. It's also important to me to have a high level of activity, with at least one reply a day.
If you suddenly stop replying ic and ooc, I'll drop the story after 2 attempts of gauging interest spaced a week apart. But feel free to message me if you want to pick the story back up again, even months later.
Searching For:
modern fantasy, monsters, sci-fi, post apocalyptic/dystopia, soulmates, southern gothic/midwest gothic (i’m a sucker for that southern/texas drawl), horror, grumpy dark men x fiery sweet women, height/size difference, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance, spooky small towns, mysteries/crime, and much more!
I have lots of original plot ideas in mind as well.
Fandoms (OCS ONLY)
Star Wars, Stranger Things, Mercy Thompson Series, True Blood, The Last of Us, Hunger Games, Fallout (TV Show)
I only use discord to write. Drop me a PM or chat message. The most effective way to grab my genuine interest is by messaging me as if we've been friends for years. Please let me know which interests you liked from my ad.
submitted by deer-at-the-keyboard to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:08 theashenoneta 28M - Looking to make long-term chat buddies

Im looking to make long term chat buddies to hopefully make friends with online. It's always nice to connect with people from all across the world and learn about each other and our different cultures and countries.
I have a wide variety of interests ranging from sports and fitness, movies and tv shows, anime and video games to travelling and food.
Ideally this would be a long term friendship so I'm looking for the type of people who don't ghost people needlessly.
Im from London, UK so my timezone is BST.
If you feel like we'll get along, feel free to hmu in chat :)
Ps. I don't use Discord or any other platform, I exclusively use Reddit
submitted by theashenoneta to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:07 CESfwb2023 M [45] Finally committed to being consistent with a workout plan and nutrition.

M [45] Finally committed to being consistent with a workout plan and nutrition.
After too many failures and hangovers I finally kicked alcohol and THC. One day at a time. I always felt tired and made excuses why I wasn't following any type of nutrition.
6 days a week of weight training focusing on two areas each day and doing core daily. I play 1-2 90 minute soccer matches a week and sprinkle in 2 trail runs and some time on the row machine.
On top of kicking the toxins, I have never committed to a clean diet and it has really made a difference.
Hoping to get to 155 as my goal weight but happy where I am with my new found strength, energy and much healthier mental state.
I also never focused on recovery. I take an ice bath every morning before my workout and each evening I spend time doing a pliability/yoga session followed by some foam roller and theragun time. I feel better than when I was in my 30’s.
submitted by CESfwb2023 to fitness30plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:07 Asynchronousx Can mana stacker and armour stacker "virtually" run every gem in the game?

Hello fellow Exiles!
As a relatively new player trying to grasp more and more knowledge of the game, I've been intrigued by the concept of mana stacking and armor stacking builds. I understand that certain class archetypes tend to be better suited for running certain gems and skills due to their passive tree strengths and ascendancy class features.
However, I've also noticed that a lot of "non-meta" classes are able to run different types of gems and skills effectively through the use of mana stacking or armor stacking strategies, especially on POE Ninja build charts. Also, in global chat, I've seen discussions around "mana stacker" and "armor stacker" builds that are able to utilize a wide variety of skills across different class types.
So my main question is: are these stacking archetypes truly capable of running almost any skill or gem in the game with the right adjustments and investment? The idea of not being tied to a specific "meta" class for a given playstyle is very appealing to me as a newer player. I'd love to be able to explore different skills and build concepts without feeling constrained by class limitations.
If anyone has experience or insights to share on the true versatility of mana stacking and armor stacking builds, I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. And if you have any suggested resources for learning more about these approaches, I'm all ears!
Thanks in advance for your help. I'm excited to continue delving into the depths of Path of Exile's incredible build diversity.
submitted by Asynchronousx to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:07 Current-Potential440 Help! Percolation test for 50'x200'. The person said it will not pass. No test performed

I have a 10,000 Sq ft. I called a company for a perc test. The guy showed up and started rambling that he hates to be a bearer of the bad news that the lot will not pass the perc test. He said he's been doing this type of work for 30 years, served in the Air Force, and ready to retire. He also mention that he knows the area more than anybody else. The leech field will take the whole entire area and I can only build 1 bedroom. The guy doesn't know what I am trying to build. I am building a 20x30 tiny home two bedroom which is 600 sq ft.
I asked him how did other houses pass the perc test, he replied to me that those houses are built old and new regulations will make it impossible to me to build a house and the land that I got is worthless. He said "Ask yourself, When does the bleeding stop?" "I can tell you right now, It has to stop, by the time you are done with this, it will be an expensive project for what it's worth" Get a better land and I don't want your money"
Seriously, I am not trying to build a family home. I am doing this for myself and nobody else. Housing prices are ridiculous.
A friend from New Mexico who is a builder and a carpenter said the guy I talked is full of BS. He has a friend who builds septic tanks. For a tiny house, he said I only need a small size leech field with a gravel underneath. New Mexico has hard rocky soil. In Arkansas He told me to get a new Perc test from a different company preferably from Mexicans who will ensure that I can pass, submit to Health and Dept and design better septic. What should I do?
submitted by Current-Potential440 to LittleRock [link] [comments]
