Bleach cartoon art

Bleach Art

2018.01.18 18:34 Onlyhereforthelaughs Bleach Art

A place for bleach art of all kinds. Shirts, shoes, hoodies, jeans, bedsheets, whatever.

2010.03.05 04:20 t0lk Bleach: Anime and Manga

A community for the manga/anime series Bleach and it's spinoff series Burn the Witch

2015.07.24 15:26 ProStrategy Bleach Brave Souls

Welcome to the Bleach: Brave Souls community. We are home of news, updates, discussion, information, and more pertaining to the mobile game! While we have no affiliation with KLab, we offer one of the largest communities in the game's universe!

2024.05.19 08:35 ScienceStyled Fractal Fandango: How Geometry Proves Mother Nature is a Nerd

Ladies and gentlemen, extraterrestrials, and sentient AI overlords! Gather 'round because Zane Zany is about to take you on a wild ride through the mind-bending, reality-twisting, coffee-spilling world of fractal art! Yes, you heard it right—fractals, those brain-melting, visually addictive patterns that make you question if nature's been watching too much sci-fi. Buckle up, buttercups, because we're diving into the recursive rabbit hole of fractal geometry, where Mother Nature herself is the original nerdy artist.
First, let's talk about fractals. Imagine you’re scrolling through Netflix, and instead of choosing between true crime documentaries and that new reality show where people date while hanging upside down, you stumble upon an endless loop of visually stunning, infinitely complex patterns. These, my friends, are fractals—the artistic equivalent of getting lost in the comment section of a viral TikTok.
Fractals are essentially shapes that repeat themselves on different scales. Think of them as the visual manifestation of your favorite TV show that keeps rebooting itself. One of the most famous fractals is the Mandelbrot set, which looks like a trippy explosion of paisleys on LSD. You zoom in on one part, and bam! There’s another paisley party going on in there. It’s like a never-ending series of Russian nesting dolls, but way more psychedelic.
Now, Mother Nature, being the ultimate overachiever, decided to use fractals to design some of her best work. Ever noticed how a cauliflower looks like a tiny, edible brain? Or how lightning bolts resemble the family tree of Zeus's illegitimate children? That’s fractal geometry in action, folks! Nature has been using fractals to show off her math skills long before humans decided to scribble them on their trapper keepers.
Let’s take a closer look at the wacky world of fractal art, where the line between art and science blurs more than my vision after too much screen time. Imagine digital landscapes that look like Salvador Dalí on a coding binge. Artists like Hal Tenny and Kerry Mitchell create these digital masterpieces that make your eyes pop out like a cartoon character seeing a pie on a windowsill. Their works are a mix of math wizardry and artistic flair, transforming complex equations into visual feasts that make you wonder if you’ve accidentally ingested something illegal.
But wait, there’s more! It’s not just digital; hand-drawn fractal art is a thing too. Picture an artist with the patience of a saint and the determination of someone binge-watching an entire season of "Stranger Things" in one sitting. These artists meticulously draw each tiny, repeating pattern by hand. It's like watching Bob Ross on speed, each "happy little accident" turning into a mesmerizing fractal forest.
One of the coolest things about fractal art is how it mimics the infinite complexity of natural forms. It’s like nature’s way of saying, “I see your doodles, and I raise you a universe.” For instance, the branching patterns of trees, blood vessels, and even the internet’s favorite—snowflakes—are all fractal patterns. These natural fractals are so precise that they make human-made fractal art look like a kindergarten drawing contest.
Now, let's get real for a moment and talk about the science behind these bad boys. Fractals are the product of simple mathematical rules repeated over and over. It’s like taking your favorite GIF and putting it on an infinite loop until your brain melts. This process, known as iteration, is the secret sauce behind those stunning fractal images. And if you think that’s nerdy, just wait until you hear this: fractals are used in everything from computer graphics to diagnosing heart disease. Talk about a glow-up from mere doodles to lifesavers!
Alright, my intergalactic audience, let's sprinkle in some contemporary pop culture because why not? Imagine if Marvel’s Doctor Strange teamed up with Picasso after a bender at a hacker convention. That’s the level of surreal you get with fractal art. Or think about "Rick and Morty" if they decided to explore the infinite realities within a single broccoli floret. Fractals are the multiverse theory of art and science—every zoom reveals another layer of mind-blowing complexity.
And speaking of complexity, let’s not forget about the applications. Fractals aren’t just pretty pictures; they have real-world uses that would make even Tony Stark jealous. For example, in telecommunications, fractal antennas are all the rage. They’re tiny, efficient, and look like they belong in a sci-fi movie. These antennas use fractal patterns to pick up a wide range of frequencies, making your smartphone signals stronger than my desire for a pizza right now.
But fractals aren't just solving tech problems—they're also helping scientists understand natural phenomena. Take the coastlines of continents, for instance. They’re not straight lines but jagged, irregular shapes that resemble, you guessed it, fractals! By studying these patterns, scientists can predict erosion and even help with environmental conservation. It’s like Mother Nature gave us a cheat code to understand her secret plans.
Now, let’s wrap this mind-bending journey with a bow, shall we? Fractal art is the glorious intersection where art and science have a wild, late-night party and invite everyone they know. It’s proof that math isn’t just for nerds—it’s the creative force behind the beauty of the natural world and the digital masterpieces that leave us awestruck. So, next time you’re out in nature or lost in a fractal video loop, remember that you’re witnessing the same principles that make your phone work, keep planes in the air, and help us understand the universe.
So, there you have it, folks! Fractal art: where geometry, nature, and a splash of human creativity come together to blow our minds. It's the ultimate nerdy art form that proves even the most complex mathematical principles can be stunningly beautiful. And remember, whether you’re a digital artist, a nature lover, or just someone who likes trippy patterns, fractals have something to offer. Until next time, keep your eyes peeled for the hidden patterns in life, and don’t forget to tip your server. Zane Zany, signing off!
submitted by ScienceStyled to u/ScienceStyled [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:50 stevenb1987 Who would be in a modern remake of cartoon all-stars to the rescue?

Who would be in a modern remake of cartoon all-stars to the rescue?
If you don’t know, cartoon all stars to the rescue was a 90s anti-drug psa about a bunch of cartoon characters helping a kid stop doing drugs. You can watch the whole thing on YouTube.
If they were to do a modern remake, who would be a part of it?
submitted by stevenb1987 to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:57 Legal-Ad-5235 Job ideas?

Hi! I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for someone who is autistic experiencing burnout from their current job. It's me lol idk why I asked it like that, but I like arts and crafts and I'm pretty good at it but starting your own business is the main way of making money off that. Which I find extremely difficult by myself. Are there other job ideas anyone has tried or heard of? I also like animals, baking, and photography. I'm weirdly observant if that helps at all. Maybe I could set up at parties to do cartoon drawings of people or something.
submitted by Legal-Ad-5235 to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:10 FutureSky8054 pls help finding an old story

i’ve been trying to find this story in read back in like 2018. it was a story with the classic art style. i don’t really remember anything about the mc except for the fact that she was w a guy named skye w the mohawk style. she had a dream (i think) where skye died and she got super depressed and suicidal after the funeral and drank bleach. i think it might’ve been deleted tbh butttt idk i’m so curious about it
submitted by FutureSky8054 to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:12 LA_ZBoi00 Any art styles you like from games, comics/mangas, or cartoons/anime’s

Kind of a random question, but I’m curious to know. I really like the art style from games like guilty gear, streets of rage 4, dragons crown, and just cel shaded games in general. But in terms of cartoons, I’ve always been a fan of avatar, both the last airbender and legend of korra. Also I like the art style in the new x-men show. But what about you? Any games, comics/mangas, or cartoons/anime’s that have art styles you like?
submitted by LA_ZBoi00 to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:38 Vampiiremouse [for hire] cartoon comms

I’m opening simple 15$ cartoon commissions for anyone that’s interested! the TAT is usually 24-48 hours. I currently am out of a job and am trying to support myself via my art. I’m open to discuss smaller projects in private as well. You can reach me via discord: vampiremouse
You can see my full range of works on my DeviantArt:
Im also currently working on a comic series for those who are interested! I appreciate any and all patronage >.<
Thank you so much for your time!
submitted by Vampiiremouse to hireanartist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:03 Capital_Promise8420 [M 4 anyone playing female] looking for some long term partners

Hiya! I’m Jude (FTM) I’m happily partnered, a elder millennial , and a long time role player. I just purchased a used bookstore/coffee shop that I run in the cozy Pacific Northwest, but am mostly available daily to rp.
I wrote in third person past tense, I’m a literate multiple para to novella style writer. If there are action or dialogue heavy scenes, I tend to do a shorter back and forth and honestly quality over quantity is more important to me.
I only do M x F (with me in the male role) I don’t double, but I’m more than happy to write side characters of either gender to help move the story along. I prefer to use discord but can use Reddit chat if it’s a deal breaker.
I'm really hoping to find a partnership/ friendship , someone who can add to our story, and most importantly, someone who wants a long-term connection. I love chatting ooc with my partners, love gushing about our characters, setting up mood boards, sound tracks, etc. I’m also good for a kitty picture or two I own four of them!
I have a list of tropes, genres, themes and plots that would be happy to send. I’m also fine with trading writing samples as well but it isn’t a must.
I am fine with writing about anything except for high fantasy. I have a fondness for the supernatural, paranormal, mysteries, thrillers, even a bit of horror however I like all my stories to have romance. Dark Forrest’s, small spooky towns, werewolves, cults, things that go bump in the night, modern tellings of fairytales are my kind of vibe.
I’d love to hear from you, drop me a note, chat or private message.
submitted by Capital_Promise8420 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:26 elegantvoidblob 19F artsy person looking for a cool introverted friend I can text daily.

Hello. I’m trying to find a new person (19+) who I’m able to relate to and have nice conversations with and be like close friends eventually. I’m very lonely zero friends (seriously) so I’m hoping to meet someone in the same boat. I like art, music, video games sometimes and cartoons. Only message me if you’re serious about becoming friends and plan to actually put in effort and are cool and chill! Thank you :)
submitted by elegantvoidblob to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:55 garc09 [iOS][2010] puck game about ninjas vs demons

Platform(s): iOS
Genre: Puck-styled strategy game
Estimated year of release: Unknown
Graphics/art style: Detailed cartoon
Notable characters: typical red bandana ninja and demons of toned down color hues
The game is basically a turn-based strategy puck game, it's no longer in the app store, the basis of the artstyle is from the time in which the fruit ninja craze was going on, I remember vaguely that the game was simply about ninjas vs monsters or demons and you tried to shoot your pucks at them so they loose life, there were also stage dangers and I dunno if im right, but i think there were abilities like shurikens you could shoot? It was played like in the image:
submitted by garc09 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:56 caricaturaedesenho Explorando a Arte da Caricatura: Dicas e Experiências

Explorando a Arte da Caricatura: Dicas e Experiências


Olá, galera! Aqui é o Marcio, trazendo mais um conteúdo para vocês sobre a fascinante arte da caricatura. Hoje, vamos falar sobre minha jornada de aprendizado, explorando diferentes estilos e técnicas através de vídeos e aulas de artistas renomados no YouTube. Se você está interessado em aprimorar suas habilidades em caricatura, continue lendo!

A Importância de Explorar Diferentes Estilos

A arte da caricatura é diversificada e permite aos artistas expressar sua criatividade de várias maneiras. Eu sempre fui fascinado pelo estilo cartoonizado e decidi buscar conteúdos que me ajudassem a desenvolver essa técnica. Um dos canais que descobri e recomendo fortemente é o do Rabelo, que oferece ótimas aulas sobre caricatura.

Aprendendo com os Melhores

Recentemente, assisti a uma aula do Rabelo onde ele explica os elementos e formas da caricatura, utilizando o Sylvester Stallone como exemplo. Vou deixar o link do vídeo no card para quem quiser conferir. A abordagem dele é muito didática, e ele consegue transmitir de forma clara os princípios fundamentais para criar caricaturas no estilo cartoon.

Colocando a Teoria em Prática

Não fiquei apenas na teoria. Peguei lápis e papel e comecei a aplicar as técnicas ensinadas por Rabelo. É crucial não só assistir, mas também praticar para realmente absorver o conhecimento. Aqui estão algumas dicas que aprendi e que podem ajudar você também:
  1. Estudo dos Elementos da Caricatura: Observe os traços característicos do rosto que você está caricaturando. Rabelo enfatiza a importância de exagerar essas características de forma harmoniosa.
  2. Simplificação e Exagero: No estilo cartoon, simplificar e exagerar traços é essencial. Rabelo faz isso de maneira exemplar, mantendo a essência do personagem enquanto adiciona um toque único.
  3. Prática Contínua: A prática é fundamental. Ao tentar recriar a caricatura do Stallone, percebi que é preciso paciência e persistência para dominar a técnica.

Comparação com Outros Estilos

Já fiz cursos de caricatura com outros artistas, como o Chico Pereira, que tem um estilo mais realista. A experiência com diferentes estilos me ajudou a entender melhor minhas preferências e a desenvolver meu próprio estilo. O curso do Renato, do Carica na Prática, também foi muito útil, pois ele mistura elementos do cartoon de forma criativa.

Desenvolvendo Seu Próprio Estilo

Ao praticar e estudar diferentes estilos, comecei a formar meu próprio estilo de caricatura. Aqui estão alguns passos que você pode seguir para encontrar o seu:
  1. Explore Diferentes Fontes: Assista a vídeos, faça cursos e estude o trabalho de diversos artistas.
  2. Experimente e Pratique: Teste diferentes técnicas e estilos para ver qual você mais gosta e com qual se sente mais confortável.
  3. Crie Seu Portfólio: Documente suas práticas e criações. Isso não só mostra seu progresso, mas também ajuda a identificar áreas para melhoria.


Aprender caricatura é uma jornada contínua que exige dedicação e curiosidade. Explorar diferentes estilos e técnicas é essencial para se tornar um artista versátil e desenvolver seu próprio estilo único. Recomendo fortemente que você confira o canal do Rabelo e outros recursos mencionados para expandir seus conhecimentos.
Se você gostou deste artigo, deixe seu like e compartilhe com outros entusiastas da caricatura. Um forte abraço a todos e até a próxima! ACESSE
submitted by caricaturaedesenho to encontreiai [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:27 wraithoffaith 29M USA/Nevada - Nerdy christian childfree, looking for someone compatible

I'm a 5'7 INFP non-denominational christian who has been in the faith for about 7 years now, I was saved from the New Age movement and before that was agnostic for most of my life. My favorite books in the bible are Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Matthew. Having kids was something I wanted but given the current state of the world and how expensive everything is, I'd much rather just settle down with someone and have a cat or two and just grow together enjoying each other's company. Oh and here's a picture of me to know if I'm your type
Cooking is my main hobby but I'm also learning to draw, still got a long way to go tho. My favorite things to draw are usually cute fictional animal characters like Pokemon, Digimon, Yordles, Lilo & Stitch experiments, and anything with a similar vibe. My goal with art is to eventually turn some of my fanfics into comics and make some money with commissions, I also only draw traditionally. The main reason for that is I am drawn to doing things the old fasioned way like washing clothes by hand, collecting VHS tapes, paying with cash, cooking over a fire, etc. I don't strictly live that way btw, it's just fun. I'm a big fan of traditional animation so I love 2D animated movies and such, I'm more of a cartoon fan than an anime fan but I like both.
If you're interested or want to know more feel free to DM me, good luck to you all and I hope we all find what we're looking for :)
submitted by wraithoffaith to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Ashrootsilverwind Looking for other animes

Im looking for more animes to watch the more episodes the better ill include a list of ones ive seen please dont recomend one peice ive tryed it didnt like it but im open to other ideas my favorites are isikei ones
*Fairy tail *Rave master ( same people who made fariytail *Edens zero ( also same people that made fairytail) *Grandblue fantasy *Violet evergarden *Little witch acaidamia *The riseing of the sheild hero *Attack on titan *Sword art online *Ranma 1/2 *Bleach *Full metal alcamist *Black butler *Inuyasha *Angel tales *Big o *Cowboy bebop *Dragonball series like dbz dragonball gt or dragonball super *Excel saga *Gantz *Kekkaishi *Lupin III *medabots *Naruto *Robotech *Ronin warriors *Rosario+vampire *Rurouni kenshin *Sailor moon *Seven deadly sins *Soul eater *Tenchi (any but tenchi muyo ryo ohki is the start) *Tower of druaga *Trigun *Witchblade *neon genisus evangelion *daliy life of the immortal king *i've somehow gotten stronger when i improved my farm related skills *how not to summon a demon lord *zoids *that time i got reincarnated as a slime *banished from the heros party *the world finest assassin gets reincarnated in a diffrent world as an aristocrat *black summoner *the wrong way to use healing magic *tales of wedding rings *log horizon *reincarnated as a sword *in another world with my smartphone *is it wrong to try and pick up girls in a dungeon *chilvery of a failed knight *my unique skill makes me op even at lvl 1 *bofuri i dont want to get hurt so ill max out my defence *farming life in another world *the hidden dungeon only i can enter *cyborg 009 *yu yu hakusho *zatch bell *rwby *Black clover *Hunter x hunter *Tsukimichi-moonlit fantasy- *Am i acually the strongest *Saveing 80,000 gold in another world for my retirement *Re zero starting life in another world *Didnt i say to make my abilitys advrage in the next life *Ascendance of a bookworm *how a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom *cilling in another world with level 2 super cheat powers *I Shall Survive Using Potions *I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level *The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody *Mushoku Tensei *Isekai Cheat Magician *I'm Quitting Heroing *So I’m a spider so what *By the grace of gods
submitted by Ashrootsilverwind to anime [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:54 Yarbles The Official Report of the April RVA Reddit (no we haven't) Bookclub

We met up on a rainy Sunday about a month ago and talked about some books. Our pick this month was Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn, because Assaulty wanted to read a story from an elderly perspective. The characters in this one were not really elderly - they were maybe 60 - but that's an advanced age for an international assassin. It seemed like most people liked it, though it's not everyone's preferred genre. It did resolve itself really well. I thought there were maybe too many main characters stuffed into a shorter book. The_OG_Bert liked the cold hearted professionalism the ladies conducted their business, they really leaned on their experience to their advantage. At one point they compared notes about the best vein to open up for a discrete kill.
Asterion7 brought a bunch of books he had read to pass out including The Wolf Den by Elodie Harper Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention—and How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari, and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. He also had The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories, which someone had brought to a previous meeting. Maybe that guy will get it back some time. He's finishing and really liked Menewood by Nicola Griffith, the second of the Light of the World series. He and Skyverbyver talked visiting Pompeii and going to museums there that really made The Wolf Den that much more interesting.
Assaulty did the same thing - brought a bunch of books in an attempt to declutter a bit. She shared Still Life with Bones by Alexa Hagerty, No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy, The Moor's Account by Laila Lalami, and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. These are all exceptionally good books. She spent the most time on Ruth Ozecki's The Book of Form and Emptiness, and it sounded interesting enough for us to add it to our list. She also talked about other Ruth Ozecki books including My Year of Meats.
The Book of Form and Emptiness is about a neurodivergent kid, and Ozecki weaves in pop references and talks about education and mental conditions. But she approaches these conditions not as tragedies, but as new opportunities for perspective. It has themes about hoarding and decluttering, and even has a positive things to say about schizophrenia. She read Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton, Richmond's Unhealed History by Benjamin Campbell, and The Hundred Years' War on Palestine by Rashid Khalidi, saying that the Ottoman Empire part was particularly interesting; and recommends In Memorium by Alice Wynn, about a couple of gay friends who bonded over a shared love of poetry going off the fight World War Uno.
Aimee tends not to pick up a lot of Contemporary Fiction, so she was not likely to get much from Killers of a Certain Age. She talked about The Fig Tree by Goran Vojnović with Olivia Hellewell translating, and a few other books like The Power by Naomi Alderman and is reading the Silo compilation by Hugh Howley. Coconut_sorbet read the three books in the Remembrance of Earth's Past series starting with The Three-Body Problem, and said while they are incredibly heavy and hard to wade through, it's totally worth it. Apparently the fourth book is a fan fiction that someone sent the author and he supported it enough for it to be published.
The_OG_Bert read The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland, which is about a Richmond Theater kinda near where MCV is now that apparently burned down, and has been working through The Lord of the Rings. He's finding the audiobooks to be a really good way to experiencing the story, but found that the library doesn't always provide the narrator that you like, and that can ruin the flow. Skyver read Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole, a romantasy that leaves you hanging at book 3.
Aurora has mostly been reading award winning books and we talked bout the differences between Hugos and Nebulas. One basic difference is that fans vote for Hugos while professional panels select Nebulas. Besides Killers of a Certain Age, she knocked out The Tower at Stony Wood by Patricia A. McKillip, which she says is YA but really good. Unfortunately the author passed away and Aimee brought this one in last time. She read The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez unique but dense, saying it's possibly a best book she ever read candidate. The themes are more about the oral tradition and how stories are told, and includes first-, second-, and third-person narratives. What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher; The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera , calling it a great Sri Lankan story but a little hard to explain; Translation State by Ann Leckie; The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang, which is like a classic Chinese novel but with LGBT characters; The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz, saying the book had great ideas, but she didn't love the execution.
She liked Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh, saying it was the best novel she'd read in a while, so that could be literally out of hundreds of books; and Starter Villain by John Scalzi, who is a lot more popular than I thought. Muffin and Kim both liked this one, saying it was a popcorn read, but hilarious, and none of them wanted to ruin the experience by giving away the plot. There was also Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon by Wole Talabi which sounded like a lot of fun, being a heist story about deities working as independent contractors with the main character being minor nightmare god.
She told us about Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente which she read for a book club bingo contest, which both Skyver and Asterion loved. It's very weird, about sexually transmitted passes to parts of a city. The book has a lot of sex in it, but Skyver said it's not sexy or titillating at all, it's mostly a metaphor for addiction. We talked about In the Night Garden and several other Catherine Vallente books, like Comfort me with Apples, Space Opera, and In the Cities of Coin and Spice.
Incorrigible_Muffin read a few books: Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction, which teaches a series of quick, practical techniques; This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone and Amal El-Mohtar; two John Scalzi books: The Kaiju Preservation Society and Starter Villain; The Other Significant Others by Rhaina Cohen, a series of case studies of deep friendships and platonic soulmates, trying to refocus of what society values to community and friends. She recommended a memoir by Rachel Willis The Risk it Takes to Bloom. The last one talks about becoming a woman, but missing those most important milestones in your life like your body developing through puberty.
She told us about You Dreamed of Empires by Álvaro Enrigue with Natasha Wimmer (Translator), describing it like a Bridge to Tarabithia but with time travel about anti-colonial uprisings; The Other Valley by Scott Alexander Howard, which she said was a mindfuck, but with interesting bureaucracy; and Lilith by Nikki Marmery, calling it lush and sexy and suggested you read it in a natural environment like a garden. I had brought in The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson for Assaulty to borrow, and Muffin said it is an excellent follow-up to Brutalities: A Love Story by Margo Steines. Aimee said it reminded her of The Power by Naomi Alderman. The author of The Violence Dawson got her start by writing Star Wars novels; I thought that was pretty cool.
We talked about Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn, which is a sizzly slow burn, but funny; and A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid. But I didn't catch who brought those up.
We talked about the new series Fallout. I thought that someone who hadn't played the game might not be able to get into the series, but Coconut hadn't played it and absolutely loved the show - some of the scenes are right out of the game, and the nostalgia of the experience was the most exciting part of it. The show was set in LA, and I played Fallout 3 and 4 and New Vegas, and the composition of the scenes in the show looked like they were right out of parts of these games. Coconut also said that the Bad Batch star wars cartoon was straight up good storytelling. I've heard really good things about it, but then I look at the art and am immediately turned off. To me it looks like complete ass. Coconut agreed, saying that's the worst part of the experience, but it still manages to impress. I definitely need to give it a try. Asterion7 said the same thing about Xmen 97. Skyver is particularly excited about it, saying that the animated series is the only media that really follows the comics, and the comics were pretty awesome. She used an example: Mystique is Nightcrawler' father in the comics, but Marvel cowardly ran away from that gender fluidity in all their other media content.
Muffin was excited about Walter Goggins being in Fallout because of his work in Righteous Gemstones. Aimee is reading the Silo compilationand respects what the show did. Of the written series, Asterion7 didn't like Dust, and Coconut didn't like either of the second or third books, but both loved the first one. Most people who have seen it have good things to say about Star Trek - Discovery. I keep confusing it with Voyager. I'm not sure why, but I've always avoided it because of that.
Coming up on May 19
Coming up on June 23
Coming up on July 21
Coming up on August 18
Coming up on September 22
submitted by Yarbles to rvaBookClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:40 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

[for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart submitted by art-imagToon to starvingartists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:36 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

[for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart submitted by art-imagToon to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:33 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

[for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart submitted by art-imagToon to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:31 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

submitted by art-imagToon to hiring [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:28 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker design, Portrait, vector art My portfolio - offer: illustrations, OC's, character design, stickers, anime, cartoons, fanarts, portrait, - I can draw different styles, and whatever you want. - my price starting 15$ - payment can be by PayPal or kofi.
submitted by art-imagToon to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:27 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker design, Portrait, vector art My portfolio - offer: illustrations, OC's, character design, stickers, anime, cartoons, fanarts, portrait, - I can draw different styles, and whatever you want. - my price starting 15$ - payment can be by PayPal or kofi.
submitted by art-imagToon to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:26 Igroder_Nik [PC][2005-2010] Pirate/privateer game like Sid Meier's Pirates, except set during (or close to) the American Civil War.

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Pirate/privateer rts/action-adventure in the style of Sid Meier's Pirates
Estimated year of release: 2005-2010, I really don't know for sure
Graphics/art style: Sort of a cell-shaded animation style for its 3D characters, probably the ships also (maybe not cell-shaded but people in the game definetly were like they were ripped from a 3D cartoon), graphics remind me of xbox/xbox 360.
Notable characters: Don't remember any, the main character was some dude.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Very closely resembles Sid Meier's Pirates, down to it only having active gameplay out at sea, and when you dock at towns being all just menus you click through (not literally). Main objective of it was I believe you had to go through the list of most dangerous criminals or Southern privateers and eliminate them from weakest to strongest, I do remember there being a difficulty curve to the game's enemies and at the end fighting several ironclads was a nightmare because you're all on your own.
Other details: The map for the game was secluded to the northern part of the Mexican gulf, so it would not have the same areas as Pirates, mostly focusing on American ports and probably some Cuban ones.
submitted by Igroder_Nik to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:23 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker design, Portrait, vector art My portfolio - offer: illustrations, OC's, character design, stickers, anime, cartoons, fanarts, portrait, - I can draw different styles, and whatever you want. - my price starting 15$ - payment can be by PayPal or kofi.
submitted by art-imagToon to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:22 art-imagToon [for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart

[for hire] open commissions Anime, cartoon, chibi, pfp, oc, illustrations, character design, sticker, Portrait, vector art, pixel art, fanart submitted by art-imagToon to dndcommissions [link] [comments]