How to build a rubber band powered car

RC Cars

2011.09.02 01:50 adamnyc RC Cars

Subreddit devoted to RC Cars, Buggies, Truggies, Short Course Trucks, and everything in-between!

2008.03.04 00:47 Frugal Living: Waste Less, Gain More!

Frugality is the mental approach we each take when considering our resource allocations. It includes time, money, convenience, and many other factors.

2013.03.30 04:01 JoelQ MacGyver This! The subreddit full of MacGyvers

Welcome to "MacGyver This!" A subreddit where everyone is MacGyver! Think you can build something amazing using only a rubber band, a cardboard box, a 9 volt battery, and a tampon? Well, this place is for you!

2024.05.20 02:09 Alarmed_Fill2043 Stripped allan screw help

So I bought a xm177e1and found that the flash supressor was leaning upwards. I went to remove the allan screen holding it in place but stripped it, I tried the rubber band trick, but the screw is too small to get a band in it, I tried super glue with no luck, and I tried swapping the measurement screw used and going one size up with a hammer, how in gods name should I remove this thing?
submitted by Alarmed_Fill2043 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 Soninetz Unbounce vs Elementor: This is the Ultimate Choice?

Unbounce vs Elementor: This is the Ultimate Choice?
Looking to create a stunning website but torn between Unbounce and Elementor, both landing page builders? Which platform, the simplicity of Unbounce or the flexibility of Elementor, will best suit your needs for landing page builders? Dive into this comparison to discover which tool aligns with your website-building goals and design capabilities. Whether you prioritize ease of use or design freedom, understanding the differences between Unbounce and Elementor is crucial for making an informed decision. Let's explore the features, functionalities, design flexibility, and unique offerings of each platform in the WordPress ecosystem to help you choose the perfect fit for your next web project.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Comparing Features and Prices: Evaluate the features and pricing plans of Unbounce and Elementor to choose the platform that best aligns with your needs and budget.
  • Mastering Landing Pages with Unbounce: Utilize Unbounce's marketing tools and editor on the platform to create high-converting landing pages that drive engagement, sales, and conversions.
  • Boosting Conversions with Unbounce: Leverage Unbounce's A/B testing and analytics capabilities to optimize your landing pages for maximum conversion rates.
  • Building and Optimizing with Elementor: Explore Elementor's drag-and-drop interface to design visually appealing landing pages and customize them for better user experience on the platform.
  • Making the Right Choice for You: Consider factors like ease of use, design flexibility, and support options to make an informed decision between Unbounce and Elementor based on your specific goals and requirements.

Comparing Features and Prices

Design Capabilities

Unbounce offers a drag-and-drop editor, enabling users to create customized landing pages with ease. On the other hand, Elementor focuses on widget-based design for websites and pages.

Pricing Plans

Unbounce provides pricing plans ranging from $80 to $300 per month, catering to various needs of businesses. In contrast, Elementor offers a free version with basic features and a Pro version priced at $199 per year, making it cost-effective for users.
Step into boundless marketing success 🌟 Start your Unbounce Free Trial now! 🎉

Target Users

Unbounce primarily targets businesses looking to create high-converting landing pages for marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, Elementor caters to individuals and businesses seeking versatile design capabilities for websites and pages.

Mastering Landing Pages with Unbounce

Diverse Templates

Unbounce offers 101 landing page templates across various categories like e-books, webinars, and more. These templates cater to different industries and purposes, ensuring a wide range of options for businesses.

Simplified Creation

With Unbounce, creating landing pages becomes effortless as it eliminates the need for coding. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop editor allows users to customize templates easily without any technical expertise.

High-Converting Focus

Unbounce's emphasis on high-converting landing pages is a game-changer for businesses. By providing optimized layouts and features, it helps in maximizing landing page performance and enhancing lead generation efforts.

Boosting Conversions with Unbounce

Creating Popups

Unbounce offers a user-friendly interface for creating popups and sticky bars, crucial tools in capturing visitor attention effectively. These features can significantly boost engagement and conversions.

Generating Leads

With Unbounce, businesses can efficiently generate leads by designing captivating landing pages that drive customer interest. The platform's intuitive design tools make lead generation a seamless process.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Driving Sales

Unbounce plays a vital role in driving sales by providing customizable templates and A/B testing capabilities. This ensures that businesses can optimize their campaigns for maximum conversion rates.

Feature Value

The value of Unbounce's features lies in their ability to streamline the conversion optimization process. From drag-and-drop editors to mobile-responsive designs, every aspect is geared towards enhancing user experience and boosting conversions.

Building and Optimizing with Elementor


Elementor offers a wide range of widgets to enhance website design, including text, images, buttons, and videos. These design elements can be easily customized to create visually appealing web pages.

Drag-and-Drop Editor

With Elementor's intuitive drag-and-drop editor, users can effortlessly create engaging popups for their websites. This feature simplifies the process of designing popups without requiring any coding skills.

WordPress Suitability

Elementor is highly suitable for designing WordPress pages and websites effectively. As a powerful page builder within the WordPress ecosystem, Elementor provides users with the flexibility to customize their sites using various templates and plugins.

Making the Right Choice for You

Key Differences

Unbounce focuses on creating high-converting landing pages, offering a user-friendly platform with pre-designed templates. On the other hand, Elementor is a versatile tool for designing entire websites or individual pages with advanced customization options.

Consider Your Needs

When deciding between Unbounce and Elementor, consider your specific requirements. If you need to create optimized landing pages to generate leads and drive conversions, Unbounce is the preferred choice. However, if you aim to design comprehensive websites or individual pages with intricate layouts, Elementor provides more design flexibility.

Features, Pricing, and Use Cases

Evaluate the features offered by each platform based on your business needs. Unbounce offers A/B testing, lead generation tools, and integrations to optimize conversion rates. In contrast, Elementor provides a wide range of widgets, templates, and responsive design options for building visually appealing websites.

Making an Informed Decision

To make an informed decision between Unbounce and Elementor, assess your budget constraints and desired outcomes. Unbounce pricing plans are tailored for businesses seeking high-converting landing pages. Meanwhile, Elementor's affordable pricing and extensive customization options cater to those looking to build professional websites without coding skills.

Final Remarks

After comparing Unbounce and Elementor, you now have a clear picture of their features, pricing, and capabilities. Unbounce excels in creating high-converting landing pages, while Elementor offers robust tools for building and optimizing websites. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms boils down to your specific needs and goals. Consider your requirements carefully to make the right decision that aligns with your objectives and budget.
Take the time to evaluate what matters most to you - seamless landing page creation or versatile website design options. Both Unbounce and Elementor have unique strengths that can benefit your online presence. Make an informed choice based on what will best support your digital marketing efforts. Your selection will play a crucial role in driving conversions and achieving success online.
Elevate your conversion game 🚀 Kickstart with Unbounce's Free Trial! 📊

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Unbounce suitable for beginners in creating landing pages?

Unbounce offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality, making it ideal for beginners to create effective landing pages without coding knowledge.

How does Elementor help in optimizing website building?

Elementor provides a wide range of customizable templates and elements, enabling users to build and optimize websites easily and efficiently for better user experience.

What are the key features that make Unbounce stand out from Elementor?

Unbounce specializes in creating high-converting landing pages with A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and easy integration tools, giving it an edge over Elementor in conversion-focused tasks.

Can Elementor be used for creating complex website designs?

Elementor's advanced design capabilities, including custom CSS options and responsive editing features, make it suitable for developing intricate and visually appealing website designs tailored to specific needs.

How can one determine the right choice between Unbounce and Elementor for their project?

Consider factors like your project goals (conversion rate optimization vs. website design), budget constraints, technical expertise, and preferred functionalities to decide whether Unbounce or Elementor aligns better with your requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:06 bestassinthewest 「Glass Animals」

Namesake: The indie-rock band Glass Animals Stand User: Agnes-Lucky Blue
Appearance: Glass Animals has a body made up of loosely fitting multicolor 3D shapes. The shapes altogether form the shape of a humanoid, but headless upper body. The shoulders of the stand are framed with a two-headed, purple-red crystalline snake that hangs off of them. One head is black, and the other is white. Despite the stand appearing like it's made of multiple parts, it cannot disassemble itself.
Ability: Glass Animals has the ability to generate a material with properties like non-newtonian fluids from the snake on its body.. How the material reacts to stress changes based on which snake head creates it. The black head makes material that becomes 'harder' and more viscous the more force is applied. The white head makes material that becomes 'thicker' and more difficult to pass through the more force is applied.
Glass Animals can freely manipulate the shape of the materials it creates so long as it is holding them. Once released, they will persist in that shape regardless of if Glass Animals holds them again. This allows it to create crude objects or weapons out of the material. The material Glass Animals creates will dissipate if they leave the its range.
Stats: Power: C Speed: D Range: C (11 meters) Durability: D Precision: C Potential: A
Weaknesses: Lack of force. The black-head and white-head material become softer and thinner respectively when less force is applied to them. A particularly precise or well-controlled stand could circumvent their property's threat.
Glass Animals is incredibly easier to overpower, even if it is wielding a weapon. Closing the distance allows for an easy victory against it.
Knowing which head was used to create what material makes getting around its ability even easier.
submitted by bestassinthewest to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 mozaaz37 Debunk this: Apocalypse starts between 2025 and 2027 and Jesus returns between 2030 and 2034

Hi guys, i'm a brazilian 17 year old guy that was happy, sympathetic and caring towards others, I am catholic and I participate in Sunday school every Saturday, but since the start of the pandemic in march 2020 onwards, i suddenly became brainwashed and paranoic with Christian conspiracy theories, mainly Qanon, and end times prophecies but in 2022 it only got worse, it all started at school when my sociology teacher who coincidentally was an evangelical pastor started talking a little about the end of times/Ragnarok and my friend said that between 2023, 2024 the apocalypse will begin, or it doesn't happen anything in these years, very probably in 2025 and 2027, and i searched on youtube and i saw various evangelical channels claiming that we are at the end of times and 2030 the world will end bc in that year Jesus will come back to only save evangelical christians and will only save those who are on the Life Book and will throw everyone who's those name wasn't on Life Book burn alive on the lake of fire of the hell alongside the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who followed him and God will destroy the universe and we will be living in the New Jerusalem, and they say repent of sins because the devil exists and they insist on saying that sin and the devil exist even though this has not even been scientifically proven, such as not wearing short clothes like shorts, jeans, not getting tattoos or piercings, not eating meat of pork, prohibiting homosexuality, free will, dating during adolescence and many others, they say that we are experiencing the greatest apostasy in history, which means that people are moving away from faith and and God and ignoring the warnings about the doomsday bc the world is becoming more ''sinful'' and the love between the people has been cooled and we are living like in the antediluvian days when Noah warned about the cataclysm but people ignored, mocked and called him demented and paranoid and instead they were eating, drinking and partying until the flood came and destroyed the world. world and killed everyone, and they keep repeating this saying that this is real even though it has been proven that it never happened and that it is impossible for a storm this strong to cover the top of Mount Everest, they think they are right and scientists are wrong, because science is an ''abominable sin'' against God, They say that God is merciful but he is also wrathful and cruel against those who do not follow his commandments. and they also talk about Jesus' appearance as if it were true at that time even though it has not yet been proven. i've watched some videos of these pastors and missionaries of my country and never got their prophecies and predictions wrong, all of things that have said become true
They say that geopolitical tensions are increasing which will cause ww3, it is no wonder that countless billionaires around the world like Mark Zuckerberg are building bunkers and selling several of their assets, i saw a letter written in 1873 that a American Freemason named Albert Pike who in his letter predicted the first two world wars, and is now supposedly ''predicted correctly'' the third world war, which would begin with a conflict between Zionist Israelis and Arabs, and also they claim that this war between Israel and Iran -Hamas is also the prophecy of Gog and Magog being fulfilled, They also say that the world will enter an unprecedented global economic crisis worse than the great depression, which would increase prices absurdly and this would culminate in the greatest famine the world has ever had, surpassing the great famine of the Middle Age,
They also say that elites such as the World Economic Forum, the UN and the Bilderberg Group will launch a gigantic EMP weapon that will shut down all energy and appliances in the world, and that they will then enact global martial law that will taking citizens off the streets and homes via buses and putting them in concentration camps and killing mainly white and conservative Christian groups and burying them in FEMA coffins which will start the famous New World Order and mass depopulation through the great reset and agenda 2030 and will put an end to all cash and create an electronic currency where payment is made with the global fingerprint, which they also say will replace passports with this global biometric password, they also say that They will do away with clothes and food and will replace them with processed foods made from insects, GMOs and laboratory-grown meats and everyone will be forced to wear the same clothes and have their names changed they also say that they will install government cameras inside the houses to know if any intruder is entering the empty houses
and all of this will begin the antichrist's rise to power, he will be a powerful leader who will unite all sovereign governments into one government and people will worship him and will implant the mark of the beast, where no one will buy and sell without it and will kill everyone who does not accept the mark, which means that everyone in the cities will die, only those who go to the fields or mountains will survive, it is no wonder that they are asking to stock up on water, non-perishable food, batteries , flashlights, medicines especially ivermectin (so much so that I've seen reports of people curing themselves of COVID using this medicine and chloroquine) and radios to survive between 2025 and 2027, because according to them, there will be a pandemic 30 times more lethal than the previous one that will kill almost 400 million people in just two years and that will be the period where seal the seven-year peace agreement between Christianity, Judaism and Islam and will sacrifice a red heifer in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where it will be destroyed in sequence to begin the construction of the third temple where the throne of the antichrist will be during the final three and a half years
They also insists that global warming is a lie bc all of these disasters that are happening such as frequent strong earthquakes which happened in turkey, morocco, japan and taiwan recently, floods that left the southern of my country almost destroyed, tornadoes and hurricanes becoming stronger and killing more people and wildfires becoming more frequently is caused by these globalists, for example, the recent wildfires that happened in hawaii, canada and chile was caused by massive lasers coming from satellites and these floods and earthquakes caused by HAARP, and the fact-checking and social media such as reuters and afp is lying bc they are owned by rothschild and george soros for example
And i'm worried to have a cancer or a fatal heart attack when i become 20 years old that they discovered that in the last years have an increase on cases of cancer and fatal heart attack on young people, and they claim that is bc of the vaccines bc they contain aborted fetuses and microchips and graphene
And they also talk about the woke agenda, where defenders of this theory claim that globalists use films, video games and series to misrepresent characters from these entertainment industries to promote progressive agendas such as LGBT, black lives matter, abortion and feminism, for example, they made Ariel from The Little Mermaid black in live-action instead in white, as a way of indoctrinating masses and grooming children to be subjected to being perverse, it's no wonder that Disney is in one of the biggest crises in its history by excessively promoting identity issues in every film they release. And it's also no wonder that the number of abortions in the world increased over the last years
What I am most afraid of is the claim that globalists have knowledge of future events that makes the masses accept the event when a certain thing happens, this is called predictive programming, for example, in many disaster and science fiction films, there is a subliminal message in numbers called ''923'', supporters of this number mean that something very bad will happen on September 23rd, but obviously nothing happens, in White Noise for example, there was a train accident in the state of Ohio and in 2023 a train derailment with toxic products occurred in the same state as the film, Black Mirror ''predicted'' several technological innovations, The Simpsons for example predicted the September 11 attacks and Trump's victory in the elections, The Matrix also predicted predicted several technological innovations, such as the redpill movement and the production of babies in uterine machines. As for the Leave the World Behind', they say that the film predicted the accident of the ship that collided with the bridge in baltimore, Lastly, the film The Knowing is incredibly identical to the plot of the biblical apocalypse, but these claims are already debunked by fact checks
And i became scared of these prophecies that have been ''fulfilled'' such as Ezekiel which mentions that Dead Sea became filled with fishes and signs in the sky and stars disappearing
i will mention some of them:
They discovered recently that the moon have some rust pigments and the sun are frequently producing giant black spots which in apocalypse 6:12-17 means that the sun became black and the moon becoming blood
The days are passing faster, which on matthew 24:22 mentions that unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.
The Euphrates River is drying up which in apocalypse mentions that the sixth angel poured his bowl over the Euphrates River and its waters dried up and released four demons who destroyed half of the population
Some Rivers and seas are becoming red, which refers to Apocalypse 16:4 that the third angel poured his bowl on rivers and seas and became red as dead blood
And I started to think that some mathematical calculations they do are simply not coincidences, they took the year the Black Death ended in 1353 with the year the WHO declared a global COVID emergency in 2019, subtracting those years would give the result in 666 (2019-1353=666 to be simpler) which alludes to the number of the beast and nd other math that they also thinks its a proof that we are at the end of times uf we use the word ''CORONA'' as a code where the alphabet is corresponding to its letter in ascending order (for example a = 1, b = 2), it would give the numbers 3, 15, 18, 15, 14, 1 will also give the number of the beast is correct if we multiply these numbers.
I'm trying to follow channels that disagree that we are in the end times and treat people with love, like the method of preterism where it states that the apocalypse happened in the year 70, but they say that this is heresy because in Matthew 24:24 it says that in the last days false prophets will emerge deceiving many people and in 2 Peter 3:3 where it says that at the end of time many will mock and disagree with the imminent Return of Jesus
i'm asked my parents and my friends to repent of your sins and believe in the Word of God, But I bothered them so much that now they don't even want to hear it,
however after all that, I started to think that these evangelical channels only preach fear in people, thinking that Jesus is going to return physically and that I have been superior all the time for no reason at all. I researched these things so much that now it appears when I search for an account on Instagram or YouTube, I would like to thank anyone who could give me some tips on how to get out of this and get rid of these pests, how i do?
submitted by mozaaz37 to DebunkThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 IGnuGnat MacBook Air 2014 is still running strong

It just occurred to me that I'm running the same MacBook Air I bought in 2014 as a backup laptop, actually I tend to keep it in the shade on the deck in the summer (it's a covered deck). So I sit in the hammock, or a I have a tablesaw and same carpentry tools and I do little projects and I just spend a lot of time surfing on this laptop. It's not my work laptop, and I have a main personal computer, but if I'm on the deck or working around the house and I need something that's a convenient size to carry around with me, while troubleshooting the car or motorcycle in the garage, whatever I grab the Macbook.
It hasn't offered updates for the OS in some time, so today I'm downloading Ubuntu to give it a longer, secure life. While downloading it occured to me: this is the original battery; it's never been replaced. I've never had to repair or replace any part of it, and it does sit outside all summer.
The reason I originally bought it is that I needed a laptop for work, and it had to fit in my motorcycle saddle bag and be light and easy to carry because I had a very bad herniated disk. I wanted to maintain my abililty to use and support a Mac in an office environment. I didn't really want to spend the money and I'm not really a Mac fan; I prefer Android for my phone. But I always wanted a quality laptop, I earn my money in technical support and wanted a quality piece of hardware. I think I remember liking that it had an Intel cpu
I don't use it like that anymore, so it got repurposed as the "deck/house repaigarage" laptop and I tend to use it all summer long.
It's really stood the test of time, and I can't believe that it sat on a shelf all winter for six months straight with no charging; normally I keep it on the charger all winter but this winter I was lazy. I just plugged it in this morning and let it charge. It's been running on charge for the past hour ++ maybe 2 hours and it says: 78% batter power
so, the battery STILL holds a charge. I'm totally sold on this laptop now I love it all over again. I can't wait to see how Ubuntu runs.
The only downside: 4 GB Ram limitation, can't upgrade the RAM. It runs a little hot as a Mac OS but I'll take the time to tweak it to run better under Linux
All that being said, today if I bought a new one, I couldn't justify paying MacBook prices. I would probably find a slim Chromebook for my "mobile" laptop. I will say that I've always felt that Mac products were the bomb from a design standpoint, they have the absolute best quality control for consumer hardware, but you paid for it and as such I felt the cost was simply too high. After this experience in reliability I can say if you want to spend your money on a Mac, spend it. I wonder how long this delightful aluminum slab will run for
submitted by IGnuGnat to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Sceritz [HIRING] $10-$50, Short-Ongoing Pokemon Fanfic VA's (Primarily Black/AAVE, other opportunities available)

Hello, I am writing a Pokemon fanfic and I am likely putting way too much behind it, but hey, Gotta love the storytelling hobby.
Pokemon Urban Black is a cyberpunk semi-realism take on Pokemon as a concept overall. The book has mature themes (not NSFW but certainly an older age range) and asks several questions about the nature of a pokemon world.
Anyway, I'm looking for a few voice actors who can help with snippets from the story. There will be no full-fledged chapter reading and even the most prominent roles will have snippets that last less than 1:30, if that.
This is a fun fan project. I am paying but I am not making profits off this. Below I am going to list roles from most to least prominent, along with two lines you can read if you so choose (not required before contact). Please let me know what roles you're considering when you reach out.
The one's that say "Pokemon" in parenthesis are characters from the actual games/manga/anime that you can look up.
Trevor Black
Black male, 23-years-old, smooth urban voice, AAVE swag. Semi-sarcastic. He's a hacker that gets himself caught up in some shady business with criminals, by accident.
"Nah, what do you think, Frenchie?"
"Yeah. You right. But it's not him I care about. The shame is all that money he's leaving on the table. He probably spent his life building that up, and for what?"
Godlove Benjamin
Black male, 49-years-old, deep commanding urban voice. Sometimes Sarcastic, Everything he says puts you on edge. Main Villain of Pokemon Urban Black. Mob boss of a gang called Pressure.
"Yeah, that's it. You came to me all excited and shit cuz you caught that lil Sandshrew"
Teanna Black
Black female, Age 19-45-ish as story progresses. Natural voice, weathered by life but optimistic. Teanna is Trevor's mother but we will be hearing her voice from audio journal recordings that range from when she's 19 on.
"My name is Teanna. Teanna Black. I'm 19 years old about 5'6", brown eyes. Very cute. You know. You know. But \ahem* really. I'm doing this because my mom always told me to and I never did."*
Amber Renee Carter
Black Female, Age 24, confident, sweet, encouraging. Renee is the 8th ranked Pokemon Master in the world and famous for it. She starts dating Trevor near the beginning of the story.
"Okay 'Trev'... how about I take your number, instead?"
Black Female, Age 24, sassy, sarcastic, slight (very slight) southern twang, AAVE Swag. Trevor's best friend. A "keeping it real" type of personality.
"Please Trev, like you give a damn about what happens to some rich CEO"
"Yes! Do you know how powerful a Mudkip can be?! and it's sooo cuuuuute."
James (Pokemon)
White male, 34-years-old, (NOT like show voice), Suave, smooth, velvety voice. Apathatic, confident swag. James is second only two Giovanni in Pokemon training capability. One of the strongest trainers in the story. (Jessie is in the story too, but she is already cast)
"Just... James"
"Ah yes, and the world was reminded of what the word 'Legendary' truly means."
Guzma (Pokemon)
White Male, 42-years-old, Sarcastic, kind of gruff, but playful voice. Laid back, carefree. Guzma is the leader of the "Skull" gang, but... despite being a career criminal he's not exactly a bad guy.
"Kid's too soft. I'm doing his ass a favor."
"Eh, well you know what they say... polished shit is still shit."
Plumeria (Pokemon)
White female, 26-years-old, Quiet, reserved, can be stern, but typically calm. Plumeria is second in command of the "Skull" gang.
"N's a good kid,"
"We'll be violating the family ground laws."
Cyrus (Pokemon)
White male, 56-years-old, Collected, pensive, wise. Leader of the Galactic Game, once a reputable science organization gone bad.
"It was certainly possible. You know it was. The science was sound. Even the magic aspects checked out. You were just afraid,"
Ryme (Pokemon)
Black Female, 74-years-old, Somewhat raspy voice, but commanding, and collected. She's the godmother of the underworld crime families.
"This meeting has been called to clear up these confusions so that we can avoid any unnecessary mistakes in judgment." Her eyes again found Jessie. "You have the table."
Brock (Pokemon)
Black Male, 48-years-old, Street hardened, heavy voice, no-nosense. perpetually angry but always keeping it under wraps. Far different from Brock in the series, he's had serious trauma and he's looking for revenge.
"That Sandshrew... where'd you find it?"
If anyone has any questions feel free to simply reach out to me. There will likely be other required voices but as of now these are all I have. Thank you!
submitted by Sceritz to VoiceWork [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 Soninetz Unbounce vs WordPress: Best Landing Page Platform

Unbounce vs WordPress: Best Landing Page Platform
In the realm of website creation, the battle between Unbounce and WordPress, both known for their effective landing pages and landing page plugins, rages on. These platforms offer distinct advantages, specific features, and cater to different needs. Unbounce shines with its focus on landing pages and conversion optimization, while WordPress boasts versatility and a vast array of plugins for various functionalities and differences. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each can help you make an informed decision for your website needs. Let's delve into the details of Unbounce vs. WordPress to unravel which platform aligns best with your goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the differences between Unbounce and WordPress to make an informed decision.
  • Consider the pros and cons of each platform to determine which aligns best with your goals.
  • Utilize Unbounce for quick and easy landing page creation with built-in optimization tools.
  • Leverage WordPress for a more versatile website with extensive customization options.
  • Choose the platform, software, website, or building landing pages that suits your specific needs and resources for optimal results and access.
  • Test both platforms with small projects to see which one fits your workflow and objectives best.

Defining the Platforms


WordPress, a versatile platform, primarily serves as a content management system (CMS) for websites. It empowers users to create and manage websites effortlessly. With its extensive range of themes, plugins, templates, and customization options, WordPress caters to various needs, from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


Unbounce stands out for its expertise in crafting high-converting landing pages. This platform focuses on optimizing conversion rates through A/B testing, drag-and-drop functionality, and mobile-responsive designs. Marketers and businesses leverage Unbounce to enhance their online marketing campaigns effectively by creating landing pages.
Transform leads into lasting connections 🤝 Begin your Unbounce Free Trial today! 💼

Founding History

WordPress was founded in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. Initially developed as a blogging platform, it has evolved into a robust CMS powering millions of websites globally. On the other hand, Unbounce was established in 2009 by Rick Perreault, Carl Schmidt, Carter Gilchrist, Jason Murphy, and Oli Gardner. The founding team aimed to address the specific need for creating landing pages that drive conversions efficiently.

Pros and Cons Analysis


WordPress boasts an open-source nature, allowing extensive customization through plugins and themes. On the other hand, Unbounce focuses on specific features for streamlined landing page creation.

Learning Curve

For beginners, WordPress can present a steep learning curve due to its vast array of options and settings. Conversely, Unbounce offers a more user-friendly interface with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.

Pricing Structures

When it comes to cost-effectiveness, Unbounce provides tiered pricing based on features and traffic volume. In contrast, WordPress offers a range of pricing options, including self-hosted solutions with varying costs for domains and hosting.

Building Landing Pages

Customization Options

Unbounce offers extensive customization through its drag-and-drop editor, allowing users to create custom landing pages effortlessly. This feature enables users to tailor their pages to specific needs.
In contrast, WordPress provides a wide range of customization options with its themes and plugins, giving users the flexibility to design dedicated landing pages that align with their branding and goals.

A/B Testing Capabilities

With Unbounce, users can conduct A/B testing to analyze different versions of their landing pages and determine which one performs better. This functionality is crucial for optimizing landing pages for maximum effectiveness.

Optimizing for Success

Enhanced Engagement

Unbounce provides features like pop-ups and sticky bars to boost user engagement. These tools help marketers capture leads effectively.
WordPress, on the other hand, offers a wide range of plugins that can enhance user interaction on websites, contributing to improved engagement.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Security Comparison

Both WordPress and Unbounce prioritize security for marketers. WordPress is known for its robust security measures through regular updates and plugin options.
Similarly, Unbounce ensures data security with encryption protocols and secure hosting services, giving marketers peace of mind regarding their campaigns' safety.

Streamlining Workflows

Unbounce integrates seamlessly with various popular marketing tools, simplifying marketing workflows for professionals. This integration enhances efficiency in managing campaigns.
In contrast, WordPress offers a vast array of plugins that can be integrated with different marketing tools, allowing marketers to customize their strategies effectively.

Making the Right Choice

Lead Generation

Unbounce stands out as an excellent option for businesses focusing on lead generation. With its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, creating high-converting landing pages becomes a breeze. The platform offers a variety of templates tailored specifically for capturing leads effectively.

Diverse Functionalities

On the other hand, WordPress is the preferred option for websites that require a wide range of functionalities beyond just landing pages. Its versatility allows users to create complex websites with features like e-commerce capabilities, blogging, forums, and much more. The platform's extensive plugin library enables customization options to cater to diverse needs.

Cost Considerations

When deciding between Unbounce and WordPress, it's crucial to consider the cost implications. While Unbounce offers a straightforward pricing structure based on the number of visitors, WordPress provides more customisation options at a lower cost. Businesses with limited budgets may find WordPress more appealing due to its flexibility in making changes without additional expenses.

Closing Thoughts

In weighing Unbounce against WordPress for your landing page needs, you've seen the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific goals and skill level. Remember, the right choice isn't universal; it's what best suits your objectives.
When building and optimizing landing pages, consider factors like ease of use, customization options, and scalability. By selecting the platform that resonates most with your requirements, you set yourself up for success in converting visitors into customers. So, take the insights gained here and embark on your journey to create compelling landing pages that drive results.
Step into boundless marketing success 🌟 Start your Unbounce Free Trial now! 🎉

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Unbounce and WordPress?

Unbounce is a dedicated landing page builder focused on conversion optimization, while WordPress is a versatile content management system for websites of all types. Unbounce offers drag-and-drop functionality specifically for creating high-conversion landing pages, whereas WordPress provides a broader range of website building capabilities.

Which platform is better suited for beginners - Unbounce or WordPress?

For beginners looking to create landing pages with ease, Unbounce is more user-friendly due to its intuitive drag-and-drop interface designed for marketers. On the other hand, WordPress, while versatile, may have a steeper learning curve as it offers more customization options beyond just landing pages.

Can I build a full website using Unbounce?

Unbounce is primarily designed for creating high-converting landing pages rather than complete websites. While you can link multiple landing pages together to form a simple site structure, it lacks the comprehensive features and flexibility offered by platforms like WordPress and unbounce for building entire websites with diverse functionalities.

How does each platform handle optimization for search engines (SEO)?

WordPress has robust SEO plugins and tools that allow users to optimize their website's on-page elements effectively. In comparison, while Unbounce provides basic SEO settings like meta tags and descriptions, its focus is primarily on optimizing landing page performance rather than offering extensive SEO capabilities like WordPress.

Which platform would be more cost-effective in the long run - Unbounce or WordPress?

In terms of cost-effectiveness, WordPress may have an edge as it offers more affordable hosting options and numerous free themes and plugins. While Unbounce can be pricier due to its subscription-based model focused on optimizing conversions through dedicated landing pages.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 SexxxMelaneexxx Eighteen by

Cultivating a list of "must-know" things for a successful life before 18 is a noble pursuit, but there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Success can look different for each person depending on their values, goals, and circumstances. However, there are some key areas and skills that can build a strong foundation for navigating life after 18:
Personal skills:
  1. Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and passions.
  2. Resilience: Developing coping mechanisms and bouncing back from challenges.
  3. Critical thinking: Analyzing information, forming independent opinions, and problem-solving effectively.
  4. Effective communication: Expressing yourself clearly, actively listening, and building positive relationships.
  5. Time management: Organizing tasks, prioritizing, and meeting deadlines effectively.
  6. Financial literacy: Budgeting, saving, understanding debt, and responsible credit use.
  7. Healthy habits: Maintaining physical and mental well-being through exercise, good diet, and quality sleep.
  8. Emotional intelligence: Recognizing and managing emotions in yourself and others.
  9. Adaptability and flexibility: Embracing change and learning new things throughout your life.
  10. Empathy and compassion: Understanding and caring about the feelings and experiences of others.
Practical skills:
  1. Basic cooking and home maintenance: Learning to cook simple meals and take care of your living space.
  2. First aid and CPR: Knowing how to respond to emergencies.
  3. Technology skills: Utilizing technology effectively for communication, research, and learning.
  4. Driving, car care, and basic bike maintenance: Understanding traffic rules and safe driving practices.
  5. Basic sewing and DIY skills: Fixing clothes, mending furniture, and doing simple repairs.
  6. Research and information literacy: Evaluating sources and finding reliable information.
  7. Public speaking and presenting: Being comfortable speaking in front of others.
  8. Networking and interpersonal skills: Building and maintaining relationships with peers and mentors.
  9. Time management and organizational skills: Planning and prioritizing effectively.
  10. Learning a new language: Expanding your communication abilities and cultural understanding.
Career & Life Planning:
  1. Career exploration and goal setting: Understanding your interests and setting realistic career goals.
  2. Resume writing and interview skills: Presenting yourself effectively for job opportunities.
  3. Researching and applying for colleges or vocational programs: Making informed decisions about your education.
  4. Understanding basic legal contracts and documents: Knowing your rights and responsibilities.
  5. Civic engagement and voting rights: Participating in your community and understanding the democratic process.
  6. Environmental awareness and sustainability: Learning to live responsibly and protect the planet.
  7. Digital citizenship and cyber safety: Protecting your online identity and using technology responsibly.
  8. Understanding personal rights and responsibilities: Knowing your legal rights and how to advocate for yourself.
  9. Building a support network: Identifying and relying on trusted friends, family, and mentors.
  10. Volunteering and community service: Giving back to your community and making a difference.
Ultimately, helping young people develop these skills and cultivate a sense of agency will empower them to build their own definitions of success and navigate life after 18 with confidence and resilience.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 TrackingSystemDirect Is It Illegal To Put a GPS Tracker On Someone’s Car In Texas?

Is It Illegal To Put a GPS Tracker On Someone’s Car In Texas?
Are you wondering if it’s illegal to install a GPS tracker on someone else’s car in Texas? The answer isn’t straightforward – it’s both yes and no.
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Learn More:
Stay Connected to Any Vehicle or Asset 24/7 in Texas
Konnect is your ultimate solution for accurate and powerful GPS tracking in Texas. This mini GPS tracker is wireless and easy to attach to any vehicle or asset, helping you discover the truth quickly. Want to know if your partner is being truthful, or ensure your employees are driving responsibly? Konnect has got you covered. Protect your ATV, trailer, tractor, or construction equipment from theft with real-time updates.
Get peace of mind with Konnect! This premium GPS tracker lets you track anyone, anywhere, thanks to its global SIM card. The user-friendly app for both iPhone and Android allows you to monitor any vehicle or asset without them ever knowing. Even if you're not tech-savvy, Konnect's free lifetime technical support ensures you can always rely on the device.
Proudly made in the USA: Konnect is manufactured and supported right here in the United States, offering you precise, real-time tracking with a strong magnet for secure attachment. Whether you're keeping tabs on your vehicles, protecting valuable assets, or seeking answers, Konnect provides a dependable solution. Stay connected around the clock and tackle your tracking needs effectively and reliably in Texas with Konnect.

GPS Tracking Laws In Texas

Are you wondering about the legality of using GPS trackers on vehicles in Texas? You're not alone. From San Antonio to Dallas-Fort Worth, individuals and businesses often consider tracking cars for various reasons. Perhaps you suspect infidelity, worry about a teen's driving habits, or need evidence for legal disputes. In Texas, these scenarios frequently prompt questions about GPS tracking. But here's the crucial point: Is it legal to place a GPS tracker on someone else's car in Texas? This article, crafted by GPS experts, aims to educate you on Texas's GPS tracking laws. Keep reading to gain essential insights into what's legal and what's not when it comes to vehicle tracking in the Lone Star State.

Is It Legal To Put A Vehicle Tracker On Someone's Car In Texas - Examples

Are you wondering if it's illegal to install a GPS tracker on someone else's car in Texas? The answer isn't straightforward – it's both yes and no. Let's break it down. If you purchase a GPS device and secretly place it inside a car you don't own, that's illegal and considered a misdemeanor in Texas. But, the law in Texas has its complexities and nuances when it comes to GPS tracking. Let's explore a few scenarios to understand these legal grey areas better.
  • In Texas, a person can place a car GPS tracker inside or outside of any automobile they own.
  • Texas businesses can use car tracking devices on company-owned vehicles.
  • You can legally hide a tracking device on a car you do not own only if 1) the GPS tracker is equipped to the outside of the vehicle, and 2) the car is parked on public property when the tracking device is placed under the car.
  • It is illegal to hide a GPS tracker inside a car you do not own as it is considered private property.
  • If a car is parked on private property you cannot legally place a GPS tracker under the vehicle. You must wait until the vehicle is parked in public.
Unlawful Installation of GPS trackers is defined in Chapter 16.06 of the Texas Penal Code as follows:
Basically, it is a crime to put a hidden GPS tracker inside a car that does not belong to you. Section 16.06(a)(2) says that “motor vehicle” has the meaning assigned by Section 501.002, Transportation Code.

The Punishment For Using A GPS Tracker Illegally In Texas

Illegal use of a vehicle tracking system is a Class A Misdemeanor in the state of Texas. Class A Misdemeanors are punishable by a fine (not exceeding $4,000). If you are found guilty of illegally placing a GPS tracker on someone's car in Texas you must consult a criminal attorney. The reason is that even if you already pleaded guilty, a criminal defense attorney will work on your behalf to obtain the lowest possible sentence.
Under Texas law, a law enforcement agency that reasonably believed a person was involved in some form of criminal activity (wiretap act) is authorized to install a GPS device as long as they first obtain a warrant. The unlawful installation of a tracking system on the vehicle of a private citizen could lead to a criminal investigation or electronic communication.

Arguing Effective Consent From Owner or Lessee Of Vehicle In Texas

Effective Consent means you received explicit consent or implied consent. If that sounds a little confusing let us try to break down that legal language. Effective consent means you directly informed the vehicle owner you would place a tracker on their car. For example, if you took the vehicle to an auto mechanic and asked them to equip a GPS tracker to the car, you have given them your express consent. Keep in mind that your criminal defense attorney will have to argue this defense.
On the other hand, effective consent many times can be implied. An example of this would be if a parent "leased" a car to their teen driver, and used a tracking device for safety The minor might not have provided express consent, but because they are still a minor (under the control of their parents) the consent is assumed.

Need Legal Advice? Find The Right Lawyer In Texas

Understanding GPS tracking laws in Texas is just the first step. Your unique situation demands personalized legal guidance. Remember, every case has its nuances. That's why consulting with a legal professional is crucial. They can offer tailored advice, ensuring your actions stay within legal boundaries.
If you're seeking legal advice on GPS tracking laws in Texas, it's important to find the right lawyer. Start by searching online for attorneys specializing in privacy or criminal law in your area. Websites like the State Bar of Texas or local legal directories can be great resources. Look for lawyers with experience in cases similar to yours. Read reviews and check their credentials to ensure they're well-equipped to handle your situation.
Remember, the information in this article is not legal advice. It's meant to provide general guidance. Your circumstances are unique, and only a qualified attorney can offer advice tailored to your specific situation. Don't hesitate to reach out to a professional for the legal support you need.
Infographic via

GPS Tracking Laws In Texas - Frequently Asked Questions

Can I GPS Tracking Employees In Texas?

Yes, you can GPS track employees' vehicles in Texas with their consent and for a legitimate business purpose. However, it is essential to follow privacy laws and have a clear policy outlining the reasons, limitations, and expectations of GPS tracking.

Can I Use A GPS Device To Catch A Cheating Partner In Texas?

Yes, you can use a vehicle tracking device to bust a cheating partner. But doing so may violate their privacy rights. Consent is crucial when you do not own the vehicle, and tracking someone without their knowledge could lead to criminal charges or civil lawsuits. The best advice? Consult with a legal professional before putting a spouse GPS tracker on someone's car!

Are There Specific Texas Statutes That Regulate GPS Tracking?

Yes, Texas has a specific statute regulating GPS tracking: Texas Penal Code § 16.06. This law states that it is illegal to install a GPS tracking device on a vehicle without the owner's consent, except for certain exemptions such as law enforcement. Violating this statute could result in criminal and civil consequences, so it's crucial to be aware of the legal requirements.

How Can I Legally Use GPS Tracking In A Business Setting In Texas?

To legally use GPS tracking for company vehicles in Texas, you must have the employees' consent and a legitimate business purpose. Examples include using a vehicle tracker for theft recovery purposes or to find out if a person commits a traffic violation in a company vehicle. What is the best practice for using a real-time GPS? Establish a clear policy outlining the reasons, limitations, and expectations of GPS tracking. That way there is no confusion about why you installed the device on a company vehicle. Following privacy laws and maintaining transparency with employees can help you stay within the boundaries of the law. Below, you will find some helpful information on how your business can create a GPS tracking policy:

Is It Illegal To Put a GPS Tracker On Someone's Car In Texas - Disclaimer

At Tracking System Direct, we want to emphasize: that the information in this article is not legal advice. You must understand this. For precise, up-to-date information on GPS tracking laws in Texas, consult a Texas business attorney. Laws change, and only a legal professional can offer you reliable guidance. If you're thinking about using GPS tracking, talk to an attorney first! Our goal is to inform you, but legal decisions require a lawyer's expertise. Remember, the insights we share here at Tracking System Direct are for your information only.
submitted by TrackingSystemDirect to GPStracking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 devi1ica Got confronted and cornered on Jackson st., what should I have done?

I (girl) was walking on Jackson near Financial Pl. area this afternoon with my guy friend and this guy comes walking up to us with his hands up, like he was going to shoot us? As we got closer, it looked more like he was going to shoot a rubber band at us. We tried to pass and avoid him but he kept blocking our path, yelling “what you gonna do about it.” My friend ended up going past him as he was coming towards me. I ended up running onto the street to pass him bc he cornered me off the sidewalk. Not sure what we should have done in this situation besides trying to run away, any ideas on how to avoid this situation? Kinda shaken from this experience and want to be better prepared
submitted by devi1ica to chicago [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 DriveThroughLane Just how efficient are mercenaries?

I want to look at a small selection of mercs to see how they compare to each race's combat units. There are obviously some mercs that are terrible (a rogue is somewhat comparable to a footman, and footmen suck) and others that are quite powerful (twilight ruins let you get 4x makrura deepseers and basically be playing swarm hosts from sc2)
To keep it simple I'm looking at the medium armor / piercing ranged creeps, generally the best combo.
Each race has;
Unit Resources DPS DPS Up EHP EHP Up Range Ability
Rifleman 205g/30l/3f 15.6 21.1 535 728 400(600) None
Crypt Fiend 215g/40l/3f 14.3 19.5 550 748 550 Web
Headhunter 140g/20l/2f 10.8 14.7 375 646 550 Berserk
Archer 130g/10l/2f 11.3 18 255 347 500(700) Hide, Elune's Grace
Riflemen and fiends are pretty similar, archers have more DPS for less EHP, but HH have been buffed to have really disparately high EHP for their cost which has been the big balance problem (about 30% tankier than the same food in rifles/fiends). But in general it costs you about 70 gold per food, and you get about 5 (7) dps per food, 180 (250) EHP per food. That's the general baseline.
Now lets compare some creeps. Note the per food instead of upgrade categories;
Unit Resources DPS DPS/food EHP EHP/food Range Ability
Assassin 260g/30l/3f 17 5.7 477 159 500 Envenomed Weapons, Hide
Kobold Geomancer 215g/30l/2f 13.9 6.9 300 150 600 Slow, Abolish Magic
Troll Berserker 245g/30l/3f 20.3 6.8 477 159 500 None
Murgul Bloodgill 195g/10l/2f 11.6 5.8 336 168 500 Heal
Stormreaver Hermit 190g/20l/2f 12.8 6.4 381 190 500 Purge
Mur'gul Snarecaster 265g/30l/3f 18.1 6.0 420 140 500 Slow, Abolish Magic
Gnoll Warden 180g/20l/2f 15.6 7.8 330 165 500 Purge
Quillboar Hunter 215g/20l/2f 14.4 7.2 468 234 500 None (counted evasion in ehp)
Troll Shadow Priest* 195g/10l/2f 11.4 5.7 240 120 600 Heal, Abolish Magic
Spitting Spider* 235g/30l/2f 15.8 7.9 424 212 600 Envenomed Weapons
Note how across the DPS/EHP per food columns, a lot of merc creeps actually pack more DPS than normal race's ranged units, but are generally squishier, but many have more useful abilities. Some creeps are even better than ranged units with a bunch of upgrades, while others wind up being closer to a unit with ~1 level of upgrades. Stormreaver Hermits are 2 food ranged units like archers/HH and share their vulnerability to AoE, but on top of spamming purge they have more DPS and EHP, just for a higher gold cost.
The big takeaway is a lot of merc units are actually competent or even better than normal race units. Without needing to build a barracks, without needing to build an upgrade hall/blacksmith, without needing to invest lots of time and resources in 6 different upgrades to cap them out. In 4v4 maps with 4x merc camps it becomes a real strategy to just hog them from both teams and never build any infrastructure, but that's not applicable to most 1v1 maps. And only when units are really fully upgraded does the +6 armor give much of an edge to non-merc ranged, because that ~250 EHP per food isn't reached by any of them
submitted by DriveThroughLane to WC3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:51 PopularBehavior Gotta get those property taxes filed and fund my build. If I were to try and use my (as of now) vacant land for a wedding venue for small 20-40 people gatherings, what hoops would I likely have to jump through?

more info: 38 acres
No facilities or permanent structures but I could get temp power with a little investment.
a restaurant across the street just opened up and could serve as a reception area.
I figured that tents, porta potties, altars, generators, etc could be supplied by a budget oriented woodsy couple.
I have highway and side road access, and about .75 mile of roadside to park on.
there's also space for about 10-12 cars to park.
the reception area will be in a clearing with a mountain view. won't need much work done there as long as I have a safe and dry path to walk on.
Bonuses are Plenty of close housing & hotels bc ski resort is 5 miles away. Is a 4 season rental area - 1:20m from city w INTL aiport.
27 wooded acres (some 200 yr old pines) So far I have a driveway, a ground spring I tapped, and approval from local environmental agency to start my build.
**the remaining acreage is federal and state protected wetlands
submitted by PopularBehavior to Homesteading [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:50 Soninetz Unbounce vs Webflow: A Detailed Comparison, Which wins?

Unbounce vs Webflow: A Detailed Comparison, Which wins?
Considering Unbounce vs. Webflow for your website needs? These two platforms offer distinct features catering to different user preferences. Unbounce focuses on creating high-converting landing pages with ease and lead generation, while Webflow provides a comprehensive design and development tool for building custom websites from scratch. Understanding the comparison between Unbounce's simplicity in landing page creation and Webflow's robust web design capabilities, as well as their intuitive interface, can help you choose the best fit for your project. Dive into this comparison to uncover which platform aligns better with your website goals and design preferences.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing between Unbounce and Webflow, consider your specific needs, goals, and landing page optimization to determine the best fit for your website.
  • Evaluate the platforms based on their interface and ease of use to ensure smooth navigation and efficient workflow.
  • Take into account the content management capabilities of both Unbounce and Webflow, driven websites, to determine which platform aligns better with your content creation and editing requirements.
  • Compare the pricing structures of Unbounce and Webflow to select the platform that offers the most value for your budget.
  • Explore the tools and resources provided by each platform to see which one offers the features and support that will benefit your website development process.
  • Make an informed decision by weighing all these factors to choose the platform that best suits your website building needs.

Overview of Platforms

Core Focus

Unbounce primarily focuses on landing pages, offering a user-friendly platform for creating high-converting pages without the need for coding skills, catering to users and website design. On the other hand, Webflow is more versatile, serving as a comprehensive website design and development tool with various use cases for businesses and users.

Target Audience

Unbounce caters to marketers and small businesses looking to optimize their conversion rates through effective landing pages. In contrast, Webflow appeals to users, designers, and developers seeking full control over the design and functionality of their websites.
Elevate your conversion game 🚀 Kickstart with Unbounce's Free Trial! 📊

Tools and Features

Unbounce provides a range of templates, A/B testing tools, and integrations with marketing platforms to enhance lead generation. Meanwhile, Webflow stands out with its robust CMS capabilities, allowing users to build dynamic websites with content management features.
  • Unbounce offers a simplified drag-and-drop interface for quick page creation.
  • Webflow provides advanced customization options with the ability to design responsive websites from scratch.

Interface and Ease of Use


Unbounce offers an intuitive interface that simplifies the website creation process. With its drag-and-drop functionality, users can easily design interactive websites without needing coding skills. The platform's focus on users' experience ensures a smooth workflow for creating landing pages.


Webflow provides a more complex design environment compared to Unbounce. While it offers powerful design capabilities and flexibility, it requires a steeper learning curve due to its advanced features and functionalities. Users looking for more functionality and customization options might prefer Webflow for their projects.

Learning Curve

Unbounce is known for its simplicity, making it ideal for users who prioritize ease of use and quick setup. In contrast, Webflow caters to users who require more control over their designs but are willing to invest time in mastering the platform's features. The choice between Unbounce and Webflow often comes down to the user's preference for a straightforward interface versus a more intricate design tool.

Content Management Capabilities

Landing Pages Emphasis

Unbounce primarily focuses on landing pages, offering a simple yet effective platform for creating conversion-driven websites. Its page builder and editor streamline the process of landing page creation, ideal for marketers and small businesses.
On the other hand, Webflow stands out with its comprehensive content management system (CMS) capabilities. It goes beyond just landing pages, allowing users to create dynamic content and manage comprehensive website design effectively.

Website Management Scope

While Unbounce excels at creating high-converting landing pages, its limited CMS capabilities restrict users in terms of managing broader website content. In contrast, Webflow's robust CMS system enables users to handle various aspects of web design, from SEO optimization features to hosting and page templates.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial

SEO Optimization and Customization

With Unbounce, users might find themselves constrained when it comes to implementing advanced SEO strategies or customizing beyond landing pages. In comparison, Webflow provides extensive tools for SEO optimization, empowering web designers to enhance their websites' visibility and user experience effectively.

Pricing Comparison

Unbounce Pricing

Unbounce offers various pricing plans based on the number of landing pages and monthly conversions. Users can opt for plans starting from $80 per month for up to 500 conversions and 20 landing pages. The higher-tier plans, such as the Premium plan at $200 per month, cater to more extensive needs with unlimited landing pages and up to 30,000 conversions.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow's pricing model is structured around features, traffic volume, and hosting requirements. Their basic plan starts at $12 per month, providing essential features for small-scale websites. As the complexity and traffic volume increase, users can choose the CMS plan at $16 per month or the Business plan at $36 per month, offering advanced functionalities like site search and form submissions.

Comparing Pricing Strategies

When comparing Unbounce and Webflow's pricing strategies, Unbounce focuses more on conversion optimization by tailoring plans according to landing pages and conversions. On the other hand, Webflow emphasizes flexibility by offering different plans catering to varying website complexities and traffic volumes. While Unbounce provides a free trial to test their services, Webflow stands out with its ability to code websites directly within the platform.

Tools and Resources

Optimization Tools

Unbounce offers essential optimization tools like A/B testing and pop-ups, enabling businesses to enhance their marketing strategies effectively. These features help in analyzing the performance of campaigns and improving conversion rates.

Wide Range

Webflow boasts a diverse array of tools ranging from forms to e-commerce functionalities and animations. This platform caters to various needs, making it a versatile choice for businesses looking to create visually appealing websites with seamless functionality.

Unique Offerings

Unbounce stands out with its unique resources such as customizable templates and user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of creating landing pages. This makes it an ideal choice for startups and small businesses with specific development requirements.
Webflow, on the other hand, provides developers with advanced management features and extensive support for building complex websites. Its range of services caters to both beginners and experienced developers, offering flexibility in website creation.

Closing Thoughts

After comparing Unbounce and Webflow across various aspects, you now have a clearer picture of their strengths and weaknesses. Unbounce shines with its user-friendly interface and robust landing page capabilities, making it a top choice for marketers looking to optimize conversions quickly. On the other hand, Webflow's design flexibility and extensive customization options cater more to web designers seeking creative freedom in building websites.
As you weigh your options between Unbounce and Webflow, consider your specific needs and priorities. Whether you prioritize ease of use and conversion-focused features or value design control and customization, both platforms offer unique benefits. Take the time to assess which platform aligns best with your goals and resources to make an informed decision that will propel your online presence forward.
Step into boundless marketing success 🌟 Start your Unbounce Free Trial now! 🎉

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Unbounce or Webflow easier to use for beginners?

Unbounce offers a more straightforward interface tailored for marketers and designers with drag-and-drop functionality. Webflow, while powerful, has a steeper learning curve due to its advanced design capabilities and customization options.

Which platform is better for managing content efficiently?

Webflow provides robust content management capabilities with a visual editor and CMS features suitable for complex websites. Unbounce, on the other hand, focuses more on landing page creation and optimization rather than extensive content management.

How do Unbounce and Webflow compare in terms of pricing?

Unbounce offers tiered pricing based on traffic limits and features, starting at $80/month. Webflow's pricing is based on site plans, starting at $12/month for basic hosting but can increase significantly based on additional features and services.

What tools and resources are available for users of Unbounce and Webflow?

Unbounce provides A/B testing tools, conversion optimization resources, and integrations with various marketing platforms. Webflow offers a visual website builder, e-commerce tools, hosting services, and a community forum for support and learning resources.
Useful Links:
  1. Unbounce LifeTime Deal
  2. Unbounce Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:47 Soninetz MRPeasy vs Odoo - Small Manufacturers' Software Comparison

MRPeasy vs Odoo - Small Manufacturers' Software Comparison
Looking to streamline your manufacturing processes, inventory management, procurement, and service but torn between MRPeasy and Odoo? Both platforms offer robust features and functionality, but their suitability varies depending on your business needs and service. MRPeasy focuses on simplicity and ease of use, ideal for small to medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, Odoo provides extensive customization options and scalability for larger enterprises. Understanding the nuances of each system is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with your operational requirements and growth plans.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When comparing MRPeasy vs. Odoo for small manufacturers, consider the specific needs and priorities of your business to make the best choice.
  • Focus on planning and reliability in MRPeasy to streamline production processes, manage inventory efficiently, and improve overall operational performance.
  • Trust customer reviews to gain insights into the user experience, support quality, and overall satisfaction levels with MRPeasy as a software solution.
  • Start your journey with MRPeasy by exploring its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and dedicated customer support to ensure a smooth implementation process.
  • Leverage the power of MRPeasy's tools and functionalities to enhance production efficiency, reduce lead times, optimize resource utilization, and improve inventory management for better business outcomes.
  • Stay informed about the latest updates and enhancements in MRPeasy to continuously improve your manufacturing operations, access inventory management, and stay ahead of the competition.

Choosing the Right Software for Small Manufacturers


MRPeasy and Odoo offer essential features for small manufacturers. MRPeasy focuses on inventory management, production planning, and scheduling. On the other hand, Odoo provides a comprehensive platform with modules for various business functions like sales, CRM, accounting, inventory management, and access.
Boost productivity and efficiency with MRPeasy 🗝️ Get Your Free Trial Now! 💼


MRPeasy is known for its user-friendly interface and quick implementation, making it ideal for small companies. In contrast, Odoo offers a high level of customization but may require more time to set up due to its complexity.

Efficiency and Productivity

Selecting the right software tailored to the specific needs of small manufacturing businesses is crucial. MRPeasy's simplicity can streamline operations by providing a clear overview of production processes, enhancing efficiency. Meanwhile, Odoo's versatility allows businesses to adapt and scale as they grow, boosting productivity.


The choice between MRPeasy and Odoo significantly affects efficiency, productivity, and inventory management in small manufacturing operations. A well-suited software system can improve inventory tracking, optimize production schedules, and enhance overall workflow management.

Planning and Reliability in MRPeasy

MRP Functionality

MRPeasy stands out for its robust MRP functionality, offering small manufacturers efficient tools for production scheduling and capacity planning. This ensures optimal resource utilization and timely production processes.

Inventory Control

One key benefit of MRPeasy is its automated lot tracking and serial number management capabilities. These features contribute significantly to improved inventory control, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing traceability.

Planning Reliability

MRPeasy enhances planning reliability through various features, such as detailed purchase requirements reports and shop-floor reporting. These functionalities enable manufacturers to make informed decisions based on real-time data, leading to smoother operations.

Trust Through Customer Reviews


Customer reviews play a crucial role in establishing trust and credibility for software solutions like MRPeasy. Positive reviews not only highlight the efficiency of the service but also reassure potential customers about the quality and reliability of the products offered.

Real-life Experiences

Customers using MRPeasy to manufacture products often share their satisfaction through testimonials. These experiences provide insights into how the software helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and boost overall productivity for small manufacturers.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial

Influence on Decision-making

For small manufacturers evaluating options like MRPeasy, positive customer reviews can significantly impact their decision-making process. These reviews act as social proof, showcasing real-world success stories that resonate with businesses looking to enhance their operations.

Starting with MRPeasy

Initiating Journey

Small manufacturers can initiate their journey with MRPeasy by signing up for a free trial on the official website. This allows them to explore the features and functionalities firsthand.

Setting Up Process

To set up MRPeasy within a manufacturing environment, users need to input their company's information, such as products, suppliers, and production processes. They can then customize the system according to their specific needs.

Implementation Steps

The implementation process involves configuring modules like inventory management, production planning, and scheduling. Users can gradually integrate these modules into their daily operations for a seamless transition.

Transitioning Ease

One of the key advantages of MRPeasy is its user-friendly interface that simplifies the transition for new users. The platform offers intuitive tools and resources to guide manufacturers through the setup and implementation phases.

User Support

For additional assistance, MRPeasy provides comprehensive user support through tutorials, guides, and customer service channels. This ensures that users have access to help whenever they encounter challenges during the onboarding process.

Final Remarks

You now have a clearer picture of MRPeasy and Odoo for small manufacturers. Planning, reliability, and customer reviews play pivotal roles in making an informed decision for your business. Starting with MRPeasy could be the game-changer you've been seeking.
Make sure to weigh the features that matter most to you and align with your business goals. Your choice impacts your operations, efficiency, and ultimately, your bottom line. Take the time to evaluate your needs against what each software offers. The right decision now can lead to long-term success for your small manufacturing endeavors.
Take control of your production with MRPeasy 🌟 Start Your Free Trial Now! 📦

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should small manufacturers consider when choosing between MRPeasy and Odoo?

Small manufacturers should consider ease of use, scalability, customer support, and pricing when deciding between MRPeasy and Odoo. Evaluate which software aligns best with your business needs and growth goals.

How does MRPeasy ensure planning and reliability for small manufacturers?

MRPeasy offers robust planning tools like production scheduling, inventory management, and demand forecasting to enhance operational reliability. By centralizing data and automating processes, MRPeasy helps small manufacturers optimize their production workflows efficiently.

How can customer reviews help in building trust with potential users of MRPeasy?

Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the user experience and satisfaction levels with MRPeasy. Positive reviews highlight the software's benefits and reliability, helping potential users trust the product based on real user feedback.

What are the key advantages of starting with MRPeasy for small manufacturers?

Starting with MRPeasy allows small manufacturers to quickly implement an efficient manufacturing system without complex setups. The intuitive interface, comprehensive features, and dedicated support make it easier for businesses to streamline operations from the outset.

How does MRPeasy compare to Odoo in terms of user-friendly features for small manufacturers?

MRPeasy is known for its user-friendly interface designed specifically for small manufacturers. With easy navigation, quick setup, and intuitive tools, MRPeasy simplifies manufacturing processes without overwhelming users, making it a preferred choice for businesses looking for simplicity and effectiveness.
Useful Links:
  1. MRPeasy LifeTime Deal
  2. MRPeasy Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 Soninetz Spocket vs Syncee: Ultimate Dropshipping Comparison

Spocket vs Syncee: Ultimate Dropshipping Comparison
Did you know that 85% of online shoppers consider fast shipping a crucial factor in their buying decisions? When it comes to dropshipping, choosing the right platform for online store, ecommerce fulfillment, marketplace, and order fulfillment can make all the difference. In this post, we'll compare two popular dropshipping solutions: Spocket vs. Syncee. Dive into this comparison to discover which platform offers the features and benefits that align best with your business goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When deciding between Syncee and Spocket, consider your specific needs, products, catalog, and preferences to choose the platform that best aligns with your business goals.
  • Evaluate the key features and benefits of both Syncee and Spocket to determine which platform offers the functionalities that are most important to you.
  • Take into account the pricing structures of Syncee and Spocket to ensure that you select a platform that fits within your budget while providing the necessary tools for your business.
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each platform to make an informed decision based on factors such as user experience, customer support, and integration capabilities.
  • Ultimately, the choice between Syncee and Spocket depends on your individual requirements, including the supplier and products, so weigh all aspects carefully before making a final decision.
  • Consider starting with a free trial or a demo of both platforms to experience firsthand how they work and which one better suits your business needs.

Choosing Between Syncee and Spocket

Target Market

Consider your target market when deciding between Syncee and Spocket. If you aim for a global audience, Syncee shines with its vast array of products sourced from worldwide suppliers. On the other hand, if your focus is on the US and EU markets, Spocket might be the more appropriate choice.
Elevate your eCommerce game! 🛒 Dive into Spocket's free trial and discover top-notch products hassle-free.

Product Variety

When it comes to product variety, Syncee takes the lead with over eight million products available from carefully curated suppliers. In contrast, Spocket emphasizes quality over quantity, offering a selection primarily from US and EU suppliers.

Unique Features

Both platforms offer unique products that cater to different needs. Spocket distinguishes itself with branded invoicing services and local warehouses, enhancing the branding experience for businesses. Conversely, Syncee provides functionalities such as instant product imports and automated order fulfillment processes for seamless operations of products.

Key Features and Benefits


Spocket stands out by providing a vast array of high-quality products, with 80% sourced from US or EU suppliers. This ensures premium quality for dropshippers looking to offer top-notch products to their customers. Spocket offers a unique branded invoicing feature, adding a professional touch to transactions.


Syncee shines with its extensive marketplace housing millions of products. Notably, it boasts fast shipping times for products, a crucial factor in the world of ecommerce where customers value quick deliveries. Syncee's standout features include instant product imports, simplifying the process for online sellers.

Differentiation Through Offerings

Spocket differentiates itself by prioritizing local warehouses and ensuring quick shipping to enhance customer satisfaction. On the other hand, Syncee focuses on building a strong reputation through its vast supplier base, diverse product selection, and products. By offering a wide range of products and emphasizing fast delivery, both platforms cater to the needs of modern dropshippers seeking efficiency and reliability.

Pricing Overview

Syncee Plans

Syncee offers four pricing plans from $29 to $99 per month, providing a 14-day free trial for paid options. These plans cater to various business needs, products, and budgets, ensuring flexibility for different users.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial

Spocket Structure

Spocket's pricing spans $39.99 to $299 per month, also with a 14-day free trial period. Their pricing model offers options tailored to diverse business sizes and requirements, accommodating a wide range of users.
Both platforms aim to provide value for money by aligning their features with the corresponding pricing plans. When deciding between Syncee and Spocket, consider the unique offerings of each platform in relation to your dropshipping business requirements.
  1. Syncee Plans
    • Flexible pricing options
    • 14-day free trial available
    • Catering to different business needs
  2. Spocket Structure
    • Varied pricing tiers
    • 14-day free trial included
    • Options for various business sizes
In evaluating these platforms, focus on the specific features that are essential for your business operations and growth strategies. Determine which platform offers the most comprehensive set of tools that align with your goals and objectives.

Strengths and Weaknesses


Syncee offers a vast marketplace with numerous high-quality suppliers, simplifying inventory sourcing for businesses. However, the platform's free plan is limited compared to Spocket.

Supplier Quality

Spocket stands out for its focus on US and EU suppliers, ensuring quality products for customers. On the other hand, Syncee may have more diverse supplier options.

Product Imports

With Syncee, importing products is straightforward and hassle-free, enhancing the overall user experience. In contrast, Spocket emphasizes branded invoicing for a professional touch.

Customer Support

Both platforms provide excellent customer support to assist entrepreneurs in navigating their integration processes seamlessly. However, Syncee might offer slightly better assistance in this aspect.


Spocket integrates smoothly with various popular ecommerce platforms, streamlining business operations effectively. In comparison, Syncee also offers robust integrations but may lack compatibility with certain systems.

Return Policies

While both platforms cater to customers from multiple countries, they differ in their return policies. Syncee has varying return policies set by individual suppliers while Spocket maintains consistency across its network.

Final Verdict

Tailored Decision-making

When deciding between Spocket and Syncee, consider factors such as your target market, product preferences, budget constraints, and required features. Tailoring your choice to these specific criteria will help optimize your dropshipping business.

Trial Offers

Take advantage of Syncee's 10% discount for Shopify and Wix users or Spocket's free 30-day trial to get hands-on experience with the platforms. These trial offers allow you to explore the functionalities and benefits before committing to a paid subscription plan.

Continuous Evaluation

Regularly assess your selection between Syncee and Spocket as your dropshipping business evolves. Monitor supplier performance, customer feedback, and overall platform usability to ensure that your chosen service aligns with your long-term business goals.

Final Remarks

In the battle between Spocket and Syncee, you now have a clear picture of their strengths and weaknesses, key features, pricing structures, and overall verdict. Your choice should align with your specific needs and business goals. Consider the features that matter most to you and how each platform can support your dropshipping journey effectively.
Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of Spocket vs. Syncee, it's time to make an informed decision based on what resonates best with your requirements. Whether you prioritize product variety, ease of use, pricing flexibility, or integration capabilities, the ideal platform is the one that caters to your unique demands. Choose wisely and embark on a successful dropshipping venture.
Time to thrive! 🌟 Unleash the power of Spocket's free trial and skyrocket your dropshipping journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when choosing between Syncee and Spocket?

When choosing between Syncee and Spocket, consider your product sourcing needs, budget, integration capabilities with your platform, customer support quality, and the specific features each platform offers to meet your business requirements.

How do the key features and benefits of Syncee and Spocket differ?

Syncee focuses on automated product uploads and updates from various suppliers, while Spocket emphasizes connecting with US/EU-based suppliers for fast shipping. Consider which feature aligns better with your dropshipping goals for a seamless experience.

What is the pricing overview for Syncee and Spocket?

Syncee offers pricing plans based on the number of products you want to import, starting from $29 per month. On the other hand, Spocket's plans start at $24 per month for essential features. Compare both platforms' pricing structures to find the best fit for your budget.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of using Syncee compared to Spocket?

Syncee excels in its wide range of supplier connections worldwide but may lack some advanced automation features. Meanwhile, Spocket stands out for its focus on quality US/EU suppliers but might have higher pricing tiers. Evaluate these aspects based on your dropshipping priorities.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:42 kyllo Meet Report: 2024-05-18 USPA Drug Tested Emerald City Classic


I competed for the first time at the USPA Drug Tested Emerald City Classic hosted by DOP Strength Gym in Kirkland, WA on May 18th, 2024.
Here's my Instagram post with videos of my third attempts and a photo with my participation medal (I was the only 110kg submaster male lifter).
I went 9/9 with no red lights, broke my gym PRs on squat and deadlift, and had an awesome time. I competed in the submaster 110kg class in raw full power, weighed in (24h before) at 105.7 kg, and totaled 545kg. I planned to take very light openers, big jumps for my second attempts (15kg for squat and deadlift, 10kg for bench), and then smaller jumps (7.5kg for squat and deadlift, 5kg for bench) for my thirds, and I stuck to that plan. All of my lifts felt great and moved fast except for my third bench, which was a little bit of a grind. My strategy paid off because I had a much more enjoyable day going 9/9 a little light, compared to how I would have felt if I had missed any of my first or second attempts--which I saw happen to plenty of other lifters.
The gym was a little crowded with 60 lifters in 4 flights but the meet was super well run, with good vibes all around. The meet director was super clear at the rules briefing and the spotteloader crew absolutely hauled ass and the whole meet was over at 3 pm. I also got to see several master's lifters set state and national records, including a 72 year old woman, so that was awesome to watch.
My friend and training partner, who is an experienced master's lifter and meet judge, showed up to handle me and that made a huge difference in my experience. He really helped me a ton with understanding the pace, timing my warmups, loading the bar, chalking my back, cheering me on, telling me when to rest, eat, hydrate, everything. He really did a fantastic job.


I took Steve DeNovi's free 3x Bench - Conventional Deadlift program and ran Block 3 and the peaking block (10 weeks), with modifications to the accessory selection and split to make it 4 days a week. My weekly split was:
I really enjoyed this program and got a lot out of it. I felt like the peak timing was just right for my meet.


Squats felt great in prep. My training max for the first block was 425 lbs and I upped it to 435 for the second block. I didn't feel like I under or overshot any of my prep lifts, my RPEs felt accurate.
There was a little confusion about whether squats would be done on a 25kg squat bar or a 20kg power bar, but they ended up using the 20kg Kabuki power bar. The knurling felt great on my back.
  1. 170kg. The main thing in my head was to take my time setting up, which I did, and I think it helped calm my nerves. When I unracked, the bar tilted to the right slightly, but I was able to level it out as I walked out. Stance felt solid, got a strong brace, weight felt light and moved fast.
  2. 185kg. Better unrack. Felt lighter than I expected.
  3. 192.5kg. Beat my gym PR of 415lbs. My handler said my third looked like it moved better than my second. I felt a cramp in my right inner hamstring as I locked it out though, and it's feeling sore today. I felt in control the whole rep but I think I kinda dive-bombed it and went a little too deep and that over-stretched my hammie. Looking back at the videos, I think I rushed the descent on all my squats, even though I had been practicing a slower descent during prep. Something to work on cleaning up before my next meet.


I kind of wrote off bench for this meet since I made poor progress in prep. For the first 5 week block my training max was 265 lbs and I felt like I was undershooting, so I increased it to 275 lbs, but once I started hitting singles at 250+ they weren't moving well and my butt started coming off the bench. I fixed that issue late in prep by setting my feet further back. My left shoulder had also been bothering me a bit lately, plus I started getting some tennis elbow on my left from the bent over rows or something. So I went with attempts I knew for sure I could hit, and didn't get too excited for bench. I also really felt that bench was a natural "valley" between the peaks of squat and deadlift, in terms of the energy level of the meet.
  1. 100kg. A gimme attempt just to practice the commands for real.
  2. 110kg. This was the best bench single I've had lately--setup, foot placement, arch, unrack, controlled descent, pause, and press, everything felt solid and it went up so fast that my friend who was working the scoring table shouted "Put some weight on the bar!"
  3. 115kg. Unrack felt great, controlled eccentric and pause felt good, got a fast press command, but I think my back slipped a little on the pad, which was kind of slick, and I didn't get enough leg drive, and forgot to cue bar path, so I pressed it straight up off my chest and hit a sticking point, then my back cramped up and my arms started shaking. I barely got it locked out. I originally wanted to aim for 120kg on my third attempt but now I'm glad I didn't because I for sure would have missed it.
I'm pretty satisfied with just getting 9 white lights on bench because I was so worried about my butt popping up or having a brain fart and jumping the start or rack command, and those things didn't happen.


Deadlifts are my best event (long arms) and the pauses and cluster singles in DeNovi's program really helped dial in my setup and make me stronger off the floor. Having access to a deadlift bar in training was nice, as the whip might have thrown me off if I had only ever trained on a stiff bar. Liquid chalk + hook grip + Kabuki bar = unlimited grip.
Toward the end of prep I changed my setup to get rid of my dynamic "hip pump" wedge and just sink straight into my starting position, set my hook grip, and just patiently "leg press the floor away." This change really paid off because it helped me get the most out of the deadlift bar and made my lockouts a breeze.
I was worried about the back cramp during my third bench interfering with my deadlift, but as I started warming up, my back felt fine, however I was feeling that third squat in my right hamstring. Thankfully the pain subsided once I got warm again.
  1. 215kg. Felt light, as it should have, like a last warmup. Not much else to say.
  2. 230kg. My handler said "earn your third attempt!" I executed my setup and pull exactly like my first attempt and was surprised by how fast it broke the floor and how easy the lockout was. I heard someone say "that's a good hinge!"
  3. 237.5kg. I almost went for 240 but kept it conservative because I was worried about my hamstring. I kinda regret holding back now. I took a couple extra seconds to build up a really hard brace before methodically executing my setup. Just as the bar passed my knees they shook a little, and the crowd started cheering for me, but the bar didn't slow down at all so I knew I had it in the bag for 9/9 and just felt ecstatic.
A spectator walked up to me afterward and gave me a really good compliment--he said my deadlifts looked like a hydraulic machine!

Next steps

Now that this meet's behind me, my main training priority will be getting my bench up. I'm going to reevaluate my approach to frequency, volume, specific vs. hypertrophy work, and my diet.
For squat, I think I'll continue doing pauses and maybe add tempo descent work or something to break my dive-bombing habit because I don't want to pull a hammy with a heavier weight at my next meet.
My deadlift feels locked in, so I'm not going to fix what isn't broken. I want to work in some RDLs in my offseason since I haven't done them in a while, but that's it.
There's another USPA meet at the same venue in late September which is kinda soon but I'm really tempted to do it so I can go in more confident, open a little higher, set some new meet PRs, and get my money's worth with this USPA membership. It's about 17 weeks away now so that's enough time to have a few weeks of offseason before another prep cycle.
submitted by kyllo to powerlifting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:39 manoleque You can summon a "net" that filters anything.

Basically you can summon a net (imagine a fishing net) that can filter anything. You can summon a net of the size of a building and filter all the money in the building, that money will pass through walls and people. You can filter anything including emotions and thoughts. You can filter oddly specific things. The net can be the shape and size you desire. I feel that this power need a downside, let's say you can't filter yourself (imagine a perfect hitbox around you, you can't filter anything inside, this includes filtering past you, that is, you can't filter a building top down if you're inside, you'll need to stop before it reaches you), every time you filters something, doesn't matter how big or small it is, you feel slightly tired and this power consumes calories, nothing too big, lets say that if you filter the coffee on a mug you lose 1 cal, and if you filter the planet you lose 3k cal ( a logarithmic graph for those who care ).
submitted by manoleque to godtiersuperpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:34 i-lick-eyeballs [Spoilers] My reaction after finishing Dragonball Super anime for the first time

Thoughts after finishing Dragonball Super. Spoilers ahead, stop reading if you haven't finished the series!
Biggest letdown - the final battle between Goku and Jiren
I was hoping that during their long fight, they would have some back and forth dialogue where Jiren really questioned Goku's endless and insatiable drive for more battles and more power. I think there was a good setup before the battle royale started where a lot of other universes blamed Goku for the fact that most of them would be wiped from existence, and there was room there for Goku to be seen as the villain by everyone but his own friends. It would be a unique story angle for the pure-hearted Goku to be questioned harshly like that. Goku could have redeemed himself in everyone's eyes by the end, which would have made for an interesting character arc.
I wanted Jiren to say something like, "I fight for justice, Goku! Is what you have done truly just? Look at the countless lives that are laid at your feet for disrespecting the gods and getting all the universes caught in this ridiculous battle! All because YOU are excited to fight. Goku, your insatiable drive for battle has cost unfathomable losses, how can you justify yourself??"
Goku could have had some deep self-reflection, which could be what triggered his Autonomous Ultra Instinct. Him realizing that he needs to let go of the Saiyan battle-lust and tap into his instincts, letting go of everything. He could realize that he has gotten so powerful it tears at the fabric of reality when he fights, and that in addition to his lust for battle, he needs to find a deep internal responsibility over his own power in order to truly protect his loved ones and the multiple universes at stake.
I didn't like how they spent so much time building Jiren up only to have his character developed by a quick exposition dump with a throwaway story and a "Might Makes Right" mindset. I feel like they just threw Jiren away. Jiren could have been seen as the fighter with purer intentions if they just changed up his story. I wanted to see Jiren standing on the high ground, able to say that he had fought for power to maintain justice and order in his universe, to preserve and promote peace, and that the result was that the people of his universe were ultimately happier and safer than those in Goku's universe. That high ground of strength, power, and moral value could have been the place Goku reached for and ultimately overcame!
Favorite parts
*I loved how the battle royale was ultimately a test of virtue for all the universes. It fits in really well with the god-realm aspects of the story and facing the judgment of gods!
*I like how the format of a battle royale gave a lot of the characters their own moments to shine in battle. It came off a little gimmicky at times, but I loved seeing how hard everyone fought for each other. I think Master Roshi was one of my favorites, seeing him give his all and fight himself near to death (despite being only a human) to protect his home universe was awesome. I also loved the Saiyan interactions, Goku and Vegeta helping out the young Saiyans from the other universe was so fun, and seeing Goku getting his ass nearly handed to him by two female Saiyans was exciting.
*The intro song during the Battle Royale arc!! NGL, "I've got a strength deep in my soul that gives me courage and control," got me pumped every time. I sang along every time!
*Some of the final battle animation, especially with Goku and Frieza side by side, was absolutely sick.
*I love that Goku wasn't the one who saved the day, ultimately. I thought this series was so great for letting everyone else have moments to shine and having Android 18 be the reluctant hero was nice to see.
*I liked to see Frieza slowly come around through the series, and Golden Frieza, along with Frieza getting his own musical theme was pretty neat. He was a great baddie and it was nice to have him back. I love how in Dragonball, baddies just can't help but become Goku's friend in the end.
Less-than-favorite parts
*The tone of the entire series felt a little corny which was a struggle at times.
*Furry universe and Magical Girl universe
*The wild swings in animation quality, but then again, that's very typical for Dragonball so not expecting much there. Also I prefer the DBZ animation techniques with different line weights, a more handcrafted feel, and overall more consistent and better-looking animation.
*Some of the outro songs sounded like they belonged in a preschool class. Their tone was ... weird.
submitted by i-lick-eyeballs to dragonball [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:28 Soninetz Hostfully vs Airbnb: Revenue Maximization Tips

Hostfully vs Airbnb: Revenue Maximization Tips
When it comes to vacation rentals, the choice between Hostfully and Airbnb booking platforms can be crucial. While Airbnb is a well-known platform with a vast user base and global reach, Hostfully, a direct booking website, offers a more personalized experience tailored for property managers. Understanding the differences between these two options is essential for hosts looking to maximize their rental income and guest satisfaction. In this post, we will delve into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of Hostfully vs. Airbnb to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your hosting goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: Evaluate your hosting requirements, target audience, and desired level of control to decide between Airbnb and direct booking.
  • Maximize Exposure: Utilize direct booking websites to reach a wider audience beyond Airbnb users and gain more visibility.
  • Leverage Airbnb's Reach: Benefit from Airbnb's extensive user base, trust factor, and marketing efforts to attract guests.
  • Diversify Your Approach: Combine both Airbnb and direct booking strategies to diversify your revenue streams and reduce dependency on a single platform.
  • Enhance Branding: Create a personalized booking site to showcase your unique offerings, build brand identity, and establish a direct connection with guests.
  • Monitor Performance: Track bookings, guest feedback, and conversion rates on different platforms to optimize your hosting strategy effectively.

Choosing Between Airbnb and Direct Booking

Business Goals

Consider your business goals before deciding between hostfully and Airbnb. Determine if you prioritize exposure or control over your property listings.
Evaluate the level of control you desire. With Airbnb, as a host, you have limited control over guest communication and bookings. In contrast, a direct booking platform like hostfully offers more autonomy.
💼 Elevate your property management! Get Hostfully’s free trial and see the difference! 🌟

Cost Implications

Analyze the cost implications of using Airbnb versus investing in a direct booking website. While Airbnb charges service fees, direct bookings may involve initial setup costs but can be more cost-effective in the long term.
  • Pros of Using Airbnb:
    • Increased visibility to a wide range of guests.
    • Access to Airbnb's trusted platform for secure transactions.
  • Cons of Using Airbnb:
    • Limited control over pricing and guest interactions.
    • Dependency on Airbnb's policies and regulations.
  • Pros of Direct Booking with Hostfully:
    • Greater control over property listings and guest relationships.
    • Potential cost savings by avoiding third-party fees.
  • Cons of Direct Booking with Hostfully:
    • Requires investment in website development and marketing.
    • Initial challenges in building brand recognition compared to established platforms like Airbnb.

Advantages of Direct Booking Websites

Maximize Profits

Avoid OTA fees and increase revenue by utilizing a direct booking website. By cutting out the middleman, you retain more earnings from each reservation.
Direct bookings allow you to offer special deals and discounts exclusively on your website, attracting guests with competitive prices.

Showcase Unique Features

On your own website, personalize listings to highlight the distinct features of your rental property. Emphasize what sets it apart from others in the market.
Utilize high-quality images and detailed descriptions to create an enticing showcase that captivates potential guests and encourages direct bookings.

Utilize Guest Data

By collecting guest data through direct bookings, you can tailor loyalty programs and offerings to drive repeat business. Personalized experiences foster customer loyalty.
Analyze guest preferences and behaviors to enhance your services, provide customized recommendations, and create memorable stays for returning guests.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial

Benefits of Listing on Airbnb

Global Reach

Listings on Airbnb provide a platform to tap into the company's global brand recognition. This exposure allows property managers and hospitality providers to reach a vast network of travelers worldwide.
Benefit from Airbnb's targeted marketing efforts that specifically promote properties listed on their platform. By leveraging their extensive reach and marketing strategies, hosts can increase visibility and attract more bookings.

Convenient Payment Processing

Enjoy the convenience of letting Airbnb handle payment processing for your property. This feature not only ensures secure transactions but also offers guests various payment options, enhancing the overall booking experience.
  • Benefit from Airbnb's global brand recognition
  • Tap into targeted marketing efforts by Airbnb
  • Let Airbnb handle payment processing for convenient guest transactions

Combining Airbnb and Direct Booking

Stability and Pricing Control

Maximize your property's exposure by utilizing both Airbnb and a direct booking platform. This strategy ensures stability and control over pricing, attracting a diverse range of guests.
Diversifying your distribution channels through Airbnb and direct bookings provides flexibility in adjusting rates based on demand fluctuations. By combining these platforms, you can effectively manage pricing strategies to optimize revenue.

Brand Identity Preservation

Partnering with Hostfully for property management allows you to maintain your brand identity while benefiting from Airbnb's vast traveler network. This collaboration offers innovative solutions for managing properties across different platforms seamlessly.
Maintaining a presence on Airbnb alongside a direct booking website enables you to tap into a wider audience without compromising your brand's unique identity. With Hostfully's complete solution, you can streamline operations and enhance guest experiences.

Revenue Optimization

Leverage the power of partnerships between Hostfully and Airbnb to maximize your revenue streams. By combining these platforms, you can attract more guests and achieve higher occupancy rates throughout the year.
List your property on multiple platforms such as Airbnb and integrate direct bookings through Hostfully to reach a broader audience and drive consistent bookings. This approach ensures a steady flow of guests while optimizing your income potential.

Building Your Own Booking Site


Consider outsourcing the development to a professional web developer for a fully customized direct booking website. This option ensures a tailored solution that meets your specific needs and branding requirements.

Hostfully's Templates

Utilize Hostfully's no-code templates to effortlessly create a personalized direct booking website. These templates offer ease of use and allow you to showcase your properties effectively.

DIY Approach

Opt for building your direct booking website yourself to have complete control and customization. This approach enables you to tailor every aspect of the site according to your preferences and business objectives.

Final Remarks

Choosing between Airbnb and direct booking depends on your specific goals and needs. While direct booking offers more control and potentially higher profits, Airbnb provides a broader reach and built-in credibility. By combining both approaches, you can maximize your property's visibility and revenue streams. Creating your booking site gives you independence and a unique brand presence in the market.
To thrive in the competitive vacation rental industry, leverage the strengths of both Airbnb and direct booking channels. Tailor your strategy to suit your property and target audience. Keep experimenting with different approaches to find what works best for you. Remember, the key is to adapt, stay informed about industry trends, and always prioritize customer satisfaction.
🌟 Scale your business effortlessly! Try Hostfully's software for free now! 💼

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hostfully a better option than Airbnb for direct bookings?

Hostfully offers robust tools for managing direct bookings, providing more control and customization options compared to Airbnb. Consider your specific needs and preferences to determine which platform aligns best with your goals.

What are the advantages of using direct booking websites like Hostfully?

Direct booking websites like Hostfully typically offer lower fees, increased control over your rental property, better communication with guests, and the ability to build stronger relationships with customers by offering personalized experiences.

How does listing on Airbnb benefit property owners?

Listing on Airbnb can provide access to a large pool of potential guests, built-in trust and security features, exposure to a global audience, marketing support, and access to Airbnb's reservation management system for streamlined bookings and communication.

Should I consider combining Airbnb listings with direct booking options?

Combining Airbnb listings with direct booking options allows you to diversify your rental income sources, maximize occupancy rates by reaching different audiences, reduce dependency on a single platform, and gain more flexibility in pricing strategies.

What are the benefits of building your own booking site as a property owner?

Building your own booking site gives you full control over branding, design, pricing, policies, and guest data. It enhances customer loyalty by offering a seamless booking experience directly on your website and reduces reliance on third-party platforms for bookings.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:23 Own-Efficiency507 Do You Play Past The Point Of Getting A Gen Powered Base Or Get Bored And Stop Playing?

After all my hours of playing finally got a gen magazine and powered my base for the first time after taking a looong break from the game. Made a post asking what to do next and it seems a good amount of people just got bored after that point and stopped playing on that save, either starting a new one or playing something else. Got me wondering how many people actually move on past that point and what people do as a new goal. With build 42 , hopefully, coming we'll get some better late game goals and stuff to do to keep the attraction of living for a long time going, so that will fix the one criticism I see a lot of, that the game loses interest once you get pretty set up and self-sufficient. So, what do you guys do?
View Poll
submitted by Own-Efficiency507 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:22 _SUSP3CT_ 🔥 HOGE Finance : Official Update Report 🔥

Weekly Update on Hoge: Progress, Challenges, and Community Highlights
A Sleeping Giant Awakens
Community Dynamics
New Community Website:
New Pitch Deck in the Works
Addressing the WhiteBit Situation
HogeAI Nearing Completion
Hoge PFP Mint Delayed
Join the conversation on Reddit and stay engaged with the ongoing developments. Together, we're building something remarkable with Hoge.
Thank you to all our community members, without your resilience, patience, and engagement, none of this would be possible.
submitted by _SUSP3CT_ to hoge [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:19 knyexar A vision for a custom controller just came to me in a dream

A vision for a custom controller just came to me in a dream
Hi everyone, just woke up at 1 am with an idea for a custom controller and I need some advice
Basically it's two car pedals for the triggers and two very long sticks, and the sticks have buttons on the handles for the D-pad/ABXY and bumpers
How feasible is this concept and where should one start looking for resources on how to go about building it
submitted by knyexar to customcontrollers [link] [comments]