Tampon insertion videos

MacGyver This! The subreddit full of MacGyvers

2013.03.30 04:01 JoelQ MacGyver This! The subreddit full of MacGyvers

Welcome to "MacGyver This!" A subreddit where everyone is MacGyver! Think you can build something amazing using only a rubber band, a cardboard box, a 9 volt battery, and a tampon? Well, this place is for you!

2013.01.06 20:01 Traffic1012 A.C.B.A. - Articulated Comic Book Art

Articulated Comic Book Art (A.C.B.A.) is a visual art form recognized by a passionate group of action figure collectors and is best exemplified by the efforts of this community who display their work on social media, in their homes, and in their local hobby shops. It is it's own type of video/photo based art form and should not be mistaken for simple toy photography.

2019.07.23 14:04 kate_19035 r/AskTeenGirls: Ask girls questions!

Ask teen girls questions! Please read the rules and assign your flair before posting! If you would like an MTF, FTM, or other gender flair, please contact the moderators via modmail. —— Our icon was drawn by u/PeachyKeenWater, and our mobile and PC banners were drawn by u/poptart_narwhal and u/WhitestSausage.

2024.05.19 04:31 ACNH-queen-297 For anyone feeling like you’re not enough, you’re not alone.

I just found this subreddit today after feeling almost completely alone for the last 5 years. And because I’ve found it and because reading about everyone else’s stories has fulfilled a need so deep I don’t even know how to begin to explain, I’d like to share mine.
I’m 28, married for almost 5 years, and we’ve never achieved penetrative sex. My husband and I have both been Christians our entire lives and we both decided to wait until marriage to have sex. Almost all the other guys I’d been with before him were not virgins, but they knew I was waiting until marriage and so we never did anything more than touching/intense make out sessions. My husband and I never even saw each other naked until our wedding night, when, of course, we tried having sex for the first time.
Now, I was always pretty sure something was wrong with me. I was never able to get a tampon in, I tried going to get a Pap smear so I could be put on birth control for my horrible period pains and they weren’t able to perform the pap because I was in so much pain. I remember telling the NP I was a virgin and I’ve never put anything up there before but it’s almost like she didn’t believe me because she proceeded to shove the terrible plastic speculum right into me in one swift motion and my entire body trembled in pain, I was a sobbing mess, and she just said “oh we can’t complete the exam because it looks like you’ve started your period.” More like you broke my hymen, thanks. Tried again a month later and had another failed attempt. After that I was completely traumatized. I remember crying in the stirrups to the NP asking her how was I ever going to be able to have sex if it was that painful and she just said “sex is completely different, when you’re aroused you’ll be fine.” Wrong. That was in 2017. I got married in 2019 and didn’t attempt another Pap smear until 2022.
I was always open with my husband even before we were married that I had these issues and that I was worried what it would mean for us when the time came, so on our wedding night neither of us were surprised that we couldn’t have sex. And honestly, I think a big part of the reason it’s been almost 5 whole years and we still haven’t achieved full PIV is because we have such a great sex life even without it. Because we couldn’t have penetrative sex we got creative, adventurous, we focus on each other because we’re basically taking turns. We both always achieve orgasm. But there’s just always that part of me saying I’m broken, I’m not enough, he’s gonna get tired of this, he needs more, and any other girl could give that to him and I can’t. (Let me be clear- these are MY feelings, ones I’ve told my husband about and he could not feel more differently. He’s always assured me he is more than happy with where we are and would never want anyone else) But alas, the guilt still eats me alive telling me I’m not a real woman, I’m not a good wife, I’ll never be enough, and he deserves better. I’ve officially gotten to the point where I’m determined to make this happen for both of us, and I’ve gotten serious about my dilator usage with a specific goal in mind.
I purchased vaginal dilators (I use SoulSource) on my own after researching pain during sex. At first I couldn’t even get the smallest one in without pain (about the size of a pinkie finger). I tried having my husband help me use them but realized I need to be able to control the angle and speed on insertion for now. It was not fun. I’d go months in between even trying to use them. I was so ashamed, felt like a complete failure, but at the same time our sex life was great so I didn’t even want to bother with them. The shame took over more as the years went by. We can’t go on like this forever, I want this for both of us.
A few really important things happened that truly changed everything. This isn’t something I talk about with just anyone, but we do have some really great friends and family that know everything. I was talking with a really good friend of mine (who’s always been a bit of a sex fanatic) about how I think I don’t like using the dilators because of a mental block - like, it hurts, it’s awkward, I don’t know where I should be when I do it etc. She said “your vagina is a muscle, you’re just stretching it out. You’ve got to think of it like a workout” and as simple as it sounds, that’s what I really needed to hear. It changed my whole mindset, I realized I needed to do it routinely, for set periods of time, and I don’t need to be embarrassed (now before you say “well duh” remember I bought these dilators on my own, I didn’t trust the healthcare professionals anymore, so I was just winging it). I taught myself my routine. I listened to my body about when I could size up. I realized on my own that deep breathing helped and that once the size didn’t hurt anymore I should move it around and in and out. Nobody told me that shit. I did it by myself, for myself and my husband, and nobody else knew about all of this until I FINALLY decided to go try another Pap smear and found the most amazing NP in the world.
I sat in her office, cried, and told her everything about my previous Pap smear, how I still haven’t been able to have sex with my husband, how I’ve been using the dilators and. she. LISTENED. She did my pap with a juvenile sized speculum that was stainless steel and heated in a warming drawer and told me any time I go anywhere for a pap to call the office and make sure they have that or find somewhere that does. I got through the pap with MINIMAL pain. Then she did an internal exam with her finger, figuring out the spots that were the most painful. I was diagnosed with Vaginismus/Vulvodynia that day. It was the first day I felt seen, heard and validated.
I’d been slowly progressing with my dilators, trying to keep routine and falling out of habit, only ever able to get to size 6 out of 8 for over a year and now my husband and I are traveling to Iceland for our 5th wedding anniversary in two weeks and my goal is to have PIV while on our trip. I use the dilators every other day, I’m on size 7 out of the 8 Soul Source dilators and my husband is a little bigger than 8, but I believe we’ll get there. I’ve never felt this much hope in my journey so far, I’m so incredibly proud of my body and how far it’s come. Say a lil prayer for us if you got this far. I don’t care if nobody reads this because really, this is for me. I’m done being ashamed and I wanted my story out there, because reading everyone else’s really helped me.
submitted by ACNH-queen-297 to vaginismus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:23 CloudVortexDollaBill Custom inserts for Aeris that spin pearls🌪️🌪️💨💨

Custom inserts for Aeris that spin pearls🌪️🌪️💨💨
Hello! New here just wanted to say hi and let the community know that I have custom inserts for the Aeris that spin pearls which distributes your product more evenly giving a much stronger hit. I’m on the CARTA crew Facebook page if anyone wants to see videos or reviews. Any questions feel free to ask 💨
submitted by CloudVortexDollaBill to FocusVAeris [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:50 InformalBee2245 Question about Magura HS33 brake installation - why no needle/insert for cut hose?

Hi everyone. I've just tried to install an HS33 brake on a bike where the brake hose needs to be shortened. I've looked at the instruction video for this specific brake, and it makes no mention of a needle/insert going into the end of the hose. Also the spares pack in the box has no needle/insert in it. But when I look at the hose that's there now, you can clearly see a needle/insert at the end of the hose. So.....have they made a mistake in the video/packaging.....or is it ok to install this one with just the Bolt and the olive? Has anyone done it? Thanks so much for your help.
submitted by InformalBee2245 to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:52 MagniBear980512 Beyond the Skin Deep: a short essay on cultural colonialism and Asian male exclusion

The excitement surrounding a new Assassin's Creed title can quickly turn to disappointment when it reinforces harmful tropes. Assassin's Creed Shadows presents a problematic case of cultural appropriation and neo-colonial fantasy.
I’ve been a fan of the Assassin's Creed franchise; however, I couldn't help but feel silenced and suppressed when I saw the trailer. I’m sure many share this frustration.That being said, I’ve seen little argument on the internet that represents the asian community.
The core issue lies in prioritising a superficial diversity as a metric of cultural authenticity. However, it’s not difficult to see that the insertion is wrong on many levels.
Firstly, demoting and excluding Asian male characters in a setting steeped in Asian culture is a missed opportunity. Rich historical periods abound in Asia, offering a chance to explore diverse Asian cultures through the lens of an Asian protagonist. Sengoku period boasts a vibrant tapestry of history, brimming with potential for an Asian protagonist's journey. Tales of countless Japanese samurai have been passed down through the ages. Shunting them aside in favour of a character from a different ethnicity undermines the very cultural immersion the game strives for. Subsequently, this so-called cultural product has been reduced to a mere puppet show.
Western media, including video games, has a poor track record of portraying Asian men as strong, masculine and heroic figures. They're often demoted to comedic sidekicks or one-dimensional villains. Assassin's Creed's decision to seemingly bypass an Asian male samurai protagonist in a Japanese setting is an intentional mistake, and some might see it as a cynical ploy for "diversity points", under the guise of cultural exchange.
Having to insert an African man as a figure of diversity, while losing touch with the context of Asian cultural backgrounds is a form of ignorant racism by itself. It suggests that there’s not enough racial diversity on the continent. Especially when it comes to Celebrating diversity within Asia, few seem to care enough to populate fictional worlds with characters from various Asian ethnicities.
Not having the fundamental respect for the indigenous people that inhabited these islands proves how egocentric and narcissistic Ubisoft and the group it represents have become. The “Asians all look the same” stereotype touting homogeneity should also be prevented and combated, adding fuel to it is counterintuitive and against the cause.
Secondly, depicting a black character as the central figure enacting over-glorified violence in a Japanese setting is insensitive and potentially reinforces a cultural neo-colonial narrative demoting and excluding Asian men. Whether it's historically accurate is besides the point, although it remains questionable, forcing a character of colour into a role that perpetuates negative stereotypes is disrespectful, to both Asians and Africans.
There is enough cultural background for a game to be set in Africa,so I can't help but question whether it's really about diversity and minority representation. Forcing a black character in Japanese culture shows the lack of confidence the studio has in selling African cultural heritage in pop art products. Just to entertain the thought, a game set in Ethiopia would have existed if they wanted it to, since the historical and cultural landscape is just as rich and vibrant. Assassin's Creed Shadows has the potential to be an immersive experience, but it should strive for cultural sensitivity. By featuring authentic Asian heroes and delving deeper into the chosen historical period, the game can avoid accusations of appropriation and create a narrative that's both respectful and engaging for a global audience.
@ycbr creatives
submitted by MagniBear980512 to AssassinsCreedShadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:41 pink0_0lemonade I HATE the romanticism of disorders.

I bring this up because I had a video on my FYP come up about this guy sharing that he was an alcoholic and had depressive episodes, that’s fine right just talking about what he experiences. Well he was telling a short story about a girl saying “we love a mentally ill king” after he opened up to her about it and it just honestly makes my blood boil. I hear a song every day at work about like “I’m broken and it’s beautiful” NO IT IS NOT. By all means, share how you feel to a therapist or someone you trust so that you can get the proper help. But disorders aren’t fun, they aren’t cool, they aren’t pretty, THEY SUCK. And I HATE it when people say things like that or like “I want to date a mentally ill person” then whenever they have to actually deal with that person’s mental illness as well, that person is suddenly toxic and gross. ESPECIALLY BPD AND DEPRESSION. BPD is so demonized, it’s insane to me how. And depression is so looked down on because everyone just thinks “Oh you’re sad today :(“ like THATS NOT ALL???? People with depressive episodes sometimes can literally not get out of bed for almost anything. Like how the hell do you go “Lemme get a piece of that 😏” and switch up so fast to “Ew, you haven’t cleaned your room in 6 months??? You aren’t depressed, you’re just a pig..” It’s so INFURIATING. And all this I’ve seen in this sub the last few days about “It’s their disorder so let them display it how they want” is so stupid. This isn’t “insert username disorder” ITS AUTISM. A disorder that is not specific to ONLY ONE PERSON. If people openly infantilize or romanticize a disorder people will start to think that presentation is the disorder as a whole or that that is how they should treat others with the same disorder. By all means, present your disorder(s) however you want while you are alone and NOT on a MASSIVE PUBLIC PLATFORM FOR MILLIONS OF (POSSIBLY) UNDEREDUCATED PEOPLE TO SEE AND MISINTERPRET. PLEASE PEOPLE.. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I wish this was all just common sense..
submitted by pink0_0lemonade to fakedisordercringe [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:25 niamhxa Swimming, on my period, without a tampon?

Hi everyone, I hope this question is okay here. I have endometriosis and recently had an operation for it, and now on the advice of my physiotherapist I have taken up swimming. I’m doing lessons, as I’m not a good swimmer at all.
It hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve signed up and paid for 10 lessons (1 per week) so it’s pretty much inevitable I’ll get my period at one point or another during my course. But the things is that I can’t use tampons because of my vaginismus, which is essentially a condition wherein my vagina is clamped shut and I find it extremely painful and difficult (if not impossible) to insert anything at all. I can’t insert a cotton bud, let alone a tampon.
So, is there any way that I can still go to my lessons while on my period and not wearing a tampon? Has anyone found a solution to keeping things neat and tidy while swimming? I’ve googled it and some things say it’s perfectly safe to swim on your period without a tampon because the chlorine kills any bacteria, but honestly I’d be absolutely mortified if I bled into a public pool; it doesn’t seem fair to others at all let alone the idea of recreating scenes from Jaws while I splash my way through a front crawl. Because of my endo, my periods can be extremely heavy, especially during the first few days so it’d definitely be noticeable if not contained.
If I have to just skip the lessons on days I have my period, that’s what I’ll do of course. But I really want to commit to this and I like routine (also autistic lol) so if there’s a way I can still attend without bleeding out, that would be amazing. But again, if there’s no way around it and I’ll just need to skip, please just tell me that! I only ask because maybe someone here will know of some period swimwear or something, idk. Thanks all ❤️
submitted by niamhxa to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:12 Tha_Rocket Looking for advice, buckle up it's long ride...

I'm a 42 year old male, I met my wife when I was 18, she was 23 and we began 'dating' when I was 21, working a job I hated in the same place she worked (casino workers, if you know, you know). We hooked up at a Xmas party and started a very awkward relationship. I say awkward because we had some weird trouble having sex for the first like 6 months... it's odd when I think back on it, should have been a huge red flag but she was draped in reg flags the entire time and it didn't seem matter to me. Aside from that, when we finally did have sex she got pregnant... she was not at all ready, neither was I really, but are you ever? At any rate, I didn't have too much of say in it, she decided on an abortion and I supported her. We stayed together after that horribly shitty experience, our relationship was never really all that good, lots of petty fighting/arguing and really the only reason it continued was because we worked opposite shifts and barely saw each other which made it easier to sorta get along.
Fast forward a couple years, we decide to buy a house because financially it made sense (this is almost 20 years ago so it was still affordable at that time), she made quite a bit of money, mostly in tips (so not on paper), but she probably made 2-3 times as much as I did so she never really struggled financially (in her life I don't think) while I came out of poverty and lived paycheck to paycheck up until a few years ago (the pandemic was surprisingly good for my career). This was never really an issue for me, I've lived in debt my whole life and I've always had the optimism that I would eventually work my way out of it, it's really the only bit of confidence I have in myself, my ability to learn and become relatively good at almost anything. This was always a point of contention, my wife hated that I had debt so when we bought the house together we were asked if we wanted a joint bank account as most couples combine their finances with cohabitation, my wife scoffed and adamantly told the banker there was no way she's mixing her finances with mine, it was relatively embarrassing at the time but I was also just 25 (she was 30) so I went along with whatever, it was going to be slightly cheaper for me to pay a mortgage than rent at the time so I was in and she'd cover bills. Things were never that great when living together, things must have been good enough for me to stay but I only look back with anger now so it's hard to see anything good but I'm sure there must have been some.
Fast forward another couple years and I feel extremely pressured (by her and her family mostly, they're old fashioned country type folks) to ask her to marry me... so I do. We stay engaged for another few years, I have no desire to waste a bunch on money on a wedding but she's the one with money so we have the big wedding she wanted. I'll admit it was a pretty great party, I don't remember anything good involving her on our wedding day but I have lots of good memories with family and friends. Afterwards we went on a 'romantic' honeymoon at an all-inclusive tropical resort and this is where I'll get into a bit of what I've dealt with for years... our resort was gorgeous, room was nice, just a room but nice... first thing my wife did was complain, about everything, the bed, the fridge, the lights, the balcony... nothing was good enough for her, this would become a common theme for the next decade plus. We also did not have sex on our honeymoon, she was far too busy complaining and being angry for us to ever get in the 'mood', this would be more foreshadowing of what's to come.
Now, this might seem like I'm building up to her becoming really bad after getting married but that's not really the case... she was just as bad before, it didn't really get worse, it just became more noticeable... or maybe I just tolerated things more in the beginning. The truth is when I look back, there were so many signs, she casually put me down and basically treated me like a child from day one, something I just accepted because looking back, I was a fucking child when we got together... she was not really, five years my senior, and she very much took advantage of that dynamic. Over the years she slowly went about convincing me that the things I wanted were silly/ridiculous and that I should want what she wanted (the nice lawn, the house, kids, etc., etc.) because everyone should. I never wanted these things.
I won't get into details here because I could write a novel on the insane shit I've dealt with over the last 20 years that could prove this, but I did do a lot of research in the last few years and have come to the conclusion that she could have BPD with narcissistic traits... I'm obviously not a doctor so it's definitely not a diagnosis or anything but she ticks almost every box from the many many things I've read on the subject, so if you have a moment and you don't know what BPD is I suggest googling it. It's pretty terrible but it might give you a better idea of my life.
At any rate, I dug myself deeper and deeper, thinking that every next move would finally make her happy and bring me some kind of peace, so we had a child about a year after we were married. This is where it gets really tricky... I sincerely regret having a child with this woman, especially because she is not at all "cut out to be a mother" (her words, not mine) but her mother had been sick on and off with cancer for a few years and her older sister couldn't have children so she felt obligated to give her mom a grandchild, bad reasons all around to have a child. That being said, I love my son more than anything in the world. As much as I wish we did not bring him into this horrible world, he's still the very best thing to happen to me and I will take care of him and love him for the rest of my life no matter what.
I should mention, since I've eluded to it, I've always had self-esteem issues, goes all the way back to having acne problems in high school but my wife has methodically picked away at my confidence and self-esteem over the years, cutting me down to this very day... to the point that I feel very much worthless. I know that I'm not, I know I deserve better but another fun thing about my wife is her desperate need for sympathy... So, not only does she make me feel horrible about myself, she also manages to make me feel horrible FOR her... she's overweight, and I'm sure has low self-esteem herself but she has decided to take it out on others rather than internalize and try to make things better for herself. She would rather blame others for any of her short comings, I guess it's easier to convince yourself you can't do anything about it when it's someone else fault.
I apologize, because I feel like I'm a bit all over the place but I guess I'm just trying to set the scene for where I'm at now and give just a small glimpse of the hell I've been living in and how I got here...
The first few years of my sons life were pretty great (comparatively at least), honestly it was probably the best we've ever gotten along, probably because most of my focus (and hers) was on our son. Unfortunately, her mother passed away just after my son's first birthday, this was obviously devastating for her, not unexpected but still devastating. We're lucky in Canada because she had a full year maternity leave and was able to spend time with her mom. She took it very hard, and decided to stay off work for an additional 4-6 months (can't remember exactly). This was all fine and understandable, I supported her through all of it, financially and emotionally. Once she went back to work, this is when things took a real nose dive... she has always been a very entitled person but upon going back to work (part time I should mention) she decided everything was horrible for her so she was going to make it horrible for everyone around her. This went on for around 4-5 years (again, the time frames get fuzzy because it's been so long), it was hell. I really just plowed through for our son, I made him my main focus and I took care of everything. Without going into it too much, I sort of shifted gears with my job and focused on finding something that worked better for raising a kid, I got onto a full time day shift (unheard in the casino world) and we worked opposite shifts. It was pretty good for child care (that we couldn't afford) as one of us was always home. This made her more contentious... again, going back to the entitled thing, she felt it wasn't 'fair' for me to work a good shift, she should be the one doing that. I eventually worked my way out of casinos and into a work from home job (before COVID) and it was great, she could work whatever shift she had to and I would always be around for our son.
Fast forward again, my son's in school, she's still super angry at life and making things hellish but I do my best to make it good for our son. It's difficult to keep a smile on with him while putting up with temper tantrums and fits from my wife... yes, we had a toddler and she was the one who threw fits. For an example, I can recall one specific Xmas where my son and I were playing video games which is his biggest interest, something she absolutely hates, and she made a few comments about how we should be doing family things together for Xmas (it was Xmas eve), so my son and I got off the computer and played a board game in the living room... nice and wholesome fun I thought. My wife throws a fit, full on screaming and slamming things around, I don't even remember what for exactly, it happens so often I can't keep track anymore. Her temper tantrum ends with her storming off and slamming the door to her room. I'll never forget looking at my son right after, him tearing up a bit and asking me "what is wrong mom?" and I just said "I'm really sorry buddy, I don't know" and we hugged... I cried a lot about that that night, one of many times I would have to apologize for her and the way she acts around him. This is just one small example and a terrible Xmas memory that I'll always have, hopefully my son won't. I think the worst part of these 'tantrums' is that she can almost always justify them, only to herself really but usually by blaming me or my son for "making her so upset" or worse, blaming some inanimate object for "not working how it should".
Fast forward to now(ish)... I've basically lived in my basement for the last 5 years, my office and bedroom are there, I stay down there to avoid my wife as much as possible but it feels like a prison cell now. I've retreated from life in general over the years too, I've always been a pretty anti-social introvert, I prefer quiet one on one conversations rather than group settings. Most of my 'friends' over the last 10-15 years revolved around my job (casinos take over your life people, for real) and my wife, I slowly lost any friends that had no connection to her. This was partially due to me retreating and the fact that my wife would insert herself into any friendship that was just mine to the point that I sort shut those people out to avoid them having to deal with her. Sadly, I don't have friends anymore (didn't have many to begin with but still), my son is essentially my only friend and because I work from home by myself I rarely talk to any other adults. My wife and I talk only when necessary... I cannot make eye contact with her anymore. This is probably needless to say but we haven't had sex in over 6 and a half years and I don't cheat, I don't have the confidence, so I've just accepted that I'm celibate now.
One other area of contention that I feel I should explain since I've mentioned it already, through the pandemic there was a serious power shift, financially speaking. She essentially lost her job and is now in a lower paying part time job (more realistic pay compared to her previous job), whereas I made a couple job changes that bumped me up well ahead of her. For comparison, the salaries essentially flipped, almost exactly... to where I make 2-3 times what she makes. This has become an area of contention because this was something she was able to lord over me for the majority of our relationship, she spent money freely while I paid the mortgage and barely ate for the first 5 years we lived in the house but now, for the first time in her life she has to pay attention to her finances and watch her spending... she does not like this so it's just another thing to constantly complain about and make passive aggressive comments about the things that 'dad' can afford to do/buy but doesn't (mainly because I'm paying the mortgage and all the bills now while finally paying down some debt).
Oh, I should probably also mention that it's a regular thing for her to insult me and put me down in front of our son and on flip side of that she also uses him to garner sympathy from me ("shouldn't daddy feel bad mommy has to go to work?") it's very frustrating because I just want to protect my kid but I guess she knows that.
Again, I'll apologize for how disjointed this all is... the more I type, the more I think about shit to type... like I mentioned, I could write a novel on this, mostly because I have no real outlet, just sit in my basement talking to myself about it all... or I guess stewing in it.
So, I guess I should try to finish off with what exactly the advice is that I'm seeking... I essentially hate my wife, the word I use often is 'despise' and over the years we've had brief conversations where I've told her that "I'm done and I'm just here for the kid" and unfortunately she took this as push to work on our marriage harder and 'fix' things, far too little, too late. She makes me feel like the worse person in the world and yet I just can't bring myself to say to her face that I want a divorce... I feel sorry for her, fuck so much so that I bought a house with her, married her, and had a fucking kid with her... I'm sure that's not the case, I must have loved her at one point but I just can't see it anymore. I don't know why I can't say it to her, why I can't just end this... I'm so worried about how she'll react, what she'll do to me, to my kid... how she'll try and turn him against me. I'm just paralyzed with the fear of what could/will happen if I tell her we're getting a divorce.
I've made plans over the last few years to move out, rent an apartment for me and my kid and just continue to pay her bills until we can sell the house and split the profit. I can't afford to do this, it would cause me to go back into debt but I do not care, it would be worth it to get away from her. I have set deadline after deadline... "I'll do it after Xmas" or "after her birthday" or "before my birthday" and these days come and go and I just can't do it... I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, it's like I just don't want to hurt her, even though I'm hurting her by not ending things and she definitely doesn't give a shit about hurting me... I just don't want to face her and deal with it and how she will make the aftermath hell.. and I worry so much about my son, it would have been so much better for him if I would have divorced her years ago, he's fucking 10 now... another fear is having to explain it to him but we're setting a horrible example. One of my wife's favourite ways to use our son against me, is planting it in his head that "family is all that matters", focusing specifically on our little family, and how we have to "stick together no matter what, that's what family does". It's such an underhanded way to prep him for hating me because I'm "breaking up our family".
I would appreciate any advice on how the hell I can get over my paralyzing fear and just end this marriage or maybe you wanna come over and end it for me? I'm at a point where I'd take that... as I mentioned I've not shared most of this with anyone... so feedback would be a really new thing for me.
Oh, and please feel free to call me chicken shit, and tell me I just need to grow a pair and get this done... it's the same thing I've been saying to myself for years, not helpful but I understand the sentiment.
Shit... I'm sorry, this turned into a novel. Thank you.
submitted by Tha_Rocket to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:50 M1ZUH05H1 Does Lazerpig enjoy Girls Und Panzer (and make a video about it)?

Happy Armed Forces Day my fellow Lazerpig Fans!
Yes you read the title correctly (alongside me being a GUP Fan but not really "hardcore") as I have no idea whether or not Lazerpig enjoys Girls Und Panzer and will make a GUP video (that's sponsored by World of Tanks or [insert any sponsor here]) mainly discussing his thoughts on GUP in general (similar to how Johnny of Potential History made his videos).
I'll make a Shitpost about Lazerpig's favorite Character (like it or not).
That's all I have to say.
submitted by M1ZUH05H1 to lazerpig [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 JnewayDitchedHerKids My mom's brand new MFC-L2690DW says that there's a jam right out of the box

For what it's worth, she's running Windows 11. I've upgraded the firmware and downloaded Brother software, and it has connected to her wifi setup.
I am quite certain that there's no jam, but just in case I re-seated the tray and the paper within the tray, and adjusted the sliders for the paper.
I also re-seated the toner, but the thing is it doesn't really feel 'secure', so I feel like that may be the issue. I found a video intended to show how to insert the toner, but it's for both my model and another model, and naturally they use the other model for the example, so I don't have a video of someone properly inserting toner into my specific model of this specific printer. Likewise, the manual and other documentation is for both my model and another model, and it always uses images of the other model.
Still, I am fairly sure that the toner is probably in the right position because when I remove the toner entirely, or place it less properly, the message switches to saying that there's no toner.
Any ideas?
submitted by JnewayDitchedHerKids to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 10-Chaos-01 Open comissions

Open comissions
What's up, everyone? Hey, I'm here to promote myself, haha. I offer commissions of all types and for all tastes. I'm sharing some illustrations as examples of my work. I'm capable of adapting to different artstyles, and if you're looking for someone to capture your ideas and creativity, you've found them. Here are some of my terms and conditions: my works start at $15 USD and I only accept PayPal. I hope to work with some of you soon
I'll leave my Instagram profile in case you'd like to see more of my work:
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/chaos01_1?igsh=MWpwdHp2OGlvam0xNA==
submitted by 10-Chaos-01 to artcommission [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 No-Spite6559 if you can live in any fictional universes where would you live?

I would probrbaly live in something fantasy-based or video games n stuff
But I would love to live in a studio ghibli universe or a genshin impact universe
or I would love to be in a marvel universe where I am a cool superhero that is a cute moth lady.
I also would probably live in stardew valley as well! I wanna vibe with my pet and my farm and cuddle with my npc significant other aka (sebastian and abigail)
since i was a kid I always would write self-insert fanfics of myself in different fictional universes mostly video games.
submitted by No-Spite6559 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 AutoModerator What is #VALZUBIRIAGENDA and some ideas and insights

The 3 basic parameters of hashtag #Valzubiriagenda:

  1. We artists and everyone else can write and self-publish art- and artist-related books: memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs. Books are forever. Pamphlets and brochures are not books.
  2. We announce a schedule of increasing prices of our art pieces, which includes quantities (scarcity numbers) per price point and overall (the total quantity of art pieces we might ever make). This helps art traders, art investors and art collectors speculate or even stop speculating and instead join a community of investors working together to hopefully skyrocket to the higher announced prices in a shorter span of time.
  3. We can use the NFT world, because NFTs provide the tracking (who owns what) and trading.
We can also not be involved with NFTs. Stores and individuals can help sell art using online presence and our catalogs in the stores. If this trends, or once this trends, even expensive art can be sold by neighboring businesses, without exclusivity. Commission systems do not have to be standardized. Art investors can produce their own catalogs to leave at the cafés. Even the cafés can produce their own catalogs.
Valzubiriagenda NFTs
NFTs only came about a few years ago. But I had been working on this since the 1990s. I wrote a book, Valzubiriagenda, along with fellow artist Silverio Perez, and released it in 2018 (Amazon and elsewhere), tackling everything related to #1 & #2. We'll come up with #3 in a later book/ memoi marketing book.
Any artist, including tangible artists can release 10,000 NFTs if the artist chooses to do so. For tangible artists, the NFT first becomes an Art Commission Contract for sight unseen, yet-to-be made art. Once the art is made, the NFT becomes proof of ownership that the actual, tangible art is theirs.
Warehousing our tangible art
Another related idea is that the tangible art may be warehoused by the artist so that the NFT traders continue to trade. This means that even 10-ton 10-foot tall sculptures can be owned and traded by anyone without worrying about shipping, reshipping, scratches, smudges, parts breaking off, etc. The newness of the pieces remain because they are stored by the artist, source, gallery, etc. The art piece gets shipped to the art collector, the ultimate owner.
An artist who makes ceramic coffee mugs - smaller art pieces, can release 10,000 NFTs with a schedule of increasing prices so that NFT traders can trade immediately. The 10,000 coffee mugs can get damaged, so as they are made, they continue to be stored by the artist, until the time when art collectors decide to have the art pieces shipped to them.
Why only now?
I decided to write as many book-length memoirs as I can before I came out to promote this.
I'm an artist and an author. Both need time to "master." I would not even fully use "master" on myself, because there's always something new, even to my own art, my own writing and publishing.
I am now claiming that I'm the visual artist who has produced the most artist memoirs in the world. I have 5 on Amazon. I count Valzubiriagenda as both a marketing book and a memoir-of-sorts, because it has a lot of my own life lessons on writing and publishing. I would not care to contest my claim of having the most memoirs. I will release 5 more over the next 3 years.
BARTER! Get help to write, photograph art and publish your books!
Anyone can hire 11 ghostwriters for 11 memoirs. If you can make art, but you cannot write, then barter your forever art with those who can help you produce forever books.
I don't feel the pressure of writing and publishing because I feel my focus should be on art students and art experts who would study my art and my books 100 years from now. Don't expect relatives and friends to read your books.
I call myself the Dollman
For my NFTs, I am proposing to make dioramas - my original, costumed, bejeweled porcelain dolls in backdrops that will also have precious metals and gemstones. This way I can incorporate precious metals and gemstones in my work, to make sure that people perceive my art as expensive, just in case I myself don't become "famous" - there's no need to get world famous. We are artists and all we need to do is to satisfy the art niche.
Use your laptop now!
I will encourage you to start writing your book-length memoir. Write, Edit and then Self-publish it. Get help. Why wait a hundred years for someone to write about you when all you need is a laptop and a nearby coffee shop.
Don't start counting chickens before the eggs hatch. I have encountered a lot of would-be writers who immediately see themselves as bestselling. world famous assets to society. Two even wanted me to sign NDAs (Nondisclosure agreements), because they did not want me to steal their book ideas.
Here's a suggestion. I would not personally do it. From one manuscript can come 2 books: The Original Draft (unedited, with misspellings, considered to be an art piece, scanned pages(?) of your handwritten original effort), and The Final Edition (edited).
Another way to enhance our investability, tradability and collectability is PROVENANCE - how art ownership proceeds through time. The way this can be done is also through publishing books. Everyone can write their memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs, including traders, investors and art collectors. In effect, we artists can continue to be included or mentioned in even more books, without any additional effort by us.
You as an investor, reseller, trader, art collector should be able to publish a catalog with 250 works by 250 different artists, but they need to agree to this right from the start - it's your money, you should require them to follow your version of the hashtag #valzubiriagenda parameters, which preferably should include permission for you to publish their art. Why would you track down 250 artists later?
No exclusive contracts
If you're a café, you can call for artists, and come up with a book with for example, 30 artists, with a chapter devoted to each artist's profile and images of the artist's art.
You can distribute your catalogs to businesses and individuals near and far and online.
The book Valzubiriagenda even cites that funeral homes and janitors closets can sell art, with or without exclusivity. Airline catalogs can include million dollar art pieces. Car manufacturers, showrooms and even car repair shops can sell art as well. Everyone should be able to do this, anywhere in the world, especially not just because of the pandemic, but right now, we are in really bad economies.
What's with the name #Valzubiriagenda
I was into conspiracy theories in 2018, and this term, "The Mandela Effect," was popular. I had read many times that an artist coined the term, but I had to research online, for her name, many times, before remembering it. I'm not good at remembering names. It took me a year and a half to finally tell you that Fiona Broome coined "The Mandela Effect."
I also thought I might have to research trademarks and copyrights just to come up with a generic name. So I decided on "Valzubiriagenda." I was not really sure at first, but I decided to use it as the title for my book (with co-authoartist Silverio Perez) so that there would be no turning back and I can move on.
Someone I recently met this May 2022 just called me a futurist.
In the 1990s, I proposed to a pension fund that they can raise billions of dollars, especially for emergencies, or as needed, or out of desperation, if the pension fund purchases a quantity of art from an artist who not only has a current, reasonable price, but an announced future price that the artist wants to reach.
That future price would obviously be higher than the current price. The art commission contract for multiple art pieces can be taken to the fund's financial lender for a loan. The higher future price can be used for financing purposes.
The pension fund's treasurer, a publicly elected official, said this idea might work, but we had to keep this a secret and discuss this some more, because other pension funds might copy and do this prematurely. This idea had to come from the two of us. The treasurer needed his votes and I needed credentials.
Added into the pot was my idea that I, as the artist, will also write one book-length artist memoir. This was and still is a strong factor, because the leadership and marketing books I had read then mentioned a strong tip. If you want to advance in your field, write a full-length book that is related to the field.
Unfortunately, the elected official, the treasurer of the pension fund, who was also a friend, passed away - he was old and had ailments. At that point in time, I cannot just approach another pension fund treasurer to share this idea with.
I realized I had to write a few memoirs. I needed to set an example for other artists, so I needed to write more than one memoir. Then I felt I should also make ready another book - the how-to of what I'm up to. I wrote Valzubiriagenda, which was a memoir of sorts. I knew how long it would take me to write a book, so I had to make sure I can also consider this book a memoir.
In 2008, I imagined that someone like Bernie Madoff, or a fund like Lehman Brothers, would be desperate enough to use this to save themselves and their companies. I was not ready. I had only written 1 manuscript for a memoir.
In 2012, I released Dollman the Musical, A Memoir of an Artist as a Dollmaker. Once again, I was not ready because writing it depressed me a little, and I knew I had to write more.
In 2014, I released 3 memoirs, and re-released Dollman the Musical. Besides releasing regular books, I released special editions of the 4 books, which had a "Special Secret Insert for Bankers," which explains my ideas of an announced schedule of exponentially increasing prices, to satisfy investors, and the publication of artist memoirs, to satisfy art collectors.
In 2014, I also issued out a press release. Google "Can Billion Dollar Artist Save Investors and World Economy Valentino Zubiri PRWeb August 19 2014" and you will see the press release.
What I did was stake a claim on my ideas. I did not promote my books and the press release. I just wanted them to stay online, like a sleeping giant or a dormant volcano. I even designed 3 of the book covers to look like indie books from the 1980s. I was planting the seeds, thinking they will eventually grow and bear fruit in the future.
In 2015, I was interviewed by Richard Syrett, about one of my memoirs, Hocus Pocus Lately. This book is my memoir with paranormal stories. I could have pursued promoting my paranormal stories, but I wanted to be known first as a visual artist and memoirist, so I allowed myself one interview related to Hocus Pocus Lately. Richard Syrett has(had?) his own syndicated radio show, The Conspiracy Show with Richard Syrett, about the paranormal. He also guest hosts on Coast to Coast AM, another internationally syndicated show about the paranormal.
In 2018, I released Valzubiriagenda (co-authored by artist Silverio Perez, a fellow artist). Finally, this book is "the how-to of what I'm to."
I'm going to end this with some strangeness. In 1986, a lady at a religious gathering went into a trance and left a good number of messages. Supposedly, anyone who got into a trance would have messages, but once the trance was over, the person would not remember what was said.
I was not part of the group, but the lady turned her head to face me. She "foretold" that whatever I would decide to do in the future, it will take time, but it will be the right thing. This is one of my stories in one of my memoirs, Hocus Pocus Lately.
The Tulipmania of 1634-37
I discovered that there was this incident of rare tulips becoming collectible during the Dutch Golden Age. There were tulips so rare and so well-desired that their prices equaled to that of a house. You can read more about this online (Wikipedia) or watch a few YouTube videos about it.
Here is the most useful idea that I gleaned from the Tulipmania. The tulip bulbs remained safe inside nurseries. The traders were carrying the deeds of ownership to the tulip bulbs.
Then NFTs came to the forefront
I started learning PHP, an HTML scripting language, and MySQL, the database that PHP can connect to in the background, in 1999, when there were only 3 books about PHP and MySQL at the bookstores.
By 2014, I was trying to figure out how to make the "ledger," or database that can be used to update ownership and who can be contacted. If we are trading art, then the art ownership should be updated.
Then NFTs came about. This can be used as our ledger. Everyone can immediately trade NFTs of future, yet-to-be made art pieces, especially because it takes time to make tangible art.
NFTs actually went a step ahead, by allowing digital art to be traded.
The only setback with NFTs, in my opinion, is that it still lacks a commission system for resellers and representatives.
For example, if a café wants to represent me, then they can promote me at their café and on their online pages. If I make one piece of art that will be exclusively represented by a gallery, then that commission will be different and more specific. As ownership is transferred, the subsequent owners should be able to reset the commission. We should also have the option of giving commissions to hundreds of representatives at one time with different percentages if need be.
The recent crypto crash
Lately, we have observed that NFTs and cryptocurrencies have been behaving like the stock market and other markets. They have been fluctuating.
I believe that it is time for a trend which discourages fluctuation of prices.
I have also seen YouTube videos where social influencers are encouraging us to be on the lookout for exponentially profitable ventures, because we have all seen this happen with the exponential increase of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Let's see if #Valzubiriagenda trends
We can announce present and future art prices. The galleries won't do this (yet?) because they follow a more traditional approach to the business of art.
We have a choice of using incrementally or exponentially increasing prices. We still reserve the right to change things in the future, so everyone should know to follow the latest update.
If this trends, if you as an artist simply announces that you will write an artist memoir, or that you will include the future works in future art books, you might have more art traders, investors and collectors approaching you.
Get your pen, paper and calculator
Imagine yourself as an artist, where you are right now. Let's just say you still do not have a book about yourself and your art yet. Imagine now that you have a memoir out there. Don't you think it makes sense to charge more than what you are charging now? Writing and publishing books is just the beginning. I'm just standardizing this approach. The books also say to do other related projects. In my case, getting Dollman the Musical onstage is one idea. You will have other related projects, but the publication of memoirs, biographies, art books and art catalogs will help all of us.
You can also imagine that a law firm that has meeting rooms, with someone who wants to form a local #valzubiriagenda group, can have meetings. A local café can do the same. Local photographers for your art, writers, editors, book designers, proofreaders and others can join in.
I suggest have printed books to share. 15 copies of your memoir or art books will be better than an e-reader or laptop or your phone to show. These gadgets can be stolen, sabotaged, broken, have coffee spilled on them, etc. 15 printed books means simultaneously showing to 15 people. You can even give them away to potential resellers, investors, traders and collectors.
When it rains, it pours, as in the days of Noah
There's a saying, "When it rains, it pours." There is a negative interpretation and a positive interpretation.
Negative: When trouble comes, they cascade to even more.
Positive: When opportunity comes knocking, more follow suit. We can assume that if one gets our art because of #valzubiriagenda, more want to do it now, because of the rising prices, and FOMO - fear of missing out. What will they lose if they miss the boat?
As I have said earlier, if the #valzubiriagenda trends, if you announce a future memoir or art catalog, you might have an increase of investors, traders and art collectors who would want to check you out. You might encourage more sales. Just remember to write and publish that memoir and art catalog.
There's this saying, "As in the days of Noah." Imagine Noah, building his ark, with members of his own family, putting all his time and effort into it. Noah was a nice guy. I'm sure every once in a while a neighbor offered him coffee, or chai latte, or whatever refreshing drink they might have back then.
Here's the lesson to be learned. Just because they offered him some type of bubble tea drink, or coca cola, they still didn't make it to the ark. Rubbing shoulders with actors does not make you an actor. I have told my artist friends to write their memoirs. They told me that once they see me succeed, after all these many years of seeing my seemingly useless efforts, then they will write their memoirs and follow the road that I had paved for them.
Good luck to them, but if I were you, act now, get my art or make art. Support the 5-year old artist whose parent promised to release a comprehensive art catalog. If you get that 5-year old's art, and mine, I would be honored to be in the same art catalog that you will produce. I'm already successful at that point. You have gotten the mission just right.
I have already claimed to have written the most book-length artist memoirs in the world. Dethrone that claim. Barter. Use ghostwriters. Success to me means facing God one day and saying, I wrote my memoirs and left the world a legacy of books and art. I will not tell God, smiling and proudly, that I encouraged a run for my art by announcing a schedule of exponentially increasing prices that reached 9 figures. I'm sure God knows we had fun.


If you want to try out #valzubiriagenda, in any capacity, join this group. Let others know about this group as well.
If you are an artist, you can let everyone know here that you will produce your memoir, art catalogs, etc. It's okay if you don't know how to go about publishing yet, I will discuss this. Please be honorable enough to produce what you promise to produce.
If you want to meet fellow artists, investors, resellers, etc., join us here.
If you are a book writer, editor, proofreader; if you can photograph art pieces; if you are a book designer, etc., join us here. Let us know if you charge, barter for art, or both.
If you have your own tips and knowledge to share, join us here.
If you have underaged artists you are managing (parents, etc.) join us here.
Join this group if you want to sell works. Post your works. You web links. I'm sure I will.
You can announce meetings in your area. You might have meeting rooms, a café, restaurant, etc. where people can meet. In the future, you can have the regular show and tell, where books can be shown and shared.

Thanks for reading. Please let me know if I need to edit some parts. Please share and join this group. - Valentino Zubiri, Dollman, Artist, Memoirist
Underaged artists are welcome here, so please be mindful of your language. We cannot post your adult-oriented art pieces, but you can direct us to a separate page or community. There will be limits to your posts, and there will be adult-oriented art that we cannot allow to be posted.
Thanks for reading. Please let me know if I need to edit some parts. Please share and join this group. - Valentino Zubiri, Dollman, artist & memoirist
submitted by AutoModerator to valzubiriagenda [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:08 npalnpal [WTS] Kaviso X QSP Penguin Timascus, Jack Wolf Knives Midnight Jack Kaotic Resin, Custom Benchmande Bugout Carbon Fiber, White River FC 3.5 Pro

Repost with price drops and a few new knives I'm letting go. Feel free to ask any questions or for more photos/details. Just reached 25 flair so sales are now f&f and I can let these go for a little bit less without worrying about fees.
Timestamp - https://imgur.com/gallery/5-18-24-a0v0oNJ
Photos - https://imgur.com/gallery/0SnF2hQ
Photos - https://imgur.com/gallery/VEKQycx
Video - https://imgur.com/gallery/GLp8t1q
submitted by npalnpal to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:15 OhGawDuhhh The Cursed Video Tape scene from Ehren Kruger's screenplay for 'The Ring' (2002)

A BLACK TV SCREEN fills frame. Silent and stoic.
Rachel sits on the couch, regarding the tape in her hands. Plain black tape, plain white sleeve.
Just the etched "ring" on its spine to suggest it's something other than blank.
Shadows lengthen in the room. Rachel glances to the window. The sun has almost set. Last vestiges of light FLARE through the branches of the maple outside.
She stares out for a long moment. Then pulls the tape from its sleeve.
She kneels at the VCR and inserts it in the VCR. She turns on the TV: STATIC fills the screen.
She glances to the window, just as the sun dips from view. The branch-shadows behind her fade.
Rachel looks back to the snowy screen and hits "Play." The screen goes black.
A low hum from the VCR as the tape turns.
The screen stays black.
Then WOBBLES, as if losing vertical and horizontal hold. A streak of lost pixels rolls sideways--
And then re-balances. Black screen.
Swiftly, another WOBBLE. This time, a hiccup of SOUND: like crashing WAVES. A beat of silent blackness -- and then a swerving, scrolling image -- an ECLIPSE -- a black orb covering a white moon, casting a bright "ring"-- --
which wavers as pixels slide and JAG, as if trying to "tune in" the image--
As it goes black.
Silence. And with a BUZZING SEAR, the "ring" image SLASHES back. Buzz. Wobble. Hiss. Image locks -- on steady pictures:
A RED WOODEN LADDER leans against a rustic wall. A strange LOW MOAN on the audio track. Undulating ...
Then a TERRIFYING FAST-MOTION SHUDDER: something spasms under black plastic. Jarring nails-on-chalkboard SOUNDS--
FULL-SCREEN STATIC. The static flows and swells, as if liquid.
A FLY feels its way across the screen-corner in SILHOUETTE.
Suddenly, the BLACK SPASMING--
Then a DARK ANIMAL EYE stares through a keyhole--
More SPASMS, too fast to identify the source--
A VIDEO WOBBLE shakes across frame, a lightning-sear of stuttered pixels before lMAGE RESETS--
A BRIGHT WHITE HOSPITAL ROOM. A single chair in room's center. The MOAN resumes...
... and continues under a shot of OBSCURE SHAPES, lying on a sloping nighttime beach. Surf washes, moving them slightly-- --
as a FLASH OF LIGHT reveals the shapes to be beached CARCASSES OF UNKNOWN ANIMALS-- --
then suddenly pixels slide and jag with a FLASH CUT of the eclipse -- the moan track disappears as--
BLACKNESS. As COMB TEETH rip through, streaking LIGHT--
--OVEREXPOSING a gaping MOUTH with a thin, hairy UMBILICAL emerging from within.
The freakish SPASMING again--
A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN AN OVAL MIRROR, IN A WHITE GOWN. She calmly brushes her hair. The undulating MOAN is there.
JUMP CUT: The MIRROR MOVES.Switches position to the wall's other end, reflecting the woman, now in the distance, walking away into shadow--
--then JUMPS BACK. The seated woman (as before) half-glances over her shoulder. Smiles into the mirror like she's smiling directly at the viewer.
A SUDDEN JOLT: SCRAPING METAL as GRIDS and DOTS appear. An EYECHART with letters turned backwards.
FLASH CUT: DROPLETS OF WATER trickle toward center-frame, congealing into a PUDDLE.
FLASH CUT: The SPED-UP SPASMS behind black plastic.
A lone tree in a forest is ON FIRE. BOLD, RED FLAMES.A surrealist-touch to the image, the foliage translucent. Distorted MOANING constant ...
FLASHCUT: Roiling, foamy WHITE WATER, turning slowly BLOOD RED.
FLASHCUT: the keyhole EYE.
FLASHCUT: The FAST-MOTION SPASMS, now BATTERING the frame, causing the image ~ to bounce and shake.
And as the IMAGE LOSES HOLD, slippng with SEARS of STATIC, with the UNDULATING MOANS and SHRILL BARKS AND SCRAPES building to a crescendo--
-and an IMAGE of a BRIGHT WHITE MOON, high in a pitch black sky. (The sound of DISTANT WAVES and a faint, scratchy KEENING accompanies this image -- the same whispers heard beyond the door before Katie's death.)
A black orb slowly SLIDES ACROSS it -- as ANGLE closes in. And as it fully ECLIPSES it -- a RING OF LIGHT shines a "halo" outline-- --the image loses hold, jarring and skidding and then--
--becoming an image of a STONE MOUND in a wooded clearing. The whisper-keening continues for three seconds...
... until the screen jags to WHITE NOISE. Tape's over.
She stares at the screen, breathless.
The room's grown totally dark. She swallows, takes a deep breath and reaches to shut off the TV.
The screen goes black -- with a blurred reflection of Rachel, and a FIGURE IN WHITE far behind her, RECEDING into darkness--
Rachel spins! But there's no one there.
Just a shadowy room. She settles, shutting her eyes ...
Rachel jumps, goes dead pale.
It TRILLS once. Twice. Three times.
Rachel stands shakily. She steps to the phone ... and lifts it from the cradle. Puts to her ear ...
...and hears the SOUNDS of distant waves, a faint and raspy high-pitched WHISPER-KEENING, and then ...
DISTORTED VOICE (O.S.) Sevvveeeenn Daayyzzz ...
She slams down the phone!
Rachel darts outside, spinning for signs of someone watching her. But the night's still.
She's breathing hard. Her eyes are searching.
She's all alone.
submitted by OhGawDuhhh to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:37 mother_trucker_dude [FOR SALE] Last post before I take these to the store for trade. Open to offers, great stuff!

Going on a long trip soon, honestly I wouldn't mind selling them all in one go at a fair price. With that said, I'm open to offers on everything. Please message me if you need to verify pressing info, or check my Discogs page (Ryan-brio) to find all these albums listed under the correct pressings, as well as many more listings for cassette and CD. Also feel free to message me if you need photos or any other questions, etc. I respond fast and ship quick! Shipping is $9 + 2 for each add on, shipping from Montreal, QC. Thanks for looking!
Pink Floyd - The Wall (2xLP, Album) NM/VG+ Amazing copy with inserts. $45
Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (LP, Album, RE, Gat) NM/VG+ 2nd pressing, amazing shape, no inserts. $35
The Allman Brothers Band - Beginnings (2xLP, Comp) VG+/VG+ Great copy. $15
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (2xLP, Album, Gat) VG/VG $10
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (LP, Album, RE, Win) VG+/VG+ Vinyl is in excellent condition. Inlucdes booklet. Early reissue, great copy $22
The Beatles - Meet The Beatles! (LP, Album) VG+/VG+ 1967 pressing from Canada, which was the first time it was released here. In great shape, on rainbow label. $24
The Beatles - Beatles VI (LP, Album, RE) EX/VG+ Early reissue from the "Red Target" label series. In very nice shape. $20
The Beatles - The Beatles Again (LP, Comp, Mod) VG+/VG There is one shallow mark on side 2 but it plays great front to back. $20
The Beatles - Help! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (LP, Album, RE) VG+/VG Early reissue on red Capitol label. Disc is in great shape, but the cover has some ring wear and a label on the top left corner with some writing. $10
George Harrison - All Things Must Pass (3xLP, Album + Box) VG+/G The six sides range from VG to EX, it plays great throughout. the original owner has cut the right side of the box open and taped the other sides together so they could take the LPs out of it like a normal record, hence the G grade $26
The Beatles - Something New (LP, Album, RE) VG++/VG+ "Red Target" series reissue. In excellent condition. $20
The Beatles - Beatles '65 (LP, Album, RE, Red) EX/VG "Red Target" label series. Disc is in amazing shape. Sleeve is nice but has a label on the top left corner with some writing. $22
The Beatles - Yesterday And Today (LP, Album, Comp, RE) VG+/VG Late 60's reissue, green label. No, this is not the Butcher cover, lol. Great shape. $20
The Beatles - The Beatles' Story (2xLP, Album, Mono) NM/VG discs are in stellar condition, almost look unplayed. $20
Harry Belafonte - Belafonte At Carnegie Hall - The Complete Concert (2xLP, Album) VG+/VG+ A few very light hairlines here and there, still a great copy that retains most of it's gloss. Cover is intact, a small bit of wear around the edges but very nice. Has a name tag on the top left corner. $20
Tim Buckley - Lorca (LP, Album, RE) Australian reissue NM/NM. $20
Shuggie Otis - Freedom Flight (LP, Album, Pit) P/VG Plays VG but please read. Has minor heat damage but is not warped. This results in a consistent hissing noise throughout the playback that doesn't overpower the music. Still quite an enjoyable listen, sounds good and doesn't really have any marks otherwise. Ask for a video! Great starter copy for a decent price if you just want the album. First US Pitman pressing. $50
Caravan - In The Land Of Grey And Pink (LP, Album, ffr) EX/EX Quintessential prog rock classic. First Canadian press on Blue London label. So close to NM $26
The Impressions - People Get Ready (LP, Album, Mono) VG/VG Rare first Canadian mono pressing! Plays fantastic. $25
John Martyn - The Tumbler (LP, Album, RE, Pin) NM/VG+. A perfect NM. Early UK repress on pink rim Island label. $45
John Martyn - Live At Leeds (LP, Album, Ltd) EX/VG. Disc is in amazing shape, cover has some wear. No autograph. $35
The Zombies - The Zombies (LP, Album, RP) VG/VG 1967 repress on Parrot, the Zombies debut album. Very hard to find. Plays amazing. $40
Steely Dan - Can't Buy A Thrill (LP, Album, Club, Cap) EX/VG Sleeve downgraded due to some wear on the corner of the cover, barely noticeable. Album plays excellent. $30
Anthony Braxton - New York, Fall 1974 (LP, Album, Gat) NM/VG++ Amazing copy, first Canadian pressing. Amazing free jazz album. $24
Bob Dylan - Oh Mercy (LP, Album) VG/VG Strong VG copy. Plays great with light surface noise in certain parts. 1989 US $22
Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton (LP, Album) EX/VG+ $6
Eric Clapton - E.C. Was Here (LP, Album) EX/VG+ $6
Van Morrison - Beautiful Vision (LP, Album) NM/NM Perfect copy $8
Janis Joplin - Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits (LP, Comp) EX/VG+ Excellent copy $10
George Thorogood And The Destroyers* - Move It On Over (LP, Album) NM/VG+ Great shape! $10
Alice Cooper - Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits (LP, Comp, RE) VG+/VG+ $8
Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears (LP, Comp) VG+/VG+ Great compilation. This was Vangelis' first group and the songs are great. First Canadian issue. $8
Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (LP, Album, RE) 70's reissue from Holland. Would be Nm except for one light mark on side 2. plays great. $10
The Plastic Ono Band - Live Peace In Toronto 1969 (LP, Album) VG/VG Strong VG, first pressing $10
Stan Getz / Charlie Byrd - Jazz Samba (LP, Album, Gat) VG-/EX First pressing on Verve, plays with surface noise. Cover excellent $10
Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert (2xLP, Album, Pit) VG+/VG+ First US press on ECM with catalog. $10
Todd Rundgren - Hermit Of Mink Hollow (LP, Album, Gol) VG+/VG+ In very nice shape $5
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band - Bluejeans & Moonbeams (LP, Album) VG/VG Solid VG, great player copy ~$16~ $10
Sandy Bull - Demolition Derby (LP, Album) VG/VG Solid VG copy $10
The B-52's - The B-52's (LP, Album) First Canadian pressing. Strong VG copy with light marks but plays great. Cover VG+. ~$12~ $10
Renaissance (4) - Prologue (LP, Album, Jac) VG+/VG+ Fine copy. $6
submitted by mother_trucker_dude to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:53 vini_damiani [Online][5e][8:30 EST][Fridays] Experienced GM looking for players for a Powder Fantasy homebrew adventure!

Hello There! My name is Vini, At this point, I have been a GM for about 8 years, running multiple systems and adventure, by far the one I experienced the most being 5e. I am hopefully looking for a long term group to explore my own homebrew setting (that I am creating specifically for this campaign).
First off, to make everything clear. This game will take place on Friday Nights, at 8:30 EST, probably 2-3 times a month, sessions should last ~3 hours with a 15 min break in the middle. We will be playing on discord for voice, music and optionally video, roll20 for maps, background images and sheets, optionally we can also use D&D beyond for sheets, I have a full subscription with most assets. Also newbies are welcome! I am happy to teach the system as long as you are willing to learn! I am also very fond of playing with fellow GMs, so if you are a forever GM in need of a game to play? this might be your shot!
This original adventure will start in 1-2 weeks from now, and we shall be playing from level 1 through 5. My hopes are to have a short adventure to get players settled and meet everyone, then maybe decide to go for longer!
We will be playing in my homebrew setting of gunsmoke and sorcery, in the world of Akan, this setting will be will be a gunpowder fantasy style of setting, where great battles are fought with musket and bayonets, while armies are supported by sorcery and magic, magic is prevalent and all around, although skilled magic practitioners are rare, dragons still fly in the skies above, ancient ruins and dungeons are still to be explored, while wars and skirmishes are waged all around the land.
[Insert the meme of Gandalf holding a gun here]
From this adventure, you can expect conflicts similar to the napoleonic wars era and golden age of piracy, with great wars being fought in the land and sea trough volleys of musket fire, but also a world where not only magic but adventurers (and adventures) are still commonplace, kings and queens rule the lands, dwarves still live under their mountains and elves still dwell in the woods.
As for how I run my adventures, I am fan of the classic fantasy tropes, I like epic quests where every day people are taken from the comfort of their homes and thrown against overwhelming odds, I like armies clashing, I like sieges, I like evil dark lords, epic betrayals and everything that you can expect from a classic fantasy novel. I also like to have a world that grows with the players, I like to tie their backstories to the overarching plot, I like to kill the family members of your character to cause emotional damage, and I want to develop my setting with the players.
In general, I am of the belief that rules like respect and basic decency go without a saying, but to make it clear, any person from any background, gender or ethnicity is welcome in this table! I will be happy to change around stuff to make everyone comfortable. Some themes are set in stone with this adventure and might not be for everyone, but a lot of them are flexible and I will be happy to adapt it to make sure no one’s boundaries or triggers are violated.
If this sounds interesting to you, please fill the form down below! I know a lot of people dislike forms and some of you must have read this all and thought “Damn, does this dude think he is interviewing people for a high paying job or something???” but well, forms have been the best way that I found to make sure that everyone gets a relatively equal chance to apply, without being “first come first serve” and I can pick players that I feel have a greater chance of enjoying what I have to offer! So be honest and don’t worry too much! I will be in touch through discord if I liked your application
Also make sure you are actually available at the time of the game before applying (8:30 EST - Fridays) and make sure your discord is set to accept friend requests, otherwise I can't invite you to the game!
submitted by vini_damiani to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:44 affxion Do you ghost when you’re confronted with what you did wrong?

Had a conflict with an ESFJ in a group chat and I’m honestly struggling as they seem to not understand anything that involves logic in this discussion. They began by giving out backhanded compliments in the group and insulting me and a family member. It pissed me out and I called out.
As soon as I point out that they’re wrong, instead they say “Why are you being so defensive?” Or “Why are you so triggered?” which is manipulative
In addition, she asked me why I dislike Taylor Swift who she’s a fan of… and then she said:
“I don't care about Taylor's personal life because it doesn't impact me directly. But I am gonna like her no matter what, and I will take everything personally. So if you care about me...stop criticizing her”
The whole part saying IF YOU CARE ABOUT ME… STOP CRITICIZING HER and saying that she WILL take any criticism towards TS personally is just insane and narcissistic.
I explained my reasons - and said that Taylor Swift’s lyrics shame women for their sexuality yet she herself has had 17 boyfriends (I’m not shaming her for that but rather pointing out the irony).
Instead of responding to that, proceeded to say “You have dated many people as well right? So should I judge you?”
I said I dated nowhere close to that number - and she said “Come on you told me I can never find a guy in and you went on 50 dates. Is it true or did you over exaggerate”
I was shocked that she would fucking bring up my PAST dating history in a group chat with my husband, in front of him and another male friend? But also the number 50+ is so random and out of no fucking where and she made outrageous claims shaming me in the group chat.
Is this an ESFJ behaviour?
I also never told her that “she can’t find anyone” but rather she can’t find anyone IF she doesn’t actively go out to meet new people (as she only hangs with 3 friends) OR uses a dating app… and that she can’t find someone if she expects relationships to be smooth and easy and can’t tolerate any differences
She took it completely out for context, and made it look like I told her she can never find anyone.
We’re the same age - 26 and I got married recently while she’s never been asked out on a date her whole life.
Is she jealous? Regardless of whether her statement about me or anyone dating 50+ guys is true or not, it’s not something you say - ESPECIALLY in a group chat involving that person’s husband. The other friend involved in the group is the guy she’s seeing but they aren’t official.
—- After this, I was extremely pissed and called her out for her bullshit in the same group chat and straight up said she’s manipulative for the following statements: - why are you being defensive - why are you triggered - if you care about me, don’t criticize her
And sent her a video from Dr.K’s recent video that talks about how taking things personally is a symptom of narcissism, and told her to watch it.
All she said was “Okayy”
Then I told her that I’d appreciate if she would acknowledge that she twisted things I said out of context… (also said it earlier but she ignored). I’m sure she saw the message from the notification but didn’t even open it…
My husband also texted her 2 days ago telling her how disrespectful towards both him and me it was for her to bring up my past dating history regardless of true or not in the group chat, as it’s to be discussed in private and not in a group chat… and SHE GHOSTED. Didn’t acknowledge it at all nor apologise.
She attacked me in the group even though I never attacked her and all I did was criticise a celeb and apparently a celeb matters more to her than a FRIEND?
submitted by affxion to ESFJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:37 goodgamin Customize the script text editor?

I can highlight a block of code and use the shortcut ctrl+K to add a hash symbol to the beginning of every highlighted line.
Do I have access to the script text editor, highlighting and inserting text, so I could write custom functions and bind them to keystrokes? For example, it would be so nice to be able to do something like alt+F for "func ".
I've been searching docs, websites and YouTube for hours. I see editor settings on the "Default editor shortcuts" page, but no info on how a custom action could be added. The "Editor plugin" and "Making plugin" pages talk about making nodes or scenes.
I see under the Editor tab it looks like I can change mappings.
There are lots of YouTube videos and webpages, but they seem to focus on objects to use in projects.
I haven't found anything about how to access the text editor. In order to do that, would I have to work with the source?
Maybe I've seen what I'm looking for, and I don't recognize it. I'm hoping there's a way to write a script or a plugin to write text snippets. Any suggestions appreciated.
submitted by goodgamin to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:25 Zealousideal-One6643 650 Cal / 52g Protein Angel Food Cake Recipe

By popular demand (and about a week late) here is the recipe I followed to make an entire cake, complete with frosting, only 650 calories with 52 grams of protein (You can add berries, but that will obviously increase the calories). I simply followed these two recipes with some substitutions and sweetness modifications (because I didn't enjoy the cake as sweet as the original recipe).

Angel Food Cake Recipe



  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat oven to 325°F (163°C).
  2. In a food processor or blender, pulse the monkfruit until fine and powdery. Remove 1 cup and set aside to use in step 3; keep the rest inside the food processor. Add the cake flour and salt to the food processor. Pulse 5-10 times until monkfruit/flousalt mixture is aerated and light.
  3. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and cream of tartar together on medium-low until foamy, about 1 minute. Switch to medium-high and slowly add the 1 cup of monkfruit you set aside. Whip until soft peaks form, about 5-6 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, then beat just until incorporated.
  4. In 3 additions, slowly sift the flour mixture into the egg white mixture using a fine mesh strainer, gently folding with a rubber spatula after each addition. To avoid deflating or a dense cake, don’t add the flour mixture all at once. Sift and very slowly fold in several additions. This is important! Pour and spread batter into an ungreased 9 or 10 inch tube pan. Shimmy the pan on the counter to smooth down the surface.
  5. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, about 40-45 minutes. Rotate the pan halfway through baking. The cake will rise up very tall while baking. Remove from the oven, then cool the cake completely upside-down set on a wire rack, about 3 hours. (Upside-down so the bottom of the tube pan is right-side up, see photo and video above.) Once cooled, run a thin knife around the edges and gently tap the pan on the counter until the cake releases.
  6. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  1. Prepare the angel food cake one day in advance, then cover tightly and store at room temperature overnight. Angel food cake can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator, then bring to room temperature before serving.
  2. Tools (for convenience if you have them) a. Blender or Food Processor b. Electric Mixer (handheld or stand) c. Egg separator (Idk what this is) d. Rubber Spatula e. Tube Pan (required according to the recipe, see notes) f. Cooling rack
  3. Sugar (monkfruit): In this recipe, you use granulated sugar and pulse it in a food processor to make superfine sugar. If you have superfine sugar or caster sugar, use that. Pulse 3/4 cup of it with the dry ingredients in step 2. Use 1 cup of it in step 3.
  4. I strongly recommend using fresh real egg whites instead of egg white substitutes, previously frozen egg whites, or egg whites from a carton. Separate the eggs when they’re cold, then bring the egg whites to room temperature. Fresh room temperature egg whites whip into the fluffiest volume. With the extra yolks, make lemon curd or other egg yolk recipes.
  5. Pan: An angel food cake pan (aka tube pan) is imperative. Do not use a Bundt pan. Angel food cake’s structure and stability requires the tube pan’s particular specifications. Some angel food cake pans come with little feet, which makes cooling the cake upside down easy. If your pan has feet, no need to use a wire rack. Whether your tube pan has feet or not, cool the cake upside down as directed in step 5.

Meringue Frosting



  1. Place egg whites, monkfruit, and cream of tartar in a heatproof bowl. Set bowl over a saucepan filled with two inches of simmering water. Do not let it touch the water. (You can use a double boiler if you have one.)
  2. Whisk constantly until monkfruit is dissolved and mixture has thinned out, about 4 minutes. The mixture will be thick and tacky at first, then thin out and appear frothy on top. To test that it’s ready, you can use your finger or an instant read thermometer. Lightly and quickly dip your finger (it’s very hot, be careful) and rub the mixture between your thumb and finger. You shouldn’t feel any granules. If using a thermometer, the temperature should read 160°F (71°C).
  3. Remove from heat. (No need to let it cool down before continuing.) Add the vanilla extract, then using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat on high speed until stiff glossy peaks form, about 5 minutes.
  4. Spread onto cake! Serve immediately OR torch it with a kitchen torch for a delicious toasted marshmallow topping. (Do not place in the oven under the broiler– it will melt.)
  5. Cover and store leftovers for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Baked goods topped with this marshmallow meringue can be left at room temperature for up to 6-8 hours. After that, it’s best to refrigerate or else the topping will begin to wilt. For best taste, texture, and appearance, I do not recommend freezing this.
submitted by Zealousideal-One6643 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:53 WazzupTheGreat (Upcoming DLC Leaks) Compilation of all Hands leaks + compilation of all upcoming execution audio

This post will cover all of the leaks for the upcoming Hands (aka ALPHA) family member
Also, I've made a compilation of ALL upcoming execution audio for Hands and Execution Pack 3 in one video, I've also added victim VO for some executions. (all except for Hands executions, those were removed from the files before I got to export those)
Leaks covered below are made by me. There have been some recent leaks (like somebody leaking his attributes, something else) made by somebody else that I will not reference in this post, all of the leaks listed here are purely the ones I discovered myself.
Without further ado...
Nothing known about lore. His voice lines are just grunts similar to Leatherface. All family except Hitchhiker will have new voice lines for seeing Hands.
Main Ability: Barge and Ripstall Unique item: Electro Trap First family member to have multiple main abilities.
Barge functions like Leland's Life Saver barge. Using it costs stamina, using it stuns victims and damages them. Ability upgrades affect the damage and the stamina cost.
Ripstall allows to interact with objective objects(Generator, Car Battery, Fusebox, Pressure Tank) to temporarily disable them for victims. Requires to complete a lockpick-type minigame. If the object you successfully ripstall has an objective item inserted that item will be removed from the objective object. One of the ability upgrades increases Hands' damage after performing a ripstall.
Electro Trap
Electro Trap is Hands' unique item. He is able to place it at objective objects, crawl spaces, doors, toolboxes and... lamps. While the electro trap is active anybody who tries to interact with that object will get electrocuted. Victims can disable the electro trap using a bone shard or the Bomb Squad perk, takes 4 seconds to do so by default. Disabled electro traps can be re-enabled by Hands. Ability upgrade tree has upgrades for it, most likely reducing the time it takes to set a trap.
Random skill tree node perks: Tracker Tagged Activated Big Swings Universal Donor Sip Sip Sip
Some known unique perks, very little info available besides a name and some leftover code for some of them.
Barrier Breaker - allows to interact with barricades to destroy them Slow Hands - somehow affects the victim lockpick minigame Blunt Force Trauma - has a stamina threshold Bruiser Heart Attack Short Fuse
Quick note
Saw some people claim Mechanic is his previous name, that name was to be taken with a grain of salt in the post where I assumed his name, which turned out to be completely wrong. Infact, I had his real name under my nose the entire time. If you remember the post where I explained Maria was named in the DLC Debug file, Hands was also a name referenced. I thought it was a developer name for something else, but that ridiculous name turned out to be his real name. Below is a screenshot displaying his name in the debug file.
submitted by WazzupTheGreat to TexasChainsawGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:50 Zealousideal-One6643 650 Cal / 52g Protein Angel Food Cake Recipe

By popular demand (and about a week late) here is the recipe I followed to make an entire cake, complete with frosting, only 650 calories with 52 grams of protein (You can add berries, but that will obviously increase the calories). I simply followed these two recipes with some substitutions and sweetness modifications (because I didn't enjoy the cake as sweet as the original recipe).

Angel Food Cake Recipe



  1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower middle position and preheat oven to 325°F (163°C).
  2. In a food processor or blender, pulse the monkfruit until fine and powdery. Remove 1 cup and set aside to use in step 3; keep the rest inside the food processor. Add the cake flour and salt to the food processor. Pulse 5-10 times until monkfruit/flousalt mixture is aerated and light.
  3. In a large bowl using a hand mixer or a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, whip egg whites and cream of tartar together on medium-low until foamy, about 1 minute. Switch to medium-high and slowly add the 1 cup of monkfruit you set aside. Whip until soft peaks form, about 5-6 minutes. Add the vanilla extract, then beat just until incorporated.
  4. In 3 additions, slowly sift the flour mixture into the egg white mixture using a fine mesh strainer, gently folding with a rubber spatula after each addition. To avoid deflating or a dense cake, don’t add the flour mixture all at once. Sift and very slowly fold in several additions. This is important! Pour and spread batter into an ungreased 9 or 10 inch tube pan. Shimmy the pan on the counter to smooth down the surface.
  5. Bake the cake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, about 40-45 minutes. Rotate the pan halfway through baking. The cake will rise up very tall while baking. Remove from the oven, then cool the cake completely upside-down set on a wire rack, about 3 hours. (Upside-down so the bottom of the tube pan is right-side up, see photo and video above.) Once cooled, run a thin knife around the edges and gently tap the pan on the counter until the cake releases.
  6. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


  1. Prepare the angel food cake one day in advance, then cover tightly and store at room temperature overnight. Angel food cake can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator, then bring to room temperature before serving.
  2. Tools (for convenience if you have them) a. Blender or Food Processor b. Electric Mixer (handheld or stand) c. Egg separator (Idk what this is) d. Rubber Spatula e. Tube Pan (required according to the recipe, see notes) f. Cooling rack
  3. Sugar (monkfruit): In this recipe, you use granulated sugar and pulse it in a food processor to make superfine sugar. If you have superfine sugar or caster sugar, use that. Pulse 3/4 cup of it with the dry ingredients in step 2. Use 1 cup of it in step 3.
  4. I strongly recommend using fresh real egg whites instead of egg white substitutes, previously frozen egg whites, or egg whites from a carton. Separate the eggs when they’re cold, then bring the egg whites to room temperature. Fresh room temperature egg whites whip into the fluffiest volume. With the extra yolks, make lemon curd or other egg yolk recipes.
  5. Pan: An angel food cake pan (aka tube pan) is imperative. Do not use a Bundt pan. Angel food cake’s structure and stability requires the tube pan’s particular specifications. Some angel food cake pans come with little feet, which makes cooling the cake upside down easy. If your pan has feet, no need to use a wire rack. Whether your tube pan has feet or not, cool the cake upside down as directed in step 5.

Meringue Frosting



  1. Place egg whites, monkfruit, and cream of tartar in a heatproof bowl. Set bowl over a saucepan filled with two inches of simmering water. Do not let it touch the water. (You can use a double boiler if you have one.)
  2. Whisk constantly until monkfruit is dissolved and mixture has thinned out, about 4 minutes. The mixture will be thick and tacky at first, then thin out and appear frothy on top. To test that it’s ready, you can use your finger or an instant read thermometer. Lightly and quickly dip your finger (it’s very hot, be careful) and rub the mixture between your thumb and finger. You shouldn’t feel any granules. If using a thermometer, the temperature should read 160°F (71°C).
  3. Remove from heat. (No need to let it cool down before continuing.) Add the vanilla extract, then using a handheld or stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat on high speed until stiff glossy peaks form, about 5 minutes.
  4. Spread onto cake! Serve immediately OR torch it with a kitchen torch for a delicious toasted marshmallow topping. (Do not place in the oven under the broiler– it will melt.)
  5. Cover and store leftovers for up to 2 days in the refrigerator. Baked goods topped with this marshmallow meringue can be left at room temperature for up to 6-8 hours. After that, it’s best to refrigerate or else the topping will begin to wilt. For best taste, texture, and appearance, I do not recommend freezing this.
submitted by Zealousideal-One6643 to 1500isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:54 only777 Got my PSX last week and am trying to preserve the videos

Got my PSX last week and am trying to preserve the videos
Hello everyone, I’m brand new to owning a PSX and have discovered a megaton of Japanese TV on it recorded from 2004-2010.
My DVD drive doesn’t work, so I inserted the FBMC card I got with it and opened the file browser.
I couldn’t find the location of the video files and also I can’t inserted a FAT32 USB stick but it didn’t read it.
I have resorted to hooking it up to my Elgato card and have started uploading the Japanese video game adverts here:
submitted by only777 to PSXDVR [link] [comments]
