Porn movies

Movie News and Discussion

2008.01.25 07:52 Movie News and Discussion

The goal of /Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions.

2020.08.24 09:36 pirouvr Free_VR_Porn_Movies

Free VR porn movies from around the web.

2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2024.05.19 01:14 sparkler39 "I'll do ANYTHING to be rid of this addiction...but"...

I've listened to thousands of hours of recovery podcasts and webinars over the last three years and every single professional basically says that the overwhelming majority of addicts get into recovery to avoid consequences (discovery by a partner, job/financial consequences, legal problems, etc). That most professionals can count on one hand the addicts who choose to enter recovery of their own volition. But they all say, they can work with that. Addicts can start recovery to avoid the consequences of discovery but very quickly they've got to be in recovery because they want it themselves.
And this recovery is generally just the very basic beginnings of recovery...sobriety but nothing else. Addicts who actually get into solid recovery (and stay sober) are the ones who have hit rock bottom and are actually willing to do ANYTHING to get into recovery.
I read posts and comments from partners here everyday that say something like 'my addict has said he'll do anything to keep our relationship/stop his addiction...but...'
This is NOT an addict who has hit rock bottom and is actually willing to do ANYTHING to save his relationship and get into recovery. This is an addict who is telling you that any of those reasons listed above are more important than you and your relationship. When they say that...LISTEN TO THEM. Don't keep trying to save a relationship and defend an addict when the other person in the relationship admits that a video game is more important than you. A phone in the bathroom is more important than you.
An addict who truly wants to be in recovery is willing to do anything. They are wiling to give up anything. Nothing, not a single damn thing, is more important to them than their recovery. And you deserve an addict in actual recovery. You deserve more than an addict who gives excuse after excuse why they can't do recovery. Please stop accepting these stupid excuses and addicts who prioritize anything and everything over you. You deserve better.
submitted by sparkler39 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:26 Clear_Life_8374 So WhaT you failed? But are you still breathing? Yes get your rear up and drive on!

My experience with porn started when I was 7 sneaking into the Living Room to sneak the Playboy Channel over 40 years ago. 37 years ago the curiosity turned into sexual abuse by a male babysitter. The abuse that happened over 2 years skewed my morals and caused me to act out with people in my family. Masturbation was for a long time a daily occurrence from 12 to 16. At 16 I met my first true girlfriend and we had sex a week after my 16th birthday. The shame was daily and as the abused, I was treated by my parents as a pariah a confused young man who withheld any grace that God may have been willing to part with. Looking at porn was hard to stop and masturbation was a daily occurrence. I struggled for years even while I was married to a local girl I met while in the service. I wanted to stop even with her as motivation. I just kept not having the drive to quit. I would try and then fail. Try fail try fail. Please Jesus take this scourge from me and make me clean. I would be good for weeks maybe months and then fall back into old habits. Then my wife passed and we weren't expecting it. So I found rebooting and rewiring my brain earlier this year. Well, it took this autistic person losing his wife of over 25 years days before we were going to put another number on our years of longevity. I was thrown into having to eulogize my lover and companion for over 2 decades. I just had to move on so I decided I am starting over clean slate new woman new lover new wife I am not carrying this albatross of shame into this new relationship. This was the motivation I needed to do this! I wanted the desire to watch naked people with fake hooters and fake dongs fake acting like they are animals like two dogs fucking or screwing like rabbits. Anyway, am I perfect? Oh hell no! I miss the mark however I pick up the pace and press on to something better. If you fail and fall and jerk off don't just sit there and drift and die. Pick yourself up take a breath and feel for a pulse. Do you still have a pulse? So get up stand up know you are alive and kicking. This is just a teachable moment drop the phone, tablet or laptop and give it to your fight partner and put the situation out of your mind. Now get up and get up swinging! Time to kick some porn ass and take the names and their power to harm you. Pray, meditate, war and decide that you are not touching that which makes the movie of your life sit and watch the blue light on the clever looking square. So talk to women, love that woman and listen be an ear to that woman and don't look back run run run and keep running forward and if you need to do it get the demon by the neck and crush him and finish him. This is a war so treat it just like you would a deployment and once you struck the enemy take that bastard down! I hope you will go and be successful and get your mind back and get your will to love again.
submitted by Clear_Life_8374 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:29 joonjune71 It’s happening 😬

I’m watching a movie and all of a sudden I’m thinking about a specific series of porn I would watch, along with two specific porn stars. Thinking about the details of what I watched. This thought just crept up out of nowhere. Help! Don’t want to lose the streak.
submitted by joonjune71 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 Wild_Plastic5361 This should be interesting

This should be interesting submitted by Wild_Plastic5361 to BisexualFrogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:47 spaceshipearf Sci fi horror sex movie with a female lead

So I’ve been trying to find this movie that used to be on Netflix but doesn’t seem to be anymore, it was like a low-budget sci fi/horror adjacent maybe porn adjacent movie, the main character was like an assassin or hired killer or something and the main thing I remember is her being recorded killing someone in the opening and saying something like “that’s my move, the kill fuck” The title I’m pretty sure was [something] jack but I can’t remember the first word, the main character was a bald woman with kind of a gender nonconformng domme vibe named Jack, I’m pretty sure she was on the cover of the movie & maybe the cover was mostly red? the movie had kind of a grimy dystopian feel & it’s been bugging me that I can’t find it but everything I can remember about it just gets a lot of other results
submitted by spaceshipearf to whatisthatmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:40 Helpful_Top4106 OCD makes it tough. Please help.

I am a 25 year old man. It wasn't until I discovered this sub that I discovered I had been ruining myself with PMO so far. I used to be a bright kid who had no idea what porn was until I was in college, and once the pandemic began, my loneliness multiplied and I found myself jerking off to image of hot actresses. I have honestly never managed to sit through porn without feeling uncomfortable for some reason. I have mostly watched movie sex scenes only, where I found myself fantasizing about the actresses and... you know.
I used to get intrusive thoughts during ejaculation which made me want to do it over and over till it got it right without the thoughts. I would often grow teary and try to stop the orgasm in vain. It worsened, but the fear of going hypersexual stopped me and I controlled myself. Then I got clinically diagnosed with OCD and started taking medication which improved my mental condition to an extent.
However, I began procrastinating too much and my anxiety peaked whenever I would have any intrusive thought. I would then visit the internet to find ways to relieve myself even after medication and somehow I got brainwashed into believing that fapping will give me mental relief and make me feel happy. Also, I grew super horny and began to find images of hot women really irresistible to the point I would fap at least 4 days a week.
I tried controlling this but relapsed every single time, but that was because I had not read the rules of NoFap properly. I was still looking at hot pictures but not fapping, and this somehow was where the real problem lied. I decided to stop even googling for hot pictures. At times I wonder if looking at cute girl pics would be fine if they were fully clothed and non-sexual in nature, because it's obvious that I won't want to bang every single woman I find cute, unless I discover that side of her later on. I began doing this with hopes of defeating my procrastination habits and getting back to living the good old life when I never fapped at all even after getting sexual urges.
But OCD made it really tough back then and sometimes even now. I often get those very images I constantly fapped to, and while I am able to brush them aside, the process heats my head sometimes. I was driving today and the thought merely crossed my mind and I lost focus for a second, and a collision was somehow averted. I am even beginning to hate how desperate I had grown for the female body that I even jerked off to anime women. I was never like this. I want to go back to being the good old me who did appreciate sexiness but not in a horny way.
Is there a way I can manage this with OCD? I would appreciate some advise on this, especially from someone who knows about this disorder. It's because I am voluntarily avoiding looking at any sexual stuff and it has helped me since the past 3 days of my journey, but I can't really help it when images pop up in my head. I suffer from Pure O and ruminate too much. I have started to feel guilt and disgust and want to change. I am ready to fight back and reclaim my life, especially after I managed to earn a Master's and a diploma in this condition. I'm sure my potential is far bigger than this. Please guide me to wisdom.
submitted by Helpful_Top4106 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:06 Dr-Arcane Transgressive Pre-Code Movies

I’m doing a paper on the Hays Code that attempted to make the motion picture industry more “moral.”
What I’m asking is if you guys can name any good examples of pre-code films that really pushed the boundaries; you know, the stuff that caused them to want to start to self-censor. I’m looking to watch these films and specifically note the “bad” scenes.
The code lists a bunch of things to police, but specifically
  1. Violence
  2. Sex
  3. Drugs
  4. ?
  5. Violence: I have heard the Scarface (1932) is a good example of a film that was “too violent” for the period, so that might be the best example, or maybe you’ve got something better.
  6. Sex. I’m fully aware that there has always been porn. What I’d like is something mainstream that went too far in the eyes of contemporary people, but not so far as to be full pornography.
  7. Drugs. I haven’t researched enough yet to know if the code wanted no drugs at all or just to be sure not to portray them in a positive light. Any good “Drug movies?”
  8. Got another topic that they banned that you find interesting?
For your suggestions, I don’t care if they are silent movies or talkies, but I assume from the date that the code went into effect that talkies were the ones most people considered offensive. The priority is on whether the movie still exists and I can still find it.
EDIT: Just to clarify, the Hays code started being enforced in 1934, so I’m looking for films prior to that.
submitted by Dr-Arcane to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:05 Dr-Arcane TransgressivePre-Code Movies

I’m doing a paper on the Hays Code that attempted to make the motion picture industry more “moral.”
What I’m asking is if you guys can name any good examples of pre-code films that really pushed the boundaries; you know, the stuff that caused them to want to start to self-censor. I’m looking to watch these films and specifically note the “bad” scenes.
The code lists a bunch of things to police, but specifically
  1. Violence
  2. Sex
  3. Drugs
  4. ?
  5. Violence: I have heard the Scarface (1932) is a good example of a film that was “too violent” for the period, so that might be the best example, or maybe you’ve got something better.
  6. Sex. I’m fully aware that there has always been porn. What I’d like is something mainstream that went too far in the eyes of contemporary people, but not so far as to be full pornography.
  7. Drugs. I haven’t researched enough yet to know if the code wanted no drugs at all or just to be sure not to portray them in a positive light. Any good “Drug movies?”
  8. Got another topic that they banned that you find interesting?
For your suggestions, I don’t care if they are silent movies or talkies, but I assume from the date that the code went into effect that talkies were the ones most people considered offensive. Priority should be on the film still existing so that I can watch it!
submitted by Dr-Arcane to oldmovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:47 Glum-Substance-3507 hidden gems?

I decided to cancel my subscription. I have until June 8th to keep watching. Are there any hidden gems I should check out before my subscription runs out?
I think good movies/shows exist in every genre but my general likes an dislikes are:
Likes: Thrillers, horror (not torture porn though), comedy. Love a bit of originality, but if the dialogue is clever, I don't mind a somewhat formulaic plot.
Dislikes: Romcoms, action, directors who think that movies are deep/artsy if they make no sense, sad documentaries (nothing wrong with a documentary about a sad topic, I'm just looking to be entertained right now and not to increase my level of despair about the state of the world)
submitted by Glum-Substance-3507 to Hulu [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 ThrowRA_careful From Childhood to Now: The Devastating Impact of Porn Addiction on My Life

First, I want to say I am happy to have found this supportive group. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this specific issue, so please bear with me it is a lengthy post.
I was probably about 7 years old. This was the early 2000s, so me and my sister would steal my dad’s flip phone we thought it was the coolest thing. Then we would find messages with his friends that would say things like “it’s get you a new gf day” along with a nude photo of a woman probably too young. there had been multiple nude photos that we had found. Even one time a video played with a loud pornographic sound. My parents are still married so even back then my sister and I felt badly for my mother. He had also mentioned to my mom in front of us all (me about 13) how he had been to a local specific topless bar a “long time ago” when my sister and I were toddlers. Again, I just felt horrible for my mom as the sinking feeling made itself a home in my gut to this day.
When I was 14 I started dating my first bf we dated for four years. I would feel sick and just worthless because of the movies we would watch. They would have nudity and he would make comments on the actresses. Even comparing me to some. His entire family would. He mentioned this to his mom and she told him I was young and insecure. I was pressured into sending him nudes or else he would watch porn and then blame me for it. I remember the rush of emotions, that sinking feeling when I would find even “innocent” photos of girls at school in his phone or porn in his search history. When we would go to the movies I was always on edge. I would search on those sites that go through the parent’s guide of nudity so I could prepare myself or convince to watch something else.
I dated another guy at 19. When were first together he told me he had never had an orgasm through sex and frequently struggled getting it up. It eventually went away but our sex life wasn’t healthy and we ended things. However, when I was about 20 I started dating a guy let’s call him David. David was the sweetest man. I felt so safe with him. We had an amazing sex life. I never had to worry about anything relating to porn or women around him at all. When I was about 22 I made a new friend let’s call him Jack. Jack and I were good friends nothing more. Until, two years into our friendship I fell “in love” with Jack. This caused me to end things with David. For the first year (we were separated for about 7 months) we never had penetrative sex. During the first couple of months, he told me he didn’t want his ED to negatively affect me. I thought because my ex was having issues and I understood it had nothing to do with me I would be fine. I went through our relationship believing it was ED. which turned out to be half the truth. I also believed his alcohol addiction and unhealthy lifestyle had something to do with it.
The part that sickens me the most is that we were friends first for two years, he told me he loved me and then destroyed me with his addiction. While we were friends shifting into a romantic relationship I would be grossed out by his prior use of strip clubs once spending thousands of dollars. Especially because in our relationship he would complain about spending money on me. He would always check out other women when we were together. It made me feel like I just wasn’t enough. One time on YouTube it was a video of this couple, the woman was doing her thirst trap thing with her butt and he said “We know why he’s with her” “She worked for that… you turn” I was so upset because I had already been insecure about my butt and into fitness for almost a decade, and dealing with body dysmorphia. Another time me, him and his friend were at a grocery store (this is the time of our budding romance) they pointed out how good this girl's butt was and followed her for a couple of isles claiming she wanted it to be seen.
I feel so stupid and ashamed typing this, the thought of getting into a relationship with a guy displaying this behavior WITH ME BY HIS SIDE. fast forward to six months later, 1.5 years into a relationship, 3 years of friendship. I’m now 25, he is 28. Still no sex. He told me he thinks his hormones are balanced and I honestly felt bad for him and encouraged him to talk to his doctor. He started taking the blue pills they kinda worked, but not really. I would talk about how I felt with my male therapist. I also felt very isolated almost because the honeymoon phase was ending he didn’t even want to cuddle.
We lived together at this point. My therapist told me he may have a PA, he may be lying to you about it. I thought no way because I had been looking through his phone frequently from a general lack of trust. I did ask him multiple times he would of course deny it. He would always be looking at thirst trap comments on Snapchat and YouTube. Even commented on one of my friends once “It was a joke”. I would tell him multiple times I did not like our sex life and it can’t continue like this.
I swear your PA may lie, but the algorithm doesn’t. I remember I got this TikTok on my FYP. The guy who in his videos starts by saying “Oh you want to know another disgusting secret about men” he talked about lying PA. I knew at that moment that’s what it was.
On the commercials for my favorite show, WWE commercials would come on. Women with makeup, hair and lingerie and I noticed he would always stare. I thought I was just making this in my head until once he made the comment that “he used to find them attractive when he was younger and that they are hot.” A couple of months ago we went on a trip. He would be sitting next to me just scrolling through YT reels of thirst content thinking I am blind. The first time we had sex he would buy my lingerie and I would go put it and makeup on while he was in the other room I noticed when I came out he had been on his phone. He was ALWAYS on his phone. I knew in my heart it was from watching porn bc he was hard. He claimed it was bc he was thinking of me. This happened a couple of times. I knew the truth but I ignored it because I craved intimacy.
The scrolling on Yt shorts happened again one night, his algorithm was just thirst trap after thirst trap including WWE clips. I was so stressed I knew I was not going to sleep the night. I planned to wake up and go through his phone while he was asleep. When I did, I found him on Reddit pages with porn of WWE women. Emails saying he signed into adult websites the date and times right before we would have sex. Even an article on the best VR sets for porn. I thought wow he’s really thinking of investing this amount of money when he can’t even invest in our relationship. My heart shattered into the glass, glad that continued to cut me. I never felt so disrespected or taken for granted, like I was never good enough before. I cannot believe someone who says they love me more than ever would gaslight me so hard.
The next day we were out at a restaurant he asked what was on my mind since I had been acting differently. Me: “ I’m going to ask you a question I’ve asked you before but this time you’re going to tell me the truth” Jack: immediately “no” I asked him to think again before you answer, why are you lying to me he kept denying it until I said why are you so comfortable lying to me. He said I’m not. Maybe I used it too much before in the past. I said I don’t trust you and I have no mental peace with you this thing between us cannot continue.
…Y’all this is all while he was trying to get me to move across the country with him!! The next morning we talked about it and I told him how he crushed me and how I went through his phone and after I said that, he then started feeling very bad, even shedding tears. Looking back it’s as if he knew that I knew I wasn’t crazy.
It sucks because I feel I will always love him and leaving was the hardest thing I had to do. I still go back and forth about my love for him it’s always love and pure hate. Half of the time I want to call him and tell him exactly how much he destroyed my mental health. I still always scan my surroundings, and the media around me. I still compare myself to every woman because I am used to him checking out everyone. He would say it takes nothing from me but it does. I’m tired of people saying that it’s insecurity if you want your man to only have eyes for you and make excuses.
I know this was not the case when I was with David it was never like this. I felt empowered and loved. Now I have begun to get back together with David but I feel like I am carrying all this baggage from Jack's pa. David is against this type of behavior and even talks about how it is disturbing how porn is so prevalent everywhere ( he doesn’t know about the pa with Jack or my past). I feel like I am soo disgruntled towards men (Dad included) even though David is innocent and probably the best man I’ve ever had in my life. My mental health decline from not trusting my gut is painful.
Thank you for reading and your support. I wish you all love and light.
submitted by ThrowRA_careful to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:56 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 414

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 414

Some faces are unwelcome no matter how often they appear. For me, Lee Jeong-Ryong and Wu Hei-Xing belonged squarely in that category.

Nevertheless, I initiated the conversation today because Wu Hei-Xing, against all odds, looked somewhat respectable.

"Look who's here. I thought I'd never see you again."

My lively greeting earned a venomous glare from the disheveled Wu Hei-Xing.

「Shut up.」


「One more word, and I swear on my grandfather's honor, I'll tear you to pieces.」

Is he Kim Jong-Il or something? I'll never understand why these guys treat their deceased ancestors' honor like a credit card. [Note: Kim Jong-Il was the previous lead of North Korea from 1997 to 2011.]

Keeping a straight face, I questioned him.

"Did you have a bad relationship with your grandfather?"


"I mean... Why stake his honor on something so impossible? It would make more sense if you were the one getting torn to pieces..."

「You bastard!」

As Wu Hei-Xing exploded with rage and rose to his feet, Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened with a raised hand.


「But Mr. Lee, this bastard...」

"Fighting amongst ourselves before a decisive battle is completely pointless. Calm down."


Wu Hei-Xing gritted his teeth, fixing me with a hostile stare.

「Understood. Since you say so, Mr. Lee, I'll stop here.」

"Good thinking."

Was he always this susceptible to persuasion? I glanced sideways at Lee Jeong-Ryong, noting the subtle smile playing on his lips.

Mr. Choi, who had accompanied me, seemed lost in thought.

"What about you, Jin Tae-Kyung?"

Turning away from Mr. Choi, I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I should listen to what my elders say."

"I didn't think you were one to care about such things."

"Shouldn't all young people respect their elders?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong laughed softly at my casual remark, while Wu Hei-Xing looked at me as though he wished me dead.

「Respecting your elders. Bullshit. What about me then, seven years your elder?」

"If you don’t want to write a will, try opening your mouth kindly first."

「This damn brat...」

"Don't be a dick."

Wu Hei-Xing, reignited with anger, fell silent.

I stared him down with icy eyes and continued.

"If you still have the energy to fuss over such pettiness, you should check on the friends you brought here."


"These are people who risked their lives to come this far. They aren't disposable tools to be discarded after one use."

My disdain was palpable.

Around Wu Hei-Xing, the remaining Hunters were barely fifty in number.

According to what I’d learned from headquarters, they had started with five hundred. The majority had either perished or fallen behind.

"It's entirely possible that they were all casualties, especially in combat. But…"

Despite the bloodshed around him, his armor remained almost immaculate, suggesting he had engaged minimally, preserving himself while his comrades fell.

"Got anything to say, idiot?"

I remembered a line from a classic superhero movie I watched as a child.

With great power comes great responsibility. And that's not just for those bitten by radioactive spiders.

If you're someone who can conjure Aura Blades instead of spider webs, amassing wealth and honor while shielding your misdeeds, then at least acknowledge your basic duties.

"You might qualify as an S-rank, but you're no Hunter. So from now on, when introducing yourself, don't say 'Hunter.' Just go with 'the lucky S-rank, Wu Hei-Xing.' Got it?"


Wu Hei-Xing stood trembling, his fists clenched, as Lee Jeong-Ryong intervened.

"He did his best."

"Seeing his armor, I doubt that. It looks so clean, you could wipe it down and bring it to a thrift store."

"Wearing strong armor isn't grounds for criticism."

"I've noticed this before... You always seem to take his side. Does this bastard have something on you?"

"Everyone has something. I just happen to be good at hiding mine."

"You might want to run a check on your computer. Who knows, maybe the Chinese hackers are sharing images of the Vice Guild Leader watching porn in their group chats."

"I’ll be cautious."

A formidable opponent indeed.

Unfazed, Lee Jeong-Ryong offered a slight smile, but the man behind him told a different story.

I gestured dismissively at the man radiating a subtle, murderous intent.

"Look who it is, Team Leader Seok. Isn't that our Go-Jun?"

Lee Jeong-Ryong’s head of security and a devoted disciple.

I recalled thrashing him soundly before his departure to China, yet now, he appeared not only unmarked but even more formidable.

His gaze alone, deeper and more intense, was a testament to his vastly improved skills.

'He's also grown more patient.'

Seok Go-Jun ranks among Lee Jeong-Ryong's most loyal followers.

Previously, he would have lunged at me without a second thought. Now, even brimming with murderous intent, he opted for restraint over drawing his weapon.

Lee Jeong-Ryong seemed proud of his disciple and announced,

"We've now reached just 20 kilometers from the Arch Lich, according to the coordinates."

I ran my hands through my sticky, blood-smeared hair.

"It’s going to be the longest and most intense 20 kilometers on Earth."

"That's right. The Arch Lich has kept a substantial force in reserve."

"How many?"

"An estimated fifty thousand."

At that, a wave of despair swept through the suicide squad listening intently to our conversation.

Combined, the forces under myself, Lee Jeong-Ryong, and Wu Hei-Xing numbered barely five hundred.

Even a rough estimate made the prospect of breaching an army a hundred times our size to reach the Arch Lich seem daunting, filling them with a profound dread.

It was likely this overwhelming fear that prompted someone to cry out,

「We need to retreat, now!」

Soon, the dam of restraint broke and other Hunters joined in.


「There are too many monsters!」

「We’ll be annihilated if it continues like this.」

「I came here to defeat the Arch Lich, not to die a dog’s death!」

The two hundred or so members of the Western Front's suicide squad, who had suffered minimal losses thus far, were not immune to the spreading panic.

Yet amidst the rising fear, two figures remained composed.

Shao Shen, looking at me with unwavering trust, and then...

"There might be a possibility."

Going beyond mere trust in me, Mr. Choi, having analyzed the situation independently, spoke with measured calm.

"An estimated fifty thousand exceeds the General Headquarter's predictions by a significant margin."

「So naturally, we should retreat, shouldn’t we?」

At a member of the suicide squad's cry, Mr. Choi immediately shook his head.

"And the number of monsters we've faced so far is also fewer than expected."


"While there were many, the forces we encountered on the front weren't as overwhelming as anticipated."


"Maybe the Arch Lich anticipated such a scenario. Instead of committing all its forces to the front, it might have held back fifty thousand troops as a final reserve to prepare for any situation."

The expressions of the Hunters hardened as they listened to Mr. Choi, not from understanding his point, but from the increasingly intense vibrations underfoot.

Creak, creak, creak.

The tremors, felt even tens of kilometers away, shook everyone to their core.

Destroyed roads stretched beside vast plains. Through the thick fog enveloping us, the combined roars and footsteps of tens of thousands of monsters echoed as a distant, unified clamor.

- Roarrrrrr!

「This is insane...」

「Run. We have to run. This is a fight we can't win.」

Feet shuffled and retreated in panic.

Yet standing resolute amid this chaos were the members of the Ares Guild, and Lee Jeong-Ryong, who, facing Mr. Choi, wore an intrigued expression.


Their gazes met in the charged air. Mr. Choi's grip on the [Hero's Soul] tightened.

"Even though the General Headquarter's predictions were off, the fact that the Arch Lich hasn't launched a full offensive means that his reserve strength is still on the fronts."

"Yet, our forces are still outnumbered by the enemy."

"But aren’t there people assigned to this mission with this already in mind?"

Creak, creak, creak.

The roaring and ground-shaking grew more intense. Amid the anxious murmurs of the crowd, Mr. Choi's mana-imbued voice resonated with everyone.

"People capable of turning the tide in an instant. People known as S-rank Hunters, each one a one-man army."

At that moment.


A dazzling burst of light erupted overhead.

With the brilliant illumination, the air itself seemed to cleave, as if cut by an immense blade. Three figures appeared, descending as though they were walking down invisible steps.

「My great-grandmother often sat me on her knee and told me. Royalty must fulfill the duties befitting their status. Commoners like you wouldn't understand.」

I chuckled and bowed slightly. Normally, he’s the last person I’d choose to align with, but this time, I couldn’t resist.

"Your Highness, Prince Felix."

「Hearing it from your lips is indeed pleasant, Jin. Hunter of the East.」

Prince Felix's haughty demeanor prompted the beauty next to him to click her tongue.

「Can't you do something about him? Maybe gag him?」

"It seems I might have to let it slide today, sister."

「Oh my.」

Fei Chen’s eyes widened at my reply and soon, she sported a bashful smile.

「That's good to hear. It feels right, doesn’t it?」

At Fei Chen’s remark, the last person in the group laughed heartily.

「Does this mean I can also expect something? What do you think, Jin?」

"Why, would you like me to kiss you?"

「Oh, not bad. But I must politely decline. I'm already married to my beloved Fred, and I have five adopted children.」

Swoosh. Thud.

Gliding through the air, Magic Johnson patted my shoulder with his enormous hand.

「Jin, you brave little guy. How on Earth did you do such a dangerous teleport? I nearly gave up several times this go around.」

"But you did it in the end, Johnson."

「The odds were different. This time, the chance of failure was only 10%. You're at least 80% braver than me.」

Courage isn’t measured by size. By simply daring to come here, risking death, they had proven themselves as some of the world’s finest Hunters.

And as they received unexpected reinforcements, the crowd’s eyes widened in disbelief.

「Fei Chen?」

「Prince Felix and Magic Johnson are here too!」

「S-rank Hunters! The S-rank Hunters have come to help us!」

「I love you, Johnson! Fucking nice gay!」 [Note: this is not a typo. This whole line is in English in the raw.]

But the excitement didn’t stop there.

Thump, thump, thump.

An unfamiliar type of vibration began, unlike anything previously felt.

It signaled the arrival of a vast army, now visible as a speck on the horizon.

「You thought we came here unprepared?」

Fei Chen continued with a sly grin, fueling the ongoing conversation.

「Combined, the Western and Eastern forces number ten thousand. That should buy you enough time to escape.」

A voice, filled with wonder, murmured aloud.

「Now we can live...」

In response, another voice cut through the air with firm resolve.


Mr. Choi raised the [Hero's Soul].

Even through the dense fog, the blade gleamed with a brilliant light.

"Now we can win."

I believe so too.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:56 TheAlphaKiller17 What are some good sick day horror movies to watch?

I'm sick and planning on spending the day in bed watching horror movies; what are the best ones?
--for paid services, I only have Amazon and Hulu
--nothing that requires too much thought
--I'm not crazy about monster movies and prefer "realistic" horror
--favorite genres are body horrotorture porn, comedy/campy, and psychological horror. Bonus points if you can hit all three!
Thanks in advance!
Ignore the link; it made me post one.
submitted by TheAlphaKiller17 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:19 gmandude1 Adam Smasher

Adam Smasher submitted by gmandude1 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:57 -Background_Girl- Man came up to me to check my ticket while I was masturbating 19[f]

I was on the train ride home. The journey takes about two hours. It was already dark and the train was almost empty. I was watching a movie when a porn scene came on and it got me so turned on that I started touching myself through my clothes. I threw my coat over my knees so that no one could see what I was doing and unbuttoned my pants to reach my panties. As I was close to orgasm, a man came up to check my ticket. I pulled it out of my coat with my hand wet from my juices and handed it to him. I wonder if he noticed that I was masturbating. I was so embarrassed that someone might have caught me. But the thought of being caught only made it all the more exciting.
submitted by -Background_Girl- to DesahogoyConfesiones [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:57 -Background_Girl- Man came up to me to check my ticket while I was masturbating 19[f]

I was on the train ride home. The journey takes about two hours. It was already dark and the train was almost empty. I was watching a movie when a porn scene came on and it got me so turned on that I started touching myself through my clothes. I threw my coat over my knees so that no one could see what I was doing and unbuttoned my pants to reach my panties. As I was close to orgasm, a man came up to check my ticket. I pulled it out of my coat with my hand wet from my juices and handed it to him. I wonder if he noticed that I was masturbating. I was so embarrassed that someone might have caught me. But the thought of being caught only made it all the more exciting.
submitted by -Background_Girl- to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:17 dasuberdog11 Punk Rock (1979) Tubi. A "noir" PI story with several scenes in NYC punk clubs, with full song performances. The lead is porn-star Wade Nichols. Supposedly there's a version with sex scenes instead of the music performances, but this isn't it. A poorly made and acted movie, saved by it's uniqueness.

Punk Rock (1979) Tubi. A submitted by dasuberdog11 to badMovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:04 idontmindashit Could this be addiction?

A few days ago I found the online tests on sex addiction called "SAST", I took several and it came out in all of them that I could have an addiction. I was surprised because before that I thought that sex addiction meant sleeping with a lot of people or something like that and the test questions had nothing to do with it, I got a pretty high score but I still don't know if those tests have any credibility.
Since then I haven't stopped thinking about it, to put it in context, I have been thinking for years that I may have a problem with sex, not as addiction but rather as socialization. When I was a child I suffered sexual abuse and well, I still live with the person who abused me (I don't have money to leave or a job, I'm still studying).
I'm not very sociable, I'm quite introverted and I don't go out much either, I barely have friends and the ones I have (mostly online) have always ended up becoming something sexual, if they are men it happens absolutely always, if they are women it only happens when they are not straight (even so, I sometimes try to make subtle insinuations to see if they might like me). That's what I meant by saying that I always thought that I have a socialization problem, normally with men I start the sexual topic and when I see that they want to go further with me I don't know what to do and I find myself in the middle of a circle from which I can't escape because I don't like them or want sex with them, but at the same time I don't want to lose their friendship, so I end up constantly giving in.
I also feel that it depends on the moment or the day, there are times when I feel hypersexual or something like that and I make advances towards them, then that feeling it goes away, i regret it and I feel bad about myself because I have given them wings again at a time when I felt vulnerable or I don't know what was wrong with me.
In the past I was with a long-distance boyfriend for 8 years (we saw each other in person mostly in the summer) and he never wanted penetrative sex with me (largely because he was ultra-Catholic and had a porn addiction) but we did other things like golden showers or exhibitionism, at that time I began to be interested in BDSM practices and to have online contacts even though I had a boyfriend (although I never did anything physical with another person). It was at that time the first time I wanted to leave that and I couldn't, when I had an online "Master" who started sending me emails with threatening messages and blackmail, he threatened to come look for me at the university if I didn't agree to be his "slave". I was very scared at that time, I thought about going to the police, I went to university in panic carrying pepper spray, I didn't sleep at night. I didn't tell anyone about all this. After that I swore to myself that I would never have contact with that world of BDSM or behave like that again.....
Well, I was away from all that for a while although I continued to have contact with people online on sexual sites without being BDSM (but I didn't enjoy it nor did it excite me, I don't know why I did it, when it was over I felt bad). I was like this for a while and I continued with my boyfriend until one summer we had a crisis because I saw some messages from him with an old friend of mine that I had introduced him to, although it was all online I felt very betrayed but I forgave him because welI.... I had also had contacts online even if it was with strangers.
We tried to continue the relationship after that....but then that year I met a girl online who was a minor at the time, well she was 17, at first we were like friends and we played online games but at some point all that turned into a BDSM relationship online. At that time I stopped paying attention to my boyfriend and neglected the rest of the relationships in my family life or physical friendships. It was like 9 months in which my life was summarized in playing online games and online sex with her, we both only ate once a day, we spent all night awake and slept in the mornings. I stopped studying and I stopped getting my driving license, I left everything and my life became that.
That time was the first in my life in which I felt addicted, I couldn't stop talking to her or get out of that relationship. I couldn't have a functional life. I even wanted to stop going to family gatherings, but I still had to go, so I went without sleep and thinking about sex and doing things with her like for example going to the restaurant bathroom in the middle of the family meal or things like that. It was like an addiction that mixed sex with video games.
After those 9 months I ended up quite sick with dizziness and blindness, they detected a severe anemia for which I had to take medication for 3 months and I also had electrocardiograms. This happened more or less 3 years ago. After that i left my boyfriend and I realized that I am lesbian or bisexual.
Another example from 2 years ago is when I met a boy near my city and we started talking, at first as normal friends but I made him watch erotic movies, I talked to him about BDSM and like that, he started taking that as sexual advances. Then he asked me to be his slave, I guess I started making advances like I always do and doing sexual things online with him but then I regretted it. So I know it was my fault for screwing up that friendship too. A couple of times we basically met in person and he tried to hit myself with some tree branches and get closer to me. He wanted to invite me to his house and so on, he wanted to materialize the sexual relationship. But I stopped there and I didn't want to meet him again in person anymore, so now we're not friends anymore.
I feel like I can hardly have friends if it's not based on something sexual. I only get it with some straight girls, I have a friend who has a boyfriend and luckily that doesn't happen to me as much with her. Still I have obsessive thoughts. For example, I have never stayed at her house to sleep while his boyfriend was there, even though they invited me. I have weird sexual thoughts like they'll have sex while I'm there or something.
I have never told my psychologist about this, he only knows about the sexual abuse in my childhood and that I think I am a lesbian.
Last summer I tried to change and deleted all BDSM social media and so on, I thought I could be fine without that and look for a girlfriend without sex and BDSM being so central. But after 4 months I created new accounts again and until now I am with several relationships at the same time. Since I left my ex-boyfriend I feel that by not having to be faithful to anyone I am out of control.
A month ago I was basically with one of my online friends whom I was able to invite home while my family was leaving, we were having sex, and for the first time I did vaginal penetration since my ex had never wanted to. We did other things within BDSM. We also thought about hiring a prostitute but I didn't want to because I was afraid of bringing more people into my house and that my parents would catch me. I also wanted to go to a strip club with him but there isn't one nearby where I live and we didn't have a car or money. I don't like him nor am I attracted to him but it happens to me that I have those phases in which I start to make insinuations or compulsively search for something sexual, even if it's just online. When that phase passes I feel bad and I reproach myself for having told those friends or boys that I want sex when in reality I don't want it... (It's like I'm bipolar, at one moment I want it and the next second I don't).
I have periods of masturbating daily or that I need to think about sex even to relax and sleep and others when I don't feel like it as much.
I would like to have a girlfriend and be normal, but I feel like I couldn't without the relationship being BDSM before or after. I consider myself a lesbian, I am not attracted to men, but I still sometimes have that need for a sexual relationship or fantasy even if it is only online and with men it is easier to achieve it.
I don't know if it's because of a self-esteem problem or if it helps me with anxiety, I don't know why I do that. Sometimes I think that it is like a form of self-punishment because, for example, when I was a teenager I was self-harming and although I no longer do it, BDSM helps me channel it, I don't like men but I like the idea of a submissive woman....
Well, I don't know if all this makes me addicted or not, it's true that I think about sex a lot and sometimes I spend hours with it online, reading, whatching porn or looking for relationships. And it is also true that 90% of my friendships are based on sex or BDSM.... I don't know if something is wrong with me anymore, I don't even know what kind of relationship I want in my life. And I don't know how to have friends without making it sexual.
Well I also forgot to say that when I was with my ex-boyfriend I felt attracted to his mother and I dressed provocatively just to try to seduce her...
I'm sorry this whole post is so long, I think context is important.
So I don't know, if someone could give me their opinion I would really appreciate it because I'm very confused. Thank you so much.
submitted by idontmindashit to SexAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:13 Trevormicheal I Relapsed Again And Again😭😭😭😭 Need Help Extremely

My Higesht Nofap Streak Was 47 Days. But Now I Can't Cross Nofap Day 1😭😭😭. Because Over P*** Addiction And didn't Know About What is Considered as Porn And Relapse.
Side Effect: ● I Can't Watch And Enjoy Movies,Music Video Songs,Video Games,Youtube Videos,Thumbnail And Real Life Like Before.😭😭😭
● I Can't Follow Nofap Properly like When i Follow Nofap 47 days😭😭
Question: 1. Looking Revealing Clothed And Bikini Girls in Movies,Music Video Songs,Video Games,Youtube Video,Thumbnail And Real Life is Relapse?
  1. Looking Girl's Hip,Butt,Breast And Private Parts in Movies,Music Video Songs,Video Games,Youtube Video,Thumbnail,Street Posters And Real Life is Relapse?
  2. Listening Sex Moaning Sound in Movies,Movies,Music Video Songs,Video Games,Youtube Video is Relapse?
  3. Touching And Holding Dick For Peeing,Cleaning is Relapse?
  4. Expressing Self Moaning Due to Sexual Thought is Relapse?
  5. Imagine Sex is Relapse?
  6. Looking Clothed Girls Pic Twice Or More is Relapse?
My Question Are Look Like Fun And Satire But This is True And Serious. I Am Struggling With This Problems. Because Some Nofappers Said" It's Relapse" . Some Nofappers Said "It's Not Relapse". It's Made Me Confused. Please Help Guys.
What is Considered as Porn?
What is Considered as Relapse?
submitted by Trevormicheal to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:30 Appropriate-Spell-18 gf barely survived Lost Highway

(“dictated” while eating apple) “Ok bf says not to give my opinion on the movie’s quality as you guys are a bunch of oversensitive wallabies and just give you my interpretation. Jazz Dude’s wife is in a cult and his frustrations with it are dealt with in typical fashion. Of course wife is having an affair. But then Jazz Dude meets Robert Blake (who omg killed his wife IRL I’m so sorry I promised to watch these 😂) who is The Handler. That’s why he sees The Handlers face on his wife’s head in bed. She is a puppet of The Handler emotionally. Empty without him. We then find out yeah she was sexually molested at gunpoint by Dick, the Head of Operations. She is split in two in comic book fashion which is symbolic of split personality, madness, oops should not have joined this cult kinda thing. Jazz Dude is threatened with videos and then BLACKMAILED with what he thinks is murder. He goes to jail (acquiesces) and is now a terrified zombie. Like the Grateful Dead sing, he Feels Like A Stranger. He is now working for The Head and The Handler. He hears more about the wild parties: Porn with Marilyn Mason, young girls getting kinky, more murder. Wife and Head fuck while watching. Jazz Dude tries to escape through crime but once you are in that far you can’t go home again. You are on an endless road leading nowhere screaming in pain.”
submitted by Appropriate-Spell-18 to davidlynch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:41 46n2rjstahedofme Why is Reg Hart advertising "Movies for kids" when he is on probation for CP possesion

Reg Hart, charged in 2020 for possession of Child porn, is advertising all over downtown "movies for kids" in his illegal unlicensed 'cinema'.
Is he looking for free rent at the local penitentary? sick of his annoying posters, so hopefully they put this creep away.
Edit: from Toronto Star. charged and convicted in 2020 and given conditional 90 day sentence and 2 years probation. So his probation is up (?)but my point still stands and I cant edit the title.
submitted by 46n2rjstahedofme to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:12 arbadasexcom XNXX

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submitted by arbadasexcom to xnxxssex [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:09 arbadasexcom Free Porn, Sex, Tube Videos, XXX Pics, Pussy in Porno Movies - XNXX.COM - XNXX.LLC

XNXX delivers free sex movies and fast free porn videos (tube porn). Now 10 million+ sex vids available for free! Featuring hot pussy, sexy girls in xxx xnxx site 2024.
Free Porn, Sex, Tube Videos, XXX Pics, Pussy in Porno Movies - XNXX.COM
submitted by arbadasexcom to xnxxssex [link] [comments]