Church s chicken

Taco Bell

2011.03.10 23:30 stainedsheets Taco Bell

Taco Bell. Live Mas!

2008.03.13 00:49 Doctor Who - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy!

Reddit's Doctor Who Fan Community - News, Discussion, Artwork and Fan Creations!

2008.06.15 19:41 Fast food news, reviews, and discussion

The /FastFood subreddit is for news, reviews, and discussions of fast food (aka quick-service), fast casual, and casual restaurants -- covering everything fast food from multinational chains, regional and local chains, independent and chain cafeterias and all-you-can-eat restaurants, independent and chain diners, independent hole-in-the-wall restaurants, convenience store and gas station prepared food, food trucks and food carts, the neighborhood taqueria, street vendors, etc.

2024.06.02 08:16 SchizoNibba M20yo starting to put faith into Christ and god.

Ive recently started putting my faith into Christ and god, as I have been getting lots of posts on apps like TikTok and insta to turn to god before it’s too late. I read up about the 7 trumpets of judgement and the 2nd coming and im diving deeper to learn more.
But I am writing this post too ask other Christian’s if I will be forgiven as I have committed blasphemy around 16-18 years old but never got taught a proper understanding of Christ by my family or anything about religion and I was going through a faze where I thought I was edgy saying stupid stuff about god and saying worship satan as that was never even my belief. I’m thinking of starting going to church and I’m wondering if i repent and accept Jesus for the rest of life my life and change my ways now I will be forgiven.
I’ve always had some sort of belief in god but have never been sure but I’ve had my first child and want to change my life.
submitted by SchizoNibba to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:15 BigCat666777 Sam has the devils silver tongue.

There are multiple episodes where Sam talks his way into getting what he wants, notably season 8 episode 16 where he lies to Artemis and gets her to rebel against her father (Zeus) similar to how the devil manipulates Eve into eating of the fruit rebelling against God. Aside from specific moments he differs when interrogating suspects or even victims than when Dean does. Dean is very matter of fact, he maybe throws in a joke and endears himself a little but mostly it’s intimidation and authority like their father. When Sam talks to a witness or a suspect he plays with their emotions, he doesn’t shoot first and ask questions later, he asks questions with phrasing that inherently drums up how the person feels about something and then he latches onto it. This is sort of a chicken and egg situation when you consider his original plan to become a lawyer. Sam is often the voice of reason but when you look back it’s his reason, the only person he can’t convince is Dean, because Dean knows him. Sam is often a better liar and a worse listener, he’s better at picking up that somethings wrong when no one is talking. The only other characters who can see the nefarious side of this attribute are Cass and Crowley who often favor Dean, and tend to trust him more than Sam. Crowley prefers when Dean talks because he knows he’s more susceptible to being tricked into something, Sam on the other hand might almost have the advantage. Dean likes to flaunt when he has the high ground, Sam stays silent about it like an assassin. One more example would be the poker episode where the Irish witch beats both Dean and Bobby while Sam fakes the sort of urgency Dean would show when backed into a corner, allowing Sam to bluff a man who’s been playing poker since before electricity. With Dean you can always tell if he has problems with Sam, he can’t hide it, but often when Sam lets loose it’s usually stuff you don’t or haven’t thought about, simply because it felt like he forgot about it, when really he’s just an incredible bluffer.
submitted by BigCat666777 to SPNAnalysis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:08 New-Issue4937 Are the Things my Mother is Saying, True?

Just a little background on my upbringing: I was raised by a single mother of 3, and we have always identified as Christians. While we didn't attend church every Sunday, my family and I always made an effort to, but sometimes life’s circumstances made it challenging. We are far from perfect Christians, but everyone has flaws and inevitably makes mistakes.
Over time, our family members took different paths. I joined the Military, my sisters pursued new careers, and my mom relocated back to our home state where most of our other family resides. Despite our physical distance, we maintained regular contact, but within the past few months, it’s been getting harder to find the energy to talk to my mom. She had been asking me for money fairly often, as well as taking money out of my bank account without even asking. I am always the one to help my family out in times of need, and I have never really minded it. But it was just getting to the point where I felt that she was doing it too freely and taking advantage of me, which led me to address the issue. This confrontation resulted in her kind of distancing herself from me and seeking financial assistance from others, despite having a stable income and manageable expenses. So i was just confused on where all of her money was going. I reached out, and offered to help her make a budget plan, to help budget her money more wisely, but she didn’t like that idea.
Fast forward to around February timeframe, and I still didn’t hear from her that often, unless it was for money. My sisters informed me that my mother had been spreading unfounded rumors about me having insider knowledge about government secrets and aliens due to me being in the military, and that’s why I don’t call them to talk to them often. But mind you, I talk to my sisters VERY often, and the reason I stopped talking to her as much, was because she would always ask for money when we would talk. Also, my job in the military rotates between MAKING FOOD at the chow hall and working at the FITNESS CENTER on base, and they all know that, so her claims definitely contradicts the reality of my jobs responsibilities.
What happens next? The solar eclipse in April. She called me for like a week leading up to it, begging and begging that I stay inside for it, because the government was gonna be releasing toxins into the air during it; telling me to keep my Bible next to me wherever I went; that the world was going to end, and just a whole lot of imagined dangers associated with the event, prompting her to believe that an apocalyptic scenario was imminent. I told her on the first day that she started to beg me, that I live on the opposite side of the world, and that the solar eclipse wasn’t even going to happen on this side of the world, so there was nothing for her to worry about. Ever since then, she has been frantically calling everybody in our family non-stop, telling us that the end of the world is IMMINENT, and that now is our time to get right with god, and pressuring all of our non-religious relatives members to embrace Christianity, and telling the ones with newborn children, that their babies are going to go to heaven, and they won’t, etc…
So it went from only hearing from her when she needed money, to all of a sudden, hearing from her 24/7, about doomsday prophecies, and everything about religion. I am a very stressed out and busy person, not just with work, but also with things outside of work, so the last thing I want to hear after a long day, is that the world is going to end tomorrow and everybody’s gonna die, so i try to avoid her calls as much as i can to preserve my mental well-being and to shield myself from the persistent doomsday messages. I LOVE God, I read the Bible, and I pray to God EVERY single day. God is my #1, so it kind of makes me feel like a bad person for ignoring her phone calls, and it makes me feel as if I’m avoiding talks about God and Christianity, but deep down, I know know I’m not, and that I’m just trying to protect my positive energy.
As bad as this may sound, my sisters and I believe that my mother's behavior might be influenced by substances like psychedelics or something, given her sudden immersion in conspiracy theories and erratic beliefs. Not just because of her talks about the world ending, but also because of the things she said about me knowing about aliens as well, and how all of this stuff just started happening out of nowhere. She’s never been the type to indulge in conspiracy thoughts or anything like that, so her sudden departure from her usual demeanor is just worrying and confusing. So I’m just wondering what other people may think, or if they have any input. Am I a bad person for thinking that her religious views are possibly influenced by drugs?
submitted by New-Issue4937 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:59 GoodLookingGeorge Looking for playtesters for Pyre's Grounds a Cooperative card game.

Looking for playtesters for Pyre's Grounds a Cooperative card game.
Hey everyone! I'm super excited to say we're getting together soon to play our game Pyre's Grounds over on our Discord
for Patchwerk Games my company. Pyre's Grounds is a 5 player Rougelite Cooperative LCG. I'm looking for feedback and in depth looks into our game and to grow our community! Hope to see ya there 👋
(Story) The Pyres are places that came from an unknown space, a place where Monsters and Beasts come from. Where nightmares are born. A large hollowed-out Pyramid stands in a large bed of fields, burned away creating the look of a gray mirage. The Pyramid bellows out a toll much like a church bell, echoing out in the plains with no one to hear its roar. Soon the Pyramid twists into a Pyre and begins to glow in an ominous green and purple portal. Then the Beasts and Monsters come. Rampaging through the cities and villages destroying all in their paths disappearing when the bloody conquest was completed.
So humanity had to accommodate. Soon after the initial rampages the Pyramid, when inactive, activated when certain individuals approached it. Granting them the power to overcome the Beasts and Monsters that come from within it. Recruiting these special persons called the Hunters to fight off these creatures seemed to be the best option. The Pyre plays a game with the lives it toys with. Only the Hunters can enter the Pyre once it is open, giving them a flourish of these creatures to finish off. The Pyre rewarded the surviving members by giving them enhanced weapons, Items, Rations, and more. These items and weapons were far more advanced than what was available to society outside the realm of the Pyramid. Thus here we lie.
The Hunters protect us as they are forced to venture further and further until humanity won for the first time. A Pyre was destroyed and the land restored to its former self. Only 2 Hunters returned from this. Retiring with little words over their success. We know the Pyre’s can be destroyed, and with the Pyre choosing you as its next Hunter will you be up to the task?
submitted by GoodLookingGeorge to tabletopgamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:52 No-Huckleberry-3930 GOD GOD GOD SHE IS TERRIBLE!

Do you KNOW WHY she’s the WORST WORST WORST person to EVER LIVE!!
She’s DEMONIC! She l-l-l-l-looks like old leader of she SATANIC CHURCH! She’s SO EVIL! That song… it’s uh.. “Pillow” WITCH dancing…. SHES ANTI RELIGIOUS!
Fourth… and worst of all…………………………………………………………………………………….………………She is NOT Billie Eilish or Olivia Rodrigo!!! She RUINS the CAREERS of these YOUNG BETTER FEMALE ARTISTS for HER PERSONAL GAIN. SHE’S A NARCISSIST!
submitted by No-Huckleberry-3930 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 TheOneWithDoggo Let the Old Dreams Die Retold Concepts: Boys Night Out

Adam and D-Sides Boyfriend, or DS for short, were deep into a game of Super Mario Bros Wonder on the Nintendo Switch."Yeah, this game is pretty good!" Adam agreed, just as the doorbell rang. He paused the game and got up. "Hang on, I gotta see who's at the door." Boyfriend nodded, and Adam walked to the front door. Opening it, he found Owen and Oskar standing there. "I often forget you know where I live," Adam remarked. Oskar darted inside, eager to escape Owen’s company. "Hi," Owen said, following more slowly. Owen took one couch, and Oskar took another, each eyeing the other warily.

Adam broke the silence. "So, where are your girlfriends tonight?" "Busy," they both replied in unison. "Well, okay then," Adam said. "I’m playing Mario Wonder with Boyfriend. Want to join?"
"You have a boyfriend?" Oskar asked incredulously. "No, his name is Boyfriend," Adam clarified. "You’re joking," Owen said, skeptical. "Nope. Hey BF, come out here!" Adam called. DS stepped out and waved. "Beep!" "Huh, you’re right," Oskar admitted.

Just then, someone knocked on the side door. "Hold on," Adam said, heading over. He opened it to find Isaiah and Eleanor. "Hi, Adam!" Eleanor greeted cheerfully. "Hi, guys!" Adam responded. Isaiah walked in, stopping when he saw Owen and Oskar. "Oh...who are you guys?" Isaiah asked. "I’m Oskar," Oskar replied. "I’m Owen," Owen added. Eleanor followed Adam, who closed the door behind them. "So, since there are more people here than usual, any ideas on what to do tonight?" Adam asked. "Beep Bo Bap!" DS beeped. "Boys' Night Out?" Adam suggested. "Boys' Night Out?" Owen repeated, confused. "It’s basically when just the guys go out for the night and have fun!" Adam explained.

"So, basically anything?" Oskar asked. "Yeah, as long as it’s legal," Adam said. "Are you okay with it, Eleanor?" Isaiah asked. Eleanor smiled and nodded. "Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Your sister is home, right, Adam?" "Yeah, but she was a bit snappy earlier. I wouldn’t bother her," Adam warned. "Where would we go, anyway?" Owen asked. "Beep bap!" DS suggested. "Yeah, we can go to Applebee's," Adam said. "I’m okay with that," Isaiah agreed. "Can we go to the casino afterward?" Owen asked. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "Dude, we’re all 12-14 except for BF," Adam said. "Oh right," Owen realized. "We can go to the arcade next," Isaiah suggested. "That works," Adam said. "What about after that?" Oskar asked. "We'll figure it out. Ready to go?" Adam asked. "Yeah, I’m ready," Isaiah said. Owen got up. "Let’s go." Adam, DS, and Oskar followed. "Bye, Eleanor! We'll be back in a bit!" Isaiah said. Eleanor waved as the boys left.
After a bit, they finally arrived at Applebee's. "Alright boys, welcome to Applebee's. You know what I love about this place? The culture. I usually have a burger, but sometimes I switch it up. First meal, you’re in Asia; next meal, you’re in Greece!" Adam said.

"Beep bap bo!" DS chimed in. "Exactly, I feel like I need a passport to eat here!" Adam laughed. "So what do you recommend?" Isaiah asked. "What do I recommend? Isaiah, this is Applebee's. I recommend all of it! Wait, you're from New York, right?" Adam asked. "Yeah. Why?" Isaiah asked. "Brooklyn or Queens?" Adam asked. "Manhattan," Isaiah said. "Did you not go to Applebee's before?" Adam asked. "No, not really," Isaiah said. "Well, that's fine. You’re gonna love it," Adam assured him.

After a bit, the waitress came over. Adam’s heart sank. It was Mary Lou Maloney, a familiar face to him but not to the others. "Hello, welcome to Applebee's. My name is Mary, and I'll be your server tonight," Mary Lou said.

"Beep!" DS said."Y-Yeah..." Adam stammered, clearly unsettled. Mary Lou focused on Adam. "How about we start with you, handsome?" she asked, getting close and rubbing his hair. "What would you like to drink?" "Uh, I would like a..." Adam began to say. "You want a lemonade, right?" Mary Lou suggested. "Y-Yeah, that works," Adam said, visibly uneasy. Oskar looked at Adam, puzzled by his behavior. "I’ll have water," Oskar said. "I’ll have a Pepsi," Isaiah added. "Beep bo bap!" DS said. "He said he’ll have a Coke," Adam translated. "I'll take a water too," Owen said.

Mary Lou smiled and walked away. Adam faced the ground, holding his head. "Adam, are you okay? You acted strange when the waitress came," Oskar observed. "No, no, I’m fine. Just a bit hungry, that’s all," Adam lied, unconvincingly. "Who was that? You acted like she was your mom. Oh my god, was that your mom?" Owen asked. "What? No, that's not my mom. Look at me," Adam said. "Beep bap bo, skidoo bap?" DS asked. "No, not my ex or girlfriend..." Adam said. "Then who is it?" Isaiah asked. "Well, she's... a friend of mine. Yeah, a friend. I forgot she worked here," Adam said.

Mary Lou returned with their drinks, still grinning. "I have your drinks, boys. Now, may I take your orders?" "Yeah, that would be nice," Isaiah said. Mary Lou turned towards Adam. "Hey!" she said. "...Yeah?" Adam replied. "You want a classic bacon burger, right? Well done, fries seasoned?" Mary Lou asked. Adam’s heart dropped. "Y-Yeah..." "I’ll have a chicken sandwich," Isaiah said. "How do you want that cooked?" Mary Lou asked. "Crispy," Isaiah replied. "I’m not hungry, thanks," Oskar said. "I’m not hungry either," Owen added. Owen and Oskar exchanged glances, both thinking, "What's your excuse?" "Beep bo bap do bop!" DS said. "Alright, I’ll be back in a bit!" Mary Lou said, leaving with a tune. "Not your girlfriend, eh?" DS teased. "Why are you speaking English now?" Isaiah asked.
Meanwhile, Eleanor knocked on Esther’s door, but there was no answer. "Hello?" Eleanor called, knocking again. "Go away, Adam, or I’ll stab you," Esther threatened from inside. "But... I’m not Adam," Eleanor said. Esther opened the door and looked up at Eleanor. "Who are you?" "My name is Eleanor. You’re Adam’s little sister, right?" Eleanor asked. Esther groaned and tried to close the door, but Eleanor held it open. "Hey, what are you—" Esther began to say, but Eleanor's grip was strong. The door cracked as Eleanor instinctively burst it open, then sprinted off. "What the fu—"

Back at Applebee's, Mary Lou brought the food over, still grinning. "Enjoy your food!" she said, passing it around before leaving. "Damn BF, those nachos look tasty," Adam said. BF nodded, taking a bite and giving a thumbs up. Owen and Oskar’s stomachs growled. "You sure you aren't hungry? It’s not too late to order something," Adam offered. "I'm fine," Oskar said. "Yeah, me too," Owen agreed.

After around 20 minutes of eating, the food was done. "Wow, that burger was delicious," Adam said. "Beep…." DS said. "Yeah, it was," Isaiah said. Mary Lou came back. "I hope you enjoyed your food, now who's paying?" Mary Lou asked. Everyone looked at each other. "Uh, can you give us a second?" Adam asked. She nodded and left.

"Alright, I'm fine with paying if I need to but are there any takers?" Adam asked.
"...This might work," Oskar said. He pulled out Swedish cash from his pocket. "...Oskar, that's Swedish currency. I don't think that's gonna work." Adam said. "Oh…" Oskar said. "Wait, Oskar, are you Swedish?" Isaiah asked. "Yeah, Eli too," Oskar said. "Huh, I mean I can kind of hear it in your voice," Adam said.

Mary Lou came back and leaned close behind Adam. "You know, if you can't pay, if you come in the back with me Handsome, I'll let you off free…." Mary Lou said. Adam turned red as everyone turned towards him, dazed, surprised, and confused. “Uh..Uh..” Adam begins to say, dazed and confused. “Think about it handsome. I'll be back in a bit..” Mary Lou said, kissing him on the cheek. She walked away, humming to herself. Everyone just stared at Adam. “Did…Did she just…?” Oskar began to say. “I think…?” Owen began to say. Isaiah just stared at the ground.
“Bro, I think the waitress just offered to let us go free if-” DS-Boyfriend began to say, but Adam cut him off. “Boyfriend for everyone's safety DON'T finish that sentence,” Adam said. “...Are…Are you going to say something about what just happened….?” Isaiah asked. “I would rather not…” Adam said. Everyone just stared at each other. “You know what? I'll pay. That way we can simply move on.” DS said. “Really?” Owen asked. “Dude, when a waitress offers to bang your best friend to get out of a restaurant without paying, that's when you know you gotta get the f**k out of dodge,” DS said. “Hey, nice reference,” Isaiah said. “Thanks,” replied. “How can you afford to pay?” Owen asked.

“My parents are CEOS of big companies, that's how,” DS-Boyfriend said.
“Hey Adam, can you get the waitress?” DS-Boyfriend asked. “...Why me?” Adam asked. DS-Boyfriend gave a sh*t-eating grin. “Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Adam said agitated. “Hey, don’t look at me, she’s the one into you,” DS said. Adam rolled his eyes and got up, but when he turned around, he bumped into Mary Lou, who was walking back to the table. “Oh hey! Taking my offer?” Mary Lou asked. Before anything could happen DS stepped in. “Actually he was going to get you so we can get the hell outta here,” DS said. Mary Lou looked down before nodding her head. “Alright, we can have some fun another time then.” Mary Lou suggested. Adam turned red again as DS got up from his seat and handed Adam the Money. “Here you go,” Adam said. Mary took it and smiled. “Alright, you can go! Have fun boys!” Mary Lou said with a creepy smile. The others got up from their chairs and quickly left through the door. But before Adam could Leave, Mary Lou grabbed his arm. “...This was nice. Can we do this again sometime?” She asked. Adam shrugged. “I guess so,” Adam said. Mary Lou smiled. She took off Adam’s hat and rubbed his hair. “... It's a date then, see you later…alligator.” Mary Lou said. “YO ADAM, WHAT’S THE HOLD-UP, COME ON!” DS yelled. Adam turned and left through the door.

Eleanor was sitting outside on the steps in the backyard, thinking to herself about what transpired. She didn’t know what came over herself, she didn’t even mean to get so aggressive. She was about to just get up and go take a walk down the road when she noticed a toy Rabbit sitting near the gate. It wasn’t there before. It was grey, and one of its eyelids was drooped down. It had a red vest and a blue bowtie and its eyes were purple. “Where did you come from?” Eleanor asked. The toy roared to life. “R-R-R-Ready to Rocket!” the toy belted. Eleanor gasped out of surprise and dropped the toy, causing it to stutter on one line. “Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is-” But then the rabbit stopped, its eye slowly turning to look at something in front of it. “H-H-Hi Bon!” Eleanor looked up and saw him. A large 7 ft rabbit animatronic stood in front of the gate, but he looked…damaged. The rabbit had a white latex mask, with a cigar in his mouth and its eyes glowed a bit white as it stood there.He wore a red bowtie connected to a dickie. The torso had a large hole in it, and it was…slightly lined with blood. His vest was tattered and damaged. It had a bunch of holes in it. He had a name tag on his vest “HELLO! MY NAME IS BON.” But it was slightly ripped. His lower arms were exposed with an endoskeleton, but the fingers looked like claws. His lower legs were exposed with an endoskeleton as well. Bon wasn’t looking at her at first before his eyes slowly tilted towards her. The rabbit slowly moved its head, a creaking sound coming from it. The mouth opened, and at first, nothing came out, but then it spoke. “M-My. Name. Is. BON.” The rabbit went to walk towards Eleanor when Esther opened the side door. “Hey. Knew I’d find you out here.” Esther mentioned. Eleanor looked back, but Bon was gone. It was as were an illusion. She looked down and the toy rabbit was gone as well. “Oh, hey,” Eleanor said, trying to sound as normal as she could, albeit possibly hallucinating. Esther sat next to her. “Listen, I don’t know what that was back there, but I’m not going to lie, it was kind of cool,” Esther admitted. Eleanor smiled. “My name is Eleanor, what’s yours?” Eleanor asked. “Esther,” Esther replied. It seemed like she would continue the sentence, but she left it hanging. Eleanor smiled before she asked something, following up on something she heard earlier. “...Hey, can I ask you something?” Eleanor asked. Esther nodded. “...Why do you hate your brother?” Eleanor asked. Esther frowned a bit. “It’s…not that hate him. I’ve been in other homes before this one and most of the time my brothers were…assholes.” Esther explained. “And…is Adam one?” Eleanor asked. Esther sighed. “No...Not really, he’s been nothing but nice but..I just don’t believe it. Like how could someone just be so nice? I haven’t even seen him snap in anger yet. I know it's bound to happen eventually but still.” Esther admitted. Eleanor shrugged. “Guess I understand,” Eleanor whispered. Esther got up. “Well, it was nice meeting you, I’m going to go back into my room ok?” Esther asked. Eleanor gave a thumbs-up as Esther left.

“Right so, where is the arcade?” Oskar asked. DS looked at his phone. “Uh, somewhere around…Here!” DS shouted, pointing at a building. The Building was red, with white glowing neon lights. The arcade was called “THE NEON ARCADE!” “Dude this place looks awesome,” Adam stated. “Where did you find this place?” Owen asked. “I came here with my girlfriend once, gots a sick amount of arcade machines,” DS stated. “Well what are we waiting for, Let's go have some fun!” Isaiah shouted.

The gentlemen walked into the arcade, it was literally what you expected, mostly just an arcade, but there was a play zone, food court, and…a bowling rink! Yeah, that should be about it. “Dude this looks straight out of the 80s!” Oskar shouted. “How would you know? It’s not like you were FROM the 80s!” Adam replied jokingly. Oskar just stared at him, his face serious. “...Calm down! It was a joke!” Adam said, putting his hands up. Oskar made a sigh of relief. “Good, I thought I’d need to kill ya,” Oskar said, joking back. Owen stared at Oskar, his eyes wide with fear. Oskar looked at Owen, seeing the fear in his eyes. “...What?” Oskar asked. Owen didn’t respond, as if remembering…bad times. “Owen…Owen!” Adam shouted. Owen snapped out of his trance. “Oh, sorry...Just thinking of something.” Owen admitted. “Your girlfriend?” DS chuckled. "Something like that," Owen muttered, wanting to change the subject. Adam glanced at him, concerned but deciding to let it go."Alright, let's split up and see who can get the highest score on any game!" Adam suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "Winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the night." DS chuckled. “Bet I can get the highest score,” DS spoke cockily. “You sure about that?” Owen asked. DS looked up at Owen Smugly. “Wanna bet?” DS asked. “No, I just don’t wanna see you lose it.” Owen replied. “BET.” DS stated.

The boys went to different games as the hunt was On. Adam saw this cool game called “Death by AI”, while Oskar played a game called “Ring Out”, while DS and Isaiah played Air Hockey. Owen on the other hand, didn’t exactly know what he should play. Sure, there was Miss Pacman, but he didn’t feel like playing that without Abby. That’s when he noticed a game just..sitting there in the corner. It was an arcade game from King of the Jungle Cafe. But that closed a long time ago. How did it make its way here? The game was called “ZOO ESCAPE”. It was about King Louie and his animal friends being sent to a zoo and they needed to escape. Owen looked around. No one was watching him. Why not give the old game a go? Owen walked over and placed a token in. The game rocketed to life, the familiar jingle playing out. It put a smile on his face. And so, he began to play. Despite how old the game was, it was still fun to play. He was playing for a while when he sensed someone was watching him. He at first thought it was Adam, but he realized it wasn’t. It felt off. He paused the game and saw someone leaning against the arcade machine. It was a boy. He was wearing a black teeshirt with white stripes. It had the earth on it. He had a purple and blue bracelet on one of his arms. He wore tan pants with white shoes. His brown hair went slightly over his eyes. From his face, Owen could tell he had braces and freckles. “Enjoying the game, huh?” The boy asked. Owen nodded. “Yeah, it's fun, I used to play this all the time,” Owen admitted. The boy chuckled. “I used to love playing this thing.” The boy agreed. “..I’m Owen, what's your name?” Owen asked. “Ronny, nice to meet you. ..Though, I swear we met before.” Ronny pondered. “What do you mean?” Owen asked, tilting his head. Ronny shrugged. “Nevermind, it's nothing,” Ronny said. Owen wa about to respond when he heard Adam shouting from the other end of the room. “OWEN, WE’RE ABOUT TO HEAD OUT, YOU READY TO GO?” Adam cried. “Yeah, Coming!” Owen shouted back. Owen looked back, but Ronny was gone. He looked around, but couldn’t see any trace of him.

Adam and the others gathered near the entrance, their faces glowing with excitement from the night's activities. "So, who got the highest score?" Isaiah asked, smirking as he pointed at the air hockey table, where he had just narrowly defeated DS. “AI had nothing on me,” Adam replied. Oskar chuckled, shaking his head. "Ring Out was a blast. I reached level 15, but I think you might've beaten me, Adam." "Did anyone check the scores for Owen?" Isaiah asked, looking around.
Owen shrugged, a small smile on his face. "I was just playing an old favorite, 'Zoo Escape'. Didn't check my score." "Old games for old souls," DS joked, giving Owen a friendly nudge. Owen glared at him but shook it off. "Alright, boys, let's tally up and declare a winner."

The group walked to the main score screen near the entrance. After some friendly banter and a quick check, Adam emerged as the victor with his impressive score on "Death by AI". "Bragging rights secured," Adam announced, striking a triumphant pose. "Now, what's next on the agenda?" DS pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back." Adam yawned. “Yeah, I agree, come on gentlemen,” Adam commanded.

The group began their walk back to Adam's house. The air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the bustling, neon-lit arcade.
"So, what was up with that waitress at Applebee's?" Isaiah asked, breaking the silence. "She seemed...intense." Adam stopped walking and rubbed the back of his neck, clearly still embarrassed. "Yeah, Mary Lou's...interesting. I guess she likes to mess with me." "Mess with you? Dude, she was all over you," Oskar pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "You sure there's nothing more to that story?" Adam sighed. “Look, I don’t really know, I guess she’s just…like that. I have no idea what’s going on in her head. I guess she just has a unique way of interacting with people she likes.” Adam suggested. Owen looked around. “My house is nearby here, I’m gonna head out,” Owen said. “Right, see ya man.” DS waved. Owen waved goodbye as he separated from the group. “Actually, looking around now, I think my place is around here too. I’ll see you guys later ok?” Oskar said. “Alright, see you later man,” Isaiah replied. Oskar walked away, now it was just DS, Isaiah, and Adam here. “You know what? This was fun.” DS Remarked. “Yeah, it was,” Adam responded, a bit tired. “Just a question, why did you start speaking English out of nowhere?” Isaiah asked. “...Eh, I just felt like it.”

It took them a bit, but the trio got back to Adam’s house. “Welp, that was fun boys but I’m gonna head home, see yall later!” DS shouted. Adam waved goodbye as DS walked away. “Don’t know about you, but I’m tired,” Adam said. “Same, goodnight Adam!” Isaiah replied. Adam waved as they walked into the house, Adam walked into his room, as Isaiah walked downstairs.

Isaiah got back into the apartment downstairs and closed the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Unsure why he did that. “Isaiah.” A voice called “S**t!” Isaiah yelled out of fear. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The voice responded. Isaiah focused his eyes and noticed two eyes staring at him from the darkness, but he recognized the voice. “It's ok Mom,” Isaiah replied. “Where did you go?” Naiomi asked. “I went with Adam and some of his friends on a boy's night out. Where’s Eleanor?” Isaiah asked. “In her room waiting for you,” Naiomi responded. “Thanks,” Isaiah replied. He was about to walk into the room when his mother stopped him. “...That Adam…is he any good?” Naiomi asked. “What do you mean?” Isaiah asked. “Is he treating you right?” Naiomi asked. “Yeah, if anything he’s like a brother,” Isaiah stated. Naiomi stared before nodding. “Alright, good. Goodnight Isaiah.” Naiomi said, with a deadpan voice. “Good Night Mom,” Isaiah responded. He entered the room as Naiomi looked at the door upstairs. But she decided against going up there, she’d need an invitation after all.
submitted by TheOneWithDoggo to LetTheRightOneIn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:39 Newzorlandapples Frustrated Christian

Hi Everyone,
I am writing as an extremely frustrated Christian who believes I might be losing my faith. I was pretty devout during my teenage years. I accepted Jesus, got baptized, tried to read my bible some, but I have always struggled with that.
I haven’t been as devoted the last 20+ years, rarely going to church, but I always prayed, I felt close to god and tried to do what was right. I have always struggled with churches and worship.
The idea of worship truly bothers me. It seems odd for an all powerful being to create beings, no we are going to fail and want us to follow all these rules. Second he creates us and he’s perfect, but created imperfect beings then punishes us with rules and hell. It makes me angry, I pray and talk to him daily about this for most of my life. However, the last 5 years or so it’s turned to anger.
My anger has been there most of my life. I have dealt with obesity all my life asking for help. However, in 2017 I was laid off from my sales job. No job during 2018. I finally get a job Jan of 2019 and my mom is diagnosed with cancer. To make matters worse I hate that job while helping my mom. In 2020 I took a new job and I thought life was turning around mom was still battling but ok. I got married, though our wedding was canceled cus of covid. My mom ends up dying at 51 in November of 20. That is hard enough then I have a mental block and run a red light hitting another car, no one injured think goodness. My wife and I were discussing our wedding ceremony we finally got to have and my mind blanked. My therapist at the time told me it was stress and sometimes the mind just shuts off during stressful times in our life. Horrible time for that.
2021 is trucking along to our ceremony and during it my dad becomes unruly I kick him out of the wedding and my grandma goes with him. Neither come to the wedding after party. So I think damn, why has god abandon me. Then in 21 we have a miscarriage. 22 someone rear ends my wife and I on interstate at 70. We were in a Mazda CX 5 and rolled 7+ times to the south side from the northbound lane. We know god helped us that day. However, the amount of doctors afterwards was crazy, we came away with a few internal injuries but no major surgeries. Most months of rehab and doctor visits. 23 and 24 have been low key except for the company I work for is struggling financially. Pay comes late, sometimes it feels pointless. Leadership doesn’t communicate real well. I have prayed for signs on what to do, I have prayed for big flashing neon signs in case I am missing the others. Nothing.
I have asked God for help with my weight, job and my marriage. My wife has a learning disability, she hides behind it a lot doesn’t communicate well or at all sometimes. She’s amazing, but very dependent on me to make all decisions. It’s a lot and we are struggling currently as I am just angry. Why doesn’t he help ? Why did he take my mom at 51? She had me at 14 and my childhood was bouncing between her house and my dad’s mom. Both of my grandmas are alive my mom’s mom had cancer in 22 and now my dad’s mom has it.
I truly don’t understand his purpose anymore and truthfully sometimes I hate him. I feel like he is a dictator with all these rules and promises. I have been going to church again and a small group along with talking one on one with our pastor. It doesn’t seem to be helping.
I hope and pray he still listens and wants me. I have doubts he does.
submitted by Newzorlandapples to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:38 Asleep_Ice_6062 I think I’m having PTSD

I 20f, had a baby 4 months ago. Since, my grandma (dad’s mom) have been trying to build a stronger relationship with me. I keep them at a distance because I know I have past trauma that stems from this side of my family but I try to be somewhat involved because they’re trying. Last night she practically begged me to stay the night next weekend. I told her I’d only do one night because that’s my fiancé off weekend. She insisted that I stay the entire weekend but I said “no, instead I’ll stay over tonight while he works and then stay over next Saturday and go to church with her that Sunday”. She really wanted us to go to church with her as well, I’m agnostic, I’m sure she just wants the baby to be shown off to her church family. My brother, who lived with her and my granddad, also died a little over a month ago so that is another reason. She didn’t even reach out to me before finding out I was pregnant. Sorry, I’m rambling, this is what happened tonight: I’ve been completely restless all night. My granddad got home from work pretty late, as usual. He knocks on the door, opens it, says hi and goodnight, closes. This immediately triggers a bad memory and I start crying. When I was 14-15 my grandma can home drunk at 2am and confronted me about not doing the dishes. She kept coming at me, I was crying trying to tell her that I simply forgot and she was just going off on me and told me not to close the bedroom door. My granddad came and got her because she kept coming towards me, it seemed like she was trying to fight me. He closed the door behind them and less than 2 minutes later she busted in, screaming “I said don’t close the f* door and if you don’t like it, you can leave”. In the mist of my granddad coming to get her again he tells her that he closed the door. And she calls him a pedophile. I was leaving anyway (my dad came and got me, I don’t remember why I was living there to begin with ) because she really seemed that she wanted to fight me over dishes. She didn’t yell at my granddad nor (older)brother about it. I had to clean up after them, they knew it wasn’t fair but never did anything. It’s 12am and I feel so unsafe and uncomfortable , I’ve been crying on and off. My fiancé works overnight and for the government so he couldn’t come get me and the baby if I wanted him to. I’m not going to leave because I don’t want to cause a scene and explain why but I definitely won’t be doing this again. I was just on the verge of a panic attack. I just don’t know how to tell anyone especially my grandma since she expects me back. She’s also a forgive AND forget type of person. And to make sure this is clear, my granddad has NEVER acted or said ANYTHING inappropriate to me.
Edit to add: This is my first time staying the night here since. It’s been 5 years but the bedroom is the exact same. Now I’m angry because I was 15! Less than 100 lbs and 5 feet. I was so incapable of defending myself and she was nearly attacking me over dishes!
submitted by Asleep_Ice_6062 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 This_Hope7106 Moving Out in a Week as a College Student

For some context, I used to be super close to my APs especially my mother and was the kind of kid who would tell them everything. But after moving to college and having some space to think for myself I’ve discovered that I really dislike some of their opinions and also found out a lot of things abt myself that they would never approve of (not Christian anymore, have ADHD, gendesexuality stuff). Since then living with them has been super stressful since I’m hiding large chunks of myself literally all the time. I even have this crazy year-long lie going where every Sunday I tell my mom I go to church to the point where I’ve made up sermons and people lol. Also in hindsight my parents have gaslit me a lot in some pretty typical AP ways even though my mom will claim that she’s not as strict as other APs and will tell me I’m lucky. It’s just gotten worse lately as they feel me grow more distant.
I’m moving in with a friend and know that moving out is what’s best for me right now. just feeling really conflicted since I know I’m really hurting my parents by doing this. On some level I know my guilt comes from the fact that they both blame me for everything and make me feel responsible for their emotions, but on another level I’m just sad. Esp when I think of my mom who I genuinely think did break so many generational barriers raising me in comparison to her own mom. Not that that excuses her behavior. Idk how did y’all reckon with some of these feelings?
submitted by This_Hope7106 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 brophy87 Post from UBC's property trust newsfeed

Post from UBC's property trust newsfeed
The University of British Columbia is expanding its presence south of the Fraser River with the $70-million purchase of a property in Surrey.
UBC Properties Trust has acquired a 135,000-square-foot property—currently home to the Grace Hanin Community Church—at the intersection of King George Boulevard and Fraser Highway. The site, which is located close to SkyTrain, Surrey Memorial Hospital and other community amenities, is anticipated to be a combination of residential and commercial space which will generate revenue to enable the construction of dedicated academic facilities.
The acquisition of the Surrey site supports the achievement of a key commitment in UBC’s strategic plan to work with partners on the development of the university’s regional presence, as well as providing an exciting opportunity to improve access to post-secondary education in the Fraser region.The acquisition of the Surrey site supports the achievement of a key commitment in UBC’s strategic plan to work with partners on the development of the university’s regional presence, as well as providing an exciting opportunity to improve access to post-secondary education in the Fraser region.
UBC already has a significant presence south of the Fraser, with nearly 3,500 students, 750 faculty and staff, and thousands of alumni who call Surrey home. The university has numerous partnerships within the city of Surrey and other regional partners around urban design, sustainability, health technology and innovation, data science, traffic safety, K-12 education, immigrant settlement and more.
Together with Fraser Health, First Nations Health Authority and the Government of B.C., UBC trains health students and medical residents in the Fraser region. Every year, more than 4,900 health student and medical resident rotations take place in hospitals, primary care settings and clinics across the Fraser, where learners train alongside world-class clinical faculty in areas such as family practice, emergency medicine, midwifery and other specializations. About 200 students in nursing also undertake their training in Fraser Health, while about 100 pharmaceutical science students take part in placements at 57 sites in the Fraser region.
submitted by brophy87 to SurreyBC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 Library_Faerie Asian-style ground turkey with lettuce and peanut sauce

Asian-style ground turkey with lettuce and peanut sauce
Ended up making 5 of these using Budget Byte’s recipe I made a double batch, skipped the neutral oil in the peanut sauce, and used ground turkey instead of chicken because it was on sale. To store for meal prep I put the lettuce in ziplock bags, and the peanuts and peanut sauce in separate containers!
submitted by Library_Faerie to MealPrepSunday [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:12 pk2708 How do I know if I actually added body fat from a cheat meal or if it is water weight?

So, I’ve lost about 16 pounds this month and since it was May 31 yesterday , I had my monthly cheat day (Chicken Tikka Masala 2 servings + 1 butter naan and full plate of rice , 7 rice cakes as evening snack compared to my usual 1-2 rice cakes and a milk shake from Starbucks which is about 1k calories ). I stepped on the scale and it has risen by 3 pounds. Now , while I did have a good amount of food, I really don’t think that I ate like 10k calories over my maintenance. But I’m feeling weird and kinda feel like maybe it’s better to avoid cheat days since this 3 pound increase is really messing with me as I almost never slip up even once and I’ve had a monthly cheat meal every 3-4 weeks and I used to have it like weekly (not the whole thing, just chicken tikka masala plus rice) and it never did this. But now, I feel like I only made 12 pounds progress instead of 16 because that’s what I logged in as my “total weight lost in May”. But did I really gain 3 pounds from one cheat day?
submitted by pk2708 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 CynthiaMWD Free Webinars & Downloads at is the website of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). In addition to their paid offerings, they offer many free webinars and downloads. You do not have to join as a member for these benefits, but you will need to establish an account (email and password, etc.) in order to take advantage of them. You can also request notifications of their upcoming webinars and other events.
Thursday June 6, 2024 – from 3:00 – 4:00 PM (Eastern time)
Free Paths to Freedom: Tracing Enslaved Ancestors to Emancipation online lecture, presented by Danielle Rose.
NOTE: After each webinar they make available a syllabus for $10 which you can download. They have all been at least 12 pages and contain a wealth of information and links. They also have quite a few free Author lectures and not-strictly-genealogy events that sound really interesting.
Here is a list of the free “Getting Started” downloads available on their home page:
· African American Genealogy
· Catholic Research
· Church Records
· City Directories
· Civil War Veteran Records
· Colonial New England Research
· Compiled Genealogies
· County Histories
· Handwriting
· Irish Records and Irish Research
· Massachusetts Research
· New England Planters to Nova Scotia
· Newspapers in Family History Research
· Organizing Your Research
· Passenger Arrival Lists
· Proving Mayflower Ancestry
· Quaker Records
· Revolutionary War Records
· Tools to Organize Your Family History
· U.S. Federal Census Records
· U.S. War of 1812 Records
· U.S. World War I Records
· U.S. World War II Records
· Vital Records
· Your Family Histories
submitted by CynthiaMWD to Irish_Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 TheAbsoluteBread Project Octopath Traveler 3: Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2

Hey Everyone! I came to realize pretty quickly that I did not have as much of this chapter planned out as I thought I did. Which explains why it took a little long to come out, but in the end I managed to create something that I was satisfied with. You may notice one key change, being that Oukirii’s Companion no longer has a defined name! You’re free to name it whatever you wish.
(Completed Chapter 2s: Thearnt, Taland, Pascal, Harmony, Crowson, Asherah, Oukirii)
Next Chapter 2: Orlando the Starseer
Oukirii the Hunter, Chapter 2: Recommended Level 26
(The Journey So Far…)
Events along Oukirii’s first hunt created damage in her family.
Her father came to realize that she had no intention of become a strong hunter on her own.
Even if she knew that, Oukirii couldn’t answer the question “Then what do you want to be?”
One evening, she had a dream of world’s destruction. A prophet came by the following day and told her of the beasts she saw that night.
Oukirii volunteered to hunt the beasts down, in hopes that this journey would reveal her true purpose to her…
Oukirii and Her Companion set foot in Evercold. The first thing Oukirii notes is the cold air of the snowy region. “You alright boy?” She crouches down and pets her companion on the head. It makes a joyful cry. “Hansel should be around here right?” Oukirii continues “He probably knows where we should go to look for Snow Gem!”
She takes a few steps forward, “This town is— very different from Oakbright…” Oukirii looks down. “Alright, Let’s go find Hansel!”
You’d be prompted to look for Hansel
“Heave Ho Suzie!” Someone’s voice calls out. Blanche, the owner of the Beast Ranch would be pulling on a large wagon filled with heavy crates. She’d look over at Oukirii.
(Blanche’s Dialogue will change depending on if you’ve visited the ranch prior. “You look familiar”/”Who’re you? A hunter?”)
Blanche would go on to explain that she’s here to pick up supplies. She notices Oukirii’s companion and hands her a bag of food before grabbing onto the wagon again. Suzie would give Oukirii a nod as they leave.
As Oukirii puts away the bag, She notices Hansel standing near the path that Blanche and Suzie went along. Oukirii runs over to Hansel and tells him that she’s ready to take on Snow Gem.
Hansel is glad to hear it. He would tell Oukirii that this beast has been terrorizing the citizens of Evercold for a long time. “Hunting Snow Gem is not only important for our own sun-saving mission. It’s for the relief of all these people right here.”
“Well I’ll have to do my best then!”
“I believe in you Oukirii. I really do.”
Oukirii would walk away from Hansel and you’d head further into town. Oukirii suddenly hears the sound of someone shouting “No, Not again!” Her companion points his nose in the direction of the shouting and a curious Oukirii runs over to find a girl standing outside of her home. She asks if something’s wrong and the girl tells her that she lost a book she borrowed from the town’s library.
Oukirii volunteers to help look, the girl just laughs loudly “It’s nowhere I can find, best of luck to you kid!”
“Hey!” Oukirii shouts. “I’ll find that book… Just you wait…”
Before leaving, she asks for the girl’s name. She answers “Valerie, why do you need to know?” Oukirii says that it’s just in case she wrote her name in the book. “Suppose I– Fair point?” Valerie responds.
You’d Entreat Valerie’s Book from a customer by Evercold’s Night Market.
Oukirii returns to Valerie and hands her the book. Valerie acts surprised as she flips through the pages. She sighs and puts the book away, saying she needs a tea break, she invites Oukirii to join. Sheaccepts and the two would enter Valerie’s home.
Oukirii’s companion lies down on the floor. Valerie apologizes for acting like she did, and Oukirii forgives her immediately. She notices some tools on the wall and asks what those are for. Valerie says those are for her toolsmithing job. However, she wonders if that job is something even worth continuing. “Just doesn’t feel like my ‘right thing’.”
Oukirii gets to thinking. Being so young, she doesn’t fully understand what Valerie is saying. But she gets a better understanding by connecting it to finding her own purpose. It's hard to tell if she did the “right thing” by fleeing to complete this mission…
A Flashback occurs, A young Oukirii sits waiting in the living room while her mother and father try to make her look her best. The door opens, and somebody walks inside. Antànor Solana, Oukirii’s Grandfather. Dimitrius happily greets him, Antànor doesn’t say anything, But does the same to his son. He shakes Catalina’s hand and pats Oukirii on the head while facing away from her. He and Dimitrius walk forward, chatting about their hunts. Oukirii tries to shout something to her grandfather, but he doesn’t hear her…
After she and Valerie finish talking, Oukirii says that she’s off to hunt a beast. She describes Snow Gem to Valerie, who says “I’ve never heard of anything like that before…” Valerie tells Oukirii to wait up and grabs a hatchet from the wall, she says that she’ll be coming to hunt this thing too. She won’t let someone like her fight a beast unsupervised.
Road to Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 26
As Oukirii and Valerie walk, The ground begins to shake. They stop and stand still, Valerie asks “Did you feel that?” Oukirii wonders if the rumbling came from Snow Gem. Suddenly, the ground cracks underneath them. Sending Oukirii and her companion falling underground.
Oukirii is lying on the ground in a patch of snow. Her companion tries to wake her, Oukirii jolts up and looks around. “Thank the sun! Where’s Valerie?” Oukirii stands up after petting her companion. “This… Snow Gem… It must be…” She shakes her head.
Deepshiver Cave, Danger Level 27
Further into the cave, Oukirii would run into Valerie. Who is revealed to have taken the normal way in. Slightly further to the end of the tunnels, They get their first look at the “Snow Gem” beast. A large quadruped creature with blank eyes and a strong shell covered in ice and snow. Oukirii is shaken at the sight of it. Valerie calls out “What is that thing!?”
“Stand back Valerie!” Oukirii and her companion step up, ready to confront the beast. “This is what I was made for… I won’t let you bring destruction to this world! Come on Snow Gem– It’s all over now!!”
BOSS: Snowradillo
(Boost Dialogue: “Here goes nothing!”)
Valerie dashes in and finishes off the beast with a large chop. It creates a strong wind as it fades away into nothing… “We did it!” Oukirii quietly says “That’s one down…” Valerie asks if Oukirii is alright, She says that she doesn’t know and explains that “I… I wish I could have known more about it. They say a hunter is supposed to read the hearts of all creatures they hunt. But I… Is there something wrong… with me as a hunter…?”
“Read the heart of it or not, you hunted that thing like a champion! Maybe you’re not looking in the right place kid, you helped this town out! You could consider the idea of being a traveling hunter…”
“A traveling hunter?” Oukirii asks. She gives it some thought, before her companion reminds them that they need to head back to the Evercold.
In Evercold, Oukirii and Valerie run into Hansel again. Oukirii tells him of the good news, and asks “Does it matter now if we take down the other two? That dream had three of them together, if one is gone then–”
“It doesn’t work that way Oukirii…” Hansel replies “Destruction could still spell even if only one was still around… Our mission was to take down all three. The next target will be Red Spirit, I’ve found this creature to be in Redwater.”
Oukirii accepts to continue the mission and keep seeking her purpose. She and her companion excitedly leave town towards the next adventure.
Hansel and Valerie watch as they leave. Valerie says “I hope she finds her purpose out there. But there’s something I don’t quite understand. She seems like she doesn’t want to be strong. But then, why accept a mission that requires her to fight powerful monsters?”
“She wants to prove herself capable, and it’s a job only she can do. I’m grateful that she did accept, Otherwise the fate of the world might still be uncertain…”
(Ending Text)
Oukirii succeeds in her hunting of the first beast. Snowradillo of Evercold.
Two monsters remain as a threat to the world.
She keeps her heart optimistic, yet still finds herself troubled. With no definite answer to the question of her purpose…
With the guidance of the sun, Oukirii sets out to Redwater.
And prepares for a confrontation with Red Spirit…
Oukirii the Hunter: Chapter 2, End.
submitted by TheAbsoluteBread to octopathtraveler [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 Busy_Oil_943 My parents are moving away from Catholicism but I want to stay what do I do?

I want to continue my journey of being a follower of the Catholic Church, but my parents disagree with it now, for some reason?? My mom has always raised me under Catholicism, and I've always fallen in love with it. But now that we have been more involved with religion after COVID, my dad is getting annoyed that we are Catholic? Giving us reasons why we shouldn’t be and now my mom is turning against it and making me go to another Christian church, not letting me go to the original one. I want to keep my catholic faith , but it’s hard in my current household. what do I do?
Any help is welcomed (pls)
submitted by Busy_Oil_943 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:09 Dalagangbukidxo Chicken Adobo for Sunday’s lunch

Chicken Adobo for Sunday’s lunch
Yung nagmamantika na masabaw.
Try lanv ulit. Gusto ko talaga makagawa ng Adobo recipe ko na kapag natikman ng tao eh ako ang maaalala at iccrave nila yung Adobo ko. Hehe.
Kain po!
submitted by Dalagangbukidxo to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:05 CynthiaMWD Free Webinars & Downloads at is the website of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). In addition to their paid offerings, they offer many free webinars and downloads. You do not have to join as a member for these benefits, but you will need to establish an account (email and password, etc.) in order to take advantage of them. You can also request notifications of their upcoming webinars and other events.
Thursday June 6, 2024 – from 3:00 – 4:00 PM (Eastern time)
Free Paths to Freedom: Tracing Enslaved Ancestors to Emancipation online lecture, presented by Danielle Rose.
NOTE: After each webinar they make available a syllabus for $10 which you can download. They have all been at least 12 pages and contain a wealth of information and links. They also have quite a few free Author lectures and not-strictly-genealogy events that sound really interesting.
Here is a list of the free “Getting Started” downloads available on their home page:
· African American Genealogy
· Catholic Research
· Church Records
· City Directories
· Civil War Veteran Records
· Colonial New England Research
· Compiled Genealogies
· County Histories
· Handwriting
· Irish Records and Irish Research
· Massachusetts Research
· New England Planters to Nova Scotia
· Newspapers in Family History Research
· Organizing Your Research
· Passenger Arrival Lists
· Proving Mayflower Ancestry
· Quaker Records
· Revolutionary War Records
· Tools to Organize Your Family History
· U.S. Federal Census Records
· U.S. War of 1812 Records
· U.S. World War I Records
· U.S. World War II Records
· Vital Records
· Your Family Histories
submitted by CynthiaMWD to BlackGenealogy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:02 ViewSouthern7692 iPads/phones+ Catholic Ceremony

Posting this here because I don’t know what else to do at this point.
Getting married in a few months to my lovely fiancé. We are successful and balanced, and love our life together. Our life together also includes his massively complex family structure and some social woes on both ends.
In particular, a younger half brother who is 100% an iPad kid. Born and raised. Like, cannot socialize at family dinners, cannot interact when we are over there, have not seen him do without it in years. There are some behavioral disorders but he overall is a normal 13 year old kid, just with zero boundaries or corrective action from the parents. He acts about 8-10 years old + has made some very inappropriate comments in the past. We made it clear that our ceremony will be UNPLUGGED, out of respect for the literal church we will be married in, and my fiancé brought it up to their father he’d need to have the brother sit through the 45 minute ceremony sans iPad.
Argument ensued, with the angry ending comment being “well son we will try our best”.
At the risk of sounding like a jerk, I’m scared that trying won’t be enough in this case, and have a fear I’ll walk down the aisle and see/ have him in the front row where he’s seated with it playing away and not being able to do anything about it in the moment. I don’t know if this is something I can task my planner with but… AITAH here? I’ve had to literally swat phones out of my own families hands at my cousins wedding previously + was mortified that my mother recorded all of the speeches with her flash ON. So overall it’s a big point that both sides comply to this request for the ceremony at least.
Has anyone had an issue like this in the past and how the heck do you solve for this??
submitted by ViewSouthern7692 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:54 prob-my-69th-account People say I’m starving myself because I eat 1500 calories a day

I swear people are so fucking dumb
Okay, I ate 10 chicken tenders, 3 apples, half a pound of raspberries, and 2 third pound burgers, does that sound like I’m fkn starving to you? Lmao
It’s ironic because if I said I was eating 2500 calories a day eating the same things but in unhealthy/fast food form and not the healthielower calorie form I make my food in no one bats an eye.
submitted by prob-my-69th-account to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 Anal_vision I just want my dad back

Hi, Im a 17 female, Im graduating in a couple of days. Yay. Anyway, um tomorrow is the church thingy for my senior class(M not really religious) and I asked my dad if he was going. Um he forgot that tomorrow was the church thing. I play volleyball, I was playing for a team for aprox 12 years then I left, my first game with my new team, he said he’d be there, well, he technically did show up, on the last point of the last game of the day (we lost). After that his gf posted pictures of them with their daughter. Earlier this year my hs vb team went to the national finals, my mom couldn’t make it due to a recent surgery (obv not blaming for not being there since every other time she has been there) and my dad didn’t even bother to think of showing up. I graduated 8th grade in the pandemic, guess who didn’t show up? Am I truly that unlovable. He would rather start a nursing home with no financial assistance (he lost all his money) than help with my stuff, my moms still waiting on the payment from before he even thought of starting the nursing home with his gf… There are so many other things but if I think about it more I’ll just have a panic attack. I truly just want to be someones little girl. Why cant he show interest? Why is it so easy for him to talk like he’s interested but never act like he’s interested. I want my dad back. Back when I was his princess, back when would take showers together (he had pants on ppl) and I did goofy hairstyles on him with shampoo, back when we would sleep together and he would rub my arms to sleep ( he always wanted to stop but I didn’t let him) back when he would play with me.
submitted by Anal_vision to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 mansplanar 20 Hinge Prompts to Help You Get a Response

I think “my simple pleasure” is the best prompt. If used right it’s a good way to say things you like. For example mine was- thrift stores, new tattoos, Philly sports and R&B. Really depends how you write it
As a woman, I’d advise men not to use “I won’t shut up about,” as a prompt.
Woman constantly complain about men dominating verbal conversations. Saying you “won’t shut up about…” just reinforces that you might be one of those guys.
I think if you actually have a good travel story, that prompt can work. That is to say, I think that the "tiers" really fluctuate a lot from person to person, and your qualifiers ("this works if you're funny") are kind of proof of that.
For example, I have two pretty good stories about coming face to face with sharks, and one less good story about coming face to face with a shark. I think that the shark thing is just crazy enough that it intrigues most people. But you have to have a genuinely good story for it to work.
Also, someone else said they need to get rid of prompts - I disagree. It's really annoying if you try a new prompt and then can't go back to your old one.
I think “my idea of a good Sunday” is a great prompt bc if guys include it and they say “church,” I’m 95% more likely to like them.
THERE'S AN ART to curating your Hinge profile. If you're looking for quality matches, don't be the guy with a barren profile who sends a mildly-enthused "hey, how's it going" to every potential partner. Hinge offers a feature called prompts: conversation starters that let you show yourself off and spark more substantive conversations—and you should use them to your advantage.
Choosing the right Hinge prompts—and writing good answers those prompts—will help you scan the many fish in the sea to find those most suited for you. It might sound like a daunting task to craft the perfect profile, but at least you're an expert in the subject matter: you.
Best Practices for Crafting Your Hinge Prompts
Having an air of mystery may seem hot in movies, but it's just a waste of time in real life—especially when it comes to dating apps, where determining what's real and what's not is so much more difficult than it is in person. "Being coy may seem like a safer way to interact on apps, but it doesn't yield fruitful results," Engle says. (No one's swiping right on a bio that says "I suck at writing bios.")
So nix those coy answers and get specific when you fill out your Hinge prompts. The more specific you get, the likelier you are to match with people that are similar to you. That means you'll really have to think about yourself and want you want.
Be specific when discussing what you're looking for, too. Vagueness won't help narrow your options. For example, don't just say you're looking for "someone with a lot of personality" (is anyone not looking for someone with a personality?); say you're looking for "someone with a lot of energy, and who enjoys being active and trying new things" (or whatever that personality looks like to you). Be honest, both with yourself and in your profile. Don't say you're "super into the gym" because you want someone with a six-pack, when in reality you haven't been to gym in six months and have no intention of starting again.
Add a variety of prompts to paint a full picture of yourself. If all of your prompts are jokes, that doesn't reveal a ton about you. But, if all your prompts are serious, you might come off as a little intense—and you won't be revealing much about your day-to-day life.
The 20 Best Hinge Prompts to Help You Get You a Response
Here are 20 Hinge prompts to get you off the apps and into real relationships.
I'll pick the topic if you start the conversation...
Starting a conversation isn't easy, and with this prompt, you're meeting them halfway. It creates less of a barrier to entry for the person doing the messaging. Pick a topic you're interested in or care about, and "be as specific as possible," Engle says.
What you can say:
The best bands to come out of the 90's.
The worst holiday traditions.
The best and worst concerts you've seen.
The last time I cried happy tears was...
"Consider the things that really make you YOU," Engle says. Mentioning things you care about "will allow you to engage with like-minded people who share similar likes and interests."
What you can say:
When they showed Jason Kelce ripping his shirt off at Travis's touchdown against the Bills.
At the closing scene of All of Us Strangers.
When I PR'ed my back squat (the boys didn't see).
The one thing I'd love to know about you is...
It's always nice to see someone on a dating app be interested in you, even if they haven't seen you yet. Put that energy out there with this prompt. People might feel more comfortable responding when it's something about them, since they know themselves the best. Find a topic that's important to you, and let your potential match take it from there.
What you can say:
What would you do for a living if money weren't a factor?
What's your go-to coffee shop order?
Were you a Nickelodeon or Disney kid?
Let's make sure we're on the same page about...
The great thing about this prompt is you can make your answer as lighthearted or as serious as you want. If you have something that's a deal-breaker for you (like wanting an open relationship), you can insert that here. It also works if you have something a little less serious that still plays a role in your life (like putting pineapple on pizza) and you want to get that out there.
What you can say:
Not wanting kids.
The ending of Game of Thrones.
The shape of Earth.
This year, I really want to...
This prompt is an excellent way to open up potential first date options, or show how you want to work on yourself in this upcoming year. Want to get more creative, more fit, or try something new? Maybe someone out there wants to do the same—and wants a partner to do it with.
What you can say:
Try a ceramics class.
Drink less.
Find the best burger in town.
I'm looking for...
If you already know what you're looking for, you may as well lay it all out there. That being said, don't nit-pick or be judgmental in your answer. Don't be too vague either, or you won't narrow down your options for people best suited to you.
What you can say:
Someone who will get along with my family.
Someone comfortable with being in an open relationship.
A good time, not a long time.
My simple pleasures...
You're probably looking for someone with similar interests as you (at least, we hope you are). "Prompts serve as conversation starters, so consider your interests, hobbies, and skills and lead with those," Engle says. Odds are someone shares them with you.
What you can say:
The smell of fresh cut grass.
When Debbie from marketing brings in banana bread.
Open sunroofs.
I go crazy for...
Another easy way into talking about the things you like—but make sure it's something you can carry conversation on. "Focus on answers that you can go into detail on," Engle says. "Talk about interests, hobbies, and goals outside of romantic relationships to give potential partners a full picture of the person you are."
What you can say:
Planning my next trip before the one I'm on has even ended.
Barry Keoghan. Obviously.
Reruns of Pimp My Ride.

You should leave a comment if...

This is another way to discuss what's important to you, with a call to action for the other person. You can pull in your hobbies, hopes for the future, or interests—the world is your oyster here. But remember: specifics, specifics, specifics (don't just put down "you like sports").

What you can say:

A shower thought I recently had...

Balance your prompts by throwing in a lighter option here and there. A shower thought is a great way to show off your humor and how your mind works. Get creative.

What you can say:

Green flags I look for...

Get a little deeper into what you're looking for in your person by hinting at characteristics you want to see in someone. It's better to be open and honest about what you're looking for in a potential partner then have to do the dirty work of talking to a bunch of people only to find out you don't actually see a future with them.

What you can say:

We're the same type of weird if...

Have some nuance interests that you want to get out there? Here's your chance.

What you can say:

I hype myself up by...
Everyone gets nervous when it comes to online dating. Confidence is hot, but most of us aren't 100-percent confident all of the time, and that's okay. This shows you're nervous, too, but can hype yourself up when need be.

What you can say:

I feel most supported when...

Dating app prompts aren't all about making the right joke or being overly funny. You'll want to layer in some real prompts, too, to show potential partners you can get deep. This prompt is a great way to do that without getting too vulnerable before you're ready. Plus, it reveals a little bit about what you want out of a relationship.

What you can say:

A fun fact about me is...

An oldie but a goodie. To mix in a lighthearted prompt with some deeper ones, stick with what you know and toss in your go-to fun fact from freshman seminar in college. Don't over think the "fun" part—just pick something you think is unique about yourself!

What you can say:

Teach me something about...

Want to learn something new and find a partner at the same time? This is also a great way to show an interest in potential partners by making your answer something related to them. Like we said, people are always more comfortable talking about themselves because it's the one thing they know everything about. People love talking about their passions... maybe someone out there has the same one as you. This is a great way to find out.

What you can say:

I know the best spot in town for...

Hate the phase of online dating where you message back and forth forever and never actually get to a first date? Us, too. This prompt can help speed up that process by getting you out of the app, and meeting in person. Suggest something you'd want to do for a first date.
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What you can say:

First round is on me if...

Another prompt that gets you out of the app and right into the first date. Plus, you can pose a characteristic you really want to see in a partner: a win-win. PSA though: If it translates, you do actually have to pay for the first round.

What you can say:

My typical Sunday...

This gives a little snippet into your every day life. You're probably looking for someone who lives a similar lifestyle to you (if you're a "sleep until the afternoon every weekend" kind of guy, you're probably not looking for a "6 a.m. half marathon on a Saturday" kind of girl), and this is a great way to give them that insight.

What you can say:

Give me travel tips for...

Have a trip coming up? Hit two birds with one stone: get some travel recommendations and start up a conversation with a potential special someone. It's an easy entry to talking, and you can quickly branch to "well, where else have you traveled to recently?" Even if you just put down your neighborhood—there's nothing like a little stay-cation.You should leave a comment if...
This is another way to discuss what's important to you, with a call to action for the other person. You can pull in your hobbies, hopes for the future, or interests—the world is your oyster here. But remember: specifics, specifics, specifics (don't just put down "you like sports").

What you can say:

A shower thought I recently had...

Balance your prompts by throwing in a lighter option here and there. A shower thought is a great way to show off your humor and how your mind works. Get creative.

What you can say:

Green flags I look for...

Get a little deeper into what you're looking for in your person by hinting at characteristics you want to see in someone. It's better to be open and honest about what you're looking for in a potential partner then have to do the dirty work of talking to a bunch of people only to find out you don't actually see a future with them.

What you can say:

We're the same type of weird if...

Have some nuance interests that you want to get out there? Here's your chance.

What you can say:

submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:39 Dawink86 County Law Vs HOA rules with enforcement

So my county allows chickens I believe it’s up to 20 with a permit. They come inspect your coop once a year to make sure you’re not overcrowding. now my HOA does not allow chickens.
So my question is if I were to abide by my county law and pull the permit, would the city enforcement enforce HOA rule and say I couldn’t have chickens or would they just not care and would does not allow chickens.
So my question is if I were to abide by my county law and pull the permit, would the city enforcement enforce HOA rule and say I couldn’t have chickens or would they just not care?
submitted by Dawink86 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]