Education degree alternative jobs


2008.12.21 06:15 Solar

Discussion of solar photovoltaic systems, modules, the solar energy business, solar power production, utility-scale, commercial rooftop, residential, off-grid systems and more. Solar photovoltaic technology is one of the great developments of the modern age. Improvements to design and cost reductions continue to take place. How efficient will it become? When will it become so affordable that it's accessible to everyone? How are other energy industries having an effect on solar pv?

2019.04.18 07:27 Comrox Life After School

Discuss life after college, high school, university, etc., such as the social, emotional, career, and overall lifestyle transition and challenges after graduation.

2013.08.19 20:41 pyxle Teaching UK

A place for teachers and school staff based in the UK.

2024.06.02 10:56 Complete-Deer3957 Should I go back to work or pursue my other dreams?

I (24) have been blessed with the opportunity to take a break from working, for as long as I want to pretty much, thanks to my partner. I left my old job because I was having mental health issues.
My partner is easily able to handle all of the bills on his own without me working. He told me yesterday that I have free reign to do whatever I want and pursue whatever I want, as long as I keep working towards improving my mental health.
I’ve been working since I was 18 and this is my first time ever being completely jobless. I don’t know what to do with my time now that I’m free. I have no formal education (obviously can’t afford college). I have no real skills. But there are a lot of things I’m interested in.
I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I also want to learn how to cook better. I have been thoroughly interested in starting a YouTube channel too. I want to get back into learning French (lost the drive for it years ago) or maybe Spanish as well.
Then again, I could return to work anyways. Since he has the bills covered and isn’t wanting or expecting me to pitch in, I could basically save every penny I make, which would set us both up for the future.
So, I’m unsure of what I should do. Should I take this opportunity to build up some skills and passions/hobbies? Or should I just focus on money given that I have the opportunity to save every bit of money I’d make? I know going back to work would put a strain on my mental health, but I would be willing to risk it if it meant we benefit in the end. I know he wouldn’t agree with this and we’ve argued about this a few times. He’d rather me not go back.
What would you do if you were my age and in this situation?
submitted by Complete-Deer3957 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:56 Ok_Party_9334 Chance me for economics undergrad please!

Chance me at HYP, Wharton + others Please
Preface: I want to attend undergraduate program for finance/ Econ. Chance me at Wharton, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton Please!!
Demographic: junior, upper class 2nd generation immigrant, brown male in suburbs
ACT: 35 superscore
GPA: 3.93uw/ weighted 4.5
AP Classes: 7 so far, 13 total by graduation. Passed all so far. Also will have taken 6 dual enrollment courses by graduation.
ECs: (formatting kinda trash , threw it together fast)
Founder of Financial support non profit for unhoused people. Worked with local nonprofits who provide food and shelter. Went in and talked to unhoused community members about how to budget, build a resume, get job interviews etc.
Cofounder of Financial advocacy group Worked with state legislators to make financial education courses a requirement in my state Working on getting bill passed currently. Head of my district, worked with my representative
Financial education awareness Teaching personal finance and other subjects to students at local libraries and 7 schools pitched business idea to panel of judges for equity investment through DECA, placed 1st in the state
DECA (business club) Chapter VP + President as well state and area president ( 11 of 13,000) 2× state and nationals competitor Placed #1 in the state this year Served as Vice president of my State DECA. developed financial support methods like fundraising guides to serve all 168 chapters and over 13,000 members in the state. Gave speeches infront of over 5000 members at the state conference Planned State conferrence for over 5000 students to attend. Served as presidnet of my area, overlooking 11 schools and over 600 students, planned compeition, recruited judges for area confernece, created business contacts for the organization and mentored students in each chapter. Acted as head point of support and contact for advisors, and members Led my high school chapter's competition preparing and recruitment efforts. Grew club Membership by over 50% Competed as a DECA member at Local, State and National Conferneces Earned Emerging Leader Award during State confernece
Model UN president of chapter as well as head school ambassador for confernece General Secretary of conference (largest conference in my state (2000 students attend) Led fundrasiing efforts for my chapter, fundraised over $5000 to attend different conferences Mentored chapter members in writing position papers for their countires, praciticg debate skills and preparing for competition
Track Varsity athlete. 1 year Tennis Varsity athlete. 3 years
Wharton Global High School Investment Compeition Competed in an investment competion for 2 years didnt place Developed an investment portfolio case study to pitch to a prospective client. Goal was to earn their business for the firm I worked at served as team leader, Created A.I. powered sentiment calculator as well as fundamental and technical analysis strategies to screen for equities best suited to the clien'ts profile Kept team on track throughout competiion and served as the acnhor to combine each team members ideas to promote collaboration
Banking and financial services Internship + Shadowing 10 months Banking intern, learned and performed Tellering duties 15-20 hrs per week during school Got to work with and shadow 3 real financial advisors and president of financial operations at the Credit Union Learned financial services management and process of crafting personalized financial plans to achieve goals like retirement, college and more Served as Branch manager of my high school’s Credit Union branch
Architecture and business strategy Intern Intern at Architecture firm Learned architecture and business strategy. Worked on a redesign project for a local school Pitched redesign to buiding operators in formal presentation
Part Time Job Worked at local burger diner for 2 years - 10hrs per week during school, more during breaks and summer Served as crew member and shift leader, learned methods of customer service, marketing and food preparation Helped hire and train other employees
JA BIZZTOWN Attended conference in elementary school Wanted to get involved as a volunteer to help supoprt organization that helped fuel my passion for business. Conferrence Volunteer + Teacher
Borgen Project Advocate Worked alongside state senators to help support Borgen's mission of increasing US budget for foreign aid" Fundraised to support the cause Mobilized over 50 people to contact their local representative in support of foreign aid bill Attended senate meeting in Washington DC representing the Borgen Project
Volunteered at local mosque to set up religious gatherings. Served food to attendees.
Awards: Global finalist at ICDC DECA (500/ 250,000) State Champion DECA National semi finalist in economics competition (50/3000) Won an essay competition promoting financial education Most Valubale Employee award (internship)
Letter of recs: have some from teachers, deca , model un and internships. Overall they will be very strong
Thoughts? What are my chances of getting into any of these schools?
submitted by Ok_Party_9334 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:49 Ok_Party_9334 Chance me for Ivy economics undergrad please!

Chance me at HYP, Wharton + others Please
Preface: I want to attend undergraduate program for finance/ Econ. Chance me at Wharton, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton Please!!
Demographic: junior, upper class 2nd generation immigrant, brown male in suburbs
ACT: 35 superscore
GPA: 3.93 Unweighted/ weighted 4.5
AP Classes: 7 so far, 13 total by graduation. Passed all so far. Also will have taken 6 dual enrollment courses by graduation.
ECs: (formatting kinda trash , threw it together fast)
Founder of Financial support non profit for unhoused people. Worked with local nonprofits who provide food and shelter. Went in and talked to unhoused community members about how to budget, build a resume, get job interviews etc.
Cofounder of Financial advocacy group Worked with state legislators to make financial education courses a requirement in my state Working on getting bill passed currently. Head of my district, worked with my representative
Financial education awareness Teaching personal finance and other subjects to students at local libraries and 7 schools pitched business idea to panel of judges for equity investment through DECA, placed 1st in the state
DECA (business club) Chapter VP + President as well state and area president ( 11 of 13,000) 2× state and nationals competitor Placed #1 in the state this year Served as Vice president of my State DECA. developed financial support methods like fundraising guides to serve all 168 chapters and over 13,000 members in the state. Gave speeches infront of over 5000 members at the state conference Planned State conferrence for over 5000 students to attend. Served as presidnet of my area, overlooking 11 schools and over 600 students, planned compeition, recruited judges for area confernece, created business contacts for the organization and mentored students in each chapter. Acted as head point of support and contact for advisors, and members Led my high school chapter's competition preparing and recruitment efforts. Grew club Membership by over 50% Competed as a DECA member at Local, State and National Conferneces Earned Emerging Leader Award during State confernece
Model UN president of chapter as well as head school ambassador for confernece General Secretary of conference (largest conference in my state (2000 students attend) Led fundrasiing efforts for my chapter, fundraised over $5000 to attend different conferences Mentored chapter members in writing position papers for their countires, praciticg debate skills and preparing for competition
Track Varsity athlete. 1 year Tennis Varsity athlete. 3 years
Wharton Global High School Investment Compeition Competed in an investment competion for 2 years didnt place Developed an investment portfolio case study to pitch to a prospective client. Goal was to earn their business for the firm I worked at served as team leader, Created A.I. powered sentiment calculator as well as fundamental and technical analysis strategies to screen for equities best suited to the clien'ts profile Kept team on track throughout competiion and served as the acnhor to combine each team members ideas to promote collaboration
Banking and financial services Internship + Shadowing 10 months Banking intern, learned and performed Tellering duties 15-20 hrs per week during school Got to work with and shadow 3 real financial advisors and president of financial operations at the Credit Union Learned financial services management and process of crafting personalized financial plans to achieve goals like retirement, college and more Served as Branch manager of my high school’s Credit Union branch
Architecture and business strategy Intern Intern at Architecture firm Learned architecture and business strategy. Worked on a redesign project for a local school Pitched redesign to buiding operators in formal presentation
Part Time Job Worked at local burger diner for 2 years - 10hrs per week during school, more during breaks and summer Served as crew member and shift leader, learned methods of customer service, marketing and food preparation Helped hire and train other employees
JA BIZZTOWN Attended conference in elementary school Wanted to get involved as a volunteer to help supoprt organization that helped fuel my passion for business. Conferrence Volunteer + Teacher
Borgen Project Advocate Worked alongside state senators to help support Borgen's mission of increasing US budget for foreign aid" Fundraised to support the cause Mobilized over 50 people to contact their local representative in support of foreign aid bill Attended senate meeting in Washington DC representing the Borgen Project
Volunteered at local mosque to set up religious gatherings. Served food to attendees.
Awards: Global finalist at ICDC DECA (500/ 250,000) State Champion DECA National semi finalist in economics competition (50/3000) Won an essay competition promoting financial education Most Valubale Employee award (internship)
Letter of recs: have some from teachers, deca , model un and internships. Overall they will be very strong
Thoughts? What are my chances of getting into any of these schools?
submitted by Ok_Party_9334 to ApplyingIvyLeague [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 LieutenantPatang Sarkar Reimagined

I am back after a break with another reimagining, and I thought this time I would tackle another movie that fell disappointingly short of expectations... Sarkar. Sarkar released to huge expectations after the success of both Thuppakki and Kaththi, but the film failed to deliver on its promise of a Mudhalvan-like political fantasy; I have to admit though, the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine which I do often revisit. That being said:
WARNING: I am not claiming to be a better writer than any of the people involved in the film and this is not a criticism of their ability.
The movie begins with a boarding meeting at one of the companies in Canada that GL (Sundar's company) is about to acquire. The members of the board nervously waiting for the arrival of their new boss, the media is waiting outside and we get the hype up for Sundar's eventual mass intro. After a build a of tension, a Rolls Royce pulls up and the camera follows as a man wearing pair of Tom Ford shoes exits the vehicle and walks into the elevator in the building as the media tries to snap some pics of him. The members of the board continue to wait impatiently, as the elevator doors open to reveal Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay). He basically walks in doesn't say a word and sits at the head of the table. Sundar's lawyer drops the paperwork on the table, each member of the board takes their turn signing the document. Finally the document comes back to Sundar who flicks his signature onto it and gets up to leave, but one of the board members stops him to ask, "How do you feel after ruining the livelihood of 3,000 employees?". Sundar turns around and smiles at the board before doing the signature 'Vijay gum flick' and walking away in slow motion, queue the 'CEO in the House' song as Sundar heads out to celebrate acquiring the company. The scene is to establish Sundar as a proper overconfident and cocky 'corporate monster' instead of just telling us that he is a 'corporate monster'.
From there the movie continues pretty similarly with Sundar coming back to India to cast his vote, even though he takes his job very seriously he is still a patriot at heart and has a soft corner for his people. Same as the movie, someone else casts his vote and he begins organising lawyers meetings and press conference to get his vote back. All goes pretty much the same until the point Sundar's driver tells him about the atrocities done by the government and the family that set themselves on fire, Sundar is genuinely quite unaware of all this. Similar to the movie, he directs his convoy to go to the colony where the little girl is. Unlike the movie, we have one long take where the camera follows Sundar from behind as he gets out his car and walks through the local area, through the alleys and slums, observing the common folk; this is to show how out-of-touch he really is with reality. He finally comes to the little girl's house, and the camera finally pans to reveal Sundar's somber face; this scene is crucial as this paints his actions for the rest of the movie, it is important that we spend time showing how this incident impacts him. Unable to look at the girl's burnt face Sundar turns around and walks away, he signals his PA to sort the family out with treatment for the little girl.
From here, we go to the scene with Rendu (Radha Ravi) at the hotel; this will go pretty much exactly how it did in the movie. The only difference here is, going into the hotel Sundar is slightly solemn, but his expression slowly changes with Rendu's speech and we get the scene with the 'Topu Tuckeru' BGM as Sundar smokes. The following events also unravel similar to the film with the action block and the 'Simtaangaran song'; these are commercial filler compromises that must be made, its also a staple of the ARM-Vijay combo movies. The following scene is also similar with Sundar instigating the court case to stop Masilamani's inauguration, the key difference though is that Sundar doesn't speak in the court he silently watches from the stands as his lawyer does the arguing. Once the ceremony is stopped, he gets up, does the 'Vijay gum flick' and walks away in slow motion with the 'CEO in the House' BGM; this mirrors the opening scene where Sundar finesses the board room, but this time he's finessed the government. The election is postponed by 10 days.
Meanwhile, Masilamani is furious by what Sundar started, he encourages his party members to start rioting and to find where Sundar is. The riots go on for 2 days, but there is no sign of Sundar anywhere. Masilamani grows impatient and starts seeking advice from Pappa (Varalaxmi), who says that they shouldn't have tried instigated or started beef with him in the first place, saying that she will be back in Chennai within the next day or so. While this is happening, media crews have gathered outside Masilamani's house which confuses him. Rendu goes outside and asks them why they are here, for which they respond: 'Sundar told us to meet him here'. Both Rendu and Masilamani are shocked. Suddenly a convoy of youngsters on bikes arrive with a Rolls Royce travelling at the centre of the party. Sundar gets out of the Rolls Royce and he is followed by his lawyers. Sundar asks for permission to enter, for which Masilamani obliges. The two sit down and face each other, with Masilamani asking what Sundar wants. Sundar responds with this:
  1. "I've got 750 youngsters who are ready to work for this party."
  2. "I've got 40 crores in hard cash."
  3. "I've got the tag of GL CEO."
  4. "Will you let me join your party?"
Masilamani and his partymen are shocked, he asks Sundar 'Why should I let you?". Sundar basically responds by saying:
"Your party's image is in shambles, even if you pay people to vote for you, they won't do it. You're guaranteed to lose this election and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm here to offer you the winning card, I will do everything to ensure your party retains. All I ask for is 70cr in campaigning funds and that you give me 2 MLA seats and take in the 750 youngsters that I have brought as party members. If your party loses, I will pay you twice what you paid me as a penalty but regardless of the outcome you can't raise this to the media or I will sue your ass. If you agree, sign the contract. You can let your lawyers read over it, but you have nothing to lose."
Masilamani is shocked by this offer and looks over the contract, he doesn't know how to read so he passes it to his lawyer who verifies it and says that it's legit. Rendu proposes that they wait for Pappa before signing, but Sundar says "if you don't accept this within the next 1 hour, I will take it to the opposition party". Masilamani is properly checkmated now, but what could he possible have to lose? He smiles and signs it, Sundar smiles and shakes his hand. Sundar walks out with a cigarette in-hand, the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' guitar rift rolls in the background.
Going into the second half, we have a few questions:
NOTE: I completely ignored Keerthi Suresh's character as it added nothing to my story.
With 8 days left till the election Sundar sits in his office, he calls his team and GL and tells them to run the ads of him giving the post press conference speech after getting back his vote (as he does in the movie). This creates waves in the media and makes him the poster boy for the coming election. He tells his PA not to organise any press conferences until he says so. Sundar has booked out a small venue where he will be speaking to the 750 youngsters that he has inaugurated into the party, this is where he finally reveals what happened in the last 2 days. We get a flashback and it is revealed that he ultimately did the same as what happened in the movie; to run an internet scan on all the most suitable candidates of each constituency and run interviews like a corporate company (I really like the idea of this), he positions the people he selected as independant candidates in their respective constituency. Sundar has been planning this since the scene with Rendu at the hotel; this all plays as a montage over the first half of 'Oru Viral Puratchi'. After the song we cut back to this speech with Sundar and the youth, where he basically says we are going to infiltrate this party from the inside and then he says the 'branding' dialogue from the movie (which I like the idea of, the mannerism was kinda cringe though).
Following the speech, Sundar enacts his next plan. He identifies Masilamani's candidates who are most likely to win in their respective area and launches a smear campaign through his influence over GL. This forces Masilamani to identify alternate party members to take their place, but Sundar presents Masilamani with the constituency polling data which shows that the independant candidates (that he selected based on the internet scan) are in the lead. Sundar suggests to Masilamani that they buy them out with a salary (also like corporate company), however Masilamani doesn't know that these individuals were planted by Sundar. Masilamani is beginning to get suspicious about Sundar's plan but he still hasn't fully sniffed it out yet given his lack of understanding about technology.
Pappa finally arrives in Chennai from Canada and confronts her dad about everything that has happened, she is shocked to find out that he has basically sold the party to Sundar. She is quickly able to deduce Sundar's plan based on the information given by her dad and Rendu. Pappa also reveals here that her husband was one of the board members from the start of the movie, which explains why she knows so much about Sundar.
Given that Sundar now controls most of the seats in the party, he begins his campaign from the background with candidates doing most of the work ; this plays over the second half of the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' song. As soon as this montage finishes, we find out that Masilamani has died. A confusion has now arisen as to who controls the party, with only 3 days left until the election. Pappa gives an angry press conference saying that Sundar had cheated her dad and stole the party, revealing the contract to the public. She also announces that she and her father's loyal supporters will be joining the opposition party. Based on the sympathy votes gained from her father's death the opposition offers Pappa a significant number of seats. Sundar is shocked to see what has happened, he won't be able to sue Pappa as Masilamani was the one that signed the contract (not sure about legal terms, but lets just go with it), suing her will also only get him more negative press.
Sundar gets a call from the GL board questioning him about his extensive involvement in politics given the bad press around his contract stunt. Cut to the next scene, Sundar is in a press conference and publicly announces his resignation from GL as he is about to leave the stage, he is heckled by one of the reporters on his way down. Sundar has to give up his company assets such as his PA and bodyguards, if he loses this election he still owes Masilamani's family 140crs as per the contract that he signed. For the first time in Sundar's life, overconfidence has led to his downfall. With two days left till the election and no internet influence and power, how is Sundar going to win?
The next day he posts a Facebook live and addresses his plan transparently with the party, this can be the same as the 'Idhu Namma Sarkar' scene from the movie. Sundar explains how he chose his candidates and compares it to the millions of college graduates who get a corporate job, highlighting the need for the government to be qualified. This gets some positive buzz for Sundar but not enough to win the election. As Sundar sits in his office, hopelessly, one of his candidates tells him about 'Saatai' Muthukumar (this plotline will be the same as the movie); this could be the ideal trump card to win the election. This ticks of an idea, given that all Masilamani's loyalists have moved to the opposition along with Pappa all the party assets now reside with Sundar. He hires a corporate auditing team to unpack all the party records and finds all the holes in there records this allows him to unpack the 'Saatai' Muthukumar conspiracy and he has all the evidence ready to go public... but he waits. Sundar contacts Pappa for a meeting and the two sit down, with lawyers present. Sundar reveals everything that he has found from his audit of the party and threatens to go public with it unless she voids their contract where he owes her family 140cr, he also agrees to sign an NDA. Pappa obliges and asks him to burn the evidence in front of her, which Sundar does. On the car ride home, Pappa orders for Sundar to be murdered as she doesn't trust him.
The next morning is the day of the election, similar to the actual movie Sundar begins tweeting from a fake twitter handle about the evidence pulled from the audit, leading the media on a wild easter egg hunt to put the evidence together themselves, this removes any paper trails that lead back to Sundar. Pappa and the opposition party struggle to manage the storm that has been caused by the tweeting, she knows this was done by Sundar but has no evidence to prove it; the only way for her save face is if Sundar confesses to his manipulation for which he needs to be alive, so she cancels the hit on him. It is soon revealed, similar to the movie that the fake twitter handle is associated with that of a dead man, begging the question of who is tweeting? Sundar and his team re-route the IP address of the tweets to the leader of the opposition party and spin the narrative that he did this to tarnish Masilamani's reputation as a leader, which leads to in-fighting. Pappa is furious, as although she knows the truth about Sundar's access to the evidence, she can't speak about it due to the NDA (which would open her up to being sued). With no other option, she plots to have Sundar killed, as it looks like he is going to win. We can insert an obligatory climax fight here, where Sundar overcomes the odds but realising an opportunity, he fakes his own death which increases the votes to his party, leading to a victory in the election.
The following day is the swearing-in ceremony as all the candidates take up their positions. Pappa is also present and she along with everyone else believes Sundar is dead. Just as the first candidate is swearing-in, Sundar arrives and sits right next to Pappa, there is a media frenzy happening outside. There is a small bit of dialog between the two and he explains why he did all this (i.e. reference back to the girl who was burnt outside the collecter's office, etc). He finally tells her that the contract he signed with her father was only for 8 days, so his time has expired and he is no longer part of the party. Sundar gets up and walks away in slow motion as the credit roll.
This is my reimagining of Sarkar, what are your thoughts and what would you do differently? And what movie should I do next?
submitted by LieutenantPatang to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 neen209 I need help…

Hello everyone,
I am desperately seeking advice. For the first time in my life, i’m at a complete loss. I’ve pretty much became paralyzed (not literally) from stress & overthinking. I’d like to share my story in hopes of getting some positive feedback & finding a way to move forward.
I’m a 38M living in CA. I have a wife & two small children. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.
I closed all my businesses down 5 years ago due to a business partnebest friend cooking the books & robbing me blind.
I lost everything. my primary residence, my rental property, my cars. At 33, I was left unemployed & in massive debt (owed credit cards, unpaid taxes). Credit took a massive hit, as the landlords & creditors came after me.
With nothing to my name, a wife, and a 4 year old daughter, I had to think fast to survive.
I have no college degree, as I was an entrepreneur since middle school & opened my first business right after high school (a dollar store).
I figured I needed to get into sales, as it was the closest thing to running your own business, and it was the thing where I could make the best possible income as a 33 yr old man with no college degree.
With my last $500 to my name, I got a job at a auto dealership. I busted my tail off. I worked at that dealership for 5 years, and was a top 3 salesman out of 20 every year. I made over 100k my first year, and always beat my previous year income. 2023 I made 140k.
I was feeling great. My confidence was back, as I paid all my debt down. I have about 15k total debt left. I owed close to 200k in taxes & credit card debt. Bankruptcy was not an option, as most of my debt was tax related, and my lawyer told me those would not be cleared (long story here. Payroll taxes were involved).
2 months ago, the dealership changed their pay plan (go figure). It was such s bad plan, that if I had the same year I did in 2023, I would make about 75k, rather than 140k. I got into it with my manager & the owners son. I overreacted, but I just felt that I had to, as we were getting robbed. I walked out of the job.
At this current moment, i am unemployed & I just dont know what to do. I just completed & received my life & health insurance license. However, I lost motivation because insurance is such s long term play. I’m going to have some rough years to hopefully reap the benefits of insurance sales.
What do I do guys? I have 15k debt, and no retirement. I only got about 25k saved up.
Sorry for the super long post. I felt like I needed to add certain details to show that I am fully capable. I have never been unemployed, ad the stress is killing me. I don’t want to go back to dealerships as a salesman. If you’re not in finance or management, you are vulnerable to pay plan changes & just getting screwed over. I have a bad taste & I am over all of that.
Advice is definitely appreciated, as I am at a complete loss & I am feeling like a failure.
I’m basically starting all over at the age of 38, with nothing but 25k. What would you do if you were in my shoes? What direction should I go to still hopefully retire by 65 & be extremely comfortable doing so?
Again, sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance.
submitted by neen209 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:47 timothy__bryce Bocconi vs CBS

Hi everyone, I was recently admitted to the master's degree at Bocconi EMIT, and in a week I will know if I will be admitted to CBS in the master's degree in General management. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what would be the best choice for me. Here I report the main pros and cons of the two universities. Pro Bocconi: 1- reputation 2- academic quality 3- placement at an international level( London, middle east) Cons Bocconi: 1 - cost (36k fees plus cost of living, so around 50k) 2 - most of students placed in Milan 3 - high demand for study time (7/8/9/10 hours depending on the period) pro CBS 1- Danish job market 2- no costs (zero fees and part time jobs + government funds) 3- new experience given that I have already studied for 3 years in Milan Cons cbs 1 - not very competitive 2- I don't know Danish ( harder to break into the danish job market) 3- placement only in the Nordics (or in Milan since I'm Italian)
These are the mains pros and cons, there are way more on the personal side ( family, friends, etc) but I wanted to try to keep it simple, thx to everyone.
submitted by timothy__bryce to bocconi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:47 OrillaDelLago Seeking Advice: Should I Apply for Jobs Requiring a Degree If I Only Have a Diploma or Advanced Diploma?

Hey everyone,
I'm looking for some advice on a career decision. I have a diploma, advanced diploma, and a decent amount of experience in my field. However, I often come across job postings that list a degree as a requirement. I'm wondering if it's still worth applying for these positions, even though I don't meet the educational criteria.
Has anyone been in a similar situation and successfully landed a job that required a degree?
How did you approach your application, and what strategies worked for you? Are there specific things I should highlight in my resume and cover letter to improve my chances?
Any insights, experiences, or tips would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by OrillaDelLago to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 rough343 What can I do to maximise my chances of getting into a degree apprenticeship within finance or tech

As the title says, I'm very interested in doing a degree apprenticeship as I cannot afford university and want a degree and a job that interests me.
Idk how relevant that is to applications but I'm just really interested.
submitted by rough343 to degreeapprenticeships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:45 neen209 I need help…?

Hello everyone,
I am desperately seeking advice. For the first time in my life, i’m at a complete loss. I’ve pretty much became paralyzed (not literally) from stress & overthinking. I’d like to share my story in hopes of getting some positive feedback & finding a way to move forward.
I’m a 38M living in CA. I have a wife & two small children. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.
I closed all my businesses down 5 years ago due to a business partnebest friend cooking the books & robbing me blind.
I lost everything. my primary residence, my rental property, my cars. At 33, I was left unemployed & in massive debt (owed credit cards, unpaid taxes). Credit took a massive hit, as the landlords & creditors came after me.
With nothing to my name, a wife, and a 4 year old daughter, I had to think fast to survive.
I have no college degree, as I was an entrepreneur since middle school & opened my first business right after high school (a dollar store).
I figured I needed to get into sales, as it was the closest thing to running your own business, and it was the thing where I could make the best possible income as a 33 yr old man with no college degree.
With my last $500 to my name, I got a job at a auto dealership. I busted my tail off. I worked at that dealership for 5 years, and was a top 3 salesman out of 20 every year. I made over 100k my first year, and always beat my previous year income. 2023 I made 140k.
I was feeling great. My confidence was back, as I paid all my debt down. I have about 15k total debt left. I owed close to 200k in taxes & credit card debt. Bankruptcy was not an option, as most of my debt was tax related, and my lawyer told me those would not be cleared (long story here. Payroll taxes were involved).
2 months ago, the dealership changed their pay plan (go figure). It was such s bad plan, that if I had the same year I did in 2023, I would make about 75k, rather than 140k. I got into it with my manager & the owners son. I overreacted, but I just felt that I had to, as we were getting robbed. I walked out of the job.
At this current moment, i am unemployed & I just dont know what to do. I just completed & received my life & health insurance license. However, I lost motivation because insurance is such s long term play. I’m going to have some rough years to hopefully reap the benefits of insurance sales.
What do I do guys? I have 15k debt, and no retirement. I only got about 25k saved up.
Sorry for the super long post. I felt like I needed to add certain details to show that I am fully capable. I have never been unemployed, ad the stress is killing me. I don’t want to go back to dealerships as a salesman. If you’re not in finance or management, you are vulnerable to pay plan changes & just getting screwed over. I have a bad taste & I am over all of that.
Advice is definitely appreciated, as I am at a complete loss & I am feeling like a failure.
I’m basically starting all over at the age of 38, with nothing but 25k. What would you do if you were in my shoes? What direction should I go to still hopefully retire by 65 & be extremely comfortable doing so?
Again, sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance.
submitted by neen209 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:44 neen209 I need help…

Hello everyone,
I am desperately seeking advice. For the first time in my life, i’m at a complete loss. I’ve pretty much became paralyzed (not literally) from stress & overthinking. I’d like to share my story in hopes of getting some positive feedback & finding a way to move forward.
I’m a 38M living in CA. I have a wife & two small children. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.
I closed all my businesses down 5 years ago due to a business partnebest friend cooking the books & robbing me blind.
I lost everything. my primary residence, my rental property, my cars. At 33, I was left unemployed & in massive debt (owed credit cards, unpaid taxes). Credit took a massive hit, as the landlords & creditors came after me.
With nothing to my name, a wife, and a 4 year old daughter, I had to think fast to survive.
I have no college degree, as I was an entrepreneur since middle school & opened my first business right after high school (a dollar store).
I figured I needed to get into sales, as it was the closest thing to running your own business, and it was the thing where I could make the best possible income as a 33 yr old man with no college degree.
With my last $500 to my name, I got a job at a auto dealership. I busted my tail off. I worked at that dealership for 5 years, and was a top 3 salesman out of 20 every year. I made over 100k my first year, and always beat my previous year income. 2023 I made 140k.
I was feeling great. My confidence was back, as I paid all my debt down. I have about 15k total debt left. I owed close to 200k in taxes & credit card debt. Bankruptcy was not an option, as most of my debt was tax related, and my lawyer told me those would not be cleared (long story here. Payroll taxes were involved).
2 months ago, the dealership changed their pay plan (go figure). It was such s bad plan, that if I had the same year I did in 2023, I would make about 75k, rather than 140k. I got into it with my manager & the owners son. I overreacted, but I just felt that I had to, as we were getting robbed. I walked out of the job.
At this current moment, i am unemployed & I just dont know what to do. I just completed & received my life & health insurance license. However, I lost motivation because insurance is such s long term play. I’m going to have some rough years to hopefully reap the benefits of insurance sales.
What do I do guys? I have 15k debt, and no retirement. I only got about 25k saved up.
Sorry for the super long post. I felt like I needed to add certain details to show that I am fully capable. I have never been unemployed, ad the stress is killing me. I don’t want to go back to dealerships as a salesman. If you’re not in finance or management, you are vulnerable to pay plan changes & just getting screwed over. I have a bad taste & I am over all of that.
Advice is definitely appreciated, as I am at a complete loss & I am feeling like a failure.
I’m basically starting all over at the age of 38, with nothing but 25k. What would you do if you were in my shoes? What direction should I go to still hopefully retire by 65 & be extremely comfortable doing so?
Again, sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance.
submitted by neen209 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:42 neen209 I need help…

Hello everyone,
I am desperately seeking advice. For the first time in my life, i’m at a complete loss. I’ve pretty much became paralyzed (not literally) from stress & overthinking. I’d like to share my story in hopes of getting some positive feedback & finding a way to move forward.
I’m a 38M living in CA. I have a wife & two small children. I’ve been an entrepreneur my whole life.
I closed all my businesses down 5 years ago due to a business partnebest friend cooking the books & robbing me blind.
I lost everything. my primary residence, my rental property, my cars. At 33, I was left unemployed & in massive debt (owed credit cards, unpaid taxes). Credit took a massive hit, as the landlords & creditors came after me.
With nothing to my name, a wife, and a 4 year old daughter, I had to think fast to survive.
I have no college degree, as I was an entrepreneur since middle school & opened my first business right after high school (a dollar store).
I figured I needed to get into sales, as it was the closest thing to running your own business, and it was the thing where I could make the best possible income as a 33 yr old man with no college degree.
With my last $500 to my name, I got a job at a auto dealership. I busted my tail off. I worked at that dealership for 5 years, and was a top 3 salesman out of 20 every year. I made over 100k my first year, and always beat my previous year income. 2023 I made 140k.
I was feeling great. My confidence was back, as I paid all my debt down. I have about 15k total debt left. I owed close to 200k in taxes & credit card debt. Bankruptcy was not an option, as most of my debt was tax related, and my lawyer told me those would not be cleared (long story here. Payroll taxes were involved).
2 months ago, the dealership changed their pay plan (go figure). It was such s bad plan, that if I had the same year I did in 2023, I would make about 75k, rather than 140k. I got into it with my manager & the owners son. I overreacted, but I just felt that I had to, as we were getting robbed. I walked out of the job.
At this current moment, i am unemployed & I just dont know what to do. I just completed & received my life & health insurance license. However, I lost motivation because insurance is such s long term play. I’m going to have some rough years to hopefully reap the benefits of insurance sales.
What do I do guys? I have 15k debt, and no retirement. I only got about 25k saved up.
Sorry for the super long post. I felt like I needed to add certain details to show that I am fully capable. I have never been unemployed, ad the stress is killing me. I don’t want to go back to dealerships as a salesman. If you’re not in finance or management, you are vulnerable to pay plan changes & just getting screwed over. I have a bad taste & I am over all of that.
Advice is definitely appreciated, as I am at a complete loss & I am feeling like a failure.
I’m basically starting all over at the age of 38, with nothing but 25k. What would you do if you were in my shoes? What direction should I go to still hopefully retire by 65 & be extremely comfortable doing so?
Again, sorry for the long post, and thank you in advance.
submitted by neen209 to Fire [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 hazeljonathan What Is Meant by STEM Education?

STEM Education—an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—represents an interdisciplinary approach to learning where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise. The aim is to develop STEM literacy and with it, the ability to compete in the new economy.

The Components of STEM Education


Science in STEM education emphasizes inquiry, curiosity, and exploration. Students engage in experiments, observation, and critical thinking to understand the natural world. This component encourages the development of scientific reasoning and the ability to make evidence-based conclusions.


Technology in STEM focuses on the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It includes everything from computer science and information technology to the use of digital tools and software. Students learn to solve problems using technological tools, enhancing their computational thinking and digital literacy.


Engineering involves the application of science and mathematics to solve real-world problems. This component teaches students the engineering design process, which includes defining a problem, brainstorming, designing, testing, and improving solutions. Engineering education fosters creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork.


Mathematics is the foundation of STEM education. It involves the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, and the relationships between them. Students develop analytical and problem-solving skills through mathematical concepts and applications, preparing them for advanced studies and careers in STEM fields.

The Importance of STEM Education

Economic Growth and Competitiveness

STEM education is crucial for economic growth and global competitiveness. By fostering a generation of skilled workers proficient in STEM fields, we ensure the future workforce can drive innovation, boost productivity, and maintain our nation's competitive edge.

Addressing Global Challenges

STEM education equips students with the skills necessary to address complex global challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and sustainable development. By encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving, STEM prepares students to develop innovative solutions to these pressing issues.

Closing the Skills Gap

There is a significant skills gap in the current job market, particularly in STEM-related fields. By promoting STEM education, we can bridge this gap, ensuring that students are prepared for the demands of modern careers and that employers have access to a skilled workforce.

Implementing STEM Education in Schools

Curriculum Integration

Effective STEM education requires integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into a cohesive curriculum. This involves designing interdisciplinary lessons that connect concepts from each STEM field and applying them to real-world problems.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a key strategy for implementing STEM education. PBL encourages students to work on projects that require them to use their STEM knowledge and skills to solve complex problems. This hands-on approach makes learning more engaging and relevant to students.

Professional Development for Educators

To successfully implement STEM education, teachers need ongoing professional development. This includes training in STEM content, teaching strategies, and the use of technological tools. Providing educators with the resources and support they need is essential for effective STEM instruction.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Collaborations between schools, businesses, and community organizations can enhance STEM education. Partnerships provide students with access to real-world experiences, internships, and mentorship opportunities, making STEM learning more practical and impactful.

Challenges in STEM Education

Equity and Access

One of the main challenges in STEM education is ensuring equity and access for all students. This includes addressing disparities in resources, teacher quality, and educational opportunities that disproportionately affect underserved communities.

Gender and Diversity

There is a significant gender and diversity gap in STEM fields. Encouraging more girls and students from diverse backgrounds to pursue STEM education is essential for creating a more inclusive and innovative workforce.

Curriculum and Assessment

Developing a cohesive and comprehensive STEM curriculum that aligns with standards and effectively assesses student learning is a complex task. Educators must continually refine their approaches to ensure that students are meeting learning objectives and developing necessary skills.

Future of STEM Education

Emerging Technologies

The future of STEM education will be shaped by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology. Integrating these technologies into the curriculum will prepare students for the jobs of the future and ensure that they are at the forefront of technological innovation.

Global Collaboration

Global collaboration in STEM education can drive progress and innovation. By sharing resources, research, and best practices, countries can work together to solve global challenges and advance STEM learning.

Lifelong Learning

STEM education is not just for K-12 and college students. Lifelong learning opportunities in STEM fields are essential for keeping pace with technological advancements and career changes. Providing adult education and professional development in STEM will be critical for a dynamic and evolving workforce.


STEM education is more than just an acronym; it is a vital approach to learning that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world. By integrating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, we foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that are essential for future success. The challenges and opportunities in STEM education require a collective effort from educators, policymakers, businesses, and communities to ensure that every student has access to a high-quality STEM education.
submitted by hazeljonathan to u/hazeljonathan [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 unipacific Feeling so depressed looking at my HELP debt

So I have roughly a year and a half left of my degree in Ecology and Conservation Biology, and decided to look at my HELP debt after watching some videos on how horrible incredible our higher education system. Boy, did I feel great knowing I owe almost $27K. I have watched a few videos on how it can impact my credit score, and how big of loans I can get from banks. How much of an impact did it have on others with a HELP loan when they first left uni?
submitted by unipacific to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 theawkguy Features missing in AWCC 6.x?

Hello, so I encountered the issue of AWCC disappearing from my Alienware X14 laptop like a few others on this subreddit, and had trouble reinstalling or updating. The final solution was to do a clean windows reinstall (this was slightly convenient as I was upgrading my SSD to 2TB either way).
Details of my device:
I finally have Alienware Command Center (AWCC) version 6.x. Although I have not spent too much time tinkering with this, I immediately noticed that a couple of options/features are missing from this version compared to AWCC 5.x.
For example: - I can no longer create a list of color presets for AlienFX lighting. In the previous version, I was able to create a list of presets and assign them to specific games, which would get triggered on launch.
- There are no options to change the colors of the power button LED. (In the previous version I was able to specify colors for battery/AC power)
Edit 1: Found it! I may be blind. In the AlienFX page, you have to click the little (i) button. One problem down!
- In the "Custom" fan curve setting, I do not see the temperature values vs the speed percentages. It is just a line... that I configure blindly???
- The option to create custom power profiles is no longer available. I guess this was basically useless either way; I am glad they retained the ability to set the GPU clock offsets.
Maybe I am missing something or don't know where to look. Are there any solutions to these missing features? If any of you could confirm that these are indeed gone, or if you have any suggestions for better alternatives/settings, I am open to testing them out. I understand this version is supposed to push forward a smoother, automated experience... I'd prefer a customized approach where I can control (to some degree) the behavior of my device.
submitted by theawkguy to Alienware [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Wayfaring_Witch0626 Is it too late to start?

I’m 21, I have an associates in education, and I decided I want to pursue dental hygiene, as my community college has a good program and it would make me more money anyway, and with the education system these days, I decided I would be happier in healthcare. Then i thought wtf let’s go all the way and be a dentist. Problem is, getting an AAS in hygiene doesn’t make sense for applying to dental school, so I’d have to reevaluate and get on track for a BS in biology or health sciences. I’m smart but I’m basically starting a BS from scratch except for generals and electives, it would take 3 years max I think. The future feels bright, but so painfully far away that it doesn’t feel possible. Plus, I don’t know what job I would do in the meantime during the BS, except for piano teaching which is my current job. Dental assistanting would be good but I would make less than I currently do by quite a bit. The flexibility of dental hygiene was really appealing too so looking at something way less flexible is daunting lol.
As you can probably tell I’m spiraling and going a mile a minute lmao. As I said I’m 21, but my partner is 24 and I hang out with people more his age so a lot of my friends are graduating with bachelors right now, so as a former really smart high schooler I’m feeling a little discouraged and far behind. I’m looking for general advice, as well as some success stories from people who didn’t know what they wanted to do since they were 18 and kept with it the whole time. TIA
submitted by Wayfaring_Witch0626 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 Mortem- I relapsed and self harmed

It had been three years since I had last self harmed. I thought I had permanently gotten over my depression, yeah I still felt sad or hated myself once in a while but overall I was genuinely happy and excited about life.
One bad event 5 months ago and now my depression has come back far, far worse than I remembered it. I genuinely did not realise it could get any worse than what I experienced years ago, but what I'm feeling now makes me seem like I was the happiest man on earth back then.
I've cut myself on four separate occasions now. Sometimes it feels like the only way to bring my panic attacks down. Not only that, but my self harm has evolved to a more concerning level. I've purposefully mixed drugs that are known for causing respiratory failure when combined. I wouldn't quite count it as suicide attempts as I wasn't actually trying to die rather than get super high, but the fact that I was hoping I'd pass out and die might mean they were attempts, I don't know.
I feel like an actual pit that brings others down with me, whenever I'm with friends or family they just keep asking me if I'm okay and I can notice how I'm bringing the mood down. I'm either working all day or at the gym, which might seem good on the outside but I'm just neglecting my studies and my social circles.
I feel so fucking stupid because I know objectively my life is great. I'm independent, I have a good paying job, I study a degree with a high prospect for employment with high income, I have amazing friends and family, I'm physically fit and healthy (not for long with this nicotine addiction I've now developed but still). Yet for some reason I can't fucking shake this feeling of emptiness from within and I know the exact reason why, yet I don't want to take steps towards fixing it because it would mean letting go of someone I still deeply love and cherish more than anyone I've ever known, including myself.
I'm stuck in the past and it's affecting every aspect of my life. Now I'm just venting here because I don't want to burden the people I know in real life, I'm already stressing them out enough as is.
submitted by Mortem- to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 sexual_gourds bpd astrology hoes be crazy

Went out last night for my friend's birthday. She hosted an event at a bar and most of the attendees were her friends that she met through raving. I meet one of her acquaintances/casual friends outside and start chatting with her. She was really nice and sweet initially and my regarded ass tried my best to mirror her vibes. Self-preservation instinct. With these rave girls who are super nice when you meet them, it's a coin flip as to whether they are genuinely nice and PLUR and shit (love those girlies) or putting on an act.
After just a bit of talking she tells me how ~sweet~ she thinks I am and that I give off ~good vibes~ so I kinda just did the same to her. You know how it is. Then she asks me what sign I am. First red flag. I answer truthfully, but also remark that I don't know much about astrology but I've seen a lot of slander about my sign online. She says "omg no don't worry, male suck though" to which I agreed because I didn't know or want to talk about it any further. Shifting the conversation, I notice she's there with her boyfriend and ask how long they've been together. She says they've known each other for 11 years, were on and off, but "definitely back on this time". Second red flag.
I get whisked away inside by my friend to help her with something. Maybe she got offended because I did leave without saying anything. Eventually I come back out and find myself in conversation with crazy again. Her boyfriend pops out and we introduce ourselves to each other. I tell them how cute they are together. He offers to bring us some water from inside, and I smiled and thanked him when he handed it to me which I eventually realize is what triggered her.
Then I introduce her to my friend who recently arrived because he was on the sidelines as we were talking, saying we went to college together. She asks where we went, I said "oh we went to together". She asks what we studied, he answers, I say I double majored in English and . She then goes on a spiel about how she went to community college and would love to go back to get her degree but haven't because of the pandemic, and she took "advanced classes" while she was in CC, she'd love to go into STEM because she "wants a real challenge". She goes on to say how she's interested in both computer science and environmental sciences but she just can't pick because it's such a hard decision. She's just soo passionate about both. The fact that she was trying to one-up was not lost on me, but I was so stunned that a woman this dumb would be so bold to spew shit like this. I should've asked her her favorite pieces or authors or even the course titles of classes she took because she was clearly bullshitting and insecure, but I just said "oh cool I went to CC too then I transferred". The conversation winds down and she goes home.
As she walks away my friend and I talk about how crazy she is. Even my normally oblivious guy friend noticed she was being weird and chalked it up to being insecure about her education. He's not wrong but there's more to it than that. These types of weird interactions only seem to ever happen when I put in the effort to look good, you know, makeup and a cute outfit. Definitely hard to be pretty as an autist because people will expect you to act like how a normie should (which I'm incapable of) and other women will try to put you down because they're able to sniff out that you're different and think you're oblivious to their blows. I can identify when women sneak diss me but I've never been able to respond to them in the same sly manner they do.
We exchanged Instagrams earlier in the night, I go look and yep, she has 'empath' and some astrology shit in her bio and 95% of her pics are selfies with the snapchat devil filter. She doesn't even need them because she was actually a pretty cute mousey short white girl. I feel bad for her BF because he actually seemed quite kind, as those prone to fall victim usually are. How do people live like this? I mean I have BPD too but at least I'm hot and smart and try to hide it.
submitted by sexual_gourds to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 Tricky-Muffin7102 AITA (19M) for making a bingo out of my dad's (52M) conversations?

I (19M) recently went back to my parents (52F and 52M) home after graduating with a basic college degree. I was living in an apartment and went back to my parents' home to find a job and pile up money. So, since I was jobless, I was pretty much making up for it by doing house chores.
Living with them, especially with my father, is very annoying though. My father is the type to always rant about wars and politics all the time. It's come to a point that my mother pretends to listen during dinner to satisfy my father while she maintains a bit of her sanity.
A few days ago, my father was having a racist rant about xyz group having the same conversation topics, as well as mock me for being jobless by calling me lazy and making jokes about renovating the basement since "it looks like I'll live here forever", to which I snapped and said that he's the one having the same conversations over and over. We fought a bit over it and I had a thought: I'll prove it by making a bingo of his conversation topics when we'll have our Friday family dinner with the grand-parents.
Friday comes and I discreetly fill out my bingo on my phone. I showed it to my mother and she thought it was pretty funny, letting me know when something needs to be stamped. My grand-mother (74F) warned me that it was a bad idea to make fun of others like that. I ignored it.
That evening, after the grand-parents went home, I showed my father the 3 bingos that I marked and he was livid, saying that it's highly disrespectful and a low-blow, even though I contested saying he did the same by not respecting the way we're tired of hearing about war and politics everyday. He called me an asshole for using him as entertainment like that. Yesterday morning, my mother went to me and said to never do that again, and my father continued to rant about non-various things during breakfast.
AITA for making a bingo out of my dad's conversations?
submitted by Tricky-Muffin7102 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 zyarelol Does pain get worse with age? If so, to what degree?

So, I have a pretty huge curve. When I first got diagnosed at 15, I had a 73 degree curve in my lumbar and a 15 degree curve in my thoracic. I did some at home physical therapy (DIY'd a Schroth bar at home) and got that down to a 63 degree lumber curve, and a 9 degree thoracic. I'm 21 now and haven't been able to afford an xray in about 4ish years (thanks US Healthcare) but visually it hasn't improved much since my last xray when I got the 63/9 figures, so I'd reckon I'm still pretty close to that, maybe +/- 5 degrees.
In spite of this large curve, I am almost asymptomatic. I get sore a bit more easily than my peers, but nothing debilitating. I've never thought "I want to do XYZ, but can't because my back hurts." It's for the most part a non-issue in my day to day life. Like I said, I do get sore sometimes, but only after a lot of physical exertion. And I'm pretty active, too; I used to work 12 hour shifts at a highly physical warehouse job, and I actively do weightlifting, so the lack of pain is certainly not just because I'm not exerting my back. To be honest, I have no idea why I'm almost completely pain-free in spite of my large curve, but I'm extremely thankful that I am.
My concern, though, is whether or not this will change with age. The last doc I went to basically wanted to fuse my entire spine from my neck to my assbone, and I'd rather not have the flexibility of a 2 by 4 for the rest of my life, so I've more or less decided against Spinal Fusion. I wouldn't be opposed to VBT surgery, but as far as my understanding goes, it's usually not something insurance covers (not that I have insurance anyway lol) so I'd have to pay out of pocket, and that's certainly not something I can do, so I've just accepted that I'm going to live with scoliosis for the rest of my life.
Do you think this is something that will worsen with age? I'm asymptomatic now, but will I still be able to be physically active with a curve this large when I'm 40+? Would love to hear from any older folks with large curves, and get their experiences with how aging has effected their pain level.
submitted by zyarelol to scoliosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 Meuleeule I need advise about my brother's wedding

My (28F) brother (36M) wants to marry his gf of 6years and I'm not happy with that decision. So I'm wondering if I should talk to him about my concerns.
My siblings and me have a very good relationship, living far away but keeping each other updated in our lifes while accepting having our own. Recently my brother told us he wants to marry his gf and we are not happy with that, because of how she behaves around us and him (what he tells us). To make a short example list: - she does not want to work. She hates her job and have been on sick leave the last 1,5 years (since she was done with her bachelor after 8 years) - my brother works full-time at the university with a Dr degree, have a company (only him) on his own and some passive income from previous projects - she does not want to clean, cook, wash clothes etc either - she does not want to have kids (which isn't a problem, I just don't see how someone would stay at home for a reason if you don't want any of the 2above)
More specific occursions: - my brother was work related in a another country, she wrote him that she washed her clothes and it was so disgusting that she will never do It again (first time in 5years she washed clothes) - the day my brother got his doctor degree, she didn't manage to come to the defense in time, because she had to take a 2hour bath after a doctor appointment, interrupting his speech - when I visited, she wanted to go to a planetarium show, booked tickets. The day of the show she didn't wanted and asked my brother to stay home with him. We went anyway - when she visits us: we want to go out for a little work. We let everyone know 30min in advance to get ready. After 30min she was done scrolling on her phone and went shower. So we went without her, which made her upset. - she has a sensitivity to fructose, where you can just pills against. We try to accommodate that as good as possible but it's practically impossible especially going out. She is unhappy everytime she cannot eat what we eat. - the last recent meeting: they were staying 10extra days after christmas at our mom. One day they just left while she was at work without saying anything, because she didn't want to stay anymore and didn't want to wait until afternoon. This is not a usual behaviour of my brother. He is just such a pleaser to her.
There have been many more examples and I don't hate her. I can ignore her adult fits and if she isn't ready in time, I just go without. But I am also worried my brother is making a mistake and just marrying her because he is afraid to never find someone again :(
What should I do? Talk to him in a supportive way or let it be?
submitted by Meuleeule to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:04 Consistent_Gap_8255 MBA Careers?

I am almost done with my bachelors degree in business, want to continue on for my masters. Getting into schools isn’t the issue, just wondering what I need to be building on to get into ivy leagues? Do they prefer applicants in the military? (I’m early 20’s), I feel like I could be building on different jobs to earn a spot in my preferred MBA career.
submitted by Consistent_Gap_8255 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 PopIll8677 phD in computer Science

Hi! I hold a masters degree in computer science with a GPA of 3.1 and I literally have no experience of work. I don’t have any gap in ny career since I did my bachelors and the masters. Now due to current job market and interest in diving deep into the subject I’m thinking of taking up phD. But I’m not quite sure that I’ll be eligible for PhD with 3.1 GPA and no work experience. I’m open for suggestions! Thanks
submitted by PopIll8677 to PhDAdmissions [link] [comments]