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Throwback to a basket my dad and I made in 2011 (can't find a fully finished pic)

2024.06.02 06:38 Barbaric_Emu Throwback to a basket my dad and I made in 2011 (can't find a fully finished pic)

Throwback to a basket my dad and I made in 2011 (can't find a fully finished pic)
Sadly I couldn't find a pic of the fully complete form but the only other things we did was paint and wrap sheet metal around to make a basket. Wood was all free out of the dumpster at construction sites, I think this probably cost about half the price as buying a basket at the time but more so just a fun project to do with my dad. Wish I still had it, I think it got thrown out when I was out at college.
submitted by Barbaric_Emu to discgolf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:27 Lefthandedcigar I Probably Shouldn't Think My Son's Pre-K Teacher Is Stupid ... But I Do!!!

I have been looking forward to my son’s Pre-K graduation for months. Although I am extremely proud of- and happy for him, a few things are weighing on my mind following the graduation. Maybe I’m overreacting – and I truly hope I am. If I am, please tell me.
The first thing that bothered me about my son’s Pre-K graduation is the total lack of security to enter. It’s a very small VPK, so I didn’t expect security guards, but there wasn’t so much as a sign in sheet for the parents / visitors. There were no ID checks; anyone could simply walk in. *
Second, when my son was called up to receive his diploma, the teacher called him by his first name only and followed up with, “I’m not even going to attempt to pronounce your last name”. We do have a longer Italian surname, but it’s not hard to learn, not hard to say, and the teachers has more letters in her last name than we do. In my 40 years, the only time people weren’t sure how to pronounce it was the first time I met them. Other than that, or simply not knowing me personally, you’re a telemarketer if you can’t pronounce it. You don’t need to know a different language ffs. We’re born and raised in the US for the last century. I expect the teacher who’s with my son 5 days a week or an entire school year to know how to say his last name. If my son’s peers can pronounce it, there’s no excuse. (And yes, this WAS his full-time teacher, not an assistant or different teacher, etc.) Here's the kicker. It's a class of like 16. It's not a school like Hogwarts full of kids with no vowels in their last names. *
Lastly, I was so happy when my son received two awards because only a couple kids received two. What could go wrong, right? His last name is spelled wrong on both of his laminated awards. Really? Come on, man! *
Oh, one more thing that I should have started with. Upon arriving at the scheduled time of the graduation, I found out that they were behind schedule by a full hour, and everyone had to wait outside. There was just a note on the door and the door was locked.
Really? We can do better than this. #DoBetter
I know these "problems" may seem miniscule compared to other "real" problems in the world. I know I have the choice to focus on the positive things that happened today and not let the "small" things live rent free in my mind. But should I turn the other cheek? Am I wrong to assume the brightest crayon in the box shouldn't be in my son's backpack - it should be teaching the class? Sorry, for the jokes. I'm trying to make light of the situation to cheer myself up. That was kind of funny, I guess. At the end of the day, all of this is just very discouraging when I think about who will be teaching my son.
Before I go, I want to give praise to ALL of the good teachers out there who care about the kids and their education and take the time to know their students, no matter if you're a Pre-K teacher or a Scholar, I commend you and appreciate you. I understand that it is not an easy job and I know you should be paid a hell of a lot more. I am in no way intending to bash all teachers or even most teachers. I TRULY hope this is an isolated issue in this smaller sized town in the SE.
I had many great, and memorable teachers in my life I will always remember, and I truly pray someone just like one of them finds their way into my son's classroom when he begins kindergarten this Fall.
Thanks for listening.
submitted by Lefthandedcigar to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:04 Your_lost_ Is this safe to put in an aquarium?

Is this safe to put in an aquarium? submitted by Your_lost_ to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 TheLostCinnamonRoll [For HIRE] ★ Illustrator, Comic artist, Character Design, Animations&Animatics ★

[For HIRE] ★ Illustrator, Comic artist, Character Design, Animations&Animatics ★ submitted by TheLostCinnamonRoll to dndcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:49 mywoodworkdiy Sleeper Re-draft Best-Ball Fantasy Football League that’s better than Underdog

Sleeper Re-draft Best-Ball Fantasy Football League that’s better than Underdog:
Hi, I am starting a Re-draft BestBall PPR sleeper league ( - $20 Buy-in with weekly prizes -. Here are the rules/by laws:
1) Roster: 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 4 FLEX (RB/WTE), 1 SUPER FLEX (QB/RB/WTE), = Total 11 BestBall players starts every week with another 11 players allowed on bench. No IR spots. Total roster of 22 players and we will have 22 round of draft.
2) Standard Scoring with single PPR and ~NO~ TEP.
3) Total 12 team will complete with each other weekly.
4) One extra game will be played each week with league median. For example, In week 1 the league median is 100 points and your team scored 120 points and won against your opponent, you will receive 2 game points. If your team scored 120 points and lost against your opponent, you still will get 1 game point. If your team scored 95 points and lost, you will receive 0 points.
5) Playoffs – Standard settings. Regular season until Week 14 and Week 15, 16, 17 for playoffs.
6) Buy-in - $20 in LeagueSafe which will require majority votes at the end of the year for payouts.
7) Prizes:
a. $5 for weekly highest scoring team. Weekly winners will continue in playoffs for weeks 15, 16 and 17 where only playoff qualified teams will be considered for highest scorers.
b. $15 for 3rd Place Team
c. $30 for 2nd Place Team
d. $70 for 1st Place Team
I will maintain a google sheet that will be shared with the group every week with weekly winners and payments will be made at the end of the league year after majority leaguesafe votes.
8) Draft order will be randomized with 3x random lottery.
9) Slow draft with 8 hours allowed per pick. And draft automatically pauses at night (10pm CST to 10am CST), you are still free to make picks.
10) Draft will be snake with 3rd round reversal.
11) FAAB will be $500 and will not reset. Meaning, you get $500 for the entire off season + regular season.
12) Trading deadline is week 13 and trading is highly encouraged. Recommend using KeepTradeCut calculator as a baseline for trading requests to avoid any lopsided trade requests. But KTC trade calculator is not set in stone.
13) We start drafting as soon as LeagueSafe payment is made.
14) Link for LeagueSafe $20 Payments:
submitted by mywoodworkdiy to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:01 ConsequenceSure3063 Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters

Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters
Step into the world of stylish and secure gun storage with our comprehensive roundup of the best 1911 shoulder holsters on the market today. Let us guide you through the top-rated options, where quality meets convenience and comfort. Prepare to make your choice, as you embark on the journey to find the perfect holster to suit your needs.

The Top 5 Best 1911 Shoulder Holsters

  1. Adaptable Shoulder Holster for Glock 17 - Comfortably carry your Glock 17 with the RangeMaxx 4.5' Shoulder Gun Holster, featuring fully adjustable harness and tiedowns for optimal protection and convenience.
  2. Galco Women's Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster for Comfortable Gun Carry - The Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System offers a perfect blend of comfort, durability, and functionality, making it the ultimate choice for women seeking a reliable and stylish shoulder holster.
  3. Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster: Comfort, Versatility, and Security for Firearm Carriers - The Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster offers a comfortable, ambidextrous, and versatile solution for quick firearm access, making it a reliable choice for 1911 firearms.
  4. Comfortable and Versatile Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster System - Get the premium comfort and versatility of Galco shoulder holsters with the Classic Lite 2.0, featuring a genuine fit, center-cut steerhide construction, and secure gun and ammo carrier.
  5. Classic Army 1911 M-3 Shoulder Holster with Custom Embossing - Experience resemblance to WW2 classic design with the Desantis Tanker Holster, a 1911 shoulder holster designed for the M1911 available in different embossing options for the Army, Navy, and Marines.
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🔗Adaptable Shoulder Holster for Glock 17
I recently tried the RangeMaxx Shoulder Gun Holsters for my 4.5' and Glock 17, and I must say, it was quite the experience. The holster is designed with a fully adjustable harness and tiedowns, which I found incredibly convenient. The padding on the holster provides a nice level of protection for my handgun, and the nylon material ensures durability.
However, there were a few drawbacks to using this holster. The first issue I encountered was that the holster's design made it a bit tricky to adjust the fit of the gun. The second problem was with the release strap snapping right out of the box. Thankfully, I was able to exchange it for a new one without too much hassle.
Despite these minor inconveniences, I found the RangeMaxx Shoulder Gun Holster to be a solid choice for anyone looking for a comfortable and reliable option for carrying their handgun. The adjustable features and padding make it a great choice for all-day wear, and the nylon material ensures the holster remains in top condition. Overall, I would recommend giving this holster a try, especially if you're looking for a budget-friendly option that doesn't compromise on quality or comfort.

🔗Galco Women's Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster for Comfortable Gun Carry
As a roundup article reviewer, I can confidently say that the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System (CL2-202) is a game-changer for those in search of a reliable shoulder holster. Designed with high-quality center cut steerhide, this holster ensures durability and a lifetime of use.
The horizontal gun carry position is a standout feature, allowing for a smooth and intuitive drawing experience. Not only does it accommodate your gun perfectly, but it also offers secure and vertical double magazine carriers with secure flaps, ensuring you're always armed and ready.
The medium-width harness with a swiveling Flexalon backplate enhances comfort, making it an ideal choice for extended use. This shoulder holster even goes a step further by accepting tie-downs, cuff cases, or accessory attachments, catering to various preferences and needs.
Although this holster is highly rated and has its fair share of positive reviews, it may not cater to everyone's specific preferences. Nonetheless, the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System (CL2-202) is truly a reliable and versatile choice for those seeking a dependable shoulder holster.

🔗Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster: Comfort, Versatility, and Security for Firearm Carriers
You know that feeling when you're in a situation where you need quick access to your firearm? I've been there, and it's not fun. That's why I was excited to try out the Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster.
First things first, the tan color really stood out, making me feel like I was ready to take on the world. But even more impressive was the comfort factor. The wide harness and swiveling Flexalon backplate felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the usual tight feeling of other holsters. Plus, it didn't dig into my skin or cause any irritation.
Now, one thing that really sets this holster apart is its ambidextrous design. As a lefty, I'm always worried about how comfortable a holster will be. But the Galco VHS 4.0? It was a game-changer. Whether I was wearing it on my left or right side, it felt just as comfortable.
The vertical double magazine carrier with secure flaps was also a bonus. It made it super easy to reload on the go, without having to fumble around.
But as with anything, there are always a few cons. One thing I noticed was that the holster is a bit on the heavy side. Not a deal breaker, but something to be aware of. Additionally, the shipping time was a bit longer than expected.
Overall, the Galco VHS 4.0 Shoulder Holster is a solid choice. It's comfortable, versatile, and easy to use. Sure, there are a few minor drawbacks, but they're nothing that can't be overcome. If you're looking for a reliable holster that will keep your firearm close and comfortable, this is worth checking out.

🔗Comfortable and Versatile Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder Holster System
I've recently started using the Galco Classic Lite 2.0 Shoulder System in my daily life, and I must say it's a game-changer. This shoulder system stands out with its premium Center Cut Steerhide, providing a sturdy and comfortable experience. The horizontal gun carry and vertical ammo carrier with a secure flap are features I particularly appreciate, as they ensure my firearm and ammunition stay secure and easily accessible.
The medium-width harness with a swiveling Flexalon backplate adds to the overall comfort, allowing for a natural and relaxed fit. I also like that it accepts various accessories, such as tie-downs, cuffs, or flashlights, giving me the flexibility to customize it to my needs.
Though I haven't had any issues with the Galco Classic Lite 2.0, I can't help but notice its somewhat high price point when compared to other options on the market. However, considering the quality and durability it offers, it might just be worth the investment for those seeking a reliable and comfortable shoulder system.

🔗Classic Army 1911 M-3 Shoulder Holster with Custom Embossing
The Desantis Tanker Holster for Standard 1911 Models 5 right-handed version in army finish is a rugged tactical accessory. Its unique strap attachment allows for hands-free carry, while keeping your firearm secure under your arm. The leather construction is both stylish and durable, perfect for any outdoor excursion or day-to-day use.
Despite being a great option for those who prefer a classic army-inspired holster, it may not have the same versatility as other shoulder-style holsters available in the market. Overall, a great option for gun enthusiasts looking for that classic, military-style touch.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing the right 1911 shoulder holster, there are several factors to consider. Ensuring comfort, safety, and ease of use are essential aspects to consider when purchasing this type of holster.


Comfort is a crucial factor when selecting a shoulder holster. You should look for holsters made from soft, breathable materials such as neoprene or leather. Make sure the design of the holster allows for even weight distribution and minimal stress on your shoulders, neck, and back.


Safety should be your top priority when considering a 1911 shoulder holster. Look for holsters that offer retention systems to keep your pistol securely in place. Ensure the holster has a good grip and is easy to draw from, preventing accidental discharge.

Ease of Use

The holster should be easy to put on and take off, even when wearing a coat or jacket. You should also look for holsters that offer a quick-release mechanism, allowing you to draw your pistol quickly and easily in an emergency.

Additional Features

Some 1911 shoulder holsters come with additional features such as magazine pouches, a spare ammunition pouch, or a belt loop. Consider whether you need these features and if they will be beneficial for your specific needs.

Fit and Adjustment

A good 1911 shoulder holster should fit comfortably and securely without being too tight or too loose. Look for holsters that offer adjustable straps, allowing you to customize the fit to your body type. Make sure the holster is compatible with your pistol's grip width and size.

Maintenance and Durability

Ensure the holster you choose is made from durable materials that can withstand regular use. Some materials such as neoprene and leather may require occasional cleaning and conditioning to maintain their quality. Consider the warranty or return policy offered by the manufacturer and retailer.

General Advice

Before making a purchase, it's essential to try on the holster in person or purchase from a reputable dealer with a return policy. Research reviews and ratings online to get an idea of the holster's performance and durability. Remember that the perfect 1911 shoulder holster will vary from person to person, so choose the one that best fits your specific needs and preferences.


What are 1911 Shoulder Holsters?

1911 Shoulder Holsters are a type of gun holster designed specifically for the 1911 handgun model. They provide a secure and convenient way to carry the gun on your shoulder, making it more accessible when needed.

What materials are 1911 Shoulder Holsters made of?

Most 1911 Shoulder Holsters are made from high-quality leather or synthetic materials for durability and comfort. Some also include metal reinforcements for added strength and security.

What are the benefits of using a 1911 Shoulder Holster?

  • Quick access to the gun in case of an emergency
  • Comfortable and secure carriage
  • Better weight distribution compared to traditional hip holsters
  • Protection for the gun from weather and dust

How do I choose the right 1911 Shoulder Holster for my gun?

It is essential to select a holster that is designed to fit your specific 1911 handgun model and version. Measure the dimensions of your gun, including the barrel length, height, and width. Some holsters may also have adjustable retention to accommodate different gun models.

Are there any drawbacks to using a 1911 Shoulder Holster?

  • May not be as concealable as other holster options
  • May not be suitable for people with certain shoulder injuries or conditions
  • Requires proper maintenance and care to maintain its durability and performance

What are some popular brands of 1911 Shoulder Holsters?

Some popular brands of 1911 Shoulder Holsters include Galco Gunleather, Bianchi, Safariland, and DeSantis Gunhide. Each brand offers a variety of models and styles to choose from.

How much do 1911 Shoulder Holsters usually cost?

Prices for 1911 Shoulder Holsters can vary greatly depending on the brand, materials, and features. Some budget-friendly options can be found for under $100, while high-end models can cost several hundred dollars.

Do I need any additional accessories for my 1911 Shoulder Holster?

While not always required, some users may find additional accessories helpful. These could include holster covers for protection, magazine holders, or shoulder strap cushions for extra comfort.
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submitted by ConsequenceSure3063 to u/ConsequenceSure3063 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:51 GuiltlessMaple Best 1911 Night Sights

Best 1911 Night Sights
Discover the power of enhanced visibility with our comprehensive guide to the best 1911 night sights. From the sleek to the tactical, we've rounded up a collection of the most reliable and effective options to keep you confident and well-equipped, even in low-light conditions. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, this article is your go-to source for upgrading your 1911's performance in the dark. Stay tuned and learn how to take your shootings to the next level with our top picks!

The Top 6 Best 1911 Night Sights

  1. HHA Optimizer Lite .019 1 Pin, 20-80 Yards - The HHA 3019 Optimizer Lite 019 1 Pin Sight is an innovative rifle sight that allows for precise shooting at both short and long ranges, making it a favorite among sport shooters and hunters.
  2. Lightweight Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight with Realtree Xtra Camouflage - The Truglo 5-Pin .019 Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight offers a lightweight, reversible, and highly customizable sight with extra-long fibers and brackets for maximum brightness and adjustability, making it suitable for both right and left-handed shooters.
  3. Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed - The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed is an advanced, precision-engineered 5-pin bow sight with exclusive React technology, providing uncompromising performance and ease of use that serious hunters demand.
  4. Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight - The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a high-quality Night Sight with an aperture housing featuring vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, micro-adjustable windage, and elevation, as well as a glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring for perfect alignment.
  5. [Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black] - The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black offers precision and accuracy with a unique design, featuring micro-adjustable pins for optimal performance in any shooting condition.
  6. Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight) - The Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight is a top-selling vertical single pin sight that utilizes React Technology for precise aiming from up to 100 yards, making it ideal for those who wish to enhance their long-distance hunting abilities.
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🔗HHA Optimizer Lite .019 1 Pin, 20-80 Yards
The HHA 3019 Optimizer Lite dot sight stands out due to its simplicity and accuracy. Users appreciate the easy-to-use design that allows them to quickly sight in their bow at both 20-yard and 60-yard range in just a few shots. The fiber optics are fully protected, tool-free adjustments are easy to make, and the sight houses a 1.58-inch diameter for a 1-pin adjustable sighting experience.
Despite the compact design, the sight remains lightweight and compact enough to easily mount on a bow without restricting the shooter's movement.

🔗Lightweight Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight with Realtree Xtra Camouflage
The Tru-Fusion Hybrid technology is an excellent combination, featuring a lightweight carbon composite and aluminum construction for a great strength-to-weight ratio and durability. The Tru-Touch coating helps to reduce vibration on the shot, making the TruGlo 5-Pin. 019 Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight a top choice for shooters. This sight has various impressive features, such as metal pins with extra-long fibers for improved brightness and reduced impact on the shot.
The sight also has a reversible bracket with multiple mounting holes, making it useful for both right and left-handed shooters. The TruGlo 5-Pin. 019 Carbon Hybrid Micro Sight offers micro adjustment windage and elevation adjustments and includes a push-button sight light.
Overall, this product provides excellent performance and value for its price. However, some users may have issues with the light functionality or difficulties identifying which way is up while adjusting.
Nevertheless, it remains a popular choice for many bowhunters and archers.

🔗Trophy Ridge React Pro .19 Pin Sight Right Handed
The Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is a world-class precision, durable, and highly reliable hunting sight designed for serious hunters. This right-handed bow sight features a solid 6061-aluminum construction, no-slop tolerances for accurate shooting, and exclusive React technology for easy sight-in.
With tool-less micro-adjustment, second- and third-axis leveling capabilities, a precision-installed bubble level, rheostat sight light, and a contrast glow ring, the React Pro Five-Pin Sight guarantees a perfect aim in all shooting situations. The front-mounted fiber-optic ring and rheostat light maximize pin brightness while protecting the fibers, making it easy to see through low and changing light conditions.
The sight is finished with a black finish, providing a sleek and professional look. Overall, the Trophy AS825R19 React Pro is the ideal choice for hunters seeking a high-quality, easy-to-use, and reliable sight for their bow.

🔗Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight
The Apex Gear Covert 1 Pin Sight is a compact and lightweight sight for your bow. It comes with aperture housing that includes vertical and horizontal tilt adjustments, making it easy to make precise shots. The sight also comes with micro adjustable windage and elevation for further accuracy.
This sight's glow-in-the-dark shooter's ring aligns the scope housing to the peep, helping in quick target acquisition. The rear-facing, easy-to-see yardage tape location further enhances targeting capabilities.
The precision-machined aluminum construction ensures durability and a long-lasting performance. Overall, it is a suitable choice for any archer in need of a reliable and accurate bow sight.

🔗[Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight - 3 Pin - Black]

The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight is a popular choice among bowhunters because of its innovative design, which delivers dependable precision with micro-adjustable pins. Enhanced with a second-axis adjustment for increased accuracy over longer distances, this sight has been made for optimal performance. Designed to withstand daily use, its durable structure and sturdy components ensure long-lasting reliability.
Key features of the Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight include its high visibility. 019 horizontal fiber optic pins, which offer ultimate visibility in any shooting condition no matter the lighting. To adjust brightness to suit your needs, the included rheostat light comes with a pre-charged battery, providing the perfect balance between precision and visual clarity.
With seven, five, or three-pin construction, you can choose the configuration that best fits your specific requirements. Each sight comes with a Trophy Ridge Fix sight, an on-board pin adjustment tool, mounting hardware, and a pre-charged rheostat light.
Customer reviews for this product are overwhelmingly positive, citing the great value for money, easy installation, and impressive precision. Users are particularly impressed by the sight's micro-adjustable pins and the high brightness offered by the rheostat light.
The Trophy Ridge Fix Series Sight is an excellent choice for enthusiasts who want reliable performance, easy adjustment, and a sighting system that can hold up to daily wear and tear. With a range of pin configurations and a versatile rheostat light, this sight can serve as a comprehensive solution for any archery need.

🔗Trophy Ridge React One Pro RH .019 Sight (Archery Sight)
The React One Pro from Trophy Ridge is a high-end vertical single pin sight that allows archers to push the limits and reach up to 100 yards. Combining React Technology with all the features of a top-notch target bow sight, the Trophy Ridge React One Pro will meet your every need. The sight is easy to use and delivers year after year, hunt after hunt.
You won't believe that React Technology can make your archery experience even better! .

Buyer's Guide
When considering purchasing a 1911 Night Sight, there are several factors to take into account. First, it is important to select a sighting system that is compatible with your specific firearm. This will ensure correct alignment and accuracy when shooting in low light conditions. In addition to compatibility, you should also pay attention to the brand and model of the night sight. Some brands may offer higher quality sights with better durability, while others might have a reputation for poor performance or reliability issues.
Another critical feature to consider is the type of night sight. There are two main types of 1911 Night Sights available on the market: tritium and fiber optic. Tritium night sights use a self-luminous tritium gas to provide visibility in low light, while fiber optic sights rely on a fiber optical system to direct light from a source into the sighting system. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Tritium sights tend to be more durable and reliable in extreme temperatures, while fiber optic sights can be easier to align and provide better precision in lower light conditions.
In addition to choosing the right type of sight, you will also want to consider the level of brightness and intensity of the night sight. The higher the brightness rating, the more visible the sight will be in low light conditions. However, a higher intensity might compromise the visibility of the front sight or make it more difficult to see the target. Some night sights also feature a dot-in-a-circle design, which can help improve target acquisition but may also reduce the overall brightness of the sight.
Lastly, you will want to consider the mounting system of the night sight you are considering purchasing. Most 1911 Night Sights are designed for easy installation and removal. However, some may require a bit more effort or additional tools. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the mounting process for the specific sight you are considering before making a purchase.

In conclusion


What are 1911 Night Sights?
1911 Night Sights are a popular type of gun sight that enables shooters to see and aim accurately in low-light environments. They are specifically designed for handguns using the. 45 ACP cartridge and include a tritium-based illumination system for easy target acquisition.

What advantages do 1911 Night Sights offer?

Some advantages of 1911 Night Sights include improved visibility in low-light situations, easier and faster target acquisition, and a reduction in the need for manual light sources to illuminate the front sight. This allows for more accurate shooting under time-constrained scenarios.

What types of 1911 Night Sights are available on the market?

There are several types of 1911 Night Sights available, including options with front-facing tritium sights, rear-sight tritium illumination systems, and those that incorporate both front and rear illumination. Users can also choose from various designs and styles that cater to their preferences.

Which 1911 Night Sights are most suitable for personal defense use?

The most suitable 1911 Night Sights for personal defense use would be those that provide maximum visibility in low-light conditions. Look for options that include front and rear tritium illumination systems for quick target acquisition and immediate engagement. Additionally, the sight's design should be sturdy and user-friendly for easy installation and adjustment to different shooting distances.

Is proper maintenance required for 1911 Night Sights?

Like any other firearm component, proper maintenance of 1911 Night Sights is essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. This includes regular cleaning and lubrication, inspecting for damage, and ensuring they are securely mounted to the firearm. Proper maintenance will help extend the life of these sights while maintaining accuracy in low-light scenarios.

What are some tips for using 1911 Night Sights effectively?

To effectively use 1911 Night Sights, practice with the sight as much as possible. This includes shooting in low-light environments to fully familiarize yourself with the sights' capabilities. Additionally, keep in mind that your eyesight plays a crucial role, as with any sighting system. Factor in any vision corrections and ensure they are taken into account when using the sights.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:39 alberrammc Alberram - Fantasy Roleplay Server [Java] [Vanilla] [1.20.2] [16+]

⊹⊱- Link:
Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that prides itself on its creative freedom. Our lore is short and easy to read; the only limit being your own imagination!
⊹⊱- COMPLETELY FREE: We don't ask for donations, subscriptions, or give people unfair advantages.
⊹⊱- A STAFF TEAM THAT CARES: The staff of Alberram was made by users disappointed with many public roleplaying servers in the past. We take suggestions and reports seriously to ensure that players feel safe and happy within our community! Our staff team also provides full transparency and honesty with its player base, something not often seen on some servers.
⊹⊱- DEDICATED & ACTIVE PLAYERBASE: Although the active community might be small, Alberram still possesses a decent amount of active and dedicated players ready to craft their own unique characters, stories, storylines, and more!
⊹⊱- WHITELIST: Alberram has a simple whitelisting process where you place your character sheets into the whitelisting channel; it will take no more than a day for a staff member to look over your sheet! This is done to ensure that characters are fair, balanced, and makes sense within the Alberram lore! We don't deny people who are trying their best and will help you make the perfect sheet.
⊹⊱- PLUGINS: Our server possesses a wide variety of plugins to help implement our uniquely working races and to assist with immersion. Our plugins also aid with creating new towns, cities, and nations, meaning geopolitical rp is a possibility. If you're one of the few who are worried about performance, don't fret! Alberram's plugins aren't heavy enough to impact performance significantly. If they are, we allow players to use performance enhancing mods as long as they run them by the staff team first.
⊹⊱- Lore snippet: The old continent used to be peaceful and brimming with magic; a lucky few being able to adeptly wield and cast it to suit their own needs. However, as centuries passed, less and less land became habitable, confining each unique race to their own isolated corners of the continent as magic slowly withered away. In modern day, in an attempt to gain more land, ignorant that there was none to spare, each region prepared to wage war against one another. However, lately a rumor has spread throughout each region of a newly discovered continent east of their own, having earned the name "Alberram". Will you be a soldier that flees to avoid certain death? Will you be a wanderer wishing to start anew? Or will you be a kindly commoner; fleeing in an attempt to live a peaceful life without the horrors of war? The fate of the world is in your hands.
Have any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments or DM us! We hope to see you soon! 👋
submitted by alberrammc to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:39 alberrammc Alberram - Fantasy Roleplay Server [Java] [Vanilla] [1.20.2] [16+]

⊹⊱- Link:
Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that prides itself on its creative freedom. Our lore is short and easy to read; the only limit being your own imagination!
⊹⊱- COMPLETELY FREE: We don't ask for donations, subscriptions, or give people unfair advantages.
⊹⊱- A STAFF TEAM THAT CARES: The staff of Alberram was made by users disappointed with many public roleplaying servers in the past. We take suggestions and reports seriously to ensure that players feel safe and happy within our community! Our staff team also provides full transparency and honesty with its player base, something not often seen on some servers.
⊹⊱- DEDICATED & ACTIVE PLAYERBASE: Although the active community might be small, Alberram still possesses a decent amount of active and dedicated players ready to craft their own unique characters, stories, storylines, and more!
⊹⊱- WHITELIST: Alberram has a simple whitelisting process where you place your character sheets into the whitelisting channel; it will take no more than a day for a staff member to look over your sheet! This is done to ensure that characters are fair, balanced, and makes sense within the Alberram lore! We don't deny people who are trying their best and will help you make the perfect sheet.
⊹⊱- PLUGINS: Our server possesses a wide variety of plugins to help implement our uniquely working races and to assist with immersion. Our plugins also aid with creating new towns, cities, and nations, meaning geopolitical rp is a possibility. If you're one of the few who are worried about performance, don't fret! Alberram's plugins aren't heavy enough to impact performance significantly. If they are, we allow players to use performance enhancing mods as long as they run them by the staff team first.
⊹⊱- Lore snippet: The old continent used to be peaceful and brimming with magic; a lucky few being able to adeptly wield and cast it to suit their own needs. However, as centuries passed, less and less land became habitable, confining each unique race to their own isolated corners of the continent as magic slowly withered away. In modern day, in an attempt to gain more land, ignorant that there was none to spare, each region prepared to wage war against one another. However, lately a rumor has spread throughout each region of a newly discovered continent east of their own, having earned the name "Alberram". Will you be a soldier that flees to avoid certain death? Will you be a wanderer wishing to start anew? Or will you be a kindly commoner; fleeing in an attempt to live a peaceful life without the horrors of war? The fate of the world is in your hands.
Have any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments or DM us! We hope to see you soon! 👋
submitted by alberrammc to MinecraftRoleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:38 alberrammc Alberram - Fantasy Roleplay Server [Java] [Vanilla] [1.20.2] [16+]

⊹⊱- Link:
Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that prides itself on its creative freedom. Our lore is short and easy to read; the only limit being your own imagination!
⊹⊱- COMPLETELY FREE: We don't ask for donations, subscriptions, or give people unfair advantages.
⊹⊱- A STAFF TEAM THAT CARES: The staff of Alberram was made by users disappointed with many public roleplaying servers in the past. We take suggestions and reports seriously to ensure that players feel safe and happy within our community! Our staff team also provides full transparency and honesty with its player base, something not often seen on some servers.
⊹⊱- DEDICATED & ACTIVE PLAYERBASE: Although the active community might be small, Alberram still possesses a decent amount of active and dedicated players ready to craft their own unique characters, stories, storylines, and more!
⊹⊱- WHITELIST: Alberram has a simple whitelisting process where you place your character sheets into the whitelisting channel; it will take no more than a day for a staff member to look over your sheet! This is done to ensure that characters are fair, balanced, and makes sense within the Alberram lore! We don't deny people who are trying their best and will help you make the perfect sheet.
⊹⊱- PLUGINS: Our server possesses a wide variety of plugins to help implement our uniquely working races and to assist with immersion. Our plugins also aid with creating new towns, cities, and nations, meaning geopolitical rp is a possibility. If you're one of the few who are worried about performance, don't fret! Alberram's plugins aren't heavy enough to impact performance significantly. If they are, we allow players to use performance enhancing mods as long as they run them by the staff team first.
⊹⊱- Lore snippet: The old continent used to be peaceful and brimming with magic; a lucky few being able to adeptly wield and cast it to suit their own needs. However, as centuries passed, less and less land became habitable, confining each unique race to their own isolated corners of the continent as magic slowly withered away. In modern day, in an attempt to gain more land, ignorant that there was none to spare, each region prepared to wage war against one another. However, lately a rumor has spread throughout each region of a newly discovered continent east of their own, having earned the name "Alberram". Will you be a soldier that flees to avoid certain death? Will you be a wanderer wishing to start anew? Or will you be a kindly commoner; fleeing in an attempt to live a peaceful life without the horrors of war? The fate of the world is in your hands.
Have any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments or DM us! We hope to see you soon! 👋
submitted by alberrammc to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:37 alberrammc Alberram - Fantasy Roleplay Server [SMP] {Whitelist}

[Java] [Vanilla] [1.20.2] [16+]
⊹⊱- Link:
Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that prides itself on its creative freedom. Our lore is short and easy to read; the only limit being your own imagination!
⊹⊱- COMPLETELY FREE: We don't ask for donations, subscriptions, or give people unfair advantages.
⊹⊱- A STAFF TEAM THAT CARES: The staff of Alberram was made by users disappointed with many public roleplaying servers in the past. We take suggestions and reports seriously to ensure that players feel safe and happy within our community! Our staff team also provides full transparency and honesty with its player base, something not often seen on some servers.
⊹⊱- DEDICATED & ACTIVE PLAYERBASE: Although the active community might be small, Alberram still possesses a decent amount of active and dedicated players ready to craft their own unique characters, stories, storylines, and more!
⊹⊱- WHITELIST: Alberram has a simple whitelisting process where you place your character sheets into the whitelisting channel; it will take no more than a day for a staff member to look over your sheet! This is done to ensure that characters are fair, balanced, and makes sense within the Alberram lore! We don't deny people who are trying their best and will help you make the perfect sheet.
⊹⊱- PLUGINS: Our server possesses a wide variety of plugins to help implement our uniquely working races and to assist with immersion. Our plugins also aid with creating new towns, cities, and nations, meaning geopolitical rp is a possibility. If you're one of the few who are worried about performance, don't fret! Alberram's plugins aren't heavy enough to impact performance significantly. If they are, we allow players to use performance enhancing mods as long as they run them by the staff team first.
⊹⊱- Lore snippet: The old continent used to be peaceful and brimming with magic; a lucky few being able to adeptly wield and cast it to suit their own needs. However, as centuries passed, less and less land became habitable, confining each unique race to their own isolated corners of the continent as magic slowly withered away. In modern day, in an attempt to gain more land, ignorant that there was none to spare, each region prepared to wage war against one another. However, lately a rumor has spread throughout each region of a newly discovered continent east of their own, having earned the name "Alberram". Will you be a soldier that flees to avoid certain death? Will you be a wanderer wishing to start anew? Or will you be a kindly commoner; fleeing in an attempt to live a peaceful life without the horrors of war? The fate of the world is in your hands.
Have any questions? Feel free to leave them in the comments or DM us! We hope to see you soon! 👋
submitted by alberrammc to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:23 Maganus TTRPG Club - Adventure Game

At our high school, we have a TTRPG games club (mostly D&D, Pathfinder, and Magic the Gathering) that meets once a week. We are the club advisors (teachers) and we are planning an end of the year celebration.
As part of that, I'll be turning the whole school into a giant dungeon. Like a "choose your own adventure" or "escape room" where the students make a small party and need to proceed from room to room where they will find "Encounter" posters. Each encounter works a little like this...
Off Shoot Cave You find a cave that heads off to the side and expands into a wider area. You creep in slowly looking for the back of the cave and a path forward when...
Encounter (There will be an envelope, the students draw smaller envelopes with the encounter and keep that encounter card and use the abilities on their character sheet - these are simplified character sheets with abilities, special powers, and combat damage to deal with each encounter - right now there are Barbarians, Fighters, Clerics, Bards, Thieves, and Sorcerers for the students to pick from to make their party)
They draw...
Goblin Warband A pack of goblins peers out from opening ahead and attacks...
To complete the encounter 1) A thief or bard can use their dexterity check to notice the encounter and hide the party. The goblins slip by and you proceed. 2) Combat - add up your combat damage and abilities you choose to trigger doing damage to the goblins, if you do more damage than the goblins, you succeed and move on. If you don't, two party members take arrow hits and 4 hit points of damage each. Keep dealing your damage the next round until they are defeated and you proceed. 3) You use another power or ability to try befriending the goblins (these are on characters) - gain a goblin ally or they think you are friends and you proceed forward. 4) Retreat - head to (Room listed) and escape and follow the instructions there.
Here's my ask - I'm working on this for Monday and thought I would kick out to you all - what might be some interesting, fun encounters that the students could run into? Feel free to add thoughts on phrasing and what the monsters can/can't do and I'll make encounter cards from the ones that help inspire me.
Thanks for your thoughts and help - happy gaming!
submitted by Maganus to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:02 VeteranWallSt The Journey to 100% Annual Returns... 2024 Edition, Week #22 ($1460)

The Journey to 100% Annual Returns... 2024 Edition, Week #22 ($1460)
Happy June all! We are back from taking a week off (visiting mother in Hospice) and finally pushed through Memorial Day. I am so glad that May is over! May is characteristic of low volatility & premiums, and one of my toughest months. We closed the PVI Portfolio up 6.37% for the month, and it almost feels like a failure... it's funny how spoiled we get with good returns!!
PVI Portfolio-Income Generator® $SPX Model Portfolio up 44.14% YTD with NO WEEKLY LOSSES!!
  • 22-0 for 2024
  • Averaging 4.74% Return on Capital per week
  • Use less than 50% of Buying Power
  • The Model Portfolio is designed to return $1500-$2500 of income per week
  • Sharpe Ratio 4.02 (Updated on June 1st)
2024 PVI Portfolio Performance
One of our ITG Staff members, Always Reliable already wrote an outstanding review of the process, system, & results, so I'm just going to hit the summary.
The SPX Model Range Profile did not provide many clues as to what to expect for the week, but the PVI Spreadsheet was VERY TELLING with the huge number of VOLATILITY MODELS that set the Extremes for the week. That told us that 99% of the sheet was UNDERPRICED on OPTIONS and a great week for getting LONG OPTIONS.
PVI Spreadsheet for 5/31
One of the first things you should notice is that PVI was INSIDE some models last week (that's not a common occurrence). That is a warning sign to be careful if the markets start a massive trend. I would bet $10,000 that we would not have recovered if Friday's price action happened on Thursday. The day of the week is significant. In Discord, I kept telling members that I expected ES/SPX/SPY to finish FLAT or GREEN (and the green comment was the expectancy for the MMs to get the SPX back over & close over the April Highs. During Friday's PM session, we resold PVI PUTS for $2.20, loaded up on ES & NQ Futures, and LONG SPY 522 calls for under $0.40. Those are the rare opportunities where you can make $20-25,000 in a single session with almost zero drawdown.
SPX Model Ranges with Weekly Levels
PVI TRADES: Based on the Volatility Models, I got into ES Puts early on 5/28 & sold them to create a 5-wide PDS (Put Debit Spread) which cost me $0.25. About 35 minutes later, I covered the short side and resold them 3 minutes later to turn my $0.25 DEBIT into a $0.15 CREDIT! This gave me 10x contracts or 50 ES points that were absolutely RISK-FREE!! $2500 in profit if they finished ITM on Friday. After securing a FREE Debit Spread, I opened the PCS side with a 5:3 Ratio, selling the initial puts for $1.35. An hour later, I added 1x more short put at $1.45 & sold the 0dte 5325 calls for $0.65. I sold the 5th Put contract on Thursday morning for $2.15 (not posted in the PVI Trades as it was from my Master TWS Account) On Friday morning, the PVI Puts (5175s) were trading at $0.15 and I announced for folks to set stops at 2x the price just in case the market's response to PCE was bad. My stop-out was at $0.30, and then I was flat and able to resell 3x contracts later in the day for the $2.20 (trade called out & posted). After SPX failed the Opening Range, VWAP, and the Institutional OveUnder, we sold 5325 calls for $0.72 and never needed to cover them.
PVI Trades for Week #22
I do not count the 10x ES Debit Spreads which finished $4.50 ITM ($2,250) or the additional scalping in the Model Portfolio Spreadsheet, as that is not what a typical trader would expect from the system. The actual Put Credit received for the week was right at $2, and the Call premiums were just over $1.25.
I hope this finds each of you well and ready to enjoy your summer. I will finish the PVI data early tomorrow morning, and plan to do a Weekly PVI Roadmap on stage tomorrow night after Globex Futures open. There is some PVI Alpha that is important for June, but I am not at liberty to share it publically yet.
-Vet #TradersHelpingTraders
submitted by VeteranWallSt to IndieTradersGuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:25 pohltergiest Denouement, part 1

Waking up early, we tidied up our room, had our little breakfast we bought the night before and got over to the train station. The station was small, just one room and one gate as this was the end of the line in the north. Feeling like we could spend more time out here on the edge, we disassembled and racked up our bikes with the annoying flimsy Rinko bags that does little else than keep grease from getting on other stuff.
The express train was comfortable, but we had to jam our bikes in little luggage nooks that left half the bike in the aisle. The station master had no issues with us, and the onboard inspector likewise didn't care that the aisles were partially blocked, so we paid the bikes little mind, except when they occasionally toppled over.
Four hours and a lot of writing later, we arrived in Asahikawa on a sunny morning. The rolling farmland scenery was lovely, but we certainly didn't miss out on breathtakung views by going the coastal route. We were impressed with the station and surroundings in Asahikawa, which is not a large city but boasts an extremely nice train station, a lot of hotels, malls and shops in a tight cluster. This is a place that thrives on being the gateway to the north, clearly.
We had a daisy-chain of tasks that needed doing, each affecting the next. We needed a hotel that could help us get a taxi and also store our bikes in boxes. The bikes needed to be boxed so we could reserve the space on our upcoming flights, so it had to happen now. Plus if we couldn't get a box, we didn't want to wait to find that out. A solid three days is lots of contingency in case something doesn't work out.
Getting out of the station area, we found a tourist information center and figured that was a good place to start. They offered luggage storage, so we asked if they would store our bikes in boxes. After some negotiation, they agreed, and went as far as to start calling taxi companies for us for a booking to the airport on Wednesday! As they have their own company to do this, it only made sense. A driver eventually had to come by and see the bikes for himself to determine if he could take them, and eventually decided that they had no vehicles suitable for the task. The lady at the counter was undeterred, asking us to wait longer while she called more companies to get a van. Eventually she found one, and booked it for us. Amazing.
We decided to stay at the hotel that was part of the train station as we would have to haul the bikes in boxes back and forth a few times to get around the 3-day storage limit at the train station. We couldn't check in there yet, as it was only noon, so we found a bike parking area, left our bikes there and went and got burgers for lunch. Lotteria, my favourite, though the fries weren't fresh. I wish I had a better grasp of Japanese to ask for fresh fries. Gotta get the fresh friessss.
After lunch we went to a dollar store to get some packing materials for our bikes. Bubble wrap, foam sheets, packing tape, and cardboard wrap. Should be good. Once we had that, we could head to our first bike shop to try and get boxes. Bryce and I emailed every shop in the city a week ago, and we had a few hits to try. The first shop was an unassuming place a bit out of the way, but when we arrived and I said my name was Mia, a man got up and took us to the parking lot, where we found a van with three bike boxes to pick from. A fair bit smaller than what we worked with last time, but they should do the trick. The man refused payment of any kind, but took a sticker and some candies and a picture of us.
We walked the bike boxes 20 minutes to a bus stop and were a minor nuisance on the bus getting back to the station where our bikes were. It was a half hour before check in, but we decided that we may as well get to work. We spent the better part of four hours disassembling, padding and fitting our bikes into the almost-too-small boxes, a somewhat uncomfortable fit. Bryce's frame is a bit smaller than mine, so he had a somewhat easier time getting it all in there, but it still took a long time. Nearly everyone going through the doors to the mall nearby was looking at us, but what else could we do? Certainly we weren't going to do this business in a hotel room, messy as it was. It was a lovely day and it was methodical fun getting it all to work. How heavy are the boxes? I guess we'll find out at the airport. A few people stopped to ask us what we were doing, bicycle parts scattered about the pavement like a broad daylight chop shop. It took some explaining but most people went away quite amused with us. One man asked us if we liked sake, and when we responded in the positive, he just straight up gave us the bottle he had in his hands, going back inside to buy another.
I would like to have known the thoughts of the hotel staff when we filed past the check in counter after they told us not to bring bicycles to the room, now bringing said bicycles into the rooms fully disassembled and neatly packed into boxes. The hotel was lovely, a new looking place with a pillow corner where you could pick out a pillow for the night from a library of sizes and styles. Well you could, if a family of British tourists didn't take three each like spoiled assholes. The standard pillows were fine, so it was okay.
Dinner was a random place we found upstairs at the mall that served chicken wings, and we wandered around looking for suitcases. Packing up the bikes was all well and good, but the bikes were how we moved our stuff around. Now we had a great deal of bags and stuff that we wouldn't be able to carry, so they needed a suitcase or something to store them in. We quickly decided that Asahikawa was not the place for this, and we would need to find suitcases in Sapporo. Now that the bikes were packed up, we were free to fill our remaining luggage allotment with gifts, souvenirs and snacks to take home. In the meantime, we bought a big sturdy cardboard box from a shipping company and decided to try our luck foisting it on the hotel in the morning.
Satisfied with finishing all of our tasks for the day, plan A going very nicely, we settled into the evening, visiting the onsen and tucking into the sake gifted to us. It had a somewhat sweet flavor, and wasn't very harsh at all. Lovely. We stayed up a little later reading, and fell asleep readily, the soreness of our ride slowly evaporating.
submitted by pohltergiest to RainbowRamenRide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:07 Sad-Loss-9392 FO76 Season S.C.O.R.E. Calculator

I created a simple google sheet to help fellow Wastelanders calculate how much SCORE they can still earn and what rank that would put them at. Currently, this calculator assumes you have FO1st (I may get around to making another one without FO1st).
I see many posts asking if people at certain ranks should give up on trying to hit whatever milestone they're setting out for. This spreadsheet should help answer those questions quickly and easily.
If anyone has any comments, questions, or feedback, let me know!
Feel free to use this and/or pass it around.
EDIT: I recommend saving a copy of the Google Sheet to avoid multiple people editing it at once :D
submitted by Sad-Loss-9392 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:54 Tilakovsky I never got credited for the effort I was investing at my school, jobs and people.

I've been underestimated most of my life by my superiors and parents, even to this very day.
This has been going on ever since middle school, up until recently which prompted me to write this post.
I'll give a few notable examples;
We've had an assignment about Robinson Crusoe that we were supposed to prepare during the summer break. I liked the book so much that I've read 5 different publications of it and both in my native and English language. When we got back in school, I wrote a 5 page essay in 45 minutes for the test which included a short biography of Daniel Defoe, the entirety of the book recapped and the intricacies explained up until the very end of the book. I expected to get an A on the assignment, only for the teacher to return the paper and tell me: "There is no way you managed to perform this by yourself. Someone helped you." And she gave me a C.
A few years ago, I was working in a Mexican restaurant and I've noticed that we've been wasting 1 kilogram (2.205 lbs) of beans per day, which would accumulate to 30 kilograms (66 lbs) of waste. I ran some calculations and I proposed two solutions to my manager:
  1. We could increase the amount of beans we put inside burritos so that the customer gets a better price per amount ratio.
  2. We could modify the amount that was cooked at the time and save us some money in the long run.
I also mentioned that if the change was not made anytime soon, that we would be forced to use canned beans as a cheaper alternative, which would completely destroy the taste.
My manager just shrugged and brushed the idea off with "We will review your proposal accordingly and inform you of the verdict."
I left shortly after and in about 6 months my prediction came true and they started cutting down on everything, going so far as to use cheaper plastic trays as the metal ones were harder to wash.
After that job, I started working as a Customer Support Agent for a bus company. It was mainly working on live channels (Chatting and calling). I noticed that my hands were getting tired from all the typing and I found an interesting solution:
There was a free software on the internet that let me assign macros on my keyboard containing the opening, middle and closing lines of the conversation. This reduced the AHT (Average Handling Time) by 70% increased the CPH (Cases Per Hour) by 45%.
The best part of it all was that the software was entirely open source, required no licensing and was able to be distributed easily in a portable exe file that took around 2 Mbs. The macros could also be exported and imported easily, meaning that the entire office would be ready in about 30 minutes.
I assembled a meeting with my managers and the project lead, demonstrated the software and got the same answer: "We will review your proposal accordingly and inform you of the verdict."
A year and a half later, they're still using the excel sheets they've made.
I also remember going to my uncle and being excited that I finally managed to overcome some personal BS that was torturing me for quite some time, only to be met with: "Oh my, this must've been a work of the holy spirit!"
I'm just so fed up with people honestly.
submitted by Tilakovsky to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:43 AdSolid8334 [S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - Joe Hisaishi - One Summer's Day - PiaNoProblem

[S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - Joe Hisaishi - One Summer's Day - PiaNoProblem submitted by AdSolid8334 to sheetmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:41 vinegarxhoney 40 Questions Typing Help

I've typed myself as an IEI for a while now, but I've been doing some soul searching and I'm not sure how well that fits me right now, and I'm curious whether it's to do with my understanding of socionics or just transient personal stuff.
I've seen some of the comments and answers on previous posts of this questionnaire, and they've been quite insightful and thorough, which I greatly appreciate, since it helps me learn better.
Any help that you could give would be greatly appreciated, and thank you!
-How do you work? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters that determine whether you can do work or not? What are they?
My knee-jerk answer is to say “by starting, then finishing”. I do my best to be quick, efficient, to do it well, and to do extra sometimes. I get kind of competitive about it sometimes, where if I see someone else working hard it makes me want to do more. Granted they’re usually getting paid more to do more, but the urge is still there.
Depends on the person, but mostly to survive. You make money, you spend it on survival. Ideally, you’ll get to use it for more fulfilling things and to improve your life. For some people the reason could be to follow their passion, for socialization, for a cause, etc., but I do think that it’s mostly for survival.
I’m not sure I really understand this part of the question. Parameters like the working environment, the type of work, understanding/skill? I’m not sure how to answer this.

-How do you determine the quality of work? How do you determine the quality of a purchase? Do you pay any attention to it?
That’s kind of hard to quantify. I think boiled down: if it’s free of errors, if it’s organized, if it’s neat/done carefully, if it makes sense logically, and does the product/outcome show the skill that went into it.
For a purchase, I think basically are you getting a good quality for what you paid. Does it work the way it’s supposed to, and maybe even better? If it’s something for fun, does it bring joy, not just now, but for a while in the future? And in that vein, it should last for a long time and be able to be maintained.
I pay attention to both. Quality of work (from others as well, but from me especially) matters a LOT to me, and I do think that quality of purchases does hold at least some importance to me because my money used to purchase it came from my time, and I don’t want that to go to waste.

-There is a professional next to you. How do you know they are a professional? How do you evaluate their skill?
That’s actually a pretty interesting question. I would imagine the ease of which they are doing something, their ability to be creative in problem-solving/drawing conclusions, their confidence in what they are doing, and their ability and willingness to teach or at least share. I would evaluate their skill using the same criteria (but also, if I’m not a professional in that, my evaluation wouldn’t mean much).

-If you struggle to do something, how do you fix that? Do you know if your performance is better or worse than others?
Part of the time, I’ll power through the frustration until something finally clicks, or the outcome is at least “good enough” or done, even if the quality isn’t ideal. If I’m being honest, part of the time when I hit a wall in struggling with something, I will stop doing it. Sometimes because you need to figure out a different approach, sometimes it’s essentially “giving up”. I have a hard time asking for help, so it’s a last resort sort of thing.
I do keep a close eye on my performance, and compare it to others. I do wish I did it in a way where I’m using it as a kind of inspirational competitive things vs. just comparing myself to others (comparison is the thief of joy and all that). Sometimes I can, but most of the time it’s comparing and wanting to make sure I’m doing better.

-How do you measure the success of a job? What standard do you use? Do you pay attention to it? When should you deviate from this standard?
By if it worked, the result was good, and ideally also that getting to the result went smoothly. I feel like if the process to getting the result is chaotic, it usually means something needs to be done better and improve.
I use my own standards most of the time, being a perfectionist. I’ll have awareness of what the external standard is, like one set by a boss, but will have my own standards internally.
I do pay attention to both of these standards.
Sometimes you have to prioritize things, and honestly sometimes you have to “cut corners” and decide which things need to be done perfectly and which things can be done “enough” without effecting the result. Sometimes things just go sideways, and you have to say “good enough is good enough”. It depends on the situation, really. Try your best to meet the standards, but things are going to happen outside of your control sometimes and you have to adapt to the circumstances.
-What is a whole? Can you identify its parts? Are the parts equivalent to the whole?
Ngl, this is an annoying question. A whole is one unit, made up of smaller parts.
If there’s a whole, it would logically follow that it’s made up of parts, so I’d assume I’d be able to identify them?
I would say no, the parts aren’t equivalent to the whole. Take a car, for example: each parts together make up one car, but each parts are wholes in their own right and are their own working units.

-What does "logical" mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view? How do you know you are being logical?
Going from point A to point B in a way that can be replicated, I guess. This is another one I have a hard time actually getting into the details and defining. I don’t really think about this in great detail, I just do it?

-What is hierarchy? Give examples of hierarchies. Do you need to follow it? Why or why not? Explain how hierarchy is used in a system you are familiar with.
It’s an organization of people (at least in the context of this question) that operates with a person in charge, then a layer of people underneath them, and so on and so forth until you reach the lowest level (like a pyramid). Most of the ways humans are organized (government, military, schools, jobs, religions, the list goes on and on) are hierarchies, whether formally or not.
Whether or not you need to follow it is situational. To use the military example, if you’re given an order that violates laws, you don’t need to follow it (the consequences are a whole other topic). In general, I don’t mind hierarchies, so don’t mind following them, but there are limits. If someone is telling you to do something stupid or dangerous, it’s ridiculous to follow it just because you’re “following orders”. That’s how awful things happen, and you’re still a human being with a working brain and autonomy.
I feel like I’ve explained how the hierarchies work by explaining what they are, so I won’t go into it again.

-What is classification? How does classification work? Why is it needed and where is it applied? Give examples.
It’s essentially just a way of categorizing things, like phenomena, animals, plants, psychiatric disorders, etc. You’re grouping things with similarities together, whatever those similarities are. These furry things have four legs and give live birth? Mammals! These green things that get bigger in the sun? Plants!
It’s incredibly useful for understanding the world around us, and being able to connect concepts, ideas, and just tangible things together quickly. You don’t need to re-figure out what a strawberry plant is in relation to an apple tree every time, we can just say they’re fruit-bearing. It’s really just the natural way the human brain works: we scan around us, and oh! Something moved! It wouldn’t make sense for the survival of a species for us to have to figure out what a snake is and if it’s poisonous or not every time we see one, we just classify this scaly long boi as a “snake”, and put it into the “poisonous” sub-category if it’s also red.

I would say they’re logically consistent (ideally lol, I try to be aware if they’re not really logically consistent to be honest about it, and to then not take those too seriously and be open to change if they’re not), but not consistent in the sense that I’ll have the same ideas about everything for eternity. I change my mind and ideas as needed, I’m not going to just stick my head in the sand and not change my mind if more information pops up.
If I’m actually paying attention to what the other person is saying, I can usually tell inconsistencies in their ideas, though I’m thinking of logical issues in their reasoning, and I’m not sure if this question means it in another way.

This section was the strangest to answer. It was like answering the question “why does 1+1=2?”. Because that’s how it works, move on to something more interesting!
-Can you press people? What methods do you use? How does it happen?
I don’t like pressing other people honestly, I’d prefer to collaborate with them, even if I’m the one “calling the shots”. I’m not a fan of pressing people, but can if I really have to. I don’t know that it’s a method, but just flat-out telling someone what you need them to do and not leave any room for discussion is how I’ve done it.

-How do you get what you want? What do you do if you have to work to get what you want?
Hm, I guess for the most part to do it myself, and if I need to, do it with other people? You kind of just have to pick a point where you want to go, and start going there. You might have to change your goals up (like if you realize your career goals hurt you instead of help you) along the way, but you just have to go for it and put in the work to get there.
You really always have to work to get what you want (well, I guess not everyone), so you just do it and keep going. I dunno, it’s not magic really, it’s mostly boring and hard until you get there, then you get new goals and do it all again!

-How do you deal with opposition? What methods do you use to defend your interests?
I think “screw them” lol Ideally I won’t have made it so that I’ll be opposed, I try to stay friendly with people so that won’t happen.
So, in a hypothetical situation, say I’m telling someone the best way to do something at work (let’s say organizing something). If I know that’s the best way and they disagree, I’ll hear them out as to why they think that, then go over it and say why that will/won’t work. If they’re still not going to agree, I’ll push more and have them try it and see. If they’re still resistant, then I’m going to tell them to go for it, watch them, then go over at the end why a stupid thing is happening because they did it their way. The problem is the last way is basically guaranteed to cause future issues with that person, which is why I’d prefer not to use it, because it has to be done really specifically so that they won’t just become defensive and double down.

-When do you think it's ok to occupy someone's space? Do you recognize it?
Like, if they don’t want me to? Or to go in for a hug or something? If you guys are on good terms and they’re fine with it, occupy away. If it’s someone you’re not close with, I wouldn’t unless they initiate it first. I’m not being on being physically close with people I’m not close to anyway, so it’s rare I’m going to do that. If I do though, it’s because I needed to get something done quickly and they were physically where I needed to be.
I recognize when people are in my space, and unless I like the person, I’m really not a fan. Personal bubble and all that.

-Do others think you are a strong-willed person? Do you think you have a strong will?
If I’m being honest, no, not particularly. I can be extremely stubborn about certain things, and give up very easily on others. Sometimes it’s to do with being fickle, but also willpower. It comes in bursts, it’s not consistent by any means.
-How do you satisfy your physical senses? What examples can you give? What physical experiences are you drawn to?
If I’m thirsty or hungry, I drink and eat (or when I’m bored, sad, etc. etc.). If I’m tired, I’ll eventually sleep. I can’t say there’s a lot of physical experiences I’m drawn to, it’s more about interest and intrigue than physical sensations.

-How do you find harmony with your environment? How do you build a harmonious environment? What happens if this harmony is disturbed?
I’m not sure. If we’re talking like, having a nice bedroom, cut down on noises and lights and stuff for nighttime and have weather-appropriate sheets and a good pillow. Maybe some mood lighting and nice stuff to look at (I have a lot of my own art up in my room, which makes it feel more “mine” and I guess that means more harmonious?).
I can’t say I understand the feeling of being in harmony with my environment, so I also can’t say what I’d do if it’s disturbed. I’m more in tune with my internal environment and the harmony there than the external.

-What does comfort mean to you? How do you create it?
Means you’re not in pain, you feel nice. Get some good shoes and chairs and pillows and stuff.

-How do you express yourself in your hobbies? How do you engage yourself with those things?
My hobbies are a huge part of who I am, they’re what keep me sane and more fulfilled. I don’t know how people can feel like a full person without them, it’s got to be tough. I do a lot of art-based hobbies, especially crafts and tangible things, though also music and drawing. Usually it’s a one and done, then move on to another. I engage myself by just doing them?

-Tell us how you'd design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself, or trust someone else to do it? Why?
First thought was to just answer this question “No.” lol Design it so the furniture is laid out in a way that optimizes space and so you won’t slam into things, preferably keeping furniture on the outer edges of the room. Make it work so that you have things where they’re the most convenient, like an outlet by your bed for your phone, drawers next to your desk, etc.
I’d be fine at it, but not good. I’d trust someone else to do it for sure.
-Is it acceptable to express emotions in public? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
Certain emotions, I guess. I don’t want to be sad or angry in public at all, and I get really nervous around people who do in public. Happy is fine, as long as it’s not over the top yelling and jumping up and down, just chill. I’m personally uncomfortable expressing more than surface level emotions in public, I’d rather show genuine emotions in private.
Inappropriate expressions would be getting upset over something and then taking it out on other people. It’s not their fault you’re upset, don’t transmit your issues onto others. It’s infectious, it sucks.

-How do you express your emotions? Can you tell how your expressions affect others in a positive or negative way?
This has always been kind of a struggle, I have a hard time getting that “sweet spot” of expressing my emotions in a way that isn’t too much or too little. I don’t want to have a tantrum, but I want to express that I’m angry. At this point I’ve started just saying how it is I feel verbally, trying not to act out the emotion with it. Not everyone is equipped to deal with that, but I don’t want to just bottle it up and not express it, so I figure it’s a happy medium where I’m saying what I need to say, and I’m letting someone else decide if they want to engage or not without just holding them hostage.
I try to be upbeat and cheery at work at least, but honestly I’m normally pretty sarcastic and prefer a style of communication that can come across as combative to people (like ribbing each other type of thing, like stronger teasing that sounds malicious with the understanding that it’s not), so I feel like I can come across as negative a lot, which I can tell affects people. So, I try to be more upbeat or at least neutral. This isn’t to say I’m always making people miserable, I do cheer people up sometimes and enough people seem to like being around me that whatever I’m doing seems to work enough, but it’s not entirely natural.

-Are you able to change your demeanor in order to interact with your environment in a more or less suitable way? How do you determine what is suitable?
I would say generally, yes. I’ve worked in customer service a long time, and that’s a skill you learn and get better at the more you use it. I’ll act differently around different people, like I won’t act the same way to new people I don’t know as I will to people I’ve known for half a decade.
I’d say I determine what’s suitable based on their reactions. If they’re looking shocked or uncomfortable or darting their eyes to look for an exit, you’ve screwed up and need to adjust. If the conversation keeps flowing, you’re probably good.

-In what situations do you feel others' feelings? Can you give examples of when you wanted to improve the mood of others?
This is something I’ve worked on over the years since it’s pretty hard for me to not get “infected” by someone else’s feelings. If I’m close to the person it’s a lot stronger and I can better “feel” their feelings than just understand what they’re going through intellectually.
If someone is getting antsy and pissy about something, I try to make light of something to cheer them up so they knock it off.

-How do others' emotions affect you? How does your internal emotional state correlate or contrast with what you express?
Honestly they make me nervous most of the time, which is something I’m not always conscious of. I’m prone to depression, and I learned how to hide it and put on a mask like everything is fine. A lot of the time what I’m feeling and expressing aren’t the same. Like, I get irritable and angry pretty easily, but I’m going to try to not express it because I don’t want to put that on another person.
-How can you tell how much emotional space there is between yourself and others? How can you affect this space?
I feel like it’s usually quite a far space between me and the other person, unless they make it obvious we’re close (and I reciprocate) by like, spending time with me and talking to me and remembering things about me. I try to affect this space by doing things like spending more time, sharing more about myself, but I think if I’m being honest I usually leave it up to the other person to regulate.

-How do you determine how much you like or dislike someone else? How does this affect your relationships?
It can be super variable depending on if they’ve done something I feel “wronged” by or not, because then it flips like a switch (not something that I’m okay with, and something I’m consciously working on). I’m not sure how to quantify how much I like or dislike someone, it comes down to a physical feeling. Do I feel excited and warm fuzzies? Like! Revulsion if they’re within 20 feet? Dislike!
This essentially means that relationships are something I mostly leave up to the other person. I’ve been able to be the first to approach people before, and I can do it mostly okay, but I do prefer they come to me because I can’t tell if I’m annoying them or if they’re just being polite otherwise.

-How do you move from a distant relationship to a close one? What are the distinguishing characteristics of a close relationship?
It happens over time, as you get to know each other better. You just click with some people and you don’t with others, that’s just how it goes. Most people I don’t want to be that close to, but I put effort into people I do want to be close to. I make the effort to reach out to spend time with them, talk to them, and actually share things about myself to them instead of just being a listener.
I think the biggest characteristics of a close relationship is how little you have to explain yourself to the other person, they just get it and accept you, and you don’t have to waste time explaining why you do every single little thing, and get to talk about and focus on other things.

-How do you know that you are a moral person? Where do you draw your morality from? Do you believe others should share your beliefs on what's moral? Why?
I wouldn’t say I’m particularly moral. I’m not immoral, but I do think morals are subjective and situational, so I think by definition if I think morals are malleable, I’m not a “moral” person by popular definition.
I would say my morality comes internally, but obviously some of it is shaped by external things like culture. Like don’t steal, kill, etc.
My morals will be different from other people’s. I do think a lot of the morals I have are so general and common that it’d be messed up if people didn’t share them, but some of them are just based on me personally so I wouldn’t expect other people to uphold them, even though I want that.

-Someone you care about is acting distant to you. How do you know when this attitude is a reflection of your relationship?
I assume it is immediately, and that I did something to cause it to be distant.
-How can you tell someone has the potential to be a successful person? What qualities make a successful person and why?
This one’s a little hard because it’s such an intuitive thing that takes so many factors into account and just turns it into a “feeling” (like gut feeling). I guess broken down it comes down to their characteristics like follow through, work ethic, how they work with other people, their self confidence, their intelligence, their problem solving, their general attitude, etc. If you have all that, you have a very good foundation to bob and weave with life when it throws its punches, and you can adapt and overcome.

-Where would you start when looking for a new hobby? How do you find new opportunities and how do you choose which would be best?
I constantly have new hobbies, and I can hardly remember where I looked to find them. The internet is a beautiful thing, it exposes you to so much without you even realizing it. If it doesn’t just come to you naturally, you can literally just go online and ask people what hobbies they have and to describe them, and you can choose from those and try them.
I’m not sure I go looking for new opportunities, but I guess keep an ear out for the possibilities when they come up. It’s also hard to say how I figure out which one is the best, I think it’s whichever one gets me the most bang for my buck, whether it’s in a job and that’s financial or if it’s in a hobby and that’s with fulfillment.

-How do you interpret the following statement: "Ideas don't need to be feasible in order to be worthwhile." Do you agree or disagree, and why?
Seems reasonable. Whatever idea someone has, even if it doesn’t work itself, can spark something else that WOULD be feasible. All ideas are worthwhile for their potential, even if all they do is help another idea along the path to feasibility.

-Describe your thought process when relating the following ideas: swimming, chicken, sciences. Do you think that others would draw the same or different connections?
I just think of a chicken swimming and a dude in a labcoat with a clipboard. I don’t think other people would draw the same connections, brains are weird and different.

-How would you summarize the qualities that are essential to who you are? What kind of potential in you has yet to be actualized and why?
I would say curiosity and willingness to learn are the most essential qualities of mine. On a real level, I feel a lot of the time like a lot of my potential has yet to be actualized for fun mental reasons. I think that’s true for a lot of human beings though, most people have a lot of potential, it’s just not tapped into or channeled properly.
-How do people change? Can you describe how various events change people? Can others see those changes?
I think every little thing in life changes you as you live, like that butterfly flapping its wings causing a typhoon halfway across the world. You are in a constant state of flux, you’re always evolving. That being said, there are events that will change a person drastically and quickly. Going through something traumatic will make a dramatic, sudden change, like in evolution how there are random gene mutations instead of just slow and steady natural selection.
I guess it depends on how closely they’re paying attention, and if they’re the kind of people who believe people change. You can usually tell when a person has been through let’s say something traumatic, they just have an air about them. Now add in if you knew them before whatever happened, happened, then for sure you’d be able to see those changes.

-How do you feel and experience time? Can time be wasted? How?
Time is one constant stream that we are all always in and always riding. I feel it quite well, and I have a good sense of time. My belief is that your time is the only thing that’s truly yours, and to really value it as much as you can.
I do think you can waste time, yes. It doesn’t make it not worthwhile, but there are ways to use your time well and there are ways to run out the clock. You don’t have to fill every second of every day with something “productive” (dear please god don’t, that’s exhausting), but you do want to try and make it meaningful in some sort of way at least.

-Is there anything that cannot be described with words? What is it? If so, how can we understand what it is if language does not work?
Of course! That’s essentially intuition. It’s such a hard thing to grasp, but everyone experiences it. How do you just know and feel something is off about a situation? It’s probably about a million different things happening that your brain is taking in subconsciously and making decisions for in nanoseconds, and all you’re feeling from all that processing is “spidey senses tingling”.
Things like spirituality also can’t really be explained with words. I’ve tried to talk to people to understand their feelings behind it (I’m an atheist because I’ve never felt that or understood it, so it fascinates me and I like learning about it), but it’s such an amorphous and personal thing, it can’t really be reduced to words. It’s just a feeling, not like an emotion, but more like that gut feeling.
For those two concepts at least, they can be at least somewhat understood because it’s an almost universal experience. That being said, both are such subjective experiences that there are so many shades and nuances that can’t be explained, we can all just try our best to understand. There have been wars fought over these misunderstandings, though, so it’s not like it’s a perfect system.

-How do you anticipate events unfolding? How can you observe such unfoldments in your environment?
Hm, by understanding what’s happened in the past either with those same set of circumstances, or at least generally similar ones. Take into account the context, variables, people involved, what’s different, etc., and make your best educated guess. It’s something that occupies my mind, tying back into the question about how I feel time. I feel it all the time since I’m always in it, so I’m always trying to think about how one thing evolves into the next. Might as well think about it, since it’s going to happen anyway.
I observe them as they happen.

-In what situations is timing important? How do you know the time is right to act? How do you feel about waiting for the right moment?
Literally every single situation timing is important, I don’t know how else to say it. It’s kind of everything, honestly. It’s hard to explain how to know what the right time to act is, it ties back into the gut feeling and “spidey sense”. It just makes sense. I’d always rather wait for the right moment and have something go correctly than rush things and ruin them because I was too impatient.
This last one was the most interesting to answer, for sure!
****************************** Thank you for the read, and I'm looking forward to hearing feedback!

submitted by vinegarxhoney to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:39 AdSolid8334 [S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - Kurousa-P - TSenbonzakura - PiaNoProblem

[S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - Kurousa-P - TSenbonzakura - PiaNoProblem submitted by AdSolid8334 to sheetmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:33 mango_coconut Ginza Skincare Haul 🇯🇵🛍️ (Decorte, SK-II, Pola, Ipsa

Ginza Skincare Haul 🇯🇵🛍️ (Decorte, SK-II, Pola, Ipsa
  • Pic 1: Went on a long trip to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe). However, I ended up buying all of the lux skincare in Tokyo. Best selection of brands, and best price among the cities I visited. I focused on homegrown Japanese brands - so no La Mer, Estée Lauder, or Kbeauty.
  • Pic 2: SK-II Pitera FTE (7.7 oz JPY24,928 ~$160) A classic! I initially wasn’t planning on purchasing in Japan, but after some calculations, it ended up being cheaper than the 11oz SK-II in pump sold at Costco ($22/ounce post tax in my state vs $21/ounce in Japan). Plus it came with five bonus sheet masks (1 missing cuz I used it already). The bottle looks opened cuz it is! I immediately used it upon purchasing for 2 weeks now, brightening but not very hydrating. This has always been an aspirational product to me. I are there cheaper and better alternatives? Sure. Will I repurchase? Probably not. Do I regret purchasing? No, I’m happy I bought it at the best price!
  • Pic 3: Decorte Liposome Advanced Serum (75 ml JPY14,108 ~$90). Bought the biggest size because I had high hopes for this. Came with 4 extra samples, as well as 2 samples of their moisturizer (not pictured as I have already used and really enjoyed it). This also came with a free gift, which ended up being an Ohtani face towel (impossible to escape this man and his many endorsements in Japan 😂🤣). It’s the number one bestselling serum in Japan for many years now, but tbh, if you’ve tried other high end serums (e.g. Donginbi Daily Defense Serum, Lancôme Genefique, EL Advanced Night Repair, Sooryehan Black Serum), this is very similar. Reliable, doesn’t pill under makeup, cosmetically elegant but nothing groundbreaking. I’ve also been testing this out for a couple of weeks now, and really enjoy it. However, I probably wouldn’t have bought the largest size, and would have gotten the liposome moisturizer instead.
  • Pic 4: Ipsa Time Reset Aqua Toner (200 ml JPY3,762 ~$24). I bought this because it consistently ranked number one in cosme rankings (cosme is similar to Sephora). I also partly bought it for the cool bottle lol. Used it for the first time last night…hydrating and nourishing toner. My skin liked it, but I’ve heard that some components of the product’s very long ingredients list may potentially be sensitizing for some folks. Ipsa is a sister brand to Shiseido but more affordable (step up from drugstore prices but cheaper than prestige brands) and geared towards consumers in their 20s-30s. After I finish this, I will probably go back to my cheaper toner staples solely because of value.
submitted by mango_coconut to SkincareAddictionLux [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:33 AdSolid8334 [S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 - PiaNoProblem

[S]Hit Song - Piano Sheet Music - Free PDF - J.S. Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 - PiaNoProblem submitted by AdSolid8334 to sheetmusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:32 SunnyScripts [A4A] Inside the Thoughts of Your Golden Retriever Partner [Domestic] [Slice of Life] [Established Relationship] [Internal Monologue] [Silly]

You’re free to use/monetize/paywall; I just request credit and a link to listen to it. This, and all my work, are available on Scriptbin if that's more accessible!
Tagline: God, they’re gorgeous, gorgeous, sweet, hot as hell even after a day of work- oh my god, what did they say? I missed it.
Tone: familiar, affectionate, domestic
Setting; SFX: Home and the mind; none and a slight echo
WC: 1,127; ~10 - 12 minutes
[Footsteps, pause, keys jangling] (Internally, distracted, vaguely to the tune of BTS’s “Dynamite”) Cause I- I- I’m in the stars tonight/ so watch me bring the funk and the fire light/ buh buh buh buh little funk and soul/ buh buh buh buh dynamite-!
[Door opening] (Aloud, muffled) Baby, I’m hooooome! Are you home too?
[Footsteps] (Internally, rambling) My baby, my baby, my baby- (To the tune of Justin Bieber’s “Baby”) Baby, baby, baby, ohhh~!
[Fabric rustling of a hug] (Aloud, close) Hey, I missed you!
[Kiss] What’s for dinner? Do you need any help making it? It smells really good.
If you’re sure. Since nothing needs doing, can I stay here close to you?
Awesome~ How was your day? Was it alright? I don’t think you were scheduled to beat me home.
(Internally, affectionate) How do they smell so good after a whole day of work? What kind of bullshit is that? It’s a good thing we’re like this, me hugging them from behind because I probably smell like sweat and, like, traffic somehow.
Should I go take a shower?
Mm, but then I’ll get sleepy.
And then I’d have to stop hugging them.
Do they want me to stop hugging them?
[Pause] (Pleased) Nahh, they’ve got that little smile I like, they’re good. I love that little smile; it’s a shame I can’t really kiss them at this angle. Ooh, maybe they’ll shower with me later. Then I can kiss them in the shower-
Oh, they’re looking at me~
Oh god, they’re looking at me. They want to respond, and I was not fucking listening. Fuck.
(Aloud, sheepish) What was that?
I heard you. Listening, on the other hand…
How pretty you look, how warm and nice you feel, the usual. I’m sorry; rewind for me?
(Internally, focused) Mhmm, commute. Mhmm, time sheets. Mhmm, capitalism. Hum thoughtfully. We are actively listening like a good partner.
(Aloud) Oh, good! I’m glad you liked the lunch I made you! It traveled alright?
Cool. I thought I’d try out one of those foodie youtube channels I put on in the background while I work. Turns out they were trying to teach me things!
Yeah! I learned what a chiffonade is and re-learned where we keep the bandaids.
Oh yeah, no, I’m not wearing this Star Wars bandaid for fashion; microplanes are evil.
Aww, thank you, baby! That was so cute; you’re so cute.
(Internally, giddy) Kiss, kiss, kiss, I got a kiss. I got kissed. Thank you, Darth Vader, for getting me a kiss. What can I do to get another kiss?
(Aloud) Do you want me to finish dinner since you got home first and started it? You could sit and chill.
[Laugh] I can handle a stove and a pot, promise.
I like the sound of that; deal~
(Internally) They make dinner, I make lunch. That sounds fun. I’ll have to find more YouTube channels to follow to get ideas and recipes. What should I make tomorrow? We have avocados in the fridge that are on their last legs, I think. I can do something with those.
Damn, thinking about avocados made me hungry. I wonder when dinner will be ready; it looks good.
Not as good as them, ha.
Their neck looks good. I kind of want to bite it.
No, no biting while cooking, we’ve established this. Maybe a kiss instead.
[Kiss, pause, laugh] (Aloud) I love you too.
(Internally) Love. I love them. I love them so, so much. I love them more every day. I will love them every day, all of my days.
I should marry them.
Is that weird?
Nahh, we’ve been together a while. We live together. We love each other. Who wouldn’t want to marry them? They’re perfect.
So perfect. Marriage-material perfect.
(Panicked) Am I marriage-material perfect?
Oh god, I’d hope they want to marry me too.
What if they don’t? What do I do? How do I become better? How-
(Aloud) Huh?
[Ahh sound, swallow, pleased hum] (Blissful) It’s perfect. Of course it’s perfect; you made it.
Aw, that was nothing. Look forward to what I make you for lunch once we do a proper grocery run.
(Internally) They’d definitely want to marry me too. Then everyday would be like this with cooking and cuddling and everything but with rings… and tax benefits!
And a honeymoon! Where should we go? I’ve always wanted to take them on a cruise~
I should propose to them first. I should ask their best friend the best way to do that. And what kind of ring to get.
Should I start working on my vows?
(Aloud) Hmm? What?
(Bashful) Am I?
I’m just smiling about stuff, about how good dinner looks and smells. Thank you, baby, for that.
(Playful) Well, what do you think I was thinking about then, nosy? Hmm?
[Laugh] I’m not up to anything except loving you, silly. Scout’s honor.
Yeah, but I’m your cheeseball, and you like it.
Don’t you?
[Pause, kiss, laugh into kiss] Believe me, I am fully aware how lucky I am that I’m cute, and I count my blessings every day, you being one of them.
The others are, in no particular order: your face, your eyes, your mouth, the things your mouth do-
[Laugh] (Jokingly whiny) Nooo, you can’t deprive me of dinner after I watched you make it! That’s torture!
I’ll do anything.
I can definitely manage plates and cutlery; you got it~
[Footsteps, clatter] (Internally) Plates, plates,
plaaaates… let’s do the nice ones, the good dishes, the pretty stuff.
Where did we get this? Thrift shopping?
Oh god, I hope these aren’t those radioactive, uranium plates.
How would I find out if they are? A Geiger counter?
Where would I even get a Geiger counter?
Should I ask them? They would know; they’re so smart.
No- maybe don’t ask about how to detect radioactivity when plating their food. That would not go over well.
(Aloud) These ones good?
Rad- I’ll give you these then, and I’ll go get condiments and drinks. Wanna finish that bottle of wine in the fridge?
Fuck yeah, I’ll get the stemware; we’ll live fancy. Want to watch Bridgerton while we eat, lean into the fancy vibes?
Damn, you’re right, I forgot we're all caught up for now. Wanna watch one of my food channels with me? I’ve been getting really into Mythical Kitchen recently.
(Playfully defensive) …they make more than bile cheesecake and wasabi waffles.
[Footsteps] (Fading out) Noooo, no take-backs! You said I could keep making you lunches, and I’m not going to make you anything gross! It’s all going to be good!
(Internally) Note to self, cancel that order for pickled pigs feet. I don’t think they’re ready for pig foot fajitas… yet.
submitted by SunnyScripts to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]