Loz simdate cheats

The obnoxious Subconscious Loz and her potential to harm rather than help people

2024.05.16 13:53 Own_Bet5008 The obnoxious Subconscious Loz and her potential to harm rather than help people

I used to subscribe to Loz's newsletter several months ago. I wasted my money on a couple of her courses (which didn't help me and were ridiculously overpriced.)
I logged in to the email account (hadn't checked it in a while) and it was filled with her unopened newsletters.
I opened some of them and read them. I can't believe I used to subscribe to this rubbish.
Here are my thoughts:
  1. Is she personality disordered? Either she is deliberately playing a 'mean girl' role (she's an actress) in order to get peoples' attention and make more money or she's got a personality problem. What's with all the CAPS, red-faced shouting, huffing and puffing and screeching?
  2. Why doesn't she ever talk about her sp? She's teaching people to manifest an SP. Where is he? Someone mentioned in a thread way back that it didn't work out with him and he was a narcissist. How is this not a credibility issue? I wouldn't see a nutritionist who was morbidly obese, just as I wouldn't buy from someone who had never manifested an SP or wasn't able to keep him because he's a narcissist or maybe because he got tired of the screeching. I don't want to waste my money on someone who doesn't know what they're talking about
  3. Full of swear words and offensive language like 'you're a retard"
  4. Why is her stuff so expensive and repetitive? She has several courses helping people to manifest stuff, and then she makes a separate course on Neville's techniques. That's already included in the other courses. I paid $99 for a short, basic PDF and felt cheated. That was the last thing I ever bought from her.
  5. She makes no allowances for the fact that it may not work out with an SP. I believe in manifesting but I don't believe a relationship can be forged with absolutely anyone you desire. Sometimes you're not compatible and you can't change that. Even Neville said this:
…Always go to the end. Dwell in the end, and you will hurt no one. But if you try to devise the means, you are, well, messing the whole thing up. I have had people say to me, “You know, I want that man, and no other man.”
I said, “No, you don’t; you want to be happily married. You don’t want that man or no man.”
“Oh, yes, that man or no man.”
Then, of course, this always shocks them.
I say, “If he dropped dead right now, would you want to be married?”
“Well, he isn’t going to drop…”
“I didn’t ask you that. If he dropped dead right now, or if he is right this very moment accused of being the world’s greatest thief or murderer, do you still want him”
“Well, now, why ask those questions, Neville? I want that man.”
But, you see, it isn’t that man. They want to be happily married. I have gone to so many weddings where it was either that man or none, and it wasn’t “that man”! And they are embarrassed when they see me standing in the aisle, because it had to be “that man or no man,” and here it isn’t that man at all. And they walk down [the aisle] – they are happy with their new mate, but a little sheepish as they pass by because they know I know he was not the man.
I think this woman has the potential to do a lot of damage to vulnerable people. She probably already has. She says that you can and should manifest abusers, because you're causing them to act that way. If this is true, where is her narcissist SP and why the hell is she not with him?
I get bad vibes from her these days and I'm embarrassed I ever thought this clown was someone to listen to. I guess that shows how obsessed I was with deadbeat SP. Thankfully no longer because I have moved on. Now that's an achievement better than manifesting any SP.
submitted by Own_Bet5008 to LOACoachSnark [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 08:14 CIoud_fire LOZ OOT 3DS Cheat request

Title. I've scoured around, and honestly only really got into the whole 3ds homebrewing scene with this in mind. After the suggestion of a friend, I kind of blindly went through with it and only just now am finding that there's no mod or hack that allows one to outright cheat in OOT. At least that I've found. So, leading to title. Is there a senior out here who has the time available to make a small script that allows one to either outright change certain simple variables (Godmode, infinite rupees, one hit kill etc.) or something of the sort whatever's easiest. I reckon I'll get shat on for even posting this but hey. It's worth a shot. Thanks in advance, even if it's a resounding no.
submitted by CIoud_fire to romhacking [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 22:37 rfixed15 Cheat Codes guide?

I'm brand new to 3ds homebrew and main reason for it was to enable cheats on MG sneak eater for the 3ds. I tried following other guides but they only seem to be for LOZ MM. Any one nice enough to kindly explain how to add these cheat codes that I found:
submitted by rfixed15 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2023.09.11 06:50 Bubbly-Buyer2689 AM I AUTISTIC OR AM I JUST OVERTHINKING THIS?!

I don’t really know how autism works beyond the people on tik tok who are autistic and talk about there experience. I don’t really wanna make any assumptions and self diagnose myself with out hearing peoples opinions. So umm one of the main things i noticed was probably how picky I am. I have a really specific taste in food and clothes. Like I can’t eat anything bland because it just makes me sick. So I have to have souse with everything that doesn’t have like 50 spices added to them. It’s not only that but I can’t eat anything that is mushy. Like if it doesn’t crunch I’m not going to eat that. There are exceptions to that rule like meat, potatoes and other stuff like that. But if it’s a fruit/vegetable I CAN NOT EAT IT IF ITS COOKED. Also hate anything steamed. Makes my blood boil when people offer me steamed food. THAT IS JUSTA PILE OF DISGUSTING MUSH I CANT STAND IT. Moving on from the food to the clothes. OMG IT IS SO HARD FOR ME TO SHOP FOR CLOTHES. I absolutely hate anything that doesn’t go on my waist. If it’s below my waist I will just throw it away. AS A KID THOUGH I HAD A DIFFERENT PROBLEM, COULDN’T WEAR ANYTHING THAT GOES ON MY WAITS. Also hate turtle necks but everyone hates them so idk. Ok my last enemy is fucking SKINNY JEANS OMFG. DUDE I CAN RANT THE WHOLE DAY HOW UNCOMFORTABLE THEY ARE. They constantly pinch my skin and they constantly make me feel like my legs are choking. The fun part is? LIKE HALF OF THE FUCKING JEAN BRANDS ONLY SEEL THOSE. MOM JEANS WHAT EVER THE FUCK THEY ARE I HATE THEM. AND THEN I FIND THE PERFECT JEANS I WAS LOOKING FOR AND THEY ARE THREE SIZES TO SMALL. I HATE SKINNY JEANS AND JEAN COMPANIES. Moving on from my sensory issues to my more mental ones. It’s very hard for me to understand others peoples feelings. Like the other day my friend called me and she told me she got cheated on and it was so hard for me to understand why was she so upset ( I was in two relationships). Like why are you crying? Its not that big of a deal. We are in Highschool like what makes you think that you are going to make it to marriage? I didn’t tell that to her ofc. Something that was on my mind. Also another thing is that I get really fixated on stuff. Recently I really got into Legend of Zelda and omg I can’t shut up about it. I watch speed runs, lore explanations, casual play throughs and other content like that. I switched my phone wallpaper to LOZ.I bought posters and everything. It’s not only LOZ though I had many hyper fixations like that for many different games/books/shows. The last thing I wanted to share was probably my lack of understand and my school stuff. Like I’m really good at writing but I’m really bad at math. Like atrociously bad. I STILL CANT REMEMBER MY MULTIPLICATION TABLE AND IM IN HIGHSCHOOL. But tell me to write an essay about a carrot in two hours you are gonna get 6 paragraph description of a carrot. I have a lot more stuff but I’m tired rn so idk. Sorry for the rant but I just need to understand so I either sleep peacefully or finally have an understanding of who I am.Thank you for reading this whole rant :)
submitted by Bubbly-Buyer2689 to autism [link] [comments]

2023.08.25 19:29 TrixoftheTrade Literally “fuck around, find out”

Literally “fuck around, find out” submitted by TrixoftheTrade to facepalm [link] [comments]

2023.08.23 12:03 MikeTorsson God bless

God bless submitted by MikeTorsson to FuckCheaters [link] [comments]

2023.06.17 16:38 ShinyCaesar [PC] Help with Workshop Framework

None of Workshop Framework's features (such as Claim All Settlements, Auto assign resources, and increased resource per settler) are working. I've tried the script override, moving it and the override around in my load order, uninstalling and reinstalling, updating the mod, and starting new games but nothing seems to fix it. Here's my MO2 Load Order Fallout4.esm
Navel Piercing Collection S1.esp
Piercing collection by MAIBATSU.esp
Shino Clothes.esp
BNPA_NAVI Armor.esp
COCO TShirts.esp
Cre Eva Plugsuit.esp
Crimsomrider's Catwoman.esp
FalloutShock apartment.esp
FOLON - LugerP08.esp
FOLON - Webley1913.esp
Island UK.esp
Killable Children.esp
M1 Carbine.esp
M24 Stielhandgranate.esp
Nuka Rifle Animations.esp
Operator Edits - Maska.esp
P38 Leveled Lists.esp
Remington 1858.esp
Robocop auto9.esp
Slocum Joe Vendor Mats.esp
Stalker's Vodka.esp
The Hello Kitty Hand Axe of DOOM! ! !.esp
The Train.esp
Weapon Rack Extended.esp
WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp
WWI French Army Items.esp
155mm Howitzer M1.esp
Crimsomrider's Tomb Raider.esp
Family Mauser.esp
M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
Tactical Combat Swimwear.esp
Nuka-Cola Flavors for the Commonwealth.esp
Dual Radvolvers.esp
BlasTech E-11.esp
T-51C Power Armor.esp
CW Stormtrooper.esp
Vault-Tec Power Armor by NewerMind43 & Captain-Ultima.esp
X-01 Tesla Upgrade Kit.esp
CleanSettlement Homemaker Greenhouses.esp
Clean Wasteland Workshop.esp
CleanSettlement Greenhouse.esp
Suit Up.esp
Plutonium and Quantum patch.esp
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
ANiceOakTree Hairs.esp
America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp
Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
dD - MoreBloodandBits.esp
dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
DLC items to manufacturing.esp
Power Armor to the People.esp
Power Armor to the People - X-01 Tesla Upgrade Kit.esp
Power Armor to the People - X-01 Tesla Upgrade Kit - AWKCR.esp
Power Armor to the People - We Are The Minutemen.esp
Power Armor to the People - Vault-Tec Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - T-65.esp
Power Armor to the People - T-65 - East BoS Paint (Red).esp
Power Armor to the People - T-51c.esp
Power Armor to the People - T-49.esp
Power Armor to the People - Synth Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Soviet Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Red Shift Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Nuka-World.esp
Power Armor to the People - Liberty Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Horse Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Hellfire X-03.esp
Power Armor to the People - Hellfire X-03 - All Factions Paintjob.esp
Power Armor to the People - Gunners vs Minutemen CC.esp
Power Armor to the People - Far Harbor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Enclave X-02.esp
Power Armor to the People - Enclave X-02 - All Factions Paintjob.esp
Power Armor to the People - Enclave Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Classic Advanced Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - Captain Cosmos.esp
Power Armor to the People - Cagebreaker Power Armor.esp
Power Armor to the People - AWKCR.esp
Power Armor to the People - Automatron.esp
Power Armor to the People - America Rising.esp
Sporty Underwear.esp
The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp
Armorsmith Extended.esp
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
Rusty Face Fix.esp
Pip-Boy CC Fix.esp
submitted by ShinyCaesar to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 18:54 Masamune-02 Were my expectations too high for this game's story?

So I'm not super far into the game's plot, but I've managed to collect all the tears in the geoglyphs so I know what THAT leads to- and idk if maybe I'm just not far along enough or missing some plot that only shows up in the endgame but man I'm kinda dissapointed this isn't tying back to skyward sword or more past Zeldas.
Like when I found out we were dealing with sky islands and a super old Ganondorf my expectation was like, 'this is it. We're going to finally wrap up the Demise vs Hyila and Link time lines completely' But it almost feels like with the information I've gotten this just... isn't the case.
It feels more like they've rebooted the story of botw and totk into their own thing completely separate from anything to do with the past time lines. Which I guess makes sense if this is supposed to be it's own ending to LoZ for each of the time lines but idk I feel kinda cheated.
I guess I was hoping the Ganondorf for this story would be OoT's Ganondorf somehow revived or he was actually Demise himself- but from what I've seen this just isn't the case. Idk maybe the ending will reveal me to wrong or what I'll get from the ending will be even better but right now I'm kinda sad that what feels like the last Zelda isn't more about all the Zeldas and is just super self contained.
submitted by Masamune-02 to tearsofthekingdom [link] [comments]

2023.05.15 22:10 GiftAffectionate3400 Is this download legit? I found it on my most trustworthy site, but idk if i should download

Is this download legit? I found it on my most trustworthy site, but idk if i should download submitted by GiftAffectionate3400 to SwitchPirates [link] [comments]

2022.10.26 10:05 gogas2 Vegan Macros Cheat Sheet

Vegan Macros Cheat Sheet submitted by gogas2 to Veganforbeginners [link] [comments]

2022.09.27 04:45 Kardrax [US][Selling] Majority of Collection. OOP stuff, lots of Vol 1s, both older and popular series!

Hi all, I am selling off the majority of my manga collection due to financial necessity. These are from my main collection and include OOP, lots of Vol 1’s, and popular series. Most are G3-G4 with a few G2’s and G5’s mixed in. Most are marked G3 just out of caution and are just because of age/yellowing/shelf weaprice stickers, most are pretty clean otherwise and notated if anything else sticks out. Happy to take additional pictures or answer additional questions. These prices do not include shipping. Shipping is $3.50 and free with orders over $20. US only. I absolutely love bundle deals and I am very flexible on pricing. Let’s make a deal.
Edit: There is also a free pile picture of manga and LNs in the Imgur link at the end that can be added additionally to orders. Feel free to pick a volume or two!
Ruroni Kenshin
Zelda Volumes
Bunny Senpai LN
Ultra Maniac 5
Ouran 2
Both Ranma 1/2
Mermaid Saga
Love Hina LN Vol 1 and 2
✨Updated 10/03/2022 ✨
Volume Sets:
Absolute Boyfriend 1-4, 6 G4 $30
Alice on Deadlines 1-2 G4 $10
Beet 1-2 G3 Vol 2 has rip on top of spine. $10
Death Note 1-5 G3-G4 $25
DearS 1-8 G3-G4 $50
Flame of Recca 1-4 G3-G4 $15
Gacha Gacha Next Revolution 1-2 G3 $10
Girl Got Game 1-10 G3-G4 $50
Gundam Seed 3-5 G2 Has heavy side page staining and yellowing. $10
Gundam Wing 1-3 G2-G3 Creasing/Wavy Pages/Vol 3 has a few detached pages in back $10
SOLD LoZ Manga Box Set (Includes all Volumes) G4 $55
Mark of the Succubus 1-2 G3 - Folding/minor stains/chips. $10
My Cat Loki 1-2 G3 $10
My Hero Academia 1-8 G3 Slight yellowing, 2-6 and 8 have price stickers on side $40
Ninja High School 1-6 G3-G4 $40
SOLD Princess Ai 1-3 G4 $15
PA Prism of Midnight Dawn 1-2 G4 $15
Psychic Academy 1-6 G3 Vol 1-2 and 6 have front cover creasing, Vol 3 has stain on side. $30
Van Von Hunter 1-2 G4 $10
Ultimo - Vol 1-2 G3 Indents on Vol 1 cover $10
Samurai Deeper Kyo 1-2 G4 $10
So I’m a spider, so what? Vol 1-2 G4 $15
Tuxedo Gin 1-2 G3 Residue and creasing on back of Vol 2 $10
Wedding Peach 1 $20, 3 $15, 4 $25, 5 $15
SOLD ZombiePowder 1-4 G3 $50
Vol 1 Singles:
SOLD 20th Century Boys G4 $10
Alice the 101st G3 $5
SOLD Aria G4 super clean copy $5
Banana Fish G4 $10
Bungo Stray Dogs G4 $5
SOLD Chillin in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers G4 $10
The Great Adventure of the Dirty Pair G4 $30
Exploitation Now G3 $10
FAKE G3 $10
From Far Away G3 $30
Gantz G2-G3 Library Copy, mild staining/some creasing $5
Genshiken G3 Heavy Yellowing $5
SOLD Gintama G3 $10
SOLD Goblin Slayer G5 Sealed $10
Gods and Undergrads G3 $5
SOLD Gundam The Origin HB G4 $12
Gundam Seed Destiny G3 $5
Gundam Wing Battlefield of The Pacifists G2-G3 $5
Gundam Wing Blind Target G3 $5
Gundam Wing Ground Zero G2-G3 Library Copy $4
I Luv Halloween G3 $5
SOLD I Was Reincarnated as a Villainess in an Otome Game but the Boys love me anyway! G4 $10
Instant Teen G3 Creasing on Spine $5
Island G3 $5
Itsuwaribito G3 $5
King of Hell G3 $5
Laon G3 $5
Made in Heaven G3 Creasing on back spine $8
NANA G3 $12
SOLD Neon Genesis Evangelion G3 $10
Never Give Up G3 $5
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon G4 $10
SOLD Puella Magi Tart Magica G4 $12
Samurai Executioner G3 $14
Seikai Trilogy Crest of the Stars G3 $4
Sengoku Nights G3 $5
Skip Beat G3 $5
The Name of the Flower G3 (Not sure about pricing for this one, very minimal listings, lets talk about it - priced between $60-70 online for this volume in particular).
Twin Star Exorcists G4 $7
ZombieLoan G3 $5
submitted by Kardrax to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2022.01.25 19:50 TSelden1298 What are your 3 favorite glitches?

When I play a LoZ game, I typically do my first run without cheats or glitches, and then on my second run I just screw around with the game. As you may have guessed by the title of this post, I'm on my second run.
I've been researching fun glitches in the game, and I was wondering what your top 3 are. This can be for speedrunning (like BLS sliding) or for fun (like apparatus shrine or infinite jumping). I'm just trying to learn as many as possible.
Also, if you have tips on how to find glitches, that would be great too.
submitted by TSelden1298 to botw [link] [comments]

2022.01.17 23:31 Creative-Kreature The Ender Saddle - A Magic item to make mounts more useful.

The Ender Saddle - A Magic item to make mounts more useful.
The return of a prior idea, since now I know how to model, and have some revisions on the original idea.
When considering bringing a mount along for a journey, there are some issues that may block the process. For one, you have to plan the journey and make sure to start it with your mount, and for two, you have to make sure your journey doesn't go over any impossible terrain (like literally any body of water) for your steed, or else you will have to leave them behind to continue.
Due to these issues, players don't frequently use horses and the like. However, this item, the ender saddle, resolves both in the later-mid game, making a horse (or other mount) a potential transport solution for such quests as locating the stronghold or locating the end city, by allowing your horse to be accessible even if you don't keep it actively glued to you for the entirety of an adventure.

A Horse with Ender Saddle.
This idea is partially swiped off another game with similar horse issues, LoZ BOTW, and their ancient saddle.

How to get:

Ender Saddle Recipe, and some more of my signature bad pixel art. There are three eyes in the recipe mostly because there is an eye in the middle of the saddle, and one on each stirrup, so there are three on the texture.
Craft a saddle with Eyes of Ender. This locks the item into the later game, but still before the stronghold and especially before elytra, and is roughly on the same level of the tech tree as ender chests.


When you put an ender saddle on a saddlable creature, you gain the ability to teleport them to you when you use a particular item in your inventory: The Ender Flute. (Infinite Durability)

More Recipes, more terrible pixel art.
(Doesn't actually produce audible noise, more a kind of magical disturbance that the saddle reacts to).
One note of this thing, and your last-ridden ride (that is wearing an ender saddle) teleports in in a cloud of ender particles, ready to give you a ride from anywhere in the world. They pick a safe location to appear in, similar to dogs and cats.
You can teleport horses, pigs, striders, donkeys/mules/llamas (including those with item loads, so in a sense this can expand your inventory while adventuring, if you're willing to keep the animal in question safe). Since all of those creatures can be saddled
If you're in multiplayer, and another player is riding the animal you teleport, it takes them with the animal, which could allow for some odd collaborative trickery.


Doesn't cross dimensional boundaries, you can only have one last-ridden ender-saddle animal per dimension (this is also a good thing, you can use a teleporting strider in the nether without worry it'll suddenly replace your horse in the overworld later)
Teleportation takes a second or two. This is to discourage using the item as an escape plan from hairy situations and instead use it as a transport option when things are calmer.
Upon successful use, there is a cooldown. This prevents you from spamming the item and forcing the game to calculate a ton of teleports in a short period of time.

Why a second item?

Wearing the saddle switching horses to follow like dogs and cats wouldn't really work, as dogs and cats are already good at getting in the way with their teleports, now imagine a whole massive horse popping in and getting in the way.
Therefore, there needs to be a method of controlling their appearances, a way to hail a ride, if you will.
This was the only way I could really think of making a summon work without requiring an extra control just for this (something akin to BOTW having a dedicated whistle button), but Minecraft really tries to avoid adding extra controls at all cost for simplicity's sake.
It could maybe be tied to a new command that doesn't need cheats enabled to use, but I imagine that would be real weird and unintuitive to suddenly need to open chat in a singleplayer world just to use an in-game feature.
Most pre-existing items that would make some sense to have this application have use cases where you probably wouldn't want to accidentally summon a horse.
While I could attach it to the upcoming goat horn, I have a feeling the devs have a plan involved for that already, and I doubt it involves horse teleportation.
So, the solution I came to was to just make up a new somewhat thematic item to let you hail a ride.
submitted by Creative-Kreature to minecraftsuggestions [link] [comments]

2021.12.26 23:53 conandy This little guy ended up being even cooler than I expected! Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda

Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda
I was pretty skeptical about the two Game and Watch systems that have been released. I wasn't sold on the Mario one at all. However, much to my fanboy shame, I have never finished the OG LoZ or played Adventures of Link at all. Link's Awakening is also one of my all-time favorites, so this was a much easier purchase to justify.
Everything about this thing is exactly what I hoped it would be and more. You can instantly switch between games with automatic save-states integrated flawlessly. This makes the learning curve of the NES titles much more bearable- when you get frustrated with one game, you just switch to the other one and pick up where you left off.
The tiny little screen is surprisingly vibrant. Size comparison with Switch. It has brightness, volume, and auto-sleep settings. The speaker is fine for what it is. I was worried about the comfort of playing this, as I have pretty big hands and handheld systems can be hit or miss for me. So far I've been able to play it for multiple hours without any cramping. It charges with a USB C port, with a ~1-foot USB A to C cable included. There is no option for headphones.
Finally, the feature that I didn't expect to love: the packaging it comes in can be folded into a stand to make it a desk clock. This feature shows Link fighting enemies in randomly generated (after watching more closely, they are actual rooms from LoZ) rooms with the time displayed in the form of various terrain blocks/rupees/bushes/etc. If you just let it sit there, Link will automatically clear the room himself and a new one will appear after a few minutes. At certain times of day, you will see special enemies and easter eggs. For example: Do you have the patience to watch until Gannon appears?
When you see an interesting room, you can take control and clear the room yourself. When you get bored, just set it down and Link will start playing on his own again. I never imagined using this thing as a clock, but it now sits on my bedside table, glowing dimly all night long, ready to play whenever I have an idle moment. There are quite a few other easter eggs including hidden artwork and cheat codes.
Finally, all three main games are a blast. The NES titles are punishing, but rewarding. If you go into AoL expecting a classic platformer rather than a traditional Zelda game, you won't be disappointed. LA took me right back to the backseat of my parents' car with my OG, brick-sized Gameboy. Except now the screen is nice and bright, so I don't have to wait for a street light to dash to the next room. There's a reason they keep re-releasing this game. It's a must-play. There is also a Whack-A-Mole style game called Vermin and a timer feature.
Overall I am very happy with this thing. Here's some more info and pictures:
Fandom page with pictures
Engadget review
Easter egg guide
submitted by conandy to nintendo [link] [comments]

2021.11.30 18:25 marvsup My months-long project to create a Legend of Zelda-themed deck in every 2 and 3 color combination (plus two bonus decks)

This is long, here's the link to the decks if you don't want to read: https://deckstats.net/decks/178949/?lng=en.
Things you should know about me:
  1. I like brewing more than playing
  2. I don’t think I’m very good at either
  3. I really like trying to translate lore/characters from one franchise into mechanics of another
  4. When I play in person (which is rare), it’s with friends, some of whom don’t have cards so I let them use one of my decks
  5. Even though I follow this sub and read a lot of posts I know almost no mtg slang
Zelda decks have been brewed before, but mostly in the form of making one deck to represent the series. My original idea was to cardsmith images from the games and proxy the cards themselves. But that was when I thought I’d be doing 5-6 decks and even then maybe brawl size. At some point that evolved into making a deck for at least every 2- and 3-color combo (since I find them more fun than other combos). What I ended up with is 22 deck ideas (you’ll see why the two extra in a minute). They are still somewhat works in progress - although I’ve been working on this in my spare time for so long (months and months) and am kind of exhausted so I may be out of energy. This is why I’m going to share what I’ve done and hopefully this will at least be interesting/enjoyable to someone else.
I’m gonna start with some of my ground rules and then go into decklists.
I could probably write at least a sentence for why I picked each card to represent each character or spell, but I’m just gonna give a brief description of each deck to save some time. Also, you will probably notice bias for certain games, since I almost exclusively played console games, and remember (and enjoyed) some of them a lot more.
Here are all decklists (same link as above): https://deckstats.net/decks/178949/?lng=en. A lot of the items are only labeled in the “Item Master List”. I didn't label every creature if it's obvious or explained in the deck description (e.g. I didn't go in and label every Goblin as a Bokoblin) but since I don't think I mention it anywhere else, Moblins are Trolls.

Azorius - Song of Soaring
Commander: [[Yorion]] - Valoo
Rito (bird) tribal. Originally I was going to do [[Ojutai]] as Valoo and [[Ishai]] as Medli. But I really like Yorion generally and love the mental image of birds constantly flying in and out for guerilla style attacks. Komali initially can’t fly so he works as [[Charming Prince]] despite the mistyping.

Orzhov - Requiem of Spirit
Commander: [[Thalisse]] - Midna
Twili tribal. I thought of Twilis being vampires with [[Elenda]] as Midna. But I feel like having all the spirit tokens fits with the twilight realm, basically the spirits are the transformed Twili. Obviously a lot of artistic license is taken since Midna is commanding the transformed Twili, which exist at the same time as normal Twili. Orzhov is kind of a stand-in for the Twili kingdom.

Boros - Sun’s Song
Commander: [[Akiri, Fearless]] - Urbosa
Gerudo (Kor) tribal. I felt the red and white fit with them living in the desert, and Kor are one of the main W “races”. Lots of lightning spells because of Urbosa, cards with “sand” in the name, deserts, etc. Enough equipment to make Akiri useful.

Selesnya - Saria’s Song
Commander: [[Tolsimir Wolfblood]] - Young Link
Kokiri (Elf) and Korok (Dryad) tribal. Originally I had [[Rhys the Redeemed]] as Mido as commander, but Mido kind of sucks. I was also going to name all the Legendaries as specific Kokiri but I was feeling worn out when I got there (this is true of a lot of things in this project).

Dimir - Nocturne of Shadow
Commander: [[Yuriko]] - OoT Impa
Shiekah (Ninja/Rogue) tribal. This one is pretty boring/typical. It was one of the first ones I made. I say this mostly because I like my other Sheikah deck (Jeskai) more but that idea came much later and I don’t have any other ideas for this one. I opened it up to any rogue or ninja of a “good-aligned” race, such as Merfolk (Zora).

Izzet - Command Melody
Commander: [[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain]] - Purah
Ancient Guardian (Artifact Creature) tribal! Also a lot of fun. This was going to be an equipment deck with lots of ancient weapons, but there weren’t enough weapons I liked to make it work. Also I wanted to have each sub-type of Ancient Guardian be a different creature type but I ended up just going with the art/mechanics. The general idea is bringing artifact creatures out of the graveyard i.e. reconfiguring ancient guardian tech. I think I could have done a better job with more artifact resurrection effects. Still fun though.

Simic - Serenade of Water
Commander: [[Vorel]] - Zora Link
Zora (Merfolk) tribal. Also not very interesting. A lot of +1/+1 counters because that’s what Merfolk do. Lots of things with watewaves in the name or art, and I tried to include some spells with Merfolk in the art that are otherwise unrelated.

Golgari - Beedle’s Shop
Commander: [[Izoni]] - Beedle
Beetle/Insect (Insect) tribal. This was a lot of fun to build. I tried to include every insect with “beetle” in the name or the art (such as scutes). I may have maybeboarded a few because they really didn’t work with the deck.

Rakdos - Omen of the Blood Moon
Commander: [[Wort, Boggart Aunti]]
Bokoblin (Goblin) tribal. Wort fits so well with the reanimation of the blood moon in BoTW. Also, [[Blood Moon]] - too perfect. I threw in some of the other basic BoTW races for good measure (Troll - Moblin, Cyclops - Hinox, Viashino - Lizalfos).

Gruul - Bolero of Fire
Commander: [[Stonebrow]] - Golden Lynel
Lynel (Centaur) tribal. Honestly not much to say about this one. Threw in some Dodongos (Kavus) because of the fire theme. Lots of spells with “fire” in the name.

Esper - Farewell to Gibdos
Commander: [[Nevinyrral]]
Gibdo/Redead (Zombie) tribal. Gibdos and Redeads don’t play a huge role in the LoZ games but it’s the easiest deck for Esper colors. All mummies are Gibdos, and other zombies are Redeads. Nevinyrral’s third ability goes along well with the name of the deck - it’s kind of an ironic title since the song in the game scares away the Gibdos. Also he’s just fun to play.

Jeskai - Prelude of Light
Commander: [[Elsha]]
Okay I love this deck. It’s kind of weird to call it a “tribal” but it’s based around the Sheikah from BoTW. So my idea was that Djinns are the actual monks (like the ones in the shrines) whereas Human Monks are Sheikah who will become monks - obviously a bit of artistic license since I think the Sheikah are basically a tribe of humans and not a separate race, and certainly not two separate races.
At some point I realized a lot of these cards had one of the Jeskai watermarks... which is an eye… the symbol of the Sheikah! So basically it’s a combo of Human Monks with the Jeskai watermark, some other Djinns thrown in for good measure, and then Artifacts and Enchantments representing the Sheikah Slate abilities. Narset is BoTW's Impa (specifically I guess from AoC since the age is more appropriate).

Bant - Song of Healing
Commander: [[Kestia]] - Great Fairy of Magic
Fairy (Nymph) + Enchantment Creature deck. Obviously Faerie is the most obvious translation for Fairies - but Faeries in MTG seem more mischievous, and are mostly in u/B. Nymphs fit better, especially for Great Fairies which are huge. Otherwise it includes spells with “healing” or “revive” in the name and [[Kiss of the Amesha]].

Mardu - Sonata of Awakening
Commander: [[Extus]] - Agahnim
I love this deck. Also a big fan of LttP, which was my first Zelda game. Basically the idea is to use Red control spells to “put your enemies in crystals” like the sages’ descendants in LttP and then sac them to resurrect a demon. Otherwise I included Demons and Devils and some Human Soldiers who represent the “evil” soldier enemies in the Light World in LttP.

Abzan - Minuet of Forest
Commander: [[Colfenor]] - Great Deku Tree
Deku (Fungus) tribal. Basically the idea is Fungi are Dekus, and Saprolings are Deku Babas. I guess the theory is you kill (sac) the babas to get sticks and nuts to use as weapons - i.e. other beneficial effects. This is based on my actual [[Ghave]] deck, but Ghave as commander would be way overpowered compared to the rest of these decks. Colfenor still gives you essentially infinite recursion of Ghave if you draw him (unless he’s exiled) so it might still be kind of too strong. Also included some Skulltulas (Spiders, specifically ones with things on their backs) and Gohma ([[Arasta]]) since she’s the boss of the Deku Tree dungeon.

Naya - Goron Lullaby
Commander: [[Samut, Voice of Dissent]] - Goron Link
Goron (Ogre) tribal. Goron Lullaby is kind of an ironic title, basically that they come hard and fast and hit the ground rolling with Samut’s third ability and pound you to sleep. I had thought of doing Samut as either the Goron that they name Link in OoT or the Goron named Link in Majora’s Mask, but I decided to go Goron Link since I included the other Link mutations in their respective tribals. Also thought of maybe having her be Darunia before his sage status. [[Koth]] and [[Domri]] were also possible Darunias.

Temur - Earth God’s Lyric
Commander: [[Animar]] - Calamity Ganon
Boss tribal. Basically put in all my boss translations that didn’t have B in their identity. I wanted to do something different so I didn’t include any Instants or Sorceries except for some ramp spells. Hard to protect your creatures so it might be kind of unplayable, but it’s different...

Grixis - Melody of Darkness
Commander: [[Nicol Bolas, the Ravager]] - Ganondorf // Ganon
Spellslinger deck. The Ravager was to me the obvious choice for Ganondorf since he transforms. Also Grixis is a great color id for him. Other than that, I included general spellslinging cards and some enemies/bosses that didn’t fit into other deck’s color identities.

Sultai - Elegy of Emptiness
Commander: [[Muldrotha]] - Stallord
Essentially a Stalfos (Skeleton) tribal. But I had to sub a lot of zombies to make the cursed (skeletal) enemies in BoTW because there aren’t many Skeletons that combo with other creature types. Muldrotha is Stallord because I think they kind of look similar, even though I know Stallord is actually a dragon. And yeah I took some license to add some some Stal creatures that were never Stals in the games. Originally I had like Stalgorons and Stalzoras (which are probably still in the maybeboard) but decided to scrap them.

Jund - Song of Storms
Commander: [[Yurlok]] - Dark Lizalfos
Lizalfos (Viashino) tribal. I also put in a bunch of Madness spells because a few Viashino had discard abilities and Madness made me think of Storms like in the title.

3+ Colors
Altruism - Oath to Order
Commander: [[Tazri, Beacon of Unity]] - Zelda
So I wanted to do a deck based off BoTW equipment. Originally it was going to be my Jeskai, but I thought there weren’t enough Bows without green. I’ve since changed my mind on this but by then I had the Monk Jeskai deck.
I wanted to include every character in BoTW who reforges legendary weapons and then some other party members in the 5 races (Goron, Hylian, Rito, Zora, Gerudo) to bolster Tazri’s ability. This isn’t legal because it was too hard to cut down the equipment, so it’s basically all in there and anyone can remove whatever they want. Otherwise all the non-equipment cards are fine.
I think - if I did a good job - that every piece of equipment in this deck has a direct translation and should be labeled in the master list. Also included some deflect type spells to represent deflecting with the Master Sword.

All Color - Inverted Song of Time
Commander: [[Esika, God of the Tree]] - Majora
This deck is crazy and janky AF. Basically it’s a mask/mutate deck. I took some artistic license to give more mutating creatures, so I included the Boss remains as mutating creatures as well as the Sun and Moon Masks. Then I added any enchantment or artifact with Mask in the name and matched them up as best I could. I had to cheat with [[Ring of Valkas]] as the Bunny Hood and [[Messenger’s Speed]] as the Postman’s Hat. Then I included all the instruments and other iconic characters/things from the game. The name is just because my memories of this game are filled with playing that song over and over and over again.
TL;DR: 22 Zelda-themed decks for you to enjoy or do whatever you want with - just click on the link above. I welcome any and all comments, questions, criticisms, death threats, etc.
submitted by marvsup to EDH [link] [comments]

2021.11.25 09:34 julioc94 [LoZ] Should I use the LoZ 1986 instruction booklet to play it on the Game&Watch?

Hey /zelda!
First of all, some background. On this year, I was introduced to The Legend of Zelda saga. I played OoT on the 3DS. Ever since, I've been obsessed with the saga. Played MM, and ALBW as well.
I recently bought the TLoZ Game&Watch, and have been playing LoZ (1986). Appreciation aside, I've been wandering and exploring the map like crazy! Don't get me wrong, I love it. Discovering something without any hint or aid from a web guide is really rewarding and satisfactory. However, here is my dilemma: is it considered cheating if I play using the information provided on the instruction booklet?
When I played OoT on the 3DS, I used the hints provided by the Sheikah Stone. At one point, friends who had played OoT on N64 were surprised at how fast I was progressing, and after I told them about the Sheikah Stone, they pointed out that such hints weren't available back then. Even though it wasn't their intention, it made me feel like I waa cheating, so I stopped using it. Luckily, I hadn't progressed much when I made the decision.
Ever since, I've taken personal to discover and solve riddles of the game on my own, without aid. However, with the LoZ on the Game&Watch I can't help to think I could save a lot of time if I used the instruction booklet. Out of curiosity, I googled it, and fastly could glance it provides a map.
My dilemma is if using such info could be considered cheating or not playing it the way it was meant. I think if such instruction booklet was provided with the fame, it was to serve a purpose, right? What do you guys think?
tl;dr Is it considered cheating if I use the instruction booklet included with the LoZ 1986 game to play the Game&Watch LoZ?
submitted by julioc94 to zelda [link] [comments]

2021.11.07 05:51 MotherVermicelli8004 30FPS patch for N64 LoZ games

many people are looking for cheats that are able to up the FPS of N64 LoZ games, it is not really easy to find them as i spent hours looking for them or at least, looking for the working ones. so, if anyone is interested, i will post them here, and i will only put the 30fps ones. as they are the safest and they do not break anything in the game, as far as i tried, everything works as it should by using Mupen64 Plus FZ.
Ocarina of Time V1.2 30FPS
D00F1C91 000A
800F1C91 0007
801C7861 0002
D01C8D74 0001
801C7861 0003
D11DB49E 2708
801C7861 0003
D11DB49E 2900
811DB35C BF34
D11DB49E 2950
811DB35C BF34
D11DB49E 2988
811DB35C BF34
D11DB49E 29D0
811DB35C BF34
D11DB49E 3148
811DB35C BF34
D11DBB14 000A
801C7861 0003
Majora's Mask USA 30FPS
803825E1 0002
803E6BC2 0002
Edit: while using 30fps cheat in OoT and you come across some areas where you feel like the game is glitched due to the increased amount of frames, hold right on the Dpad and keep it held, the game will instantly change its FPS to default which is 20fps as long as you hold right. once you bypass the glitch, release it and the game will switch to 30fps
submitted by MotherVermicelli8004 to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2021.06.08 06:58 HaezTiger7 [OG/REMAKE SPOILERS] Cloud’s Fate that causes REMAKE to happen

Has nobody come out with this theory yet?
Sephiroth mentioned several times that he will not have Cloud perish and how he wants Cloud to live.
This is because after the OG Sephiroth continued to not dissolve in the Lifestream due to clinging on Cloud’s memories of him. Which means once Cloud is gone, he too will finally be dissolved into the Lifestream.
My theory is after the compilation (the final one would be DoC) Cloud must have died earlier than what Sephiroth might expect and he was not able to execute his revenge. There’s also the chance that Planet who is probably sick of Sephiroth still existing might have something to do with killing Cloud to remove the parasite.
Cloud’s death might affected Aerith who has also resisted dissolving in the Lifestream. Aerith had helped Cloud cheat death multiple times before; from drowning in the Lifestream, curing his geostigma, surving Bahamut SIN’s fireball and the blast from Loz and Yazoo in AC.
So both Sephiroth and Aerith probably manipulated time to have Cloud live longer beyond the OG timeline but both with different intentions.
submitted by HaezTiger7 to FFVIIRemake [link] [comments]

2021.05.06 06:15 rapaciousrancor 26/cst/much systems very wow

My SO and i love to play games as parents we dont get out much im not the most social person and hate bars and the like never been the biggest on social media either. Friends have grown up and moved away or are otherwise occupied. I dont mind cheats save scumming exploiting glitches its about having fun not the awards. Recently learned how to windbomb in LOZ BOTW its fun and great for getting around. I dont like griefing racism belittling. We all just want to have fun and play some games!
I play alota games dark souls, assasians creed, fortnite minecraft i love skyblock and survival. My gf loves fornite also we would love someone to drop in with besides our kids! We have a ps4 xbox one and pc very basic gaming laptop. I love lots of other games to name a few rachet and clank, jak and daxter, psyconauts (so excited for the second) halo (gf also likes) dark could was great message me for more info!
submitted by rapaciousrancor to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2021.02.13 00:41 ItsDeflyLupus Latest LO

This here is the latest version of my ever changing LO. I think I’m getting close to my ideal version of Skyrim; expanding on all of its aspects without going too far away from Skyrim’s original scope. Skyrim became way too repetitive for me due to a huge lack of variety in...everything. Spells, guards, weapons, etc., there wasn’t a lot to choose from. I’ve tried fitting as much as I could to make the game more varied and fun as well as making it seem more alive and lived in. Tried to make a list that I can be happy with and hop in and play any kind of character with little to no tweaking of the LO between characters. This LO is heavy on Creation Club content, but I do have an alternate version without the CC options if anyone’s interested just shoot me a message.
It’s organized according to the LLO, but I don’t have the headers in-front of me for separating as I’m doing this on mobile.
As always I’m open to suggestions for additions/removals/swaps
Unofficial Creation Club Patch
Camping Extended
Simple Camping Storage
Conners Survival Mode
QOL and Bug Fix Comp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Ars Metallica
Cheat Room ( only used to alter Time Scale to 13 )
VioLens (Advanced Moves Enabled & Killmove Immunity Enabled)
60 FPS Menus Natural Interface
Dynamically Disable eye adaption and bloom
Sovngarde Nordic Font Light
SkyHUD Dissonance
Toggle compass (Off)
The choice is yours
Dragonborn and dawnguard delayed
Perks from questing
Path to Volkihar
Less tedious thieves guild
The Paarthurnax dilemma
Gilder green Regrown
Boethiah for Good Guys
Namira for Good Guys
Andromeda Unique standing stones
Mysticism/Vokrii Patch
20% more perk points
Apocalypse/Vokrii Patch
Triumvirate/mysticism patch
Unleveled Items
Summermyst Enchantments
Thematic Loot
Fashions of the fourth era
Billyro Compendium
Billyro Compendium Leveled List Patch
Shield imports
Cloaks of Skyrim
Cloaks of Skyrim Retextured 1k
Cloaks of Skyrim/Survival Mode Patch
Face masks of Skyrim
Balanced bandolier patch
Sirwho’s Wizard Hats
Arena Encounter zone Overhaul
Wood yew weight
Reliquary of myth
Reliquary of myth dragon priest masks
Reliquary of myth Sunder & Wraithguard
Immersive sounds
Reverb and ambiance Overhaul
Skyrim music 2
Obsidian weathers and seasons (Bleak filter; 66% weaker sunlight; Seasons ON)
True storms
Obsidian/true storms Spectral Patch
Obsidian weathers horizon color patch
RASS (Turn OFF all camera effects and Wetness Shader)
XP32 maximum skeleton & realistic rag dolls
Weapons on Back AIO
Visible favorite gear (ON)
Head tracking
Leviathan animations AIO
Unread books glow
Visual Animated Enchantments
Reliquary of myth/VAE patch
Diverse dragons collection
Arctic Frost Effects Redux
Ultimate HD Fire Effects by buzzdee
Voltage by SRWO
Old Kingdom weapon Overhaul
OK Weapon Overhaul/USSEP Patch
The original sleeving Skyrim
Old Kingdom armor Overhaul
OK Armor Overhaul/Sleeving Skyrim patch
Royal Armory
PrivateEyes Royal Armory retexture
Guards armor replacer
Improved closedfaced helmets
Reliquary of myth/Improved closed faced Patch
Open face guard helmets
Organic Skyrim Landscapes w/Northfires Mountains
Organic Skyrim flora Overhaul
Organic Skyrim Dawnguard and Dragonborn
Landscape fixes for grass mods
Color patches remover
AI Overhaul
More tavern idles
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul
Cutting Room Floor
Reliquary of myth/CRF Patch
Landscape fixes for grass mods/CRF Patch
Immersive Follower Framework
Morningstar Races
KS Hairdos Islas Pack (swap this for whatever you want, I’m dropping this particular pack soon myself)
Fatherland Sons
Fatherland Daughters
Superior lore friendly hair
Skyrim Hair Colors
Vanilla eye colors unlocked
Diverse guards Skyrim
Interior Lighting & FX (black background; blue smoke; white letters GRAPHICS PACK) 443.64KB
Claralux (Turn OFF Path Torches and 40% warmer lights)
Bridges of Skyrim
Immersive hold borders
Immersive hold borders consistency Patch
Hold Horder Banners
Magical college of winterhold
Reliquary of myth/Wintersun Patch
Equippable Tomes
The Temple of Time; Kokiri Village
EasierRiders Dungeon Pack
Immersive movement
Immersive movement/Smilodon Patch
Talkative dragons
Immersive winterhold college npcs
4thUnkown’s AIO
Extended encounters
Immersive Patrols
Realistic water two SE (black background; blueish-white lettering) 88.28MB
A Quality world map vivid w/stone roads
Alternate start
New Beginnings Alternate Start
Immersive Hold Borders/Alt Start Patch
Insignificant object remover
Mod Count 137/150
Crashes are slim to none. Nothing that I’ve been able to attribute to my list at least, and crashes aren’t occurring any more often than they would in vanilla Skyrim. FPS loss in Falkreath is negligible and I haven’t had an issue in/near Riften yet(again nothing worse than vanilla Skyrim)
The following is applicable to ANY of my LOs. Whiterun may crash during your first visit if you try to go too fast, idk why but the game has trouble loading in the surrounding plains during that first visit. I like doing what is recommended on the LLO site. Whenever you get near Whiterun for the very first time, whenever that is, you need to approach slowly to give the game time to calibrate. Walk...and actually walk, no running no jogging until you get close enough to where the companions beat the giant. Talk to Aela and keep WALKING back towards Whiterun gates. Stop and listen to the conversation that gives you the quest to help Cicero(this might be only with Cutting Room Floor.) After you get the Cicero quest, walk up and into Whiterun. Walk and listen to Adrienna talk to the guy. Then walk up the steps and listen to Braith bully the boy. Then walk over and listen Armen argue with his wife. Then walk over and listen to the two old dudes argue. Then walk over to Jorrvaskr and go up to the forge, then down inside Jorvasskr and watch the Stone Fist beat on the other guy. Then you’re good to go.
Plenty of space here for personal tweaking; Especially if you decided to take the Temple of Time mod out. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but I’m a huge LoZ fan so I threw it in.
submitted by ItsDeflyLupus to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2021.01.03 02:47 NagaMilalove0 Is using amiibo in botw considering cheating?

Me and my friend are loz fans and I just recently got 24 loz amiibo cards. I started to use them in game I told her that I had them but then she started going off saying “that’s cheating!” “Your not finding/slash working for those items! That’s the whole point of breath of the wild!” So in short she made me feel bad for using them but I don’t really think that these amiibo are made for cheating or making the game easier I just thought I would try them out but was she right? Or are they just made for fun?
submitted by NagaMilalove0 to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

2020.12.07 09:24 Indoorlocal2 Kids Indoor Play Activities

Address: Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: (347) 704-5926 Website URL http://strikeforcesports.net
About US Airsoft is a game of honor. This means that when a bb hits you, you are expected to call yourself “out” and return to your respawn. Because the game is not elimination- based, you will return to the game the moment you touch your respawn building. Calling your hits is an extremely important part of this game, and cheating is not tolerated on our field.
From the moment you enter our field until the moment you exit, eye protection is required. You may not remove your goggles for any reason whatsoever. This is strictly enforced by our referees for your safety.
Our lounge is even well-suited for a movie night out with friends or family! Looking for a unique venue to film or photograph a project? The entire SFS facility can be used for your next production! Please give us a call at (347) 7045926 to schedule an appointment with a manager.
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Additional Details
Working Hours: Open 24 hours Payment Accepted: Cc, cash
GMB Listing
submitted by Indoorlocal2 to u/Indoorlocal2 [link] [comments]
