Imagens para fazer cart o p ch de b b


2012.02.22 18:16 curitiba

Subreddit sobre tudo relacionado à cidade de Curitiba e sua região metropolitana. Créditos pela imagem ao frahm9

2012.01.24 17:57 r/futebol

A paixão nacional

2016.01.25 22:23 O Reddit para Desenvolvedores e Profissionais de TI

Bem-vindo à nossa comunidade! Todos os assuntos relacionados a TI, programação e afins são bem-vindos no brdev

2024.05.19 10:05 uwasaurus First Custom Keyboard

First Custom Keyboard
Monsgeek M3W with KTT Kang White switches + Blue Samurai clones.
submitted by uwasaurus to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 AutoModerator Chat da preguiça

Chat para falar sobre as coisas que você faz que não são nem tem nada a ver com trabalho. Sinta-se livre para falar sobre o que gosta e o que gostaria de fazer se não tivesse que trabalhar.
submitted by AutoModerator to antitrampo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 Additional_Town_2452 What would be in my 2nd house?

What would be in my 2nd house?
I noticed I don’t have any planet in my 2nd house, I think since it’s in Scorpio=Mars, it would mean my 2nd house is in Mars? Can anyone confirm or deny this?
submitted by Additional_Town_2452 to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 Think-Goat-2247 (beginner homework help) procedure `(?-A)' does not exist

so the question is using these given words to fill the crossword box like this:
% Define the words as facts word(d,o,g). word(r,u,n). word(t,o,p). word(f,i,v,e). word(f,o,u,r). word(l,o,s,t). word(m,e,s,s). word(u,n,i,t). word(b,a,k,e,r). word(f,o,r,u,m). word(g,r,e,e,n). word(s,u,p,e,r). word(p,r,o,l,o,g). word(v,a,n,i,s,h). word(w,o,n,d,e,r). word(y,e,l,l,o,w). solution(L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,L11,L12,L13,L14,L15,L16):- word(L1,L2,L3,L4,L5), word(L9,L10,L11,L12,L13,L14), word(L1,L6,L9,L15), word(L3,L7,L11), word(L5,L8,L13,L16). 
i copied exactly the same code found on internet but why it just didnt work when i tried the query(using SWI-prolog), anything wrong with it?
?-solution(L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,L11,L12,L13,L14,L15,L16). procedure `(?-A)' does not exist 
submitted by Think-Goat-2247 to prolog [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 Bitter-Lettuce2438 Late night pull.

So I decided to begin putting m a master set together for my 151 together in a binder finished up around 3:30am at 3:33am I had 2 extra crown zenith boosters to open. First and only good pull from the two. I think this should cover half of what I spent today.
submitted by Bitter-Lettuce2438 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 DomainDrama Silver stack from India

Silver stack from India
Weightage ranges from 10gm on the bottom row to 250 gm on the topmost row. Our friends from the USA will spot 1oz bars in the middle marked as 31.1 gm.
submitted by DomainDrama to Silverbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:43 tbker- Insane 6ft8 WR

Insane 6ft8 WR
Grabbed this guy in the 3rd round and he’s been wild, was thinking of moving him to tight end but he did too well at WR to justify that. Spamming deep threat and play maker to hopefully pull a couple speed upgrades though 🤣
submitted by tbker- to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:32 No_Name_Edit 4.5 Years in Review

4.5 Years in Review
Hi AFK Reddit Community! Farara here~
Hope this post finds everyone well. I comment and lurk around at times on this sub, but don't post too often as I am more active on AFK discord. It just occurred to me to make a post to about my account once at least. Don't think I've ever posted.
A little about me. I've been f2p for approx. first 2 years of playing and been a small spender since (2.5ys). Casual player for about 3.5yrs. Did my dailies and skipped most competitive game modes completely until about a year ago.
Been on this subreddit for about 4yrs (first comment was theowyn bounty trials) and on discord for about 1yr. Really wanted to thank the community we have. Especially those on discord. Helped me come so far and I appreciate the community way more than the game itself. it's what kept me playing even after my primary purpose of playing the game was lost. Thou many of the players that ive encountered during the journey quit, they are now friends and im lucky to be able to still stay in contact with many. My oldest guildies moved and merged with me to my current guild Olympians (casual). You can also find me on Nihilum Empire and Firespore guild servers! Many of those who helped me when I first joined discord were members of Nihilum! Thanks to all those who helped me!
Enough of talking like an old man. First image is my hero roster from May 18th, 2023 (i posted it on discord before, found it in chat history). I was at 4-6% TS (R17), 40-50% NC (R4), 30+% CR exactly a year ago from today (also according to chat history).
Second one is my current roster. At 1% TS, 2-5% NC, and 2-5% CR. Happy to see I've been able to hold onto the account I've played since Feb 14th, 2020.
I think the reason for me posting this is so for those who still enjoy parts of the game but feel they're not progressing anywhere to reach out for help and not give up, especially discord. Please don't just give up. It maybe the best to restart your account but if you wanna struggle and pull ur old account up. It's doable. It'll take time and perhaps some spending to speed up the progress. It can happen. I was lucky enough to be able to manage it so far! Feel free to ask questions here or on discord.
Have fun! Let's AFK on!
May 18th 2023
May 18th 2024
submitted by No_Name_Edit to afkarena [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:29 TrueButNotProvable Here's some Shaq meat. I wonder if it's juicy?

Here's some Shaq meat. I wonder if it's juicy? submitted by TrueButNotProvable to juicyshaqmeat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:28 LeeLifesonPeart Korean Bourbon Selection - What Are You Buying? $1 ≈ 1,350 KRW

Korean Bourbon Selection - What Are You Buying? $1 ≈ 1,350 KRW
Perhaps anything I can’t get in the US? Heading to Japan next.
submitted by LeeLifesonPeart to whiskey [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:21 Sniffin_Ener_Jeez The truth confusion about numerology

The truth confusion about numerology
Is Vietnamese numerology different from English? The reason is because Vietnamese has a different alphabet than English. Vietnamese has a ă â, u ư, o o ơ. Does it affect the result to conclude the index in numerology. The reason I put up this question is because according to the countries there will be different alphabets and how to calculate numbers and soul indices. For example, in English the letter Z equal to 8 whereas in Cestina, the letter Z equal to 5. Is there anything misunderstanding here?
submitted by Sniffin_Ener_Jeez to numerology [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:13 MadRita Questão médica!

Boas! Isto é direcionado aos médicos/as que por aqui possam andar.
Fui diagnosticada ontem com pneumonia bacteriana. É uma merda, mas estou contente de saber o que é. Foi um filme chegar até aqui.
Honestamente quando me deram o diagnóstico e indicações de medicação eu estava no hospital já há tanto tempo que só queria ir para casa e acabei por não fazer algumas perguntas que devia mesmo ter feito.
Medicamentos receitados: Omenprazol 20mg 1 por dia de jejum (aqui tudo ok) amoxicilina + ácido clavulânico - 1 de 8h em 8h Benuron 1000 de 8h em 8h
A minha questão principal é quanto ao antibiótico - esqueci-me de perguntar quantos por dia ao máximo. Porque na verdade para mim tomar 3 numa dia com um ciclo de 16h não me parece implausível.
Também não perguntei quanto ao benuron mas antes deste diagnóstico final a doutora já me tinha dito que na verdade, se for para garantir que durmo e consigo só não estar em dor constante, posso reduzir um pouco o período entre benurons e mesmo acordar a noite, comer alguma coisa e ir tomar.
Agradeço imenso se alguém da área me souber responder! Quero ficar bem o mais rapidamente possível mas não quero fazer overdose de antibiótico definitivamente!
submitted by MadRita to CasualPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:10 artemhao What games you should choose from this? I have it so many

What games you should choose from this? I have it so many submitted by artemhao to windowsxp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:02 D0M83 Playing as mirror bug but want arms and missile weapon slots

Playing as mirror bug but want arms and missile weapon slots
This is with multiple arm mutation, is there wish command for adding arms,hands, i dont wanna use multiple arm mutation bc it gives two right arms
submitted by D0M83 to cavesofqud [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:59 GamingSceptile The Legendary Soldier: Solid Snake, who’s next (Season 2 only and no repeats)

The Legendary Soldier: Solid Snake, who’s next (Season 2 only and no repeats) submitted by GamingSceptile to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:54 HeelsClimber Recently moved to Arch and looking for assistance

Hi to everyone, typically i do not play games on anything, but consoles, but i got tired of how expensive it is to play on consoles long term. At least where i live it is become over the years by multitudes more expensive. And as im getting older i have less enjoyment to play inside, but i dont mind to play an hour or two outside.
That said heres what i bought for work and a bit of gaming :
.o+` ----------------------- `ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 `+oooo: Host: Katana 17 B12VEK REV:1.0 `+oooooo: Kernel: 6.9.1-arch1-1 -+oooooo+: Uptime: 1 hour, 11 mins `/:-:++ooooo+: Packages: 949 (pacman), 23 (flatpak) `/++++/+++ ++: Shell: fish 3.7.1 `/++++++++++++: Resolution: 1920x1080 `/+++oooooooooo/` DE: Plasma 6.0.4 ./ooossso++osssso+` WM: kwin .oossssso-````/ossssss+` Theme: Breeze-Dark [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] -osssssso. :ssssssso. Icons: breeze-dark [GTK2/3] :osssssss/ osssso+++. Terminal: konsole /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- CPU: 12th Gen Intel i5-12450H (12) @ 4.400GHz `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4050 Max-Q / Mobile `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: GPU: Intel Alder Lake-P GT1 [UHD Graphics] `++:. `-/+/ Memory: 6470MiB / 15697MiB
I tried other distos like ubuntu, mint and such as stock without changing anything, but it wasnt good experience, the issues i faced on xfce and few others is the greeter, i couldnt use touch pad, but only buttons under touchpad, im guessing there 2-3 of em. There were some other little thing that been annoying and i couldnt live w em, changing the desktop envirement and greeter on different distros been quite an experience, so i decided to land on Arch to see what is all noise about, it is about what i was expecting and feels better, but i couldnt fix the sddm and managed to breake it twice and went lightdm-gtk greeter and given arch wiki existence i managed to do some stuff i needed without breaking anything, yet i wish wiki were more detailed, had to look info i needed piece by piece wherever i could.
Now about the game, it is warframe and the issues i have few i would like to find solution to for.
First thing i would like to have vsync on, but with 60fps limit, it doesnt feel as good as 120-200 that system is averaging, but not much of a difference and the battery life is far more important for me. i tried mangohud, gamescop and libstrangle and non of em do work, the game doesnt start, not even a launcher, ive been switching between different versions of proton that steam has to offer (flatpak package) plus proton ge, same result. DXVK frame rate limiter doesnt do anything either. I see a lot of the hype about upcoming drivers 555 and some changes about it, including that gamescop should be working, had to go and read on that subject quite of few pages on the internet.
The second issue i guess cannot be fixed until next nvidia drivers or there anything i could learn about how to reduce flickering, screen tearing in a meanwhile? I do prefer to play in a windowed mode, so can keep an eye on things related to my work and such. When i installed Arch it was a bad experince to play it in a windowed mode, then after another typical sudo pacman -Syu it was great for a day or two bcz there were a kernel update and nvidia driver -4, my guess. But i had to reinstall steam bcz ive been trying to work with pacman/flatpak and set em to install all packages on a different partion, with no success. The instructions, even official, on any matter is so vague to my taste and it takes way to much time to learn about simple things.
I can live with the first two issues, sort of. But the third issue is bugging me. With that recent kernel update i launched warframe and to my surprise the sensitive of touchpad was like in the system, which i enjoyed until i had to resinstall steam, i guess. Its the same slow unresponsive experience now again. The actual game does work great and there no issues with sensitivity, but when i have to use the cursor for navigation in the UI it is like 4-5 times slowwwwwer. I begging to help me with that one. I havnt had that issue only on Mint cinnamon/mate, but i had that issue everwhere else.
And the forth issue comes from steam, the issue is "dbus-update-activation-environment DISPLAY" i ran it in the terminal as is and with --user argument. From time to time on a login steam refuses automatically to start with given error displayed. It does start no problem immidietly from the shortcut/ctl with no issues. Cant figure out how to track down that issue, the only solution as far as i can understand could be delaying autostart, but i havnt read on that subject anything yet, mint had that option, where it could be set on arch i have no idea atm, prolly gotta go through aur and find something related to autostart.
submitted by HeelsClimber to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:49 BasicReasoning Wat is een normale salarisverhoging voor mijn functie?

Momenteel werk ik sinds kort als een junior software ontwikkelaar en mijn salaris is 2700 euro inc. pensioen o.b.v. 40 uur per week. Nu krijg ik dus ongeveer 100 euro salarisverhoging per jaar bij goed functioneren. In 5 jaar betekent dat een salaris van 3200 euro. Vergeleken met dat ken ik bedrijven die letterlijk met 5 jaar ervaring op de 5K zitten.
Is dit dan niet een beetje karig? Ik werk er pas kort en ik heb het er naar mijn zin. Nog heel veel moet ik leren en dat stel ik boven het salaris, maar op een gegeven moment wil je als persoon ook wat meer gaan verdienen om toekomstplannen waar te kunnen maken.
submitted by BasicReasoning to geldzaken [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:44 someonenamedalex Diseñadores/programadores Web - ¿cuánto cobran por páginas estáticas?

Gran parte de mi vida laboral ha sido mediante una empresa, le trabajaba a alguien con un sueldo fijo pero por motivos fuera de mi control ahora me encuentro desempleado con la necesidad de vender mis servicios de diseño web de manera freelance mientras consigo algo estable... el detalle es que no sé cómo cobrarlos, anteriormente hacía una que otra página para un conocido o un amigo del amigo pero los cobraba relativamente baratos (200-300 dólares) ya que no era mi principal ingreso.
Me salió un cliente que me pidió cotización para una página, nada complejo... información de la empresa, qué hacen, cuál es su misión, a lo mejor 2-3 secciones dedicadas a sus servicios, una que otra imagen para apoyo visual y una forma de contacto. La página la pienso hacer usando una plantilla (HTML, CSS y JS) pero personalizándola de acuerdo al estilo que le quiero dar, es decir, le dedicaré tiempo para que se vea más bonita que como está en la plantilla. El detalle es que no sé cuánto cobrar ó cuál sería un precio razonable en TJ?, a lo mejor le dedico unas 30-40 horas (a lo mejor más, no sé) pero se me hace mucho $1,000 por una página estática entonces por eso mi duda.
Como referencia, ando pensando algo parecido a esta página en estructura pero con diferente estilo.
Para los redditores que son diseñadores/programadores de páginas estáticas relativamente sencillas, ¿Cómo las cobran?, ¿cómo cobran cambios o adiciones?.
submitted by someonenamedalex to tijuana [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:44 TimNusser Alles , außer unentschieden - AMA FDP Heidelberg

Hallo zusammen, wir sind Tim (u/TimNusser, Platz 1) und Dennis Röhner (u/dejoro, Platz 6) von der FDP Heidelberg.
Unter dem Motto „Alles, außer unentschieden“ treten wir an, um dem Zögern und dem ständigen Umentscheiden, das unsere Stadt in den letzten Jahren gelähmt hat, ein Ende zu setzen. Unsere Stadt verdient eine zukunftsorientierte Politik, die klare Entscheidungen trifft und sie entschlossen umsetzt.
Unter anderem setzen wir uns ein für:
Mehr zu unseren Ideen und Kandidierenden unter und
P.S. Wir sammeln bis ca. 10 Uhr, danach werden wir über den Tag verteilt antworten.
submitted by TimNusser to Heidelberg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:41 JeremyClarksonRule34 Laptop I scrapped at work. They somehow drilled right through the battery without it catching fire.

Laptop I scrapped at work. They somehow drilled right through the battery without it catching fire.
I believe they were trying to destroy the SSD (they failed) but they managed to drill through pretty much everything else including the battery.
submitted by JeremyClarksonRule34 to hardwaregore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:38 EMBplays Is this a good way to start learning?

Is this a good way to start learning? submitted by EMBplays to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:35 sonhadordesonhos O que aconteceu com tudo, o que eu faço ?

Eu estou deitado agora, do lado da minha namorada, dês do início quando nos conhecemos, sempre falei que odiava mentiras, que isso era apenas a única coisa que eu não iria perdoar. Falei que não importasse o que ela fizesse contanto que ela nunca me mentisse, pois para mim, mentira e uma coisa horrível, e dps que ela me mentiu eu não consigo ficar sem desconfiar dela, não sei o que fazer, foi o meu segundo relacionamento, mas, o primeiro que deu certo, nunca ficamos longe mais que dois dias, dês que éramos ficantes nunca se afastamos, mas essa mentira acabou com tudo, pensei que iríamos viver uma vida juntos, mas agora não sei mais. Tem mais muito mais coisas para contar mas estou com preguiça de digitar o que eu faço ?
submitted by sonhadordesonhos to desabafos [link] [comments]