Student reading log with summary

The Unofficial University of Alberta Subreddit

2011.08.04 12:51 dum41 The Unofficial University of Alberta Subreddit

The unofficial subreddit for all things related to the University of Alberta!

2010.02.11 20:14 lkmeq Cinematography: An online resource for filmmakers

/cinematography is a forum dedicated to becoming an active resource for cinematographers of all skill levels.

2015.03.16 03:16 NeoVenezia Harry Potter FanFiction

For discussion of Harry Potter fanfiction including writer help, searching for fanfics, lore debates, and promotion of fanfic events and fests.

2024.06.02 09:12 Pinkpresent38 Looking for a Red Hood and Arkham Knight crossover fic with an evil Dick Grayson

This is a long shot as I can’t find it anywhere no matter how I try to search for it but I’ll give a brief summary of what I remember in the hope that someone will know what I’m talking about.
Red Hood Jason Todd and Roy Harper are in a relationship. Somehow (portal?) Arkham Knight Jason Todd ends up in the same universe. In the Arkham Knight’s universe Dick Grayson is completely deranged and I believe it’s either implied or directly stated that he is attracted to Arkham Knight Jason (who is aroace). Dick also ends going through the portal I believe.
This was a complete multi chaptered fic and it ended with both Jasons and Roy fighting (evil) Dick. He is killed by something to do with concrete but I can’t remember if he falls or suffocates.
Sorry I can’t remember much more. I read this maybe 4 years ago and it was complete when I read it.
submitted by Pinkpresent38 to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 Negative_Reserve_913 My date ghosted me

My date ghosted me ....
Background - I 'F 21' and my bf(?)'M 22' are Indian and he is an NDA cadet . For the people who don't know - The national defence academy hostsaball party for its passing out cadets and the cadets are allowed to bring their GFs . My partner broke up with his ex last yr and didn't get into any relationship after that until a few months ago . As he didn't have a partner for his ball he made an insta post looking for one and thru contacts I got to know about it and eventually we met and went on 6 dates . We clicked well and had some chemestry, he was a absolute gentleman, humble , handsome caring and what not . After some time I developed feelings for him and I thought he did too , he always talked to me like a normal bf does . He never asked me to be gf but I thought 6 dates is pretty obvious.
To the point. The ball was a while ago and it went beautiful and he was all romantic ( so was I 🤭) we hugged very tightly many times ( he gave a impression of loving me heartly) anyways. He informed that he is going to delete his insta id ( he actually did delete it, I checked) I was ok with it and didn't think any of it . So, since the party he has not picked up any of my calls ( I m not blocked, he just did not pick up) , doesn't read my messages and doesn't meet me on Sundays.
I have very bad feelings and I wish I m wrong . A part of me says he is just busy and another part is giving me bad thoughts. What should I do now ? Should I wait. Should I move ( not as easy as it sounds) . I love him deeply and even he gave me the impression of loving me . I have the time for waiting for him , even I m student. I m sitting here sobbing as I m typing this . I m crying myself to sleep every single night. I have no way of contacting him . So strangers on the app please give me relationship advice.
TDLR my bf ghosted me after being all lovey dovey .
submitted by Negative_Reserve_913 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:06 SecondOnlineIncomes CogniCare Pro Review : CogniCare Pro Brain Support Reviews Real Customers

Comprehensive Review of CogniCare Pro: Is It the Right Cognitive Enhancement for You?


What Is CogniCare Pro?

CogniCare Pro is a cognitive enhancement supplement designed to improve mental clarity, memory, and overall brain health. Aimed at individuals seeking to enhance their cognitive functions, this product claims to support better brain performance through a blend of natural ingredients.

Why Review CogniCare Pro?

Understanding the effectiveness of CogniCare Pro is crucial for consumers considering this supplement as part of their daily routine. This review aims to provide an in-depth analysis, helping potential users make informed decisions.

Who Should Read This Review?

This review is tailored for individuals seeking cognitive enhancement, including students, professionals, and seniors. It will benefit anyone looking to improve their mental acuity and overall brain health.

Product Background

Who Makes CogniCare Pro?

CogniCare Pro is produced by a reputable company known for its commitment to quality and innovation in the health supplement industry. Their products are designed to meet high standards of efficacy and safety.

How Did CogniCare Pro Develop Over Time?

The development of CogniCare Pro involved extensive research and testing to create a formula that effectively supports cognitive functions. Over the years, it has evolved to incorporate the latest scientific findings in neuroenhancement.

How Does CogniCare Pro Compare in the Market?

In a competitive market, CogniCare Pro stands out due to its unique blend of ingredients and proven benefits. Compared to other cognitive enhancers, it promises superior results with fewer side effects.

Features and Specifications

What Are the Core Features of CogniCare Pro?

CogniCare Pro boasts a range of features designed to boost cognitive performance, including:

What Are the Technical Specifications?

Each capsule of CogniCare Pro contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients known for their cognitive benefits. The supplement is designed for daily use, with recommended dosages specified on the packaging.

How User-Friendly Is CogniCare Pro?

The product is user-friendly, with clear instructions and minimal side effects reported. The capsules are easy to incorporate into daily routines, making cognitive enhancement accessible and convenient.


How Efficient Is CogniCare Pro?

Users report noticeable improvements in cognitive functions within a few weeks of regular use. The supplement is praised for its rapid onset of benefits, particularly in enhancing memory and focus.

Is CogniCare Pro Reliable and Stable?

Reliability is a key strength of CogniCare Pro. It consistently delivers results, and its effects are sustained over long-term use. The stability of its formulation ensures users can trust in its ongoing efficacy.

How Does CogniCare Pro Compare to Competitors?

When compared to similar products, CogniCare Pro often outperforms due to its well-researched formula and high-quality ingredients. Users find it more effective and better tolerated than many other cognitive enhancers on the market.

User Experience

How Easy Is It to Use CogniCare Pro?

Ease of use is a significant advantage of CogniCare Pro. The capsules are simple to take, and the clear dosage guidelines help users incorporate them effortlessly into their daily routines.

What Is Customer Support Like?

Customer support for CogniCare Pro is highly responsive and helpful. Users can expect quick resolutions to their queries and reliable guidance on product use.

What Do Real Users Say?

Testimonials from real users highlight positive experiences, with many praising the significant cognitive improvements they have experienced. These testimonials lend credibility and provide prospective users with confidence in the product.


What Cognitive Enhancements Does CogniCare Pro Offer?

CogniCare Pro is designed to enhance various cognitive functions, including memory, focus, and overall mental clarity. Users often report feeling more alert and mentally sharp after consistent use.

How Does CogniCare Pro Impact Health and Wellness?

Beyond cognitive benefits, CogniCare Pro supports overall brain health. Its natural ingredients contribute to long-term wellness, helping to protect against age-related cognitive decline.

What Are the Unique Selling Points?

Unique selling points of CogniCare Pro include its all-natural formulation, the absence of harmful side effects, and its ability to deliver noticeable improvements in a short time frame.

Pricing and Value

What Are the Pricing Plans for CogniCare Pro?

CogniCare Pro is available in various pricing plans to suit different budgets. These include single-bottle purchases and multi-bottle packages, often with discounts for bulk buys.

How Does the Cost Compare to the Benefits?

The cost of CogniCare Pro is justified by the substantial cognitive benefits it offers. Users find the investment worthwhile given the product’s efficacy and long-term advantages.

Are There Any Discounts and Offers?

Frequent promotions and discounts make CogniCare Pro an even more attractive option. New users can often find introductory offers that reduce the initial cost of trying the product.

Pros and Cons

What Are the Advantages of CogniCare Pro?

Advantages of CogniCare Pro include:

What Are the Disadvantages?

Potential disadvantages might include:

What Areas Need Improvement?

Areas for improvement could involve expanding availability and offering more competitive pricing plans for all users.

Expert Opinions

What Do Professionals Say About CogniCare Pro?

Health professionals often endorse CogniCare Pro for its scientifically backed formulation and proven benefits. They appreciate its comprehensive approach to cognitive enhancement.

What Are the Endorsements and Criticisms?

Endorsements typically highlight the product’s effectiveness and safety. Criticisms, when present, usually focus on the cost or individual variations in response.

Has CogniCare Pro Received Industry Recognition?

CogniCare Pro has received various industry accolades, reflecting its status as a leading cognitive enhancement supplement. These recognitions underscore its quality and efficacy.


What Are the Key Points?

Key points include the product’s effectiveness, ease of use, and substantial cognitive benefits. Its natural ingredients and lack of side effects are major advantages.

What Is the Final Verdict?

The final verdict is that CogniCare Pro is a highly effective cognitive enhancer that delivers on its promises. It is a valuable investment for anyone seeking to improve their mental performance.

What Are the Recommendations?

Recommendations for potential users are to consider their specific cognitive needs and consult with a healthcare provider to ensure CogniCare Pro is suitable for them. Starting with a trial period can also help gauge individual effectiveness.

Additional Resources

What Related Products Should You Consider?

Related products that users might consider include other cognitive enhancers from reputable brands, as well as supplements that support overall brain health.

Where Can You Find Further Reading and Links?

Further reading and links can be found on the CogniCare Pro website, which provides detailed information about the product, its ingredients, and scientific studies supporting its efficacy.

How Can You Contact CogniCare Pro?

For more information or to purchase the product, users can contact CogniCare Pro through their official website or customer service hotline.
This comprehensive review should help users make an informed decision about CogniCare Pro, ensuring they understand all aspects of the product before making a purchase.
submitted by SecondOnlineIncomes to CogniCarePro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:00 coinfeeds-bot Today's Top #1: The Fall of CZ: Binance Founder Begins Prison Sentence

tldr; Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the billionaire founder of Binance, has begun serving a four-month prison sentence at a low-security federal facility in Lompoc, California, after pleading guilty to charges related to enabling money laundering through his cryptocurrency exchange, Binance. The sentence comes as part of a plea deal with U.S. authorities, concluding a multiyear investigation. Zhao's defense team confirmed his custody, and as part of the settlement, Zhao resigned as CEO of Binance and agreed to pay $50 million personally. The U.S. has also imposed $4.3 billion in fines and forfeiture against Binance.
*This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.
submitted by coinfeeds-bot to u/coinfeeds-bot [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:58 ymaeThe1st Advice/Guidance Needed

Greetings to everyone, thank you for coming here. Let me introduce myself a bit. I am a 23m introvert. I graduated last year and have been unemployed since. I tried applying for masters but couldn't secure a good rank in the exams required for PG Courses. I then tried applying for Jobs(thousands of job application per month) in my field but I have never even been selected for interviews. The problem part is here. Ever since College ended I seemed to have lost my passion, drive for every and anything. I have become dull, I fail to carry out my commitments which is hampering both my personal and professional relationships. I don't seem to care about anything. I always try to indulge myself in escapism activities like watching movies, anime, computer games which I am not particularly fond of. I am not interested in anything. Everything seems like a waste of time and money. I had few goals but because of my lack of consistency and discipline I am failing to achieve them. I am particularly not good at anything especially socializing. On top of all this I am depressed by my constant act of failure. I am afraid to try new things because I might fail at it. I have started to hate myself a lot. I am lost. I am thinking about ending my Life in the next 3 months. But I don't want leave my sister and parents alone. They(parents) are retired and have no income other than a small pension. My sister is a school student and has a lot of potential. What should I do to change myself? What should I do to make myself a better person?
I know my problems may seem, if not, are insignificant compared to other people's ball clenching problems that I have read on this reddit group. So people out there who are living their life even with your problems, I admire you and you guys give me hope. I want to turn this around.
Excuse me for my grammatical mistakes and Thank you for reading. I humbly ask for your guidance, also people with similar problems please do share your life journey and how you got over it, it will mean a lot to me.
submitted by ymaeThe1st to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Umitsbooboo Got the job - Success story!

Successor : u/tragerkrager
Hey everyone. I’ve been lurking on this page like for a year or so, having been into law of assumption and attraction for a few years. I've just recently had a massive success so I feel like I have to put my two cents in. Bear with me as this is a bit of a long story.
Summary: In November 2023 I quit my job. Went from living in the UK (not where I’m from but where I want to spend the rest of my life), good paying job in the industry (very, very, niche industry and I was at one of the best companies) to being unemployed, living with my parents in my home country. My job was located in a town (not London) I absolutely hated, but the job made it worth it.
Fun side note, before I got the job I wanted to be in London (where I’ve lived before and know I love) but kept telling people I was fine with anywhere in the country, so guess what turned up - dream job in a different part of the UK, far away from London. Anyway, I quit my job with the belief I was going to get THE job in London within like a month or so. This did not happen. Instead I spent 5 months unemployed, running up my credit cards, living with my parents in my home country. After 5 months things changed and within two more weeks I had my dream job, at my dream company, at a specific location in London I’ve been dreaming of working at for years, with a salary higher than anyone I know. All thanks to Neville.
Details: In October I affirmed for a week I was worthy of the career I wanted - and I ended up quitting my job out of nowhere, but I had a strong sense that this move was the right one. I happily put my furniture into storage and moved back with my parents (I’m in my mid/late twenties). I told people I’d rather waitress in London than work and live where I was. I went months unemployed, hating life and doubting Neville so much. It got to the point where I thought I was delusional and you were all wrong haha.
I also had an immigration deadline of 6 months, I could not be out of the UK for more than that without losing my immigration status. Hindsight should’ve just uncreated this. So the months go by and I have very few interviews but I do get one interview I really like. It’s at a massive bank although I’m not in finance I thought it could really suit me and with a yearly salary of 15,000 pounds more than I previously had. I don’t get it because I got too scared and mentally spooked it away. Essentially this job was exactly what I wanted, in the same finance district I’ve always wanted to work. The rejection really threw me off not getting it and I didn’t understand why.
So I thought, f* them, I’ll get a job at an even better bank (referred to as bank X now) with a salary of 20,000 more than I had before (which would mean a massive salary I actually could live really good on and get a decent flat with). No one I know who’s 2 years out of grad school earns that kind of money. It’s more money than both my parents earn. I got pissed and felt like if I’m creating my life I might as well throw in a massive salary.
Techniques: Anyway, months go by and I see my deadline (early May) approaching, throughout this time I’ve changed my mindset. I went from reading articles to reading Neville and implementing it (like you all say). I also read The Power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy.
Within two weeks of moving back to London I had a job offer at bank X, with the exact F* you salary I aimed for, the exact role, everything. And sure I was super happy when they called, but it felt so natural I almost didn’t call anyone to let them know. The last two weeks since I got it I haven’t been overjoyed and walked on clouds, no it’s just natural. But guess whose start date isn’t until 4-6 weeks so I have to waitress to get by until then. Everything does come true, even the bad stuff.
I hope this story makes some sense and can give someone hope and trust. I read basically every story on here throughout my unemployed months and I wanted to give back. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!! I’ll probably post something in the future about further thoughts and techniques as this experience taught me a lot. But for now I just wanted to share that I got the job!!
submitted by Umitsbooboo to LOASuccessStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:52 Swiftcheddar [LES] Putting the MC from MHA: Vigilantees into the ending of My Hero Academia comes with some really terrible implications

I like Vigilantees, I like it a lot and I like Koichi a good deal. There's a few things I could (and do) complain about for it, but overall I think it's a great read and if you enjoy MHA you should check it out, it's hard to imagine a MHA fan wouldn't enjoy it.
A quick recap for those that haven't read it, or haven't read it in ages.
Koichi is
So, Vigilantees was always kind'a canon, and then they brought in the background for Kurogiri straight from Vigilantees which made it probably/definitely canon, and now finally in the epilogue for MHA we've got Koichi here helping clean up Japan.
And while it's a nice touch to see him, for Vigilantees fans... it's also a fucking weird situation that possibly ruins his entire character.
Like... After the LoV attack, when thousands were killed and Japan was reeling, he was just bumming around in America? No sign of him at all.
When the Pro Heroes were quitting in despair and Japan was pushed to the brink trying just to maintain order, still no sign of him? He didn't think this might be a good time to help out?
In the final battle, when Shiggy and AFO are outright threatening the entire existence of Japan, and possibly the world, when the Hero society is gathering up every last dregs of strength it can, to the point it's even recruiting from Amateur Heroes, Vigilantees and Hero Academy Students... He's still just hanging out in America?
Hey, he knows Popstep still lives in Japan, right? He knows his friends, O'clock and even his abusive mother still lives in Japan, right?
Hell, even more motivating for him, this was his sole and only chance to fight alongside All Might. And instead he just watched it on TV, cheering on Deku and a bunch of other high-schoolers while doing absolutely nothing to help.
He could have been there helping support All Might, he could have been one of the people coming through the portal at the end to save the day, he could have done anything, but instead he did nothing.
Oh but he's here now... helping rebuild Japan with a smile on his face and seemingly no regrets at watching All Might (and Japan, really) crash to within an inch of his life while he was sitting on his butt doing nothing at all. Mother fucking Mineta was there in those final shots. Fucking Death Arms who was shown on-screen giving up being a Pro-Hero still came back to save Japan in the final battle... But Koichi couldn't be bothered? Was he too scared? Did he think "I'd better leave this one to the high-schoolers."?
I'm happy for the Cameo, but man... They couldn't have thrown him into the background of one of the war shots? His Quirk is so incredibly powerful it'd probably be a big deal to do so, but just keeping him 100% out of the battle makes him look ridiculous.
EDIT: Additionally, I'm aware that AFO caused issues around the world, to keep the other Pro Heroes busy, but that wasn't anywhere close to what was happening in Japan. America has plenty of Pro Heroes who were fine with the situation there.
submitted by Swiftcheddar to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Easy_You9443 I F****** HATE WIX!!!!! DONT SIGN UP, GO ELSE WHERE


After reading other peoples posts this isn't an intermittent problem and should be rectified ASAP considering this is something we pay for and affects peoples businesses being detrimental on us processing orders and subsequently effecting customer satisfaction, resulting in negative reviews!!!
As couldn't log into chat, the only way I could by past this was logging in to an old account!!
Still waiting even after Jaro assured and assigned me as HIGH PRORITY at 21:30 last night (Knew I was a sucker believing him) and then me ringing them at 5:30 this morning to be told by Jenny that she understands my frustration but unfortunately she can see the problem that Jaro did highlight my issue as High Priority but assigned it to the wrong department!!! She can't help me, but will definitely make sure it goes to the right department as high priority now...
Oh right Jenny, that's completely explained why I haven't heard sweet F*** all back for hours and as you've explained it sooooooo lovely, I'll just collect another ticket. WTF mother bloody hell?! Yeah me imagining queuing at a stall and going back to the end of line.......I'm paying for a premium service she now realises is a joke!!!
Ask for technical support, not available, ask for a manager, get the same!!! Hope you have a lovely day...
I'm at the point them that I literally want to throw my laptop out the window!. The customer service help is like defining i want help with "Purple" and speaking to someone that only understands "Orange" as a basic premise! ! Only then they slightly understanding they are a colour; and would never EVER be close on the fucking spectrum to understanding red or the sun!
FFS you are meant to be a website builder and incorporate themes/ease of use to alleviate the stress/finance of seeking professional help to do it yourself! I've never experienced anything like it!!!!!
From connecting my domain from IONOS, to the simplest thing of adding my store to my horizontal page menu has been nothing but a nightmare. Incompetent "Help Experts" couldn't even add my store as a menu! Saying they couldn't do it?! WTF is the point of having a ecommerce website then?!?
Over 8 yrs ago I built websites for myself/own brand using Wordpress and added a theme via Forest Theme no problem and customised it easily. Yrs on needed nothing brand centered, wanted a easy to edit website, user friendly and fast to go online. Checked reviews and boy was I suckered in!!
submitted by Easy_You9443 to WIX [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 sigma_male_steve Instinct Dating App Review - Is Instinct Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?

Instinct Dating App Review - Is Instinct Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?
Welcome to the Instinct dating app, where you're supposed to find love or a casual fling but might end up swiping your patience away instead.
Let's delve into why Instinct might leave you feeling more frustrated than fulfilled. In this scam dating site guide, we're going to explore why Instinct might not be your best bet for finding meaningful connections or even a quick hookup.
For those who don't want to read the entire guide, a much better alternative to Instinct is Ashley Madison. Unlike Instinct, Ashley Madison actually has millions of members and doesn't use shady tactics to scam you. Check it out here.

Scam 1: Unreliable and Glitchy

One of the biggest complaints about Instinct is its unreliability. Users report that the app frequently crashes, logs out unexpectedly, and has various bugs that make it frustrating to use. Imagine trying to connect with someone only for the app to close on you mid-conversation. These technical issues are not just occasional but seem to be a regular occurrence for many users​.

Scam 2: Fake Reviews and Bots

A significant number of users suspect that many of the positive reviews on Instinct are fake. The presence of overly simplistic and vague five-star reviews raises red flags. Additionally, there are concerns about bots on the platform, which can make it hard to distinguish between real users and automated profiles. This undermines the authenticity of interactions and can waste your time​.

Scam 3: Limited Free Features

While Instinct is advertised as free, the reality is that the free version is extremely limited. You're restricted in the number of swipes you can perform, and many key features require a premium subscription. This paywall can be frustrating, especially when the basic functionalities of the app are already glitchy and unreliable​.

Scam 4: High Subscription Costs

Instinct's premium membership is costly, and given the app's other shortcomings, it feels like a poor investment. Users have to pay for basic functionalities, such as seeing who liked them or boosting their profile, which should arguably be part of the basic package given the app's performance issues. The high price tag of $29.99 per month is hard to justify when the app does not deliver a smooth and reliable experience​.

Scam 5: Poor Match Quality

Even if you do manage to get through the glitches and pay for a premium subscription, you might find that the quality of matches is lacking. Users often complain about a low number of active users and the distance of potential matches being inaccurately represented. This can lead to wasted time and effort as you sift through profiles that do not meet your criteria or are too far away to be practical​.

Scam 6: Privacy Concerns

Instinct collects a significant amount of user data, and there are concerns about how this data is used and protected. While the app claims to prioritize privacy, the extent of data collection, including sensitive information, raises questions about user security. This is especially concerning in the context of a dating app where personal information is regularly shared​.

Scam 7: Filled with Scammers

Many users report that the app is filled with scammers. These scammers often pose as real users but are looking to con people out of their money. The typical scam involves luring users to off-app platforms and then requesting money for fake reasons like travel expenses or hotel costs. This pervasive problem makes it difficult to trust interactions on Instinct​.

Scam 8: Inaccurate Distance Representation

Another issue users face is the inaccurate representation of the distance of potential matches. The app often shows matches that are far beyond the specified distance range, which is frustrating for users looking for local connections. This lack of precision can lead to wasted time and effort.

Overall Verdict and Recommendation

Instinct might not be a scam in the traditional sense, but it certainly has its drawbacks. The unreliability, fake reviews, limited free features, high costs, poor match quality, privacy concerns, prevalence of scammers, and inaccurate distance representation make it a less-than-ideal choice for most users. If you're looking for a legit hookup app, try Ashley Madison.
Ashley Madison has millions of real members, no shady bot tactics, and an upfront and clear cost of membership. People have been using it for years for hookups. You can get a free trial for Ashley Madison using the link on this page.
Good luck, and may your swipes lead to something more than just frustration!
submitted by sigma_male_steve to OnlyTheCoolest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 AprilDruid What to read, when you've finished the Light Novels.

You've finished all 5 LNs, and want more, well this thread has you covered. This will go over what you can read next.

Official Stuff

Well, you've read the LNs, why not read Turn Around and Face Me, the sequel series, set years after the original? May and Aleah Francois are now teenagers, going to an All-Girls Academy. This series is more lighthearted, and won't have any earth-shattering consequences to it. It's just two dumb teenagers in love with people who aren't interested in them. TAFM is still ongoing, and we should be getting chapter 3 fairly soon.
Same story from the LNs, with a lot more detail. Aono Shimo's art takes what is already a great light novel series, and brings it to life in greater detail. There is a lot added on here, helping to make this a wonderful experience. It's currently in the Investigation arc, and runs monthly in Yuri Hime.
These are commissioned works she's done, and their canoncity is essentially TBD. Only a handful are translated here, I'm unsure as to where the rest are.
Look, I'll be real here, there's no legal way to read it in english, nor any illegal ways. If you're Korean, or read Korean, it's here.


It's the lifeblood of this community, and there are so many talented writers to share. This one will be broken down into a few different categories, to help direct people towards something they might love.

Alternate Universes.

Rae Taylor is a coffee shop barista, who has a crush on a regular customer, named Claire Francois. It's your typical Coffee Shop AU, that was one of the first big fics in the community, and continues to influence AU works. The sequel "A Quiet Cup of Cheer" is very good, and I highly recommend.
"Claire Francois awakens to find herself in Japan, where Rae once lived out her past life. It’s not hard to find her wife once more, and given a second life surely it will be easy to live that one out with Rae once again and help Rae as she had helped her in Bauer. It’s hardly as if Rae will need convincing, right?
Rei Oohashi has had a crush on the icy Francois-san ever since university classes started, she is just so pretty. One would not have expected those feelings to be returned nor to have Francois-san claim they were wives in a previous life. And does Francois-san have no memories from this life either… oh no."
Essentially it's a reverse isekai, with Claire being a fish out of water. And it's full of Persona and Dungeon Meshi references. This has a NSFW companion piece from the lovely brooklynapple, which I will not link here.
The same writer also did an ESO Crossover, which I recommend reading!
"Rei "Quinn" Oohashi has a decently normal life. A job she excels at, a bothersome sister, a hobby she is undefeatable at. Things start to change when a blonde-haired fashion designer enters her life."
The story isn't very far along, but the writer is definitely having fun with this one.
"Two trans women with very different backgrounds, and personalities. Claire Francois, is the epitome of elegance and grace, her father a wealthy politician. Beneath the facade of elegance however, lies a painful past, that she fears coming to haunt her. The Violin becoming her means of escaping her world, if only for a moment.
Rae Taylor, is a Punk Rock Bassist, who found solace in the raw energy of punk, channeling her anger and frustration into the pounding rhythms of her bass guitar. Running from her past, she attempts to make a fresh start somewhere much different. Despite the lonely pain she feels, she pushes past it, in an attempt to pretend she's someone she's not: Someone confident, and able to hide the pain from everyone around her.
A chance meeting intertwines their paths, forcing them to confront their painful pasts, and embrace their true selves. Through their shared love of music, a bond is formed, that may just help them both find happiness."
Fully admit, this is a shameless self-promotion. The first few chapters are rough, but if you enjoy punk music, or just want to see what it would be like if Rae and Claire, were trans? You'll enjoy this! This also has a NSFW companion piece which I will not link.
Rae Taylor is the daughter of the General Store owners who sell all kinds of items and are part of the middle class.
Claire Francois is the daughter of one of the most powerful and influential Aristocrats who has control on most of the trades in the metropolis.
How can two hearts from two worlds meet at a time of uncertainty?"
Easily one of the most creative AU series, it's a fun one!
"Rae Taylor works for the Lilium Mafia House-one of their best agents, never failed a mission. She is send to the Francois House to act as a spy and eventually eliminate their sole daughter-Claire Francois. However, little did she expect that this mission would not be as easy as she deemed."
Mafia Gays? Say no more, I'm in.
"Four years after the Black Mesa Incident, a gang of Outlaws including former Bureaucrat Orla Maguire and her Physicist Step-Brother, Gustavo Freeman are decimated following a disastrous heist in Panama, scattering them to the wind, and sending Orla adrift to another world, with a blonde noble girl glaring down at her.
Claire Francois must now teach this upstart commoner, who appears to go by Rae Taylor, the proper ways to act in the Kingdom of Bauer, while attempting to truly decipher who she is, why she does what she does, and why she keeps talking about 'Home' as if it were some far away place. Rae, formerly Orla Maguire, must hold out and come up with a plan in the scheming shadows of Bauer if she wants any chance of seeing her old world and family again, all while continuing to work for Claire, and realizing they have a much deeper connection than she initially thought.
Meanwhile in Panama, Dr. Gustavo Freeman is surprised by the arrival of another Noblewoman, facing evidence of string theory, and the ever encroaching threat of the so-called 'Combine' Empire that is now aware of Earth's existence. Time will tell, the currents are swirling... can Outlaws and Nobles truly find redemption?"
Half-Life meets ILTV, in an unexpected crossover!

Canon Divergent

These fics cover stories set within the main universe, but diverge from canon in some way.
"Claire François is madly in love—and that's a problem.
All the things she once valued now stand in her way. The nobility could never accept her loving a commoner. The church could never accept her loving a woman. Her father would be so disappointed in her. None of that matters to her anymore, not as much as creating a future for herself and Rae Taylor. To do that, they'll first have to survive the coming revolution, and to survive, they'll have to change.
But, maybe, even with the entire world is standing against her and her love, if they can change themselves they'll have a chance to change the world. So that's what they'll have to do—whatever it takes."
It's the top rated Wataoshi fic, and for a reason. It's extremely well written, and there is so much care put into this series.
"In which Rae's Soul isn't simply a copy of the Demon Queen's Soul Data, but merely one half of the whole."
This has spoilers for LN5, so I recommend avoiding it, if you're reading this and have yet to complete LN5. In addition, the other has written "Memories of Another World" and "I'm in Love With my Best Friend"
"An exploration of Rei Oohashi's lives with Claire Francois. Major LN5 spoilers.
“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of withering, of tarnishing.” -Anias Nin"
"Claire is accidentally hit with a love spell during magic class and suddenly can't keep her hands off of Rae. Rae doesn't know what to do now that Claire is giving her a taste of her own medicine. How will our heroine overcome this daunting challenge?"
Brooklynapple has also written "a day worth celebrating" a cute Claire birthday piece, and "what we deserve"
"Rae's Duel with Manaria goes wrong
She wakes up back in her old life in Japan
Claire is left alone"
From the author of Eitno, we have a tearjerker, that is excellent.
"A collection of short stories concerning Manaria Sousse from "I'm in Love With the Villainess." I recommend reading this after at least reading Volume 2, or after reading the whole story."
"Rei wakes up in Revolution like in the original but.... She's royalty?"
"After becoming Queen, Manaria tasks have piled up. However, something sinister has happened. Someone from her family has been murdered! She has to recruit her friends to help her solve the mystery."
" As the dust settles, and the world begins to heal, the once mighty Demon Queen, Rei Oohashi has been defeated. But her story does not end with her defeat, it is only just beginning. Rei has been offered a second chance, a chance to repent for her actions as the Demon Queen. Despite her inability to forgive herself, despite her lingering scars, one person sees through them all: Lilly Lilium.
A girl who despite her own scars, from her time as her father's assassin, wishes for nothing more than to help Rei to heal, even if she's incapable of doing so herself. Together they begin a journey spanning the Kingdom of Bauer, and beyond, whilst battling their own inner turmoil."
Again, shameless self-promotion.
"After deciding to take another pilgrimage, Lilly finds herself in Melica, where a certain chestnut-haired woman waits."
A fic dedicated to an underrated pairing. It's cute, check it out
I realize I am missing quite a few fics, but it's almost 2AM and I'm tired. Is there a fic you enjoy that should be on the list? Comment and I'll add it! Writing your own and need tips? Comment!
submitted by AprilDruid to WataOshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:30 Chance-Anybody-9756 Errorless Physics PDF Download for JEE, NEET (USS) 2024

Hello, guys how are you I hope you all are fine and preparing for your exam with very hard work. If students are looking for a NEET and JEE preparation physics book, Errorless Physics PDF, then they come to the right place. In today’s article, we will give you a link to download the Errorless Physics 2025 pdf free download book totally free of cost. This book is very famous and very important from the NEET’s point of view. So to ensure your selection with a good rank in the NEET medical exam please solve this book as soon as possible.
In this study material type article, always try to give your best study material to make your preparation at a different level in different examinations. There number of books are present in the market for the preparation of medical exams but Errorless Physics book or Universal Errorless Physics is awesome and there is no comparison of this book with the other books. This book provides you the questions and solutions in a very understandable manner. So to download, read the whole article to the end and you will find the link in the article anywhere.
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Errorless Physics Updated New Edition 2025

You can check the price of Errorless Physics (Bhavniki in Hindi) for NEET / IIT-JEE (Main & Advanced) as per UBD1960 (Original Errorless Self Scorer USS Book with Trademark Certificate) by NTA/JAB (Paperback+ Smart eBook) Revised Updated New Edition 2025 (2 Volumes). The price of this product is 1389 but the lowest price is 900. If you want to buy Errorless Physics Books, then its average and highest price is 1329 and 1560 respectively. According to which you can buy it online and offline.

Errorless Physics PDF 2025 (NEET/JEE)

Universal Errorless Physics Books is a leading publishing house, which specializes in competitive exam books in India for medical And Engineering exams. Errorless Physics books are written and recommended by top professionals and toppers. It is available in English and Hindi medium. It is an excellent book for the aspiring students preparing for medical. Errorless books is based on the syllabus and exam pattern prescribed by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This book contains a comprehensive set of questions and answers based on NEET/JEE as well as other medical exams. Errorless Physics PDF is very helpful and sufficient for the candidates preparing for medical And Engineering.

Physics Chapter Given in the Errorless Book

There is a total of 32 chapters according to the NCERT of both classes 12th and 11th. These 32 chapters are given in the errorless book. So you don’t need to hesitate or be doubtful with the errorless book. This Errorless Physics PDF would be your last and ultimate solution in Physics to give you a high score in your NEET and JEE preparation. These total 32 chapters are given below- Read More...
submitted by Chance-Anybody-9756 to u/Chance-Anybody-9756 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:29 Jnurie 🌈✨[24M] Engineering & Tech Lover Seeking Friends!✨🌈

Hey there, Reddit!
Guess what? I'm a super excited 24-year-old engineering student on a fabulous quest to find my squad right here in this vast universe of Reddit. I'm all about diving deep into hobbies that make life a zillion times more interesting. Let's get into what makes me, well, me!
Tech Obsessed: I'm utterly obsessed with gadgets, software, and dreaming about what the future holds. If you're into sharing tech tips or just geeking out together, we're practically already besties!
Gamer for Life: Whether it's epic wins or hilarious fails, gaming is my go-to happy place. PC, console, mobile – you name it, I'm there. Looking for pals to share in the glory and the giggles!
Foodie Adventures: I live for the thrill of discovering new food spots and tasting different cuisines. If you're someone who loves talking about all things delicious, we're gonna have so much fun swapping stories and recommendations!
Anime & Manga Lover: My heart beats in anime episodes and manga chapters. If you're all about those too, let's fangirl/boy together over our favorites and share those "you HAVE to watch/read this" gems.
Book Worm: Beyond textbooks, I have a passion for reading, ranging from fiction to non-fiction. If you're into literature and love sharing book recommendations, I'd love to hear from you.
LGBTQ+ Pride: Celebrating all the colors of the rainbow here! I'm looking for friends who are as open-hearted and supportive as I am. Let's share our stories and support each other!
3D Printing Newbie: Just started my journey into 3D printing and it's like magic! Whether you're a pro or just curious, I'd love to exchange ideas and learn together.
I'm on a mission to make new friends who are passionate about the things they do. Whether it's through deep discussions, sharing our latest discoveries, or just enjoying a good laugh together, I'm here for it all!
So, if you're into making a new friend who's all about tech, gaming, food, anime, books, and just enjoying life to the fullest, hit me up! DM me or drop a comment below – can't wait to start this fabulous adventure with you all! 🌈💖
Only people over 18 please!
submitted by Jnurie to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:27 puppyneighbor After 6 months with the Cat S22, I’m starting a 30 day experiment to see if I can handle my iPhone again.

After 6 months with the Cat S22 (Nov 2023 - May 2024), I’m starting a 30 day experiment to see if I can handle having my iPhone back. In order to prepare for this, I only have the handful of apps from the Cat S22 on my iPhone including my gym scheduling app, calculator, clock, Google Maps, Spotify, WhatsApp, and my work Authenticator. I’ve also changed the interface to black & white and added Strava.
I’m curious if I’ve learned enough discipline from the last 6 months and changed my habits sufficiently to be accountable.
The biggest changes in my lifestyle with the Cat S22 were: - READING: I’ve been reading more recently than I have in the last 15 years (7 books since March) and now carry around a book - CAMERA: I’ve acquired and gotten used to carrying around my CampSnap camera. I’ve also gotten used to taking way less photos. Not everything needs to be documented! - LOOKING UP: while waiting on line, observing my surroundings instead of mindlessly scrolling - PERSONAL EMAIL: only checking a couple times a day on my iPad instead of incessantly checking it throughout the day. I didn’t have email on the Cat S22 and won’t have it on my iPhone. - [Also, logged out of all social media and personal email on my work laptop so I’m not incessantly scrolling / refreshing throughout the day] - TEXTING: texting with T9 was cumbersome enough I opted to call friends instead. There is almost no one I’m texting on a daily basis at this point. I’m interested if I maintain that or slip back into more regular texting as it will be easier now. And/ or if I start using voice memos again (which i used a lot pre Cat S22)
The main motive to try the iPhone again is that I’m starting to train for a race and carrying only one device is preferable. (I prefer to use Strava on my iPhone and currently am using the Cat S22 as a hotspot and carrying around both devices, which is becoming more and more inconvenient). Also, the month of May is the first month where I haven’t used Instagram every day (I did 10 non-consecutive days without checking the app).
Wish me luck, cheer me on, check back in a month for an update. I’m optimistic and yet a little nervous to be sucked back in. After all, it’s only a 30 day experiment and I can always switch back to the Cat S22 if i can’t handle the iPhone.
submitted by puppyneighbor to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:26 moukiez WiFi and Bluetooth keep disabling themselves, shows no networks, and laptop freezes and has trouble turning on/restarting properly, all since yesterday.

I'm at my wit's end, hopefully someone can help me resolve this issue. I apologize for the deluge of text you're about to read.
My laptop is an Acer ConceptD 7 Ezel CC715-71, running Windows 11 Pro. I got it late 2020 I believe, and aside from the sound no longer working a few months in and the finger print sensor saying it can't recognize my fingerprint after like a handful of uses until I reset/re-register the fingerprints and anew, only for the process to repeat yet again, it's been perfect.
(I was living in Canada at the time and imported it from the States, so after all the hassle with customs, it wasn't worth jumping through all those hoops to send it back again, even if it was ridiculous that the sound and fingerprint sensor stopped working just a few months in for such an expensive device.)
Fast forward four years to yesterday, and it was working fine, but I went to the bathroom and came back, and suddenly the WiFi wasn't working. It was fine on every other device/phone/laptop/Steam Deck, but no matter what I did, the WiFi refused to connect.
In the past, I've had issues with this laptop being the only device to not connect to the WiFi network in this building, but now it's not detecting any networks. It claims the WiFi is on, but checking in the settings show it isn't. Clicking it on refuses to engage, either failing to do so, or looking like it complies before immediately turning itself off.
Then the WiFi icon/option would disappear entirely, and the Bluetooth did the same. I would find the Bluetooth setting in the Device Manager window when I enable "Show Hidden Devices", but I don't know how or why it was hidden.
My Network Adapter (Intel (R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201160MHz, I believe) would be disabled, and checking the Event tab in the Properties would say things like "Device not started (Netwtw10)" and "Device configured (oem91.inf)" and things like that.
I would try updating, downloading the latest drivers from Acer for my laptop using my phone and transfer it to my phone and try to install them, and sometimes it would say it installed and works, but other times it would say it detected the drivers I wanted to install but failed to install them.
I've tried disabling and enabling the driver, uninstalling and reinstalling it, deleting it and restarting the laptop to automatically get it again (not sure how it did so without the internet, but it would be there, every time), and doing the same for the Bluetooth driver.
Sometimes the WiFi would work for like all of a minute or two, before it would become disabled and find no networks and there would be an error with the driver and the event log saying things like the Device didn't start, and once or twice I think I saw it say "WiFi Device Cannot Start (code 10)".
At this point I was ready to give up and just use my phone as a hotspot for my laptop to connect to and call it a day until I could care enough again, but even that wasn't applicable, because that option for Mobile Hotspot was grayed out and said something about how I couldn't connect it no Ethernet or Wifi device connected. (Specifically, it says "We can't set up mobile hotspot because your PC doesn't have an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular data connection.)
All through this, my laptop started being fucking weird in that if I clicked "restart", it wouldn't turn itself back on. I'd have to press the power button to do so, and even then, it often wouldn't. I've tried power cycling like three fucking trillion times, and it would never work consistently or turn on after I've let the lights blink several times or waited 30 seconds or 60 seconds or longer.
(Aaaaaaaand I suspected my WiFi would be a bitch again and so I tried to send what I've typed out on the laptop to my phone via Telegram (because typing all this on my phone was getting tedious), but of course, the WiFi went out the SECOND I tried. I was using the Mobile Hotspot option immediately just in case my normal WiFi network went out, but it still disabled itself and wouldn't stay online via Mobile HotSpot when the option was available/not grayed out like it is now.
So I'm going to have to save this wall of text as a text document or something and manually transfer it to my phone.)
I finally decided to do a system restore, selecting one from May 26th, and it took like 30 - 45+ minutes, and of course it didn't restart itself, but when I finally managed to find the right power cycle attempt to get it to turn on, my laptop said the system restore was a success.
Huzzah! It was working. For 30 minutes.
So I tried to download MalwareBytes on my phone, and it downloaded then I transferred it to my laptop, and of course it needed to connect to the internet to download the rest of itself, so it wasn't conducive to anything in this situation.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver and I (foolishly) thought I had solved my WiFi/Bluetooth issues last night and was even feeling galvanized to try and open up the bottom of my laptop and see if the sound issue I've been avoiding dealing with/coping by using Bluetooth earbuds/headphones for the past four years was as simple as something being unplugged, so I went to get my strebito kit, which I see everywhere around me and in my vicinity, except of course (you guessed it) the one time in four years that I actually genuinely needed it :))))))))))))))))
I also got a BSOD today, and I think I glimpsed it saying something like "ACPI block management", but it was very quick so I can't be sure. I tried to google that, but the only ACPI answers I could see in relation to googling it for reddit solutions (lol I love that everyone has had a problem before and that there is invariably a reddit thread with that exact problem, situation, and solution) were in relation to ACPI BIOS errors, so it may have been that.
I tried accessing the BIOS (which took a lot and trial of error in power cycling because of how inconsistent it is that my laptop has been with turning on since yesterday). Of course, I had apparently previously set a BIOS password when trying to allow my laptop to boot into Batocera like a year or so ago, and I apparently am not intelligent enough to have had the foresight to write it down in a note or document on my phone, despite me knowing my ADHD/memory is garbagio, so I always make it a POINT to do so, because I don't trust my powers of recollection (and apparently, as evidenced by this instance, with good fucking reason!).
Of course, I forgot to mention that now my laptop freezes, including when I was writing up a majority of this thread in the aforementioned notepad, so now I can't even transfer it and have to re-type what few paragraphs I see (I had JUST scrolled down to make more distance between the bottom of the text and the document because I hate not having that visual buffer between the text and the bottom of the window, it makes me feel like the text is running out or more difficult to see/continue) on my phone anyways, so that was yet another obstacle. 🙃
So, to summarize:
  1. Laptop's WiFi/Bluetooth keep disabling themselves and the Bluetooth keeps hiding itself, so not even the icon is visible. The WiFi can't find any networks, and refuses to turn on (even though it says it does when I toggle it), and when it's like this, I cannot connect via Mobile Hotspot either.
  2. The laptop is being very peculiar about it restarting, only does so if I press the power again after it shuts down (despite me selecting restart), and even then, only sometimes. I keep having to power cycle it to try and find the perfect sweet spot to let go and have it actually turn on.
  3. The laptop now freezes within 20 or so minutes, and stays that way until I restart the laptop.
  4. Sometimes it tells me that a driver reinstall works, other times it says it doesn't.
  5. The driver events say that the device did not start, and error 10.
  6. The laptop showed a Blue Screen of Death today, and the error said "ACPI" followed by (what I think it was) "block management" or (what it probably was) "BIOS error".
  7. I set a BIOS password that I do not remember.
  8. I do not have access to my Strebito toolkit to open up the laptop, nor do I have money to take it to BestBuy Geek Squad or wherever does laptop repair.
  9. My laptop speakers do not work, despite sound apparently playing based on the animation/sound waves playing in the sound settings when media is active, and stops when nothing is playing, leading me to believe maybe something has been unplugged for like 4 years internally.
  10. (I have many a time tried to uninstall, reinstall, download, and update Realtek drivers, but no sound comes from my speakers.)
  11. I managed to run MalwareBytes, and it said it found a Neshta virus in a CEMU/WiiU emulator I downloaded literally years ago in the CEMUHOOK.DLL file), which I assume was present even in the system restore done yesterday backed up from 6 days ago. Apparently there was also Yontoo adware. I have since quarantined them.
  12. (I should perhaps also note I rarely if ever use CEMU, and certainly haven't within the past two years, if not longer. I just like having access should I do desire on a whim to play.)
  13. The problems (aside from the missing sound) started just yesterday, when I was away from the computer briefly, so it's even more vexing because I wasn't there at the onset of the issue or saw what caused it.
  14. I'm incredibly reticent to do a clean install/start from scratch because I have so much stuff I'd have to reconfigure and download and reinstall because I'm a very particular person, and that would be so insanely time-consuming, you don't even know. If there's anything short of nuking this laptop that can help resolve these issues, that's what I would like to find out. I'm aware this is not the optimal/best idea, but I'm willing to deal with that in the future.
  15. I do not have access to the router, as this is a building and they handle the Wi-Fi.
Either the universe or my own hubris and ineptitude keep trying to humble me, so I require patience and assistance. Please. And thank you. 😭 Whatever steps, whatever instructions, as long as they're clear and step by step, I can provide whatever you might need to deduce what the issue is and what a solution might be.
Edit: Of course, as soon as I do everything in my power to try and get it done and finally admit defeat and resort to outside help from the community, the internet seems to be stable for the moment. I'm hesitant to turn off my laptop and restart again to see if that's still an issue.
submitted by moukiez to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:25 PurpleIsALady1798 Star Trek fanfic that I CANNOT find.

I’m looking for a Star Trek fanfic I read on AO3 years ago before I had a profile (and thus the ability to save works). It was set in Academy Era, and Kirk somehow ended up mentoring a group of other students who were referred to as “Kirk’s losers” or something like that, and they reclaimed the title and at some point made T shirts with it?
I believe it also featured a scene where an instructor is trying to throw their weight around over something Kirk did and tells him to run laps until he can’t anymore, and he winds up running for hours because ✨trauma✨
I remember it being fairly long, but I could be wrong. I don’t remember any ships in specific, either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone knows what it’s called; I’ve been looking off and on for years!
submitted by PurpleIsALady1798 to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:12 No_Blacksmith4877 HELP!! Can't apply to more than one college??

Hey guys so I'm a new student and this year is going to be my first year in college also I'm an international student.. the problem is when I try to apply to another college the cuny website says you've already applied you're allowed one application per semester yet I looked it up and it says it allows you to apply to six colleges is this because I'm an international student??? I mean the website has been so down with me I literally have a very hard time logging in always says the password is wrong when it's literally right & I honestly don't know what to say 🤦🏼‍♀️😣😭 I'm literally so stressed and pretty much losing my mind 😭😓😫 what should I do why can't I apply to a second college??? 😭
submitted by No_Blacksmith4877 to CUNY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 Negative_Reserve_913 My date ghosted me ....

Background - I 'F 21' and my bf(?)'M 22' are Indian and he is an NDA cadet . For the people who don't know - The national defence academy hostsaball party for its passing out cadets and the cadets are allowed to bring their GFs . My partner broke up with his ex last yr and didn't get into any relationship after that until a few months ago . As he didn't have a partner for his ball he made an insta post looking for one and thru contacts I got to know about it and eventually we met and went on 6 dates . We clicked well and had some chemestry, he was a absolute gentleman, humble , handsome caring and what not . After some time I developed feelings for him and I thought he did too , he always talked to me like a normal bf does . He never asked me to be gf but I thought 6 dates is pretty obvious.
To the point. The ball was a while ago and it went beautiful and he was all romantic ( so was I 🤭) we hugged very tightly many times ( he gave a impression of loving me heartly) anyways. He informed that he is going to delete his insta id ( he actually did delete it, I checked) I was ok with it and didn't think any of it . So, since the party he has not picked up any of my calls ( I m not blocked, he just did not pick up) , doesn't read my messages and doesn't meet me on Sundays.
I have very bad feelings and I wish I m wrong . A part of me says he is just busy and another part is giving me bad thoughts. What should I do now ? Should I wait. Should I move ( not as easy as it sounds) . I love him deeply and even he gave me the impression of loving me . I have the time for waiting for him , even I m student. I m sitting here sobbing as I m typing this . I m crying myself to sleep every single night. I have no way of contacting him . So strangers on the app please give me relationship advice.
TDLR my bf ghosted me after being all lovey dovey .
submitted by Negative_Reserve_913 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - what do you think makes someone entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:02 AWildEnglishman 📢 Sunday news - There are now no MPs and every seat in the Commons is vacant

Parliament is dissolved
Following the Dissolution of Parliament on 30 May 2024 there are no MPs and every seat in the Commons is vacant. As a result there will be no new laws or committee action and the weekly news will be rather ‘light’ until after the election and we have a new government in place following the general election on 4 July 2024.
Progress on key parts of the government’s disability benefit reform agenda is unlikely to be significantly disrupted by July’s general election, Disability News Service (DNS) has established
The Modernising Support for Independent Living green paper and consultation – which includes options for making it harder to claim personal independence payment and even replacing cash payments with vouchers or one-off grants – is due to close on 22 July.
And the call for evidence on fit note reform – which could see responsibility for issuing fit notes shifted away from GPs and towards “specialist work and health professionals” – is due to close on 8 July.
Although there have been suggestions that the consultation and call for evidence would now have to be abandoned, because of the election, that is not correct. Read the full news report from DNS at
Diminishing notional capital detailed article published by Citizens Advice
If someone is found to have deprived themselves of capital they can be ineligible from means-tested benefits under the ‘notional capital rules’. This article looks at how these calculations work, and how they reduce over time. You can read the article ‘Diminishing notional capital’ at
Deaf man awarded £50,000 damages after mistreatment by jobcentre officials
The Guardian reported that a profoundly deaf man has been awarded £50,000 damages after a judge ruled he was subjected to a “character assassination” by hostile jobcentre officials, who refused to provide him with specialist help to find work. Read the full story at
Later evidence and risk at the time of the decision
This new case law - JS v The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2024] - was concerned with how tribunals must give a sufficient explanation about whether (and when) to consider evidence that occurred after the initial benefit decision, but that could shed light on the circumstances the claimant was experiencing at the time of the decision.
DNS reports that DWP staff tell MPs after years of deaths: We don’t have time to deal with safeguarding ‘carefully’ and ‘correctly’
As you may remember, a Safeguarding vulnerable claimants: Work and Pensions Committee inquiry was launched after the number of Internal Process Reviews (IPRs) carried out by DWP to investigate allegations of inadequate case handling that may have resulted in serious harm more than doubled in the three years from July 2019. There have also been a number of individual cases which have highlighted issues around safeguarding and the actions of DWP. One element of the inquiry was a survey of DWP staff and the survey results are now available.
DNS shares their view and provides a summary of the above on Note: All committees (except some statutory committees) have ceased to exist pending the election. The information on the Work and Pension Committee online pages - including the inquiries that were in progress - refer to committees and their work before Parliament was dissolved. If there are Government responses to committee reports outstanding, these may be published in the next Parliament.
Appeal statistics update
With thanks to u/hooliganmembrane for sharing this with the Mod Team… I've been looking for good statistics on percentage of appeals lapsed for months now, I'm sure it used to be on HMCTS' quarterly reports but it's not been on there the last few reports I've looked at. Anyway, I've just come across this report published in March this year which has loads of really useful information about statistics, particularly section 8 talking about customer journeys. It has some great ways of visualising the data and breaks it down by initial claims vs award reviews/change of circumstances, all of which is apparently what gets me excited at 10pm on a Wednesday evening (on annual leave, no less). Wanted to share it as something that may be a good resource to add to the wealth that y'all have collated for the community here. It also gives me my long-sought-after lapsed appeal statistics - 24% for initial PIP decisions and a whopping 47% for award reviews and change of circumstances. Will keep hunting for stats for other benefits. Love hooligan 🦇
*Note from the mods: this is what makes our community great - everyone sharing updates, lived experiences and supporting each other through the (often) challenging benefit claiming process. Thank you :)
submitted by AWildEnglishman to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - Do you think I am entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:56 Cipher__13 Date of Birth issues

Hi, I've been having problems with both and the companion app for a while now but it wasn't until recently that I found out it might be because I never got around to putting my date of birth. I read on the twab that they announced the change on that I had to log out and back in and it would immediately ask for it. However, I've done it multiple times and it doesn't seem to work and I've check all the settings I could find and still nothing came up. Can anybody help me out with this?
submitted by Cipher__13 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:47 Cat_of_the_woods Anyone else trained like this before for a job, where they just gave you a bunch of stuff to read and retain in such a small ampunt of time?

I'm just perplexed that this was the training I received. I'm no longer at that job but that job was a nightmare for me.
My first week, my boss wasn't there as he was on vacation. So what he did was tell me that I have a list of readings he put together to have me read through. It was cumulatively about 800-900 pages of reading policy manuals, by-laws, and contracts. I had one work week to do it.
So for 8 hours a day that was all that I was doing. I didn't get through all of it so I requested an additional day to finish which he gave me. I needed just a little bit more of the next day (these contracts and by-laws were so dense that it was hard to understand and needed a skim-through a second time).
My boss then started asking me questions about various subsections, budget amounts, and contract time frames which I struggled greatly to keep up with. He seemed patient at first and then eventually annoyed.
And then I had to take on the task of reading through and understanding an additional 50 grant contracts that ran our non-profit which again, was A LOT for my first few weeks. Thankfully I didn't need to read all of those within the first month but still.
My boss and the two other guys who had the same job as me were clearly on good terms with each other, almost friends. They were pretty quick and fast but I just really struggled to keep up. Not to mention the other trainings I had to do that were more related to company policy, HR procedures, and other things related to the jobs our other employees were doing i.e. nurses and case managers.
As far as my actual job activities day-to-day, I was gathering data from other departments, begging people to sign off on something instead of going out to coffee or hanging in the break room, and writing summary notes from video conferences.
This job just sucked and I am glad I am no longer working there. I wasn't even allowed to take things outside of work to finish reading because they were complaining property.
I can honestly say I don't thinkno learned anything from that job.
submitted by Cat_of_the_woods to work [link] [comments]