Dog poop dark sticky

Awkward neighbor

2024.05.19 10:16 Successful-Mango8583 Awkward neighbor

Hi, so I’ve never posted before but I’m in a situation that I’ve literally never even imagined being and need some help?
My husband and I were blessed with the opportunity of owning a home in a pretty solid neighborhood right, both our neighbors are cops, and nice people with young kids. ( we have a 3 year old so naturally we’re excited to have other kids near by) Anyways, we like our neighbors, but they kind of… cross major boundaries? They let their kids play in our yard constantly, like running through the bushes, climbing our trees, playing like it’s their house kind of play. We live in the middle of friends, so I get it, their kids are constantly back and forth, and I don’t mind most of the time but like they’re not that nice to my son sometimes? And make him feel weird and me as well , like when we come outside and they’re just… there? Like WE are interrupting them or something. I know they use our yard as a play area between the two houses when we are not there…. And I just… I don’t know. I don’t want to be a grouchy ass bitch and be like “stay off my lawn! Whippersnappers” but on the other hand it’s annoying as fuck. It’d be one thing if they were friends with my kid, but they are not. And make him feel left out simply for being at HIS HOME.
Should I say something and risk the peace or deal with it and build a fence lol. Also, they literally watch their dogs poop on our yard all the time and just kind of smile and don’t give a shit 😊 Rant over, any help is appreciated
submitted by Successful-Mango8583 to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 JustaCatChick My roommate is my aunt and she’s becoming difficult and starting to slowly charge me more.

My aunt F(40) and I F(25) agreed to both get an apartment with both of our names on the lease. She was in a rush to get an apartment as she had just had a divorce, and I wanted my own place after moving out of my boyfriend’s parent’s house.
She was in a rush to sign the papers and move in because she had nowhere else to go. Her sister (my other aunt) allowed her to live in her house rent free for a couple months before she needed to look for a place. So once she found out, I was breaking up she took it as an opportunity to get a roommate.
I feel like me being naïve and new to the lease signing process was seen as an opportunity to take advantage. The day of signing the lease they told us that we couldn’t view the unit because it wasn’t ready and I told her that I didn’t sign it because I don’t know what the condition is but she insisted that we do and that we can fix it later, so I did trusting her.
Once we move in, it’s a very old department and we are paying roughly 1,500 in rent. It’s a two bed two bath. It comes with the garage for a single car, which she has claimed since she pays more. She has the master bedroom with a standup shower and a bathtub as well as “his and her sink”. I have the guest restroom, which is just a simple small bathroom with a tub shower, toilet and sink.
Initially, the agreement was the I pay a portion of the rent, electricity and Internet. Her mother, which is my grandmother was trying to help us get us into our own place so sent her $5000 which was supposed to be divided by two which would give $2500 to her and $2500 to me. I didn’t know about this until recently as she hid it and was acting like it was given to her for months, and even made it seem like she was being nice by helping me out since I couldn’t afford some stuff during she furniture shopping. So when we went shopping for the apartment, I tried to help pay for half of groceries and little furnishings that I could afford out of my pocket. When it came to picking out couches, she made it seem like a very carefree experience (not paying attending to price) and was looking for a very big couch that was lavish and when I told her I couldn’t afford it, she said don’t worry Grandmother is helping us out. (but we’re just spending my portion of the money on the couch she wanted) If I had known that MY money was going towards that couch, I would’ve definitely chose a cheaper one and put more thought into selecting it.
I had a gut feeling about the spending and asked my grandmother about the “help she gave us”, she told me the truth: that $2500 should have gone to me, and she’s sorry that she didn’t clarify it soon as she sent it. She thought my aunt would’ve done the right thing and give it to me to help me purchase my furniture for my room. Later she went shopping for a brand new mattress and began shopping for more furniture and decor. Meanwhile, my room is full of free furniture that is used and that I’ve gotten from family members storage and IKEA furniture that I bought out of my own pocket.
I am a full-time student, receiving assistance from the gov receiving 1400/month as a Veterans dependent. And I also do commissions on the side to make extra money. So I live very frugally naturally and am a minimalist tbh and yes I CAN afford bills and own groceries. I’ll also watch all her animals while she’s out of town for free (2 cats and 1 dog). I only have one cat and often clean the whole apartment, including helping her with her laundry that sits in the washedryer. Since i see it as a contribution and helping her out.
The agreement has changed in the past four months that I’ve lived with her. We are 4 months into a 14 month lease. She pays $1200 a month for rent, I am responsible for everything else. That being: whatever is left of rent, water, electricity, Internet, and I have to pay for my own parking every month at the apartment we stay (she gets garage so she doesn’t have to pay parking)
Lately she’s been asking me if I’m going to get a job and to start contributing more towards the rent, which caught me off guard as I thought we had already come to an agreement on the rent/bills situation before signing the lease and revisiting about a month ago. Right now I’m roughly paying $600-$700 in utilities and rent combined. If it gets more expensive and bills go up I am responsible for the overages and she seems to like to leave the AC low and lights on. She’ll leave her clothes in the washer and forget to throw them in the dryer and end up washing them again. The same thing with the dryer. Even if it’s dry she’ll, have to redry it to “freshen it up”.
I’m also probably undiagnosed OCD, my only complaint to her is to be clean and at least keep common areas tidy. She likes to leave things in the sink overnight, dump her weeks worth of coffee cups that she brings from work in the sink and leave them for hours. Her dog will pee around the apartment and I find it after it dries up and becomes sticky after I step in it. I’ve mentioned these issues before, but she seems to shrug them off and give me excuses.
I’ll leave for days at a time and give her a notice on when I leave and come back because I know I am leaving my cat with her, but I make sure he always has food and I come by and check on him, clean litter box and tidy up around the place if I’m staying at my boyfriends, which is only 20 minutes away. She complain the fact that I’m gone too long. And when I’m at the apartment, it seems to bother her that I do school from home and can work from home doing commissions. I’m an introvert.
She is a shopping addict and is in debt and also runs a business that is in the red, she has no children and she seems to be living above what she can afford. Her ex husband is needing help financially and I think it’s affecting her financially. In the end she’s asking for me to help her as she is struggling with her lifestyle, relationship, and business.
Some people might say that my situation isn’t that bad or that I’m overthinking, but since this is a family member, it’s hard to set boundaries as well as stand up for myself when I respect her as an aunt.
She’s came to me offering to help me in the beginning when I was looking for a place and now it seems like a trap. My parents asked me to move back in so that I could save money and avoid rent but she said if I move out I’m fully responsible for breaking the lease or paying for her to downsize into a single bed room unit, which would be $1300 in fees or more. I want to stand my ground since my name is on that lease and we made an agreement. I’m frustrated and really need advice. Am I wrong, should I help more or is she just taking advantage.
submitted by JustaCatChick to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 Beneficial-Guava6437 Training advice?

I have a 10month chi, she's very friendly and sweet temperament wise. I also have two kids and a push over partner, he's definitely more of the dog person but no boundaries 😮‍💨
I have a few issues I'd appreciate some advice/input on how to train her, as yesterday she escaped the house and ran in front of a car. She is SO lucky it didn't hit her. I spent 15 minutes trying to find her, and that's only because she found a dog walker who grabbed her 😮‍💨
• Doesn't eat unless it's chicken. She will starve herself for days, and then only eat chicken. Vets given advice about no longer changing her pet food in attempts to find ones she likes Previously within a week, if she even ate it, she will reject again and honestly she didn't eat much to begin with. So now it gets put out, if she doesn't eat it within 5 minutes, it's taken away. Then she waits until dinner. It's sort of solved the problem, she's at least eating half of a meal a day.
• Pees everywhere. I've had to throw out a large family rug. She's destroyed my wooden floor. Doesn't like to use puppy mats. She will go outside in the morning now, but that's only recent Banned from unsupervised upstairs as she will pee and poop everywhere. She's also pooped on the kids and my beds before; I've warned my eldest (he adores her) that he can clean it up if she does it on his again, since he wants her on his bed. It's either the kitchen wood floor (which is now all black/dark brown under the table, I wish she would use puppy mats) or living room rug.
• No call back or commands. She just about knows SIT when it suits her. She does know her name. She knows no but doesn't always listen to it, again, unless it suits her. She also knows when she's been naughty as she legs it from me to her bed 🙄 I really need this sorted, she is so fast and regularly escapes. She has a collar with name and number and address etc; but I can't run after her and she will eventually get eaten by another dog (lots of big dogs around here, I've had to lift her before! They must think she's a bunny!) or worse, if this continues.
• Eats everything on the carpet. When she does have a scrap of food, she takes it into the living room onto the carpet. At best she eats on the floor next to her bowl. I've found if i put her food outside, she eats out the bowl itself. But honestly I cannot keep cleaning my carpet of dog food as she smears it in 😭 I'm looking at another stair gate to sadly confine her to the kitchen, now.
• Jumping and biting. I get she's a puppy. But she jumps and bites my kids faces. I'm pregnant ATM and will be due soon, I don't want her accidently hurting the newborn. I don't want to end up having to get rid of her, I want to train it out of her. She doesn't always bite soft, too, she's drawn blood with myself and my youngest child. Unfortunately 🙄 my eldest and partner (and guests, sigh) find it endearing and tell me "she's just playing", and I'm trying to explain if she mauls a neighbour's kids face by accident or their child or my baby, they will soon change their tune! I had a friend in school, who's nose literally has this massive scar where her dog as a puppy, got carried away. The dog was re-homed and she has a permanent fear of dogs.
• Licking - this is just me. I hate licky dogs. We have had several dogs when I was a kid and none like this. She gets carried away and has stuck her tongue up the nose of the lot of them; she doesn't get that chance with me as I put my hand on her head but she still tries.. Kids adore it. Partner adores it 🙄 Anyway to stop her doing it? At least for me 😮‍💨
• When on a lead, there is absolutely no listening skills. She does what she wants. You can say "heel" and stop all you want, she will strangle herself silly.
• Jumping on sofa and stealing pillows, humping pillows, using sofa to launch herself onto living room table to steal food. Also uses sofa to launch into (already set up) baby cot - this certainly has to stop! I put it out already to train her "no" like I used to do with our cat. Our cats old now so he is already trained up in forbidden places etc.
😮‍💨 I've never had this issue with any dogs we had since I was a child/friends puppies. I appreciate I don't have as much time to dedicate, and will be going on maternity leave so I want to be dealing with as much of it as I can before/when baby is here.
Sorry it's so long 😮‍💨 I am just tired and it doesn't help my partner and eldest, she goes straight to them when she's naughty/not getting her way, and then I have to tell them off, too. I'm not daft, I know it's because they give in 🙄
Thank you 🙏
submitted by Beneficial-Guava6437 to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:50 ConundrumBum CMV: Subs like "Petfree" and "Dogfreehumor" are full of psychopaths that wish death upon pets and spew hatred towards pet owners, and should be banned

These subs make liberals/conservatives look like best friends. That's how much hate they express for dogs and their owners (often cats as well).
Once you venture into the realm of supporting the execution of people's pets, you should not be allowed on a platform that doesn't allow supporting violence/discrimination to that degree. It's actually shocking to go read the amount of vitriol these people are spewing.
Just being a dog owner qualifies you as a "f*cking idiot", it's easy to find comments like "I f*cking hate dogs", people are referred to as "dog nutters" (derogatory), dogs often referred to as "sh*t factories" or "sh*t beasts".
I've seen people wishing dog owners to be forever alone, banning all dogs, accusing dog owners of having a poop fetish or attracted to dogs.
Just hate hate hate.
I'm all for freedom of speech and controversial opinions but this sub is just a bunch of hateful psychos wishing ill will against people and their pets.
submitted by ConundrumBum to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 halonethefury 27M Looking for long term nerdy friends

Hey there!
Thanks for checking out my post! I'm a 27 year old dude living in New Zealand. It's hard making friends as a big kid but here I am trying! My best? Probably not. Still trying though? You bet.
So about me: I'm a makeup artist by trade, dog parent to a smooth haired fox terrier, an INFJ if that kinda thing floats your goat, dark lord successor to Sauron, and a big ol nerd. I like horror and fantasy everything, with a sprinkle of sci fi here and there - video games, movies etc etc. I like MMOs, survival horror games, RPGs. A big fan of horror movies and if you have any obscure ones you don't think I'll know, I'd love to hear them! Other interests of mine are MTG, drawing, listening to music, desperately trying to keep my dying pot plants alive, conjuring some dark outer god and trying to become the immortal hivemind ruler of the galaxy.
Not necessarily looking for a gaming buddy despite being a gamer, more so looking for people to talk to and get to know who have some similar interests. Not huge on voice chatting either, but gaming and VC aren't off the table once I've known you for a little bit. I'm also not looking to join any groups or anything you might have, mainly looking for one on one friendships.
If any of what I've said has ticked a box or two for you, feel free to send me a message! I have discord if you'd prefer talking through that instead of janky reddit chat. Please just be 18+ and LGBT friendly, thanks!
submitted by halonethefury to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 halonethefury 27M Looking for long term nerdy friends

Hey there!
Thanks for checking out my post! I'm a 27 year old dude living in New Zealand. It's hard making friends as a big kid but here I am trying! My best? Probably not. Still trying though? You bet.
So about me: I'm a makeup artist by trade, dog parent to a smooth haired fox terrier, an INFJ if that kinda thing floats your goat, dark lord successor to Sauron, and a big ol nerd. I like horror and fantasy everything, with a sprinkle of sci fi here and there - video games, movies etc etc. I like MMOs, survival horror games, RPGs. A big fan of horror movies and if you have any obscure ones you don't think I'll know, I'd love to hear them! Other interests of mine are MTG, drawing, listening to music, desperately trying to keep my dying pot plants alive, conjuring some dark outer god and trying to become the immortal hivemind ruler of the galaxy.
Not necessarily looking for a gaming buddy despite being a gamer, more so looking for people to talk to and get to know who have some similar interests. Not huge on voice chatting either, but gaming and VC aren't off the table once I've known you for a little bit. I'm also not looking to join any groups or anything you might have, mainly looking for one on one friendships.
If any of what I've said has ticked a box or two for you, feel free to send me a message! I have discord if you'd prefer talking through that instead of janky reddit chat. Please just be 18+ and LGBT friendly, thanks!
submitted by halonethefury to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:42 halonethefury 27 [M4A] New Zealand/Online - Looking for long term nerdy friends

Hey there!
Thanks for checking out my post! I'm a 27 year old dude living in New Zealand. It's hard making friends as a big kid but here I am trying! My best? Probably not. Still trying though? You bet.
So about me: I'm a makeup artist by trade, dog parent to a smooth haired fox terrier, an INFJ if that kinda thing floats your goat, dark lord successor to Sauron, and a big ol nerd. I like horror and fantasy everything, with a sprinkle of sci fi here and there - video games, movies etc etc. I like MMOs, survival horror games, RPGs. A big fan of horror movies and if you have any obscure ones you don't think I'll know, I'd love to hear them! Other interests of mine are MTG, drawing, listening to music, desperately trying to keep my dying pot plants alive, conjuring some dark outer god and trying to become the immortal hivemind ruler of the galaxy.
Not necessarily looking for a gaming buddy despite being a gamer, more so looking for people to talk to and get to know who have some similar interests. Not huge on voice chatting either, but gaming and VC aren't off the table once I've known you for a little bit. I'm also not looking to join any groups or anything you might have, mainly looking for one on one friendships.
If any of what I've said has ticked a box or two for you, feel free to send me a message! I have discord if you'd prefer talking through that instead of janky reddit chat. Please just be 18+ and LGBT friendly, thanks!
submitted by halonethefury to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:20 dlschindler In The Time Of Red Raven

"Reality? To me that was reality. I don't know about this place. What makes you certain you won't find yourself tied here, trying to explain yourself to people who look like you? I was pretty sure that was reality. Now, well now I just don't care. This is all a dream, so do whatever you want to me. I'm not kissing the cross. Just light the pyre." Shawna told the nogs. They shuffled forward on their trunklike legs, one of them offering her a cross with a figure of a crucified nog with a golden crown and its lips puckered.
"I said I'm not kissing it. Burn me." Shawna grimaced at the horrid little nog. The nogs shrugged in unison and lifted the buckets of icy cold water at their feet. One by one they walked up to her and doused her in cold water, soaking her t-shirt and hair and making her shiver and blow water off her lips while the rest ran down her chin.
"Is she dead?" One of the nog asked.
One of them shuffled forward and waved its hands back and forth in front of her staring, lifeless eyes. "No reaction." the nog confirmed. They'd done it, they'd finally slain the Wicked Witch of the Stars. Some of the Ethgar were saddened, crying big sticky nog tears that left streaks on their faces.
Shawna held perfectly still, trying not to laugh. They really thought she was dead, they thought they'd burned her alive with their buckets of cold water. Stupid nogs, just a few moments longer and she could break free from their braided bonds and be on her way, richer than John Godson.
"I just worry her soul wont reach the Likeliness, We should hold the jesus-nog to her lips, just to be sure." A nasty little Ethgar suggested.
"We should all just shuffle off." Shawna tried some ventriloquism.
"Who said that?" Ethgar were asking each other. The nogs suddenly all looked back at Shawna, their little devil eyes glowing in the starlight.
"Oh fiddle cakes!" Shawna swore.
She didn't usually use such foul language, but she was at her wits end with the Ethgar. First, their ridiculous test of faith to learn about Red Raven, and the treasure of the Seven Wonders. Then she had to climb Mount Velvet while nogs slung biffy sludge from their blow tubes while singing insults to her. With her knuckles bloodied and fitz in her hair, she'd reached the summit only to be accused of heresy, for she'd forgotten to remove her shoes. She'd have to climb the whole mountain again, just as penance.
After the six recitals of the Bindinfingin's half a dozen holy books, the extinct lizards granted her a one-hour library pass in their sacred underground grottos. Was it enough time to memorize enough of their holy scripture to be able to compete in the junior nog bible quotation contest and become a wearer of the golden crown of the most kissable-crucifiable? It was, because Shawna really applied herself and memorized no fewer than three verses, which was two more than any junior nog had ever quoted. With the golden crown on her head, she could at last learn the last part of the legend of Red Raven, and find out where the treasure was hidden.
Wealth unimaginable, seven wonders, that's a lot of moolah.
Bindinfingin ghost-holograms followed her around with sad expressions. The long dead intelligences expected better of her.
"We've waited your return for fourteen thousand trine. Red Raven will you not reveal at last the eighth wonder? We have so waited to know the final answer." The Bindinfingin said to Shawna, but she ignored them. They almost sounded like they thought she was someone else and that the treasure was one of those 'the treasure was the adventure' or 'the treasure was really just friendship' or someshit.
Shawna wasn't going to eat an adventure-friendship treasure, not after the nog figurine got smoochies from her. "Jesus, give me the strength of patience not to kick all these nogs."
"Do dead humans talk?" A nog asked.
They began arguing and discussing whether humans could talk when they were dead. Shawna put her two cents in, insisting that she could indeed talk while she was dead.
"Thou shalt not speak to the dead." A nog zealot drew his putty maker. Others pulled out their blow tubes, spit ball launchers and bald makers. One or two had forgot to pack weapons to the witch burning ceremony, but scooped up some dirt into their empty buckets.
"Thou shalt not fart from thy mouth." Shawna said in the dark, mimicking a nog-sounding voice. Then, as she blew a raspberry, the nogs went berserk. They had divided into two groups, each with opposing religious views, although none of them were sure what religious view the group they were divided into was seeing. The sound of the raspberry was like a starting bell, and within minutes the nogs had annihilated themselves, dead nogs scattered everywhere. The last of them finished itself off. Nogs were perfectionists.
"Now for that treasure." Shawna said gleefully. She followed the path through the empty nog village and found their sacred grotto. It was unguarded, and at last, she'd done it, found what she was always told wasn't even real.
"Reality, Shawna." A familiar voice said from the silent swamps all around.
"Who said that?" She asked.
"Reality is the treasure. I just want you to come back to me. I know you're in there. I can feel you dreaming."
Shawna shook her head. "I know what's real."
A few glowing bugs floated lazily on the air past her, going off to some hollow log to party. Shawna felt watched, like someone was holding her hand. It was going to be good, when she didn't find the treasure, what a weird feeling. Shawna shook it off. The treasure was hers.
"You think you can take my treasure?" The space pirate captain's hologramatic ghost stood in her way.
"So, you're Red Raven. Notorious brigand, mutineer and baroness. I'm here for your treasure, I knew it was real, I knew it all along." Shawna smirked. "The aliens, they worshipped you, but I know you're just a criminal." Shawna told her. "You even almost had me fooled with the Bindinfingin holograms making this sound like some sort of morality scam."
"Yet you made it all the way here." Red Raven smiled, proud of Shawna.
"Of course I did. You think I don't know what's real and what isn't?" Shawna laughed.
"The treasure is real. You just have to go through that door and accept what's on the other side." Red Raven pointed. "It's the treasure."
"See? You're still trying to psych me out. I'm abouts to be richer than John Godson. Sick of this." Shawna grabbed the handle, but something felt wrong.
"Just go through." Red Raven urged her.
"I can't." Shawna felt her eyes watering. "I just want to stay here. I'm not ready."
"You'll never be ready to be rich like John Godson. Nobody ever is. Just go in there already. I gots to get my wings, Shawna." Red Raven made 'go on in' gestures, shooing Shawna with the backs of her hands waving up at her.
"If this is any kind of treasure that isn't money, I swear I'm coming back here for you, and even though you're dead, I'll choke you out anyway." Shawna told Red Raven.
"Yes-yes, all that. Now go through already, the hour draws late." Red Raven seemed to have unlimited patience, despite her efforts to urge Shawna into the treasure behind the weird creepy disembodied door floating in the swamp. The door that looked suspiciously like her bedroom door as a child, growing up. Not liking this one bit, no sir.
Shawna took a deep breath, closed her eyes, turned the handle and went through.
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:17 Lindenstream_117 Got a dog, absolutely hate it, kids love it. HELP.

So my wife's friend had a golden doodle and decided to have her get pregnant and have puppies January 2023. I have never wanted a dog due to the extra financial and mental burden that I have no desire to carry. My wife, who has never wanted a dog, was smitten by those damn puppies. I was extremely open about my dislike of dog ownership, that we would regret the work and the cost and need to find a friggin dog sitter any time we wanted to leave. I was the unfun one, of course. So we got a dog.
Fast forward one month. My wife hates it too (exactly like I warned her). The kids (3 of them ages 8-13) are of course completely smitten by now and I can't bring myself to get rid of him and break their hearts. I'm the one doing most the work. "Puppies are hard, but give it time!" is what most people say. No problem, I'll just suck it up and start loving that dog!
Fast forward to today. I have tried EXTREMELY hard to love that animal. He is a good dog, obedient, blah blah blah. He doesn't tear things up. He barks very little. I still can't stand the dog. I hate picking up poop. I hate taking him on walks. I hate when he stares at me and expects attention ALL day. I hate knowing that this animal will always be needy for his ENTIRE life. He will not take care of me in my old age. My wife still has similar feelings, albeit not quite as strong as mine.
Why haven't we rehomed him? The kids. They love him. How do I re-home this friggin animal without feeling like a piece of trash dad?
EDIT: My wife suffers with severe anxiety and depression and we heard and hoped a dog might help with that... this was the main reason I caved. The opposite is true for us. It gives her more anxiety and it has definitely triggered some in me too.
submitted by Lindenstream_117 to TalesfromtheDogHouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:11 OilBill Cat with "diarrhea".

Hello, wanted to post this before going to Google but my cat just had his first and only run in with the runs (I've not had him since he was a kitty, I got him from my sister when he was 2, now 3). And didn't make it to the litter box.
His behavior was normal today, if anything he was little extra active.
I've just gone through a move just as a heads up and he did vomit recently because of what I assumed was stress.
Like I mentioned previously, I haven't had him his entire life, but for the year, year and a half I've had him, he's never had diarrhea, has only threw up a handful of times and never went outside the little box.
Some notes:
-his poop is usually quite firm but still malleable, but this was more like wet kinetic sand
-Almost mistook it for vomit/hairball at first because of the dark greenish color
I'm not super worried as I'm sure cats have their accidents and tummy aches every once and a while but it's new and I thought I'd ask.
submitted by OilBill to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:46 Substantial-Use9173 Neighbors Dogs

My neighbors have 2 dogs they don’t take care of I feel bad for them one just runs around all day covered in dirt and hair extremely overgrown and pooping all over the place. The other dog is a larger pit bull looking dog that is constantly tied up in the same spot rain or shine literally 24/7 (poops in the same spot) on top of that it’s tied up with a chain/ lock around its neck. Can I call animal services? I live in LA CA
submitted by Substantial-Use9173 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:38 Trump_Is_Suing_Me I finally saw Memories of Murder

Only two bong Joon ho movies left to watch
As a leftist I wasn't ready for how ACAB This movie was. Love that the guy eventually got caught bc like 3 years after they gave up he got a life sentence unrelated to their investigation. Real dark shaggy dog story, real good cop comedy
submitted by Trump_Is_Suing_Me to Bongjoonho [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:31 thefroggyfiend Tips for New Players

with the PC launch and multiple posts of people asking for advice, figured I'd try to give some general gameplay tips
Ghost Weapons
kunai-will instantly break the defense of and stun three enemies at base level, allowing you to directly attack their health, if used on enemy with no stagger damage remaining (as well as dogs) it will do damage to their health, from my observation about half of their health but this may vary based on difficulty level and progress through game/armor and charm loadout
sticky bomb-instantly knocks down and does damage to one enemy, knocks down and does less damage to enemies in proximity of sticked enemy (basically sticky grenade from halo that doesn't require aiming)
way of the flame-temporary sword effect, inflicts burning to enemies hit and ignores stagger health while active, directly attacking melee health this ghost weapon is earned in a mythic tale mission if you are avoiding spoilers
smoke bomb-instant staggers all enemies in radius of Jin, allowing you to assassinate or chain assassinate multiple enemies (do not sleep on the smoke bombs, took until my fourth playthrough to start using them and they're incredibly useful in an emergency)
every ghost weapon has at least one charm that will give it additional bonuses (for example, one charm gives you five kunai instead of three per throw) so don't ignore shrines
Stances- each stance does increased stagger damage to a specific enemy type and will do base stagger damage if you're not in the right stance (stone=sword, water=shield, Wind=spear, Moon=heavy)but light attacks are the same strength no matter the stance and melee damage stays the same no matter the enemy type and if you time your strikes properly after an enemy swings at you, you can completely ignore stagger damage, even if you missed the perfect dodge/parry window
damage/defense scale
GoT doesn't give direct numbers for it's defense stats, but the rankings of effectiveness of a stat goes
more general tips
I'd recommend doing the mythic tales as soon as you find them, as they always give a good bonus for completing them
focus more on stagger damage versus melee damage when given the choice between the two, especially on higher difficulties and in duels
if you're going for 100% do it your first run, because when you start a new game+ profile it resets all of your materials and undiscovered locations, so you'll need to do them all again for the achievement
when you're nearing the endgame and want to 100% undiscovered stuff, the guiding winds will show up on the map they're just hard to see, so teleport around until the guiding wind stops abruptly and you've found your location
some of this stuff might seem obvious to more experienced players but most of this I've had to explain to people before the PC release so figured it could be helpful for new players to know, hope you enjoy GoT as much as I have!
submitted by thefroggyfiend to ghostoftsushima [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:44 AnonymousPowerscaler OC Info: Kole

Name: Kole
Age: 21
Height: 6'1
Weight: 225 lbs.
Species: Unknown
Quote: "When in doubt, use excessive violence."
Background: Kole just kind of showed up in the multiverse one day, and no one really questioned it.
Physical Description: Kole is a Caucasian male with brown hair and dark purple eyes. He has several scars all over his body, including a large vertical slash on his chest and several cuts on his face.
Kole wears a purple hoodie, a dark blue shirt underneath, black pants, and brown combat boots. He also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves and a purple bandanna that he uses to hide his mouth area.
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Force Field Generation
Fire Manipulation
Ice Manipulation
Water Manipulation
Earth Manipulation
Plant Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Electricity Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Toon Force
Time Stopping
Hammerspace (via hoodie pockets)
Arsenal (Standard):
Bo Staff
Duel Hatchets
Bowie Knife
Rocket Launcher (different types of rockets will be covered lower down.)
Sniper Rifle
Molotov Cocktails
Cryogenic Grenades
Poison Gas Grenades
Stink Bombs
Smoke Bombs
Electric Grenades
EMP Grenades
Sticky Grenades
Cluster Grenades
Hallucinogenic Grenades
Arsenal (Futuristic):
Blaster Pistol
Fireball Gun
Freeze Ray
Acid Sprayer
Charge Gun
Spread Gun
Homing Gun
Beam Rifle
Rockets (for Rocket Launcher):
Incendiary Rockets
Cryo Rockets
Electric Rockets
Homing Rockets
Splitting Rockets
Acid Rockets
Nuclear Rockets
Arsenal (Fictional):
Mega Buster
Master Sword
Various Minecraft Potions
Known Pokémon Moves:
Fire Blast
Electro Ball
Icicle Crash
Hydro Pump
Solar Beam
Hyper Beam
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Fire Punch
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Bullet Punch
Mach Punch
Swords Dance
Iron Defense
Dragon Breath
Dragon Claw
Energy Ball
Saved his world several times.
Can casually dodge lighting.
Dodged lasers with his back turned.
Destroyed a large chunk of a mountain.
Blew up a planet sized asteroid.
Alongside his sister, Autumn, destroyed an evil sentient star.
Comparable to Anthrax, who could destroy entirely galaxies.
Lacks any formal combat training.
Tends to underestimate his opponents.
Weapons can be stolen from him.
His hoodie is the source of his powers, meaning he will lose his powers when it is destroyed.
Usually rushes in, guns blazing.
(Sorry for the lack of art, but I can't draw to save my life.)
submitted by AnonymousPowerscaler to Dbmlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:33 guilhermej14 Look, this.... this post has probably been done 3000 times here.... but.... (why is this show so good, what kind of black magic was done for this to be so enjoyable? and I just watched a single episode......

Look, this.... this post has probably been done 3000 times here.... but.... (why is this show so good, what kind of black magic was done for this to be so enjoyable? and I just watched a single episode......
For those asking which episode was the first, it's Baby Race..... I was so skeptical of this show due to it's target demographic, but after watching Baby Race, I realized that yeah.... I can see why an adult would watch this, especially when they want to watch something more... lighthearted. I'm no father, but the whole themes about competition and compairson kinda speaks to me a lot....
But like, I've never seen a show, targetted at such a young audience, with such gorgeous and fluid animation, (and a pretty good soundtrack to) it feels like.... I dunno it feels right....
But enough talk, I just wanna declare that I have a dog that "walks" like that irl some times, and I must say..... Chilly's floor must be having some really noticable dog poop smells after this scene....
Also I dunno who this sausage dog is but they're the best character, and no one will convince me otherwise.
submitted by guilhermej14 to bluey [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:12 LEVOCETIRIZINE-5MG I found this (You know what is the actual reason behind this)?

I found this (You know what is the actual reason behind this)?
So people here has placed this outside their home,You know why ?
Coz they do think that by placing this,It will scare dogs and dogs will not poop nearby it....idk whether it do work or not but bohot ajeeb hai....
submitted by LEVOCETIRIZINE-5MG to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 remy00000 LOST SHIBA🥲

Guys, so my gf is out of town and she had some dog sitters watching her dog and she just called me today bawling out her eyes saying that the dog escaped about an hour ago. I immediately drove to the dog sitters house and spent 6 to 7 hours looking around the whole area for the dog until it got dark and were gonna try again tomorrow. My biggest fear is that someone stole her and we wont be able to find them.
I have a shiba to and I love her dog like its my own, please if you have any tips or useful information please lmk!
submitted by remy00000 to shiba [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 JanxAngel So much noise!

During the day there were people outside, carrying on, semi-loud music, kids running around. Normal weekend behavior when the weather is nice, a little much for me, but I get it.
As it starts getting dark a bunch of folks head into my neighbor's unit. Which wouldn't be a thing except people are coming and going, being loud as they come up to the door and as they leave, yelling inside, stomping around, dog barking constantly.
Now a bunch of people are out front again talking loudly and someone is laughing like a hyena. It is almost 1am! Quiet time is supposed to start at 10!
I've never had this kind of issue here since I moved in 4 years ago. My neighbors moved in a while ago and have been nice the times that I've talked to them. Should I say something next time I see them?
submitted by JanxAngel to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:38 Emu-Soggy Neglected Dog 837 North Broad

There is a dog locked in a vacant building at 837 N broad street. His bowls look empty and there’s poop and pee everywhere. No one has seen anyone in the building today, and when I called the realtor she said the dog is not being neglected and hung up. The owner showed up the building and confronted the concerned citizens. He stated that he has been taking care of his dog inside of the building due to her being in heat and being artificially inseminated Monday. The dog is walking around in her poop and pee. The owner is recorded on video agreeing that there is poop and pee but refused to go inside to check on the dog.
Does anyone have any advice what to do next?
submitted by Emu-Soggy to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:37 Apprehensive_Hat3349 Cmpa or normal baby

Symptoms of cmpa or normal baby?
Almost 6 weeks old. Symptoms..
trouble passing gas/pooping. This takes up 90% of his life unfortunately. Sometimes cries but mostly uncomfortable and pushing and straining.
Unlatching and crying during breastfeeding. I believe this is due to gas as feeding makes it sorta happen. he arches back and cries , or sometimes just unlatches makes a concentrated face and farts but always ends up crying.
Occasional green poo, slightly mucusy like little bit of a sticky stringy texture but mostly normal I think. normally yellow or dark yellow.
Baby acne, however I noticed little spots on ears and head that seem to go away and come back.
Reflux, sometimes after a feed he vomits quite a lot, sometimes just milk sometimes curds, ovcasionally he doesn’t vomit at all but seems very uncomfortable and gets a wet sound kinda know it’s coming and choking sound when flat on back
Hiccups, pretty regularly gets the hiccups
Hates being on back suddenly , lots of contact naps
He cries but not excessively , usually seems to be because he’s having gas pain.
Went and saw an osteopath she thinks milk protein allergy, said if his guts sorted out he would be the chillest baby ever, cue I don’t think he really cries for much more than gut pains
I’m struggling with cutting out dairy and soy. we had 24 hours the other day he started smiling didn’t cry was very happy and now we are back to uncomfortable and it’s very disheartening
I have 6 week checkup in 2 days, talked to mhn and she wasn’t worried she believes he just needs to grow and handle my fast flow.
submitted by Apprehensive_Hat3349 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:35 Apprehensive_Hat3349 Cmpa or normal baby

Symptoms of cmpa or normal baby?
Almost 6 weeks old. Symptoms..
trouble passing gas/pooping. This takes up 90% of his life unfortunately. Sometimes cries but mostly uncomfortable and pushing and straining.
Unlatching and crying during breastfeeding. I believe this is due to gas as feeding makes it sorta happen. he arches back and cries , or sometimes just unlatches makes a concentrated face and farts but always ends up crying.
Occasional green poo, slightly mucusy like little bit of a sticky stringy texture but mostly normal I think. normally yellow or dark yellow.
Baby acne, however I noticed little spots on ears and head that seem to go away and come back.
Reflux, sometimes after a feed he vomits quite a lot, sometimes just milk sometimes curds, ovcasionally he doesn’t vomit at all but seems very uncomfortable and gets a wet sound kinda know it’s coming and choking sound when flat on back
Hiccups, pretty regularly gets the hiccups
Hates being on back suddenly , lots of contact naps
He cries but not excessively , usually seems to be because he’s having gas pain.
Went and saw an osteopath she thinks milk protein allergy, said if his guts sorted out he would be the chillest baby ever, cue I don’t think he really cries for much more than gut pains
I’m struggling with cutting out dairy and soy. we had 24 hours the other day he started smiling didn’t cry was very happy and now we are back to uncomfortable and it’s very disheartening
I have 6 week checkup in 2 days, talked to mhn and she wasn’t worried she believes he just needs to grow and handle my fast flow.
submitted by Apprehensive_Hat3349 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 Apprehensive_Hat3349 Symptoms of cmpa or normal baby?

Almost 6 weeks old. Symptoms..
trouble passing gas/pooping. This takes up 90% of his life unfortunately. Sometimes cries but mostly uncomfortable and pushing and straining.
Unlatching and crying during breastfeeding. I believe this is due to gas as feeding makes it sorta happen. he arches back and cries , or sometimes just unlatches makes a concentrated face and farts but always ends up crying.
Occasional green poo, slightly mucusy like little bit of a sticky stringy texture but mostly normal I think. normally yellow or dark yellow.
Baby acne, however I noticed little spots on ears and head that seem to go away and come back.
Reflux, sometimes after a feed he vomits quite a lot, sometimes just milk sometimes curds, ovcasionally he doesn’t vomit at all but seems very uncomfortable and gets a wet sound kinda know it’s coming and choking sound when flat on back
Hiccups, pretty regularly gets the hiccups
Hates being on back suddenly , lots of contact naps
He cries but not excessively , usually seems to be because he’s having gas pain.
Went and saw an osteopath she thinks milk protein allergy, said if his guts sorted out he would be the chillest baby ever, cue I don’t think he really cries for much more than gut pains
I’m struggling with cutting out dairy and soy. we had 24 hours the other day he started smiling didn’t cry was very happy and now we are back to uncomfortable and it’s very disheartening
I have 6 week checkup in 2 days, talked to mhn and she wasn’t worried she believes he just needs to grow and handle my fast flow.
submitted by Apprehensive_Hat3349 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]