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2015.09.07 23:58 financialbabe Writer Motivation

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2008.01.25 10:15 Happy Reddit to make you happy

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2009.08.25 17:43 FanFiction FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans

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2024.05.19 06:36 Remarkable-Aide5093 Tavern Drinking Contests

Hi all! With less than 3 weeks until my Kickstarter "Let The Games Begin" launches, I thought I'd share with you how I run a Tavern Drinking Contest.
If you enjoy this and want to see more, sign up to get notified when the project launches at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/avasadventures/let-the-games-begin-50-mini-games-for-dandd-5e
Nothing riles up and excites a packed tavern quite like a drinking contest, especially when there are free drinks on the line. A row of eager competitors take their seats along the bar table, encouraged by their friends and companions.
Introducing the wide variety of beverages on offer, the barkeeper measures out the drinks and acts as arbitrator of the game to ensure fairness and civility. A rowdy crowd of drunken fools can quickly devolve into a bar brawl if not handled carefully.
Mug after mug is handed to each of the contestants, as they guzzle down the foamy liquid, continuing until only one person remains at the table. The game is a great event for merriment and a bit of gambling on the side. Hopefully, a cure for hangovers is available nearby.
Gathering at the table, each Player begins with one extra life to save them from elimination. The round of drinks is passed across, and each player rolls a Constitution Saving Throw. The game begins with a DC of 8 and increases for each round. If a Player fails the save, they lose their extra life and will be eliminated if they fail another round, through either vomiting, passing out, or calling it quits.
Throughout the game, the rounds increase in difficulty in increments of +1 and +2 to the DC. For example, the first round is DC 8, the second is DC 9, third is DC 10, but fourth jumps to DC 12. The last person remaining wins the game.
Variant Game
An alternative drinking game revolves around the different brands and intensity of alcoholic beverages. Here the objective is to be the first to reach 21 points. The points are acquired by successfully consuming different drinks without falling unconscious or throwing up. The value of the points correspond with the ferocity of the drink.
On a Player’s turn, they will decide which drink they will try to consume that round. With the drink in hand, the Player will roll a Constitution Saving Throw to determine if they successfully guzzle the booze or not. The DC is determined by the strength of the alcohol. If the Player succeeds, they are rewarded with the corresponding points, if they fail, they receive only half the points that round.
Drink Name DC Point Value
Ale 10 1
White Whistle 12 2
Red Dog 13 3
Barrage No. 4 15 4
Snake Brew 17 5
Nighty Night 20 6
With each failed Constitution Saving Throw, a contestant falls dangerously closer to unconsciousness. A Player has 3 strikes before they succumb to sleep and are eliminated from the game. Victory is achieved by being the first contestant to accumulate a total of 21 points.
The strategy of this drinking game lies in the balance of risking stronger drinks to reach the goal quicker, with avoiding falling unconscious too soon. If a Player only chooses the lighter beverages, they may accumulate points too slowly to win, or might be the only person left standing. There is also the factor of still receiving at least half points on a fail, to add into the strategy.
submitted by Remarkable-Aide5093 to DnD5e [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:36 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life.
During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism.
After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics, as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918. It is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped.
In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America).
On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation).
Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”).
In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928.
In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee.
The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers’ Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers’ Association
Woman’s Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying different Soviet and Eastern Bloc people in the diaspora under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church.
He said in critique of the church as an institution:
“People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
“There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man.”
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
“We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton.”
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released.
Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing.
As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”).
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when the so-called “Department of Justice” tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported due to pro-Communist activism prior to his naturalization. Historians generally agree the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier.
Bimba appealed against the government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR.
Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians.
In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to SovietDiaspora [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:36 NefariousnessSad7663 Looking for opinions

I’m a 22 year old male and I am just looking for anyone who would give me the time for feedback on this. I am looking for writing help of a plot that can truly depict what it is like to feel loss, grief, depression, sadness, etc. In this life I have personally experienced what it is like to be a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma survivor as a teenager as well as an alcoholic and a drug addict shortly after as a high school graduate/college student in a very short period of time. In addition to all of that, a personal favorite film of mine is Manchester by the Sea and the ultimate goal would be to create a film with everlasting effects of the true and hard life lessons people face. In short, I have seen life through a particular lens that I do not believe many people have seen at the age of 22 and if there is one thing I would like to do in this life it would be creating a film that leaves memorable impressions and depicts what life can truly be like to the average person that has to go through life’s battles.
submitted by NefariousnessSad7663 to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:32 mycatcookie123123 How to have Izuku need his friends for anything

Hello, I’m writing a story where Izuku has a quirk that works exactly like Path to Victory from worm, so basically if there is some possible to perform sequence of actions he can take to accomplish a goal he has, his quirk will autopilot him to accomplish that goal. The problem is that there is no reason for him to involve his friends (Intelli and Mei Hatsume so far) in anything. Needs something built? He can build it faster and better than Mei ever could. Intelli, the only character in the series not named Nedzu with an intelligence quirk can’t help him with anything either.
I don’t want his friends to seem useless to the story but they mostly are and it is kind of annoying.
submitted by mycatcookie123123 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:24 MiserablePanic2024 Is my husband (38M) using DARVO against me (35F)?

I know I'm not perfect. I know I fucked up during this situation too, but I feel like my husband is constantly using DARVO against me.
This morning was not the smoothest wake up so he was already a bit frustrated. We decided to head to a cafe to pick up breakfast before heading to the dog park. He promptly hit his shoulder on the car door which made him even more frustrated. At this point I've told him to take a breath and slow down if he needs to at least 3-4 times but he keeps insisting he's fine. I get uncomfortable around people who are upset, so I was a bit quieter.
We get to the cafe and parks. I unbuckled my seatbelt at the same time he did and he snaps at me demanding to know if he's getting it or am I? At this point my discomfort has morphed into irritation. I snap about his attitude and he immediately asks me what the hell is wrong with me? I tell him he's had an attitude since before we left the house. He responds with he just hit his shoulder and why do I always think that he's upset with me when he is frustrated (which I never once said). I said "I'm sorry for losing my composure" and tried to explain why I was feeling the way I was feeling.
I responded that while I had gotten frustrated at the pups earlier, I had only been frustrated at them and didn't take it out on him but he was taking out his frustrations on me. It starts escalating to where we both are raising our voices and he does something he's never done before - he gets out of the car and says he's going to walk home (about 1/2 a mile so nothing crazy but still).
This brought up a memory of when I was 9 and my dad did the same thing. He walked out of the car and left me, my brother, and my mom to drive home without him. Coupled with me telling him numerous times in the past that when he just walks away, it makes things 10x worse in my head, that I'd appreciate it if he tells me he needs to cool down so I don't just assume the worst. So I panicked and shouted that if he left, then we were done.
He returned to the car pretty pissed at me for saying it. I reminded him of what I'd gone through and how that had made me feel. His response was "well your dad isn't the only one who would walk away from your mom" (which, while true because my mom is a whole 'nother problem on her own, hurt). I wrote out my feelings after we got home but he never read the text I sent. In it, I had apologized for my own wrongs during the fight and had told him how I had felt using an analogy of my being soda and his anger being like shaking the carbonation in said soda. How his walking out like that had felt like someone smashed my soda bottle on the floor and then got mad at me for making a mess. He did eventually apologize and I figured we were fine.
We split up for the afternoon and then this evening, I went upstairs to read for a while. I had no idea it had gotten late and that he'd been cleaning the kitchen. He came upstairs and was pretty aggressive with his tone when he mentioned I hadn't helped with the kitchen. For me this had come out of nowhere so I snapped that he should ask for help next time if he needs it.
I realized I messed up so I went, washed my face to calm down, and came back. I said "I don't want to start a fight. I'm sorry I snapped at you. I really didn't like how you talked to me and I'd appreciate you ask me if you need help." His response was that he hadn't gotten an apology from that morning from me. I asked him what that had to do with anything and if that was an excuse to talk like that to me. I also told him we could discuss that after we finished the conversation I had brought up. My goals in the conversation were to establish a better routine for us before bed to help each other more. I'm forgetful and so is he, so I figured it might be a good idea.
Nope. He had no response to my question and instead doubled down that he was still upset from that morning. That I don't help clean in the kitchen enough and he shouldn't have to ask. I do the floors. I load our dishwasher. I do the laundry. I help bring in the trash cans when he asks. I often ask him if he wants my help when cooking or will sometimes just hop in and do something like prep work for him. On the rare occasion, I'll cook myself. I'm not very confident with it and I know I should do it more often, especially since I work from home, but I just don't get hungry as regularly as most people do. Food doesn't always cross my mind. If I do get hungry and don't eat within a certain time frame, I just... stop being hungry and forget about it. I went through chemo and I've just been like that ever since. He knows this.
It wound up snowballing into a huge fight where he gave a half-assed apology about how he'd spoken to me and agreed to ask me for help. This came after I'd already gotten upset over half an hour of bickering. I've told him time and again that he can't expect me to just calm down immediately. My emotions aren't like flipping a switch. I don't get over things as quickly as he seemingly does - he can go from really upset to calm pretty quickly if he's left alone for a bit for the most part.
Again, I know I messed up during this a ton. I know I explode a bit too quickly because my fuse isn't as long as I would like it to be. I've gotten on antidepressants and have come a long way, I think, from who I used to be when I'd get angry. I've asked him to see a doctor because I think he has rejection sensitivity disorder and/or bipolar but he never has. I'm trying to identify where and when I screw up so I can improve myself but I can't see this objectively. Help?
submitted by MiserablePanic2024 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:19 Rainyfriedtofu Clover Assistant vs Epic and the tale of Peter Part 1.

Hello Fellow Apes,
In my recent posts, there were discussions regarding how Clover Assistant will compete with Epic EHEMR in the future, and someone asked about how CA can make EMR better. To understand this thesis, we're going to start by looking at the two offering in a table. It's going to be a long one.
Clover Assistant Epic
Clover Assistant is a clinical support tool designed by Clover Health, a health insurance company. It aims to help physicians make more informed decisions by providing them with actionable insights at the point of care. The tool integrates data from various sources to present a comprehensive view of a patient's health, aiming to improve outcomes and streamline care delivery. At the moment, CA has the capacity to integrate with Epic. CA is primarily focuses on enhancing clinical decision-making by providing insights and recommendations based on data analysis. It is designed to complement existing EHR. However, in the future I think CA will break away from this, and we will go into more detail when we look at the history of Epic. Epic Systems Corporation provides one of the most widely used electronic health record (EHR) systems in the United States and globally. Epic EHR is a comprehensive platform that covers various aspects of healthcare management, including patient records, scheduling, billing, and clinical workflows. Epic is a full-fledged EHR system that manages all aspects of patient care and hospital administration. It includes modules for clinical workflows, patient scheduling, billing, and etc. CA isn't at this level yet.
CA is designed to integrate with various EHR systems, providing a layer of intelligence on top of existing workflows. Its goal is to enhance the data already present in the EHRs with additional insights. It does so by aggregating data from multiple sources, including claims data, lab results, and patient-reported information. It uses this data to offer real-time recommendations and insights to physicians. Additionally, it offers insights in a concise, actionable format to help physicians quickly make informed decisions. We don't know what the cost of CA implementation will be, but I know 100% it will be cheaper than Epic, and in the future it will have the same features as Epic. Epic is known for its interoperability through the use of standards like HL7 and FHIR, allowing it to connect with other systems and share data across different healthcare providers and organizations. It collects and stores a wide range of clinical and administrative data. While it offers decision support tools, its primary function is data management and workflow facilitation. However, there are a lot of manual work involved for those who use this because it is an older system. While functional, Epic is often criticized for its complexity and steep learning curve. However, it is also praised for its extensive customization options, allowing organizations to tailor the system to their specific needs. The biggest problem with Epic is it is known for its high implementation costs and resource-intensive deployment process. However, it advertises itself as a comprehensive solution that can manage all aspects of healthcare operations.
With the comparison between Epic and Clover Assistant clarified, let's delve into the history of Epic Systems Corporation. Founded in 1979 by Judith R. Faulkner, Epic started as a small company focused on developing database management systems for healthcare. Initially, it faced several challenges, but these obstacles helped shape its pivotal role in the healthcare industry.
Epic's first product was Chronicles, a clinical database management system designed to handle patient records and clinical data. This foundational product set the stage for the more comprehensive EHR systems Epic would later develop. Notably, Epic adopted a client-server architecture early on, which was advanced for its time. This technology allowed multiple users to access and update patient records simultaneously, significantly improving efficiency and collaboration in healthcare settings.
In its early years, Epic primarily catered to small to mid-sized healthcare organizations, including hospitals and clinics. The potential to streamline operations and improve patient care through better data management attracted these early adopters. Epic's readiness to customize its software to meet the specific needs of each client helped build strong relationships and loyalty among its early customers.
One significant challenge Epic faced was integrating its systems with the existing healthcare infrastructure. Many healthcare providers operated disparate systems that did not easily communicate with each other. Epic addressed this by evolving into one of the leading providers of EHR systems, gradually expanding into almost every healthcare system. As Epic's client base grew, the company had to ensure its systems could scale to handle larger volumes of data and more complex operations.
From the outset, Epic focused on designing systems that were user-friendly and tailored to the workflows of healthcare professionals. This emphasis on usability set it apart from competitors. The company also invested heavily in developing standards for data exchange and interoperability, which later became crucial as the healthcare industry moved towards more integrated and connected systems.
Epic's success stories from early clients built a strong reputation in the healthcare industry, helping to attract new customers. The company formed partnerships with academic medical centers, which drove innovation and provided a platform for testing and refining new features. Epic continuously reinvested in research and development, ensuring its products remained at the cutting edge of technology and met the evolving needs of healthcare providers. The robust customer support system, including extensive training programs for users, was vital for successful implementations and fostering long-term customer relationships.
Epic played a significant role in setting standards for electronic health records and healthcare IT. Its systems helped drive the adoption of standardized practices across the industry. Early implementations of Epic's systems demonstrated significant improvements in operational efficiency, reducing administrative burdens and allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care.
Moving forward, the healthcare industry recognizes that the new frontier is based on a strong foundation of social determinants of health and preventative medicine. With that said, it is evident that Epic has built a comprehensive platform that covers various aspects of healthcare management. Starting as merely an EHR company, Epic has added numerous features, setting a precedent that newer entrants like Clover Assistant are following. Clover Assistant, an AI clinical support tool, aims to modernize EHR usage by helping physicians process data with speed and accuracy not possible by a normal human. In the future, just like Epic, Clover Assistant is expected to add more features. The key differentiators moving forward will likely be cost, compliance with evolving standards like CMS-HCC V28, and adaptability to policy changes.
Currently, the estimated cost for implementing Epic is:
Andrew mentioned that Clover Assistant (CA) plans to adopt a Software as a Service (SaaS) revenue model, charging on a per member per month basis. This pricing strategy aims to provide a steady, recurring income and is designed to be affordable and scalable, particularly for small businesses. For example, the hypothetical cost could be around $5 per patient per month (I'm pulling these numbers out of my ass because I don't have Clov's data). This pricing structure makes it feasible for private practices to adopt the system and have a positive experience with it. The goal is to replicate the success of systems like Epic by providing a cost-effective and manageable solution for healthcare providers. The person who will be leading this charge will be none other than Peter Kuipers.
Peter Kuipers is a seasoned financial executive with over 25 years of experience in technology leadership. He has held senior financial roles in various prominent companies, including Omnicell, Quantcast Corporation, The Weather Company, Yahoo!, Altera Corporation, General Electric, and Akzo Nobel. Before joining Clov, Peter served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Omnicell, a healthcare technology company focused on medication and supply management solutions. He joined Omnicell in August 2015 and played a crucial role in the company's financial and strategic development. During his tenure at Omnicell, Kuipers contributed significantly to the company's growth, helping to increase its revenue from $485 million to $1.3 billion. His responsibilities extended beyond the traditional CFO role, as he also oversaw global supply chain and manufacturing, information technology, international business, corporate development, and mergers and acquisitions. His efforts were pivotal in transforming Omnicell into a leader in cloud-based platforms and SaaS/Tech-Enabled Services for the healthcare industry. He also oversaw various strategic initiatives, including international business expansion and mergers and acquisitions, contributing to Omnicell's global reach and market leadership.
I became aware of Peter Kuipers and Omnicell because Upsetweekend's company, along with many others, shifted from using Pyxis Oncology to Omnicell. Initially, Pyxis Oncology offered superior tools and services. However, during Peter's tenure at Omnicell, not only did the company offer more cost-effective solutions, but it also began to provide superior services. Securing Peter as a CFO for Clover was quite a coup, and it's impressive that they managed to attract such a seasoned executive to a smaller, less established company. Given his extensive experience and track record, Peter is well-equipped to strategically price and market Clover Assistant (CA). His expertise will likely be pivotal in attracting early adopters and expanding the company's operations. Just look at Omincell's stock price during his tenure.
At their core, both Clover Assistant (CA) and Epic are tools designed for electronic health record (EHR) management. They facilitate the presentation of data to physicians, enabling them to devise accurate treatment plans. However, there are notable differences between the two systems, primarily driven by their technological foundations and target functionalities.
Clover Assistant: This is a relatively new tool that integrates artificial intelligence (AI) to process EHR data, aiming to simplify and enhance the efficiency of physicians' work. The use of AI allows Clover Assistant to offer advanced data analysis, potentially providing more insightful recommendations and support for clinical decisions.
Epic: As an older and more established EHR system, Epic has a broad user base and is deeply integrated into many healthcare institutions' workflows. While it is built on an older technological framework, it is robust and extensively supports various healthcare operations from patient records management to billing.
The analogy of video game development is apt for comparing these systems. Imagine Epic as a game built on an earlier version of the Unreal Engine, while Clover Assistant is akin to a game developed on Unreal Engine 5. The newer engine (or in this case, the newer AI-driven platform of Clover Assistant) offers enhanced capabilities, such as better processing power and more advanced features, which may not be as optimized in the older system used by Epic.
As Clover Assistant gains traction and proves its efficacy and cost-efficiency, it could start to compete more directly with Epic, especially if it continues to attract positive feedback from early adopters. This competition could push both platforms to continuously innovate and improve, potentially leading to better EHR management tools available to healthcare providers.
In summary, while both tools serve the fundamental purpose of managing health records and aiding treatment planning, their underlying technologies and approaches to handling data greatly influence their capabilities and potential impact on the healthcare industry.
*Update* I forgot to delete the title, but there will not be a part 2. I'm tired ^_^
submitted by Rainyfriedtofu to Healthcare_Anon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 Severe_Cellist5877 I don’t think I can do it anymore

Not sure if I am cut out to be a med spouse.
We have been together dating now for almost 3 years. Me (30F) and him (27M). When we started dating he has always told me one of his goals was to get into med school. We didn’t know for sure if it was going to happen and this was his second time applying as the first round he tried, he didn’t get accepted into any schools. About a year and a half into dating, he got accepted into a med school within our state but 3 and a half hours away from home. We were living together when he got accepted and we talked about if I was moving with him or do LDR. I also have a now 9 yr old son so making the decision to uproot his life also was very hard for me. I also had my mom back at home to help me with my son and if I moved I would have no support system with my son. I did sit down and talked to my son to be sure he would understand to most of his ability if he would be okay with the possibility of moving and all the changes that came with it and to my surprise was very excited to maybe move to a new city. I also had my job, where I had work at for almost 7 years and leaving my job was also extremely hard for me as I was very happy at my job. I developed a lot of relationships with my customers that I had bonded and built trust with within those years in my field. I was very leaning towards trying to do LDR his first year of school and then move once he was more established at school. As the date got closer to making a final decision, I want to say he basically gave me a ultimatum of if we did long distance he didn’t think out relationship would work. He has never been in a long distance relationship before and neither had I but I was willing to put in the work and I reassured him that we could make it work but in his mind he didn’t think it would work because “he would constantly be worried about me”. I asked for a promise ring as I was uprooting my whole life and I just needed a reassurance for him to make this big move and he said no bc I just needed to trust his words. I was scared to put an end to our relationship so I decided to move with my son to support his dreams. I was very well aware that a lot of the responsibilities of supporting him would lean on me but prior moving he told me we would split rent 50/50 as he would be living off of his loans. He would help me when he could with house chores and with my son as needed.
I thrive off living life with a routine and communication of how our weeks will go. As soon as school started for him as much as I asked for his weekly class schedule there was always some excuse as to why “he forgot to send it to me”. I needed his schedule to plan accordingly as I was about to start a new job and needed to figure out how I was gonna make it work with my son’s school schedule also. We’ve had a lot issues right off the bat starting med school. He likes to go out and so every chance he to “celebrate” after an exam he would be out with classmates. I would stay home bc obviously I have my son and I also work the next day. I don’t mind him going out at all but its more about how he still barely made time to do anything with me like go out for a dinner date after an exam or just do something fun together. His immediate thought was to go out drinking with friends. Making me feel that he was putting these “new friends” before me.
But long story short because I think my rant is long enough. My bf is finishing his 1st year of med school. He has failed exams and had to retest a couple times and I have seen him fall into depressive episodes and just shut down. I try to be supportive and let him go thru it until he is ready to talk but I can’t say its has been easy for me when he is moody, grumpy and mean towards me a long the way. He gets mean with my son too when my son is being “too loud” for him. I clean I cook I do laundry basically do 90% of everything around the house. He will every couple of weeks maybe do something around the house. I guess most of the times I don’t feel appreciated. I cook after a 10hrs day of work and I don’t get a thank you and on the rare occasion “wow that was a good meal” and I only know he enjoys my food if he ask for seconds. I buy groceries and I would have to basically beg him to come out and help me bring them in to the point where I don’t ask anymore and he just bought me a wagon I guess so I don’t struggle too much carrying all the bags in. Ive expressed several times that I also work 10-11 hrs/day at work that I need a little help too and I don’t feel like I ask for a lot. He doesn’t know how to cook so I never ask him to cook. I clean the house every week. All I ask for is maybe dishes to get wash and just heavy lifting things that maybe I don’t have the strength for and trash to be taken out. I really try my best to make life easier for him while he is doing school but I also remind I am not his mom as he is also a mamas boy and his mom did everything for him even as an adult . He is very coddled by his parents.
I get home sick all the time. When we first moved, I went back home to visit once a month the first semester. Sometimes we were able to go all together but sometimes his schedule wouldn’t work with mine and I would have to go by myself and that was fine but I noticed when I would go by myself he would always find a reason to fight and make that time period that I was back at home miserable. For example my last visit back home was Spring break and I went on a girls trip to another state and back home to visit. At first he was fine when I left but when I was on vacation, he was being short with his texts and just by the way he was texting I knew something was wrong or he was mad. I asked him on my trip if he was mad I got to travel and he took it super personal and just stopped texting me. When I got back from my trip I was in my home town and he finally told me he was upset that I was on a trip on the same week his spring break was. Prior to all of this he knew my girls trips was planned months in advance. I had told him prior to me leaving he could drive back home and we could spend a few days together after my trip together and he refused and I think he was just trying to be difficult bc I didnt invite him on my trip, but WHY would I do that when it was specifically a trip for girls. So he told me I was extremely inconsiderate for going on that trip. So theres that..
We almost broke up after that but we tried to fix things. Fast forward to now I started having a gut feeling as something was off bc he barely wants intimacy anymore and I get it. We are both tired from our day to day. I never want anything anymore bc everything feels rushed and just to make him feel good and then he has to be done quick bc he has to go back to studying. One day recently I went thru his phone and found out he has been texting a girl through a fake number app. They don’t talk consistently but the intentions are there. Doesn’t seem like anything physical has happened but he definitely is trying constantly to meet up with her some day, he just hasn’t bc he has no time bc of school. I haven’t said anything out of consideration that he was going thru finals for end of year. I will admit I have been a little checked out mentally but this was just the icing on the cake bc I have been nothing but supportive to be cheated on. I think I am just numb to everything bc I can’t tell if I’m mad or sad or just relived that maybe this is my sign to go back home. Ive lost almost over 20 lbs since moving bc I dont barely eat just when Im home. My hair is starting to fall out more and I can’t tell if its stress. I guess from all of this I think you can kinda tell what I’m going thru. I have no friends here and its hard to hold this all in and have no one to talk to. My friends back home just tells me to come back already and that he doesn’t deserve me. I just didn’t really think this would be happening but I guess better now then later. I could go on and on about amongst other stuff but I’ll leave at this.
Thank you for reading my rant if you got this far. I know my writing is all over the place.
submitted by Severe_Cellist5877 to MedSpouse [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:01 adulting4kids December 2nd Prompts and Character Profile Template

This post will repeat weekly through the month of December. Please repost or cross post as a way to promote this subreddit. Or ignore this one and check out our others! I apologize if it's cramping your style, but when I work hard on certain posts I want to be sure they are useful! I also am working on making these shorter so they don't get lost in the madness....
Scroll down for the Character Questions and create a thoughtful and empathetic profile of your main characters for your projects!
As always please use these as sparks to create and feel free to post your responses and ideas in comments or separate post! This is YOUR subreddit so go ahead and post away!
Prompt: Imagine a dystopian world where an oppressive government has successfully erased all forms of personal identity and history. In this society, individuals are assigned generic roles and are forbidden from expressing their unique thoughts, emotions, or experiences. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who discovers a hidden underground community that encourages self-expression and reignites the importance of personal narratives.
In your response, consider the following:
  1. Character and World Building:
    • Describe the protagonist's background, their assigned role, and their initial perception of the oppressive world they inhabit.
    • Develop the hidden underground community, including its purpose, structure, and the means through which it safeguards personal stories.
    • Create a contrast between the protagonist's initial world and the underground community, highlighting the impact of personal narratives on shaping identity and resisting oppression.
  2. Plot Analysis:
    • Outline the protagonist's journey of discovery, including their initial skepticism, the influential encounters they have within the underground community, and the personal sacrifices they make to preserve their identity.
    • Explore the challenges and conflicts faced by the protagonist, both externally (e.g., encounters with government authorities) and internally (e.g., the struggle to confront their identity).
  3. Deep Introspection:
    • Prompt the protagonist to reflect deeply on the uncomfortable subjects that the government's erasure of personal narratives seeks to suppress. These could include topics such as individuality, memory, trauma, and the power of storytelling as a tool for empathy and resistance.
    • Encourage the protagonist to evolve their thoughts and perceptions throughout the narrative, considering the consequences of silence and the potential for personal growth through self-expression and sharing.
  4. Requirements for Responses:
    • Conduct research to explore real-world examples of societies that suppress personal narratives or attempt to erase collective memory.
  5. Prompt: In a post-apocalyptic world, a devastating pandemic has wiped out most of humanity. The survivors are forced to live in isolated communities, each with its own set of strict rules and customs. Write a short story or reflective essay exploring the life of a character who questions the existing order and embarks on a journey to unite these fragmented communities. Consider the role of unity, diversity, and collaboration in rebuilding a shattered world.
  6. Prompt: Set in a future where advanced AI technology has permeated every aspect of society, write a story or reflective essay following a protagonist who begins to question the boundaries between human and machine. Delve into the ethical implications of human-AI relationships, the erosion of human emotions, and the potential consequences of blurring the line between artificial and genuine experiences.
  7. Prompt: Imagine a world where climate change and environmental degradation have irreversibly altered the planet. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of a character who is part of a group striving to restore balance and heal the damaged Earth. Explore the connections between personal responsibility, collective action, and the intersections of social and environmental justice.
  8. Prompt: Transport yourself to a society where strict social hierarchies are based on a person's genetic makeup. Write a short story or reflective essay following a character who challenges this system and advocates for equality and inclusivity. Examine the role of genetic determinism, discrimination, and the power of individual agency in reshaping social structures.
  9. Prompt: Imagine a world where art and creativity are considered illegal, seen as tools of subversion and chaos. Write a story or reflective essay from the perspective of an artist who risks everything to defy this oppressive regime and reclaim the power of artistic expression. Analyze the significance of art as a form of resistance, its ability to inspire change, and its impact on personal and societal transformation.
Remember to consider the following for each of the prompts to insure a well rounded and thought out premise that will engage the audience and allow room for growth in the plot.
Prompt 1 - Post-Apocalyptic Community Building:
Prompt 2 - Ethical Implications of AI Technology:
Prompt 3 - Environmental Restoration and Social Justice:
Prompt 4 - Genetic Hierarchy and Social Change:
Prompt 5 - Artistic Expression as Resistance:
  1. Chick Lit: Write a chick lit novel or short story following a relatable protagonist navigating the challenges of love, career, and self-discovery. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and finding balance in a fast-paced, modern world.
  2. Young Readers' Adventure: Imagine a group of young friends who stumble upon a hidden portal to another realm. Write an adventure novel or short story as they embark on a quest to save a magical world from darkness. Delve into themes of friendship, bravery, and the power of imagination.
  3. Historical Fiction: Set in a time of significant historical events, write a novel or short story highlighting a lesser-known figure or group of people. Research the historical context meticulously and emphasize the character's resilience, struggles, and contributions during that tumultuous period.
  4. Fantasy: Create a fantastical world filled with mythical creatures, magic, and ancient prophecies. Write a novel or short story following a young protagonist who discovers their extraordinary abilities and must navigate a treacherous journey to fulfill their destiny. Explore themes of self-discovery, heroism, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
  5. Mystery/Thriller: Write a gripping mystery or thriller novel following a seasoned detective or amateur sleuth investigating a perplexing crime. Develop complex characters, suspenseful plot twists, and an intricate web of clues and red herrings that keep readers guessing until the very end.
  6. Science Fiction: Set in a future where technological advancements have transformed society, write a novel or short story exploring the ethical and societal implications of groundbreaking inventions. Examine themes such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, or virtual reality and their impact on humanity's future.
  7. Romance: Craft a heartwarming romance novel or short story centered around two individuals from different backgrounds or opposing sides. Explore themes of love, forgiveness, and the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  8. Coming-of-Age: Write a coming-of-age novel or short story following a young protagonist's journey of self-discovery, identity formation, and navigating the complexities of adolescence. Explore themes of friendship, personal growth, and the challenges of transitioning into adulthood.
  9. Psychological Thriller: Create a psychological thriller novel or short story that delves into the intricacies of the human mind. Focus on a protagonist who becomes entangled in a web of deception, manipulation, and paranoia. Explore themes of trust, perception, and the blurred lines between reality and illusion.
  10. Family Drama: Write a novel or short story exploring the dynamics and complexities within a multi-generational family. Include themes of love, secrets, and conflicts that arise as family members navigate their relationships, face past traumas, and strive for reconciliation.
Considerations for each prompt:
  1. Historical Romance: Write a one-page historical romance set in a lavish ballroom during the Victorian era. Focus on the forbidden love between a spirited debutante and a mysterious gentleman from a different social class.
  2. Science Fiction Comedy: Craft a one-page comedic story set in a futuristic space station. Follow the misadventures of a clumsy maintenance technician who unwittingly saves the day against all odds.
  3. Paranormal Mystery: Pen a one-page mystery story set in a haunted mansion. Introduce a skeptical paranormal investigator who must solve the mystery of a ghostly apparition that has been terrorizing the inhabitants.
  4. Literary Fiction: Write a one-page literary fiction piece centered around a character's contemplation of the fleeting nature of life and the importance of cherishing the present moment.
  5. Action Adventure: Craft a one-page action-packed adventure story set in the jungles of an unexplored island. Follow a daring archaeologist's quest for a hidden treasure while battling against treacherous obstacles and rival adventurers.
  6. Psychological Drama: Create a one-page psychological drama following the internal struggles of a troubled artist as they grapple with their inner demons and seek redemption.
  7. Magical Realism: Write a one-page magical realism story set in a sleepy coastal town. Explore the extraordinary occurrences that happen when an enigmatic mermaid washes ashore and disrupts the mundane lives of the townsfolk.
  8. Thriller: Craft a one-page thriller story involving a race against time. Follow a determined protagonist as they try to decipher cryptic clues and prevent a citywide disaster.
  9. Fantasy Adventure: Pen a one-page fantasy adventure story set in a whimsical realm. Follow a young hero's quest to retrieve a stolen artifact and restore balance to the land, encountering fantastical creatures and overcoming obstacles along the way.
  10. Historical Fiction Mystery: Write a one-page historical fiction mystery set during the Roaring Twenties. Follow a quick-witted detective as they unravel a web of deceit and intrigue surrounding a glamorous underground speakeasy in the heart of the city.
Considerations for each prompt:
Protagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact:
  15. Education and professional background:
  16. Relationship status and dynamics:
  17. Quirks or peculiar habits:
  18. Psychological disorders, if any:
  19. Familial relationships and dynamics:
  20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.):
  21. Traumatic experiences and their effects:
  22. Coping mechanisms:
  23. Emotional vulnerabilities:
  24. Resilience and determination:
  25. Personal growth throughout the story:
Protagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the protagonist to take action and pursue their goals?
  2. How does the protagonist's childhood shape their behaviors and choices?
  3. What values does the protagonist hold dear, and how do they influence their decision-making process?
  4. What inner conflicts does the protagonist face, and how do they attempt to reconcile them?
  5. How does the protagonist's education and professional background contribute to their strengths and weaknesses?
  6. What traumatic experiences has the protagonist overcome, and how have these experiences shaped their worldview?
  7. How does the protagonist cope with stress or adversity?
  8. What relationships and dynamics are most significant to the protagonist, and how do these relationships evolve throughout the story?
  9. In what ways does the protagonist exhibit resilience and determination in the face of challenges?
  10. How does the protagonist approach personal growth and self-improvement?
  11. What psychological disorders, if any, does the protagonist struggle with, and how do these disorders impact their thoughts and actions?
  12. How does the protagonist's physical appearance contribute to their self-perception and interactions with others?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the protagonist possess that make them stand out?
  14. What are the protagonist's primary desires and aspirations?
  15. How does the protagonist's internalized fear drive or hinder their actions?
  16. How does the protagonist navigate and resolve external conflicts?
  17. What coping mechanisms does the protagonist rely on during times of stress or emotional turmoil?
  18. How do familial relationships and dynamics influence the protagonist's actions and decisions?
  19. What significant life choices or dilemmas does the protagonist face throughout the story, and how do they respond?
  20. In what ways does the protagonist's support system impact their growth and resilience?
  21. How does the protagonist's personal development and self-discovery contribute to the overall narrative arc?
  22. How does the protagonist's background and experiences shape their perception of the world?
  23. What are the protagonist's core beliefs and values, and how do these impact their interactions with others?
  24. How does the protagonist handle setbacks or failures, and what lessons do they learn from these experiences?
  25. What external influences or societal pressures affect the protagonist's decision-making process?
Antagonist Character Profile:
  1. Name:
  2. Age:
  3. Gender:
  4. Physical appearance:
  5. Background:
  6. Personality traits (list at least five):
  7. Core values and beliefs:
  8. Motivations and goals:
  9. Biggest fear:
  10. Internal conflicts:
  11. External conflicts:
  12. Strengths:
  13. Weaknesses:
  14. Childhood experiences and their impact $ Go on
  1. Education and professional background: 16. Relationship status and dynamics: 17. Quirks or peculiar habits: 18. Psychological disorders, if any: 19. Familial relationships and dynamics: 20. Support system (friends, mentors, etc.): 21. Traumatic experiences and their effects: 22. Coping mechanisms: 23. Emotional vulnerabilities: 24. Strategies for achieving their goals: 25. Methods they employ to antagonize the protagonist:
Antagonist Character Questions:
  1. What drives the antagonist to oppose the protagonist and act as an obstacle in their journey?
  2. How does the antagonist's background and upbringing contribute to their negative behaviors and motivations?
  3. What core values and beliefs does the antagonist hold that align with their antagonistic actions?
  4. What personal goals or desires does the antagonist seek to fulfill?
  5. What is the biggest fear or insecurity that drives the antagonist's actions?
  6. How does the antagonist's internal conflicts manifest and impact their decisions?
  7. What external conflicts arise as a result of the antagonist's actions, and how do they handle these conflicts?
  8. In what ways does the antagonist exhibit strength and power, and how do these traits affect their interactions with others?
  9. What are the antagonist's weaknesses or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by the protagonist?
  10. How have childhood experiences shaped the antagonist's worldview and motivations?
  11. How does the antagonist's education and professional background contribute to their methods and strategies?
  12. What familial relationships or dynamics influence the antagonist's actions and choices?
  13. What unique quirks or habits does the antagonist possess that make them distinct or memorable?
  14. Are there any psychological disorders or conditions that contribute to the antagonist's behavior?
  15. How does the antagonist cope with stress or emotional turmoil?
  16. What strategies or tactics does the antagonist employ to achieve their goals and antagonize the protagonist?
  17. How do the antagonist's actions impact their relationships and interactions with other characters in the story?
18.How does the antagonist perceive and justify their actions, even if they are considered morally or ethically wrong?
  1. What external influences or societal pressures contribute to the antagonist's motivations or actions?
  2. How does the antagonist's physical appearance contribute to their demeanor and portrayal in the story?
  3. What significant life choices or dilemmas has the antagonist faced, and how have these shaped their character?
  4. What is the antagonist's reaction to setbacks or failures, and how do they adapt their strategies?
  5. How does the antagonist's support system or lack thereof impact their actions and decisions?
  6. What past traumatic experiences or events have influenced the antagonist's worldview and behaviors?
  7. How does the antagonist's emotional state or emotional vulnerabilities influence their actions and interactions with others?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 dealing with a problematic member of a board games group

dealing with a problematic member of a board games group
Originally posted to Ask A Manager
EDITORS NOTE: Changed Q to Quinn for easier reading
Original Post Sept 15, 2022
I wanted to write and say thank you.
I am part of a local board games group, and started to run the group a while ago. It’s a great group of people who all enjoy coming together to play board games and have fun, and it was one of the key factors in making my husband and I feel at home in the city where we live. We have both made friends with people in the group, and it’s now a firm part of our life here. In addition, a regular member who left recently said that the group was the highlight of his week, which was lovely to hear. I love running the group!
However, there is a member of the group, Quinn, who has been in the group since it started (seven years or more) and has been displaying problematic behavior since he joined (rude comments, refusing to play anyone else’s games, losing his temper at times, leaving games in a huff when he’s losing, and generally making the atmosphere unpleasant for others). When we joined, we were told that Quinn bothered everyone but was just something that was being in the group, so we went along with that. At the time, the group was very serious and inclined towards more serious board games, and only three people ever brought games. There has been a real change of culture since then, with a range of games being played (light games, traditional games, and heavy games) and everyone brings games now. The atmosphere is a lot lighter, with more emphasis on having fun and being social, and this is something that Quinn does not enjoy and has not adjusted well to.
When I started to run the group, I noticed Quinn’s behavior was having a terrible effect on the group (people not coming back because of him or doing anything to avoid playing with him, and his preference for playing games in reverential silence making sessions less fun for everyone). I also realized that some people were at breaking point with this and it might contribute to them leaving.
The deputy (Kelly) and I wanted to ensure that we did it fairly and using the right procedure. We gathered feedback on the group, (which was useful in itself!), which confirmed that Quinn’s behavior was an issue, and I spoke to him, named what we were seeing with clear examples, and explained what we needed to see change. Quinn said he would take it on board. Your scripts and language were very helpful, as Quinn takes things very literally and factually.
Quinn’s behavior improved for four weeks, which was great. Some people have put up with it for so long that no amount of change will make them want to play games with Quinn, but some people were willing to give Quinn a chance. Unfortunately, Quinn’s behavior started to slip after four weeks, culminating in a session where they almost put a new member off coming back by lecturing them about group etiquette and insulting their game shelves with what was meant to be a joke, but did not land.
I spoke to Quinn again and explained that since the behavior we discussed had returned, if this did not improve, we would have to ask Quinn to leave as the group is for everyone and I need to do what’s right for the group as a whole.
Quinn took the points on board and was visibly upset at the thought of being asked to leave the group. Since we spoke to them, they haven’t attended of the two sessions since then, but they are still chatting on our Discord channel and seem to be trying to make amends by promoting the group to a students’ group in the city we live in.
We don’t know what will happen, but Kelly and I have agreed what behaviors will mean Quinn will be asked to leave, and your scripts and posts were invaluable in thinking about how to tackle this, and what language to use. Your posts have helped me realize that being the group leader means that the buck stops with me. For example, my husband and I disagreed on how to handle the situation (he was in favor of asking Quinn to leave immediately) but I had the confidence to think it through, follow the process through fairly, and know that if it didn’t work, that responsibility would rest with me.
This isn’t related to work per se, but I wanted to say thank you very much for the invaluable and free advice which has really helped me in navigating this situation!
Update Apr 11, 2024
I am the letter writer who runs a board games group and used Alison’s excellent advice about communication to deal with a problematic member of the games group and the issues their behavior was causing.
We had a twist in the tale recently when Quinn, the member who was asked to leave the group because their behavior was negatively impacting others, asked if they could come back.
For four weeks every year, we use a different venue as another group needs our normal venue. One one of the four weeks, I went for a walk before the session and noticed what looked like Quinn in the park. When the session started, Quinn appeared, just “passing by,” and we had a quick chat about this and that before they asked if they could come back to the group, saying they were in a better place now. They then left without ordering anything, which makes me think they dropped in just to see us.
I said I would send a message, and gave it due consideration. I also asked a friend who knows Quinn and used to be in the group, but has now moved, for their more objective input.
The decision was no: the group is working well as it is, with high numbers and between 11 and 20 people per session, and Quinn coming back would lead to awkwardness and possible animosity from a few people, some of whom would speak their mind. We would also lose a lot of members, and the group would slowly decline. For what it’s worth, one person who had some very negative interactions with Quinn, when they heard why Quinn was there ( they were round the corner), exclaimed “No!” to Quinn coming back, and this person is one of the nicest people you’ll meet. Similar reactions were given from others.
I sent Quinn a message explaining the decision, and I was as fair and kind as possible given the circumstances. Quinn has found another games group, albeit one that only plays light games, (not heavy games, Quinn’s preference), and I mentioned that and said it sounds like a nice group (which it does).
Quinn was perfectly pleasant when we chatted, but that was for about eight minutes, and they knew what was coming. They also said that they weren’t often doing the things I’d mentioned anymore (moving other people’s pieces, and a couple of other examples I gave), and that although their new group likes light games, they are helping some people progress up to heavier games. It wasn’t clear if the people wanted to progress (one of the issues we had was Quinn assuming that everyone wanted to progress).
The games group continues to do well, with enough surplus each year to give everyone free sessions every January, and we receive frequent feedback that the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming and that people feel at home and confident to bring and teach their games there. Our annual Christmas potluck dinner and session with a Secret Santa also continues. We also have a Google sheet with people’s games collections, if they want to add them, thanks to one of our members who likes spreadsheets.
For myself, Ask a Manager continues to help me out at work! I recently applied for a job which would be a step up income wise and I used Alison’s tips, and I use the communication tips in daily life as well as at work. I was actually used as a bargaining chip in recent negotiations at work over a type of meeting that needs minuting (for my minuting skills), so I will take that as a compliment!
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:59 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life.
During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism.
After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio.
Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics, as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918. It is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped.
In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation).
Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”).
In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928.
In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee.
The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers’ Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers’ Association
Woman’s Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying different Soviet and Eastern Bloc people in the diaspora under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church.
He said in critique of the church as an institution:
“People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
“There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man.”
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
“We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton.”
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released.
Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing.
As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”).
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when the so-called “Department of Justice” tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported due to pro-Communist activism prior to his naturalization. Historians generally agree the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier.
Bimba appealed against the government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR.
Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians.
In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 foreverandalways21 The perfect 13 track TTPD album

I tried to think of how I would construct the perfect 13 track TTPD album - what songs would I cut or keep and how I would order them and this is what I came up with:
  1. Fortnight - I would keep fortnight at track 1 because of the big collab it automatically generates interest and it also sort of sets the stage for the album sonically and theme wise that it’s a low tempo pop breakup album
  2. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - track 2s of Taylor’s album tend to be the biggest hits and fan favourites - blank space, cruel summer, maroon, champagne problems, cardigan, etc. I also like how the production starts off - it’s attention grabbing and fun after the slower tempo of Fortnight
  3. How Did It End? - switch it up for track 3 to a quill writing song after the BOP that is ICDIWABH. This song also addresses what everyone wanted answered with this album but while criticizing people’s nosiness disguised as empathy
  4. Down Bad - another fan favourite and pleaser.
  5. So Long, London - I wouldn’t change the track 5 because even if loml has sadder lyrics, this one is stronger sonically and her voice sounds devastated. I cried the first dozen times I played SLL, she just sounded so exasperated and sad. It’s also a nice continuation from How Did It End?
  6. Florida!!! - leaving London, her home for several years, and escaping to Florida. I like how this transition thematically fits. The heavy drums on Florida!!! also brings something different sonically
  7. My Boy Breaks His Favourite Toys - production change to something upbeat and fun but while thematically still being about a heartbreak.
Female Rage Section:
  1. The Black Dog - kick off Female Rage portion of the album. The yell singing makes a nice change sonically. Lyrically also such a strong song. You go from dancing to MBBHFT to crying to the black dog. The rollercoaster of emotions is what I wanted to portray with my choices because going through a breakup is very much a rollercoaster of emotions
  2. Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me? - she’s getting angrier. Angry at the public treatment. Thematically this is a bit different as it’s not related to a break up but still fits the album well which is both a break up album & critique of the public. I think of TTPD as an album that showcases going through a heartbreak and also being judged and scrutinized by the public how you’re going through a heartbreak. It sucks from all ends.
  3. But Daddy I Love Him - a continuation from WAOLOM answering why is she so mad. This is also a very upbeat song and sonically different - sounds more country.
  4. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - perfect continuation after BDILH, she realizes she was in denial and she’s mad MAD.
  5. loml - the aftermath after all that anger. She’s still mad but now depressed :( feels like she’s acted like a fool but she’s accepted it’s time to let this relationship go.
  6. The Prophecy - I would end the album with the procephy because it’s sonically and lyrically a strong closer and it heartbreakingly brings up anyone’s anxiety in the aftermath of a break up - will I ever find the one? after all the heartbreak dug into on this album, it hurts even more to leave it at this question and her begging for a forever love.
The cuts I made were strategically to thematically keep this album as a break up album that also criticizes the unhealthy obsession the public has with her personal life. I think especially for casuals they had a hard time following this album because it jumps around a lot thematically depending on who the song is about. Unless you know the lore it’s hard to follow, this 13 track album makes it easier to follow a storyline and sonically these song choices have major differences from one another and there’s variation of quill to fountain songwriting.
How would you do it?
submitted by foreverandalways21 to TrueSwifties [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:41 MorningSummerSpring Ingat

Hindi na ako makakaganti sa biro mo na mag-asawa na ako kasi natapos na ugnayan natin. Naisip ko sanang banatan ka nun kapag nakauwi ka nanaman ng gabi na dahil sa traffic at gutom na tapos di ka pa sure kung kakain o magluluto ka pa ba. Mag-asawa ka na kasi para may nag-aalaga sayo pag-uwi mo ng bahay. Para di ka malipasan ng gutom.
Hindi ko na rin masisilayan si mingming mo na gusto ko sana kaibiganin at makayap. Sabi mo cat treats lang katapat para maging friends kami kaya bumili na ako in advance para ready na. Gusto ko ako magpakain sa kanya kasi ang cute niya tingnan parang baby na nagbobottle feed pa. Pero wala na. Di na matutuloy yun. I don't know what to do with the cat treats now. I'll find a way to dispose this nalang.
Andami pa nating napag-usapan na hindi na matutuloy pa. Okay lang. Siguro hanggang salita nalang mga yun. It was nice thinking about it.
Siguro kung ready lang sana ako, mas mature na, at kung minahal ko lang sana sarili ko para maiparamdam ko rin yun sa iba, siguro iba ang naging kahinatnan natin.
Bakit ba kita kinonfront at inaway that day. Actually I was already having a bad start of the day before I talked to you. My bad I let my frustration and negativity snowball and reach you. Hindi ko na dapat inoverthink at inungkat ulit yung past kasi tapos na yun eh. But I allowed it to bother my thoughts again that time and took action. Ang impulsive. It was a mistake. I should have thought it through instead of ruining the peace between us.
I was thinking at that time na bahala na. I wanted to get it off my chest anyway and find answers. Kahit ang panget ng approach na ginawa ko. Could have put it in a better way.
But at the same time I thought if that confrontation will drive you away from me, it's for the better na rin for you. Because I don't wanna see you make some sacrifices and be so good to me. Nung nalaman kong ang layo2x pa ng panggagalingan mo just to see me, tapos baka pagdating mo pagod ka na physically at mentally sa byahe, at mapupuyat ka pa just to keep me company or help me out. Kahit sabihin mong worth it naman, ayaw ko. Alagaan mo sarili mo. Don't compromise your health. Ayokong may mapasama dahil sakin.
You said ako lang sumisira sa sarili ko. Alam kong may ganitong side ako matagal na. But up until now I haven't fully figured out why I'm like this. Why I tend to refuse the good and nice things life is offering me. Is it to protect myself kasi may trust issues ako? Maybe. But another thing I've realized is that siguro ganito ako dahil nasanay na ako makaranas ng mga unfortunate events sa buhay ko. Nasanay na ako sa bad treatment na natatanggap ko. Getting rejected, forgotten, ignored. Kaya kapag nakaka encounter ako ng mga positive na pakikitungo sa akin, parang mali. Deserve ko ba yun? Baka hindi. Di naman ata totoo. Baka napipilitan lang siya. Baka may ulterior motive. Baka kasinungalingan lang ulit lahat. Grabe pag dedeny ko sa kindness at good intentions ng ibang tao.
It's for the better nang lumayo ka sakin. Kasi andami ko pang dapat ayusin sa sarili ko. I thought I was better now pero di pa pala ako fully healed sa lahat ng pinagdaanan ko sa buhay. Whenever I reminisce on some, naluluha pa rin ako. I still feel bad.
I hope that someday I can completely lift out this microscope I put over myself. To stop being overly critical about the small details. Matutong magchill. Iwas iwasan pagiging strikta. I know full well anong problema sakin. Pero ang hirap magbago. I feel like I'm restraining myself. I want to be a healthy and mature adult but I tend to steer away and want to do things that are bad for me.
I'm glad I met you kahit online lang. I got to understand myself better and found some answers to reflect on. Baka yun ang dahilan kaya tayo pinagtagpo. Life lesson pala hatid mo sakin. I hope you found our meeting meaningful in some way. Kahit dun sa happy and good times nalang. And thank you for cheering me up and being supportive on the things I'm passionate about. I hope your light keeps shining onto others.
I believe you truly wished me well and have no ill intentions. Ako lang yung nega mag isip. I think you deserve better. And I can see na pinalaki ka ng parents mo into someone na solid as a person. I'm sure you'll do well in life and have luck on your side. Kahit na di ko na yun masubaybayan.
Sana mahanap mo ang purpose at direction mo sa buhay. End goal kumbaga. Sakin I have already decided on it. Nasabi ko na rin sayo dati. Tanggap ko na talaga na yun nalang ang bagay para sakin. Marami na akong pangarap na ibinaon sa limot. Maybe not in this lifetime pa mga yun. Pero kung may next life man, sana hindi na ako maging tao. Kasi ang sakit. Nakakapagod. Iba nalang.
Pero sa totoo lang, suntok sa buwan na siguro to. I'm a fool for wishing this. Na sana magbago isip mo at maging willing ka na ayusin natin lahat. My mind wants to be open to the possibility na we can talk things out pa. Pero eto nanaman negative thoughts ko. Na sabihin nating nagkaayos nga, but will things ever be the same again? I doubt. Will it be for better or for worse? I'm afraid to find out. I don't want to beg because it will just give the opposite effect. Kailangan ko pa ring magtira para sa sarili ko.
Anyway, I'm sorry. And thank you. Ingat ka.
submitted by MorningSummerSpring to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:36 0mni0wl My letter to every local news agency about ABQ police federal oversight possibly ending

Today I sat down and sent out letters to the media about how the independent monitor who is overseeing the APD's consent decree has announced that they have met all the requirements, and he is recommending that Albuquerque police be released from further review. A judge will decide if that is the case in early June.
The issue that I have with that??? The Albuquerque Police Department TOPS the nationwide list per capita for officer involved shootings. Population wise they killed more people last year than any other US law enforcement agency, and their rate of shootings has gone UP rather than down over the past decade.
APD is also currently being investigated by the FBI for the DWI scandal, which involves numerous corrupt officers not showing up to court (assumingly in exchange for bribes) over many years... offenses which were not uncovered by the committee put in charge of policing the police, nor the department supervisors.
These things do not suggest that APD is now REFORMED and can be trusted with handling investigations of their own department internally. If anything, it makes it clear that whatever oversight they have been receiving isn't working. Not only do they need the federal oversight to continue, they need someone else put in charge of monitoring their department... obviously anybody who thinks that the APD is currently 'all good' doesn't have very good judgement.
So here is the letter that I have been sending out to local news agencies and government officials. I encourage everyone to research this situation themselves and write their own letters or make phone calls voicing their concerns about the APD being released from federal oversight even though they are literally the countries #1 killer cops and their department is steeped in misconduct.
"I'm writing you today because I simply can not believe that the independent monitor that is overseeing the DOJ order for Federal oversight over APD has recommended that it come to an end because they have supposedly met their goals... The statistics say otherwise.
Albuquerque police top the nationwide list of officer involved shootings per capita - looking solely at population, they killed more people in 2023 than any other US city! Their rate of shootings has gone up over time rather than down, and the increase isn't comparable to a growth in population.
They also have an unreasonably high death rate of incarcerated people, an enormous number of unconvicted people being held for low level offenses while violent repeat offenders are left roaming the streets, and a disproportionate number of arrests of POC that reveal a department wide racial bias.
Albuquerque has an atrocious level of crime for a city this size, and APD has a horrible response time with many people across the city complaining that they NEVER SHOW UP AT ALL to 911 calls for assistance. When they do show up they are incredibly likely to murder people who are unarmed, experiencing a mental health crisis, acting out due to being under the influence of substances, or just because they are Black/Hispanic/Native.
The department has a high number of complaints against officers where nearly none are found in favor of the civilian victims upon internal review - it's an unusually low number in comparison to other places. There are numerous instances over the past decade when they have lacked transparency regarding misconduct, refusing to release the names of officers involved or hold them accountable for their actions. These things alone should be reason enough for them to continue being monitored... proof that they haven't improved enough to be released from review.
But the Albuquerque police are also literally in the middle of a FBI investigation due to the DWI scandal. That's a great big red flag! Why wasn't this independent oversight committee able to spot that multiple officers weren't showing up to court hundreds of times over many years, with all the cases connected to the same attorney? Instead it took a citizen doing their own investigation to break open the corruption, and it required the media covering the story to make sure that this controversy wasn't buried. If the monitors couldn't catch this misconduct and abuse of power, what else is going on in the department that has either not yet been revealed or is being purposely hidden?
None of this sounds like "REFORMED" to me - if this is how the APD behaves while under the microscope, what will they do when they have independent power over their own misconduct again? How can this monitor group see all of this happening yet still recommend that the consent decree end? They are responsible for overseeing a police department that is currently at the TOP of the list for police killings and one that is engulfed in a conspiracy involving many officers, yet they are giving the APD 'the all clear'? Make it make sense!
I'd like to see more news stories pointing out all the reasons why the consent decree shouldn't stop and how they need a new monitor instead - the current one didn't fulfill his promises and hasn't been able to bring the APD into REAL compliance. We citizens obviously cannot bring our complaints directly to the APD or the oversight committee and expect transparency or action, so the burden falls on to the local news agencies to investigate this topic and release their findings to the community.
I've recently seen some news articles that were critical of the head monitor Mr. James Ginger, saying that his office isn't accessible to the public, he's usually out of state, he's been paid many millions of dollars and wasn't able to get the job done in the amount of time that he originally stated.
So it seems suspicious that almost immediately after news agencies investigated his role and uncovered some pretty disparaging stuff about his job performance he suddenly declares the department to be in compliance of the consent decree and announces that his oversight role will end.
Is there a connection? Is he giving them a passing grade after years of putting in the minimum amount of work just so he can write down a win on his resume? Is James Ginger attempting to back out of his responsibility over this police department by painting them as "cured" when they obviously aren't?
Please talk about this issue more, the public really needs to see the facts about APD that suggest that they shouldn't be released from DOJ oversight. It's especially important that some articles about this get published before a judge reviews this claim of the department being in compliance and possibly signs off on it at the beginning of June. We cannot allow the nation's top killer cops, a department chock full of misconduct, to be responsible for policing themselves!
I would love to see the mayor, city council, or some concerned citizens petition the court for a continuation of the consent decree with a new independent monitor in charge, as well as an investigation into the current monitors' performance and reason for declaring the APD in compliance when it's obvious that they have not improved enough to be released from oversight.
But that isn't likely to happen without the media pointing out the facts about APD's performance and reiterating the failures of Mr. Ginger over the past decade. We've got to put some pressure on city officials to do the right thing and stop the APD from being given free reign over their own affairs again... literal lives are at stake."
Thanks for taking the time to read all of that! I really hope that we as a community can prevent this from happening and finally bring some meaningful and much needed change to our police department.
submitted by 0mni0wl to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:26 Extreme-You-9120 Need your opinion on confusing paths

I started writing this last month after realizing the kind of time I was wasting and how I was basically living weekend to weekend. I had similar experience while I was working during college. At the time I just left the work I was doing and focused on learning something else but now its different. Stakes are higher and markets are volatile and I am not in college anymore.


  1. Detailed plan for next 2 years
  2. Broader plan for 5 years
Date: 20 April 2024




After trying to find answers by myself for sometime. I have now decided to get opinions from strangers on the internet and see what next steps should be. Please comment on which is best path according to you and why? Or If there is something else other than listed above.
submitted by Extreme-You-9120 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 StolenNoodleBag [F4A] Save the world from eternal winter by befriending a goddess

TL;DR, A mortal is chosen to be the companion of the spring goddess so she calms down from her temper tantrums and brings spring back.
•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_• Raeyna, the goddess of spring was always a temperamental woman, one minute happily giving the mortals warm sunshine with a soft breeze only to send a freezing storm blowing through the realm the next. As of late her mood swings have been getting more and more extreme, now hitting a peak with her newest outburst. The enraged goddess has refused to change the season, letting winter drag on and on- isolating herself in her temple where other gods have no power.
The majority of the pantheon has no idea what to do or what is wrong- other than one. The goddess of love has a pretty good guess that Raeyna’s recent actions are due to a mix of things- the two main culprits being the boiling point of her loneliness and the way she feels that she is only valued by the mortals for nothing but her power bring them out of winter to make way for summer. Unfortunately since Raeyna has restricted the access of the other gods so they can’t even try to enter her church this restricts what they can do….
This all has led all the gods allowing the Goddess of Love to pick out a mortal champion, blessing them with powers to make them nearly a demigod of a selection of different deities. Their partial godhood will be powerful enough to let them interact with Raeyna but weak enough to pass through the barriers of Spring’s temple. The simple goal is to calm the force of nature, to give her a companion and most importantly to tame her extremist nature at least enough so that she brings back spring so life in the realm may continue.
A bit long winded but I’m super interested in doing this plot! It’s actually an older one I had scrapped but never really got to do it so I’ll try again.
• Writing Length : I can go to Semi-Lit through Novella
• Any gender & any humanoid fantasy race are fine.
• This can be romantic or platonic based
• Drawn, realistic or just a good description work for your reference, I have one for my muse
submitted by StolenNoodleBag to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:23 sammichmaker01 Stable

I used to write about my mental health. I used to let the gravity of it guide me everywhere. And now Im stable.
What is stable?
Is it the silence from the constant screams?
Is it the beauty I can now see? Is it the time Im finally present for? Is it just the feeling to breathe?
Quietly. Without the constant interruption of shame Spiraling Me down back into my voluntary cage Rapidly Making me question my own sanity Until Finally I let it go with therapy
And medication Both required for this sickness that inflicts My brain The poor thing that struggles violently To keep my body from further shouting out From the pain From this pain
The mental anguish that tries to corrupt my soul Into delving deeper into nefarious goals To gather that which will only gives me pleasure For a little while.
Bliss that lies.
And oh does it lie You right down into cascading waters As you drift away from all you held dear And you wont even care or bother
All is well at the bottom of the bottle.
Until its not.
Now its only silence. No longer will I chase that bliss Because it doesnt exist And never has.
Instead Ill wander towards the ink of a pen And write down my survival From my medicated mind To my former sickened self Hoping she hears me when I say itll all be fine In time
And with the time spinning faster Ill finish this poem in fashion Get help if your mind is lying And never taking it lying Down Fight until you have no voice And then fight harder still Because we all certainly deserve To advocate for ourselves.
submitted by sammichmaker01 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:22 StolenNoodleBag [F4A] Saving the realms from eternal winter by befriending a goddess

TL;DR, A mortal is chosen to be the companion of the spring goddess so she calms down from her temper tantrums and brings spring back.
•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_• Raeyna, the goddess of spring was always a temperamental woman, one minute happily giving the mortals warm sunshine with a soft breeze only to send a freezing storm blowing through the realm the next. As of late her mood swings have been getting more and more extreme, now hitting a peak with her newest outburst. The enraged goddess has refused to change the season, letting winter drag on and on- isolating herself in her temple where other gods have no power.
The majority of the pantheon has no idea what to do or what is wrong- other than one. The goddess of love has a pretty good guess that Raeyna’s recent actions are due to a mix of things- the two main culprits being the boiling point of her loneliness and the way she feels that she is only valued by the mortals for nothing but her power bring them out of winter to make way for summer. Unfortunately since Raeyna has restricted the access of the other gods so they can’t even try to enter her church this restricts what they can do….
This all has led all the gods allowing the Goddess of Love to pick out a mortal champion, blessing them with powers to make them nearly a demigod of a selection of different deities. Their partial godhood will be powerful enough to let them interact with Raeyna but weak enough to pass through the barriers of Spring’s temple. The simple goal is to calm the force of nature, to give her a companion and most importantly to tame her extremist nature at least enough so that she brings back spring so life in the realm may continue.
A bit long winded but I’m super interested in doing this plot! It’s actually an older one I had scrapped but never really got to do it so I’ll try again.
• Writing Length : I can go to Semi-Lit through Novella
• Any gender & any humanoid fantasy race are fine.
• This can be romantic or platonic based
• Drawn, realistic or just a good description work for your reference, I have one for my muse
submitted by StolenNoodleBag to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:21 StolenNoodleBag [F4A] Saving the realms from eternal winter by aiding your goddess

TL;DR, A mortal is chosen to be the companion of the spring goddess so she calms down from her temper tantrums and brings spring back.
•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_• Raeyna, the goddess of spring was always a temperamental woman, one minute happily giving the mortals warm sunshine with a soft breeze only to send a freezing storm blowing through the realm the next. As of late her mood swings have been getting more and more extreme, now hitting a peak with her newest outburst. The enraged goddess has refused to change the season, letting winter drag on and on- isolating herself in her temple where other gods have no power.
The majority of the pantheon has no idea what to do or what is wrong- other than one. The goddess of love has a pretty good guess that Raeyna’s recent actions are due to a mix of things- the two main culprits being the boiling point of her loneliness and the way she feels that she is only valued by the mortals for nothing but her power bring them out of winter to make way for summer. Unfortunately since Raeyna has restricted the access of the other gods so they can’t even try to enter her church this restricts what they can do….
This all has led all the gods allowing the Goddess of Love to pick out a mortal champion, blessing them with powers to make them nearly a demigod of a selection of different deities. Their partial godhood will be powerful enough to let them interact with Raeyna but weak enough to pass through the barriers of Spring’s temple. The simple goal is to calm the force of nature, to give her a companion and most importantly to tame her extremist nature at least enough so that she brings back spring so life in the realm may continue.
A bit long winded but I’m super interested in doing this plot! It’s actually an older one I had scrapped but never really got to do it so I’ll try again.
• Writing Length : I can go to Semi-Lit through Novella
• Any gender & any humanoid fantasy race are fine.
• This can be romantic or platonic based
• Drawn, realistic or just a good description work for your reference, I have one for my muse
submitted by StolenNoodleBag to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:21 KoburaCape Concern about diet because of many overlapping GI issues

I got help from a vet as well as someone else in the medical field writing this, so that's why it sounds intelligent. I've been a chronic patient for 20 years so I'm knowledgeable but not as concise as they are:
The patient is a 35yo Male Caucasian with UC status post colectomy in his 20s with J-pouch renastomosis complicated by a minor, chronic stricture where his J-pouch joins the rectum. High fiber intake has previously caused obstructions requiring medical mgmt (self resolved with irrigation on following occasions).
FHx of Familial Ulcerative Colitis (patient note - technically incorrect though likely, my grandfather was very secretive about his colostomy and all surrounding circumstances before and after, so it's presumable but not confirmed)
He had a lumbar to sacral fusion surgery at the end of February. He's been cleared for regular activity. There was a surgical site infection; so there was a second surgery three weeks after the first status post cefazolin x4 weeks.
He's been having pain off and on since December. Slowly getting more frequent to now 3-4 occasions per week (patient note, usually at night but has not always followed eating more recently. Used to be reliably 3ish hours after eating but now can be as long after as 6hours). Gallstones diagnosed with ultrasound right before back surgery so he declined gallbladder removal at that time. He has an appointment to see someone about treatment on 5/30 but in the meantime has had pervasive postprandial pain usually rated 5-8/10.
As for diet, milk was initially tolerated but then intolerable with high volume intake. Noodles are tolerable but cause constipation. Ground beef and smoked salmon have both caused pain. Lean sirloins are tolerable at very low volume. Clearly, anything fibrous is not tolerated including many vegetables.
How should we alter his diet to reduce pain and risk of obstrxn?
submitted by KoburaCape to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 dubbhae Day 7 of Hololive's Hardcore Minecraft Server: The End is upon us! It's time for the girls to face off their final challenge of defeating The Ender Dragon. Let's make this finale a fun one!

See Previous Day 6 Here
Regardless of what happens today/tomorrow (timezone depending), I hope everyone has a great time travelling to the stronghold and defeating the Ender Dragon together. Note that it is expected to begin at 20:00 JST. Pekora did mention that after the fight is finished, anyone who is dead will be revived to take a picture.
Also later at 21:00 JST there will be a Minecraft Priemere Video on Pekora's channel as part of Minecraft's 15th anniversary so do check it out!
General Rules for the server. Written by Pekora in the rulebook, with some edits (NOTE: These rules by Pekora may go through some changes, please make sure to check today's Pekora's News Stream for the latest information):
Additional Rules and Information:
There are also missions for the server. There are two types: Global and Daily
NOTE: Due to this being the last day, I'll disregard previous missions as everyone will only be focusing on the Stronghold and End. Please see previous posts for past Mission Info.
Today's Daily Missions:
General Notes:
Travelling to the Stronghold Notes:
Fighting the Ender Dragon Notes:
Final Ending Notes:
Today's Death List:

Hololive Member Cause of Death Additional Notes

submitted by dubbhae to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:15 Real_Element_One Element One [Recruiting] [A3] [EST] [USA] [Semi-Serious] [ENG]

Element One is a semi-serious combined 75th Ranger and Green Beret unit. Our goal is to provide fun operations to our players through Zeus-Controlled missions. We play at 7:30 EST every Tuesdays with FTXs hosted sporadically.
Requirements? Our only requirements are to have a legal copy of Arma and a willingness to work as a team.
Our unit has 4 components; 2 combat elements (Rangers and Green Berets), a air support element, and a mission intel team (Zeus and mission briefings).
Rangers vs Green Beret?
Rangers are our bread-and-butter infantry force in operations Rangers will primarily focus on patrols, raids, and direct action missions while Green Berets' role is to serve as a support to Rangers, engaging secondary objectives and role-playing with locals to collect mission intel.
RHS, Hatchet H-60, ACRE2, ACE, CUP, etc.
Roles and Availability
Leadership: OPEN
Grenadier: OPEN
Combat Life Saver: OPEN
MG Assistant: OPEN
Pilot (Rotary and Fixed Wing): OPEN
Automatic Rifleman: OPEN
Breacher: CLOSED
Interested? Join our Discord for a chat!
submitted by Real_Element_One to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:10 DarthMekt Got Fired From My Job Cuz of Unfounded Complaint

Hey guys, I (25M) wanted to post this here and get some advice of what to do next? I have been considering legal action, but I wonder if I have much of a case here. Some key things to note:
I have been talking to my company's HR department about what happened and am still waiting to see what they say at the time of writing this. I'll just copy and paste what happened from the written statement I gave them:
"On 5/9/24 I was originally scheduled to work at 2 PM, and was heading into our office on the second floor when Chris, my director, was waiting for me at the elevator doors. At that moment, I did not know he requested to speak with me as I had not checked my messages yet prior to arriving to work. I followed him to a meeting room behind the bar on the casino floor and sat down with him and Kevin, a new Operations Manager that had just been promoted, as a witness. Chris informed me that I was being let go, to my shock. I asked why. He gave me a rather vague answer about how many factors have led to this decision, but he does not believe that I will mesh well with the team long-term and unfortunately it has come to this. When I had first started in my position, Chris and I had only two conversations about my progress and his concerns:
One was with my former superior Paul and Chris about how some of my behavior was a bit distracting to others and while it is good to be enjoying your work, please focus on my work and try to conversate with my coworkers about things relating to the job. I understood that, and took it in stride. I reigned it in and focused more on my tasks at hand and never heard another such complaint.
The second was when I had incorrectly scored an NHL game one night and the mistake was not found out until the next day, causing an all-around headache. I had similar, more minor mistakes in the past, so Chris told me to do better and that while mistakes are bound to happen, to have a better attention to detail. I understood and had improved in the months since that conversation and I hadn't made a mistake like that since.
With these in mind, I said to Chris that he couldn't deny that I hadn't improved since starting my position and my former issues had already been rectified, to which he agreed. So I asked him to give me a more tangible reason behind his decision. He cited my interactions with my coworker Logan made her feel uncomfortable in the office.
Logan is a girl the same age as me and her desk is on the other side of the room. My interactions with her were limited simply because of this fact and the most I ever spoke to her was greeting her when I arrived in the office, as I greeted everyone else, and benign small talk. May 9th is also her birthday, as I had heard from some of her other coworkers, so I even got her a birthday card and a singular cupcake that day.
For the record: I never singled her out in this treatment; in fact many times I had offered snacks or food to fellow coworkers. I even brought in staple snacks in Chinese culture for Chinese New Year this year a few months ago for the whole office to try. I offered them to everyone including Logan, as it is a big day in my culture and unfortunately I had to celebrate while at work. In my opinion, things like reminders of your birthday while at work is a very inclusive gesture and I was actively trying to make our company a better place to work at by promoting a more positive culture by setting an example. I even asked a coworker for his birthday so I could remember when it came around, as I realized I didn't know anyone's birthday yet. I did not mean anything by my actions, if they truly were making Logan feel uncomfortable, and I think some sort of warning beforehand would have been more than fair. If Logan herself was too uncomfortable with saying it to me personally, I could've also have heard it from any of my superiors first.
I made this point in my conversation with Chris; his only reply to me was that some people aren't comfortable enough doing that without hurting anyone's feelings. I feel that there is something more than what Chris told me and Logan's perception of me may not be the only reason I was terminated. And if Logan's perception of me was a deciding factor in my termination, I do not appreciate that treatment or assumptions being made of me simply because I am a man and she is a woman and therefore all my actions are perceived as malicious and/or having ulterior motives."
submitted by DarthMekt to MensRights [link] [comments]
