Mr. hands 2 guys 1 horse

BoJack Horseman

2014.01.27 08:26 NicholasCajun BoJack Horseman

Subreddit for the Netflix animated series, BoJack Horseman, starring BoJack Horseman as BoJack Horseman.

2008.03.17 15:13 Reddit Poker

Shuffle up and deal! Official subreddit for all things poker.

2011.03.03 06:08 thebiggestdwarf /r/minipainting

A community for painting miniatures and models. Everything from tabletop wargames to board games, display pieces or just for fun! Painters of all skill levels are welcome! From beginners who have never held a brush to pros who have been painting for years.

2024.05.06 05:54 Ginn1004 To all of the guys saying "Just use VPN!" or "Just add other country account!", no you can't.

I saw these sentence a lot in 2 days already: "if your country doesn't have PSN service, just use other country's PSN account, or use VPN, I hAvE bEeN dOiNg iT fOr 10 yEaRs!". Sorry, you can't.
Because in the installation process, the linking account step only give you 1 option: a dynamic link to your country's PSN service page. If your country doesn't have PSN service, it leads to nothing. It supposed to have info box for you to write your pre-made PSN account, but it doesn't.
So if you try to use VPN to redirect that link to your other country that has your PSN account, you are at risk of permaban by SNOY by using VPN. Don't say "nO yOu dOn'T, i dO iT aLL tHe tImE!", a poor Chinese guy got that already, i'm not risking to try. Getting banned by trying to comply SNOY, how irony is that?
submitted by Ginn1004 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:53 AffectionateFox6165 Really quickly which one

Really quickly which one submitted by AffectionateFox6165 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:53 kellyvickerman Urzikstan solos

Guys. I’ve been playing warzone since verdansk. I’ve always held my own. I’m in no way shape or form an elite player but I’ve always had good games, had a handful of solo wins and am at least a top 10 most games. Lately however, it just seems like I’m up against warzone gods. I watch these killcams and simply just cannot compete, and that’s every game, I can get top 10 rarely , never win, been playing urzikstan since it came out and just cannot get a win.
Is this a skill based thing? Why is everyone I come up against practically a sweat/streamer, it’s wayyyyyy too competitive for my liking and borderline unenjoyable just not even being able to compete.
Should just say I’ve written this after being obliterated 20 times in 2 hours and not seeing top 10
submitted by kellyvickerman to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:52 Sareneia You learn something new every day

You learn something new every day submitted by Sareneia to TalesFromDF [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:52 Eruijfkfofo Got my first trophy in Plat with UR double spell.

Got my first trophy in Plat with UR double spell. submitted by Eruijfkfofo to lrcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:52 SirDoesEverything Where should I start for this type of video

I am a developer, and wanted to try my hands on video editing. I want to make a video for my SaaS product. Where should I begin, what softwares and tutorials to use for:
1) Making those smooth product animations like in here 2) Making these flashy, beat-synced videos like in this video
I've got plenty of time, and really want to learn this skill. Would really appreciate links/tutorials/key-words-to-search-fosoftwares/free-alternatives
submitted by SirDoesEverything to editors [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:51 TwistederRope DQ 8-A deal to bring back one of the murdered. (Major Spoilers!)

Malroth, in his attempt to reach into other worlds, has gained your attention. He can access your world, the world of Dragon Quest 8 with one enough time and power to make this deal with you before he leaves forever. If you offer him 3 souls, he will return 1 of the murdered descendants of the seven sages to life. One of those souls must be Rolo's. The other two can be of your choice. Empyrea, Rhaptorne, and all 6 PCs are not to be considered for any of these deals. All you have to do is point the way, and Malroth will collect the souls himself. There will be no deception on his part and will honor your deal.
Here are the 7 sage descendants that can be brought back to life:
  1. Alistair Albert
  2. Abbot Francisco
  3. David
  4. Marta
  5. The Lord High Priest
  6. Mr. Golding (This choice lets have the option to gamble your soul to bring back any dead soul that isn't a PC or Final Boss.)
  7. Rylus (Should you choose Rylus, Malroth will throw in a bonus and will bring back one extra deceased soul. You don't get a say in who returns.)
Something to think about: be mindful of the souls you offer Malroth.
submitted by TwistederRope to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:51 Spidey0010 11 Labs New Account Earnings

11 Labs New Account Earnings
Hey guys, so last week i posted about the ability to earn passive income from multiple accounts and how you can go about it if you are not a VO Artist. I topped up immediately and opened up some more 11 labs accounts.
This screenshot is from account #3. The voice was approved in 24 hours and the immediate growth caught me off guard. This account is 1 week old and has already earned me $52. It nearly covers the subscription cost for all 4 accounts in the first week.
Now, my fourth account has been pending voice verification for 1 week. I’m not sure why one got done in 24 hours and another is still pending seeing as i submitted both voices the same day in the same hour.
Anyways this is a FOMO post for your own good. For the first time in history you can earn passive income online with ai by cloning your voice. 11 labs released the feature back in February. In my book, if you’re reading this you are earlier than early.
Personally, i promote new accounts to youtube channel owners i know and have worked with for previous video production work. This likely has helped my voices to grow quickly and at this point you’ve probably heard my voice on yt without knowing it :p
These are the 3 different professional voice duplicates I have available right now. Feel free to try them out:
P.S if you want to setup an account please click this link:
P.S.S. 11 labs is the new Diamond Hands play. I’m planing to have 10 active accounts setup over the coming months.
submitted by Spidey0010 to ElevenLabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:50 Hot_Discipline_8134 What I have and what I need trading for only what I need

What I have and what I need trading for only what I need
Link in bio
submitted by Hot_Discipline_8134 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:48 Dirkef88 Treatment options I've had great success with recently, just wanted to share.

I've had cronic tinea versicolor for nearly 10 years. The fungal soaps never worked super great, and they are expensive. So here's two treatments I've started using that have worked really well for me. The key for me has been to greatly increase exfoliation.
  1. Retinol 0.025% cream/gel. This is a prescription where I live (Canada), but a $30 prescription will last me over 6 months and you only need to apply it maybe 1-2x a week (less when it's under control). WARNING: initial treatment will dry out your skin and cause a lot of flaking, be prepared to exfoliate and moisturize. Do some test patches first, see how your skin reacts after a couple days. When I first started using this, I applied it 1-2x for about a month and it not only killed all the versicolor, but it even got rid of the discoloration! Now that it's under control, I use it like once a month.
  2. Baths. After a good soak, use just your hand (no towel, no soap) to scrub your body. The fungus thrives off the layer of oily dead skin on the body. Baths (or saunas if you have access to one) have really helped me get a level of exfoliation that showers just don't seem to, no matter how hard I scrubbed. The key has been to scrub my body with just my bare hand, without soap. The stickiness of the water causes the dead skin to ball up as I rub my body, and sooooo much dead skin just started coming off. Don't use soap, it's too slippery, you need the friction from your wet hand to really get the best exfoliation. And it's way gentler than using a towel or scrub brush, it's basically just like a firm hand massage.
Now that I have it under control. I use the retinol cream about once a month, bathes a couple times a month (plus regular showers, obviously), and my condition is totally under control. No more expensive fungal shampoos and getting caught in a cycle of treatment and recurrence.
I don't know if these will work for everyone, but they've been such a savior for me!
submitted by Dirkef88 to PityriasisVersicolor [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:47 Over_Platypus144 How am I supposed to believe things I see no proof of?

I feel like part of the trying to remove myself from the red pill has been trying to convince myself to believe in it things I, 1. Don't believe and 2. Don't see any proof of.
The best I can see is the subjectivity of physical attraction. When I go out with my guy friends I notice that they all get attention from women in ways I never have. They are also close to conventionally attractive and I am not. I am always on the sidelines getting rejected while they do ok with women. Not just going out to bars, but at the gym, at work, just exploring the area, etc. They get attention and I do not.
When I try to convince myself physical attraction is subjective, feels as if I'm lying to myself because I have never seen that. If I did, in 23 years I would've met at least one woman that feels the way women feel about my friends about me. But that's not true, so it feels like a lie. I struggle to convince myself to buy into it because I have yet to see anything that I think means that.
It also doesn't help when the advice I recieve is to try to attract women based on personality, which seems pretty much impossible since most women save for like .01% of women that are demisexual want to find their partner attractive or won't hookup with a guy that isn't attractive. It feels like proof to me of the idea that physical attraction really isn't subjective.
submitted by Over_Platypus144 to exredpill [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:46 an_interesting_twist Physics Based Pickup Lines

I finished up Physics I on Friday and created these abominations. Enjoy.
Falling for you at 9.8 m/s2 cuz you're my world
Damn, you must be -.1, cuz you're a sine of something great
You be the force, I'll be the distance; let's make it work
I must be the normal force cuz you got me acting up
You must be mgh cuz you got potential
The tension between us must be mg, because you could keep me up all night
Someone push us at FN(mu s) cuz I wanna get you and me moving
You better find visin(theta), cuz you're throwing me and I don't know when I'll come down
I'm ready to do some work cuz you got a great energy
You must have a small radius cuz you're pulling me towards you fast
My period must be pretty short cuz you got my brain going in circles like crazy
I'll be Inertia, you be angular velocity; let's keep this momentum going
I'll be mass, you be velocity; let's keep this momentum going
You be Icm, I'll be MR2, let's make inertia
I hope our collision is inelastic cuz we gotta stay together
submitted by an_interesting_twist to physicsmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:46 rowanno1 OTJ Draft G/B - What would you cut?

OTJ Draft G/B - What would you cut?
15 creatures + tumbleweed so don't want to go too low on creatures but a lot of the removal spells feel quite premium. What would you do here?
submitted by rowanno1 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 marshmallow_hole Mouse lag when using keyboard (sometimes) or keyboard shortcuts

This problem is happening a lot lately i think it no goes through a year. everytime I use shortcuts like ctrl + c or any shortcut the mouse just lag and wouldn't work for like 1 or 2 seconds then return to work like nothing, i was fine with this cause all i was doing was using it for youtube, reddit or anything else, I was playing terraria like 8 months ago, the control was a little bit laggy, but now when I tried to enter the game again, it is not the same the mouse barely moves when using the keyboard, any button of the keyboard, when using a tool in the air i got the same sound as when you click with the mouse of a place that do nothing in any other software, some buttons are also sometimes work and sometimes not (especially =) I may need to press it hardly or sometimes twice. idk if it a problem from the keyboard or not but i don't understand the link with the mouse, actually even all buttons when pressing it longer, it doesn't write a lot, it is like writing one letter by one, I tried to reinstall the drivers, but i found that my laptop drivers from 2006 ;-) are the latest drivers from Mr Microsoft.
Edit: I tried using a keyboard even tracker while moving the mouse fast and each time i press a any letter (not windows functional buttons) the mouse just stop.
submitted by marshmallow_hole to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 drewthegoat3 Drop your favorite bars from the tracks so far

Drop your favorite bars from the tracks so far
One of the funniest to me from Family Matters
submitted by drewthegoat3 to Drizzy [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 Capable-Ice5836 Any tips for my character?

So, recently I've made a deathcult assassin for a campaing we're playing, but I'm really new to the universe of warhammer 40k, any tips on how to make my character more interesting? We are tier 2 at rank 1, if you guys could also give me any suggestions on how to progress the character consistently in terms of strength, I would appreciate too. I basically took all the recomended abilities and skills, and for talents I got "Blood must flow!", "Silent" and "Brutalist".
submitted by Capable-Ice5836 to 40krpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 T-Vivid-T Opinions on horns? (tenor)

So I've been pretty obsessed with the Selmer Mark VI for a long time now, absolutely love it, very stereotypical, I know, I don't care. However I've been recently listening to the Nexus Select horn, designed by Chad LB (professional tenor) and Jack Finucane (owner of Boston Sax Shop) and been really loving its sound as well.
I have two concerns:
1). The Nexus is hand made and I'm not sure if it'll be back in stock, as it's been out of stock for a long time now.
2). Mark VI's are hard to come across, especially in good condition, plus they're pricey.
If anyone wants to share their thoughts or feelings on both price, sound, availability, experience, anything really, that would be wonderful!
submitted by T-Vivid-T to saxophone [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 poo1232 The Battle for the NCR/Enclave!

The Battle for the NCEnclave! submitted by poo1232 to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:45 ThrowRA-sleeperkeeps Falling out of love.. does it mean I never loved him? 27F/31M

We were in a relationship for 6 years. Relationship was alright. Halfway through I broke up with him. He was never giving me any time, always put work first etc. It really broke me but it was something I had to do. We got back together for 3 years and it was the most amazing relationship ever. He changed his ways. He swept me off my feet and I thought I had found my soulmate once and for all. It was truly a relationship of fairytales. Then, he breaks up with me because he has to move away to another state and buy a house there for him and his parents (they can’t support themselves) and where we live is ultra expensive. It broke me to pieces.
No communication for months and then he starts talking to me again. We start this very weird long-distance communication situationship where we’re not really in a relationship but talk on social media here and there, sometimes call each other, occasionally (once every 3-4 months) see each other (go to park, pizza, simple things). This has been going on for just over a year now. He still loves me and tells me from time to time. But I don’t think I do. In the beginning when he first came back a year ago (after that period of silence for a few months), I was ecstatic and happy, thinking maybe it’ll work out again. I had hope. Then it started dwindling and now, everytime he hits me up, I ignore it sometimes and could care less. He would marry me tomorrow if he could.
In the meantime, a couple of months ago, I started talking to someone new and I want to say fell in love with them. We were never in a declared relationship but it sure as hell felt like it. Coincidentally he had the same exact name as my ex and had so many similarities to him. However there was so much more to him my ex didn’t have. He made me laugh endlessly everyday. He brought out a side of me I didn’t have with my ex. It was almost like I was living life with him and being the best version of myself. Whereas I always had to contain myself with my ex and couldn’t be my true self. This was such a nice feeling. He noticed everything about me. I felt so seen and noticed and alive. During these few months my ex was still messaging me but now I’m really ignoring him. Things ended up ending with this second guy (over very stupid reasons). So then I start giving into my ex’s messages again and realize I’m basically using him as a rebound. I totally realize that. Because I’d rather guy the 2nd guy any day.
The thing is, I’m mad at myself for not wanting to be with my ex. He’s a great guy. He’s the hardest working guy I’ve ever met. Not the most attractive, which I accepted when we were together but looked over it because his personality took the front seat for me and I cared about that more. But the 2nd guy made me realize that you can have both, a great personality and be very attractive. My ex would do anything for me to make me happy. But I just don’t love him the same way as when we were together. Is it that I finally woke up after being heart broken twice from his selfish ways and just don’t care anymore? Or is it just distance? Meaning if we start a relationship again the love will come back? Or were my eyes finally opened when the 2nd guy came into my life? All the above?
My ex wants to be in a relationship with me but because of distance he’s afraid to ask me out and start a new relationship. He lives 1.5 hrs away in another state and works an hour away from me. Yet he continues to talk to me (text/call) everyday but we’re not in a declared relationship (only see him once every couple of months). When he hugs me, I feel nothing, just two bodies getting close. I’m not attractive to him at all. It feels like I’m holding on because I’m waiting for my feeling to return to the way they were, when I felt like a princess with him and looked at him like he was my prince charming. And I don’t know if the long distance is the reason I don’t feel like that anymore or even if we got back together, would I still feel like how I do now? I don't know if I fell out of love with him or does all of this mean I never loved him to begin with even though I thought I did.
submitted by ThrowRA-sleeperkeeps to u/ThrowRA-sleeperkeeps [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:43 CarDuVerg Gf gave me these today

submitted by CarDuVerg to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:42 Cwktjes Burning fist run, whats the pick?

Burning fist run, whats the pick?
Funny run. Lucked out in act 1 with question marks and campfires for BF. Breezes through act 2. Whats optimal here? Do I need the fifth energy? Draw is mediocre at the moment. But what could labe give me what I actually need? Would like an offering, but theres a lot I don’t need.
Help a noob out.
submitted by Cwktjes to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:42 Waste_Housing9750 Any help/advice

Any help/advice
Just ordered these tekton torque wrenches and wondering of anyone has experience or swears by them anything like that!
submitted by Waste_Housing9750 to u/Waste_Housing9750 [link] [comments]