Announcing pregnancy poems


2017.01.06 15:25 YourVault vermintidecirclejerk


2024.05.19 05:59 Efficient-Field733 Our family isn’t complete unless we have X amount of kids

I know i can’t relate to this bc i have no desire to have children, but it boggles my mind how people think they need to have a certain amount of children to feel like they have a “real” family.
Is the quantity really more important than the quality of your life or quality of life that you could provide?
Just something I’ve been thinking about because my sister just announced her second pregnancy. While I know they’ve been wanting another, they really are not financially in the position to have another child (or tbh, to be raising their current child).
It’s also something I’ve noticed with a couple of friends/other family too—it is very important for them to have X amount or to try for a certain gender, etc.
My best friend had two kids close in age because she wanted two girls and wanted the girls to be best friends. Like, that’s not guaranteed. You can’t control any of the circumstances. Why is that so important for you? She said it was because she always wanted a sister growing up and to be close to them. I told her even if she had, a close relationship wouldn’t be guaranteed. What kind of thinking is that
Is this something you ever wonder about too? It makes me sad, in a way, because they’re already placing really high expectations on something that doesn’t guarantee a perfect or ideal outcome. How will they cope when they don’t get what they want?
submitted by Efficient-Field733 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:43 absolutelyunsure_ Is it generally acceptable to ask for space from pregnant friends sharing details of their pregnancy?

I posted earier today in another subreddit sharing my story about having a recent miscarriage and then having my sister-in-law announce her pregnancy a few days later.
Original post:
She did not know about my miscarriage and I let her give her announcement and share any/all details and excitement for a few hours, including watching a video of my MIL finding out she’s going to be a grandma before leaving for the night with a smile and congratulations. At no point did I give any indication that anything was wrong and I was engaged in the conversation. I then cried the whole way home.
After making my post on Reddit and getting so many kind words and support, I decided to reach out to her via text this morning with a very carefully worded message explaining I am so immensely happy for her, but I just had a miscarriage a few days ago and we coincidentally had the same due date. I asked for a bit of space and for her to not share too many details with me during this time while I process everything, and reiterated that I am NOT asking her to not talk about her pregnancy. Just to try to keep “the baby is as small as an orange seed” and conversations like that to a minimum if possible.
I said again how excited I am for them and how sorry I am to ask this - I repeated that I would not be telling them any of this unless I felt it absolutely necessary to protect my heart.
She did not take it well at all. She replied that it is “completely unacceptable for them to share the biggest news of their lives and not even 24 hours later I tell her that she can’t share the details of her pregnancy.” And that it made her “so so so sick to her stomach” that I would text that to her.
I’m at a loss. I feel horrible for ever telling her, but at the same time, I told her because I imagined she would have even a shred of empathy and understanding. I apologized for telling her and offered to call her so we can make sure we get any weird feelings squashed. She said “a phone call is not necessary. Everything has been said. Have a good weekend!” And ended the conversation.
I’m just…baffled? Did I do something wrong by sharing this with her? I have told no one else aside from my best friend, so it’s not like I’m stealing her spotlight. I’m just so disheartened and grossed out by the response.
submitted by absolutelyunsure_ to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:18 mullet_thyme Upset with mom's reaction to pregnancy announcement. Feeling lost.

Today my mom wanted to grab coffee as she hadn't seen me in a month due to being on a cruise. I invited her over and we chatted in the living room while the Keurig was brewing. She was in a good mood after her gym class and we were catching up. I slipped in there that I had a positive pregnancy test and am excited!!!
Her response was"...oh..."
She then turned the conversation to telling me that I should join a church group because I've "been trying out a lot of different life paths" and there's really stable people in church. I know. I grew up in church. Church Christians are why I left.
I'm struggling with her reaction. She's zealously pro-life/pro-birth and my entire life I've grown up hearing her say "you'll feel differently when you're a mom," "children are the greatest blessing," etc. Her tone was flat and unimpressed the entire time. She would have been more encouraging and responsive if I told her I had a flat tire.
I had an abortion in my twenties (with my abusive ex) and she knows this. That was the wrong time to have a baby. This is the right time. I'm early thirties with my own house, a remote and flexible job that pays decent with a good career trajectory, a reliable car, no debt, some savings, a healthy body, boring hobbies, and with much more mental/emotional stability and resilience. I want this baby. I'm equipped to have this baby. I'm excited for this baby. Why did she say she wasn't going to tell my dad/her husband "in case you change your mind, that would only hurt him deeply."?????? Like, if I was going to have an abortion, do you think I would have told you? This is the only thing you've wanted for me since raising me to be a wife and mother (well, skipped the wife part) since I was young, and even this isn't good enough? Are you just determined to be disappointed in me regardless?
I cried for thirty minutes after she left and then had therapy. That didn't help. I don't know how to deal with literally the biggest decision of my life, that I'm choosing to make, and WANT, to be so cavalierly tossed aside even when it's the only thing you'd ever be proud of me for?
Now I don't want her in the delivery room or the hospital.
Thanks for letting me vent. I know pregnancy is going to be tough and parenting even tougher. I was preparing myself for that. I didn't prepare myself for this. I didn't even see this coming.

submitted by mullet_thyme to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:09 gvfhncimn anywhere you can post baby registry links?

so i’m not announcing my pregnancy on social media until baby is born. of course, family and friends already know and have the link. is there anywhere (besides making a facebook status) that i can post my registry link to get some help with items we are still in need of? i’d figured there would be some type of community somewhere online to share registries and help other families buy things for their baby. if there is such a thing, i’d love to be pointed in the right direction
submitted by gvfhncimn to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:33 Beginning-Flight1591 Are people always pushy when it comes to pregnancy things?

31 weeks and I’m finally getting close to my baby shower in a few weeks.
No one offered to throw one for me (context: mom & sister are out of state and financially unable to). So, I decided to throw one for myself. My SIL has had everything under the sun to say about the baby shower including comments on how she’s always done it at her house cause she couldn’t afford it, blaming the reason why I’m not opening gifts at my baby shower on time restrictions because I wanted to be bougie and do it at a venue, and more. The not opening gifts part has been the most devastating to her. She has started arguments between me and my husband, after I have told her repeatedly that I’m not opening gifts but will open gifts individually with those it’s important to. Now she’s been telling the family that she’s going to con everyone into opening gifts at the shower by telling them to tell me that they want their gift open once they walk in the door the day of the baby shower.
On top of having a rough pregnancy, where I’ve had to be home mostly…I personally don’t want to open gifts because I have a narcissistic mother who will be in attendance and gets her feelings hurt when people are “better than her”, which she defines with materialistic things.
In addition to the shower stuff, she keeps saying she is going to be in the room for when I give birth because “she doesn’t have kids to watch or anything going on for once”. I personally don’t want anyone in the room, and she knows that, but keeps announcing it like it’s some kind of trophy.
I’m just in shock at the antics of some people. I’ve never acted like this towards a family member or friends and wonder if this is a common thing within families?
submitted by Beginning-Flight1591 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:15 lavishlava miss acacia predicted the future

miss acacia predicted the future
i always forget this girl every few years until one of my girlfriends sends me new “scandals”, but with everything that has come out since the park neglect where it’s kinda confirmed she leaves brin alone with the two younger kids (which, isn’t saying much since brinley IS a bb herself) i can’t help but think of how she kinda predicted using her as a sitter. i found the photo; but it’s when she was announcing her pregnancy and she printed out a sign that she put over a book that said “how to be a big sitter” when it was supposed to say “how to be a big sister”. she got super defensive since it was a typo and how she would never leave her alone like that… i laugh at the irony of her predicting the future while also feeling so so so terrible for that kid, she really is going to grow up with so much first daughter resentment.
submitted by lavishlava to AcaciaKerseySnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:01 AutoModerator PM Daily Chat - May 18, 2024

A place to chat about whatever is on your mind!
We also have a Discord server, come join us!
Megathread Hub:
Introduction Thread
Beta Megathread
Sonogram Megathread
Genetic Testing Megathread
Baby Sex/Gender Megathread
Pregnancy Announcement Megathread
Pregnancy Acronyms
Verification Thread - verify here before June 1

We also have a number of recurring weekly threads. Keep an eye out for these throughout the week!

Weekly Threads:
Symptom Sunday
Tantrum Tuesday
Treat YoSelf Thursday
Foodie Friday
Shopping Saturday
First Time Parents
2+ Time Parents
Pregnancy After Infertility and Loss
Ultrasounds and Appointments
submitted by AutoModerator to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 Outrageous_Orange495 Direct Publishing

Hi everyone, my name is James Vang and I have a public service announcement. If you’re all unaware, I wrote a book and narrated it, but more importantly, I am using Amazon’s network in order to produce and sell it. It is 2024, there are no longer people standing in our way deciding whether our idea is worth it or not. If you have a little bit of know-how and follow through, you can do it too! It’s pretty simple if you grew up in the 21st century and paid a little attention to computers and programs.
The two websites are ACX and Kindle Direct Publishing. Anyone can sign up and submit stuff to be reviewed, printed and sold by them. They have programs that review and show you what you may need to fix to resubmit so there is some quality control. I see people out here with Youtube, spotify and FB, might as well throw in some book publishing and audiobook recordings into your resume/portfolio. More likely than not, you have a point of view someone is interested in and can monetize it. Children’s books, old fables, short stories, poems, please share. We have the power to print and sell within our grasp so we must take advantage of it. The world is quickly digitizing and we may need to reach to the cloud to continue to feed ourselves.
I wrote my book, put it into Kindle Create, moved it around for formatting, viewed how it would be on paperback, claimed it on ACX and submitted audio recordings for review and sale. It’s much easier than actually writing a book, though it may take trial and error. Anyways, that’s it from me, just want to let you all know it’s there.
Kindle direct publishing -
submitted by Outrageous_Orange495 to u/Outrageous_Orange495 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:40 ToxiccCookie MIL wants to know when I go into labor and I don’t know how to feel about it

Background: Husband and I have had a strained relationship with his mother. She has a long history of overstepping and trying to bully her way around. This can be over the most random things like husband not wanting to get married in a barn lead to her saying I’m a controlling bitch. Just stupid shit like that. Husband has always had my back in any of these debacles to the point she regularly brings up one huge fight they had about me where he fully screamed at her for the first time ever.
Anyways since getting pregnant she has become more “normal”. There haven’t been any huge tantrums like we typically get from her only some smaller things that have made me roll my eyes. Examples:
There are a few others but you get the idea I’m sure.
The current situation: Despite the random annoying comments this is the best my husband’s relationship with his mom has been. And I’m happy for him. So last week she messaged us saying we are not allowed to just tell her the baby is born and she will go crazy if we do that. Followed up by telling us to not be selfish.
Then today she asks me if I’m in labor. So I say nope and tell her about how I just had 8 hours of prodromal labor that was really hard on me. Then she just says love you and stops texting me. Which is whatever it felt kind of like unempathetic towards me but maybe I’m just hormonal. I think the real reason it threw me off is I told her sister this same thing and it was followed with “I’m so sorry, is there anything you need, how are you managing, etc.etc”
I have never wanted to tell anyone I’m in labor. I don’t want to talk to people and only my husband will be in the room. I feel like hearing our phones going off while I’m in presumably the worst pain of my life will make me overstimulated and psychotic.
From husband’s pov he is considering telling hehis family and just saying like don’t message Brie and we will reach out to you please don’t reach out to us during this time. He feels like he should “reward” his mom for how much improvement she has made with the way she acts during the pregnancy.
I want to reach a compromise where we are both happy. Also im not necessarily unhappy with his suggestion I just also think I’ve struggled with his family making me feel like just a vessel carrying the next generation and not feeling like a person (besides mil sister) so I just feel like everyone will only care about baby and baby getting here quicker and not focused on the pain my body will be going through.
Kinda rambled. But hopefully someone here can relate and give some advice. Thanks.
submitted by ToxiccCookie to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 millennialneedhelp Baby Announcement Question

Hi everyone! I could use your thoughts and ideas. I need to provide some background first:
I'm in the USA, from here, and currently pregnant. My mother-in-law is from the Netherlands (Apeldoorn) and is Dutch. She hasn't been home to Netherlands in about 11 years. She also lives in the USA now.
This baby will be her fifth grandchild, but I'd like to do something special for her when we announce the pregnancy to her.
Is there anything special or more traditional that may commonly been done in the Netherlands for baby announcements, for an Oma, a special gift we can give her, or something like that when we tell her we are expecting? Maybe even just a nice gift to remind her of home?
Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by millennialneedhelp to dutch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:15 Shoddy_Bee_1375 Sania Khiljee

Does anybody follow Sania on tiktok? Everything about her is so weird. Her husband is clearly sick of her and while has always seemed so jealous of her sister Madiha, the contempt is off the charts now that madiha is pregnant..she stitches madihas pregnancy announcement and gender reveal with the weirdest shit saying she hopes Madihas daughter is like her (sania..) she just seems very insecure and always baiting for sympathy or praises
submitted by Shoddy_Bee_1375 to InstaCelebsGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:31 Imjustagorll I’ve had it with my MIL

I’ve had it with my MIL
I am just absolutely heartbroken. I’ve always thought we had a good relationship even though I’ve picked up on things she does but I have totally HAD it with her now. She favors her other two grandkids over my child. My BIL and his wife are two of the most craziest people I know. My MIL bends over backwards for them all while pushing away everyone else. They’ve taken their kids away from my MIL twice now since I’ve been around.
When I was pregnant they were no contact. Cut everyone off they were all upset I was pregnant and when my child was born they said he got too much attention. My MIL doesn’t post anything about him on social media but always does about her other grandchildren. Never announced he was born, his first birthday, NOTHING. Every time I’m around her I have to hear about the other kids. My whole pregnancy I had to hear her cry about not having them in her life.
We went over for dinner I asked my sis in law to be a bridesmaid and his mom wouldn’t let anyone post about it on social media because she canceled on watching them and she threw a fit saying “it would ruin everything with them for her” I guess f us and my feelings right?
Oh yes and we never got any public acknowledgment over our engagement but when my fiances sister got engaged recently she made a big to do about it on fb…’s not even about social media for me it’s the fact that we are never celebrated. It’s so clear she has favorites. I printed her a pic for Mother’s Day of her holding my baby and she hid it in another room. There’s pics of the other two grandchildren all over everywhere but she hid the pic of my baby.
Not to mention at dinner one night she mentions my fiancés ex is now single.
The post of the engagement was the final straw. I’m done I’m so done. I told my fiance he said he’s going to talk to her but he’s done too.
Am I overreacting?? Oh and she invited us somewhere one time and when it was time to go she was having a panic attack because the son and wife were gonna be there and she didn’t want to be seen with us because she was worried they’d be upset. I’m just so heartbroken and feel like shit. Everytime someone hangs out with me they’re like I wonder what x and y are gonna say. It’s like everyone’s ashamed of me and hangs out with me for shock value. Sorry this is long but I’m just so sad
submitted by Imjustagorll to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:47 TechieSusie So much for gentleness and thoughtfulness - kind to others TW - Trying to Conceive/Miscarriage

So much for gentleness and thoughtfulness - kind to others TW - Trying to Conceive/Miscarriage
This is a prime example of sad fishing, her being hypocritical, and fudging timelines. I screen recorded this months ago but just got around to doing this post. The first part of the video is her sad fishing about people being mean and not being able to cook and yada yada yada. I really dislike how she says be gentle and kind and thoughtful which she seems to totally ignore when she says “see I was blessed” just so gross that she throws it in people’s faces. This video was posted June 2020 at the height of her TTC sadfishing and crying about being bullied by teenagers making Pockets of Piss videos. The second part of the video seems to be recorded in November 2020 - (Facebook allows you to edit and add video to previous posts and does not change the date) She talks about how her “sugars” (diabetes) is out of control and she is advised not to try and conceive. That the doc said maybe in February but really wanted 6 months of time to get her diabetes under control. (Just a reminder - she had COVID in May 2020 and supposedly took a break while dealing with “long haulers COVID” another victim card she claimed to have in October 2020 though her IG feed and FB says otherwise.) By June 1 she announced she was 5 weeks pregnant then 1 week later miscarried. Then they were going to do IVF but claims she got pregnant and had to cancel the IVF appointment- just doing calendar 40 week math (back from March 16 22) that means she was pregnant with A1 within 1-2 weeks of her miscarriage. Just strange timeline. Because if you have your IVF appointment to harvest eggs you are taking hormones to boost egg production. (Natural pregnancies- cough cough bullshit) I love how she talks about eating better and her pantry and the food will be totally different- I really think she has food addiction issues and coupled with the diabetes and PCOS really struggles. I just wish she had the same compassion for others that she asks for from others. So much for using her TTC and pregnancies as an excuse not to diet and exercise - it sounds like the doctors were begging her to get healthy.
submitted by TechieSusie to nabelasnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:39 mathilde_pre What is the worst way to announce a pregnancy ?

submitted by mathilde_pre to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:51 Zealousideal-Box6436 Will it ever get easier to hear pregnancy announcements?!

My future SIL just sent us a scan of her sisters pregnancy scan. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I think I’m finding it even harder as her sister is 37, the age I was told I am infertile due to premature menopause last year. I’m happy for her, but I’m just so sad for myself and my husband. My parents & siblings were all sending congratulations (as the two families know eachother quite well) and I ask myself ‘Why can’t we be the couple who send a pregnancy scan to my family’
My husband and I had a cuddle, I had a cry. Everytime I hear an announcement, it makes my life seem so insignificant (I know rationally it’s not, but I can’t help feel that way at times)
It’s also a constant reminder of my failure as a woman to give my husband a child, siblings a niece /nephew, and parents more grandchildren. It’s heartbreaking. My mum text me to check I was okay, she’s been great at acknowledging the pain and sadness. I’m grateful for that at least.
submitted by Zealousideal-Box6436 to InfertilitySucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:26 somespeculation William and Rose Affair Rumour Timeline. Connections to Meghan Markle. And the Royals Fight Back.

Why Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Chomlondeley. And how did it all start? And what proof is there?
July 2016: Rose and Catherine are clearly friendly. Besides living nearby, Rose and her husband graciously host a charity event at their estate for Catherine’s patronage, East Anglia Children’s Hospices. Shared in Rose’s social media, including a direct link for donations. This is the event the pics of Rose and Catherine together are often from.
Meghan and Harry just started officially dating.
July 2017: Rose attended a State Banquet, seated beside Harry. Quite the honour.
Meghan was already living with Harry at this point, and the rumours were she was allegedly livid she was not allowed to attend - as she would have insisted on being seated beside Harry (just like how she ignored the seating plan/crashed Pippa’s wedding). Palace protocol would have forbid it as Meg was just Harry’s girlfriend.
August 2017: Very likely Harry and Meg get engaged in Botswana. Scobie confirmed it in Finding Freedom.
November 2017: the “official” engagement happens, with the Nott Cott chicken dinner story. This was later falsely staged as a reenactment for Netflix. Previous post on the engagement linked in comments.
May 2018: Harry and Meg wed.
Sept 2018: Soho Amsterdam opening party. Intentionally coincides with Nick Jones’s (Soho House founder) 55th birthday.
Giles Coren - a reporter for the Times of London attends. He later gives credence to the Rose and William rumour.
Here’s confirmation, with pics and quotes, Giles Coren was literally on the same barge party as Harry and Meghan. And they spoke. To be fair, this doesn’t mean Meghan started the rumours then. Just that they were together that weekend, and so would have Meg’s friend Marcus Anderson, as membership director for Soho House.
Side note: Do they really want internet sleuths looking into that weekend? You know, the one where Meg was drinking whilst pregnant with Archie? (So either disregarding medical advice on drinking especially early in a pregnancy, or…)
Oct 2018: Jason Knauf officially reports Meghan Markle to William for bullying their shared staff. Added to the timeline as it would be a potential motive for Meghan lashing out against William, not to mention how both Harry and Meg resented William advising him to ‘slow down’ when Harry and Meghan were dating.
October 2018: Eugenie gets married. Meg announces her pregnancy at the wedding, and in the global press. More proof the rumour is fake? Rose and her husband are invited.
December 2018: Sandrigham Christmas. Harry and Meghan, Catherine and William, stay in different houses (vs 2017 where they were together). Queen orders them to put in a public PR display of the the ‘fab four’ walking to church. They are barely speaking to one another. The infamous William scarfing Meg.
February 2019: Harry and Meghan, William and Catherine split their households. SussexRoyal Instagram formed. Context given to show how quickly fractured the relationship with William became so soon after Meghan Markle’s bullying is investigation was initiated by William.
March 2019: Harry and Meghan in negotiations with Quibi (which was supposed to be the next big YouTube). Context here is how swiftly - only five months after the first bullying email was sent to William, Megxit was already being planned for personal financial gain.
March 2019: Rose Hanburry and William affair rumour suddenly shows up as the cover story for In Touch tabloid magazine. approx March 16.
An anonymous “source” is the leak for the rumours.
Interestingly, the story can no longer be found online. This archived link was the closest, with the affair being the cover story and excerpts from the source.
Circulated online through Lainey Gossip. Lainey and Scobie are friendly from their Toronto days, similar to Marcus. All were part of the TO Soho House crew from back when Meg was dating Corey Vitello.
March 22: Daily Mail also runs a story about ‘Kate Middleton’ banishing her alleged “rural rival”. Turnip Toffs story.
March 24: Giles Corey - from Soho Amsterdam party - tweets about the affair, then decides to delete it.
Pic in comments below.
March 2019: Sussexes skip out on Royal family Easter. That would have been awkward now, wouldn’t it?
April 2019: Blind Gossip confirms the Sussexes skipped Easter because Meg indirectly started the Rose affair rumours.
June 2019: Omid Scobie alleges later in Endgame this was when The Sun was going to publish articles about the alleged affair but they don’t. Writes he can’t talk about it with details for unspecified “legal reasons.” Claims the press was redirects to print negative stories about Harry and Meghan instead. Note the bullying investigation is still ongoing at this time.
Jan 4, 2022: Giles Cory suddenly declares his affair tweet was “a joke.” Curious context: Catherine’s birthday is January 9th. This denial puts the affair back in the news cycle right before her birthday. Unrelated perhaps, but in 2023, Spare is released Jan 10. Oh, and in 2020, the “step back from working Royals” Megxit statement was also released Jan 8th.
July 2022: More proof the affair rumour is a lie? Pippa Middleton gives birth to her third child, a daughter named Rose.
July 2022: Celeb gossip Deux Moi runs a rare Royal blind item about the alleged ‘Prince of Pegging.’
March 2023: King Charles promotes Rose Hanbury’s husband David Rocksavage, to his Lord in Waiting.
May 2023: Rose’s son Oliver is a Page Boy at King Charles III Coronation. Same role as Prince George. Demonstration to the world how highly regarded the Royals hold the family, and that the rumours are false.
August 2023: Catherine goes to dinner at Rose’s house. While there, they are hosting a music festival/rave Houghton Festival. Catherine decides to go and have fun for a bit. More proof the rumour is a lie.
November 2023: Omid Scobie writes about the affair rumours in Endgame. Anonymous sources, of course.
November 2023: Social media revives the affair rumours after ‘Kate Middleton’ allegedly gave William “cold” looks at the Remembrance Day services. There we’re also media stories at the time about ‘war veteran Harry’ not being allowed to attend UK services for this. Coincidence? Perhaps.
January - March 2024: Rose Hanburry affair rumours suddenly inexplicably resurface and persist for months while Catherine is reviving from abdominal surgery. There is global ‘where’s Kate?’ hysteria linked to it.
Catherine is essentially forced to produce a ‘proof of life video’ where she reveals her cancer diagnosis.
March 2024: Rose Hanbury’s lawyer, speaking to Business Insider, calls the rumours “false.” Legal action implied.
May 2024: Nigeria tour flops failing to make most international news beyond tabloids, Archewell is called out for delinquency. X is suddenly alight with the Rose and William rumour within days of Meg arriving back in the US. Interesting timing.
May 2024: Article on how Queen Camila and Rose Hanbury are becoming close. Clear PR message that Rose is part of the Royal’s innermost circle.
The affair rumours of Rose and William are harmful to two innocent families with children. There has yet to be a shred of evidence produced.
Even in the rare event it does end up being true, besides being terribly sad, so what? William and Catherine are clearly moving forward as a united family, either way, and it has zero impact on whether or not they are able to perform their Royal duties with grace and dignity.
Look again at the timing, and when it keeps resurfacing.
Who has the most to gain? Scores to settle? At whose expense? Why then?
What evidence does exist (Royal public actions) is more to prove the rumours are false; it’s basically the equivalent of the Royals shouting through a megaphone that the affair is just a persistent, malicious lie.
submitted by somespeculation to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:12 doxiemama17 Another day, another trigger

I'm a bridesmaid today, and the bride announced to everyone this morning she found out she's pregnant on Wednesday. I wish she would've called me privately beforehand as she knows I'm still going through my loss (12 week MMC on Easter weekend). I even called her crying when I was triggered by my brothers girlfriend announcing her pregnancy.
I don't want to make today about me, it's the bride's big day, but I'm having so much mixed emotions :(
submitted by doxiemama17 to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:11 Wrong_Management_715 Mother in law keeps stealing my announcements

I know this sounds very petty, but it’s really bothering me so please bear with me!
So my mother in law is doing something odd with my social media announcements. First, we announced that we were expecting our second baby at 13 weeks; yesterday, we posted a cute update after our anatomy scan that we are expecting a baby girl.
For both announcements, my MIL took the photos from the announcement, downloaded them, then posted her own announcement in which she tags only her husband. She created her own caption that congratulated her, completely excluding me and my husband with zero mention. My husband admitted that this hurt his feelings, and it’s coming across like she’s making her own announcements somehow claiming this baby as hers. She never had a girl.
I think it’s odd because it would be significantly less work to just share my original post and add her own caption. She has a long history of overstepping with our oldest and ignoring boundaries. She is the type to completely ignore me the entire pregnancy but then insist I need her “help” and that I need her to stay at my house for weeks after my babies are born. She has not called or texted to congratulate me on the pregnancy, has not congratulated me on the gender announcement, and has never referred to the baby as my husband’s or mine. It’s always “oldest’s little sister” or “my granddaughter.”
Am I being irrationally hormonal due to pregnancy? Is this a valid feeling of rejection? Is it even worth bringing up? Thanks 😂
TL; DR: MIL takes my baby announcement pics and makes her own post that totally excludes mention of me and my husband. I’m butthurt. 🙃
submitted by Wrong_Management_715 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:10 absolutelyunsure_ Just need to vent about this impossible coincidence.

I (32F) went on a trip to Europe with my husband a few weeks back and we found out on the trip that I was pregnant. We were both shocked because I have severe endometriosis (and have had two laparoscopies) and we didn’t think it would ever happen for us. I was a little more scared than excited since we found out earlier in our trip and still had two weeks to go, I was nervous about something going wrong while in a foreign country.
(TW: loss) Near the end of our trip we finally allowed ourselves to be excited about it, it was almost time to go home and we were ready to get to doctors appointments. On a beach in Mykonos I suddenly started cramping and I knew something was wrong. The next morning I woke up to heavy bleeding. We did elect to go to the hospital because I was worried about a potential ectopic with my background, but we had a two hour flight from Mykonos to Athens first. We would immediately go to the hospital upon landing.
The flight was very emotional for me, and having to handle a miscarriage in an airport bathroom with only 4 stalls and a long line of people led me to just crying while I waited my turn. We get to the hospital and the doctors is kind, but there is a language barrier that makes it very difficult. They took my blood, I waited 3 hours and they confirmed I lost the pregnancy. This was very hard to process and I was beside myself at the idea of “leaving my baby in a foreign country” and that the life I almost had was just gone in an instant. I did all the reading and know there’s nothing I could have done to prevent this, but it’s hard to not feel like your body failed you regardless.
Here’s where it gets worse. We made it home and I started to feel better and hopeful for trying again. Sad, but hopeful since I had an HSG and they cleared a blocked tube. This relative okay-ness was short lived though, because my husbands (very recently married) brother and his wife asked us to come over to hear about our trip.
We went over for dinner and they almost immediately gave us both presents to open and I knew what it was going to be. Presents for us announcing their pregnancy. I was sad, but at first I was able to compartmentalize my sadness and I was happy for them. Until… her due date is the same mine was. Their conception date was the same ours was. I watched the video of my mother in law finding out she would be a grandma for the first time and it broke me inside. I then has to spend the night listening to them talk about how their baby is the size of an orange seed, how they had so much work to do on their nursery, and how they can’t believe it happened so fast.
I held it together but truthfully I am not okay. It feels like the universe is laughing in my face and I will now have to watch someone carry the exact pregnancy I was supposed to.
Edit: thank you so much everyone for your kindness. I only shared this story with my best friend and it’s been eating me alive. After posting this and reading some replies, I decided to send a very carefully worded text to my sister-in-law asking for a little bit of distance. I think it’s only fair to let people know if they need to help you through something hard like this. I would be mortified if I were on the other end sharing my happy news while someone else was breaking. I appreciate you all giving me the courage to share this. Thank you.
Edit 2: SIL did not take it well at all.
submitted by absolutelyunsure_ to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:08 Wrong_Management_715 Mother in law keeps stealing my announcements

I know this sounds very petty, but it’s really bothering me so please bear with me!
So my mother in law is doing something odd with my social media announcements. First, we announced that we were expecting our second baby at 13 weeks; yesterday, we posted a cute update after our anatomy scan that we are expecting a baby girl.
For both announcements, my MIL took the photos from the announcement, downloaded them, then posted her own announcement in which she tags only her husband. She created her own caption that congratulated her, completely excluding me and my husband with zero mention. My husband admitted that this hurt his feelings, and it’s coming across like she’s making her own announcements somehow claiming this baby as hers. She never had a girl.
I think it’s odd because it would be significantly less work to just share my original post and add her own caption. She has a long history of overstepping with our oldest and ignoring boundaries. She is the type to completely ignore me the entire pregnancy but then insist I need her “help” and that I need her to stay at my house for weeks after my babies are born. She has not called or texted to congratulate me on the pregnancy, has not congratulated me on the gender announcement, and has never referred to the baby as my husband’s or mine. It’s always “oldest’s little sister” or “my granddaughter.”
Am I being irrationally hormonal due to pregnancy? Is this a valid feeling of rejection? Is it even worth bringing up? Thanks 😂
TL; DR: MIL takes my baby announcement pics and makes her own post that totally excludes mention of me and my husband. I’m butthurt. 🙃
submitted by Wrong_Management_715 to JustNoMotherInLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:22 silver_wattle Friend was cagey throught her pregnancy and birth announcement, has left me feeling deflated.

A friend of mine has recently given birth to her first child, a son, and I'm left feeling deflated because of a few situations through her pregnancy, including her announcing the birth to me.
Situation 1: Friend tells me she's 3 months pregnant and I have to swear that I won't tell my husband. Her reason was that because our husbands work for the same huge company, she didn't want it becoming work gossip for him. I thought it was an odd reason as I wouldn't say they "work together" at all, but I agree to not tell him.
Situation 2: Fast forward a month, we are at a mutual friend's birthday. Pregnant friend is telling other women she's pregnant. She comes over and asks me if my husband would have overheard because he still can't know. I said I wasn't sure. Later that night I find out that her husband had separately told my husband that they're expecting. I felt quite confused by how intense she had been about me not telling my husband, when it didn't even matter in the end.
Situation 3: I'm introduced to pregnant friend's shiny new best friend who I'd heard so much about. She tells me pregnant friend is into cycling (which I knew) but is having a break at the moment. I said "oh yeah, I know she's pregnant." Woman says "oh you know?! Ohright I didn't know how up to date you were with her life, and plus it's not my news to share. Also, I wouldn't just blurt out someone's pregnancy news like that!" At this point pregnant friend is 6 months along. I was pissed off. I gently raised it with pregnant friend when I saw her next and she said "oh she was just protecting me".
Situation 4: Pregnant friend texts me to say the baby has arrived, and says "We won't be sharing photos. Please don't go spreading this around, we want to keep the news very tightly held, but you can tell [husband]". Like, okay thanks for the permission? Also I wouldn't have gone spreading it around.
After all of this, I just feel so deflated. Even though I don't have children, I wanted to be more excited for the arrival of a friend's baby but I honestly had to muster up the energy to respond and say congrats. I feel like I've been a punching bag through this pregnancy journey and it's all been this big secret that I wasn't supposed to know.
And for what it's worth, I do feel concerned for how anxious my friend has been throughout all of this, but it doesn't make me feel less shit about it.
submitted by silver_wattle to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:01 AutoModerator AM Daily Chat - May 18, 2024

A place to chat about whatever is on your mind!
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Beta Megathread
Sonogram Megathread
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Tantrum Tuesday
Treat YoSelf Thursday
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submitted by AutoModerator to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]